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142AMCS Bulletin 12 — ReferencesTulane University, New Orleans.———, 1982. The Tancah Ceramic Situation:Cultural and Historical Insights from an AlternativeMaterial Class. In On the Edge of theSea: Mural Painting at Tancah-Tulum, QuintanaRoo, edited by Arthur G. Miller, pp. 105–113.Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.———, 1991. Pottery, Potters, Palaces, and Polities:Some Socioeconomic Implications of LateClassic Maya Ceramic Industries. In LowlandMaya Civilization in the Eighth Century A.D.,edited by Jeremy A Sabloff and J.S. Henderson,pp. 243–272. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington,D.C.Ball, Joseph W. and E. Wyllys Andrews V, 1975.The Polychrome Pottery of Dzibilchaltun,Yucatan, Mexico: Typology and ArchaeologicalContext. Middle American Research Institute,Tulane University, Pub. 31. Tulane University,New Orleans.Barba P., L. A., Linda Manzanilla, R. Chávez, LuisFlores and A. J. Arzate, 1990. Caves andTunnels at Teotihuacan, Mexico: A GeologicalPhenomenon of Archaeological Interest. InArchaeological Geology of North America,edited by Norman P. Lasca and Jack Donahue,pp. 431–438. Geological Society of America,Boulder.Barrera Rubio, Alfredo, 1985. The Rain Cult of thePuuc Area. In Fourth Palenque Round Table,1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 249–260.Palenque Round Table Series 4. Pre-ColumbianArt Research Institute, San Francisco.———, 1987. Obras Hidraulicas en la Region Puuc,Yucatán, México. Boletín de la Escuela deCiencias Antropológicas de la Universidad deYucatán 15(86):3–19.Barrera Rubio, Alfredo and Carlos Peraza Lope,1999. Los vestigios pictóricos de la cueva deTixcuytún, Yucatán. In Land of the Turkey andthe Deer: Recent Research in Yucatan, edited byRuth Gubler, pp. 37–56. Labyrinthos, Lancaster,California.Bassie-Sweet, Karen, 1991. From the Mouth of theDark Cave: Commemorative Sculpture of theLate Classic Maya. University of OklahomaPress, Norman.———, 1996. At the Edge of the World: Caves andLate Classic Maya World View. University ofOklahoma Press, Norman.Bell, Julie Anne, 1998. A Developing Model forDetermining Cenote and Associated Site SettlementPatterns in the Yalahau Region, QuintanaRoo, Mexico. Masters thesis, University ofCalifornia, Riverside.Benavides Castillo, Antonio, 1983. La Gruta deXcan, Yucatán, Sitio de Enterramientos Prehispánicos.Mexicon 5(2):32–36.Benavides Castillo, Antonio and Anthony P. Andrews,1979. Ecab: Poblado y Provincia de Siglo XVIen Yucatán. Cuadernos de los Centros Regionales.Centro Regional del Sureste. Instituto Nacionalde Antropología e Historia, Mexico.Bey, George J. III, Tara M. Bond, William M.Ringle, Craig A. Hanson, Charles W. Houck,and Carlos Peraza Lope, 1998. The CeramicChronology of Ek Balam, Yucatan, Mexico.Ancient Mesoamerica 9:101–120.Blom, Frans and Oliver La Farge, 1926. Tribes andTemples. Middle American Research InstitutePublications vol. 1. New Orleans.Bögli, Alfred, 1980. Karst Hydrology and PhysicalSpeleology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis, 1987a. Aproximación alEstudio de las Fuentes de Agua en la AntiguaCiudad Maya de Oxkintok. Boletín de laEscuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de laUniversidad de Yucatán 15(86):32–40.———, 1987b. Exploraciones en las Grutas deCalcehtok y Oxkintok, Yucatán, México. Mayab33:24–31.———, 1989a. Las Cuevas Mayas: Simbolismo yRitual. Universidad Compultense de Madrid,Madrid.———, 1989b. Las Cuevas de Oxkintok: InformePreliminar. In Memorias del Segundo ColoquioInternacional de Mayanistas, pp. 303–309.Universidad Nacional de Autonoma de México,México, D.F.Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis and Ismael Sanchez yPinto, 1991. Las Cavernas del Municipio deOxkutzkab, Yucatán, México: Nuevas Aportaciones.Mayab 7:36–52.Boucher, Sylviane, 1989. Cerámica Pizarra Temprana:Algunas Precursores y Variantes Regionales.Memorias del Primer CongresoInternacional de Mayistas. UNAM, Mexico.———, 1997. Unpublished ceramics report from ElNaranjal and El Edén.Brady, James E., 1988. The Sexual Connotation ofCaves in Mesoamerican Ideology. Mexicon10(3):51.———, 1989. An Investigation of Maya RitualCave Use with Special Reference to Naj Tunich,Peten, Guatemala. Ph.D. dissertation, Universityof California, Los Angeles.

AMCS Bulletin 12 — References 143———, 1991. Caves and Cosmovision at Utatlan.California Anthropologist XVIII (1):1–10.———, 1997a. Settlement Configuration andCosmology: The Role of Caves at Dos Pilas.American Anthropologist 99(3):602–618.———, 1997b. A History of Mesoamerican CaveArchaeology. Paper presented at the 62 nd AnnualMeeting of the Society for American Archaeology,Nashville, TN.———, 1999a. Sources for the Study of MesoamericanRitual Cave Use, 2 nd ed. Studies inMesoamerican Cave Use, Publication 1, CaliforniaState University, Los Angeles.———, 1999b. The Gruta de Jobonche: An Analysisof Speleothem Rock Art. In Land of theTurkey and the Deer: Recent Research inYucatan, edited by Ruth Gubler, pp. 57–68.Labyrinthos, Lancaster, California.Brady, James E. and Wendy Ashmore, 1999. Mountains,Caves, Water: Ideational Landscapes ofthe Ancient Maya. In Archaeologies of Landscapes:Contemporary Perspectives, edited byWendy Ashmore and A. Bernard Knapp, pp.124–145. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.Brady, James E., Joseph W. Ball, Ronald L. Bishop,Duncan C. Pring, Norman Hammond, andRupert A. Housley, 1998. The Lowland Maya“Protoclassic”: A Reconsideration of its Natureand Significance. Ancient Mesoamerica 9:17–38.Brady, James E., Christopher Begley, John Fogarty,Donald J. Stierman, Barbara Luke, and AnnScott, 2000. Talgua Archaeological Project: APreliminary Assessment. Mexicon XXII:111–118.Brady, James E., and Juan Luis Bonor Villarejo,1993. Las Cavernas en la Geografía de losMayas. In Perspectivas Antropológicas en elMundo Maya, edited by M. J. Iglesias and F.Ligorred, pp. 75–95. Sociedad Española deEstudios Mayas, Madrid.Brady, James E., Ann Scott , Allan Cobb, IrmaRodas, John Fogarty, and Monica Urquizú,1997. Glimpses of the Dark Side of the PetexbatunRegional Archaeological Project: ThePetexbatun Regional Cave Survey. AncientMesoamerica 8(2):353–364.Brady, James E., Ann Scott, Hector Neff, andMichael Glascock, 1997. Speleothem Breakage,Movement, Removal and Caching: An UnreportedAspect of Ancient Maya Cave Modification.Geoarchaeology 12(6):725–750.Brady, James E. and Andrea Stone, 1986. NajTunich: Entrance to the Maya Underworld.Archaeology 39(6):18–25.Brady, James E. and George Veni, 1992. Man-Madeand Pseudo-Karst Caves: The Implications ofSub-surface Geologic Features Within MayaCenters. Geoarchaeology 7(2):149–167.Brainerd, George W., 1958. The ArchaeologicalCeramics of Yucatan. Anthropological Records19. University of California Press, Berkeley.Bricker, Victoria Reifler, 1973. Ritual Humor inHighland Chiapas. University of Texas Press,Austin.Brown, Clifford T., n.d. Caves, Karst, and Settlementat Mayapán, Yucatán. In In the Maw of theEarth Monster: Studies of Mesoamerican RitualCave Use, edited by James E. Brady and KeithPrufer. University of Texas Press, Austin. (Inpress.)Bush Romero, Pablo, 1961. Nace la ArqueologíaSubmarina Mexicana. Club de Exploraciones yDeportes Aquáticos de México, Pub. 2. Mexico.———, 1964. Under the Waters of Mexico. CarltonPress, Inc., New York.Canché Manzanero, Elena de la Cruz, 1992. LaSecuencia Cerámica de Xelhá, Q. Roo. SeniorThesis, Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas,Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida.Carot, Patricia, 1989. Arqueología de las Cuevas delNorte de Alta Verapaz. Cuadernos de EstudiosGuatemaltecos 1, Centre D’Étudies Mexicaineset Centraméricaines, Mexico.Ceja Acosta, Jorge, 2000. La Cerámica de Superficiedel Sitio T’isil, Cancún, Quintana Roo, México.Unpublished manuscript.———, 2001. Avances y Reflexciones sobre laSecuencia Cerámica Preliminar del Sitio T’isil,Cancún, Quintana Roo. Paper presented at theCongreso Internacional de Cultura Maya,Mérida.Ceja Acosta, Jorge and Dominique Rissolo, 2001.Recent Ceramic Research in the YalahauRegion, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Paper presentedat the 66 th Annual Meeting of the Society forAmerican Archaeology, New Orleans.Chase, Diane Z., 1985. Ganned but not Forgotten:Late Postclassic Archaeology and Ritual atSanta Rita Corozal, Belize. In The LowlandMaya Postclassic, edited by Arlen F. Chase andPrudence M. Rice, pp. 104–125. University ofTexas Press, Austin.Coke, James, E .C. Perry, and A. Long, 1991. Sea-Level Curve. Nature 353(6339):25.Con Uribe, María José, 1989. Trabajos Recientes enXcaret, Quintana Roo. In Estudios de CulturaMaya, vol. XVIII:65–129.

142AMCS Bulletin 12 — ReferencesTulane University, New Orleans.———, 1982. The Tancah Ceramic Situation:Cultural and Historical Insights from an AlternativeMaterial Class. In On the Edge of theSea: Mural Painting at Tancah-Tulum, QuintanaRoo, edited by Arthur G. Miller, pp. 105–113.Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.———, 1991. Pottery, Potters, Palaces, and Polities:Some Socioeconomic Implications of LateClassic Maya Ceramic Industries. In LowlandMaya Civilization in the Eighth Century A.D.,edited by Jeremy A Sabloff and J.S. Henderson,pp. 243–272. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington,D.C.Ball, Joseph W. and E. Wyllys Andrews V, 1975.The Polychrome Pottery of Dzibilchaltun,Yucatan, Mexico: Typology and ArchaeologicalContext. Middle American Research Institute,Tulane University, Pub. 31. Tulane University,New Orleans.Barba P., L. A., Linda Manzanilla, R. Chávez, LuisFlores and A. J. Arzate, 1990. <strong>Cave</strong>s andTunnels at Teotihuacan, Mexico: A GeologicalPhenomenon of Archaeological Interest. InArchaeological Geology of North America,edited by Norman P. Lasca and Jack Donahue,pp. 431–438. Geological Society of America,Boulder.Barrera Rubio, Alfredo, 1985. The Rain Cult of thePuuc Area. In Fourth Palenque Round Table,1980, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 249–260.Palenque Round Table Series 4. Pre-ColumbianArt Research Institute, San Francisco.———, 1987. Obras Hidraulicas en la Region Puuc,Yucatán, México. Boletín de la Escuela deCiencias Antropológicas de la Universidad deYucatán 15(86):3–19.Barrera Rubio, Alfredo and Carlos Peraza Lope,1999. Los vestigios pictóricos de la cueva deTixcuytún, Yucatán. In Land of the Turkey andthe Deer: Recent Research in Yucatan, edited byRuth Gubler, pp. 37–56. Labyrinthos, Lancaster,Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.Bassie-Sweet, Karen, 1991. From the Mouth of theDark <strong>Cave</strong>: Commemorative Sculpture of theLate Classic Maya. University of OklahomaPress, Norman.———, 1996. At the Edge of the World: <strong>Cave</strong>s andLate Classic Maya World View. University ofOklahoma Press, Norman.Bell, Julie Anne, 1998. A Developing Model <strong>for</strong>Determining Cenote and Associated Site SettlementPatterns in the Yalahau Region, QuintanaRoo, Mexico. Masters thesis, University ofCali<strong>for</strong>nia, Riverside.Benavides Castillo, Antonio, 1983. La Gruta deXcan, Yucatán, Sitio de Enterramientos Prehispánicos.Mexicon 5(2):32–36.Benavides Castillo, Antonio and Anthony P. Andrews,1979. Ecab: Poblado y Provincia de Siglo XVIen Yucatán. Cuadernos de los Centros Regionales.Centro Regional del Sureste. Instituto Nacionalde Antropología e Historia, Mexico.Bey, George J. III, Tara M. Bond, William M.Ringle, Craig A. Hanson, Charles W. Houck,and Carlos Peraza Lope, 1998. The CeramicChronology of Ek Balam, Yucatan, Mexico.Ancient Mesoamerica 9:101–120.Blom, Frans and Oliver La Farge, 1926. Tribes andTemples. Middle American Research InstitutePublications vol. 1. New Orleans.Bögli, Alfred, 1980. Karst Hydrology and PhysicalSpeleology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis, 1987a. Aproximación alEstudio de las Fuentes de Agua en la AntiguaCiudad Maya de Oxkintok. Boletín de laEscuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de laUniversidad de Yucatán 15(86):32–40.———, 1987b. Exploraciones en las Grutas deCalcehtok y Oxkintok, Yucatán, México. Mayab33:24–31.———, 1989a. Las Cuevas Mayas: Simbolismo yRitual. Universidad Compultense de Madrid,Madrid.———, 1989b. Las Cuevas de Oxkintok: In<strong>for</strong>mePreliminar. In Memorias del Segundo ColoquioInternacional de Mayanistas, pp. 303–309.Universidad Nacional de Autonoma de México,México, D.F.Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis and Ismael Sanchez yPinto, 1991. Las <strong>Cave</strong>rnas del Municipio deOxkutzkab, Yucatán, México: Nuevas Aportaciones.Mayab 7:36–52.Boucher, Sylviane, 1989. Cerámica Pizarra Temprana:Algunas Precursores y Variantes Regionales.Memorias del Primer CongresoInternacional de Mayistas. UNAM, Mexico.———, 1997. Unpublished ceramics report from ElNaranjal and El Edén.Brady, James E., 1988. The Sexual Connotation of<strong>Cave</strong>s in Mesoamerican Ideology. Mexicon10(3):51.———, 1989. An Investigation of Maya Ritual<strong>Cave</strong> Use with Special Reference to Naj Tunich,Peten, Guatemala. Ph.D. dissertation, Universityof Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Los Angeles.

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