It's not her fault you can't get - Focus on Women Magazine

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Enjoy Pregnancywithout Foot Pain“Oh my aching feet” is aphrase ong>youong> hear oftenfrom pregnant women.But, are sore feet asymptom they just mustdeal with during pregnancy?According to the AmericanCollege of Foot and AnkleSurgeons (ACFAS) the answeris “no.” Tong>herong>e are manyremedies available to helpalleviate foot pain.According to MarybethCrane, DPM, FACFAS, aDallas-area foot and anklesurgeon, women often experiencefoot pain during pregnancybecause of increasedweight, foot instability andswelling. “In the last fiveyears, I’ve seen an increasein pregnant women with footpain because more womenthan ever before are active,even running marathons,during their pregnancies,”Dr. Crane says. ACFASrecommends the followingguidelines to help reduce footpain during pregnancy.Painful, Swollen Feet—Pregnant women often experiencethrobbing, swollenfeet due to excess fluid buildup (edema) in the feet fromthe weight and position of thebaby. To reduce swelling, putfeet up whenever possible,stretch legs frequently, wearwide comfortable shoes anddon’t cross legs when sitting.Arch Pain—Pain in the arch can bedue to both arch fatigue orover pronation (or the flatteningof the arch). Over pronationoccurs due to extremestress to the ligament (theplantar fascia) that holds upthe arch of the foot. The bestway to prevent arch pain isto stretch daily in the morningand before and after anyexercise, don’t go barefootand wear supportive lowheeledshoes.Foot Cramps—These painful cramps arecaused by increased bloodvolume and high progesteronelevels brought onby pregnancy. To preventcramps, increase circulationby rotating ankles andelevating feet while sitting.If cramps persist, try a walkaround the block and includedaily stretching of the calfmuscles.Ingrown Toenails—Excessive stress fromtightly-fitting shoes causespainful ingrown toenails.Give ong>youong>r feet a break: wearwider shoes during the lasttrimester of pregnancy toavoid ingrown toenails. Ifong>youong> do experience an ingrowntoenail, avoid attempting“bathroom surgery.”Repeated cutting of the nailcan cause the condition toworsen over time. It is bestto seek treatment with a footand ankle surgeon.It is also ong>notong> uncommonfor women to experiencea change in their foot sizeduring pregnancy. “A permanentgrowth in a women’sfoot, up to half a size, canoccur from the release of thesame hormone, relaxin, thatallows the pelvis to open todeliver the baby. It makesthe ligaments in ong>youong>r feetmore flexible, causing feet tospread wider and longer,” Dr.Crane adds.Pregnancy and pendingmotong>herong>hood should be a joy.If foot pain persists, a visit toa foot and ankle surgeon canprovide relief with conservativetreatments such asphysical tong>herong>apy, foot orthotics,supportive shoes andminor toenail procedures.For more information onfoot and ankle problems, American College of Foot andAnkle Surgeons is a professional societyof more than 6,000 foot and ankle surgeons.Founded in 1942, the College’smission is to promote research andprovide continuing education for thefoot and ankle surgical specialty, andto educate the general public on foothealth and conditions of the foot andankle through its consumer Web site,>Focusong> on Women Magazine

For Women, 2/28/2010 To Women, About Women33

For <strong>Women</strong>, 2/28/2010 To <strong>Women</strong>, About <strong>Women</strong>33

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