Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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6 <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Cycles</strong>ownership is not transferred, but rather the depositor continuesto own the good, while in the case of the deposit of fungiblegoods, one might suppose that ownership is transferred tothe depositary). Nevertheless, we must emphasize that theessence of the deposit remains unchanged <strong>and</strong> that the irregulardeposit fully shares the same fundamental nature of alldeposits: the custody <strong>and</strong> safekeeping obligation. Indeed, in theirregular deposit there is always an immediate availability infavor of the depositor, who at any moment can go to the grainwarehouse, oil tank, or bank safe <strong>and</strong> withdraw the equivalentof the units he originally turned over. <strong>The</strong> goods withdrawnwill be the exact equivalent, in terms of quantity <strong>and</strong>quality, of the ones h<strong>and</strong>ed over; or, as the Romans said, thetantundem eiusdem generis, qualitatis et bonetatis.2THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIALFUNCTION OF IRREGULAR DEPOSITSDeposits of fungible goods (like money), also called irregulardeposits, perform an important social function whichcannot be fulfilled by regular deposits, understood as depositsof specific goods. It would be senseless <strong>and</strong> very costly todeposit oil in separate, numbered containers (that is, as sealeddeposits in which ownership is not transferred), or to placebills in an individually-numbered, sealed envelope. Thoughthese extreme cases would constitute regular deposits inwhich ownership is not transferred, they would mean a loss ofthe extraordinary efficiency <strong>and</strong> cost reduction which resultfrom treating individual deposits jointly <strong>and</strong> indistinctly fromone another 6 at no cost nor loss of availability to the depositor,who is just as happy if, when he requests it, he receives a tantundemequal in quantity <strong>and</strong> quality, but not identical interms of specific content, to that which he originally h<strong>and</strong>edover. <strong>The</strong> irregular deposit has other advantages as well. In6 In the specific case of the monetary irregular deposit, the occasional useof cashier services offered by banks is an additional advantage.

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