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118AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 5Description: see Smith 1971:32Type Collection Reference: Cobá Q-5Forms Present in Caves: N/AIllustrations: N/AArena Red: ArenaGroup: ArenaEstablished by: Robles Castellanos 1990:148–149Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Tacbi Ha 1Regional Intersite Distribution: El Naranjal (Boucher1997)Representative General Distribution: Cobá (RoblesCastellanos 1990:148–149); type at Ek Balam (Beyet al. 1998) and Yaxuna (Suhler et al. 1998:177).Description: see Robles Castellanos 1990:148–149Type Collection Reference: N/AForms Present in Caves: N/AIllustrations: N/ASaxché Orange Polychrome: SaxchéGroup: SaxchéEstablished by: Smith and Gifford 1966:162Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 16Regional Intersite Distribution: Possibly at ElNaranjal (personal observation); Group: VistaAlegre (Romero R. and Gurrola B. 1995)Representative General Distribution: Cobá (RoblesCastellanos 1990:160–161); type at Ek Balam (Beyet al. 1998) and Yaxuna (Suhler et al. 1998:177);Altun Ha (Pendergast 1979).Description: see Smith and Gifford 1966:162; see alsoRobles Castellanos 1990:160–161Type Collection Reference: Cobá Q-6-3Forms Present in Caves: Tecomate, Cuenco, OllaIllustrations: 5.52, a–d; 5.53; 5.54, a–b; 5.55, a–d;5.56, a–fDiscussion: There are essentially two kinds of SaxchéOrange Polychrome present in the Actun Toh collection.One sherd is characterized by a fine, compact,and consistent paste. Calcite temper is fineand well sorted. Slip is extremely glossy. Bodythickness varied from .22cm–.36cm. Overall, thesherd was characteristic of Petén examples (likethose from Cobá). The remainder of the SaxchéOrange Polychrome sherds are characterized bymoderately compact, semi-fine paste. Temper ismoderately well sorted, consisting of fine to mediumsize white and gray calcite particles. The occasionalcoarse particle is common, measuring upto .48cm in diameter. Paste color is 5YR 6/6. Ofparticular interest is the interior lip treatment onFigure 5.52. a–d. Saxché Orange Polychrome: Saxché.e–f. Sibal Buff Polychrome: Unspecified.Figure 5.53. Saxché Orange Polychrome: Saxché.

AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 5 119restricted-orifice rim sherds. These rims are interior-thickenedrather than pointed. At base of theinterior lip is an irregular “flap” or fold that wasnot smoothed flush with the lip. Due to the restrictednature of these vessels, the imperfectionwould not have been visible. Ochoa R. suggeststhat the sherds from the cave collection might representlocal copies of Petén styles. With respect tothe tone and tempering of the paste, similar sherdsare present in the Xelha collection (as Saxché:Unspecified, Q-13-4) and the Uaymil collection(Q-8-8). The tempering of the sherds in the lattercollection is better sorted that the cave material,and contains tiny quartz and ferrous particles.Decoration consists of painted geometric designs.No glyphs are present. Fine painted lines are reddishbrown (2.5YR 3/3) to dark reddish gray(10R 3/1). Broad painted bands are red (10R 4/8,5/8). Underlying slip is reddish yellow (5YR 6/8).Sibal Buff Polychrome: UnspecifiedGroup: SaxchéEstablished by: Smith and Gifford 1966:139Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 2, Pak Ch’en 2Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: Cobá (RoblesCastellanos 1990:161–162)Description: see Smith and Gifford 1966:139Type Collection Reference: Cobá Q-6-3Forms Present in Caves: CuencoIllustrations: 5.51, e–fPetkanche Orange Polychrome: UnspecifiedGroup: PetkancheEstablished by: Ball 1977:72Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Tacbi Ha (whole vessel)Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: Cobá (RoblesCastellanos 1990:162–164); Tancah, Yaxuna, andDzibilchaltun (Ball 1991); see also Reents-Budet(1994)Description: See Ball 1977:72Type Collection Reference: N/AForms Present in Caves: VaseIllustrations: 5.57Discussion: Scene on vessel depicts a water birdamong other elements. The cream-colored body ofthe bird ranged from 10YR 8/3 to 8/4. Reddishportions of the beak, wing, and leg ranged from5YR 7/8 to 10R 5/8.Chemax Black-on-preslate: ChemaxGroup: SatEstablished by: Varela 1994Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Tacbi Ha 1Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: N/ADescription: see Varela 1994Type Collection Reference: OxkintokForms Present in Caves: N/AIllustrations: N/AYaxuna Striated-preslip: YaxunaGroup: SatEstablished by: Varela 1994Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Maas 3Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: N/ADescription: see Varela 1994Type Collection Reference: Oxkintok Y-108-7Forms Present in Caves: CazuelaIllustrations: 5.58, aJanan Orange Polychrome: JananGroup: ChumulEstablished by: Connor 1983:121–123Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 1Regional Intersite Distribution: El Naranjal (Boucher1997)Representative General Distribution: Cozumel(Connor 1983:121–123), Xelha (Canche 1991)Description: See Connor 1983:121–123Type Collection Reference: San Gervasio Q-10-1Forms Present in Caves: CajeteIllustrations: 5.58, b–cDiscussion: Although solid tripod supports are commonfor this type, one sherd from the cave collectionhas a low ring base. A portion of its exterior is roughand unslipped. At least two sherds from Ball’sYucatan-Campeche Coast collection appear to correspondto Janan Orange Polychrome (labeled a“Unspecified Polychromes,” Y-7-5).Janan Orange Polychrome SpecialGroup: ChumulEstablished by: Type: Connor 1983:121–123Regional Inter-Cave Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 1Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution:Description: N/A

AMCS Bulletin 12 — Chapter 5 119restricted-orifice rim sherds. These rims are interior-thickenedrather than pointed. At base of theinterior lip is an irregular “flap” or fold that wasnot smoothed flush with the lip. Due to the restrictednature of these vessels, the imperfectionwould not have been visible. Ochoa R. suggeststhat the sherds from the cave collection might representlocal copies of Petén styles. With respect tothe tone and tempering of the paste, similar sherdsare present in the Xelha collection (as Saxché:Unspecified, Q-13-4) and the Uaymil collection(Q-8-8). The tempering of the sherds in the lattercollection is better sorted that the cave material,and contains tiny quartz and ferrous particles.Decoration consists of painted geometric designs.No glyphs are present. Fine painted lines are reddishbrown (2.5YR 3/3) to dark reddish gray(10R 3/1). Broad painted bands are red (10R 4/8,5/8). Underlying slip is reddish yellow (5YR 6/8).Sibal Buff Polychrome: UnspecifiedGroup: SaxchéEstablished by: Smith and Gif<strong>for</strong>d 1966:139Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 2, Pak Ch’en 2Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: Cobá (RoblesCastellanos 1990:161–162)Description: see Smith and Gif<strong>for</strong>d 1966:139Type Collection Reference: Cobá Q-6-3Forms Present in <strong>Cave</strong>s: CuencoIllustrations: 5.51, e–fPetkanche Orange Polychrome: UnspecifiedGroup: PetkancheEstablished by: Ball 1977:72Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Tacbi Ha (whole vessel)Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: Cobá (RoblesCastellanos 1990:162–164); Tancah, Yaxuna, andDzibilchaltun (Ball 1991); see also Reents-Budet(1994)Description: See Ball 1977:72Type Collection Reference: N/AForms Present in <strong>Cave</strong>s: VaseIllustrations: 5.57Discussion: Scene on vessel depicts a water birdamong other elements. The cream-colored body ofthe bird ranged from 10YR 8/3 to 8/4. Reddishportions of the beak, wing, and leg ranged from5YR 7/8 to 10R 5/8.Chemax Black-on-preslate: ChemaxGroup: SatEstablished by: Varela 1994Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Tacbi Ha 1Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: N/ADescription: see Varela 1994Type Collection Reference: OxkintokForms Present in <strong>Cave</strong>s: N/AIllustrations: N/AYaxuna Striated-preslip: YaxunaGroup: SatEstablished by: Varela 1994Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Maas 3Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution: N/ADescription: see Varela 1994Type Collection Reference: Oxkintok Y-108-7Forms Present in <strong>Cave</strong>s: CazuelaIllustrations: 5.58, aJanan Orange Polychrome: JananGroup: ChumulEstablished by: Connor 1983:121–123Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 1Regional Intersite Distribution: El Naranjal (Boucher1997)Representative General Distribution: Cozumel(Connor 1983:121–123), Xelha (Canche 1991)Description: See Connor 1983:121–123Type Collection Reference: San Gervasio Q-10-1Forms Present in <strong>Cave</strong>s: CajeteIllustrations: 5.58, b–cDiscussion: Although solid tripod supports are common<strong>for</strong> this type, one sherd from the cave collectionhas a low ring base. A portion of its exterior is roughand unslipped. At least two sherds from Ball’sYucatan-Campeche Coast collection appear to correspondto Janan Orange Polychrome (labeled a“Unspecified Polychromes,” Y-7-5).Janan Orange Polychrome SpecialGroup: ChumulEstablished by: Type: Connor 1983:121–123Regional Inter-<strong>Cave</strong> Distribution and Frequency:Actun Toh 1Regional Intersite Distribution: N/RRepresentative General Distribution:Description: N/A

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