Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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486 <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Cycles</strong><strong>and</strong> steel industries underwent intensive development.Expansion spread to the rest of the world <strong>and</strong> in Europe therewas tremendous stock market speculation in which industrialsector securities soared. Crisis hit first on the Continent inMay of 1873 <strong>and</strong> following the summer in the United States,when recession had become obvious <strong>and</strong> one of the greatAmerican banks, Jay Cook & Co., failed. Notably, France, havingabstained from the prior credit expansion, escaped thispanic <strong>and</strong> the serious depression which followed.8. <strong>The</strong> Crisis of 1882. <strong>Credit</strong> expansion resumed in 1878 inthe United States <strong>and</strong> France. In the latter the issuance ofindustrial shares soared <strong>and</strong> an ambitious public works programwas introduced. <strong>Bank</strong>s played a very active role inattracting family savings <strong>and</strong> in the massive granting of loansto industry. <strong>The</strong> crisis erupted in 1882 with the failure of theUnion Générale. Also on the verge of failure, the Crédit Lyonnaisfaced a massive withdrawal of deposits (around half). Inthe United States over 400 banks (from a total of 3,271) failed,<strong>and</strong> unemployment <strong>and</strong> crisis spread mostly to the industriesfurthest from consumption.9. <strong>The</strong> Crisis of 1890–1892. <strong>Credit</strong> expansion spreadthroughout the world in the form of loans directed mainly toSouth America. Shipbuilding <strong>and</strong> heavy industry developedrapidly. <strong>The</strong> crisis arose in 1890, <strong>and</strong> the depression lasteduntil 1896. <strong>The</strong> usual bankruptcies of railroad companies, collapseof the stock market, crisis in the iron <strong>and</strong> steel industries,<strong>and</strong> unemployment made a violent appearance, as is typicalin all depression years following a crisis.10. <strong>The</strong> Crisis of 1907. In 1896 credit expansion was againinitiated <strong>and</strong> lasted until 1907. In this case the new loan funds(created ex nihilo) were invested in electric power, telephone,subways, <strong>and</strong> shipbuilding. Electricity took on the leadingrole previously played by the railroads. Moreover for the firsttime the chemical industry took advantage of bank loans <strong>and</strong>the first automobiles appeared. In 1907 the crisis hit. It wasparticularly severe in the United States <strong>and</strong> many banksfailed.

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