Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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562 <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Cycles</strong>further complicates the process by which the productive structurereadjusts, <strong>and</strong> it worsens the outlook for the stages furthestfrom consumption. As a result of Keynesian “remedies,”entrepreneurs will surely encounter even greater difficulty inconsistently financing these stages using voluntary savings.As to the likelihood that Keynesian policies could cure “secular”unemployment through the complete socialization ofinvestment, the Austrian theorem on the impossibility of economiccalculation under socialism is entirely applicable, asillustrated by the massive industrial malinvestment accumulatedduring the decades of government-directed investmentsin the former socialist economies of Eastern Europe.Short-term unemployment can only be eliminatedthrough “active” policies if workers <strong>and</strong> unions let themselvesbe deceived by the money illusion, <strong>and</strong> thus maintain nominalsalaries constant in an inflationary atmosphere of soaring consumerprices. Experience has shown that the Keynesian remedyfor unemployment (the reduction of real wages throughincreases in the general price level) has failed: workers havelearned to dem<strong>and</strong> raises which at least compensate them fordecreases in the purchasing power of their money. <strong>The</strong>reforethe expansion of credit <strong>and</strong> effective dem<strong>and</strong>, an action Keynesianssupported, has gradually ceased to be a useful tool forgenerating employment. It has also entailed a cost: increasinglygrave distortions of the productive structure. In fact a stage ofdeep depression combined with high inflation (stagflation)followed the crisis of the late seventies <strong>and</strong> was the empiricalepisode which most contributed to the invalidation of all Keynesiantheory. 7777 This is not the appropriate place to carry out an exhaustive analysis ofthe rest of the Keynesian theoretical framework, for instance his conceptionof the interest rate as a strictly monetary phenomenon determinedby the money supply <strong>and</strong> “liquidity preference.” Nonethelesswe know that the supply of <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong> for money determine itsprice or purchasing power, not the interest rate, as Keynes maintains,concentrating merely on the effects credit expansion exerts on the creditmarket in the immediate short term. (Besides, with his liquidity preferencetheory, Keynes resorts to the circular reasoning characteristic of thefunctional analysis of mathematician-economists. Indeed first he asserts

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