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AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 4 63and F (inferior). When observed, the pool measuredroughly 1m in diameter, 40 cm deep, and 10.4 m belowthe surface (or <strong>for</strong>est floor). The water level appearsto periodically rise an additional 60 cm, as suggestedby the sharp break in slope near the water’s edge andthe presence of evaporates surrounding the area abovethe observed water line. Although quite shallow, thepool appears to be permanent and to provide access tothe water table. This was confirmed by the presenceof fish that regularly emerge from the point where thepool sumps (figure 4.5.3).Along both sides of the pathway within the pool’ssmall room, are sloping piles of debris. These debrisslopes are composed of small rocks in a dense matrixof damp soil. Like in Actun Toh, it appears that thepool periodically fills with debris when water fromheavy rains rushes into the cave. In order to gain accessto the small pool, the debris was removed andpiled to the sides. The pool in Pak Ch’en is currentlyused by local milperos as a source of water <strong>for</strong> theirhorses and is regularly maintained. More than likely,ancient visitors to the cave were involved in this practiceas well.The southeastern-half of Pak Ch’en appears tohave received little attention by the ancient Maya whencompared to the pathway-petroglyph-pool configurationof the northwestern portion of the cave. The onlyidentified feature in this area is a crude and mildlysloping plat<strong>for</strong>m created by two, low terrace risers (seefigure 4.5.1). There is no evidence of an artificial floor;however, the structure may be in an advanced state ofcollapse. Additionally, a possible pathway passes betweenone of the terraces and a natural bedrock shelf.Rock Art Recording MethodologyFigure 4.5.2. Profiles C-C' and C'-C" of Pak Ch’en.Figure 4.5.3. Profiles A-A' and B-B'of Pak Ch’en.The corpus of rock art in Pak Ch’en is arbitrarilydivided into seven more or less distinct panels. Thislevel of division allows <strong>for</strong> a reasonably manageableevaluation and discussion of the petrogylphs. The subdivisionof petroglyphs within these panels wasavoided so as not to obscure possible emic groupingsof images or the associations between images. Withthe exception of panel G, illustrations ofwhole panels are provided. A concertedattempt was made to locate all the engravedimages, but the nature of changing lightconditions and the effects of weatheringoften conceal more subtle alterations of thecave walls. Thus, it is conceivable that notevery element present was recorded.The dampness of the rock and the presenceof a thin coating of algae on the cavewalls made conventional rubbings nearlyimpossible. The relative flatness of thepanels made photography a viable alternative.Each panel was photographed on35mm black-and-white film using a 50 mm1:3.5 macro lens. This technique effectivelyminimized spatial distortion andmaintained aspect ratios. Ambient light

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