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124AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 5Mama Red: CancúnGroup: MamaEstablished by: Type: Smith 1971:23Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 2Regional Intersite Distribution: El Naranjal (Boucher1997)Representative General Distribution: Xelha (Canché1992); type at Ek Balam (Bey et al. 1998); type atSan Gervasio (Peraza 1993); Group: Chiquilá,Vista Alegre (Romero R. and Gurrola B. 1995); ElMeco (Andrews and Robles Castellanos 1986); formore on group see Ochoa R. (in press)Description: see Peraza 1993Type Collection Reference: San Gervasio Q-10-7Forms Present in Caves: OllaIllustrations: N/AFigure 5.62. Chen Mul Modeled: Chen Mul.Mama Group SpecialGroup: MamaEstablished by: Type: Smith 1971:23Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 3Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RForms Present in Caves: N/AIllustrations: N/AFigure 5.63. Cehac Painted: Cehac.

AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 6 125CHAPTER 6NON-CERAMIC ARTIFACTSLithicsFigure 6.1.a) [Lot SJ2O5-1] Quartzite flakeb) [Lot SJ2O5-4] Micrite flakec) [Lot SJ2O5-4] Micrite flaked) [Lot SJ2BV] Quartzite flakeFigure 6.2[Lot SJ2O2-2] Low-silica chert core from Actun TohActun PechFaunalCranial:Cranial fragment with suture lines evident, indicatingimmature status. Non-human. No genus orspecies designation made. [Lot N6O2-2].Cranial fragment with suture lines evident, indicatingimmature status. Non-human. No genus orspecies designation made. [N6O2-8].Actun TohCranial:Temporal bone, nearly complete (figure 6.3). Human.The individual may have been immature, as thesutures had not yet joined (although in some rare individualsit does not join). This individual is robust ascompared to other members of the local population(which generally indicates a male, particularly in lightof its immature status). There is some porosity of thebone surrounding the external auditory meatus. Thisis evidence of porotic hyperostosis, which is the bonylandmark of anemia (White 1991:346), common inimmature individuals. [Lot SJ205-13].Postcranial:Long bone midshaft fragment. Unable to determinehuman vs. non-human without destructive microscopicanalysis. [Lot SJ201-8].Metacarpal/tarsal. The bone has undergone massiveobliteration of features. It is consistent with ahuman metatarsal or metacarpal. It belongs to a largePostcranial:Rib fragment (midshaft). Human. Determinationmade by distinctive morphologyas outlined in Gray (1997). [Lot N6O2-10].Vertebral fragments, thoracic. Nonhuman.Likely to be from a large-bodiedmammal such as deer or jaguar. [N6O2-10].Actun MaasCranial:None.Postcranial:Long bone midshaft fragment. Unableto determine human vs. non-human withoutdestructive microscopic analysis. [LotN701-1].Long bone midshaft fragment. Nonhuman.[Lot N701-1].Figure 6.1. a–d. Hammerstone or tool spalls from Actun Toh (dorsalview).

124AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 5Mama Red: CancúnGroup: MamaEstablished by: Type: Smith 1971:23Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 2Regional Intersite Distribution: El Naranjal (Boucher1997)Representative General Distribution: Xelha (Canché1992); type at Ek Balam (Bey et al. 1998); type atSan Gervasio (Peraza 1993); Group: Chiquilá,Vista Alegre (Romero R. and Gurrola B. 1995); ElMeco (Andrews and Robles Castellanos 1986); <strong>for</strong>more on group see Ochoa R. (in press)Description: see Peraza 1993Type Collection Reference: San Gervasio Q-10-7Forms Present in <strong>Cave</strong>s: OllaIllustrations: N/AFigure 5.62. Chen Mul Modeled: Chen Mul.Mama Group SpecialGroup: MamaEstablished by: Type: Smith 1971:23Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 3Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RForms Present in <strong>Cave</strong>s: N/AIllustrations: N/AFigure 5.63. Cehac Painted: Cehac.

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