Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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Additional Considerations on the <strong>The</strong>ory of the Business Cycle 427consumption soared throughout the final years of the expansion,as a result of the substantial increase in their productivity.<strong>The</strong>ir goods were sold at constant nominal prices in anenvironment of great inflationary expansion. <strong>The</strong>refore thefactors which typically trigger the recession (relative growthin profits in consumption <strong>and</strong> a mounting interest rate),including the “Ricardo Effect,” are equally present in an environmentof rising productivity, insofar as increased profits<strong>and</strong> sales in the consumer sector (more than the jump in nominalprices, which at that point did not take place) reveal thedecline in the relative cost of labor in that sector.<strong>The</strong> theoretical articles Hayek wrote on the occasion of hisfirst scholarly trip to the United States in the 1920s were aimedat analyzing the effects of the policy of stabilizing the monetaryunit. Fisher <strong>and</strong> other monetarists sponsored the policy,<strong>and</strong> at that time its effects were considered harmless <strong>and</strong> verybeneficial to the economic system. Upon analyzing the situationin the United States, Hayek arrives at the opposite conclusion<strong>and</strong> presents it in his well-known article, “IntertemporalPrice Equilibrium <strong>and</strong> Movements in the Value of <strong>Money</strong>,”published in 1928. 26 <strong>The</strong>re Hayek demonstrates that a policy26 <strong>The</strong> article was first printed in German with the title, “Das intertemporaleGleichgewichtssystem der Preise und die Bewegungen des‘Geldwertes,’” <strong>and</strong> published in Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 2 (1928):36–76. It was not translated nor published in English until 1984, when itwas included in the book, <strong>Money</strong>, Capital <strong>and</strong> Fluctuations: Early Essays,pp. 71–118. A second English translation, by William Kirby, appeared in1994. It is superior to the first <strong>and</strong> is entitled, “<strong>The</strong> System of IntertemporalPrice Equilibrium <strong>and</strong> Movements in the ‘Value of <strong>Money</strong>,’” chapter27 of Classics in Austrian <strong>Economic</strong>s: A Sampling in the History of a Tradition,Israel M. Kirzner, ed., vol. 3: <strong>The</strong> Age of <strong>Mises</strong> <strong>and</strong> Hayek (London:William Pickering, 1994), pp. 161–98. Prior to this article, Hayek dealtwith the same topic in “Die Währungspolitik der Vereinigten Staatenseit der Überwindung der Krise <strong>von</strong> 1920,” Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaftund Sozialpolitik 5 (1925): vols. 1–3, pp. 25–63 <strong>and</strong> vols. 4–6, pp. 254–317.<strong>The</strong> theoretical portion of this article has appeared in English with thetitle, “<strong>The</strong> Monetary Policy of the United States after the Recovery fromthe 1920 Crisis,” in <strong>Money</strong>, Capital <strong>and</strong> Fluctuations: Early Essays, pp.5–32. Here Hayek first criticizes the stabilization policies adopted in theUnited States.

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