Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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Attempts to Legally Justify Fractional-Reserve <strong>Bank</strong>ing 147has established a monopoly on the issue of paper money <strong>and</strong>declared it legal tender, it has the function of ensuring the creationof all the liquid assets necessary to satisfy any immediateneed private banks may have for funds. In chapter 8 we willstudy the resulting emergence of a centralized monetary policy,which like all attempts to coordinate society through coercivemeasures (socialism <strong>and</strong> interventionism), <strong>and</strong> for thesame reasons, is ultimately doomed to failure. Indeed, centralbanks <strong>and</strong> governmental monetary policy are the main culpritsin the chronic inflation which in varying degrees affectswestern economies, as well as in the successive <strong>and</strong> recurrentstages of artificial boom <strong>and</strong> economic recession which causeso many social upheavals. But first, let us continue with ourlegal analysis.3AN INADEQUATE SOLUTION:THE REDEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT OF AVAILABILITY<strong>The</strong> belief, held by the most qualified theorists, that it isimpossible to reconcile two contracts as incompatible as themonetary irregular deposit <strong>and</strong> the loan contract, along withthe fact that the majority of contracts sustaining present-daybanking are dem<strong>and</strong> deposits (monetary irregular-deposit contracts)have led scholars to try to formulate alternative juridicalconstructions to harmonize the irregular deposit contractwith “traditional” banking, i.e., fractional-reserve banking.Some have tried to solve this contradiction by “redefining”availability. In fact, for subscribers to this line of thought, availabilityneed not be understood in a strict sense (100-percentreserve ratio or keeping the tantundem available to the depositorat all times), but could be interpreted in a “lax” one: forexample, the “general” solvency of the bank by which it meetsits obligations; “prudent” investing; avoidance of high-riskspeculation <strong>and</strong> the corresponding losses; maintenance ofappropriate liquidity <strong>and</strong> investment ratios; <strong>and</strong> in short, compliancewith an entire body of rigorous banking laws, whichtogether with the hypothetical operation of the “law of largenumbers” in the opening of deposit accounts <strong>and</strong> withdrawal

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