Software, english - Heinrich Wagner Sinto

Software, english - Heinrich Wagner Sinto

Software, english - Heinrich Wagner Sinto

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www.sinto.comSOFTWARE for FOUNDRIES

MODERN CONTROL CONCEPTSThe HWS software labThe hws software team develops up-to-date control conceptsfor the moulding plants designed in order to achievethe highest possible efficiency in production and to optimizethe production quality and plant availability.Furthermore, the software components P.D.C. 2010 andC.A.S. 2010 provide the possibility of a more detailedacquisition of information and analysis.Thus the latest control hardware components of Siemens– from the intelligent servo-converter via the central controlwith decentralized periphery ( Profibus, Profinet) up to theoperator’s panel.Programming at hws is done by keeping a high degree ofstandardization so that a quick support is possible at anytime.The basic software A.L.S. 2010, in the meantime astandard in every new moulding line, comprises importantbasic functions for fault analysis and data administration.2

THE SOFTWARE COMPONENTSA.L.S. 2010Production Monitoring SystemP.D.C. 2010Plant Data Collection SystemC.A.S. 2010Cycle Time Analysis SystemG.L.S. 2010Pouring Machine Monitoring SystemA.L.S. 2010 AdvProduction Monitoring System Client 2010 Advanced3

A.L.S. 2010 – an efficient system for administrationand processing of process data.High integrabilityThe A.L.S. 2010 (Production Monitoring System 2010) is asystem which has been developed by hws for data administrationand data processing of moulding plants in the foundryindustry. Objective is to relieve the plant personnel in itsactivities by visual help or by realizing complex calculationsas well as to ensure a save data provision by protective andlisting functions.By means of a comfortable fault and cycle time evaluation,the operator will get the possibility to optimize the equipment.The integration into other systems is ensured by definedinterfaces, like a MRP (= manufacturing requirementsplanning) interface, an export database, an Excel or XMLinterface.Weniger Kerne• Starting menue of A.L.S. 2010Web-based systemThe A.L.S. 2010 is a web-based system with an interfaceto the Intranet or Internet, programming being effected in ahigh-level language and HTML. All important process dataare saved in a SQL database. The data acquisition is monitoredand recorded by PC- and PLC-sided test routines.The web system consists of an A.L.S. 2010 server (operatingsystem Windows with RAID system) with data savingdrive and an A.L.S. 2010 workstation PC with printer. Bothdevices are assembled in PC cabinets. Power failures areshort-circuited by means of a uninterrupted power supply.A modem installed in the server or big means of VPN makesit possible to access the computer by a DFÜ connection(DFÜ = long distance data transmission).MS Windows(others on request)4

Effective controlThe A.L.S. 2010 is available in numerous languages andfeatures an easily operator-controllable operating surface.As done in Internet applications, control is realized in theInternet Explorer by mouse or keyboard.For the current production process, the operator must onlycontrol a few, easily understandable masks that are quicklyaccessible via function buttons. Independent of the respectiveactivity, the plant personnel is informed about importantevents at the plant by a permanent event bar which is containedin each mask so that ”mask jumping“ is not required.The main area Current contains all information and functionsthat are required for monitoring and controlling theproduction process.Altogether, there are four main areas available to the user:• Main area CurrentFunction mask Casting TrackingParameters occurring in themoulding and pouring process are recorded and monitoredin the casting track ing, whereby the pouring data of eachmoulding box can be seen. A PC-supported cooling timemonitoring guarantees that minimum cooling times arerespected.Function mask Plant VisualizationThe positions of all presentevents are signaled in the function mask Visualization.This function enables a quick and precise identification andelimination of the occurrences.The main area Administration makes functions for theadministration of the production process available. Besidesthe crea tion of new pattern parameters and its processparameters in the pattern administration, the operator canmake use of a comfortable shift management system foradministration and analysis of production shifts.• Main area AdministrationMain area StatisticsThe possibility of a systematic analysis of events and cycletime exceedings in the area Statistics helps to optimize themoulding plant in order to achieve a higher plant availability.A maintenance system depending on the operating hoursor basic cycles enables the operator to perform precisemaintenance works.Modular structureLatest technologies, such as the automatic transmission ofa call in case of plant standstill, integration of plant camerasas well as the operation by mobile operating units, are partof the modules in the A.L.S. 2010.• Main area Statistics5

Advantages:• Increasing of the plant availability due to detailedfault analyses• Increasing of the quality assurance due to accesssecurity, monitoring and recording of the process data• Constant mould results due to a recipe administration• Comfortable production organization dueto a production list• Specific preventive maintenance due to the acquisitionof maintenance intervals• Preparation of process data for presentation withMicrosoft Office software• Production planning and evaluation of higher-levelsystems (SAP, SD)• Transfer of process and production data to an exportdatabase• Support of operating personnel due to optimizationand monitoring(e. g. of the cooling lines or sprue cup driller coordinates)• Quality assurance due to provision, reproduction,distribution and monitoring of quality-relevantprocess parametersA.L.S. 2010 adv – a new dimension in operationof HWS moulding linesA.L.S.2010 Adv is a Web-Interface, and combined with theA.L.S.2010 Web it offers an easy-to-use operation.It provides a clear structure with four quadrants within theman-machine interface, whereas each quadrant can beoperated independently. The preselection of the quadrantsis made by using a pop-up menu or by selecting self-providedfavorites.The upper status bar, showing date and time, is constantlyvisual. The selection of the five most important favoritesremains permenantly on the lower navigation bar, enablingthe user to immediately go to the predefined favorite withone mouse click only.Within each operation quadrant an independent utilisation isprovided. The monitor view and operation can be supportedby using a zoom function to enlarge the individual quadrant.Optionally, if occurences appear additional 2D and/or 3Dgraphics and detailed photos may support in tracking andsolving them. It is also possible to create individual commentsfor each occurence, helping to simplify and speed uptroubleshooting.The interface A.L.S. 2010 Adv also allows to monitor theentire moulding line in an "auto refresh" mode with regardsto cast tracking. Various zoom degrees offer a detailedvisualisation of important parts of the moulding line withinone quadrant.A PC is used for display and operation of the A.L.S. 2010Adv, however, the integration of mobile units, such as iPadsand Smartphones, is available optionally.In addition to the described A.L.S. functions, the followingfeatures are available:NEWA.L.S. 2010 Adv Interface• Operator Screen on PC-Monitor• Content and structure of the software• Cast tracking on an iPad6

P.D.C. 2010 – AN INNOVATIVE SYSTEM FOR THECENTRAL ACQUISITION OF ALL PRODUCTION DATA.P.D.C. 2010 (Plant Data Collection)In many foundries, archiving of process parameters is stillrealized in writing by hand or by different analysis recordson paper created separately. This technology of data acquisitionand data saving is very time-consuming on the onehand and unsafe and inaccurate upon archiving on the otherhand. This outdated method offers, if at all, very limitedpossibilities for specific searching for causes of quality problemsor for establishing product reports as well as for theexact identifi cation of a casting.hws, with the experience of 435 SEIATSU moulding machinesand/or plants supplied and started-up worldwide, developedtherefore a system that makes the complex sequencevisible in view of the data technology and thus offers optimalpossibilities for quality inspection and process optimization.• Starting menue of P.D.C. 2010Integration instead of spot solutionThe P.D.C. 2010 is a web-based system with an interface tothe Intranet or Internet, by which programming is effectedaccording to the latest Internet technologies like .NET,ASPX, XML/XSLT, HTML, OPC. In this case, the data acquisitionis monitored and recorded byPC- and PLC-sided test routines.The system, which is installed in a PC control cabinet, consistsof the P.D.C. 2010 server (operating system WindowsXP) with a data saving drive and a printer. Power failureswill be short-circuited by means ofa UPS.By a communication installed in an actuator/sensor levelbetween the different process plants, like sand preparation,core making, pouring machine, casting separation or meltingshop, all process data to be recorded will be collected inthe hws control and made available to the P.D.C. 2010 serverby a data transfer line, the data of systems without fieldbus interface being read in by a defined ASCII interface.The raw data stored in the production database will then bemade available to the operator in a comfortably accessibleway. If there is an interface to the company network, it iseverywhere possible to access the data without any furthersoftware installation.• System architecture of P.D.C. 20107

Mouse click instead of paperworkThe P.D.C 2010 is a multilingual system with an easilyoperator-controllable, graphic surface. As done in Internetapplications, control is realized in the Internet Explorer bymouse or keyboard. The following interrogation criteria arepossible: time period for report display, min/max values forfault analysis or system optimization and identification ofspecific castings.After input of the requested criteria, e.g. time stamp andpattern number, the user has the possibility to receive viathe mouse in the display more detailed information for eachindication.This information is displayed in tabular form or XML structureand is available to the user as such for Microsoft Officeapplications. A.L.S. 2010 Adv Interface• Interrogation and display selectionPrinting is realized directly via the browser or by list printingin the crystal report. An export via a XML interface andMicrosoft Excel is also possible.• Detailed display per mouse click• Display of the production dataCONCISE DATA INSTEADOF DATA GRAVEYARDThe P.D.C. 2010 guarantees the acquisition of productiondata both for each indexed mould and for different batches.Possible is the acquisition of the moulding data, core data,pouring data, melting data, analysis data etc.Data saving is possible up to one year. After this period,it is possible to file the data on external storage mediums.• Content and structure of the softwareAdvantages:• Independent acquisition system• Maintenance-free and manipulation-safe database• Physical separation of PC/PLC, control andmonitoring possible• XML platform-independent description of the data• Quick updatability(only server-sided modification required)8

C.A.S. 2010 – AN ANALYSIS SYSTEMFOR CYCLE TIME AND DRIVE DIAGNOSTIC.C.A.S. 2010 (Cycle time Analysis System)A system which enables, in case of moulding plants with cycletime problems, the recognition of causes by an analyticalprocess. These problems primarily occur due to sequentialfaults, e.g. by incorrect moulding box position in plantswhich are partially extremely nested or by time-out faults ofthe drives which might arise due to incorrect proportionalsettings.Normally, sequential faults may occur during the commissioningphase only, whereas time-out faults may also developduring this phase, but mostly during actualoperation.• Main menu C.A.S. 2010Function and target groupThe starting and running times of all drives are estab lishedcyclically and stored in a XML data structure. These datacan be displayed in a chart or in tabular form and analysedfor optimization purposes. By selective interrogations of theuser, all data are available to him transparently. Thanks tothe direct comparison with a statically stored time-traveldiagram, it is possible to recognize sequential and time-outfaults by a comparison of the setpoint and actual values.Due to the determination of the running times, it is possibleto identify both too slow drives and too fast drives. This isimportant for setting the drives in order to neither lose anycycle time nor to consume too much unnecessary energy.In turn, recorded drives and cycles of running mouldingplants provide a good feedback to the technical departmentfor verification and review of time-travel diagrams.TechnologyThe C.A.S. 2010 is a web-based system with an interfaceto the Intranet or the Internet, programming being effectedaccording to the latest Internet technologies such as .NET,ASPX, XML/XSLT, HTML, OPC. This system -– whichincludes a mobile laptop computer with adapter – may beoperated for evaluation both online at the moulding plantand offline outside the moulding plant.The C.A.S. 2010 provides a unidirectional link to the PLC.Data are only read, and the whole “counting process” is notrealized in the PLC, but on the PC and does therefore notstrain the PLC. The transmission speed in case of 500 drivesis approx. 100 ms, i.e. resolution is achieved within1/10 second.This program is capable to record a modification of themoulding plant traversing parameters by the operators andthe related fluctuations of cycle time and make them accessibleto hws and the maintenance personnel.Display, supervision and recording of all available parametersof the hydraulic system (system pressure, accumulator,connection of pumps) depending on the cycle and themovement of drives are also tasks of this system.Another function is a more precise simulation of the PLCprogram in our laboratory before commissioning based onreal drive times according to a defined time-travel diagram,with supervision of the PLC signals as well as recording ofthe cycle time.The target group of this system is the repair personnel ofmoulding plants. Even the programmers and/or the technicalservice may profit from this software.• System architecture of C.A.S. 20109

ControlThe C.A.S. 2010 is a multilingual system with an easilyoperator-controllable, graphic surface. As done in Internetapplications, control is realized in the web browser bymouse or keyboard. The following interrogation criteria arepossible: time period for cycle time display, min/max valuesfor analysis in case of cycle time fluctua tions.After input of the requested criteria, e.g. time period andcyle time exceedings, the operator will receive detailedinformation for each cycle with the mouse in the cycle timecurve.This information is displayed in graphs or in tabular formand is also available to the user as such for Microsoft Officeapplications.Representation of the time-travel diagram as setpoint/actualdisplay or their difference related to the cycle is done in graphicor in tabular form.• Graphic display cycle time curveBesides the setpoint/actual cycle timeindication, all drivesare displayed with the moment of motion start and the motionduration as setpoint/actual comparison and their deviation.In case of exceeding or underrun of the cycle times andthe drive running times, these are underlayed with colour.• Graphic display time-travel diagram• Inhalt und Aufbau der <strong>Software</strong>• Tabular display of cycle time curve10

InterfacePossible is the export into superior systems via a XML interface,such as the export of the time-path diagram and theproportional settings in AutoCad or maintenance systems.There is a link to the A.L.S. 2010. The cycle time exceedingsrecorded there can be displayed in detail regardingthe drive fault allocation in the C.A.S. 2010.A modem or router installed at site makes all available dataaccessible for external purposes.Advantages:• Recognition of sequential and time-out faults• Monitoring and rezcording of the proportional valvesettings at site and comparison of profiles stored before• Display, monitoring and recording of all existingparameters of the hydraulic system• More precise simulation of the plants in the laboratory• Analysis for optimization of a plant is possible via Internet• Tabular representation of time-path diagram11

G.L.S. 2010 – a system for data administration and dataprocessing at pouring machines.G.L.S. 2010(Pouring Machine Monitoring System)The G.L.S. 2010 is a system which has particularly beendeveloped for data administration and data processingat pouring machines. It assists the plant personnel in itsactivities by displaying all important process parameters,e.g. pouring weight, pouring time and temperature, as wellas by representing moulding box information of the mouldslocated in the pouring section.Important functions, such as a comfortable management ofthe pouring parameters, an analysis of the downtimes andcycle times including a detailed quantity recording assist theoperator in obtaining an optimum machine operation.If pouring is realized fully automatically, a one hundred percent repeating accuracy of the pouring parameters mustbe guaranteed at the pouring machine in case of a patternchange. Via a data communication to the control system ofthe moulding plant, a pattern-specific pouring program isloaded with the help of the pattern number transmitted, andthe fully automatic pouring process is started withthese regulation and control parameters.• Starting menue of G.L.S. 2010 (sample)MS WindowsAn integration into other systems is ensured by definedinterfaces, such as a MRP interface (MRP = manufacturingrequirements planning), an export database, an Excelor a XML interface.• System architecture of G.L.S. 2010HEINRICH WAGNER SINTOMaschinenfabrik GmbH SINTOKOGIO GROUPBahnhofstraße 101 ·• D-57334 Bad Bad Laasphe, Laasphe GermanyPhone Tel +49 +49 (0) (0) 2752 2752 907-0 907-0 • Fax · Fax +49 +49 (0) (0) 2752 2752 907-280 907-280www.wagner-sinto.deDIN EN ISO 9001:2000Zertifikat: 09 100 72018VO · 1000 · 06/1107-280

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