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Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ... 8 th Convention PLANNER 2012Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> in the Participatory ERABirender Pal S K Singh Merina AhmedAbstractLibraries and Knowledge are the two faces of a same coin. The University libraries act as animportant medium of generating knowledge between the academic communities. The traditionalprocess of organizing, retrieving and dissemination of information is out of fashion and timeconsuming. <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> through the application of IT is making great efforts to build up theirinformation infrastructure in order to provide a fast and efficient information highway to help theirusers in sharing and utilizing the information all over the world. This paper deals about the differentdevelopments activities of Krishna Kanta Handiqui library of Gauhati University under <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>which includes digital collection development, HRD development, status of different databasescreated by KKHL. The article also discuss about the records contributed by KKHL in the UnionCatalogue of Indian Universities and digitization aspects of Thesis and Dissertation collections.Keywords: <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>, Library Automation, UGC-Infonet1. IntroductionLibraries are the repositories of knowledge andform an integral part of education. “According toProf.P.N.Kaula (1989) -Knowledge is what I knowand Information is what we know. In other words,knowledge is restricted to individual who gains itwhile information is, knowledge shared by thecommunication. In this sense recorded knowledge,i.e, a record of what I know becomes informationby being communicated and a library is a repositoryof such recorded knowledge or information.” Theadvancement of IT has changed the way ofinformation stored, retrieved and disseminated. Ithas become very difficult to manage the informationmanually due to the explosion growth ofknowledge. To serve the users even in the virtualenvironment these libraries are innovating newtechnologies so that a value added services can be8 th Convention PLANNER-2012Sikkim University, Gangtok, March 01-03, 2012© <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad- 167 -provided. Before any such vision they need tostrengthen their resources and services so that theycan equally participate in sharing and accessingthe source of knowledge. Most of the universitieshave accepted the challenges to re-design thesystem and subsystems of the present library to copewith present as well as future needs.2. <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>- A path finder for KKHLLibraryThe Information and Library Network(<strong>INFLIBNET</strong>) <strong>Centre</strong> is an autonomous Inter-University <strong>Centre</strong> (IUC) of the University GrantsCommission (UGC) located at the GujaratUniversity Campus, Ahmedabad. As a consequenceof UGC’s efforts, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> , a network ofuniversity and college libraries in India wasestablished in 1988, which became functional in1991. The centre became autonomous Inter-University centre of the UGC in May 1996.

Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ... 8 th Convention PLANNER 2012SL No DesignationNo. of staff1 Librarian 12 Deputy librarian Vacant3 Assistant librarian 44 Professional Assistant 85 Senior library Assistant 26 Junior library Assistant 2Table 2: Professional Qualified staff of KKHL9. Library AutomationIt is one of the important aspect of KKHL for whichlot of Planning were done. KKHL had faced manydifficulties while planning for library automation.KKHL first stared the automation process with theCDS/ISIS software. But with the procurement ofSOUL software the library started to automate thehouse keeping operations as well.9.1 Database CreationEntering the elements (information) in the recordsis the primary job of any library to start theautomation process. Database should be created insuch a way that the information can be retrieve eventhrough the minute field. With the help of SOULat present KKHL prepares three types of databases:Books Databases, Serials and, User databases.Thesis databases of the library are still preparedwith CDS/ISISSl YEAR Total Increase in % wiseNo. (April-Mar) Collection database r e c o r d s(according (includingto Accession duplicateregister) records)1 2005-06 1,98886 14900 7.492 2006-07 2,00025 64900 32.443 2007-08 2,00876 94900 47.244 2008-09 2,04522 119900 58.625 2009-10 2,13724 129900 60.776 2010-11 2,15212 136400 63.37Table 3: Book Database Created by KKHLwith SOULTable 3 shows that till March 2011 all total 63.37%(136,400nos.) of records of books are entered inthe book databases whereas 36.63% (78,812 nos.)records of book are still to be entered in thedatabase.250,000200,000150,000100,00050,000Total CollectionIncrease in database9.1.1 Book DatabaseIn KKHL, preparation of book database is one ofthe important tasks which are still in process.Creation of book databases started from the year2005 with the first version of SOUL. But afterprocurement of SOUL 2.0 the earlier databasescreated with SOUL1.0 were converted to itsupgrade version- 169 -2005-0 62006-0 720 07-0 82008-0 920 09-1 02010-1 10Fig ure 1: Shows status of records in the Book Database9.1.2 Serial DatabaseAfter lots of unjustified criticism to SOUL2.0, thelibrarian of KKHL himself studied thoroughly the

8 th Convention PLANNER 2012 Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ...serial control model of SOUL 2.0. Based on hispersonal study and observation he found that serialcontrol model is satisfying all the requirementsrequired for managing the serials of KKHL. As aresult, modules of Serial control have beenimplemented recently from July 2011.Sl. Type Total Indivi- Database TotalNo Collection dual (For indivi- ItemTitle Title) enteredin thedatabase1 CurrentPeriodical 220+ 220 143 1432 BoundPeriodical 4500+ 165 105 125Table 4: Status of Serial Database of KKHL9.1.3 User DatabaseKKHL stared to prepare the user database withSOUL 2.0. KKHL have basically five categories ofusers-Students (includes PG + LLB + M.Phil +Med), Research Scholars, Faculties, Officers andthe University Staff.Sl. Categories Total no. User PercentageNo. Users of Users Database createdcreated1 Students 2,962 1346 45.4%2 ResearchScholars 1,176 100 8.5 %3 Faculty 253 253 100 %4 Officer 77 77 100 %5 University 375 375 100%staffTable 5: Status of User database created byKKHLTable 5 reveals that out of total 4,843 users, KKHLhave already created 2,151 (44.4%) records of theuser’s in the user databases and 55.6% of recordsare still to be converted. While 100% records offaculties, officers, university staff and 45.4% &8.5% records of students and research scholars areentered in the user databases.10. Library Activities with SOUL2.0KKHL has already discontinued most of thetraditional method of library operations and nowperformed these activities with the help ofautomated software i.e.SOUL 2.0Sl. Activities Fully Partially Not Year ofNo. Implem- Implem- Implem- Impleentedented ented mation1 Budgeting - - 20112 Acquisition For books 2011For Periodicals -- -- 20113 Cataloguing - - - 2005CopyCataloguing - (Already4 Circulationinstalled) 2011Transaction New Membership 2010Collection of fine- Stock verification - - -5 Serial control - - 20116 AdministrationGrouping of Users Transactional rights - - 2010Table 6: Library Activities covered underlibrary Automation with SOUL 2.0-- 170 -

Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ... 8 th Convention PLANNER 2012From the Table 6 it is seen that KKHL haveimplemented all the main modules of SOUL 2.0.The table reveals that from 2010 onwards most ofthe library activities are performed in the automatedform. Copy cataloging software is already installedbut due to some technical error it is not able toimplement at present.11. UGC INFONET & KKHLIncrease in Bandwidth in KKHL with UGC-Infonet: KKHL is getting better amount ofbandwidth with the shifting of its networkconnectivity under <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>.Sl. Name of Establishment Increase ISPNo. Connecti- Year (April- BandwidthvityMar)1 UGC Infonet 2004-2010 256-2 mbps ERNET2 UGC Infonet 2.0 2010-2011 10 mbps BSNL3 NKN (NationalKnowledgeNetwork 2011-Till Now 1 Gbps BSNLTable 7: Increase in Bandwidth in KKHLFrom Table 7 it is seen that there is a high rate ofincrease in Bandwidth of KKHL. At present (FromApril 2011 onwards), the UGC Infonet 2.0connectivity of KKHL is subsume into NKN whereit receive a high bandwidth of 1 Gbps.12. UGC-Infonet Digital Library ConsortiumKKHL join the consortium during the first face inthe year 2004. Before joining the consortium KKHLwere unable to subscribe most of the journals dueto its limitation. It proves a great boon for theKKHL where almost from diverse subject field,users can access quality based e-journals and otherbibliographic databases..Sl. Year e-Journal Increase/ Bibliographic Increase/No. (nos.) Decrease Database(nos.) Decreaserate ofrate of Ejournalsdatabases(%) (%)1 2005-06 4228 - 8 -2 2006-07 3740 (-11.5) 8 (0)3 2007-08 4039 (+7.9) 8 (0)4 2008-09 6039 (+49.5) 9 (+12.5)5 2009-10 5779 (-4.3) 6 (-33.)6 2010-11 5587 (-3.3) 6 (0)Table 8: Status of e-Resources under UGC InfonetDigital Library Consortium of KKHLHere + & - sign indicates increasing and decreasingrate of e-resources.Table 8 reveals that during the year 2007-08 and2008-09, the e-journals of KKHL under the UGC-Infonet Consortium have increased by 7.9% and49.5% respectively whereas during 2006-07, 2009-10 and 2010-11 it was decrease by 11.5%, 4.3%and 3.3% respectively.13. Union Catalogue of <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> & KKHLKKHL, Gauhati University has joined the INDcatproject in the year 2005. KKHL contributes threetypes of records viz. Books, Serials and Thesis. Allthe records are created by using the software CDS/ISIS (developed by UNESCO). These records aresent by the KKHL to <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> center.- 171 -

8 th Convention PLANNER 2012 Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ...Sl. Year Book Serial Theses Total Increasing NameNo. Data- Data- Data- Contri- percentage ofbase base base bution software1 2006-07 2135 211 2636 4,982 - CDS/ISIS2 2007-08 2135 211 2685 5,031 0.98 CDS/ISIS3 2008-09 10000 211 2685 12,896 156.33 CDS/ISIS4 2009-10 1000 211 2685 12, 896 0 -(NC) (NC) (NC) (NC) 0 -5 2010-11 1000 211 2685 12,896 0 -(NC) (NC) (NC) (NC) 0 -Table 9: Records Contributed by KKHL inNC-No ContributionINDCatTill 2011 all total 10000 records of books, 211records of serials and 2685 records of Thesis arecontributed to the INDcat (Union catalogue of<strong>INFLIBNET</strong>). But after 2009 no records has beencontributed in the Union catalogue by the KKHL.It is also seen that the databases which is createdwith SOUL2.0 is still to be sent to the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>centre for merging in the Union Catalogue i.e.INDCat.120100806040200Books Serials ThesisOut of TotalcollectionsRecordscontributedSl. Name of No. of No. of Total no. ofNo. the programme Universities programmes participants1 CALIS - 20 4002 IRTPLA 53 66 1,9613 WANULIP 7 - 1424 Awarenessprogramme one-resources 70 70 11,7565 CALIBER 16 16 5,8756 PLANNER 7 7 1,8507 National Seminar 1 1 125Table 10: Training programme conducted by<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> for the University Libraries of Indiasince its inception (Till March 2011)Sl. Name Duration Year No. of Placeof thecoursePersons1 CDS/ 28 days 1994 2 <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>ISIS<strong>Centre</strong>&OTHERS2 ILIMS 5 Days 1997 1 <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>centre3 IRTPLA 5 Days 2001 2 GauhatiUniversity4 SOUL1.0 5Days 2005 1 <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>centre5 SOUL2.0 5 Days 2009 1 <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>centre6 ATP 6 months 2010 1 <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>centreTable 11: Shows the status of Training of KKHLstaff under <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> (year wise)Figure 2: Shows the percentage of records contributed byKKHL in INDcat till March 201114. Human Resource development14.1 Training<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> has providing training to universitylibrary staff since its inception. KKHL staff hasattended both Long and short term courses.- 172 -Except “IRTPLA (2001)” all the other trainingprogrammes were conducted at the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>centre. K.K.H.library, Gauhati University is the firstlibrary from the north eastern region that had availthe Attachment training programme conducted by<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> at its centre. So all total 4 staff ofKKHL are sent for 6 different training programmeconducted under <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>.

Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ... 8 th Convention PLANNER 201214.2 Annual Convention14.2.1 CALIBER and PLANNERThe staff of KKHL has also attended CALIBER/PLANNER programme conducted by <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>center.Sl. Name Place No. of staffof the CALIBERattended1 CALIBER-1999 Nagpur 12 CALIBER-2000 Chennai 13 1 st PLANNER,2003 Shillong 14 2 nd PLANNER,2004 Imphal 15 4 th PLANNER,2006 Aizwal 26 5 th PLANNER,2007 Guwahati 57 6 th PLANNER,2008 Dimapur 18 7 th PLANNER,2009 Tezpur 5Table 12: CALIBER and PLANNER ProgrammeAttended by KKHL StaffTable 12 reveals that out of all total 16 CALIBERheld in sixteen different locations across India, one(same) staff each has attended two CALIBERprogramme and 10 staff has attended 6 PLANNERprogramme except the 3 rd PLANNER.76543210No Of StaffFigure 3: Shows the status of HRD of KKHL(year wise)199419971999200020012003200420052006200720082009201015. SHODHGANGA and KKHLKKHL have already taken the initiative toimplement some of the new projects sponsored by<strong>INFLIBNET</strong>. Theses which do not come under thePurview of UGC Act will be digitize by KKHL.With the end of work in the first phase, users fromthe world can access the Thesis collection of KKHLwhich will provide a platform of bettercommunication as well as literature search of theresearch scholars across the world.Name of the Year of Support that will Activities that willProject MOU be receive from be performed bythe <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> KKHLSODHGANGA June 2011 1.Financial assis- 1.Digitization oftance for the digiti- Thesis collectionzation work2. Training to 2. Digitizationone library staff of DissertationcollectionTable 13: Shows the Future plan of KKHL withShodhgangaKKHL will get financial assistance towardsdigitization of back files of Thesis/Dissertationssubmitted before 2009 from <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>. Inaddition to that KKHL have also set the objectiveto put the Dissertation collection in to the digitalrepository in the second phase.16. Findingsa) At present KKHL prepares basically three typesof Databases viz- Books, Serials and User’sdatabases with SOUL 2.0.b) The study reveals that KKHL has alreadystarted to implement all the main modules of SOUL2.0 (From Table 6)- 173 -

8 th Convention PLANNER 2012 Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ...c) The study reveals that during last eight yearsthere is rapid growth in bandwidth of internetaccessibility in KKHL. (Table 7)d) From the study it is found that KKHL isproviding the current periodical to its usersbasically in electronic form in addition to fewprinted periodicals.e) Till today KKHL from its total collections hascontributed 4.6% records of book, 0.4% recordsof serials and 99.4% records of Thesis in the Unioncatalogue of <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>. (Table 9).f) From the study it reveals that the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>has played key role in HRD development of KKHL.At present out of 17 professionally staff, 12 staffof KKHL has attended 14 different programmesunder <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>.17. SuggestionsSome of the points which we have mentioned forthe further improvement in KKHL in as follows :I. The work of entering the records in the books,serials and user database should be madecompleted as soon as possible. The thesis databasecreated with CDS/ISIS can be converted to SOUL2.0 so that users can directly access the recordsthrough OPACII. KKHL can contribute the records to the Unioncatalogue of <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> of those documentswhich have already converted to different typesof database.III. KKHL can take maximum advantage from<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> by joining different new programmesand projects like “Open Journal System” and soon.18. Conclusion<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> is trying to change the environmentof handling the data processing work in theuniversities libraries. In addition to that it alsopromotes scholarly communication in theuniversities, institutions of higher learning and R& D institutions in India. But one important thingis that lack of proper initiative is one of thehindrances in the path of development of theselibraries.It is hoped that the present study has provided forunderstanding the developmental scenario ofdifferent aspects of KKHL under the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>.But it cannot be termed as “Rapid development”.Though <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> provides special drive for theNorth-eastern region but the library is still lackingbehind to some extent to grasp this opportunity ascompared to other Universities of North-easternregion. One of the main reasons may be lack offull time librarian for the last 10 years. It is hopethat with the appointment of full time librariansince last two year, KKHL may cover a long milein the developmental journey and may fill the gapin different aspects as compared to other universitylibraries. K.K.Handique library have to walk a longjourney to re-design its method of providing theservices to its users in the new learningenvironment in the participatory age. Beforeintroducing any new technology it should providebetter training to the staff without which all processof acquiring new technologies will be useless. Infuture <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> can bring a lot of newopportunities for the University libraries in India.- 174 -

Changing Dimension of KKHL With <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ... 8 th Convention PLANNER 2012References1. BAVAKUTTY, M. Libraries in HigherEducation. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publication.1988.2. DEVARAJAN, G. 50 Years of IndianLibrarianship. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publication,1999.3. DHIMAN, A.K & SINHA, Suresh.C. AcademicLibraries. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publication,2002.4. <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> centre. Topics on Cutting-edgeTechnology in LIS. <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Newsletter,2010, Vol 17(1), 15-19.5. <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>. INDcat: Online union catalogueof Indian universities. Available at http://indcat.inflibnet.ac.in/indcaV (Accessed on 15-11-2011).8. RAO, Laxman & RAO, Sudarshan. KnowledgeSocieties and Libraries. New Delhi:Ess EssPublication, 2004.About AuthorsMr. Birender Pal, Assistant Librarian, SriMarwari Hindi Pustakalaya, Fancy Bazar,Guwahati, Assam.E-mail: birenderpal4@gmail.comDr. S K Singh, Reader, DLIS, Gauhati UniversityE-mail: ksgu1@gmail.comMs. Merina Ahmed, Ex-student, DLIS, GauhatiUniversityE-mail: meriahm543@gmail.com6. KAUL, H.K. Library Resource Sharing andNetworking. New Delhi: Virgo publications,1999.7. NEWSLETTER <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>. Attachmenttraining programme for practicing librariansand computer professionals of North Easternregion. <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Newsletter, 2009,Vol16(1), pp20-22.- 175 -

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