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searchable PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

searchable PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 4 59Jane Prendergast (using scuba). The poolwas arbitrarily divided into four segments.Probably due to the thick layer of sedimentacross the bottom of the pool, only tensherds were recovered (table 4.3.1). Arather large Huachinango Bichrome Incisedcajete fragment, along with two othersherds, was recovered beneath the balcony.The remaining sherds were recoveredalong the portion of the pool accessed bythe eastern stairway.Discussion and Closing RemarksFigure 4.3.1. Map of Actun Tam Ha.Figure 4.3.2. Idealized profile of Actun Tam Ha.The cave itself is located within a continuousband of settlement that follows alow ridge along the eastern side of theNaranjal sabana. The cave is approximately500 m from the edge of the sabanaand within 600 m of two ancient wells(both of which are located near the sabanaitself). Although Actun Tam Ha does not appearto be directly associated with specificstructures along the sabana, its location isof particular interest. The basal plat<strong>for</strong>msidentified in this area are characteristic ofmore elite residential architecture and occupywhat was probably considered to bea favorable natural setting within the vicinityof the site core of El Naranjal (seeFedick and Hovey 1995).A preliminary survey of the easternportion of the Naranjal sabana suggeststhat the greatest concentration of settlementis located relatively close to the wetlandand no further than 500 m from the sabanaedge. This pattern places the cave on theperiphery of this settlement zone. Consequently,the sabana would have been acloser source of water than Actun Tam Ha<strong>for</strong> residents of the immediate area. Thesabana would have been far more accessibleas well, considering the cave’s verticalentrance. Owing to the cave’s location andthe nature of its constricted and challengingaccess, it is more likely that Actun TamHa was reserved <strong>for</strong> activities of a ceremonialnature. It is also important to note thatthe scattering of sherds in the cave is quitelight. Even if whole vessels were removedby chicleros or other more recent visitorsto the cave, one would expect to find anabundance of olla fragments indicative of

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