Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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Additional Considerations on the <strong>The</strong>ory of the Business Cycle 399negative. This is because, as we have seen, the tendency istoward a fall in the price of consumer goods (in the short- <strong>and</strong>long-term), which tends to drive up the purchasing power ofmoney, an event which will exert even further downwardpressure on nominal interest rates. In addition economicgrowth based on voluntary saving is healthy <strong>and</strong> sustained,<strong>and</strong> therefore entrepreneurial <strong>and</strong> risk components implicit inthe interest rate will also tend to drop.<strong>The</strong> above considerations confirm that the recessionalways originates from an absence of the voluntary savingnecessary to sustain a productive structure which thus provestoo capital-intensive. <strong>The</strong> recession is caused by the creditexpansion the banking system undertakes without the correspondingsupport of economic agents, who in general do notwish to augment their voluntary saving. Perhaps Moss <strong>and</strong>Vaughn have most concisely expressed the conclusion of theentire theoretical analysis of this process:Any real growth in the capital stock takes time <strong>and</strong> requiresvoluntary net savings. <strong>The</strong>re is no way for the expansion ofthe money supply in the form of bank credit to short-circuitthe process of economic growth. 1THE POSSIBILITY OF POSTPONING THE ERUPTIONOF THE CRISIS: THE THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONOF THE PROCESS OF STAGFLATION<strong>The</strong> arrival of the economic recession can be postponed ifadditional loans unbacked by real saving are granted at anever-increasing rate, i.e., if credit expansion reaches a speedat which economic agents cannot completely anticipate it.<strong>The</strong> procedure consists of administering additional doses ofbank credit to the companies which have launched newinvestment projects <strong>and</strong> have widened <strong>and</strong> lengthened thestages in the production process. This new credit may defer21 Moss <strong>and</strong> Vaughn, “Hayek’s Ricardo Effect: A Second Look,” p. 555.See also footnote 91 on p. 382.

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