June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

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SAN FRANCISCO POLICEMAN - Page 14 <strong>June</strong> <strong>1981</strong>STOP RAPE WEEKViolence Against Womenby Gerry SchmidtPhotos byAlCasciatoFor fiscal year 1980-81, the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> Commissionon the Status of Women chose as its single priorityissue, Violence Against Women. A sub-committee ofthe Commission headed by Commissioner RosemaryFarac began planning meetings in early February forwhat would eventually turn out to be a highly successfulseries of educational programs entitled "Stop RapeWeek".In its first citywide effort, the Commission acted asan umbrella to many groups and organizations involvedin the field, including the Child Abuse Council, SexualTrauma Center, S.F. Women Against Rape,W.A.V.P.A.M., C.A.S.A.R.C., Men Against MaleViolence, the S.F. District Attorney's Office, S.F.<strong>Police</strong> Department and the Mayor's office.A major media campaign landed spots on virtuallyevery major radio station in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> as well asmany newspaper articles and a segment on a local talkshow. Commissioner Farac, Linda Eberth of SexualTrauma Services, and Bill Fazio from the District Attorney'sOffice all gave frequent interviews in an effortto raise the community's awareness.Advertisement for the week's events saw thousands ofnewsletters mailed throughout the city urgingbusinesses, corporations, merchants' associations, andindividuals to all participate in making this a mutuallybenefiting experience. Posters with the familiar "StopSign" logo could be seen in store windows from the BayView to the Avenues and from the outer-Mission toNorth Beach:A press conference was held in the Mayor's ofice onthe morning of May 8th. The Mayor, District AttorneyArlo Smith' and Deputy Chief of <strong>Police</strong> James Ryanwere all present to draw attention to the critical issue ofsexual assaults in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. A major "kick-off"rally followed at noon in Union Square where theMayor, acting as honorary chairperson of the event,along with State Senator Milton Marks her co-chair,gave their views once again on the subject of rape.Many others participated in the rally including Boardof Supervisors President John Molinari, LieutenantFrank Jordan from the S.F.P.D. Crime PreventionUnit and Assistant Distict Attorney Bill Fazio. TheNavy Band was also on hand to provide live music forthe event.Beginning on Monday, May 11, a full week of eveningprograms were conducted at the City's five HealthCenters beginning with: • Monday: Rape Defined,1351- 24th Ave.; • Tuesday: The Victim/The Rapist, 1490Mason St.; • Wednesday: Children and Rape,Hamilton Rec. Center, Geary and Steiner Sts.; SThursday: Legislation & Prosecution, 1525 Silver Ave.;• Friday: Defending Ourselves, 3850 - 17th St.;Saturday: Closing Events, Women's Building, 3543 -18th St.Mary Petrie, also from the S.F.P.D. Crime PreventionUnit, was actively involved in the planning andcoordination of the week's events. Sergeant Phil Dunniganof Mission Station participated in the programconcentrating on the profile of a rapist.All of the work and energy devoted to this programwas voluntary, making it an extremely gratifying experience.The funds necessary to defer all of the costsinvolved were donated by businesses, corporations,merchants' associations and private parties, includingthe <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Officers</strong>' <strong>Association</strong> Community ServicesCommittee.All of the food items for a fund raising cocktail partyin the Green Room of the War Memorial Building werealso donated by local merchants.In the future the Commission on the Status ofWomen hopes to pursue this vital issue which concernsus all. As was pointed out repeatedly in the program,rape is a crime of violence which effects not only its victimbut all of society. Ultimately, all of society will haveto concentrate on the problem before it is eradicated."Stop Rape Week" was anexcellent success in taking amajor first step; towards that goal. Congratulations toall!

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