Coron Eisteddfod Eryri - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Coron Eisteddfod Eryri - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Coron Eisteddfod Eryri - Urdd Gobaith Cymru


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Datganiad i’r Wasg/Press release(Saesneg yn dilyn y Gymraeg/English follows Welsh)17 Mai 2012Môr a Mynydd yn ysbrydoliaeth i Goron <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> yr <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Eryri</strong> 2012Crefftwr profiadol, John Price o Fachynlleth, sydd wedi cynllunio coron <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> yr <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Eryri</strong> 2012, a hon fydd ygoron gyntaf iddo ei chreu ar gyfer <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> yr <strong>Urdd</strong>. Gan ddwyn dylanwad o dirwedd mynyddig <strong>Eryri</strong> a’rtraddodiad glan môr, mae’n addas iawn mai Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol <strong>Eryri</strong> sy’n cyflwyno’r goron i’r <strong>Urdd</strong> eleni.“Dyma’r tro cyntaf erioed i mi greu coron i <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> yr <strong>Urdd</strong>,” eglura John Price sy’n wreiddiol o Ynys Môn ond sy’nbyw ers blynyddoedd lawer ym Machynlleth gyda’i wraig ac sy’n dad i bedwar o blant. Ond er mai dyma’r tro cyntafiddo weithio ar goron i’r <strong>Urdd</strong>, mae John yn hen law ar y gwaith.“Dwi wedi creu ymhell dros gant o goronau dros y blynyddoedd, i amryw o steddfodau, gan gynnwys <strong>Eisteddfod</strong>Llandegfan, <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> Môn, <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> Powys a’r Genedlaethol. Hobi llwyr ydi hi i mi, ond dwi’n cael pleser mawryn y gweithdy. Mae hi’n wefr cael cynllunio coron i brifwyl ieuenctid yr <strong>Urdd</strong>, a dwi’n mawr obeithio y bydd enillyddi fynd o dan y goron ymhen ychydig wythnosau yng Nglynllifon!” meddai.Disgrifia John y goron fel coron draddodiadol o fand arian, gyda chwpled arbennig wedi ei ysgythru i’r band o dandriban yr <strong>Urdd</strong> sydd wedi ei enamelo yn lliwiau’r <strong>Urdd</strong>, coch, gwyn a gwyrdd. Noddwyr y goron, y Parc Cenedlaethol,drefnodd gystadleuaeth i annog beirdd ifanc i osod eu marc ar y goron eleni. I’r brig, daeth Gruffudd Antur, 20 oedo Aelwyd Penllyn, ac mae’r cwpled yn cymryd ei ddyledus le yng nghanol y goron: ‘Pery awen y llenor; Pan na fyddmynydd na môr.’“Bob ochr i fathodyn yr <strong>Urdd</strong>, mae mynyddoedd <strong>Eryri</strong>, y gair “<strong>Eryri</strong>” a “2012” wedi’u hysgythru arnynt i nodi lleoliadyr <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> eleni ac o dan y mynyddoedd mae llynnoedd <strong>Eryri</strong>. Ond mae'r siapiau yma hefyd yn cynrychioli hwylioar donnau’r môr a’r llamhidyddion yn nofio yn y dŵr. Bob ochr i’r cwpled mae mesen, deilen y dderwen a dauflodyn. ‘O’r fesen fach y tyf y dderwen fawr’. Beth sydd o flaen yr awdur ifanc buddugol, ys gwn i be’ fydd ganddo foneu hi i’w gynnig i ni i’r dyfodol? Mae lili’r wyddfa, blodyn unigryw <strong>Eryri</strong> a chennin Pedr i gynrychioli delwedd y ParcCenedlaethol fel noddwyr hefyd i’w gweld ar y goron. I orffen y cwbl, mae’r cap o ddefnydd porffor yn cyfleu lliwiaugodidog chwareli llechi’r ardal a grug y mynydd,” eglura John.Bydd y goron, o arian pur, yn cael ei chyflwyno i’r enillydd am greu darn neu ddarnau o ryddiaith dros 4,000 o eiriauar y thema ‘Egin.’ Beirniaid y gystadleuaeth eleni fydd Catrin Dafydd a Meg Elis.Yn ôl Aneurin Phillips, Prif Weithredwr Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol <strong>Eryri</strong>: “Mae hi’n anrhydedd i Awdurdod ParcCenedlaethol <strong>Eryri</strong> gael noddi’r goron ar gyfer <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> Genedlaethol yr <strong>Urdd</strong> - <strong>Eryri</strong> 2012. Mae mynyddoedd amôr yn rhan annatod o nodweddion <strong>Eryri</strong> a dyma yw thema dyluniad y goron, sydd wedi cael ei chreu mor gelfyddtrwy grefft a goruchwyliaeth John Price. Rydym hefyd yn hynod o falch o fod yn rhan o’r bartneriaeth gyda’r <strong>Urdd</strong> a

Chyngor Cefn Gwlad <strong>Cymru</strong> i lansio Ysgoloriaeth Geraint George, er cof am un a weithiodd yn ddiflino i annogcyfleoedd a mwynhad i Gymry Cymraeg ifanc ym maes yr amgylchedd.”Yn ôl Aled Siôn, Cyfarwyddwr <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> Genedlaethol yr <strong>Urdd</strong>: “Rydyn ni’n ddiolchgar iawn i Awdurdod ParcCenedlaethol <strong>Eryri</strong> ac i John Price am eu hymroddiad a’u hymrwymiad i gystadleuaeth y goron eleni. Maecydweithio agos wedi bod rhyngddynt wrth ddylunio a datblygu’r goron, ac mae’r gwaith gorffenedig yn werth eiweld. Bydd pawb yn gobeithio y bydd teilyngdod yn ystod yr wythnos a chyfle i un enillydd fynd adref â choronarbennig o hardd yn ei feddiant.”Ond bydd gwneuthurwr y goron, John Price, yn absennol o’r ŵyl ar ddechrau wythnos yr <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> eleni. Ag yntauwedi ymddeol fel athro gwaith metel/CDT ers sawl blwyddyn, bydd yn mynd efo criw o ferched ar daith arbennigiawn. Mae criw o ferched, aelodau o Ferched y Wawr, o dan arweiniad Einir Wyn o Ben Llŷn, yn teithio ar feics oAbertawe yr holl ffordd i faes <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> yr <strong>Urdd</strong> yng Nglynllifon er mwyn codi arian tuag at ymchwil cancr yr wygelloedd. A’r gŵr fydd yn gyrru’r cerbyd ac yn cefnogi’r criw gyda’i fag tŵls yn y cefn? Gwneuthurwr y goron eleni!Cynhelir yr <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> eleni ar dir Coleg Meirion Dwyfor yng Nglynllifon (Ffordd Clynnog, Glynllifon) ger Caernarfon,Gwynedd o’r 4 i’r 9 o Fehefin 2012. Am docynnau mynediad neu ar gyfer y cyngherddau, ewch i wefan yr <strong>Urdd</strong>,www.urdd.org/eisteddfod neu galwch 0845 257 1639.DiweddCyswllt: Ffion Clwyd: 01745 550123 / 07702 048184 / ffion@pi-ar.co.ukSiân Eleri Davies: 01970 613109 / 07976 330360 / sianeleri@urdd.orgNodyn i’r GolygyddionCynhelir <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> Genedlaethol yr <strong>Urdd</strong>, <strong>Eryri</strong> 2012 ar gaeau Coleg Glynllifon rhwng 4 a 9 Mehefin 2012Yn 2013 bydd yr ŵyl yn ymweld â Sir Benfro ac yn 2014 bydd ym Meirionnydd<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> yw prif fudiad ieuenctid <strong>Cymru</strong>.Mae’r <strong>Urdd</strong> yn cynnig cyfleoedd penigamp i blant a ieuenctid <strong>Cymru</strong> ers 90 mlynedd.Mae gan yr <strong>Urdd</strong> oddeutu 50,000 o aelodau rhwng 8 a 25 oed.Sefydlwyd yr <strong>Urdd</strong> er mwyn rhoi cyfle i blant a phobl ifanc <strong>Cymru</strong> fyw bywydau byrlymus trwy gyfrwng yGymraeg a magu hyder a pharch tuag at ei gilydd a phobl eraill yn y byd.Mae gweithgareddau’r <strong>Urdd</strong> yn cynnwys teithiau, chwaraeon, eisteddfod, cylchgronau, adrannau ac aelwydydda gwersylloedd.PRESS RELEASE17 May 2012<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> <strong>Eryri</strong> 2012 Crown Inspired by Sea and MountainsJohn Price from Machynlleth, an experienced craftsman, has designed the crown for the <strong>Urdd</strong> National <strong>Eisteddfod</strong><strong>Eryri</strong> 2012, for the first time ever. He draws his inspiration from the mountainous landscape of Snowdonia and itscoasts and so it is most appropriate that the crown will be presented to the <strong>Urdd</strong> this year by the SnowdoniaNational Park Authority.

“This is the first time I have ever created a crown for the <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Eisteddfod</strong>,” explained John Price, a father of four,who is originally from Anglesey but has lived in Machynlleth for many years with his wife. But although this is thefirst time that he has worked on a crown for the <strong>Urdd</strong>, John is an experienced craftsman.“I have created well over a hundred crowns over the years, for a variety of eisteddfodau, including the Llandegfan,Anglesey, Powys and National <strong>Eisteddfod</strong>au. It is entirely a hobby for me but I get a huge amount of pleasure in theworkshop. It is thrilling to be asked to design a crown for the <strong>Urdd</strong>’s National <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> and I very much hope thatthere will be a winner to wear the crown in a few weeks’ time in Glynllifon!” he said.John describes the crown as a traditional one made from a band of silver, with a special couplet engraved in theband underneath the emblem of the <strong>Urdd</strong>, which has been enamelled in the colours of the organisation, red, whiteand green. The National Park, sponsors of the crown, held a competition to encourage young poets to compete tohave their work on the crown this year. The winner was 20 year old Gruffudd Antur, from Aelwyd Penllyn,Aberystwyth and the couplet has taken its rightful place in the centre of the crown: ‘Pery awen y llenor; Pan na fyddmynydd na môr.’ (When the seas and mountains have passed away; the writer’s muse will remain).“The mountains of Snowdonia are on each side of the <strong>Urdd</strong> emblem, with the word ‘<strong>Eryri</strong>’ and ‘2012’ engraved onthem and underneath the mountains are the lakes of Snowdonia. But these shapes also represent sailing on thewaves of the sea and the porpoises swimming in the water. On each side of the couplet are an acorn, an oak leafand two flowers… ‘from a tiny acorn grows a mighty oak’. What will the future bring for the young writer who winsthe crown? What will he or she have to offer us in the future? The Snowdon Lilly, a flower unique to Snowdonia,and the daffodil to represent the emblem of the National Park as sponsors also appear on the crown. Finally, thecap made of purple material conveys the wonderful colours of the local slate quarries and the mountain heather,”John explains.The crown, made of pure silver, will be presented to the winner for creating a piece or pieces of prose over 4,000words long on the theme of ‘Egin’ (Shoots). The competition will be judged this year by Catrin Dafydd and Meg Elis.Aneurin Phillips, Chief Executive of the Snowdonia National Park Authority said: “It is great honour for SnowdoniaNational Park Authority to be able to sponsor the crown for the <strong>Urdd</strong> National <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> <strong>Eryri</strong> 2012. The mountainsand the sea are the defining features of Snowdonia and that is the theme of the crown’s design. It has been createdwith such artistry and craftsmanship by John Price. We are also delighted to be part of the partnership with the <strong>Urdd</strong>and the Countryside Council for Wales which will launch the Geraint George Scholarship, in memory of a man whodid so much to create opportunities for young Welsh-speakers to find work and enjoyment related to theenvironment.”Aled Siôn, the Director of the <strong>Urdd</strong> National <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> said: “We are very grateful to Snowdonia National ParkAuthority and to John Price for their commitment and dedication to one of the main <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> competitions thisyear. They have worked closely in designing and developing the crown and the finished work is well worth seeing.We are all hoping that there will be a worthy winner during the week and that someone will have the chance to takehome a really beautiful crown.”But John Price, the maker of the crown, will be absent from the festival at the start of the <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> week this year.Having retired after many years as a teacher of metalwork/CDT, he will be accompanying a group of women on avery special journey. The women, members of Merched y Wawr, led by Einir Wyn from Llŷn, will be cycling all theway from Swansea to the <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> at Glynllifon in order to raise money for research into ovarian cancer.

And who will be the man driving the van and supporting the team with his toolbag in the back? The maker of thisyear’s crown!The <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> will be held this year in the grounds of Coleg Meirion Dwyfor in Glynllifon (Ffordd Clynnog, Glynllifon)near Caernarfon, Gwynedd from the 4th to the 9th of June 2012. Entry tickets and evening concert tickets areavailable from the <strong>Urdd</strong> website, www.urdd.org/eisteddfod or call 0845 257 1639.endsContact: Ffion Clwyd 01745 550123 / 07702 048184 / ffion@pi-ar.co.ukSiân Eleri Davies: 01970 613109 / 07976 330360 / sianeleri@urdd.orgNote to EditorsThe <strong>Urdd</strong> National <strong>Eisteddfod</strong>, <strong>Eryri</strong> 2012 will be held at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Glynllifon between 4 and 9 June2012In 2013, Pembrokeshire will host the <strong>Urdd</strong> National <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> and in 2014 the <strong>Eisteddfod</strong> will visit Meirionnydd.<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> is Wales’ largest youth organisation<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> has around 50,000 members between 8 and 25 years oldThe <strong>Urdd</strong> aims to give the children and young people of Wales an opportunity to live their lives through themedium of Welsh, developing confidence and respect for each other and the people of the world<strong>Urdd</strong> activities include tours and visits, sports, <strong>Eisteddfod</strong>au, magazines, adrannau and aelwydydd andresidential centres

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