June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

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SAN FRANCISCO POLICEMAN - Page 4 <strong>June</strong> <strong>1981</strong>AROUND THE <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Officers</strong>' Wives AuxiliaryIFA Thr&iriuI_4I I IV =11N IbrAlCascjatoSupervisor Harry Britt is working very diligentlyto create a Civilian Review Board to "hold police officersaccountable for their actions". Harry's cohorts inthis endeavor are groups such as the Harvey MilkDemocratic Club, Alice B. Tolklis Club and CommunityUnited Against Violence to name but a few. Thescenario is not new; we listened to it during all of theGain administration. We also knew this January thatthe issue was coming up soon when CUAV starteddropping "interesting" good guy/bad guy letters on thedepartment. What is new is that Harry and friends haveperfect timing for once. The "scandal" was announcedthe last week of May so Harry could put his ballot proposalbefore the supes in the first week of <strong>June</strong> whichcoincidentally, just happens to be the deadline for submittingballot proposals. (Well, Harry, we know that aCivilian Review Board is all politics and that ifestablished it will make a few of your friends on the leftsome big bucks.)lt would be a real shocker if Harry andthe gang spent equal energy in working on holdingcriminals "accountable for their actions" but then,there's no easy money in that so they stick to the easytarget - the Thin Blue Line.• . . Births, births, births. This past month has been abusy one. Mike and Kieran Chan welcomed little Katie5 lbs. 15 oz. a little ahead of schedule. All are fine andenjoying life. Mothers Day was a real one for Yvonneand Dan Hampton who welcomed Laura Michelle, 7lbs. 9 oz. that day. And moving right along are JeannetteM. and Larry Ryan who welcomed #3, JeannetteM., 9 lbs. 6 oz. on Mom's birthday. Naturally anamesake. Arriving late after several false starts, wasNoreen Michelle Collins, 8 lbs. 6 oz., the newest additionto the Ed and Jackie Collins brood. Congrats to allBelated news from the retired section, MattKriljtjch's better half, Maureen, gave birth 10 monthsago to little Candice. Congrats Maureen and Matt!!!.Via the Postmaster comes the announcementthat Howie Arata's daughter, Ginny, is the hairdresserwith "Charisma & Style" at Don's in <strong>San</strong> Mateo...• . . On May 14th, 450 active and retired officersgathered to say goodbye to Ed Epting after 38 years ofservice. The testimonial dinner was by far one of thebest. Though the night and the honors were unquestionablyEd's, three highlights occurred whichcaptured full approval of the guests. The longstandingovation for Retired Captain Jim Curran, Retired OfficerDick Yoell's monolog prior to presenting Ed's giftand the reading of President Ronald Reagan's letter toEd. It was not only a night to remember, it was a nightto cherish. Ed will be truly missed for he was the souland the morale of those 32 men of the original TACSquad which now patrols in legend...Paul Penrose, Backgrounds, is proudly announcingto all that his daughter, Kim, has been officially appointedto West Point. Kim, a senior at Oceana HighSchool in Pacifica, had been on pins and needles sinceDecember when it was first announced that she mightbe appointed. Congrats, Kim and good luck...In police circles the Miranda v. Arizona case issure to start some sort of heated debate. Such a debatewas anticipated by Off. Jerry Salvador as the case cameup for discussion in his military law class at U.S.F. Butthere was no debate, rather an explanation that themilitary has long provided that no suspect may be interrogatedwithout first being warned of his right not tomake a statement and that any statement he makesmay be used against him. Interestingly they even provideda handout that shows how Chief Justice EarlWarren compared the uniform code of military justiceto the court's findings in Miranda and basically showedthat what the court was doing was not new. Maybewe've been debating for naught all these years..The singing meter checker: That's what you'll seeif you drop by the 4 Duces on Taraval on Thursdaynights. The vocalist for the combo is checker RonGuglielmone...Try this one for comparison. For family (4 ormore) health coverage (not including dental), S.F. officerspay between $88.00 to $97.00 per month,dependingon the approved plan selected. Yet, the sameplans, reported Officer Bob Mahoney from theMounted, are much cheaper to other workers. In thecase of Plan V, Bob found some workers are gettingthe same family treatment for $16.00 per month. Whythe discrepancy? Well, it depends on who's negotiatingfor you and what their administrative costs are. In ourcase, the negotiator is the Health Service System andthe administrative costs are high.There are a few of us still dedicated to the belief thatthe <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Officers</strong>' Wives <strong>Association</strong>can someday do more than serve cake and coffee butour problem is -that we're lacking - lacking inmembership, lacking in ideas, lacking in leadership,lacking in know-how. We need you.Some of you are of the mistaken notion that the clubis a clique. Sorry girls, you're wrong, our husbandslives are on the line every hour of every day. We can'tafford to be a clique. Some of you may believe we're atea and cupcake club. Boy, you don't know how ourhearts ache because we don't have the membership tobe more. Some of you maybe think we're nothing but aMOREGGIA & SON, INC.WHOLESALEFRUIT AND PRODUCEFRESH AND FROZEN<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> Produce Terminal1945 JERROLD AVENUESAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124TELEPHONE 648-9300Yvilur IvAcrr-----------------------1 Forest Hill Union Service Center300 Laguna Honda Boulevard<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, California 94116Telephone (415) 566-9934Complete Foreign & American Automotive ServiceCertified Auto Care Tune-Ups BrakesI Wheel Alignment, Air Conditioning and Emission ControlICongratulations to our newly elected officers: President,Jean Calabro; Vice President, Pat Barsetti;Secretary, Marianne Strange; Treasurer, Lee Meixner.Our installation dinner was great fun. Chief Murphywas there and we should have some great pictures.Thanks so much to all the wives that worked so hardon <strong>Police</strong> Day at the Range. It was a great success andour children had a real fun time with the games andprizes.At our next two meetings we will be taking sign-upsfor volunteers for the POA-Crow Canyon Picnic, maceUI) I•fl IndependentDennis B. Gee, DealerDeaierMarketing Union 76 Products10% OFF ALL MECHANICAL WORK2s OFF EACH GAL. OF GAS WITH COUPONL------------------------JFixing yourforeign car can be afrightfully differentexperience.Let Your Beck / Arnley Foreign-car Parts Expert show you the way;JOpen 8-6 Mon. thru Fri. Open 9-3 SaturdaysFor Customer Conveniencetraining and a gun safety course. Any wife interested inattending these meetings, they are held every secondTuesday of the month in the <strong>Police</strong> Commission HearingRoom at 7 p.m. Our July meeting is on the 9th andour August meeting is August 11, <strong>1981</strong>.All wives are welcome. For more information, contactPat Barsetti, 566-5985. If you need a ride fromanywhere in the greater Bay Area, contact Lee Meixner,761-0308.<strong>Police</strong> <strong>Officers</strong>' Wives, where are you?social club. Well, it's true we do have some great functions,but the only reason they're fun is because somany of you come.We do charity work, we do work on political issuesbut we could do more if you would come and help.For three years I've seen some of you come and go.You come for one meeting, find something you don'tlike and then go, never to come again. Occasionally wehear from one or two of you, usually in the vein of"when your club achieves this or that, I may considerjoining." Well, how about joining and trying to accomplish"this or that" with us. How about giving usyour help either as a follower or a leader.Sitting back and moralizing over excuses as to whyyou won't or can't join and help us change, doesn'thelp.When you get out of your house, attend a fewmeetings, present your ideas, head or join a particularcommittee; in short, get involved ladies. Then and onlythen will we be the powerful helping organization thatwe can be to our men.Please, let us join you!ALLIEDTAXI24 Hour Radio ServiceAnywhere -PHONE826-9494OWNERSLarry Aihadef ILouis L. BarbieriLouis J. DelI'AcquaA B & E AUTO PARTS,865 POST ST., S.F. 776-1633N0

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