Dignitaries after the Valedictory Function at the World Philosophy ...

Dignitaries after the Valedictory Function at the World Philosophy ...

Dignitaries after the Valedictory Function at the World Philosophy ...


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<strong>Dignitaries</strong> <strong>after</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Valedictory</strong> <strong>Function</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day 2010, Tehran

From Member-Secretary’s DeskProfessor G. Mishra, Member Secretary, ICPR <strong>at</strong> Silver Jubilee Award <strong>Function</strong>Iam pleased to share with you <strong>the</strong> glad tiding th<strong>at</strong> behalf of ICPR and all those who are associ<strong>at</strong>ed withwe had our Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh philosophy, I convey our profound gr<strong>at</strong>itude to bothand Union Minister of Human Resource Development,Shri Kapil Sibal as our guests <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Life Timeof <strong>the</strong>m for <strong>the</strong>ir precious time and good wishes.ICPR has <strong>the</strong> dream and desire to grow in multifariousways to c<strong>at</strong>er to <strong>the</strong> requirements of philosophyAchievement Award giving function in which we had<strong>the</strong> gre<strong>at</strong> pleasure of honoring two of <strong>the</strong> most eminentand especially philosophy in our (incredible) Indiaphilosophers of our country, Professors R. Balasubramanianand D.P. Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyaya for <strong>the</strong> most valuableincluding <strong>the</strong> search and research for those traditionswhich are nearly lost and forgotten. In keeping withservices <strong>the</strong>y have rendered to promote and propag<strong>at</strong>eour objectives, we have been largely successful inphilosophy in India. Himself an academic and a personimplementing our projects and programs in organizingof profound learning and vision, Dr. Manmohana large number of seminars, workshops and conferencesbesides sanctioning grants to different n<strong>at</strong>ionalSingh not only graced <strong>the</strong> occasion and presented <strong>the</strong>awards, but also expressed his joy in becoming awarebodies for carrying out research work to augment ourof <strong>the</strong> various activities of ICPR in promoting philosophyin <strong>the</strong> country, and even charted a blue-print forresources, holding programmes in different parts of<strong>the</strong> country —a good glimpse of which is presentedits future activities. Adding to this, so profound andin this issue of <strong>the</strong> ICPR Newsletter.encouraging were <strong>the</strong> words of Shri Kapil Sibal, ourMinister, which egged us on in our efforts of building In November 2010, ICPR Chairman Professor K.R.up <strong>the</strong> Council, adequ<strong>at</strong>ely taking care of <strong>the</strong> needs Rao and I were privileged to particip<strong>at</strong>e in <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong>of <strong>the</strong> future and perpetu<strong>at</strong>e philosophical thinking <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day Celebr<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> Tehran, <strong>the</strong> Capital Cityth<strong>at</strong> has come down to us for several millennia. On of <strong>the</strong> Islamic Republic of Iran, on <strong>the</strong> invit<strong>at</strong>ion of

ness. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru wrote in his Discoveryof India: “The tremendous and fundamental fact ofIndia is her essential unity throughout <strong>the</strong> ages.” Thekaleidoscopic colorful coalition of coexisting identitiesmakes India distinctively beautiful. It makes ourcountry a showcase of sustainable pluralism. Indeed,it is our strength.We need to preserve this essential unity, this Indiannessth<strong>at</strong> has been streng<strong>the</strong>ned and enriched by <strong>the</strong>various strands of thought th<strong>at</strong> constitute <strong>the</strong> Indianphilosophical tradition. It is a major challenge for allof us and especially <strong>the</strong> intellectuals, to ensure th<strong>at</strong><strong>the</strong> richness of our diversity and our multi-culturismis preserved and nourished.Classical Indian thought subscribes to <strong>the</strong> ideal th<strong>at</strong><strong>the</strong> world is one family (vasudhaiva kutumbakam). Asbro<strong>the</strong>rs and sisters, we should be bonded by loveand compassion for each o<strong>the</strong>r. The fa<strong>the</strong>r of ourn<strong>at</strong>ion, Mah<strong>at</strong>ma Gandhi, articul<strong>at</strong>ed so well <strong>the</strong>intrinsic altruism and <strong>the</strong> abiding spirituality in all ofus. He emphasized on truth and non-violence as <strong>the</strong>guiding principles to govern our conduct, thoughtand action. His thought is quite <strong>the</strong> opposite of<strong>the</strong> Hobbesian <strong>the</strong>sis, which characterizes much ofWestern social-philosophical thought. According toMah<strong>at</strong>ma Gandhi, man is not a power hungry, amoral,self-serving, and hedonistically driven animal heldback from his instinctual urges by reason and fear ofviolence. He said th<strong>at</strong> “man is worse than <strong>the</strong> brute,so long as he is selfish and indifferent to happiness ofo<strong>the</strong>rs…man becomes gre<strong>at</strong> exactly in <strong>the</strong> degree inwhich he works for <strong>the</strong> welfare of his fellow-men.” Inmany ways, Mah<strong>at</strong>ma Gandhi’s teachings carry forward<strong>the</strong> ideas of our ancient philosophical traditions. It ismy belief th<strong>at</strong> we need such guiding principles morethan ever before. It is <strong>the</strong> special responsibility of ourthinkers, intellectuals and philosophers to contributeto <strong>the</strong> legacy of tolerance and bro<strong>the</strong>rhood th<strong>at</strong> wehave inherited. I am also happy to learn th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>Indian Council of Philosophical Research is takingspecial steps to promote Gandhian thought.Sometimes, philosophers are seen as mere arm-chairspecul<strong>at</strong>ors, who have <strong>the</strong> luxury of leisure. This,I believe, is a misconception. <strong>Philosophy</strong> is notremoved from living but organically rel<strong>at</strong>ed to it. Ata practical level, we need to break <strong>the</strong> artificial barrierbetween <strong>the</strong>ory and practice – like Lenin reminded us,“<strong>the</strong>re is no good <strong>the</strong>ory without good practice and nogood practice without good <strong>the</strong>ory”. Philosophicalthought, should be ever evolving and relevant to itstime. Therefore, I am happy th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indian Councilof Philosophical Research is looking beyond <strong>the</strong> traditionalcontours of classical philosophy to make <strong>the</strong>discipline more contextual, focused on contemporaryissues and relevant to our n<strong>at</strong>ional needs.With <strong>the</strong> rapid expansion of <strong>the</strong> knowledge frontierand <strong>the</strong> consequent multiplic<strong>at</strong>ion of areas of specializ<strong>at</strong>ion,<strong>the</strong>re is an increasing need for interdisciplinarystudies and for unified knowledge. <strong>Philosophy</strong> canplay a pivotal role in ensuring this. As <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>rof all sciences, philosophy is necessarily inter-disciplinary.Therefore, it should be pursued not merelyas a separ<strong>at</strong>e discipline, like economics or politics, butas a trans-disciplinary subject taught along with o<strong>the</strong>rsubjects. Ethics should be an important element in<strong>the</strong> curriculum of professional schools, with possiblecourses such as business ethics and medical ethics.Again philosophies of law, educ<strong>at</strong>ion, history, politics,and science need to be studied for consumm<strong>at</strong>e andall-round prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of students enrolled in thosefields. I hope th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch would encourage efforts in this direction.Let me end by once again congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ing Dr. D.P. Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyayaand Prof. Balasubramanian. I also wish<strong>the</strong> Indian Council of Philosophical Research <strong>the</strong> verybest in its programmes and serving as an importantthink tank of <strong>the</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ion.May your p<strong>at</strong>h be blessedJai Hind

AwardsICPR Lifetime Achievement Award <strong>Function</strong>Dr. Manmohan Singh, presenting <strong>the</strong> Life Time Achievement Awardto Professor R. BalasubramanianICPR Life Time Achievement Award <strong>Function</strong> washeld <strong>at</strong> Hall no. 6 of Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhion 22nd December 2010 <strong>at</strong> a very distinguishedga<strong>the</strong>ring. Our Prime Minister, Dr. ManmohanSingh presented <strong>the</strong> ICPR Silver Jubliee Award forDistinguished Life Time Achievement in <strong>Philosophy</strong> toProfessor R. Balasubramanian (for <strong>the</strong> year 2009)and to Professor D.P. Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyaya (for <strong>the</strong> year2010). Due to health reasons, Professor Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyayacould not <strong>at</strong>tend <strong>the</strong> function and <strong>the</strong> awardwas received by <strong>the</strong> Professor Krishna Roy on hisbehalf.The function started with <strong>the</strong> lighting of <strong>the</strong> lampby Dr. Manmohan Singh followed by <strong>the</strong> welcomeaddress of Professor K. Ramakrishna Rao highlighting<strong>the</strong> essential services rendered by <strong>the</strong> ICPR and <strong>the</strong>future vision of <strong>the</strong> ICPR to serve <strong>the</strong> Philosophicalcommunity. Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Ministerof Human Resource & Development delivered hisaddress in which he appreci<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> good servicesdone by ICPR. This was followed by <strong>the</strong> present<strong>at</strong>ionceremony and Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble PrimeMinister of India presented <strong>the</strong> ICPR Silver JublieeAward for Distinguished Life Time Achievement in <strong>Philosophy</strong>with a cheque for Rs. 1.00 lakh each to ProfessorR. Balasubramanian and Professor D.P. Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyaya.Professor G. Mishra, Member Secretary, ICPRread out <strong>the</strong> Cit<strong>at</strong>ions of <strong>the</strong> Award mentioning <strong>the</strong>contribution rendered by Professor R. Balasubramanianand Professor D.P. Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyaya. The functioncame to an end with <strong>the</strong> vote of thanks by MemberSecretary, ICPR.

Union Minister Shri Kapil Sibal<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fellows’ Meet – 2010Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource and Developmentdelivering his inaugural address <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fellow’s MeetThe inaugural function of <strong>the</strong> ICPR Fellows’Meet for <strong>the</strong> year 2010 was held on December21-23, 2010 <strong>at</strong> Vigyan Bhavan following <strong>the</strong>Life Time Achievement Award function. ProfessorK. Ramakrishna Rao, Chairman ICPR welcomed <strong>the</strong>audience and spoke about ICPR and its activities withretrospect and prospects. The inaugural speech for <strong>the</strong>meet was delivered by Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister.He spoke about <strong>Philosophy</strong> as ultim<strong>at</strong>e analyticalunderstanding of our journey through our lives onthis planet. He st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> is not just wh<strong>at</strong>Hobbes has talked about and Law is not simply about<strong>the</strong> concept of Social Contract <strong>the</strong>ory of Rousseau,but is much more than all th<strong>at</strong>. He also talked about<strong>the</strong> more fundamental issues of <strong>the</strong> identity of homosapiensand of <strong>the</strong> cosmos. He fur<strong>the</strong>r spoke aboutintegr<strong>at</strong>ion of science, thought and <strong>the</strong> inward journeyof human thought to understand <strong>the</strong> inner world.The programme ended with a vote of thanks given byProfessor G. Mishra, Member Secretary, ICPR.After <strong>the</strong> inaugur<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>the</strong> academic schedule ofsessions of <strong>the</strong> Fellows’ Meet with various reorient<strong>at</strong>ionlectures were conducted between 21-23 December2010 <strong>at</strong> SSS I auditorium, Jawaharlal Nehru University.Professor R.P. Singh, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,JNU, New Delhi was <strong>the</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>or for this entirethree day programme.On 21st December 2010, <strong>the</strong> programme started <strong>at</strong>2.30 p.m. with an orient<strong>at</strong>ion lecture by Professors R.Balasubramanian, <strong>the</strong> distinguished Philosopher andformer Chairman of ICPR, P.K. Mukhopadhyaya,Srinivasa Rao, N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellows of ICPR, Bijoy Boruah,Rakesh Chandra also delivered orient<strong>at</strong>ion lectures andsubsequently interacted with ICPR Fellows.

Chairman’s Speech<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fellows’ MeetProfessor K. Ramakrishna Rao, Chairman, ICPR speaking <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fellows’ MeetShri Kapil Sibalji, Distinguished Guests, Fellowsof <strong>the</strong> ICPR, Ladies and Gentlemen:Once again let me extend to all of you a warmwelcome. We are deeply beholden to Kapilji for givingus his valuable time to particip<strong>at</strong>e in all <strong>the</strong> threefunctions of <strong>the</strong> ICPR today. Under <strong>the</strong> dynamic leadershipof this team, <strong>the</strong> Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment is scaling new heights as never before,making access, equity and excellence achievable goalsfor educ<strong>at</strong>ion in India. I do not know, Sir, if you are<strong>the</strong> “fastest file pusher” as one of <strong>the</strong> MPs is reportedto have said about you; but I do know th<strong>at</strong> you are ano nonsense Minister bent on doing wh<strong>at</strong> is best for<strong>the</strong> country, brooking no delays. The country alreadylost a lot of time, tinkering here and <strong>the</strong>re to fix <strong>the</strong>system, without wholeheartedly <strong>at</strong>tempting to bringabout wholesome changes th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> country direlyneeded in <strong>the</strong> field of educ<strong>at</strong>ion.The very first report on higher educ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>after</strong> independence,<strong>the</strong> report of <strong>the</strong> Radhakrishnan Commission(1948-49), observed: “With <strong>the</strong> increasing complexityof society and its shifting p<strong>at</strong>tern, universities have tochange <strong>the</strong>ir objectives and methods if <strong>the</strong>y are to functioneffectively in our n<strong>at</strong>ional life. A policy of driftin <strong>the</strong> vague hope th<strong>at</strong>, if <strong>the</strong> universities are grantedfull autonomy and are permitted to pursue <strong>the</strong>ir ownends with intelligence and imagin<strong>at</strong>ion, higher educ<strong>at</strong>ionwill take care of itself, will be dangerous.” Thiscaution proved to be prophetic because our previouspolicies were unfortun<strong>at</strong>ely governed by th<strong>at</strong> “vaguehope” th<strong>at</strong> brought us to <strong>the</strong> current uns<strong>at</strong>isfactoryst<strong>at</strong>e. It is our new hope and expect<strong>at</strong>ion, largelysupported by your own st<strong>at</strong>ements and actions th<strong>at</strong>you intend to introduce comprehensive reforms fromtop to bottom in our system. We wish you <strong>the</strong> verybest in this Himalayan task. The road to reformeduc<strong>at</strong>ion in <strong>the</strong> country is a n<strong>at</strong>ional highway and nota local byway. Wh<strong>at</strong> is needed is not p<strong>at</strong>chwork to fillpotholes. It is more than resurfacing <strong>the</strong> worn outold crust. We need to significantly widen and multiply<strong>the</strong> access lanes. We need to build bypasses wherenecessary and not fear to demolish <strong>the</strong> obstructingstructures, if we need to.The country is rich in human resource. It is potentiallywh<strong>at</strong> puts India in front. Educ<strong>at</strong>ion would give valueaddition to this resource. Our demographic situ<strong>at</strong>ionis such th<strong>at</strong> we have one of <strong>the</strong> largest percentages

of young people of college going age. This is a gre<strong>at</strong>advantage. However, only a low percentage of <strong>the</strong>mhave access to higher educ<strong>at</strong>ion; and this is bad andmust change soon. The entire academic communityin <strong>the</strong> country is behind you, Sir, in expeditiouslyexpanding access to educ<strong>at</strong>ion, improve its quality andmake higher educ<strong>at</strong>ion affordable to all who seek itand can benefit by it. Let us not fear those who fearchange. For, <strong>the</strong>re is no future without change. In oneof his post-retirement reminiscences, former PrimeMinister Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao said to me over acup of tea: “Look down <strong>the</strong> street, <strong>the</strong> panwala talkingto his wife on <strong>the</strong> phone while rolling <strong>the</strong> pan. It wasnot too long ago, even <strong>the</strong> affluent and well to do hadto wait in queue for years to have a telephone connection.We changed all this by our liberalized policies.”Sir, I recall this here, because it is my hope th<strong>at</strong> in yourpost-retirement years you may look back and proudlysay th<strong>at</strong> this lad and lass went to school, college andreceived <strong>the</strong>ir Ph.D. degrees because of <strong>the</strong> educ<strong>at</strong>ionpolicies we put in place.We know th<strong>at</strong> you are <strong>at</strong>tempting to correct manyimbalances in our educ<strong>at</strong>ion. Among <strong>the</strong> many imbalancesth<strong>at</strong> make our higher educ<strong>at</strong>ion system lesssteady is <strong>the</strong> imbalance between <strong>the</strong> demand for engineering,technology and management courses and <strong>the</strong>utter neglect of humanities. This imbalance is trulydangerous. Dr. Radhakrishnan likened it to RakshasaRajya. You have also expressed your unease <strong>at</strong> this.Again, we are with you Sir, to correct this imbalanceand give humanities <strong>the</strong>ir due place in our academia.I am happy to report th<strong>at</strong> during <strong>the</strong> past quarterof a century, ICPR served an exceedingly significantfunction, which often goes unnoticed. During <strong>the</strong>seyears, <strong>the</strong> ICPR supported through its fellowshipsprogramme literally hundreds of scholars to pursuephilosophical studies. It would be no exagger<strong>at</strong>ionto say th<strong>at</strong> without <strong>the</strong> ICPR’s extensive fellowshipsprogramme, philosophical research in <strong>the</strong> countrywould have come to a standstill, if not dead. IfICPR did nothing except administer <strong>the</strong> fellowshipsprogramme, it would well justify its existence.We are indeed delighted th<strong>at</strong> you are inaugur<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>the</strong>Annual Fellows’ meet, which has become a regularfe<strong>at</strong>ure and an important activity of <strong>the</strong> ICPR. This is aga<strong>the</strong>ring where we get to know our fellows personallyand get feedback from <strong>the</strong>m so th<strong>at</strong> we could improve<strong>the</strong> programme. Also, we arrange <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>se meetingsinvited lectures by senior professors addressing someof <strong>the</strong> issues <strong>the</strong> researchers in philosophy generallyface.At any given time, we have about 150 fellows. Theyrange from N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellows awarded to those whodistinguished <strong>the</strong>mselves as n<strong>at</strong>ional leaders toJunior Fellowships to students enrolled in doctoralprogrammes. ICPR also awards Fellowships to retiredteachers and post-doctoral scholars. Also, we awardvisiting short-term Fellowships to enable scholars totravel to o<strong>the</strong>r places such as our Academic Centre inLucknow and avail <strong>the</strong> library facilities.Over <strong>the</strong> years, we introduced several changes in<strong>the</strong> selection and recruitment of Fellows. We havealso <strong>at</strong>tempted to streamline <strong>the</strong> administr<strong>at</strong>ion of<strong>the</strong> fellowship programmes so th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>re is a gre<strong>at</strong>ertransparency in <strong>the</strong> selection of <strong>the</strong> scholars and lessred tape on <strong>the</strong> part of ICPR and gre<strong>at</strong>er accountabilityon <strong>the</strong> part of <strong>the</strong> Fellows so th<strong>at</strong> our limitedresources are best used.One of <strong>the</strong> major problems with <strong>the</strong> Fellowships is<strong>the</strong> meager honorarium <strong>at</strong>tached to <strong>the</strong>m. A beginningscholar gets a paltry sum of Rs.6,000/- permonth. The honorarium for <strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellow islowly Rs.25,000/- per month. We have represented to<strong>the</strong> Government th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fellowship amounts need tobe revised and significantly enhanced. I know th<strong>at</strong> thiswill happen soon under your leadership.Ano<strong>the</strong>r problem faced by our Fellows, especiallyJunior Fellows, is <strong>the</strong> lack of local expertise to guide<strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong>ir research. As we interview <strong>the</strong> applic<strong>at</strong>ionsfor <strong>the</strong> Fellowships, we find many of <strong>the</strong>m arehandicapped by <strong>the</strong> fact th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> local guide supervising<strong>the</strong> work does not simply have <strong>the</strong> necessaryexpertise in <strong>the</strong> relevant area of specializ<strong>at</strong>ion. We arenow taking steps to remedy this problem. We haveintroduced a system of mentoring. Under this system,a Junior Fellow enrolled for Ph.D. in an institution <strong>at</strong>Guwah<strong>at</strong>i can have a mentor in Goa, whom <strong>the</strong> scholarcan contact on a regular basis by mutual agreement.

The mentoring scheme will make this link possible byidentifying mentors and suitably compens<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong>m for<strong>the</strong> time <strong>the</strong>y give to work with <strong>the</strong> ICPR scholar.The proposal we have for establishing <strong>the</strong> Indian Instituteof <strong>Philosophy</strong> and <strong>the</strong> ICPR Regional Centersare also geared to help <strong>the</strong> Fellows in significant ways.The mentoring would be done under <strong>the</strong> tutelage of<strong>the</strong> IIP, and <strong>the</strong> Regional Centers would have periodicalworkshops th<strong>at</strong> would benefit <strong>the</strong> Fellows in th<strong>at</strong>region.We believe <strong>the</strong> establishment of <strong>the</strong> Indian Instituteof <strong>Philosophy</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Regional Centers is an urgentnecessity. We have submitted detailed proposalsfor starting <strong>the</strong>m on a very modest scale as soon aspossible. We have already lost a significant amountof time during this plan. We know th<strong>at</strong> your timeis fully consumed in developing and implementingmega projects like establishing new central universities.However, I would like to impress on you th<strong>at</strong>it is <strong>the</strong> well thought out small budget proposals likethose we submitted th<strong>at</strong> would give maximum returnfor our investments in terms of quality addition to <strong>the</strong>expected expanded access to educ<strong>at</strong>ion.The Indian Institute of <strong>Philosophy</strong> is a well conceivedexperiment to develop a low-cost, high-tech endeavourth<strong>at</strong> would have a virtual campus and flo<strong>at</strong>ing faculty.It would have a number of innov<strong>at</strong>ive programmeslike <strong>the</strong> “mentoring system” th<strong>at</strong> would make distancedisappear between <strong>the</strong> budding scholars and thoseexperts th<strong>at</strong> could help <strong>the</strong>m bloom. The mentorscould be drawn from anywhere in <strong>the</strong> world. Thusour scholars would have direct access to <strong>the</strong> best in<strong>the</strong>ir fields of research.Again, <strong>the</strong> Regional Centers as envisaged will not bemere regional offices of <strong>the</strong> ICPR. They will not beset up with <strong>the</strong> goal of decentralizing <strong>the</strong> work ofICPR. Ra<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>y are designed to develop as centerswith <strong>the</strong>ir own identities to reflect <strong>the</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ive ethos and<strong>the</strong> sustainable pluralism inherent in Indian thought,so th<strong>at</strong> we could all appreci<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong> colourful, culturalmosaic of co-existing multiple identities to whichIndia has been a home for millennia.We have been conducting regular workshops to ourJunior Fellows. We have also <strong>at</strong>tempted to utilize <strong>the</strong>services of N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellows and Senior Fellows tolecture <strong>at</strong> institutions across <strong>the</strong> country. We haveproposals to provide computers to each of our Fellowsso th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>y could make full use of internet and be inconstant touch with <strong>the</strong>ir mentors and o<strong>the</strong>r expertsand coworkers.The study and research in philosophy itself is likely toundergo major changes in <strong>the</strong> coming years. <strong>Philosophy</strong>will no longer be seen as searching for <strong>the</strong> “reallyreal.” The days are also past when philosophersserved as self-certified <strong>the</strong>rapists to diagnose conceptualconfusions in thought and tre<strong>at</strong> to clear thoseconfusions. There can be no perennial philosophy;nor can philosophy afford to limit itself to specul<strong>at</strong>ivethought, divorced from <strong>the</strong> existential conditions.<strong>Philosophy</strong> like o<strong>the</strong>r academic disciplines deals withproblems. Problems are situ<strong>at</strong>ed in a context and aculture. Therefore, context and culture give meaning toproblems and also suggest possible ways of resolving<strong>the</strong>m.Recognizing this, we <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> ICPR are increasinglyfocusing our <strong>at</strong>tention on n<strong>at</strong>ionally relevant problemareas like violence, terror, equality, identity, genderand integr<strong>at</strong>ion. We have submitted a major projecton “Indian Identity and N<strong>at</strong>ional Integr<strong>at</strong>ion” forsupport from <strong>the</strong> Planning Commission. Also we areencouraging applied philosophy, interdisciplinary andcross-cultural studies of philosophy. We have everyhope th<strong>at</strong> with your support our efforts will begin toyield fruits during <strong>the</strong> coming years.Let me say again, Sir, how delighted we are th<strong>at</strong> youare here today. Your presence and your messages willsurely inspire all of us, specially <strong>the</strong> young scholars,to move forward with hope and optimism th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>ywould be important contributors to our n<strong>at</strong>ionaldevelopment. Ideas are more powerful than any o<strong>the</strong>rpossessions one could have because those possessions<strong>the</strong>mselves are <strong>the</strong> products of ideas. As philosophers,we play with ideas not as a game of entertainment butas sporting our true n<strong>at</strong>ional role to build India as anintellectually vibrant and spiritually powerful country.

ICPR’s ActivitiesICPR Lifetime Achievement Award for <strong>the</strong> year 2011Professor Rajendra PrasadProf. Rajendra Prasad has been nomin<strong>at</strong>ed for LifeTime Achievement Award of ICPR for <strong>the</strong> Year2011.Rajendra Prasad (b. 1926) taught <strong>Philosophy</strong> <strong>at</strong>P<strong>at</strong>na University and Indian Institute of Technology,Kanpur. He was a Fulbright Smith-Mundt Fellow, aFellow of <strong>the</strong> Rockefeller Found<strong>at</strong>ion, U.S.A. and was<strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellow of <strong>the</strong> Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch. He has published many books aswell as scholarly papers in several learned journals. Hispublic<strong>at</strong>ions include Regularity, Norm<strong>at</strong>ivity and Rules ofLanguage and Darsana Sastra Ki Ruparekha (in Hindi);Ends and Means in Priv<strong>at</strong>e and Public Life (edited). He hasalso edited <strong>the</strong> journals Indian Review of <strong>Philosophy</strong>and Darsanika Traimasika, and a co-editor of IndianPhilosophical Quarterly and Pariimarsa.Activity <strong>at</strong> ICPR Academic Centre LucknowReport of <strong>the</strong> Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Philosophy</strong> Dayorganized <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre, LucknowProfessor S.P. Gautam interacting with <strong>the</strong> studentson <strong>the</strong> concepts of philosophy <strong>at</strong> St. Anthony School,LucknowICPR has been observing <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Daysince 2002 when UNESCO had launched it with <strong>the</strong>idea of celebr<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> third Thursday of Novemberevery year commemor<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> birthday of Socr<strong>at</strong>es.The main aim of establishing such a day is to callpublic <strong>at</strong>tention to <strong>the</strong> enlightening role th<strong>at</strong> philosophycan perform in public life and in facing worldproblems beside <strong>the</strong> benefits th<strong>at</strong> philosophic educ<strong>at</strong>ionand teaching of philosophy can receive in life ofindividuals and communities, wh<strong>at</strong>ever <strong>the</strong> professionof individuals, and wh<strong>at</strong>ever be <strong>the</strong> heritage and traditionsof communities . <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day is a dayfor <strong>the</strong> promotion of philosophy and of philosophicdialogue.This year ICPR in its Academic Centre, Lucknow alsodecided to celebr<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day under<strong>the</strong> directorship of Professor S<strong>at</strong>ya P. Gautam, ViceChancellor of Mah<strong>at</strong>ma Jyotiba Phule RohilkhandUniversity, Bareilly, who is also a Council Member.He envisaged a blue print of organizing this year tofulfil one of <strong>the</strong> goals set up by UNESCO, namely, to10

highlight <strong>the</strong> benefits th<strong>at</strong> teaching of philosophy cansecure in public life by imparting an awareness amongstudents of schools and colleges.So 18th of November 2010 being <strong>the</strong> third Thursdaywas chosen by us to organize <strong>the</strong> event in <strong>the</strong> followingway.1) Interaction with <strong>the</strong> students in <strong>the</strong> local collegeswhere philosophy is taught <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> UG level.2) Interaction with students in a few good schoolsin Lucknow.3) A function <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre inLucknow..The day began <strong>at</strong> 8.00 a.m. in <strong>the</strong> morning for ProfessorS<strong>at</strong>ya P. Gautam and <strong>the</strong> Director (P&R) when <strong>the</strong>ywent to two important convent schools namely,Nirmala Convent and St. Anthony School. About 350students ga<strong>the</strong>red in <strong>the</strong>se schools belonging to IX, X,XI and XII classes where Professor S.P. Gautam gaveStudents spell bound, listening to Professor Gautam’slecture <strong>at</strong> Nirmala Conventa lecture on <strong>the</strong> importance of philosophy. There wasa good interaction between <strong>the</strong> students and ProfessorGautam when <strong>the</strong>y had raised some significant questionslike how can philosophy be useful to studentsand in life? Wh<strong>at</strong> is <strong>the</strong> concept of friendship, loverel<strong>at</strong>ionships? etc., wh<strong>at</strong> is <strong>the</strong> concept of God andits rel<strong>at</strong>ionship to philosophy? Professor Gautam bylecturing in <strong>the</strong>se schools gave an idea to <strong>the</strong> schoolchildren about <strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ure of <strong>Philosophy</strong> and itssignificance for clear thinking, morality, society andgood citizenship.The whole forenoon was spent in <strong>the</strong>se schools, whileProfessor D.N. Dwivedi, Allahabad was requested todeliver a lecture on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me <strong>Philosophy</strong> and Life <strong>at</strong><strong>the</strong> Navyug Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Lucknow.The college arranged a programme of celebr<strong>at</strong>ing thisday on a large scale basis. More than 100 students,faculty, non teaching staff and <strong>the</strong> Principal <strong>at</strong>tended<strong>the</strong> event and <strong>the</strong>re was large scale interaction.The interest aroused in <strong>the</strong> students by Professor D.N.Dwivedi was so much th<strong>at</strong> all <strong>the</strong> students alongwithfew teachers came to <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre and visited<strong>the</strong> Library.In <strong>the</strong> <strong>after</strong>noon, <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre had aprogramme wherein, <strong>the</strong> Director of <strong>the</strong> eventProfessor S.P. Gautam, alongwith ProfessorD.N.Dwivedi and Professor Rakesh Chandra spoke on<strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me “<strong>Philosophy</strong> and Life.” Professor RajendraPrasad chaired <strong>the</strong> session.Professor S.P.Gautam started his lecture on <strong>the</strong>following three issues.i) Thinking about Thinkingii) Thinking about <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong>iii) Thinking about Life.He enlightened <strong>the</strong> audience on wh<strong>at</strong> exactly adialogue was meant to be and <strong>the</strong> possibility and limitsof knowledge. Professor D.N. Dwivedi spoke directlyon <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me and started with <strong>the</strong> st<strong>at</strong>ement “All <strong>the</strong>problems of <strong>Philosophy</strong> are directly or indirectlyrel<strong>at</strong>ed with life”.Professor S.P. Gautam delivering his lecture11

He traced from <strong>the</strong> history of philosophy how philosophywas rel<strong>at</strong>ed to life and its problems. ProfessorRakesh Chandra spoke extensively on “<strong>the</strong> Role ofeduc<strong>at</strong>ion and <strong>Philosophy</strong> of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion and on <strong>the</strong>issues of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion for Democracy, purpose andsignificance of philosophy of life.” The programmewas well <strong>at</strong>tended by faculty members of LucknowUniversity and students.Professor Rajendra Prasad gave his presidential remarksby linking it with <strong>the</strong> background of celebr<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>the</strong>Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day as <strong>the</strong> birthday ofSocr<strong>at</strong>es. The method of Socr<strong>at</strong>es which was conceptualin n<strong>at</strong>ure was highly emphasized.Thus <strong>the</strong> whole day was devoted to philosophicalthinking by scholars, students, educ<strong>at</strong>ionists andteachers of <strong>Philosophy</strong>.This year <strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Day was celebr<strong>at</strong>ed<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre, Lucknow on <strong>the</strong> 11th ofNovember 2010, commemor<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> birthday ofMaulana Abdul Kalam Azad. It was decided th<strong>at</strong> aone day seminar-cum-workshop be held on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me“<strong>Philosophy</strong> of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion: Ideas and Ideals”. The<strong>the</strong>me was well suited for <strong>the</strong> occasion as scholarsfrom various streams were invited to speak on <strong>the</strong>subject and also to chair <strong>the</strong> session.Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Day 2011The programme began right <strong>at</strong> 10.00 a.m. sharp whenProf. G. Mishra gave his welcome address. He spokein a very lucid manner about <strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong>day and <strong>the</strong> significance of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me. Before givinghis formal address, Dr. Mercy Helen, Director (P&R),Academic Centre welcomed <strong>the</strong> dignitaries and floralbouquet was presented to each of <strong>the</strong> speakers and<strong>the</strong> Chairperson and also to <strong>the</strong> Member Secretary.There were three sessions in all. The first session hadProfessor K.K. Sharma of <strong>the</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Departmentfrom Ambala as <strong>the</strong> speaker. He spoke on (a) basicelements enveloping philosophy of educ<strong>at</strong>ion, (b)Innov<strong>at</strong>ive ideas building human thought; and (c) Roleof ideas in building new structure of philosophicalthought. His focus was also on <strong>the</strong> universal aims ofeduc<strong>at</strong>ion. It was indeed an enlightening lecture.The second speaker of <strong>the</strong> first session, ProfessorS<strong>at</strong>ya P. Gautam, Vice-Chancellor of M.J.P. RohilKhand University, Bareilly spoke very crisply andbriefly on (i) <strong>the</strong> aims of philosophy of educ<strong>at</strong>ion,Audience during <strong>the</strong> session(ii) forms of educ<strong>at</strong>ion (iii) levels of educ<strong>at</strong>ion and(iv) kinds of educ<strong>at</strong>ion. While speaking <strong>at</strong> length on<strong>the</strong> tasks of educ<strong>at</strong>ion, he put forward <strong>the</strong> first taskas transmission of knowledge to <strong>the</strong> new gener<strong>at</strong>ion.The second task according to him is to train<strong>the</strong> new gener<strong>at</strong>ion with active members and finally hedelved deep on <strong>the</strong> task of making <strong>the</strong> new gener<strong>at</strong>ionresponsible citizens by particip<strong>at</strong>ing in new knowledgeand skills. A very interesting point he made about <strong>the</strong>task in general, is trying to understand oneself and <strong>the</strong>society and to interpret one’s own views. He said th<strong>at</strong><strong>the</strong> dominant situ<strong>at</strong>ion of educ<strong>at</strong>ion is more of <strong>the</strong>artha-karma model than <strong>the</strong> dharma-moksha model ashe felt th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Marxian model is <strong>the</strong> artha model and<strong>the</strong> psychoanalytical model is <strong>the</strong> karma model.The challenge we should have is to examine our modesof thinking and take out <strong>the</strong> value oriented enterprise12

th<strong>at</strong> is hidden not being as citizens seeing educ<strong>at</strong>ion asa commodity alone.This session was chaired by an eminent scholar,Professor Rajendra Prasad. In his remarks, he emphasizedon <strong>the</strong> question as to how a philosopher couldcontribute to reform educ<strong>at</strong>ion. His only answer wasnot by doing politics but by doing philosophy well.He also spoke <strong>at</strong> length on <strong>the</strong> concept of <strong>the</strong> goodteacher. According to him, a good teacher is one whocultures his personality and intellect. He felt, philosopherscan produce real thinkers.The second session had only one speaker, ProfessorUmesh Vashistha from Department of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion,Lucknow University. The session was chairedby Professor R.L. Singh from Allahabad. ProfessorVashistha dwelt <strong>at</strong> length on <strong>Philosophy</strong> of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion,modern approaches to philosophy of educ<strong>at</strong>ion,research done and ideas or ideals or solutions to offerto philosophers of educ<strong>at</strong>ion.Professor R.L. Singh concluded this session with hisinteresting and thought provoking remarks.The third and <strong>the</strong> last session had Professor D.N.Dwivedi from Allahabad, a very well- known scholarwho spoke on <strong>the</strong> philosophical concept of educ<strong>at</strong>ion.He traced <strong>the</strong> history from Socr<strong>at</strong>es Pl<strong>at</strong>o- Western andto Indian thinkers on how <strong>the</strong>y viewed <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> conceptsof philosophy, namely, wisdom, and knowledge. Healso touched on Chomsky, Shankara, Skinner, PaulRicouer, Sartre, Heidegger on different aspects ofknowledge. He began his lecture by going back to <strong>the</strong>etymology of <strong>the</strong> word ‘educ<strong>at</strong>ion’.He concluded by saying th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> task of <strong>the</strong> philosophershould be to encourage students to not onlyacquire knowledge and inform<strong>at</strong>ion but also to be acritical thinker.The session ended with a vote of thanks proposedby Dr. Mercy Helen, Director (P&R) of ICPR. Sheexpressed her gr<strong>at</strong>itude on behalf of <strong>the</strong> Centre to all<strong>the</strong> speakers and also to <strong>the</strong> chair persons and MemberSecretary. She thanked <strong>the</strong> local invitees for havingcome leaving <strong>the</strong>ir college and o<strong>the</strong>r activities andsparing <strong>the</strong>ir valuable time in <strong>at</strong>tending <strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ionalEduc<strong>at</strong>ion Day.Lecture of Professor Mushirul Hasanon 18th February 2011 <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre, LucknowA lecture programme was organized by <strong>the</strong> AcadmeicCentre, Lucknow by Professor Mushirul Hasan,former Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia University. Theprogramme began with a welcome to <strong>the</strong> Chairperson,Professor R.R. Verma and <strong>the</strong> well-known GandhianScholar, Professor Mushirul Hasan by Dr. MercyHelen, Director (P&R). Professor G. Mishra introduced<strong>the</strong> speaker to <strong>the</strong> august audience. ProfessorHasan spoke on Gandhian Legacy. He used his laptopwhile delivering <strong>the</strong> lecture.At length, Professor Hasan presented his views onGandhi as a forgotten figure. He traced in this connection,<strong>the</strong> story of N<strong>at</strong>ional movement and emphasizedon <strong>the</strong> point as to how ideas shape movements. ThenProfessor G. Mishra introducing <strong>the</strong> speakerhe stressed on <strong>the</strong> legacy aspect of Gandhian influenceon <strong>the</strong> present movement. How Gandhi’s ideologieshave given rise to Social Movement. Finally, Professor13

Hasan brought out <strong>the</strong> view as to how Gandhi foresaw<strong>the</strong> possibility of interfaith. Through Non-violence,Conflict resolution and solidarity of <strong>the</strong> people, <strong>the</strong>goal of n<strong>at</strong>ion building in modern terms could beachieved.Professor Mushirul Hasan delivering his lectureThe lecture was well appreci<strong>at</strong>ed by scholars who<strong>at</strong>tended <strong>the</strong> lecture session. There was a good dealof discussion. Professor G. Mishra thanked ProfessorHasan for his deep commitment and his acceptanceto visit <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre to deliver <strong>the</strong> interestinglecture.Report on <strong>the</strong> Workshop on Advaita Vedanta<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre, Lucknow from 20 to 30 January 2011A N<strong>at</strong>ional Workshop was planned by <strong>the</strong> Council onAdvaita Vedanta <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Academic Centre, Lucknowto be conducted by no less than a gre<strong>at</strong> figure likeProfessor R. Balasubramanian, a doyen of Indian<strong>Philosophy</strong> of <strong>the</strong> country, an expert in Advaita Vedantain particular among o<strong>the</strong>r areas. The Council’s officehad circul<strong>at</strong>ed about this workshop much before andalso posted in <strong>the</strong> website and called for applic<strong>at</strong>ions.More than 100 applic<strong>at</strong>ions were received. Finally,<strong>after</strong> much consider<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>the</strong> Council had selected40 scholars to particip<strong>at</strong>e in this workshop beginningfrom June 20th to 30th, 2011 <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> ICPR, AcademicCentre <strong>at</strong> Lucknow.This unique workshop had followed a lecture schemehighlighting <strong>the</strong> preliminaries of <strong>the</strong> traditions ofAdvaita, with Periodis<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>the</strong> history of Advaita,<strong>the</strong> basic doctrines of Advaita, <strong>the</strong> compositions ofSankara, <strong>the</strong> Siddhi liter<strong>at</strong>ure in Advaita and on Suresvara,<strong>the</strong> spokesman of Sankara. There were eightlectures during <strong>the</strong> 10 days period which covered<strong>the</strong> scope of Advaita, <strong>the</strong> objectives of Advaita,<strong>the</strong> Methodology of Advaita, The Problem<strong>at</strong>ic ofConsciousness, The self and <strong>the</strong> not-self liber<strong>at</strong>ionand <strong>the</strong> Means <strong>the</strong>reto. The Director of <strong>the</strong> workshopvery meticulously and methodically conducted <strong>the</strong>workshop by spending more time with <strong>the</strong> scholarsfrom 10.00 am to 6.00 pm.The inaugur<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>the</strong> workshop on 20th January,had begun with an invoc<strong>at</strong>ion by Professor S. Rev<strong>at</strong>hyfrom Madras University followed by presenting floralbouquet to <strong>the</strong> Director of <strong>the</strong> Workshop, ProfessorR. Balasubramanian, Professor R.R. Verma, <strong>the</strong> ChiefParticipants <strong>at</strong>tending <strong>the</strong> WorkshopParticipants <strong>at</strong>tending <strong>the</strong> Workshop14

Guest and Professor G. Mishra, <strong>the</strong> Chair person.There<strong>after</strong>, Dr. Mercy Helen, Director (P&R) gave herwelcome address. The Keynote address was presentedby Professor R. Balasubramanian, which was followedby Professor R.R. Verma giving an Inaugural Address.Soon <strong>after</strong> this, Professor G. Mishra delivered <strong>the</strong>Presidential Address which was followed by a vote ofthanks by Mrs. Sadhna Nagar, Assistant Librarian.Everyday, <strong>the</strong> forenoon sessions were occupied byProfessor Balasubramanian giving lectures followed byintense discussions. The <strong>after</strong>noon sessions had tersetextual study by <strong>the</strong> participants. The resource personsProfessor G. Mishra delivering <strong>the</strong>Presidential Address <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Workshopduring <strong>the</strong> workshop were, Professor S. Rev<strong>at</strong>hy andProfessor G. Mishra. One of <strong>the</strong> days was given to<strong>the</strong> participants for Library consult<strong>at</strong>ion and on <strong>the</strong>penultim<strong>at</strong>e day a test was conducted for all <strong>the</strong> participants.It was found th<strong>at</strong> out of 20 questions, almostall <strong>the</strong> participants scored maximum marks, indic<strong>at</strong>ingth<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> workshop lectures were fully understood andgrasped by <strong>the</strong>m.On 30th <strong>the</strong> <strong>Valedictory</strong> Session took place when Dr.Mercy Helen welcomed <strong>the</strong> dignitaries and <strong>the</strong> participantsto <strong>the</strong> last session of <strong>the</strong> workshop. This sessionwas chaired by Professor G. Mishra. Again <strong>the</strong> Councilhad <strong>the</strong> privilege of inviting Professor R.R. Verma, <strong>the</strong>Chief Guest for this session. The <strong>Valedictory</strong> remarkswere given by Professor R. Balasubramanian. Then<strong>the</strong> Chief Guest gave made some significant contributionthrough her final remarks to <strong>the</strong> participants of<strong>the</strong> workshop. Few of <strong>the</strong> participants like, ProfessorUma Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyaya, Dr. Mao, Dr. Sidhu Poudyaland Dr. Rajesh gave <strong>the</strong>ir positive feedback, which wasa gre<strong>at</strong> source of encouragement. There was <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>distribution of <strong>the</strong> certific<strong>at</strong>es to <strong>the</strong> participants by<strong>the</strong> Director of <strong>the</strong> Workshop. The Member Secretarygave his address which was followed by a vote ofthanks by Mrs. Sadhana Nagar.ICPR’s O<strong>the</strong>r ActivitiesPromotion of Teaching of <strong>Philosophy</strong> inProfessional Institutions in <strong>the</strong> CountryICPR is planning to initi<strong>at</strong>e its scheme to promote<strong>the</strong> teaching of <strong>Philosophy</strong> in professional institutionsin <strong>the</strong> country. It is worth mentioning th<strong>at</strong> by<strong>the</strong> form<strong>at</strong>ion IITs, <strong>Philosophy</strong> has been a componentsubjects under <strong>the</strong> Department of Humanity andSocial Sciences. In line with this tune ICPR initi<strong>at</strong>ing apromotional scheme to grant few leading ProfessionalInstitute in our country to start a course in <strong>Philosophy</strong>.Under this scheme this year four Institutions havebeen selected for <strong>the</strong> grant of total Rs 6.0 lakhs forthree years.1. N<strong>at</strong>ional Law University, Bengaluru,2. Shastra University, Tanjavur3. GITAM University, Vishakhap<strong>at</strong>nam,4. LNMIIT, JaipurOut of total grants (Rs. 6.00 lakhs) for <strong>the</strong> first yearRs. 3.00 lakhs will be released and Rs. 2.00 lakhs andRs. 1.00 lakh will be released for second and third yearrespectively. While releasing <strong>the</strong> grant it was intendedth<strong>at</strong> a m<strong>at</strong>ching grant will be compens<strong>at</strong>ed in <strong>the</strong>second and <strong>the</strong> third year and for future by <strong>the</strong> respectiveinstitutions to continue <strong>the</strong> scheme. ICPR wishesto institutionalize <strong>the</strong> programme if found successfulby <strong>the</strong> granted institution for fur<strong>the</strong>r continu<strong>at</strong>ion of<strong>the</strong> Scheme.15

ICPR funded Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Seminarsand ConferencesIntern<strong>at</strong>ional Conference on “The Global Crisis andHegemonic Dilemmas” held <strong>at</strong> India Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Centre, New DelhiThe US President Barack Obama’s recent visit to NewDelhi coincided with ano<strong>the</strong>r significant event in <strong>the</strong>political and academic history of <strong>the</strong> city, namely, <strong>the</strong>global meet of world-renowned Leftist political andeconomic experts who particip<strong>at</strong>ed in a two and ahalf day conference on The Global Crisis and HegemonicDilemmas held <strong>at</strong> India Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Centre on <strong>the</strong> 8th9th and 10th of November, 2010. This Intern<strong>at</strong>ionalConference was collabor<strong>at</strong>ively funded by <strong>the</strong> IndianCouncil of Social Science Research, Indian Councilof Philosophical Research, Department of PoliticalScience of Delhi University, Department of Sociologyof New York University and <strong>the</strong> Popular Educ<strong>at</strong>ionand Action Centre, New Delhi.On <strong>the</strong> first day of <strong>the</strong> Conference November 8,2010, <strong>the</strong> central <strong>the</strong>me for <strong>the</strong> opening session of <strong>the</strong>conference was “The Global Crisis and HegemonicDilemmas”. Leo Pan Itch (Professor of PoliticalScience <strong>at</strong> York University, Toronto, Canada), PerryAnderson (Professor of History and Sociology <strong>at</strong><strong>the</strong> University of California, Los Angeles, USA), andVivek Chibber (Professor of Sociology <strong>at</strong> New YorkUniversity, New York, USA) particip<strong>at</strong>ed as speakerswhile <strong>the</strong> session was chaired by Mani Shankar Aiyar(<strong>the</strong> former minister of Panchay<strong>at</strong>i Raj, GOI).On Day Two, November 9, 2010, <strong>the</strong> morningsession of <strong>the</strong> conference revolved around <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>me of “Emerging Powers: Allies or Rivals?”The speakers were Boris Kagarlitsky (Director ofInstitute of Globaliz<strong>at</strong>ion and Social Movements,Moscow, Russia), Chaohua Wang (Research Scholar inChinese Studies <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> University of California, LosAngeles, USA) and Anand Swaroop Verma (Columnistand Editor of Samkaleen Tisri Duniya, New Delhi).Professor Javed Alam (Chairperson of <strong>the</strong> IndianCouncil of Social Science Research) was in <strong>the</strong> chair.The speakers analyzed <strong>the</strong> politico-economic scenarioof three emerging powers - Russia, China and India -to examine <strong>the</strong> probability and repercussions of <strong>the</strong>irfuture alliance or rivalry.On Day Three, November 10, 2010, <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me for<strong>the</strong> concluding session of <strong>the</strong> last day of <strong>the</strong> conferencewas “Towards a Socialist Altern<strong>at</strong>ive: Reorienting<strong>the</strong> Left”. The speakers were Michael Lowy (EmeritusResearch Director in Social Sciences <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ionalCentre of Scientific Research, Paris, France) and AchinVanaik (Professor of Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Rel<strong>at</strong>ions andGlobal Politics <strong>at</strong> Delhi University, Delhi). The chairwas Kamal Mitra Chenoy (Professor <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> school ofIntern<strong>at</strong>ional Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University,New Delhi). The speakers evalu<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> strengths andweaknesses of <strong>the</strong> Leftist political str<strong>at</strong>egy in L<strong>at</strong>inAmerica, Europe and India with a view to carve out<strong>the</strong> desirable future course of action.ICPR N<strong>at</strong>ional Seminars/Conferencesin different parts of <strong>the</strong> Country“Human Rights and Social Justice” held <strong>at</strong> Utkal University, OrissaThe ICPR sponsored n<strong>at</strong>ional seminar on “HumanRights and Social Justice” was held from 8th to 10thOctober, 2010 in <strong>the</strong> M.K.C.G. auditorium, UtkalUniversity. The academic event was organized under<strong>the</strong> directorship of Prof. Aditya Kumar Mohanty,16Head. of <strong>the</strong> Dept. & Coordin<strong>at</strong>or, CAS in <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Utkal University. The seminar was inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong>10 a.m. with Prof. P.K. Mohap<strong>at</strong>ra, Retd. Professor of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Utkal University in <strong>the</strong> chair. Prof. RajendraPrasad, Retd. Professor of IIT, Kanpur, delivered <strong>the</strong>

key-note address and Prof. Hrudananda Ray, eminentphilosopher and educ<strong>at</strong>ionist graced <strong>the</strong> occasion as<strong>the</strong> Chief Guest. The seminar was <strong>at</strong>tended by eminentscholars from different universities across <strong>the</strong> country.The presence of o<strong>the</strong>r participants like Prof. B. Kar,Retd. Prof. of Utkal University, Prof. R.C. Pradhan ofUniversity of Hyderabad, Prof. Ashok Vohra of DelhiUniversity, Prof. G. Mishra, Member Secretary ofICPR, Prof. Y.V. S<strong>at</strong>yanarayana of Andhra University,Prof.(Mrs.) M. Ghosh of North Bengal University andProf. G. Vedaparayana, Retd. Prof. of S.V. University,Tirup<strong>at</strong>i made significant difference to <strong>the</strong> academicambience in <strong>the</strong> seminar. The seminar was one of itskind both in terms of large number of participantsand <strong>the</strong> high quality of deliber<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> ensued.The inaugural session was followed by first academicsession in which Prof. R.C. Pradhan presented hispaper on “Understanding Social Justice: Can Institutionsand People Meet?” The session was chaired byProf. B. Kar. In <strong>the</strong> second academic session Prof.P.C. Mishra of P.G. Dept. of Law, Utkal Universitypresented a paper on “Distributive Justice” under<strong>the</strong> chairmanship of Prof. G. Mishra. The third and<strong>the</strong> last academic session of <strong>the</strong> day was chaired byProf. T. P<strong>at</strong>naik, Retd. Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, UtkalUniversity in which Prof. Netrananda MalIa, Retd.Prof. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, NEHU presented a paper entitled“Human Rights, Social Justice and Morality”.The academic sessions of <strong>the</strong> day were followed by acultural programme <strong>at</strong> 6.30 p.m.. The artists of RAWAAcademy performed Odishi and folk dances whichwas witnessed and enjoyed by more than 250 people.The second day’s programme on 9th October 2010started with <strong>the</strong> fourth academic session <strong>at</strong> 9.45 a.m.in which Prof. Asha Mukherjee acted as <strong>the</strong> chairperson.In this session <strong>the</strong> paper entitled “Dharmaand Dandaniti (Punishment): Mirror of Justice andRights” was presented by Prof. Ashok Vohra. Thefifth academic session was conducted with ProfessorG. Vedaparayana in <strong>the</strong> chair in which Prof. G. Mishradelivered <strong>the</strong> lecture on “Quality of Living and Livingwith Dignity”. It was followed by <strong>the</strong> sixth academicsession in which Prof. Y.V. S<strong>at</strong>yanarayana was <strong>the</strong>speaker under <strong>the</strong> chairmanship of Prof. AshokVohra. The paper was on “Preferential Tre<strong>at</strong>ment orReverse Discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion: A Justifiable Means for SocialJustice”. After <strong>the</strong> lunch break, <strong>the</strong> seventh academicsession started <strong>at</strong> 2.15 p.m. with Prof. Jayanti Jagdeb,Retd. Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Utkal University in<strong>the</strong> chair. Dr. Gopal Sahu, Reader in <strong>Philosophy</strong>, AllahabadUniversity presented <strong>the</strong> paper on <strong>the</strong> topic“Women’s Right and Men’s Duty: A Critique of Feminism”in this session. The eighth academic sessionwhich was <strong>the</strong> last session of <strong>the</strong> day, was chaired byProf. A.K. Mohanty, Head of <strong>the</strong> Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Utkal University and <strong>the</strong> Director of <strong>the</strong> seminar. Inthis session Dr. Aparajita Mukhopadhyaya, Reader in<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Jadavpur University presented her paperon “The Concept of Human Right as embedded inBuddhist <strong>Philosophy</strong>”.The closing ceremony of <strong>the</strong> seminar toge<strong>the</strong>r with<strong>the</strong> remaining sessions was on 10th October 2010and it started <strong>at</strong> 9.45 a.m. with Prof. R.C. Pradhan in<strong>the</strong> chair and Prof. P.K. Mohap<strong>at</strong>ra as <strong>the</strong> speaker. Hepresented <strong>the</strong> paper entitled “Human Rights: Wh<strong>at</strong>and Why?” in this ninth academic session. In <strong>the</strong> tenthacademic session Prof. G.P. Das, Retd. Professor of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Utkal University presented <strong>the</strong> paper on“Rights, Justice and Good Life: A Conceptual Study“. This session was chaired by Prof. Manjulika Ghosh.After <strong>the</strong> tea break, <strong>the</strong> eleventh academic sessionproceeded under <strong>the</strong> chairmanship of Prof. Y.V. S<strong>at</strong>yanarayanaand <strong>the</strong> paper entitled “Two Paradigms ofSocial Justice” was presented by Prof. S.K. Mohanty,Retd. Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Utkal University. After<strong>the</strong> lunch break, <strong>the</strong> twelfth academic session began <strong>at</strong>2.00 p.m. in which Prof. Jagann<strong>at</strong>h Dash, Professor ofAnthropology delivered a lecture on “Rights of TribalPopulace”. The session was presided over by Prof. N.Malla, Retd. Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, North EasternHill University.In <strong>the</strong> <strong>Valedictory</strong> function <strong>the</strong> deleg<strong>at</strong>es of <strong>the</strong>seminar expressed <strong>the</strong>ir views regarding <strong>the</strong> deliber<strong>at</strong>ionsof <strong>the</strong> seminar. The Director of <strong>the</strong> seminarextended heartiest thanks to all <strong>the</strong> deleg<strong>at</strong>es for <strong>the</strong>irmeaningful particip<strong>at</strong>ion which highly enriched <strong>the</strong>academic deliber<strong>at</strong>ions during <strong>the</strong> seminar.17

scholars particip<strong>at</strong>ed in <strong>the</strong> seminar. Papers were readon Prabhachandra, Siddhasena Divakara, HaribhadraSuri, Hemachandracharya and Gunar<strong>at</strong>na Suri, Paperson Pandit Sukhlalji, Dr. Naginbhai and <strong>the</strong>ir contributionto non-Jaina philosophy were also presented.The subject of <strong>the</strong> seminar was <strong>the</strong> first of its kindand fur<strong>the</strong>r explor<strong>at</strong>ion is needed in <strong>the</strong> area. Participantswhole-heartedly congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ed Indian Councilof Philosophical Research and L. D. Institute OfIndology for <strong>the</strong>ir unique venture. More such seminarsare needed to make fur<strong>the</strong>r studies in this ando<strong>the</strong>r similar unexplored areas.‘Remembering <strong>the</strong> Pundits of Eastern India’<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolk<strong>at</strong>aA N<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar on ‘Remembering <strong>the</strong> Pundits ofEastern India’ was jointly organized by <strong>the</strong> RamakrishnaMission Institute and <strong>the</strong> Indian Councilfor Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi on12, 13 & 14 November 2010. The objective of <strong>the</strong>Seminar was envisaged as including a discussion ofEastern India’s contribution to philosophy in generalincluding <strong>the</strong> contribution to <strong>the</strong> deb<strong>at</strong>es and discussionsof philosophies of o<strong>the</strong>r cultures. In responseto <strong>the</strong> invit<strong>at</strong>ion by <strong>the</strong> Institute, a good number ofbrilliant scholars and pundits who are conversantwith such subjects particip<strong>at</strong>ed in <strong>the</strong> Seminar andpresented <strong>the</strong>ir papers. The Seminar was inaugur<strong>at</strong>edon 12 November 2010 <strong>at</strong> 5.30 p.m. in <strong>the</strong> VivekanandaHall of <strong>the</strong> Institute. After <strong>the</strong> Vedic Chanting by <strong>the</strong>monks and brahmacharins of <strong>the</strong> Institute, SwamiSarvabhutananda, Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Institute, gave <strong>the</strong>Welcome Address. Swami T<strong>at</strong>lwavidananda, Principal,Ramakrishna M<strong>at</strong>h Vivekananda Veda Vidyalaya,Belur M<strong>at</strong>h, delivered <strong>the</strong> Inaugural Address. Prof. P.K. Mukhopadhyay, presently a N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellow, of <strong>the</strong>Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi,gave <strong>the</strong> Key Note Address. Prof. Min<strong>at</strong>i Kar, formerlyProfessor of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, Visva Bhar<strong>at</strong>iUniversity, presented an upd<strong>at</strong>ing of <strong>the</strong> extant Surveyof <strong>the</strong> Scholars and <strong>the</strong>ir works in a lucid manner.Prof. Godabarisha Misra, Member Secretary, IndianCouncil of Philosophical Research New Delhi delivered<strong>the</strong> Presidential Address. The Vote of Thankswas proposed by Prof. Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty,Reader, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Rabindra Bhar<strong>at</strong>iUniversity.The Academic Sessions began next day i.e. on 13thand continued till 14th evening. There were SevenAcademic Sessions in all apart from <strong>the</strong> Pandit Parishadheld on 13 November. Each Session was coordin<strong>at</strong>edby an eminent scholar. Scholars and students ofvarious colleges and Universities particip<strong>at</strong>ed as GuestObservers who also engaged <strong>the</strong>mselves actively in<strong>the</strong> discussions th<strong>at</strong> followed <strong>the</strong> present<strong>at</strong>ions by <strong>the</strong>scholars.‘Philosophical Perspectives on Multiculturalism and Pluralism’held <strong>at</strong> Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P.The Inaugural Session of this N<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar beganon Nov. 27, 2010 <strong>at</strong> 11-00 am in <strong>the</strong> Samwad Bhawanof DDU, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. TheInaugural Session was presided over by Prof. SabhajitMishra, Former Head, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, GorakhpurUniversity. Prof. M.M. Trivedi, Former Head,<strong>Philosophy</strong> Department and Dean Faculty of Arts,Gorakhpur University welcomed <strong>the</strong> guests, participants,local and out-st<strong>at</strong>ion visitors from differentUniversities and parts of <strong>the</strong> Country. Prof. R. L.Singh, <strong>Philosophy</strong> Dept., Allahabad University, delivered<strong>the</strong> Inaugural Address. Prof. S. P. Dubey, formerHead, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Jabalpur University,Jabalpur (M.P.) delivered <strong>the</strong> Key-Note Address. AsChief Guest, Sri Ganesh Shankar Pandey Chairman,U.P. Legisl<strong>at</strong>ive Council explained <strong>the</strong> meaning, n<strong>at</strong>ureand characteristics of Indian culture and its interrel<strong>at</strong>ionshipwith o<strong>the</strong>r religions and cultures. Prof. D.N.19

<strong>Dignitaries</strong> on <strong>the</strong> DaisTrip<strong>at</strong>hi, Retired Professor and Head, Ancient HistoryDept., Gorakhpur University and Former Chairman,Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi,delivered his address as guest of honour and threwlight on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me of <strong>the</strong> seminar. In <strong>the</strong> end, Prof.C.P. Srivastav, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, GorakhpurUniversity, proposed a vote of thanks. During threedays of <strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar, Technical Sessions wereheld besides <strong>the</strong> Inaugural and <strong>Valedictory</strong> Sessions.All <strong>the</strong> sessions came to an end with Prof. D. N. Yadav,Director of <strong>the</strong> Seminar, proposing a vote of thanksto all <strong>the</strong> participants and resource persons.“Social Concerns in Indian <strong>Philosophy</strong>”<strong>at</strong> Cotton College, Guwah<strong>at</strong>iA N<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar was organized by <strong>the</strong> Dept. of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Cotton College, Guwah<strong>at</strong>i on “SocialConcerns in Indian <strong>Philosophy</strong>” from 29th Novemberto 1st December, 2010. The inaugural session waspresided over by Prof. (Dr) Shyam Kishor Singh,former Head of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Manipur University. Theinaugural address was given by Prof. Dilip KumarChakravarty. He pointed out th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Vedanta systemcontains a world -affirming <strong>Philosophy</strong>. Dr. S.K. Singhin his speech pointed out th<strong>at</strong> Indian <strong>Philosophy</strong> has aholistic approach. The concept of karma, he pointedout, is to be studied in <strong>the</strong> context of this holisticapproach.The meeting was very well <strong>at</strong>tended. The beautifulinaugural song was presented by <strong>the</strong> students of <strong>the</strong>Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong> of Cotton College.From 29-11-2010 to 1-12-2010 <strong>the</strong>re were eightacademic sessions in which more than thirty paperswere presented. The <strong>Valedictory</strong> function was held onThe seminar in progress1st December which was presided over by Dr. GeetaGoswami, Head of <strong>the</strong> Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Cotton College. Dr. Dayananda P<strong>at</strong>hak, Principal,Pragjyotish College was <strong>the</strong> chief guest. Dr. JagadishP<strong>at</strong>giri, <strong>the</strong> Director of <strong>the</strong> seminar, in his speechthanked <strong>the</strong> ICPR, <strong>the</strong> philosophical community of<strong>the</strong> city, <strong>the</strong> students, <strong>the</strong> college authorities and allwell wishers for <strong>the</strong>ir help and co-oper<strong>at</strong>ion.“Swami Vivekananda on Universal Religion and its relevanceto <strong>World</strong> Peace” held <strong>at</strong> Govt. College, (Auto) Angul, OdishaThe two day ICPR sponsored N<strong>at</strong>ional seminar on“Swami Vivekananda on Universal Religion andits Relevance to <strong>World</strong> Peace” was inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed on11 December 2010 <strong>at</strong> 10-30 AM in <strong>the</strong> conferencehall of Govt. College (Auto) Angul. Srimad SwamiSamarpananandaji Maharaj of Swami Vivekananda20

University, Belur, Kolk<strong>at</strong>a inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> seminarby lighting <strong>the</strong> lamp and garlanding <strong>the</strong> portrait ofSwami. Vivekananda while Professor S.K Mohantywas in <strong>the</strong> chair. The Director of <strong>the</strong> seminar BasantKumar Dash gave <strong>the</strong> introductory remarks about<strong>the</strong> seminar. Swami Samarpananandaji delivered <strong>the</strong>inaugural address in which he pointed out th<strong>at</strong> SwamiVivekananda was <strong>the</strong> one who highlighted <strong>the</strong> conceptof practical Vendanta. Prof. A.K. .Mohanty, Head,Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Utkal University, was <strong>the</strong> Guestof Honour. In his speech he talked about <strong>the</strong> presentcrisis in human civiliz<strong>at</strong>ion. Prof Jayanti Jagadev delivered<strong>the</strong> Keynote Address in which she highlighted <strong>the</strong>concept of secularism. After <strong>the</strong> inaugural session, <strong>the</strong>first academic session was held under <strong>the</strong> chairmanshipof Prof. B. Kar. Dr. Tapan Dey of VidyasagarUniversity, West Bengal, presented a paper entitled“Vivekananda on Practical Vendanta”. The secondacademic session was held with Prof. Tandra P<strong>at</strong>naikin <strong>the</strong> chair. Two papers were presented; one by HarishSahoo entitled “Swami Vivekananda on UniversalReligion” and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r by Dr. Laxman Behera entitled“<strong>World</strong> Peace through Universal Religion is. anImpossibility”. The present<strong>at</strong>ions .of <strong>the</strong> papers werefollowed by very lively discussions and <strong>the</strong> remarksby <strong>the</strong> chair. The third academic session was chairedA view of <strong>the</strong> Inaugural <strong>Function</strong>by Prof. Netrananda Malla. Prof. Ganesh. Prasad Daspresented a paper entitled “The N<strong>at</strong>ure and <strong>the</strong> Needof a Universal Religion: Swami Vivekananda’s Vision”and Dr. D.M. Praharaj presented a paper entitled“Universal Religion: Human Values”.During <strong>the</strong> course of two days and in 6 academicsessions, 12 papers were presented and discussedexcluding <strong>the</strong> key note address. This cre<strong>at</strong>ed an activeacademic environment for <strong>the</strong> students and teachersof <strong>Philosophy</strong> and <strong>the</strong> students and teachers of o<strong>the</strong>rsister disciplines belonging not only to Govt College(Auto), Angul but also <strong>the</strong> adjoining Colleges of Anguldistrict, from which a good number of students andteachers had joined as participants.Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, University of Pune, PuneThe Department organized a two day seminar by Prof.Anand Paranjpe on Indian Psychology in <strong>the</strong> Departmentand Centre for Advanced Study in Sanskrit ofPune University.The response of <strong>the</strong> seminar was very good. About 50participants <strong>at</strong>tended and particip<strong>at</strong>ed in <strong>the</strong> two dayseminar. Professors, researchers and students from <strong>the</strong>disciplines like <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Psychology and Sanskritwere <strong>the</strong> major participants.The Audience <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lecture Programme21

66th Research Project Committee approved <strong>the</strong> grants for <strong>the</strong> followingSeminars/Conferences/Workshops/Refresher CoursesS. No. Name of Proposer Title of <strong>the</strong> Seminar Budget Estim<strong>at</strong>e/Required1. Dr. Ram Chandra MajhiAssam University, SilcharN<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar on <strong>the</strong> Limits of <strong>the</strong>Thought and BeyondMay 2-3 2011Rs. 3.00 Lakhs(NER)2. Dr. Sanusri Bh<strong>at</strong>tacharyaMahavidyapith, Bankura3. Dr. Bijaya KrishnaBaripada, Orissa4. Professor Mohini MulIickNew Delhi5. Professor M.A.Lakshmit<strong>at</strong>hacharMysore6. Dr. D.C. ShrivastavaKanpur7. Dr. Veena KumariP<strong>at</strong>na (Bihar)8. Dr. Prakash Chandra SahooCuttack (Odisha)9. Professor N K AmbasthaDhanbad (Jharkhand)10. Professor Priyavr<strong>at</strong> ShuklaRani Durgav<strong>at</strong>i UniversityJabalpur11. Dr. Chintamani MalviyaVikram University, Ujjain12. Professor J P N MishraJain Vishwabhar<strong>at</strong>i University,Ladnun13. Professor R.P. SinghJNU New Delhi14. Professor R.B. Trip<strong>at</strong>hiRashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan,New Delhi15. Professor S.Prasad,GITAM University,Vishakhap<strong>at</strong>namN<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar on Prama,Pramana in Indian <strong>Philosophy</strong>16–17 July 2011N<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar on Social Justice andViol<strong>at</strong>ion of Women’s Rights (India)7-8 September 2011Workshop on Rendering of <strong>the</strong>C<strong>at</strong>egories of Indian Thought in <strong>the</strong>English Language PerspectivesOctober 2011Seminar on Concept of Shakti Accordingto <strong>the</strong> Different Systems of Indian<strong>Philosophy</strong> and ScienceCulture of Religion and Trans-culturalReligionMoral Crisis in ContemporaryIndian Politics12-14 August, 2011Practical Ethics : Vision and Valuesfor <strong>the</strong> Professional15 – 16 July 2011N<strong>at</strong>ional Integer<strong>at</strong>ion:Old and New Bearings5-7 June, 2011Workshop on ContemporaryIndian <strong>Philosophy</strong>June, 2011Society and N<strong>at</strong>ion Making MoralitySeptember, 2011Promotion of Para psychological Abilitiesand Consciousness through medit<strong>at</strong>ion22 -24 September, 2011Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Vedanta CongressDec 28-31, 201115th <strong>World</strong> Sanskrit ConferenceJanuary 5-10, 2012Spiritual Aspects of Mah<strong>at</strong>ma Gandhi :<strong>Philosophy</strong> and Practices2-4 Oct 201122Rs. 0.50 LakhsRs. 0.50 LakhsRs. 2.50 LakhsRs. 0.75 LakhsRs. 1.50 LakhsRs. 1.50 LakhsRs. 1.50 LakhsRs. 1.50 LakhsRs. 2.50 LakhsRs. 2.00 LakhsRs. 2.50 LakhsRs. 2.50 LakhsRs. 2.50 LakhsRs. 2.50 Lakhs

16. ICPR to organize a N<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar on “ThePhilosophical Exposition of Professor T.M.P.Mahadevan” <strong>at</strong> Madras University, Chennai,Rs.3.50 lakhs. Professors R. Balasubramaaiam,R. Gopalakrishnan, <strong>the</strong> retd Head of <strong>the</strong>Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Madras University,and Prof. G. Mishra will be <strong>the</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>ors of<strong>the</strong> Seminar.17. ICPR to organize a N<strong>at</strong>ional seminar on “Contributionsof Professor K.S. Murty” .<strong>at</strong> AndhraUniversity, Visakhap<strong>at</strong>nam for which Rs. 5.00lakhs are sanctioned. Professor Ashok Vohra,Professor V. S<strong>at</strong>yanarayana and Professor K.R..Rajani will be <strong>the</strong> co-ordin<strong>at</strong>ors.18. ICPR in. collabor<strong>at</strong>ion with Ramkrishna Mission,lnstitute of Culture, Kolk<strong>at</strong>a, to organize anIntern<strong>at</strong>ional Seminar on “Cultural Unity ofIndia: Past Present and Future for which Rs.5.00lakhs sanctioned to <strong>the</strong> Institute, Professor P.K.Mukhopadhyay will be <strong>the</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>or.19. The request for additional grant of Rs.2 lakhs for<strong>the</strong> workshop on Trika <strong>Philosophy</strong> <strong>at</strong> AcademicCentre, Lucknow was considered.20. Two Refresher Courses in Lucknow andBhubaneswar for which Rs.4.00 lakhs each wassanctioned.Grants for ProjectsProjects were approved along with amounts sanctioned and <strong>the</strong> dur<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>the</strong> projects mentioned against eachbelow:S.No Name of Applicant Project Title Amount Sanctioned1. Dr. Divya SharmaMaharaja Sayajirao Universityof BarodaBaroda – 390002Gujar<strong>at</strong>2. Prof. M.A. Lakshmith<strong>at</strong>hacharPresidentSamskriti Found<strong>at</strong>ionMysore – 5700043. Mr. B<strong>at</strong>skhem MawleinAssistant ProfessorUnion Christian CollegeShillong – 7931224. Professor C. UpendraIndian Istitute of TechnologyIndoreIndore – 4520175. Prof. Pradip Jyoti SinghTezpur UniversityForgiveness (Kshama) as a <strong>the</strong>mein Indian Psychology of ValuesPrepar<strong>at</strong>ion of History of<strong>Philosophy</strong> of VisistadwaitaRethinking Understanding, Tribaland Dialogue in Gadamer’sFusion of HorizonsExplaining <strong>the</strong> Moral Compass :Away from <strong>the</strong> Dead End<strong>Philosophy</strong> in Performance :A study of Bhakti ExpressiveForms in AssamRs. 2.00 Lakhs sanctioned fortwo yearsRs. 5.00 Lakhs sanctioned fortwo yearsRs. 1.00 Lakh sanctioned forone yearRs. 1.00 Lakh sanctioned forone yearRs. 5.00 Lakhs sanctioned for <strong>at</strong>otal period of 3 years23

6. Mr. Avinash PandeyUniversity of MumbaiSantacruz (E)Mumbai – 4000987. Dr.(Mrs) Akoijam ThoibisanaAssistant ProfessorDept of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Gauh<strong>at</strong>i UniversityAssam – 7810148. Professor Sangeeta MenonNIASBangaloreOrality in <strong>the</strong> Structuralist<strong>Philosophy</strong> of LanguagePhenomenology of Multiculturalismwith special reference toNorth East IndiaAn Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Programme onConsciousness studiesRs. 1.50 Lakhs sanctioned fortwo yearsRs. 1.00 Lakh sanctioned fortwo yearsRs. 3.00 Lakhs sanctioned forone yearICPR has initi<strong>at</strong>ed a new scheme of Book Grants underwhich ICPR public<strong>at</strong>ions will be given to respectiveapplicants / <strong>Philosophy</strong> Departments/University/Book GrantsInstitutions etc. This year 41 Institutions had beenrecommended for <strong>the</strong> Book Grants under this schemegiven as below:S.No.Departments1 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University,Sagar – 47003, M.P.2 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong> and ReligionBanaras Hindu University,Varanasi – 221005, U.P.3 Department of Cultural StudiesTezpur University,Napam, Tezpur – 784028, Assam4 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Gauh<strong>at</strong>i UniversityGuwah<strong>at</strong>i – 781014, Assam5 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>University of North BengalDarjeeling, West Bengal - 7344306 M<strong>at</strong>habhanga College,Dist. Cooch Behar – 736146, WB7 Principal,Post Gradu<strong>at</strong>e Govt CollegeSector 46, Chandigarh – 1600478 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Sree Sankaracharya University ofSanskrit, Kalady – 683574, KeralaS.No. Departments9 San<strong>at</strong>an Dharma College,Ambala Cant - 13300110 P.G. Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Ravenshaw UniversityCuttack - 753003Odisha11 Department of Applied <strong>Philosophy</strong>M.J.P. Rohilkhand University,Bareilly – 243006U.P.12 Kaivalyadhama,SMYM SamitiKuvalayananda Marg,Lonavla – 410403Maharashtra13 Swami Ramananda Teerth Mar<strong>at</strong>hwadaUnivesity, Nanded – 431606Maharashtra14 Union Christian College,Ri Bhoi -793001, Meghalaya15 Jadavpur UniversityJadavpur – 700032, WB24

S.No.Departments16 Bankura Zilla Saradamani MahilaMahavidyapithaNutanch<strong>at</strong>i, Bankura – 722101, WB17 Asutosh College92, SP Mukherjee RoadKolk<strong>at</strong>a – 70002618 DirectorSchool of <strong>Philosophy</strong> and CultureM<strong>at</strong>a Vashno Devi UniversityK<strong>at</strong>ra – 182320J&K19 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Faculty of ArtsM.S. University of BarodaVadodara – 39002, Gujar<strong>at</strong>20 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Govt College for WomenThirunananthapuram,Kerala – 69501421 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>University of Pune,Pune – 41100722 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong> & Centrefor Philosophical Research,Madura CollegeMadurai -625011, Tamilnadu23 Choudwar College, Choudwar,Cuttack – 754071, Odisha24 Jnana-Deepa VidyapeethRamwadi, Nagar RoadPune – 41101425 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya,Kailashahaar, North Tripura – 79927726 Tripura UniversityGandhigh<strong>at</strong>, Agartala – 79900127 P<strong>at</strong>kai Christian CollegeChumukedima – Sei<strong>the</strong>kemaBPO P<strong>at</strong>kai – 797103Dimarpur Nagaland28 P.G.G.C.G. -11ChandigarhS.No.Departments29 Cachar College,Trunk Road, Silchar - 788001,Assam30 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,D.M. College of ArtsImphal – 795001, Manipur31 GITAM Institute of Management,GITAM UniversityVisakhap<strong>at</strong>nam, A.P.32 Yoga Dep<strong>at</strong>ment,Bark<strong>at</strong>ullah University,Bhopal – 462026, M.P.33 Sohan Lal Dav College of Educ<strong>at</strong>ionAmbala City – 134003Haryana34 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Ambedkar College,F<strong>at</strong>ikroy- 79929035 North TripuraAnnamalai UniversityAnnamalai Nagar – 60800236 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>The University of Burdwan, Golapbag,Burdwan - 71310137 Pr<strong>at</strong>ap Centre of <strong>Philosophy</strong> AmalnerNear Pr<strong>at</strong>ap College, Manmad Road,Amalner – 42540138 P<strong>at</strong>anjali UniversityP<strong>at</strong>anjali Yogpeeth,Delhi Haridwar Highway NearBahadrabad -249402Haridwar, Uk39 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>University of HyderabadHyderabad – 500046A.P.40 Kamala Nehru CollegeAugust Kranti Marg,New Delhi - 11004941 Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Nayagarh Autonomous CollegeNayagarh75202325

Periodical LecturesEwing Christian College, Allahabad, U.P.<strong>Philosophy</strong> Department, Ewing Christian Collegehas organized two periodical lectures under I.C.P.R.scheme on ‘Contemporary Relevance of Spiritualityand Science’ and ‘A Compar<strong>at</strong>ive Appraisal of Shankarand Kant’ on 25th February, 2011. The first lecture wasdelivered by Professor D. N. Dwivedi of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Department, University of Allahabad and <strong>the</strong> secondone by Prof. R. L. Singh, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Allahabad University. The welcome speech was givenby Dr .S .B. Singh, Associ<strong>at</strong>e Professor and Head,<strong>Philosophy</strong> Department of Ewing Christian Collegeand <strong>the</strong> vote of thanks by Dr. S.K .Shukla, Associ<strong>at</strong>eProfessor in <strong>the</strong> same Department .These Periodicallectures were well <strong>at</strong>tended by <strong>the</strong> students ,<strong>the</strong> Principalof <strong>the</strong> college and some faculty members.Navayuga Women P.G. College, Lucknow, U.P.A periodical lecture programme was organized by <strong>the</strong>Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Navayuga Women P.G.College, Lucknow on 1st March 2011. The lecturewas delivered by Prof. Roop Rekha Verma, FormerVice-Chancellor, Lucknow University & Prof. BalrajChauhan, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ram Manohar LohiaN<strong>at</strong>ional Law University on “Gender Discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion”and “Judicial Activism & Morality” respectively <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>college auditorium which was <strong>at</strong>tended by a very largenumber of participants (approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 250) including<strong>the</strong> Principal, o<strong>the</strong>r faculty members, faculty membersfrom Lucknow university & from o<strong>the</strong>r institutionsand non teaching staff & students of <strong>the</strong> college. Theaudience was very much enthusiastic in particip<strong>at</strong>ingProfessor Roop Rekha Verma delivering <strong>the</strong> lecturein <strong>the</strong> lectures and enjoyed to <strong>the</strong>ir full s<strong>at</strong>isfaction.All <strong>the</strong>ir queries on <strong>the</strong> subject m<strong>at</strong>ter were replied byProf. Verma and Prof. Chauhan.Govt College (Autonomous), Angul, OdishaThe dignitaries on <strong>the</strong> daisA Periodical lecture on “Practical Ethics” was organizedby Sri B.K. Dash, Head, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>and was held on 9th March 2011 in <strong>the</strong> conferencehall of Govt. College, Angul. The lecture (seminar)was inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed by Prof. G.P. Das by lighting <strong>the</strong>lamp and was chaired by Dr. S.D. Dash, <strong>the</strong> Principall/C of <strong>the</strong> College. Prof. G.P. Das and Prof. Smt.Jayanti Jagadev were <strong>the</strong> speakers on <strong>the</strong> occasion.The Seminar came to life with invoc<strong>at</strong>ion song by <strong>the</strong>students of <strong>the</strong> department followed by introductoryremarks by Sri B.K. Dash, Head, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>26

and welcome address by <strong>the</strong> Principal I/C of <strong>the</strong>college. Prof G.P. Das delivered his lecturers on practicalethics. Prof. Jayanti Jagadev delivered her lectureon a specific aspect of practical ethics. The title ofher paper was “Physician-P<strong>at</strong>ient rel<strong>at</strong>ionship”. Thelecture was <strong>at</strong>tended by all students of <strong>the</strong> departmentand teachers from peripheral colleges and also bymost of <strong>the</strong> teaching members of <strong>the</strong> college itself. Afruitful discussion was followed by <strong>the</strong> lectures. Everybodyenjoyed <strong>the</strong> seminar. At <strong>the</strong> end a formal voteof thanks was offered by <strong>the</strong> Seminar Secretary, MissSubhini Dehury.Sree Narayana College, Kollam, KeralaThe Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Sree NarayanaCollege, Kollam conducted an ICPR sponsoredLecture on “Relevance of <strong>Philosophy</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Modern<strong>World</strong>” on 10th March, 2011. Dr. M. Viswan<strong>at</strong>han,Principal of <strong>the</strong> College inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> session. Dr.G. Padmakumar, Head, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>and Associ<strong>at</strong>e Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, GovernmentCollege for Women was <strong>the</strong> resource person.The session started <strong>at</strong> 10.00 a.m. After <strong>the</strong> inaugur<strong>at</strong>ion,Dr. G. Padmakumar delivered his lecture on <strong>the</strong>topic “Relevance of <strong>Philosophy</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Modern <strong>World</strong>”.The lecture was really inform<strong>at</strong>ive and interesting.Teachers and students from o<strong>the</strong>r departments of thiscollege and students and teachers of <strong>the</strong> DepartmentA view of <strong>the</strong> programof <strong>Philosophy</strong> <strong>at</strong>tended <strong>the</strong> session. About 146 participantswere present.Salipur College, Salipur, OdishaThe periodical lecture on “Liber<strong>at</strong>ion in Indian <strong>Philosophy</strong>”was held in <strong>the</strong> seminar room of <strong>the</strong> Dept. of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Salipur College, Salipur on 12th MarchPeriodical Lecture program <strong>at</strong> Salipur College2011. Prof. Debendra Kumar Rout, Principal ofSalipur College was <strong>the</strong> Chairperson. Prof. GaneshPrasad Das, formerly Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, UtkalUniversity was <strong>the</strong> resource person. At <strong>the</strong> outset,Dr. (Capt.) Madan Mohan Das, coordin<strong>at</strong>or of <strong>the</strong>lecture, introduced <strong>the</strong> resource person and <strong>the</strong> topicto <strong>the</strong> august ga<strong>the</strong>ring. Prof. Ganesh Prasad Das inhis speech highlighted <strong>the</strong> notion of ‘Liber<strong>at</strong>ion’ asconceived by different Indian thinkers like Carvakas,Buddhists, Jainas, Samkhyans, Nyaya-vaisesikas,Mimamsakas, Advaita Vedantins, Caitanya and Vaisnavaphilosophers. Lastly, he concluded th<strong>at</strong> liber<strong>at</strong>ionis renunci<strong>at</strong>ion in action, but not renunci<strong>at</strong>ion of action.After <strong>the</strong> lecture, Mrs Manisha Trip<strong>at</strong>hy, lecturer of<strong>the</strong> Dept. extended a vote of thanks to all.27

Govt. P.G. College, Mandsaur, M.P.A Periodical Lecture Programme was organizedby Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Govt. P.G. College,Mandsaur on 14 March 2011. The programme wasinaugur<strong>at</strong>ed by College Janbhagidari Committee President,Shri Himm<strong>at</strong> Singh. Principal Dr. R.K. Sohoniwelcomed <strong>the</strong> speaker and all <strong>the</strong> participants of<strong>the</strong> lecture programme. Professor Ramjee Singh wasinvited to deliver <strong>the</strong> lecture and he spoke on Gandhian<strong>Philosophy</strong> and its applic<strong>at</strong>ion towards <strong>the</strong> solutionof modern social problems. The lecture prgrammewas <strong>at</strong>tended by students, teachers of philosophy andmany o<strong>the</strong>rs.Professor Ramjee Singh being honouredGovernment Ranbir College, SangrurThe Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong> organized a PeriodicalLecture on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me, Human Ethics and SocialResponsibility on 15 March 2011. Rtn. Amjad Ali was<strong>the</strong> Key Speaker. Dr. Tanuja Shrivastava, Director ofBGIET, Sangrur presided over <strong>the</strong> function. Facultymembers of <strong>the</strong> college and students from <strong>the</strong>philosophy and o<strong>the</strong>r streams <strong>at</strong>tended <strong>the</strong> lectureprogramme.Professor Amjad Ali delivering <strong>the</strong> lectureDeshbandhu College, Delhi University, DelhiA lecture was organized on “Relevance of <strong>Philosophy</strong>in Current Society” in Deshbandhu College,University of Delhi, on 25th March 2011. Prof. VibhaCh<strong>at</strong>urvedi, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, University ofDelhi as well as Prof. Aditya Kumar Mohanty, Head,Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Utkal University, Orissadelivered <strong>the</strong>ir lectures on <strong>the</strong> particular <strong>the</strong>me. Prof.Ch<strong>at</strong>urvedi emphasized <strong>the</strong> conceptual aspects of<strong>Philosophy</strong> highlighting <strong>the</strong> acts of philosophizing aswell as philosophy in general, whereas Prof. MohantyProfessor Vibha Ch<strong>at</strong>urvedi delivering her lecture28

enlivened <strong>the</strong> audience with enormous illustr<strong>at</strong>ionsfrom various fields of life to help <strong>the</strong>m in understanding<strong>Philosophy</strong> as a layperson.The lecture session was <strong>at</strong>tended by about 75-80teachers as well as more than 150 students of <strong>the</strong>College. The lecture was followed by a very interesting& well <strong>at</strong>tended interactive session.Finally, <strong>the</strong> organizer Dr Subasini Barik, In-chargeof Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Deshbandhu Collegeconveyed her gr<strong>at</strong>itude through <strong>the</strong> ritualistic voteof thanks to all those (ICPR, <strong>the</strong> funding institution,both <strong>the</strong> speakers, <strong>the</strong> Principal of DeshbandhuCollege and <strong>the</strong> audience-- <strong>the</strong> teachers and students)who made this event a grand success.Govt. Rajindra College, Bh<strong>at</strong>inda, PunjabPrize awarded to a studentDepartment of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Govt. Rajindra College,Bh<strong>at</strong>inda organized a lecture progranne on 25thMarch 2011. The lecture was presented by Dr. ShivaniSharma Angiras, Assistant Professor, Departmentof <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Thetopic was “Interpreting <strong>the</strong> Fundamentals of <strong>Philosophy</strong>of Art”. Prizes were given to <strong>the</strong> students of<strong>Philosophy</strong> for scoring highest marks so as to increase<strong>the</strong> interest of students in <strong>the</strong> subject. The progammewas actively <strong>at</strong>tended by students and facultymembers. The local media printed <strong>the</strong> reports of <strong>the</strong>programme.D.M. College of Arts, Imphal, Manipurorganized ICPR sponsored Periodical LectureThe <strong>Philosophy</strong> Department of D.M. College ofArts, Imphal, Manipur organized ICPR sponsoredPeriodical Lecture on <strong>the</strong> 31st March, 2011 <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>college auditorium. The lecture was delivered by Dr.S. Shyamkishore Singh, Retd. Professor and Dean ofHumanities, Manipur University on <strong>the</strong> topic “Culture:A Conceptual Study.” The programme was presidedover by Dr. A. Nungshitombi Devi, Principal, D.M.College of Arts, Imphal. (Manipur). The lecture was<strong>at</strong>tended by a large number of students, teachers andinvitees.Professor S. Shyamkishore Singh deliveringhis lecture29

ICPR Special Lecture ProgrammeCentre for <strong>Philosophy</strong>, School of Social Sciences, JNUProfessor Anil Gupta, distinguished Professor of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, University of Pittsburg, USA, deliveredICPR sponsored n<strong>at</strong>ional Lecture on “Experienceand Perceptual Judgment” on 26th Nov. 2010 <strong>at</strong> 11:00a.m. in <strong>the</strong> Conference Room, Centre for <strong>Philosophy</strong>,School of Social Sciences, JNU, New Delhi. Theparticipants included faculty and <strong>the</strong> research scholarsof Centre for <strong>Philosophy</strong>, faculty from IIT Delhi,Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, D.U., and some of itsaffili<strong>at</strong>ed colleges.Professor Anil Gupta addressed <strong>the</strong> issues like: Wh<strong>at</strong>accounts for <strong>the</strong> reasonableness of perceptual judgments,and wh<strong>at</strong> is <strong>the</strong> contribution of experienceto it? He critically considered <strong>the</strong> answers offered byFred Dretske, Christopher Peacock, Wilfrid Sellarsand o<strong>the</strong>rs. He <strong>the</strong>n offered a proposal of his own.The proposal was built on ideas he had developed inhis book, Empiricism and Experience. The present<strong>at</strong>ionwas followed by a well informed discussion.Department of Humanities & Social Sciences,Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, MumbailIT Bombay, organized a talk on 5th January 2011by Prof. Anand C. Paranjpe, Professor Emeritus,Psychology and Humanities <strong>at</strong> Simon Fraser Universityin Canada. His more recent work is focused on <strong>the</strong>understanding of psychological principles embeddedin traditional Indian thought. The session began withintroduction of <strong>the</strong> speaker by Professor K. Narayanan,Professor of Economics and Head, Department ofHumanities & Social Sciences, lIT Bombay and it waschaired by Professor Meenakshi Gupta, Professor ofPsychology. Prof. Paranjpe gave his research present<strong>at</strong>ionon “Indian Psychology: Wh<strong>at</strong> and Why?” in whichissues like : <strong>the</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ure of consciousness, personhood,cognition, emotion, and volition were pointed out.In ano<strong>the</strong>r present<strong>at</strong>ion, Prof. Paranjpe talked aboutLokmanya Tilak and Karma Yoga which was organizedin <strong>the</strong> faculties of Sailesh J. Meheta School ofManagement and H & S.S. IIT Bombay. A separ<strong>at</strong>etime for discussion and question-answer were <strong>the</strong> partof <strong>the</strong> talk. Prof. Ashish Pandey, Sailesh J. MehetaSchool of Management gave <strong>the</strong> vote of thanks in thisevening session.Professor Anand C. Paranjpe, ICPR Visiting Professor (Overseas) for <strong>the</strong>year 2010-11 <strong>at</strong> Karn<strong>at</strong>aka St<strong>at</strong>e Open University, MysoreTwo special lectures on Indian Psychology were organizedin <strong>the</strong> Department of Studies in Psychology,Karn<strong>at</strong>aka St<strong>at</strong>e Open University, Manasagangotri,Mysore on 11th January, 2011. The lecture programmewas inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed by <strong>the</strong> Vice-Chancellor Prof. K.S.Rangappa. The audience included <strong>the</strong> Master’sdegree Psychology students of Open Universitynumbering 150, Master’s degree Psychology studentsof <strong>the</strong> University of Mysore, Faculty members fromPsychology, <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Sanskrit and o<strong>the</strong>r departments,Research Scholars of Psychology Departmentand o<strong>the</strong>r invitees.The inaugur<strong>at</strong>ion function was followed by <strong>the</strong> firstlecture by Professor Anand, C. Paranjpe, Emeritus,Simon Fraser University, Canada on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me “Wh<strong>at</strong>and Why of Indian Psychology”. The lecture went onfrom 12 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. and was followed by livelyquestion and answer session for about half an hour.30

Lighting of <strong>the</strong> LampThe second lecture on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me “Advaita as a <strong>the</strong>oryof personality” was delivered by Prof. Paranjpe from4 to 5 p.m. and it was also followed by a questionand answer session. Prof. Paranjpe highlighted <strong>the</strong>differences between modern psychology and IndianPsychology, by dwelling on <strong>the</strong> philosophical found<strong>at</strong>ionsof <strong>the</strong> two psychologies and elabor<strong>at</strong>ed on <strong>the</strong>need for conducting research on Indian Psychology.He emphasized th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> two psychologies can complementeach o<strong>the</strong>r. Since <strong>the</strong> Open University studentsstudy about Indian Psychology as part of <strong>the</strong>ir courseon Systems and Contemporary Trends in Psychology,<strong>the</strong> lecture topics were of immedi<strong>at</strong>e relevance to <strong>the</strong>mand <strong>the</strong>y were immensely benefited by Prof. Paranjpe’stwo lectures. The participants showed a lot of interestin <strong>the</strong> two lectures and interacted with many questionsput to <strong>the</strong> guest speaker. Subsequently reading m<strong>at</strong>erialsrel<strong>at</strong>ed to Indian Psychology th<strong>at</strong> included Prof.Paranjpe’s power point present<strong>at</strong>ion was distributedamong <strong>the</strong> participants.Prof. Anand C. Paranjpe <strong>at</strong> Andhra and Gitam UniversitiesA lecture programme of Prof. Anand Paranjpe wasorganized <strong>at</strong> Gitam University from 17th to 18thJanuary 2011. Prof. Paranjpe delivered two lecturesin Gitam University on “Indian Psychology :Wh<strong>at</strong>and Why” and “Found<strong>at</strong>ions of Indian Psychology in<strong>the</strong> Upanishads” respectively. Prof. Anand Paranjpealso delivered two lectures <strong>at</strong> Andhra University from19th to 20th January, 2011 on <strong>the</strong> topics “A <strong>the</strong>oryof Personality According to <strong>the</strong> Advaita Vedanta”and “Subject-Object rel<strong>at</strong>ions in Shankara’s AdyasaBhashya”. Prof. K. Ramakrishna Rao, Chairman ofICPR graced as Chief Guest for <strong>the</strong>se lectures. Prof.S.R. Krishna, <strong>the</strong> Principal, Gitam Institute of Managementand Prof. S. Prasad were also present during <strong>the</strong>programme. Faculty, scholars and students of Deptof <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Andhra university as well as fromGitam University got benefited by <strong>the</strong> lecture and <strong>the</strong>Professor Paranjpe delivering his lecturefollowing deb<strong>at</strong>e. According to Prof. K.R.Rajani, whowas <strong>the</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>or of this lecture programme, <strong>the</strong>entire lecture programme got conducted in a decentmanner.Professor Max L. Velmans, ICPR Visiting Professor (Overseas)for <strong>the</strong> Year 2010-11 <strong>at</strong> University of HyderabadProfessor Max L. Velmans delivered his Lecture on“Reflexive Monism: How to Arrive <strong>at</strong> an Eastern PlaceFrom a Western Direction” on 15th February, 2011<strong>at</strong> 2.30 P.M. in <strong>the</strong> Seminar Hall of <strong>the</strong> Departmentof <strong>Philosophy</strong>, University of Hyderabad. It was well<strong>at</strong>tended by Faculty, Research Scholars and students31

not only of <strong>the</strong> Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, but alsoof <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Departments of <strong>the</strong> University.At <strong>the</strong> outset, Professor S.G. Kulkarni, Head of <strong>the</strong>Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, welcomed ProfessorVelmans. Then Professor R.C. Pradhan, co-ordin<strong>at</strong>orof <strong>the</strong> ICPR Lecture introduced <strong>the</strong> speaker to <strong>the</strong>audience.Professor Velmans made a power-point present<strong>at</strong>ionof his Lecture. He outlined <strong>the</strong> broad fe<strong>at</strong>ures of his<strong>the</strong>ory of mind and consciousness called ReflexiveMonism. In course of his lecture, Professor Velmansmade a comparison between his <strong>the</strong>ory of ReflexiveMonism and <strong>the</strong> Vedantic <strong>the</strong>ory of consciousness,especially of Sankara and Sri Aurobindo. ProfessorVelman’s lecture was followed by lively discussion.Many searching questions were raised by <strong>the</strong> Facultyand Research Students as to how reality can be bothphysical and psychological <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> same time. O<strong>the</strong>rsimilar queries were made regarding how <strong>the</strong> third-Professor Max Velmans makinga power-point present<strong>at</strong>ionperson and <strong>the</strong> first-person perspectives can co-existwithin <strong>the</strong> same framework.A vote of thanks was proposed by Professor PrajitK. Basu. He also thanked <strong>the</strong> ICPR for choosing<strong>the</strong> Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Universityof Hyderabad for <strong>the</strong> Lecture and for providing <strong>the</strong>generous grant for arranging <strong>the</strong> Lecture.Prof. A.K. Ch<strong>at</strong>terjee, ICPR Visiting Professor 2010, <strong>at</strong>Allahabad UniversityProf. Gauri Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyaya welcoming<strong>the</strong> speaker and <strong>the</strong> participantsProfessor A. K. Ch<strong>at</strong>terjee had chosen to talk on“Laws of Thought.” Prof. Tapan Kumar Chakraborty,Head, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Kalyani University,Kalyani, West Bengal, presided over <strong>the</strong> LectureProgramme. Professor and Head, Dr. Gauri Ch<strong>at</strong>topadhyaya,formally welcomed and introduced <strong>the</strong> speaker,Prof. Ch<strong>at</strong>terjee and Prof. Tapan K. Chakraborty to aga<strong>the</strong>ring of about 60 participants th<strong>at</strong> included <strong>the</strong>faculty members and students of <strong>the</strong> department andfrom constituent colleges. Prof. Ch<strong>at</strong>terjee started hislecture with <strong>the</strong> genesis of <strong>the</strong> laws of thought andtraced its discussion to Stoic logicians. The lucid, logicaland analytical lecture delivered by Prof. A. K. Ch<strong>at</strong>terjeegener<strong>at</strong>ed a lot of queries, comments and deb<strong>at</strong>eamong <strong>the</strong> participants. Prof. Tapan K. Chakrabortypresented an elabor<strong>at</strong>e comment on Prof. Ch<strong>at</strong>terjee’slecture. The Department expressed its hearty thanksto Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR),New Delhi for <strong>the</strong> generous funding which enabled<strong>the</strong> organizing of this lecture programme.32

<strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> DayDepartment of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, KanpurDepartment of Humanities and Social Sciences, lITKanpur organized <strong>the</strong> one day programme for celebr<strong>at</strong>ionof <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day. The programme washeld on 9th November 2010 on <strong>the</strong> topic “ How andwhere Navya-Nyaya techniques entered Vyakarana”and <strong>the</strong> speaker was Prof. Malhar Kulkarni, Departmentof HSS, lIT Bombay. Prof. Malhar Kulkarni whiledelivering his lecture spoke upon one of <strong>the</strong> importantfe<strong>at</strong>ures of post 13th century Indian <strong>Philosophy</strong> and<strong>the</strong> influence of Navya-Nyaya system on o<strong>the</strong>r schoolsof thought. He st<strong>at</strong>ed Raghun<strong>at</strong>ha and Gangesa, <strong>the</strong>two Navya-Nyaya philosophers brought about a revolutionin <strong>the</strong> field of Nyaya which spread into o<strong>the</strong>rdisciplines such as Mimamsa, Vedanta, Alankara andVyakarana.This talk also addressed <strong>the</strong>se issues with special focuson Vyakarana. It also highlighted <strong>the</strong> importance ofthis influence from <strong>the</strong> point of view of Comput<strong>at</strong>ionalLingusitics.Prof. Malhar Kulkarni, IIT Bombay delivering lecture<strong>at</strong> IIT Kanpur on <strong>the</strong> programme of WPD celebr<strong>at</strong>ionThe entire academic staff of IIT Kanpur; Dept. ofphilosophy, Christ College, Kanpur; Departmentof philosophy, DAV college, Kanpur <strong>at</strong>tended <strong>the</strong>programme with approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 50 scholars.Department of Cultural Studies, Tezpur UniversityThe Department of Cultural Studies, Tezpur Universityorganized a special programme as a part of <strong>World</strong><strong>Philosophy</strong> Day to mark <strong>the</strong> birth anniversary ofSocr<strong>at</strong>es, <strong>the</strong> gre<strong>at</strong> philosopher, in associ<strong>at</strong>ion withIndian Council of Philosophical Research, on <strong>the</strong> 19thof November 2010. Prof. Ranjit Kumar Dev Goswami,renowned scholar, critic and formerly Head of <strong>the</strong>Department of English, Gauh<strong>at</strong>i University, deliveredtwo lectures on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me ‘Relevance of <strong>the</strong> Socr<strong>at</strong>icMethod in Contemporary Indian Society: The Role ofTeachers and Students’ . Attended by research scholars,students and faculties of <strong>the</strong> School of Humanitiesand Social Sciences of Tezpur University, <strong>the</strong> meetingwas chaired by Prof S.K. Dutta, Dean, School ofHumanities and Social Sciences. Welcoming <strong>the</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>ringProf P.J. Mahanta, Head of <strong>the</strong> Department ofCultural Studies, gave an outline of <strong>the</strong> programmeunder <strong>the</strong> joint auspices of <strong>the</strong> Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch and <strong>the</strong> Department.In his lectures, Professor Goswami dwelt on <strong>the</strong> spiritof relentless questioning th<strong>at</strong> was encouraged bySocr<strong>at</strong>es more than two thousand years ago. Talkingabout <strong>the</strong> influence of thinkers like Parmenides andHeraclitus on Socr<strong>at</strong>es, Prof Goswami threw lighton <strong>the</strong> relevance of Socr<strong>at</strong>es in contemporary times,particularly <strong>the</strong> heterogeneous conditions prevailing in<strong>the</strong> country where <strong>the</strong> need of <strong>the</strong> hour is opennessto divergent views. Citing examples from <strong>the</strong> presenteduc<strong>at</strong>ional system of <strong>the</strong> country, Prof. Goswamihighlighted <strong>the</strong> continuing relevance of <strong>the</strong> Socr<strong>at</strong>icideals.The lectures were followed by an interactive session inwhich <strong>the</strong> faculty and <strong>the</strong> students actively particip<strong>at</strong>ed.Dr Parasmoni Dutta, Assistant Professor, Departmentof Cultural Studies, proposed <strong>the</strong> vote of thanks.33

ecause <strong>Philosophy</strong> is integral to all human life. In<strong>the</strong> first session Dr. Sajiwan Prasad, Rtd. Principal ofKisan College, Sohsarai (Nalanda, Magadh University)chaired and conducted <strong>the</strong> deliber<strong>at</strong>ions. He spokeon how to do research work and <strong>the</strong> methodologyof teaching. He also suggested some of <strong>the</strong> reformsessential in research work. In this session, teachers andresearch fellows of <strong>the</strong> Department particip<strong>at</strong>ed in <strong>the</strong>deb<strong>at</strong>e.Inaugural <strong>Function</strong> of Celebr<strong>at</strong>ion of<strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day <strong>at</strong> P<strong>at</strong>na UniversityThe second session was chaired by Dr. I.N. Sinha,Rtd. Professor & Head, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,P<strong>at</strong>na University, Dr. Ramendran<strong>at</strong>h, Reader & Head,Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, P<strong>at</strong>na College, P<strong>at</strong>na(P<strong>at</strong>na University) delivered keynote address. In hislecture, he sketched philosophy in six divisions anddenied metaphysics & epistemology as well as philosophyof religion as philosophy proper but acceptedsocial and political philosophy as well as ethics, especiallyapplied ethics as <strong>Philosophy</strong> in <strong>the</strong> real sense.He did seek <strong>Philosophy</strong>’s future in socio-political andmoral philosophy in <strong>the</strong> modern world.In <strong>the</strong> valedictory session Dr. S.E. Ahsan, Rtd.Professor & Head, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Collegeof Commerce, P<strong>at</strong>na (Magadh University) summedup <strong>the</strong> deliber<strong>at</strong>ions of <strong>the</strong> seminar. Dr. N.P. Tiwary,Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, P<strong>at</strong>na University proposed avote of thanks, and Dr.R.S. Arya, Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,P<strong>at</strong>na University conducted <strong>the</strong> entire seminar.Ramkrishna Maha Vidyalaya, Kailashahar, North TripuraIn order to observe Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day, aregional seminar on “Misuse of Amniocentesis andThe Future of Indian Girl Child” was organized by <strong>the</strong>Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya,on 27th November 2010, The programme gotunderway by lighting <strong>the</strong> Lamp of Wisdom. Theseminar was inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed by Sri R<strong>at</strong>ish Majumder,Principal of R. K. Mahavidyalaya in <strong>the</strong> presence ofo<strong>the</strong>r dignitaries like Dr. Jasawanta Roy, Dr. SudhirChakraborty, Associ<strong>at</strong>e Professor in <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Rabindra Sadan Girls’ College, Karimganj, Assam,Dr. Debashish Tarapdar, Superintendent, R.G.M.Hospital, Kailashahar, Dr. Bapu Sen, Medical &Health Officer, R.G.M. Hospital and o<strong>the</strong>r professorsof <strong>the</strong> college, paper presenters and an overwhelmingnumber of students. The guests and <strong>the</strong> audience weregreeted by Sri Surajit Sen, Assistant Professor, R.K.Mahavidyalaya. The key note address was given by Dr.Sudhir Chakraborty who highlighted <strong>the</strong> importanceof girl child in our society. He felt th<strong>at</strong> only propermentality and educ<strong>at</strong>ion is <strong>the</strong> correct antidote to thismalaise. Mr Dhanaram Reang, Deputy Collector ofKailashahar, expressed his apprehension about genderdisparity. Then in his presidential address, Principalof Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya, Mr. R<strong>at</strong>ish Majumderconveyed his message to all. He felt th<strong>at</strong> youth mustbe protected from <strong>the</strong> evils of modernism and valuesshould be practised to safeguard <strong>the</strong> girl child. Theinaugural session ended with a vote of thanks fromDr. Subr<strong>at</strong>a Sharma, Organising Secretary and Head,Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, R.K. Mahavidyalaya.35

Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West BengalA seminar was organized by <strong>the</strong> Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>and <strong>the</strong> Life-world of Vidyasagar University,Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal on <strong>the</strong>occasion of <strong>the</strong> celebr<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong>Day on 29.11.2010 sponsored by <strong>the</strong> Indian Councilof Philosophical Research, New Delhi. ProfessorSwapan Kumar Pramanik, Honourable Vice-chancellorof Vidyasagar University inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong>seminar. Professor Sankar Prasad Sinha, Dean of Arts& Commerce presided over <strong>the</strong> inaugural ceremony.O<strong>the</strong>r officials were also present <strong>the</strong>re. ProfessorGopal Chandra Khan (retired), <strong>the</strong> University ofBurdwan and Professor Hironmoy Bandopadhaya(Retired) of Jadavpur University were <strong>the</strong> speakers. In<strong>the</strong>ir lectures <strong>the</strong>y highlighted <strong>the</strong> Need of <strong>Philosophy</strong> asCore Subject in School and Higher Educ<strong>at</strong>ion.Dr Tapan Kumar De, Head of <strong>the</strong> Department of<strong>Philosophy</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Life-world, welcomed <strong>the</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>ring.An essay competition on <strong>the</strong> topic Need of<strong>Philosophy</strong> as a Core Subject in School and Higher Educ<strong>at</strong>ion”had been held. Miss Sudipti Kar, Sri Pradip KumarMandaI, and Sri Surya Kanta Pradhan stood firstsecond and third respectively in this essay competition.They were felicit<strong>at</strong>ed. Dr. Bhupendra ChandraDas, one of <strong>the</strong> faculty members of <strong>the</strong> Departmentthanked all who were rel<strong>at</strong>ed to <strong>the</strong> seminar directly orindirectly.Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Assam University, SilcharThe <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day was celebr<strong>at</strong>ed in <strong>the</strong>Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Assam University on <strong>the</strong>29th of November 2010 with <strong>the</strong> financial help ofIndian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) NewDelhi and Assam University. The Department organizeda one day programme on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me ‘Dialoguebetween Science and <strong>Philosophy</strong>’.The inaugural session started <strong>at</strong> 11 a.m. in <strong>the</strong> morning<strong>at</strong> Bipin Chandra Pal Seminar Hall, Assam University.The students and <strong>the</strong> scholars accorded a very warmwelcome to <strong>the</strong> honorable guest speaker ProfessorPartha Ghose, Senior Scientist, Pl<strong>at</strong>inum JubileeFellow, N<strong>at</strong>ional Academy of Sciences, India and alsoProfessor and Academic coordin<strong>at</strong>or of S. N. BoseCentre for Basic Science, Kolk<strong>at</strong>a; Prof. TapodhirBh<strong>at</strong>tacharya, honorable Vice-chancellor, A.U.;Professor G. D. Sharma, Pro-vice chancellor (Science,Technology and Management) and Prof. GautamBiswas, Pro-vice chancellor (Humanities and o<strong>the</strong>rAllied Disciplines), Dean, School of Humanities andalso Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>. They were welcomedProf. Partha Ghosh, Prof. T. Bh<strong>at</strong>tacharjee, VC,Prof. Gautam Biswas in <strong>the</strong> main programmeof WPD celebr<strong>at</strong>ionand felicit<strong>at</strong>ed by <strong>the</strong> students of <strong>the</strong> Department of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Assam University. Besides, teachers fromdifferent departments of Assam University, teachersfrom various local colleges, scholars, researchers andstudents from various institutes and centers were alsopresent in <strong>the</strong> celebr<strong>at</strong>ions.The program started with an inaugural song by <strong>the</strong>students of <strong>the</strong> Department. The welcome addresswas delivered by Dr. R.C. Majhi, <strong>the</strong> Head of <strong>the</strong>36

Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>. He explained <strong>the</strong> significanceof <strong>the</strong> day. Prof. Biswas briefly explic<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong>relevance and importance of dialogue between scienceand philosophy.Prof. Partha Ghose greeted everyone and presentedhis valuable speech on ‘Embodied cognition’. Afterthis inaugural session, Dr. Bhaskarjeet Neog, a facultymember, offered <strong>the</strong> vote of thanks.Centre for <strong>Philosophy</strong>, JNU, New DelhiDr. Oinam Bhag<strong>at</strong> and o<strong>the</strong>rs on <strong>the</strong> daisA one-day colloquium on “Reading of Discourses onConsciousness” was organized to mark <strong>the</strong> celebr<strong>at</strong>ionof <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day 2010 on November 29by Centre for <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Jawaharlal Nehru Universityin collabor<strong>at</strong>ion with Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch, New Delhi.The colloquium was organized keeping in mindtwo objectives: (i) to engage with interdisciplinaryapproaches in understanding philosophical concepts/issues, and (ii) to go beyond <strong>the</strong> confines of civiliz<strong>at</strong>ionand disciplinary boundaries. Prof. Nandu Ram,<strong>the</strong> moder<strong>at</strong>or of <strong>the</strong> first Round Table, started <strong>the</strong>colloquium by raising basic questions: “Wh<strong>at</strong> do weunderstand by consciousness, whom do we ascribe itto, and whose consciousness are we talking about?” Dr.Bhag<strong>at</strong> Oinam initi<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> discussion by talking aboutdifferent methodologies engaged while talking aboutdifferent discourses as well as deb<strong>at</strong>es on consciousness.Prof. S<strong>at</strong>ya P. Gautam started his present<strong>at</strong>ionby drawing <strong>at</strong>tention to <strong>the</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ure of philosophicalconcepts th<strong>at</strong> are essentially contested. Prof. GopalGuru raised <strong>the</strong> question: “Can one manage to do<strong>the</strong>oriz<strong>at</strong>ion without raw experience?” The SecondRound Table was on Ontological and EpistemologicalDiscourses (1). Prof. Mrinal Miri moder<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong>proceedings. The first speaker of <strong>the</strong> second session,Dr. C.A. Tomy, talked about self knowledge. Dr. M.A.Devasia presented his views on <strong>the</strong> metaphysics ofconsciousness in Advaita Vedanta. Dr. Manidipa Senraised <strong>the</strong> questions: can <strong>the</strong> subject of self experiencebe <strong>the</strong> object of self awareness; can <strong>the</strong> subject bean intentional object of its own consciousness? TheThird Round Table was on Ontological and EpistemologicalDiscourses (2). Prof. Gurpreet Mahajan, <strong>the</strong>moder<strong>at</strong>or of third session, laid emphasis on <strong>the</strong> importanceof reading and understanding of <strong>the</strong> history ofconsciousness, how it evolved and how in <strong>the</strong> 19thcentury it became so important to reconstruct <strong>the</strong>reality. She also highlighted <strong>the</strong> idea why consciousnesscannot be talked of in isol<strong>at</strong>ion and how it involves <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r. Prof. Rekha Basu tried to trace <strong>the</strong> history ofconsciousness in phenomenology and how consciousnesswas understood in continental philosophy. Dr.Ajay Verma made a comparison between <strong>the</strong> understandingof consciousness in <strong>the</strong> Indian tradition and<strong>the</strong> Western tradition by taking different philosophersfor scrutiny. Prof. R.P. Singh talked about <strong>the</strong> historyof philosophy - <strong>the</strong> breaks and ruptures in <strong>the</strong> history.He also showed how consciousness had been studiedin philosophical discourses from <strong>the</strong> perspectives ofmonism, dualism and pluralism. Dr. Prasenjit Biswastalked about <strong>the</strong> concept of consciousness understoodby contemporary, “non-classroom” philosophers likeZizek and Agamben. He talked about <strong>the</strong> plasticity ofconsciousness which is self destructive . He raised <strong>the</strong>question: “Can we recover <strong>the</strong> subject from <strong>the</strong> de<strong>at</strong>hof <strong>the</strong> de<strong>at</strong>h wish?” The Fourth Round Table was onAes<strong>the</strong>tic, Literary and Ethical Discourses. Prof. Vibha37

Ch<strong>at</strong>urvedi moder<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> session. Dr. Shashi Motilaltalked about <strong>the</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ure of moral consciousness. Prof.Tista Bagchi started her present<strong>at</strong>ion by underlining<strong>the</strong> difference between medical ethics and bio-ethics.She compared <strong>the</strong> degrees of consciousness as coma,anaes<strong>the</strong>tic, sed<strong>at</strong>ion, total consciousness to <strong>the</strong> waking,dreaming and deep sleep st<strong>at</strong>es of <strong>the</strong> Upanishads. Dr.Anuradha Ghosh dwelt on <strong>the</strong> reading of consciousnessin literary criticism. Prof. H.S. Shivaprakash alsomade a present<strong>at</strong>ion. The Fifth Round Table was onSocial, Political and <strong>the</strong> Psychological Discourses.Prof. Franson Manjali moder<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> session in whichDr. Min<strong>at</strong>i Panda and Dr. Suj<strong>at</strong>ha V. expressed <strong>the</strong>irviews.The colloquium spread out into <strong>the</strong> areas of possiblestudies on consciousness from <strong>the</strong> vantage points ofdifferent disciplines. Each speaker successfully introduceddifferent areas where new research initi<strong>at</strong>ivescould be taken up. The colloquium ended with a voteof thanks given by Dr. Manidipa Sen. The colloquiumtruly represented a discussion on interdisciplinarydiscourse, cutting across civiliz<strong>at</strong>ional boundaries.Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong> & Religious StudiesAndhra University, Vishakhap<strong>at</strong>namThe Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong> & Religious Studies,Andhra University, Vishakhap<strong>at</strong>nam conducted a Oneday Seminar on “Future of <strong>Philosophy</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Modern<strong>World</strong>” on 29th November, 2010.Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Magadh University, Bodh GayaA day long seminar was organized by <strong>the</strong> Dept. of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya on <strong>the</strong>occasion of Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day on 30November 2010. The focal <strong>the</strong>me of <strong>the</strong> Seminar was“Gandhi’s <strong>Philosophy</strong> of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion”. Two speakerswere invited to deliver lectures.The inaugural session began <strong>at</strong> 11.30 am. Dr. B.P.Shastri (Pro- Vice Chancellor, Magadh University,Bodh Gaya), Dr. Ram Sarekh Singh (Prof. and Head,P.G. Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Magadh University, BodhProfessor Ramjee Singh delivering lecture on <strong>the</strong>occasion of <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> DayGaya), Dr. Ramjee Singh (Retd. Professor & Head,T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur), Dr. R.C. Sinha(Retd. Professor & Head, P<strong>at</strong>na University, P<strong>at</strong>na),Dr. Neelima Sinha (Professor & Programme Coordin<strong>at</strong>or,‘SAP’, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Magadh University,Bodh Gaya) were <strong>the</strong> dignitaries on <strong>the</strong> dais. Prominentamong <strong>the</strong> dignitaries off <strong>the</strong> dais were: Dr.Dinesh Singh, Head of <strong>the</strong> Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, GayaCollege, Gaya, Dr. Veena Sharan, Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Gaya College, Gaya, Dr. V.K. Singh, Reader &Head, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, A.M. College, Gaya, Dr.Kalaw<strong>at</strong>i, Reader and Head, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,G.B.M. College, Gaya and Dr. B.D. Lal, Professor& Head, P.G. Dept. of Hindi, Magadh University.Almost 60 persons including students and teachers of<strong>the</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> and o<strong>the</strong>r subjects, media persons ando<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>at</strong>tended <strong>the</strong> function.The formal Inaugural Session was started with <strong>the</strong>lighting of <strong>the</strong> lamp and Pushpanjali to Devi Sarasw<strong>at</strong>i.Welcome address was delivered by Dr. R.S. Singh,Head, Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Magadh University. Dr.Neelima Sinha, Coordin<strong>at</strong>or of <strong>the</strong> Programme intro-38

duced <strong>the</strong> notion of <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day and <strong>the</strong>focal <strong>the</strong>me. Dr. B.P. Shastri, <strong>the</strong> Pro. Vice-Chancellordelivered <strong>the</strong> Presidential Address.The Seminar was concluded with a vote of thankspresented by Dr. Neelima Sinha, Professor &Programme Coordin<strong>at</strong>or, ‘SAP’ who organized thisfunction for <strong>the</strong> P.G. Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, MagadhUniversity. Special appreci<strong>at</strong>ion and thanks was givento ICPR for its activities and funds provided to <strong>the</strong>Dept. for <strong>the</strong> celebr<strong>at</strong>ion of Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Philosophy</strong>Day.Department of Applied <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Faculty of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion andAllied Sciences M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly<strong>Philosophy</strong>, MJP Rohilkhand University (campus),Bareilly. Vice-chancellor of <strong>the</strong> University, ProfessorS<strong>at</strong>ya Pal Gautam inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> function and alsotook <strong>the</strong> charge as <strong>the</strong> main speaker. Professor N.P.Singh, Dean, Faculty of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion and Allied Scienceschaired <strong>the</strong> inaugural session and Professor A.K. Sinha,Head, Department of Ancient History & Culture was<strong>the</strong> special invitee.Professor S.P. Gautam, VC, MJP Rohilkhand Universitydelivering his lectureThe celebr<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day 2010sponsored by ICPR, New Delhi was organized on30th November 2010 by <strong>the</strong> Department of Applied<strong>Philosophy</strong>, MJP Rohilkhand University (campus),Bareilly with zeal and gre<strong>at</strong> enthusiasm. ProfessorRajendra Prasad, Retd. Professor of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, IIT.,Kanpur, delivered <strong>the</strong> lecture on <strong>the</strong> topic ‘<strong>Philosophy</strong>and Life’. The celebr<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day2010 was organized by <strong>the</strong> Department of AppliedThe celebr<strong>at</strong>ion was organized in two parts. The firstpart of <strong>the</strong> celebr<strong>at</strong>ion was <strong>the</strong> inaugural portion and<strong>the</strong> second part was panel and general discussion.The inaugural session began <strong>at</strong> 11.30 A.M. and <strong>the</strong>second part was started <strong>at</strong> 3.00 P.M. Professor S<strong>at</strong>yaPal Gautam, <strong>the</strong> chief-speaker and Vice-chancellorof <strong>the</strong> University, delivered his lecture on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me‘<strong>Philosophy</strong> and Life’. The first session was begunwith welcoming <strong>the</strong> guests. Dr. A.K.Singh, Sr. Lecturerand students of <strong>the</strong> Department welcomed <strong>the</strong> guests.Professor N.P. Singh highlighted <strong>the</strong> specific fe<strong>at</strong>uresabout <strong>the</strong> Faculty and <strong>the</strong> Department. Dr. RajjanKumar was <strong>the</strong> Convener of <strong>the</strong> programme.Department of Yoga, Bark<strong>at</strong>ullah University, BhopalThe <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day was celebr<strong>at</strong>ed by <strong>the</strong>Department of Yoga, Bark<strong>at</strong>ullah University, Bhopalon 30 November 2010 with <strong>the</strong> financial assistanceprovided by <strong>the</strong> Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch, New Delhi. The <strong>the</strong>me of <strong>the</strong> One DaySeminar was ‘Need of <strong>Philosophy</strong> as core subject inSchool and Higher Educ<strong>at</strong>ion’. The program started<strong>at</strong> 09:30 a.m. and was concluded <strong>at</strong> 5:30 p.m. Hon’bleProf. Nisha Dubey, Vice ‘Chancellor, Bark<strong>at</strong>ullahUniversity. Bhopal, was <strong>the</strong> Chief Guest of <strong>the</strong>Seminar. The seminar was <strong>at</strong>tended by around 200persons, including <strong>the</strong> students, faculty and guests.39

Professor S.V. Rao delivering his addressThe key note address was delivered by Prof. S.V. Rao,Retd. Dean, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal. Severalexperts on <strong>the</strong> subject were invited to present <strong>the</strong>irviews on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me, like Swami Rajeshwaranand ji,who emphasized th<strong>at</strong> by including <strong>Philosophy</strong> as acore subject in educ<strong>at</strong>ion children will develop insightto know <strong>the</strong>mselves. Dr. Shivd<strong>at</strong>t Mishra, Asst. Prof.,Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Bairagarh, Bhopal, alsounderlined <strong>the</strong> need of learning Indian philosophy bystudents, which helps one in resolving <strong>the</strong> complexitiesof life. Prof. Vineeta Awasthi, HOD of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,Naramada Govt. College, Hoshangabad, and o<strong>the</strong>rexperts in <strong>the</strong> area presented <strong>the</strong>ir views on this occasion.Dr. Sadhana Dauneria, HOD, Department ofYoga, Bark<strong>at</strong>ullah University, Bhopal, was <strong>the</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>orof <strong>the</strong> programme. Vote of thanks was given bySmt. Manju Sharma.Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Karimganj College, AssamA one day Regional Seminar on applied philosophy wasorganized by Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong> KarimganjCollege, Assam on 30th November, 2010 for celebr<strong>at</strong>ing<strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day. Dr Alpana Talukdarwas Organizing Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Programme.The first technical session was chaired by Dr. R.C.Majhi, H.O.D. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Assam University.Three papers were presented during <strong>the</strong> session,entitled “Bhagavad Gita and stress management” byDr. Ravi Khangai, “<strong>Philosophy</strong> and different aspectsof educ<strong>at</strong>ion” presented by Dr. Sapan Dutta and“Environmental Ethics: A general view” presentedby Dr. Nibedita N<strong>at</strong>h. The second technical sessionwas chaired by Dr. Santanu Dutta, Ex HOD. Deptof Political Science, Karimganj College. Two paperswere presented during <strong>the</strong> session: “The ImportanceCentre for Jain Studies, University of Rajasthan, JaipurOn <strong>the</strong> occasion of celebr<strong>at</strong>ion of Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Philosophy</strong>day, a one-day regional seminar was organizedunder <strong>the</strong> Joint auspices of <strong>the</strong> Centre for Jain Studies,U.O.R., Jaipur and Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch, New Delhi on <strong>the</strong> topic “Ahimsakahar KaDarshan” on 30th November, 2010. The seminar40The <strong>Dignitaries</strong> on <strong>the</strong> Daisof Ethics in Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Revolution” presented byProf. Bikash Bhargab Sarma and “The Time to ApplyEthics in Indian Politics” presented by Prof. AparnaGhosh.was <strong>at</strong>tended by more than eighty students, researchscholars and faculty members of <strong>the</strong> Departmentof <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Hindi, Sanskrit, History and Jainism.The following ten scholars delivered / presented <strong>the</strong>irlectures / papers: Prof. Dayanand Bhargava, Ex-Dean& Head, Dept. of Sanskrit, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur,

Chief Speaker; Prof. K.C. Sogani, Ex Head, Dept. of<strong>Philosophy</strong>, M.L.S. University, Udaipur; Prof. Anil Jain,Director. Centre for Jain Studies on “Ahimsakahar”and Prof. Shiv Sagar Trip<strong>at</strong>hi, Ex-head, Departmentof Sanskrit, University of Rajasthan. Dr. Jasbir Singh,Ex- Chairman Minority commission of Rajasthan; was<strong>the</strong> Chief Guest of <strong>the</strong> Seminar. The welcome addresswas delivered by Prof. Anil Jain, Director, Centre forJain Studies. The Seminar ended with a vote of thanksby <strong>the</strong> co-ordin<strong>at</strong>or. He also thanked ICPR for <strong>the</strong>grant without which <strong>the</strong> programme could not havem<strong>at</strong>erialized.Deliber<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> SeminarVikram University, School of Studies in <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Ujjain (MP)The Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, School of Studies in<strong>Philosophy</strong>, Vikram University of Ujjain celebr<strong>at</strong>ed<strong>the</strong> Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day on 14th December,2010 in accordance with <strong>the</strong> guidelines given by IndianCouncil of Philosophical Research (ICPR). TheDepartment organized a one day programme on <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>me “Relevance of <strong>Philosophy</strong> and Present Crisis”.The welcome address was delivered by Dr. ChintamaniMalviya, I/C Head of <strong>the</strong> department, Prof.T.R. Thapak, Honorable Vice Chancellor, VikramUjjain University, VC, and o<strong>the</strong>r dignitariesof <strong>the</strong> programmeUniversity, talked about <strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>Philosophy</strong>in every aspect of human life. Prof. A.P. Dubey,Head, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Dr. HarisinghGaur University, Sagar talked about <strong>the</strong> relevance of<strong>Philosophy</strong> through <strong>the</strong> way of Ethics and humanity.He mentioned th<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> present time, our life iscompletely m<strong>at</strong>erialistic life. So we should live our lifetruly on <strong>the</strong> p<strong>at</strong>h of Ethics. The speech was followedby a brief interactive session. Dr. Y.G. Joshi EmeritusProf. MPSSR Ujjain mentioned th<strong>at</strong> we should havevirtue of s<strong>at</strong>isfaction in our life. Then only we can liveour life with happiness. Prof. S. Parashar, renownedsocial scientist; Director, Ambedkar Chair mentionedsome good issues of <strong>Philosophy</strong> from society. TheProgramme ended with a speech from <strong>the</strong> DepartmentHead, Dr. Malviya who thanked ICPR for <strong>the</strong>grant without which <strong>the</strong> programme could not havem<strong>at</strong>erialized. <strong>the</strong> Programme was conducted by Dr.Pooja Vyas, Vikram University Ujjain and <strong>the</strong> vote ofthanks was given by Mr. Alok Goyal, ICPR, ResearchScholar.Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil NaduICPR Sponsored <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day Celebr<strong>at</strong>ionwas held on 21st December 2010 in <strong>the</strong> Departmentof <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu. A One day Regional Seminar on41“The <strong>Philosophy</strong> of Man and Environment” wasorganized by <strong>the</strong> Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, AnnamalaiUniversity on 21st December 2010. The Seminarwas inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed by Dr. M. Raman<strong>at</strong>han, Vice-Chan-

VC, Annamalai University speaking on <strong>the</strong> occasioncellor, Annamalai University <strong>at</strong> 10:00 a.m. in <strong>the</strong>University Guest House Seminar Hall. The Vice-Chancellor, in his inaugural address pointed out <strong>the</strong>necessity of philosophy in all walks of life irrespectiveof professions and insisted on humanistic approachnot only towards human beings but also towards allbeings in <strong>the</strong> world to bring about N<strong>at</strong>ional and <strong>World</strong>Integr<strong>at</strong>ion. Dr. Sreekumar N., Associ<strong>at</strong>e Professor,Department of Humanities and Social Science (IIT),Chennai, delivered <strong>the</strong> keynote address. Dr. SubashiniR. Gandhi, Professor and Head, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>presided over <strong>the</strong> function. Dr. S. Veerapandianformally welcomed <strong>the</strong> dignitaries and participants.Dr. D. Selvaraju, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Professor andHead, Department of Sociology gave <strong>the</strong> felicit<strong>at</strong>ion.Dr. N. Baskaran, Dr. R. Murali and Dr. SreekumarNellickappilly presented <strong>the</strong>ir papers. In addition to<strong>the</strong> staff members from Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,staff members from o<strong>the</strong>r departments, academicians,research scholars and students from variousregional universities and colleges particip<strong>at</strong>ed in thisSeminar. The staff members from Madura CollegeMadurai, APA College of Arts and Culture, Palani,Vivekananda College, Chennai, Poompuhar College,Melaiyur, Government Arts College, Kumbakonamand N<strong>at</strong>ional College, Trichy also particip<strong>at</strong>ed as outst<strong>at</strong>ionparticipants. Over 150 members includingstudents <strong>at</strong>tended <strong>the</strong> seminar. The participants of <strong>the</strong>seminar felt th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> seminar was beneficial for both<strong>the</strong> researchers and also <strong>the</strong> faculty for fur<strong>the</strong>r researchin <strong>the</strong> time to come. The function came to an end <strong>at</strong>5.30 p.m. with N<strong>at</strong>ional An<strong>the</strong>m.Department of Sanskrit and <strong>Philosophy</strong> ofPG Govt. College for Girls, ChandigarhMain Programme <strong>at</strong> Govt Girls College Chandigarh42Department of Sanskrit and <strong>Philosophy</strong> of PostGradu<strong>at</strong>e Govt. College for Girls, Sector-II, Chandigarh,organized a Regional Seminar on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me“Reconsidering Classical Indian Thought”. Theseminar was sponsored by Indian Council for PhilosophicalResearch, New Delhi, to commemor<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong>birth anniversary of Socr<strong>at</strong>es declared by UNESCOas <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day. In <strong>the</strong> Inaugural Session,Prof. Ramakant Angiras was <strong>the</strong> Chief Guest andProf. Dharmendra Goel, Professor Emeritus, Departmentof <strong>Philosophy</strong>, Panjab University, Chandigarh,was Invited as Guest of Honour. Prof. K.K. Sharma,Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, NEHU, Shillong andDirector, Centre for Sri Aurobindo Studies, Sohan LalDAV College of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion, Ambala City, delivered hisKey Note Address on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me “Growing Influenceon Classical Indian <strong>Philosophy</strong>”. Dr. Sham L<strong>at</strong>a, Vice-Principal and Programme Convener, welcomed <strong>the</strong>distinguished speakers, guests and also introduced <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>me of <strong>the</strong> Seminar. Prof. K. K. Sharma emphasizedth<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> of a country is <strong>the</strong> essence of itsculture and civiliz<strong>at</strong>ion which springs from ideas th<strong>at</strong>prevail in its <strong>at</strong>mosphere and bears its unconscious

stamp. During <strong>the</strong> programme papers were presentedon different topics and <strong>the</strong>mes like Indian Value Systemwith special reference to <strong>the</strong> Holy Quran, Mahabhar<strong>at</strong>aKi Naitik Shiksha etc. A fruitful discussion occurredwith <strong>the</strong> questions asked by <strong>the</strong> students and participants.It made both sessions fully interdisciplinary inn<strong>at</strong>ure and source of fresh knowledge. Teachers from<strong>the</strong> Departments of Punjabi, Hindi, English, French,Public Administr<strong>at</strong>ion, Psychology, Home Scienceand students of Depts. of Sanskrit and <strong>Philosophy</strong>joined <strong>the</strong> seminar and engaged in active particip<strong>at</strong>ion.Dr. Desh Raj Siswal, Organizing Secretary, presented<strong>the</strong> report of <strong>the</strong> seminar and thanked all dignitaries,paper presenters and participants.Department of Guru Nanak Studies ofGuru Nanak Dev University, AmritsarThe Department of Guru Nanak Studies of GuruNanak Dev University, Amritsar organized a lectureon ‘Future of <strong>Philosophy</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Modern <strong>World</strong>’ and anEssay Competition Programme to celebr<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>Philosophy</strong> Day-201O and it was sponsored by IndianCouncil of Philosophical Research, New Delhi.Prof. Shashi Bala, Dean Faculty of Humanities andReligious Studies, welcomed <strong>the</strong> deleg<strong>at</strong>es and st<strong>at</strong>ed<strong>the</strong> aims and objectives of <strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Daywhich was initi<strong>at</strong>ed by UNESCO since 2002 and thisday is marked as Global observance of <strong>the</strong> birthdayof Socr<strong>at</strong>es on <strong>the</strong> third Thursday of November everyyear. Its aim is to <strong>at</strong>tract scholars to engage <strong>the</strong>mselvesin philosophical reflections on contemporary issues.Dr. Shashi Bala also introduced <strong>the</strong> activities, projectsand research work going on in <strong>the</strong> Department.Prof. Geeta Manaktala, Senior Prof. in Dept. of <strong>Philosophy</strong>,from Punjab University Chandigarh delivereda lecture on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me ‘Future of <strong>Philosophy</strong> in <strong>the</strong>Modern <strong>World</strong>’. She stressed <strong>the</strong> role of philosophy incultiv<strong>at</strong>ing human values, Self-empowerment, integr<strong>at</strong>ionof human personality and in cre<strong>at</strong>ing harmonioussocial co-existence. Professor Radha Sharma, SeniorProf. of History and Dean, Social Sciences presidedover <strong>the</strong> function and gave away cash prizes to studentswho got first, second and third positions in <strong>the</strong> EssayCompetition. At <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> programme Dr.Shashi Bala proposed <strong>the</strong> vote of thanks and inspired<strong>the</strong> students by pointing to <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> significance of<strong>Philosophy</strong> in <strong>the</strong> modern age.Deleg<strong>at</strong>es from different colleges also particip<strong>at</strong>ed in<strong>the</strong> discussions. Prof. Balwant Singh Dhillon, Prof.Jaswinder Kaur Dhillon, Dr. Manvinder Singh, Dr.Bhar<strong>at</strong>vir Kaur, Dr. Vipin Kumar and Dr. A.K. Khoslafrom D.A.V. College. Amritsar, Mrs. Anu Khannafrom B.B.K.D.A.V. College, Amritsar, Mrs. KusamL<strong>at</strong>a from Arya College P<strong>at</strong>hankot, Md. Martinea fromAustria and many o<strong>the</strong>rs were also present.<strong>World</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> Day : Programme <strong>at</strong>Gurunanak Dev UniversityParticipants in <strong>the</strong> Programme43

Fellows’ Meet – 2010<strong>Dignitaries</strong> on <strong>the</strong> dais <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fellows’ Meet 2011ICPR Fellows’ Meet Programme for <strong>the</strong> year 2010was scheduled on 21-23 December 2010 <strong>at</strong> JNU.The Inaugural <strong>Function</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Fellows’ Meet wasorganized in continu<strong>at</strong>ion to <strong>the</strong> Award <strong>Function</strong>programme <strong>at</strong> Vigyan Bhawan on 22nd December2010 followed by <strong>the</strong> Life Time achievement Award<strong>Function</strong> Programme. The programme was inaugur<strong>at</strong>edby Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Minister of HRD.To begin <strong>the</strong> programme Professor K. RamakrishnaRao, Chairman ICPR delivered his welcome address inwhich he spoke about ICPR fellowship programme asone of <strong>the</strong> most significant programs of <strong>the</strong> Councilth<strong>at</strong> has sustained and encouraged <strong>the</strong> basic researchesin <strong>the</strong> field of <strong>Philosophy</strong> in our country. He fur<strong>the</strong>rpresented <strong>the</strong> problem of <strong>the</strong> enhancement of<strong>the</strong> Fellowship r<strong>at</strong>e <strong>at</strong> par with <strong>the</strong> UGC. After <strong>the</strong>welcome address Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Ministerof Human Resource and Development addressed to<strong>the</strong> Fellows ga<strong>the</strong>red from various universities arounddifferent parts of <strong>the</strong> country to take part in this Meetprogramme. He fur<strong>the</strong>r mentioned about <strong>the</strong> workshopand Fellows Meet programmes organized for<strong>the</strong> purpose of interaction between fellows as wellas guidance to <strong>the</strong> Junior and General Fellows by <strong>the</strong>Senior and N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellows and o<strong>the</strong>r experts in <strong>the</strong>filed of philosophy. After <strong>the</strong> welcome address byProfessor K. Ramakrishna Rao, Hon’ble Minister ShriKapil Sibal delivered his inaugural address to <strong>the</strong> ICPRFellows ga<strong>the</strong>red from different parts of <strong>the</strong> countryacross various universities. He spoke about <strong>Philosophy</strong>as ultim<strong>at</strong>e analytical understanding of our journey.He st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> is not such like Hobbe’sof <strong>the</strong>ory and Law, is not about concept of SocialContract <strong>the</strong>ory, but is much more than th<strong>at</strong>. He alsotalked about <strong>the</strong> identity of homosapiens, cosmos. Hefur<strong>the</strong>r spoke about integr<strong>at</strong>ion of Science, thoughtand journey of <strong>the</strong> thoughts to understand <strong>the</strong> innerworld. He expressed his support towards releasing44

of more funds to <strong>the</strong> ICPR fellowship programmetoward making it <strong>at</strong> par with UGC level.To mark <strong>the</strong> event as memorable to all on <strong>the</strong> behalf of<strong>the</strong> Indian Council of Philosophical Research, a shawland a memento was presented to Hon’ble Ministerby Professor K. Ramakrishna Rao, <strong>the</strong> Chairman ofICPR. The programme ended by Vote of thanks givenby Professor G. Mishra, Member Secretary, ICPR.Professor R.Balasubramanian giving reorient<strong>at</strong>ionLecture to ICPR FellowsRao, N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellow of ICPR gave <strong>the</strong>ir reorient<strong>at</strong>ionlectures and interacted with ICPR Fellows.Professor K. Ramakrishna Rao presentinga memento to Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Ministerof Human Resource and DevelopmentWhile thanking Professor G. Mishra expressed heartiestthanks and gr<strong>at</strong>itude to Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’bleMinister of HRD and o<strong>the</strong>r ministerial officers anddignitaries ga<strong>the</strong>red in <strong>the</strong> Programme.During this Fellows’ Meet Programme various reorient<strong>at</strong>ionlectures were organized from 21-23 December2010 <strong>at</strong> SSS I Auditorium, Jawaharlal Nehru University.Professor R.P.Singh, Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, JNU,New Delhi was <strong>the</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>or of this programme.On <strong>the</strong> 21st December 2010, <strong>the</strong> programme startedon 2.30 p.m. with an orient<strong>at</strong>ion lecture by Professor.R. Balasubramanian, <strong>the</strong> distinguished Philosopherand former Chairman of ICPR. After <strong>the</strong> teabreak, <strong>the</strong> next session started by 5.00 p.m. in whichProfessor P.K. Mukhopadhyaya, Professor SrinivasaOn 22nd December 2010 <strong>after</strong> inaugural program <strong>at</strong>Vigyan Bhawan orient<strong>at</strong>ion programmes were scheduledfrom 2.30 p.m. onwards in which ProfessorBijoy H. Boruah, IIT, Delhi, Professor P.K. Mukhopadhyaya,Professor Krishna Roy, Professor SrinivasaRao and Professor Rakesh Chandra interacted withFellows and answered <strong>the</strong>ir questions and looked into<strong>the</strong>ir difficulties and problems <strong>the</strong>y were facing.On December 23, 2010 Professor P.K. Mukhopadhyaya,Professor Rakesh Chandra and ProfessorSrinivasa Rao delivered <strong>the</strong>ir orient<strong>at</strong>ion lecturesand answered <strong>the</strong> queries and questions of researchfellows.ICPR Fellows <strong>at</strong>tending Lecture Programme45

ICPR FellowshipsProfessor G.C.Nayak has been nomin<strong>at</strong>edas <strong>the</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Fellow of ICPR for <strong>the</strong> Year 2010-11G.C. Nayak, born and brought up <strong>at</strong> Cuttack (Orissa),India, was <strong>the</strong> best gradu<strong>at</strong>e of Utkal University in1954, 1st Class 1st in MA (<strong>Philosophy</strong>) <strong>at</strong> Allahabadin 1956, and got his Ph.D. from <strong>the</strong> Bristol University,U.K. as a Commonwealth scholar in <strong>the</strong> year 1965.He was Professor and Head of <strong>the</strong> Post-Gradu<strong>at</strong>eDepartment of <strong>Philosophy</strong> of Utkal University from1978 to 1989 and <strong>the</strong> Vice-Chancellor of Sri Jagann<strong>at</strong>hSanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Puri from 1989 to 1992,Visiting Professor in <strong>the</strong> Department of BuddhistStudies and <strong>Philosophy</strong> <strong>at</strong> Nagarjuna University from1992 to 1994, and in <strong>the</strong> Department of ReligiousStudies <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> University of Sask<strong>at</strong>chewan, Canada in1995, he was <strong>the</strong> Senior Fellow, ICPR during 1996-98,and UGC Emeritus Fellow, <strong>at</strong> BHU, Varanasi during1999-2000. Presently, he is a Fellow <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indian Instituteof Advanced Study, Shimla since 2001.Professor Nayak has been <strong>the</strong> General President of<strong>the</strong> Indian Philosophical Congress in 1992, and of <strong>the</strong>Akhil Bhar<strong>at</strong>iya Darshan Parishad in 2001. Some ofhis important public<strong>at</strong>ions are Evil, Karma, and Reincam<strong>at</strong>ion(1973), Essays in Analytical <strong>Philosophy</strong> (1978),A nalytical Studies in Buddhist <strong>Philosophy</strong> (edited) (1984),PhilosophicalR.ejlections (1987), Nehru and Indian Culture(edited) (1990), Evil and <strong>the</strong> Retributive Hypo<strong>the</strong>sis (1993),Philosophical Enterprise and <strong>the</strong> Scientific Spirit (1994),Understanding Religious Phenomenon (1997), and MadhyamikaSuny<strong>at</strong>a(2001).O<strong>the</strong>r FellowshipsSenior FellowshipsProfessor Venk<strong>at</strong> ReddyProfessor V. Venk<strong>at</strong> Reddy was awarded SeniorFellowship of <strong>the</strong> Council. Professor Ventak Reddy(born 1940) did his M.A. (<strong>Philosophy</strong>, University ofDelhi and M.A. Psychology and Ph.D.(<strong>Philosophy</strong>)from Osmania University, Hyderabad. His topic of<strong>the</strong> Research was Significance of Suffering in <strong>the</strong>philosophy of Mah<strong>at</strong>ma Gandhi. He had joined in <strong>the</strong>faculty of <strong>the</strong> Department of <strong>Philosophy</strong>, OsmaniaUniversity, Hyderabad and remained head from 1998to 2000. He also has been U.G.C. Professor Emeritusfrom 2004-2006. Professor Reddy has been renownedscholar in both field i.e. psychology and <strong>Philosophy</strong>.He has published 10 books and contributed severalresearch articles in <strong>the</strong> area.46

Book Release <strong>Function</strong>Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Minister of Human Resource and Development,releasing <strong>the</strong> book “Cognitive Anomalies, Consciousness and Yoga”by Professor K. Ramakrishna RaoThe Book Release <strong>Function</strong> followed <strong>the</strong> inauguralfunction of <strong>the</strong> Fellows’ Meet <strong>at</strong> Vigyan Bhawan, NewDelhi. Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Minister of HumanResource and Development released <strong>the</strong> book “CognitiveAnomalies, Consciousness and Yoga” written byProfessor K. Ramakrishna Rao, Chairman, ICPR. At<strong>the</strong> start of <strong>the</strong> programme, Professor R. Balasubramanianwhile introducing <strong>the</strong> book to <strong>the</strong> audience,mentioned th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> author had tried to construct abridge between culture and spirituality in terms of<strong>the</strong> Eastern and <strong>the</strong> Western thought. Professor JanakPande, Vice-Chancellor of Central University ofBihar, and Professor Girishwar Mishra, Professor ofDepartment of Psychology, University of Delhi alsointroduced <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r aspects of <strong>the</strong> book pointing outth<strong>at</strong> this book will cre<strong>at</strong>e an interdisciplinary dialogue,besides being a handbook on <strong>the</strong> subject.Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Minister of HRD released<strong>the</strong> book and in his address he termed this work byProfessor K. Ramakrishna Rao as his Magnum Opuswhich presents <strong>the</strong> analytical views and rel<strong>at</strong>ions ofarts, scientific thought, philosophy and consciousness<strong>at</strong> large. After this Professor K. Ramakrishna Rao wasfelicit<strong>at</strong>ed with a memento and shawl by Shri KapilSibal, Hon’ble Minister, and by Professor R. Balasubramanian.At <strong>the</strong> conclusion of <strong>the</strong> programme, ShriSanjay Sethi, <strong>the</strong> publisher of <strong>the</strong> book, proposed <strong>the</strong>vote of thanks.47

Vigilance Awareness Week 2010ICPR Staff observing <strong>the</strong> Vigilance Awareness WeekVigilance Awareness Week was observed in ICPR from3 - 7 November, 2010. A programme was organized<strong>at</strong> Darshan Bhawan, ICPR Head Office, New Delhito pledge <strong>the</strong> constitutional o<strong>at</strong>h about integrity andtransparency in all spheres of activities and vigilancein working, growth and reput<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>the</strong> organiz<strong>at</strong>ionthrough collective efforts.All <strong>the</strong> officers and officials of ICPR shall observe<strong>the</strong>ir duty consciously and act without fear and favour.The pledge was read by Dr. Arun Mishra, Director(A) and taken by all <strong>the</strong> employees present during <strong>the</strong>programme <strong>at</strong> ICPR Head Office, New Delhi. Fur<strong>the</strong>rin <strong>the</strong> programme Shri R. Chakraborty, DeputySecretary (Retd.), Department of Higher Educ<strong>at</strong>ion,MHRD and presently consultant <strong>at</strong> ICPR spoke about<strong>the</strong> significance of constitutional values and <strong>the</strong> observanceof Vigilance Awareness Week.The staff alongwith <strong>the</strong> officers taking a pledge onVigilance DayForthcomming ProgrammsBuddha Jayanti Lecture ProgrammeMonth of May, 2011Shankar Jayanti Lecture ProgrammeMonth of May, 2011ICPR Found<strong>at</strong>ion Day Celebr<strong>at</strong>ion ProgrammeMonth of July/August, 201148

Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical ResearchEditor : Mrinal MiriVolume XXVII No. 3 Volume XXVII No. 4ArticlesBarbro FrödingVirtue Ethics and Partiality to Oneself:Organ Don<strong>at</strong>ion within FamiliesT.S. RukmaniVij¤ånabhiku: The Så√khya-Yoga-VedåntåcåryaSivakumar ElamboorananA Senorian Objection to Simmonsian AnarchismRahul GovindTime, Freedom and Mechanism in GandhiísHind SwarajAnanta Kumar GiriKnowing Toge<strong>the</strong>r in Compassion andConfront<strong>at</strong>ion: The Calling of Transform<strong>at</strong>iveKnowledgeDiscussion and CommentsMohini Mullick: Pandits and Professorsby Nalini Bhushan and Jay Garfield:A DiscussionKantilal Das: Meinong on Object,Existence and Ontological Commitment:A Critical Observ<strong>at</strong>ionReview ArticlesSrinivasa RaoInvading <strong>the</strong> Sacred: An Analysis of HinduismStudies in AmericaAmitabha Das GuptaTradition and Truth: Writings in Indianand Western <strong>Philosophy</strong>ArticlesPrajit K. BasuScientific Explan<strong>at</strong>ion and Efficient Cause:A Reconstruction of Albertus MagnusíDe MineralibusBhaskarjit NeogThe Form<strong>at</strong>ion of Collective IntentionKoshy TharakanMaking Sense of ìO<strong>the</strong>r Cultureî:Phenomenological Critique of CulturalRel<strong>at</strong>ivismAnkur Barua<strong>Philosophy</strong> and Liter<strong>at</strong>ure: The Sense ofan OppositionSaitya Br<strong>at</strong>a DasThe Abyss of Human FreedomAnupam YadavThe O<strong>the</strong>r in a Moral DiscourseReview ArticlesAsha MukherjeeThe N<strong>at</strong>ure of <strong>Philosophy</strong>Nirmalya GuhaDishonoured by Philosophers:Upamåna in Indian EpistemologyBOOK rEVIEWNirbhai Singh: Philosophical Contributionsof Bhaktas and Gurus to Indian Cultureby S. Panneerselvam

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