Chapter 8ing years increasingly from biodiesel. Table 1 belowshows the changes in Brazil’s energy supply from 1940to 2009 by source. Overall domestic energy supply rosefrom about 23 million toe in 1940 to 243 million toe in2009. Concomitant with growth in the domestic supplyof energy, production grew among all sources of energy.The use of petroleum in Brazil has steadily increasedover time, but the substantial rise in production of sugarcane products (ethanol, biomass) and the generation ofelectricity from dams have reduced petroleum’s overallshare in the energy matrix. The growth of sugar caneand hydroelectric energy production was especially highbetween 1970 and 1980, when the 1973 OPEC oil shockinduced Brazil’s military dictatorship to reduce nationaldependence on imported oil.20Table 1 also illustrates the changing shares of eachsource of energy in Brazil’s energy matrix. The share ofpetroleum in total domestic supply peaked in 2000 at50.9%, and has since fallen marginally to 46.6% in 2009.21 Meanwhile the share of hydropower has risen substantially,from 1.5% in 1940, to 9.6% in 1980 and 25.2% in2009. Much of this is consumed as electricity. At the sametime, sugar cane products (ethanol and biomass from bagasse)have increased their share from 2.4% in 1940 to8% in 1980 and 18.2% today. This changing balance betweenrenewable and non-renewable sources of energyover time makes Brazil an impressive case of energy systemstransition.This section will focus its analysis on three importantand growing renewable energy sectors: ethanol, biodiesel,and hydropower.4.2 EthanolEthanol is Brazil’s signature biofuel, and its productionand consumption both within Brazil and abroad aregrowing due to the advent in 2003 of flex-fuel cars inBrazil (which can run on any combination of petroleumbasedgasoline and ethanol), and to world demand forrenewable energy sources. Though Brazil’s sugar canebasedvariety of ethanol may reduce GHG emissions byup to 92% (from production to burning), sugar cane requiresland on which to grow, and extension of farm landdevoted to sugar cane may directly worsen deforestationrates in Brazil’s Atlantic forest, as well as indirectly increaseAmazon deforestation by displacing other cropsand cattle ranching in coastal regions and the Cerradotoward the Amazon.Ethanol is widely considered to be a carbon-efficientfuel when compared to petroleum because it burns morecleanly than oil and is extracted from crops, the next generationof which re-absorbs some of the carbon emittedfrom the burning of the previous generation. Studies indicatethat Brazil’s sugar cane-based ethanol is especiallyadvantageous, reducing GHG emissions up to 92% perliter of ethanol when compared to one liter of petroleumbasedgasoline (measuring life cycle emissions of eachfrom production to burning). The U.S.’s corn based-ethanol,by contrast, only reduces carbon emissions by 19-47% (La Rovere et al. 2011, 1031). In addition, at aboutArea of sugar caneMillions of Hectares per year12Area Planted109,78645,63,94,3 4,6 4,8201,92,61975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009Figure 4: Area of sugar cane planted in Brazil, 1975-2009(MAPA 2010)Source: MAPA 2010. (Ministero de Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento,Anuario Estatistico de Agroenergia,$23/liter in 2005, Brazilian ethanol is more efficientto produce than sugar cane-based ethanol produced inother leading countries, such as Thailand and Australia(Nassar 2009, 70). Part of these advantages lies in climaticconditions, and part is due to the fact that all ethanoldistilleries in Brazil power the production of ethanol byburning their own sugar cane bagasse, rather than fossilfuels – which reduces their own energy costs as well asnet carbon emissions (Hofstrand 2008; Nassar 2009, 71).State support (including subsidies and the creation ofa domestic market through minimum ethanol-petroleumblending requirements in gasoline) since the implementationof the Pro-Álcool Program in 1975 has enabledthe sugar cane-based ethanol industry to grow andthrive, and there are currently 434 ethanol distilleries inoperation in Brazil (IPEA 26 May 2010, 14). Productionis driven both by high domestic and global demand: In2007, Brazil exported 185 million gallons of ethanol tothe U.S. and produced just under 6 billion gallons for domesticconsumption (Hofstrand 2008).22Furthermore, if environmental laws in the coastal AtlanticForest areas are not effectively enforced, ethanolproduction may lead to higher rates of deforestationthere in the coming decades.However, as land area in Brazil dedicated to sugarcane farming for ethanol grows to meet domestic andworld demand for biofuels, other crops and cattle ranchingmay be displaced toward the Cerrado and Amazon,which may indirectly worsen GHG emissions from Amazondeforestation by increasing competition for landthere (McAllister 2008b, 10,876). Furthermore, if environmentallaws in the coastal Atlantic Forest areas arenot effectively enforced, ethanol production may lead tohigher rates of deforestation there in the coming decades.Figure 4 (below) shows the growth in the land area de-20 Today, most of Brazil’s petroleumis produced domestically,though some light petroleum isimported from elsewhere to mixwith Brazil’s heavy crude in therefining process (Sennes and Narciso2009, 33-34).21 Petroleum’s share may rise inthe coming decades as Brazil beginsto explore its recently discoveredpre-salt oil fields.22 For an extended discussion ofthe development of Brazil’s ethanolindustry, see Appendix 2.92

Chapter 823 Rosa et al. (2009, 16) are moreoptimistic: they calculate thatthere are 90 million hectares ofland in Brazil still “available for theexpansion of agriculture withoutdeforestation.”24 See Table 3 in Appendix 2.25 Cotton and other oils and fatsaccount for only 7.17% of raw materialsincluded in biofuels (IPEA26 May 2010, 28).26 On 18 March 2011, the Brazilianmeatpacking company Minervaopened a bovine fat-basedbiodiesel plant in the Center-Weststate of Goiás (Business News Americas16 March 2011). Togetherwith four other large meatpackingcompanies – Bertim, Independência,JBS, and Marfrig – Minervacontrolled over 50% of Brazil’s beefexport market in 2007 (Greenpeace2009, 6).27 Biodiesel has been integratedinto diesel gradually since 2005:2% in 2005-2007, 3% 2008-2012,5% starting in 2013, per Law No.11,097/2005.28 Law 11,097/2005 introducedbiodiesel into the Brazilian energymatrix, though BNDES ResolutionNo. 1,135/2004 established its FinancialAssistance and Investmentin Biodiesel Program (IPEA 26May 2010, 23). From 2005 to 2009,through its Programa Biodiesel,BNDES provided R$9.156 billionto 47 programs or actions relatedto biodiesel, including energy generation(R$520 million), bioelectricity(R$580 million), marketing(R$627 million), agriculture andindustry (R$2.406 million), andcredit for industry, commerce andservices (R$3.295 million) (ibid.,32-33).voted to sugar cane cultivation (to produce both sugarand ethanol) from 1975 to 2009.Land area devoted to sugar cane cultivation grew especiallyrapidly in the 2005-2009 period, due to growingdomestic and global demand for ethanol. To give a sensefor ethanol’s contribution to the trajectory shown in Figure4, in the 1975/76 harvest, only 14% of sugar cane harvestedon 1.9 million hectares was used to produce ethanol– the other 86% was converted to sugar. In contrast,in the 2009/10 harvest, 57% of the sugar cane harvestedon 9.67 million hectares was used to produce ethanol,while only 43% was converted to sugar (MAPA 2010).Based on this pattern, we may conclude that a continuingrise in world demand for ethanol will lead to growth inthe land area used to cultivate sugar cane in Brazil, whichmay exacerbate deforestation.Indeed, econometric modeling by the Brazilian Institutefor Advanced Economic Studies (IPEA) indicatesthat sugar cane cultivation will lead to more deforestationin the Atlantic forest over the next two decades. IPEA(2010, 431) estimates that sugar cane crop area will growto 22-23 million hectares by 2035, with most growth concentratedin the Southeastern states of Minas Gerais, SãoPaulo, and Rio de Janeiro, and a lesser share in the morearid Northeast region. These two regions contain muchof what remains of the Atlantic Forest, and if strict ecologicalzoning policies to protect forests are not implementedand enforced, sugar cane production may reducethe Southeast’s remaining forest cover by 67%, and theNortheast’s by 21% (ibid., 432).23Some policy progress is being made to address thelong-term environmental risks of ethanol growth, butmore must be done to ensure that ethanol remains environmentallysustainable. A national law proposed in 2009would prohibit sugar cane cultivation in the Pantanal andAmazon biomes (IPEA 2010, 144) – a measure that willhave little effect, since sugar cane is expected only indirectlyto affect the Amazon, as it does not grow well there(Nassar 2009, 68). More positively, in 2007 the state ofSão Paulo and the president of that state’s sugarcane producers’union signed an Agroenvironmental Protocol,which sets deadlines to phase out and eventually eliminatesugarcane harvest burning – a major source of agriculturalGHG emissions in the state – and commits sugarcane farmers to reforesting 400,000 hectares of degradedlands (Lucon and Goldemberg 2010, 343-344). São Paulois also in the process of implementing an ecologicaleconomiczoning program to minimize biodiversity lossin sugar cane expansion areas (Author’s interviews withpersonnel of São Paulo’s Forestry Foundation, July 2010).Finally, unlike in poorer states in Brazil, São Paulo’s stateenvironmental and forestry agencies are relatively competent,and the state’s Ministério Público vigilantly enforcesenvironmental laws (McAllister 2008a).Finally, the productivity of sugar cane production hasimproved considerably since 1975. Tons of sugar caneproduced per hectare has risen from 65 in the 1977-78harvest to an average of 85 in the 1989-2004 period.Similarly, liters of ethanol produced per hectare of sugarcane planted increased from 4,550 to 6,800 over the sameperiod (IPEA 26 May 2010, 13). Productivity is expectedto continue to rise to about 7,160 liters of ethanol perhectare by 2020,24 and if this is combined with effectiveecological-economic zoning and environmental law enforcement,ethanol’s potential to contribute to deforestationmay decline from current estimates.4.3 BiodieselBrazil has been investing in biodiesel production since2005, and the country’s 2008-2017 Decennial Plan aimsto produce enough biodiesel not only to power vehicles,but also integrate into the electricity grid (IPEA 26 May2010, 21). Though the industry remains small, growth inthe coming decades may directly worsen deforestationrates: Despite Brazilian government efforts to diversifythe agricultural ingredients in biodiesel, current inputsare largely soy and bovine fat, and soybean farmers andcattle ranchers in the Cerrado and Amazon regions – theprincipal economic drivers of Amazon deforestation –are beginning to invest in biodiesel production to takeadvantage of government supports for the sector.Despite Brazilian government efforts to diversify theagricultural ingredients in biodiesel, current inputs arelargely soy and bovine fat, and soybean farmers andcattle ranchers in the Cerrado and Amazon regions –the principal economic drivers of Amazon deforestation– are beginning to invest in biodiesel production totake advantage of government supports for the sector.Soy and bovine fat account for 75.04% and 17.79%of raw materials used in biodiesel, respectively.25 Theseraw materials are produced by the same industries that,as discussed in Section 2 above, are responsible for themajority of deforestation in the Amazon.26 In regards tothe international market for biofuels, McAllister (2008b,10,876) notes that “…the production of biofuels elsewherein the world may [increase]… the price of soybeansor cattle on the international market, thus stimulatingfurther production of these commodities in theAmazon and the resultant deforestation.” A mechanismby which this may happen is through the displacementof soybeans for corn cultivation for ethanol in the U.S.,which may raise the price of Brazilian soybeans on theworld market and induce Brazilian farmers to increaseproduction (ibid.).Although in 2008 biodiesel accounted for less than1% of Brazil’s domestic energy supply, it is being graduallyintegrated into the energy matrix: Currently, nationalstandards require that all diesel gasoline sold inBrazil contain 3% biodiesel as of 2008 – and most dieselsold now contains 5% biodiesel (IPEA 26 May 2010, 20-22).27 A 2005 law established state support for biodiesel,including research support and financing from BNDESand other public institutions.28 These investments havebegun to yield results: From 2006 to 2008, production ofGreen Growth: From religion to reality 93

Chapter 823 Rosa et al. (2009, 16) are moreoptimistic: they calculate thatthere are 90 million hectares ofland in Brazil still “available for theexpansion of agriculture withoutdeforestation.”24 See Table 3 in Appendix 2.25 Cotton and other oils and fatsaccount for only 7.17% of raw materialsincluded in biofuels (IPEA26 May 2010, 28).26 On 18 March 2011, the Brazilianmeatpacking company Minervaopened a bovine fat-basedbiodiesel plant in the Center-Weststate of Goiás (Business News Americas16 March 2011). Togetherwith four other large meatpackingcompanies – Bertim, Independência,JBS, and Marfrig – Minervacontrolled over 50% of Brazil’s beefexport market in 2007 (Greenpeace2009, 6).27 Biodiesel has been integratedinto diesel gradually since 2005:2% in 2005-2007, 3% 2008-2012,5% starting in 2013, per Law No.11,097/2005.28 Law 11,097/2005 introducedbiodiesel into the Brazilian energymatrix, though BNDES ResolutionNo. 1,135/2004 established its FinancialAssistance and Investmentin Biodiesel Program (IPEA 26May 2010, 23). From 2005 to 2009,through its Programa Biodiesel,BNDES provided R$9.156 billionto 47 programs or actions relatedto biodiesel, including energy generation(R$520 million), bioelectricity(R$580 million), marketing(R$627 million), agriculture andindustry (R$2.406 million), andcredit for industry, commerce andservices (R$3.295 million) (ibid.,32-33).voted to sugar cane cultivation (to produce both sugarand ethanol) from 1975 to 2009.Land area devoted to sugar cane cultivation grew especiallyrapidly in the 2005-2009 period, due to growingdomestic and global demand for ethanol. To give a sensefor ethanol’s contribution to the trajectory shown in Figure4, in the 1975/76 harvest, only 14% of sugar cane harvestedon 1.9 million hectares was used to produce ethanol– the other 86% was converted to sugar. In contrast,in the 2009/10 harvest, 57% of the sugar cane harvestedon 9.67 million hectares was used to produce ethanol,while only 43% was converted to sugar (MAPA 2010).Based on this pattern, we may conclude that a continuingrise in world demand for ethanol will lead to growth inthe land area used to cultivate sugar cane in Brazil, whichmay exacerbate deforestation.Indeed, econometric modeling by the Brazilian Institutefor Advanced Economic Studies (IPEA) indicatesthat sugar cane cultivation will lead to more deforestationin the Atlantic forest over the next two decades. IPEA(2010, 431) estimates that sugar cane crop area will growto 22-23 million hectares by 2035, with most growth concentratedin the Southeastern states of Minas Gerais, SãoPaulo, and Rio de Janeiro, and a lesser share in the morearid Northeast region. These two regions contain muchof what remains of the Atlantic Forest, and if strict ecologicalzoning policies to protect forests are not implementedand enforced, sugar cane production may reducethe Southeast’s remaining forest cover by 67%, and theNortheast’s by 21% (ibid., 432).23Some policy progress is being made to address thelong-term environmental risks of ethanol growth, butmore must be done to ensure that ethanol remains environmentallysustainable. A national law proposed in 2009would prohibit sugar cane cultivation in the Pantanal andAmazon biomes (IPEA 2010, 144) – a measure that willhave little effect, since sugar cane is expected only indirectlyto affect the Amazon, as it does not grow well there(Nassar 2009, 68). More positively, in 2007 the state ofSão Paulo and the president of that state’s sugarcane producers’union signed an Agroenvironmental Protocol,which sets deadlines to phase out and eventually eliminatesugarcane harvest burning – a major source of agriculturalGHG emissions in the state – and commits sugarcane farmers to reforesting 400,000 hectares of degradedlands (Lucon and Goldemberg 2010, 343-344). São Paulois also in the process of implementing an ecologicaleconomiczoning program to minimize biodiversity lossin sugar cane expansion areas (Author’s interviews withpersonnel of São Paulo’s Forestry Foundation, July 2010).Finally, unlike in poorer states in Brazil, São Paulo’s stateenvironmental and forestry agencies are relatively competent,and the state’s Ministério Público vigilantly enforcesenvironmental laws (McAllister 2008a).Finally, the productivity of sugar cane production hasimproved considerably since 1975. Tons of sugar caneproduced per hectare has risen from 65 in the 1977-78harvest to an average of 85 in the 1989-2004 period.Similarly, liters of ethanol produced per hectare of sugarcane planted increased from 4,550 to 6,800 over the sameperiod (IPEA 26 May 2010, 13). Productivity is expectedto continue to rise to about 7,160 liters of ethanol perhectare by 2020,24 and if this is combined with effectiveecological-economic zoning and environmental law enforcement,ethanol’s potential to contribute to deforestationmay decline from current estimates.4.3 BiodieselBrazil has been investing in biodiesel production since2005, and the country’s 2008-2017 Decennial Plan aimsto produce enough biodiesel not only to power vehicles,but also integrate into the electricity grid (IPEA 26 May2010, 21). Though the industry remains small, growth inthe coming decades may directly worsen deforestationrates: Despite Brazilian government efforts to diversifythe agricultural ingredients in biodiesel, current inputsare largely soy and bovine fat, and soybean farmers andcattle ranchers in the Cerrado and Amazon regions – theprincipal economic drivers of Amazon deforestation –are beginning to invest in biodiesel production to takeadvantage of government supports for the sector.Despite Brazilian government efforts to diversify theagricultural ingredients in biodiesel, current inputs arelargely soy and bovine fat, and soybean farmers andcattle ranchers in the Cerrado and Amazon regions –the principal economic drivers of Amazon deforestation– are beginning to invest in biodiesel production totake advantage of government supports for the sector.Soy and bovine fat account for 75.04% and 17.79%of raw materials used in biodiesel, respectively.25 Theseraw materials are produced by the same industries that,as discussed in Section 2 above, are responsible for themajority of deforestation in the Amazon.26 In regards tothe international market for biofuels, McAllister (2008b,10,876) notes that “…the production of biofuels elsewherein the world may [increase]… the price of soybeansor cattle on the international market, thus stimulatingfurther production of these commodities in theAmazon and the resultant deforestation.” A mechanismby which this may happen is through the displacementof soybeans for corn cultivation for ethanol in the U.S.,which may raise the price of Brazilian soybeans on theworld market and induce Brazilian farmers to increaseproduction (ibid.).Although in 2008 biodiesel accounted for less than1% of Brazil’s domestic energy supply, it is being graduallyintegrated into the energy matrix: Currently, nationalstandards require that all diesel gasoline sold inBrazil contain 3% biodiesel as of 2008 – and most dieselsold now contains 5% biodiesel (IPEA 26 May 2010, 20-22).27 A 2005 law established state support for biodiesel,including research support and financing from BNDESand other public institutions.28 These investments havebegun to yield results: From 2006 to 2008, production ofGreen Growth: From religion to reality 93

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