Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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A Critique of Monetarist <strong>and</strong> Keynesian <strong>The</strong>ories 521the two is composed precisely of the temporal plans of creativeentrepreneurs who, by definition, are excluded from theWalrasian model of the economic system, the model Clark <strong>and</strong>Knight incorporate into their theory of capital. 14<strong>Ludwig</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Mises</strong> later joined the debate, showing hisdisapproval of the “new chimerical notions such as the ‘selfperpetuatingcharacter’ of useful things.” 15 <strong>Mises</strong> echoesBöhm-Bawerk’s 16 views when he points out that such notionsare eventually put forward to justify doctrines based on themyth of “underconsumption” <strong>and</strong> on the supposed “paradoxof thrift,” <strong>and</strong> to thus provide a theoretical basis for economicpolicies which foster increased consumption to the detrimentof saving. <strong>Mises</strong> explains that the entire current structure ofcapital goods is the result of concrete entrepreneurial decisionsmade in the past by real people who on specific occasionsopted to invest in certain capital goods, <strong>and</strong> on others, toreplace them or group them differently, <strong>and</strong> on yet others toeven relinquish or consume capital goods already produced.Hence “we are better off than earlier generations because weare equipped with the capital goods they have accumulatedfor us.” 17 Incredibly, it appears this theoretical principle <strong>and</strong>others equally obvious have yet to sink in.In his more recent book, An Essay on Capital, Israel M.Kirzner emphasizes that Clark <strong>and</strong> Knight’s concept of capitalrules out human, entrepreneurial decision-making in the14 <strong>The</strong> negative consequences of disregarding the time factor <strong>and</strong> thestages involved in any action process were stressed by Hayek as early as1928, when he pointed out that,[I]t becomes evident that the customary abstraction from timedoes a degree of violence to the actual state of affairs whichcasts serious doubt on the utility of the results therebyachieved. (F.A. Hayek, “Intertemporal Price Equilibrium <strong>and</strong>Movements in the Value of <strong>Money</strong>,” originally published inGerman in 1928, chapter 4 of <strong>Money</strong>, Capital <strong>and</strong> Fluctuations,p. 72)15 <strong>Mises</strong>, Human Action, p. 848.16 See footnote 11 above.17 <strong>Mises</strong>, Human Action, p. 492.

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