Ioannou - Kakouri Eleni

Ioannou - Kakouri Eleni

Ioannou - Kakouri Eleni


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THE USE OF SYNTHETIC COLORS (E102, E104, E110, E122,<br />




E. <strong>Ioannou</strong>‐<strong>Kakouri</strong>, E. Procopiou, A. Krashia, M. Frantzi<br />

State General Laboratory (SGL), 44 Kimonos, Nicosia‐Cyprus<br />

Ministry of Health<br />

www.moh.gov.cy<br />

www.moh.gov.cy/sgl<br />

o go cy cy/sg /sgl /sg<br />

6th Cyprus Dietetic and Nutrition Association Conference<br />

with International Participation “Life Life Cycle Nutrition Nutrition”, ,<br />

23‐26 September 2010, Hilton Cyprus Hotel, Nicosia –Cyprus

Introduction<br />

• The incidence and the levels of several food<br />

additives (colours, preservatives, synthetic<br />

sweeteners etc) in locally produced and imported<br />

foodstuffs are monitored and controlled<br />

systematically by the State General Laboratory<br />

(SGL) since 1980s.<br />

• Special emphasis is given to synthetic colours and<br />

preservatives used in foods and drinks consumed by<br />


• The monitoring and control is performed according to the<br />

requirements of relevant relevant EU legislation (Reg. No. 1333/2008<br />

etc).<br />

• SGL is the Official Control Laboratory y and the National<br />

Reference Laboratory of Cyprus, in many fields of food<br />

safety and cooperates with the Health Services of the<br />

Ministry of Health for sampling and enforcement.<br />

• Furthermore SGL participates in Expert Committees and<br />

WWorking ki GGroups of f EEuropean CCommission i i (EC) and d EEuropean<br />

Food Safety Authority( EFSA).

Reason for this study<br />

• ArelevantsurveyoftheUniversity of Southampton<br />

(McCann ( et al, 2007. The Lancet, 6 Sept. p 2007) )<br />

whose subject was the correlation of the synthetic<br />

food colours E102, E104, E110, E122, E124, E129<br />

and the preservative sodium benzoate with<br />

hyperactivity yp y in children.<br />

• Duetothis,theMinistryofHealth(MoH) fundeda<br />

study (2008‐2009) (2008 2009) carried out by the SGL with the<br />


Aim of the study<br />

• The investigation of the real/analytical levels of the six colors<br />

(Ε102, Ε104, Ε110, Ε122, Ε124, Ε129) and the preservative<br />

sodium benzoate (Ε211) in ice‐cream ice‐cream, drinks drinks, fruit drinks drinks,<br />

candies, snacks, desserts, tomato ketchup and other foodstuffs<br />

consumed by children in Cyprus.<br />

• Collection of data and evaluation of the status of these<br />

foodstuffs in Cyprus, for use in the consultative diet policy of<br />

the Ministry of Health to parents and other stakeholders.<br />

• DDevelopment l off amethod h d off quantifying if i synthetic h i colours l iin<br />

several types of food and drinks.<br />

In the present study a total number of 369 samples were<br />

examined !

Results Results‐ No and % of positive samples<br />

Α/Α Food or Drinks Synthetic colors Southampton<br />

(E102, E104, E110, E122,<br />

E124, E129)<br />

Number of % of positive<br />

samples<br />

(1<br />

samples<br />

st phase/2nd phase)<br />

Sodium benzoate (Ε211)<br />

Number of<br />

samples<br />

(1st phase/2nd phase)<br />

% of positive<br />

samples<br />

1 Ice creams 63 / 41 31 ‐ ‐<br />

2 Drinks 59 / 33 33 57/20 42<br />

3 Fruit drinks 11 / 14 16 10 / ‐ 0<br />

4 Gel 15 / 19 74 ‐ ‐<br />

5 Candies/<br />

Lollipops/ Chewing gums<br />

42 / 38 65 ‐ ‐<br />

6 Ketchup 11 / ‐ 0 11 / ‐ 27<br />

7 Snacks 16 / ‐ 0 ‐ ‐<br />

8 Desserts with yoghurt for kids 7 / ‐ 0 ‐ ‐<br />

Total 224 / 145 78 / 20

samples<br />

% ppossitive<br />

30.0<br />

25.0<br />

20.0<br />

15.0<br />

10.0<br />

5.0<br />

0.0<br />

Ε102<br />

Ε104<br />

Ε110<br />

Ε122<br />

Ε124<br />

Confectionery<br />

(sweets, candies)<br />

Desserts<br />

Edible ices<br />

Soft drinks<br />

Fruit drinks<br />

Ε129<br />

Southampton Colours

Levels of Synthetic Colours in foodstuffs in Cyprus (2008‐2009)<br />

Colour<br />

Edible ices<br />

Confectionery<br />

(sweets (sweets, candies)<br />

Desserts Fruit drinks Soft drinks<br />

Mean value Mean value Mean value Mean value Mean value<br />

mg/kg g/ g mg/kg g/ g mg/kg g/ g mg/kg g/ g mg/kg g/ g<br />

E102 16,4 19,9 33,1 0,0 6,8<br />

E104 18,1 42,1 2,0 0,0 9,2<br />

E110 21,0 13 13,22 84 8,4 5,5 16 16,33<br />

E122 25,7 5,9 17,2 50,0 33,2<br />

E124 29,9 11,3 19,2 0,0 0,0<br />

E129 0,0 46,6 0,0 12,5 17,9

MMean<br />

valuee,<br />

mmg/kg<br />

or mgg/l<br />

50.0<br />

40.0<br />

30.0<br />

20.0<br />

10.0<br />

0.0<br />

E102<br />

E104<br />

E110<br />

E122<br />

SSouthampton th t Colours<br />

C l<br />

E124<br />

E129<br />

Φρουτοποτά<br />

Confectionery<br />

(sweets, candies)<br />

Desserts<br />

Soft drinks<br />

Edible ices

Discussion<br />

• 16‐74% 16 74% of the tested food groups were<br />

positive inthepresenceofoneormoreof<br />

the six colors and<br />

• 27‐42% of the food groups were positive for<br />

sodium sod u benzoate be oate<br />

• None of the six colors was identified in<br />

ketchup, snacks and desserts with yoghurt.

• Synthetic colours E102, E104, E110, E122, E124,<br />

E129 ( Southampton colours) and E131 & E133,<br />

were not identified in a significant percentage of<br />

the examined number of ice‐cream samples (65%).<br />

Συνθετικές<br />

χρωστικές<br />

Southampton<br />

(E102, E104, E110,<br />

E122, E124, E129)<br />

31%<br />

Συνθετικές<br />

χρωστικές (Ε131<br />

και Ε133)<br />

4%<br />

Φυσική χρωστική<br />

Ε120<br />

22%<br />

Δεν ανιχνεύθηκαν<br />

συνθετικές<br />

χρωστικές<br />


• Th The simultaneous i lt presence off a synthetic th ti<br />

color and sodium benzoate was identified in<br />

22% of the soft drinks<br />

• With a simple risk assessment e.g. for sodium<br />

benzoate benzoate, one kid aged 22‐4 4 years old (15kg<br />

body weight), can receive 2/3 of the<br />

acceptable daily intake (ADI) (ADI), by consuming a<br />

can of soft drink (330ml) which contains a<br />

maximum limit quantity of sodium benzoate<br />


EFSA΄s EFSA s relevant work<br />

• The European Commission (EC) asked EFSA to consider these<br />

six colours. First EFSA opinion was in 2008 .<br />

• It was mentioned by EFSA that children who consume<br />

•<br />

intensively coloured candies and soft drinks, it is possible for<br />

some of the additives in the Southampton study, to reach<br />

their acceptable daily intake (ADI) (ADI).<br />

In the light of all new evidence, EFSA re‐evaluated the safety<br />

of the six colors and reduced the ADI for the three of them<br />

(EFSA opinion Nov. 2009) Quinoline Yellow (E104), Sunset<br />

Yellow FCF (E110) and Ponceau 4R (E124).<br />

• Generally, EFSA has the mandate to re‐evaluate all food<br />

additives which are allowed within E.U.( Reg.257/2010 set<br />

up a timeline for re‐evaluation of additives permitted before<br />

20 Jan.2009).

European Commission – SGL SGL‐EFSA EFSA<br />

• Furthermore, European Commission (EC) put in<br />

force a new Regulation for food additives (Reg. No.<br />

1333/2008) including mandatory additional labeling<br />

information for the presence of these six colours,<br />

that “they may have an adverse effect on activity<br />

and attention of children”.<br />

• The SGL participates actively in the Working Groups<br />

of EC on additives for drafting g the relevant<br />

legislation and other WG of EFSA.

• The results of study: y<br />

Use of results<br />

• will be used in the dietary advices of Min. of Health<br />

and other stakeholders for the reduction of intake/<br />

consumption of food containing to much synthetic<br />

food colors and other additives especially by<br />

children!<br />

• Will be sent to EFSA and European Commission( EC)<br />

within the spirit of networking and exchange of<br />

information between Member States of EU EU, EC and<br />


• Many thanks to:<br />

• The Min. of Health for funding the study<br />

• My co‐workers in SGL : EE. Procopiou Procopiou,<br />

A. Krashia, M. Frantzi<br />

• The organizers of the 6 h th CyDNA Conference

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