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144AMCS Bulletin 12 — References———, 2000. El Juego de Pelota en Cobá, QuintanaRoo. Arqueología 23:27–50.Con, María José and Alejandro Martínez Muriel,1992. In<strong>for</strong>me de la Primera Temporada deCampo de Proyecto Cobá, Quintana Roo.Prepared <strong>for</strong> the Instituto Nacional de Antropologíae Historia.Connor, J. G., 1983. The Ceramics of Cozumel,Quintana Roo, Mexico. Ph.D. Dissertation,University of Arizona.Cortés de Brasdefer, Frenando, 1988. ArchaeologicalNotes from Quintana Roo. Mexicon 10(6):107–108.Eaton, Jack D. and Joseph W. Ball, 1978. <strong>Studies</strong> inthe Archaeology of Coastal Yucatan and Campeche,Mexico. Middle American ResearchSeries, Publication 46. Tulane University, NewOrleans.Escalona Ramos, Alberto, 1946. Algunas RuinasPrehispánicas en Quintana Roo. Boletín de laSociedad <strong>Mexican</strong>a de Geografía y Estadística61(3):513–628.Evia Cervantes, Carlos, 1991. La Gruta Xpukil, enCalcehtok. Boletín de la Escuela de CienciasAntropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán18(108–109):15–27.Exley, Sheck, 1980. Diving Beneath the Mayan Cityof Xcaret. Caving International MagazineJuly:38–40.Fedick, Scott L., 1998. Ancient Maya Use ofWetlands in Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico. InHidden Dimensions: The Cultural Significanceof Wetland Archaeology, edited by KathrynBernick, pp. 107–129. University of BritishColumbia Press, Vancouver.Fedick, Scott L. (editor), 1998. El Proyecto Yalahau:In<strong>for</strong>me Técnico Final sobre las InvestigacionesArqueológicas de 1996–1997 en el Norte deQuintana Roo, México. Report presented to theConsejo de Arqueología del Instituto Nacionalde Antropología e Historia, Mexico.Fedick, Scott L. and Kevin Hovey, 1995. AncientMaya Settlement and Use of Wetlands atNaranjal and the Surrounding Yalahau Region.In The View from Yalahau: 1993 ArchaeologicalInvestigations in Northern Quintana Roo,Mexico, edited by Scott L. Fedick and Karl A.Taube, pp. 89–100. Latin American <strong>Studies</strong>Program, Field Report Series, No. 2. Universityof Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Riverside.Fedick, Scott L. and Jennifer Mathews, 2001. T’isiland Environs: The Initiation of Research at anEarly Community in the Yalahau Region of theNorthern Maya Lowlands. Paper presented atthe 66 th Annual Meeting of the Society <strong>for</strong>American Archaeology, New Orleans.Fedick, Scott L., Bethany A. Morrison, Bente JuhlAndersen, Sylviane Boucher, Jorge Ceja Acosta,and Jennifer P. Mathews, 2000. Wetland Manipulationin the Yalahau Region of the NorthernMaya Lowlands. Journal of Field Archaeology27(2):131–152.Fedick, Scott L. and Karl A. Taube, 1995. TheYalahau Regional Human Ecology Project:Research Orientation and Overview of 1993Investigations. In The View from Yalahau: 1993Archaeological Investigations in NorthernQuintana Roo, Mexico, edited by Scott L.Fedick and Karl A. Taube, pp. 1–21. LatinAmerican <strong>Studies</strong> Program, Field Report Series,No. 2. University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Riverside.Fedick, Scott L. and Karl A. Taube (editors), 1995.The View from Yalahau: 1993 ArchaeologicalInvestigations in Northern Quintana Roo,Mexico. Latin American <strong>Studies</strong> Program, FieldReport Series, No. 2. University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia,Riverside.Folan, William J., Ellen R. Kintz, and Laraine A.Fletcher, 1983. Coba: A Classic Maya Metropolis.Academic Press, New York.Forsyth, Donald W., 1983. Investigations at Edzná,Campeche, Mexico: Ceramics. Papers of theNew World Archaeological Foundation 46, PartII. Provo.———, 1989 The Ceramics of El Mirador, Petén,Guatemala. Papers of the New World ArchaeologicalFoundation, No. 63 (El Mirador Series,Part 4). Brigham Young University, Provo.Freidel, David A. and Jeremy Sabloff, 1984.Cozumel: Late Maya Settlement Patterns.Academic Press, Orlando.García-Zambrano, Angel J., 1994. Early ColonialEvidence of Pre-Columbian Rituals of Foundation.In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989,edited by Merle Greene Robertson and VirginiaField, pp. 217–227. Pre-Columbian Art ResearchInstitute, San Francisco.Gerrard, Steve, 2000. The Cenotes of the RivieraMaya. Rose Printing Inc., Tallahassee, FL.Glover, Jeffrey and Fabio Esteban Amador, 2001.Settlement Pattern and Architectural Layout ofT’isil. Paper presented at the 66 th AnnualMeeting of the Society <strong>for</strong> American Archaeology,New Orleans.Gómez-Pompa, Arturo, Michael Allen, Scott L.Fedick, and Juan Jiménez-Osornio (editors),

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