June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

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SAN FRANCISCO POLICEMAN - Page 2WIDOWSORPHANSThe meeting was called to order by Pres. JamesSturken, at 2:15 pm., Wednesday May 20, <strong>1981</strong>, in theTraffic Bureau Assembly Room, Hall of Justice.Trustees F. Jordan, M. Lennon and Sec. R. McKee, excused- all other officers present.Treasurer. Barney Becker reported the followingdeath:LAURENCE HAGEN - Larry was born in RedwoodCity in 1896. He entered the department in 1942 at theage of 24 after serving several years in the fire department.He worked the various district stations until 1937when he was transferred to Northern Station where heremained 17 years, the last three years as special dutyofficer. Went from the Northern to Southern, Potrero,then finally to Taraval where he remained until hisretirement for service in 1961 at age 65. Larry receivedthe following awards: In 1942, a 1st Grade, or gold, forthe arrest of two armed men in a liquor store holdup. In1945 a 1st grade for the apprehension of an auto containingtwo holdup men. He also received 4 CaptainCommendations, 2 for the arrest of armed strongarmrobbers, 1 for the arrest of juvenile purse snatchers andone for the capture of an assault suspect. Larry was 85at the time of his death.The regular bills were presented by the Treasurerand after motion and second, were approved. MissMinuth, Hibernia Bank representative, spoke to themembers on the condition of the market and recommendedto the Trustees that $50,000 Federal FarmCredit Banks be purchased with a yield of approximately15.45%. Transaction approved by Trustees.A meeting was held Friday, May 22, <strong>1981</strong> at 6:00p.m. in the Hibernia Trust Office, 290 Sutter Street. Atthismeeting the Trustees approved the purchase of$92,000 in common stocks, mostly hospital supplies,etc. Also approved the sale of 800 shares Tenneco at anapproximate capital gain of $13,000. Although thebank showed the Trustees that money invested in theS.F. <strong>Police</strong> Credit Union could be earning a slightlyhigher interest, the Trustees felt that the money shouldremain in the Credit Union.At the present time we have 911 retired members, of,whom only 34 are delinquent, a little over 31/o.Treasurer and Secretary will send notices to delinquentshoping to have them all paid by the end of <strong>June</strong>.Fraternally,Bob McKee, SecretaryUPON THIS ROCKGOOD GOD! SAVE US FROM THIS HOUR OFGRIEF AND PAIN AS ANGELS 'ROUND HIS BED-SIDE THEIR VIGIL KEEP, WHILE CHILDRENWITH LAUGHING EYES BLURRED BY TEARS,THEIR GENTLE WHISPERS PRAY THE FATHERGOD ABOVE TO DRY OUR EYES, QUIET OURFEARS, RESTORE OUR PA PA TO SOUNDHEALTH SO HE MAY REIGN FOR MANY YEARSAND SING AGAIN HIS SONG OF LOVE.OH GOD! COULD 'TERROR' FOR ONE MOMENTIMAGINE IT HAD CARRIED THE DAY THATTHURSDAY THIRTEENTH OR COMFORT ITSELFWITH THE NOTION IT HAD ACTUALLY SEALEDPETER'S FINAL FATE. AS YOU AND I KNOWTHE ANSWER CAN NONE BE BUT NO!NOTHING COULD STILL THAT SERVANT'SHEART NOR CHECK THE PRECIOUS OUTPOUR-ING OF HIS LOVE SUBLIME FOR BETWIXTSHEETS OF SWEAT, BLOOD AND PAINCHRIST'S VICAR STILL 00TH REIGN.DO I HEAR A VOICE CRY OUT "THE TIMES ARELIKE A DREAD DISEASE, A. RAGING FEVER,SOME MADMAN'S FITFUL DREAM". BUT NO,THE END IS NOT YET - JUST KEEP FIXEDYOUR EYES ON THAT BALCONY ABOVE ANDHEAR ANEW HIS PLEA FOR LOVE.THOMAS WARREN POWERS<strong>June</strong> <strong>1981</strong>NCAPOAThe California Oriental Peace <strong>Officers</strong> <strong>Association</strong>was formed in 1968 shortly after the death of LosAngeles <strong>Police</strong> Officer Gary Murakami, the first Asian-American police officer to die in the line of duty. InDecember of 1974, after consultation with COPOA, itwas decided to form a Northern California Chapter,now known as Northern California Asian Peace <strong>Officers</strong><strong>Association</strong>.NCAPOA, a duly incorporated non-profit association,is unique in its function. The three basic goals are:1. A fraternal group dedicated to the interests andwell being of our members. We are interested in maintaininga comradery among our members and in encouragingeach other to work and study for upwardmobility, as well as a positive furtherance of affirmativeaction hirings in the various law enforcement agencies.Within the next decade, we hope to have many moreAsian-Americans in the supervisory ranks.2. A service agency committed to assisting our ethniccommuñities.This is a continuing and on-going serviceavailable to our community leaders. We were requestedto perform security duties for the Japanese Communityduring the Cherry Blossom Festival, conduct a trafficsafety seminar by the Chinese Community, and hostvisiting law enforcement officials from Hawaii. We maybe called upon to chaperone a dance or other socialfunctions to preclude possible violence, to act as officialhost for visiting law enforcement officials from China,Japan, the Philippines, etc. We will also providespeakers upon request.3. To promote Law Enforcement as a career foryouth. We have maintained a program to actively seekout, assist and encourage Asian youth to consider lawenforcement as a career. We have conducted seminarsto familiarize interested youth in the inner workings ofover thirty-five (35) law enforcement agencies. To successfulcandidates passing the written examinations, weoffer a comprehensive "mock oral" to further enhancetheir opportunity in securing the job.In addition, NCAPOA has established a memorialscholarship in honor of Officer Ronald Tsukamoto ofthe Berkeley <strong>Police</strong> Department, who lost his life in theline of duty in August, 1971. Scholarship awards arepresented at our annual fund-raising social activity.NCAPOA is "uinique." We are dedicated, not toourselves, but to our future generations. You may behelping your own. None of our members is paid for hisservices; the reward is the satisfaction of helping others.We are funded only by our member donations of $20.00per year and our annual social.In 1980 NCAPOA and other Asian Peace Officer<strong>Association</strong>s throughout the United States joinedtogether to form the National Asian Peace <strong>Officers</strong><strong>Association</strong>. A convention will be held each year in adifferent locale. Membership in NCAPOA also makesyou a member of this growing organization as well.We invite you to join NCAPOA dedicated to thefuture of quality Asians in law enforcement.NATIONAL CONVENTIONThe first National Asian Peace <strong>Officers</strong>' Conventionwill be held in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>June</strong> 25-27, <strong>1981</strong>. Markyour calendars. Members from New York, Chicago,Los Angeles and other areas are expected to gather in<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> for this event..Audio/ VisualI&CIke BarnesBusiness Manager951 Howard Street<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94103(415) 777-2700The month of the <strong>June</strong> swoon is upon us. Now, thatcan be referred to in many ways. You've heard it referredto in baseball, but I think it is the time when <strong>June</strong>brides do their swooning. It's been so long ago I doubtthat my wife will remember. But, to all the <strong>June</strong> brides,past and present, congratulations.The long-time team in Northern Five was sadly terminatedrecently with the passing of John Monson. Heand Gus Stremme were not Car #54 but they providedenough laughs to be a counterpart. To his family, weoffer our condolences and know that the man upstairswill look favorably on him.Bob Good, a diligent and hard worker, had to submithis letter of request not to nominate him for Commanderof <strong>Police</strong> Post #456. His continuous bouts withillness caused his decision. Bob, you will be sorely missed.Now that the vacation season is upon us, I would askthat everyone drive safely. We want to see you aroundfor awhile.Remembers, support your post officers by getting outto the meetings. If you need money, see Al or En.Keep Smiling,Your Scribe, John RussellTbt American legion.—SAN FRANCISCO POLICE POST #456FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONYOUR CREDIT UNIONPROTECTS YOU 2 WAYSSHARE INSURANCE LIFE SAVING INSURANCEGuaranteed Payment to$40,000 by an Agency of the Savings Matched With EqualFederal Government Amount of Life InsurancekCaII Al or Erl Office Hours:431-2877 9a.m.to4p.m.• 'the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>POLICEMANOFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASS')tiPT,tON510-7TH STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103(415) 861-6020 861-5060BOARD OF DIRECTORS -PRESIDENT .............. Bob Barry CO. H ................. John MinkelVICE PRES............ Paul Chignell 00.1 ................. George GrantSECRETARY ........... Mike Hebei CO. K ................ Jerry DohertyTREASURER ..... . Reno Rapagnani .................. Gale WrightCO. A .................... Bob Swall HQ. ................... Jim StrangeCO. B ................. Dan Linehan ....................... Roy SullivanCO. C ................ David Herman INSP. .................. Bob HuegleO. D ............... Mike Dempsey.................... Mike NevinCO. E .................. Ron Parenti TAC. DIV. ............ Duane CollinsCO. F ................. Mike Gannon RETIRED ................. Tony BellCo. G ................... Bill Simms EDITOR ................ Gale WrightASSOCIATION OFFICE 861-5060ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Editor, S.F. <strong>Police</strong>man, 510 - 7thSt., <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94103. No responsibility whatever is assumed by the<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>Police</strong>man and/or the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Officers</strong>'<strong>Association</strong> for unsolicited material.THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICEMAN is the official publication of the <strong>San</strong><strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Officers</strong>' <strong>Association</strong>. However, opinions expressed inthis publication are not necessarily those of the S.F.P.O.A. or the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><strong>Police</strong> Department.ADVERTISINGNancy Hufaker <strong>Police</strong> News676-0575 (408) 988-1676POLICEPOST#456NEWSUSPS#882-320Members or readers submitting letters to the editor are requested toobserve these simple rules:- Address letters to the Editor's Mail Box, 510-7th St, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA94103- Letters must be accompanied by the Writer's true name and address. Thename, but not the street address will be publish4 with the letter.- Unsigned letters and/or articles Will not be used. -- Writers are assured freedom of expression Within necessary lImits otspace and good taste.- Please keep letters and/or articles brief and legible.- The editor reserves the right to add editor's notes to any article submitted,If necessary.—Articles should be limited to two pages, typed, double-spaced.POSTMASTER, ATTENTION! P.O. Forms 3479 Notices should be sent to:S.F. <strong>Police</strong>man 510-7th St., <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> 94103. 2nd Class Postage Paid at- <strong>San</strong> - - <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA - - -USPS 1882420 •

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