Council ratification of items dealt with under ... - City of Bayswater

Council ratification of items dealt with under ... - City of Bayswater Council ratification of items dealt with under ... - City of Bayswater
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Administration and CommunityServicesAttachment 1Honorary Freeman of the City Policy.EO-P15• Acted with reasonable care and diligence;• Acted with honesty and integrity;• Acted lawfully;• Avoided damage to the reputation of thelocal government;• Been open and accountable to the public;• Based decisions on relevant and factuallycorrect information;• Treated others with respect and fairness; and• Not been impaired by mind affectingsubstances.C) POSTHUMOUS CLAUSEIn the instance a person is deceased, that personmay be considered a candidate if theydemonstrated service as a Mayor or Councillorof the City of Bayswater over a non continuousperiod or a period less than that specified incriteria a) or b) of this policy, for which theircontribution to the City and its community isconsidered exceptional by the Council and thatthe candidate exhibited the following generalprinciples in his / her capacity as Mayor /Councillor:• Acted with reasonable care and diligence;• Acted with honesty and integrity;• Acted lawfully;• Avoided damage to the reputation of thelocal government;• Been open and accountable to the public;• Based decisions on relevant and factuallycorrect information;• Treated others with respect and fairness; and• Not been impaired by mind affectingsubstances.Step 3The Chief Executive Officer to notify all Councillors(in writing) of the nomination, with a request that hebe advised of any objections to the nominationwithin three (3) weeks of the date of the notification.Step 4The Chief Executive Officer to report verbally on thenomination to the next Meeting of Council.Step 5The full Council to discuss, behind closed doors, theviews expressed by Councillors and either:Honorary Freeman Policy Amendments 19 July 2010Page 2 of 35. The honour may be bestowed posthumously on acitizen or former citizen of the City who hasserved the community with distinction or excelledin their field of endeavour and whose conductmeets the criteria specified in (6).6. Any successful candidate for the honour must be aperson:• of the highest personal integrity;• who has a distinguished record of service;• who has at all times acted lawfully; and• who has treated other citizens with respect andfairness.6. A person who has a criminal conviction, or who hasbeen the subject of a finding or opinion ofmisconduct by a properly constituted body, shallnot be eligible to become an Honorary Freeman.NOMINATION PROCESS1. A nomination may be made by any citizen butmust be countersigned by at least three servingmembers of Council.2. The nomination shall be made to the ChiefExecutive Officer who will notify all Councillors(in writing) of the nomination, with a request thathe be advised of any objections to the nominationwithin three (3) weeks of the date of thenotification.3. The Chief Executive Officer to report on thenomination to the next Meeting of Council.4. The full Council will discuss the report as aconfidential item to consider the views expressedby Councillors and either:• Take no further action; or• Include an item in the Minutes of the nextCouncil Meeting that: ‘The title of ‘HonoraryFreeman of the City of Bayswater’ bebestowed upon that nominee.’5. The nomination must be resolved by an absolutemajority.RIGHTS, ENTITLEMENTS ANDOBLIGATIONS1. The conferral of the status of ‘Honorary Freemanof the City carries no legal rights and entitlements.However, the bearer of the honour will be:a) presented with a Certificate of HonoraryFreeman;b) the subject of a portrait commissioned by the

Administration and CommunityServicesAttachment 1Honorary Freeman of the City Policy.EO-P15Take no further actionORInclude an item in the Minutes of the next CouncilMeeting that:The title of ‘Honorary Freeman of the City ofBayswater’ be bestowed upon that nomineeHonorary Freeman Policy Amendments 19 July 2010Page 3 of 3City;c) at the discretion of the Mayor, invited toappropriate civic events, with their spouse orpartner.2. Bearing the title Honorary Freeman of the Cityobliges the holder to conduct themselves in amanner befitting that honour. Council will beentitled to withdraw the honour, by absolutemajority, in the following circumstances:Step 6The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to arrangefor a Certificate of Honorary Freeman to bepresented to the candidate and the commissioning bythe Council of a portrait to be displayed in anappropriate place in the Council AdministrationCentre.a) where the individual is the subject of acriminal conviction or a finding or opinion ofmisconduct by a properly constituted body;andb) where the conduct of the individual reflectsadversely on the City’s reputation.CODE OF CONDUCT1. Freeman of the City attending events or functionsat the invitation of the Mayor will behave in amanner befitting the honour bestowed and will atall times:o Refrain from making critical ordisparaging remarks about Council or pastand present CouncillorsoRefrain from any behaviour that mayembarrass Council or bring it intodisrepute.DelegationDate AdoptedDate Amended: 24 April 2006, 25 September2007DelegationDate AdoptedDate Amended

Administration and CommunityServicesAttachment 1Honorary Freeman <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> Policy.EO-P15• Acted <strong>with</strong> reasonable care and diligence;• Acted <strong>with</strong> honesty and integrity;• Acted lawfully;• Avoided damage to the reputation <strong>of</strong> thelocal government;• Been open and accountable to the public;• Based decisions on relevant and factuallycorrect information;• Treated others <strong>with</strong> respect and fairness; and• Not been impaired by mind affectingsubstances.C) POSTHUMOUS CLAUSEIn the instance a person is deceased, that personmay be considered a candidate if theydemonstrated service as a Mayor or <strong>Council</strong>lor<strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bayswater</strong> over a non continuousperiod or a period less than that specified incriteria a) or b) <strong>of</strong> this policy, for which theircontribution to the <strong>City</strong> and its community isconsidered exceptional by the <strong>Council</strong> and thatthe candidate exhibited the following generalprinciples in his / her capacity as Mayor /<strong>Council</strong>lor:• Acted <strong>with</strong> reasonable care and diligence;• Acted <strong>with</strong> honesty and integrity;• Acted lawfully;• Avoided damage to the reputation <strong>of</strong> thelocal government;• Been open and accountable to the public;• Based decisions on relevant and factuallycorrect information;• Treated others <strong>with</strong> respect and fairness; and• Not been impaired by mind affectingsubstances.Step 3The Chief Executive Officer to notify all <strong>Council</strong>lors(in writing) <strong>of</strong> the nomination, <strong>with</strong> a request that hebe advised <strong>of</strong> any objections to the nomination<strong>with</strong>in three (3) weeks <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> the notification.Step 4The Chief Executive Officer to report verbally on thenomination to the next Meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Step 5The full <strong>Council</strong> to discuss, behind closed doors, theviews expressed by <strong>Council</strong>lors and either:Honorary Freeman Policy Amendments 19 July 2010Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 35. The honour may be bestowed posthumously on acitizen or former citizen <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> who hasserved the community <strong>with</strong> distinction or excelledin their field <strong>of</strong> endeavour and whose conductmeets the criteria specified in (6).6. Any successful candidate for the honour must be aperson:• <strong>of</strong> the highest personal integrity;• who has a distinguished record <strong>of</strong> service;• who has at all times acted lawfully; and• who has treated other citizens <strong>with</strong> respect andfairness.6. A person who has a criminal conviction, or who hasbeen the subject <strong>of</strong> a finding or opinion <strong>of</strong>misconduct by a properly constituted body, shallnot be eligible to become an Honorary Freeman.NOMINATION PROCESS1. A nomination may be made by any citizen butmust be countersigned by at least three servingmembers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.2. The nomination shall be made to the ChiefExecutive Officer who will notify all <strong>Council</strong>lors(in writing) <strong>of</strong> the nomination, <strong>with</strong> a request thathe be advised <strong>of</strong> any objections to the nomination<strong>with</strong>in three (3) weeks <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> thenotification.3. The Chief Executive Officer to report on thenomination to the next Meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.4. The full <strong>Council</strong> will discuss the report as aconfidential item to consider the views expressedby <strong>Council</strong>lors and either:• Take no further action; or• Include an item in the Minutes <strong>of</strong> the next<strong>Council</strong> Meeting that: ‘The title <strong>of</strong> ‘HonoraryFreeman <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bayswater</strong>’ bebestowed upon that nominee.’5. The nomination must be resolved by an absolutemajority.RIGHTS, ENTITLEMENTS ANDOBLIGATIONS1. The conferral <strong>of</strong> the status <strong>of</strong> ‘Honorary Freeman<strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> carries no legal rights and entitlements.However, the bearer <strong>of</strong> the honour will be:a) presented <strong>with</strong> a Certificate <strong>of</strong> HonoraryFreeman;b) the subject <strong>of</strong> a portrait commissioned by the

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