Council ratification of items dealt with under ... - City of Bayswater

Council ratification of items dealt with under ... - City of Bayswater Council ratification of items dealt with under ... - City of Bayswater
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Administration and CommunityServicesAttachment 11. City of Bayswater Feedback forProposed Domestic Cat LegislationRationale:Proposal for Domestic Cat Legislation 19 July 2010Page 7 of 7Most Local Governments administer dog legislation at a considerable cost to the community. Thesecosts are only normally partially funded through dog registrations.29. Once legislation is introduced, how long would it take for a local government to be able tocommence administering and enforcing the provisions?There is currently insufficient information to provide an informed response to this question.Once a Bill is provided that provides details of the proposed registration fees and charges, theCity will be in a better position to analyse the cost implications.

Administration and CommunityServicesAttachment 1Honorary Freeman of the City Policy.EO-P15EXISTING POLICYCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICEHonorary Freeman Policy Amendments 19 July 2010Page 1 of 3NEW POLICYCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICEHONORARY FREEMAN OF THE CITYPOLICY NO. EO-P15HONORARY FREEMAN OF THE CITYPOLICY NO. EO-P15PURPOSE/OBJECTIVENomination procedure for conferring the title of‘Honorary Freeman’.PURPOSE/OBJECTIVETo outline the City’s policy on establishingHonorary Freemen of the City.POLICYStep 1Where a Councillor intends to nominate a person forthe title of ‘Honorary Freeman of the City’ he/shemust first make his/her intention clear to the ChiefExecutive Officer.Step 2That the criteria for nominations for conferring thetitle of Honorary Freeman candidates be:A) MAYOR OF THE CITY:10 years continuous service in which thecandidate has demonstrated exceptional serviceto the City of Bayswater and its community andhas exhibited the following general principles inhis / her capacity as Mayor:• Acted with reasonable care and diligence;• Acted with honesty and integrity;• Acted lawfully;• Avoided damage to the reputation of thelocal government;• Been open and accountable to the public;• Based decisions on relevant and factuallycorrect information;• Treated others with respect and fairness; and• Not been impaired by mind affectingsubstances.B) COUNCILLOR OF THE CITY:20 years continuous service in which thecandidate has demonstrated exceptional serviceto the City of Bayswater and its community andhas exhibited the following general principles inhis / her capacity as Councillor:POLICYTo outline the City’s policy on establishing HonoraryFreemen of the City.Designating a citizen an Honorary Freeman is thehighest honour that the City can bestow.This policy establishes the eligibility criteria for theselection of Honorary Freemen; the nominationprocedures; and the rights, entitlements and obligationof those who hold the honour.ELIGIBILITY1. All citizens or former citizens of the City areeligible to be nominated as Honorary Freemanprovided they have served the community withdistinction or excelled in their field of endeavourand met the criteria specified in (6).2. A Mayor of the City who has served continuouslyfor 10 years and has demonstrated exceptionalservice to the City of Bayswater shall be eligiblefor the honour.3. A Councillor who has served continuously for 20years and has demonstrated exceptional service tothe City of Bayswater shall be eligible for thehonour.4. The honour may be bestowed posthumously on aformer Mayor or former Councillor of the City ofBayswater who has served less than the termsspecified in (2) or (3) or who has served noncontinuouslybut whose community service wasconsidered exceptional and meets the criteriaspecified in (6).

Administration and CommunityServicesAttachment 11. <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bayswater</strong> Feedback forProposed Domestic Cat LegislationRationale:Proposal for Domestic Cat Legislation 19 July 2010Page 7 <strong>of</strong> 7Most Local Governments administer dog legislation at a considerable cost to the community. Thesecosts are only normally partially funded through dog registrations.29. Once legislation is introduced, how long would it take for a local government to be able tocommence administering and enforcing the provisions?There is currently insufficient information to provide an informed response to this question.Once a Bill is provided that provides details <strong>of</strong> the proposed registration fees and charges, the<strong>City</strong> will be in a better position to analyse the cost implications.

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