Type 1 diabetes - redGDPS

Type 1 diabetes - redGDPS Type 1 diabetes - redGDPS

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<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>: diagnosisand management of type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> in children andyoung peopleNational Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s HealthCommissioned by the National Institute for Clinical ExcellenceSeptember 2004RCOG Pressi

Published by the RCOG Press at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 27 Sussex Place,Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RGwww.rcog.org.ukRegistered charity no. 213280First published 2004© National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s HealthApart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, criticism or review, as permittedunder the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, storedor transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher or, in thecase of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright LicensingAgency in the UK. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms stated here should be sent to thepublisher at the UK address printed on this page.The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of aspecific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore forgeneral use.The publisher can give no guarantee for information about drug dosage and application thereof contained inthis book. In every individual case the respective user must check its accuracy by consulting otherpharmaceutical literature.The rights of National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health to be identified as Author ofthis work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.ISBN 1-904752-05-5RCOG Editor: Andrew WelshDesign/typesetting by FiSH Books, LondonPrinted by Bell & Bain Ltd, 303 Burnfield Road, Thornliebank, Glasgow G46 7UQ

ContentsGuideline Development Group membership and acknowledgementsGuideline Development GroupAcknowledgementsStakeholder organisationsAbbreviationsGlossary of termsvvvviviiixChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Aim of the guideline 11.2 Areas outside the remit of the guideline 11.3 For whom is the guideline intended? 21.4 Who has developed the guideline? 21.5 Other relevant documents 21.6 Guideline methodology 3Chapter 2 Summary of recommendations and practice algorithm 72.1 Summary of recommendations 72.2 Future research recommendations 182.3 Algorithm 19Chapter 3 Diagnosis and initial management 223.1 Diagnosis 223.2 Management from diagnosis 243.3 Natural history of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> 273.4 Essential education at diagnosis 30Chapter 4 Ongoing management 334.1 Education 334.2 Insulin regimens 374.3 Insulin preparations 484.4 Methods of delivering insulin 584.5 Non-insulin agents (oral antidiabetic drugs) 634.6 Monitoring glycaemic control 674.7 Diet 784.8 Exercise 824.9 Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs 844.10 Long-distance travel 874.11 Immunisation 87Chapter 5 Complications and associated conditions 895.1 Hypoglycaemia 895.2 Diabetic ketoacidosis 935.3 Surgery 1005.4 Intercurrent illness 1015.5 Screening for complications and associated conditions 103iii

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Chapter 6 Psychological and social issues 1096.1 Emotional and behavioural problems 1096.2 Anxiety and depression 1106.3 Eating disorders 1126.4 Cognitive disorders 1146.5 Behavioural and conduct disorders 1166.6 Non-adherence 1176.7 Psychosocial support 1186.8 Adolescence 122Chapter 7 Continuity of care 1247.1 Communication between organisations 1247.2 Transition from paediatric to adult care 126Chapter 8 Auditable standards 129Appendix A<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people. Understanding NICE guidance –information for the families and carers of children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>,young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, and the public 133Appendix BClinical evidence forest plots 149Appendix CYoung people’s consultation day 157Appendix DManagement of diabetic ketoacidosis 159References 169Index 191Evidence tablesCD-ROMiv

Guideline DevelopmentGroup membership andacknowledgementsGuideline Development GroupStephen GreeneJeremy AllgroveTimothy BarrettVincent ConnollyJames CrippsJo DaltonAlan EnglishJane HoughtonMustafa KapasiGill ReganCarol WilliamsJane ThomasMoira MugglestoneAnna BurtGregory EliovsonAlex McNeilAnna BancsiHannah-Rose DouglasDimitra LambrelliPaediatrician and Group LeaderPaediatricianPaediatricianPhysicianConsumer RepresentativeSpecialist Nurse Practitioner, Paediatric DiabetesClinical PsychologistNurse ConsultantGeneral PractitionerPaediatric DietitianConsumer RepresentativeDirector, National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health (NCC-WCH)Deputy Director, NCC-WCHResearch Fellow, NCC-WCHInformatics Specialist, NCC-WCHResearch Assistant, NCC-WCHWork Programme Coordinator, NCC-WCHHealth Economist, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)Health Economist, LSHTMAcknowledgementsAdditional support was received from:Heather Brown, Helena Campbell, Susan Davidson, Jennifer Gray, Ann-Britt Jones, Irene Kwan, SusanMurray, Deirdre Quinlan, Felix Ram, Amanda Sage and Natalie Terry at the NCC- WCH; Carol Carson at theRoyal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh; Jessica Datta and Hannah Olle at the National Children’sBureau; Rob Grant, Stephen Barnes and Hilary Jackson at the National Collaborating Centre for ChronicConditions; and Laura Price, freelance medical writer and editor. We also thank the Patient Involvement Unitfor NICE (whose glossary was adapted for use in this guideline) and the young people who participated in theconsultation day, including: Rhian Anderson, Lowri Barrett, Luna Begum, Ruth Davidson, Sarah Greig, BrianHenderson, Cherelle Hurndall, Jennifer Hurst, Alex Lipinski, Louisa Oram, Stacey Phillips, Andrew Souter,Melanie Stephenson, James Titmuss and Rosie Westwell.v

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Stakeholder organisationsA. Menarini Diagnostics LtdAbbott Laboratories Limited (BASF/Knoll)Afiya TrustAfrican and Caribbean Diabetes AssociationAmbulance Service AssociationAssociation of British Clinical DiabetologistsAssociation of British Health-Care IndustriesAssociation of Clinical BiochemistsAssociation of the British Pharmaceuticals IndustryAstraZeneca UK LtdAtkins Nutritional IncAventis Pasteur MSDAventis PharmaBlood Pressure AssociationBournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine CentreBritish Association of Prosthetists and OrthotistsBritish Association of Sport and Exercise SciencesBritish Dietetic AssociationBritish Geriatrics Society Special Interest Group in DiabetesBritish Hypertension SocietyBritish In Vitro Diagnostics AssociationBritish Medical AssociationBritish National FormularyBritish Psychological SocietyBritish Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and DiabetesBritish Society of PeriodontologyBUPAChartered Society of PhysiotherapyCheshire West PCT and Ellesmere Port & Neston PCT Diabetes NSF LITCommission for Health ImprovementCollege of OptometristsColoplast LimitedCommunity District Nurses AssociationConvaTecDepartment of HealthDepression AllianceDiabetes UKEli Lilly and Company LtdFaculty of Dental SurgeryFaculty of Public HealthFibroid Network CharityGeneral Medical CouncilHealth Development AgencyHeart UKInstitute of Sport and Recreation ManagementInsulin Dependent Diabetes TrustJohnson & Johnson MedicalKidney AllianceLifeScanLimbless AssociationLong Term Medical Conditions AllianceMaternity Health LinksMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory AgencyMedtronic LimitedMerck Sharp & DohmeNational Association of Theatre Nursesvi

Guideline Development Group membership and acknowledgementsNational Council for Disabled People, Black, Minority and Ethnic CommunityNational Public Health ServiceNewcastle PCTNHS Information AuthorityNHS Quality Improvement ScotlandNorfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS TrustNovo Nordisk LimitedOrtho BiotechPatient Involvement Unit for NICEPfizer LimitedProdigyProvalis Diagnostics LtdRoche Diagnostics LimitedRoyal College of AnaesthetistsRoyal College of General PractitionersRoyal College of General Practitioners WalesRoyal College of MidwivesRoyal College of NursingRoyal College of OphthalmologistsRoyal College of Paediatrics and Child HealthRoyal College of PathologistsRoyal College of Physicians of LondonRoyal College of PsychiatristsRoyal College of Surgeons of EnglandRoyal National Institute of the BlindRoyal Pharmaceutical Society of Great BritainScottish Intercollegiate Guidelines NetworkSheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustSociety of Chiropodists and PodiatristsThe Royal Society of MedicineTissue Viability Nurses AssociationTissue Viability SocietyTOAST (The Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust)UK National Screening CommitteeUK Pain SocietyUK Thalassaemia SocietyWelsh Assembly Government (formerly National Assembly for Wales)Westmeria Healthcare Ltdvii

AbbreviationsCICGMSCSIIDCCTGDGGPPGRPHbA 1 , HbA 1cIQLSHTMNCBNCC-WCHNICENICE TANNTOGTTORQALYRCTRRSDSEWMDConfidence intervalContinuous glucose monitoring systemContinuous subcutaneous insulin infusionDiabetes Control and Complications TrialGuideline Development GroupGood practice pointGuideline Review PanelGlycated haemoglobinIntelligence quotientLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineNational Children’s BureauNational Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s HealthNational Institute for Clinical ExcellenceNICE Technology AppraisalNumber needed to treatOral glucose tolerance testOdds ratioQuality-adjusted life yearRandomised controlled (clinical) trialRelative risk (or risk ratio)Standard deviationStandard errorWeighted mean differenceviii

Glossary of termsBiasBlinding or maskingCase–control studyCase report (or case study)Case seriesClinical trialCohortCohort studyInfluences on a study that can lead to invalid conclusions about atreatment or intervention. Bias in research can make a treatment lookbetter or worse than it really is. Bias can even make it look as if thetreatment works when it does not. Bias can occur by chance or as aresult of systematic errors in the design and execution of a study. Biascan occur at different stages in the research process, for example, inthe collection, analysis, interpretation, publication or review ofresearch data.The practice of keeping the investigators or subjects of a studyignorant of the group to which a subject has been assigned. Forexample, a clinical trial in which the participating patients or theirdoctors are unaware of whether they (the patients) are taking theexperimental drug or a placebo (dummy treatment). The purpose of‘blinding’ or ‘masking’ is to protect against bias. See also double blindstudy.A study that starts with the identification of a group of individualssharing the same characteristics (for example, people with a particulardisease) and a suitable comparison (control) group (for example,people without the disease). All subjects are then assessed withrespect to things that happened to them in the past, for example,things that might be related to getting the disease under investigation.Such studies are also called retrospective as they look back in timefrom the outcome to the possible causes.Detailed report on one patient (or case), usually covering the courseof that person’s disease and their response to treatment.Description of several cases of a given disease, usually covering thecourse of the disease and the response to treatment. There is nocomparison (control) group of patients.A research study conducted with patients which tests out a drug orother intervention to assess its effectiveness and safety. Each trial isdesigned to answer scientific questions and to find better ways to treatindividuals with a specific disease. This general term encompassescontrolled clinical trials and randomised controlled trials.A group of people sharing some common characteristic (for example,patients with the same disease), followed up in a research study for aspecified period of time.An observational study that takes a group (cohort) of patients andfollows their progress over time in order to measure outcomes such asdisease or mortality rates and make comparisons according to thetreatments or interventions that patients received. Thus within thestudy group, subgroups of patients are identified (from informationcollected about patients) and these groups are compared with respectto outcome, for example, comparing mortality between one groupthat received a specific treatment and one group that did not (orbetween two groups that received different levels of treatment).Cohorts can be assembled in the present and followed into the future(a ‘concurrent’ or ‘prospective’ cohort study) or identified from pastix

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Confidence intervalControl groupControlled clinical trialCorrelation coefficientCost benefit analysisCost effectivenessCost utility analysisCrossover study designrecords and followed forward from that time up to the present (a‘historical’ or ‘retrospective’ cohort study). Because patients are notrandomly allocated to subgroups, these subgroups may be quitedifferent in their characteristics and some adjustment must be madewhen analysing the results to ensure that the comparison betweengroups is as fair as possible.A way of expressing certainty about the findings from a study or groupof studies, using statistical techniques. A confidence interval describesa range of possible effects (of a treatment or intervention) that isconsistent with the results of a study or group of studies. A wideconfidence interval indicates a lack of certainty or precision about thetrue size of the clinical effect and is seen in studies with too fewpatients. Where confidence intervals are narrow they indicate moreprecise estimates of effects and a larger sample of patients studied. Itis usual to interpret a ‘95%’ confidence interval as the range of effectswithin which we are 95% confident that the true effect lies.A group of patients recruited into a study that receives no treatment,a treatment of known effect, or a placebo (dummy treatment), in orderto provide a comparison for a group receiving an experimentaltreatment, such as a new drug.A study testing a specific drug or other treatment involving two (ormore) groups of patients with the same disease. One (theexperimental group) receives the treatment that is being tested, andthe other (the comparison or control group) receives an alternativetreatment, a placebo (dummy treatment) or no treatment. The twogroups are followed up to compare differences in outcomes to seehow effective the experimental treatment was. A controlled clinicaltrial where patients are randomly allocated to treatment andcomparison groups is called a randomised controlled trial.A measure of the degree of linear association between two variables.A significant association does not imply causation.A type of economic evaluation where both costs and benefits ofhealthcare treatment are measured in the same monetary units. Ifbenefits exceed costs, the evaluation would recommend providingthe treatment.A type of economic evaluation that assesses the additional costs andbenefits of doing something different. In cost effectiveness analysis,the costs and benefits of different treatments are compared. When anew treatment is compared with current care, its additional costsdivided by its additional benefits is called the cost effectiveness ratio.Benefits are measured in natural units, for example, cost peradditional heart attack prevented.A special form of cost effectiveness analysis where benefit ismeasured in quality adjusted life years. A treatment is assessed interms of its ability to extend or improve the quality of life.A study comparing two or more interventions in which theparticipants, upon completion of the course of one treatment, areswitched to another. For example, for a comparison of treatments Aand B, half the participants are randomly allocated to receive them inthe order A, B and half to receive them in the order B, A. A problemwith this study design is that the effects of the first treatment may carryover into the period when the second is given. Therefore a crossoverstudy should include an adequate ‘wash-out’ period, which meansallowing sufficient time between stopping one treatment and startingx

Glossary of termsCross-sectional studyDouble blind studyEvidence basedEvidence-based clinical practiceEvidence tableExclusion criteriaExperimental studyGold standardHealth economicsHeterogeneityHomogeneityInclusion criteriaInterventionLongitudinal studyanother so that the first treatment has time to wash out of the patient’ssystem.The observation of a defined set of people at a single point in time ortime period – a snapshot. (This type of study contrasts with alongitudinal study, which follows a set of people over a period oftime.)A study in which neither the subject (patient) nor the observer(investigator or clinician) is aware of which treatment or intervention thesubject is receiving. The purpose of blinding is to protect against bias.The process of systematically finding, appraising and using researchfindings as the basis for clinical decisions.Evidence-based clinical practice involves making decisions about thecare of individual patients based on the best research evidenceavailable rather than basing decisions on personal opinions orcommon practice (which may not always be evidence based).Evidence-based clinical practice therefore involves integratingindividual clinical expertise and patient preferences with the bestavailable evidence from research.A table summarising the results of a collection of studies which, takentogether, represent the evidence supporting a particular recommendationor series of recommendations in a guideline.See selection criteria.A research study designed to test whether a treatment or interventionhas an effect on the course or outcome of a condition or disease,where the conditions of testing are to some extent under the controlof the investigator. Controlled clinical trial and randomisedcontrolled trial are examples of experimental studies.A method, procedure or measurement that is widely accepted asbeing the best available.A field of conventional economics which examines the benefits ofhealthcare interventions (for example, medicines) compared withtheir financial costs.Or lack of homogeneity. The term is used in meta-analyses andsystematic reviews when the results or estimates of effects oftreatment from separate studies seem to be very different, in terms ofthe size of treatment effects, or even to the extent that some indicatebeneficial and others suggest adverse treatment effects. Such resultsmay occur as a result of differences between studies in terms ofpatient populations, outcome measures, definition of variables orduration of follow up.This means that the results of studies included in a systematic reviewor meta-analysis are similar and there is no evidence ofheterogeneity. Results are usually regarded as homogeneous whendifferences between studies could reasonably be expected to occurby chance.See selection criteria.Healthcare action intended to benefit the patient, for example, drugtreatment, surgical procedure or psychological therapy.A study of the same group of people at more than one point in time.(This type of study contrasts with a cross-sectional study, whichobserves a defined set of people at a single point in time.)xi

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>MaskingMeta-analysisNon-experimental studyNumber needed to treat (NNT)Observational studyOdds ratioPeer reviewPilot studyPlaceboPlacebo effectSee blinding.Results from a collection of independent studies (investigating thesame treatment) are pooled, using statistical techniques to synthesisetheir findings into a single estimate of a treatment effect. Wherestudies are not compatible, for example, because of differences in thestudy populations or in the outcomes measured, it may beinappropriate or even misleading to statistically pool results in thisway. See also systematic review and heterogeneity.A study based on subjects selected on the basis of their availability,with no attempt having been made to avoid problems of bias.This measures the impact of a treatment or intervention. It states howmany patients need to be treated with the treatment in question inorder to prevent an event that would otherwise occur; for example ifthe NNT = 4, then four patients would have to be treated to preventone bad outcome. The closer the NNT is to one, the better thetreatment is. Analogous to the NNT is the number needed to harm(NNH), which is the number of patients that would need to receive atreatment to cause one additional adverse event. For example, if theNNH = 4, then four patients would have to be treated for one badoutcome to occur.In research about diseases or treatments, this refers to a study in whichnature is allowed to take its course. Changes or differences in onecharacteristic (for example, whether or not people received a specifictreatment or intervention) are studied in relation to changes ordifferences in other(s) (for example, whether or not they died), withoutthe intervention of the investigator. There is a greater risk of selectionbias than in experimental studies.Odds are a way of representing probability, especially familiar forbetting. In recent years odds ratios have become widely used inreports of clinical studies. They provide an estimate (usually with aconfidence interval) for the effect of a treatment. Odds are used toconvey the idea of ‘risk’ and an odds ratio of one between twotreatment groups would imply that the risks of an adverse outcomewere the same in each group. For rare events the odds ratio and therelative risk (which uses actual risks and not odds) will be verysimilar. See also relative risk and risk ratio.Review of a study, service or recommendations by those with similarinterests and expertise to the people who produced the study findingsor recommendations. Peer reviewers can include professional, patientand carer representatives.A small-scale ‘test’ of the research instrument. For example, testingout (piloting) a new questionnaire with people who are similar to thepopulation of the study, in order to highlight any problems or areas ofconcern, which can then be addressed before the full-scale studybegins.Placebos are fake or inactive treatments received by participantsallocated to the control group in a clinical trial, which areindistinguishable from the active treatments being given in theexperimental group. They are used so that participants are ignorant oftheir treatment allocation in order to be able to quantify the effect ofthe experimental treatment over and above any placebo effect due toreceiving care or attention.A beneficial (or adverse) effect produced by a placebo and not due toany property of the placebo itself.xii

Glossary of termsPowerProspective studyP valueQualitative researchQuantitative researchRandom allocation or randomisationRandomised controlled trialRelative riskSee statistical power.A study in which people are entered into the research and thenfollowed up over a period of time with future events recorded as theyhappen. This contrasts with studies that are retrospective.If a study is done to compare two treatments then the p value is theprobability of obtaining the results of that study, or something moreextreme, if there really was no difference between treatments. (Theassumption that there really is no difference between treatments iscalled the ‘null hypothesis’.) Suppose the p value was 0.03. What thismeans is that, if there really was no difference between treatments,there would only be a 3% chance of getting the kind of resultsobtained. Since this chance seems quite low we should question thevalidity of the assumption that there really is no difference betweentreatments. We would conclude that there probably is a differencebetween treatments. By convention, where the value of p is below0.05 (that is, less than 5%) the result is seen as statistically significant.Where the value of p is 0.001 or less, the result is seen as highlysignificant. P values just tell us whether an effect can be regarded asstatistically significant or not. In no way do they relate to how big theeffect might be, for which we need the confidence interval.Qualitative research is used to explore and understand people’sbeliefs, experiences, attitudes, behaviour and interactions. Itgenerates non-numerical data, for example, a patient’s description oftheir pain rather than a measure of pain. In health care, qualitativetechniques have been commonly used in research documenting theexperience of chronic illness and in studies about the functioning oforganisations. Qualitative research techniques such as focus groupsand in-depth interviews have been used in one-off projectscommissioned by guideline development groups to find out moreabout the views and experiences of patients and carers.Research that generates numerical data or data that can be convertedinto numbers, for example, clinical trials or the National Census,which counts people and households.A method that uses the play of chance to assign participants tocomparison groups in a research study, for example, by using arandom numbers table or a computer-generated random sequence.Random allocation implies that each individual (or each unit in thecase of cluster randomisation) being entered into a study has the samechance of receiving each of the possible interventions.A study to test a specific drug or other treatment in which people arerandomly assigned to two (or more) groups: one (the experimental group)receiving the treatment that is being tested, and the other (the comparisonor control group) receiving an alternative treatment, a placebo (dummytreatment) or no treatment. The two groups are followed up to comparedifferences in outcomes to see how effective the experimental treatmentwas. (Through randomisation, the groups should be similar in all aspectsapart from the treatment they receive during the study.)A summary measure which represents the ratio of the risk of a givenevent or outcome (for example, an adverse reaction to the drug beingtested) in one group of subjects compared with another group. Whenthe ‘risk’ of the event is the same in the two groups the relative risk isone. In a study comparing two treatments, a relative risk of two wouldindicate that patients receiving one of the treatments had twice therisk of an undesirable outcome than those receiving the othertreatment. Relative risk is sometimes used as a synonym for risk ratio.xiii

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>ReliabilityRetrospective studyRisk ratioSampleScreeningSelection criteriaSensitivitySpecificityStatistical powerReliability refers to a method of measurement that consistently givesthe same results. For example, someone who has a high score on oneoccasion tends to have a high score if measured on another occasionvery soon afterwards. With physical assessments it is possible fordifferent clinicians to make independent assessments in quicksuccession and if their assessments tend to agree then the method ofassessment is said to be reliable.A retrospective study deals with the present and past and does notinvolve studying future events. This contrasts with studies that areprospective.Ratio of the risk of an undesirable event or outcome occurring in agroup of patients receiving experimental treatment compared with acomparison (control) group. The term relative risk is sometimes usedas a synonym for risk ratio.A part of the study’s target population from which the subjects of thestudy will be recruited. If subjects are drawn in an unbiased way froma particular population, the results can be generalised from thesample to the population as a whole.The presumptive identification of an unrecognised disease or defectby means of tests, examinations or other procedures that can beapplied rapidly. Screening tests differentiate apparently well peoplewho may have a disease from those who probably do not. A screeningtest is not intended to be diagnostic but should be sufficientlysensitive and specific to reduce the proportion of false results,positive or negative, to acceptable levels. People with positive orsuspicious findings must be referred to the appropriate healthcareprovider for diagnosis and necessary treatment.Explicit standards used by guideline development groups to decidewhich studies should be included and excluded from consideration aspotential sources of evidence.In diagnostic testing, this refers to the chance of having a positive testresult given that you have the disease. 100% sensitivity means that allthose with the disease will test positive, but this is not the same theother way around. A patient could have a positive test result but nothave the disease – this is called a ‘false positive’. The sensitivity of atest is also related to its ‘negative predictive value’ (true negatives) – atest with a sensitivity of 100% means that all those who get a negativetest result do not have the disease. To fully judge the accuracy of atest, its specificity must also be considered.In diagnostic testing, this refers to the chance of having a negative testresult given that you do not have the disease. 100% specificity meansthat all those without the disease will test negative, but this is not thesame the other way around. A patient could have a negative test resultyet still have the disease – this is called a ‘false negative’. Thespecificity of a test is also related to its ‘positive predictive value’ (truepositives) – a test with a specificity of 100% means that all those whoget a positive test result definitely have the disease. To fully judge theaccuracy of a test, its sensitivity must also be considered.The ability of a study to demonstrate an association or causalrelationship between two variables, given that an association exists.For example, 80% power in a clinical trial means that the study has a80% chance of ending up with a p value of less than 5% in astatistical test (that is, a statistically significant treatment effect) if therereally was an important difference (for example, 10% versus 5%xiv

Glossary of termsSystematic reviewValidityVariablemortality) between treatments. If the statistical power of a study is low,the study results will be questionable (the study might have been toosmall to detect any differences). By convention, 80% is an acceptablelevel of power. See also p value.A review in which evidence from scientific studies has been identified,appraised and synthesised in a methodical way according topredetermined criteria. May or may not include a meta-analysis.Assessment of how well a tool or instrument measures what it isintended to measure.A measurement that can vary within a study, for example, the age ofparticipants. Variability is present when differences can be seenbetween different people or within the same person over time, withrespect to any characteristic or feature that can be assessed ormeasured.xv

1. Introduction<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is one of the most frequent chronic diseases in childhood. Children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families have particular needs which differ from those ofadults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is a continuing hormonal deficiency disorder that has significant short-termimpacts on health and lifestyle and is associated with major long-term complications andreduced life expectancy. People with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> require insulin-replacement therapy fromdiagnosis.There are more than 1 million people with diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> in England and Wales (andperhaps a similar number with undiagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong>); 15–20% of these people are diagnosedas having type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. A recent survey showed that about 16 000 children and young peopleaged 0–16 years attended paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> centres in England. 1 [evidence level III] Of these,95% had type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and 1% had non-type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (the type of <strong>diabetes</strong> was not specifiedin 4% of cases). 1 [evidence level III]Keeping blood glucose concentrations as close as possible to the normal range for peoplewithout <strong>diabetes</strong> is known to prevent or to delay the long-term vascular complications of<strong>diabetes</strong>. Systems of surveillance for the early detection of complications are important, as iseffective management of complications when they occur.1.1 Aim of the guidelineClinical guidelines have been defined as ‘systematically developed statements which assistclinicians and patients in making decisions about appropriate treatment for specific conditions’. 2This guideline addresses the diagnosis and management of children and young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. It has been developed with the aim of providing guidance on:• initial management at diagnosis (including consideration of admission criteria and initialinsulin regimens)• continuing care of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• ongoing monitoring of glycaemic control (including the role of home glucose monitoring andthe frequency of HbA 1c measurement)• management of hypoglycaemia (insufficient blood sugar) and hypoglycaemic coma• prevention and management of diabetic ketoacidosis (including the management ofintercurrent illness, that is, illness that occurs alongside type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>; for example,influenza)• peri-operative management of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• surveillance for complications.The guideline also addresses the special needs of young people (adolescents) and the interfacebetween paediatric and adult services.1.2 Areas outside the remit of the guidelineThe guideline does not address:• the issue of contraception in young women with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• the management of young women with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who wish to conceive or are pregnant• the management of young women who develop type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> during pregnancy• the management of non-type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.1

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>A separate guideline on <strong>diabetes</strong> in pregnancy (covering type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong> andgestational <strong>diabetes</strong>) will be developed in the future.1.3 For whom is the guideline intended?This guideline is of relevance to those who work in or use the National Health Service inEngland and Wales, in particular:• primary and secondary healthcare professionals who have direct contact with and makedecisions concerning the care of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (includingdietitians, general practitioners, nurses, paediatricians, pharmacists, physicians and podiatrists)• those responsible for commissioning and planning healthcare services, including primarycare trust commissioners, Health Commission Wales commissioners, and public health andtrust managers• children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their families and other carers.The guideline is also relevant to (but does not cover the practice of) those who work in:• social services and the voluntary sector• services supplied by secondary and tertiary specialties for the complications of type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> (for example, cardiology, ophthalmology, renal and urology services) to whichpatients may be referred• the education and childcare sectors.A version of this guideline for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their families and thepublic is available entitled <strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people. Understanding NICEguidance – information for the families and carers of children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, and the public (reproduced in Appendix A). It can be downloaded from theNICE website (www.nice.org.uk) or ordered via the NHS Response Line (0870 1555 455; quotereference number N0623 for an English version and N0560 for an English and Welsh version).1.4 Who has developed the guideline?The guideline was developed by a multi-professional and lay working group (the GuidelineDevelopment Group; GDG) convened by the National Collaborating Centre for Women’s andChildren’s Health (NCC-WCH). Membership included:• two consumer representatives• two paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> nurses• three paediatricians• a paediatric dietitian• a general practitioner• a clinical psychologist• an adult physician with an interest in adolescence.Staff from the NCC-WCH provided methodological support for the guideline developmentprocess, undertook systematic searches, retrieval and appraisal of the evidence, and wrotesuccessive drafts of the guideline.All GDG members’ interests were recorded on a standard declaration form that coveredconsultancies, fee-paid work, shareholdings, fellowships and support from the healthcareindustry in accordance with guidance from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).1.5 Other relevant documentsThis guideline is intended to complement other existing and proposed work of relevance,including the Diabetes National Service Framework, the Children’s National Service Framework2

Introductionand a guideline commissioned by NICE that relates to the diagnosis and management of type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> in adults.Some aspects of the adult guideline are relevant to the diagnosis and management of type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people. The developers of the children’s and adults’ guidelinesworked in parallel and communication between the two development groups was maintainedat project and advisory levels.1.6 Guideline methodologyThis guideline was commissioned by NICE and developed in accordance with the guidelinedevelopment process outlined in The Guideline Development Process – Information forNational Collaborating Centres and Guideline Development Groups (available atwww.nice.org.uk).Literature search strategyThe aim of the literature review was to identify and synthesise relevant published evidence toanswer specific clinical questions formulated and agreed by the GDG. Searches were performedusing generic and specially developed filters, relevant medical subject heading terms and freetextterms. Details of all literature searches are available from the NCC-WCH.Searches were carried out for each topic of interest. The Cochrane Library (up to Issue 4, 2003)was searched to identify systematic reviews (with or without meta-analyses) of randomisedcontrolled trials (RCTs) as well as individual RCTs. The electronic databases MEDLINE (Ovidversion for the period January 1966 to December 2003), EMBASE (Ovid version for the periodJanuary 1980 to December 2003), the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature(Ovid version for the period January 1982 to December 2003), PsychInfo (Ovid version for theperiod January 1974 to December 2003), and the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectswere also searched.There was no systematic attempt to search the ‘grey literature’ (conferences, abstracts, theses andunpublished trials).The National Guidelines Clearinghouse database, the Turning Research into Practice databaseand the Organising Medical Networked Information service on the Internet were searched forguidelines produced by other development groups. The reference lists in these guidelines werechecked against our searches to identify any missing evidence.A preliminary scrutiny of titles and abstracts was undertaken and full copies of all publicationsthat addressed the GDG’s clinical questions were obtained. Following a critical appraisal ofeach publication, studies not relevant to a particular clinical question were excluded. Studiesthat did not report relevant outcomes were also excluded. Evidence submitted by stakeholderorganisations that was relevant to the GDG’s clinical questions and was of equivalent or betterquality than evidence identified in the literature searches was also included.It was thought that there would not be a large body of economic evidence and that specificsearches could miss some relevant studies. A general search was therefore designed to find alleconomic studies relating to children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Additional searchterms relating to economic studies were added to a search string for identifying the clinicaleffectiveness evidence on children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. A second search ontopics relating to education and psychological interventions was also undertaken. The searcheswere undertaken using the same databases as the clinical effectiveness searches. Additionalsearches were undertaken of the Health Economic Evaluations Database and the NationalHealth Service Economic Evaluations Database.Abstracts and/or database reviews of papers that were identified by the economic searches werereviewed and excluded if they contained no economic data or if the focus of the paper explicitlyexcluded children and young people. Relevant references in the bibliographies of reviewedpapers were also identified and reviewed.3

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Table 1.1 Levels of evidenceLevelIaIbIIaIIbIIIIVSource of evidenceSystematic review or meta-analysis of randomised controlled trialsAt least one randomised controlled trialAt least one well-designed controlled study without randomisationAt least one well-designed quasi-experimental study, such as a cohort studyWell-designed non-experimental descriptive studies, such as comparative studies,correlation studies, case–control studies and case seriesExpert committee reports, opinions and/or clinical experience of respectedauthoritiesSynthesis of clinical effectiveness evidenceEvidence relating to clinical effectiveness was reviewed using established guides 3–9 and classifiedusing the established hierarchical system shown in Table 1.1. 10 This system reflects thesusceptibility to bias that is inherent in particular study designs.The type of clinical question dictates the highest level of evidence that may be sought. For issuesof therapy or treatment, the highest possible level of evidence is a systematic review or metaanalysisof RCTs (evidence level Ia) or an individual RCT (evidence level Ib). For issues ofprognosis, the highest possible level of evidence is a cohort study (evidence level IIb).For each clinical question, the highest available level of evidence was selected. Whereappropriate, for example, if a systematic review, meta-analysis or RCT existed in relation to aquestion, studies of a weaker design were ignored. Where systematic reviews, meta-analysesand RCTs did not exist, other appropriate experimental or observational studies were sought. Fordiagnostic tests, test evaluation studies examining the performance of the test were used if theefficacy of the test was required, but where an evaluation of the effectiveness of the test in theclinical management of patients and the outcome of disease was required, evidence from RCTsor cohort studies was used.Evidence was synthesised qualitatively by summarising the content of identified papers inevidence tables and agreeing brief statements that accurately reflected the evidence.Quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis) was performed where appropriate.Summary results and data are presented in the guideline text. More detailed results and data arepresented in the accompanying evidence tables. Where possible, dichotomous outcomes arepresented as relative risks (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and continuous outcomesare presented as mean differences with 95% CIs or standard deviations (SDs) or standard errors(SEs) where CIs were not reported. Statistically significant RRs are also presented as numbersneeded to treat (NNTs) where appropriate. Meta-analyses based on dichotomous outcomes arepresented as pooled RRs with 95% CIs, and meta-analyses based on continuous outcomes arepresented as weighted mean differences (WMDs) with 95% CIs. The results of meta-analyses thatwere performed specifically for this guideline are also presented as forest plots in Appendix B.Health economicsThe purpose of the economic input to the guideline was to inform the GDG of potentialeconomic issues that needed to be considered, to review the economic literature, and to carryout economic analyses agreed with the GDG where appropriate data were available.Since the overall body of literature was expected to be small, the economic review consideredall types of economic studies (cost benefit, cost effectiveness, cost utility, cost consequence andcost minimisation). The cost data were only considered if they were generalisable to Englandand Wales, or if resource use was described in sufficient detail to be able to apply UK cost data.It was agreed that economic models using data from the clinical literature review should beconsidered where guideline recommendations had major resource implications, or representeda change in policy, or where clinical effectiveness data from well conducted studies wereavailable.4

IntroductionYoung people’s consultation dayA young people’s consultation day was organised for this guideline in collaboration with theNational Children’s Bureau (NCB). The objective of the consultation day was to elicit the viewsof young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their carers in relation to topics considered in theguideline. A summary of the conclusions reached following the consultation day is presented inAppendix C. Issues relating to specific topics are also discussed in relevant sections of theguideline.Forming and grading recommendationsFor each clinical question, recommendations were derived using, and explicitly linked to, theevidence that supported them. Where possible, the GDG worked on an informal consensusbasis. Where necessary, formal consensus methods (such as modified Delphi and nominal grouptechniques) were used to agree recommendations and audit criteria.Each recommendation was graded according to the level of evidence upon which it was basedusing the established system shown in Table 1.2. 10 For issues of therapy or treatment, the bestpossible level of evidence (a systematic review or meta-analysis or an individual RCT) wouldequate to a grade A recommendation. For issues of prognosis, the best possible level of evidence(a cohort study) would equate to a grade B recommendation. However, this should not beinterpreted as an inferior grade of recommendation because it represents the highest level ofrelevant evidence.External reviewThe guideline has been developed in accordance with the NICE guideline development process.This has included giving registered stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the scope of theguideline, the first draft of the full and summary guidelines and the second drafts of the full andsummary guidelines. In addition the first and second drafts were reviewed by an independentGuideline Review Panel (GRP) established by NICE.The comments made by the stakeholders and the GRP were collated and presented anonymouslyfor consideration by the GDG. All comments were considered systematically by theGDG and the resulting actions and responses were recorded.Outcome measures used in the guidelineFor this guideline, the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has been assessed against a number ofoutcome measures linked to physical and behavioural responses to care. Some of the outcomemeasures relate to responses that are regarded as beneficial (such as maintenance of glycaemiccontrol), while others relate to responses that are regarded as undesirable (such as episodes ofsevere hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis). Priority outcome measures, which wereagreed by the GDG on the basis of their relevance to patients and professionals, are shown inTable 1.3. Where evidence relating to priority outcome measures was unavailable, secondaryoutcome measures were considered. For example, total cholesterol was regarded as a secondaryoutcome measure for lipid regulation.Table 1.2 Grading of recommendationsGrade Basis for recommendationA Based directly based on level I evidenceB Based directly on level II evidence or extrapolated from level I evidenceC Based directly on level III evidence or extrapolated from level I or level II evidenceD Based directly on level IV evidence or extrapolated from level I, level II or level IIIevidenceGPP Good practice point based on the view of the Guideline Development GroupNICE TA Recommendation taken from a NICE Technology Appraisal5

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Table 1.3Outcome categoryGlucose regulationLipid regulationEndocrine functionPriority outcome measuresCardiovascular functionOcular functionRenal functionHospitalisationPhysical activityPsychological factorsPsychosocial factorsEducationSpecific outcome measuresGlycaemic control:• glycated haemoglobin (HbA 1 and HbA 1c )• blood glucose concentrationDiabetic ketoacidosisSeverity of hypoglycaemiaHypoglycaemic awarenessFrequency of hypoglycaemiaTriglyceridesLow-density lipoprotein cholesterolHigh-density lipoprotein cholesterolNormal growth, height and weightBody mass indexSexual maturationBlood pressureRetinopathyJuvenile cataractUrine protein excretion (‘microalbuminuria’)Number of, duration of and reason for hospital admissionsEmergency hospital admissionsParticipation in physical activityPsychological wellbeing, including self-esteemEating disordersQuality of lifeDiabetes knowledgeSchool participation/absenceClinic attendanceKnowledgeTerminology used in the guidelineThe internationally agreed term ‘type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>’ 11 is used in this guideline, rather than ‘insulindependent<strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus’. Similarly, ‘type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>’ is used in the guideline, rather than‘non-insulin-dependent <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus’.The guideline relates to the care of children (people under the age of 11 years) and young people(those aged 11 years or over, but under 18 years). Where appropriate, the following terms areused to refer to specific age groups:• neonates (0 weeks or older and younger than 4 weeks)• infants (4 weeks or older and younger than 52 weeks)• pre-school children (1 year or older and younger than 5 years)• primary school children (5 years or older and younger than 11 years)• young people (11 years or older and younger than 18 years)• adults (18 years or older).Where children are too young to make informed decisions, their treatment and care should bediscussed in consultation with their parents (or legal guardians). Some aspects of care will alsorequire discussion with, or provision of information for, other family members (such as siblings)and carers who are not part of the family (for example, childminders and school staff).6

2. Summary ofrecommendations andpractice algorithm2.1 Summary of recommendationsChapter 3 Diagnosis and initial management3.1 DiagnosisThe diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people should be based onthe criteria specified in the 1999 World Health Organization report on the diagnosisand classification of <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus.Children and young people with suspected type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offeredimmediate (same day) referral to a multidisciplinary paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care team thathas the competencies needed to confirm diagnosis and to provide immediate care.Consideration should be given to the possibility of other types of <strong>diabetes</strong> (such asearly-onset type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>, other insulin resistance syndromes, maturity-onset<strong>diabetes</strong> in the young and molecular/enzymatic abnormalities) in children and youngpeople with suspected type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who:• have a strong family history of <strong>diabetes</strong>• are obese at presentation• are of Black or Asian origin• have an insulin requirement of less than 0.5 units/kg body weight/day outside apartial remission phase• have no insulin requirement• rarely or never produce ketone bodies in the urine (ketonuria) during episodes ofhyperglycaemia• show evidence of insulin resistance (for example, acanthosis nigricans)• have associated features, such as eye disease, deafness, or another systemic illnessor syndrome.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be entered on a populationbased,practice-based and/or clinic-based <strong>diabetes</strong> register.3.2 Management from diagnosisChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered an ongoingintegrated package of care by a multidisciplinary paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care team. Tooptimise the effectiveness of care and reduce the risk of complications, the <strong>diabetes</strong>care team should include members with appropriate training in clinical, educational,dietetic, lifestyle, mental health and foot care aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong> for children andyoung people.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offered24-hour access to advice from the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be involvedin making decisions about the package of care provided by the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.DGPPGPPGPPGPPGPPGPP7

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>At the time of diagnosis, children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should beoffered home-based or inpatient management according to clinical need, familycircumstances and wishes, and residential proximity to inpatient services. Homebasedcare with support from the local paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care team (including 24-hour telephone access to advice) is safe and as effective as inpatient initialmanagement.Children and young people who present with diabetic ketoacidosis should have theirdiabetic ketoacidosis treated in hospital according to the guidance outlined in thisdocument.Children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who are younger than 2 years of age and children andyoung people who have social or emotional difficulties, or who live a long way fromhospital should be offered inpatient initial management.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredappropriate emotional support following diagnosis, which should be tailored toemotional, social, cultural and age-dependent needs.3.3 Natural history of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Children and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informedthat they may experience a partial remission phase (or ‘honeymoon period’) duringwhich a low dosage of insulin (0.5 units/kg body weight/day) may be sufficient tomaintain an HbA 1c level of less than 7%.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informed that the use ofmultiple daily insulin injection regimens or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion(or insulin pump therapy) will not prolong the partial remission phase, although theseforms of therapy may be appropriate for optimising glycaemic control, especially inyoung people.3.4 Essential education at diagnosisChildren and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offereda structured programme of education covering the aims of insulin therapy, delivery ofinsulin, self-monitoring of blood glucose, the effects of diet, physical activity andintercurrent illness on glycaemic control, and the detection and management ofhypoglycaemia.Chapter 4 Ongoing management4.1 EducationChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredtimely and ongoing opportunities to access information about the development,management and effects of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The information provided should beaccurate and consistent and it should support informed decision making.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredopportunities to discuss particular issues and to ask questions at each clinic visit.The method of delivering education and content will depend on the individual andshould be appropriate for the child’s or young person’s age, maturity, culture, wishesand existing knowledge within the family.Particular care should be given to communication and the provision of informationwhen children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and/or their parents havespecial needs, such as those associated with physical and sensory disabilities, ordifficulties in speaking or reading English.4.2 Insulin regimensPre-school and primary school children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered themost appropriate individualised regimens to optimise their glycaemic control.ADGPPGPPDADGPPGPPGPPGPPC8

Summary of recommendations and practice algorithmYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered multiple daily injectionregimens to help optimise their glycaemic control.Multiple daily injection regimens should be offered only as part of a package of carethat involves continuing education, dietary management, instruction on the use ofinsulin delivery systems and blood glucose monitoring, emotional and behaviouralsupport, and medical, nursing and dietetic expertise in paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong>, becausethis improves glycaemic control.Children and young people using multiple daily injection regimens should beinformed that they may experience an initial increase in the risk of hypoglycaemiaand short-term weight gain.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed about strategies for the avoidance and management of hypoglycaemia.Young people who do not achieve satisfactory glycaemic control with multiple dailyinjection regimens should be offered additional support and, if appropriate,alternative insulin therapy (once-, twice- or three-times daily mixed insulin regimensor continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion using an insulin pump).Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have difficulty adhering to multiple dailyinjection regimens should be offered twice-daily injection regimens.Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (or insulin pump therapy) is recommendedas an option for people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> provided that:• multiple-dose insulin therapy (including, where appropriate, the use of insulinglargine) has failed;* and• those receiving the treatment have the commitment and competence to use thetherapy effectively.*People for whom multiple-dose therapy has failed are considered to be those forwhom it has been impossible to maintain an HbA 1c level no greater than 7.5% (or6.5% in the presence of microalbuminuria or adverse features of the metabolicsyndrome) without disabling hypoglycaemia occurring, despite a high level of selfcare of their <strong>diabetes</strong>. ‘Disabling hypoglycaemia’, for the purpose of this guidance,means the repeated and unpredicted occurrence of hypoglycaemia requiring thirdpartyassistance that results in continuing anxiety about recurrence and is associatedwith significant adverse effect on quality of life.Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy should be initiated only by atrained specialist team, which should normally comprise a physician with a specialistinterest in insulin pump therapy, a <strong>diabetes</strong> specialist nurse and a dietitian.All individuals beginning continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy shouldbe provided with specific training in its use. Ongoing support from a specialist teamshould be available, particularly in the period immediately following the initiation ofcontinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. It is recommended that specialist teamsshould agree a common core of advice appropriate for continuous subcutaneousinsulin infusion users.Established users of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy should havetheir insulin management reviewed by their specialist team so that a decision can bemade about whether a trial or a switch to multiple-dose insulin incorporating insulinglargine would be appropriate.4.3 Insulin preparationsChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered the mostappropriate insulin preparations (rapid-acting insulin analogues, short-acting insulins,intermediate-acting insulins, long-acting insulin analogues or biphasic insulins)according to their individual needs and the instructions in the patient informationleaflet supplied with the product with the aim of obtaining an HbA 1c level of less than7.5% without frequent disabling hypoglycaemia and maximising quality of life.ACBCGPPGPPNICE TANICE TANICE TANICE TANICE TAGPP9

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> using multiple daily insulin regimensshould be informed that injection of rapid-acting insulin analogues before eating(rather than after eating) reduces postprandial blood glucose levels and thus helps tooptimise blood glucose control.For pre-school children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> it may be appropriate to use rapid-actinginsulin analogues shortly after eating (rather than before eating) because food intakecan be unpredictable.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who use insulin preparations containingintermediate-acting insulin should be informed that these preparations should be mixedbefore use according to the instructions in the patient information leaflet supplied withthe product.4.4 Methods of delivering insulinChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered a choice of insulindelivery systems that takes account of their insulin requirements and personalpreferences.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> using insulin injection regimensshould be offered needles that are of an appropriate length for their body fat (shortneedles are appropriate for children and young people with less body fat; longerneedles are appropriate for children and young people with more body fat).4.5 Non-insulin agents (oral antidiabetic drugs)Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should not be offered acarbose orsulphonylureas (glibenclamide, gliclazide, glipizide, tolazamide or glyburide) incombination with insulin because they may increase the risk of hypoglycaemiawithout improving glycaemic control.Metformin in combination with insulin is suitable for use only within research studiesbecause the effectiveness of this combined treatment in improving glycaemic controlis uncertain.4.6 Monitoring glycaemic controlChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that the target for long-term glycaemic control is an HbA 1c level of less than7.5% without frequent disabling hypoglycaemia and that their care package shouldbe designed to attempt to achieve this.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered testing of theirHbA 1c levels two to four times per year (more frequent testing may be appropriate ifthere is concern about poor glycaemic control).Current HbA 1c measurements should be made available in outpatient clinics becausetheir availability can lead to immediate changes in insulin therapy and/or diet and soreduce the need for follow-up appointments.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that aiming to achieve low levels of HbA 1c can lead to increased risks ofhypoglycaemia and that high levels of HbA 1c can lead to increased risks of long-termmicrovascular complications.Children and young people with HbA 1c levels consistently above 9.5% should beoffered additional support by their <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams to help them improve theirglycaemic control because they are at increased risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosisand long-term complications.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to use bloodglucose measurements for short-term monitoring of glycaemic control because this isassociated with reduced levels of glycated haemoglobin. Urine glucose monitoring isnot recommended because it is less effective and is associated with lower patientsatisfaction.BGPPGPPGPPGPPAAADDABA10

Summary of recommendations and practice algorithmChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that the optimal targets for short-term glycaemic control are a preprandialblood glucose level of 4–8 mmol/l and a postprandial blood glucose level of less than10 mmol/l.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beencouraged to perform frequent blood glucose monitoring as part of a continuingpackage of care that includes dietary management, continued education and regularcontact with their <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offereda choice of appropriate equipment for undertaking monitoring of capillary bloodglucose to optimise their glycaemic control in response to adjustment of insulin, dietand exercise.Children and young people using multiple daily injection regimens should beencouraged to adjust their insulin dose if appropriate after each preprandial, bedtimeand occasional night-time blood glucose measurement.Children and young people using twice-daily injection regimens should beencouraged to adjust their insulin dose according to the general trend in preprandial,bedtime and occasional night-time blood glucose measurements.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who are trying to optimise theirglycaemic control and/or have intercurrent illness should be encouraged to measuretheir blood glucose levels more than four times per day.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that blood glucose levels should be interpreted in the context of the ‘wholechild’, which includes the social, emotional and physical environment.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have persistent problems withhypoglycaemia unawareness or repeated hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia shouldbe offered continuous glucose monitoring systems.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered blood glucosemonitors with memories (as opposed to monitors without memories) because theseare associated with improved patient satisfaction.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to use a diaryin conjunction with a blood glucose monitor because recording food intake andevents such as intercurrent illness can help to reduce the frequency of hypoglycaemicepisodes.4.7 DietChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered appropriatedietetic support to help optimise body weight and glycaemic control.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that they have the same basic nutritional requirements as other children andyoung people. The food choices of children and young people should providesufficient energy and nutrients for optimal growth and development, with total dailyenergy intake being distributed as follows:• carbohydrates – more than 50%• protein – 10–15%• fat – 30–35%.The consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day is also recommended.Neonates, infants and pre-school children require individualised dietaryassessment to determine their energy needs.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to develop agood working knowledge of nutrition and how it affects their <strong>diabetes</strong>.DCGPPDDGPPGPPBBGPPCDDGPP11

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed of the importance of healthy eating in reducing the risk of cardiovasculardisease (including foods with a low glycaemic index, fruit and vegetables, and typesand amounts of fats), and means of making appropriate nutritional changes in theperiod after diagnosis and according to need and interest at intervals thereafter.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to considereating a bedtime snack. The nutritional composition and timing of all snacks shouldbe discussed with the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.Children and young people using multiple daily injection regimens should be offerededucation about insulin and dietary management as part of their <strong>diabetes</strong> carepackage, to enable them to adjust their insulin dose to reflect their carbohydrate intake.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered education aboutthe practical problems associated with fasting and feasting.4.8 ExerciseAll children and young people, including those with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, should beencouraged to exercise on a regular basis because this reduces the risks of developingmacrovascular disease in the long term.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that they can participate in all forms of exercise, provided that appropriateattention is given to changes in insulin and dietary management.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> wishing to participate in restrictedsports (such as scuba diving) should be offered comprehensive advice by their<strong>diabetes</strong> care teams. Additional information may be available from local and/ornational patient support groups and organisations.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed about the effects of exercise on blood glucose levels and about strategies forpreventing exercise-induced hypoglycaemia during and/or after physical activity.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to monitortheir blood glucose levels before and after exercise so that they can:• identify when changes in insulin or food intake are necessary• learn the glycaemic response to different exercise conditions• be aware of exercise-induced hypoglycaemia• be aware that hypoglycaemia may occur several hours after prolonged exercise.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that additional carbohydrate should be consumed as appropriate toavoid hypoglycaemia and that carbohydrate-based foods should be readily availableduring and after exercise.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that additional carbohydrate should be consumed if blood glucose levelsare less than 7 mmol/l before exercise is undertaken.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that changes in their daily exercise patterns may require insulin dose and/orcarbohydrate intake to be altered.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that exercise should be undertaken with caution if blood glucose levelsare greater than 17 mmol/l in the presence of ketosis.4.9 Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugsYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informed about the specific effects ofalcohol consumption on glycaemic control, particularly the risk of (nocturnal)hypoglycaemia.GPPBCGPPBGPPGPPCDDGPPGPPGPPC12

Summary of recommendations and practice algorithmYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered alcohol educationprogrammes.Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who drink alcohol should be informed that theyshould:• eat food containing carbohydrate before and after drinking• monitor their blood glucose levels regularly and aim to keep the levels within therecommended range by eating food containing carbohydrate.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed about general health problems associated with smoking and in particularthe risks of developing vascular complications.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged not to startsmoking.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who smoke should be offeredsmoking cessation programmes.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed about the general dangers of substance misuse and the possible effects onglycaemic control.4.10 Long-distance travelChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offerededucation about the practical issues related to long-distance travel, such as when bestto eat and inject insulin when travelling across time zones.4.11 ImmunisationChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that the Department of Health recommends annual immunisation againstinfluenza for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> over the age of 6 months.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that the Department of Health recommends immunisation againstpneumococcal infection for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> over the age of2 months.Chapter 5 Complications and associated conditions5.1 HypoglycaemiaChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that they should always have access to an immediate source of carbohydrate(glucose or sucrose) and blood glucose monitoring equipment for immediateconfirmation and safe management of hypoglycaemia.Children and young people, their parents, schoolteachers and other carers should beoffered education about the recognition and management of hypoglycaemia.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to wear orcarry something that identifies them as having type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (for example, abracelet).Children and young people with mild to moderate hypoglycaemia should be treatedas follows.• Take immediate action.• The first line of treatment should be the consumption of rapidly absorbed simplecarbohydrate (for example, 10–20 g carbohydrate given by mouth).• The simple carbohydrate should raise blood glucose levels within 5–15 minutes.• Carbohydrate given in liquid form may be taken more easily.• It may be appropriate to give small amounts of rapidly absorbed simplecarbohydrate frequently because hypoglycaemia may cause vomiting.GPPGPPBGPPGPPGPPGPPDDDDDGPP13

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• As symptoms improve or normoglycaemia is restored additional complex longactingcarbohydrate should be given orally to maintain blood glucose levelsunless a snack or meal is imminent.• Additional complex long-acting carbohydrate is not required for children andyoung people using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.• Blood glucose levels should be rechecked within 15 minutes.Children and young people with severe hypoglycaemia should be treated asfollows.• In a hospital setting, 10% intravenous glucose should be used when rapidintravenous access is possible (up to 500 mg/kg body weight – 10% glucose is100 mg/ml).• Outside hospital, or where intravenous access is not practicable, intramuscularglucagon or concentrated oral glucose solution (for example, Hypostop ® ) may beused.• Children and young people over 8 years old (or body weight more than 25 kg)should be given 1 mg glucagon.• Children under 8 years old (or body weight less than 25 kg) should be given500 g glucagon.• Blood glucose levels should respond within 10 minutes.• As symptoms improve or normoglycaemia is restored, in children and youngpeople who are sufficiently awake, additional complex long-acting carbohydrateshould be given orally to maintain blood glucose levels.• Some children and young people may continue to have reduced consciousness forseveral hours after a severe hypoglycaemic episode, and repeat blood glucosemeasurements will be required to determine whether further glucose is necessary.• Medical assistance should be sought for children and young people whose bloodglucose levels fail to respond and those in whom symptoms persist for more than10 minutes.Parents and, where appropriate, school nurses and other carers should have access toglucagon for subcutaneous or intramuscular use in an emergency, especially whenthere is a high risk of severe hypoglycaemia.Parents and, where appropriate, school nurses and other carers should be offerededucation on the administration of glucagon.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that when alcohol causes or contributes to the development of hypoglycaemia,glucagon may be ineffective in treating the hypoglycaemia and intravenousglucose will be required.5.2 Diabetic ketoacidosisChildren and young people with diabetic ketoacidosis should be treated according to theguidelines published by the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes.Children and young people with diabetic ketoacidosis should be managed initially ina high-dependency unit or in a high-dependency bed on a children’s ward.Children and young people with deteriorating consciousness or suspected cerebraloedema and those who are not responding appropriately to treatment should bemanaged in a paediatric intensive care unit.Children with diabetic ketoacidosis who are younger than 2 years of age should bemanaged in a paediatric intensive care unit.Children and young people with a blood pH of less than 7.3 (hydrogen ionconcentration of more than 50 nmol/l), but who are clinically well (with no tachycardia,vomiting, drowsiness, abdominal pain or breathlessness) and less than 5%dehydrated, may respond appropriately to oral rehydration, frequent subcutaneousinsulin injections and monitoring of blood glucose.GPPGPPDDGPPDDDDD14

Summary of recommendations and practice algorithm5.3 SurgeryChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered surgery only incentres that have dedicated paediatric facilities for the care of children and youngpeople with <strong>diabetes</strong>.Careful liaison between surgical, anaesthetic and <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should occurbefore children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are admitted to hospital forelective surgery and as soon as possible after admission for emergency surgery.All centres caring for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should havewritten protocols concerning the safe management of children and young peopleduring surgery. The protocols should be agreed between surgical and anaesthetic staffand the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.5.4 Intercurrent illnessChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredclear guidance and protocols (‘sick-day rules’) for the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>during intercurrent illness.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have short-acting insulin orrapid-acting insulin analogues and blood and/or urine ketone testing strips availablefor use during intercurrent illness.5.5 Screening for complications and associated conditionsChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered screening for:• coeliac disease at diagnosis• and at least every 3 years thereafter until transfer to adult services• thyroid disease at diagnosis and annually thereafter until transfer to adultservices• retinopathy annually from the age of 12 years• microalbuminuria annually from the age of 12 years• blood pressure annually from the age of 12 years.Routine screening for elevated blood lipid levels and/or neurological function is notrecommended for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered:• annual foot care reviews• investigation of the state of injection sites at each clinic visit.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be informedthat, as for other children, regular dental examinations and eye examinations (every 2years) are recommended.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have their height and weightmeasured and plotted on an appropriate growth chart and their body mass indexcalculated at each clinic visit. The purpose of measuring and plotting height andweight and calculating body mass index is to check for normal growth and/orsignificant changes in weight because these may reflect changing glycaemic control.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have their height and weightmeasured in a private room.The following complications, although rare, should be considered at clinic visits:• juvenile cataracts• necrobiosis lipoidica• Addison’s disease.Chapter 6 Psychological and social issues6.1 Emotional and behavioural problemsDiabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> have a greater risk of emotional and behavioural problems than otherchildren and young people.DDDDGPPCGPPCCCCCGPPCDGPPDGPPC15

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>6.2 Anxiety and depressionDiabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> may develop anxiety and/or depression, particularly when difficulties in selfmanagementarise in young people and children who have had type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> for along time.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have persistently poorglycaemic control should be offered screening for anxiety and depression.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and suspected anxiety and/ordepression should be referred promptly to child mental health professionals.6.3 Eating disordersDiabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>, in particular young women, have an increased risk of eating disorders.Diabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> who have eating disorders may have associated problems of persistenthyperglycaemia, recurrent hypoglycaemia, and/or symptoms associated with gastricparesis.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in whom eating disorders areidentified by their <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should be offered joint management involvingtheir <strong>diabetes</strong> care team and child mental health professionals.6.4 Cognitive disordersParents of pre-school children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informed that persistenthypoglycaemia, in particular in association with seizures, is associated with a smallbut definite risk of long-term neurocognitive dysfunction.Diabetes care teams should consider referring children and young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have frequent hypoglycaemia and/or recurrent seizures forassessment of cognitive function, particularly if these occur at a young age.6.5 Behavioural and conduct disordersChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have behavioural or conductdisorders, and their families, should be offered access to appropriate mental healthprofessionals.6.6 Non-adherenceNon-adherence to therapy should be considered in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have poor glycaemic control, especially in adolescence.Non-adherence to therapy should be considered in children and young people withestablished type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who present with diabetic ketoacidosis, especially if thediabetic ketoacidosis is recurrent.Young people with ‘brittle <strong>diabetes</strong>’ (that is, those who present with frequent episodesof diabetic ketoacidosis over a relatively short time) should have their emotional andpsychological wellbeing assessed.The issue of non-adherence to therapy should be raised with children and youngpeople and their families in a sensitive manner.6.7 Psychosocial supportDiabetes care teams should be aware that poor psychosocial support has a negativeimpact on a variety of outcomes of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people,including glycaemic control and self-esteem.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, especially young people using multipledaily injection regimens, should be offered structured behavioural interventionstrategies because these may improve psychological wellbeing and glycaemic control.BGPPGPPCCGPPCGPPGPPBBGPPGPPCA16

Summary of recommendations and practice algorithmYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered specific support strategies, suchas mentoring and self-monitoring of blood glucose levels supported by problemsolving, to improve their self-esteem and glycaemic control.Families of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered specificsupport strategies (such as behavioural family systems therapy) to reduce <strong>diabetes</strong>relatedconflict between family members.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredtimely and ongoing access to mental health professionals because they mayexperience psychological disturbances (such as anxiety, depression, behavioural andconduct disorders and family conflict) that can impact on the management of<strong>diabetes</strong> and wellbeing.Diabetes care teams should have appropriate access to mental health professionals tosupport them in the assessment of psychological dysfunction and the delivery ofpsychosocial support.6.8 AdolescenceDiabetes care teams should be aware that adolescence can be a period of worseningglycaemic control, which may in part be due to non-adherence to therapy.Chapter 7 Continuity of care7.1 Communication between organisationsChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredinformation about the existence of and means of contacting local and/or national<strong>diabetes</strong> support groups and organisations, and the potential benefits of membership.This should be done in the time following diagnosis and periodically thereafter.Diabetes care teams should liaise regularly with school staff involved in supervisingchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> to offer appropriate <strong>diabetes</strong>education and practical information.Teaching staff should be informed about the potential effects of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> oncognitive function and educational attainment.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be advisedhow to obtain information about benefits in relation to government disability support.7.2 Transition from paediatric to adult careYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to attend clinics on aregular basis (three or four times per year) because regular attendance is associatedwith good glycaemic control.Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be allowed sufficient time to familiarisethemselves with the practicalities of the transition from paediatric to adult servicesbecause this has been shown to improve clinic attendance.Specific local protocols should be agreed for transferring young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> from paediatric to adult services.The age of transfer to the adult service should depend on the individual’s physicaldevelopment and emotional maturity, and local circumstances.Transition from the paediatric service should occur at a time of relative stability in theindividual’s health and should be coordinated with other life transitions.Paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should organise age-banded clinics for young peopleand young adults jointly with their adult specialty colleagues.Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who are preparing for transition to adult servicesshould be informed that some aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong> care will change at transition. Themain changes relate to targets for short-term glycaemic control and screening forcomplications.AAGPPGPPBGPPGPPGPPGPPDGPPGPPGPPDDGPP17

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>2.2 Future research recommendations18Chapter 4 Ongoing management4.1 EducationFurther research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of age-specific structured educationprogrammes covering all aspects of care in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>,their families and other carers.Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of education programmes in whichyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> provide training for their peers.Further research is needed to determine the most effective way of training healthcareprofessionals to provide education about type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people.4.2 Insulin regimensResearch is needed to compare the effectiveness of multiple daily injection regimens with twicedailyinjection regimens in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Research is needed to compare the effectiveness of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (orinsulin pump therapy) and multiple daily injection regimens in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.4.3 Insulin preparationsResearch is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of long-acting insulin analogues in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of once-daily injection regimens inchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, and especially in pre-school children.4.4 Methods of delivering insulinFurther research is required to evaluate the effectiveness of insulin delivery systems in childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Research is needed to compare the effectiveness of insulin delivery modes (for example, dermal,nasal, oral and pulmonary) in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.4.5 Non-insulin agents (oral antidiabetic drugs)Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of metformin combined with insulintreatment in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.4.6 Monitoring glycaemic controlResearch is needed to investigate the clinical implications of alternative site monitoring (forexample, the arm as opposed to the finger) in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Research is needed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the routine use of invasive and noninvasivecontinuous glucose monitoring systems for optimising glycaemic control in childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.4.7 DietFurther research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of training in flexible, intensive insulinmanagement to enable children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> to adjust insulin dosesto match carbohydrate intake.Chapter 5 Complications and associated conditions5.2 Diabetic ketoacidosisFurther research is needed to evaluate the role of blood ketone monitoring in preventing diabeticketoacidosis in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Further research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of different concentrations ofrehydration fluid, the rate of rehydration, the use of albumin infusion and the dose of insulininfusion in the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people.

Summary of recommendations and practice algorithm5.5 Screening for complications and associated conditionsFurther research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of screening for cardiovascular riskfactors in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Chapter 6 Psychological and social issues6.4 Cognitive disordersFurther research is needed to evaluate the effects of persistent hypoglycaemia and recurrentdiabetic ketoacidosis on neurocognitive function.6.8 AdolescenceFurther studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioural and social interventionson anxiety and depression, eating disorders, behavioural and conduct disorders, and adherenceto therapy in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, especially in adolescence, fromdiagnosis and in established <strong>diabetes</strong>.Chapter 7 Continuity of care7.1 Communication between organisationsFurther research is needed to evaluate the effects of low blood glucose levels on learning,attendance at school and educational attainment.7.2 Transition from paediatric to adult careFurther research is needed to investigate young people’s experiences of transition frompaediatric to adult services for people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.2.3 Algorithm19

3. Diagnosis and initialmanagement3.1 DiagnosisThe classic symptoms of <strong>diabetes</strong> are thirst, polydipsia (increased drinking), polyuria (increasedurine output), recurrent infections and weight loss. The diagnostic criteria for <strong>diabetes</strong> are thesame in children, young people and adults. 11 [evidence level IV]Children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> nearly always present with symptoms such as thosedescribed above, as well as metabolic changes such as hyperglycaemia (excessive glucose in theblood), marked glycosuria (glucose in the urine) and ketonuria (excessive ketone bodies in theurine). 11 [evidence level IV] Studies have shown that at diagnosis around 25% of children andyoung people present with diabetic ketoacidosis and in children under the age of 4 years theproportion is higher. 12,13 [evidence level III] In children and young people with severe symptoms,the diagnosis can be confirmed by a random plasma glucose concentration ≥ 11.1 mmol/l. 11[evidence level IV] An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is not usually necessary or appropriatefor children and young people who present with symptoms.In the unusual situation where a child presents without definitive symptoms but with a plasmaglucose concentration ≥ 11.1 mmol/l, the World Health Organization recommends that a fastingplasma glucose test and/or an OGTT may be required to confirm the diagnosis. 11 [evidence levelIV] Fasting plasma glucose measurements should be obtained after more than 8 hours withoutcaloric intake, 14 [evidence level IV] and a fasting plasma glucose concentration ≥ 7.0mmol/l canbe used to confirm the diagnosis. 11 [evidence level IV] A suitable OGTT for children and youngpeople involves oral administration of 1.75 g of glucose/kg body weight up to a maximum of75 g of glucose, followed by measurement of glucose and insulin levels at 0, 1 and 2 hours.Confirmation of diagnosis by this method requires a plasma glucose concentration ≥ 11.1 mmol/lfrom a blood sample collected 2 hours after administering the glucose load. 11 [evidence level IV]Impaired glucose regulation (a metabolic state intermediate between normal glucosehomeostasis and <strong>diabetes</strong>) occurs in two forms: 11 [evidence level IV]• impaired glucose tolerance (fasting plasma glucose concentration < 7.0 mmol/l, and plasmaglucose concentration ≥ 7.8 mmol/l but < 11.1 mmol/l 2 hours after OGGT)• impaired fasting glycaemia (fasting plasma glucose concentration ≥ 6.1 mmol/l but< 7.0 mmol/l, and plasma glucose concentration < 7.8 mmol/l 2 hours after OGGT).Impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glycaemia are risk categories for future <strong>diabetes</strong>and/or adult cardiovascular disease, rather than clinical entities in their own right. 11 [evidencelevel IV] Children and young people with impaired glucose regulation and/or asymptomaticpresentation of mild hyperglycaemia may have non-type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (such as early-onset type 2<strong>diabetes</strong>, other insulin resistance syndromes, maturity-onset <strong>diabetes</strong> in the young andmolecular/enzymatic abnormalities). Non-type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be considered if the child isobese, or of Black or Asian origin, or if there is a strong family history of early-onset type 2<strong>diabetes</strong> or other syndromes.Where uncertainty exists, additional support for the type of diagnosis can be made by measuringspecific immunological markers of beta-cell damage: abnormal levels of islet cell antibodies,insulin auto-antibodies and glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies usually signify type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. 15 [evidence level IV]22

Diagnosis and initial managementAn international expert committee considered the World Health Organization’s criteria fordiagnosis and classification of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 16 [evidence level IV] The expert committee agreedwith the criteria used by the World Health Organization except for concluding that OGTTs shouldbe discouraged in clinical practice due to their inconvenience, greater cost and lowerreproducibility compared with fasting plasma glucose or 2 hours post-glucose plasma glucose tests.Record keeping and registersAt present there is no complete national register of children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> in the UK. The National Paediatric Diabetes Audit, which started in 1999 and wasfunded through the Diabetes Foundation, is a joint initiative between Diabetes UK, the RoyalCollege of Paediatrics and Child Health and the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology andDiabetes. This audit project has now moved to the National Clinical Audit Support Programme.The aim of the audit is to establish a national paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> recording system to facilitate anational audit mechanism and develop a cycle of continuous quality improvement in paediatric<strong>diabetes</strong> care throughout the UK. 17A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found that 34% of consultants reported using a computerdatabase. ‘Twinkle’ was used in 19 centres, ‘Novonet’ was used in five centres and ‘Diamond’was used in four centres. The majority of services used locally developed databases. 18 [evidencelevel III]We identified no studies that investigated the clinical effectiveness of registers for children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.An RCT of different implementation strategies for using a <strong>diabetes</strong> register found that use ofregisters to produce letters to remind patients of clinic appointments showed no overallimprovement in glycated haemoglobin level or attendance for testing of glycated haemoglobincompared with patients who did not receive letters. 19 [evidence level Ib]A retrospective cohort study of adult patients with all types of <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the effects ofan electronic management system compared with traditional paper medical records (n = 82). 20[evidence level IIb] The study found the electronic management system was associated with anincreased number of foot examinations/year (2.9 ± 1.1 versus 1.8 ± 1.4, p < 0.001), an increasednumber of blood pressure readings/year (3.6 ± 1.6 versus 2.7 ± 1.6, p < 0.0035) and an increasein the number of patients having four glycated haemoglobin tests in the last year (76.9 versus51.2, p = 0.016). However, there was no difference between the most recent glycatedhaemoglobin levels (9.7 ± 1.7% versus 10.2 ± 1.9%).RECOMMENDATIONSThe diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people should be based onthe criteria specified in the 1999 World Health Organization report on the diagnosisand classification of <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus.Children and young people with suspected type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offeredimmediate (same day) referral to a multidisciplinary paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care team thathas the competencies needed to confirm diagnosis and to provide immediate care.Consideration should be given to the possibility of other types of <strong>diabetes</strong> (such asearly-onset type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>, other insulin resistance syndromes, maturity-onset<strong>diabetes</strong> in the young and molecular/enzymatic abnormalities) in children and youngpeople with suspected type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who:• have a strong family history of <strong>diabetes</strong>• are obese at presentation• are of Black or Asian origin• have an insulin requirement of less than 0.5 units/kg body weight/day outside apartial remission phase• have no insulin requirement• rarely or never produce ketone bodies in the urine (ketonuria) during episodes ofhyperglycaemiaDGPPGPP23

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• show evidence of insulin resistance (for example, acanthosis nigricans)• have associated features, such as eye disease, deafness, or another systemic illness orsyndrome.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be entered on a populationbased,practice-based and/or clinic-based <strong>diabetes</strong> register.GPPGPP3.2 Management from diagnosis24<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> can have a potentially devastating acute and long-term effect on a child oryoung person and their family. The management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, education, empowermentand support of the child or young person and their family in the first few weeks can have a longtermeffect on their acceptance of the condition, and their skills and enthusiasm in itsmanagement. 21 [evidence level IV]The National Service Framework for Children states that: 22‘Children and young people [with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>] should receive care that is integrated andcoordinated around their particular needs, and the needs of their family. They, and their parents,should be treated with respect, and should be given support and information to enable them tounderstand and cope with the [diagnosis of <strong>diabetes</strong>] and the treatment needed. They should beencouraged to be active partners in decisions about their health and care, and, where possible,be able to exercise choice.’The National Service Framework for Diabetes Delivery Strategy states that: 23‘A care plan is at the heart of a partnership approach to care and a central part of effective caremanagement. The process of agreeing a care plan offers people active involvement in deciding,agreeing and owning how their <strong>diabetes</strong> will be managed. Whilst the overall goal is a genuinepartnership, the person with <strong>diabetes</strong> must feel that they are comfortable with what is proposedand that they do not have to bear more responsibility than they wish.’What is the optimum location (home versus hospital) for the management of children andyoung people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?In the past there has been some controversy as to whether or not children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be managed in hospital or at home soon after diagnosis.A systematic review identified two RCTs, 24,25 three retrospective cohort studies 26–28 and aprospective cohort study. 29,30 [evidence level Ia] The systematic review found that owing to thelow quality or limited applicability of the studies identified the results were inconclusive.However, the data suggested that home or outpatient management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in childrenat diagnosis did not lead to any disadvantages in terms of metabolic control, acute <strong>diabetes</strong>complications and hospitalisations, psychosocial variables and behaviour, or total costs. 30[evidence level Ia]The two RCTs included in the systematic review compared home care packages to standardhospital inpatient care for the management of children and young people over the age of 2 yearswith newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 24,25 [evidence level Ib] The trials were conducted inFinland and Canada, and the children and young people were followed for 2–5 years. Theoutcomes reported were HbA 1c , <strong>diabetes</strong>-related adverse events, <strong>diabetes</strong> knowledge, adherenceto treatment, family impact, stress, satisfaction, child behaviour, social cost, insulin dosage,family social variables and rate of re-admission. In the Finnish study, the two treatment groupsreceived the same content and quantity of patient education, although few specific details wereprovided in the report. In the Canadian study, both treatment groups had 24-hour telephoneaccess to a diabetologist or a <strong>diabetes</strong> nurse; the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team also included a psychologistand a social worker. Children and young people who lived more than 1 hour’s travelling timefrom the hospital were excluded from the study.The Finnish study found no significant difference in HbA 1c levels between the two treatmentgroups (n = 60). 25 [evidence level Ib] The Canadian study reported improved glycaemic controlin the home care group. 24 [evidence level Ib] However, in this study the treatment groups differed

Diagnosis and initial managementin terms of continuity of care, and the home care group spent more hours with a <strong>diabetes</strong> nurse.These factors could explain the improved glycaemic control in the home care group.Both studies examined <strong>diabetes</strong>-related hospital admissions in the post-initial managementperiod. Neither study found a significant difference between home and hospital care groups. TheFinnish study measured insulin dosage, and showed a statistically significant decrease in insulinuse among children and young people treated as outpatients. 31 [evidence level Ib] The Canadianstudy found no statistically significant differences between home and hospital care groups interms of psychosocial outcomes, knowledge of <strong>diabetes</strong>, adherence to insulin therapy, familyimpact, satisfaction, child behavioural problems or social costs. This study did find significantlyhigher perceived stress levels among young people in the home care group after 1 month,although the difference was not significant at 12 months or 24 months. Perceived stress levelsamong parents did not differ significantly between home and hospital care groups at any time(n = 63). 24 [evidence level Ib]We did not identify any RCTs that investigated the location of initial management in the UK.A retrospective cohort study based in Leicester reported significantly fewer <strong>diabetes</strong>-relatedhospital re-admissions among children and young people who received home-based care. 25[evidence level IIb] However, glycated haemoglobin concentrations did not differsignificantly between home and hospital care groups. In this observational study, thedifference between the rates of hospital re-admission in the home and hospital care groupsmay have been due to differences between the two groups that were not related to thelocation of initial management.A descriptive observational study from Birmingham showed that 14% of children and youngpeople with <strong>diabetes</strong> could be fully managed at home from the time of diagnosis. The meanlength of inpatient hospital-based care for children and young people with newly diagnosed type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> was 2 days. 32 [evidence level III]Another descriptive observational study from the USA reported that 35% of children and youngpeople with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were treated as outpatients. 33 [evidence level III]Three non-experimental descriptive studies reported outcomes for children and young peoplereceiving initial management at home or in hospital. 26,29,34 [evidence level III] However, thesestudies were likely to have been affected by bias because children and young people whoreceive hospital-based initial management usually have severe symptoms which may beassociated with long-term outcomes. The first study showed that the incidence of severehypoglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, <strong>diabetes</strong>-related complications and HbA 1 did not differsignificantly between children and young people receiving home- and hospital-based care. 26[evidence level III] The second study reported that hospitalisation episodes and ketoacidoticepisodes were more common in children and young people treated initially as inpatients thanin children and young people managed initially as outpatients (hospitalisation episodes: RR 3.7,95% CI 1.5 to 9.0; ketoacidotic episodes: RR 3.1, 95% CI 1.5 to 6.3). However, there was nosignificant difference in the incidence of severe hypoglycaemia between the two treatmentgroups. 34 [evidence level III] The third study found no significant differences in re-admission andemergency room visits, knowledge, responsibility of care, coping skills or quality of life betweenchildren and young people who received home- and hospital-based education. However, therewere small differences in adherence to blood glucose regulation, emergency precautions andfamily functioning. 29 [evidence level III]Two further studies investigated the effects of reducing the length of hospital-based care. An RCTcompared early discharge, care in a hospital-based family apartment, and conventional hospitalbasedcare. 35 [evidence level Ib] There was no significant difference in glycaemic control or readmissionrates between the three groups. A non-randomised controlled trial that comparedshort (average 9 days) and long (approximately 23 days) initial hospital stays found no significantdifferences in metabolic control, percentage of children and young people that tested positivefor C-peptide (an indicator of endogenous insulin production) after 2 years, insulin dosage 31,36 orpsychosocial function 31,36 between the two treatment groups. [evidence level IIa]We found an economic study based on a Canadian RCT. 37 This study was based on data fromone hospital and home care programme. The home care programme consisted of two nursevisits a year and a 24-hour telephone support service. Home care patients were offered25

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>psychosocial support and counselling and were offered an additional clinic visit with adiabetologist. Overall, the cost of home care was found to be higher. The increased cost of homecare was attributable to increased specialist <strong>diabetes</strong> nursing care and increased psychosocialcounselling, although the cost to parents was lower.Diabetes care teamsThe clinical management of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is normallyorganised by a team of healthcare professionals.A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found variation across the country on who provided carefor children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 244 paediatricians, n = 17 192 children andyoung people). 18 [evidence level III] Of these consultant paediatricians, 78% expressed aspecialist interest in <strong>diabetes</strong>, and 91% saw children in a designated <strong>diabetes</strong> clinic. There wasa specialist nurse in 93% of the clinics, 66% of whom were trained to care for children and 47%of whom had a caseload of more than 100 children. A paediatric dietitian was present in 65%of the clinics, and in 25% of clinics some form of specialist psychology or counselling wasavailable.The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that: 38 [evidence level IV]• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> felt that healthcare professionals should be skilled ingaining the confidence of young people by educating them about <strong>diabetes</strong> in accessiblelanguage, treating them as individuals and with respect, and ensuring that they are given theopportunity to contribute to decisions about their <strong>diabetes</strong> care.• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents felt they should have 24-hour access toa named specialist nurse with whom they could speak confidentially and who they couldcontact between clinic appointments.• Some young women with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> stated a preference for a female doctor with whomthey felt they would be more comfortable.• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents felt that it was important to see the samemembers of the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team wherever possible.• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> liked age-banded clinics.• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were happy to miss school in order to attend clinicappointments, but their parents would prefer clinic appointments to be available outside ofschool hours.• Parents of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> suggested that clinic appointments should beflexible enough to take into account school terms, timetables and examination schedules.• parents of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> felt that there should be easy access topsychology services and suggested that paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should include apsychologist.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered an ongoingintegrated package of care by a multidisciplinary paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care team. Tooptimise the effectiveness of care and reduce the risk of complications, the <strong>diabetes</strong>care team should include members with appropriate training in clinical, educational,dietetic, lifestyle, mental health and foot care aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong> for children andyoung people.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offered24-hour access to advice from the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be involvedin making decisions about the package of care provided by the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.At the time of diagnosis, children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should beoffered home-based or inpatient management according to clinical need, familycircumstances and wishes, and residential proximity to inpatient services. Home-GPPGPPGPPA26

Diagnosis and initial managementbased care with support from the local paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care team (including 24-hour telephone access to advice) is safe and as effective as inpatient initialmanagement.Children and young people who present with diabetic ketoacidosis should have theirdiabetic ketoacidosis treated in hospital according to the guidance outlined in thisdocument.Children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who are younger than 2 years of age and children andyoung people who have social or emotional difficulties, or who live a long way fromhospital should be offered inpatient initial management.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredappropriate emotional support following diagnosis, which should be tailored toemotional, social, cultural and age-dependent needs.DGPPGPPGPP3.3 Natural history of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Although considerably decreased, significant endogenous insulin production is often present atdiagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. For many patients this endogenous insulin production is a majorfactor in the occurrence of a ‘partial remission phase’ or ‘honeymoon period’.The partial remission phase has been defined as a period when an insulin dosage of less than0.5 units/kg body weight/day results in an HbA 1c level of less than 7%, 39 or when an insulindosage of less than 0.3 units/kg body weight/day results in an HbA 1c level of less than 6%. 40[evidence level III]There is a wide variation in the prevalence of a partial remission phase in children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. An observational study found that 80% of children and youngpeople with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> experienced a partial remission phase that lastedat least 3 months. 39 [evidence level III] A second study found that 65% of children and youngpeople experienced a partial remission phase. 41 [evidence level III] However, a consensusguideline suggested that 30–60% of children and young people experience a partial remissionphase. 15 [evidence level IV]Factors determining the length of the partial remission phaseTwo observational studies found no association between the sex of children and young peopleand the presence or duration of a partial remission phase. 39,40 [evidence level III] However, athird observational study found that males with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were more likely to experiencea partial remission phase than females (occurrence of remission: 73% in males versus 53% infemales, RR 1.38, 95% CI 1.08 to 1.76; duration of remission: 279 ± 22 days in males versus210 ± 25 days in females, p < 0.01). 41 [evidence level III]Four observational studies found that younger children were less likely than older children toexperience a remission phase, and that younger children had shorter remission phases than olderchildren. One study compared children diagnosed before the age of 5 years to those diagnosedafter the age of 5 years (remission phase of at least 3 months: 50% under 5 years versus 90% over5 years, p < 0.0005; average duration of remission phase: 7.3 ± 8.4 months versus 13.1 ± 8.6months, p < 0.05). 39 [evidence level III] A second study found that a remission phase occurred in0%, 16%, 5% and 23% of children aged 5 years or younger, 5.1–9 years, 9.1–12 years and over12 years, respectively (p = 0.01). 40 [evidence level III] The same study found that residual C-peptide secretion was significantly reduced during the first year of disease in children with diseaseonset before the age of 5 years (p < 0.001). 40 [evidence level III] Another study found that the ageof onset of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> was greater in children who experienced a partial remission phase thanin other children (7.6 ± 0.4 years versus 6.3 ± 0.5 years, p < 0. 05). 41 [evidence level III]Insulin treatment during the partial remission phaseWe found no studies relating to the optimisation of insulin treatment during the partial remissionphase. However, one study evaluated guidance aimed at reducing insulin dosage in response to27

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>self-monitoring of blood glucose levels in young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>who presented with ketosis. 42 [evidence level III] This study showed that, on average, the insulindosage was reduced from 62 units/day to 33 units/day while maintaining preprandial bloodglucose levels of 4–7 mmol/l. 42 [evidence level III]Insulin regimens for prolonging the partial remission phaseWe found two RCTs that compared the effectiveness of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion(CSII), or ‘insulin pump therapy’, with once-/twice-daily insulin injection therapy in children andyoung people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. One study in which the children andyoung people were followed up for 2 years found CSII was associated with lower HbA 1c levelsfrom 2 months after diagnosis, but that it did not prolong endogenous insulin production(n = 30). 43,44 [evidence level Ib] An earlier RCT in young people aged 13–19 years found nodifference in HbA 1c levels 1 year after the start of CSII compared with once-/twice-daily insulininjection therapy (n = 14). 45 [evidence level Ib]We found one RCT that compared the effectiveness of continuous venous insulin infusion for thefirst 28–62 days of treatment with once-daily subcutaneous insulin injections in young peoplewith newly-diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. During the intervention period continuous venous insulininfusion was associated with lower HbA 1c levels (10.9 ± 0.6% versus 14.6 ± 0.7%, p < 0.005),and lower fasting plasma glucose levels and urinary glucose excretion, but after the interventionperiod finished there was no difference in HbA 1c (n = 14). 46 [evidence level Ib]We found one non-randomised intervention study that compared the effectiveness of a closedloop insulin delivery system (artificial pancreas) for around 5 days with CSII in young peoplewith newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> 3 to 5 days after diagnosis. The closed loop insulindelivery system was associated with a higher proportion of patients who had a remission period(18/23 versus 3/10). There were no differences in duration of remission period or mean basal orpostprandial blood glucose levels (n = 33). 47 [evidence level IIa]Immunotherapy for prolonging the partial remission phaseThe use of immunotherapy in type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has been investigated over the past 20 years. Wefound studies that investigated eight different therapies.CyclosporinThe effectiveness of cyclosporin compared with placebo was investigated in two RCTs. One RCTinvestigated cyclosporin in combination with insulin therapy compared with a placebo withinsulin therapy in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> between the ages of 10 and 35 years. 48 [evidencelevel Ib] The study found cyclosporin treatment to be associated with insulin-free remission at 6and 12 months (38.7% versus 19.1%, p < 0.001, n = 54 at 6 months; 24.2% versus 9.8%,p < 0.002, n = 31 at 12 months). A follow-up to the study using matched pairs of patients foundthat at 6 months after discontinuation of the treatment HbA 1c was higher in the cyclosporintreatedgroup than the placebo group. However, at 15 months after discontinuation of thetreatment there was no difference between the cyclosporin-treated group and the placebogroup. 49 [evidence level IIa]A second RCT compared cyclosporin plus insulin therapy with placebo plus insulin therapy inpatients aged 15–40 years with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 122). 50 [evidence level Ib] Cyclosporintreatment was associated with insulin-free remission at 9 months (24.1% versus 5.8%, p < 0.01)but not at 6 months (25.4% versus 18.6%).A non-randomised intervention study investigated the effectiveness of two different doses ofcyclosporin in children and young people (n = 28). 51 [evidence level IIa] There was no differencebetween the average HbA 1c levels in the groups of children and young people with differentdoses of cyclosporin. High-dose cyclosporin (target trough plasma levels of 200 ng/ml) wasassociated with a higher number of children and young people in insulin-free remission at 6months compared with low-dose cyclosporin (target trough plasma levels of 100 mg/ml) (3/6versus 5/14). A cohort study investigated the effectiveness of cyclosporin in children and youngpeople, including some of the children and young people from the above non-randomisedintervention study (n = 83 treated with cyclosporin, n = 47 not treated with cyclosporin). 5228

Diagnosis and initial management[evidence level IIa] Children and young people treated with cyclosporin had lower HbA 1c levelsthan those not treated with cyclosporin (HbA 1c approximately 1–1.5% lower in cyclosporintreatedchildren during the first 4 years of follow-up) and a lower frequency ofhypoglycaemia/patient (0.03 ± 0.03 versus 0.23 ± 0.09, p < 0.05).NicotinamideA meta-analysis 53 of seven RCTs 54–59 investigated the effectiveness of nicotinamide compared withplacebo in children, young people and adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n < 211, exact number notreported). There was no difference in HbA 1c levels between patients treated with nicotinamideand placebo (standardised difference 0.08% at 6 months, approximate 95% CI –0.67 to 0.83%).[evidence level Ia]The effectiveness of nicotinamide compared with placebo was investigated in one RCT in youngadults (n = 21, mean age 23 years in the nicotinamide group versus 26 years in the placebogroup). 60 [evidence level Ib] There were no differences in HbA 1c levels at 6, 12 or 24 months(5.7 ± 0.5% versus 5.4 ± 0.9% at 6 months; 6.0 ± 0.6% versus 5.8 ± 0.9% at 12 months;6.6 ± 0.9% versus 6.0 ± 0.4% at 24 months). In both groups, similar numbers of patientsexperienced an insulin-free remission or partial remission (2/11 versus 3/9 in insulin-freeremission and 4/11 versus 4/10 in partial remission at 6 months; 3/11 versus 3/9 in partialremission at 12 months; 1/11 versus 1/9 in partial remission at 2 years).A controlled study (unknown if randomised) investigated the effectiveness of nicotinamidecompared with placebo in children, young people and young adults (n = 16, age range 10–35years). 61 [evidence level IIa] Nicotinamide was associated with an increase in patientsexperiencing an insulin-free remission (5/7 versus 2/9 at 6 months; 3/7 versus 0/9 at 1 year) anda decrease in HbA 1c levels (7%, SE 0.46% versus 7.7%, SE 0.7% at 6 months; 6.4%, SE 0.6%versus 8.6%, SE 0.5% at 1 year).Nicotinamide and cyclosporinThe effectiveness of cyclosporin and nicotinamide combined compared with nicotinamidealone and a control group was investigated in children, young people and young adults in anRCT (n = 90, age range 7–40 years). 62 [evidence level Ib] There was no difference in the totalnumber who experienced a remission period by 1 year (7/30 versus 5/30 versus 2/30). However,at 3 months the cyclosporin and nicotinamide combination was associated with an increasednumber of clinical remissions (6/30 versus 1/30 versus 0/30, p = 0.05) and nicotinamide alonewas associated with a longer duration of clinical remission than was the cyclosporin plusnicotinamide and control (7 ± 3 months, p < 0.02).MethylprednisoloneThe effectiveness of methylprednisolone has been investigated in two studies. One controlledstudy without randomisation investigated children and young people treated with intravenousmethylprednisolone pulse therapy in combination with multiple subcutaneous insulin injectionscompared with a control group receiving only multiple subcutaneous insulin injections(n = 31). 63 [evidence level IIa] At 12 months, methylprednisolone treatment was associated withan increase in the number of children and young people having had a remission period (4/16versus 1/11 with complete remission where no insulin required; 9/16 versus 1/11 with partialremission involving 50% reduction in insulin dosage, p < 0.01), an increase in the duration ofremission (6.6 ± 4.6 months versus 3.1 ± 2.3 months, p < 0.01), and a decrease in HbA 1c levels(9.2 ± 3.6% versus 10.5 ± 1.9%, p < 0.01). A controlled study without randomisation in children,young people and adults investigated oral methylprednisolone with insulin therapy comparedwith insulin therapy alone (n = 25). 64 [evidence level IIa] All patients in the study underwent aremission period. Oral methylprednisolone was associated with an increased duration ofremission (p < 0.001), although there were no differences in HbA 1c levels. The study discussedseveral adverse effects that may be associated with oral methylprednisolone.PrednisoneOne RCT has investigated the effectiveness of prednisone in adults (n = 25). 65 [evidence level Ib]Prednisone was associated with an increase in partial remission compared with placebo (6/9versus 2/10). Adverse events (facies lunaris and epigastralgia) were reported.29

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>IndometacinOne RCT has investigated the effectiveness of indometacin in adults (the same RCT as above,n = 25). 66 [evidence level Ib] No association was seen between indometacin and partialremission compared with placebo (1/4 versus 2/10). An adverse event (headache) was reported.TheophyllineOne RCT has investigated the effectiveness of theophylline in adults (the same RCT as above,n = 10). 66 [evidence level Ib] Theophylline was associated with an increase in partial remissioncompared with placebo (4/5 versus 2/4).ThymopentinOne RCT has investigated the effectiveness of thymopentin in young people and young adults(n = 48, age range 12–31 years). 67 [evidence level Ib] Thymopentin was associated with anincrease in partial remission compared with control (7/16 versus 3/30 at 6 months; 9/16 versus2/30 at 1 year; p range ≤ 0.05–0.01). There were no differences in HbA 1c levels (8.8 ± 0.4%versus 8.7 ± 0.3% at 1 month; 6.2 ± 0.2% versus 6.5 ± 0.1% at 6 months; 6.4 ± 0.4% versus7.5 ± 0.5% at 1 year).InterferonOne RCT has investigated the effectiveness of interferon in young people and young adults with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 16, age range 15–25 years). 68 [evidence level Ib] No difference was seen in thenumber of patients experiencing a remission phase at 1 year (6/20 versus 12/23), nor in HbA 1c levels(8.9 ± 0.3% versus 9.1 ± 0.4% at 1 month; 8.1 ± 0.5% versus 7.9 ± 0.5% at 6 months; 8.6 ± 0.6%versus 9.7 ± 0.7% at 12 months; 9.8 ± 0.6%, n = 9 versus 9.5 ± 0.7%, n = 9 at 30–36 months).MethotrexateOne RCT has investigated the effectiveness of methotrexate in children and young people (n = 10). 69[evidence level Ib] No difference was seen in the number of patients experiencing a remission phaseat 18 months (1/5 versus 3/5). Adverse effects were investigated and found to be minimal.AzathioprineOne RCT has investigated the effectiveness of azathioprine in children and young people(n = 49). 70 [evidence level Ib] No difference was seen in the number of patients experiencing aremission phase (7/24 versus 10/25 at 6 months; 4/24 versus 4/25 at 1 year), nor in HbA 1c levels(7.2 ± 0.4% versus 6.6 ± 0.2% at 6 months; 7.7 ± 0.3% versus 7.1 ± 0.3% at 12 months). Adverseeffects were investigated and no difference was found in the number of infections between thetwo groups. However, there was a greater number of skin lesions reported in the azathioprinetreatedchildren and young people.Healthcare professionals may find it useful to refer to the recommendations in Section 4.1(education) when offering information about the natural history of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informedthat they may experience a partial remission phase (or ‘honeymoon period’) duringwhich a low dosage of insulin (0.5 units/kg body weight/day) may be sufficient tomaintain an HbA 1c level of less than 7%.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informed that the use ofmultiple daily insulin injection regimens or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (orinsulin pump therapy) will not prolong the partial remission phase, although these formsof therapy may be appropriate for optimising glycaemic control, especially in youngpeople.DA3.4 Essential education at diagnosisA consensus guideline has highlighted education as an essential part of the package of care at30

Diagnosis and initial managementdiagnosis. 15 [evidence level III] The consensus guideline and Diabetes UK care recommendationssuggested topics that could act as a template in which to develop an appropriatecurriculum, with the proviso that the content and pace of education should be determined bythe individual and the model of care utilised. Education for children and young people withnewly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their families and other carers should aim to cover thefollowing topics: 15,71 [evidence level IV]• explaining how the diagnosis has been made and reasons for symptoms, including a simpleexplanation of the uncertain cause of <strong>diabetes</strong> and that there is no cause for blame• identifying and addressing fears, anxieties and preconceived ideas of <strong>diabetes</strong> and otherquestions that children, young people or family members may have• risks associated with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• the need for immediate insulin and how insulin works• practical skills in insulin injection• what glucose is, normal blood glucose levels, glucose targets, practical skills in selfmonitoringof blood glucose and reasons for monitoring• basic dietetic advice and information about healthy eating• the advantages of physical activity and strategies to prevent adverse events occurring duringor after physical activity• awareness of acute complications and how to deal with them, including hypoglycaemia,stressing that glucose or sucrose must always be available• management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> during intercurrent illness, including advice not to omit insulin• aspects of self-confidence needed for self-management• psychological adjustment to the diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• everyday issues such as <strong>diabetes</strong> at home and school, identification cards or bracelets andproviding contacts for further advice• information about <strong>diabetes</strong> support groups and local services for people with <strong>diabetes</strong>,including contact telephone numbers• details of emergency telephone contacts.A UK health technology assessment has addressed aspects of education in children, youngpeople and young adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (age range 9–21 years). 72 [evidence level Ia–II] Thehealth technology assessment identified five studies that examined education of children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Three of the studies, 36,73,74 [evidence level IIa–IIb] whichconcerned education offered in relation to the place of initial management, were discussed inSection 3.2. The two remaining studies 27,75 [evidence level Ib–IIa] are summarised below,together with other studies that were identified in our searches. Further evidence andrecommendations relating to education are presented in Section 4.1.The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that some young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> felt they were given too much informationat the time of diagnosis. Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> wanted information aimed at themrather than just at their parents, although they understood that their parents also needed to knowhow to manage type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 38 [evidence level IV]An RCT in children and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the useof additional educational support at diagnosis in the form of a booklet called Improvingcompliance with treatment for <strong>diabetes</strong>. The study showed that there was a general tendency forlower glycated haemoglobin levels in the group given the booklet but a significantly lowerglycated haemoglobin level was only seen at 10–13 months after diagnosis (p < 0.01, exactresults not reported). 76 [evidence level Ib]Techniques for initiating insulin therapyWe found no systematic reviews, RCTs or observational studies that evaluated education for theinitiation of insulin therapy for children and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Techniques for monitoring blood glucose levelsWe found one RCT that investigated education at diagnosis for self-monitoring of blood glucoselevels. 75 [evidence level Ib] The RCT was based on 36 children and young people with newly31

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The intervention group received seven sessions of training thatrelated specifically to self-monitoring of blood glucose for the purposes of adjusting diet,exercise and insulin administration. The intervention group was compared with a control groupthat received non-specific training sessions and another control group that received standardcare. The group that received training in self-monitoring of blood glucose levels had lower HbA 1levels at 1 year (p < 0.01) and 2 years (p < 0.05) compared with the group that received standardcare, but not compared with the group that received non-specific training. 75 [evidence level Ib]Avoiding and treating symptoms of hypoglycaemiaWe found no studies that evaluated initial education for avoiding and treating hypoglycaemia inchildren and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.An RCT involving 332 children and young people with previously diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>(diagnosed 5 years earlier on average) investigated an education programme involving a videoand brochure that reviewed skills for self-control and treatment with the aim of preventinghypoglycaemia. The study found no difference in the incidence of severe hypoglycaemiabetween the intervention and control groups after 1 year. 77 [evidence level Ib]A non-controlled intervention study involving 86 children and young people with previouslydiagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (diagnosed 4 years earlier on average), found no difference in theincidence of hypoglycaemia after the use of a video and brochure. However, HbA 1c levels werelower after 1 year and 2 years than at baseline. In this study, 84% of respondents indicated thatreceiving a video for home use was valuable, and 84% of respondents anticipated using thevideos in future. 78 [evidence level III]Psychological supportWe found one study with a non-randomised control group that investigated the effects ofintensive psychosocial education/support in the month following diagnosis. 27 [evidence level IIa]This study was based on 223 children, young people and young adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (agerange 7–24 years) who were followed up for 3–15 years. The study reported better adherence totherapy (p < 0.001), better family relations (p < 0.02) and better sociability (p < 0.025) in theintervention group, although there was no significant difference in school work between theintervention and control groups, and the significant differences that were reported were specificto higher socio-economic groups. 27 [evidence level IIa]We found no studies that investigated education for parents and other carers, dietarymanagement, exercise or protocols for the management of intercurrent illness (‘sick-day rules’)in relation to children and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Generalevidence relating to these topics is discussed in Sections 4.1, 4.7, 4.8 and 5.4 respectively.RECOMMENDATIONChildren and young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offereda structured programme of education covering the aims of insulin therapy, delivery ofinsulin, self-monitoring of blood glucose, the effects of diet, physical activity andintercurrent illness on glycaemic control, and the detection and management ofhypoglycaemia.D32

4. Ongoing management4.1 EducationUniversal principles of educationEducation is the keystone of <strong>diabetes</strong> care. 15 [evidence level III]Diabetes UK suggests that patient education should be a planned life-long process, starting fromthe point of diagnosis and remaining an essential component of <strong>diabetes</strong> care. Patient educationshould be tailored to the individual needs of the child or young person and their family, takinginto account the level of knowledge and understanding, and the aim should be to optimise: 71[evidence level IV]• knowledge of <strong>diabetes</strong>, the aims of <strong>diabetes</strong> management and the prevention ofcomplications• motivation and attitudes to self-care, with potential barriers to self-care needing to beassessed and addressed• the ability to define and agree personal healthcare targets and to develop strategies formeeting them• behaviours which interact with <strong>diabetes</strong> management• empowerment in self-management and communicating effectively with healthcareprofessionals.A UK health technology assessment has extensively addressed many aspects of education inyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (age range 9–21 years). 72 [evidence level Ia–II] A descriptiveanalysis of 62 studies was undertaken, with most (68%) of the studies being conducted in theUSA and none of the studies being UK-based. The studies took place in various settings,evaluated a variety of interventions, addressed various components of <strong>diabetes</strong> care andaddressed the effects by a range of outcomes, including measures of metabolic control andpsychological and behavioural outcomes. 72 [evidence level Ia–II]Twenty-five RCTs were examined in more detail, with effect sizes being calculated for 14 studies.The mean (pooled) effect size was 0.37 for psychosocial outcomes and 0.33 for glycatedhaemoglobin with outliers (0.08 without outliers), indicating that these interventions have asmall to medium beneficial effect on <strong>diabetes</strong> management outcomes. 72 [evidence level Ia]A narrative review was performed on the 21 studies that investigated the educationalintervention by comparing outcomes before and after the intervention, but without a controlgroup. This included evaluations of interventions for poorly controlled patients and educationalinterventions. All studies reported beneficial effects. 72 [evidence level III]The health technology assessment also examined the cost effectiveness of education andpsychological support. 72 It identified no good-quality economic studies that looked specificallyat educational interventions. The studies that were identified were not complete economicevaluations, and the diversity of the interventions and outcomes impeded cost effectivenesscomparisons. The health technology assessment concluded that there was a lack of evidence toaddress the resource implications of educational interventions, and that there was insufficientevidence to construct a useful economic model for decision making.The health technology assessment identified studies published up to the year 2000. We foundno economic studies that had been published subsequently.The health technology assessment concluded the following. 72 [evidence level IV]• Quantitative and narrative analysis of the evidence suggested that interventions were morelikely to be effective if they demonstrated the relationship between the various aspects of33

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong><strong>diabetes</strong> management. The effectiveness of interventions should be evaluated by assessingoutcomes that the intervention explicitly targets for change and at an appropriate point intime post-intervention to reflect the impact of the intervention.• Although educational interventions have shown small to medium beneficial effects onvarious <strong>diabetes</strong> management outcomes, well-designed trials of such interventions are stillneeded in the UK as currently there are no completed RCTs of educational interventions fortype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people in the UK setting. Interventions need to beevaluated by well-designed studies that should be adequately powered for patient-preferenceand they should report results in such a way as to enable effect sizes to be calculated.• An important gap in the evidence is that there is no systematic understanding of whetherinterventions should be targeted (for example, modified for different disease stages ordifferent problems associated with <strong>diabetes</strong> management). 72 [evidence level Ia–III]• To reap economic returns, interventions need to show favourable effects on behaviour andmetabolic control, but there is a lack of cost effectiveness studies that fully address theresource implications of educational interventions for children and young people and longtermconsequences.The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents wanted consistent, accessible,up-to-date information on many aspects of living with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, including informationon: 38 [evidence level IV]• what happens when you have type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• healthy eating• what to expect at clinic visits• types of insulin• injecting insulin and injection sites• hypoglycaemia and what to do if it occurs• complications of <strong>diabetes</strong>• how to drink alcohol safely• travelling abroad and leisure activities• becoming more independent• leaving home• future careers and the implications of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• new products and research.Parents felt that education should be delivered through one-to-one or group education sessionswith a specialist nurse, whereas young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were more positive aboutaccessing information through leaflets, CD-ROMs, videos and websites. 38 [evidence level IV]A consensus guideline recommends the following universal principles for education. 15 [evidencelevel IV]• Every person with <strong>diabetes</strong> has a right to comprehensive expert practical education.• Children and young people, their parents and other care providers should all have easyaccess to and be included in the educational process.• Diabetes education should be delivered by healthcare professionals with a clearunderstanding of the special and changing needs of young people and their families as theygrow through the different stages of life.• Educators (doctors, nurses, dietitians and other healthcare professionals) should have accessto continuing specialised training in <strong>diabetes</strong> education and educational methods.• The priorities for healthcare professionals in <strong>diabetes</strong> education may not match those ofchildren and young people and their families. Thus, <strong>diabetes</strong> education should be based ona thorough assessment of the child’s or parent’s attitudes, beliefs, learning style, ability andreadiness to learn, existing knowledge and goals.• Diabetes education needs to be adaptable and personalised so that it is appropriate to eachindividual’s age, stage of <strong>diabetes</strong>, maturity and lifestyle, and so that it is culturally sensitiveand delivered at a pace to suit the individual’s needs.• Diabetes education needs to be continuous and repeated for it to be effective.• Diabetes education is the interface between research and clinical practice. It should beplanned, documented, monitored and evaluated regularly by the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.34

Ongoing management• Research into <strong>diabetes</strong> educational methods is important in improving clinical practice.Content of education programmesWe identified no RCTs that evaluated the content of education programmes. There are, however,many discussion papers that suggest appropriate topics for such programmes.A consensus guideline and Diabetes UK care recommendations suggested topics that could actas a template in which to develop an appropriate curriculum, with the proviso that the contentand pace of education be determined by the individual and the model of care utilised. 15,71[evidence level IV]Topics that should be covered at diagnosis are discussed in Section 3.4.In the months following initial diagnosis, and at timely intervals thereafter, further education isrequired to build and reinforce the topics covered initially and to cover additional essentialelements for living with <strong>diabetes</strong>. Education should aim to cover the following: 15,71 [evidencelevel IV]• ensuring the optimal and appropriate use of therapy, including insulin secretion, action andphysiology, insulin injections, types, absorption, action profiles, variability and adjustments• basic knowledge of <strong>diabetes</strong> pathophysiology, epidemiology, classification and metabolism• the effective management of nutrition and physical activity, including adjustments totreatment (matching insulin, food and exercise)• monitoring, recording and acting appropriately to self-monitored blood glucose and glycatedhaemoglobin and the targets of control• the detection, management and prevention of acute complications of therapy such ashypoglycaemia• the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> during periods of intercurrent illness, to preventhypoglycaemia and ketoacidosis• knowledge of late complications, including the prevention, detection and treatment ofcomplications and the need for regular assessment• preparation of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> so that they can make appropriateresponses to unpredicted and new problems• dealing with psychological aspects of living with <strong>diabetes</strong>• accessing healthcare professionals when needed• lifestyle and life events, if appropriate (including stress, holidays, travel, smoking, alcoholand recreational drugs, school, college and employment).Diabetes UK care recommendations suggested that it would be ideal if an individualised plancould be prepared and completed by both patients and the ‘educator’. 71 [evidence level IV]Education according to age groupA consensus guideline and Diabetes UK care recommendations have suggested particulareducational aims that are specific to different age groups. 15,71 [evidence level IV]Educational aims for infants and pre-school children through their parents may involve thefollowing:• acknowledging that infants and pre-school children have total dependence on parents andcare providers for injections, food and monitoring• advising parents on the care of children with unpredictable and erratic eating and activitylevels• informing parents that hypoglycaemia is more common and possibly more severe in infantsand pre-school children. Priority should be given to prevention, recognition andmanagement of hypoglycaemia.Educational aims for primary school children may involve:• assisting children in learning to help with, and developing skills for, injecting insulin and selfmonitoringof blood glucose• assisting children in recognising hypoglycaemic symptoms and understanding selfmanagement35

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• advising children and parents on adapting <strong>diabetes</strong> care and treatment to schoolprogrammes, school meals, exercise and sport• advising parents on the gradual development of the child’s independence and progressivehandover of responsibility• providing appropriate information for the child that does not frighten them about the possibleimplications of the condition in later life• assisting the development of communication, problem-solving skills and family support.Healthcare professionals should be aware that young people (adolescents) can becomerebellious and begin to resent having to adhere to their self-care regimen. Management of<strong>diabetes</strong> at this time can be difficult and once problems are established they can be difficult torectify. 71 [evidence level IV] Educational aims for young people may involve the following:• the promotion of independence and responsible self-management appropriate to the youngperson’s level of maturity and understanding• teaching of technical skills for developing independence in insulin administration and selfmonitoringof blood glucose and strategies for dealing with dietary indiscretion, illness,hypoglycaemia, sports, etc.• interventions that incorporate group coping skills training (including conflict resolution andbargaining techniques) that will assist in situations of conflict with parents or peers; youngpeople should be advised that parent and peer support can be valuable• the need for open non-judgemental information about living with <strong>diabetes</strong>, includinginformation on minimising harm from experimentation with smoking, recreational drugs andalcohol• the need for healthcare professionals to look out for the development of unhealthy eatinghabits• the setting of achievable blood glucose targets to retain motivation• caring for each patient’s individual needs, personal priorities and social roles in their care• providing advice and information on transition to adult care.Knowledge about type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> does not necessarily correlate with good glycaemic control.Successful education not only instils knowledge, but empowers and motivates children andyoung people to use the knowledge and assists in the development of practical skills to solveproblems and improve self-management of <strong>diabetes</strong>.Mode of education and resourcesA UK health technology assessment conducted a descriptive analysis of 62 studies and foundthese studies took place in various settings and evaluated a variety of interventions. However,there was no discussion of the clinical evaluation of the mode of education and the resourcesused. The educational interventions in the studies included education during holidays andcamps, videos, computer-assisted learning, booklets, workshops and group sessions. 72 [evidencelevel Ia–III]A non-controlled study that looked at introducing an online chat-line found an improvement inglycaemic control between the start of the study and 6 months later (HbA 1c 8.9% at the start ofthe study versus 7.8% at 6 months, no CIs given, p < 0.0001). The number of times the childrenand young people decided to change their treatment in the previous 3 months was alsoincreased from baseline (32.5% versus 83.7%), which could indicate the capacity to selfmanagewas improved. 79 [evidence level IIb]Translation and literacyWe found two studies that examined the effects of literacy and language on patients with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. 80,81A survey conducted in Birmingham showed that white young people and adults with <strong>diabetes</strong>had significantly higher levels of <strong>diabetes</strong> knowledge than Asian, Black African and BlackCaribbean young people and adults with <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 161, age range 16–84 years, p < 0.001).The survey also showed that white adults with <strong>diabetes</strong> had significantly higher levels of formaleducation, and that there was a significant association between level of education and <strong>diabetes</strong>knowledge scores (p < 0.0001). 80 [evidence level III]36

Ongoing managementAnother study examined the level of self-monitoring of blood glucose in adults with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 44 181). This study found no significant difference in self-monitoring of bloodglucose of patients who had difficulty understanding English. There was a significantlydecreased rate of self-monitoring blood glucose in patients with Asian/Pacific islander ethnicitycompared with white ethnicity; however, there was no significant difference in the rate of selfmonitoringof blood glucose between white, African American, Hispanic and American Indianethnic groups. 81 [evidence level III]We found one article that considered poor literacy in parents of children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 82 [evidence level IV] This suggested that individualised patient teachingplans based on the level of logic, language and experience of the family, combined withunderstanding, creativity and patience, can increase levels of adherence. Continuedassessment, support, and reinforcement of required skills are needed to increase self-relianceand autonomy for the family and to improve health care for the child or young person. 82[evidence level IV]RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredtimely and ongoing opportunities to access information about the development,management and effects of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The information provided should beaccurate and consistent and it should support informed decision making.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredopportunities to discuss particular issues and to ask questions at each clinic visit.The method of delivering education and content will depend on the individual andshould be appropriate for the child’s or young person’s age, maturity, culture, wishesand existing knowledge within the family.Particular care should be given to communication and the provision of informationwhen children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and/or their parents havespecial needs, such as those associated with physical and sensory disabilities, ordifficulties in speaking or reading English.GPPGPPGPPGPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONSFurther research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of age-specific structured educationprogrammes covering all aspects of care in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>,their families and other carers.Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of education programmes in whichyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> provide training for their peers.Further research is needed to determine the most effective way of training healthcareprofessionals to provide education about type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people.4.2 Insulin regimensThe aims of insulin therapy are to provide sufficient insulin to cover basal requirementsthroughout a 24-hour period, and to deliver higher boluses of insulin that are synchronised withthe hyperglycaemic effects of meals. 15 The choice of insulin regimen may depend on factors suchas age, duration of <strong>diabetes</strong>, lifestyle, targets of metabolic control, and individual patient/familypreferences.All insulin therapy is delivered as part of a ‘package of care’ that includes:• initial and continuing education• specific paediatric dietary management• specific practical instruction on the use of insulin delivery systems and blood glucosemonitoring• initial and continuing support for living with <strong>diabetes</strong>37

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• initial and continuing emotional and behavioural support• medical, nursing and dietetic support and technical advice on paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong>.With the use of frequent insulin injections, the intensity of the package of care and thecommitment from patients and carers are required to be substantial if the package is to besuccessful (particularly if adjustment of insulin dose is considered at each injection).A 2001 audit recorded the number of insulin injections used by 2090 of 15 437 children andyoung people aged 0–16 years in England known to have <strong>diabetes</strong>; 7.7% of the children andyoung people received four or more injections/day, 4.3% received three injections/day, 86%received two injections/day, 1.7% received one injection/day, and 0.3% received noinjections/day (these may have been children or young people who do not have type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>). 1 The average number of injections/day increased with the age of the child. 1 [evidencelevel III]Historically, ‘conventional therapy’ has been taken to mean 2–3 injections/day of pre-mixed orself-titrated, the dose being adjusted occasionally in response to general health, growth andoverall glycaemic control. ‘Intensive insulin therapy’ has been described as multiple dailyinjections (usually four or more) using a basal–bolus regimen, or CSII using an insulin pump.Multiple daily injection regimens involve pre-carbohydrate injections of short- or rapid-actinginsulin, together with separate daily injection(s) of intermediate- or long-acting insulin (thesedifferent types of insulin preparation are discussed in Section 4.3).The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) used the following definitions. 83–85• Conventional therapy consisted of one or two daily injections of insulin, including mixedshort- and intermediate-acting insulins, daily self-monitoring of urine or blood glucose, andeducation about diet and exercise. Conventional therapy did not usually include dailyadjustments in the insulin dosage. The goals of conventional therapy included: the absenceof symptoms attributable to glycosuria or hyperglycaemia; the absence of ketonuria; themaintenance of normal growth, development and ideal body weight; and freedom fromsevere or frequent hypoglycaemia.• Intensive therapy consisted of the administration of insulin three or more times/day byinjection or an external pump. The dosage was adjusted according to the results of selfmonitoringof blood glucose performed at least four times/day, dietary intake and anticipatedexercise. The goals of intensive therapy included preprandial blood glucose concentrationsbetween 3.9 and 6.7 mmol/l, postprandial concentrations of less than 10 mmol/l, a weekly 3a.m. measurement greater than 3.6 mmol/l and monthly HbA 1c measurements less than6.05%.A consensus guideline used the following definitions: 15• two injections daily: a mixture of short- and intermediate-acting insulins (before breakfastand before the main evening meal)• three injections daily: a mixture of short- and intermediate-acting insulins before breakfast;short-acting insulin alone before an afternoon snack or main evening meal; intermediateactinginsulin before bed; or variations of this• basal–bolus regimen: short-acting insulin 20–30 minutes before main meals (for example,breakfast, lunch and the main evening meal) and intermediate- or long-acting insulin atbedtime or rapid-acting insulin analogue immediately before main meals and intermediateorlong-acting insulins at bedtime• CSII regimen (insulin pump therapy): fixed or variable basal dose and bolus dose with meals,using only short- or rapid-acting insulin.A systematic review defined intensive therapy as ‘a method of intensifying <strong>diabetes</strong> managementwith the goal of improving metabolic control over that achieved by conventional therapy’. 86Intensive therapy could be achieved through multiple daily injections (three or four doses/day)or CSII, whereas conventional therapy was defined as ‘one or two insulin injections/day’.All of the studies that we identified examined the impact of different insulin regimens onglycaemic control. Long-term studies related the change in glycaemic control to clinicaloutcomes and quality of life. From our original literature search we focused on the followingquestions when considering insulin regimens.38

Ongoing management• How many times a day should insulin be given?• At what time of day should insulin be given?• When should different types of insulin be given?The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> wanted insulin regimens that were flexible andallowed for a measure of spontaneity, and they wanted to be informed about the types of insulinthat were available and to be given up-to-date information on insulin delivery devices andblood-glucose-testing monitors. Parents requested annual updates from staff on the availabilityof new products. Some young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> said they may find four injections/daytoo many, but they wanted to be involved in the discussion about how best to fit <strong>diabetes</strong>treatment into their chosen lifestyle while maintaining optimal metabolic control. 38 [evidencelevel IV]Intensive versus conventional insulin regimensEvidence derived from studies that compared intensive and conventional insulin regimens ispresented below according to outcomes.Glucose controlA systematic review (search date 1991, seven small RCTs all involving mainly adult participantswith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, n = 266) found that intensive treatment reduced HbA 1c compared withstandard treatment (reduction 1.4%, 95% CI –1.8 to –1.1%). 87 [evidence level Ia]Ten further RCTs that were not included in the systematic review examined glycaemic control inparticipants receiving intensive treatment compared with standard treatment. 88–97 [evidence levelIb] Three of these studies involved children or young people. 91,96,97 Three of the RCTs involvingadults found no significant differences in glycaemic control. 88–90 However, six RCTs, including thethree involving children or young people, found improvements in glycaemic control inparticipants receiving intensive therapy. 91–96 One of these RCTs reported on a subgroup of youngpeople (n = 209, age range 13–17 years) involved in the DCCT trial for a mean of 7.4 years; thisRCT found a reduction in HbA 1c levels in the young people receiving intensive therapy(reduction of 1.7 ± 0.18%). 91 [evidence level Ib] A second RCT involved children and youngpeople, and compared a three-dose regimen of short-acting insulin before breakfast and lunchwith a mixture of short-acting and intermediate-acting insulin before the evening meal (n = 186children and young people). This study found a significant decrease in glycated haemoglobin inthe children receiving the three-dose regimen (9.3 ± 0.2% versus 9.8 ± 0.3%). 97 [evidence levelIb] The third RCT, which involved young people with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 26),found a decrease in glycated haemoglobin in young people who received intensive treatment(7.2 ± 0.7% versus 10.8 ± 1.2%, p < 0.01). 96 [evidence level Ib]HypoglycaemiaA 1997 systematic review of 14 RCTs (n = 2067) compared the adverse effects of intensive andstandard treatments in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 98 The review found an increased risk of oneor more episodes of severe hypoglycaemia among those who received intensive treatment(combined OR 2.99, 95% CI 2.45 to 3.64). 98 [evidence level Ia]An RCT that was not included in the above systematic review followed young people (n = 209)over a mean of 7.4 years. This RCT found that intensively treated young people had a greaterrisk of hypoglycaemia than adults (severe hypoglycaemia requiring assistance: RR 2.96, 95% CI1.90 to 4.62; hypoglycaemia resulting in coma or seizure: RR 2.93, 95% CI 1.75 to 4.90). 91[evidence level Ib] However, six further RCTs that were not included in the systematic review,two of which involved children or young people, found no significant differences betweenintensive and standard treatments in the risk of hypoglycaemia. 88–90,95–97 [evidence level Ib]Diabetic ketoacidosisA 1997 systematic review of 14 RCTs (n = 2067) compared the adverse effects of intensive andstandard treatments in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 98 The review found an increased risk ofketoacidosis among adults who received intensive treatment (combined OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.27to 2.38). 98 [evidence level Ia] However, a subgroup of young people (n = 209, age range 13–1739

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>years) involved in the DCCT trial followed over a mean of 7.4 years found no difference in therisk of diabetic ketoacidosis between intensive and standard treatments. 91 [evidence level Ib]Death from all causesA 1997 systematic review of 14 RCTs (n = 2067) compared adverse effects of intensive andstandard treatments in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 98 There was no significant difference inmortality between the intensive and standard treatments (combined OR 1.40, 95% CI 0.65 to3.01). 98 [evidence level Ia]RetinopathyA systematic review (search date 1991, six small RCTs involving mainly adults with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>, n = 271) found that after 2 years or more the risk of retinopathy progression was lowerwith intensive treatment than with conventional treatment (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.28 to 0.85). 87[evidence level Ia]The DCCT, an RCT with 1441 people aged between 13 and 39 years with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, founda decreased risk of developing retinopathy in patients treated intensively compared with thosetreated conventionally. This effect was seen in patients who had no retinopathy or nephropathyat the start of the study (risk reduction 76%, 95% CI 62 to 85%), and in patients who hadminimal background retinopathy at the start of the study (risk reduction 54%, 95% CI 39 to66%). [evidence level Ib] The difference continued for at least 4 years (three-step progressionfrom no retinopathy: RR 0.39, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.79, NNT 9.9). 99 [evidence level Ib]The DCCT showed that the risk of macular oedema did not differ significantly between intensiveand conventional treatment in patients who had minimal background retinopathy at the start ofthe study. However, the risk of severe non-proliferative or proliferative retinopathy wasdecreased with intensive treatment in patients who had no retinopathy or nephropathy at thestart of the study (risk reduction 45%, 95% CI 14 to 67%), and in patients who had minimalbackground retinopathy at the start of the study (risk reduction 56%, 95% CI 26 to 74%). 83[evidence level Ib]Two further small RCTs that were not included in the systematic review compared the incidenceof retinopathy in adult patients treated with intensive and standard treatments (n = 65 andn = 49). These RCTs found no significant differences between intensive and standard treatmentgroups. 92,93 [evidence level Ib]NephropathyA systematic review (search date 1991, seven small RCTs of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, n = 266) foundintensive treatment reduced the risk of nephropathy compared with standard treatment (OR0.34, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.58). 87 [evidence level Ia]The DCCT found that intensive treatment decreased the risk of developing nephropathycompared with conventional treatment in patients who had no retinopathy or nephropathy atthe start of the study (risk reduction 69%, 95% CI 24 to 87%) and in patients who had minimalbackground retinopathy at the start of the study (risk reduction 60%, 95% CI 38 to 74%,n = 1441 young people and adults). 83 [evidence level Ib]The DCCT also showed that intensive treatment decreased the risk of developing urinaryalbumin excretion ≥ 40 mg/24 hours in patients who had no retinopathy or nephropathy at thestart of the study (risk reduction 34%, 95% CI 2 to 56%) and in patients who had minimalbackground retinopathy at the start of the study (risk reduction 39%, 95% CI 21 to 52%). 83[evidence level Ib] This continued for at least 4 years (microalbuminuria excretion≥ 40 mg/24 hours: RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.71, NNT 17.1). 99 [evidence level Ib] Intensivetreatment also decreased the risk of developing urinary albumin excretion ≥ 300 mg/24 hours inpatients who had minimal background retinopathy at the start of the study (risk reduction 56%,95% CI 18 to 76%). However, there was no significant change in patients who had noretinopathy or nephropathy at the start of the study. 83 [evidence level Ib]Three further small RCTs involving adults that were not included in the systematic reviewcompared the incidence of nephropathy in patients treated with intensive and standardtreatments (n = 65, n = 49 and n = 70). Two of the RCTs found no significant differences between40

Ongoing managementintensive and standard treatments. 93,94 [evidence level Ib] The third RCT found a decreaseddeterioration of creatinine clearance, and a lower plasma creatinine level in patients treatedintensively (creatinine clearance: 1.7 ± 30.1 ml/min versus –17.3 ± 33.5 ml/min, p = 0.022;plasma creatinine: 2.7 ± 26.4 mol/l versus 17.4 ± 16.4 mol/l, p = 0.009). 92 [evidence level Ib]Macrovascular eventsA systematic review (search date 1996, six RCTs of mainly adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, n = 1732)examined the occurrence of macrovascular events, including cardiovascular disease,cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and macrovascular death. The reviewfound that the number of macrovascular events after 2 or more years of intensive treatment waslower than for conventionally treated patients (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.88). 86 [evidence levelIa] However, intensive treatment did not have a significant effect on the number of patientsdeveloping macrovascular disease (OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.44 to 1.17) or macrovascular mortality(OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.31 to 2.65). 86 [evidence level Ia]Weight gainSix RCTs compared weight changes with intensive and standard treatments in patients with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.One RCT involving adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> examined changes in body mass index after 5years of treatment (n = 96). 100 This RCT found a 5.8% increase in body mass index with intensivetreatment (22.5 ± 0.3 kg/m 2 at entry to 23.8 ± 0.3 kg/m 2 ), but no increase with conventionaltreatment (22.8 ± 0.3kg/m 2 at entry to 22.8 ± 0.3 kg/m 2 ). 100 [evidence level Ib]The DCCT compared the risk of reaching 120% of ideal body weight after 5 years of intensiveand standard treatment in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 1441 young people and adults). 101The risk was greater with intensive treatment (12.7 cases/100 person years with intensivetreatment versus 9.3 cases/100 person years with standard treatment). After 5 years, the meanweight gain of patients receiving intensive therapy was 4.6 kg more than that of patientsreceiving standard treatment (no CIs reported). 83 [evidence level Ib] In a subgroup of youngpeople (n = 209) involved in the DCCT trial followed for a mean of 7.4 years (n = 209), thosewho received intensive therapy were more likely to be overweight than those who receivedstandard therapy (RR 2.11, 95% CI 1.31 to 3.40). 91 [evidence level Ib]Four further RCTs that recorded weight changes found no significant differences betweenintensive and standard therapies. 89,90,93,95 [evidence level Ib]Neuropsychological impairmentThree RCTs compared neuropsychological impairment between intensive and standardtreatments in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.The DCCT looked at neuropsychological ratings based on Wechsler intelligence scales foryoung people and adults after 2 years (n = 517) and 5 years (n = 245) of treatment. There was nosignificant difference between treatments in terms of the number of patients whoseneuropsychological assessments became slightly or significantly worse at 2 or 5 years. 102[evidence level Ib]A second RCT involving adults compared auditory and visual reaction times, digit span,perceptual maze tests, and Necker cube tests after 3 years of intensive and standard treatments(n = 97). This RCT found no significant differences between intensive and conventionaltreatments. 103 [evidence level Ib]The third RCT compared memory and reaction times after 2.2 years of intensive and standardtreatment in children and young people (n = 25). Intensive treatment increased error rates inmemory recall (p = 0.05, error rates not reported) and reaction times (p < 0.01, reaction times notreported). However, there were no significant differences between treatments in terms of taskaccuracy, word recognition or paragraph recognition. 104 [evidence level Ib]Quality of lifeTwo RCTs compared quality of life with intensive and standard treatments in patients with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.41

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>The DCCT found no significant differences between intensive and standard treatments in termsof quality of life or psychiatric symptoms after a mean of 6.5 years (n = 1441 young people andadults). 105 [evidence level Ib] However, intensively treated patients had more hypoglycaemicepisodes than conventionally treated patients, and this led to a lower quality of life withintensive treatment. 105 [evidence level IIb]The second RCT involved adults (n = 169) and found that 6 months of intensive treatmentimproved patients’ perceptions of the impact of <strong>diabetes</strong> on freedom to eat as they wished(–1.8 ± 2.3 versus –4.0 ± 2.8, p < 0.0001), impact of <strong>diabetes</strong> on quality of life (–1.6 ± 1.6versus –1.9 ± 1.4, p < 0.01), total wellbeing (24.3 ± 5.7 versus 21.4± 5.5, p < 0.01) and totalsatisfaction (31.6 ± 3.9 versus 22.8 ± 6.0, p< 0.0001), but reduced perceived frequency ofhyperglycaemia (2.90 ± 1.4 versus 4.03 ± 1.3, p < 0.0001). There were no differencesbetween intensive and standard therapies in terms of perceived frequency of hypoglycaemia(2.2 ± 1.3 versus 2.4 ± 1.3, p = 0.31) or quality of life (1.3 ± 0.9 versus 1.0 ± 1.1, p = 0.095). 95[evidence level Ib]Two further RCTs in adults investigated a range of quality of life issues. One RCT found thatintensive treatment decreased anxiety compared with conventional treatment (36.0 ± 2.5 versus39.5 ± 2.7, p < 0.05). 106 [evidence level Ib] Another RCT (n = 19) found that patients preferredintensive to standard treatment (79% versus 16%). 90 [evidence level Ib]Cost effectivenessThe DCCT included an economic analysis that examined the cost effectiveness of alternativeapproaches to the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. An economic simulation model wasconstructed to estimate the lifetime costs and outcomes of conventional and intensive insulintherapy. Quality-of-life scores assigned to specific health states were not based on primaryresearch into the social valuations for different health states (as would be normally be expectedin health economic evaluation).The simulations showed that the mean annual cost of intensive therapy using multiple dailyinjections was around $4,000 and for CSII was $5,800. The figure for CSII is approximately threetimes the mean annual cost of conventional therapy ($1,700). The model estimated that the costof the adverse effects of intensive therapy was three times the cost of the adverse effects ofconventional therapy, but these costs accounted for only about 5% of the total costs of therapyin both groups. The expected lifetime cost/patient was around $100,000 for intensive therapyand $66,000 for conventional therapy at 1996 prices. The analysis concluded that intensivetherapy cost $28,661/year of life gained.No study has estimated the cost effectiveness of alternative forms of treatment for children andyoung people in the UK setting. The DCCT model included patients aged 13–39 years, and sothe costs and benefits associated with children and young people cannot be estimated from thismodel. Also, the cost of initiation of intensive therapy was around $2,900. More than 85% ofthis cost was attributable to hospitalisation to initiate intensive therapy, but this level ofhospitalisation might not be expected in UK healthcare settings outside a research environment.Further research based on the experience of children and young people accessing conventionaland intensive forms of treatment in England and Wales is required.Other insulin regimensFourteen RCTs have evaluated special insulin regimens (excluding comparisons betweenintensive and conventional regimens).Two doses of intermediate-acting insulin/dayTwo RCTs have investigated a regimen consisting of two doses of intermediate-acting insulin inaddition to short-acting insulin before the three main meals in comparison with a regimenconsisting of intermediate-acting insulin with short-acting insulin before bedtime and shortactinginsulin before breakfast and lunch. The first RCT involved people over 16 years and gavethe additional intermediate-acting insulin dose before lunch (n = 104). This RCT found nodifference in HbA 1c , although mild hypoglycaemia increased in the group that received twoinjections of intermediate-acting insulin (average 24-hour mean difference –0.93%, range –13.7to 15.4%, p = 0.002). 107 [evidence level Ib] The second RCT added the intermediate-acting42

Ongoing managementinsulin before breakfast (n = 43 adults). This study found no differences in glycated haemoglobinor mean daily blood glucose. 108 [evidence level Ib]Timing of intermediate-acting insulinTwo RCTs have compared a regimen involving four daily insulin injections (short-acting insulinbefore each meal and intermediate-acting insulin before bedtime) with a regimen whereintermediate-acting insulin was given at the same time as one of the short-acting doses. In oneRCT, intermediate-acting insulin was given before breakfast with short-acting insulin, whereasshort-acting insulin was given alone before the other two meals (n = 10 young people). This RCTfound no significant difference in glycated haemoglobin with timing of intermediate-actinginsulin, although there were differences in blood glucose concentration at some time periodsduring the day. 109 [evidence level Ib] In the second RCT, intermediate-acting insulin was givenwith short-acting insulin before the evening meal, whereas short-acting insulin was given alonebefore other main meals (n = 22 adults). This RCT found a significant increase in the number ofhypoglycaemic episodes in the group that received intermediate-acting insulin before the eveningmeal (OR 3.1, 95% CI 2.0 to 5.0), and in blood glucose concentration. 110 [evidence level Ib]One dose of mixed insulin/day compared with two doses of mixed insulin/dayA small RCT involving young people aged 12–17 years compared two daily injections of mixedshort- and intermediate-acting insulins with one daily injection (n = 10). There was a decreasein HbA 1c in young people treated with two injections (9.7 ± 0.4% versus 10.4 ± 0.5%, p = 0.003).However, there was an increase in mean glucose level (11.7 ± 1.3 mmol/l versus110.4 ± 1.3 mmol/l, p = 0.04) and in triglycerides (7.6 ± 1.4 mmol/l versus 10.2 ± 2.7 mmol/l,p = 0.04) in young people who received two injections. 111 [evidence level Ib]Three insulin injections/day compared with two injections/dayAn RCT compared a three-dose regimen of intermediate-acting and short-acting insulin beforebreakfast, short-acting insulin before the evening meal, and intermediate-acting insulin beforebedtime with a two-dose regimen of mixed intermediate-acting and short-acting insulin (n = 18children and young people). There was no difference in HbA 1c between the two groups, butpatients found the three-dose regimen more convenient (72% versus 11%). 112 [evidence level Ib]Extra daily dose of intermediate-acting insulin and no dose of short-acting insulin daily, comparedwith short-acting insulin before each meal and intermediate-acting insulin before bedtimeAn RCT investigated a three-dose regimen consisting of a mixed dose of intermediate-acting andshort-acting insulin at breakfast, no insulin before lunch, short-acting insulin before the eveningmeal and intermediate-acting insulin at bedtime and compared this with a four-dose regimen ofshort-acting insulin before each meal and intermediate-acting insulin before bedtime (n = 18adults). There was a decrease in HbA 1c in patients who received four insulin injections/day, butno decrease in patients who received three injections/day. 113 [evidence level Ib]Computer-assisted (3–4 insulin injections/day) compared with conventional (2–3 insulininjections/day)An RCT (n = 12, age not reported) examined a computer-assisted daily intensive regimen (3–4daily insulin injections) compared with a conventional insulin regimen (2–3 daily insulininjections). There was a greater decrease in glucose level (9.10 ± 2.96 mmol/l to6.22 ± 0.65 mmol/l versus 8.86 ± 1.83 mmol/l to 6.91 ± 0.90 mmol/l, p < 0.05), and a greaterdecrease in HbA 1 (10.2 ± 1.5% to 8.6 ± 0.8% versus 9.8 ± 1.3% to 9.1 ± 1.0%, p < 0.05) in thegroup that received the computer-assisted insulin regimen. 114 [evidence level IIb]Another RCT investigated two different two-dose insulin regimens, short-acting andintermediate-acting insulin before breakfast and intermediate-acting at bedtime, compared withshort-acting and intermediate-acting insulin before breakfast and intermediate-acting insulin(and in some children and young people short-acting insulin as well) before the evening meal(n = 16 children and young people). There was no difference in glycated haemoglobin betweenthe groups, but mild hypoglycaemia was increased in the group that received intermediateactinginsulin before bedtime (7.25 ± 2.9 mmol/l versus 5.25 ± 2.4 mmol/l, p < 0.04). 115 [evidencelevel Ib]43

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Special insulin regimens in neonates, infants and pre-school childrenA non-randomised controlled trial (n = 19) examined the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> inchildren under the age of 5 years. One group of children with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>was treated with an ‘intensive’ programme. A second group of children initially received lessintensive treatment and was then transferred to the intensive treatment package after an averageof 14.9 months. The intensive programme promoted frequent home blood-glucose monitoringand emphasised parental adjustment of insulin in response to glucose measurements andanticipated diet and exercise. The first group of children (those receiving the intensiveprogramme) had significantly fewer episodes of severe hypoglycaemia than the second group ofchildren during their period of less intensive treatment (0.4 episodes of severehypoglycaemia/child/18 months in the first group versus 3.3 episodes/child/18 months in thesecond group, p < 0.01; 1 hospitalisation in intensively treated children versus 11 with lessintensively treated children, p < 0.01). There was no overall difference in the level of HbA 1between the two groups. However, the first group had significantly lower HbA 1 levels than thesecond group at equivalent durations of illness. With ‘before–after’ analysis the second group ofchildren had significantly fewer severe hypoglycaemic episodes and fewer hospitalisations dueto hypoglycaemia during the period of intensive therapy than the period of less intensive therapy(episodes of severe hypoglycaemia/child/18 months: 1.7 with intensive treatment versus 3.3with less intensive treatment,p < 0.01; hospitalisations: 2 with intensive treatment versus 11 withless intensive treatment, p < 0.01). 116 [evidence level IIb–III]No further evidence was identified in relation to special insulin regimens in neonates, infants orpre-school children.Maximum insulin dosageNo specific studies have assessed the maximum insulin dosage that can be administered.Descriptive studies in young people without <strong>diabetes</strong> suggest an increasing resistance to insulinduring adolescence. A multicentre cross-sectional study in 18 countries found the averageinsulin dosage/kg body weight for children aged 2–9 to be 0.654 units/kg/day. The highest meandosage was 0.98 ± 0.03 units/kg/day which was recorded at 14 years for females and at 17 yearsfor males (prepubertal females 95% CI 0.5 to 1.2 units/kg/day; prepubertal males 95% CI 0.4 to1.0 units/kg/day; pubertal females 95% CI 0.7 to 1.7 units/kg/day; pubertal males 95% CI 0.6 to1.5 units/kg/day; n = 2873). 117 [evidence level III] A cross-sectional survey in adults found ahigher mean insulin dosage in males than females (0.76 ± 0.25 units/kg/day for males versus0.61 ± 0.20 units/kg/day for females, p < 0.001); this study also found a positive correlationbetween body weight and insulin dosage (n = 198). 118 [evidence level III] A crossover RCTinvestigated an increased insulin dosage of 1.4 units/kg/day compared with a normal insulin of1 unit/kg/day in young people who had poor glycaemic control (n = 10). 119 [evidence level 1b]Increased insulin dosage was associated with improved glycaemic control (HbA 1 13.5%, SE0.7% versus 15.9%, SE 0.7%, p < 0.001) and lower mean daily blood glucose (10.6%, SE 1.1%versus 12.5%, SE 1.0%, p < 0.01).A 2001 audit of the care of children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> in the UK recorded anaverage insulin dosage of 0.97 units/kg/day (n = 2099). 120 [evidence level III]A daily dose of insulin over 1 unit/kg/day may be appropriate in some individuals.Ineffectiveness of high daily doses of insulin (> 1.2 units/kg/day) may be related to ineffectiveaction in clearing peripheral blood glucose levels at these higher doses, while inducingincreased appetite, or it may reflect non-adherence to insulin therapy (see Section 6.6).Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (insulin pump therapy)A NICE Technology Appraisal (NICE TA) has provided guidance on the use of CSII for peoplewith <strong>diabetes</strong>. 121CSII devices are external pumps comprising a programmable pump and an insulin storagereservoir to which the patient is continuously connected. 121 Insulin is administered to the patientvia a needle or cannula inserted under the skin. The pump delivers insulin continuously at aconstant or variable basal rate with an additional boost dose delivered at meal times. Currentlyavailable insulin pumps are smaller and more reliable than earlier models. 12144

Ongoing managementThe NICE TA identified two RCTs that compared CSII therapy with multiple daily injectiontherapy in young people and young adults up to the age of 20 years with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. In oneof the studies there was a significant improvement in glycated haemoglobin at 4 months forpatients on CSII therapy compared with multiple daily injection therapy, and significantly lessinsulin was required (glycated haemoglobin 8.8% versus 9.6%, no CIs given; insulin dosage 44units/day, SD 12 units/day versus 60 units/day, SD 16 units/day, n = 20). 122 [evidence level Ib] Inthe second study, glycated haemoglobin improved from baseline with both CSII and multipledaily injection therapy, but there was no difference between treatments (8.5% versus 8.7%, notsignificant, n = 10). 123 [evidence level Ib]Two further RCTs that compared CSII therapy with multiple daily injection therapy in youngpeople were excluded from the NICE TA. In one early crossover RCT there was no significantdifference in glycated haemoglobin at 4 months for patients on CSII therapy compared withmultiple daily injection therapy (n = 19, glycated haemoglobin levels not reported). 124 [evidencelevel Ib] A second early RCT that included children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>found a significantly reduced mean glycated haemoglobin over the 12-month treatment periodin the CSII treatment group compared with intensive conventional treatment (9.1%, SD 0.9%versus 10.4%, SD 0.2%, p < 0.001, n = 13). This study found elevated rates of moderate to severehypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. However, the numbers were not large enough toperform reliable statistical analysis (episodes of hypoglycaemia: 7 versus 4; episodes of diabeticketoacidosis: 6 versus 0). 125 [evidence level Ib]We identified two RCTs published after the NICE TA that compared CSII therapy with multipledaily injection therapy in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. In one of the studies there was nosignificant improvement in HbA 1c (8.15 ± 1.3% versus 8.57 ± 0.44%, n = 12), fructosamine(384±77mol/l versus 399 ± 55 mol/l), frequency of symptomatic hypoglycaemia (0.13events/patient year versus 0.61 events/patient year), frequency of hyperglycaemic events(0.58 ± 1.7 mean/patient/6 months versus 0.2 ± 0.4 mean/patient/6 months), or body mass indexstandard deviation score for age at 6 months (0.23 ± 0.45 versus 0.25 ± 0.44) for patients on CSIItherapy compared with multiple daily injection therapy. 126 [evidence level Ib] The study foundhigher satisfaction with treatment and quality of life with CSII therapy compared with multipledaily injection therapy (treatment satisfaction: 32 ± 6.5 versus 21.8 ± 3.7, p < 0.05; quality of lifesatisfaction: 82.7 ± 13 versus 76.4 ± 14.3, p < 0.05). The second study in young people andyoung adults (aged 12–35 years, n = 19) found no significant difference in HbA 1c (6.3 ± 0.5%versus 6.2 ± 0.3%), frequency of severe hypoglycaemic events (numbers not reported) or bodyweight (numbers not reported) after 2 years’ treatment with CSII therapy compared with multipledaily injection therapy. 127 [evidence level Ib]In the absence of published RCTs comparing CSII and multiple daily injection therapy in childrenand young people at the time of the NICE TA, the NICE TA reviewed information from case series.The case series review concluded that CSII had a place in treatment for children with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>, but that better evidence was needed because of the potential for bias in case series. 121The NICE TA identified an abstract that reported a reduction in severe hypoglycaemic eventsfrom 0.55 to 0.25/child/year on transfer from multiple daily injections to CSII therapy. 121,128This study was published in full after the NICE TA had been published and it reported alower level of HbA 1c after treatment with CSII than multiple daily injections (8.0 ± 0.7%versus 8.1 ± 0.8%, p = 0.03). There were no differences in the level of fructosamine(362 ± 43 mol/l versus 354 ± 56 mol/l), frequency of severe hypoglycaemia (0.13rate/patient year, 95% CI 0.0 to 0.4 rate/patient year versus 0.39 rate/patient year, 95% CI0.0 to 0.84 rate/patient year) or frequency of symptomatic hyperglycaemia (7.9 ± 7mean/patients/trial period versus 6.7 ± 7.3 mean/patients/trial period). Body mass indexstandard deviation scores after CSII treatment were lower than after treatment by multipledaily injections (0.35 ± 0.83 versus 0.37 ± 0.85, p = 0.012). The study found higher treatmentsatisfaction (30.6 ± 3.7 versus 21.9 ± 3.8, p < 0.001), but no difference in quality of life(satisfaction with quality of life: 74.8 ± 13.5 versus 73.5 ± 14.0; impact of quality of life:73.2 ± 9.6 versus 73.5 ± 9.7; worry about quality of life: 81.6 ± 12.4 versus 79.8 ± 12.8) withCSII therapy compared with multiple daily injection therapy. 129 [evidence level Ib]Two case series were published after the NICE TA had been published. One study followed 51children and young people 12 months before and after introducing CSII. This study found that45

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>HbA 1c was lower after transfer to CSII and was still lower at 12 months after transfer (12months before CSII 8.4 ± 0.2% versus 12 months after transfer to CSII 7.9 ± 0.1%, p < 0.01). 130[evidence level III] The second case series of nine infants who were treated with multiple dailyinsulin injections before transferring to CSII found that HbA 1c and episodes of hypoglycaemiawere lower after transfer to CSII (mean HbA 1c 9.5 ± 0.4% before CSII treatment versus7.9 ± 0.3% after initiation of CSII; mean 0.52 episodes of hypoglycaemia/month before CSIItreatment versus 0.09 episodes/month after initiation of CSII). 131 [evidence level III]In a small RCT involving children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 10, age range 7–10 years), onetreatment group received night-time CSII therapy and daytime insulin delivered by pump orinjection; the comparison group received three daytime insulin injections only (multipledaily injection therapy). The duration of treatment was 4 weeks in both treatment groups.The percentage of blood glucose levels within targets was higher in the CSII treatment group(44 ± 6.7% with CSII versus 37 ± 6.7% with multiple daily injections, p = 0.04) andfructosamine levels were lower (345 ± 36.6 mol/l with CSII versus 390 ± 36.6 mol/l withmultiple daily injections, p = 0.03). 132 [evidence level Ib] The NICE TA concluded that nighttimeuse of CSII may be a useful treatment option for children unable to use 24-hour CSII,but that further research was needed.The NICE TA also provided a background economic appraisal of the economic evidence forchildren, young people and adults of CSII therapy versus multiple daily injections. 121 Thehealth economics systematic review conducted for the NICE TA found no full economicevaluation studies that addressed this question, and the clinical systematic review found nopublished data on the costs of intensive therapy. Therefore the costs were derived frommanufacturers, patient groups and experts from two <strong>diabetes</strong> centres. Based on estimates ofcost only, the NICE TA concluded that the additional costs of CSII compared with multipledaily injections would be around £3,600 to £3,900 for the first year and between £11,000and £14,000 for 8 years depending on the life span of the pump (see Table 4.1).Since the proportion of people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who used CSII pumps was not known, theNICE TA estimated that the annual costs to the National Health Service in England and Waleswould be around £3.5 million if 1% of people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> used CSII, £10.5 million if3% of people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> used CSII, and £17.5 million if 5% of people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> used CSII. The costs of providing <strong>diabetes</strong> specialist nurses to provide education toyoung patients starting CSII are not included in these costs but were expected to be high.To calculate the lifetime costs for children and young people of CSII versus multiple dailyinjections requires empirical data from the UK since it is not clear what the consequencesfor children and young people might be, given the longer time period at risk ofcomplications associated with poor management, and potentially different impacts ofhypoglycaemia and other adverse events on the quality of life of a child.Summary of multiple daily injection regimens compared with other insulin regimens• Multiple daily injections as part of an intensive package of care improve glycaemiccontrol in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. [evidence level Ia]• Improved glycaemic control decreases the risk of retinopathy, nephropathy andmacrovascular events. [evidence level Ia]Table 4.1 Estimated additional costs associated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) versusmultiple daily injections for different types of insulin pump (source: NICE Technology Appraisal 121 )Total net cost for CSII Disetronic D-Tron Disetronic H-Tron MiniMed 508Year 1 £3,878 £3,571 £3,602Assuming 4-year pump life:Years 1–4 (discounted) £7,081 (£6,722) £6,569 (£6,242) £6,058 (£5,790)Years 1–8 (discounted) £13,941 (£11,871) £12,917 (£11,011) £11,894 (£10,201)Assuming 8-year pump life:Years 1–8 (discounted) £12,178 (£10,429) £11,272 (39,663) £10,096 (£8,728)46

Ongoing management• Multiple daily injections increase the risk of hypoglycaemia, weight gain and possiblydiabetic ketoacidosis. [evidence level Ia] These risks can be minimised with increasedexperience of using multiple daily injections. [evidence level Ib]• Multiple daily injections do not affect mortality, quality of life or neuropsychologicalimpairment. [evidence level Ia]Healthcare professionals may find it useful to refer to the recommendations in Section 4.1(education) when offering information about insulin regimens.RECOMMENDATIONSPre-school and primary school children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered themost appropriate individualised regimens to optimise their glycaemic control.Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered multiple daily injectionregimens to help optimise their glycaemic control.Multiple daily injection regimens should be offered only as part of a package of carethat involves continuing education, dietary management, instruction on the use ofinsulin delivery systems and blood glucose monitoring, emotional and behaviouralsupport, and medical, nursing and dietetic expertise in paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong>, becausethis improves glycaemic control.Children and young people using multiple daily injection regimens should beinformed that they may experience an initial increase in the risk of hypoglycaemiaand short-term weight gain.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed about strategies for the avoidance and management of hypoglycaemia.Young people who do not achieve satisfactory glycaemic control with multiple dailyinjection regimens should be offered additional support and, if appropriate,alternative insulin therapy (once-, twice- or three-times daily mixed insulin regimensor continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion using an insulin pump).Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have difficulty adhering to multiple dailyinjection regimens should be offered twice-daily injection regimens.Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (or insulin pump therapy) is recommendedas an option for people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> provided that:• multiple-dose insulin therapy (including, where appropriate, the use of insulinglargine) has failed;* and• those receiving the treatment have the commitment and competence to use thetherapy effectively.*People for whom multiple-dose therapy has failed are considered to be those forwhom it has been impossible to maintain an HbA 1c level no greater than 7.5% (or6.5% in the presence of microalbuminuria or adverse features of the metabolicsyndrome) without disabling hypoglycaemia occurring, despite a high level of selfcare of their <strong>diabetes</strong>. ‘Disabling hypoglycaemia’, for the purpose of this guidance,means the repeated and unpredicted occurrence of hypoglycaemia requiring thirdpartyassistance that results in continuing anxiety about recurrence and is associatedwith significant adverse effect on quality of life.Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy should be initiated only by atrained specialist team, which should normally comprise a physician with a specialistinterest in insulin pump therapy, a <strong>diabetes</strong> specialist nurse and a dietitian.All individuals beginning continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy shouldbe provided with specific training in its use. Ongoing support from a specialist teamshould be available, particularly in the period immediately following the initiation ofcontinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. It is recommended that specialist teamsshould agree a common core of advice appropriate for continuous subcutaneousinsulin infusion users.CACBCGPPGPPNICE TANICE TANICE TANICE TA47

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Established users of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy should havetheir insulin management reviewed by their specialist team so that a decision can bemade about whether a trial or a switch to multiple-dose insulin incorporating insulinglargine would be appropriate.NICE TARESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONSResearch is needed to compare the effectiveness of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (orinsulin pump therapy) and multiple daily injection regimens in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Research is needed to compare the effectiveness of multiple daily injection regimens with twicedailyinjection regimens in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.4.3 Insulin preparations48People with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are dependent on insulin for survival. Many different types of insulinare available. A summary of the onset of action, overall effect and maximum effect times forsubcutaneous injection of different insulin types in adults is given below. The period over whichany particular type of insulin operates varies considerably between patients, and must beassessed on an individual basis.Short-acting insulinsSoluble (regular) insulin is normally given by subcutaneous injection but can also be given byCSII and, in special cases, by intramuscular or intravenous injection or intravenous infusion.When administered by subcutaneous injection, soluble insulin has an onset of action of between30 and 60 minutes, a peak action between 2 and 4 hours, and a duration of action of up to 8hours. 133 It is usual for soluble insulin to be injected subcutaneously 15–30 minutes beforemeals. 133 When injected intravenously soluble insulin has a half-life of about 5 minutes and theeffect normally disappears within 30 minutes. 133Rapid-acting insulin analogues are recombinant human insulins, with faster onset and shorterdurations of action than soluble insulin. 133 Rapid-acting insulin analogues are usually given bysubcutaneous injection, but can also be given by CSII, and in special circumstances can be givenby intramuscular or intravenous injection, or intravenous infusion. 133 There are currently tworapid-acting insulin analogues available: insulin aspart and insulin lispro.When administered by subcutaneous injection in adults, insulin aspart has an onset of action ofbetween 10 and 20 minutes, a peak action between 1 and 3 hours, and a duration of action of3–5 hours. However, the pharmacodynamic profile differs for children and young people. 134When administered by subcutaneous injection in adults, insulin lispro has an onset of action ofapproximately 15 minutes and a duration of action of 2–5 hours; the pharmacodynamic profileof insulin lispro in children and young people is similar to that in adults. 134 Rapid-acting insulinanalogues can be given shortly before or shortly after meals. 133Short-acting soluble insulin and rapid-acting insulin analogues are the only insulin preparationsthat can be given by intravenous injection, and the only insulins that can be used in CSII usinginsulin pumps. 134Intermediate- and long-acting insulinsWhen given by subcutaneous injection, intermediate- and long-acting insulins have an onset ofaction of approximately 1–2 hours, maximal effects between 4 and 12 hours, and a duration ofaction of 16–35 hours. 133 Several types exist (insulin zinc suspension, crystalline insulin zincsuspension, protamine zinc insulin and isophane insulin, which is sometimes referred to as neuralprotamine hagedorn), with varying durations of action as specified by the manufacturers.However, as for short-acting insulins, there may be considerable variation from patient to patient.Protamine zinc insulin binds with short-acting soluble insulin and rapid-acting insulin analogues(aspart and lispro) when mixed in the same syringe, and so these forms of insulin should not bemixed.

Ongoing managementInsulin analogues with extra-long action have been manufactured recently. The only long-actinginsulin analogue that is licensed currently is insulin glargine, which should be administered bysubcutaneous injection. Although absorption changes over time, a once-daily injection ofinsulin glargine will reach steady state levels in 2–4 days after the first dose, to produce aconstant level of insulin. 134 Another type of long-acting insulin analogue (insulin detemir) is inthe process of being licensed.Biphasic insulinsBiphasic insulins are pre-mixed insulin preparations containing various combinations of shortacting(soluble insulin or a rapid-acting insulin analogue) and an intermediate-acting insulin.The percentage of short-acting insulin varies from 10% to 50%. These preparations should beadministered by subcutaneous injection up to 15 minutes before or soon after a meal. 133,134The concentration of insulin is normally 100 units/ml where 1 unit is approximately 36 g insulin.Is human or animal insulin more appropriate for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?Human insulin was introduced for the routine treatment of <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus in the early 1980s.Structurally, porcine insulin differs from human insulin by one amino acid (at the carboxyterminalposition 30 of the B-chain) and bovine insulin differs from human insulin at threepositions (B30, A8 and A10). Human sequence insulin is available from two sources.‘Semisynthetic’ human insulin is manufactured by enzymatic substitution of alanine withthreonine at position B30 of porcine insulin. ‘Biosynthetic’ human insulin is manufactured usingrecombinant DNA technology with baker’s yeast or the bacterium Escherichia coli as the hostcell. Both are then highly purified to a monocomponent form. In the UK, there is a wide varietyof human insulin products available, and it is thought that the majority of children and youngpeople now use human insulins. However, it has been suggested that human insulins wereintroduced without adequate comparison of efficacy with animal insulin preparations. Inaddition, there were reports of altered hypoglycaemic awareness after transfer to human insulin. 135A Cochrane systematic review looked at 45 studies that included 2156 participants. 135 Manystudies were double-blind RCTs, but most were of poor methodological quality. Purified porcineand semisynthetic insulin were most often investigated. No significant differences in metaboliccontrol or hypoglycaemic episodes between various insulin species were detected. Nosignificant differences in insulin dosage or insulin antibodies were detected between groups inthese trials. 135 [evidence level Ia] Outcomes such as health-related quality of life, <strong>diabetes</strong>complications and mortality were not investigated. 135 [evidence level Ia]Four studies included in the systematic review were based on children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong>. 136–139 These studies, which were based on a total of 270 participants, examined thefollowing outcomes: HbA 1 , 136,138 fasting plasma glucose, 136,138 insulin dosage, 136,138 insulinantibodies, 137 and adverse effects. 136,138,139 No statistically significant differences between insulintypes were found in relation to any of these outcomes. [evidence level Ib]SummaryRCTs have not detected differences between human and animal insulins in terms of glycaemiccontrol or development of antibodies. Concerns about increased frequency, severity or reducedawareness of hypoglycaemia with human insulin, and the quantity of insulin antibodies whichmay be produced in patients on animal insulin have not been confirmed. Choice of insulin isinfluenced by other factors such as delivery systems and cultural preferences (for example,avoidance of porcine insulin by Muslim and Jewish people).Is soluble insulin or rapid-acting insulin analogue more appropriate for children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?Short- and long-acting insulin analogue technology has developed rapidly over the last 10 years.Analogues are altered molecular versions of a natural substance. The natural hormone ischanged slightly by altering the amino acid sequence within the molecule. Analogue insulinsare therefore versions of insulin which may have a different profile of action to traditional animalor human insulin. 14049

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Two rapid-acting human insulin analogues are available, insulin lispro and insulin aspart. 133Insulin lispro and insulin aspart have an onset of action of 10–20 minutes and a duration ofaction of 2–5 hours, which is shorter than non-analogue short-acting insulin (soluble insulin orsoluble human insulin); as a result, compared with soluble insulin, fasting and preprandialblood-glucose concentrations are higher and postprandial blood-glucose concentrations arelower. Subcutaneous injection of rapid-acting insulin analogue may be given shortly before orshortly after meals, 133 which may help those with unpredictable eating habits (such as infants andpre-school children), those prone to pre-lunch hypoglycaemia, and those who eat late in theevening and are prone to early nocturnal hypoglycaemia. 133We identified four systematic reviews 141–144 that investigated the effectiveness of rapid-actinginsulin analogues in comparison with soluble insulin. [evidence level Ia] None of the systematicreviews considered studies in children and young people exclusively. Two reviews includedstudies based on patients with type 1 or type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 141,142 One review used only RCTs froma pharmaceutical company database. 143 In total, 21 RCTs were included in the systematicreviews; the number of studies in each systematic review ranged from 6 to 20. We identifiedmany good-quality RCTs that were published in the 4 years since the previous systematic reviewwas published. These additional studies met our quality criteria for inclusion as part of theevidence. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis of RCTs in children, young people and adultsthat compared rapid-acting insulin analogues with soluble insulin. The results are reportedbelow and as forest plots in Appendix B.We found a total of 27 good-quality RCTs where rapid-acting insulin analogues were used for atleast 1 month in children, young people or adults. 145–170 [evidence level Ib] We found fourcrossover RCTs (n = 59, n = 23, n = 463 and n = 22) 151,154,158,167 that examined rapid-acting insulinanalogue treatment in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. [evidence level Ib] Threeof these RCTs investigated HbA 1c levels and numbers of hypoglycaemic episodes 151,154,158 and oneexamined patient preference. 167HbA1cTwenty-three RCTs examined the effect of rapid-acting insulin analogue compared with solubleinsulin on HbA 1c . Eleven of these studies employed a parallel design (total number of patients ineach arm: rapid-acting insulin analogue n = 2425; soluble insulin n = 1821). 145,149,156,157,160–162,165,166,168,170[evidence level Ib] HbA 1c levels were lower in patients using the rapid-acting insulinanalogue compared with soluble insulin in parallel design RCTs (WMD –0.14%, 95% CI –0.19to –0.08%). Twelve RCTs used a crossover design (total number of patients in each arm: rapidactinginsulin analogue n = 2441; soluble insulin n = 2439). 146–148,151,153–155,158,159,163,164,169 There was nodifference in HbA 1c levels when rapid-acting insulin analogue was compared with solubleinsulin in crossover RCTs (WMD 0.00%, 95% CI –0.09 to 0.08%). [evidence level Ia]We conducted two separate analyses to compare the effects of rapid-acting insulin analogue andsoluble insulin on HbA 1c levels. One analysis was based on studies involving children and youngpeople; the second analysis was based on adult studies. Three crossover RCTs looked at childrenand young people (n = 59, n = 23 and n = 463, total n = 545). 151,154,158 [evidence level Ib] The RCTsfound no evidence to suggest a difference in HbA 1c (WMD –0.03%, 95% CI –0.21 to 0.14%).Nine crossover RCTs included adults (total number of patients in each arm: rapid-acting insulinanalogue n = 1896; soluble insulin n = 1894). 146–148,153,155,159,163,164,169 These RCTs also found noevidence to suggest a difference in HbA 1c levels (WMD 0.01%, 95% CI –0.09 to 0.11%).We found no evidence to suggest a difference in HbA 1c between types of rapid-acting insulinanalogues. There were eight parallel RCTs examining insulin lispro (WMD –0.13%, 95% CI–0.24 to –0.02%, total number of patients in each arm: rapid-acting insulin analogue n = 966;soluble insulin n = 999). 145,149,156,157,161,162,168,170 Three parallel RCTs examined insulin aspart (WMD–0.14%, 95% CI –0.20 to –0.07%, total number of patients in each arm: rapid-acting insulinanalogue n = 1459; soluble insulin n = 822). 160,165,166Hypoglycaemic episodesSeventeen RCTs examined the effect of rapid-acting insulin analogue compared with solubleinsulin on the number of hypoglycaemic episodes/30 days. Eight of these studies used a parallelgroup design (total number in each arm: rapid-acting insulin analogue n = 963; soluble insulin50

Ongoing managementn = 999) There was no difference in the number of hypoglycaemic episodes when rapid-actinginsulin analogue was compared with soluble insulin in the parallel group RCTs (WMD –0.42%,95% CI –1.53 to 0.68%). 145,149,156,157,161,162,168,170 Nine studies had a crossover design (total number ineach arm: rapid-acting insulin analogue n = 2129; soluble insulin n = 2127). 146,151,152,152,154,155,158,163,169There was no difference in the number of hypoglycaemic episodes when rapid-acting insulinanalogue was compared with soluble insulin in the crossover RCTs (WMD –0.42%, 95% CI –1.11to 0.27%). However, the overall results for the parallel and crossover studies were heterogeneousand should be interpreted with caution. [evidence level Ia]Analyses were conducted for children and young people separately from adults in order toexamine the effect of rapid-acting insulin analogue compared with soluble insulin on thenumber of hypoglycaemic episodes/30 days. Three crossover RCTs in children and youngpeople (n = 59, n = 23 and n = 463, total n = 545) 151,154,158 [evidence level Ib] showed no differencein the number of hypoglycaemic episodes (WMD –0.35%, 95% CI –0.91 to 0.22%). Sixcrossover RCTs in adults (total number in each arm: rapid-acting insulin analogue n = 1584;soluble insulin n = 1582) 146,152,152,155,163,169 showed no difference in the number of hypoglycaemicepisodes when rapid-acting insulin analogue was compared with soluble insulin (WMD–0.57%, 95% CI –1.64 to 0.50%). However, the overall result for adults was heterogeneous andso it should interpreted with caution.No studies investigated the number of hypoglycaemic episodes/30 days of insulin aspart therapy.However, one parallel RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> examined the risk of experiencing ahypoglycaemic episode in patients treated with insulin aspart compared with soluble insulin,and found no difference (major hypoglycaemic episodes: RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.59 to 1.18; minorhypoglycaemia: RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.16; n = 1070). 160 [evidence level Ib] A crossoverdesign RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found no significant difference in the number ofhypoglycaemic events in patients treated with insulin aspart compared with those treated withsoluble insulin (567 versus 615, n = 90). However, there was a reduction in majorhypoglycaemic events (20 events in 24 patients versus 44 events in 24 patients, p < 0.002). 171[evidence level Ib]Patient preferenceFour crossover RCTs examined patient preference in relation to rapid-acting insulin analogueand soluble insulin (total n = 330). 150,155,159,167 Patients preferred rapid-acting insulin analogue tosoluble insulin (RR 2.70, 95% CI 1.65 to 4.42). [evidence level Ia] However, this result shouldbe interpreted with caution as the overall effect was heterogeneous.We then conducted two separate analyses to examine the effects of rapid-acting insulinanalogue compared with soluble insulin on patient preference for children, young people andadults. One crossover RCT in children (n = 22) showed greater preference for rapid-acting insulinanalogue (RR 4.50, 95% CI 1.81 to 11.16). 167 [evidence level Ib] Three crossover RCTs in adults(total n = 308) 150,155,159 showed greater preference for rapid-acting insulin analogue (RR 2.43, 95%CI 1.40 to 4.22). However, the overall result for adult patients was heterogeneous and so itshould interpreted with caution.The use of short-acting insulin and rapid-acting insulin analogue for continuous subcutaneousinsulin injection (CSII)A systematic review identified six RCTs in the use of rapid-acting insulin analogues comparedwith soluble insulin in CSII. 172 [evidence level Ia] Five crossover RCTs investigated the use ofinsulin lispro compared with soluble insulin 173–177 and one parallel design RCT with threetreatment groups investigated the use of insulin lispro, insulin aspart and soluble insulin. 178[evidence level Ib] The HbA 1c level was found to be significantly improved with insulin lispro(WMD –0.26%, 95% CI –0.47 to –0.06%). Some studies reported fewer hypoglycaemicepisodes with analogue insulin but this varied with the definition of hypoglycaemia used. Nodifferences in body weight or insulin dosage were reported.We identified two further RCTs investigating the use of rapid-acting insulin analogues comparedwith soluble insulin as part of CSII in adults that were excluded from the systematic reviewbecause they had study lengths of 1 month and 2 months, respectively. 179,180 [evidence level Ib]One RCT found no significant difference between the two treatment groups in terms of HbA 1c51

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>levels (7.07 ± 0.51% versus 6.67 ± 0.67%), mean blood glucose levels (9.04 ± 0.89 mmol/lversus 9.32 ± 1.17 mmol/l) or mean SD of blood glucose (4.44 ± 0.49 mmol/l versus4.82 ± 0.83 mmol/l). There was a significant decrease in postprandial blood glucose level(9.43 ± 1.39 mmol/l versus 10.49 ± 2.05 mmol/l, p < 0.05) and hypoglycaemia index (7.1 ± 4.6versus 12.6 ± 10.2, p < 0.05) in the insulin lispro group compared with the soluble insulingroup. 179 [evidence level Ib] The second RCT reported lower HbA 1c levels (7.4% versus 7.6%,p = 0.047), mean glycaemia (7.4 mmol/l versus 7.6 mmol/l, p < 0.001), SD of all blood glucoselevels (3.6 mmol/l versus 3.9 mmol/l, p = 0.012), mean postprandial glycaemia (8.1 mmol/lversus 9.6 mmol/l, p < 0.001) and SD of postprandial blood glucose levels (3.6 mmol/l versus4.0 mmol/l, p = 0.006) in the insulin lispro treatment group than the soluble insulin treatmentgroup. There was no significant difference in mean preprandial glycaemia (8.5 mmol/l versus8.4 mmol/l, p = 0.86), SD of preprandial blood glucose levels (3.4 mmol/l versus 3.6 mmol/l,p = 0.86), or the number of hypoglycaemic events (9.7/30 days versus 8.0/30 days, p = 0.23)between the insulin lispro treatment group and the soluble insulin treatment group. 180 [evidencelevel Ib]Three studies investigated rapid-acting insulin analogues other than insulin lispro and insulinaspart that have not been licensed for use in the UK. 181–183 [evidence level Ib]Timing of short-acting insulin and rapid-acting insulin analogue injectionsSix RCTs have examined the timing of short-acting insulins and rapid-acting insulin analoguesbefore and after meals.A 6-week crossover RCT evaluated the administration of short-acting insulin 5 minutes beforemain meals compared with 30 minutes before main meals (n = 15 adults). No significantdifferences were reported in any of the outcomes that were measured, including glycatedhaemoglobin, postprandial maximum glucose increase, mean daily glucose profile and totalnumber of hypoglycaemic episodes. 184 [evidence level Ib] A second RCT compared single dosesof short-acting insulin given 5 minutes and 30 minutes before breakfast (n = 9 children andyoung people). This RCT found that short-acting insulin injection 5 minutes before breakfastdecreased the mean postprandial glucose concentration after 120 minutes, but not at 90minutes, 150 minutes or 180 minutes. 185 [evidence level Ib]Another 6-week crossover RCT evaluated the administration of rapid-acting insulin analoguesimmediately before the start of a meal compared with immediately after a meal or a maximumof 30 minutes after starting a meal (42 children and 34 young people). The study found nodifferences in glycaemic control (measured by fructosamine and HbA 1c ), incidence ofhypoglycaemia, parent preference or mean blood glucose. 186 [evidence level Ib]An RCT compared single doses of rapid-acting insulin analogue given 30 minutes before, 15minutes before, immediately before and 15 minutes after breakfast (n = 12 adults). This RCTfound no difference in postprandial glycaemia among the treatment groups. 187 [evidence levelIb] A second RCT compared rapid-acting insulin analogue given 10 minutes before and 20minutes after four different types of meal (high-carbohydrate and high-fat meals, both given inliquid and solid form) (n = 20 adults). This RCT found differences in blood glucose at some timepoints. 188 [evidence level Ib]Another RCT examined short-acting insulin given 40 minutes, 10 minutes and immediatelybefore a meal, and rapid-acting insulin analogue given 20 minutes before, immediately beforeand 15 minutes after a meal (n = 18 adults). This RCT found significant improvements inpostprandial blood glucose excursions at 60, 90 and 120 minutes with the injection of rapidactinginsulin analogue 20 minutes before and immediately before the meal compared withinjection of short-acting insulin 40 minutes, 10 minutes and immediately before the meal.Postprandial blood glucose excursions at 60 minutes (but not at 90 and 120 minutes) weresignificantly higher with a postprandial rapid-acting insulin analogue injection compared withinjection of rapid-acting insulin analogue given 20 minutes before or immediately before ameal. 189 [evidence level Ib]We found one study that investigated the time patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> left betweeninjecting short-acting insulin and eating, after they had been advised to leave 20 minutes ormore before a meal (n = 179 adults). 190 [evidence level III] Eighty-four per cent of patients52

Ongoing managementadministered their insulin less than 20 minutes before eating, and 26% took their insulin within5 minutes of eating their meals.In summary, the RCTs showed inconsistencies in postprandial glucose concentrations withdifferent time lags between short-acting insulin and rapid-acting insulin analogue injections andmeals. One RCT suggested that postprandial glucose levels were decreased if rapid-actinginsulin analogue was given instead of short-acting insulin.Biphasic insulins containing rapid-acting insulin analogues compared with soluble insulinThree RCTs investigated the used of biphasic insulins containing rapid-acting insulin analoguescompared with biphasic insulins containing soluble insulin.One RCT investigated the used of biphasic insulins containing insulin lispro and insulin lisproprotamine suspension compared with soluble insulin and isophane (n = 166 adults). 191 [evidencelevel Ib] The trial found a significantly lower HbA 1c level in the group treated with insulin lisproand insulin lispro protamine suspension compared with soluble human insulin and isophane(7.54% versus 7.92%, p = 0.019, difference of 0.38%). There was no significant difference in theincidence of hypoglycaemia between the two treatment groups (1.11 versus 1.12 events/person).The second RCT investigated the used of biphasic insulins containing insulin aspart and insulinaspart protamine suspension compared with biphasic isophane insulin (n = 50 adults). 192[evidence level Ib] There was no difference in the number of hypoglycaemic events between thetwo treatment groups (9 versus 9 events).The third RCT investigated the used of biphasic insulins containing insulin lispro and isophanecompared with soluble insulin and isophane (n = 37 adults). 193 [evidence level Ib] The studyfound no differences in HbA 1c levels or incidence of hypoglycaemia.SummaryParallel design RCTs have shown a small improvement in long-term glycaemic control inpatients using rapid-acting insulin analogues compared with soluble insulin. We found noevidence of a difference in the number of hypoglycaemic episodes when comparing rapidactinginsulin analogues and soluble insulins. Rapid-acting insulin analogues have been shownto be preferred by some patients because of the increased flexibility in injection times relativeto meals.What is the most appropriate intermediate or long-acting insulin for children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?Insulin glargineInsulin glargine allows a consistent release of insulin during the day, thereby mimicking naturalbasal insulin release. Insulin glargine can provide the basal component of multiple dailyinjection regimens. The prolonged absorption profile of insulin glargine, with no pronouncedpeaks over 24 hours, allows for once-daily dosing. Furthermore, as it does not require resuspensionprior to administration, it has the potential to reduce inter- and intra-uservariability. 194A recently published NICE TA provided guidance on the use of insulin glargine. 194 The NICE TAdiscussed four fully published RCTs, seven RCTs published only as abstracts and oneunpublished RCT, all of which involved adults only.Three of the four fully published RCTs reported no change in HbA 1c levels. One RCT showed thatHbA 1c levels were reduced more with insulin glargine than with isophane. However, this studylasted 4 weeks whereas HbA 1c measurements reflect average glycaemic control over thepreceding 6–8 weeks.All four fully published studies found that the mean change in fasting plasma glucose wassignificantly greater in those using insulin glargine (range 1.34–2.23 mmol/l). Three RCTs foundthat insulin glargine significantly reduced fasting blood glucose compared with isophane(difference 0.71–1.50 mmol/l). The fourth RCT showed no significant difference between insulinglargine and isophane. 194 [evidence level Ia]53

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Three RCTs reported severe hypoglycaemia. The first RCT reported that a significantly smallerpercentage of people experienced severe hypoglycaemia in the post-titration phase with insulinglargine compared with isophane (1.9% versus 5.6% of patients, respectively, p < 0.05). Theother RCTs reported no significant differences over the entire trial period or the post-titrationphase. Nocturnal hypoglycaemia was reduced with insulin glargine compared with isophanein two RCTs (36% versus 56%, respectively, p < 0.05). One RCT showed no difference innocturnal hypoglycaemia. One RCT reported that a smaller percentage of people experiencedsymptomatic hypoglycaemia in the whole trial or the post-titration period with insulin glarginecompared with isophane (40% versus 49%, respectively, for post-titration phase). 194 [evidencelevel Ia]One observational study showed a 1.7% reduction in HbA 1c levels after 8 weeks of insulinglargine treatment compared with baseline. This study also showed that 70.3% of peoplereported fewer hypoglycaemic episodes with insulin glargine. A second observational studyreported a 0.36% reduction in HbA 1c levels compared with baseline following 6 months ofinsulin glargine treatment. 194 [evidence level Ia]The NICE TA, which evaluated the cost effectiveness of insulin glargine, included a systematicreview of the economic literature. 194 [evidence level Ia] No cost effectiveness analyses of insulinglargine were identified in the published literature. However, a model constructed for the NICETA suggested that the cost effectiveness of insulin glargine in type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> patients was around£32,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY). The model was constructed with and without theassumed loss of quality of life from a hypoglycaemic event. Excluding this additional source ofquality of life, the cost per QALY rose to £629,703, suggesting a far lower benefit for theadditional cost. The wide difference in the estimates of cost effectiveness demonstrates thefragility of the approach used.A within-group comparison study published after the NICE TA investigated HbA 1c levels andepisodes of hypoglycaemia in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> treated initiallywith isophane insulin then with insulin glargine (n = 114). 195 [evidence level IIb] The study foundthat HbA 1c was lower and the frequency of non-severe hypoglycaemic events decreased whenthe children and young people were treated with insulin glargine rather than isophane insulin(HbA 1c : 9.3 ± 0.13% versus 9.6 ± 0.12%, p = 0.01; non-severe hypoglycaemia: 2.0 ± 0.1 perweek versus 1.3 ± 0.1 per week, p = 0.001).Insulin glargine has recently received a paediatric licence in the UK for people aged 6 years andover.Timing of insulin glargineAn RCT examined the optimum timing (breakfast, dinner or bedtime) of insulin glargine in adultswith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 196 The trial found no differences in mean HbA 1c , 24-hour blood glucoseprofile or incidence of total symptomatic and severe hypoglycaemia. Nocturnal hypoglycaemiaoccurred in significantly fewer patients in the group who received breakfast insulin glargine(59.5%) compared with dinner (71.9%) or bedtime (77.5%) insulin glargine (p = 0.005).[evidence level Ib]Insulin detemirTwo published RCTs have compared insulin detemir with long-acting isophane insulin in adults.An RCT lasting 6 months (n = 419) found no significant differences in HbA 1c (7.60 ± 0.09% versus7.64 ± 0.10%, p = 0.61), fasting plasma glucose (9.19 ± 0.44 mmol l versus 9.94 ± 0.52 mmol l,p = 0.09) or major hypoglycaemic events (RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.28 to 1.50, p = 0.312). The studyfound a significantly lower body weight (70.9 ± 0.28 kg versus 71.8 ± 0.33 kg, p = 0.001) andfewer minor hypoglycaemic events with insulin detemir (RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.93,p = 0.011). 197 [evidence level Ib]Another RCT, lasting 4–6 weeks, reported that there were no significant differences in maximumglucose concentration, area under the curve of 24-hour serum glucose profile, point selfmonitoredblood glucose profile, mean fructosamine level, or adverse events. Mean serumglucose level was not parallel between the two treatment groups: during the night, serumglucose was higher with insulin detemir than with isophane. There were significantly smallernumbers of hypoglycaemic events in the last week of insulin detemir treatment (insulin detemir54

Ongoing management60% of patients had at least one hypoglycaemic event versus isophane insulin 77% of patientshad at least one hypoglycaemic event, p < 0.05, n = 59). 198 [evidence level Ib]Isophane insulin compared with insulin zinc suspensionThree RCTs investigated the use of isophane insulin compared with insulin zinc suspension. 199–201[evidence level Ib] One of these RCTs included children and young people. 199An RCT in children and young people (n = 52, age range 5–18 years) investigated the use ofisophane insulin compared with insulin zinc suspension. 199 [evidence level Ib] Glycatedhaemoglobin level was lower in children treated with isophane insulin (11.1 ± 2.2% versus12.0 ± 2.2%). Fasting blood glucose, fructosamine concentration and number of episodes ofhypoglycaemia were similar in both groups.An RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the use of isophane insulin compared withinsulin zinc suspension (n = 82). 200 [evidence level Ib] The trial found no differences in glycatedhaemoglobin level (9.2 ± 0.1% versus 9.3 ± 0.1%), fructosamine level (1.55 ± 0.02 mmol/l versus1.57 ± 0.02 mmol/l), fasting blood glucose concentration (8.8 ± 0.5 mmol/l versus9.0 ± 0.5 mmol/l), mean blood glucose concentration (8.2 ± .03 mmol/l versus 7.6 ± 0.3 mmol/l)or hypoglycaemic event rate.An RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the use of isophane insulin compared withinsulin zinc suspension (n = 18). 201 [evidence level Ib] No difference in HbA 1 level was seenbetween the two groups (10.1 ± 0.4% versus 9.9 ± 0.3%).Isophane insulin compared with crystalline insulin zinc suspensionFour RCTs investigated the use of isophane insulin compared with crystalline insulin zincsuspension. 202–205 [evidence level Ib] One of these RCTs included children and young people. 202An RCT in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the use of a pre-breakfastand pre-evening meal mixture of isophane and soluble insulin compared with a pre-breakfastmixture of isophane and soluble insulin and a pre-evening meal mixture of crystalline insulinzinc suspension and soluble insulin (n = 20, age range 7–18 years). 202 [evidence level Ib] The trialfound no difference between the treatment groups in terms of HbA 1 level (9.1 ± 1.7% versus9.5 ± 1.4%). However, patients treated with a pre-evening meal mixture of crystalline insulinzinc suspension and soluble insulin had lower mean fasting blood glucose levels pre-breakfast(9.6 ± 1.9 mmol/l versus 10.3 ± 2.2 mmol/l, p < 0.05) and those treated with a pre-breakfast andpre-evening meal mixture of isophane and soluble insulin had lower mean blood glucose beforea bedtime snack (8.4 ± 1.9 mmol/l versus 10.0 ± 2.1 mmol/l). At no other times were the bloodglucose levels different.An RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the use of isophane insulin compared withcrystalline insulin zinc suspension (n = 178). 203 [evidence level Ib] The trial found no differencesbetween the treatment groups in terms of HbA 1c level (7.6 ± 0.1% versus 7.7 ± 0.1%), rate of severehypoglycaemia (0.05 ± 0.03/patient every 30 days versus 0.07 ± 0.04/patient every 30 days).An RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the use of isophane insulin compared withcrystalline insulin zinc suspension (n = 10). 204 [evidence level Ib] Fasting blood glucose levels at6 a.m. (10.82 ± 4.27 mmol/l versus 6.26 ± 0.88 mmol/l) and 8 a.m. (14.03 ± 1.08 mmol/l versus9.26 ± 1.02 mmol/l) were significantly lower in the patients using crystalline insulin zincsuspension. There were no differences in blood glucose levels at any other times of day.An RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the use of isophane insulin compared withcrystalline insulin zinc suspension (n = 16). 205 [evidence level Ib] The trial found lower glycatedhaemoglobin levels in the group treated with crystalline insulin zinc suspension (8.2 ± 0.3%versus 7.9 ± 0.4%).Insulin zinc suspension compared with crystalline insulin zinc suspensionTwo RCTs investigated the use of insulin zinc suspension compared with crystalline insulin zincsuspension. 206,207 [evidence level Ib] One of these RCTs included children and young people. 206An RCT in children and young people (n = 77, age range 5–18 years) investigated twice-daily useof crystalline insulin zinc suspension with soluble insulin compared with twice-daily use of55

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>insulin zinc suspension with soluble insulin. 206 [evidence level Ib] The trial found no differencesin HbA 1c levels or in pre-lunch, pre-dinner, bedtime and mid-sleep fasting blood glucosebetween the two groups. However, pre-breakfast fasting blood glucose was lower in thecrystalline insulin zinc suspension group compared with the group treated with insulin zincsuspension (10.6 ± 0.6 mmol/l versus 12.6 ± 0.6 mmol/l, p < 0.02).An RCT in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated the use of insulin zinc suspension comparedwith crystalline insulin zinc suspension (n = 66, age range 18–62 years). 207 [evidence level Ib]The trial found no difference in glycated haemoglobin levels between the two groups. However,fasting blood glucose levels were lower in patients treated with crystalline insulin zincsuspension (6.6 ± 0.5 mmol/l versus 8.2 ± 0.5 mmol/l, p < 0.05) and the incidence of serioushypoglycaemic events was higher in patients treated with crystalline insulin zinc suspension(0.38 ± 0.10 versus 0.09 ± 0.04 events/patient/month, p < 0.02).SummaryNo published studies have investigated the effectiveness of insulin glargine and insulin detemirspecifically in children and young people. Further research is needed to address these issues,particularly in relation to pre-school children. Insulin glargine may be beneficial for reducingnocturnal hypoglycaemia in children and young people using multiple daily injection regimens.There is no substantive evidence to suggest that any particular type of intermediate or longactinginsulin has greater clinical effectiveness than any other.What is ideal, pre-mixed or self-titrating insulin in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>?Meaning of pre-mixed and self-titrating insulinPre-mixed insulin contains particular combinations of short- and long-acting insulins. Pre-mixedinsulins may reduce errors in drawing up insulin, but they reduce flexibility by fixing the ratioof short- and long-acting insulins, allowing no scope for adjustment. Flexibility may be increasedby combining different pre-mixed insulin preparations. Pre-mixed insulins may be useful whenadherence to an insulin regimen is a problem.Self-titration involves mixing short- and long-acting insulins in a syringe for administration by asingle injection. Self-titrating insulin is often referred to as free-mixing insulin. Self-titratinginsulins have been replaced to a large extent by multiple daily injection regimens that involve asingle daily intermediate- or long-acting insulin dose and a short-acting insulin or rapid-actinginsulin analogue dose with every meal.Glycaemic controlSeven RCTs have compared pre-mixed and self-titrating insulin therapy in patients with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>, but only one of these involved children and young people (age range 7–16 years). 208[evidence level Ib] Different delivery devices were used in the different treatment groups in fiveof the RCTs (the pre-mixed insulins were administered using pen injectors, whereas the selftitratinginsulin was administered using a conventional syringe). Five of the RCTs were crossovertrials, and four of the RCTs explicitly received support from pharmaceutical companies. Themethodological reporting of the trials was poor.Six of the RCTs recorded HbA 1c level 209–211 or total glycated haemoglobin (HbA 1 ). 208,212,213 None ofthe RCTs showed a significant difference in glycated haemoglobin between the pre-mixed andself-titrating groups. 208–212 A further RCT was excluded from this review because, although HbA 1was measured, it was not reported separately for the two treatment groups. 213A survey of adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated HbA 1c levels in patients who used pre-mixedinsulin compared with those who used separate insulin preparations (n = 600). 214 [evidence levelIIb] In patients under 35 years pre-mixed insulin (n = 62) was associated with higher HbA 1c levelsthan patients using two or four (n = 85 and n = 83, respectively) separate insulin injections/day(pre-mixed 7.8 ± 0.2% versus two separate insulin preparations 6.9 ± 0.2%, p < 0.001; pre-mixed7.8 ± 0.2% versus four separate insulin preparations 7.3 ± 0.2%, p < 0.05). There was no suchassociation when pre-mixed insulin was compared with three separate insulin injections/day(n = 38) (pre-mixed 7.8 ± 0.2% versus three separate insulin preparations 7.6 ± 0.2%) or inpatients aged 35 years or over (7.5 ± 0.2% versus 7.5 ± 0.1%).56

Ongoing managementFour RCTs recorded glucose levels. 208,209,212,215 No significant differences in glucose levelsbetween pre-mixed and self-titrating treatment groups were detected in these RCTs. [evidencelevel 1b]Five RCTs recorded hypoglycaemic episodes. 208–210,212,215 No significant differences in the numberof hypoglycaemic episodes with pre-mixed and self-titrating insulin were detected in these RCTs.[evidence level 1b]Patient preferenceFour crossover RCTs surveyed patient preferences at the end of the trials. 208,209,212,215 [evidencelevel Ib] These studies reported that 82–100% of patients preferred pre-mixed insulin deliveredby pen to self-titrating insulin delivered by syringe. The results might have been influenced bythe questionnaire designs. Strong reported preferences for pen delivery systems might alsoaccount for the differences observed.We found no studies that compared long-term complications following the use of pre-mixed andself-titrating insulins.SummaryThere are no differences between pre-mixed and self-titrating insulins in terms of glycaemiccontrol (as measured by glycated haemoglobin, glucose levels and/or hypoglycaemic episodes).No trials have evaluated the effectiveness of pre-mixed insulins using comparable devices inchildren and young people with poor adherence to treatment. Although patients have reporteda preference for pre-mixed insulin in some studies, the preferences might be attributable todifferences in delivery devices.Healthcare professionals may find it useful to refer to the recommendations in Section 4.1(education) when offering information about insulin preparations.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered the mostappropriate insulin preparations (rapid-acting insulin analogues, short-actinginsulins, intermediate-acting insulins, long-acting insulin analogues or biphasicinsulins) according to their individual needs and the instructions in the patientinformation leaflet supplied with the product with the aim of obtaining an HbA 1clevel of less than 7.5% without frequent disabling hypoglycaemia and maximisingquality of life.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> using multiple daily insulin regimensshould be informed that injection of rapid-acting insulin analogues before eating(rather than after eating) reduces postprandial blood glucose levels and thus helps tooptimise blood glucose control.For pre-school children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> it may be appropriate to use rapid-actinginsulin analogues shortly after eating (rather than before eating) because food intakecan be unpredictable.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who use insulin preparationscontaining intermediate-acting insulin should be informed that these preparationsshould be mixed before use according to the instructions in the patient informationleaflet supplied with the product.GPPBGPPGPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONSResearch is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of long-acting insulin analogues in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of once-daily injection regimens inchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, and especially in pre-school children.57

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>4.4 Methods of delivering insulinShould a pen or a syringe and needle be used for insulin therapy delivery in the treatment ofchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?Pen injection devices are of two types: either pre-filled cartridges containing insulin, which areused in a non-disposable pen, or pre-filled disposable pens. They aim to make injections easierbecause they eliminate the need for drawing up insulin from a vial. They may be particularlyuseful for insulin administration away from home (for example, at school).An RCT investigated the use of disposable pen devices in children and young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who had previously used syringes and vials. 216 [evidence level 1b] The study reportedincreased treatment satisfaction (in terms of convenience, flexibility and demands) with thedisposable pen compared with syringe and vial. This was reflected in increased patientpreference for the disposable pen over the syringe and vial. There were no significant differencesin numbers of hypoglycaemic events or problems at injection sites. 216 [evidence level 1b]Six further RCTs (including five crossover trials) compared pen and needle injection devices inpatients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 217–222 The RCTs involved a total of 327 patients. None of the RCTsinvolved children, although one involved people aged 16 years and over. 218 Two RCTs explicitlyreported pharmaceutical company support, 217,221 the others did not state the source of funding,but they named proprietary devices.HbA 1c was examined in four of the RCTs, 217–219,222 and glycated haemoglobin was examined in oneRCT. 220 None of the RCTs reported a significant difference in HbA 1c levels between pens andsyringes.Glucose levels were reported in all six RCTs, but none of the RCTs found a statistically significantdifference in glucose levels between those using pens and those using syringes.Hypoglycaemia was reported in four RCTs, but none of the RCTs found a statistically significantdifference in the number of hypoglycaemic episodes between those using pens and those usingsyringes.Adverse effects, including local injection site reactions, were reported in two of the RCTs. 219,220Neither RCT found a significant difference in the number of adverse effects between pens andsyringes.All six RCTs examined patient preference, and all of them found that patients preferred pens(range 74% to 95%). However, this effect may have been influenced by the questionnairedesigns, and so the findings should be interpreted with caution.In addition to the RCTs described above, four non-randomised controlled trials have examinedthe use of syringes and pen devices. The first study evaluated the accuracy and reproducibilityof low-dose insulin administration using pen injectors and syringes. This study found a small butstatistically significant over-dosing of insulin when using syringes and a small but statisticallysignificant under-dosing with insulin pens (1 unit insulin with NovoPen on average was 0.89units, SD 0.04; BD-Pen 0.92 units, SD 0.03; 30-unit syringe 1.23 units, SD 0.09; p < 0.01). Therewere no significant differences between the volumes of insulin delivered from the four quadrantsof the insulin pen cartridges. 223 [evidence level IIa]The second study also examined the accuracy of pen injectors compared with syringes. This studyfound that pens were more accurate in delivering small amounts of insulin (n = 9, 27 observations,absolute error 4.9 ± 1.6% versus 9.9 ± 2.4%, p < 0.01), but there was no significant difference inthe accuracy of measuring larger amounts of insulin. 224 [evidence level IIa]The third study (n = 10) was performed retrospectively and compared syringes with pens. Thisstudy showed that HbA 1c (and hence glycaemic control) deteriorated with pen use (HbA 1c9.3 ± 1.9% pen versus 8.9 ± 1.8% syringe injections, p < 0.01), although all patients preferred thepens. The pens were early models, and the frequent technical difficulties reported in this studyhave been resolved for the currently available pens. 225 [evidence level IIb]The fourth study investigated the use of insulin pens combined with another device. Theadditional device did not alter glycaemic control or hypoglycaemia incidence, but it did reduce58

Ongoing managementthe perception of pain (visual analogue scale of pain perception: 14.9 mm for pen with deviceversus 19.9 mm for pen alone, p = 0.005; percentage of patients who experienced pain three tosix times/week: 10.5% for pen with device versus 22.8% for pen alone). 226 [evidence level Ib]A survey investigated the views of adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who underwent a 6-week trial ofpen devices for insulin administration. 227 [evidence level III] The patients had previously usedsyringes and vials. In this study, 76.5% of patients said they would probably or definitelycontinue to use the pen (n = 194), 74% agreed with the statement that they preferred pen tosyringe, and 84% agreed with the statement that the pen was more convenient than the syringe(n = 315). The study also investigated the views of physicians, 91% of whom agreed with thestatement that it was easier to start patients new to insulin with a pen than with a syringe, and85% of whom agreed with the statement that they were more confident in their patients’ abilityto deliver an insulin dose with a pen than with a syringe. 227 [evidence level III]Disposable versus reusable pensA study compared insulin wastage in reusable and disposable pens and the insulin savingpractices of patients. 228 [evidence level III] The study showed that there was more wasted insulinwith reusable pens with 1.5 ml cartridges than with 3 ml disposable pens (2113 units/patient/yearwastage for 1.5 ml reusable pens compared with 831 units/patient/year for 3 ml disposable pens).The study highlighted that 4.5% of patients gave incorrect doses to avoid waste, and 24.5% ofpatients gave two injections to avoid waste. 228 [evidence level III]A second study interviewed adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> after supplying them with a new designof disposable pen. 229 [evidence level III] The patients preferred the new design, but it was notclear whether the preference for the new design was due to general design features or the factthat the pen was disposable. 229 [evidence level III]SummaryOnly patient preference differs between pens and syringes, with patients preferring pens tosyringes. No studies have looked specifically at long-term complications in children and youngpeople. Some people find syringes easier to handle. Syringes may be more comfortable for peoplewith small hands, and it may be easier to administer insulin to small children using syringes.What is the ideal length of needle for the injection of insulin in children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?An RCT has compared needles of two different lengths in 50 children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 230 [evidence level Ib] This RCT did not report any substantive outcomes, such aspain or patient preference. The insulin was administered by a nurse and the main outcome wassite of needle point. With longer (12.7 mm) needles 86% of insulin injections were performedintramuscularly, and with shorter (8 mm) needles 38% of insulin injections were visualised intomuscle (48% in the arm and 28% in the thigh region).We found no studies that evaluated patient preference or long-term complications in relation toneedle length.Another RCT compared multi-injection (sprinkler) and conventional needles in 10 adults withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 231 [evidence level IIa] This RCT found that sprinkler needles significantlyincreased the absorption rate of the initial insulin dose. The study did not report any substantiveoutcomes, including pain or patient preference. No studies were found that evaluated the use ofsprinkler needles in children and young people.An observational study of insulin injection technique in mainly adult patients in seven Europeancountries found that lipohypertrophy and bruising were not associated with needle length(n = 1002). 232 [evidence level III]What is the ideal technique for the injection of insulin in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?Subcutaneous versus intramuscular insulin injectionsWe found no studies that examined long-term complications of subcutaneous or intramuscularinsulin injections. However, short-term effects were investigated in two studies. One study59

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>looked at the absorption profile of insulin over 2 days when radio-labelled long-acting insulinwas injected intramuscularly and subcutaneously at the same time, in adults with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 11). Intramuscular insulin injections were absorbed faster than subcutaneousinjections, and subcutaneous injections resulted in a more constant rate of absorptionthroughout the 24-hour study period. Intra-patient variation in absorption was significantlylower for subcutaneous injections than for intramuscular injections. 233 [evidence level IIa]A second RCT compared subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of short-acting insulin inadults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 10). 234 [evidence level Ib] The RCT lasted 4 days. Mean bloodglucose concentrations did not differ significantly between treatment groups, but the coefficientof variation of blood glucose was lower with intramuscular injections (32.9 ± 3.6% versus42.6 ± 3.3%, p < 0.01). Intramuscular injections were not reported to be more painful thansubcutaneous injections.An observational study in children and young people measured the distances from skin tomuscle fascia by ultrasonography at standard injection sites on the outer arm, anterior andlateral thigh, abdomen, buttock and calf. The distances from skin to muscle fascia were greaterin females than males. In the majority of males, the distances were less than the length of theneedle (12.5 mm) at all sites except the buttock, whereas in the majority of females thedistances were greater than 12.5 mm except at the calf. In this study, 78% of the children andyoung people injected at an angle of 90 degrees, and 75% raised a skin-fold before injecting(n = 32). 235 [evidence level III]An observational study of 64 children and young people showed that 30% of injections weremade intramuscularly. The child being male, having a lower body mass index, and having ashorter distance from the skin surface to muscular fascia were all associated with increased useof intramuscular injections. 236 [evidence level III]Injection through clothingA study in adults investigated the safety of injecting insulin through clothing compared withconventional subcutaneous injection. No severe adverse events were reported, and there wasno significant increase in problems with injecting through clothing. However, there werereports of bruising and blood stains on clothes. Patients found that injecting through clothingwas beneficial in terms of convenience and time saving (n = 42). 237 [evidence level Ib]Skin pinching and angle of needleA study compared the effectiveness of two insulin injection techniques in adults: one groupwas instructed to grasp a skin-fold, insert the needle at an angle of 45 degrees, release the skinfold,and then inject insulin; the other group was instructed to grasp a skin-fold, insert theneedle perpendicularly, and then inject insulin while still grasping the skin-fold. 238 [evidencelevel Ib] The study reported no differences in glycaemic control or incidence of hypoglycaemiabetween treatment groups. Patients preferred the technique where the needle was inserted atan angle of 45 degrees and the grip on the skin-fold was released before injecting insulin(n = 1002). 238 [evidence level Ib]An observational study of insulin injection techniques in mainly adult patients in sevenEuropean countries found that 70% used a pinch-up technique. The patients who used thepinch-up technique had lower HbA 1c levels than those who did not (7.9% versus 8.2%,p = 0.032), but there was no association between use of the pinch-up technique andoccurrence of lipohypertrophic lesions. However, HbA 1c was not associated with injectingperpendicularly into the abdomen or not pinching-up in the thigh, and lipohypertrophy wasnot associated with the angle of injection (n = 1002). 232 [evidence level III] The same studyfound an association between leaving the pen in for longer and lower HbA 1c levels (p = 0.001),but no association with lipohypertrophic lesions. Patients who inspected injection sitesregularly had lower HbA 1c levels (p = 0.03). Lipohypertrophy was not associated with thepresence of bruising at the site of injection, the sex of the patient, the angle of injection, ordisinfection of the skin before injecting. 232 [evidence level III]60

Ongoing managementWhat is the ideal anatomical place (injection site) for the injection of insulin in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?Three studies have shown that insulin is absorbed at different rates in different parts of the body.A study involving seven adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> showed that insulin injected into theabdomen was absorbed faster than insulin injected into the leg, and that the postprandial bloodglucose rise was affected by differences in absorption rate in that the rise was highest in the leg,followed by the arm, followed by the abdomen. 239 [evidence level Ib] A second study in adultswith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> reported that the postprandial rise was higher after abdominal injection thanafter injection into the thigh (n = 22). 240 [evidence level 1b] A third study in adults with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> reported that glucose excursions were larger when insulin was injected into the thighrather than the abdomen, and an increased frequency of low nocturnal blood glucose levels wasobserved when insulin was injected into the thigh rather than the abdomen (n = 35). 241 [evidencelevel 1b]A non-randomised controlled study investigated the site (extremity versus abdominal wall) andtiming of morning insulin injections in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Theevaluation took place on a single occasion and involved 23 children and young people. 242[evidence level IIb] The effects of injection on glycaemic control were poorly reported andunclear.We found no studies that examined patient acceptance or long-term complications of differentinjection sites.Rotation of insulin injection sitesOne study in adults investigated rotating injection sites (thigh, abdomen and arm) comparedwith use of the abdomen only (n = 12). The study found higher mean plasma glucose levels andhigher variation in plasma glucose levels in the patients who rotated injection sites comparedwith the group who injected into the abdomen only (plasma glucose level: 3.7 ± 0.3 mmol/lversus 2.7 ± 0.2 mmol/l, p < 0.001; mean variation of plasma glucose level: 17.4 ± 2.2 mmol 2 /l 2versus 9.2 ± 1.4 mmol 2 /l 2 , p < 0.001). 243 [evidence level Ib]An observational study of insulin injection techniques in mainly adult patients in sevenEuropean countries found that 38% of patients rotated injection sites each time they injectedregular insulin, but this was not associated with different HbA 1c levels or lipohypertrophic lesions(p = 0.088, n = 1002). 232 [evidence level III]Visual aids for identifying injection sitesA study investigated a new visual aid for the identification of injection sites for children with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> aged 6–11 years. The new aid, a bear with stickers, led the children to havesignificantly fewer errors on date, body location and exact site. Overall, children preferred thevisual aid, but when stratified by age only the younger age group (6–8 years) showed asignificant preference, and when stratified by sex only females showed a significant preference(n = 58). 244 [evidence level IIa]Single versus multiple use of needlesThree studies looked at the re-use of needles. An observational study instructed 14 children andyoung people to use syringes seven times unless adverse events (such as the needle becomingdull, bent skin, or infection) occurred. The children and young people re-used the needles 6.3times on average. There were no incidents of infection requiring antibiotic therapy. 245 [evidencelevel IIb–III] A second observational study in adults showed no relationship between bacterialcontamination and the number of times a needle was used (n = 20). 246 [evidence level IIa] A surveyasked patients whether they would continue to re-use syringes if they were available free onprescription; 86% of respondents said ‘yes’, and 13% said ‘no’ (n = 179). 247 [evidence level III]An observational study of insulin injection techniques in mainly adult patients in sevenEuropean countries found that 41% of patients re-used needles. There was no associationbetween re-use of needles and lipohypertrophic lesions (p = 0.067), although those who re-usedneedles and injected into smaller zones (5 cm by 4 cm) had a higher risk of lipohypertrophiclesions (p = 0.0001, n = 1002). 232 [evidence level III]61

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Disposal of sharpsA survey of people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (33 children and young people and 69 adults) found thatless than half recalled receiving information on the disposal of sharps (14% for disposal ofneedles and 34% for the disposal of lancets). Needle clippers or sharps boxes were used by 64%of the people for needle disposal and 30% of the people for lancet disposal. If the person hadremembered receiving information they were more likely to use needle clippers and/or a sharpsbin for needle and lancet disposal (needle disposal: OR 6.4, 95% CI 2.2 to 17.8; lancet disposal:OR 15.4, 95% CI 4.2 to 55.8). 248 [evidence level III]A second survey (n = 179) examined patients’ views in relation to disposal of needles and othersharps. In this study, 78% of patients disposed of sharps in household waste, 78% consideredtheir method of disposal to be safe, and 75% thought the provision of sharps bins was areasonable idea. 247 [evidence level III]Insulin jet injectorsWe found one RCT that examined the use of jet injectors compared with syringes in adults withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> over two 4-week periods (n = 14 adults). Five patients dropped out because oftechnical problems with the jet injector. Jet injectors were associated with a higher glycatedhaemoglobin (9.8%, SE 1.2% versus 9.1%, SE 1.1%, p < 0.05). No difference was seen in thefrequency of hypoglycaemic reactions between the delivery devices. There was no difference inanxiety for the two delivery devices among non-needle-phobic patients (n = 8) or needle-phobicpatients (n = 6). 249 [evidence level Ib]Three evaluation studies examining patient preference for delivery device were found. Onefound 70% of the adults surveyed preferred jet injectors to conventional syringes (n = 42). 250[evidence level III] A second study in adults (n = 8) found fewer patients preferred jet injectors todisposable syringes (1/7 versus 7/8) 251 [evidence level III] A third study (n = 10) found 7 adultpatients preferred disposable pens, 3 had no preference, and none had a preference for the jetinjector. 252 [evidence level III]One evaluation study examined pain reported by children and young people after a singleadministration of insulin by jet injector compared with syringe, both administered by a doctor(n = 41). 253 [evidence level III] The study found no difference in mean pain score. The jet injectorproduced lesions in 25/41 patients, bleeding in 21/41, leakage in 11/41, painful infiltrate in 4/41,wheal in 3/41, haematoma and delayed pain in 2/41; however, no comparison was made withinsulin delivery by syringe.One evaluation study, in children and young people, examined pain from two different jetinjector devices (n = 14). 254 [evidence level III] The study found a new jet injector was associatedwith a smaller number of children and young people sometimes, often or always receiving painfrom insulin administration than the old jet injector (64% versus 28%, p = 0.01). The study alsofound the new jet injector was associated with greater pain than the old jet injector (painmeasured as very, quite or reasonably painful: 28% versus 8%, p = 0.02). There was nodifference in adherence to insulin regimen, difficulties with device or local reaction to insulinadministration between the two jet injectors.Inhaled insulinWe found no RCTs on the use of inhaled insulin in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. A systematic review found six RCTs that compared inhaled insulin to subcutaneousinsulin injections. 255 [evidence level Ia] Three trials were in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> 256–258and three trials in patients with type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 259–261 [evidence level Ib]All trials showed comparable glycaemic control for inhaled insulin compared with an entirelysubcutaneous regimen. Three trials, one involving patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and twoinvolving patients with type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>, had sufficient information to allow meta-analysis ofHbA 1c change from baseline to be conducted (WMD –0.12%, 95% CI –0.28 to 0.03%). All fivetrials that investigated patient satisfaction reported significantly greater satisfaction with inhaledinsulin. All three trials that investigated quality of life showed significant improvements withinhaled insulin compared with subcutaneous insulin. There was no difference in the total62

Ongoing managementnumber of hypoglycaemic episodes in any of the trials. Four trials reported rates for severehypoglycaemic episodes; three of these found no difference, but one trial in patients with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found an increase in severe hypoglycaemic episodes in patients treated with inhaledinsulin (RR 1.97, 95% CI 1.28 to 3.12). Three trials reported no difference in weight change, andone trial reported a significantly smaller increase in body weight in patients treated with inhaledinsulin compared with subcutaneous insulin injections. Three studies reported greater incidenceof cough in those using inhaled insulin. 255 [evidence level Ia]Intranasal insulinWe found no RCTs on the use of intranasal insulin in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.A crossover RCT in adults investigated the clinical effectiveness of gelified intranasal insulin over 6months (n = 16). 262 [evidence level Ib] Four of the 16 patients withdrew from the study because ofnasal burning and persistent sinusitis. There was no difference between the treatments in terms ofHbA 1c level at 6 months (8.3 ± 0.1% versus 8.6 ± 0.1%), or total number of episodes ofhypoglycaemia during the study (87.9 ± 2.5 versus 87.7 ± 2.5). There was an association betweenweight gain and intranasal insulin (1.6 ± 0.4 kg versus –0.8 ± 0.1 kg, p < 0.05). A second crossoverRCT in adults investigated the clinical effectiveness of intranasal insulin over a 1-month period(n = 31). 263 [evidence level Ib] Twelve patients withdrew from the study because of metabolicdysregulation, compliance with nasal mucosa investigation or hypoglycaemia. There was anassociation between increased HbA 1c level and intranasal insulin (8.1% versus 7.8%, p < 0.01).However, no difference was seen in the number of hypoglycaemia episodes.Indwelling cathetersAn RCT investigated the use of indwelling catheters as injection aids at the onset of <strong>diabetes</strong> inchildren and young people (n = 41). 264 [evidence level Ib] Pain was lower for the group treatedwith indwelling catheters than insulin pens (median 0.8 cm versus 1.5 cm , p = 0.006). Sixteenout of 20 chose to continue using indwelling catheters after the study ended, and nine out of the20 were still using indwelling catheters after 6 months.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered a choice of insulindelivery systems that takes account of their insulin requirements and personalpreferences.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> using insulin injection regimensshould be offered needles that are of an appropriate length for their body fat (shortneedles are appropriate for children and young people with less body fat; longerneedles are appropriate for children and young people with more body fat).GPPGPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONSFurther research is required to evaluate the effectiveness of insulin delivery systems in childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Research is needed to compare the effectiveness of insulin delivery modes (for example, dermal,nasal, oral and pulmonary) in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.4.5 Non-insulin agents (oral antidiabetic drugs)Many patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are unable to achieve stable blood glucose levels despitereceiving intensive insulin therapy. In these patients, increasing the insulin dose to achieve atarget postprandial blood glucose concentration carries a risk of hypoglycaemia several hoursafter a meal. 265Oral antidiabetic drugs are used for patients with type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Several studies have evaluatedthe use of oral antidiabetic drugs combined with insulin for the treatment of patients with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.63

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>There are several types of oral antidiabetic drugs: acarbose (an inhibitor of intestinal alphaglucosidases), sulphonylureas, biguanides, prandial insulin-releasing agents, and thiazolidinediones.AcarboseAcarbose acts by inhibiting the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of complex carbohydratesin the gut, thereby prolonging digestion, reducing the rate at which glucose is absorbedinto the blood stream and attenuating the postprandial rise in blood glucose concentration. 266Acarbose can reduce postprandial hyperglycaemia in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, although ithas been little used for this purpose. Increased flatulence deters some from using acarbose,although this adverse effect tends to decrease with time. Acarbose is not recommended for usein children under 12 years. 133,134Nine RCTs 265–273 [evidence level Ib] (including seven crossover trials) have investigated the use ofacarbose in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. None of the RCTs involved children or young people.HbA 1c was recorded in three of the RCTs. 267,268,270 [evidence level Ib] Two RCTs reportedstatistically significant reductions in HbA 1c of 0.48% (n = 264) 267 and 1.1% (n = 14) 270 [evidencelevel Ib] with acarbose compared with placebo. The third RCT found no significant change inHbA 1c (n = 123). 268 [evidence level Ib]Glucose levels were recorded in eight of the RCTs. Glucose levels were significantly lower withacarbose compared with placebo in seven of the RCTs, 267–273 but there was no significantdifference in the remaining study (n = 15). 266 [evidence level Ib]Hypoglycaemic episodes were recorded in eight RCTs. Four RCTs reported that hypoglycaemicepisodes occurred almost twice as frequently with acarbose as with placebo. 266,269–271 [evidencelevel Ib] One study reported more frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia with placebo, but thiswas a very small crossover trial (n = 7) with high rates of hypoglycaemia. 273 [evidence level Ib]The remaining studies reported no significant differences between acarbose and placebo in thenumber of hypoglycaemic episodes. 267,268,272 [evidence level Ib]Lipid control was measured in five of the RCTs. Three of the RCTs reported that there was nosignificant difference in lipid control between acarbose and placebo. 265,267,271 [evidence level Ib]Another RCT reported a reduction in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with acarbose,although other lipids were unchanged (n = 121). 268 [evidence level Ib] The fourth study reporteda reduction in triglycerides in the acarbose group (n = 14). 270 [evidence level Ib]Blood pressure was measured in two of the RCTs, although neither RCT found a significantdifference in blood pressure between acarbose and placebo treatment groups. 266,272 [evidencelevel Ib]Adverse effects were reported in seven of the RCTs. Six of these RCTs reported that there werealmost twice as many adverse effects in the acarbose treatment group compared with theplacebo treatment group. Most of the adverse effects involved gastrointestinal symptoms, suchas flatulence, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. 266–268,270–272 [evidence level Ib]Another RCT examined whether low- or high-fibre diets reduced adverse effects (n = 123). 268[evidence level Ib] There were no significant differences between the low- and high-fibre groupsin this study.Discontinuation of treatment was higher with acarbose than with placebo in two of theRCTs. 267,268 [evidence level Ib] There was no significant difference in drop-out rates between theacarbose and placebo treatment groups in another study (n = 30). 271 [evidence level Ib] None ofthe studies examined patient acceptance or long-term complications.SulphonylureasSulphonylureas are used for type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>. They act by increasing insulin secretion and areonly effective when some residual pancreatic beta-cell activity is present. 133Ten RCTs have examined the effectiveness of the sulphonylureas (glibenclamide, gliclazide,glipizide, glyburide and tolazamide) in the treatment of patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.64

Ongoing managementGlibenclamideThree small crossover RCTs and one parallel RCT (total 57 adults) have investigated the use ofglibenclamide in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Four of these RCTs measured glycatedhaemoglobin, three of which found no significant difference between glibenclamide andplacebo treatment groups. 274–276 [evidence level Ib] The fourth RCT found that glibenclamidereduced glycated haemoglobin levels compared with placebo in people who were C-peptidesecretors (7.5 ± 0.9% versus 8.1 ± 0.5%, p = 0.05, n = 20), although no such effect was observedin non-C-peptide secretors. 277 [evidence level Ib] The sub-group of C-peptide secretors may havehad maturity-onset <strong>diabetes</strong>, rather than type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Two RCTs found no significant difference in mean blood glucose level between glibenclamideand placebo treatment groups. 274,276 [evidence level Ib] Another RCT reported a significantlydecreased mean daily blood glucose in C-peptide secretors using glibenclamide compared withplacebo (7.4 ± 1.5 mmol/l versus 8.4 ± 1.7 mmol/l, p = 0.02, n = 20), but not in non-C-peptidesecretors. 277 [evidence level Ib] A small RCT showed that glibenclamide decreased pre- andpostprandial blood glucose compared with placebo (n = 10). 275 [evidence level Ib]One RCT examined adverse effects. 277 [evidence level Ib] This study found that one patientsuffered several serious hypoglycaemic reactions while receiving glibenclamide, but no otherpatient was similarly affected. No studies have investigated patient acceptance or long-termcomplications of glibenclamide.GliclazideA small RCT (n = 22) involving patients aged 12–25 years with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>found that glycated haemoglobin and plasma glucose did not differ significantly betweengliclazide and placebo treatment groups. 278 [evidence level Ib]GlipizideA small RCT (n = 9) involving adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found that blood glucose curves andareas under the curves did not differ between glipizide and placebo treatment groups. 279[evidence level Ib]GlyburideTwo RCTs with a total of 74 patients have investigated the use of glyburide in adults with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. One RCT showed no sustained improvements in total glycated haemoglobin and HbA 1cbetween glyburide and placebo treatment groups, although a difference was observed at 6weeks. 280 [evidence level Ib] The second RCT showed no significant differences betweenglyburide and placebo in HbA 1c and plasma lipids. 281 [evidence level Ib] Glucose concentrationsdiffered significantly between the two treatment groups at the start of this RCT, and so glucosemeasurements recorded during the RCT cannot be easily interpreted. 281 [evidence level Ib]TolazamideTwo RCTs have investigated the use of tolazamide. In the first RCT children and young peopleaged 3–17 years with newly diagnosed type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were followed for 15 months. There wereno significant differences in HbA 1 or blood glucose between tolazamide and placebo. 282[evidence level Ib] The second RCT followed male adults for 12 weeks, and showed thattolazamide treatment significantly reduced fasting plasma glucose and HbA 1c levels comparedwith placebo. 283 [evidence level Ib]BiguanideMetformin, the only biguanide currently available, acts by decreasing glucogenesis and byincreasing the peripheral utilisation of glucose. Metformin only acts in the presence of insulin. 133MetforminThree RCTs, one non-randomised controlled study and three non-controlled intervention studieshave examined the effectiveness of metformin. One small RCT (n = 27) involving young peopleshowed that metformin lowered HbA 1c and fasting glucose levels but increased mildhypoglycaemia compared with placebo (change in HbA 1c : –0.3 ± 0.7% versus 0.3 ± 0.7%,p = 0.03; change in fasting glucose levels: –0.9 ± 3.8 mmol/l versus –0.5 ± 3.2 mmol/l, p = 0.04;65

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>hypoglycaemia: 1.75 ± 0.8 events/patient/week versus 0.9 ± 0.4 events/patient/week, p = 0.03). 284[evidence level Ib]Another small RCT (n = 26) involving young people showed that metformin lowered HbA 1c andfasting glucose levels but increased mild hypoglycaemia compared with placebo (change inHbA 1c , –0.9%, 95% CI –1.6 to –0.1%, p < 0.05 versus 0.3%, p > 0.05). 285 [evidence level Ib]Another small RCT (n = 10) involving adults attached to an artificial pancreas for a euglycaemichyperinsulinaemic clamp showed that metformin increased the amount of glucose infusedcompared with placebo, but there were no significant differences in lactate, total cholesterol ortriglycerides. 286 [evidence level Ib]A non-randomised controlled study in adults showed that metformin significantly loweredplasma glucose values, but there were no significant differences in total cholesterol, high-densitylipoprotein cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Transient abdominal pain and nausea werereported in the first week of metformin treatment (n = 14). 287 [evidence level IIa]One non-controlled intervention study showed that metformin decreased the diurnal glycaemicprofile at two out of seven time points, decreased the range of glucose levels, and improved theglycaemic control index. However, there were no differences in fasting blood glucose levels ina separate group of five patients (n = 15, age not reported). 288 [evidence level III] Two other noncontrolledintervention studies showed no significant difference in HbA 1c levels with metformintreatment. 289,290 [evidence level IIb] One of these studies also showed that metformin did notchange fasting glycaemia, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglyceridelevels (n = 12, age not reported). 290 [evidence level IIb]ThiazolidinedionesThe effectiveness of prandial insulin-releasing agents and thiazolidinediones (the glitazonespioglitazone and rosiglitazone) in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has not beenevaluated.SummaryThe RCTs in which the effectiveness of acarbose has been investigated in adults suggest thatacarbose reduces glycated haemoglobin and blood glucose concentrations. However, acarboseis associated with an increased risk of hypoglycaemia and gastrointestinal adverse effects.The effectiveness of acarbose in children and young people has not been investigated, andacarbose is not licensed in children and young people under 12 years.Oral antidiabetic drugs are not widely used in the UK, although there has been some interest inusing metformin to treat overweight patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. We found one RCT thatsuggested that metformin has a beneficial effect in overweight young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. Other oral antidiabetic drugs are not beneficial in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.RECOMMENDATIONChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should not be offered acarbose orsulphonylureas (glibenclamide, gliclazide, glipizide, tolazamide or glyburide) incombination with insulin because they may increase the risk of hypoglycaemiawithout improving glycaemic control.Metformin in combination with insulin is suitable for use only within researchstudies because the effectiveness of this combined treatment in improvingglycaemic control is uncertain.AARESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONFurther research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of metformin combined with insulintreatment in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.66

Ongoing management4.6 Monitoring glycaemic controlParameters for measuring glycaemic controlGood blood glycaemic control is one of the main treatment objectives in <strong>diabetes</strong>. Severaldifferent parameters can be used as indicators of glycaemic control: glycated haemoglobin (forexample, HbA 1c ), glycated serum proteins (for example, fructosamine), fasting blood glucose,and random plasma glucose.Clinical monitoring of blood glucoseGlycated haemoglobinGlycated haemoglobin is formed when haemoglobin molecules bind to glucose, a process thatoccurs in people with or without <strong>diabetes</strong>. Higher ambient blood glucose concentrations areassociated with more glycation of haemoglobin. The average lifespan of red blood cells is90–120 days. Measuring the amount of glycated haemoglobin in the blood provides an indicatorof the patient’s average glucose level for the previous 6–12 weeks. Patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> havehigher concentrations of glucose in their blood and thus elevated glycated haemoglobin levels.Total glycated haemoglobin is measured by affinity chromatography. 291A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found that 88% of respondents indicated that glycatedprotein was measured routinely at each clinic visit, 84% using HbA 1c , 4% using HbA 1 , and 1%using fructosamine. 18 [evidence level III]HbA1cGlycated haemoglobin occurs in several variants and can be measured using several differentmethods. Haemoglobin A contributes 90% of the total. Use of cation-exchange chromatographyhas shown that haemoglobin A can be separated into at least three components, HbA 1a , HbA 1band HbA 1c . These components have been found to be elevated in people with <strong>diabetes</strong>. Studieshave found a strong relationship between HbA 1c and fasting blood sugar levels over thepreceding weeks in children, young people and adults with <strong>diabetes</strong>, 292,293 and in people without<strong>diabetes</strong>. HbA 1c is the most frequently used measure of glycated haemoglobin in clinicalpractice, but some laboratories continue to use total glycated haemoglobin or HbA 1 assays.HbA 1c is detected by cation-exchange chromatographic and electrophoretic methods. 291The wide range of methods available for measuring glycated haemoglobin means thattechniques that measure different species (HbA 1 and HbA 1c ) produce results that are notcomparable. Laboratories using the same methods to measure the same species can have widelydifferent reference ranges and give varying results with patient samples. Given these problems,laboratories should, at a minimum, provide clinicians with information about the assay methodused, the non-diabetic range and assay performance. 291,294Standardised methods for estimating glycated haemoglobin are currently being developed andshould be adopted when available. 291 It has been recommended that DCCT-aligned HbA 1cmeasurements should be used to monitor long-term glycaemic control. ‘DCCT-aligned HbA 1c ’means traceability of the assay standardisation to United States National GlycohemoglobinStandardization Program reference standards (or to the International Federation of ClinicalChemistry standard, with adjustment to the DCCT norm), and participation in a national qualityassurance scheme. The new chemical standard for HbA 1c developed by the InternationalFederation of Clinical Chemistry, which reads lower by about 2 percentage points, will be thebasis of primary calibration of instruments from 2004 onwards. However, this does notpreclude reporting to DCCT-aligned levels. At a meeting organised by the Department ofHealth in July 2003, patients’ organisations and professional bodies expressed the view thatreporting to DCCT-aligned levels should continue until a change of policy is agreedinternationally.It has been suggested that HbA 1c is preferable to HbA 1 as a parameter for assessing glycaemiccontrol because when plotting mean blood glucose concentration against glycated haemoglobinfractions the slope is greater for HbA 1c than for HbA 1 and lowest for HbA 1a and HbA 1b . Also,HbA 1a and HbA 1b are positively correlated with age and negatively correlated with length of67

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>storage of blood samples; however, age and length of storage do not have such a great effect onHbA 1c . 293 [evidence level III]One study showed that HbA 1c values varied markedly between different individuals, but werefairly consistent in the same individual over time, so that patients with the same blood glucosecontrol may give glycated haemoglobin values that vary by at least 1–2%. 295 [evidence level III]Another study showed a marked variability among individuals, showing fluctuations of morethan ± 1% in 50% of patients from year to year. 296 [evidence level III] This may haveimplications for setting targets for individual patients to attain satisfactory glycaemic control. 291[evidence level III]A systematic review of blood glucose monitoring in <strong>diabetes</strong> concluded that glycatedhaemoglobin should be regarded as the most appropriate test of long-term glycaemia. 291[evidence level Ia] The systematic review found that glycated haemoglobin testing was costeffective. 291 [evidence level Ia]Indirect evidence from the DCCT 85 [evidence level Ib] and the United Kingdom ProspectiveDiabetes Study 297 [evidence level Ib] suggested that glycated haemoglobin monitoring inpatients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> would be clinically and cost effective. There is no evidence of theclinical effectiveness of different testing frequencies, but 3-monthly tests in patients with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> may be reasonable. 291 [evidence level III]A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young peoplewith <strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found that of the 84% of respondents whoindicated that HbA 1c was measured routinely at each clinic visit, 86% used capillary methodsas opposed to venous sampling for collection of blood samples. 18 [evidence level III]Studies have shown that haemoglobin variants and derivatives, shortened erythrocyte survivaland other factors can interfere with glycated haemoglobin test results. 4 [evidence level IV]Glycated serum proteinsSerum proteins also undergo a process of glycation. The turnover of human serum albumin ismuch shorter (half-life 25 days) than that of haemoglobin (half-life 120 days), and thus thedegree of glycation of serum proteins provides a similar index of glycaemia as doeshaemoglobin, but over a shorter period of time. 298,299 [evidence level III] Measurements of totalglycated serum protein and glycated serum albumin correlate well with one another, and bothhave been suggested as methods for monitoring glycaemic control. 291FructosamineFructosamine assay is the most widely used technique for measuring glycated serum protein. 300Fructosamine correlates with the average blood glucose levels of the previous 2–3 weeks, andcan therefore be used to detect shorter or more recent fluctuations in blood glucose than canglycated haemoglobin. A standardised fructosamine test is available, making results fromdifferent laboratories comparable. In addition, fructosamine can be measured using instrumentsfound in most clinical biochemistry laboratories, and so results may be obtained more rapidlyand at lower cost than glycated haemoglobin. 301 [evidence level IV]The validity of serum fructosamine is largely based on the ability of fructosamine to predictglycated haemoglobin levels. Nine cross-sectional studies compared fructosamine with HbA 1cor HbA 1 . Early studies found a correlation between fructosamine and glycated haemoglobin(n = 239). 302–304 [evidence level III] However, later studies suggested that fructosamine was not agood predictor of glycated haemoglobin (n = 324). 305–307 [evidence level III] Two further studiesshowed poor agreement between different categories of glycaemic control (good, moderateand poor) calculated from tertiles of fructosamine and HbA 1 levels (n = 550). 308,309 [evidencelevel III] Another study showed that fructosamine levels had significantly higher intra-subjectvariance than HbA 1c (n = 172). 310 [evidence level III] Glycated serum albumin, HbA 1c andfructosamine respond differently to changes in glycaemic control (n = 100). 306 [evidence levelIII] The clinical utility of routine fructosamine and protein has not been clearly established, andfurther studies are needed to resolve this issue. 291 [evidence level III]68

Ongoing managementFasting plasma glucose and random blood glucose testingStudies have shown that there is a significant correlation between HbA 1c and fasting bloodglucose in people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Other studies have shown that fasting plasma glucoseand random blood glucose measurements alone are not sufficiently accurate to provide clinicalinformation, despite the obvious cost advantages. 291,311 [evidence level III] Fasting blood glucoseand serum fructosamine measurements cannot replace HbA 1c measurements, but may have a usefor assessing control over short and intermediate periods of time. 291 [evidence level III]Laboratory and near-patient glycated haemoglobin testingObtaining glycated haemoglobin results during a consultation has potential benefits for patientsand clinicians. Clinicians who have immediate access to indicators of a patient’s long-termcontrol can make immediate, responsive changes to insulin therapy or diet, avoiding the needfor a follow-up appointment.Limited data are available for the effectiveness of near-patient testing. In a controlled study ofpatients attending a <strong>diabetes</strong> clinic, HbA 1c was measured in two groups, one through nearpatienttesting and one through routine laboratory testing. The study found that patients withpoor <strong>diabetes</strong> control were more likely to have a change in their management if managed withaccess to near-patient testing compared with normal laboratory testing (n = 599 patients of allages with type 1 and type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>). 312 [evidence level IIa] The study also found that the use ofnear-patient glycated haemoglobin testing resulted in higher costs/clinic visit. However, theannual costs were similar for conventional and near-patient testing, because patients receivingnear-patient testing made fewer clinic visits. A second RCT compared immediate feedback ofHbA 1c with reporting HbA 1c after the clinic (n = 113 adults). The study showed no difference inthe change in HbA 1c levels between the two groups after 1 year. 313 [evidence level Ib] An earlynon-controlled study that asked patients to send blood samples before their clinic visits so thatthe results could be available at the clinic showed a decrease in HbA 1 after 15 months in adultswith type 1 and type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong> (from 10.8 ± 2.3% to 10.1 ± 2.2%, p < 0.05, n = 206). 314[evidence level IIa] The use of near-patient glycated haemoglobin testing in primary care has notbeen adequately evaluated. 315 [evidence level III]Self-monitoring of blood glucoseA systematic review of blood glucose monitoring studies 291 did not provide evidence to supportthe clinical effectiveness of self-monitoring in type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The results were considered to beinconclusive because the studies were generally neither well conducted nor well reported andthey had low statistical power. 291 [evidence level III] The DCCT provided evidence for theeffectiveness of a package of care that included self-monitoring. Previous reviews suggested thatmajor efforts should be undertaken to increase the use of self-monitoring of blood glucose byindividuals with all types of <strong>diabetes</strong>. 83 [evidence level IV]The systematic review identified eight RCTs involving children, young people and adults 316–323and 16 non-controlled studies. None of the studies was set up to test the effect of monitoringversus no monitoring. One of eight RCTs demonstrated an effect of self-monitoring of bloodglucose on blood glucose control in terms of blood glucose levels before and after selfmonitoringbegan. 291 [evidence level Ia]SummaryGlycated haemoglobin is the only measure of glycaemic control that has been shown to beassociated with long-term complications of <strong>diabetes</strong>. The simplest and best predictor ofglycaemic control is HBA 1c . 15 [evidence level IV]Urine or blood home glucose testingA meta-analysis of four RCTs (three in children and young people and one in adults) showed asignificant difference in glycated haemoglobin between blood glucose monitoring and urineglucose monitoring (WMD –0.567%, 95% CI –1.073 to –0.061%, n = 162), suggesting thatblood glucose testing lowers glycated haemoglobin compared with urine testing; however, withdifferent assumptions the difference between blood and urine testing became nonsignificant.291,316,318,321,323 [evidence level Ia]69

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Three studies in the systematic review 318,319,322 involving children, young people and adults foundno difference in the number of hypoglycaemic episodes between blood and urine monitoring 291[evidence level Ia] However, a further pseudo-randomised controlled trial that was not includedin the systematic review reported a significant decrease in HbA 1c following training in bloodglucose testing compared with urine glucose testing (n = 43). 321 [evidence level IIa]The systematic review concluded from two studies that children, young people and adults preferblood monitoring or a combination of blood and urine testing to urine testing alone; however,these conclusions are limited. 291 [evidence level III]Reliability and validity of self-monitoringPortable monitors may show significant differences from reference methods and the magnitude ofthese differences may vary between different models of monitor, between different devices of thesame model and according to blood glucose levels. These differences may often be of littleclinical relevance, but may sometimes be important, particularly at low blood glucose values.However, analytical errors may often be small in comparison with observer errors. 291 [evidencelevel III]The development of memory monitors has shown that patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> often makeincomplete or incorrect recordings of blood glucose values in their diary records. A continuousmonitor with a memory, or further training in blood glucose testing, may aid patients who makerecording errors. General visual impairment and impairment of colour vision can also cause aproblem with visually read strips. 291 [evidence level III]Severe haemolysis in blood samples may affect readings from some monitors, and the use ofsmall sample volumes can lead to erroneously low readings with most models of monitor. Othertechnological influences and clinical conditions (for example, low temperature) may sometimesaffect results. 291 [evidence level IV]The findings suggest that there is a need for formal training and updating of skills in the use ofmonitors so that accurate results may be obtained. 291 [evidence level IV]Glycaemic targets relevant to ageThe optimal level of glycaemic control for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is an areaof considerable discussion, with a need to balance the long-term benefits of low blood sugarreducing risks of long-term complications with the short-term risk of hypoglycaemia and the abilityto cope with an intensive approach to insulin therapy which has an impact on daily lifestyle.Evidence relating to long-term effects of hypoglycaemia on cognitive function is presented inSection 6.4.One study has suggested that targets for clinical care that are set in the absence of normativedata and local feasibility assessment should be treated with caution. 324 [evidence level III] Asecond study compared DCCT glycaemic control levels with classification of glycaemic controlaccording to numbers of SDs from the mean for a local population without <strong>diabetes</strong>. The studyfound that the local population without <strong>diabetes</strong> method may overestimate the glycaemiccontrol required to reduce microvascular complications in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 325[evidence level III]A 2001 audit of the care of children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> recorded HbA 1c levels in7074 of the 15 437 children and young people aged 0–16 years in England known to have<strong>diabetes</strong>. In all age groups, fewer than 20% of children and young people managed to achievean HbA 1c level of 7.5% or lower. 1 [evidence level III]We found no other studies that specifically looked at glycaemic targets for HbA 1c , urinaryglucose, urinary ketones or blood ketones. However, several consensus-based recommendationsexist in this area.SummaryLower HBA 1c levels have been shown to be associated with fewer and delayed microvascularcomplications in young people over the age of 13 years. 91 [evidence level Ib]70

Ongoing managementFrequency and timing of measuring glycaemic parametersFrequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose testingIn a systematic review that looked at the effectiveness of self-monitoring in people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, the frequency of self-monitoring was not discussed directly. 291 [evidence level Ia]However, we found three studies that examined the frequency of self-monitoring of bloodglucose.One RCT investigated three blood glucose monitoring regimens over three 12-week periods(n = 25 adults). The study compared a four-point profile on any two non-consecutivedays/week versus one four-point profile on any day of the week versus two blood glucosemeasurements on each day for 7 days/week. There was no significant difference in glucosecontrol or patient preference among the different regimens. However, the frequency ofinsulin regimen changes was increased when a four-point profile on any two nonconsecutivedays/week was compared with one four-point profile on any day of the week(p < 0.02). 317 [evidence level Ib]An RCT involving young people (n = 30) performing self-monitoring of blood glucosecompared young people who were paid to attend the study clinic with young people whowere paid to attend the clinic in relation to how many days they had performed two or moreblood glucose tests. The study lasted 16 weeks and showed an increase in the percentage ofdays blood glucose was monitored twice with the patient being paid in relation to how manydays they had performed two blood glucose tests (~80% versus 58%). However, the studydid not report any significant changes in mean blood glucose concentrations, mean SD ofblood glucose concentrations, or mean glycated haemoglobin concentration. 326 [evidencelevel Ib]A non-randomised intervention study looked at blood glucose testing four or more times/daycompared with twice/day for patients using CSII, multiply daily injections and a combinationof CSII and multiple daily injections for a period of 1 year (n = 21, age range 15–36 years).The mean blood glucose concentration did not change significantly in any of the treatmentgroups. HbA 1 was significantly lower when the patients performed glucose testing four ormore times/day compared with twice/day. This was seen in the groups who used CSII,multiply daily injections and a combination of CSII and multiple daily injections (CSII groupwho previously tested at least four times/day: 7.9 ± 0.4% versus 10.3 ± 0.5%, p < 0.0001; CSIIgroup who previously tested two times/day: 8.2 ± 0.4% versus 10.2 ± 0.5%, p = 0.0476;multiple daily injection group who previously tested at least four times/day: 8.1 ± 0.4%versus 10.0 ± 0.9%, p = 0.0008; CSII and multiple daily injections combined: 8.2 ± 0.3%versus 10.3 ± 0.3%, p < 0.0001). 327 [evidence level IIb]Frequency of glycated haemoglobin testingA systematic review looked at the optimal frequency of glycated haemoglobin testing, butconcluded that the optimal frequency had not been established. 291 [evidence level Ia] Giventhe relatively slow change in glycated haemoglobin accompanying changes in plasmaglucose, one study recommended that no more than four to six glycated haemoglobin assaysshould be performed each year for patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 328 The American DiabetesAssociation recommended that glycated haemoglobin measurements should be performed inaccordance with clinical judgements. American Diabetes Association consensus opinionrecommended glycated haemoglobin testing at least twice/year in patients with stableglycaemic control who are meeting treatment goals. Testing should be more frequent(quarterly) in patients whose therapy has changed or who are not meeting glycaemic controltargets. 329 [evidence level III]We found no further evidence on the recommended frequency of monitoring HbA 1c .Frequency of glycated serum protein testingA systematic review discussed the issue of optimal frequency of glycated serum proteinthrough fructosamine testing, but no optimum frequency was established. 291 [evidence levelIa] The American Diabetes Association stated that glycated serum protein should not beconsidered equivalent to measurement of HbA 1c because it only indicates glycaemic controlover a short period of time. Therefore, glycated serum protein assays would have to be71

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>performed on a monthly basis to gather the same information as three or four measurementsof HbA 1c /year. 329 [evidence level III] The systematic review noted that patients could improvetheir fructosamine values by increasing adherence to insulin therapy 1 or 2 weeks before thetest, and that caution should be taken in the interpretation of glycated serum proteinmeasurements unless performed frequently. 291We found no further evidence on the recommended frequency of monitoring fructosamine.Timing of testing glycaemic control parametersWe found no evidence relating to the timing of glycated haemoglobin testing or self-monitoringof blood glucose. Blood glucose varies at different times of the day because blood glucose levelsare affected by a variety of factors including the time since the last meal, the content of meals,and exercise. Preprandial blood glucose monitoring is recommended in patients who alter theirinsulin dose according to their blood glucose level because this is when the bolus insulin doseis given.SummaryFrequent daily blood glucose monitoring as part of a package of care has been shown to beassociated with improved glycaemic control. There is no evidence on the clinicaleffectiveness of different frequencies or times for glycated haemoglobin testing. Optimalglycaemic control can only be assessed and maintained by frequent and accuratemonitoring.Methods of self-monitoring blood glucoseHome blood glucose monitoring compared with no home blood glucose monitoringWe found five studies that compared home blood glucose monitoring with no home bloodglucose monitoring. An observational study found a correlation between the frequency of homeblood glucose monitoring and HbA 1c levels (r = –0.20, p < 0.001, n = 288 children and youngpeople). There was also a correlation between the actual frequency compared with the doctor’ssuggested frequency (r = –0.20, p < 0.001). There was a smaller correlation between thefrequency of urine testing and HbA 1c levels (r = –0.07, p > 0.05). 330 [evidence level III] A secondstudy looked at patient views of home blood glucose monitoring and found a positive response(75% thought blood glucose monitoring was a ‘great help’, 25% thought it was a nuisance butof some help, 33% thought they had more hypoglycaemic reactions, 50% thought they hadfewer hypoglycaemic reactions, and 92% thought that their metabolic control had improved,n = 13 adults). 331 [evidence level III] A third study in adults found home blood glucosemonitoring was associated with decreased HbA 1c levels (mean HbA 1c before 10.5% versus after13.9%, n = 7). 332 [evidence level III] However, a non-randomised crossover study in childrenand young people found no difference in glycated haemoglobin at baseline compared with thatafter 12 weeks of urine testing with self-monitoring of blood glucose or 12 weeks of urinetesting only (n = 16). 320 [evidence level IIa] One non-randomised study found that HbA 1improved from baseline in the intervention group (10.3 ± 0.4% to 9.3 ± 0.3%, p < 0.01 frombaseline), but not in the control group (10.6 ± 0.7% to 10.4 ± 0.6%, not significant, n = 40adults). 333 [evidence level IIa] The same study showed that the rate of nephropathy(albuminuria ≥ 0.3 g/l) increased in the control group, but not in the intervention group(intervention 15.8% to 15.8% versus control 25% to 16.7%), as did retinopathy (30% to 30%versus 16.7% to 25%), whereas neuropathy increased to a lesser extent in the interventiongroup than in the control group (intervention 32.4% to 35.0% versus 16.7% to 41.7%). 333[evidence level IIa]Monitoring blood glucose with a monitor compared with the laboratory standardWe found nine studies in adults that looked at the use of home blood glucose monitorscompared with the laboratory standard. Studies show that different monitors have differentcorrelation coefficients when compared with the laboratory standard test, and differentcoefficients of variation. 334–342 [evidence level IIb] A consensus statement from the AmericanDiabetes Association recommended that the performance goal of all home blood glucosemonitors should be to achieve a total error (analytical plus user) of < 10% at glucoseconcentrations ranging from 1.6–22.2 mmol/l (30–400 mg/dl). 343 One study found no difference72

Ongoing managementin the accuracy of a monitor when used by medical staff and patients (n = 50 adults). 341 [evidencelevel IIa]Visually read reagent sticks compared with laboratory standard methodsThree studies looked at the use of visually read reagent strips compared with laboratory standardmethods. The studies found that the correlation ranged from r = 0.86 to r = 0.98. 344,345 [evidencelevel IIb] The detection of hypoglycaemia had a sensitivity of 44% and a specificity of 95%, andthe detection of hyperglycaemia had a sensitivity of 54% and a specificity of 86%. 346 [evidencelevel IIb]Self-monitoring of blood glucose with a monitor or a visually read stickEight studies investigated the use of self-monitoring of blood glucose with a monitorcompared with self-monitoring of blood glucose with a visually read stick. 347–354 A crossoverRCT in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> randomised patients to self-monitoring of blood glucosethrough strips or a monitor for 3 months then crossed-over for a second 3-month period. Thestudy found no difference in HbA 1 levels between the treatment groups (n = 24 adults). 354[evidence level Ib] Three observational studies looked at the correlation of self-monitoring ofblood glucose using monitors and visually read sticks in comparison with blood glucosemeasurement from the standard laboratory test. All three studies found little differencebetween the correlation coefficients. 350,351,353 [evidence level III] A non-randomisedintervention crossover study found that patients preferred self-monitoring of blood glucosewith a monitor compared with visually read strips (19/32 patients preferred monitors versus9/37 patients preferred visually read strips, n = 115 blood samples from outpatients). 352[evidence level IIa] An observational study found that laboratory standard methods andreagent strips with monitors were more closely correlated (r 2 0.85 to 0.96, n > 100 patientswith and without <strong>diabetes</strong>) than laboratory standard methods and visually read reagent strips(r 2 0.69 to 0.90). 348 [evidence level IIb] An RCT looked at the correlation between laboratorystandard test, two visual strip methods and two monitor methods (n = 10 children and youngpeople). The study found a range of correlations with the laboratory standard test, themethod with the best correlation being a monitor method. 349 [evidence level Ib] Acomparative study looked at the correlation coefficients between a monitor and laboratorystandard (r = 0.97, p < 0.0001, n = 50) and a visually read stick and the monitor (r = 0.921,p < 0.001). 347 [evidence level IIb]Comparison of blood glucose monitors with and without memoriesThree studies have investigated the use of self-monitoring of blood glucose using monitorswith and without memories. One RCT compared two monitors with memories with a diaryfor recording self-monitored blood glucose measurements (n = 179 adults). This RCT foundthat patients preferred monitors with memories to diaries (81 ± 18% versus 77 ± 23% versus68 ± 24%, p = 0.02). The number of hypoglycaemic events was significantly increased withone of the monitors compared with the control (7.9 ± 14.0 versus 3.2 ± 5.5events/patient/week, p = 0.02). There was no difference in the accuracy of capillary bloodglucose determination or HbA 1c levels. 355 [evidence level Ib] A second RCT in adults withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> compared monitors with memories with monitors with no memory. Thisstudy found a lower HbA 1c level in the group of patients using monitors with memories(6.4 ± 0.10% versus 6.9 ± 0.12%, p = 0.004). 356 [evidence level Ib] One observational studylooked at the introduction of monitors with memories (n = 24 adults). The uptake of the newsystem was low (24/98) and few patients continued to use the equipment after 3 years (5/28),although the patients who did continue to use the monitors had better glycaemic control(however, this may be because they were a self-selected group). 357 [evidence level IIb]Three studies have examined patient reliability in relation to recording of self-monitored bloodglucose levels.One study looking at patients with poor glycaemic control investigated the memory recordingsof self-monitored blood glucose measurements when patients did not know that the monitorshad memories (n = 6 adults). The study found 100% of the patients under-reported the numberof self-monitored blood glucose measurements taken, and 83% over-reported the number ofself-monitored blood glucose measurements taken. However, when the same patients were told73

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>that a memory was fitted, under-reporting decreased (from 6/6 to 4/5), over-reportingdecreased (from 5/6 to 1/5), and the average number of measurements increased (in 4/5patients). 358 [evidence level IIb] A similar study that did not look specifically at patients withpoor glycaemic control found 10% under-reporting and 34% over-reporting (n = 20 youngpeople and adults). However, when the patients were informed that the blood glucosemonitors had memories, there was a reduction in over-reporting and an increase in theprecision of recordings (over-reporting: 34% versus 1%, p = 0.0027; precision: 72% versus99%, p = 0.0037). 359 [evidence level IIa] A third study found that over-reporting correlatedwith under-reporting (rank correlation r = 0.56, p < 0.01, n = 21 adults), but neither overreportingnor under-reporting correlated with precision. The clinicians’ prediction of thepatients’ accuracy was associated with overall reliability scores (rank correlation r = 0.68,p < 0.01) and the HbA 1 correlated weakly with readings of self-monitored blood glucose(rank correlation r = 0.62, p < 0.01) and overall reliability scores (rank correlation r = –0.44,p

Ongoing managementphysician. The study found no difference between the groups in terms of HbA 1c levels(8.6 ± 1.7% versus 8.6 ± 1.2%, p = 0.89), occurrence of mild to moderate hypoglycaemic events(2.9 times/day versus 3.0 times/day, p = 0.91) or patient satisfaction.Cost analysis was performed on the use of modem-transmitted blood glucose information. Thecost estimates included patients’/families’ out of pocket expenses and time as well as healthservice costs and the cost of the new technology. The intervention group incurred fewer expensesand less lost productivity (parental time off work) than the control group (p < 0.001). Since therewere no reported differences in adverse outcomes, the lower cost of the intervention group madeit a viable alternative at almost half the cost ($163 versus $305). However, sensitivity analysis onthe resources that are most difficult to value (lost time/productivity, costs of new technology) wasnot performed. Also, the relatively high reported fee for a clinic visit ($246, range $235–310)accounted for most of the cost of the standard care group. The cost of specialist clinic visits forpatients of all ages was reported in a survey of UK providers to be £67 at 1997 prices, 373 which isa much lower cost and so the relative cost effectiveness would not be the same in the UK.Plastic insulin dose guide compared with paper algorithmAn RCT compared a plastic insulin dose guide with a paper algorithm as a guide for patientadjustedinsulin dose in 40 children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The study found no significantdifference in HbA 1c levels. However, mean blood glucose levels decreased with the dose guidecompared with the algorithm (9.2 ± 1.2 mmol/l versus 11.8 ± 1.6 mmol/l), whereas patientacceptance increased with the dose guide (5.0 versus 3.4 Likert 0–5 scale), and the timeneeded to teach the patient to use the guide increased (from 18 to 43 minutes). 374 [evidencelevel Ib]Alternative body sites for blood glucose monitoringSeven observational studies examined the impact of blood glucose monitoring at alternativesites. None of the studies looked specifically at children or young people, and none of thestudies investigated long-term outcomes related to complications or glycaemic control. Sevenstudies compared blood glucose measurements from the traditional site (the finger) to those froman alternative site (for example, the arm). Six studies found strong correlations between forearmblood glucose monitoring and finger blood glucose monitoring. 375–380 [evidence level IIa] Onestudy found changes in blood glucose after a meal may be identified at finger sites beforedetection at forearm or thigh sites. 381 [evidence level IIa] Two studies looked at patientacceptability of alternative sites for blood glucose monitoring. One study found that 76% ofpatients preferred a monitor that could be used for sites other than the finger (n = 121 patientswith type 1 or type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>). 382 [evidence level IIa] The second study reported that 97% ofpatients found arm blood glucose testing less painful than finger testing (n = 378 patients withtype 1 or type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>). 378 [evidence level IIa]Continuous glucose monitoring systemsSelf-monitoring of blood glucose provides a snapshot of glucose levels during the day, butmarked glycaemic excursions can be missed in periods when no glucose level is taken.Continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMSs) measure interstitial fluid glucose and provideinformation about continuous glucose fluctuations that is not captured by intermittent bloodglucose testing. 383 [evidence level IV]CGMSs require calibration with finger-stick tests and supplement, but do not replace,conventional blood glucose testing. 383 [evidence level IV] CGMS measurements correspond toblood glucose values taken approximately 13–18 minutes earlier and may differ from bloodglucose monitor readings. 383 [evidence level IV] We identified two groups of CGMSs: invasivedesigns and non-invasive designs.Invasive continuous glucose monitoring systemsInvasive continuous glucose monitoring systems can be used for up to 72 hours. 384 [evidencelevel IV]We found two RCTs evaluating the invasive CGMS MiniMed®. In one RCT (n = 11 children andyoung people), the intervention group used the invasive CGMS for 18 days out of a 30-day period75

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>as well as performing at least four blood glucose tests/day. The intervention group was comparedwith a control group that performed at least four blood glucose tests/day. For both groups, glucosemonitoring results were reported to a member of the <strong>diabetes</strong> clinic staff, and insulin doseadjustments were made over the telephone. More asymptomatic biochemical hypoglycaemicevents were identified in the intervention group (12.8 ± 1.6 versus 6.7 ± 1.1), and these resultedin more changes of insulin dose (11.5 ± 1.5 versus 5.2 ± 0.9). There was no significant differencebetween HbA 1c levels in the two groups after 3 months. The groups showed no significantdifference in fear of hypoglycaemia, or DCCT quality of life. 385 [evidence level Ib] The second RCTinvestigated the use of a CGMS for 3 days every 2 weeks, creating a profile that was used to adjustinsulin therapy at follow-up visits every 6 weeks, compared with patients who used a CGMS for3 days every 2 weeks without making the results available to patients or <strong>diabetes</strong> team with insulintherapy adjustments being made solely on the basis of 7-point blood glucose profiles recorded bythe patients (n = 27, age range 7–19 years). The study found that HbA 1c levels were reduced whenthere was access to the results of the CGMS compared with when there was no access (7.31%versus 7.65%, p = 0.011). 386 [evidence level Ib]We also found 24 studies that evaluated the use of invasive CGMSs compared with bloodglucose monitoring. 387–410 [evidence level IIb] Of these, 18 investigated the same invasive CGMSas the above RCTs, and five investigated other invasive CGMSs. Ten studies showed strongcorrelations between glucose levels measured by invasive CGMSs and conventional bloodglucose monitoring. 387–389,393,396,399,403,404,407,410 [evidence level IIa] Invasive CGMSs detected moreasymptomatic biochemical hypoglycaemia. 392,393,406,408 [evidence level IIa] Short-term use ofinvasive CGMSs combined with information advising patients when and how to change insulinregimen and/or dose was found to reduce HbA 1c compared with baseline in one study inchildren and two studies in adults (child study: reduction at 3 months 0.40 ± 0.94%, reductionat 6 months 0.43 ± 0.87%; 408 first adult study: 8.5 ± 0.9% versus 10.3 ± 0.6%, p < 0.01, n = 10adults; 397 second adult study: 8.5 ± 0.9% versus 10.3 ± 0.6%, p < 0.01, n = 10 adults). 397 [evidencelevel IIa] However, a further study found no change in HbA 1c levels. 393 [evidence level IIa] Fourstudies that evaluated pain and irritation with invasive CGMSs reported that the devices weretolerated with only occasional adverse events. 388,400,403,405 [evidence level IIa] One study reportedstrong reaction to adhesive (2/66 children). 409 [evidence level IIa]Non-invasive blood glucose monitoringSeveral systems for measuring glucose non-invasively through the skin are currently beinginvestigated. These include electrochemical enzyme sensors, transcutaneous near-infraredspectroscopy, 411,412 optical glucose sensors, and infrared spectroscopy. 413Electrochemical enzyme sensors have shown strong correlations between glucose measuredcontinuously and that measured conventionally. However, the device was reported to beuncomfortable, causing redness, itching and tingling. 414–416 [evidence level IIa]One RCT investigated the use of electrochemical enzyme sensors in children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 40). The study found a reduction in HbA 1c (8.4% versus 9.0%, no SDgiven, p < 0.05), an increase in the frequency of detection of hypoglycaemia (bloodglucose ≤ 70 mg/dl, no values given, p < 0.0003), There was no change in fear of hypoglycaemia(59 ± 14.3 versus 56.4 ± 9.6) or quality of life (81.3 ± 11.7 versus 79.8 ± 15.5). 417 [evidence levelIb] A pilot study conducted as part of this RCT evaluated the cost effectiveness and cost/QALYof standard care versus standard care plus the electrochemical enzyme sensor. The studyreported resource use and costs in the USA and used a simulation model to predict futurelifetime costs and outcomes of children in both groups. Cost effectiveness ratios were reportedas costs/life year and costs/QALY but without description of how the QALY weights werederived. 418 The cost of standard care was $6252/year and the cost of enhanced care with theelectrochemical enzyme sensor was $9127 for the first year and $9017/year thereafter. Thesimulation model showed that enhanced care yielded an additional 0.66 QALYs and thecost/additional QALY was $61,326 (approximately £33,000/QALY). These preliminary results,which were not based on long-term follow up, suggested that enhanced care with theelectrochemical enzyme sensor was an effective but expensive option for monitoring glucose. 41876

Ongoing managementSummaryRegular monitoring of glycated haemoglobin is part of the intensive package of care. The mostappropriate measure for long-term glycaemic control is DCCT-aligned HbA 1c , which is the onlymeans of glycaemic control that has been shown to be correlated with long-term complicationsof <strong>diabetes</strong>.Continuous blood glucose monitoring may be a useful tool in giving detailed information onblood glucose trends during regimen optimisation. A Canadian health technology assessmentreported that continuous glucose monitors may benefit patients having difficulty controlling theirblood sugar or during initiation or monitoring of CSII therapy. 383 [evidence level IV] Continuousblood glucose monitoring may also be useful where unidentified hypoglycaemia occurs,especially at night-time, but further research is needed before such systems can berecommended for routine use for optimisation of glycaemic control.There is evidence that monitors compare satisfactorily with laboratory methods, but there is noevidence that using a monitor provides better control than using visually read sticks. However,patients prefer using monitors. There is no evidence that monitors with memories that areconnected to computer systems improve glycaemic control.Healthcare professionals may find it useful to refer to the recommendations in Section 4.1(education) when offering information about monitoring glycaemic control.Frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia can affect cognitive function, especially if they occur at ayoung age. Studies relating to cognitive disorders in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> are discussed in Section 6.4.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that the target for long-term glycaemic control is an HbA 1c level of less than7.5% without frequent disabling hypoglycaemia and that their care package shouldbe designed to attempt to achieve this.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered testing of theirHbA 1c levels two to four times per year (more frequent testing may be appropriate ifthere is concern about poor glycaemic control).Current HbA 1c measurements should be made available in outpatient clinics becausetheir availability can lead to immediate changes in insulin therapy and/or diet and soreduce the need for follow-up appointments.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that aiming to achieve low levels of HbA 1c can lead to increased risks ofhypoglycaemia and that high levels of HbA 1c can lead to increased risks of long-termmicrovascular complications.Children and young people with HbA 1c levels consistently above 9.5% should beoffered additional support by their <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams to help them improve theirglycaemic control because they are at increased risk of developing diabeticketoacidosis and long-term complications.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to use bloodglucose measurements for short-term monitoring of glycaemic control because this isassociated with reduced levels of glycated haemoglobin. Urine glucose monitoring is notrecommended because it is less effective and is associated with lower patientsatisfaction.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that the optimal targets for short-term glycaemic control are a preprandialblood glucose level of 4–8 mmol/l and a postprandial blood glucose level of less than10 mmol/l.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beencouraged to perform frequent blood glucose monitoring as part of a continuingADDABADC77

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>package of care that includes dietary management, continued education and regularcontact with their <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offered achoice of appropriate equipment for undertaking monitoring of capillary blood glucoseto optimise their glycaemic control in response to adjustment of insulin, diet andexercise.Children and young people using multiple daily injection regimens should beencouraged to adjust their insulin dose if appropriate after each preprandial, bedtimeand occasional night-time blood glucose measurement.Children and young people using twice-daily injection regimens should beencouraged to adjust their insulin dose according to the general trend in preprandial,bedtime and occasional night-time blood glucose measurements.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who are trying to optimise theirglycaemic control and/or have intercurrent illness should be encouraged to measuretheir blood glucose levels more than four times per day.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that blood glucose levels should be interpreted in the context of the ‘wholechild’, which includes the social, emotional and physical environment.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have persistent problems withhypoglycaemia unawareness or repeated hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia shouldbe offered continuous glucose monitoring systems.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered blood glucosemonitors with memories (as opposed to monitors without memories) because theseare associated with improved patient satisfaction.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to use a diaryin conjunction with a blood glucose monitor because recording food intake andevents such as intercurrent illness can help to reduce the frequency of hypoglycaemicepisodes.CGPPDDGPPGPPBBGPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONResearch is needed to investigate the clinical implications of alternative site monitoring (forexample, the arm as opposed to the finger) in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Research is needed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the routine use of invasive and noninvasivecontinuous glucose monitoring systems for optimising glycaemic control in childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.4.7 DietNutritional management in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> aims to establisheating habits that optimise glycaemic control. The choice of food should provide sufficientenergy and nutrients for optimal growth and development, as well as reducing risk factors forfuture cardiovascular disease. Consideration of cultural, ethnic and family traditions should betaken into account. Dietary modification in specific circumstances such as illness and exercisemay also be required.There is limited evidence concerning the optimal type of dietary therapy and the nutritionalrequirements of children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>. 9,420 [evidence level IV] However, thereis a consensus that children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> have the same basic nutritionalrequirements as other children and young people for the promotion of good health. 15,421[evidence level IV] Where there is an absence of evidence relating to children or young people,studies involving young adults are presented below.78

Ongoing managementThere are no published dietary guidelines for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> inthe UK. Guidelines previously produced for adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> by the British DiabeticAssociation (now Diabetes UK), 422,423 [evidence level IV] the International Society for Pediatricand Adolescent Diabetes, 15 [evidence level IV] and the American Diabetes Association 424[evidence level IV] recommend that the total daily energy intake should be distributed asfollows:• carbohydrates > 50% (encourage high fibre carbohydrate)• protein 10–15% (decreasing with age from 2g/kg body weight/day in early infancy to 1g/kgbody weight/day in older children and young people)• fat 30–35% (less than 10% saturated fat, less than 10% polyunsaturated fat, and more than10% mono-unsaturated fat).In addition, the Department of Health (now through the Food Standards Agency) recommendsthe consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. 425 [evidence level IV]Neonates, infants and pre-school children will require individualised dietary assessment todetermine their energy needs.Specific advice about food choices is an essential part of multiple daily injection approaches totreating type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> to achieve optimal glycaemic control. Adjustment of the pre-mealinsulin dose in a multiple daily injection regimen requires detailed knowledge of thecarbohydrate content of food. 83 [evidence level Ib] Healthcare professionals should thereforemaintain an up-to-date knowledge of carbohydrate and glycaemic indices to help them providechildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families with adequate education inrelation to appropriately maintaining multiple daily injection regimens.A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found that 86% of clinics regularly had dietitians inattendance, 76% of these being paediatric dietitians. 18 [evidence level III]Two studies surveyed the energy intake of children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. One study found thattotal energy intake was different for children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> compared with childrenwithout <strong>diabetes</strong> (boys: mean 6536 kJ, SD 846 kJ versus mean 6933 kJ, SD 1243 kJ, p < 0.05;girls: mean 5815 kJ, SD 720 kJ versus mean 6414 kJ, SD 925 kJ, p < 0.01). The compositionof energy intake was different for children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> compared with children without<strong>diabetes</strong> (protein: 19% versus 15%, p < 0.01; carbohydrates: 53% versus 50%, p < 0.05; fat:28% versus 35%, p < 0.001; sucrose: 3% versus 16%, p < 0.001). 426 [evidence level III] Asecond study found the mean intake of protein and cholesterol in children under the age of 10years to be approximately the same as current recommendations, although the saturated fatintake exceeded current recommendations, and the fibre intake was lower than therecommended level; 10–40% of the sample had inadequate intakes of vitamin D, vitamin Eand zinc. 427 [evidence level III]We found one RCT (n = 23, age range 14–21 years) that investigated the effect of increasing themono-unsaturated fat intake of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The study showed asignificant increase of 6.8% in mono-unsaturated fatty acid intake in young people taking a highmono-unsaturated fat diet for 12 weeks as compared with baseline. There was no difference inmono-unsaturated fatty acid intake in the control group and there were no significant differencesbetween the two treatment groups in terms of changes from baseline to end of study for totalplasma cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA 1c , blood pressure,body weight, or insulin dosage. No statistical comparison was made between the treatmentgroups, and adherence to diet was poor. 428 [evidence level Ib–IIb]We found one relevant RCT on the effect of protein intake on renal function in people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. This crossover RCT (n = 16, age range 15–23 years) found a significant decrease inglomerular filtration rate with a low protein diet (10% of total energy intake) versus the usualprotein diet (20% of total energy intake). The effect was more pronounced in hyperfiltratingpatients. 429 [evidence level Ib]We found no studies that looked at changes in the amount of fibre in the diet of children andyoung people.79

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>We found four studies that investigated the effect of sucrose on glycaemia response in the dietof children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The first study, a crossover RCT (n = 10, agerange 7–12 years), found no significant differences between a sucrose-free diet and a sucrosecontainingdiet in terms of blood glucose levels (total area under the glucose response curve204 ± 13 mmol/l/hour) or urinary glucose levels (35.6 ±7.5 g/day versus 34.5 ± 7.5 g/day). 430[evidence level Ib]The second study investigating sucrose was a parallel group RCT (n = 10, age range 7–16 years).The study found no significant differences in terms of the rise in blood glucose levels amongchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who ate breakfast consisting of oatmeal alone,oatmeal with sucrose, oatmeal with protein, or oatmeal with sucrose and protein. 431 [evidencelevel Ib]The third study investigating sucrose intake was a parallel group RCT (n = 9, age range 11–16years). The study found significantly lower glycaemic responses between a 17% sucrose diet anda 2% sucrose diet over a 4-hour study period (area under the curve 37 ± 3.5 mmol/l versus42 ± 4.7 mmol/l). 432 [evidence level Ib]The fourth study investigating sucrose intake was a quasi-randomised controlled trial (n = 28, agerange 8–26 years). The study found no significant difference between a 5% sucrose diet and asucrose-free diet for up to 127 days in HbA 1c levels (9.1% versus 9.0%) in children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 433 [evidence level IIa]An RCT involving children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> compared dietary advicerelating to low glycaemic index with dietary advice relating to carbohydrate exchange (n = 104).Twelve months after giving dietary advice, the group who received advice relating to lowglycaemic index had lower HbA 1c levels (8.05 ± 0.95% versus 8.61 ± 1.37%, p = 0.05) and alower average number of hypoglycaemic episodes (11.2 ± 9.8 episodes/patient/month versus16.8 ± 11.8 episodes/patient/month, p = 0.06) than the group who received advice relating tocarbohydrate exchange. However, there was no difference in average number ofhyperglycaemic episodes (6.9 ± 6.8 episodes/patient/month versus 5.8 ± 5.5episodes/patient/month, p = 0.37) or macronutrient intake recorded in 3-day food diaries (dietaryfat: 34.2 ± 6.7% versus 33.5 ± 5.6% of energy, p = 0.65; carbohydrate: 48.6 ± 6.5% versus48.8 ± 5.4% of energy, p = 0.86; protein: 17.3 ± 3.7% versus 17.6 ± 2.5% of energy, p = 0.61;total sugar: 19.5 ± 6.1% versus 17.7 ± 5.6% of energy; total fibre: 22.5 ± 6.5 g/day versus20.2 ± 5.0 g/day). 434,435 [evidence level Ib]An observational study investigated children’s and young people’s adherence to dietary advice(n = 69). The study found that, on average, 24% of the children’s and young people’s foodchoices deviated from their prescribed meal plans. Children and young people consumedgreater total energy than the prescribed level (inpatient: actual 9718 ± 2583 kJ versus prescribed8897 ± 2282 kJ, p = 0.0001; outpatient: actual 9835 ± 2617 kJ versus prescribed 8277 ± 1712 kJ,p = 0.005), less protein energy content than prescribed (inpatient: actual 19 ± 2% versusprescribed 21 ± 2%, p = 0.0001; outpatient: actual 15 ± 5% versus prescribed 20 ± 3%,p = 0.0001) and more fat energy than prescribed (inpatient: actual 39 ± 6% versus prescribed34 ± 3%, p = 0.0001; outpatient: actual 39 ± 4% versus prescribed 33 ± 4%, p = 0.0001). 436[evidence level III]Several short-term studies have evaluated the effects of nutritional composition and timing ofsnacks on glycaemic control. Evidence suggests that a bedtime snack reduces the risk ofnocturnal hypoglycaemia. One study showed that omitting morning and afternoon snacks hadno significant effect on blood glucose.The first RCT (n = 16, age range 16–39 years) found that ingestion of sucrose (7%) added tosnacks versus control (sucrose-free 1%) for 5 days did not affect short-term blood glucose control(8.8 mmol/l versus 7.4 mmol/l). 437 [evidence level Ib]A second RCT (n = 51, age range 14–22 years) found that the ingestion of an evening snackcontaining cornstarch versus a standard snack significantly reduced the incidence ofhypoglycaemic events at midnight (6/218 versus 30/222, p < 0.001) and at 7 a.m. (9/218 versus212/222, p < 0.05). 438 [evidence level Ib]80

Ongoing managementA third RCT (n = 14, age range 2–6 years) showed cornstarch supplementation versus placebo atbedtime for 5 nights significantly reduced the percentage of nights with hypoglycaemia (7.1%versus 22.9%). 439 [evidence level Ib]A fourth RCT (n = 18, age range 6–17 years) found that morning or afternoon snacks (approx554–606 kJ) versus no snacks for 4 days did not significantly affect mean glucose levels. 440[evidence level Ib]A fifth RCT (n = 8, age range 11–14 years) showed no significant difference in mean increase inblood glucose level after ingestion of fruit such as apple or banana when compared with pureglucose. 441 [evidence level Ib]A crossover RCT in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 29, age range 3–16years) showed that a 10 g carbohydrate supplement at bedtime significantly reduced theincidence of nocturnal hypoglycaemia (< 3.0 mmol/l: 2/10 versus 10/11) when compared withan early evening snack but no carbohydrate at bedtime. 442 [evidence level Ib]Historically, diets for people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were often monotonous and restrictive,especially for children and young people. 443 [evidence level IV] The advent of foods labelledsuitable for people with <strong>diabetes</strong> in the 1970s resulted in high levels of consumption. 444[evidence level IV] However, these foods were not suitable because they were generally high infat and carbohydrate. In 1992 this led the British Diabetic Association (now Diabetes UK) torecommend that confectionery and biscuits labelled as suitable for people with <strong>diabetes</strong> wereunnecessary and should be discouraged. 15,421 [evidence level IV]Artificial sweeteners are used in a range of products by people with <strong>diabetes</strong>, for example, noadded-sugardrinks. The Food Standards Agency regulates the quantity of sweeteners added tothese foods in line with government food safety regulations. 445Several medium-sized RCTs in adults with poorly controlled type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> evaluated trainingin flexible, intensive insulin management to improve dietary freedom in adults with poorlycontrolled type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The aim of the training was to enable patients to adjust insulin doseto match carbohydrate intake. An improvement in HbA 1 was seen in the intervention groupcompared with the group who received normal care. Quality of life and total wellbeing werealso improved. However, no improvement was seen in the incidence of severe hypoglycaemia,weight gain or total cholesterol. 95 [evidence level Ib]Training in flexible, intensive insulin management to improve dietary freedom has not beenevaluated in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Religious or cultural fasting and/or feasting can affect glycaemic control. Although children andyoung people, and people with illness, are normally exempt from religious fasting, it isrecognised that some children and young people will fast. 446 [evidence level III]Healthcare professionals may find it useful to refer to the recommendations in Section 4.1(education) when offering information about diet.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered appropriatedietetic support to help optimise body weight and glycaemic control.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that they have the same basic nutritional requirements as other children andyoung people. The food choices of children and young people should providesufficient energy and nutrients for optimal growth and development, with total dailyenergy intake being distributed as follows:• carbohydrates – more than 50%• protein – 10–15%• fat – 30–35%.The consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day is also recommended.Neonates, infants and pre-school children require individualised dietaryassessment to determine their energy needs.CD81

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to develop agood working knowledge of nutrition and how it affects their <strong>diabetes</strong>.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed of the importance of healthy eating in reducing the risk of cardiovasculardisease (including foods with a low glycaemic index, fruit and vegetables, andtypes and amounts of fats), and means of making appropriate nutritional changesin the period after diagnosis and according to need and interest at intervalsthereafter.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to considereating a bedtime snack. The nutritional composition and timing of all snacks shouldbe discussed with the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.Children and young people using multiple daily injection regimens should be offerededucation about insulin and dietary management as part of their <strong>diabetes</strong> carepackage, to enable them to adjust their insulin dose to reflect their carbohydrate intake.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered education aboutthe practical problems associated with fasting and feasting.GPPGPPBCGPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONFurther research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of training in flexible, intensive insulinmanagement to enable children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> to adjust insulin dosesto match carbohydrate intake.4.8 ExerciseExercise should be encouraged in all young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. In general, theadvantages of exercise relate more to protective cardiovascular effects and psychologicalwellbeing than to improvements in glycaemia control.There are limited numbers of studies investigating exercise in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Most observations are extrapolated from studies involving adults.Clinical experience demonstrates that exercise in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> can lead to metabolic disturbances occasionally leading to hyperglycaemia and ketosisor, more frequently, to hypoglycaemia. Exercise-induced hypoglycaemia is caused by the fall inblood glucose concentration which accompanies exercise. This is due to imbalances betweenplasma insulin levels and available plasma glucose. Additionally carbohydrate intake may beinadequate. In most people exercise-induced hypoglycaemia is readily recognised and treatedwith carbohydrate remedies (see Section 5.1). Of concern is nocturnal hypoglycaemia followingincreased exercise, which may develop more insidiously.Understanding the glycaemic response to different types of exercise, and changes in insulin anddietary management, is essential for optimal blood glucose control and prevention of exerciseinducedhypoglycaemia.Short-term effects of exerciseWe found no RCTs or systematic reviews that addressed diet during exercise in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.A small case–control study involving seven young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found thatreducing insulin dose by 50–66% in anticipation of postprandial exercise of moderate intensityresulted in near-normal glycaemic values and prevented hypoglycaemia. 447 [evidence level III]This study also suggested that intake of 25–30 g of glucose in the case of unplanned postprandialexercise of 45 minutes’ duration may prevent hypoglycaemia. 447 [evidence level III]We found no studies that specifically addressed the relationship between choice of injection siteand exercise performance in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. However, acase–control study based on adults examined absorption of insulin injected subcutaneously into82

Ongoing managementthe leg, arm or abdomen 1 hour before an intermittent leg exercise test (n = 11). 448 [evidence levelIII] This study reported that leg exercise accelerated insulin absorption from the leg, but not fromthe arm or abdomen, implying that injection of insulin into the arm or abdomen may reduce therisk of exercise-induced hypoglycaemia. This study also reported that fasting blood glucoselevels were unchanged on control and exercise days, regardless of the site of injection.We found no studies that addressed the effect of exercising with raised ketone levels in childrenand young people. A study in adults showed that exercising at the time of high blood glucose inthe presence of positive ketonuria may precipitate further hyperglycaemia and ketosis. 449[evidence level IIa]Clinical experience from children’s <strong>diabetes</strong> camps recognises that there is increased risk ofhypoglycaemia during water sports and at times of cold and exhaustion.Long-term trainingSeveral studies show that training alters insulin action with increased glucose sensitivity andindividuals who alter their exercise regimens will require adjustment of insulin and dietaryregimens.A small RCT in children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 19) showed an improvement in overall glycaemiccontrol (HbA 1 ) with regular sustained exercise compared with 30 minutes’ vigorous exercise threetimes/week for 12 weeks (11.3 ± 0.5% versus 13.3 ± 0.5%, p < 0.05). In addition, fasting bloodglucose levels were reduced in the exercising group compared with the control group (meandifference –5.7 mmol/l, 95% CI –10.3 to 1.1 mmol/l). There was no significant change in thevolume of oxygen consumption, as measured by peak VO 2 max. 450 [evidence level Ib]A second RCT with 32 children and young people looked at the effect of a once-a-week trainingprogramme for 3 months. There was no change in glycated haemoglobin level, urine glucose,or the volume of oxygen consumption as measured by peak VO 2 max. 451 [evidence level Ib]Neither of the above RCTs reported hypoglycaemic events in relation to exercise. 450,451 [evidencelevel Ib]We performed a meta-analysis to combine the results of the two RCTs and found no differencein the volume of oxygen consumption as measured by peak VO 2 max for children and youngpeople who received an exercise intervention (WMD 1.90%, 95% CI –1.14 to 5.20%). Theresults of the meta-analysis are also presented as a forest plot in Appendix B (Figure B.8).We found no RCTs or systematic reviews that specifically addressed the issue of frequency,duration or type of exercise in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, or the ideal timefor children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> to exercise.The absorption of insulin from different sites during exercise has been studied, but no effect onblood glucose has been reported. 448 [evidence level III]There is a substantial literature on the benefits of exercise in terms of the prevention ofmacrovascular disease in the general population. 452 [evidence level II] We found no studies thatshowed that having type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> alters this benefit.Healthcare professionals may find it useful to refer to the recommendations in Section 4.1(education) when offering information about exercise.RECOMMENDATIONSAll children and young people, including those with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, should beencouraged to exercise on a regular basis because this reduces the risks of developingmacrovascular disease in the long term.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that they can participate in all forms of exercise, provided that appropriateattention is given to changes in insulin and dietary management.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> wishing to participate in restrictedsports (such as scuba diving) should be offered comprehensive advice by theirBGPPGPP83

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong><strong>diabetes</strong> care teams. Additional information may be available from local and/ornational patient support groups and organisations.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed about the effects of exercise on blood glucose levels and about strategies forpreventing exercise-induced hypoglycaemia during and/or after physical activity.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to monitortheir blood glucose levels before and after exercise so that they can:• identify when changes in insulin or food intake are necessary• learn the glycaemic response to different exercise conditions• be aware of exercise-induced hypoglycaemia• be aware that hypoglycaemia may occur several hours after prolonged exercise.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that additional carbohydrate should be consumed as appropriate toavoid hypoglycaemia and that carbohydrate-based foods should be readily availableduring and after exercise.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that additional carbohydrate should be consumed if blood glucose levelsare less than 7 mmol/l before exercise is undertaken.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that changes in their daily exercise patterns may require insulin dose and/orcarbohydrate intake to be altered.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that exercise should be undertaken with caution if blood glucose levelsare greater than 17 mmol/l in the presence of ketosis.GPPCDDGPPGPPGPP4.9 Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugsAlcoholIt is illegal for people under the age of 18 years to buy alcohol. However, it is recognised thatthe consumption of alcohol in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> can be a problem.We found no studies investigating the effects of alcohol consumption in young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.It has been widely reported in discussion articles that drinking alcohol can cause an increasedrisk of hypoglycaemia in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. However, we found no strong evidenceto support this view.One small study in adult males compared blood glucose levels and hypoglycaemia occurrenceafter drinking 0.75 g alcohol/kg body weight in an evening compared with a different eveningwhen only mineral water was consumed (n = 6). The study reported no change in evening orovernight blood glucose levels. However, morning fasting and postprandial blood glucose levelswere significantly lower after consumption of alcohol, with five out of six patients requiringtreatment for hypoglycaemia. 453 [evidence level IIa]Two small studies in adults found no change in blood glucose or hypoglycaemia after consumingalcohol in the evening. One of the studies investigated blood glucose levels after theadministration of 0.5 g alcohol/kg body weight, compared with saline solution. No change wasfound in the initial rates of fall of blood glucose, the lowest blood glucose level, or the rate ofblood glucose recovery (n = 9). 454 [evidence level IIa] The second study investigated diurnalglucose profile and hypoglycaemia after the administration of 1 g alcohol/kg body weightcompared with water. No differences were found in blood glucose levels (measured until 10a.m. the following morning), and no patients in either group experienced hypoglycaemia(n = 10). 455 [evidence level IIa]84

Ongoing managementIn an early case series, five adult patients were reported to have presented in hospital with severehypoglycaemia after ingesting alcohol. 456 [evidence level IV]The effects of consuming alcohol at higher concentrations, in ‘binge’ drinking, and in youngpeople may be different from those discussed above.It has been suggested that drinking alcohol reduces hypoglycaemia awareness. One small studyinvestigated the perception of blood glucose levels after drinking 0.7 g alcohol/kg body weightin the evening in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 9). No difference in perceived blood glucoselevels was found. 457 [evidence level IIa] A second small study investigated the effect of alcoholon hypoglycaemia awareness in men with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 7). The study found that heart rateand sweat production were increased and finger tremors were less marked duringhypoglycaemia after taking alcohol compared with placebo. Reaction time duringhypoglycaemia was slower after alcohol than placebo (p < 0.05). 458 [evidence level IIa]One study investigated the prevalence of retinopathy in relation to alcohol consumption inpeople treated with insulin who had been diagnosed with <strong>diabetes</strong> before the age of 30 years(n = 891, age range 21–78 years). The study found that the average alcohol consumption for theprevious year (as determined by a questionnaire) was inversely associated with the prevalenceof proliferative diabetic retinopathy (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.92). Analysis of drinking historyshowed that ex-drinkers had the highest prevalence of proliferative diabetic retinopathy,although the prevalence was not significantly different from that in non-drinkers (43.8% versus40.7%, OR 1.47, 95% CI 0.46 to 4.70; current drinkers OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.35 to 2.89 comparedwith non-drinkers). 459 [evidence level IIb]A survey of male patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> found that greater alcohol consumption was associatedwith poorer adherence to prescribed insulin injection (p < 0.01, n = 154); however, noassociation was found between alcohol consumption and HbA 1c levels. 460 [evidence level III]We found no evidence relating to a recommended safe intake of alcohol in young people withor without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Consensus recommendations suggest that for adults with <strong>diabetes</strong>, aswith the rest of the general adult population, men should consume no more than 21 units/week,and women should consume no more than 14 units/week. 461 [evidence level III] However, theeffects of alcohol may be greater in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> because they havesmaller body mass.Previous consensus recommendations relating to alcohol consumption include thefollowing. 15,461 [evidence level III]• Alcohol consumption makes hypoglycaemia more likely to occur. However, as long asprecautions are taken and <strong>diabetes</strong> is well controlled, moderate amounts of alcohol can beconsumed before, during or soon after a meal without affecting short-term blood glucosecontrol.• Hypoglycaemia can occur up to 16 hours after drinking. To reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia,keep blood glucose levels within the recommended range by eating food containingcarbohydrate while drinking, eating a snack containing carbohydrate before bedtime andregular meals containing carbohydrate the following day (including breakfast), bymaintaining good hydration and by closely monitoring blood glucose levels during and afterconsuming alcohol.• Avoid consuming alcohol on an ‘empty stomach’ because the alcohol will be absorbed intothe blood stream more quickly.• Avoid substituting usual meals or snacks with alcoholic drinks because this may lead tohypoglycaemia.• Avoid the consumption of large quantities of alcohol and binge drinking because theseincrease the risks of severe hypoglycaemia, vomiting, aspiration, and diabetic ketoacidosis.• Alcohol consumption may decrease awareness of hypoglycaemia symptoms. People withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be advised to wear some form of <strong>diabetes</strong> identification becausehypoglycaemia may be confused with intoxication.• If hypoglycaemia is caused by alcohol or fasting, glucagon will have little or no effect inrestoring blood glucose levels.• Excessive drinking over a period of time can lead to raised blood pressure and liver damage.85

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>SmokingSmoking has been shown to cause excess morbidity and mortality. 462 [evidence level IIb] The riskof morbidity and mortality among smokers with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is greater than would beexpected from simply combining the risks of smoking and type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 463 [evidence level III]Macrovascular complications have been shown to be increased in young adults (aged < 43years) with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who smoke compared with those who do not (n = 100). 464 [evidencelevel IIb]One study investigated the prevalence of smoking in teenagers with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (age range11–18 years) in two paediatric clinics in Liverpool (n = 77). The study identified 9% as probablesmokers, who were all aged 15 years or more. 465 [evidence level III] A similar study in patientsat a young adult clinic in Liverpool (age range 15–18 years) found a 48% prevalence of smoking(n = 99). 466 [evidence level III] This suggests that teenagers become regular smokers after leavingpaediatric clinics, which in turn suggests that it is important for health education to be targetedat this group. 465 [evidence level III]A survey of young people (age range 10–20 years) in the USA found that 34% had smoked inthe past, and 27% had smoked in the previous year (n = 155). 467 [evidence level III]A survey of adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in Australia found that 56% of smokers indicated thatthey would expect to receive no more than a little encouragement from friends and familymembers to quit. Approximately one-third of respondents felt that concerns about weight gainand dietary adherence were barriers to quitting smoking (n = 223). 468 [evidence level III]We found one study that looked at interventions to help people with <strong>diabetes</strong> stop smoking. Thestudy involved patients under the age of 40 years (n = 60) and compared intensive smokingcessation advice with routine advice. The study showed no difference in concentrations of endtidal carbon monoxide or urinary cotinine (a metabolite of nicotine) between the two treatmentgroups after 6 months. At the end of 6 months, none of the patients in the intensive advice grouphad successfully given up smoking, and only one patient in the routine advice group had givenup (and this was only after a myocardial infarction). 469 [evidence level Ib]We found no studies that investigated optimum methods for preventing uptake of smoking orsmoking cessation therapies in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Recreational drugsThe effects of substance misuse in the general population are well known. 133 There is littlepublished information on substance misuse and the consequences in children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. There has been one case report of ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) use in a young person with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>; ecstasy incombination with insulin omission and sustained exercise caused dehydration with markedketonuria and glycosuria. 470 [evidence level IV]A survey of young people (age range 10–20 years) in the USA found that 10% had used arecreational drug in the past, and 8% had used a recreational drug in the previous year(n = 155). 467 [evidence level III].We found no specific evidence relating to the effects of substance misuse on glycaemic controlin people with <strong>diabetes</strong> or educational advice on substance use that should be given to youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. A leaflet designed by a group of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>is available from Diabetes UK.Healthcare professionals may find it useful to refer to the recommendations in Section 4.1(education) when offering information about smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs.RECOMMENDATIONSYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informed about the specific effects ofalcohol consumption on glycaemic control, particularly the risk of (nocturnal) hypoglycaemia.Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered alcohol education programmes.CGPP86

Ongoing managementYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who drink alcohol should be informed that theyshould:• eat food containing carbohydrate before and after drinking• monitor their blood glucose levels regularly and aim to keep the levels within therecommended range by eating food containing carbohydrate.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be informedabout general health problems associated with smoking and in particular the risksof developing vascular complications.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged not to startsmoking.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who smoke should be offeredsmoking cessation programmes.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be informedabout the general dangers of substance misuse and the possible effects onglycaemic control.GPPBGPPGPPGPP4.10 Long-distance travelA survey of advice on insulin treatment, time zones and air travel given in British diabetic clinicsfound variation in advice and many regimen changes were reported as being excessivelycomplicated. 471 [evidence level III] The authors of the survey recommended that patientsdiscussed their travel arrangements individually with their <strong>diabetes</strong> care team, with full flightdetails, in particular the local departure and arrival times and the duration of the flight.A small non-controlled study investigated patients using a ‘westward-increase, eastwarddecrease’insulin system (n = 27, age unknown). 472 [evidence level IIb] Self-monitored bloodglucose profiles were only slightly higher during travel than when at home, overall daily insulindoses changed little, and there were no significant problems with hypoglycaemia.RECOMMENDATIONChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offerededucation about the practical issues related to long-distance travel, such as when bestto eat and inject insulin when travelling across time zones.GPP4.11 ImmunisationInfluenzaThe Department of Health has recommended selective immunisation to protect those who areat most risk of serious illness or death should they develop influenza. Annual influenzaimmunisation is strongly recommended for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>. 473[evidence level IV]An 8-year cohort study investigated deaths in people diagnosed with <strong>diabetes</strong> under the age of30 years who were taking insulin (n = 1210, total 145 deaths). 474 [evidence level III] The studyfound no increased risk of death from pneumonia or influenza in these people (standardisedmortality ratio 7.6, 95% CI 0.9 to 27.4).A case–control study investigated the effect of an influenza epidemic on ketoacidosis, pneumoniaand death in patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus compared with patients with duodenal ulcer in1976–1979. 475 [evidence level III] The study found that patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus were morelikely to be hospitalised with influenza than patients with duodenal ulcer in 1976 and 1978, yearsof influenza epidemic (RR for hospitalisation 5.7 in 1976, RR 6.2 in 1978; there were no supportingdata to give 95% CIs). There was no increase in the number of patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus who87

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>were hospitalised with influenza in 1977 and 1979, years of no influenza epidemic (RR forhospitalisation 1.1 in 1977, RR 1.0 in 1979). RRs of pneumonia and death were increased inpatients with <strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus compared with patients with duodenal ulcers in all years(pneumonia 25.6 in 1976, 20.3 in 1977, 25.6 in 1978, 15.8 in 1979; death 42.4 in 1976, 30.9 in1977, 91.8 in 1978, 31.8 in 1979).A cohort study followed up a group of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who wereoffered influenza immunisation (n = 63, age not reported). 476 [evidence level III] Sixty-three per centof children and young people had the immunisation. There were no cases of influenza symptomslasting 3 or more days in children and young people who had the immunisation (0/40), whereas26% of children and young people who did not have the immunisation had influenza symptomslasting 3 or more days (6/23). However, 10% of children and young people who had theimmunisation had influenza symptoms lasting 1–3 days (4/40); none of the children and youngpeople who did not have the immunisation had influenza symptoms lasting 1–3 days, and overallthere was no association between having had the influenza immunisation and any influenzasymptoms lasting more than 1 day (4/40 versus 6/23, OR 0.31, 95% CI 0.08 to 1.19).A case–control study of children, young people and adults with <strong>diabetes</strong> investigated influenzaimmunisation rates in hospitalised patients compared with patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> nothospitalised during two influenza epidemics. 477 [evidence level III] The study found that peopleadmitted to hospital with pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, diabetic ketoacidosis, coma and<strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 37) and then discharged during the influenza epidemics of 1989–1990 and 1993were less likely to have been immunised for influenza than people on the <strong>diabetes</strong> register whohad not been admitted to hospital (n = 77) (estimated reduction in hospital admissions afterimmunisation against influenza 79%, 95% CI 19 to 95%, after adjustment for potentialconfounders).A survey of influenza and pneumococcal immunisation history in children, young people andadults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found a low rate of immunisation coverage (n = 113). 478 [evidencelevel III] Forty-four per cent had received the influenza immunisation in a previous year and36% had received the pneumococcal immunisation.Pneumococcal infectionImmunisation against pneumococcal infection is recommended by the Department of Health forall children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>, for whom pneumococcal infection is likely to bemore common and/or dangerous. The Department of Health has advised that children youngerthan about 2 years show little antibody response to immunisation with the pneumococcalpolysaccharide vaccine. However, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is immunogenic ininfants and children over 2 months of age. Re-immunisation within 3 years of the previous doseof pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine is not normally advised. 479 [evidence level IV]We found no studies that investigated the incidence of pneumococcal infection or immunisationagainst pneumococcal infection in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that the Department of Health recommends annual immunisation againstinfluenza for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> over the age of 6 months.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be informedthat the Department of Health recommends immunisation against pneumococcalinfection for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> over the age of 2 months.DD88

5. Complications andassociated conditions5.1 HypoglycaemiaHypoglycaemia is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with <strong>diabetes</strong>. TheNational Paediatric Diabetes audit has estimated that about 4% of children and young peopleaged under 17 years with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> experience one or more episodes of severehypoglycaemia per year. 1 Although hypoglycaemia does not appear to cause long-termneuropsychological impairment in adults, 102,480 it may do so in children and young people 104 (seeSection 6.4). Hypoglycaemia in children and young people should be avoided, particularly inthose aged under 5 years. 481There is no consistent or agreed definition of hypoglycaemia. In theory, hypoglycaemia is thelevel of blood glucose at which physiological neurological dysfunction begins. In practice,neurological dysfunction can be symptomatic or asymptomatic, and the level at which it occursvaries between individuals, may vary with time and circumstance, and is affected by antecedenthypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia. Symptoms usually occur in most people when the bloodglucose level is less than 3.0 mmol/l, although for some it may be as low as 2.0 mmol/l or as highas 3.5 mmol/l.Clinically, hypoglycaemia causes signs and symptoms of:• autonomic activation (hunger, trembling of hands or legs, palpitations, anxiety, pallor,sweating)• neuroglycopaenia (impaired thinking, change of mood, irritability, dizziness, headache,tiredness, confusion and, later, convulsions and coma).The threshold for autonomic (counter-regulatory) activation has been shown to occur at a higherblood glucose level in children and young people than in adults. The threshold varies with levelof metabolic control: poor control causes the threshold for autonomic activation to occur at ahigher blood glucose level, whereas good control causes the threshold to occur at a lower bloodglucose level. Autonomic activation may be lowered by antecedent hypoglycaemia and sleep.The blood glucose threshold for cognitive impairment is usually between 2.6 and 3.5 mmol/l(plasma glucose 3.1–4.0 mmol/l). Neuroglycopaenia may occur before autonomic activation,causing hypoglycaemic unawareness. 15The severity of hypoglycaemia may be graded as follows. 15• Mild (grade 1): The patient is aware of, responds to and self-treats the hypoglycaemia.Children aged below 5–6 years can rarely be classified as having mild hypoglycaemiabecause they are usually unable to help themselves.• Moderate (grade 2): The patient cannot respond to hypoglycaemia and requires help fromsomeone else, but oral treatment is successful.• Severe (grade 3): The patient is semi-conscious or unconscious or in a coma with or withoutconvulsions and may require parenteral therapy (glucagon or intravenous glucose). (Somechildren and young people present with ‘stroke-like’ symptoms involving one-sidedweakness and are unable to eat, drink or speak.)89

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>What is the optimum treatment of mild to moderate hypoglycaemia in children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?Although mild to moderate hypoglycaemia is a major clinical problem and a major concern tochildren and young people and their families, there are surprisingly few clinical studies on themanagement of this condition.Comparison of 10 g oral glucose, 20 g oral glucose, 1.0 mg subcutaneous glucagon and placeboAn RCT compared administration of 10 g oral glucose, 20 g oral glucose, 1.0 mg subcutaneousglucagon and placebo (n = 6 adults). Compared with placebo, 10 g oral glucose, 20 g oralglucose and 1.0 mg subcutaneous glucagon produced significant, but transient, increments inplasma glucose levels; 20 g oral glucose treatment increased the plasma glucose to asignificantly higher peak than 10 g oral glucose; 1.0 mg subcutaneous glucagon treatmentincreased the plasma glucose to a significantly higher peak than 10 g oral glucose or 20 g oralglucose treatment. 482 [evidence level Ib] A second RCT (n = 41 adults) compared the correctionof blood glucose levels and clinical symptoms of hypoglycaemia of seven orally administeredcarbohydrates (glucose solution, glucose tables, glucose gel, sucrose solution, sucrose tablets,hydrolysed polysaccharide solution and orange juice). All carbohydrate types led to raised meanblood glucose levels after 20 minutes compared with baseline; there was some concern thatglucose gel and orange juice did not increase plasma glucose as much as the other carbohydratesources. 483 [evidence level Ib]Examples of 10 g simple carbohydrate are:• 55 ml of a high-energy glucose drink• 100 ml of cola (not diet)• 150 ml of lemonade (not diet)• 23 g oral ampoule of Hypostop®• three glucose tablets• two teaspoons of sugar.Milk, unsweetened fruit juice and fun-size chocolate bars are not absorbed as quickly, but theymay be used because they are acceptable to children and young people.Examples of complex long-acting carbohydrate are:• one to two digestive biscuits• an oat-based cereal bar• bread and butter or a sandwich• a bowl of cereal• a piece of fruit.Comparison of oral terbutaline sulphate, subcutaneous terbutaline, oral alanine and placeboA small RCT compared administration of oral terbutaline sulphate, subcutaneous terbutaline, oralalanine and placebo in adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> with induced hypoglycaemia (n = 6). 482Compared with placebo, oral terbutaline, subcutaneous terbutaline and oral alanine producedsignificant sustained increments in plasma glucose levels. Subcutaneous terbutaline increasedplasma glucose to a significantly higher peak than oral terbutaline treatment. 482 [evidence level Ib]We found no studies that looked at long-term implications.What is the optimum treatment of severe hypoglycaemia in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>?A variety of treatments has been suggested for severe hypoglycaemia. These include oral glucosepreparations, glucagon (nasal spray or intramuscular injection) and intravenous glucosesolutions. Various studies have looked at the efficacy of different approaches.Intravenous 10% glucose may be given in a dose of 5 ml/kg body weight into a large veinthrough a large-gauge needle. Care is required since glucose solution at this concentration is anirritant, especially if extravasation occurs. Close monitoring is necessary in the case of anoverdose with long-acting insulin because further administration of glucose may be required 133and electrolytes, particularly potassium, may become disturbed.90

Complications and associated conditionsGlucagon is a polypeptide hormone produced by the alpha cells of the islets of Langerhans. Itincreases plasma glucose concentration by mobilising glycogen stored in the liver. It can beinjected by any route (intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous), but the intramuscular routeis preferred in circumstances when an intravenous injection of glucose would be difficult orimpossible to administer. Glucagon may be issued to close relatives of insulin-treated patientsfor emergency use in hypoglycaemic attacks. It is often advisable to prescribe glucagon on an ‘ifnecessary’ basis for hospitalised insulin-treated patients, so that it may be given rapidly by nursesduring a hypoglycaemic emergency. If not effective in 10 minutes, intravenous glucose shouldbe given. Children and young people over 8 years old (or body weight over 25 kg) should begiven 1 mg; children under 8 years old (or body weight under 25 kg) should be given 500 g; ifthere is no blood glucose response within 10 minutes, intravenous glucose must be given. 133Eight RCTs have investigated treatment of severe hypoglycaemia in patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.The studies examined a range of treatments, including intramuscular glucagon, subcutaneousglucagon, intravenous glucagon, intranasal glucagon, intravenous glucose (dextrosemonohydrate) and intramuscular epinephrine. The studies are described below.Intramuscular glucagon compared with intravenous glucoseTwo RCTs have compared administration of intramuscular glucagon with intravenous glucose.The first RCT compared intramuscular administration of 1 mg glucagon with 50 ml 50%intravenous glucose in insulin-treated adult patients with hypoglycaemic coma (n = 29). 484Significantly slower recovery to normal consciousness was observed in the glucagon treatmentgroup compared with the glucose treatment group, and two of the glucagon patients requiredadministration of additional intravenous glucose after failure to show signs of clinical recoverywithin 15 minutes of treatment. [evidence level Ib]The second RCT compared administration of 1 mg intramuscular glucagon with 50 ml of 50%glucose administered intravenously in adults with severe hypoglycaemia (n = 14). 485 Recoverytime ranged from 8 to 21 minutes for those receiving intramuscular glucagon and 1 to 3 minutesfor those receiving intravenous glucose. [evidence level Ib]Intravenous glucagon compared with intravenous glucoseAn RCT compared intravenous administration of 1 mg glucagon to 50 ml of 50% glucose ininsulin-treated adult patients with hypoglycaemic coma (n = 49). 486 Significantly slower recoveryto normal consciousness was reported in the glucagon treatment group compared with theglucose treatment group. [evidence level Ib]The consensus view of healthcare professionals is that 10% is the maximum strength ofintravenous glucose that should be given to children and young people.Intravenous glucagon compared with intramuscular glucagonTwo RCTs have compared administration of intramuscular glucagon with intravenous glucagon.The first RCT compared administration of 1 mg intramuscular glucagon with 1 mg intravenousglucagon in insulin-treated patients with hypoglycaemia (n = 99, including 20 aged under 20years). 487 No significant difference was seen between the treatment groups in terms of thenumber of patients who were either awake or sufficiently roused to take oral glucose within 15minutes of treatment. [evidence level Ib]The second RCT compared administration of 1 mg intramuscular glucagon with 1 mgintravenous glucagon in adults with induced hypoglycaemia (n = 15). 488 There was a significantlyhigher increase in plasma glucose for the intramuscular group than the intravenous group 20 and40 minutes after treatment. [evidence level Ib]Intramuscular glucagon compared with subcutaneous glucagonAn RCT compared administration of intramuscular glucagon to subcutaneous glucagon inchildren and young people with induced hypoglycaemia (n = 30). 489 No difference was foundbetween blood glucose or plasma glucagon concentrations in children and young people treatedwith intramuscular glucagon or subcutaneous glucagon at 20 g/kg body weight. [evidencelevel Ib]91

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Intranasal glucagon compared with subcutaneous glucagonTwo RCTs have compared administration of intranasal glucagon with subcutaneousglucagon.The first RCT compared administration of intranasal glucagon to subcutaneous glucagon inchildren and young people with induced hypoglycaemia (n = 12). 490 No significant difference inblood glucose at 15 minutes was seen between the treatment groups. However, by 45 minutesthere was a significantly higher increase in plasma glucose in the subcutaneous treatment groupthan in the intranasal treatment group. This study reported nausea in more than 90% of childrenand young people receiving subcutaneous treatment and less than 10% of those receivingintranasal treatment. Mild nasal irritation was recorded in four children and young people whoreceived intranasal treatment. [evidence level Ib]The second RCT compared administration of intranasal glucagon with subcutaneous glucagonin adults with induced hypoglycaemia (n = 6). 491 No significant difference in the plasma glucoseprofile was seen between the two treatment groups. [evidence level Ib]Intranasal glucagon compared with intramuscular glucagonAn RCT compared administration of intranasal glucagon with intramuscular glucagon in adultswith metabolic decompensation (n = 30). 492 The mean rise of blood glucose levels was greaterwith intramuscular than intranasal glucagon. [evidence level Ib]Combined treatment of intravenous glucose and intramuscular glucagon compared withintravenous glucose aloneAn RCT compared combined treatment of intravenous glucose and intramuscular glucagon tointravenous glucose alone in adults with hypoglycaemia (n = 18). 493 No significant difference inthe plasma glucose profile was seen between the two treatment groups. [evidence level Ib]Intramuscular epinephrine compared with intramuscular glucagonAn RCT compared administration of intramuscular epinephrine with intramuscular glucagon inchildren and young people with induced hypoglycaemia (n = 10). 494 [evidence level Ib]Administration of epinephrine was significantly less effective than glucagon in reversing thedecrease in plasma glucose. There was a significantly higher peak hypoglycaemia score forepinephrine than glucagon. Nine out of 10 children and young people complained of severenausea 2–6 hours after taking glucagon.Concentrated oral glucoseConcentrated oral glucose solutions can be administered in the event of a severe hypoglycaemicepisode. (Hypostop ® is a commercially available solution.) Concern has been raised thatadministration of such a solution is dangerous in the semi- or fully-unconscious patient, with apossibility of inhalation of glucose solution. No clinical studies have been performed, but theissue has been debated in the medical literature with a strong lobby that Hypostop ® appears tobe safe in practice. 495 [evidence level IV]Long-term effects of hypoglycaemiaEvidence relating to cognitive function following hypoglycaemia is presented in Section 6.4.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, their parents and other carers shouldbe informed that they should always have access to an immediate source ofcarbohydrate (glucose or sucrose) and blood glucose monitoring equipment forimmediate confirmation and safe management of hypoglycaemia.Children and young people, their parents, schoolteachers and other carers should beoffered education about the recognition and management of hypoglycaemia.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to wear orcarry something that identifies them as having type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (for example, abracelet).DDD92

Complications and associated conditionsChildren and young people with mild to moderate hypoglycaemia should be treatedas follows.• Take immediate action.• The first line of treatment should be the consumption of rapidly absorbed simplecarbohydrate (for example, 10–20 g carbohydrate given by mouth).• The simple carbohydrate should raise blood glucose levels within 5–15 minutes.• Carbohydrate given in liquid form may be taken more easily.• It may be appropriate to give small amounts of rapidly absorbed simplecarbohydrate frequently because hypoglycaemia may cause vomiting.• As symptoms improve or normoglycaemia is restored additional complex longactingcarbohydrate should be given orally to maintain blood glucose levelsunless a snack or meal is imminent.• Additional complex long-acting carbohydrate is not required for children andyoung people using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.• Blood glucose levels should be rechecked within 15 minutes.Children and young people with severe hypoglycaemia should be treated as follows.• In a hospital setting, 10% intravenous glucose should be used when rapidintravenous access is possible (up to 500 mg/kg body weight – 10% glucose is100 mg/ml).• Outside hospital, or where intravenous access is not practicable, intramuscularglucagon or concentrated oral glucose solution (for example, Hypostop‚) may beused.• Children and young people over 8 years old (or body weight more than 25 kg)should be given 1 mg glucagon.• Children under 8 years old (or body weight less than 25 kg) should be given500 g glucagon.• Blood glucose levels should respond within 10 minutes.• As symptoms improve or normoglycaemia is restored, in children and youngpeople who are sufficiently awake, additional complex long-acting carbohydrateshould be given orally to maintain blood glucose levels.• Some children and young people may continue to have reduced consciousness forseveral hours after a severe hypoglycaemic episode, and repeat blood glucosemeasurements will be required to determine whether further glucose is necessary.• Medical assistance should be sought for children and young people whose bloodglucose levels fail to respond and those in whom symptoms persist for more than10 minutes.Parents and, where appropriate, school nurses and other carers should have access toglucagon for subcutaneous or intramuscular use in an emergency, especially whenthere is a high risk of severe hypoglycaemia.Parents and, where appropriate, school nurses and other carers should be offerededucation on the administration of glucagon.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that when alcohol causes or contributes to the development ofhypoglycaemia, glucagon may be ineffective in treating the hypoglycaemia andintravenous glucose will be required.GPPGPPDDGPP5.2 Diabetic ketoacidosisIncidenceIn the UK during 2001, at least 4.5% of 0–16 year-olds with previously diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> hadone or more overnight admissions to hospital due to diabetic ketoacidosis (53.2% had noadmissions and the remaining 42.3% had no recorded overnight admissions, n = 10 029). 1[evidence level III] Among children and young people admitted to hospital at least once fordiabetic ketoacidosis, 19.3% had more than one admission. 1 There is increased likelihood of93

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>admission for diabetic ketoacidosis in the first year of diagnosis compared with later years. 1Diabetic ketoacidosis is the most common cause of <strong>diabetes</strong>-related deaths in children andyoung people. Diabetic ketoacidosis or hyperglycaemia was implicated in 83% of deaths causedby <strong>diabetes</strong> in patients under the age of 20 years between 1990 and 1996 (n = 116). 496 [evidencelevel III]Diabetic ketoacidosis may be complicated by cerebral oedema. It has been reported thatcerebral oedema causes 69% of deaths in children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> under theage of 12 years. 496 [evidence level III] The risk of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis developingcerebral oedema has been reported to be between 0.2% 497 and 0.9%. 498,499 [evidence level III]The risk is higher in patients with newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> (1.2%) as opposed to patients withestablished <strong>diabetes</strong> (0.4%). 499 [evidence level III] Twenty-four per cent of the children andyoung people with cerebral oedema died. 499 [evidence level III]The cause of diabetic ketoacidosis was identified as insulin error or manipulation in 42% (20/48episodes) of patients aged 14–24 years. It is thought that abnormal insulin treatment is likely tobe a major cause of diabetic ketoacidosis in this age group. 500 [evidence level III] A further studyin people aged under 30 years showed that 28% of admissions for diabetic ketoacidosis wereassociated with decreased adherence to treatment (25/89 of the patients had obtained lessinsulin than required under their prescribed insulin regimen). 501 [evidence level III]What is the definition of diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>?Acidosis (decreased pH), ketosis (abnormal amounts of ketones) and hyperglycaemia aredifferent and can exist independently from each other. Diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis usuallycontains the following clinical findings:• hyperglycaemia (blood glucose > 15 mmol/l)• acidosis (pH < 7.3, hydrogen ion concentration > 50 nmol/l, or bicarbonate < 15 mmol/l)• heavy glycosuria (> 55 mmol/l) and ketonuria• 5% or more dehydrated• may or may not include vomiting, drowsiness and abdominal pain.Ketonuria (or ketonaemia) without acidosis (pH > 7.3, hydrogen ion concentration < 50 nmol/l)in an otherwise well child with established <strong>diabetes</strong> suggests that the child has probably notreceived enough insulin. Administration of additional insulin should be considered in the shortterm with frequent re-evaluation and an increased insulin dose, and a change in regimen shouldbe considered in the longer term.If ketonuria is found in the presence of vomiting and/or abdominal pain, the child should bereferred to emergency services immediately with probable diabetic ketoacidosis.Children and young people who are < 5% dehydrated and not clinically unwell usually tolerateoral rehydration and subcutaneous insulin. 15,502 [evidence level IV] The level of care needs to bere-evaluated frequently and care should be supervised by an experienced <strong>diabetes</strong> team. 503[evidence level IV]What is the ideal treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis?GeneralGuidelines for the treatment of children and young people with diabetic ketoacidosis have beenpublished by the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (available athttp://www.bsped.org.uk/BSPEDDKAApr04.pdf). 502 [evidence level IV] These guidelines, whichare which are reproduced in Appendix D, are an updated version of earlier guidelines for thetreatment of diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people that were published jointly byDiabetes UK and the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes. The currentguidelines take account of recently published consensus statements developed by the EuropeanSociety for Paediatric Endocrinology and the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society. 503[evidence level IV] The guidelines highlight the need for further research to investigate theeffectiveness of different concentrations of rehydration fluid, the rate of rehydration and theconcentration of insulin infusion in the management of diabetic ketoacidosis.94

Complications and associated conditionsA Department of Health Expert Advisory Group has proposed guidelines for the provision of highdependency care for children and young people (available at www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/03/42/73/04034273.pdf). 505 [evidence level IV]MonitoringA consensus statement on monitoring diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people hasrecommended that hour-by-hour clinical observations, intravenous and oral medication, fluidsand laboratory results should be documented throughout the treatment period. 503 [evidencelevel IV]Monitoring should include: 503 [evidence level IV]• hourly heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure• hourly, or more frequent, fluid input and output (with the possibility of urinary catheterisationwhere there is impaired consciousness)• electrocardiogram monitoring to assess T-waves for evidence of hyperkalaemia/hypokalaemia in severe diabetic ketoacidosis• hourly capillary blood glucose monitoring (to be cross-checked against laboratory venousglucose)• laboratory testing of electrolytes, urea, haematocrit, blood glucose and blood gases every 2–4hours (with hourly monitoring of electrolytes in more severe cases)• hourly, or more frequent, neurological observations for warning signs and symptoms ofcerebral oedema, including headache, inappropriate slowing of heart rate, recurrentvomiting, changes in neurological status (restlessness, irritability, increased drowsiness,incontinence) or specific neurological signs (such as cranial nerve palsies and papillaryresponse), rising blood pressure and decreased oxygen saturation.It may be difficult to discriminate cerebral oedema from other causes of altered mental statusand so those who perform monitoring should be instructed to alert the physician should any ofthe warning signs and symptoms be thought to have occurred. 503 [evidence level IV]Fluid and saltA retrospective study showed that decreasing the amount of fluid given in the first 24 hours, from5.1 l/m 2 /24 hours to 4.35 l/m 2 /24 hours increased the time taken for acidosis to be resolved(16.7 ± 8.4 hours versus 12.6 ± 4.1 hours, p = 0.01), although the rate of cerebral oedema wasnot affected. 506 [evidence level III]A consensus statement on diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people concerning waterand salt replacement made the following recommendations. 503 [evidence level IV]• Water and salt deficiencies should be replaced, taking into account intravenous or oral fluidsthat may have been given before treatment and prior to assessment.• Initial intravenous fluid administration and, if required, volume expansion, should startimmediately with an isotonic solution (0.9% saline or balanced salt solutions such as Ringer-Lactate solution), the volume and rate of administration depending on circulatory status. Thevolume is typically 10–20 ml/kg over 1–2 hours, repeated if necessary.• Crystalloid (not colloid) should be used.• Subsequent fluid management should be with a solution with a tonicity equal to or greaterthan 0.45% saline (by administering 0.9% saline, Ringer-Lactate solution or 0.45% salinewith added potassium). The rate of intravenous fluid should be calculated to rehydrate evenlyover at least 48 hours.• In addition to clinical assessment of dehydration, calculation of effective osmolality may helpto guide fluid and electrolyte therapy.• Fluid should be infused each day at a rate not usually exceeding 1.5–2 times the usual dailyrequirement according to age, weight, or body surface area. Urinary losses should not beadded to the calculation of replacement fluids.Insulin therapyInsulin administered by an initial bolus as well as continuous insulin infusion has beencompared with continuous insulin infusion only in an RCT involving children and young people(n = 38, 58 episodes). There was no significant difference in serum glucose concentration after 1hour of treatment. 507 [evidence level Ib]95

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Continuous versus intermittent insulin therapy for diabetic ketoacidosis was evaluated in a studyinvolving adults (n = 26). Insulin was administered as bolus injections (50 units/2 hours),compared with high-dose continuous insulin infusion (10 units/hour), and low-dose continuousinsulin infusion (2 units/hour) after an initial loading dose (3 units). There was no significantdifference between high-dose continuous infusion and bolus injection in the time to diabeticketoacidosis recovery (measured by normalisation of blood glucose, bicarbonate, ketone bodiesand pH). However, low-dose continuous infusion resulted in a higher blood glucose level after6 hours of treatment compared with bolus injections and high-dose continuous insulin infusion(serum glucose: 284 ± 36 mg/100 ml with bolus injections; 297 ± 34 mg/100 ml with continuousinsulin infusion; 392 ± 84 mg/100 ml with low-dose continuous infusion; p < 0.05). 508 [evidencelevel Ib]Continuation of insulin administration past the usual cut-off point of near-normoglycaemia wasinvestigated in adults in one study (n = 22). Continuation of insulin was shown to decrease thetime taken for resolution of ketosis (measured as duration of elevated blood 3-hydroxybutyratelevels: 5.9 ± 0.8 hours versus 21.8 ± 3.4 hours, RR 0.30, 95% CI 0.16 to 0.54, p = 0.0004). 509[evidence level Ib]Human and porcine insulins were compared in an RCT involving adults (n = 21). No significantdifferences in recovery rates were seen following the administration of human and porcineinsulins for treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. 510 [evidence level Ib]Insulin therapy routesIntramuscular administration of insulin (0.1 units/kg body weight every 2 hours) was comparedwith a combination of subcutaneous and intravenous administration (0.05 units/kg body weightgiven subcutaneously every 4 hours and 0.05 units/kg body weight given intravenously every 4hours in a small study involving children and young people, n = 10). There was no significantdifference between the treatment groups in terms of the time needed to achieve serumglucose < 6.46 mmol/l. 511 [evidence level IIa]Insulin administration routes were also evaluated in an RCT involving adults (n = 45). Nosignificant differences were seen for time to metabolic recovery or total insulin dose or fluidreplacement requirements in intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous insulinadministration. A significantly higher rate of decrease in glucose and ketone bodies wasobserved in the first 2 hours following intravenous insulin, but this difference was notmaintained over the rest of the recovery period. 512 [evidence level Ib]Administration routes of low doses of insulin were evaluated in an RCT involving adults (n = 30).The RCT showed that low doses of insulin given by intermittent intramuscular injection or byconstant intravenous infusion after an initial intravenous loading dose were similarly effective incontrolling diabetic ketoacidosis. Time to recovery from diabetic ketoacidosis and total insulindose required did not differ between the two treatment groups. 513 [evidence level Ib]Insulin doseClinical consensus has suggested a starting dose of 0.1 units/kg/hour. 502 [evidence level IV] Somehealth professionals have expressed the opinion, not substantiated by clinical evidence, that alower dose (0.05 units/kg/hour) may be safer, reducing the risk of cerebral oedema. It maytherefore be prudent to consider a low dose of insulin in pre-school children and considerreducing from a high to a low dose of insulin if there is a rapid fall in blood glucose.A consensus statement on diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people concerninginsulin therapy recommends the following. 503 [evidence level IV]• Insulin should be delivered intravenously. If this is not possible, the intramuscular orsubcutaneous route of insulin administration can be used, but poor perfusion may impairabsorption of insulin.• Intravenous insulin should be commenced at 0.1 units/kg/hour.• The dose of insulin should be adjusted thereafter with the resolution of ketoacidosis(pH > 7.30, HCO 3 > 15 mmol/l and/or closure of anion gap) and with the optimisation ofblood glucose.96

Complications and associated conditions• An unduly rapid decrease in plasma glucose concentration and possible development ofhypoglycaemia can be prevented by adding glucose to the intravenous fluid when plasmaglucose falls to approximately 14–17 mmol/l (250–300 mg/dl).• If there is no improvement in biochemical parameters of ketoacidosis (pH, anion gap), thepatient should be reassessed, insulin therapy should be reviewed, and other causes ofimpaired response to insulin (such as infection, errors in insulin preparation, and adhesion ofinsulin to tubing with very dilute solutions) should be considered.BicarbonateThe use of intravenous bicarbonate together with insulin therapy for treatment of diabeticketoacidosis was investigated in an RCT involving adults (n = 20). The study showed thatintravenous sodium bicarbonate therapy increased recovery of arterial pH and bicarbonatelevels in the first 2 hours (7.24 ± 0.04 versus 7.11 ± 0.09, p < 0.02, 95% CI 0.06 to 0.19), but didnot affect pCO 2 or blood glucose levels. All patients in the bicarbonate group developedhypokalaemia. 514 [evidence level Ib]The effects on diabetic ketoacidosis recovery rates of two different intravenous bicarbonatedoses, adjusted to initial arterial pH, and a placebo were investigated in a study involving adults(n = 21). There were no significant differences between patients treated with bicarbonate andplacebo in terms of the rates of decline of glucose and ketone levels in blood and cerebrospinalfluid, or in the times required for plasma glucose to reach < 13.9 mmol/l (converted from250 mg/dl reported in the study), blood pH to reach 7.3 (hydrogen ion concentration 50 nmol/l),and bicarbonate levels to reach 15 mmol/l. 515 [evidence level Ib]A consensus guideline suggested that bicarbonate is rarely, if ever, necessary. Continuingacidosis usually means insufficient resuscitation. Bicarbonate should only be considered inchildren who are profoundly acidotic (pH < 7.0) and shocked with circulatory failure. Its onlypurpose is to improve cardiac contractility in severe shock. 502 [evidence level IV]A consensus statement on diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people concerningbicarbonate therapy concluded that treatment with bicarbonate provided no clinical benefit andthat although resuscitation fluids containing various buffering agents (bicarbonate, acetate,lactate) have been used, the efficacy and safety of these agents have not been established. 503[evidence level IV]PotassiumA consensus statement on diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people concluded thatpotassium replacement is required and that replacement therapy should be based on serumpotassium measurements. Potassium replacement should begin immediately in patients who arehypokalaemic, although it should be started at the same time as insulin therapy in other patients. Inhyperkalaemic patients, potassium replacement should be delayed until urine output isdocumented. An initial concentration of potassium in the infusate of 40 mmol/l should be used andpotassium replacement should continue throughout intravenous fluid therapy. 503 [evidence level IV]Phosphate therapyTwo RCTs have examined the addition of phosphate therapy to insulin treatment for diabeticketoacidosis.The first RCT involved adults (n = 30) and showed no significant differences in the rates ofdecline of glucose and ketone bodies after phosphate treatment. A protective effect againsthypophosphataemia was observed, but only on the first day of treatment. 516 [evidence level Ib]The second RCT involved patients aged 14–58 years (n = 44) and provided no evidence of aclinical benefit of phosphate therapy. 517 [evidence level Ib]A consensus statement on diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people concluded that:there was no evidence for a clinical benefit of phosphate replacement, but that severehypophosphataemia should be treated; potassium phosphate salts may be used with or insteadof potassium chloride/acetate; and administration of phosphate may induce hypocalcaemia.Provided that careful monitoring is performed to avoid hypocalcaemia, potassium phosphatemay be safely used in combination with potassium chloride or acetate to avoid hyperchloraemia.503 [evidence level IV]97

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Somatostatin therapyAn RCT investigated the addition of the somatostatin analogue octreotide to low-dose insulintherapy in adults (n = 23). This study showed that octreotide reduced the time taken forcorrection of ketonuria. However, there were no such effects on the recovery rates fromhyperglycaemia and acidosis. 518 [evidence level Ib]What are the ways of preventing cerebral oedema in association with diabetic ketoacidosis?We found no evidence relating to the prevention of cerebral oedema. However, two studiesinvestigated factors associated with cerebral oedema.A retrospective study compared three groups of children and young people: the first group haddiabetic ketoacidosis and cerebral oedema (n = 61); the second did not have diabetic ketoacidosisor cerebral oedema but they were matched to the first group (n = 181); and the third group haddiabetic ketoacidosis but not cerebral oedema (n = 174). Factors associated with increased risk ofcerebral oedema were: lower initial partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (for each decreaseof 7.8 mmHg, 1.0 kPa: RR 3.4, 95% CI 1.9 to 6.3, p < 0.001); higher initial serum urea nitrogenconcentration (for each increase of 9 mg/dl, 25 mmol/l: RR 1.7, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.5, p = 0.003); andtreatment with bicarbonate (RR 4.2, 95% CI 1.5 to 12.1, p = 0.008). 498 [evidence level III] Theoutcome of cerebral oedema was also examined in the study: 28% of people with cerebraloedema died or were left in a persistent vegetative state, whereas 13% survived with mild tomoderate neurological disability. Factors associated with poor outcomes were: neurologicaldepression at the time of diagnosis of cerebral oedema (coefficient 2.2, 95% CI 1.06 to 3.37,p < 0.001); high initial serum urea nitrogen concentration (coefficient 0.086, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.16,p = 0.02); and intubation with hyperventilation to a pCO 2 < 22 mmHg (65% versus 11%,coefficient 2.1, 95% CI 0.29 to 3.84, p = 0.02). 519 [evidence level III]A small case–control study that compared pre-school children with diabetic ketoacidosis andcerebral oedema (n = 4) with age-matched children and young people who had diabeticketoacidosis without cerebral oedema (n = 10) found that cerebral oedema was associated withincreased initial weight (13.0 ± 3.7 kg versus 9.1 ± 2.2 kg, p < 0.05) and decreased serum glucose(26.3 ± 3.3 mmol/l versus 43.1 ± 19.7 mmol/l, p < 0.05). Pre-school children with cerebraloedema initially had relatively normal serum sodium and osmolality, but later developed lowerminimum serum sodium (128.8 ± 4.4 mmol/l versus 142.2 ± 8.9 mmol/l, p < 0.02) and lowerminimum serum osmolality (265.5 ± 10 Osm/kg versus 296.7 ± 15.3 Osm/kg, p < 0.01). 520[evidence level III]Treatment of cerebral oedemaA consensus statement on diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people concerningtreatment of cerebral oedema recommended the following. 503 [evidence level IV]• Treatment should begin as soon as the condition is suspected.• The rate of fluid administration should be reduced.• Intravenous mannitol should be given (0.25–1.09 g/kg body weight over 20 minutes) inpatients with signs of cerebral oedema before impending respiratory failure. Hypertonicsaline (3%) 5–10 ml/kg body weight over 30 minutes may be an alternative to mannitol.• Repeat intravenous mannitol after 2 hours if there is no initial response.• Intubation and ventilation may be needed.What is the acceptable reference range for ketones in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>?We found no studies that examined the acceptable reference range for ketones in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.It has been suggested that a hand-held ketone sensor -hydroxybutyrate reading ≥ 1 mmol/lrequires further action, and that levels > 3 mmol/l necessitate medical review. Falling -hydroxybutyrate levels during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis can indicate adequacy oftreatment. The median time taken, from initiation of treatment, for -hydroxybutyrateconcentrations to fall to below 1 mmol/l was 8.46 hours (range 5–58.33 hours). 521 [evidencelevel IV] Laboratory enzymatic assays have been shown to have good correlation with bedside98

Complications and associated conditions(r = 0.97, p < 0.05) and hand-held blood ketone monitoring for measurement of -hydroxybutyrate. 522,523 [evidence level III]In a study of children and young people measuring -hydroxybutyrate eight times/day for twoweeks, 6.0% of the -hydroxybutyrate measurements were ≥ 0.2 mmol/l (n = 45). 524 [evidencelevel III]Urine ketone dip tests can be used to screen for ketonuria in ketoacidosis and ketosis. A studyusing urine ketone dip tests in which screening of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis or ketosiswas recorded in medical notes detected 97% of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (95% CI 94%to 99%, 96 out of 99 cases of diabetic ketoacidosis) and 98% of those with diabetic ketosis (95%CI 95% to 99%, 46 out of 47 cases of diabetic ketosis). 525 [evidence level III] A further studyshowed that the anion gap and serum bicarbonate level were less sensitive but more specificthan the urine ketone dip test for the detection of diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic ketosis. 526[evidence level III]What is the ideal frequency for measuring ketones in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>?We found no studies that looked at the ideal frequency for measuring ketones.What are the indications for measuring ketones in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>?It has been recommended that children and children with <strong>diabetes</strong> measure -hydroxybutyratewhen symptoms such as nausea or vomiting occur (to differentiate ketoacidosis fromgastroenteritis), during infections, during periods with high blood glucose (> 15 mmol/l), andwhen they are aware of ketonuria. 524 [evidence level IV]RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with diabetic ketoacidosis should be treated according tothe guidelines published by the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology andDiabetes.Children and young people with diabetic ketoacidosis should be managed initially ina high-dependency unit or in a high-dependency bed on a children’s ward.Children and young people with deteriorating consciousness or suspected cerebraloedema and those who are not responding appropriately to treatment should bemanaged in a paediatric intensive care unit.Children with diabetic ketoacidosis who are younger than 2 years of age should bemanaged in a paediatric intensive care unit.Children and young people with a blood pH of less than 7.3 (hydrogen ion concentrationof more than 50 nmol/l), but who are clinically well (with no tachycardia,vomiting, drowsiness, abdominal pain or breathlessness) and less than 5%dehydrated, may respond appropriately to oral rehydration, frequent subcutaneousinsulin injections and monitoring of blood glucose.DDDDDRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONSFurther research is needed to evaluate the role of blood ketone monitoring in preventing diabeticketoacidosis in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Further research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of different concentrations ofrehydration fluid, the rate of rehydration, the use of albumin infusion and the dose of insulininfusion in the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in children and young people.99

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>5.3 SurgeryWe found no studies that investigated the management of children and young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> before, during or after surgery.A consensus guideline made the following recommendations regarding children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who require surgery or fasting. 15 [evidence level IV]Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who require surgery:• should be admitted to hospital for general anaesthesia• require insulin, even if they are fasting, to avoid ketoacidosis• should receive glucose infusion when fasting before an anaesthetic to prevent hypoglycaemia.Elective surgery:• Operations are best scheduled early on the list, preferably in the morning.• Admit to hospital the afternoon prior to surgery for morning and major operations, or earlymorning for minor operations later in the day.• Earlier admission is important if glycaemic control is poor.• Admission should be to a paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> or paediatric surgical ward.Evening prior to elective surgery:• Frequent blood glucose monitoring is important especially before meals and snacks andbefore bedtime (and urinary ketones should be checked).• The usual evening or bedtime insulin(s) and a bedtime snack should be given.• Ketosis or severe hypoglycaemia will necessitate correction, preferably by overnight intravenousinfusion, and might cause delay in surgery.Morning operations:• No solid food from midnight.• Clear fluids may be allowed up to 4 hours pre-operatively (this should be checked with theanaesthetist).• Omit usual morning insulin dose.• Start intravenous fluid and insulin infusion at 6.00–7.00 a.m.• Hourly blood glucose monitoring pre-operatively, then half-hourly during operation and untilwoken from anaesthetic.• Hourly blood glucose monitoring 4 hours post-operatively.• Aim to maintain blood glucose between 5 and 12 mmol/l.• Continue intravenous infusion until the child or young person tolerates oral fluids and snacks(this may not be until 24–48 hours after major surgery).• Change to usual subcutaneous insulin regimen or short-acting insulin/rapid-acting insulinanalogue before the first meal is taken.• Stop insulin infusion 60 minutes after subcutaneous insulin is given.• For minor operations it may be possible to discharge from hospital after the evening meal ifthe child is fully recovered.Afternoon operations:• Give one-third of the usual morning insulin dose as short-acting insulin if the operation isafter midday.• Allow a light breakfast.• Clear fluids may be allowed up to 4 hours preoperatively.• Start intravenous fluids and insulin infusion at midday at the latest.• Then as for morning operations (see above).Emergency surgery:• Diabetic ketoacidosis may present as ‘acute abdomen’.• Acute illness may precipitate diabetic ketoacidosis (with severe abdominal pain).• Nil by mouth.100

Complications and associated conditions• Secure intravenous access.• Check weight, electrolytes, glucose, blood gases and urinary ketones pre-operatively.• If ketoacidosis is present, follow protocol for diabetic ketoacidosis and delay surgery untilcirculating volume and electrolyte deficits are corrected.• If there is no ketoacidosis, start intravenous fluid and insulin infusion as for elective surgery.Minor procedures requiring fasting:• For short procedures (with or without sedation or anaesthesia) and when rapid recovery isanticipated, a simplified protocol may be organised by experienced <strong>diabetes</strong>/anaestheticpersonnel and may include either early morning procedures (for example, 8.00–9.00 a.m.)with delayed insulin and food until immediately after completion, or reduced usual insulindose (or give repeated small doses of short/rapid-acting insulin).• Glucose 5–10% infusion and frequent blood glucose monitoring are recommended in allthese situations.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered surgery only incentres that have dedicated paediatric facilities for the care of children and youngpeople with <strong>diabetes</strong>.Careful liaison between surgical, anaesthetic and <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should occurbefore children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are admitted to hospital forelective surgery and as soon as possible after admission for emergency surgery.All centres caring for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should havewritten protocols concerning the safe management of children and young peopleduring surgery. The protocols should be agreed between surgical and anaestheticstaff and the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.DDD5.4 Intercurrent illnessIllness associated with fever tends to raise blood glucose due to higher levels of stress hormones,gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance. Illness associated with vomiting and diarrhoea (forexample, gastroenteritis) may lower blood glucose and possibility cause hypoglycaemia. 15We found no studies that evaluated advice for treatment of intercurrent illness in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.A consensus guideline provided the following guidance regarding management of children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> during intercurrent illness. 15 [evidence level IV]The <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should provide clear guidance on managing <strong>diabetes</strong> during intercurrentillness to avoid the complications of dehydration, ketoacidosis and hypoglycaemia. Guidanceshould include the following:• Never stop insulin.• Advice should be available on alterations of insulin dose.• When to contact the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team, general practitioner or hospital.More frequent monitoring:• Frequent blood glucose testing (at least four times daily) with appropriate changes to insulindose facilitates optimal management during illness.• Urinary ketone tests will guide management.• Adequate supplies of blood glucose and ketone test strips should be available to avoidcomplications during intercurrent illness.Loss of appetite:• Replace meals with easily digestible food and sugar-containing fluids.101

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Maintaining hydration:• Hyperglycaemia, fever and excessive glycosuria increase fluid loss.• Encourage frequent intake of fluids, for example, water or reduced sugar fluids.Specific medical advice:• Treat fever, malaise and headache with antipyretics such as paracetamol.• Vomiting may be caused by the illness itself (when blood glucose may be low) or lack ofinsulin (when blood glucose will be high and ketones may develop).• Consider treatment of vomiting with a single injection of an anti-emetic to help oral intakeof carbohydrate.• Sugar-free medicines for children and young people are advisable but not essential.Infection associated with hyperglycaemia with or without ketosis:• Recommend additional doses of short or rapid-acting insulins with careful monitoring toreduce blood glucose, prevent ketoacidosis and avoid hospital admission.• The dose and frequency of insulin injections will depend on the age of the child, the leveland duration of hyperglycaemia, the severity of ketosis and previous experience withalterations of insulin.• For example, for a sick child, blood glucose 15–20 mmol/l with or without ketosis, advise totake 10–20% of total daily insulin dose (or 0.1 units/kg body weight) as short- or rapid-actinginsulin analogue every 2–4 hours until blood glucose falls to < 15 mmol/l. Thereafter anyadditional doses might be 5–10% of the total daily dose.Infections associated with hypoglycaemia:• These infections are often associated with nausea and vomiting with or without diarrhoea.• Advise replacing meals with frequent small volumes of sugary drinks and careful bloodglucose monitoring.• Reduction of insulin dosage by 20–50% may be required.• If hypoglycaemia (and nausea or food refusal) persists, an injection of glucagon may reversethe symptoms of hypoglycaemia and enable oral fluids to be re-established.In a child or young person with intercurrent illness, urgent specialist medical or nursing advicemust be obtained when:• the diagnosis is unclear• vomiting is persistent (particularly in children)• blood glucose continues to rise despite increased insulin requirements• hypoglycaemia is severe• ketonuria is heavy and persistent• the child becomes exhausted or confused, is hyperventilating or dehydrated, or has severeabdominal pain.When metabolic control is persistently unsatisfactory or if blood glucose monitoring isinadequate or unavailable, intercurrent infections may be more frequent and more severe. Insuch situations:• Advise more frequent urinary glucose and ketone testing• Give clear guidance on alterations of insulin dosage to prevent ketoacidosis.If sudden repeated episodes of hyperglycaemia with vomiting occur, it should be recognised thatthis may be due to omission or inadequate administering of insulin.RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredclear guidance and protocols (‘sick-day rules’) for the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>during intercurrent illness.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have short-acting insulin orrapid-acting insulin analogues and blood and/or urine ketone testing strips availablefor use during intercurrent illness.DGPP102

Complications and associated conditions5.5 Screening for complications and associated conditionsScreening for coeliac disease and hypothyroidismChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> have a higher prevalence of autoimmunedisorders such as coeliac disease and thyroid disease compared with children and young peoplewithout type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 9 [evidence level III] Active surveillance for these conditions in childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> will help minimise adverse sequelae. Healthcareprofessionals who care for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be madeaware of indications and methods of screening for coeliac disease and thyroid disease. Ifdiagnosed, appropriate care and referral should be provided.An evidence-based guideline suggested screening for coeliac and thyroid disease at the onset of<strong>diabetes</strong> and at intervals thereafter. 9 [evidence level III] The frequency of screening tests was notspecified for either condition.Coeliac diseaseA consensus guideline for the management of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>stated that healthcare professionals should be alert to the possible diagnosis of coeliac diseasewhen children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> present with unexplained poor growth,anaemia or gastrointestinal symptoms. 15 [evidence level IV] However, the majority of childrenand young people present with minimal or no symptoms and then coeliac disease is detectedby antibody screening. Anti-endomysial immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody combined with totalIgA levels is considered the most specific test for coeliac disease. It should be performed closeto diagnosis and as necessary thereafter. Definitive diagnosis is made by jejunal biopsy. Effectivetreatment consists of a gluten-free diet, which may or may not alter insulin requirements ormetabolic control.We found no RCTs or systematic reviews that addressed screening for coeliac disease in childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. However, we found several studies that investigatedscreening tools for coeliac disease in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Aprospective cohort study with 3 years of follow-up screened 157 children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> for coeliac disease with endomysial antibodies. 527 [evidence level IIb]Positive endomysial antibodies were found in 10.2% of patients (n = 16), five detected at onsetand 11 seroconverted during the course of <strong>diabetes</strong> (mean duration: 33.6 months). Theprevalence of biopsy-proven coeliac disease was 5.1% and eight children and young peopleshowed no clinical signs of disease. Another study diagnosed coeliac disease retrospectively bypositive serum gliadin/reticulin antibodies and jejunal biopsy. In this study, 50% of people whowere diagnosed with coeliac disease were antibody-positive at initial diagnosis of <strong>diabetes</strong>. 528[evidence level IIb]Studies from various countries have reported prevalence rates of coeliac disease ranging from2.9% to 5% in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> as detected by positiveantibodies and confirmed jejunal biopsy. 529–531 [evidence level IIb–III]A systematic review of the test characteristics of auto-antibody tests for coeliac disease insymptomatic patient populations, or populations at a higher risk of developing coeliac disease,has been conducted. The review concluded that IgA endomysial antibody (using indirectimmunofluorescence) was the most accurate test for coeliac disease. If ELISA (which may bemore suitable for screening purposes because it can be semi-automated) is required, then testingcombined with confirmatory biopsy is most cost effective, whilst combinations of tests add littleor no further value. There is limited information regarding test accuracy in people with <strong>diabetes</strong>,and there is uncertainty about whether test characteristics would remain the same, particularlyas there may be a role for screening in silent coeliac disease, and regarding long-term outcomesand complications of untreated coeliac disease. 532Thyroid diseaseA study investigating routine screening for thyroid disease in 247 children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> identified thyroid disease in 11/247 children and young people (4.5%). Allpatients were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis of thyroid disease. Four patients were103

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>diagnosed at or before diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and in the other seven patients thyroiddisease was identified 2.0 to 10.7 years after diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 533 [evidence level III]One review summarised recommendations for thyroid function test screening in young peopleand adults with type 1 and type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 534 [evidence level IV] The recommendations includedoffering screening tests to patients with newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong>, at annual review and to thosewith symptoms suggestive of thyroid disease.A consensus guideline for the management of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>stated that thyroid function tests should be performed at diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and atannual assessments thereafter. 15 [evidence level IV] Autoimmune disorders such ashypothyroidism occur more frequently than hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 15 [evidence level IV]Thyroid auto-antibodies, particularly peroxisomal antibodies, are present in 20–30% of childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. In addition, 10–20% may have a palpable or visiblegoitre. However, the absence of thyroid auto-antibodies does not rule out subsequent thyroiddisease. 15 [evidence level IV]A consensus guideline for the management of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>defined hypothyroidism as low total (or free) thyroxine and/or raised thyroid stimulatinghormone. 15 [evidence level IV] The prevalence of overt hypothyroidism ranged from 1% to 5%in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. The clinical symptoms of hypothyroidismare goitre, weight gain, decreased growth rate and fatigue, but with screening most children andyoung people with hypothyroidism can be detected before symptoms arise.A systematic review investigated the test characteristics of thyroid auto-antibody tests relativeto thyroid function tests as a reference standard. The review found poor predictive value ofauto-antibody tests relative to thyroid function tests, which appears to rule out their use as ascreening test. 532Other medical conditionsA variety of other medical conditions has been described in association with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> inchildren and young people. These include:• necrobiosis lipoidica• Addison’s disease• rheumatoid arthritis.Another condition that arises as a result of therapy is lipohypertrophy. Case reports relate insulininjection into an area of lipohypertrophy to poor glycaemic control. 535 [evidence level III]No systematic evidence is available on the screening for, or management of, these conditions,but they should be considered in clinical reviews of all children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>.Screening for microvascular and other complicationsScreening for microvascular and other complications aims to detect early abnormalities that canpotentially be reversed by improved glycaemic control. An RCT has confirmed that tightglycaemic control helps to prevent long-term microvascular complications among youngpeople. 83 [evidence level Ib] Management strategies for children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> should therefore include early detection and ongoing treatment of microvascular andother complications.Long-term macrovascular complications (such as myocardial infarction resulting fromatherosclerosis) are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in adults with <strong>diabetes</strong>.Although large-vessel disease processes begin in childhood, macrovascular complications arenot chief concerns for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. However, screening forassociated risk factors may help to prevent severe long-term macrovascular complications.Dyslipidaemia and sustained hypertension are proxy surveillance measures for macrovasculardisease. In addition, smoking cessation and physical activity programmes should be promotedto further reduce the risk of macrovascular disease.104

Complications and associated conditionsRetinopathyYoung people with long-standing type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and/or poor glycaemic control are at risk ofdeveloping retinopathy. A cohort study of 937 patients aged 6–20 years found that 9% ofchildren under the age of 11 years had retinopathy (mean age 9.5 years, n = 110), whereas 29%of young people over the age of 11 years were found to have retinopathy (mean age 14.0 years,n = 827). The odds of developing retinopathy increased with increased duration of <strong>diabetes</strong> (OR1.22, 95% CI 1.16 to 1.29), increased age (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.21), and increased HbA 1clevels (OR 1.26, 95% CI 1.11 to 1.43). 536 [evidence level IIb] These findings were supported byresults of a study of 90 children and young people (mean age 14.7 years) attending an outpatientclinic in Wales, in which 14% of the children and young people developed retinopathy. 537[evidence level IIb] The children and young people who developed retinopathy attended theclinic less frequently than those who did not develop retinopathy (1.7 visits/year versus 2.9visits/year, p < 0.05).The NICE clinical guideline on the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in adults states that eyesurveillance should start at diagnosis in post-pubertal new onset patients. Screening shouldcontinue at 1-year intervals unless otherwise indicated, in which case referral to anophthalmologist is appropriate. 538 Digital retinal photography should be used for populationsurveillance, and tropicamide should used to achieve mydriasis for photography. Routine eyesurveillance should also include visual acuity testing.Evidence suggests that screening for retinopathy should be undertaken annually. 9,15,539–543[evidence level III–IV ] However, recommendations differ with respect to the age at which tostart screening. Several advisory panels, consensus groups and national recommendations havesuggested various retinal screening programmes (see Table 5.1).A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found that 87% of respondents indicated thatretinopathy screening was performed on an annual basis. Of those screening for retinopathy,31% reported screening all children, 59% reported screening patients over the age of 12 yearsand 40% reported screening if patients were over the age of 12 years or if they had had <strong>diabetes</strong>for more than 5 years. 18 [evidence level III]NephropathyEarly detection of microalbuminuria aims to minimise morbidity and mortality associated withnephropathy and end-stage renal failure in people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Accepted predictors ofnephropathy are elevated levels of timed urine albumin excretion rate, albumin:creatinine ratio,and albumin concentration. 546,547 [evidence level III] A population-based study in Oxfordestimated a 40% cumulative probability of developing microalbuminuria for children and youngpeople (< 16 years old) 11 years after diagnosis. 548 [evidence level IIb]A cohort study of 937 patients aged 6–20 years found that no children under the age of 11 yearshad an albumin excretion rate ≥ 20 g/min (mean age 9.5 years, n = 110), whereas 5% ofchildren over the age of 11 years had an albumin excretion rate ≥ 20 g/min (mean age 14.0,n = 827). The odds of developing an albumin excretion rate ≥ 20 g/min increased withincreased duration of <strong>diabetes</strong> (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.33) and increased age (OR 1.37, 95%CI 1.16 to 1.62). 536 [evidence level IIb] Similar results were obtained in a second study (age ofpatients not reported). 548 [evidence level IIb]Table 5.1 Guidance on the age at which to start retinal screeningWhen to start screeningEvidence levelAfter age 15 years, or 5 years after onset III–IV 539Age 12 years IV 9Age 11 years, 5 years after pre-pubertal onset, or 2 years after post-pubertal onset IV 15Age 12 years, or at post-pubertal onset IV 543Within 3–5 years of diagnosis in children and young people older than 9 years IV 5415 years after diagnosis if onset occurs before the age of 30 years IV 5445 years after onset but not before puberty unless otherwise indicated IV 542,545105

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>A consensus guideline has defined persistent microalbuminuria (two out of three successivesamples) in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> as follows: 15 [evidence level IV]• albumin excretion rate of 20–200 g/min in timed overnight collection• albumin excretion rate of 30–300 mg/24 hours in 24-hour collection• albumin:creatinine ratio of 2.5–25 mg/mmol (spot urine)• albumin:creatinine ratio of 30–300 mg/g (spot urine)• albumin concentration of 30–300 mg/l (early morning).Evidence-based and consensus guidelines have advised that annual nephropathy screeningshould be undertaken in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 9,15 [evidence level IV]Recommendations for screening methods include:• 24-hour albumin excretion rate• morning albumin:creatinine ratio testing• early morning urine albumin concentration• spot urine albumin:creatinine ratio• timed urine collection.Various times for starting microalbuminuria screening have been proposed:• 5 years after onset, or at the age of 11 years, or at puberty in the case of pre-pubertal onset 15• 2 years after onset of <strong>diabetes</strong> in the case of post-pubertal onset 15• at the age of 12 years. 9Clinically based reviews recommend annual timed urine albumin excretion rate screening to startat puberty or after having <strong>diabetes</strong> for 3–5 years, 539 or annual random microalbuminuria spotchecks (< 30 g/mg creatinine) and 24-hour collection (< 30 mg/24 hours). 540 [evidence level IV]A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found that 66% of respondents measured urinarymicroalbumin regularly at clinic, although 26% reported that this was limited to certain agegroups and/or durations of <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 163 respondents). 18 [evidence level III]The NICE clinical guideline for the management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in adults recommends thatall people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> bring in an annual first-passed morning urine specimen, whichwill be tested for an albumin:creatinine ratio. Abnormal results require repeat screening at eachclinic visit or every 3–4 months. Implications of detected abnormal albumin excretion ratesshould be discussed with children and young people and their families. 538Healthcare professionals should be made aware of other risk factors for microalbuminuria (elevatedblood pressure and smoking) and other causes of microalbuminuria (such as urinary tract infections,glomerulonephritis, menstrual bleeding and strenuous exercise). 15 [evidence level IV]Initial management and treatmentA consensus-based guideline has recommended that measures to prevent persistent microalbuminuria,such as optimal blood glucose control, smoking cessation, participation in physicalactivity, a low-protein diet and blood pressure control, should be promoted. 15 [evidence level IV]Adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and persistent, progressive microalbuminuria show improvementwhen treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. In young people with microalbuminuria,the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors may delay the onset ofnephropathy, but no evidence shows their usefulness in long-term protection. 15 [evidence levelIV] Previous guidelines have recommended that if persistent microalbuminuria is found, carefulconsideration be given before commencing treatment with angiotensin-converting enzymeinhibitors, together with appropriate monitoring of renal function because of potential adverseeffects. In addition, if hypertension is present and does not respond to angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors it should be treated appropriately.Blood pressureHypertension has been shown to be associated with retinopathy. 549,550 [evidence level III]Diastolic blood pressure has been shown to be associated with morphometric kidney abnormalities.551 [evidence level III]106

Complications and associated conditionsBlood pressure may be significantly elevated in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. An evidencebasedguideline stated that measurements should be taken annually, starting at the age of 12years. 9 [evidence level IV] A review of screening for complications in children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> recommended blood pressure screening every 3–6 months, but did notspecify a starting age. 539 [evidence level III-IV]LipidsWe found no robust evidence that examined lipid screening in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. However, three non-systematic reviews addressed blood lipid profile monitoring.A review article based on American and Canadian clinical practice recommendationsadvised that normal results of serum high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, totalcholesterol and triglyceride levels be checked within 6 months of diagnosis and retested at midpuberty.539 [evidence level III-IV] Abnormal results indicate screening for familial hyperlipidaemia.Arguments against global childhood cholesterol screening have been based on studies andclinical opinion. 552 [evidence level III–IV] Reasons against screening for lipids in children andyoung people are that management by diet carries additional burdens for children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families; screening in adulthood may be just as effective inpreventing cardiovascular events; and problems of adherence. Some of these considerations mayor may not be appropriate when considering screening in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>.Neuropathy (including foot care and peripheral vascular disease)Clinical neuropathy is rare in children and young people with good glycaemic control. 15[evidence level IV] A case–control study demonstrated that sub-clinical neuropathy, as measuredby vibration perception threshold at the medial malleolus and great toe, was significantly higherin 307 children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> compared with 232 children and young peoplewithout <strong>diabetes</strong>. 553 [evidence level III] We found no evidence to support routine screening forneuropathy in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Good foot hygiene should be a component of routine health care for all children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are advised to have annual footsurveillance consisting of inspection and examination, with educational and risk perceptionissues adequately addressed. Parents’ knowledge and education about foot care for theirchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> was shown to be poor by a small (n = 30) crosssectionalsurvey at a London clinic. 554 [evidence level III] The mean age of the children andyoung people was 11 years, and in most children and young people the diagnosis of <strong>diabetes</strong>had been made 4–6 years before the survey.Dental careGood dental hygiene should be a component of routine health care for all children and youngpeople. Studies have shown a higher prevalence of peridontitis among children and youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> compared with children and young people without <strong>diabetes</strong>. 555,556[evidence III–IV] Other studies have shown an association between poor glycaemic control(high HbA 1c ) and increased incidence of dental caries in children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. 557,558 [evidence level III] We found no evidence that determined the frequency ofroutine dental examinations for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. A consensusguideline has advised that regular dental examinations form an important part of general healthcare. 15 [evidence level IV]A non-systematic review of studies concerning oral hygiene in children and young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> recommended: regular plaque removal by a dentist twice a year; correct teeth brushingtwice a day; and maintenance of a healthy diet and glycaemic control. 559 [evidence level IV]A NICE guideline on recall intervals between routine dental examinations is planned forpublication in 2004.Growth and pubertyThe measurement of height and weight is an integral part of <strong>diabetes</strong> care. Children and young107

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>people with optimal blood glucose control will grow and develop normally. There is evidenceto suggest that obesity is an emerging problem in older children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>, particularly among females. 560,561 [evidence level III] An international survey of 2873children and young people found that females on four or more insulin injections/day had asignificantly higher body mass index than those on twice-daily insulin regimens (p < 0.01). 562[evidence level III]We found no RCTs that investigated growth and puberty among children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. However, one cohort study reported evidence of decreased linear growthassociated with HbA 1c levels above 16% (normalised change in growth rate after adjusting forage and sex –0.07 ± 0.03). 563 [evidence level IIb] The level of growth suppression was dependenton pubertal status.Several growth chart formats are available commercially and revised reference values for curvesof stature and weight for the UK were introduced in 1990. 564 [evidence level III]The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, particularly young women, were sensitive aboutbody weight and wanted weighing to be carried out in a private room. 38 [evidence level IV]RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered screening for:• coeliac disease at diagnosis• and at least every 3 years thereafter until transfer to adult services• thyroid disease at diagnosis and annually thereafter until transfer to adultservices• retinopathy annually from the age of 12 years• microalbuminuria annually from the age of 12 years• blood pressure annually from the age of 12 years.Routine screening for elevated blood lipid levels and/or neurological function is notrecommended for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered:• annual foot care reviews• investigation of the state of injection sites at each clinic visit.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should beinformed that, as for other children, regular dental examinations and eye examinations(every 2 years) are recommended.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have their height and weightmeasured and plotted on an appropriate growth chart and their body mass index calculatedat each clinic visit. The purpose of measuring and plotting height and weightand calculating body mass index is to check for normal growth and/or significantchanges in weight because these may reflect changing glycaemic control.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have their height and weightmeasured in a private room.The following complications, although rare, should be considered at clinic visits:• juvenile cataracts• necrobiosis lipoidica• Addison’s disease.CGPPCCCCCGPPCDGPPDGPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONFurther research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of screening for cardiovascular riskfactors in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.108

6. Psychological and socialissues6.1 Emotional and behavioural problemsAchieving good metabolic control through insulin injections, blood glucose and dietarymonitoring is the cornerstone of <strong>diabetes</strong> care in preventing both short- and long-termcomplications. However, optimal care requires appropriate attention to psychological andpsychosocial issues that also affect the management and care of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children andyoung people. Conditions such as depression, and eating, cognitive and behavioural disordersmay pre-date the onset of <strong>diabetes</strong> or present during the course of illness. There are additionalchallenges when <strong>diabetes</strong> develops in children and young people with pre-existing emotionaland psychological difficulties, such as severe conduct or attachment difficulties, autismspectrum disorder or family dysfunction. Identification and management of psychological andsocial issues related to chronic disease care and overall patient wellbeing are best addressed ina partnership between paediatric and child mental health services.Diagnosis of a chronic condition such as type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> may be accompanied by a period ofdenial followed by gradual acceptance during which feelings of grief, stress and difficulty incoping may be experienced. Questions pertinent to children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> and their families are whether the initial emotional response to diagnosis disappears,whether beneficial family dynamics exist (for example, family cohesion), and how age atdiagnosis affects children and young people and their families.Elements of family adaptation to chronic illness include the family system, a stressful eventrequiring adaptation, familial knowledge, skills and resources, and use of coping strategies. 565[evidence level IV]Elements of family environment and glycaemic control were investigated in children and youngpeople (age range 9–16 years) and their mothers. 566 [evidence level IIb] Children and youngpeople with the least open and expressive families (as reported by children and young peopleand their mothers) demonstrated a greater deterioration in glycaemic control (p ≤ 0.01 asreported by mothers and p ≤ 0.006 as reported by children and young people). Males from lesscohesive families and those with greater conflict showed a decline in HbA 1c levels over 4 yearscompared with females (p ≤ 0.01).We found one study that addressed the emotional difficulties children and young peopleexperienced in association with controlling <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 60, age range 9–18 years). 567 [evidencelevel III]A 10-year follow-up study measured the effect of <strong>diabetes</strong> on self-esteem in 57 children andyoung people with <strong>diabetes</strong> and 54 children and young people with acute illnesses. 568 [evidencelevel IIb–III] When controlled for sex and socio-economic status there was no difference in selfesteemscores between the children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> and children and youngpeople with acute illnesses after 10 years. However, significant differences in perceivedcompetence, global self-worth and sociability were reported (p ≤ 0.006).Two studies have investigated the wellbeing of parents of children and young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. A Swiss study of 38 children and young people revealed that 24% of mothers and22% of fathers had features of post-traumatic stress syndrome within 6 weeks of their child’sdiagnosis. 569 [evidence level III] Evidence for an indirect relationship between family support anddepressive symptoms in mothers of 52 children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (meanduration 2.7 years) was found in a predictive modelling study. 570 [evidence level III]109

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>In children under the age of 3 years who present with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> the high level ofdependence on their parents presents an increased psychosocial burden to the family. 571[evidence level III] Themes relating to stress, coping with the diagnosis, hospitalisations, andlong-term management adaptation were common among participating parents. Concerns fortheir own wellbeing (emotional responses and depression) were expressed.An evidence-based guideline reported that the following factors contributed to an increased riskof children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> developing psychological problems: 9[evidence level IV]• avoidance of coping strategies• increased responsibility given to the child• family dysfunction• non-effective communication between the family and health professionals• low socio-economic status• single parent families• maternal morbidity (particularly psychological morbidity).RECOMMENDATIONDiabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> have a greater risk of emotional and behavioural problems than otherchildren and young people.C6.2 Anxiety and depressionDepression is a collection of physical, cognitive, affective and attitudinal symptoms that canoften go unrecognised in the medically ill. Depression or depressive episodes could be the causeof, or result from, poor glycaemic control. Psychosocial factors may play a role in the occurrenceof depression when patients and their families become overwhelmed by the daily demands oftype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> management and care.PrevalenceIn 2000, the Office for National Statistics surveyed the prevalence of mental health problems inchildren and young people aged 5–15 years living in Great Britain: 5% had clinically significantconduct disorders and 4% suffered from emotional disorders (anxiety and depression). 572[evidence level III] In comparison, prevalence of depression among children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> ranged from two to three times that of young people without <strong>diabetes</strong>. 573Correlates of depression in this population may include age, duration of <strong>diabetes</strong> and sex.A cross-sectional study estimated that 14.5% of children and young people aged 9–18 years whohad had type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> for at least 2 years had suffered from depression. 574 [evidence level III]A cohort study conducted in the USA found increased rates of depression among 14–16 yearolds(25%) and among those who had <strong>diabetes</strong> for at least 10 years (23%), compared with anoverall rate of 15.4% among the 97 participants (aged 12–20 years) in the study. 575 [evidencelevel IIb] After 2 years of follow-up, 59% of the patients reported a depression rate of 10%. Thesepatients had significantly higher HbA1c levels than patients with no depression symproms(9.0 ± 0.85% versus 8.3 ± 1.4%, p = 0.03).Studies based on adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> have shown an association between poorglycaemic control and increased risk of depressive disorders. 576,577 [evidence levels III–IV]Evidence from a small (n = 16) descriptive study of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (age range15–18 years) demonstrated a positive correlation between social support and family emotionalhealth (r = 0.46, p < 0.05). 578 [evidence level III] Depression was positively correlated withdeteriorating glycaemic control (r = 0.51, p < 0.05), and 62.5% of participants reportedexperiencing moderate to high stress.110

Psychological and social issuesThese two studies recruited patients from hospital clinics and they used different cut-off scoresof the Children’s Depression Inventory (≥ 15 versus ≥13) to define depression. Although this testwas originally devised in Australia and has a small standardisation sample, it is widely used inchildhood depression studies.Another study prospectively followed 85 sequential admissions to a <strong>diabetes</strong> inpatient clinic for5 years. 579 [evidence level IIb] Patients were aged 8–13 years and 16% had a psychiatric disorderpredating the onset of <strong>diabetes</strong>. Major depressive disorder and/or dysthymia (milder depressivesymptoms with longer duration) were reported in 26.1% of the study population. The cumulativeprobability of any depression occurring during a 10-year period was 27.5%. Diagnosis ofdepression was based on the Interview Schedule for Children and Adolescents. Maternaldepression was also found to be a significant risk factor for depression in children and youngpeople (r = 0.97, p = 0.02). Maternal psychopathology was determined by the Beck DepressionInventory using a cut-off score of ≥ 16.The relationship betwen suicide ideation (suicidal thoughts) and attempted suicide with theoccurrence of depressive symptoms, anxiety and severity of illness at diagnosis has also beeninvestigated. 580 [evidence level IIb] Retrospective ascertainment of suicide ideation among 95inpatients aged 8–13 years yielded an overall prevalence of 21.1%. The initial prevelance ofsuicide ideation was 29.5% at study intake, and reached 46% during follow-up. Severity ofdepression was significantly related to a history of suicide ideation (p < 0.004), and those withsuicide ideation were less likely to adhere to insulin regimens than other children (p < 0.003).Time intervals between assessments varied across patients. The Interview Schedule for Childrenand Adolescents was used to measure outcomes.We found evidence that grief and anxiety related to a diagnosis of <strong>diabetes</strong> reported by childrenand young people was less marked than that reported by parents (p < 0.05). 581 [evidence levelIIb] Among children and young people aged ≥ 6 years, maternal stress and reaction increasedthe odds of poor metabolic control (OR 1.3, p < 0.01).A cross-sectional study found that increased HbA 1c at the time of interview was associated withincreased stress (rank correlation r = 0.554, p < 0.001) as perceived by the mother. Family socialsupport was not directly related to HbA 1c , but increased levels of support buffered the effects offamily-life stress. 582 [evidence level III]Methods of identifying depressionWe found no studies that compared methods of detecting depression or depressive episodes inchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Instruments used to identify depression are either symptom-based rating scales or diagnosticinterviews. The studies which examined prevalence of depression in children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> used several instruments to measure outcome: criteria based on theDiagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM III or IV), the Children’s Depression Inventory, the InterviewSchedule for Children and Adolescents, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the HamiltonDepression Rating Scale.Methods of managing depressionThe aim of <strong>diabetes</strong> management is to maintain glucose levels within the normal range, thuspreventing or reducing the severity of associated complications. Co-morbid depressivesymptoms or episodes in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> may exist, irrespectiveof glycaemic control, because of the demanding nature of <strong>diabetes</strong> management on theindividual and family.Methods of managing depression in adults with <strong>diabetes</strong> have included blood glucose awarenesstraining to improve mood, antidepressant medication (tricyclics and selective serotonin re-uptakeinhibitors), patient education and cognitive behavioural therapy. 583–585 [evidence level Ib–IIb] Anevidence-based guideline has recommended screening for depression among adults with<strong>diabetes</strong>, increased awareness among healthcare professionals, and the use of selective serotoninre-uptake inhibitors to treat adults with depression. 9 [evidence level IV] However, the Medicinesand Healthcare products Regulatory Agency recently advised that the antidepressants paroxetine111

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>and venlafaxine (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) should not be prescribed to peopleunder the age of 18 years; other modern antidepressants are not excluded.A systematic review investigated the effectiveness of tricyclic antidepressant use in children andyoung people without <strong>diabetes</strong>. 586 [evidence level Ia] Thirteen trials with a total of 506 childrenand young people were included. Compared with placebo, tricyclic antidepressants showed nooverall improvement (pooled OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.56 to 1.25, n = 454, for 9 studies). The OR foryoung people was 0.85 (95% CI 0.54 to 1.34), whereas the OR for children was 0.69 (95% CI0.25 to 1.89). These results indicate marginal evidence of an effect in young people, but not inthe treatment of pre-pubertal children. Given the adverse effects of tricyclic antidepressants(cardiotoxicity) and their potential for fatality in overdose, caution in prescribing is warranted,as is encouragement to seek help from a child mental health professional.We found no studies that measured the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy orantidepressant medication specifically for depression among children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. However, cognitive behavioural therapy in populations of depressed childrenand young people without <strong>diabetes</strong> (aged 8–19 years) has been shown to be effective. 587,588[evidence level Ia]In adults, successful treatment of depression includes changes in dietary and exercise habits; thiscould affect blood glucose monitoring and insulin injections in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. These potential interactions should be considered when choosing medicaltherapy for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 576 [evidence level IV]Suitable professionals to advise on managementWe found no studies that identified the specific type of healthcare professional for advisingchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> about managing depression.A consensus guideline has recommended training for <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams to aid in therecognition of, and counselling for, psychological problems. 15 [evidence level IV] The guidelinestates that overt psychological disorders should receive support not only from the <strong>diabetes</strong> careteam, but also from a child mental health professional who has been trained to advise childrenand young people and their families.A NICE guideline for the management of depression in children and young people is currentlyin preparation and will complement this guideline.RECOMMENDATIONSDiabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> may develop anxiety and/or depression, particularly when difficulties in selfmanagementarise in young people and children who have had type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> for along time.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have persistently poorglycaemic control should be offered screening for anxiety and depression.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and suspected anxiety and/ordepression should be referred promptly to child mental health professionals.BGPPGPP6.3 Eating disorders<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in association with eating disorders can cause acute subsequent long-termphysical complications. 589 [evidence level IV]A systematic review of case–control studies in young people and adults suggested that theprevalence of anorexia nervosa was not increased in people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>; however, thepower of the studies may be insufficient to rule out a higher prevalence. 590 [evidence level III]Patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and anorexia nervosa have an increased mortality rate comparedwith patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> alone (premature death OR 20.39, 95% CI 6.6 to 38.3,112

Psychological and social issuesp < 0.001, n = 510 young women with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and n = 658 young women without type1 <strong>diabetes</strong>). 591 [evidence level III]Bulimia nervosa is over-represented in people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. A systematic review ofcase–control studies of children, young people and female adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> comparedwith those without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> showed an increased prevalence of bulimia nervosa (OR3.12, 95% CI 1.24 to 7.9, p = 0.024, based on eight studies with n = 727 patients with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> and n = 1499 without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>), eating disorders not otherwise specified (OR 1.8,95% CI 1.3 to 2.7, p = 0.0009, based on seven studies with n = 686 patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>and n = 1457 without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>), and sub-threshold eating disorders (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3to 2.6, p = 0.0002, based on four studies with n = 542 patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and n = 1307without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>). 590 [evidence level III]The rate of bulimia nervosa, established by eating disorders inventory questionnaire, has beenshown by an observational study to be no higher in young women than young men with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> (age range 11–19 years, male mean rate of bulimia 0.7, SD 1.8, n = 65 versus femalemean 1.8, SD 3.3, n = 79, p < 0.16). 592 [evidence level III]Patients with <strong>diabetes</strong> may be tempted to restrict insulin intake in order to lose calories. Asystematic review of case–control studies in children, young people and adults showed thatomission or intentional under-dosing of insulin (so-called ‘insulin purging’) was increased inpatients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and eating disorders compared with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> alone (OR 2.6,95% CI 7.8 to 21.1, n = 171 patients with eating disorders and type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and n = 560patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> alone). Insulin purging leads to poor glycaemic control and anincreased risk of medical complications. 589 [evidence level IV] Another systematic review ofstudies involving young people and adults found an increased level of retinopathy in patientswith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and eating disorders compared with patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> alone (OR4.8, 95% CI 3.0 to 7.8, p < 0.00001, n = 171 patients with eating disorders and type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>and n = 560 patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> alone). 590 [evidence level III]A study in young people has shown an association between eating disorders and deterioratingglycaemic control. A multiple regression analysis showed an association between bulimia scoreand HbA 1c (regression coefficient = 0.19, t = 1.70, p = 0.09, n = 152). 592 [evidence level III]However, a second study involving adults found no significant difference in glycaemic controlbetween patients with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and eating disorders (n = 18) and patients with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> alone (n = 341). This may have been due to the small number of patients with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> and eating disorders. 593 [evidence level III]The co-existence of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and eating disorders presents challenges not only forphysical management but also for psychological treatment. One of the goals of cognitivebehavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa is to relax control over eating and this can conflict withthe nutritional advice given to people with <strong>diabetes</strong>. 594 [evidence level III] On the other hand itis most important that these patients are helped to overcome their eating disorders, given theassociated physical complications. 589 [evidence level IV]An RCT compared psycho-education with ‘standard care’ for people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> andbulimia nervosa. Eighty-five young women who attended a paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> clinic and whoshowed evidence of disturbed eating attitudes or behaviour were randomised to psychoeducationor standard care (aged 12–19 years). Assessments were conducted before and aftertreatment, and after 6 months of follow-up. An intention-to-treat, group by time multivariateanalysis of variance indicated significant reductions following psycho-education on the Restraintand Eating Concern subscale of the Eating Disorder Examination, and on the Drive for Thinnessand Body Dissatisfaction subscales of the Eating Disorder Inventory, but no improvement infrequency of purging by insulin omission (mean 2.0, SD 5.0 insulin omission days at baselineand mean 1.3, SD 5.6 at 6 months follow-up) or HbA 1c levels (mean at baseline 9.2%, SD 1.6%and 9.3%, SD 1.7% at 6 months follow-up). Psycho-education was associated with a reductionin eating disturbance, but not with improved metabolic control. 595 [evidence level Ib]A recently published NICE guideline on eating disorders complements this guideline. 589113

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>SummaryYoung women with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> have an increased risk of bulimia nervosa and other eatingdisorders, and poor adherence to insulin treatment is common. The co-existence of type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> and eating disorders complicates psychological interventions. Psycho-education mayhave a limited benefit on eating disorder symptoms, but not on glycaemic control. In themanagement of people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and bulimia nervosa, close liaison and a sharedknowledge-base between the eating disorder and <strong>diabetes</strong> teams is essential. 589 [evidence levelIV]RECOMMENDATIONSDiabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>, in particular young women, have an increased risk of eating disorders.Diabetes care teams should be aware that children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> who have eating disorders may have associated problems of persistenthyperglycaemia, recurrent hypoglycaemia, and/or symptoms associated with gastricparesis.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in whom eating disorders areidentified by their <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should be offered joint management involvingtheir <strong>diabetes</strong> care team and child mental health professionals.CCGPP6.4 Cognitive disordersPatient-related characteristics and fluctuations in glycaemic control may cause cognitiveimpairment in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Some studies have shown thatsubtle neurocognitive dysfunction may occur if <strong>diabetes</strong> onset occurs before the age of 5 years,or if a child suffers from hypoglycaemia-induced seizures. 596–600 [evidence level IIb–III]A case–control study compared academic achievement in children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>(n = 244, mean age 14.8 ± 3.2 years), a sibling control group (n = 110) and a matched classmatecontrol group (n = 209). 601 [evidence level III] The study found that current academicperformance among children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> was at least as good asthose among siblings and matched classmates. Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>performed better than their siblings on mathematics (mean standardised achievement score115.0 versus 111.1, p < 0.02) and reading, language and mathematics combined (meanstandardised achievement score 113.9 versus 110.5, p < 0.04) and better than their matchedclassmates on reading (mean standardised achievement score 108.9 versus 106.8, p < 0.04). Thestudy found lower achievement in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who hadpoor metabolic control than those with average control. 602 [evidence level III] Socio-economicstatus and parent-reported ratings of behavioural problems were correlated with academicachievement, whereas HbA 1c levels, hospitalisations for hypoglycaemia and hospitalisations forhyperglycaemia were not strong predictors of academic achievement.Evidence from an early cross-sectional study showed that median intelligence quotient (IQ)scores were significantly lower among children and young people with early onset of <strong>diabetes</strong>(age < 7 years) and a longer duration (≥ 5 years) of <strong>diabetes</strong> (p < 0.05). 596 [evidence level III]An Oxford-based study compared cognitive processing and mood among 29 children and youngpeople who suffered from one nocturnal hypoglycaemic episode. 603 [evidence level III] Nosignificant differences in cognitive processing were found among the 17 children and youngpeople who experienced one night with hypoglycaemia and one night without. However,median scores for mood (Children’s Depression Inventory) were higher after one night ofhypoglycaemia (median 5, range 2 to 8.5 versus median 3, range 1.5 to 6.5, p = 0.03).A Finnish study found significantly lower scores for phonological and memory processes inchildren with a history of hypoglycaemia compared with children with no history ofhypoglycaemia (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively). Scores relating to attention processes weresignificantly lower in children who did not experience hypoglycaemia (p < 0.05). However,114

Psychological and social issuesmultiple comparisons were made between children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and at least oneepisode of severe hypoglycaemia (n = 11), children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, but no history ofhypoglycaemia (n = 10), and children without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 10). 599 [evidence level III]The studies conducted in Oxford and Finland produced conflicting results. Both studies weresmall, and the sources of children for comparison were children of hospital staff orfriends/siblings of children with a history of hypoglycaemia. Also, ORs were not estimated, andcomparisons were made within groups of children with a history of hypoglycaemia, rather thanbetween these groups and the children with no history of hypoglycaemia.The DCCT examined the cognitive abilities of patients who had no hypoglycaemic episodescompared with patients who had five or more hypoglycaemic episodes since the start of thestudy. No significant difference was seen in the cognitive score for general ability, or in separatecognitive scores for spatial ability, processing speed, verbal ability, memory and finger tapping. 604[evidence level III]A case–control study in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found no associationbetween severe hypoglycaemia and cognitive function (n = 142, age range 6–15 years). 605[evidence level III]A case–control study in California in children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 55, age range 5–10 years)found no association between neurocognitive test scores and hypoglycaemia, but subjects witha history of hypoglycaemic seizures had lower scores on tests assessing memory skills, includingshort-term memory (p < 0.03). 606 [evidence level III]A case–control study in Norway compared children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>(n = 15, age range 9–16 years) to healthy children and young people matched for age, genderand social background. The study found no difference in cognitive performance between thetwo groups. However, among children and young people who had experienced an episode ofsevere hypoglycaemia, those with onset of <strong>diabetes</strong> before the age of 5 years had lowerpsychomotor efficiency scores than those with onset of <strong>diabetes</strong> after the age of 5 years. 607[evidence level III]A case–control study in Indianapolis of children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (n = 23, age 5.9 ± 1.8 years)found no association between hypoglycaemia and results of the Stanford–Binet IntelligenceScale. However, the relative frequency of asymptomatic hypoglycaemia correlated with scoreson the abstract/visual reasoning scale. 608 [evidence level III]A cross-sectional study of 28 children and young people (mean age 12.6 years) examined ageat onset of <strong>diabetes</strong>, duration of <strong>diabetes</strong> and metabolic control in relation to cognitivefunction. 597 [evidence level III] Increasing chronological age was associated with decreasing fullscaleIQ (p < 0.004), arithmetic and verbal fluency (p < 0.005), and block design (p < 0.01),implying that longer duration of <strong>diabetes</strong> carried an increased risk of cognitive dysfunction.Vocabulary aspects of cognition were found to differ significantly between diagnosis and 1-yearfollow-up among 63 children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> (mean age 7.3 years, p < 0.05). 609[evidence level IIb–III] Two years after the onset of <strong>diabetes</strong>, 116 children and young peopleaged 3–14 years showed significantly lower scores in vocabulary (p < 0.01), block design(p < 0.05), auditory verbal learning (p < 0.01) and speed of processing tasks (p < 0.05) comparedwith 112 children and young people without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 610 [evidence level IIb–III] Theseresults suggest that smaller cognitive developmental gains occur in children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Verbal IQ, adjusted for age, declined significantly among 16 children who experiencedhypoglycaemic seizures (67%) compared with those who did not (14%). 598 [evidence levelIIb–III] Children with a history of seizures also scored significantly lower than children withouttype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in cognitive aspects of perception, fine motor skills, visuomotor, visual memoryand attention (p < 0.01). Deterioration in age-adjusted verbal IQ over the first 7 years of <strong>diabetes</strong>was not associated with hyperglycaemia, early age at onset or family background factors.A small crossover RCT assessed the effects of hyperglycaemia on cognitive function. 611 [evidencelevel Ib] Twelve children and young people (mean age 12.4 years) were randomised to aeuglycaemic state and then to a hyperglycaemic state with a 6-month interval. Two-thirds of the115

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>children and young people showed a decrease in IQ performance while they were hyperglycaemic(p < 0.05).We found no studies that examined the risks of diabetic ketoacidosis on cognitive function inchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.RECOMMENDATIONSParents of pre-school children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be informed that persistenthypoglycaemia, in particular in association with seizures, is associated with a smallbut definite risk of long-term neurocognitive dysfunction.Diabetes care teams should consider referring children and young people with type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have frequent hypoglycaemia and/or recurrent seizures forassessment of cognitive function, particularly if these occur at a young age.CGPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONFurther research is needed to evaluate the effects of persistent hypoglycaemia and recurrentdiabetic ketoacidosis on neurocognitive function.6.5 Behavioural and conduct disordersIn 2000, the Office for National Statistics surveyed the prevalence of mental health problems inchildren and young people aged 5–15 years living in Great Britain: 5% had clinically significantconduct disorders. 572 [evidence level III] Conduct disorders commonly present as oppositionaldefiantdisorders in younger children and are far more common in males than females.Behavioural and conduct disorders can, therefore, influence the effectiveness of <strong>diabetes</strong> care inchildren and young people. Evidence from case–control studies suggests that children andyoung people with <strong>diabetes</strong> have more parent-reported behavioural problems compared withchildren and young people of the same age and sex without <strong>diabetes</strong>. 612–614 [evidence level III]Negative events and acting-out were associated with developing <strong>diabetes</strong> among 67 childrenand young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> and 61 children and young people without <strong>diabetes</strong> under theage of 15 years. Interviews were conducted with parents 2 months after initial diagnosis, a timewhen children and young people and their families are coming to terms with the diagnosis andits ramifications on lifestyle. 612 [evidence level III]There is a need for parents and healthcare professionals to distinguish whether an increasedprevalence of behaviour disorders in this population is evident and establish whether optimal<strong>diabetes</strong> care is compromised. Identifying precipitating factors for behavioural disturbances mayhelp to prevent complications such as hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. However, it isdifficult to determine whether higher levels of attention problems and aggressive and delinquentbehaviour are predictive of higher levels of HbA 1c or vice versa.A survey of 28 children and young people, their mothers and teachers found that children andyoung people with better glycaemic control made significantly more internal, stable and globalattributions for negative events, even when controlled for age and sex. According to theirteachers, children and young people with later onset of <strong>diabetes</strong> experienced more externalisingbehavioural symptoms (p < 0.001). 615 [evidence level III]Another study in which 70 children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were compared with70 children and young people without type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found no differences in teacher-reportedbehaviour. 616 [evidence level III] However, significantly more children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were at least 2 years behind chronological age in reading ability (p < 0.01).Children and young people hospitalised with recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis (n = 25) sufferedmore from anxiety, affective and disruptive behaviour disorders (attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder and conduct disorder) compared with 25 children and young people without recurrentdiabetic ketoacidosis (p < 0.001). The children and young people with diabetic ketoacidosiswere in poor control at diagnosis and at study entry as reflected by mean number of hospitaladmissions and emergency hospital visits (p < 0.001). 614 [evidence level III]116

Psychological and social issuesA survey of 231 young people aged 11–18 years attending treatment centres found that thosewith self-reported attention problems were more likely to have HbA 1c levels > 9% (OR 2.3, 95%CI 1.2 to 4.3, p < 0.01). 617 [evidence level III] A combination of aggressive and delinquentbehaviour was also more likely to occur in those with elevated glycosylated haemoglobin levels(OR 2.41, 95% CI 1.35 to 4.30, p < 0.003).We found no studies that directly assessed the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improvingbehavioural disorders in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Difficulties arise inconducting and interpreting studies that assess the relationship between conduct andbehavioural disorders and type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Research is often conducted after children and youngpeople and their families have been living with <strong>diabetes</strong>, and this could influence theirperception and recall of events.RECOMMENDATIONChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have behavioural or conductdisorders, and their families, should be offered access to appropriate mental healthprofessionals.GPP6.6 Non-adherenceDiabetes care encompasses a complex regimen of insulin administration, blood glucosemonitoring, diet and lifestyle changes. Studies have assessed non-adherence by self-reports fromchildren and young people and their parents by surrogate markers such as HbA 1c and fastingblood glucose levels. Factors such as age, family structure, education and personality traits canaffect various domains of non-adherence in children with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 618 Adherence toinsulin therapy is affected less than adherence to self-monitoring of blood glucose and dietarymanagement. 619–621 [evidence level III]Adherence to <strong>diabetes</strong> care is good in children and young people aged 6–12 years. 622 [evidencelevel IIb] Cohort studies have found that young people are less likely to comply with prescribedcare, with associated poor glycaemic control. 501,622–624 [evidence level IIb] A study in Scotlandfound that people aged 10–20 years had significantly higher levels of HbA 1c (p = 0.01) and loweradherence to insulin (p < 0.001) compared with children aged < 10 years and young adults aged> 20 years (n = 89). 501 [evidence level IIb] Diabetic ketoacidosis was strongly associated withpoor long-term adherence to insulin therapy. 501 [evidence level IIb]Aspects of family functioning are associated with the level of adherence to treatment by childrenand young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents. One study that investigated adherence,cohesion and adaptability in families compared 150 children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> aged 7–13 years and their parents with children and young people without type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents. More of the families with a child or young person with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> showed disengagement with low levels of cohesion than did families with no child oryoung person with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (p < 0.05). Families with a child or young person with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> had more rigid family functioning with low levels of adaptability than families with nochild or young person with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (p < 0.0001). 625 [evidence level III] Familyadaptability in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> was positively correlated withthe parents’ educational level (mother, r = 0.37, p < 0.001; father, r = 0.24, p < 0.01). Lowerfamily cohesion scores correlated with parents’ adherence to diet (r = 0.19, p < 0.05) andepisodes of hypoglycaemia (p < 0.01). 625 [evidence level III]Higher levels of education in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and parents of children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are associated with improved adherence. 625,626 [evidence levelIIb–III]Characteristics of personality, such as motivation, attitudes and self-efficacy, have been shownto influence adherence. 627,628 [evidence level III] Motivation can be improved by support andencouragement from parents. Perceptions of parental and healthcare professionals’ actions inrelation to adherence have also been investigated. 629 [evidence level III]117

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>A theoretical model of adherence to therapy based on interviews with 51 young people andobserved behaviour in 18 of the participants revealed that motivation, results of care, a sense ofnormality, adequate energy and willpower for care were attributes that could improveadherence. 630 [evidence level III]We found no systematic reviews that examined methods of improving adherence in children andyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. Studies have investigated interventions such as hypnosis,goal setting, and behavioural and educational programmes that aim to reduce nonadherence.631,632 A quasi-experimental study evaluated the effects of a behavioural programmeaimed at improving adherence and stress management in 37 young people; no effect on diet,exercise or blood glucose monitoring was found between young people who took part in thebehavioural programme and those who did not. 633 [evidence level IIb]Brittle <strong>diabetes</strong>The term ‘brittle <strong>diabetes</strong>’ has been used to describe people who present with frequent episodesof diabetic ketoacidosis over a relatively short time, often with poor glycaemic control andfrequently hypoglycaemic. Brittle <strong>diabetes</strong> is very often, but not exclusively, seen in youngwomen with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. There is a high degree of covert disruption of <strong>diabetes</strong>management, underpinned by specific psychological and psychiatric problems.Two studies that related to insulin misuse in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found that insulinmisuse occurred in combination with psychiatric disorders. One case study described a youngperson who injected extra doses of short-acting insulin several times per day to inducehypoglycaemia. 634 [evidence level IV] A second case series identified six young people takingadditional insulin: this was believed to represent suicidal behaviour in two patients, and torepresent symptom substitution in the other patients when other health-threatening behavioursuch as recurrent ketoacidosis was made increasingly difficult through appropriateintervention. 635 [evidence level IV]RECOMMENDATIONSNon-adherence to therapy should be considered in children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who have poor glycaemic control, especially in adolescence.Non-adherence to therapy should be considered in children and young people withestablished type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who present with diabetic ketoacidosis, especially if thediabetic ketoacidosis is recurrent.Young people with ‘brittle <strong>diabetes</strong>’ (that is, those who present with frequent episodesof diabetic ketoacidosis over a relatively short time) should have their emotional andpsychological wellbeing assessed.The issue of non-adherence to therapy should be raised with children and youngpeople and their families in a sensitive manner.BBGPPGPP6.7 Psychosocial supportGiven that psychological and social issues have a substantial influence on acceptance of, copingwith and outcome of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people and their families, explicitpsychological components of management to support the acceptance of therapy have beeninvestigated.A recent UK systematic review identified a lack of good-quality evidence on the effectiveness ofstructured behavioural support for young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>; the limited amount ofevidence that was available was drawn from studies conducted in the USA. The reviewhighlighted the following issues. 72 [evidence level Ia]• Educational and psychosocial interventions have small to medium beneficial effects onvarious <strong>diabetes</strong> management outcomes.118

Psychological and social issues• Interventions are more likely to be effective if they show the interdependence of the differentaspects of <strong>diabetes</strong> management, and interventions should be evaluated by assessingoutcomes that the intervention is specifically designed to change.• There is no systematic understanding of whether interventions should be targeted (forexample, modified for different disease stages, different types of <strong>diabetes</strong> managementproblems, or the different age groups subsumed by adolescence).A 1998 survey of consultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> aged under 16 years in the UK found that just over 25% reported that there was someform of ‘counsellor’ regularly attending the children’s <strong>diabetes</strong> clinic (n = 17 192 children andyoung people). 18 [evidence level III] Most of the counsellors were psychologists (75.8%), withother clinics supported by psychiatrists (11.3%), nurse therapists (6.5%) or other counsellors(6.5%) such as psychotherapists.The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that the parents of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> felt that there should be easy accessto psychology services and suggested that paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should include apsychologist. 38 [evidence level IV]Associations between support and <strong>diabetes</strong> outcomesAn evidence-based guideline for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> advised regularassessment for psychological problems and recommended cognitive coping strategies for<strong>diabetes</strong>-specific problems. 9 [evidence level IV]Seventy-four young people (mean age 15.2 years) were surveyed about various psychosocialaspects of dealing with <strong>diabetes</strong>. 636 [evidence level III] Perceived impact of <strong>diabetes</strong> and peersupport were significant predictors of depression (p < 0.002 and p < 0.02, respectively). Familysupport was significantly associated with all self-management measures (p < 0.05) and perceivedefficacy of control-mediated dietary self-management (p < 0.001). After 6 months of follow-up(70% of the original sample), young women reported higher levels of depression and anxiety(p < 0.02 and p < 0.001), and more peer support (p < 0.05) than young men. 637These gender differences are supported by an observational study of 74 young people (mean age14.2 years). 638 Young women reported more emotional support and support for blood glucosemonitoring from peers than did young men (p < 0.01). When controlled for age, support fromfriends was related to adherence to blood glucose monitoring (p < 0.0001).A descriptive study asked 13 families of children and young people with newly diagnosed type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> about the psychology service offered and whether it met the demands and needs ofchildren and young people and their parents. 639 [evidence level III] Two families indicated apositive need for a psychology service, while the rest of the sample expressed reluctance inseeking and receiving psychological support. This reluctance might reflect a perceived stigmaassociated with receiving psychological support.Psychosocial interventions to enhance supportGeneral behavioural interventionsA systematic review of 18 behavioural interventions (education or skills training) compared withstandard care found that theoretical behavioural interventions had a small to moderatebeneficial effect (effect size 0.47 ± 0.60) in improving psychosocial, self-management andmetabolic outcomes. 640 [evidence level Ia–IIa]More specifically, an RCT has shown a beneficial effect of coping skills training combined withintensive insulin therapy compared with intensive insulin therapy regimen alone on quality oflife, coping with <strong>diabetes</strong>, wellbeing and monthly HbA 1c in people aged 12–20 years. Outcomeswere measured at study entry and after 3, 6 and 12 months of follow-up (n = 65, 77 and 75,respectively). 641–643 [evidence level Ib] Coping skills training aimed to retrain inappropriate ornon-constructive coping styles and form more positive behaviour patterns. Over a 12-monthperiod, intensive insulin therapy improved glycaemic control (p < 0.01). Intensive therapycombined with coping skills training, however, was more effective than intensive therapy alone(HbA 1c at 12 months: 7.5% versus 8.5%, p = 0.011).119

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Another RCT compared the effectiveness of behavioural family systems therapy (n = 38) with aneducation and support group (n = 40) and a control group of current therapy (n = 41) in youngpeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families. 644,645 [evidence level Ib] Metabolic control,parent–adolescent relationship, parent–child conflict and teen adjustment to <strong>diabetes</strong> wereassessed at study entry and after 3, 6 and 12 months of follow-up (n = 119 families). Baselinedifferences in family structure were evident between groups and 73% of the participants hadHbA 1c levels above 10%. 644 [evidence level Ib] After receiving behavioural family systems therapy,education and support, or current therapy for 3 months, there was evidence of a significant effectfor all groups on mean change in family composite scores (overt conflict and skills deficits) inparent–adolescent relationship assessment. Composite scores favoured behavioural familysystems therapy recipients in decreasing <strong>diabetes</strong>-specific conflict between children and youngpeople and their parents (p = 0.05). Total HbA 1c values increased significantly over the studyperiod for all groups (p < 0.05). The behavioural family systems therapy group had a lastingimprovement in the extreme beliefs scale of parent–adolescent relationship (p < 0.01), while overtconflict and skills deficits between parents and teenagers showed improvement for thebehavioural family systems therapy group compared with the current therapy group posttreatment(p < 0.03) and at 6 months follow-up (p < 0.05). Composite behavioural family systemstherapy scores in parent–child conflict measurement differed from the other groups at posttreatment(p < 0.04) and 6 months (p < 0.05). This difference only remained when compared withthe current therapy group (p < 0.05) at 12 months follow-up. There were no significant betweengroupdifferences for teenagers’ adjustment to <strong>diabetes</strong> outcomes.Family supportA consensus-based guideline has stated that the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team or a healthcare professionaltrained in child/family therapy should provide support for explicit psychological problems orpsychiatric disorders among young patients or their family members. 15 [evidence level IV] Anevidence-based guideline has encouraged parental support and family communication, withpsychological intervention targeting family disruption and stress. 9 [evidence level IV]RCTs have studied interventions employed to improve outcomes associated with the disruptiveeffects that <strong>diabetes</strong> has on family life. Interventions that have been tested include family-tofamilynetworks, community-based family support, behavioural family systems therapy,teamwork intervention, attention control, education and support groups. Outcome measuresthat have been studied are glycaemic control, <strong>diabetes</strong>-related conflict, parental involvement inmanagement, children’s and young people’s adjustment to <strong>diabetes</strong> care, and parents’ anxietylevels. 646–649Families participating in an attention control and teamwork group trial (n = 57) reported a greaterdecrease in <strong>diabetes</strong>-specific conflict than did recipients of standard care (n = 24) after 24months of follow-up (p < 0.03). 646 [evidence level Ib] However, glycaemic control was notimproved significantly in the intervention group (p < 0.07). The intervention group had lessparental involvement in the administration of insulin (p < 0.03).Young people and their families reporting conflict were randomised into a behavioural familysystems therapy group (n = 39), an education/support group (n = 40), or a control group (n = 40).Diabetes conflict scores decreased more in mothers whose children received behavioural familysystems therapy compared with other groups (p < 0.05). However, there were no significantchanges in <strong>diabetes</strong> conflict scores in any of the treatment groups. 647 [evidence level Ib]Mothers of chronically ill children (aged 7–11 years, 40% of whom had type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>) wererandomised into a community-based family support group (n = 73) or a control group (n = 66) toexamine changes in their wellbeing over 15 months. 648 [evidence level Ib] Community-basedfamily support improved wellbeing in mothers with elevated baseline anxiety and poor healthstatus (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01). Community-based family support reduced maladjustment scoresin the children from 19% to 10%, whereas maladjustment scores increased from 15% to 21%in the control group. However, community-based family support had no effect on children’sanxiety, depression, or self-esteem.A cohort study examined the effectiveness of 10 half-hour sessions of home-based behaviouralfamily systems therapy on general psychological functioning of young people, familyfunctioning, and mothers’ <strong>diabetes</strong>-associated conflict scores. 650 [evidence level IIb] Inclusion120

Psychological and social issuescriteria for participants were a history of two or more missed clinic appointments andchronically poor metabolic control. This small study (n = 18, age range 13–18 years) foundsignificant improvements in psychological and family functioning.An observational study described helpful and non-helpful forms of support as reported by 16young people (age range 11–18 years) and their parents. 651 [evidence level III] Parents definedresponses of helpful support as directive guidance, non-directive support, positive socialinteraction and forms of physical assistance. Young people described helpful support as thatwhich related to parents giving or not giving tangible assistance and non-helpful support asdirective guidance.Peer supportSocial support systems aim to foster positive and informed health-related choices for youngpeople with chronic conditions. A narrative review examined 32 studies that assessed the typesof social support used to enhance metabolic control in young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. 652[evidence level IV] The types of support were qualitative family support (18 studies), regimenspecificsupport (11 studies), sibling and peer support (6 studies), and communication (2 studies).An RCT aimed at improving adolescent <strong>diabetes</strong> management by implementingmentoring/sponsorship programmes for young people aged 12–16 years consisted of a range ofsocial and educational activities (n = 54). The young people were randomised to receive bimonthlycontact from adult mentors with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> or no mentoring. 653 [evidence level Ib]Young people with mentors were less likely to agree with statements such as ‘I wish I didn’t have<strong>diabetes</strong>’ and demonstrated significant increases in self-esteem in relation to social acceptanceand romantic appeal (p < 0.05). Mean glycosylated haemoglobin levels decreased in youngpeople with mentors compared with those without. 653 [evidence level Ib]The effect on glycaemic control of self-monitoring of blood glucose supported by problemsolving was assessed in an RCT: 30 young people (aged 11–14 years) with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> whoreceived the problem solving support were compared with 30 young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>who did not receive the problem solving support. 654 [evidence level Ib] HbA 1 levels followedover 18 months were lower in the intervention group than in the control group (10.1 ± 2.0%versus 11.0 ± 2.3%, p = 0.04). The intervention group used self-monitored blood glucosemeasurements more often when exercising than the young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who didnot receive the problem solving support (60.0% versus 33.3%, p = 0.04).Home-based intervention was assessed in 21 children and young people (age range 8–17 years)over 15 months. 655 [evidence level IIb] Children and young people in the intervention groupchose three people from their family, peers, neighbourhood or school to participate in a supportscheme. Children and young people with lower glycaemic levels received more support fromteam peers (r = –0.50, p < 0.05). Perceptions of peer support were not correlated with glycaemiccontrol, self-reported adherence, or the number of support team peers participating in theintervention.Another study paired 21 young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> with their best friends and invited them toattend a 4-week intervention programme. 656 [evidence level IIb] The study reported higher levelsof <strong>diabetes</strong> knowledge and support (p < 0.0001) and a higher ratio of peer-to-family support(p < 0.05) compared with pre-intervention measurements. Friends reported improved selfperceptionpost-intervention (p < 0.0001), and parents reported a decrease in <strong>diabetes</strong>-relatedconflict at home (p < 0.05). Peers provided more support than family members.RECOMMENDATIONSDiabetes care teams should be aware that poor psychosocial support has a negativeimpact on a variety of outcomes of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people,including glycaemic control and self-esteem.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, especially young people using multipledaily injection regimens, should be offered structured behavioural intervention strategiesbecause these may improve psychological wellbeing and glycaemic control.CA121

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered specific support strategies, suchas mentoring and self-monitoring of blood glucose levels supported by problemsolving, to improve their self-esteem and glycaemic control.Families of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered specificsupport strategies (such as behavioural family systems therapy) to reduce <strong>diabetes</strong>relatedconflict between family members.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredtimely and ongoing access to mental health professionals because they mayexperience psychological disturbances (such as anxiety, depression, behavioural andconduct disorders and family conflict) that can impact on the management of<strong>diabetes</strong> and wellbeing.Diabetes care teams should have appropriate access to mental health professionals tosupport them in the assessment of psychological dysfunction and the delivery ofpsychosocial support.AAGPPGPP6.8 AdolescenceAdolescence is a major period of change physically, emotionally and socially. The hormonalchanges associated with puberty will tend to increase insulin resistance and therefore changesto the diet and insulin treatment may be appropriate.Young people cope with the demands of <strong>diabetes</strong> care and management differently fromchildren who are still dependent on parental aid. The teenage years are a time when youngpeople struggle for independence from their caregivers and worry about gaining acceptancefrom their peers, whilst trying to construct a new identity. There is a need to assist young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in maintaining a sense of competence and self-esteem and to providereassurance that they have not lost control of their life or body during this critical period ofchange. 657Major risks to young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> include persistent or progressively worseglycaemic control, risk-taking behaviour, recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis, acceleratedmicrovascular complications, and failure to attend clinic while shifting to adult-based care. 15[evidence level IV]The management aims of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are many and include themaintenance of blood glucose levels, normal growth and development, normal lifestyle and theprevention or minimisation of chronic complications. 658Young people aged 11–18 years were interviewed about the effects of psychological status,behaviour and self-esteem on glycaemic control; this was repeated about 8 years later (n = 73). 659[evidence level IIb] Behavioural problems in adolescence were significantly associated withhigher mean HbA 1c levels in the subsequent 8 years (regression coefficient = 0.15, 95% CI 0.07to 0.24), but not to emotional state (= 0.06, 95% CI –0.002 to 0.13). Recurrent admission fordiabetic ketoacidosis was a significant predictor of psychological state at follow-up (t = 4.4, 95%CI 0.4 to 1.1).An intervention study randomised 53 young people into a control group or a 6-week problemsolving <strong>diabetes</strong> education programme to examine the effect on behaviour and glycaemiccontrol. 660 [evidence level Ib] No significant differences were found between the groups 6months later.A small RCT (n = 14) of young people with HbA 1c levels > 9.0% randomised participants tostandard care or stress management training. 661 [evidence level Ib] Outcomes reported werestress, anxiety, use of coping strategies and glycaemic control. No significant differences werefound between the two groups, but differences were detected within the intervention group. Acontrolled treatment outcome study of 19 patients produced similar results. 662 [evidence levelIIa]122

Psychological and social issuesWhen 27 young people were stratified by level of glycaemic control (good, fair or poor), nodifferences in anxiety or stress were found between groups. Coping mechanisms differedbetween groups: young people with poor control (mean HbA 1c 13.3%) used more wishfulthinking (p < 0.01) and avoidance/help-seeking measures (p < 0.03) than did those with goodcontrol (mean HbA 1c 8.4%). 663 [evidence level III] Good adherence to insulin regimen waspredicted by high family knowledge about type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, positive family relations and youngerage at adolescence. 664 [evidence level III]A cohort of 42 children and young people (mean age 12.9 years) was followed over 4 years toexamine whether pubertal development had an effect on family environment and adjustment to<strong>diabetes</strong>. 665 [evidence level IIb–III] Overall adjustment to <strong>diabetes</strong> was correlated with familycohesion (r = 0.38, p < 0.01). Pre-pubertal young people had higher correlations for familycohesion factors with respect to overall adjustment, peer relations (p = 0.008), attitude to<strong>diabetes</strong> (p = 0.03), and body image concerns (p = 0.05) when compared with other youngpeople.In summary, an extensive literature has described the association of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in childrenand young people and abnormal psychological outcome and social dysfunction. Limitedspecific behavioural intervention strategies appear to improve psychological wellbeing andglycaemic control, particularly in young people using intensive insulin regimens. However,further evidence on the effectiveness of psychological and social interventions is required in theUK.Other aspects of care that may impact on <strong>diabetes</strong> management in young people are discussedin Section 7.2 (transition from paediatric to adult care).RECOMMENDATIONDiabetes care teams should be aware that adolescence can be a period of worseningglycaemic control, which may in part be due to non-adherence to therapy.BRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONFurther studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioural and social interventionson anxiety and depression, eating disorders, behavioural and conduct disorders, and adherenceto therapy in children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, especially in adolescence, fromdiagnosis and in established <strong>diabetes</strong>.123

7. Continuity of care7.1 Communication between organisationsEducation and care institutionsIt is important that children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> receive appropriate care at schools,crèches and nurseries. To be able to give appropriate care, staff members need an appropriatelevel of <strong>diabetes</strong> education, and this should be relevant to activities that take place on thepremises as well as those associated with participation in school trips and camps.A study of 85 Manchester teachers who had some contact with children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> found that only 39% had adequate knowledge of <strong>diabetes</strong>. In primary school teachers,the main source of information was parents of children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Secondary school teachers received information on <strong>diabetes</strong> from a wider variety of sources,including radio, television, other school staff, teaching literature, newspapers and magazines. 666[evidence level III] A study in Liverpool with 97 teachers of children and young people with<strong>diabetes</strong> completed an 18-item yes/no format questionnaire of factual information, but withoutstatistical validation of results. 667 [evidence level III] A third study used a multiple-choicequestionnaire to assess school personnel’s knowledge of <strong>diabetes</strong>, although the tool was notvalidated statistically and several items had more than one correct answer. Studies suggested thatteachers lacked knowledge about many aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong> and possessed inadequateinformation (n = 475 teachers who responded to a questionnaire). 668 [evidence level III] A studyin 308 staff members in a school in Sweden also highlighted a high proportion of school staffwho had limited knowledge of <strong>diabetes</strong>. 669 [evidence level III]An RCT examined an education module for teachers in the USA. The study found that the groupof teachers who were randomised to receive the education module had a higher <strong>diabetes</strong>knowledge score after education than the control group (21.47 ± 3.62 versus 17.50 ± 6.14,p = 0.032, n = 159 teaching staff) 670 [evidence level Ia] A non-controlled intervention study thatevaluated an educational programme found that <strong>diabetes</strong> knowledge increased after education(75 ± 11.0 versus 94 ± 4.1, p < 0.004, n = 156 school personnel). 671 [evidence level IIb]A booklet available from Diabetes UK provides schools with information needed to give supportto children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> and general information. 672 [evidence level IV]Particular concerns are the treatment of hypoglycaemia and the administration of insulin (seeSection 5.1). Close communication between the local <strong>diabetes</strong> care team and the school healthservice and teachers and other staff is essential.A collaboration between the Department of Health and the Department for Education produceda document about supporting pupils with medical needs in school. The document consideredthe following three areas. 673 [evidence level IV]• There is no legal duty requiring school staff to administer drugs to children and youngpeople, and so this remains a voluntary role. However, school staff who are in charge ofpupils have a duty in common law to act in the same manner as a responsible parent in orderto ensure that children and young people remain safe and healthy while on school premises.In certain circumstances teachers might be expected to administer drugs or take appropriateaction in an emergency.• Each school is advised to draw up general policies and procedures in order to support pupilswith medical needs.• The use of individual healthcare plans is suggested in order to ensure that school staff aresufficiently informed about a pupil’s medical needs, including the administration and storageof drugs. It was recommended that such plans should be jointly agreed between the pupil’sparents, medical carers and teachers and they should provide explicit advice about124

Continuity of careappropriate measures to be followed in an emergency. Drugs must be readily available in anemergency and must not be locked away.A discussion article has also recommended the following. 674 [evidence level IV]• The school health service must take a lead in supporting pupils with medical needs, with theschool nurse acting as the focal point. In particular, school heath profiles could be used asan index of local need, which might be incorporated into pupils’ service plans. Healthprofessionals should arrange training events, which could be supported by written materialfor teachers on childhood illness.• Local educational authorities should, as a matter of urgency, ensure that each school hasgeneral policies in place with respect to the administration of medicines to children andyoung people.• Teachers must continue to respond as positively as they can when they encounter a pupilwith medical needs. They should try to increase their knowledge of childhood chronic illnessand they should be supported in this respect by local educational authorities and tradeunions.• Parents and carers must acknowledge that they hold the prime responsibility for theirchildren’s welfare and that accountability for the administration of medicines must benegotiated with rather than demanded of school staff.We found no evidence of studies relating to the provision of support or advice to crèches,nurseries or other educational or care institutions.A leaflet available from Diabetes UK provides information for adult carers (babysitters, otherparents, etc.) to be used when a child with <strong>diabetes</strong> comes to stay. 675 [evidence level IV]Government supportChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offered informationabout Disability Living Allowance, including details of how to submit a claim.Diabetes UK has published a leaflet that provides information on the Disability DiscriminationAct 1995 (protection against discrimination in education). 676 [evidence level IV]Support groupsA large number of organisations exist to represent the views of children and young people withtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> across the UK. National and local groups support children and young peopleand their families and recently there has been an increase in electronic communication throughdedicated websites.The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> valued meeting other young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>and might benefit from formalised arrangements for meeting each other. 38 [evidence level IV]These findings were similar to those reported in other studies, including the Diabetes UK YDGroup, Firbush Summer Camp. 677 [evidence level IV]RECOMMENDATIONSChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be offeredinformation about the existence of and means of contacting local and/or national<strong>diabetes</strong> support groups and organisations, and the potential benefits of membership.This should be done in the time following diagnosis and periodically thereafter.Diabetes care teams should liaise regularly with school staff involved in supervisingchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> to offer appropriate <strong>diabetes</strong>education and practical information.Teaching staff should be informed about the potential effects of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> oncognitive function and educational attainment. [GPP]Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be advisedhow to obtain information about benefits in relation to government disability support.GPPGPPGPPGPP125

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONFurther research is needed to evaluate the effects of low blood glucose levels on learning,attendance at school and educational attainment.7.2 Transition from paediatric to adult careYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> have specific health needs relating to the physical and socioculturalchanges of adolescence. At the same time they move from a children’s health serviceinto the adult healthcare system. 678 [evidence level IV] This period may frequently lead to adeterioration in glycaemic control. 562 [evidence level III] Non-adherence to insulin regimen is amajor factor in the deterioration of glycaemic control. 501 [evidence level IIb]Where possible it may be appropriate to consider a special transition service. A 1998 survey ofconsultant paediatricians who provide care for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> agedunder 16 years in the UK found that 53% transferred young people into young adult <strong>diabetes</strong>clinics as opposed to general adult clinics (n = 17 192 children and young people). 18 [evidencelevel III]We found no studies that examined the clinical or cost effectiveness of transition clinics.However, several studies compared children’s and adult clinics.A survey investigating the transfer of young people from children’s to adult clinics in the Oxfordregion showed that age of transfer ranged from 13.3 years to 22.4 years (mean age 17.9 years,n = 229). The rate at which clinic attendance occurred at least every 6 months dropped from98% at 2 years before transfer to 61% at 2 years after transfer (p < 0.0005). A letter of transferwas identified in the clinical records for 86% of the young people, and the attendance rate atthe first appointment in the new clinic was 79%. 679 [evidence level III]Another study examined young people’s knowledge of adult clinics before transfer, preparationfor transfer, and how young people felt about the move (n = 43). Young people who wereattending an adolescent or transition clinic seemed to have little knowledge about the clinic theywould be going to in the future. However these people may have received the information closerto the time of transfer. Of the young people attending adult clinics, 35% had discussed thechange beforehand, 16% reported having had a choice about the move, 84% felt they wereready to move, and 40% felt they were well prepared by staff for the move. However, 79% werenot pleased to move. 680 [evidence level III]A Canadian survey examined the experience of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> during theperiod of transfer from paediatric to adult care (n = 212). The mean age at transfer was 18.5years, and this was lower than the age of transfer suggested by the patients (18.8 years); 21% ofpatients felt they should have been transferred earlier, whereas 65% felt they should have beentransferred later. After transfer, 13% had no regular contact with adult care services, 3% hadcontact with a family physician, and the remainder had contact with an endocrinologist or a<strong>diabetes</strong> clinic. Thirty-three per cent of patients felt they had a problem with the transition frompaediatric to adult care. Twenty-seven per cent experienced a delay of more than 6 monthsbetween their last visit to the paediatric clinic and their first visit to the adult clinic (in 17% ofpatients this delay was greater than 1 year). 681 [evidence level III]A Finnish study examined glycaemic control in young people 1 year before and 1 year after theywere transferred from a paediatric clinic to an adult clinic. The mean age at transfer was 17.5years (n = 61). The mean HbA 1 level improved from 1 year before transfer to 1 year after transfer(11.2 ± 2.2% versus 9.9 ± 1.7%, n = 49, p < 0.001), and from the first visit to the adult clinic to 1year later (11.2 ± 2.3% versus 9.9 ± 1.7%, n = 49, p < 0.001). 682 [evidence level III]An Australian survey of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> found that patients wished to betreated in a range of care places (72.3% public hospital, 42.9% private specialist, and 14.3%general practitioner only, n = 105). They also had differing views on the age of transfer (5.7% feltthat transfer should occur before the age of 17 years, 48.6% felt that transfer should occurbetween the ages of 17 years and 20 years, and 44.8% felt that transfer should occur at any ageup to 25 years). 683 [evidence level III]126

Continuity of careA UK survey of young people in Exeter showed that the average age of transfer was 15.9 years(range 12–20 years, n = 69), and 27.3% offered some reason for transfer of care. The patientsthought that it would be more helpful to visit the young adults’ clinic before transfer than for anurse or physician from the young adults’ clinic to visit the paediatric clinic. The young peoplethought that the staff in the paediatric clinic assigned more importance to school progress andfamily relations than did staff in the young adults’ clinic (school progress: 2.9 versus 2.4,p < 0.05; family relations: 3.3 versus 2.7, p < 0.05), but less importance to exercise, avoidanceof complications and blood glucose levels (exercise: 3.7 versus 4.2, p < 0.05; avoidance ofcomplications: 4.5 versus 4.9, p < 0.05; blood glucose levels: 4.5 versus 4.9, p < 0.05). Thepaediatric and young adults’ clinic staff did not differ in their assignment of importance to diet,insulin management or privacy. 684 [evidence level III]The young people’s consultation day organised for this guideline in collaboration with the NCBfound that some parents suggested that age of transfer of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> frompaediatric to adult services should be standardised and that clinics should be jointly run bypaediatric and adult services to provide continuity of care, whereas other parents thought thatyoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be involved in the decision about when transfershould occur. Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> liked age-banded clinics. 38 [evidence level IV]The National Service Framework for Diabetes states that transfer of young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>from paediatric services to adult services often occurs at a sensitive time in relation to the youngperson’s <strong>diabetes</strong> and personal life. 23 [evidence level IV] The culture change that occurs attransition is found to be unacceptable by many young people, and young people’s attendancerates at adult clinics are often low. Sensitive and skilled care at transition can assist in achievinggood <strong>diabetes</strong> management, with a consequent avoidance of complications. A multidisciplinaryapproach is particularly effective for young people at transition.Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who are preparing for transition to adult services should beinformed that some aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong> management will change at transition. In particular theNICE guideline for the diagnosis and management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in adults recommends thefollowing. 538• Preprandial and postprandial blood glucose targets of 4–7 mmol/l and less than 9 mmol/l,respectively, apply to adults because it becomes easier to attain glycaemic control as maturityincreases.• Adults should not be offered routine screening for coeliac disease or thyroid disease becausethese conditions are rare in adults.• Adults should be offered routine screening for cardiovascular risk factors and neuropathybecause these are complications of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> that arise in adulthood.• Healthcare professionals may use the term ‘A1C’ instead of ‘HbA 1c ’ when communicatingwith adults with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.RECOMMENDATIONSYoung people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be encouraged to attend clinics on aregular basis (three or four times per year) because regular attendance is associatedwith good glycaemic control.Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be allowed sufficient time to familiarisethemselves with the practicalities of the transition from paediatric to adult servicesbecause this has been shown to improve clinic attendance.Specific local protocols should be agreed for transferring young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> from paediatric to adult services.The age of transfer to the adult service should depend on the individual’s physicaldevelopment and emotional maturity, and local circumstances.Transition from the paediatric service should occur at a time of relative stability in theindividual’s health and should be coordinated with other life transitions.Paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should organise age-banded clinics for young peopleand young adults jointly with their adult specialty colleagues.DGPPGPPGPPDD127

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> who are preparing for transition to adult servicesshould be informed that some aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong> care will change at transition. Themain changes relate to targets for short-term glycaemic control and screening forcomplications.GPPRESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONFurther research is needed to investigate young people’s experiences of transition frompaediatric to adult services for people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.128

8. Auditable standardsTable 8.1 Suggested audit criteriaRecommendation Criterion Exception Definition of termsChildren and young people a. A paediatric team Nonewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should providing care for a childbe offered an ongoing or young person with type 1integrated package of care <strong>diabetes</strong> should includecare by a multidisciplinary members with specialistpaediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care training in clinical, educateam.To optimise the tional, dietetic, lifestyle,effectiveness of care and mental health and footreduce the risk of complica- care aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong>tions, the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team appropriate for childrenshould include members and young peoplewith appropriate training inclinical, educational, dietetic,lifestyle, mental health andfoot care aspects of <strong>diabetes</strong>for children and youngpeopleAt the time of diagnosis, a. A newly diagnosed child Children and young people Initial – treatment receivedchildren and young people or young person with with diabetic ketoacidosis starting from diagnosiswith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has an Children and young people continuing for the firstbe offered home-based or offer of home-based or with social or emotional 2 weeksinpatient management inpatient initial manage- difficulties Social and emotionalaccording to clinical need, ment documented in their Children under the age of difficulties – a situationfamily circumstances and notes 2 years judged by the paediatricwishes, and residential Children and young people <strong>diabetes</strong> care team toproximity to inpatient who live a long way from indicate that home-basedservices. Home-based care inpatient facilities or outpatient initialwith support from the localmanagement would not bepaediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care teamin the best interests of the(including 24-hour telephonechild or young person oraccess to advice) is safe andtheir familyas effective as inpatientinitial management b. A child or young Noneperson with newly diagnosedtype 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>who receives home-basedor inpatient initial managementshould have itdocumented in their notesChildren and young people a. A child or young person Nonewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has ittheir families should be documented in their notesoffered timely and ongoing that an offer of timely andopportunities to access ongoing opportunities toinformation about the access information aboutdevelopment, manage- development, managementment and effects of type 1 and effects of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong><strong>diabetes</strong>. The information in relation to care has beenprovided should be accurate made. The information shouldand consistent and it should be accurate and consistentsupport informed decision and it should supportmakinginformed decision making129

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Recommendation Criterion Exception Definition of termsChildren and young people a. A child or young person None HbA 1c is measured with awith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has it DCCT-standardised assayand their families should documented in their notesbe informed that the target that they have been informedfor long-term glycaemic that the target for long-termcontrol is an HbA 1c glycaemic control is an HbA 1clevel of less than 7.5% level of less than 7.5%without frequent disabling without frequent disablinghypoglycaemia and that hypoglycaemiatheir care package shouldbe designed to attempt b. A child or young person Noneto achieve thiswith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has itdocumented in their notesthat they have been offeredtesting of their HbA 1c levelstwo to four times per yearc. A child or young person Children and young people Haemoglobinopathies thatwith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has an with haemoglobinopathies or interfere withHbA 1c level of less than abnormalities of erythrocyte glycated haemoglobin7.5% without frequent turnover measurement – seedisabling hypoglycaemiawww.missouri.edu/~<strong>diabetes</strong>/ngsp/factors.htmd. A child or young person Nonewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has anHbA 1c level of less than7.5% with frequent disablinghypoglycaemiaChildren and young people a. A child or young person Nonewith diabetic ketoacidosis with diabetic ketoacidosisshould be treated according should be treated accordingto the guidelines published to the guidelines publishedby the British Society for by the British Society forPaediatric Endocrinology Paediatric Endocrinologyand Diabetesand Diabetesb. A child or young person None Complications – death,with diabetic ketoacidosiscerebral oedema withrecovers withoutpermanent neurologicalcomplicationsdisabilityChildren and young people a. A child or young person Children and young peoplewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has it who are known to havebe offered screening for: documented in their notes coeliac disease• coeliac disease at that an offer of a coeliacdiagnosis and at least disease test at diagnosis andevery 3 years thereafter at least every three years hasuntil transfer to adult been madeservices• thyroid disease at b. A child or young person Children and young peoplediagnosis and annually with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has it who are known to havethereafter until transfer documented in their notes thyroid diseaseto adult services that an offer of a thyroid• retinopathy annually disease test at diagnosis andfrom the age of every year subsequently has12 years been made• microalbuminuriaannually from the c. A child or young person Noneage of 12 years with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has it• blood pressure documented in their notesannually from theage of 12 years.that an offer of a retinopathytest every year from the ageof 12 years, has been made130

Auditable standardsRecommendation Criterion Exception Definition of termsd. A child or young person Nonewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has itdocumented in their notesthat an offer of amicroalbuminuria test everyyear from the age of 12 yearshas been madee. A child or young person Nonewith type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> has itdocumented in their notesthat an offer of bloodpressure measurementevery year from the age of12 years has been madeChildren and young a. A child or young person Nonepeople with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> or theirshould be offered timely family referred to a mentaland ongoing access to health specialist should bemental health professionals seen as soon as possiblebecause they mayexperience psychologicaldisturbances (such as anxiety,depression, behavioural andconduct disorders and familyconflict) that can impacton the management of<strong>diabetes</strong> and wellbeing131

Appendix A<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people. UnderstandingNICE guidance – information for the families and carers ofchildren with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>,and the publicAbout this informationThis information describes the guidance that the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (calledNICE for short) has issued to the NHS on the diagnosis and management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> inchildren and young people in the community and in hospitals. It is based on ‘<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>:diagnosis and management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children, young people and adults’, which is aclinical guideline produced by NICE for doctors, nurses and others working in the NHS inEngland and Wales. NICE has also issued information describing the guidance on the diagnosisand management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in adults.Clinical guidelinesClinical guidelines are recommendations for good practice. The recommendations in NICEguidelines are prepared by groups of health workers, lay representatives with experience orknowledge of the condition being discussed, and scientists. The groups look at the evidenceavailable on the best way of treating or managing a condition and make recommendations basedon this evidence.There is more about NICE and the way that the NICE guidelines are developed on the NICEwebsite (www.nice.org.uk). You can download the booklet The Guideline Development Process– An Overview for Stakeholders, the Public and the NHS from the website, or you can order acopy by phoning the NHS Response Line on 0870 1555 455 (quote reference number N0472).What the recommendations coverNICE clinical guidelines can look at different areas of diagnosis, treatment, care, self-help or acombination of these. The areas that a guideline covers depend on the topic.The recommendations in ‘<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>: diagnosis and management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children,young people and adults’ (NICE Clinical Guideline number 15), which are also described here,cover the care that should be available from the NHS to children and young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. In this information, a child is someone younger than 11 years of age, a young person is 11or older and younger than 18, and an adult is 18 or older. The recommendations include how thediagnosis should be made and the options that should be offered at different times.The information that follows tells you about the NICE guideline on type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. It doesn’tattempt to explain <strong>diabetes</strong> or its management in detail. NHS Direct is a starting point to findout more. Phone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 or visit the website at www.nhsdirect.nhs.ukIf you have questions about the specific options covered, talk to a member of your <strong>diabetes</strong> careteam.How guidelines are used in the NHSIn general, health workers in the NHS are expected to follow NICE’s clinical guidelines. Butthere will be times when the recommendations won’t be suitable for someone because of his or133

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>her specific medical condition, general health, wishes or a combination of these. If you thinkthat the care you or your child receives does not match what’s described in the pages that follow,talk to a member of the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.If you want to read the other versions of this guidelineThere are four versions of this guideline:• this one• the NICE guideline, ‘<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>: diagnosis and management of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> inchildren, young people and adults’ (NICE Clinical Guideline 15)• the quick reference guide, which is a summary of the main recommendations in the NICEguideline; NICE has sent copies of the quick reference guide to doctors and other healthprofessionals working in the NHS• the full guideline, which contains all the details of the guideline recommendations, how theywere developed and information about the evidence on which they were based.All versions of the guideline are available from the NICE website (www.nice.org.uk). Thisversion and the quick reference guide are also available from the NHS Response Line – phone0870 1555 455 and give the reference number(s) of the booklets you want (N0623 for thisversion, N0560 for this version in English and Welsh, and N0622 for the quick reference guide).Explanation of medical words and termsShort explanations of some of the medical words and terms used in this booklet are provided onpages 147 to 148.<strong>Type</strong>1 <strong>diabetes</strong><strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> happens when the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are damaged by thebody’s immune system. Insulin is the main substance that coordinates how the body handlesglucose (sugar) after it enters the blood from digested food. Without enough insulin, the amountof glucose in the blood becomes higher than normal.There are two groups of problems that can happen as a result of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. First, a sudden,severe lack of insulin can cause immediate problems, including one kind of coma. Second,having blood glucose levels that are too high for long periods can damage the blood vessels,heart, nerves, feet, kidneys and eyes.<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is managed by putting insulin into the body – this is sometimes called ‘insulinreplacement’ because you are replacing the insulin that would normally be made in the body.There are different types of insulin, and insulin is usually given by injection or using what’sknown as an insulin pump (see pages 137 to 139).134DiagnosisDoctors should follow the advice of the World Health Organization when they are deciding ona diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people (the document with this advice canbe found on the Internet at http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1999/WHO_NCD_NCS_99.2.pdf). Theadvice is outlined in the next paragraph.<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in children and young people is nearly always simple to diagnose. Usually theperson has high levels of glucose in their blood and urine, and chemicals known as ketones intheir urine (sometimes they are very ill with ketoacidosis – see page 143). Occasionally, symptomsmay be very mild: even so, blood glucose levels are always higher than they should be.If it’s thought that a child or young person may have type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, they should be able to seea children’s <strong>diabetes</strong> care team that same day. The health professionals in this team should beable to confirm whether it is type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and to start to look after the child or young personif it is. There is more information on children’s <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams on page 135.

Appendix ASometimes, it’s possible that a child or young person may have another type of <strong>diabetes</strong>(different types of <strong>diabetes</strong> need different treatments). Doctors should think about this if the childor young person:• has several close relatives with <strong>diabetes</strong>• is overweight• is Black or Asian (or has a Black or Asian background)• needs quite a small amount of insulin to control their blood glucose levels, even whenthey’re not in a partial remission phase (this is an initial period when a person’s body is stillable to make some insulin so they don’t need to have the full pattern of insulin replacementstraight away)• does not need insulin at all• hardly ever or never has ketones in their urine when they have high levels of glucose in theirblood• has signs that their body doesn’t use insulin normally (for example, they may have brownmarkings on their skin – this is known as acanthosis nigricans)• has other conditions at the time the <strong>diabetes</strong> is diagnosed, such as eye problems or deafness.Children and young people diagnosed with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have their details kept on aregister, for example at their clinic or doctor’s practice, so that their <strong>diabetes</strong> care team knowswho they are and can make sure they get the care they need.Straight after diagnosisThe children’s <strong>diabetes</strong> care teamA team of health professionals called a children’s (paediatric) <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should beinvolved in confirming the diagnosis of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in a child or young person. From thattime onwards, it’s this team that the child or young person should see for treatment and care.A children’s <strong>diabetes</strong> care team is what’s known as a multidisciplinary team: it’s made up ofdifferent types of health professional with specialist knowledge and up-to-date training of, in thiscase, treating and caring for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>. Between them, the teammembers should know about:• teaching people about or giving information on <strong>diabetes</strong>, or both• nutrition for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>• how <strong>diabetes</strong> affects a child or young person’s life and how the effects can be managed• mental health problems (such as anxiety) that may affect a child or young person with <strong>diabetes</strong>• looking after the feet of a child or young person with <strong>diabetes</strong>The team should offer the child or young person a ‘package’ of care that brings all these thingstogether. And this should continue to be on offer as the child or young person gets older. Thechild or young person and their family should be involved in the decisions made about thepackage of care.Staying at home or going into hospitalAt the time of diagnosis, a child or young person should be offered care at home or in hospital,depending on:• how likely they are to need medical help quickly (for example, if they are poorly at diagnosisthey are likely to need to be in hospital)• their family’s circumstances and wishes• how far they live from the hospital.Normally, being cared for at home is as good as being cared for in hospital, as long as the<strong>diabetes</strong> care team is involved and the person or their family can get advice when they need it.But a short time in hospital should be offered for:• young children (under 2 years)• children and young people with social or emotional problems• children and young people who live a long way from the hospital.135

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Diabetic ketoacidosisIf the first sign of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is that the child or young person has diabetic ketoacidosis, theyshould be treated in hospital (see page 143).Dealing with the diagnosisAfter the diagnosis, children, young people and their families should be given the chance to talkabout their feelings and any worries. They should be offered support that’s suited to theirindividual needs (for example, it should be suited to their age, how upset they feel, theirbackground and their culture). They should also be told about support groups for people with<strong>diabetes</strong> (see page 146).24-hour adviceChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be able to get advicefrom their <strong>diabetes</strong> care team 24 hours a day.Learning about type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and how to manage itSoon after the diagnosis, children and young people should be given the chance to learn:• the aims of insulin therapy• how insulin is given• how and when to check their blood glucose levels• how glucose levels are affected by food and drink, exercise, and being unwell• the signs of a hypoglycaemic episode and what to do if this happens (this is known as havinga ‘hypo’, where blood glucose drops to a low level).These things should be covered in a structured education programme rather than beingdiscussed informally.Starting insulinIn most cases, insulin is started straight away in the first day or two of diagnosis (see page 137for more information about insulin).Ongoing careThe following sections describe the ongoing care you should receive, including the informationyou should be offered, day-to-day management of <strong>diabetes</strong> and dealing with problems that canhappen because of <strong>diabetes</strong>.Education about type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, and their families, should be offeredinformation about the development, management and effects of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> as and whenthey need it. Things should be explained in such a way that the information can be understood,so each person feels able to take part in the discussions and decisions about how the <strong>diabetes</strong>should be managed. It’s also important that children, young people and their families aren’t tolddifferent things by different members of the care team, and that the information they are givenis right. There should be an opportunity to ask questions and to discuss different issues about<strong>diabetes</strong> at every clinic visit.The way in which a child or young person is given information should be matched to their ageand maturity, culture, and their wishes and those of their family. How much the family alreadyknows about type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should also be taken into account. Health professionals should beparticularly careful that useful information is available for children, young people and parentswith special needs. These include people with disabilities and people who find it difficult tospeak or read English.136

Appendix AChildren’s <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should be in regular contact with school staff who look afterchildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. They should offer staff education and practicalinformation about <strong>diabetes</strong> and its management.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be told how to findout about government disability benefits that they may be able to claim.Information for an emergencyIt’s a good idea for children and young people to wear or to carry something, such as a bracelet,that tells people that they have type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, just in case they need help while they’re out.Using insulin<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> happens when the body doesn’t make the insulin it needs to control the amountof glucose in the blood. So insulin needs to be put into the body to do this. At first, a person mayonly need a low dose of insulin to control their blood glucose because their body is still makingsome insulin itself – this period is called a partial remission phase (or ‘honeymoon period’). Thisperiod does not last, and it can’t be made to last longer by having more than two daily insulininjections or by using an insulin pump.If the balance of insulin and food is not quite right, the person can become hypoglycaemic – toomuch insulin means that the blood glucose level becomes so low that there isn’t enough tosupply the body. Children, young people and their families should be told how to reduce thelikelihood of a hypo and what to do if it happens.The main types of insulin are described in the box below.<strong>Type</strong>s of insulinIn people without <strong>diabetes</strong>, there’s normally a low level of insulin in the blood. After ameal, the level of insulin increases to deal with the sudden increase of glucose in theblood that comes from the food or drink.Different types of insulin are available for people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. They work fordifferent lengths of time. By matching the type of insulin to a person’s needs, it’s usuallypossible to get a pattern of glucose control that is either similar to the normal pattern orthat gives the same overall control of glucose levels. The main categories of insulin are:• rapid-acting insulin analogues: (an insulin analogue is a synthetic form of insulinmade to be similar to human insulin, but with characteristics that affect how long itlasts in the body) rapid-acting insulin analogues aim to work like the insulin normallyproduced to cope with a meal; their effect falls away quickly• short-acting insulins: these work more slowly than rapid-acting insulin analogues, andtheir effect may last up to 8 hours• intermediate-acting insulins: these have an effect that lasts longer, and can even lastthrough the night• long-acting insulin analogues: these have an effect that can last for a longer period,even a whole day.A biphasic insulin is a mixture of rapid-acting insulin analogue or short-acting insulintogether with intermediate-acting insulin.It’s not possible to have insulin in a tablet form because it is destroyed by the juices in thestomach and intestine. So insulin has to be put into the body in a way that bypasses these,using injections or a pump.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be offered the insulins that are likely tosuit them best. The choice depends on the child or young person’s individual needs and what’sappropriate for them according to the instructions in the patient information leaflet supplied withthe insulin.137

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Insulins containing intermediate-acting insulinInsulin products that contain intermediate-acting insulin should be mixed before being used(following the instructions in the patient information leaflet supplied with the insulin).Insulin timingsThere are different patterns for taking insulin. The number of times each day and the exact timesof the day that the person has to take insulin will depend on the types of insulin being taken.The more common daily patterns for taking insulin are shown in the box below.Insulin timingsOne, two or three insulin injections per day: these are usually injections of short-actinginsulin or rapid-acting insulin analogue mixed with intermediate-acting insulin.Multiple daily injection regimen: the person has injections of short-acting insulin orrapid-acting insulin analogue before meals, together with one or more separate dailyinjections of intermediate-acting insulin or long-acting insulin analogue.Insulin pump therapy: a pump worn on the body gives a regular or continuous feed ofinsulin into the skin (see below) – the medical name is continuous subcutaneous insulininfusion.Pre-school and primary school childrenFor a pre-school or primary school child, the insulin pattern should be individually designed tosuit the specific needs of the child.Multiple daily injection regimensA young person or child who is using a multiple daily injection regimen should be warned that,at first, they may find that they become hypoglycaemic more often, put on a bit of weight, or both.Young people (11 or older) should be able to try a multiple daily injection regimen (see box above)to keep their glucose levels under control. But they should only try this as part of a ‘package’ ofcare, because having the whole package improves glucose control. This package should include:• continuing education about <strong>diabetes</strong>• help with diet• being taught how to use insulin delivery systems and how to monitor their own bloodglucose levels (known as ‘self-monitoring’)• support for emotional problems or to overcome difficult behaviour patterns• help from doctors, nurses and dietitians with expert knowledge about <strong>diabetes</strong> in young people.If a young person finds it hard to keep their blood glucose levels under control with a multipledaily injection regimen, they should be offered extra help from the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team and, if itis appropriate, they should be offered a different insulin regimen (one, two or three times a dayor insulin pump therapy).If a young person finds it difficult to keep to the multiple injection regimen, they should be ableto change to two insulin injections a day.Using rapid-acting analoguesFor children and young people using multiple daily insulin injections, injecting a rapid-actinginsulin analogue before eating helps with glucose control. For pre-school children, it may bebetter to inject it shortly after they’ve eaten, just in case they don’t actually eat their food.Insulin pumpsSometimes it’s impossible to keep to the target HbA 1c without having problems withhypoglycaemia, even with multiple daily injections (see ‘Checking blood glucose’ on page 139for more information on HbA 1c ). In this case, a child or young person should be offered theoption of trying an insulin pump (a system that puts a regular or continuous amount of insulininto the body), if the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team and the child or young person and their family feel thatthat they are able, and want, to use the system.138

Appendix AIf a child or young person is going to try a pump, they should be trained how to use it. A trainedspecialist team should be involved in starting them off with the pump, and should provideadvice if it’s needed once the pump is being used. After a person has been using a pump for awhile, the specialist team should see whether it might be a good idea to try a switch to multipledaily injections that include insulin glargine (a long-acting insulin analogue).Insulin delivery systemsChildren and young people should be able to choose the insulin delivery system they want touse to give themselves their insulin, although the options (for example, syringes or pens) willdepend on the type of insulin they have and what’s suitable for them.If needles are used for injections, the needles should be the right length for the child or youngperson (short needles for children and young people with less body fat and longer needles forchildren and young people with more body fat).Other medicines for <strong>diabetes</strong>Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should not be prescribed acarbose,glibenclamide, gliclazide, glipizide, tolazamide, or glyburide to help with their <strong>diabetes</strong> (theseare not brand names, they are the general or generic names). These medicines wouldn’t beexpected to improve glucose control and they may increase the risk of hypoglycaemia.Another medicine, metformin, should be prescribed for a child or young person with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> only as part of a research study. Not enough is currently known about its effect on bloodglucose for it to be used routinely.Checking blood glucoseIt is important to keep blood glucose levels under control. The <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should explainthat if the glucose level is too high, there’s a risk of developing problems with the eyes, kidneys,nerves, feet and heart later in life. But if their glucose level gets too low, a child or young personcan become hypoglycaemic – feeling dizzy and faint, and even possibly blacking out.When there’s a high amount of glucose in the blood, some of it gets attached to a part of the bloodcalled the haemoglobin. At any particular time, the amount that’s attached shows the amount ofglucose that has been in the blood over the last 6 to 12 weeks. The part with the glucose is calledHbA 1c , and this is what should be measured in the clinic’s test for blood glucose. The <strong>diabetes</strong> careteam should talk to the child or young person about the level of HbA 1c to aim for – normally theaim is a level that’s under 7.5%. The child or young person’s care package should aim to help thechild or young person to reach this target, while at the same time making sure that they don’t haveproblems with hypoglycaemia too often. The person shouldn’t be having repeated hypos that putthem in the position of needing help from someone else – not only is this unpleasant but it canmake the person worry about the next time it’s going to happen.Children and young people who continue to have a very high HbA 1c (over 9.5%) should beoffered extra help to improve their glucose control.At the clinicAt the clinic, the <strong>diabetes</strong> team should check how a child’s or young person’s blood glucosecontrol has been over the previous few months. This is best done using a test that measures asubstance in the blood called HbA 1c . Tests for HbA 1c should be carried out two to four times ayear, and team members should have the up-to-date results when they see the child or youngperson in the clinic, so that they can decide whether any immediate changes are needed to theperson’s insulin or diet.Self-monitoring of blood glucoseWhen a person checks their own blood glucose, it’s known as ‘self-monitoring’ – the test isdifferent from the HbA 1c test that’s done in the clinic because it measures the amount of glucose139

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>in the blood at that moment. People who self-monitor their blood glucose control properly aremore likely to get to and keep to their target HbA 1c because their overall awareness of their bloodglucose is better. The <strong>diabetes</strong> team should explain how and when to self-monitor (blood is used,not urine, because urine doesn’t give such reliable results).Children and their families, and young people should be able to choose the type of equipmentfor self-monitoring that suits them best. The <strong>diabetes</strong> team should explain that the best way tokeep a check on glucose levels is to use a glucose monitor with a memory that stores results,together with a diary to write down the results as well as other things that happen (such as, foodeaten and hypos) as this helps reduce the frequency of hypoglycaemia.Children and young people should be offered a system that monitors their glucose levels all thetime if either or both of the following continues to happen.• They don’t realise when they are becoming hypoglycaemic.• Their blood glucose often becomes too low (hypoglycaemia) or too high (hyperglycaemia).Regular self-monitoring should be part of children and young people’s care packages, togetherwith diet management, and having continuing opportunities to learn about <strong>diabetes</strong> and regularcontact with members of the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team.What to aim forSelf-monitoring of blood glucose measures the amount of glucose in the blood as ‘mmol/litre’(mmol/litre is pronounced ‘milli mole per litre’). The <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should explain that theaim of self-monitoring is to get a blood glucose level of 4–8 mmol/litre before a meal, and lessthan 10 mmol/litre after a meal. Remember, this is different from the HbA 1c test – selfmonitoringof blood glucose is a measure of how much glucose there is in the blood at themoment, whereas HbA 1c is a measure of how well blood glucose has been controlled in thelast few months.To try to keep to the targets, children and young people should be taught how to adjust theirinsulin and diet. How often someone should check their blood glucose depends on theirindividual circumstances.Diabetes care teams should encourage children and young people who have multiple dailyinsulin injections to check their blood glucose before meals, at bedtime and occasionally atnight-time and to adjust their insulin if they need to. Children and young people who have twoinsulin injections a day should be encouraged to take measurements before meals, at bedtimeand occasionally at night-time and to look at the general pattern (‘trend’) and adjust their insulindose if they need to.For someone who is trying to work out the best way to control their blood glucose, it’s a goodidea to check the levels more than four times a day. If a child or young person is unwell, theyshould also check their blood glucose more than four times a day.Glucose results need to be thought about in the light of what’s going on in the child or young person’sworld at that time, and <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should explain this. Many different things can affectglucose control – for example, stress because of exams or moving schools can have an effect.DietIn general, children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> need the same balance of foods asother people of their age, and <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should talk about this. Very young children(newborns, infants and pre-school children) should have their individual dietary needs workedout by their <strong>diabetes</strong> team.Sometimes, using insulin can make a person put on weight. Children and young people shouldbe offered advice and support with their diet so that they can keep to or reach a healthy weightwhile, at the same time, they achieve good glucose control.Children and young people should be encouraged to learn what different foods provide to thebody and how they affect glucose levels. As part of their package of care, a child or young140

Appendix Aperson who has multiple daily insulin injections should have the chance to learn in depth howto change their insulin dose and timing according to what they eat. Information and adviceshould also be available to children and young people to help them cope with the practicalitiesof managing their <strong>diabetes</strong> during special times like religious fasts and feasts.Together with their families, children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should have thechance to learn about healthy eating and how they can reduce the risk of having problems suchas heart disease or stroke when they’re older. For example, they should be encouraged to eatfive portions of fruit and vegetables a day as part of a healthy lifestyle. They should also havehelp to make changes in their diet after type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is diagnosed and at different times fromthen on if changes are needed.Bedtime snacksIt’s a good idea for most children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> to eat a snack atbedtime. The team should talk about this with the child and their family, or the young person.They should agree on the best things to have as a snack and exactly when to have them.ExerciseRegular exercise at any level is good for all children and young people because it can lower thechance of having problems such as heart disease or stroke in later life.Diabetes isn’t a barrier to taking part in any sort of sport or exercise, as long as the child or youngperson makes the right changes in their insulin and diet. Their <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should helpwith this. For some sports, such as scuba diving, a lot of advice will be needed from the team.Information may also be available from local and national <strong>diabetes</strong> support groups andorganisations.One of the things it’s important to know about is the effect of exercise on blood glucose. The<strong>diabetes</strong> care team should advise on checking glucose levels before and after exercising. This isso the child or young person can see how the glucose levels change and can work out how tomanage their insulin and diet to allow for the effects of the exercise. The <strong>diabetes</strong> team shouldalso explain how exercise can cause hypoglycaemia during or after exercise – a long period ofexercise can result in hypoglycaemia several hours later. They should advise on how to reducethe chance of a hypo; this should include advice to:• have an extra carbohydrate-based snack before exercise, as needed (for example, if bloodglucose is under 7 mmol/litre before exercise)• make sure that there’s a carbohydrate-based snack close by during and after exercise.If a child or young person’s daily routine changes so that they exercise more or less often (forexample, if they start training for an event), their insulin dose, carbohydrate intake or both mayneed to be changed.If blood glucose is above 17 mmol/litre and there are signs of ketosis, the child or young personshould be especially careful when exercising. Ketosis is the medical name for a build-up ofketones – the signs are a feeling of, or actual, sickness and stomach pain. The <strong>diabetes</strong> care teamshould discuss this.Drinking, smoking and using recreational drugsAlcoholThe particular problems that alcohol can cause people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> (for example, nighttimehypoglycaemia) should be explained to young people (11 years or older) with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong>. They should also be offered an alcohol education programme to help them learnmore.141

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Young people who choose to drink should be advised:• to eat a carbohydrate-based snack or meal before and after drinking• to check their blood glucose regularly and to try to keep their glucose levels in the right rangeby eating foods containing carbohydrate.SmokingSmoking causes all sorts of health problems. For example, it increases the risk of problems suchas heart disease and stroke. Diabetes care teams should talk about this with children, youngpeople and their families. Children and young people should be encouraged not to smoke. Ifthey smoke, they should be helped to stop and should be offered a programme designed to stoppeople smoking (this is called a smoking cessation programme).Recreational drugs and substance abuseThe dangerous effects of recreational drugs and other substances that can be misused should beexplained – both the general problems and the ones that can specifically affect someone with<strong>diabetes</strong>.Problems that can happen because of <strong>diabetes</strong>HypoglycaemiaHypoglycaemia is when the blood glucose dips too low so there’s not enough glucose going to thedifferent parts of the body. It can make a person feel dizzy and, if it gets bad, they can black out.Diabetes care teams should explain what to do if there are signs of hypoglycaemia. Children andyoung people should, for example, always have a carbohydrate-based snack or drink close by,and their glucose monitor should be handy so that their glucose levels can be checked easily.Parents, other carers and schoolteachers should also be given the chance to learn about the signsof hypoglycaemia and what to do if the child or young person becomes hypoglycaemic.If a child or young person is feeling dizzy and weak with hypoglycaemia, the advice is:• do something straight away (don’t wait to see how it goes)• the child or young person should eat or drink something containing sugary carbohydrate thatwill quickly get sugar into the bloodstream (sometimes it will be easier to drink somethingthan to eat it; if the person is being sick they may have to have several lots of small amounts)– blood glucose should start to rise in 5 to 15 minutes• once they feel better or their blood glucose returns to the usual level, they should eat starchycarbohydrate foods that will keep the glucose levels up (unless they are just about to have ameal or are using an insulin pump)• re-check blood glucose within 15 minutes.If a child or young person has severe hypoglycaemia and becomes unconscious, the advice forthe people who treat them is shown in the box below.Advice when a child or young person has severe hypoglycaemia• If in hospital, medical staff should inject glucose (10%) into a blood vessel (vein) if thisis possible.• If not in hospital or if it isn’t possible to inject into a blood vessel, inject glucagon (ahormone that raises blood sugar levels) into a muscle or get the person to swallow aconcentrated dose of glucose. If alcohol has caused or added to the hypoglycaemia,glucagon is unlikely to work, and intravenous glucose will have to be used.• If the child is over 8 years old or weighs more than 25 kg, use 1 mg glucagon (all theinjection); use 500 micrograms (half the injection) for younger or lighter children.• Blood glucose should start to get back to usual levels within 10 minutes.142

Appendix A• Providing they are awake, give starchy carbohydrate food to eat as they start to getbetter or their blood glucose gets back to the usual level.• The child or young person may not be properly awake for several hours afterwards. Ifthis is the case, their blood glucose should be checked regularly to see if furtherglucose is needed.• Get medical help if the child or young person does not seem any better or their bloodglucose levels haven’t increased after 10 minutes.Parents, school nurses and other carers should have glucagon available to use if there’san emergency, especially if severe hypoglycaemia is quite likely. They should also begiven the opportunity to learn how to give glucagon.Diabetic ketoacidosisDiabetic ketoacidosis happens if the body becomes unusually stressed (during an illness, forexample) and there’s not enough insulin to cope with the effects; for example, if the person hasnot been eating or drinking properly and perhaps has been sick as well. The body starts to breakdown fat for energy, and ketones build up in the blood and urine. Blood glucose levels are veryhigh (hyperglycaemia) and the person is dehydrated. What’s known as a metabolic acidosisdevelops (the body’s natural acid levels become disturbed). Diabetic ketoacidosis is a medicalemergency. The person may go into a coma if they aren’t treated.A child or young person who has diabetic ketoacidosis should be treated following theguidelines published by a professional body (the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology andDiabetes).At first, a child or young person who has ketoacidosis should go into a hospital high-dependencyunit or should be in a high-dependency bed on a children’s ward. If they’re under 2, they shouldgo into a children’s intensive care unit. An older child should be moved to the children’sintensive care unit if their condition is getting worse, a problem is suspected or if they are notrecovering as expected.If the child or young person seems well but their acid level is still abnormal (pH less than 7.3),they may be given fluids and insulin injections (which should be given frequently). Their bloodglucose should be checked regularly.Checking for other medical problemsThere’s a chance that children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> can develop otherconditions linked with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>. There are also problems that can develop as a result ofhaving too much glucose in the blood over a long period of time. Because of these risks, childrenand young people should be checked for certain things at regular times.• When they are first being diagnosed with <strong>diabetes</strong>, the child or young person should betested for signs of coeliac disease, a condition that affects the digestive system. This testshould be repeated at least every 3 years until the person moves to an adult clinic.• They should be tested for signs of thyroid disease when they’re diagnosed and then everyyear after that until they move to an adult clinic. The thyroid is a gland in the neck thatproduces hormones. The important effects of these hormones include metabolic regulation(the metabolism is the balance of chemical reactions in the body).• Once a child is 12 years old, they should be tested every year for:– signs of eye disease linked to <strong>diabetes</strong>, known as retinopathy– the presence of a protein, called albumin, in their urine (this can be a sign of kidney problems)– high blood pressure.• They should be offered a foot check every year.• At every clinic visit, a member of the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should ask if they can look at theinjection sites to check they’re OK.• Regular dental check-ups and eye tests are recommended as for other children and youngpeople.143

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Juvenile cataract (where the lens in the eye becomes cloudy), necrobiosis lipoidica (which isskin changes, usually on the legs), and Addison’s disease (where the body produces only verylow amounts of steroid hormones) are some conditions that can be linked with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>,but they are rare. The <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should bear them in mind, though, when they seechildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Finally, every time a child or young person goes to the clinic, their height and weight should bemeasured in a private room. The readings should be put on a growth chart. This will show howtheir weight and height are changing as they get older, so it’s easy to see whether they are growingnormally and have a normal weight. Unexpected changes in a person’s height or weight can bea sign of problems with their glucose control. The child or young person’s body mass index shouldalso be worked out at every clinic visit. Body mass index (or BMI for short) is a standard way ofworking out a person’s weight in relation to their height.It is not recommended that children or young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> have regular checks of:• their blood lipid levels (lipids are fat-like substances, and the amount in the blood can belinked with the risk of heart disease and stroke), or• their nerve function (older people with <strong>diabetes</strong> can develop problems with their nerves andtheir ability to feel things).When a young person transfers to an adult <strong>diabetes</strong> clinic, they should be offered regular checksfor blood lipid levels and nerve function.Emotional problems and difficult behaviourHaving type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> can make a child or young person more likely to have an emotionalproblem or to behave in a way that’s difficult to manage than others of their age. The <strong>diabetes</strong>care team should be aware of this and should look out for signs that problems might bedeveloping.If a child or young person has a disorder that’s making them behave in a difficult way, they andtheir families should be able to see mental health professionals who can help them.Anxiety and depressionChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> can suffer from anxiety, depression or both. Thismay happen if, for example, they’ve had type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> for a while but suddenly seem to haveproblems keeping their glucose levels under control. The <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should know thesigns of anxiety and depression and should watch out for them in the children and young peoplethey look after. Also, if a child or young person has problems keeping their blood glucose levelsunder control, their team should discuss anxiety and depression with them and should offerthem the chance to be checked for signs of these.If the <strong>diabetes</strong> team thinks a child or young person may have anxiety or depression, they shouldarrange without delay for them to see one or more health professionals who specialise in helpingchildren and young people with mental health problems.Eating disordersChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, especially young women, are more likely todevelop an eating disorder than others. If a child or young person does have an eating disorder,they may also have problems with hyperglycaemia, repeated spells of hypoglycaemia, andsymptoms linked with a condition called gastric paresis, which is where the stomach doesn’tempty food into the intestine properly. The <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should be aware of these things.If they think a child or young person has an eating disorder, they should arrange for them to seeone or more health professionals who specialise in helping children and young people withmental health problems. These health professionals should then work with the <strong>diabetes</strong> careteam to help the child or young person.Problems with memory and thoughtsYoung (pre-school) children who have very frequent severe hypoglycaemia have a chance ofdeveloping problems with their memory and thought processes. This risk is small, but is144

Appendix Aespecially linked to children who have hypoglycaemia that causes seizures. The <strong>diabetes</strong> careteam should discuss this with parents. They may recommend having an assessment of the child’sability to think clearly and to remember things (this ability is called cognitive function).Teachers should be aware of the links between type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and possible problems withcognitive function.Advice if a child or young person is unwellChildren, young people and their families should be told what changes to make to their insulinand their diet if they’re unwell. This advice is sometimes called ‘sick-day rules’. The <strong>diabetes</strong>care team should talk about using short-acting insulin or rapid-acting insulin analogues to helpcontrol blood glucose during the illness. These should be available to the child or young person,as should test strips for checking ketones in the blood, urine or both.A child or young person who is unwell should try to check their blood glucose more than fourtimes a day (see page 139).ImmunisationsChildren and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their families should be told about theDepartment of Health recommendations that apply to people with <strong>diabetes</strong>.• Children (over 6 months) and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> should have a yearly flu jab.• Immunisation against pneumococcal infection is recommended for those over 2 months.Pneumococcal infection is a bacterial infection that can cause pneumonia, meningitis andsepticaemia (infection in the blood).Having an operationIf a child or young person needs an operation, it should only be done at a hospital that hasspecial facilities for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>. The surgeon and anaesthetistshould talk to the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team before the child or young person goes into hospital or, ifthey’ve gone in for an emergency operation, as soon as possible afterwards.All medical centres and hospitals that look after children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> shouldhave sets of written instructions about the care of children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong> whoare having an operation.Long-distance travelChildren, young people and their families should have education about when to take theirinsulin and when to eat when travelling across time zones during long-distance travel. Theyshould have the chance to learn about any problems that might happen during the journey andwhile they are away, and how to deal with them.Coping with <strong>diabetes</strong>Some people find it particularly difficult to use their insulin properly and to have the right foodand drinks all the time. Teenagers, in particular, may want to rebel against their therapy. The<strong>diabetes</strong> care team should be alert to signs of this. For example, the team should think aboutwhether this could be a problem if someone is having trouble keeping their glucose levels undercontrol or if someone who has had type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> for a while suddenly has one or moreepisodes of diabetic ketoacidosis (see page 143). If they suspect there could be a problem, theyshould raise it sensitively with the child, young person or their family.If a young person (11 or older) keeps having episodes of ketoacidosis over quite a short time,they should have a check to make sure that they are feeling OK emotionally and that they aren’thaving problems with their behaviour.145

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>If a young person is feeling frustrated and is having problems coping with the routine of <strong>diabetes</strong>,their <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should try to help them get through the bad patch. Diabetes care teamsshould be aware that children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> are more likely to haveemotional and behavioural problems than other youngsters.Help and supportChildren and young people should be given the chance to learn ways of coping with their feelingsand the consequences of having <strong>diabetes</strong>. This is especially important for those who havemultiple daily insulin injections. Young people should also be able to have some other specifichelp so they can feel more in control and able to cope. For example, they may have a mentor totalk to (a mentor is someone other than a parent or carer who gets to know the child or youngperson and gives guidance and advice). Or they may be taught how to use self-monitoring so theycan make changes to their diet or insulin to help themselves to control their glucose better.Children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, and their families, should be able to get helpfrom health professionals who specialise in mental health as and when they need it. This isbecause problems with mental health (such as anxiety and depression, and problems in thefamily) can affect how well a person manages their <strong>diabetes</strong>.Diabetes care teams should understand how important it is to encourage families to helpchildren and young people deal with the day-to-day practicalities of <strong>diabetes</strong> and with the widereffects on their lives. Family life may also be affected by the child or young person’s <strong>diabetes</strong>,and family members should have the chance to learn some specific ways of dealing with andpreventing these effects so problems can be avoided.A <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should be able to get advice and help from professionals who work inmental health if they need it to help them care for a child or young person with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Diabetes support groupsThe <strong>diabetes</strong> care team should tell a child or young person, and their parents or carers, aboutlocal and national groups for people with <strong>diabetes</strong>. They should have the contact details for thegroups and should know what they have to offer and how people can join and become involvedwith the groups. This information should be given to the child, young person or parents soonafter the diagnosis has been made, and then the team should discuss support groups with themagain from time to time.Moving to an adult <strong>diabetes</strong> clinicYoung people should be encouraged to carry on going to the <strong>diabetes</strong> clinic regularly (three orfour times a year). Children’s and adults’ <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should make arrangements forspecial joint clinics for older teenagers and young adults.When the time comes to move to an adult clinic, the young person should have time to get usedto the idea of the move and any changes in their care. They should be told that some things willchange – for example, the self-monitoring targets and the routine checks they have for medicalproblems.The specific arrangements for moving to the adult clinic will depend on what’s done in the localarea, although the timing of the change depends on the individual. For example, the moveshouldn’t be made at a time when other things are changing in the teenager’s life.Where you can find more informationIf you need further information about any aspects of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> or the care that you or yourchild is receiving, please ask a member of the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team. You can discuss thisinformation with them if you wish, especially if you aren’t sure about anything. They will be ableto explain things to you. NHS Direct may also be helpful – phone 0845 46 47 or visit the NHSDirect website at www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk146

Appendix AFor further information about the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), the ClinicalGuidelines Programme or other versions of this guideline (including the sources of evidenceused to inform the recommendations for care), you can visit the NICE website atwww.nice.org.uk. On the NICE website you can also find information for the public about otherguidance in the following areas. These can also be ordered from the NHS Response Line (phone0870 1555 455):• type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> in adults, reference number N0559 (based on NICE Clinical Guideline No. 15)• the use of long-acting insulin analogues for the treatment of <strong>diabetes</strong> – insulin glargine,reference number N0181 (based on NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No. 53)• the use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion for <strong>diabetes</strong>, reference number N0196(based on NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No. 57)• patient education models in <strong>diabetes</strong>, reference number N0251 (based on NICE TechnologyAppraisal Guidance No. 60).Explanation of medical words and termsAlbumin: a blood protein that can leak into the urine – if it’s there persistently, it can be a signof kidney problems.Body mass index (BMI): a measure of a person’s weight in relation to their height, showing ifthey are overweight or underweight.Child: in this booklet, a child means someone younger than 11 years.Diabetes care team: see also ‘multidisciplinary team’; for children and young people, the teammembers should have particular skills and training in looking after children and young peoplewith <strong>diabetes</strong>. In particular, the team should have members who have specific training in:• the treatment and care of children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>• teaching people about or giving information on <strong>diabetes</strong>, or both• nutrition for children and young people with <strong>diabetes</strong>• how <strong>diabetes</strong> affects a child or young person’s life and how the effects can be managed• mental health problems (such as anxiety) that may affect a child or young person with <strong>diabetes</strong>• looking after the feet of a child or young person with <strong>diabetes</strong>.Gastric paresis: where the stomach doesn’t empty properly into the intestine.HbA 1c : the abbreviation for glycated haemoglobin: this is a measure of the average level of bloodglucose over 6–12 weeks. Children without <strong>diabetes</strong> have an HbA 1c less than 6%. Therecommended target for children and young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> is less than 7.5%.Heart attack: where part of the heart is damaged because the heart artery is blocked and bloodhas been unable to get through to the heart muscle.High-dependency bed or unit: places in a hospital for children who need to be watched andchecked more closely than children on an ordinary children’s ward.Hyperglycaemia: where there is too much glucose in the blood.Hypoglycaemia: where there is too little glucose in the blood.Infant: in this booklet, an infant means a baby older than 4 weeks but younger than 1 year.Insulin analogue: a synthetic form of insulin manufactured to be similar to human insulin, butwith new characteristics that can make it shorter-acting (for meal-time use) or longer-acting (asa background insulin).Ketoacidosis: a condition where the person has raised blood glucose levels and is dehydratedso that a metabolic acidosis develops (where the body’s natural acid–base balance becomesdisturbed).Ketones: substances that occur in the body under certain conditions of low blood insulin.Multidisciplinary team: a team of different types of health professional who work together tomake sure that people have the care they need, at the time they need it; for children with<strong>diabetes</strong>, these are known as children’s (paediatric) <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams.147

Multiple daily injection regimen: this is a pattern of taking insulin where the person hasinjections of short-acting insulin or rapid-acting insulin analogue before meals, together withone or more separate daily injections of intermediate-acting insulin or long-acting insulinanalogue.Newborn baby: in this booklet, a newborn baby (neonate) is a baby up to 4 weeks old.Pre-school child: in this booklet, a pre-school child is 1 year or older, but younger than 5 years.Primary school child: in this booklet, a primary school child is 5 years or older, but younger than11 years.Retinopathy: disease involving the blood vessels of the inside back wall of the eye (the retina).Stroke: where the blood stops getting through to an area of the brain.Young person: in this booklet, a young person is 11 years or older, but younger than 18.148

Appendix BClinical evidence forest plotsFigure B.1 HbA 1c – all included studies providing HbA 1c levels; HbA 1c is significantly lower withrapid-acting analogues than regular insulin; eleven parallel group studies with a total of 4246patients showed a significant decrease in HbA 1c levels (WMD –0.14%, 95% CI –0.19 to–0.08%); twelve crossover studies with a total of 2441 patients showed no difference in HbA 1c(WMD 0.00, 95% CI –0.09 to 0.08)Comparison: Rapid-acting insulin analogue versus soluble insulin — overallOutcome: HbA1c %Study Rapid-acting insulin analogue Soluble insulin WMD (fixed) Weight WMD (fixed)or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CIParallel studiesVignati 1994 170 81 8.14(1.30) 86 8.38(1.37) 1.91 -0.24 [-0.64, 0.16]Garg 1995 156 16 9.00(1.90) 20 8.80(1.40) 0.25 0.20 [-0.91, 1.31]Anderson 1997 145 162 8.10(1.27) 174 8.30(1.32) 4.07 -0.20 [-0.48, 0.08]Ciofetta 1999 149 8 6.96(0.57) 8 6.84(0.57) 1.00 0.12 [-0.44, 0.68]Heller 1999 157 68 6.00(0.90) 67 6.20(0.80) 3.79 -0.20 [-0.49, 0.09]Lalli 1999 162 28 6.34(0.53) 28 6.71(0.58) 3.69 -0.37 [-0.66, -0.08]Home 2000 160 698 7.88(0.79) 349 8.00(0.75) 32.45 -0.12 [-0.22, -0.02]Janssen 2000 161 17 7.20(0.70) 18 6.70(0.60) 1.67 0.50 [0.07, 0.93]Raskin 2000 165 552 7.78(0.70) 263 7.93(0.81) 24.04 -0.15 [-0.26, -0.04]Tamas 2001 161 209 8.02(0.72) 210 8.18(0.72) 16.43 -0.16 [-0.30, -0.02]Valle 2001 168 586 8.10(1.50) 598 8.20(1.50) 10.70 -0.10 [-0.27, 0.07]Subtotal (95% CI) 2425 1821 100.00 -0.14 [-0.19, -0.08]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 13.02, df = 10 (P = 0.22), I_ = 23.2%Test for overall effect: Z = 4.77 (P < 0.00001)Crossover studiesAnderson 1997 146 1008 8.20(3.17) 1008 8.20(3.17) 9.64 0.00 [-0.28, 0.28]Pfutzner 1996 163 97 7.34(0.98) 97 7.33(1.08) 8.77 0.01 [-0.28, 0.30]Holleman 1997 159 199 7.60(1.30) 199 7.50(1.20) 12.23 0.10 [-0.15, 0.35]Vignati 1997 169 365 7.80(1.40) 363 7.90(1.50) 16.62 -0.10 [-0.31, 0.11]Caixas 1998 148 10 7.06(1.30) 10 6.82(0.80) 0.83 0.24 [-0.71, 1.19]Gale 2000 155 87 7.50(1.10) 87 7.40(1.10) 6.91 0.10 [-0.23, 0.43]Annuzzi 2001 147 85 8.27(0.79) 85 8.12(0.85) 12.14 0.15 [-0.10, 0.40]Deeb 2001 151 59 8.40(1.10) 59 8.43(1.00) 5.13 -0.03 [-0.41, 0.35]Ferguson 2001 153 33 9.10(0.83) 33 9.30(1.00) 3.76 -0.20 [-0.64, 0.24]Provenzano 2001 164 12 7.62(0.49) 12 7.84(0.49) 4.81 -0.22 [-0.61, 0.17]Holcombe 2002 158 463 8.69(1.52) 463 8.70(1.65) 17.69 -0.01 [-0.21, 0.19]Ford-Adams 2003 154 23 8.50(0.96) 23 8.80(1.44) 1.48 -0.30 [-1.01, 0.41]Subtotal (95% CI) 2441 2439 100.00 0.00 [-0.09, 0.08]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 6.24, df = 11 (P = 0.86), I_ = 0%Test for overall effect: Z = 0.05 (P = 0.96)-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1Lower with rapid-acting insulin analogue Lower with soluble insulin149

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Figure B.2 HbA 1c – studies separated into children/young people and adults; three studies witha total of 545 children and young people investigated HbA 1c levels; the studies did not show asignificant difference between rapid-acting analogues and regular insulin (WMD –0.03%, 95%CI –0.21 to 0.14%); nine studies with a total of 1896 adult patients did not show a significantdifference between rapid-acting analogues and regular insulin (WMD 0.01%, 95% CI –0.09 to0.11%)Comparison:Outcome:Rapid-acting insulin analogue versus soluble insulin — children and young people from adultsHbA1c % - crossover studiesStudy Rapid-acting insulin analogue Soluble insulin WMD (fixed) Weight WMD (fixed)or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CIChildren studiesDeeb 2001 151 59 8.40(1.10) 59 8.43(1.00) 5.13 -0.03 [-0.41, 0.35]Holcombe 2002 158 463 8.69(1.52) 463 8.70(1.65) 17.69 -0.01 [-0.21, 0.19]Ford-Adams 2003 154 23 8.50(0.96) 23 8.80(1.44) 1.48 -0.30 [-1.01, 0.41]Subtotal (95% CI) 545 545 24.30 -0.03 [-0.21, 0.14]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 0.60, df = 2 (P = 0.74), I_ = 0%Test for overall effect: Z = 0.36 (P = 0.72)Adult studiesAnderson 1997 146 1008 8.20(3.17) 1008 8.20(3.17) 9.64 0.00 [-0.28, 0.28]Pfutzner 1996 163 97 7.34(0.98) 97 7.33(1.08) 8.77 0.01 [-0.28, 0.30]Holleman 1997 159 199 7.60(1.30) 199 7.50(1.20) 12.23 0.10 [-0.15, 0.35]Vignati 1997 169 365 7.80(1.40) 363 7.90(1.50) 16.62 -0.10 [-0.31, 0.11]Caixas 1998 148 10 7.06(1.30) 10 6.82(0.80) 0.83 0.24 [-0.71, 1.19]Gale 2000 155 87 7.50(1.10) 87 7.40(1.10) 6.91 0.10 [-0.23, 0.43]Annuzzi 2001 147 85 8.27(0.79) 85 8.12(0.85) 12.14 0.15 [-0.10, 0.40]Ferguson 2001 153 33 9.10(0.83) 33 9.30(1.00) 3.76 -0.20 [-0.64, 0.24]Provenzano 2001 164 12 7.62(0.49) 12 7.84(0.49) 4.81 -0.22 [-0.61, 0.17]Subtotal (95% CI) 1896 1894 75.70 0.01 [-0.09, 0.11]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 5.50, df = 8 (P = 0.70), I_ = 0%Test for overall effect: Z = 0.14 (P = 0.89)Total (95% CI) 2441 2439 100.00 0.00 [-0.09, 0.08]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 6.24, df = 11 (P = 0.86), I_ = 0%Test for overall effect: Z = 0.05 (P = 0.96)-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1Lower with rapid-acting insulin analogue Lower with soluble insulin150

Appendix BFigure B.3 HbA 1c – studies separated into type of analogue (insulin aspart and insulin lispro);HbA 1c was significantly lower with both types of rapid-acting analogue when compared withregular insulin (insulin aspart with a total of 2281 patients: WMD –0.14% 95% CI –0.20 to–0.07%; insulin lispro with a total of 1965 patients: WMD –0.13%, 95% CI –0.24 to –0.02%);there was no significant difference in HbA 1c reduction between studies using insulin aspart orinsulin lisproComparison:Outcome:Rapid-acting insulin analogue versus soluble insulin — insulin aspart from Insulin lisproHbA1c % - parallel studiesStudy Rapid-acting insulin analogue Regular insulin WMD (fixed) Weight WMD (fixed)or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CILispro studiesVignati 1994 170 81 8.14(1.30) 86 8.38(1.37) 1.91 -0.24 [-0.64, 0.16]Garg 1995 156 16 9.00(1.90) 20 8.80(1.40) 0.25 0.20 [-0.91, 1.31]Anderson 1997 145 162 8.10(1.27) 174 8.30(1.32) 4.07 -0.20 [-0.48, 0.08]Ciofetta 1999 149 8 6.96(0.57) 8 6.84(0.57) 1.00 0.12 [-0.44, 0.68]Heller 1999 157 68 6.00(0.90) 67 6.20(0.80) 3.79 -0.20 [-0.49, 0.09]Lalli 1999 162 28 6.34(0.53) 28 6.71(0.58) 3.69 -0.37 [-0.66, -0.08]Janssen 2000 161 17 7.20(0.70) 18 6.70(0.60) 1.67 0.50 [0.07, 0.93]Valle 2001 168 586 8.10(1.50) 598 8.20(1.50) 10.70 -0.10 [-0.27, 0.07]Subtotal (95% CI) 966 999 27.07 -0.13 [-0.24, -0.02]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 12.72, df = 7 (P = 0.08), I_ = 45.0%Test for overall effect: Z = 2.33 (P = 0.02)Aspart studiesHome 2000 160 698 7.88(0.79) 349 8.00(0.75) 32.45 -0.12 [-0.22, -0.02]Raskin 2000 165 552 7.78(0.70) 263 7.93(0.81) 24.04 -0.15 [-0.26, -0.04]Tamas 2001 166 209 8.02(0.72) 210 8.18(0.72) 16.43 -0.16 [-0.30, -0.02]Subtotal (95% CI) 1459 822 72.93 -0.14 [-0.20, -0.07]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 0.27, df = 2 (P = 0.87), I_ = 0%Test for overall effect: Z = 4.16 (P < 0.0001)Total (95% CI) 2425 1821 100.00 -0.14 [-0.19, -0.08]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 13.02, df = 10 (P = 0.22), I_ = 23.2%Test for overall effect: Z = 4.77 (P < 0.00001)-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1Lower with rapid-acting insulin analogue Lower with soluble insulin151

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Figure B.4 Hypoglycaemic episodes/30 days; there was no significant difference between rapidactinganalogues and regular insulin regarding hypoglycaemic episodesComparison:Outcome:Rapid-acting insulin analogue versus soluble insulin — overallHypoglycaemic episodes per 30 daysStudy Rapid-acting insulin analogue Soluble insulin WMD (random) Weight WMD (random)or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CIParallel studiesVignati 1994 170 81 5.41(6.74) 86 5.40(6.36) 9.33 0.01 [-1.98, 2.00]Garg 1995 156 16 2.22(2.87) 20 2.95(2.98) 9.73 -0.73 [-2.65, 1.19]Anderson 1997 145 162 4.40(6.36) 174 4.50(5.28) 14.33 -0.10 [-1.35, 1.15]Ciofetta 1999 149 8 8.10(2.26) 8 4.00(1.41) 10.15 4.10 [2.25, 5.95]Heller 1999 157 65 3.30(2.60) 67 4.30(3.20) 16.51 -1.00 [-1.99, -0.01]Lalli 1999 162 28 7.40(2.65) 28 11.50(3.70) 11.16 -4.10 [-5.79, -2.41]Janssen 2000 161 17 4.87(3.53) 18 6.60(4.06) 6.93 -1.73 [-4.25, 0.79]Valle 2001 168 586 1.80(1.80) 598 1.80(1.70) 21.86 0.00 [-0.20, 0.20]Subtotal (95% CI) 963 999 100.00 -0.42 [-1.53, 0.68]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 47.53, df = 7 (P < 0.00001), I_ = 85.3%Test for overall effect: Z = 0.75 (P = 0.45)Cross over studiesAnderson 1997 146 1008 6.40(6.35) 1008 7.20(9.52) 18.75 -0.80 [-1.51, -0.09]Pfutzner 1996 163 97 8.57(6.89) 97 9.61(7.09) 9.39 -1.04 [-3.01, 0.93]Vignati 1997 169 365 4.60(5.50) 363 4.50(5.00) 18.30 0.10 [-0.66, 0.86]Del Sindaco 1998 152 15 5.30(4.80) 15 4.00(3.40) 5.40 1.30 [-1.68, 4.28]Del Sindaco2 1998 152 12 4.40(3.80) 12 11.00(4.80) 4.26 -6.60 [-10.06, -3.14]Gale 2000 155 87 3.10(4.40) 87 2.60(3.00) 15.34 0.50 [-0.62, 1.62]Deeb 2001 151 59 13.60(9.30) 59 13.80(9.80) 4.29 -0.20 [-3.65, 3.25]Holcombe 2002 158 463 4.02(4.50) 463 4.37(4.50) 19.70 -0.35 [-0.93, 0.23]Ford-Adams 2003 154 23 6.40(5.75) 23 6.80(5.75) 4.55 -0.40 [-3.72, 2.92]Subtotal (95% CI) 2129 2127 100.00 -0.42 [-1.11, 0.27]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 19.28, df = 8 (P = 0.01), I_ = 58.5%Test for overall effect: Z = 1.19 (P = 0.23)-10 -5 0 5 10Less with rapid-acting insulin analogue Less with soluble insulin152

Appendix BFigure B.5 Hypoglycaemic episodes/30 days with adults’ and children’s/young people’s studiesseparated; there was no significant difference between rapid-acting analogues and regularinsulin regarding hypoglycaemic episodes in either adults or children/young people;furthermore, there was no apparent difference between children/young people and adults interms of the number of hypoglycaemic episodes/30 daysComparison:Outcome:02 Rapid-acting insulin analogue versus soluble insulin — children and young people from adults03 Hypoglycaemic episodes per 30 days — crossover studiesStudy Rapid-acting insulin analogue Soluble insulin WMD (random) Weight WMD (random)or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CIChildren studiesDeeb 2001 151 59 13.60(9.30) 59 13.80(9.80) 3.46 -0.20 [-3.65, 3.25]Holcombe 2002 158 463 4.02(4.50) 463 4.37(4.50) 21.70 -0.35 [-0.93, 0.23]Ford-Adams 2003 154 23 6.40(5.75) 23 6.80(5.75) 3.68 -0.40 [-3.72, 2.92]Subtotal (95% CI) 545 545 28.84 -0.35 [-0.91, 0.22]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 0.01, df = 2 (P = 1.00), I_ = 0%Test for overall effect: Z = 1.21 (P = 0.23)Adult studiesAnderson 1997 146 1008 6.40(6.35) 1008 7.20(9.52) 20.20 -0.80 [-1.51, -0.09]Pfutzner 1996 163 97 8.57(6.89) 97 9.61(7.09) 8.30 -1.04 [-3.01, 0.93]Vignati 1997 169 365 4.60(5.50) 363 4.50(5.00) 19.50 0.10 [-0.66, 0.86]Del Sindaco 1998 152 15 5.30(4.80) 15 4.00(3.40) 4.43 1.30 [-1.68, 4.28]Del Sindaco2 1998 152 12 4.40(3.80) 12 11.00(4.80) 3.43 -6.60 [-10.06, -3.14]Gale 2000 155 87 3.10(4.40) 87 2.60(3.00) 15.30 0.50 [-0.62, 1.62]Subtotal (95% CI) 1584 1582 71.16 -0.57 [-1.64, 0.50]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 19.27, df = 5 (P = 0.002), I_ = 74.1%Test for overall effect: Z = 1.04 (P = 0.30)Total (95% CI) 2129 2127 100.00 -0.42 [-1.11, 0.27]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 19.28, df = 8 (P = 0.01), I_ = 58.5%Test for overall effect: Z = 1.19 (P = 0.23)-10 -5 0 5 10Less with rapid-acting Less with soluble insulininsulin analogue153

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Figure B.6 Patient preference – patients preferred rapid-acting analogues to regular insulin; theoverall estimate contained significant heterogeneity, which could be due to statistical and/orclinical reasons; these data should, therefore, be interpreted with cautionComparison:Outcome:Rapid-acting insulin analogue versus soluble insulin — overallPatient preferenceStudy Rapid-acting insulin analogue Soluble insulin RR (random) Weight RR (random)or sub-category n/N n/N 95% CI % 95% CICrossover studiesHolleman 1997 159 144/199 55/199 35.89 2.62 [2.06, 3.33]Colombel 1999 150 21/25 4/25 16.74 5.25 [2.10, 13.10]Gale 2000 155 35/84 24/84 30.49 1.46 [0.96, 2.22]Tupola 2001 167 18/22 4/22 16.87 4.50 [1.81, 11.16]Subtotal (95% CI) 330 330 100.00 2.70 [1.65, 4.42]Total events: 218 (Rapid-acting insulin), 87 (Soluble insulin)Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 10.55, df = 3 (P = 0.01), I_ = 71.6%Test for overall effect: Z = 3.93 (P < 0.0001)0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000Prefer soluble insulin Prefer rapid-acting insulin analogue154

Appendix BFigure B.7 Patient preference – separated according to children’s/young people’s and adults’studies; both children/young people and adults preferred rapid-acting insulin analogue toregular insulin; the overall result was heterogeneous, and only one study contributed data forstudies in children and young people; heterogeneity could be due to statistical and/or clinicalreasons; these data should, therefore, be interpreted with cautionComparison:Outcome:Rapid-acting insulin analogue versus soluble insulin — children and young people from adultsPatient preference - crossover studiesStudy Rapid-acting insulin analogue Soluble insulin RR (random) Weight RR (random)or sub-category n/N n/N 95% CI % 95% CIChildren studiesTupola 2001 167 18/22 4/22 16.87 4.50 [1.81, 11.16]Subtotal (95% CI) 22 22 16.87 4.50 [1.81, 11.16]Total events: 18 (Rapid-acting insulin), 4 (Soluble insulin)Test for heterogeneity: not applicableTest for overall effect: Z = 3.25 (P = 0.001)Adult studiesHolleman 1997 159 144/199 55/199 35.89 2.62 [2.06, 3.33]Colombel 1999 150 21/25 4/25 16.74 5.25 [2.10, 13.10]Gale 2000 155 35/84 24/84 30.49 1.46 [0.96, 2.22]Subtotal (95% CI) 308 308 83.13 2.43 [1.40, 4.22]Total events: 200 (Rapid-acting insulin), 83 (Soluble insulin)Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 8.68, df = 2 (P = 0.01), I_ = 76.9%Test for overall effect: Z = 3.17 (P = 0.002)Total (95% CI) 330 330 100.00 2.70 [1.65, 4.42]Total events: 218 (Rapid-acting insulin), 87 (Soluble insulin)Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 10.55, df = 3 (P = 0.01), I_ = 71.6%Test for overall effect: Z = 3.93 (P < 0.0001)0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000Prefer soluble insulin Prefer rapid-acting insulin analogue155

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Figure B.8 Ideal frequency of exercise – exercising one to three times/week compared withcontrol (no exercise)Comparison:Outcome:Exercise versus controlPeak VO2 (ml/kg/min)Study Exercise Control WMD (fixed) Weight WMD (fixed)or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CICampaigne 1984 450 9 50.49(3.90) 10 48.20(5.06) 66.98 2.29 [-1.75, 6.33]Huttunen 1989 451 16 43.80(8.60) 16 42.70(8.00) 33.02 1.10 [-4.66, 6.86]Total (95% CI) 25 26 100.00 1.90 [-1.41, 5.20]Test for heterogeneity: Chi_ = 0.11, df = 1 (P = 0.74), I_ = 0%Test for overall effect: Z = 1.12 (P = 0.26)-10 -5 0 5 10Favours Control Favours Exercise156

Appendix CYoung people’s consultation dayA young people’s consultation day was organised for this guideline in collaboration with theNCB. The objective of the consultation day was to elicit the views of young people with type 1<strong>diabetes</strong> and their carers in relation to topics considered in the guideline. Fourteen youngwomen aged 13 to 17 years, seven young men aged 13 to 18 years, and 20 adults (14 mothers,five fathers and one older sister) participated in the consultation day. The main conclusionswere: 38 [evidence level IV]• Young people wanted to be treated as ‘normal’ individuals growing towards adulthood.• Young people wanted to be well informed about <strong>diabetes</strong> and to be involved in decisionsaffecting their care as they became more mature and independent.• Young people and their parents wanted health care to be accessible, supportive and agebanded.• Young people and their parents wanted consistent, accessible and up-to-date informationabout living with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>.• Young people and their parents wanted schools to have consistent, but flexible, policies thatoffered support to young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> without treating them differently fromtheir peers.More specific points identified by the NCB are summarised below and in the relevant sectionsof the guideline. 38 [evidence level IV]• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> felt that healthcare professionals should be skilled ingaining the confidence of young people by educating them about <strong>diabetes</strong> in accessiblelanguage, treated them as individuals and with respect, and ensuring that they are given theopportunity to contribute to decisions about their <strong>diabetes</strong> care – see Section 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong>care teams).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents felt they should have 24-hour access toa named specialist nurse with whom they could speak confidentially and whom they couldcontact between clinic appointments – see Section 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong> care teams).• Some young women with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> stated a preference for a female doctor who theyfelt they would be more comfortable with than a male doctor – see Section 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong> careteams).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents felt that it was important to see the samemembers of the <strong>diabetes</strong> care team wherever possible – see Section 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong> care teams).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> liked age-banded clinics – see Sections 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong> careteams) and 7.2 (transition from paediatric to adult care).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were happy to miss school in order to attend clinicappointments, but their parents would prefer clinic appointments to be available outsideschool hours – see Section 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong> care teams).• Parents suggested that clinic appointments should be flexible enough to take into accountschool terms and timetables and examination schedules – see Section 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong> careteams).• Parents of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> felt that there should be easy access topsychology services and suggested that paediatric <strong>diabetes</strong> care teams should include apsychologist – see Sections 3.2 (<strong>diabetes</strong> care teams) and 6.7 (psychosocial support).• At the time of diagnosis some young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> felt they were given toomuch information at one time – see Section 3.4 (essential education at diagnosis).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> wanted information aimed at them rather than just at theirparents although they understood that their parents also needed to know how to manage type1 <strong>diabetes</strong> – see Section 3.4 (essential education at diagnosis).157

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> wanted insulin regimens that were flexible and allowedfor a measure of spontaneity, and they wanted to be informed about the types of insulin thatare available and given up-to-date information on insulin delivery devices and blood glucosetesting monitors – see Section 4.2 (insulin regimens).• Parents suggested annual updates from staff on the new products available – see Section 4.2(insulin regimens).• It was mentioned that some young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> may find four injections/daytoo many but they wanted to be involved in the discussion about how best to fit <strong>diabetes</strong>treatment into their chosen lifestyle while maintaining optimal metabolic control – seeSection 4.2 (insulin regimens).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> and their parents wanted consistent, accessible up-to-dateinformation on many aspects of living with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, including information on whathappens when you have type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, healthy eating, what to expect at clinic visits, typesof insulin, injecting insulin and injection sites, hypoglycaemia and what to do if it occurs,complications of <strong>diabetes</strong>, how to drink alcohol safely, travelling abroad and leisureactivities, becoming more independent, leaving home, implications for future careers, andnew products and research – see Sections 4.2 (insulin regimens) and 4.1 (universal principlesof education).• Parents felt that education should be delivered through one-to-one or group educationsessions with a specialist nurse, whereas young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> were morepositive about accessing information through leaflets, CD-ROMs, videos and websites – seeSection 4.1 (universal principles of education).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>, in particular young women, were sensitive about bodyweight and wanted weighing to be carried out in a private room – see Section 5.5 (screeningfor complications and associated conditions).• Young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> valued meeting other young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>and might benefit from formalised arrangements for meeting each other – see Section 7.1(support groups).• Some parents suggested that age of transfer of young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> frompaediatric to adult services should be standardised and that clinics should be jointly run bypaediatric and adult services to provide continuity of care – see Section 7.2 (transition frompaediatric to adult care).• Other parents thought that individual young people with type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> should be involvedin the decision about when transfer should occur – see Section 7.2 (transition from paediatricto adult care).158

Appendix DManagement of diabetic ketoacidosisGuidelines for the treatment of children and young people with diabetic ketoacidosis have beenpublished by the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (available athttp://www.bsped.org.uk/BSPEDDKAApr04.pdf). 502 [evidence level IV] These guidelines arereproduced below with permission from the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology andDiabetes. The Glasgow Coma Scale 685 is reproduced with permission from Elsevier.BSPED Recommended DKA GuidelinesThese guidelines for the management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis were originally produced by aworking group of the British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes. Modificationshave been made in the light of the guidelines produced by the International Society for Pediatricand Adolescent Diabetes (2000) and the recent ESPE/LWPES consensus statement on diabeticketoacidosis in children and adolescents (Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2004, 89: 188-194).We believe these guidelines to be as safe as possible in the light of current evidence. However,no guidelines can be considered entirely safe as complications may still arise. In particular thepathophysiology of cerebral oedema is still poorly understood.Three aspects of the guidelines deserve further mention as being still subject to controversy:1. There is increasing (but not overwhelming) evidence that a fall in plasma sodiumconcentration during fluid treatment may be associated with the development of cerebraloedema. Hypotonic saline solutions should therefore not be used, and 0.45% saline withdextrose is now the fluid of choice once the initial phase of treatment with normal saline iscomplete.2. There is some consensus that fluid rehydration should be delivered evenly over 48 hours, andthat this practice may reduce the incidence of cerebral oedema. There is no direct evidencefor this, and there may be disadvantages such as slowing down correction of the dehydrationand acidosis. However, the international consensus group most recently recommended thisrate of rehydration.3. The initial intravenous insulin infusion dose is given as 0.1 units/kg/hour. There are somewho believe that younger children (especially the under 5’s) are particularly sensitive toinsulin and therefore require a lower dose of 0.05 units/kg/hour. There is no scientificevidence to alter the recommended larger dose which has proven efficacy in correctinghyperglycaemia and reversing ketosis.Any information relating to the use of these guidelines would be very valuable. Please addressany comments to :Dr. Julie Edge, Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist, Department of Paediatrics, Level 4, JohnRadcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU.159

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>Guidelines for the Management of Diabetic KetoacidosisCONTENTSA. General commentsB. Emergency management1. Resuscitation2. Confirm diagnosis3. InvestigationsC. Full Clinical Assessment1. Assessment of dehydration2. Conscious level3. Physical examination4. Role of PICU5. Observations to be carried outD. Management1. Fluids – volumetypeoral fluids2. Potassium3. Insulin4. Bicarbonate5. PhosphateE. Continuing management 8F. Cerebral oedema1. Features2. ManagementG. Other complications and associationsGlasgow Coma Scale Appendix 1Algorithm for Management Appendix 2160

Appendix DA. General:Always accept any referral and admit children in suspected DKA.Always consult with a more senior doctor on call as soon as you suspect DKA even if you feelconfident of your management.Remember: children can die from DKA.They can die from -• Cerebral oedema. This is unpredictable, occurs more frequently in younger children andnewly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> and has a mortality of around 25%. The causes are not known, butthis protocol aims to minimise the risk by producing a slow correction of the metabolicabnormalities. The management of cerebral oedema is covered on page 165.• Hypokalaemia. This is preventable with careful monitoring and management• Aspiration pneumonia. Use a naso-gastric tube in semi-conscious or unconscious children.These are general guidelines for management. Treatment may need modification to suit theindividual patient and these guidelines do not remove the need for frequent detailedreassessments of the individual child’s requirements.These guidelines are intended for the management of the children who have:• hyperglycaemia (BG >11 mmol/l)• pH < 7.3• Bicarbonate < 15 mmol/land who are• more than 5% dehydrated• and/or vomiting• and/or drowsy• and/or clinically acidoticChildren who are 5% dehydrated or less and not clinically unwell usually tolerate oralrehydration and subcutaneous insulin. Discuss this with the senior doctor on call.B. Emergency management in A & E:1. General Resuscitation : A, B, C.AirwayBreathingCirculationEnsure that the airway is patent and if the child is comatose, insert an airway.If comatose or has recurrent vomiting, insert N/G tube, aspirate and leaveon open drainage.Give 100% oxygen by face-mask.Insert IV cannula and take blood samples (see below).Cardiac monitor for T waves (peaked in hyperkalaemia)If shocked (poor peripheral pulses, poor capillary filling with tachycardia,and/or hypotension) give 10 ml/kg 0.9% (normal) saline as a bolus, and repeatas necessary to a maximum of 30 ml/kg.(There is no evidence to support the use of colloids or other volume expanders in preference tocrystalloids)2. Confirm the Diagnosis:• History: polydipsia, polyuria• Clinical: acidotic respiration161

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>dehydrationdrowsinessabdominal pain/vomiting• Biochemical: high blood glucose on finger-prick testglucose and ketones in urine3. Initial Investigations:• blood glucose• urea and electrolytes (electrolytes on blood gas machine give a guide until accurate resultsavailable)• blood gases (preferably arterial or capillary, but venous gives similar pH)• PCV and full blood count (leucocytosis is common in DKA and does not necessarily indicatesepsis)+ other investigations only if indicated e.g. CXR, CSF, throat swab, blood culture, urinalysis,culture and sensitivity etc.(DKA may rarely be precipitated by sepsis, and fever is not part of DKA.)C. Full clinical assessment and observations:Assess and record in the notes, so that comparisons can be made by others later.1. Degree of Dehydration –3% dehydration is only just clinically detectablemild, 5%– dry mucous membranes, reduced skin turgormoderate, 7.5% – above with sunken eyes, poor capillary returnsevere, 10% (+ shock) – severely ill with poor perfusion, thready rapid pulse, (reduced bloodpressure is not likely and is a very late sign)2. Conscious Level –Institute hourly neurological observations whether or not drowsy on admission.If in coma on admission, or there is any subsequent deterioration,• record Glasgow Coma Score (see Appendix 1)• transfer to PICU• consider instituting cerebral oedema management (page 165)3. Full Examination – looking particularly for evidence of –• cerebral oedema headache, irritability, slowing pulse, rising blood pressure, reducingconscious levelN.B. Examine fundi but papilloedema is a late sign.• infection• ileusWEIGH THE CHILD. If this is not possible because of the clinical condition, use the mostrecent clinic weight as a guideline, or an estimated weight fromcentile charts.4. Does the child need to be on PICU? –YES if• severe acidosis pH

Appendix D• staffing levels on the wards are insufficient to allow adequate monitoring.5. Observations to be carried out :Ensure full instructions are given to the senior nursing staff emphasising the need for :• strict fluid balance• measurement of volume of every urine sample, and testing for ketones• hourly BP and basic observations• capillary blood ketone levels may be available and may be a more sensitive measure ofsuppression of ketogenesis during treatment• hourly capillary blood glucose measurements (these may be inaccurate with severedehydration/acidosis but useful in documenting the trends. Do not rely on any suddenchanges but check with a venous laboratory glucose measurement)• twice daily weight; can be helpful in assessing fluid balance• hourly or more frequent neuro observations initially• reporting immediately to the medical staff, even at night, symptoms of headache or anychange in either conscious level or behaviour• reporting any changes in the ECG trace, especially T wave changes suggesting hyperkalaemiaD. Management:1. Fluids:N.B. It is essential that all fluids given are documented carefully, particularly the fluid which isgiven in Casualty and on the way to the ward, as this is where most mistakes occur.a) Volume of fluid –By this stage, the circulating volume should have been restored. If not, give a further 10 ml/kg0.9% saline (to a maximum of 30 ml/kg) over 30 minutes. (discuss with a consultant if the childhas already received 30 ml/kg).Otherwise, once circulating blood volume has been restored, calculate fluid requirements asfollowsRequirement = Maintenance + DeficitDeficit (litres) = % dehydration x body weight (kg)Ensure this result is then converted to ml.Never use more than 10% dehydration in the calculations.Maintenance requirements Age 0–2 yrs 80 ml/kg/24 hrs3–5 70 ml/kg/24 hrs6–9 60 ml/kg/24 hrs10–14 50 ml/kg/24 hrsadult (>15) 30 ml/kg/24 hrsAdd calculated maintenance (for 48 hrs) and estimated deficit, subtract the amount alreadygiven as resuscitation fluid, and give the total volume evenly over the next 48 hours. i.e.Hourly rate= 48 hr maintenance + deficit – resuscitation fluid already given48Example:A 20 kg 6 year old boy who is 10% dehydrated, and who has already had 20 ml/kg saline, willrequire• 10 % x 20 kg = 2000 mls deficit• plus 60 ml x 20 kg = 1200 mls maintenance each 24 hours1200 mls= 4400 mls163

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• minus 20 kg x 20 ml = 400 mls resus fluid4000 mls over 48 hours = 83 mls/hourDo not include continuing urinary losses in the calculationsb) <strong>Type</strong> of fluid –Initially use 0.9% saline.Generally once the blood glucose has fallen to 14–17 mmol/l add glucose to the fluid.If this occurs within the first 6 hours, the child may still be sodium depleted. Discuss this withconsultant, who may wish to continue with Normal saline and added dextrose.If this occurs after the first 6 hours and the child’s plasma sodium level is stable, change the fluidtype to 0.45% saline/5% dextrose.Check U & E’s 2 hours after resuscitation is begun and then at least 4 hourlyElectrolytes on blood gas machine can be helpful for trends whilst awaiting laboratory results.c) Oral Fluids:In severe dehydration, impaired consciousness & acidosis do not allow fluids by mouth. A NGtube may be necessary in the case of gastric paresis.Oral fluids (eg fruit juice/oral rehydration solution) should only be offered after substantialclinical improvement and no vomitingWhen good clinical improvement occurs before the 48hr rehydration calculations have beencompleted, oral intake may proceed and the need for IV infusions reduced to take account ofthe oral intake.2. Potassium:Once the child has been resuscitated, potassium should be commenced immediately withrehydration fluid unless anuria is suspected. Potassium is mainly an intracellular ion, and thereis always massive depletion of total body potassium although initial plasma levels may be low,normal or even high. Levels in the blood will fall once insulin is commenced.Therefore initially add 20 mmol KCl to every 500 ml bag of fluid (40 mmol per litre).Check U & E’s 2 hours after resuscitation is begun and then at least 4 hourly, and alter potassiumreplacements accordingly. There may be standard bags available; if not, strong potassiumsolution may need to be added, but always check with another person.Use a cardiac monitor and observe frequently for T wave changes.3. Insulin:Once rehydration fluids and potassium are running, blood glucose will already be falling.However, insulin is essential to switch off ketogenesis and reverse the acidosis.Continuous low-dose intravenous infusion is the preferred method. There is no need for aninitial bolus.Make up a solution of 1 unit per ml. of human soluble insulin (e.g. Actrapid) by adding 50 units(0.5 ml) insulin to 50 ml 0.9% saline in a syringe pump. Attach this using a Y-connector to theIV fluids already running. Do not add insulin directly to the fluid bags.The solution should then run at 0.1 units/kg/hour (0.1ml/kg/hour).• If the rate of blood glucose fall exceeds 5 mmol/l per hour, or falls to around 14–17 mmol/l,add dextrose (5-10% equivalent) to the IV fluids running (see “fluids” above). The insulindose needs to be maintained at 0.1 units/kg/hour to switch off ketogenesis.• Do not stop the insulin infusion while dextrose is being infused, as insulin is required toswitch off ketone production. If the blood glucose falls below 4 mmol/l, give a bolus of2 ml/kg of 10% dextrose and increase the dextrose concentration of the infusion.164

Appendix D• If needed, a solution of 10% dextrose with 0.45% saline can be made up by mixing 250 ml20% glucose with 250ml N.Saline by withdrawing 250 ml from each 500 ml bag & mixingthe residual amounts with each other.• Once the pH is above 7.3, the blood glucose is down to 14–17 mmol/l, and a dextrosecontainingfluid has been started, consider reducing the insulin infusion rate, but to no lessthan 0.05 units/kg/hour.• If the blood glucose rises out of control, or the pH level is not improving after 4–6 hoursconsult senior medical staff, re-evaluate (possible sepsis, insulin errors or other condition),and consider starting the whole protocol again.4. Bicarbonate:This is rarely, if ever, necessary. Continuing acidosis usually means insufficient resuscitation orinsufficient insulin. Bicarbonate should only be considered in children who are profoundlyacidotic (pH< 6.9) and shocked with circulatory failure. Its only purpose is to improve cardiaccontractility in severe shock.Before starting bicarbonate, discuss with senior staff, and the quantity should be decided by thepaediatric resuscitation team or consultant on-call.5. Phosphate:There is always depletion of phosphate, another predominantly intracellular ion. Plasma levelsmay be very low. There is no evidence in adults or children that replacement has any clinicalbenefit and phosphate administration may lead to hypocalcaemia.E. Continuing management:• Urinary catheterisation should be avoided but may be useful in the child with impairedconsciousness.• Documentation of fluid balance is of paramount importance. All urine needs to be measuredaccurately and tested for ketones. All fluid input must be recorded (even oral fluids).• If a massive diuresis continues fluid input may need to be increased. If large volumes ofgastric aspirate continue, these will need to be replaced with 0.45% saline plus 10 mmol/lKCl.• Check biochemistry, blood pH, and laboratory blood glucose 2 hours after the start ofresuscitation, and then at least 4 hourly. Review the fluid composition and rate according toeach set of electrolyte results.• If acidosis is not correcting, resuscitation may have been inadequate or sepsis or inadequateinsulin activity. Check infusion lines, doses of insulin and consider giving more insulin,antibiotics and /or normal saline.Insulin management –Continue with IV fluids until the child is drinking well and able to tolerate food. Do not expectketones to have disappeared completely before changing to subcutaneous insulin.Discontinue the insulin infusion 60 minutes (if using soluble or long-acting insulin) or 10minutes (if using Novorapid or Humalog) after the first subcutaneous injection to avoid reboundhyperglycaemia. Subcutaneous insulin should be started according to local protocols for thechild with newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong>, or the child should be started back onto their usual insulinregimen at an appropriate time (discuss with senior staff).F. Cerebral oedema:The signs and symptoms of cerebral oedema include• headache & slowing of heart rate• change in neurological status (restlessness, irritability, increased drowsiness, incontinence)165

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>• specific neurological signs (eg. cranial nerve palsies)• rising BP, decreased O2 saturation• abnormal posturingMore dramatic changes such as convulsions, papilloedema, respiratory arrest are late signsassociated with extremely poor prognosisManagement:If cerebral oedema is suspected inform senior staff immediately.The following measures should be taken immediately while arranging transfer to PICU–• exclude hypoglycaemia as a possible cause of any behaviour change• give Mannitol 1 g/kg stat (= 5 ml/kg Mannitol 20% over 20 minutes) or hypertonic saline(5–10 mls/kg over 30 mins). This needs to be given as soon as possible if warning signs occur.• restrict IV fluids to 2/3 maintenance and replace deficit over 72 rather than 48 hours• the child will need to be moved to PICU (if not there already)• discuss with PICU consultant (if assisted ventilation is required maintain pCO 2 above 3.5 kPa)• once the child is stable, exclude other diagnoses by CT scan – other intracerebral events mayoccur (thrombosis, haemorrhage or infarction) and present similarly• a repeated dose of Mannitol should be given after 2 hours if no response• document all events (with dates and times) very carefully in medical recordsG. Other complications:• Hypoglycaemia and hypokalaemia – avoid by careful monitoring and adjustment of infusionrates• Systemic Infections – Antibiotics are not given as a routine unless a severe bacterial infectionis suspected• Aspiration pneumonia – avoid by nasogastric tube in vomiting child with impairedconsciousnessOther associations with DKA require specific management:Continuing abdominal pain is common and may be due to liver swelling, gastritis, bladderretention, ileus. However, beware of appendicitis and ask for a surgical opinion once DKA isstable. A raised amylase is common in DKA.Other problems are pneumothorax ± pneumo-mediastinum, interstitial pulmonary oedema,unusual infections (eg TB, fungal infections), hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic non–ketotic coma,ketosis in type 2 <strong>diabetes</strong>.Discuss these with the consultant on-call.166

Appendix DAPPENDIX 1Glasgow Coma ScaleBest Motor ResponseEye OpeningBest Verbal ResponseMaximum score 15, minimum score 31 = none2 = extensor response to pain3 = abnormal flexion to pain4 = withdraws from pain5 = localises pain6 = responds to commands1 = none2 = to pain3 = to speech4 = spontaneous1 = none2 = incomprehensible sounds3 = inappropriate words4 = appropriate words but confused5 = fully orientatedModification of verbal response score for younger children:2–5 years < 2 years1 = none 1 = none2 = grunts 2 = grunts3 = cries or screams 3 = inappropriate crying orunstimulated screaming4 = monosyllables 4 = cries only5 = words of any sort 5 = appropriate non-verbal responses(coos, smiles, cries)167

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>APPENDIX 2.Algorithm for the Management of Diabetic KetoacidosisClinical History- polyuria- polydipsia- weight loss- abdominal pain- weakness- vomiting- confusionClinical Signs- assess dehydration- deep sighing respiration (Kussmaul)- smell of ketones- lethargy, drowsinessBiochemical Signs- ketones in urine or blood- elevated blood glucose (>11mmol/l)- acidaemia (pH 5%Clinically acidoticVomitingIntravenous therapy- calculate fluid requirements- correct over 48 hours- 0.9% saline- add KCL 20 mmol every 500 ml- insulin 0.1U/kg/hour by infusionDehydration < 5%Clinically wellTolerating fluid orallyTherapy- start with s.c insulin- give oral fluidsNo improvementRe-evaluate- fluid balance + IV-therapy- if continued acidosis, mayrequire furtherresuscitation fluid- check insulin dose correct- consider sepsisObservations- hourly blood glucose- neurological status at least hourly- hourly fluid input: output- electrolytes 2 hours after start of IVtherapy,then 4-hourlyblood glucose< 15 mmol\LNo improvementNeurological deteriorationWarning signs :headache, irritability, slowingheart rate, reduced consciouslevel, specific signs raised intracranialpressureexcludehypoglycaemiais itcerebral oedema ?Insulinstart subcutaneous insulin thenstop intravenous insulin 1 hourlaterIntravenous therapy- change to 0.45% saline + dextrose 5%- continue monitoring as above- consider reducing insulin 0.05/kg/hour, butonly when pH>7.3Improvement- clinically well, drinking well, tolerating food- urine ketones may still be positiveManagement- give mannitol 1.0 g/kg- call senior staff- restrict I.V. fluids by 2/3- move to ITU- CT Scan when stabilisedJulie A Edge, Oxford, Feb 2004168

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Indexacademic achievement 114acarbose 64, 66acidosis 94Addison’s disease 104, 108adherence see non-adherence/adherenceadolescence 122–3recommendation 17, 123research recommendation 19, 123adult care, transition to see transition frompaediatric to adult careadults 6advice, 24-hour access 26, 136ageeducation according to 35–6glycaemic targets 70nephropathy screening 106of onset, cognitive function and 114, 115partial remission phase and 27retinal screening 105transfer to adult services 126, 127air travel 87alanine, oral 90albumin 147excretion rate 105–6glycated serum 68alcohol consumption 84–5, 141–2recommendations 13, 86–7algorithm, clinical practice 20–1American Diabetes Association 71, 72, 79analogue insulins see insulin analoguesangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 106animal insulins 49, 96anorexia nervosa 112–13antidepressants 111–12anti-endomysial antibodies 103anxiety 110–12, 144prevalence 110–11recommendations 16, 112appetite, loss of 101artificial pancreas 28aspiration pneumonia 161, 166audit 23auditable standards 129–31azathioprine 30basal–bolus regimens 38behavioural disorders 16, 116–17behavioural interventions, general 119–20behavioural problems 15, 109–10, 144beta cells, immunological markers of damage 22bias ixbicarbonate, in diabetic ketoacidosis 97, 165biguanide 65–6biphasic insulins 49, 137soluble insulin vs rapid-acting insulinanalogues 53see also pre-mixed insulinsblinding ixblood glucosecontinuous monitoring systems 75–6, 77control see glycaemic controlelectronic transmission of results to clinic 74–5methods of monitoring 72–7random 69reagent sticks, visually read 73self-monitoring see self-monitoring of bloodglucosetargets 77, 127, 140see also plasma glucoseblood glucose monitors 77computer-assisted 74with memories 70, 73–4recommendations 78vs laboratory standard assays 72–3vs visually read reagent strips 73blood pressure measurement 106–7, 108body mass index 108, 147insulin regimen and 41, 45see also weightbovine insulin 49British Diabetes Association see Diabetes UKBritish Society for Paediatric Endocrinology andDiabetes (BSPED) 94, 159brittle <strong>diabetes</strong> 118bruising 59, 60bulimia nervosa 113, 114carbohydrate exchange 80carbohydrate intake, dietary 79, 81during and after exercise 84alcohol consumption and 85, 87in hypoglycaemia 90, 93cardiovascular disease see macrovascular diseasecare, integrated package 26, 37–8care plan 24carers 6, 125case–control study ixcase report (study) ixcase series ixcataracts, juvenile 108catheters, indwelling 63cerebral oedema 94, 161, 165–6191

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>monitoring 95prevention 98, 159treatment 98, 166chat-line, online 36child(ren) 6, 147cholesterol screening 107clinical effectiveness, synthesis of evidence 4clinical practice algorithm 20–1clinical trial ixcoeliac disease, screening 103–4, 108cognitive behavioural therapy 112, 113cognitive disorders 77, 114–16, 145insulin regimen and 41recommendations 16, 116research recommendations 19, 116cohort ixcohort study ix–x, 4communication between organisations 124–6recommendations 17, 125research recommendation 19, 126compliance see non-adherence/adherencecomplications and associated conditions 89–108,142–5recommendations 13–15, 108research recommendations 18–19, 108screening see screeningcomputer-assisted systemsglycaemic control monitoring 74–5insulin regimens 43conduct disorders 16, 116–17confidence intervals (CI) x, 4consultation day, young people’s 5, 157–8continuity of care 124–8recommendations 17, 127–8research recommendation 19, 128continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMSs)75–6, 77, 78invasive 75–6non-invasive 76continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII;insulin pump therapy) 38, 44–6, 138–9cost effectiveness 42insulin preparations 48, 51–2newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> 28recommendations 47–8research recommendations 48vs multiple daily injections 45–6continuous venous insulin infusion 28control group xcontrolled clinical trial xconventional insulin therapy 38vs intensive insulin therapy 39–42, 46–7coping problems 145–6coping skills training 119correlation coefficient xcorticosteroids 29cost benefit analysis xcost effectiveness xinsulin glargine 54insulin regimens 42patient education 33, 34see also health economicscost utility analysis xcrossover study design x–xicross-sectional study xicrystalline insulin zinc suspensionvs insulin zinc suspension 55–6vs isophane insulin 55CSII see continuous subcutaneous insulin infusioncyclosporin 28–9and nicotinamide 29databases, computer 23DCCT see Diabetes Control and ComplicationsTrialdeathsfrom all causes, insulin regimen and 40diabetic ketoacidosis 93–4dehydration 94, 162dental care 107, 108depression 110–12, 144management 111–12maternal 109, 111methods of identifying 111prevalence 110–11recommendations 16, 112suitable professional to advise on 112dextrose (glucose), intravenous 90, 91, 92, 93,164–5<strong>diabetes</strong> care team 26, 135, 147Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)40, 41, 42cognitive disorders 115definitions 38monitoring glycaemic control 67, 68, 69<strong>diabetes</strong> mellitus, non-type 1 22, 23–4Diabetes UK 23, 125diet recommendations 79, 81information for schools 124patient education 31, 33, 35diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) 93–9, 143algorithm for management 168behavioural disorders and 116brittle <strong>diabetes</strong> 118cerebral oedema see cerebral oedemacognitive function after 116definition 94, 147guidelines for management 159–68incidence 93–4initial presentation with 22, 25, 27, 136insulin regimens and 39–40monitoring 95prevention 98–9recommendations 14, 99research recommendations 18–19, 99treatment 94–8192

Indexdiagnosis 22–4, 134–5algorithm 20–1dealing with 136education at see under educationemotional response 109, 111management from see management, initialpartial remission phase see partial remissionphaserecommendations 7–8, 23–4diagnostic tests, synthesis of evidence 4diaries, patient 70, 73–4, 78diarrhoea 101diet 78–82, 140–1recommendations 11–12, 81–2research recommendations 18, 82dietitians 26, 79disabilitygovernment support 125physical and sensory 37disposal of sharps 62double blind study xidrug use, recreational see recreational drugsdyslipidaemia 104eating disorders 112–14, 144recommendations 16, 114economics see health economicsecstasy 86education 33–7, 136age group specific 35–6at diagnosis 30–2, 136hypoglycaemia 32initiation of insulin therapy 31monitoring blood glucose levels 31–2psychological support 32recommendations 8, 32dietary management 79, 82mode, and resources 36programme content 35recommendations 8, 37research recommendations 18, 37school staff 124–5translation and literacy aspects 36–7universal principles 33–5education institutions 124–5electrochemical enzyme sensors, continuousblood glucose monitoring 76emotional problems 109–10, 144prevalence 110–11recommendations 15, 110see also anxiety; depressionemotional response, to diagnosis 109, 111emotional support see psychosocial supportendomysial antibodies 103energy intake 79epinephrine, intramuscular 92ethnic differences, knowledge about <strong>diabetes</strong>36–7evidencelevels 4synthesis 4evidence based xievidence-based clinical practice xievidence table xi, 4exclusion criteria xivexercise 82–4, 141, 156long-term training 83recommendations 12, 83–4short-term effects 82–3experimental study xi, 4external review 5eye examination, routine 105, 108family 6adaptation 109–10non-adherence and 117psychosocial support 120–1, 122systems therapy, behavioural 120see also parentsfastingpreoperative 100, 101religious or cultural 81fat, dietary 79, 81female doctors 26fever 101, 102fluid management, in diabetic ketoacidosis 95,159, 163–4foods, diabetic 81foot care 107, 108free-mixing (self-titrating) insulin 56–7fructosamine 68frequency of testing 71–2fruit and vegetables 79, 81gastric paresis 147gastroenteritis 101gender differencespartial remission phase 27psychosocial problems 119skin to muscle fascia distance 60Glasgow Coma Scale 167glibenclamide 65gliclazide 65glipizide 65glucagon 91intramuscular 91, 92, 93intranasal 92intravenous 91subcutaneous 90, 91, 92, 93glucoseblood see blood glucoseconcentrated oral 92, 93intravenous (dextrose) 90, 91, 92, 93, 164–5oral 90plasma see plasma glucoseurine testing 69–70193

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>glucose control see glycaemic controlglucose monitors see blood glucose monitorsglyburide 65glycaemic controlin adolescence 122–3alcohol consumption and 84–5in eating disorders 113, 114exercise training and 83home vs hospital care at diagnosis and 24–5insulin delivery method and 58, 62insulin preparation and 49, 50, 53, 55, 56–7insulin regimen and 39, 45, 46monitoring 67–78, 139computer assistance 74–5frequency and timing 71–2parameters used 67–70recommendations 10–11, 77–8research recommendations 18, 78see also self-monitoring of blood glucoseoral anti-diabetic agents and 64, 65–6targets 70, 77, 127glycaemic index 80glycated haemoglobin (HbA 1 ) 67, 70, 77frequency of testing 71insulin preparation and 55, 56near-patient testing 69recommendations 77timing of testing 72see also HbA 1cglycated serum proteins 68, 71–2glycosuria 22, 94gold standard xigovernment support 125growth 107–8guideline (this)aim 1areas outside remit 1–2development group (GDG) 2intended readership 2methodology 3–6other relevant documents 2–3terminology used 6version for public 2, 133–48versions 134guidelines, clinical 1, 133–4haemoglobin, glycated see glycated haemoglobinHbA 1 see glycated haemoglobinHbA 1c 67–8, 70, 127, 139, 147DCCT-aligned 67, 77frequency of testing 71, 139insulin delivery method and 58insulin preparation and 50, 53, 54, 149–51insulin regimen and 39, 45, 46oral anti-diabetic agents and 64, 65–6recommendations 77target 77, 139see also glycated haemoglobinhealth economics xiglycaemic control monitoring 75, 76guideline methodology 4insulin glargine 54insulin regimens 46literature searches 3patient education 33, 34see also cost effectivenesshealthy eating 82heart attack 147height 107–8heterogeneity xihigh dependency care 94, 99, 147homeblood glucose monitoring see self-monitoringof blood glucosecare, newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> 24–7, 135homogeneity xihoneymoon period see partial remission phasehospital inpatient care, newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong>24–6, 27, 135human insulin 49in diabetic ketoacidosis 96hydration, during intercurrent illness 102-hydroxybutyrate 98–9hyperglycaemia 22, 147cognitive effects 115–16in diabetic ketoacidosis 94infections with 102hypertension 104screening 106–7, 108treatment 106hyperthyroidism 104hypoglycaemia 89–93, 142–3, 147alcohol consumption and 84, 85, 93awareness, effects of alcohol 85cognitive effects 114–15, 116disabling 47education for avoiding and treating 32, 35exercise-induced 82, 83, 84grading of severity 89infections associated with 102insulin delivery method and 58, 63insulin preparations and 50–1, 53, 54–5, 56,57, 152–3insulin regimen and 39, 45, 46nocturnal, bedtime snacks and 80–1oral anti-diabetic agents and 64, 65, 66recommendations 13–14, 92–3signs and symptoms 89treatment of mild to moderate 90treatment of severe 90–2hypokalaemia 161, 166Hypostop 92, 93hypothyroidism, screening 103–4identification, patient 92, 137immunisation 87–8, 145194

Indexrecommendations 13, 88immunotherapy 28–30impaired fasting glycaemia 22impaired glucose regulation 22impaired glucose tolerance 22Improving compliance with treatment for <strong>diabetes</strong>31inclusion criteria xivindometacin 30indwelling catheters 63infants 6, 147educational aims 35insulin regimens 44infections 102influenza immunisation 87–8, 145information sources 146–7inhaled insulin 62–3injection sites 61exercise and insulin absorption 82–3inspection 108local reactions 58, 59, 62rotation 61visual aids for identifying 61injection techniques 59–60skin pinching and angle of needle 60subcutaneous vs intramuscular 59–60through clothing 60institutions, education and care 124–5insulin analogues 147long-acting 49, 53–5, 57, 137rapid-acting 48, 49–53, 137, 138for CSII 51–2timing of injections 52–3, 57vs soluble insulin 49–53, 149–55insulin antibodies 49insulin aspart 48, 50in biphasic insulins 53for CSII 51vs soluble insulin 50–1, 151insulin delivery methods 58–63, 139closed loop system 28indwelling catheters 63inhaled insulin 62–3injection technique 59–60insulin jet injectors 62intranasal insulin 63pens vs syringes and needles 58–9recommendations 10, 63research recommendations 18, 63sharps disposal 62see also injection sites; intramuscular insulin;intravenous insulin; needles; subcutaneousinsulininsulin detemir 49, 54–5, 56insulin doseadjustmentsbefore exercise 82in intercurrent illness 102in relation to diet 79, 82deliberate under-dosing (purging) 113in diabetic ketoacidosis 96–7maximum 44plastic guide vs paper algorithm 75insulin glargine 49, 53–4, 56timing 54insulin infusionscontinuous subcutaneous see continuoussubcutaneous insulin infusioncontinuous venous 28in diabetic ketoacidosis 95–6, 159, 164–5insulin lispro 48, 50in biphasic insulins 53for CSII 51–2vs soluble insulin 50–1, 151insulin preparations 48–57, 137comparative studies 49–53human vs animal 49recommendations 9–10, 57research recommendations 18, 57types available 48–9see also insulin analogues; specificpreparationsinsulin pump therapy see continuoussubcutaneous insulin infusioninsulin purging 113insulin regimens 37–48, 138children under 5 years 44comparative studies 39–43intensive see intensive insulin therapymaximum insulin dosage 44newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> 28patient preferences 39recommendations 8–9, 47–8research recommendations 18, 48see also specific insulin regimensinsulin sensitivity, exercise training and 83insulin therapy 137–9adherence 117in diabetic ketoacidosis 95–6, 164–5education at diagnosis 31in intercurrent illness 102misuse 118newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> 27–8, 136insulin zinc suspensionvs crystalline insulin zinc suspension 55–6vs isophane insulin 55intelligence quotient (IQ) 114, 115intensive insulin therapy 38children under 5 years 44CSII vs multiple daily injections 44–6recommendations 47–8research recommendations 48vs conventional insulin therapy 39–42, 46–7intercurrent illness 101–2, 145recommendations 15, 102interferon 30195

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>intermediate-acting insulins 48–9, 137appropriate for children/young people 53–6,57regimens 38, 42–3International Society for Pediatric and AdolescentDiabetes 79, 159intervention xiintramuscular insulinin diabetic ketoacidosis 96injections 59–60intranasal insulin 63intravenous insulincontinuous infusion see insulin infusionsin diabetic ketoacidosis 95–6, 159, 164–5injections 48isophane insulinvs crystalline insulin zinc suspension 55vs insulin zinc suspension 55vs long-acting insulin analogues 53–5jejunal biopsy 103jet injectors, insulin 62ketoacidosis see diabetic ketoacidosisketone levelsacceptable range 98–9frequency of measuring 99indications for measuring 99ketones 147ketonuria 22, 94, 99ketosisexercise during 83, 84infections with 102language problems 36–7lipids, bloodoral anti-diabetic agents and 64, 66screening 107lipohypertrophy 59, 60, 61, 104literacy 36–7literature search strategy 3long-acting insulins 48–9appropriate for children/young people 53–6regimens 38longitudinal study ximacrovascular diseasebenefits of exercise 83insulin regimen and 41risk factor screening 104, 108smoking and 86macular oedema 40managementalgorithm 20–1initial 24–7, 135–6optimum location 24–6recommendations 7–8, 26–7ongoing 33–88, 136–41recommendations 8–13research recommendations 18at transition to adult care 127see also specific components of managementmannitol 98, 166masking ixmedicinesadministration in schools 124–5sugar-free 102memories, blood glucose monitors with 70, 73–4memory problems 41, 145see also cognitive disordersmental health professionals 26, 119, 122, 146mentoring 121, 146meta-analysis xii, 4metformin 65–6, 139methotrexate 30methylprednisolone 29microalbuminuriainitial management and treatment 106intensive vs conventional insulin regimens 40screening 105–6, 108microvascular complicationsglycaemic control and 70screening 104–8self-monitoring of blood glucose and 72multidisciplinary team 147multiple daily insulin injections 38, 46–7, 138,148failure 47insulin preparations 57recommendations 47research recommendations 48special regimens 42–3vs CSII 45–6vs other insulin regimens 39–42, 46–7National Children’s Bureau 5National Clinical Audit Support Programme 23National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) 5,147guidance for public 133–48National Paediatric Diabetes Audit 23National Service Framework for Children 24National Service Framework for Diabetes DeliveryStrategy 24, 127natural history of type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> 27–30recommendations 8, 30see also partial remission phasenear-patient testing, glycated haemoglobin 69necrobiosis lipoidica 104, 108needle injection devices 58–9needlesangle 60disposal 62length 59, 63, 139single vs multiple use 61sprinkler 59196

Indexneonates (newborn babies) 6, 148insulin regimens 44nephropathyinsulin regimen and 40–1screening 105–6, 108neurocognitive disorders see cognitive disordersneuroglycopaenia 89neurological outcome, cerebral oedema 98neuropathy, screening 107neuropsychological impairment, insulin regimenand 41newborn babies see neonatesnicotinamide 29and cyclosporin 29non-adherence/adherence 117–18dietary advice 80in eating disorders 113recommendations 16, 118non-experimental study xiinon-insulin agents 18, 63–6, 139non-type 1 <strong>diabetes</strong> 22, 23–4number needed to treat (NNT) xii, 4nurses<strong>diabetes</strong> specialist 26school 125obesity 108observational study xii, 4octreotide 98odds ratio xiionline chat-line 36oral antidiabetic drugs 63–6, 139recommendations 66research recommendations 18, 66oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) 22, 23oral hygiene 107organisations, communication between seecommunication between organisationsoutcome measures 5, 6outpatient management, newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong>24–6package of care, integrated 26, 37–8paediatric care, transition from see transition frompaediatric to adult carepaediatricians 26paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) 99, 143,162–3pain, injection-related 59, 62pancreas, artificial 28parents 6educational aims 35psychosocial issues 109–10, 111psychosocial support 120–1see also familyparoxetine 111–12partial remission phase 27–30determinants of length 27immunotherapy for prolonging 28–30insulin regimens for prolonging 28insulin treatment during 27–8recommendations 30peer review xiipeer support 121pen injection devices 58–9disposable vs reusable 59peripheral vascular disease 107phosphate therapy, in diabetic ketoacidosis 97,165physical activity see exercisepilot study xiipinch-up technique, for injections 60placebo xiiplacebo effect xiiplasma glucosefasting 22, 69random 22see also blood glucosepneumococcal infection 88immunisation 88, 145porcine insulin 49, 96post-traumatic stress disorder 109potassium therapy, in diabetic ketoacidosis 97,164power, statistical xiv–xvprednisone 29preferences, patientinsulin delivery methods 58, 62insulin preparations 51, 57, 154–5insulin regimens 39transfer to adult care 126pre-mixed insulins 49, 56one vs two doses per day 43vs self-titrating insulin preparations 56–7pre-school children 6, 148cognitive effects of hypoglycaemia 114, 115,116educational aims 35insulin regimens 44, 138timing of rapid-acting insulin analogues 57primary school children 6, 148educational aims 35–6insulin regimens 138problem solving support 121prospective study xiiiprotamine zinc insulin 48proteindietary 79, 81glycated serum 68, 71–2psycho-education, in eating disorders 113psychological issues 109–23, 145–6recommendations 15–17research recommendations 19psychological support, newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong>32psychology services 26, 119, 122197

<strong>Type</strong> 1 <strong>diabetes</strong>psychosocial support 118–22, 146<strong>diabetes</strong> outcomes and 119interventions to enhance 119–21newly diagnosed <strong>diabetes</strong> 27recommendations 16–17, 121–2puberty 107–8, 122see also adolescencep value xiiiqualitative research xiiiquality of lifeCSII vs multiple daily injections 45intensive vs conventional insulin regimens41–2quantitative research xiiirandom allocation (randomisation) xiiirandomised controlled trial (RCT) x, xiii, 4recommendationsforming and grading 5summary 7–19record keeping<strong>diabetes</strong> clinics 23self-monitored blood glucose 70, 73–4, 78recreational drugs 86, 142recommendations 13, 87registers, <strong>diabetes</strong> 23, 24relative risk (RR) xiii, 4reliability xivremission phase, partial see partial remissionphaserenal function, dietary protein intake and 79research recommendations 18–19retinopathy 148alcohol consumption and 85insulin regimen and 40screening 105, 108retrospective study xivrheumatoid arthritis 104risk ratio xivsalt replacement, in diabetic ketoacidosis 95sample xivschool hours, clinic appointments outside 26school nurse 125schools 124–5screening xiv, 103–8, 143–4adults vs children 127recommendations 15, 108research recommendations 19, 108searches, literature 3seizures, hypoglycaemic, cognitive effects 114,115selection criteria xivselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)111–12self-esteem 109self-monitoring of blood glucose 69–70, 139–40before and after exercise 84alternative body sites 75computer assistance 74–5continuous systems 75–6education at diagnosis 31–2ethnic differences 37frequency 71home monitors vs laboratory standard 72–3methods 72–7monitors vs reagent strips 73monitors with and without memories 73–4reagent strips vs laboratory standard 73recommendations 77–8reliability and validity 70timing of testing 72vs no home monitoring 72vs urine glucose testing 69–70self-titrating insulin 56–7sensitivity xivserum proteins, glycated 68, 71–2sex differences see gender differencessharps disposal 62short-acting insulins 48, 137comparative studies 49–53for CSII 51–2regimens 38, 43timing of injections 52–3see also insulin analogues, rapid-acting;soluble insulinsick-day rules 102, 145skin pinching, for injections 60smoking 86, 142cessation advice 86, 87recommendations 13, 87snacksbedtime 80–1, 82, 141daytime 80, 81social issues 109–23recommendations 15–17research recommendations 19soluble insulin 48for CSII 51–2vs rapid-acting insulin analogues 49–53,149–55somatostatin therapy, in diabetic ketoacidosis 98specificity xivsports, restricted 83–4standard deviation (SD) 4statistical power xiv–xvstress 25, 111stroke 148subcutaneous insulincontinuous infusion see continuoussubcutaneous insulin infusionin diabetic ketoacidosis 96injections 59–60substance misuse see recreational drugssucrose 80198

Indexsuicide 111sulphonylureas 64–5, 66support, psychosocial see psychosocial supportsupport groups 125, 146surgery 100–1, 145elective 100emergency 100–1minor 101recommendations 15, 101sweeteners, artificial 81symptoms of <strong>diabetes</strong> 22syringe and needle injection devices 58–9see also needlessystematic review xv, 4teachers, school 124–5team, <strong>diabetes</strong> care 26, 135, 147terbutalineoral 90subcutaneous 90terminology 6, 147–8theophylline 30thiazolidinediones 66three insulin injections daily 38, 43thymopentin 30thyroid auto-antibodies 104thyroid disease, screening 103–4, 108thyrotoxicosis 104tolazamide 65training, long-term exercise 83transition from paediatric to adult care 126–8, 146recommendations 17, 127–8research recommendation 19, 128translation 36–7travel, long-distance 87, 145recommendations 13, 87tricyclic antidepressants 11224-hour advice, access to 26, 136two insulin injections daily 38, 43United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study 68urine glucose, home testing 69–70urine ketone dip tests 99validity xvvariable xvvenlafaxine 112visual aids, for identifying injection sites 61vomiting 101, 102weightgain, insulin therapy and 41, 63measurement 107–8see also body mass indexweighted mean differences (WMDs) 4World Health Organization (WHO), diagnosticcriteria 22, 23young people 6, 148consultation day 5, 157–8educational aims 36insulin regimens 138199

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