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Chapter 8(IPEA 26 May 2010, 16).34 In terms of socio-economicdevelopment, UNICA (the Brazilian National SugarCane Industrial Association) estimates that the sugarcane and ethanol sector generates from 588,000 to 1.4million jobs, accounting for seasonal variation (thoughsalaries are on average lower than in the petroleum sector)(ibid., 16-17).35State support is related not only to growing demandsfor renewable fuel sources, but also to the Brazilian government’scontinued concern for energy independenceand its growing role as a leader in Latin American energyintegration efforts (IPEA 25 May 2010, 7; Ubiraci andNarciso 2009). The Brazilian government has also activelyadvocated for global standards for ethanol and biofuelsin international forums, to ensure continued internationalmarket space for ethanol and the country’s small, butgrowing, biodiesel industry (IPEA 26 May 2010, 7; Leviet al. 2010, 79).Works CitedAmazon Watch. 2011. “Amazon Watch >> Stop the Belo MonteMonster Dam.” Accessed April 5. http://amazonwatch.org/work/belo-monte-dam.Baer, Werner. 2008. The Brazilian Economy: Growth and Development.Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.Banco Mundial (World Bank). 2010. Estudo de Baixo Carbono parao Brasil – Relatório de Síntese Técnica - Energia. Washington, D.C.:World Bank.Banco Mundial (World Bank). 2010. Estudo de Baixo Carbono parao Brasil – Relatório de Síntese Técnica – Uso da Terra, Mudanças doUso da Terra e Florestas. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.Barreto, Paulo, Andréia Pinto, Brenda Brito, and Sanae Hayashi.2008. Quem é dono da Amazônia? Uma análise do recadastramentode imóveis rurais. 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