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150AMCS Bulletin 12 — ReferencesCiencias Antropológicas de la Universidad deYucatán 68:21–28.———, 1985. Cuevas Mayas en el Municipio deOxkutzcab, Yucatán (II): Cuevas Ehibis, Xcosmil,y Cahum. Boletín de la Escuela de CienciasAntropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán70:16–21.———, 1987. Representaciones Sexuales en el ArteRupestre de la Región Maya. Mexicon 9(2):34–37.Strömsvik, Gustav, 1953. Exploration, Excavation,and Reconstruction in Mayapan and Vicinity.Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book52:276–279.———, 1954. Exploration, Excavation, and Reconstructionin Mayapan and Vicinity. CarnegieInstitution of Washington Year Book 54:284–285.———, 1956. Exporation of the Cave of Dzab-Na,Tecoh, Yucatan. Department of Archaeology,Current Reports 35:463–470. Carnegie Institutionof Washington, Washington, D.C.Suhler, Charles, Traci Ardren, and David Johnstone,1998. The Chronology of Yaxuna: Evidencefrom Excavation and Ceramics. Ancient Mesoamerica9:167–182.Taube, Karl A., 1986. The Teotihuacan Cave ofOrigin: The Iconography and Architecture ofEmergence Mythology in Mesoamerica and theAmerican Southwest. RES: Anthropology andAesthetics 12:51–82.———, 1992. The Major Gods of Ancient Yucatan.Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and ArchaeologyNo. 32, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library andCollection, Washington, D.C.———, 1995. The Monumental Architecture of theYalahau Region and the Megalithic Style of theNorthern Lowlands. In The View from Yalahau:1993 Archaeological Investigations in NorthernQuintana Roo, Mexico, edited by Scott L.Fedick and Karl A. Taube, pp. 23–58. LatinAmerican Studies Program, Field Report Series,No. 2. University of California, Riverside.Taube, Karl A. and Tomás Gallareta Negrón, 1989.Survey and Reconnaissance in the Ruinas deSan Angel Region, Quintana Roo, Mexico.Unpublished report submitted to the NationalGeographic Society, Washington, D.C.Taylor, Michael Ray, 2001. Caves: ExploringHidden Realms. National Geographic, Washington,D.C.Terrones González, Enrique, 1990. ProyectoSalvamento Arqueológico Rancho Ina, QuintanaRoo. Mexicon 12(5):89–92.Terrones González, Enrique and Luis Joaquin LeiraGuillermo, 1983. VI Etapa de Lavantamiento yRecorrido Arqueológico en el Sito de PuntaPiedra, Quintana Roo: Cuevas. Informe Mecanoscrito,Centro Regional, Quintana Roo,Delegación Norte, INAH, Cancún, QuintanaRoo.Thompson, Edward H., 1897. Cave of Loltun.Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of AmericanArchaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University,Vol. 1, Cambridge.Thompson, J. Eric S., 1959. The Role of Caves inMaya Culture. Mitteilungen aus dem Museumfur Völkerkunde im Hamburg 25:122–129.———, 1975. Introduction to the Reprint Edition.In The Hill-Caves of Yucatan, by Henry C.Mercer. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.Thompson, J. Eric S., H. E. D. Pollock, and J.Charlot, 1932. A Preliminary Study of the Ruinsof Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico. CarnegieInstitution of Washington, Publication 424.Washington, D.C.Trujillo de Echanove, Narcisa, 1959. Leyendas deYucatán. Ediciones Examen, Mexico.Tulaczyk, Slawomir M., Eugene C. Perry, CharlesE. Duller, and Miguel Villasuso, 1993. Influenceof the Holbox Fracture Zone in the KarstGeomorphology and Hydrogeology of NorthernQuintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. InApplied Karst Geology, edited by Barry F. Beck,pp. 181–188. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.Uc González, Eunice, 1999. El Puuc en Yucatán. InCenotes y Grutas de Yucatán, edited by LuisArmando Ruíz Sosa, pp. 132–141. CEPSA,Mérida.Uc González, Eunice, and Elena Canche Mazanero,1989. Calcehtok desde la Perspectiva Arqueológica.In Memorias del Segundo ColoquioInternacional de Mayanistas, pp. 287–301.Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México,México, D.F.Varela Torrecilla, Carmen, 1994. El Clásico Medioen el Noroccidente de Yucatán: La Fase OxkintokRegional en Oxkintok, Yucatán. Ph.D. Dissertation,Facultad de Geografía e Historia, UniversidadCompultense de Madrid, Spain.Vargas de la Peña, Leticia and Victor R. CastilloBorges, 1999. Ek’ Balam: Ciudad que Empiezaa Revelar sus Secretos. Arqueología Mexicana7(37):24–31.Velázquez Morlet, Adriana, Edmundo López de laRosa, Ma. del Pilar Casado López, and MargaritaGaxiola, 1988. Zonas Arqueológicas: Yucatán.Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia,

AMCS Bulletin 12 — References 151Mexico.Velázquez Morlet, Adriana, Edmundo López de laRosa, Alejandro Pacheco Méndez, Carlos RuizUlloa, and Miguel Angel Valenzuela Tovar,1991. Algunos Comentarios sobre las CaracterísticasArquetectónicas del Noreste deYucatán. Cuadernos de Arquetectura Mesoamericana12:57–63.Velázquez Valadez, Ricardo, 1980. Recent Discoveriesin the Caves of Loltún, Yucatan, Mexico.Mexicon 2(4):53–55.———, 1981. Etapas de Funcionalidad de lasGrutas de Loltún. In Memorias del CongresoInterno 1979, pp. 139–143. Centro Regional delSureste, INAH, Mexico.———, 1985. Tulum: Extension y Trazo. Boletín dela Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de laUniversidad de Yucatán 12(70):24–32.———, 1999. Las Grutas de Loltún. In Cenotes yGrutas de Yucatán, edited by Luis ArmandoRuíz Sosa, pp. 148–153. CEPSA, Mérida.Veni, George, 1990. Maya Utilization of KarstGroundwater Resources. Environmental Geologyand Water Science 16(1):63–66.Villacorta, J. Antonio, and Carlos A. Villacorta,1976. Codices Mayas. Tipografía Nacional,Guatemala.Villa Rojas, Alfonso, 1947. Kinship and Nagualismin a Tzeltal Community, Southeastern Mexico.American Anthropologist 49:578–587.Vogt, Evon Z., 1976. Tortillas for the Gods: ASymbolic Analysis of Zinacantan Ritual. HarvardUniversity Press, Cambridge.———, 1981. Some Aspects of the Sacred Geographyof Highland Chiapas. In MesoamericanSites and World Views, edited by Elizabeth P.Benson, pp. 119–142. Dumbarton Oaks ResearchLibrary and Collections, Washington,D.C.Vogt, Evon Z. and David Stuart, n.d.. Some Noteson Ritual Caves among the Ancient and ModernMaya. In In the Maw of the Earth Monster:Studies of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use,edited by James E. Brady and Keith Prufer.University of Texas Press, Austin. (In press.)Webster, David, 1979. Cuca, Chacchob, DzonotAké: Three Walled Northern Maya Centers.Occasional Papers in Anthropology 11, PennsylvaniaState University, University Park.Weidie, A. E., 1982. Lineaments of the YucatánPeninsula and Fractures of the Central QuintanaRoo Coast: Road Log and Supplement to 1978Guidebook. 1982 Geological Society of AmericaAnnual Meeting Field Trip no. 10, pp. 21–25.———, 1985. Geology of Yucatan Platform. InGeology and Hydrogeology of the Yucatan andQuaternary Geology of Northeastern YucatanPeninsula, edited by W. C. Ward, A. E. Weidie,and W. Back, 160 pp. New Orleans GeologicalSociety Publications, New Orleans.White, Tim D., 1991. Human Osteology. AcademicPress, San Diego.Winzler, Susan and Scott L. Fedick, 1995. AncientWells and Water Resources of Naranjal and theYalahau Region. In The View from Yalahau:1993 Archaeological Investigations in NorthernQuintana Roo, Mexico, edited by Scott L.Fedick and Karl A. Taube, pp. 101–113. LatinAmerican Studies Program, Field Report Series,No. 2. University of California, Riverside.Witschey, Walter Robert Thurmond, 1993. TheArchaeology of Muyil, Quintana Roo, Mexico:A Maya Site on the East Coast of the YucatanPeninsula. Ph.D. dissertation, Tulane University,New Orleans.Zapata Peraza, Renée Lorelei, 1987. El Uso delAgua y los Mayas Antiguos: Algunos EjemplosArqueológicos de Campeche. Boletín de laEscuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de laUniversidad de Yucatán 15(86):20–31.———, 1989. Los Chultunes:Sistemas de Capitaciónde Agua Pluvial. Instituto Nacional de Antropologíae Historia, Mexico.Zapata Peraza, Renée Lorelei, Antonio BenevidesCastillo, Augustín Peña Castillo, 1990. LaGruta de Xtacumbilxunaan, Campeche. InstitutoNacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.

AMCS Bulletin 12 — References 151Mexico.Velázquez Morlet, Adriana, Edmundo López de laRosa, Alejandro Pacheco Méndez, Carlos RuizUlloa, and Miguel Angel Valenzuela Tovar,1991. Algunos Comentarios sobre las CaracterísticasArquetectónicas del Noreste deYucatán. Cuadernos de Arquetectura Mesoamericana12:57–63.Velázquez Valadez, Ricardo, 1980. Recent Discoveriesin the <strong>Cave</strong>s of Loltún, Yucatan, Mexico.Mexicon 2(4):53–55.———, 1981. Etapas de Funcionalidad de lasGrutas de Loltún. In Memorias del CongresoInterno 1979, pp. 139–143. Centro Regional delSureste, INAH, Mexico.———, 1985. Tulum: Extension y Trazo. Boletín dela Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de laUniversidad de Yucatán 12(70):24–32.———, 1999. Las Grutas de Loltún. In Cenotes yGrutas de Yucatán, edited by Luis ArmandoRuíz Sosa, pp. 148–153. CEPSA, Mérida.Veni, George, 1990. Maya Utilization of KarstGroundwater Resources. Environmental Geologyand Water Science 16(1):63–66.Villacorta, J. Antonio, and Carlos A. Villacorta,1976. Codices Mayas. Tipografía Nacional,Guatemala.Villa Rojas, Alfonso, 1947. Kinship and Nagualismin a Tzeltal Community, Southeastern Mexico.American Anthropologist 49:578–587.Vogt, Evon Z., 1976. Tortillas <strong>for</strong> the Gods: ASymbolic Analysis of Zinacantan Ritual. HarvardUniversity Press, Cambridge.———, 1981. Some Aspects of the Sacred Geographyof Highland Chiapas. In MesoamericanSites and World Views, edited by Elizabeth P.Benson, pp. 119–142. Dumbarton Oaks ResearchLibrary and Collections, Washington,D.C.Vogt, Evon Z. and David Stuart, n.d.. Some Noteson Ritual <strong>Cave</strong>s among the Ancient and ModernMaya. In In the Maw of the Earth Monster:<strong>Studies</strong> of Mesoamerican Ritual <strong>Cave</strong> Use,edited by James E. Brady and Keith Prufer.University of Texas Press, Austin. (In press.)Webster, David, 1979. Cuca, Chacchob, DzonotAké: Three Walled Northern Maya Centers.Occasional Papers in Anthropology 11, PennsylvaniaState University, University Park.Weidie, A. E., 1982. Lineaments of the YucatánPeninsula and Fractures of the Central QuintanaRoo Coast: Road Log and Supplement to 1978Guidebook. 1982 Geological Society of AmericaAnnual Meeting Field Trip no. 10, pp. 21–25.———, 1985. Geology of Yucatan Plat<strong>for</strong>m. InGeology and Hydrogeology of the Yucatan andQuaternary Geology of Northeastern YucatanPeninsula, edited by W. C. Ward, A. E. Weidie,and W. Back, 160 pp. New Orleans GeologicalSociety Publications, New Orleans.White, Tim D., 1991. Human Osteology. AcademicPress, San Diego.Winzler, Susan and Scott L. Fedick, 1995. AncientWells and Water Resources of Naranjal and theYalahau Region. In The View from Yalahau:1993 Archaeological Investigations in NorthernQuintana Roo, Mexico, edited by Scott L.Fedick and Karl A. Taube, pp. 101–113. LatinAmerican <strong>Studies</strong> Program, Field Report Series,No. 2. University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Riverside.Witschey, Walter Robert Thurmond, 1993. TheArchaeology of Muyil, Quintana Roo, Mexico:A Maya Site on the East Coast of the YucatanPeninsula. Ph.D. dissertation, Tulane University,New Orleans.Zapata Peraza, Renée Lorelei, 1987. El Uso delAgua y los Mayas Antiguos: Algunos EjemplosArqueológicos de Campeche. Boletín de laEscuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de laUniversidad de Yucatán 15(86):20–31.———, 1989. Los Chultunes:Sistemas de Capitaciónde Agua Pluvial. Instituto Nacional de Antropologíae Historia, Mexico.Zapata Peraza, Renée Lorelei, Antonio BenevidesCastillo, Augustín Peña Castillo, 1990. LaGruta de Xtacumbilxunaan, Campeche. InstitutoNacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.

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