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THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 20135ATO YOUR HEALTHASK MR. FITNESSGet bloodto musclesto preventinjuryBY TONY WAGNER<strong>Citizen</strong> ColumnistDear Mr.Fitness:Before Ibegin to domy exercises,I domy stretchingroutine.Although ithas happened before, latelyI have been pulling musclesmostly in my legs.I thought that I wasn’tstretched out enough so Iincreased my routine andadded more stretches.It has gotten only worse.Now I’m cramping almostevery day as well as getting<strong>the</strong>se muscle strains.I’m a 36-year-old female andI weight-train three times aweek. But I haven’t been ableto because of <strong>the</strong>se strains andI want to keep working out.Please respond. Thanks.— StretchedDear Stretched:If you’ve been stretchingyour muscles prior to doingyour weight training, <strong>the</strong>n Ican understand why you areexperiencing <strong>the</strong>se strains.Muscles don’t do too wellwhen <strong>the</strong>y are cold. Theycan be as much as one-third“tighter” <strong>the</strong>n when fullywarmed. Muscles are sluggish,and when cold more prone tobeing injured. Your musclesneed to be warmed up beforeyou wail away at <strong>the</strong>m with <strong>the</strong>weights!I believe this is why you’regetting <strong>the</strong> cramping and <strong>the</strong>pulls. When muscles are cold,<strong>the</strong>y don’t have much bloodin <strong>the</strong>m. I would advise youto get some blood in <strong>the</strong>m bydoing some warm-up activitylike bicycling or treadmillwalking or stair stepping.Perhaps do <strong>the</strong>se activities for10 or 15 minutes. Nonstop.That will suffice.Now once warmed, go forwardand do your stretches.The o<strong>the</strong>r possibility wouldbe to go and lift <strong>the</strong> weights,<strong>the</strong>n hit <strong>the</strong> stretching afterward.Make certain you aredoing plenty of light warm-upsets when lifting <strong>the</strong> weights.This entails doing <strong>the</strong> movementin a light, high-repfashion to facilitate bloodflow to <strong>the</strong> working muscle.Getting that blood to yourworking muscles is importantto prevent injury (such as youdescribe) and make for a greatworkout.Ano<strong>the</strong>r possibility I’d lookat is that, when you’re doingyour stretches, do <strong>the</strong>m in aslow and deliberate manner.In o<strong>the</strong>r words, do you bouncewhen stretching? If youbounce <strong>the</strong> muscles after it isfully stretched, please don’t!This bouncing can really leadto injuries like <strong>the</strong> ones youspeak of. When doing stretching,try to hold <strong>the</strong> stretch forat least 30 to 45 seconds. Thiswill provide <strong>the</strong> best opportunityto fully stretch your musclesand prevent <strong>the</strong> injuries.Please try this method afteryou’ve rested your aches andpains and let me know howyou’re doing.— Mr. FitnessTony Wagner, aka Mr. Fitness,has more than 30 years of fitnessand nutritional expertise.A certified personal trainerand author, he has helpedthousands of people get intoand stay in shape. Contact himat, onFacebook or stop by BodyzoneFitness Center, 2740 N.WEBEFITThe effect of ‘water pills’ on working outBY DANIEL REYNEN<strong>Citizen</strong> ColumnistAtypical bodybuilder, standing on <strong>the</strong> stagefor competition, has spent years preparingfor <strong>the</strong> moment. Behind those physiques arehundreds of weight training workouts, countlessmiles of cardio and an attention to dietary detailbordering on <strong>the</strong> absurd. Their bodies appear (forsome) to be <strong>the</strong> pinnacle of physical perfection.One of <strong>the</strong> defining characteristics of those competitionsis <strong>the</strong> extreme level of definition that’sapparent in <strong>the</strong> top competitors. It looks like youcan see every muscle, every fiber, as clearly definedas a medical drawing. The irony is that while <strong>the</strong>yappear to be at <strong>the</strong>ir physical peak, many of <strong>the</strong>contestants have put <strong>the</strong>ir lives at risk — all to sheda little water weight.Bodybuilders, jockeys, wrestlers, models andactors, who must look a certain way and weigh aspecific amount, often complain about “holdingwater.” What <strong>the</strong>y’re talking about is <strong>the</strong> “puffy” lookin which muscular definition is blurred because ofextra-cellular water. In an effort to drop <strong>the</strong> fluid,<strong>the</strong>y resort to sauna suits, non-stop spitting ando<strong>the</strong>r extreme methods of dehydration.One of <strong>the</strong> most dangerous things <strong>the</strong>y do is usea class of drugs called diuretics, often called waterpills, to drop <strong>the</strong> water. Many people who made thatchoice have paid with <strong>the</strong>ir lives.In 1990, Mohammed Benaziza had been winningsmall bodybuilding competitions until he entered“The Night of Champions.” That win propelled himto bodybuilding stardom and Joe Weider nicknamedhim <strong>the</strong> Killer of Giants. In 1992, Benaziza entered<strong>the</strong> Mr. Olympia competition. Shortly after completing<strong>the</strong> contest, he was found dead in his hotelroom. An autopsy later revealed extreme dehydrationfrom diuretics, which led to heart failure.HIV TESTING CENTERSKEY WEST• Gordon Rollins Center, 1434 Kennedy Drive,305-296-6196, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5p.m. (6 p.m. Tuesday).• Monroe County Health Department, GatoBuilding, 1100 Simonton St., 305-797-9276 or305-797-9270, walk inMonday, Wednesday (rapid), Thursday (by appt.)9 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m.• Roosevelt Sands Community Health Re sourceCenter, 104 Olivia St., 305-797-9270, walk inMonday, Thursday, 1-4 p.m.MARATHON• Fishermen’s Hospital, Mile Marker 48.7, 305-393-3008, Wednesday, noon-3 p.m.HIV TESTING ALSO AVAILABLE:• MONDAYSNoon-5 p.m., Trinity Presbyterian ChurchFellowship Hall, 717 Simonton St., 305-797-0942.• TUESDAYS11 a.m.-2 p.m., Metropolitan Community Church,1215 Petronia St., 305-407-4956.• WEDNESDAYS9 a.m.-noon, 1st, 3rd Wednesdays of <strong>the</strong> month,St. James Missionary Baptist Church, 312 OliviaSt., 305-879-4686;5-7 p.m., 2nd, 4th Wednesdays of <strong>the</strong> month,Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r King Community Pool, 300Ca<strong>the</strong>rine St., 305-797-0942.• THURSDAYS6:30-8 p.m., 2nd, 4th Thursdays of <strong>the</strong> month,Coral City Elks Club, 1107 Whitehead St., 305-797-0942.TODAY• Enhance Fitness Senior Strength Training: 9a.m., United Methodist Church, <strong>Key</strong> Deer Blvd.,Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>; 8 a.m., <strong>Key</strong> Colony Beach CityHall; 8 a.m., Founders Park, Mile Marker 87,Islamorada; 9:30 a.m., <strong>Key</strong> Largo Civic Club,209 Ocean Bay Dr. $35 a month. Call 305-743-7111, ext. 208.MONDAY• Adult Children of Alcoholics: 7:15 p.m. in <strong>the</strong>meeting room behind St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,415 Duval St. Call 305-296-7313 or email• Al-Anon Family Group: 5:15 p.m. beginnersmeeting; 6:15 p.m. regular meeting, St. Mary Starof <strong>the</strong> Sea, 1010 Windsor Lane, in cafeteria/gymbuilding in back.• Stott Pilates mat classes: 10:30 a.m., and 5:15p.m., at CoreFit Pilates, 508 Southard St., #107 ,taught by Joanie Agosti, 305-395-9030.• Middle <strong>Key</strong>s Al-Anon: 6-7 p.m., St. ColumbaEpiscopal Church, 52nd Street, Gulfside, Marathon.• Overeaters Anonymous: 5:30 p.m., Mon., Thur.,Big Pine <strong>Key</strong> Baptist Church, 300 <strong>Key</strong> Deer Blvd.305-923-6300.• Enhance Fitness Senior Strength Training: 10a.m., <strong>Key</strong>s Senior <strong>Citizen</strong> Plaza, 1400 KennedyDr.; 8:30 a.m., Pirate Wellness, Mile Marker 21.4,Cudjoe <strong>Key</strong>. $35 a month. Call 305-743-7111, ext.208.• Free community acupuncture clinic: 6-8 p.m.Mondays, 615-A United St. Call 305-766-0443.• ‘Let’s Talk About Wellness’ radio show: 10-11a.m. on 1680 KONK AM, or host of <strong>the</strong> show is licensed mental healthcounselor Bev Allen, and <strong>the</strong> focus is on exploringmind-body-spirit issues that contribute to overallwellness. To suggest show ideas or speakers• Quit smoking with “Tools to Quit”:Benaziza was 33 years old.There are three classes of diuretics. Loop diureticsare <strong>the</strong> most common ones abused by bodybuildersbecause <strong>the</strong>y’re cheap, powerful and easily accessible.They include Lasix, Bumex and Demadex. If youhave high blood pressure, edemaor blood poisoning, loop diureticscan be a lifesaver. They flushcalcium, potassium and sodiumfrom <strong>the</strong> body with any fluid thatenters. But <strong>the</strong>y also have a profoundeffect on <strong>the</strong> body’s electrolytebalance, and taking evensmall doses without medical supervision can createcomplications fast.Osmotic diuretics (also called thiazide-like) areinjectable drugs that include Esidrix and Zaroxolyn.Just like loop diuretics, osmotic diuretics are nondiscriminatory.That means <strong>the</strong>y remove all <strong>the</strong>water that enters <strong>the</strong> kidneys regardless of <strong>the</strong>body’s electrolyte balance. Kidney failure is a seriousrisk because <strong>the</strong>se drugs override <strong>the</strong> function of <strong>the</strong>kidneys.Potassium-<strong>spa</strong>ring diuretics include Aldactone,Inspra and Midamor. Just as <strong>the</strong>ir name implies,potassium-<strong>spa</strong>ring diuretics help your body retain<strong>the</strong> mineral potassium, which is why <strong>the</strong>y’re oftenprescribed in combination with o<strong>the</strong>r diuretics.They’re slower acting and tend to be more tolerable.That doesn’t mean <strong>the</strong>y’re safe. As potassiumbuilds up, it can lead to irregular heartbeats and, inextreme cases, sudden death.It all seems so simple. A couple days before acompetition, pop a few “water pills” and you’ll simplypee <strong>the</strong> fluid away. How risky could somethinglike that be?Some of <strong>the</strong> complications brought about bydiuretics include blurred vision, dehydration, dizziness,fainting, a drop in blood pressure, extremeHEALTH NOTES<strong>Key</strong>s AHEC offers a free 2-hour “Tools to Quit” smokingcessation program from 10 a.m. to noon at<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Orthopedics (rear entrance), 3428 NorthRoosevelt, Blvd., and with Womankind from 5:30 to7:30 p.m. at <strong>the</strong> Womankind office, 1511 TrumanAve. Participants will receive 2 weeks worth of freenicotine patches and counseling from a CertifiedTobacco Treatment Specialist. To register, or for moreinformation, call 305-743-7111, ext. 205.TUESDAY• Tai Chi Class: 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., CoffeeMillDance Studio, 916 Pohalski St. $5 per session, 1stsession free, beginners welcome. Call 508-801-7529.• Seniors Tai Chi/Exercise Class: 11:30 a.m.,Harvey Government Center cafeteria, Truman Ave.and White St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, taught by Will and AmySoto, free, 305-923-3483.• The Subject is Cancer: 5-6 p.m., Visiting NurseAssociation, 1319 William St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. Questions,answers, support; a retired oncologist attends. 305-296-5451.• Miscarriage Support Group: confidential, 305-293-3587.• Overeaters Anonymous: 6 p.m., Unity of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s,1011 Virginia St. 305-293-0070.• Enhance Fitness Senior Strength Training: 9a.m., United Methodist Church, <strong>Key</strong> Deer Blvd., BigPine <strong>Key</strong>; 8 a.m., <strong>Key</strong> Colony Beach City Hall; 8a.m., Founders Park, Mile Marker 87, Islamorada;9:30 a.m., <strong>Key</strong> Largo Civic Club, 209 Ocean Bay Dr.$35 a month. Call 305-743-7111, ext. 208.• Alzheimer’s Support Group: 6:30-8 p.m., thirdTuesday of each month, Plantation <strong>Key</strong> SeniorCenter, Mile Marker 88.8, bayside, 305-853-0907.• Yoga: 10 a.m., all levels, on <strong>the</strong> Butterfly Deck at<strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden,Stock Island, 305-304-5635.• Parkinsons support group: meets at 5 p.m. Call305-296-0644 for more information.• Free prostate screening: <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> UrologyAssociates, P.A. Dr. Ed Gonzalez-Blanco, M.D. andDr. David W. Kalies, M.D. Board Certified Urologistsalong with Lower <strong>Key</strong>s Medical Center, <strong>the</strong> CancerFoundation of <strong>the</strong> Florida <strong>Key</strong>s and “<strong>Key</strong>s 100Ultramarathon” will be offering a free prostatescreening from 1-4:30 p.m. today at <strong>the</strong>ir office at1111 12th St., Suite 108. For more information, orto schedule an appointment, call 305-294-5576.• Quit smoking counseling: <strong>Key</strong>s AHEC offersweekly counseling for anyone seeking help toquit smoking from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Orthopedics (rear entrance), 3428 North Roosevelt,Blvd.; from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at <strong>the</strong> Big Pine library in<strong>the</strong> Winn Dixie Plaza, Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>; and from 7 to8:30 p.m. at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Orthopedics. Call 305-743-7111, ext 205, for more information.WEDNESDAY• Alzheimer’s Support Group: 6-7:30 p.m., secondWednesday of each month, Marathon Senior Center,3 33rd St., Gulf. Call 305-853-0907.• Adult Children of Alcoholics: 7:30 p.m. on BigPine <strong>Key</strong>. Call 305-923-6653 or email mfoxthomas@gmail.comfor <strong>the</strong> weekly location.• Stott Pilates Group Reformer class: 11:30 a.m.,CoreFit Pilates, 508 Southard St., #107, taught byJoanie Agosti, 305-395-9030.• Bereavement Support Group: 9 a.m.Wednesdays, Unity Church, 1011 Virginia St., 305-296-5888.• American Cancer Society Breast CancerSupport Group: 5-6 p.m., Visiting NurseAssociation, 1319 William St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, 305-294-5535 ext. 3202.• Jaycees of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>’s Hypnosis Jam Sessions:4:30 p.m., 3825 Flagler Ave., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>; charityfundraiser, 305-296-9945.• Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous: 8:30 p.m.,Unity of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s, 1011 Virginia St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.• Upper <strong>Key</strong>s La Leche League: 5-6:30 p.m., firstWed nesday of <strong>the</strong> month, Montessori Island CharterSchool, Mile Marker 86. Support group for pregnantwomen and new mo<strong>the</strong>rs. Babies welcome. 305-304-0992.• Enhance Fitness Senior Strength Training: 10a.m., <strong>Key</strong>s Senior <strong>Citizen</strong> Plaza, 1400 KennedyDr.; 8:30 a.m., Pirate Wellness, Mile Marker 21.4,Cudjoe <strong>Key</strong>. $35 a month. Call 305-743-7111, ext.208.• Stott Pilates mat classes: 10:30 a.m., and 5:15p.m., at CoreFit Pilates, 508 Southard St., #107,taught by Joanie Agosti, 305-395-9030.• Marathon Alzheimer’s Support Group: 6-7:30p.m., Marathon Senior Center, 305-853-0907.• Joint replacement education: 11 a.m.-noon, 2ndWednesday of month, 2nd-floor Education Room,dePoo Medical Bldg., 1200 Kennedy Drive. Explainstotal joint replacement surgery performed at Lower<strong>Key</strong>s Medical Center. Light lunch served. RSVP at305-292-5872.• Free quit smoking program: 6-7:30 p.m. at1151 Truman Ave. Six-week program. To register, justshow up, or call 305-296-8868.• ‘Lifepath’ workshop: Licensed mental healthcounselor Beverly Allen conducts a 6-week“Lifepath” workshop that focuses on increasingmind-body-spirit wellness through exploring selfdefeatingbeliefs and thoughts, self-parenting,relaxation and visualization, nutrition, stress management,and <strong>the</strong> value of spirituality as a tool tohappiness. The cost is $240. Call 305-396-7746 oremail• Quit smoking counseling: <strong>Key</strong>s AHEC offersweekly counseling for anyone seeking help toquit smoking from 10 to 11:30 a.m at <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> Orthopedics (rear entrance), 3428 NorthRoosevelt, Blvd.; from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at <strong>the</strong> DePooHospital Cafateria, 1200 Kennedy drive; and withWomankind from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Womankind,1151 Truman Ave. Call 305-743-7111, ext 205, formore information.THURSDAY• Tai Chi Class: 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., CoffeeMillDance Studio, 916 Pohalski St. $5 per session, 1stsession free, beginners welcome. Call 508-801-7529.• Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous: 8:30 p.m.,Unity of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s, 1011 Virginia St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.• Cancer support group: 6 p.m., 3rd Thursdayof each month, main conference room, MarinersHospital, 91500 Overseas Highway, Tavernier, 305-852-7887 or 305-434-1020.• Bereavement group, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, RenewalCenter, St. Mary Star of <strong>the</strong> Sea Church, 724Truman Ave., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.• Overeaters Anonymous: 5:30 p.m., Thurs., Mon.,Big Pine <strong>Key</strong> Baptist Church, 300 <strong>Key</strong> Deer Blvd.,305-923-6300.• Free seniors Tai Chi/exercise class: 11:30a.m. Thursday, Harvey Government Center cafeteria,Truman Avenue and White Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, taughtby Will and Amy Soto, 305-923-3483.• Fishermen’s Hospital Lunch and Learn: Free, butregistration is required, 305-289-6426.• <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Al-Anon: 7:15-8:15 p.m., dePooHospital, 1200 Kennedy Drive, support group forfamily and friends of alcoholics.• Middle <strong>Key</strong>s Al-Anon: 10-11 a.m., UnitedMethodist Church, Mile Marker 48.8, Gulfside,Marathon.• Mo<strong>the</strong>rs in Paradise: 10-11 a.m., Marathonlibrary. Pregnant women/new mo<strong>the</strong>rs, free, 305-293-8424.• Enhance Fitness Senior Strength Training: 9a.m., United Methodist Church, <strong>Key</strong> Deer Blvd., BigPine <strong>Key</strong>; 8 a.m., <strong>Key</strong> Colony Beach City Hall; 8a.m., Founders Park, Mile Marker 87, Islamorada;9:30 a.m., <strong>Key</strong> Largo Civic Club, 209 Ocean Bay Dr.Photo by WeBeFitIt requires three bottles to hide Bobby’s chin.exhaustion, extreme muscle cramping, thickeningof <strong>the</strong> blood, headaches, fever, vomiting, heartarrhythmia, heart failure, kidney failure and death.Combine diuretics with o<strong>the</strong>r products such asbodybuilding supplements or stimulants like caffeineand <strong>the</strong> risk of serious side effects increase.Here’s <strong>the</strong> astonishing part. At many major bodybuildingevents, <strong>the</strong> only drugs <strong>the</strong>y test for arediuretics. They don’t test for anabolic steroids. Theydon’t test for growth hormones. They don’t test forstimulants. They believe diuretics are more dangerousthan any of those and <strong>the</strong>y don’t want competitorsdying on stage.Diuretics can be lifesaving drugs when properlyprescribed by a doctor. But to take <strong>the</strong>m as a shortcutto getting cut, lean or in preparation for a contestis gambling with your life.Caution: Before beginning any diet or exerciseprogram, check with your doctor first. For a free consultationwith a trainer, call us 305-296-3434. Morearticles are online at$35 a month. Call 305-743-7111, ext. 208.• Yoga: 10 a.m., all levels, on <strong>the</strong> Butterfly Deck at<strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden,Stock Island, 305-304-5635.• Caregivers support group:5 p.m., second and fourth Thursdays of <strong>the</strong> month,VNA/Hospice, 1319 William St. For those caring forloved ones with Alzheimer’s, dementia or brain injuries.732-539-2927.• Food Addicts Anonymous: 8:30 a.m., An chorsAweigh, 404 Virginia St., 334-750-3840.• St. Mary Star of <strong>the</strong> Sea Church BereavementGroup: 7:15 p.m., Renewal Center, 724 TrumanAve., 305-294-1018.• Quit smoking with “Tools to Quit”: <strong>Key</strong>s AHECoffers a free 2-hour “Tools to Quit” smoking cessationprogram from 10 a.m. to noon at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Orthopedics (rear entrance), 3428 North Roosevelt,Blvd. Participants will receive 2 weeks worth of freenicotine patches and counseling from a CertifiedTobacco Treatment Specialist. To register, or for moreinformation, call 305-743-7111, ext. 205.• Quit smoking counseling: <strong>Key</strong>s AHEC offersweekly counseling for anyone seeking help to quitsmoking from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7to 8:30p.m. at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Orthopedics (rear entrance), 3428North Roosevelt, Blvd. Call 305-743-7111, ext 205,for more information.FRIDAY• Codependents Anonymous: 12:10 p.m., UnityChurch (back building), 1011 Virginia St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,305-296-3784.• Lesbians in Paradise: 7-9 p.m., Gay and LesbianCommunity Center, 513 Truman Ave., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,305-292-3223.• Salsa Dance Lessons: 7:30-9 p.m., ParadiseHealth and Fitness, 305-296-6348.• Miscarriage Support Group: confidential, 305-923-3587.• Recovery Group: 7 p.m., The Vineyard, 100County Road, Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>, 305-872-3404.• Alateen: 7 p.m., Unity Church, 9551 OverseasHighway, Marathon, 305-240-1120.• Stott Pilates Group Reformer class: 10:30 a.m.,CoreFit Pilates, 508 Southard St., #107, taught byJoanie Agosti, 305-395-9030.• Enhance Fitness Senior Strength Training Class:10 a.m., <strong>Key</strong>s Senior <strong>Citizen</strong> Plaza, 1400 KennedyDr.; 8:30 a.m., Pirate Wellness, Mile Marker 21.4,Cudjoe <strong>Key</strong>. $35 a month. Call 305-743-7111, ext.208.• Grief recovery support group: 9:30 a.m.,Pink Plaza Shopping Center, Suite 210, Tavernier.Sponsored by VNA/Hospice of <strong>the</strong> Florida <strong>Key</strong>s. RSVPat 305-890-6987.• Quit smoking counseling: <strong>Key</strong>s AHEC offersweekly counseling for anyone currently smoking andseeking help to quit from at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Orthopedics(rear entrance), 3428 N. Roosevelt, Blvd. Call 305-743-7111, ext 205, for more information.SATURDAY• Overeaters Anonymous: 10 a.m., Unity of <strong>the</strong><strong>Key</strong>s, 1011 Virginia St. 305-293-0070• Upper <strong>Key</strong>s Multiple Sclerosis Support Group:10 a.m.-1 p.m., second Saturday of <strong>the</strong> month;Center for Independent Living, Pink Plaza; 305-451-9446 or 305-853-1891.• Bereavement Support Group: 5:30 p.m.;Hospice, 1319 William St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>; 305-294-8812, ext. 11.• <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Al-Anon: 4-5 p.m.; dePoo Hospitalcafeteria, 1200 Kennedy Drive.• Upper <strong>Key</strong>s Al-Anon: 7:30-9 p.m., Coral IslesChurch, Mile Marker 90, Plantation <strong>Key</strong>.• SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous): 7p.m., Anchors Aweigh, 404 Virginia St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.

6A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013ROSE IS ROSECOMICSPat BradyMOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMMMike PetersPEANUTSCharles M. SchulzSHOEJeff MacNellyDILBERTScott AdamsKIT & CARLYLE Larry WrightMODERATELY CONFUSED J. StahlerGARFIELDJim DavisHERMANJim UngerMARMADUKE Brad AndersonBEETLE BAILEYMort WalkerBORN LOSERArt & Chip SansonARLO & JANISJimmy JohnsonFRANK & ERNESTBob ThavesSUDOKUComplete <strong>the</strong> grid so thatevery row, column and 3x3box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.THE GRIZZWELLSBill SchorrMONTYBIG NATEJim MeddickLincoln PeirceTHE WORLD ALMANACSATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013Today is <strong>the</strong> 131st day of 2013and <strong>the</strong> 53rd day of spring.TODAY’S HISTORY: In 1858,Minnesota became <strong>the</strong> 32ndU.S. state.In 1894, <strong>the</strong> Pullman Strikebegan, involving more than3,000 Chicago railroad car <strong>plan</strong>tworkers.In 1987, <strong>the</strong> first heart-lungtrans<strong>plan</strong>t was performed inBaltimore.In 1998, <strong>the</strong> first euro coinswere minted in France.TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS:Irving Berlin (1888-1989),composer; Margaret Ru<strong>the</strong>rford(1892-1972), actress; MarthaGraham (1894-1991), dancer/choreographer; Salvador Dali(1904-1989), painter; NatashaRichardson (1963-2009),actress; Tim Blake Nelson(1964- ), actor; Cory Monteith(1982- ), actor; Cam Newton(1989- ), football player.TODAY’S FACT: The currencyunit now known as <strong>the</strong> euro wasoriginally set to be named <strong>the</strong>“European currency unit” (ECU,for short). But German-speakersprotested that ECU sounded toomuch like “eh Kuh,” which means“a cow” in German.TODAY’S SPORTS: In 1996, ablizzard on Mount Everest led to<strong>the</strong> deaths of eight people duringsummit attempts. Journalist JonKrakauer of Outside magazinepublished his first-hand recountof <strong>the</strong> events in <strong>the</strong> best-seller“Into Thin Air.”TODAY’S QUOTE: “Have nofear of perfection -- you’ll neverreach it.” -- Salvador DaliTODAY’S NUMBER: 150,000-- members of <strong>the</strong> AmericanRailway Union who becameinvolved in <strong>the</strong> Pullman Strikeof 1894 as it spread across <strong>the</strong>United States.TODAY’S MOON: Betweennew moon (May 9) and firstquarter moon (May 17).Find Today's Horoscope, Crossword Puzzle, Celebrity Cipher, BridgeTips and Dear Abby in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong> <strong>Key</strong>swide Classified Section.

355694THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013SquadronContinued from Page 1Alittle electronics in <strong>the</strong> cockpit,so it’s great flying <strong>the</strong> F5 andgetting that feeling that you’rereally attached to <strong>the</strong> air<strong>plan</strong>e,”Faehnle said from his officeoverlooking <strong>the</strong> tarmac.Faehnle took commandof <strong>the</strong> squadron from outgoingcommander Joe “Monty”McMonigle — who is headingto Naples, Italy — on Saturday,but Faehnle isn’t a newbie to <strong>the</strong>team. He had served as executiveofficer under McMoniglesince January 2012.The Texan, husband andfa<strong>the</strong>r is also known in navalpilot circles for flying <strong>the</strong> F-14Tomcat — <strong>the</strong> jet made famousby Tom Cruise in <strong>the</strong> movie“Top Gun” — at its last memorialflight celebrating <strong>the</strong> end of<strong>the</strong> <strong>plan</strong>e’s service.The Tomcat was phased outin 2006 in favor of <strong>the</strong> newerand more reliable F-18 Hornet.Faehnle laughed when askedabout how important it wasto be asked to fly in such amemorial.“Actually, I got in <strong>the</strong> cockpitand <strong>the</strong> <strong>plan</strong> was for me totake off after <strong>the</strong> admiral saida few words, fly off and landsomewhere else,” Faehnle said,explaining <strong>the</strong> flight was supposedto be symbolic of <strong>the</strong> jetfading into <strong>the</strong> sunset.“Well, I get in <strong>the</strong> cockpitand had a problem with a generatorand couldn’t take off,” hesaid. “So I had to get out andwe used a backup <strong>plan</strong>e thattook off. So it wasn’t really methat flew <strong>the</strong> <strong>plan</strong>e in <strong>the</strong> ceremony,and if you ask ano<strong>the</strong>rTomcat pilot, I don’t think anyonewould be surprised we hadto use ano<strong>the</strong>r aircraft.”Faehnle flew combat missionsover Iraq as part ofOperation Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Watch in2000, which followed <strong>the</strong> 1991Gulf War, until <strong>the</strong> 2003 invasion,an operation in whichFaehnle took part from 2005to 2006.MIKE HENTZ/The <strong>Citizen</strong>Cmdr. David ‘Supafly’ FaehnleHe flew <strong>the</strong> trusty old F-14Tomcat during both combatcruises.“Much of <strong>the</strong> time in 2005and 2006, we were flying aheadof convoys looking for guysdigging holes by <strong>the</strong> side of<strong>the</strong> road who could be <strong>plan</strong>tingIEDs (improvised explosivedevices) and that kind of thing,”he recalled.On o<strong>the</strong>r missions <strong>the</strong>ywould fly over <strong>the</strong> ground toboost <strong>the</strong> morale of Americanfighters, to let <strong>the</strong>m know <strong>the</strong>yhad air support at any time.“And we would do <strong>the</strong> samething over o<strong>the</strong>r guys to remind<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r side we still owned<strong>the</strong> sky,” Faehnle said.The new Sun Downer commanderalso served in <strong>the</strong>Pacific Ocean, where he trainedalongside partner nations.It’s a long throw from <strong>the</strong>young Texas kid who wanted tobe an astronaut, but <strong>the</strong> husbandand fa<strong>the</strong>r of one said he’sstill having a blast.“How often do you get achance to live in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>?”Faehnle said. “We’re lookingforward to getting out <strong>the</strong>re andfishing and exploring <strong>the</strong> beachand doing all those things. VFC-111 is a great assignment andwe’re going to enjoy it.”alinhardt@keysnews.comTROPIC CINEMA • 416 Eaton St.THE SAPPHIRES (2:00), 4:15, 6:40, 8:50MUD (1:30), 4:00, 6:30, 9:00A PLACE AT THE TABLE (2:15), 6:10REALITY (4:00), 8:3042 (1:45),4:20, 6:45, 9:10BUY TIX WWW.TROPICCINEMA.COM • 877-761-3456THE ASSOCIATED PRESSTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSSTATEAirport workers claim unsafe conditionsSchool bus driver accused of staging student fightWINTER HAVEN — A busdriver in Central Floridaskipped all <strong>the</strong> stops on herroute and took <strong>the</strong> children toher house, where she stageda fight between two teenagegirls, authorities said Friday.Patrice Sanders, 29, pickedup <strong>the</strong> children at three schoolsin Bartow, about 40 miles eastof Tampa, as part of her normalduties. While on <strong>the</strong> bus, a 13and a 16-year-old girl got intoa verbal confrontation, <strong>the</strong> PolkNOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGFORT LAUDERDALE — More than 20workers who assist <strong>the</strong> sick, elderly anddisabled at Fort Lauderdale-HollywoodInternational Airport have filed complaintsabout unsafe work conditions.Celius Jospeh and o<strong>the</strong>rs discussed<strong>the</strong> issue Thursday, noting <strong>the</strong>y’ve filedcomplaints with <strong>the</strong> Occupational Safetyand Health Administration and <strong>the</strong> U.S.Department of Transportation. Theyclaim <strong>the</strong> companies <strong>the</strong>y work for —Superior Aircraft Services, Bags Inc. andDirect Airline Services, U.S. Airways, SpiritAirlines and JetBlue Airlines — violatedpassenger safety by not properly trainingand equipping wheelchair attendants.The Miami Herald reported <strong>the</strong> workersaren’t given gloves or sanitizer. Thisleaves <strong>the</strong>m at risk for exposure to bloodbornepathogens and violates passengers’rights. The complaints cite <strong>the</strong> federalNondiscrimination on <strong>the</strong> Basis ofDisability in Air Travel regulation, whichrequire carriers operating aircraft with 19or more passengers to train employees toassist disabled passengers.Joseph, who is a wheelchair attendantat <strong>the</strong> airport, told The Herald he hasn’tbeen trained to clean up blood or urine,but he does it all <strong>the</strong> time.He said a passenger recently had agash from his knee to his ankle and wasgushing blood while sitting in <strong>the</strong> wheelchair.Joseph, who works for Bags Inc. andSuperior Aircraft Services, said he cleaned<strong>the</strong> blood with a paper towel from <strong>the</strong>County Sheriff’s Office said.“This is going to be handledtoday and <strong>the</strong>y just need tofight,” Sanders allegedly said,according to deputies.The Polk County PublicSchools driver allegedly took<strong>the</strong> students to her house inLakeland, bypassing <strong>the</strong> stopsshe was supposed to taketo let <strong>the</strong> kids off. She <strong>the</strong>nordered <strong>the</strong> students off <strong>the</strong>bus and told <strong>the</strong> two girls she’dget <strong>the</strong>m Vaseline or baby oilto put on <strong>the</strong>ir faces so <strong>the</strong>ydidn’t get scratched during <strong>the</strong>MONROE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEEMay 28, 2013The Development Review Committee of Monroe County will conducta public meeting on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, beginning at 1:00 PM at<strong>the</strong> Marathon Government Center, Second Floor, Media & ConferenceRoom, (1st fl oor, rear hallway), 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon,Florida.All items which may legally come before <strong>the</strong> Committee will beconsidered.Agendas are available on <strong>the</strong> Planning Department website atwww.monroecounty-fl .gov or at <strong>the</strong> Planning Department office at <strong>the</strong>address above.ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needsspecial accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, pleasecontact <strong>the</strong> County Administrator’s Offi ce, by phoning (305) 292-4441,between <strong>the</strong> hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no later than fi ve (5) calendardays prior to <strong>the</strong> scheduled meeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired,call “711”.May 11, 2013 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong> 379342fight, deputies said.The younger teen told Sandersshe did not want to fight.The driver went into herhouse and couldn’t find anyVaseline or baby oil, deputiessaid. The teens <strong>the</strong>n beganfighting in Sanders’ front yard.Authorities said she did not doanything to stop <strong>the</strong>m, onlystanding by and watching.At least one student recorded<strong>the</strong> fight on a cell phone.When <strong>the</strong> girls finishedfighting, Sanders ordered all<strong>the</strong> students back on <strong>the</strong> bus.7Abathroom, which he held in his bare hand.He said that’s <strong>the</strong> way he cleans blood,urine and vomit from <strong>the</strong> wheelchairs heuses to transport passengers.O<strong>the</strong>r workers said <strong>the</strong>y often don’tknow how to help disabled passengers.Thursday’s press conference wasorganized by <strong>the</strong> Service EmployeesInternational Union 32BJ, which filed <strong>the</strong>complaints. Regional spokesman MichaelAllen said OSHA has opened a file on <strong>the</strong>case and he hoped to get results withintwo months.The union’s spokesman, Eric Brakken,said <strong>the</strong> problems are symptoms of costcuttingby corporate offices.Superior Aircraft Services CEO BarryKorman told The Herald <strong>the</strong> statementsfrom his employees are “just lies.”Deputies say <strong>the</strong> two girls <strong>the</strong>nbegan fighting again. Sandersallegedly pulled <strong>the</strong> bus overand watched <strong>the</strong> girls fightagain. She did not try to stop<strong>the</strong>m, investigators said.Sanders <strong>the</strong>n took all <strong>the</strong>students to <strong>the</strong>ir stops, butnot before telling <strong>the</strong>m, “Whathappens on <strong>the</strong> bus stays on<strong>the</strong> bus,” deputies said.The bus driver has beencharged with child abuse,neglect, false imprisonmentand contributing to <strong>the</strong> delinquencyof a minor.NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATIONAND MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN MODIFICATIONThe <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> City Commission will hold a Public Hearing at Old City Hall, 510Greene Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida on May 21, 2013 at 6:00 P.M., or as soon<strong>the</strong>reafter as <strong>the</strong> matter shall arise on <strong>the</strong> agenda.The purpose of <strong>the</strong> Hearing is to consider a resolution for:RESOLUTION NO.GRANTING A MODIFICATION TO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FORPROPERTY LOCATED IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL (CG) ZONINGDISTRICT PER SECTION 90-689 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENTREGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF KEYWEST AND A MODIFICATION TO A MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLANAPPROVAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL(CG) ZONING DISTRICT PER SECTION 108-91(C.)(3) OF THE LANDDEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THECITY OF KEY WEST FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3800, 3820, 3824,3840, 3850 AND 3852 N. ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD (RE# 00064940-000000, 00064950-000000, 00065060-000000, 00065530-000000,00065540-000000, 00065550-000000)The file may be reviewed during regular office hours, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.,at <strong>the</strong> City Clerk’s Office, 525 Angela Street.ADA Assistance: If you are a person with a disability who needs specialaccommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, includingrequesting materials in accessible format, a sign language interpreter oro<strong>the</strong>r assistance (5 days advance notice required), or information on accessavailable to individuals with disabilities, please contact <strong>the</strong> ADA Coordinatorat 305-809-3951 between <strong>the</strong> hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If you arehearing or voice impaired, please call 305-809-1000.Pursuant to F.S. 286.0105, notice is given that if a person decides to appealany decision made by <strong>the</strong> Commission with respect to any matter consideredat such meeting or hearing, that person will need a record of <strong>the</strong> proceedings,and that, for such purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatimrecord of <strong>the</strong> proceedings is made, which record includes <strong>the</strong> testimony andevidence upon which <strong>the</strong> appeal is to be based.Cheryl Smith, MMC, CPMCity ClerkMay 11, 2013 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong> 355055Mo<strong>the</strong>r’sDayFREE ENTREE FOR MOM4pm - 10pmwith purchase of 2 or more entrees305.294.0230Not available with anyo<strong>the</strong>r discounts355445SundayBrunch & Bubbles10a.m. - 3p.m.Live Music & Tacos6-10p.m.416 Appelrouth Ln305.414.8626379318NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ONPROPOSED ORDINANCEThe City Commission of <strong>the</strong> City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida, will consider<strong>the</strong> following ordinance for adoption at a meeting and public hearingto be held at 6:00 p.m., or as soon <strong>the</strong>reafter as <strong>the</strong> matter may beheard May 21, 2013 in Commission Chambers, Old City Hall, 510Greene Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida.ORDINANCE NO.____________AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDATO CALL FOR A BINDING REFERENDUM TO DETERMINEWHETHER THE CITY OF KEY WEST SHOULD REQUESTTHAT THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONDUCT ACOMPREHENSIVE FEASIBILITY STUDY, AT NO MONETARYCOST TO THE CITY, TO DETERMINE THE ENVIRONMENTAL,ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPACTS OF WIDENING THEKEY WEST MAIN SHIP CHANNEL FOR USE BY MODERNAND LONGER CRUISE SHIPS WHILE ALSO ADDRESSINGNAVIGATIONAL SAFETY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERKTO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTION TO PLACE THISMEASURE ON THE BALLOT FOR OCTOBER 1, 2013;PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEALOF INCONSISTEN PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR ANEFFECTIVE DATE.This proposed ordinance may be read in its entirety at <strong>the</strong> CityClerk’s Office in City Hall, Monday through Friday between <strong>the</strong> hoursof 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Any interested parties may appear at <strong>the</strong>meeting/hearing noted above and be heard by <strong>the</strong> City Commissionwith respect to <strong>the</strong> proposed ordinance.Pursuant to F. S. 286.0105, notice is given that if a person decidesto appeal any decision made by <strong>the</strong> Commission with respect to anymatter considered at such meeting or hearing, that person will needa record of <strong>the</strong> proceedings, and that, for such purpose, that personmay need to ensure that a verbatim record of <strong>the</strong> proceedings ismade, which record includes <strong>the</strong> testimony and evidence upon which<strong>the</strong> appeal is to be based.NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. LIMITED TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF 50 UNITED STATES AND DC, 21 AND OLDER. ENDS MAY31, 2013. VISIT HARDROCKBURGER.COM FOR CONTEST RULES, INCLUDING ENTRY AND PRIZE DETAILS. VOID WHEREPROHIBITED. SPONSORED BY HARD ROCK CAFÉ INTERNATIONAL (USA), INC. © 2013 HARD ROCK INTERNATIONAL (USA),INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.356015355292ADA Assistance: It is <strong>the</strong> policy of <strong>the</strong> City of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> to comply withall requirements of <strong>the</strong> Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Pleasecall <strong>the</strong> TTY number at 305-809-1000 or <strong>the</strong> ADA Coordinator at305-809-3951 at least fi ve business days in advance for signlanguage interpreters, assistive listening devices, or materials inaccessible format.Cheryl Smith, MMC, CPMCity ClerkMay 11, 2013 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong> 379343

2BTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013SPORTS: ScoreboardSPREADSGLANTZ-CULVERMajor League BaseballFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat New York -135 Pittsburgh +125at St. Louis -180 Colorado +170at Washington -200 Chicago +185at San Francisco -130 Atlanta +120at Cincinnati -170 Milwaukee +160at Arizona -120 Philadelphia +110at Los Angeles -160 Miami +150American Leagueat Boston -190 Toronto +180at Detroit -230 Cleveland +210at Minnesota -110 Baltimore +100at Kansas City -145 New York +135Texas -230 at Houston +210at Chicago -105 Los Angeles -105at Seattle -105 Oakland -105Interleagueat Tampa Bay -160 San Diego +150NBA PlayoffsFAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOGat Memphis 5 (187) Oklahoma Cityat Indiana 4 (183½) New YorkNHL PlayoffsFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEPittsburgh -170 at N.Y. Islanders +150MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLAMERICAN LEAGUEEast DivisionW L Pct GBBoston 22 14 .611 —New York 20 13 .6061 ⁄2Baltimore 21 14 .6001 ⁄2Tampa Bay 17 18 .486 4 1 ⁄2Toronto 13 24 .351 9 1 ⁄2Central DivisionW L Pct GBDetroit 20 13 .606 —Kansas City 18 13 .581 1Cleveland 18 15 .545 2Minnesota 16 15 .516 3Chicago 14 18 .438 5 1 ⁄2<strong>West</strong> DivisionW L Pct GBTexas 21 13 .618 —Oakland 18 18 .500 4Seattle 16 19 .457 5 1 ⁄2Los Angeles 12 22 .353 9Houston 10 25 .286 11 1 ⁄2Thursday’s GamesCleveland 9, Oakland 2N.Y. Yankees 3, Colorado 1Washington 5, Detroit 4Kansas City 6, Baltimore 2Minnesota 5, Boston 3Tampa Bay 5, Toronto 4, 10 inningsL.A. Angels 6, Houston 5Friday’s GamesDetroit 10, Cleveland 4Tampa Bay 6, San Diego 3Boston 5, Toronto 0Baltimore at Minnesota, lateL.A. Angels at Chicago White Sox, lateN.Y. Yankees at Kansas City, lateTexas at Houston, lateOakland at Seattle, lateToday’s GamesToronto (Buehrle 1-2) at Boston (Buchholz 6-0),1:35 p.m.San Diego (B.Smith 0-0) at Tampa Bay (Hellickson1-2), 6:10 p.m.Cleveland (U.Jimenez 2-2) at Detroit (Verlander4-2), 7:08 p.m.Baltimore (S.Johnson 0-0) at Minnesota (Worley0-4), 7:10 p.m.L.A. Angels (Williams 1-1) at Chicago White Sox(Quintana 2-0), 7:10 p.m.N.Y. Yankees (Pettitte 3-2) at Kansas City (Shields2-2), 7:10 p.m.Texas (Darvish 5-1) at Houston (Bedard 0-2),7:10 p.m.Oakland (Parker 1-5) at Seattle (Maurer 2-4),9:10 p.m.Sunday’s GamesCleveland at Detroit, 1:08 p.m.Toronto at Boston, 1:35 p.m.San Diego at Tampa Bay, 1:40 p.m.Baltimore at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m.N.Y. Yankees at Kansas City, 2:10 p.m.Texas at Houston, 2:10 p.m.Oakland at Seattle, 4:10 p.m.L.A. Angels at Chicago White Sox, 8:05 p.m.ON THE WATERPhoto courtesy of Barry AndrewsEve Andrews caught this 40.5-pound dolphin on <strong>the</strong> charterboat Eva Marie at <strong>the</strong>Galleon Marina.Marine News:Ohio angler wins Nick Sheahan RodeoTAVERNIER — Jim Daniels of Mason, Ohio,took top honors at <strong>the</strong> sixth annual NickSheahan Dolphin Rodeo that concluded onSunday.Fishing aboard <strong>the</strong> Big Baby with Capt. EdYannetty of Islamorada, Daniels earned <strong>the</strong>win with a 59.5-pound fish.Also fishing from <strong>the</strong> Big Baby, fellow anglerHerb Kettenacker of Liberty Township, Ohio,placed second with a 36.6-pound dolphin.Zippy Lesko of Islamorada earned <strong>the</strong> topjunior angler award for his 18.5-pound fish.He fished with Capt. Matt Howell out ofAll Aboard:If you have an outstanding catch or fishing news toreport:• Fax: 305-295-8016• Write: Daily Fishing Report, P.O. Box 1800, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,FL 33041• Drop it off at The <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong> building• Email: rmorrow@keysnews.comMonday’s GamesN.Y. Yankees at Cleveland, 12:05 p.m., 1st gameN.Y. Yankees at Cleveland, 3:35 p.m., 2nd gameHouston at Detroit, 7:08 p.m.Chicago White Sox at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m.Kansas City at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m.Texas at Oakland, 10:05 p.m.NATIONAL LEAGUEEast DivisionW L Pct GBAtlanta 21 13 .618 —Washington 20 15 .571 1 1 ⁄2Philadelphia 16 20 .444 6New York 14 18 .438 6Miami 10 25 .286 11 1 ⁄2Central DivisionW L Pct GBSt. Louis 22 12 .647 —Cincinnati 19 16 .543 3 1 ⁄2Pittsburgh 19 16 .543 3 1 ⁄2Milwaukee 15 17 .469 6Chicago 13 22 .371 9 1 ⁄2<strong>West</strong> DivisionW L Pct GBArizona 20 15 .571 —San Francisco 20 15 .571 —Colorado 19 16 .543 1San Diego 16 19 .457 4Los Angeles 13 20 .394 6Thursday’s GamesN.Y. Yankees 3, Colorado 1Washington 5, Detroit 4N.Y. Mets 3, Pittsburgh 2Arizona 2, Philadelphia 1Atlanta 6, San Francisco 3Friday’s GamesWashington 7, Chicago Cubs 3Pittsburgh 7, N.Y. Mets 3Tampa Bay 6, San Diego 3Milwaukee at Cincinnati, lateSt. Louis 3, Colorado 0Philadelphia at Arizona, lateMiami at L.A. Dodgers, lateAtlanta at San Francisco, lateToday’s GamesPittsburgh (Liriano 0-0) at N.Y. Mets (Niese 2-3),1:10 p.m.Colorado (Chacin 3-1) at St. Louis (Wainwright4-2), 2:15 p.m.Atlanta (Maholm 4-3) at San Francisco(Bumgarner 3-1), 4:05 p.m.Chicago Cubs (E.Jackson 0-5) at Washington(Strasburg 1-4), 4:05 p.m.Milwaukee (Burgos 1-0) at Cincinnati (Latos 3-0),4:10 p.m.San Diego (B.Smith 0-0) at Tampa Bay (Hellickson1-2), 6:10 p.m.Philadelphia (Lee 3-2) at Arizona (Cahill 2-3),8:10 p.m.Miami (Slowey 1-2) at L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 3-2),9:10 p.m.Sunday’s GamesMilwaukee at Cincinnati, 1:10 p.m.Pittsburgh at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m.Chicago Cubs at Washington, 1:35 p.m.San Diego at Tampa Bay, 1:40 p.m.Colorado at St. Louis, 2:15 p.m.Atlanta at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m.Miami at L.A. Dodgers, 4:10 p.m.Philadelphia at Arizona, 4:10 p.m.Monday’s GamesMilwaukee at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m.Colorado at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m.N.Y. Mets at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.Atlanta at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.Washington at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.NHL PLAYOFFSFIRST ROUND(Best-of-7)(x-if necessary)EASTERN CONFERENCEPittsburgh 3, N.Y. Islanders 2Wednesday, May 1: Pittsburgh 5, N.Y. Islanders 0Friday, May 3: N.Y. Islanders 4, Pittsburgh 3Sunday, May 5: Pittsburgh 5, N.Y. Islanders 4, OTTuesday, May 7: N.Y. Islanders 6, Pittsburgh 4Thursday’s Game: Pittsburgh 4, N.Y. Islanders 0Tonight’s Game: Pittsburgh at N.Y. Islanders,7 p.m.x-Sunday, May 12: N.Y. Islanders at Pittsburgh, TBAOttawa 4, Montreal 1Thursday, May 2: Ottawa 4, Montreal 2Friday, May 3: Montreal 3, Ottawa 1Sunday, May 5: Ottawa 6, Montreal 1Tuesday, May 7: Ottawa 3, Montreal 2, OTIslamorada Boat Center.The prize for <strong>the</strong> largest wahoo was awardedto Jason Swensson of Tavernier, whocaught a 37.3-pounder from <strong>the</strong> Good Karmawith Capt. Ryan Van Fleet at <strong>the</strong> helm. SeanWalters of <strong>Key</strong> Largo landed <strong>the</strong> tournament’slargest tuna, a 3.4-pounder.Known as a family-friendly angling event tokick off dolphin season, <strong>the</strong> tournament hasraised nearly $90,000 in scholarship moniesin honor of Nick Sheahan, a Coral ShoresHigh School student who died tragically in2004.Weekly Tides:See <strong>the</strong> map, Page 2AThursday’s Game: Ottawa 6, Montreal 1Washington 3, N.Y. Rangers 2Thursday, May 2: Washington 3, N.Y. Rangers 1Saturday, May 4: Washington 1, N.Y. Rangers 0, OTMonday, May 6: N.Y. Rangers 4, Washington 3Wednesday, May 8: N.Y. Rangers 4, Washington 3Friday’s Game: Washington 2, N.Y. Rangers1, OTSunday, May 12: Washington at N.Y. Rangers,4:30 p.m.x-Monday, May 13: N.Y. Rangers at Washington, TBABoston 3, Toronto 2Wednesday, May 1: Boston 4, Toronto 1Saturday, May 4: Toronto 4, Boston 2Monday, May 6: Boston 5, Toronto 2Wednesday, May 8: Boston 4, Toronto 3, OTFriday’s Game: Toronto 2, Boston 1Sunday, May 12: Boston at Toronto, 7:30 p.m.x-Monday, May 13: Toronto at Boston, TBAWESTERN CONFERENCEChicago 4, Minnesota 1Tuesday, April 30: Chicago 2, Minnesota 1, OTFriday, May 3: Chicago 5, Minnesota 2Sunday, May 5: Minnesota 3, Chicago 2, OTTuesday, May 7 Chicago 3, Minnesota 0Thursday’s Game: Chicago 5, Minnesota 1Anaheim 3, Detroit 3Tuesday, April 30: Anaheim 3, Detroit 1Thursday, May 2: Detroit 5, Anaheim 4, OTSaturday, May 4: Anaheim 4, Detroit 0Monday, May 6: Detroit 3, Anaheim 2, OTWednesday, May 8: Anaheim 3, Detroit 2, OTFriday’s Game: Detroit 4, Anaheim 3, OTSunday, May 12: Detroit at Anaheim, 10 p.m.San Jose 4, Vancouver 0Wednesday, May 1: San Jose 3, Vancouver 1Friday, May 3: San Jose 3, Vancouver 2, OTSunday, May 5: San Jose 5, Vancouver 2Tuesday, May 7: San Jose 4, Vancouver 3, OTLos Angeles 3, St. Louis 2Tuesday, April 30: St. Louis 2, Los Angeles 1, OTThursday, May 2: St. Louis 2, Los Angeles 1Saturday, May 4: Los Angeles 1, St. Louis 0Monday, May 6: Los Angeles 4, St. Louis 3Wednesday, May 8: Los Angeles 3, St. Louis 2, OTFriday’s Game: St. Louis at Los Angeles, lateNBA PLAYOFFSCONFERENCE SEMIFINALS(x-if necessary)(Best-of-7)EASTERN CONFERENCEMiami 2, Chicago 1Monday, May 6: Chicago 93, Miami 86Wednesday, May 8: Miami 115, Chicago 78Friday’s Game: Miami 104, Chicago 94Monday, May 13: Miami at Chicago, 7 p.m.Wednesday, May 15: Chicago at Miami, 7 p.m.x-Friday, May 17: Miami at Chicago, TBAx-Sunday, May 19: Chicago at Miami, TBAIndiana 1, New York 1Sunday, May 5: Indiana 102, New York 95Tuesday, May 7: New York 105, Indiana 79Tonight’s Game: New York at Indiana, 8 p.m.Tuesday, May 14: New York at Indiana, 7 p.m.Thursday, May 16: Indiana at New York, 8 p.m.x-Saturday, May 18: New York at Indiana, TBAx-Monday, May 20: Indiana at New York, 8 p.m.WESTERN CONFERENCESan Antonio 1, Golden State 1Monday, May 6: San Antonio 129, Golden State127, 2OTWednesday, May 8: Golden St. 100, San Antonio 91Friday’s Game: San Antonio at Golden State,lateSunday, May 12: San Antonio at Golden State,3:30 p.m.Tuesday, May 14: Golden State at San Antonio,9:30 p.m.x-Thursday, May 16: San Antonio at Golden State,TBAx-Sunday, May 19: Golden State at San Antonio,TBAOklahoma City 1, Memphis 1Sunday, May 5: Oklahoma City 93, Memphis 91Tuesday, May 7: Memphis 99, Oklahoma City 93Tonight’s Game: Oklahoma City at Memphis,5 p.m.Monday, May 13: Oklahoma City at Memphis,9:30 p.m.Wednesday, May 15: Memphis at Oklahoma City,9:30 p.m.x-Friday, May 17: Oklahoma City at Memphis, TBAx-Sunday, May 19: Memphis at Oklahoma City, TBAHEAT 104, BULLS 94FG FT RebMIAMI Min M-A M-A O-T A PF PTSJames 44:25 6-17 11-11 0-8 7 0 25Haslem 17:17 2-3 0-0 0-0 1 0 4Bosh 42:08 8-16 3-4 5-19 4 3 20Chalmers 23:33 3-6 3-3 0-1 3 2 9Wade 35:33 5-7 0-0 1-4 5 3 10Battier 19:02 2-5 3-4 0-0 0 6 9Allen 22:45 1-6 2-3 0-1 0 0 4Cole 24:27 6-7 3-3 0-2 1 2 18Andersen 10:50 2-3 1-2 3-4 0 4 5Totals 240 35-70 26-30 9-39 21 20104Percentages: FG .500, FT .867.3-Point Goals: 8-20, .400 (Cole 3-3, James 2-4,Battier 2-5, Bosh 1-2, Chalmers 0-1, Allen 0-5).Team Rebounds: 5. Team Turnovers: 12 (18 PTS).Blocked Shots: 4 (Andersen 2, Bosh 2).Turnovers: 12 (Wade 4, Chalmers 3, Bosh 2,Andersen, Haslem, James).Steals: 4 (James 2, Bosh, Haslem).Technical Fouls: James, 9:29 second.FG FT RebCHICAGO Min M-A M-A O-T A PF PTSButler 48:00 6-12 3-3 0-5 3 5 17Boozer 28:52 10-16 1-2 1-4 0 4 21Noah 42:22 6-12 3-5 7-11 4 6 15Robinson 42:06 5-13 6-8 1-6 7 3 17Belinelli 43:03 5-13 2-4 0-3 6 6 16Gibson 22:15 2-9 2-3 2-5 0 3 6Teague 10:51 1-2 0-0 0-2 1 2 2Mohammed 2:31 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 1 0Totals 240 35-77 17-25 11-37 21 30 94Percentages: FG .455, FT .680.3-Point Goals: 7-22, .318 (Belinelli 4-9, Butler2-3, Robinson 1-7, Boozer 0-1, Gibson 0-1,Teague 0-1).Team Rebounds: 8. Team Turnovers: 11 (12 PTS).Blocked Shots: 4 (Noah 2, Gibson, Robinson).Turnovers: 11 (Belinelli 3, Boozer 3, Robinson 3,Butler 2).Steals: 7 (Butler 3, Noah 2, Robinson 2).Technical Fouls: Noah, 0:23.5 first; Mohammed,9:29 second.Ejections: Mohammed, 9:29 second.Miami 25 27 18 34 — 104Chicago 25 25 20 24 — 94A—22,675 (20,917). T—2:41.Officials—Joe Crawford, Derrick Stafford, DavidGuthrie.AUTO RACINGNASCARSprint CupBojangles’ Sou<strong>the</strong>rn 500 LineupAfter Friday qualifying; race tonightAt Darlington Raceway, Darlington, S.C.Lap length: 1.366 miles(Car number in paren<strong>the</strong>ses)1. (78) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 181.918.2. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 180.974.3. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 180.92.4. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 180.741.5. (56) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 180.284.6. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 180.158.7. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 180.112.8. (24) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 180.105.9. (16) Greg Biffle, Ford, 180.10. (29) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 179.77.11. (31) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 179.684.12. (42) Juan Pablo Montoya, Chevrolet, 179.632.13. (15) Clint Bowyer, Toyota, 179.599.14. (17) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 179.514.15. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 179.468.16. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 179.409.17. (99) Carl Edwards, Ford, 179.004.18. (43) Aric Almirola, Ford, 178.822.19. (13) Casey Mears, Ford, 178.815.20. (14) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 178.75.21. (39) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 178.497.22. (55) Mark Martin, Toyota, 178.316.23. (47) Bobby Labonte, Toyota, 178.219.24. (9) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 177.98.25. (1) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 177.974.26. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 177.961.27. (51) Regan Smith, Chevrolet, 177.948.28. (93) Travis Kvapil, Toyota, 177.73.29. (38) David Gilliland, Ford, 177.685.NATIONWIDEVFW Sport Clips Help a Hero 200At Darlington Raceway, Darlington, S.C.Lap length: 1.366 miles(Start position in paren<strong>the</strong>ses)1. (1) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 147 laps, 150 rating, 0points, $44,965.2. (2) Elliott Sadler, Toyota, 147, 118.9, 42,$33,600.3. (4) Brian Vickers, Toyota, 147, 117.9, 41,$25,400.4. (14) Joey Logano, Ford, 147, 102, 0, $17,450.5. (3) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 147, 122.9, 0,$16,025.6. (7) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 147, 99.5, 38,$24,675.7. (11) Regan Smith, Chevrolet, 147, 105, 37,$20,410.8. (9) Sam Hornish Jr., Ford, 147, 101.7, 36,$19,270.9. (6) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 147, 105.4, 0,$12,975.10. (5) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 147, 90.9, 34,$19,925.11. (8) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 147, 93.1, 33,$18,525.12. (18) Chris Buescher, Ford, 147, 87.2, 32,$12,450.13. (15) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 147, 80.4, 0,$18,400.14. (26) Brian Scott, Chevrolet, 147, 81.6, 30,$18,350.15. (12) Parker Kligerman, Toyota, 147, 81.2, 29,$19,475.16. (21) Nelson Piquet Jr., Chevrolet, 147, 74.3,28, $18,175.17. (13) Alex Bowman, Toyota, 147, 72.4, 27,$18,125.18. (16) Reed Sorenson, Ford, 147, 80.6, 26,$18,075.19. (19) Mike Bliss, Toyota, 146, 67, 25, $18,025.20. (27) Jeremy Clements, Chevrolet, 146, 57.6,25, $18,625.21. (22) Josh Wise, Chevrolet, 146, 59.9, 23,$17,900.22. (24) Blake Koch, Toyota, 146, 63.7, 22,$17,850.23. (20) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 146, 58.5, 0,$17,800.24. (28) Joe Nemechek, Toyota, 146, 58.3, 20,$17,750.25. (25) Mike Wallace, Chevrolet, 146, 58.2, 19,$18,155.26. (37) Eric McClure, Toyota, 144, 41.9, 18,$17,625.27. (38) Danny Efland, Chevrolet, 144, 45, 17,$17,575.28. (17) Travis Pastrana, Ford, 144, 61.3, 16,$17,500.29. (34) Hal Martin, Toyota, 143, 43.1, 16,$17,465.30. (30) Dexter Stacey, Ford, 142, 39.9, 14,$17,725.31. (35) Harrison Rhodes, Ford, 141, 36.4, 0,$17,375.32. (10) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 139, 58, 12,$17,345.33. (39) Tony Raines, Toyota, 139, 33.6, 12,$17,315.34. (33) Kyle Fowler, Ford, accident, 108, 43.2,10, $17,285.35. (40) Kevin Lepage, Toyota, rear gear, 27, 31.9,9, $11,229.36. (36) Bryan Silas, Toyota, accident, 21, 35.3,0, $16,520.37. (31) Jeff Green, Toyota, vibration, 16, 35.9, 7,$10,500.38. (23) J.J. Yeley, Chevrolet, rear gear, 7, 32.9, 0,$10,426.39. (32) Chase Miller, Chevrolet, overheating, 4,29.7, 5, $10,315.40. (29) Tanner Berryhill, Toyota, rear gear, 3, 28.6,4, $10,290.SOCCERMAJOR LEAGUE SOCCEREASTERN CONFERENCEW L T Pts GF GANew York 6 4 2 20 18 14Houston 6 2 2 20 17 9Sporting Kansas City 5 4 2 17 14 9Montreal 5 2 2 17 12 9Columbus 3 3 3 12 12 8Philadelphia 3 3 3 12 12 14New England 2 4 3 9 5 8Toronto FC 1 5 4 7 11 15Chicago 2 5 1 7 6 14D.C. 1 7 1 4 4 17WESTERN CONFERENCEW L T Pts GF GAFC Dallas 6 1 3 21 16 10Real Salt Lake 5 4 2 17 11 10Portland 3 1 6 15 15 12Los Angeles 4 2 2 14 12 5San Jose 3 3 5 14 12 14Colorado 3 4 3 12 8 9Chivas USA 3 4 2 11 12 15Vancouver 2 4 3 9 9 13Seattle 2 3 3 9 6 7NOTE: Three points for victory, one point fortie.Wednesday’s GamesHouston 4, D.C. United 0New York 2, Montreal 1Real Salt Lake 2, New England 1Seattle FC 1, Sporting Kansas City 0FC Dallas 1, Portland 1, tieSan Jose 2, Toronto FC 1Today’s GamesPhiladelphia at Chicago, 1:30 p.m.Real Salt Lake at Montreal, 2 p.m.San Jose at Seattle FC, 4 p.m.Los Angeles at Vancouver, 7 p.m.Colorado at Columbus, 7:30 p.m.New York at New England, 7:30 p.m.D.C. United at FC Dallas, 8:30 p.m.Sunday’s GamesChivas USA at Portland, 5 p.m.Sporting Kansas City at Houston, 8 p.m.COLLEGE BASEBALLFRIDAY’S SCORESEASTQuinnipiac 11-2, CCSU 4-8MIDWESTButler 5, Rhode Island 4Houston Baptist 3, Chicago St. 0Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r 3, Bethany Lu<strong>the</strong>ran 2Northwestern (Minn.) 8, Bethany Lu<strong>the</strong>ran 5TENNISMUTUA MADRID OPENFriday’s ResultsAt Caja Magica, Madrid, SpainPurse: Men, $5.6 million, (WT1000); Women,$5.3 million (Premier)Surface: Clay-OutdoorSinglesMenQuarterfinalsRafael Nadal (5), Spain, def. David Ferrer (4),Spain, 4-6, 7-6 (3), 6-0.Pablo Andujar, Spain, def. Kei Nishikori (14),Japan, 6-3, 7-5.Tomas Berdych (6), Czech Republic, def. AndyMurray (3), Britain, 7-6 (3), 6-4.Stanislas Wawrinka (15), Switzerland, def. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (7), France, 6-2, 6-7 (9), 6-4.WomenQuarterfinalsSerena Williams (1), United States, def. AnabelMedina Garrigues, Spain, 6-3, 0-6, 7-5.Maria Sharapova (2), Russia, def. Kaia Kanepi,Estonia, 6-2, 6-4.Ana Ivanovic (16), Serbia, def. Angelique Kerber(6), Germany, 6-3, 6-1.Sara Errani (7), Italy, def. Ekaterina Makarova,Russia, 6-4, 6-3.GOLFPGA TOURThe Players ChampionshipFriday’s Second RoundAt TPC Sawgrass, Ponte Vedra BeachPurse: $9.5 millionYardage: 7,215; Par: 72Sergio Garcia 68-65 — 133 -11Tiger Woods 67-67 — 134 -10Kevin Chappell 69-66 — 135 -9Lee <strong>West</strong>wood 69-66 — 135 -9Henrik Stenson 68-67 — 135 -9Ryan Palmer 67-69 — 136 -8Casey Wittenberg 67-69 — 136 -8David Lingmerth 68-68 — 136 -8Matt Kuchar 71-66 — 137 -7Hunter Mahan 67-70 — 137 -7Adam Scott 69-68 — 137 -7Zach Johnson 66-71 — 137 -7Charles Howell III 71-67 — 138 -6Marc Leishman 72-66 — 138 -6Jason Dufner 71-67 — 138 -6Webb Simpson 67-71 — 138 -6Martin Laird 71-67 — 138 -6Rory McIlroy 66-72 — 138 -6Steve Stricker 67-71 — 138 -6Chris Kirk 70-69 — 139 -5Sang-Moon Bae 68-71 — 139 -5Jerry Kelly 71-68 — 139 -5Kevin Streelman 69-70 — 139 -5Brandt Snedeker 71-69 — 140 -4Tim Herron 71-69 — 140 -4David Lynn 72-68 — 140 -4Peter Hanson 70-70 — 140 -4Ben Crane 69-71 — 140 -4Greg Chalmers 68-73 — 141 -3Matt Every 70-71 — 141 -3Ben Curtis 69-72 — 141 -3Luke Donald 72-69 — 141 -3Graham DeLaet 71-70 — 141 -3Harris English 70-71 — 141 -3Jeff Overton 71-70 — 141 -3Brendon de Jonge 72-69 — 141 -3Jeff Maggert 70-71 — 141 -3Roberto Castro 63-78 — 141 -3Sean O’Hair 70-71 — 141 -3Andres Romero 69-72 — 141 -3Davis Love III 70-72 — 142 -2Martin Kaymer 73-69 — 142 -2Carl Pettersson 70-72 — 142 -2K.J. Choi 69-73 — 142 -2Chris Stroud 73-69 — 142 -2Jason Bohn 68-74 — 142 -2D.A. Points 72-70 — 142 -2John Huh 70-72 — 142 -2Boo Weekley 71-71 — 142 -2Ricky Barnes 71-71 — 142 -2James Driscoll 75-68 — 143 -1Daniel Summerhays 69-74 — 143 -1Rory Sabbatini 75-68 — 143 -1Freddie Jacobson 72-71 — 143 -1Charl Schwartzel 72-71 — 143 -1David Hearn 72-71 — 143 -1Jimmy Walker 72-71 — 143 -1Chad Campbell 71-72 — 143 -1Kyle Stanley 75-68 — 143 -1Bubba Watson 73-70 — 143 -1Bo Van Pelt 69-74 — 143 -1John Senden 73-70 — 143 -1Charley Hoffman 70-74 — 144 ESeung-Yul Noh 70-74 — 144 ECharlie Wi 74-70 — 144 EJonas Blixt 69-75 — 144 EPadraig Harrington 68-76 — 144 EMichael Thompson 69-75 — 144 EJames Hahn 70-74 — 144 EBranden Grace 73-71 — 144 EJosh Teater 72-72 — 144 EWilliam McGirt 70-74 — 144 EJason Day 69-75 — 144 EJustin Leonard 70-74 — 144 ELouis Oosthuizen 69-75 — 144 EAngel Cabrera 74-70 — 144 EBrian Davis 78-66 — 144 EFailed to qualifyGonzalo Fdez-Castano 75-70 — 145 +1Phil Mickelson 72-73 — 145 +1Robert Garrigus 72-73 — 145 +1Vijay Singh 74-71 — 145 +1Jason Kokrak 69-76 — 145 +1Cameron Tringale 70-75 — 145 +1Brendan Steele 74-71 — 145 +1Rickie Fowler 73-72 — 145 +1Jim Furyk 72-73 — 145 +1Russell Henley 69-76 — 145 +1Nicholas Thompson 69-76 — 145 +1Ian Poulter 75-71 — 146 +2Nick Watney 76-70 — 146 +2Justin Rose 72-74 — 146 +2J.J. Henry 74-72 — 146 +2Kevin Stadler 78-68 — 146 +2Francesco Molinari 74-72 — 146 +2Graeme McDowell 70-76 — 146 +2Ernie Els 73-73 — 146 +2Charlie Beljan 72-74 — 146 +2Scott Piercy 70-77 — 147 +3Brian Stuard 73-74 — 147 +3Scott Langley 76-71 — 147 +3Tom Gillis 77-70 — 147 +3Ken Duke 71-76 — 147 +3Keegan Bradley 70-77 — 147 +3Billy Horschel 76-71 — 147 +3Brian Gay 72-75 — 147 +3Dicky Pride 73-74 — 147 +3Matt Jones 70-77 — 147 +3Martin Flores 76-72 — 148 +4Bill Haas 75-73 — 148 +4Scott Brown 74-74 — 148 +4Mark Wilson 74-74 — 148 +4Bryce Molder 74-74 — 148 +4Tim Clark 72-76 — 148 +4Robert Allenby 73-75 — 148 +4Thorbjorn Olesen 73-76 — 149 +5Jonathan Byrd 74-75 — 149 +5Stewart Cink 76-73 — 149 +5Ryan Moore 76-73 — 149 +5Pat Perez 74-75 — 149 +5Luke Guthrie 76-73 — 149 +5David Toms 79-70 — 149 +5Scott Stallings 71-78 — 149 +5Lucas Glover 73-76 — 149 +5Geoff Ogilvy 75-74 — 149 +5Ted Potter, Jr. 75-75 — 150 +6Bud Cauley 78-72 — 150 +6Troy Matteson 75-75 — 150 +6Erik Compton 80-70 — 150 +6Johnson Wagner 77-74 — 151 +7Will Claxton 77-74 — 151 +7John Merrick 74-77 — 151 +7David Mathis 78-74 — 152 +8George McNeill 70-82 — 152 +8Richard H. Lee 76-76 — 152 +8Brian Harman 72-81 — 153 +9Y.E. Yang 73-81 — 154 +10Joe Daley 78-77 — 155 +11Aaron Baddeley 78-77 — 155 +11Derek Ernst 74-81 — 155 +11Tommy Gainey 75-80 — 155 +11John Rollins 77-79 — 156 +12Greg Owen 76-82 — 158 +14Dustin Johnson 74 — WDColt Knost 79 — WDTRANSACTIONSFRIDAYBASEBALLMajor League BaseballMLB—Suspended umpire Fieldin Culbreth twogames because he was in charge of <strong>the</strong> crew thatallowed Houston manager Bo Porter to improperlyswitch relievers in <strong>the</strong> middle of an inning. Finedumpires Brian O’Nora, Bill Welke and AdrianJohnson an undisclosed amount.American LeagueCHICAGO WHITE SOX—Reinstated OF DayanViciedo from <strong>the</strong> 15-day DL. Optioned OF JordanDanks to Charlotte (IL).LOS ANGELES ANGELS—Placed RHP TommyHanson on <strong>the</strong> restricted list. Recalled LHP MichaelRoth from Arkansas (Texas).TAMPA BAY RAYS—Placed RHP Brandon Gomes on<strong>the</strong> 15-day DL, retroactive to May 8. Recalled RHPJosh Lueke from Durham (IL).TEXAS RANGERS—Placed C A.J. Pierzynski on<strong>the</strong> 15-day DL, retroactive to May 6. Recalled CRobinson Chirinos from Round Rock (PCL).National LeagueCHICAGO CUBS—Activated RHP Kyuji Fujikawafrom <strong>the</strong> 15-day DL. Optioned RHP Rafael Dolisto Iowa (PCL).CINCINNATI REDS—Activated C Ryan Haniganfrom <strong>the</strong> 15-day DL. Designated C Corky Miller forassignment.American AssociationWICHITA WINGNUTS—Signed OF/INF Colt Loehrs.Can-Am LeagueQUEBEC CAPITALES—Signed RHP Karl Gelinas.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationNBA—Fined Chicago F Taj Gibson $25,000 for verbalabuse of a game official during a May 8 gameagainst Miami.MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES—Waived G BrandonRoy.FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueARIZONA CARDINALS—Agreed to terms with LBKarlos Dansby on a one-year contract. Signed RBStepfan Taylor, WR Ryan Swope, RB Andre Ellingtonand TE D.C. Jefferson to four-year contracts.BUFFALO BILLS—Signed WR Marquise Goodwin,DB Duke Williams, DB Jonathan Meeks and KDustin Hopkins.DALLAS COWBOYS—Signed LB DeVonte Hollomanto a four-year contract and QB Dalton Williams, LBBrandon Magee, LB Cameron Lawrence, LB DeonLacey, LB Taylor Reed, CB Xavier Brewer, CB DustinHarris, CB Devin Smith, S Jakar Hamilton, S JeffHeath, WR Greg Herd, WR Eric Rogers, K SpencerBenton, TE Paul Freedman and RB KendialLawrence.DETROIT LIONS—Signed DE Ezekiel Ansah to a fiveyearcontract and CB Darius Slay, G Larry Warford,DE Devin Taylor, P Sam Martin, WR Corey Fuller, RBTheo Riddick, TE Michael Williams and LB BrandonHepburn to four-year contracts.GREEN BAY PAVKERS—Signed OT David Bakhtiari,OT J.C. Tretter, RB Johnathan Franklin, CB MicahHyde, DE Josh Boyd, LB Nate Palmer, WR C.J.Johnson, WR Kevin Dorsey, LB Sam Barrington, QBMatt Brown, C Patrick Lewis, LB Andy Mulumba, RBAngelo Pease, DT Gilbert Pena, FB Ryan Roberson,TE Jake Stoneburner, G Lane Taylor and WR MylesWhite.KANSAS CITY CHIEFS—Signed OL Eric Kush and LBMike Catapano.NEW ORLEANS SAINTS—Signed DT John Jenkins toa four-year contract.NEW YORK GIANTS—Named Joe Danos assistantstrength and conditioning coach, Matt Shaugerassistant director of pro personnel and TimMcDonnell pro scout. Signed LB Aaron curry, DTJonathan Hankins, DE Damontre Moore, S CooperTaylor, RB Michael Cox, RB Jeremy Wright, LBEtienne Sabino, LB Charleus Dieuseul, DB CharlesJames, WR Marcus Davis and S Alonzo Tweedy.NEW YORK JETS—Signed OL Oday Aboushi, G WillCampbell, WR Zach Rogers, WR Ryan Spadola, WRK.J. Stroud, WR Antavious Wilson, TE Chris Pantale,TE Mike Shanahan, OL Dalton Freeman, OL TreyGilleo, OL Mark Popek, DL Roosevelt Holliday, DLJake McDonough, LB Troy Davis, DB Mike Edwardsand S Rontez Miles.SEATTLE SEAHAWKS—Signed DT Jordan Hill, WRChris Harper, DT Jesse Williams, TE Luke Willson,G Ryan Seymour, LB Ty Powell, G Jared Smith, WRMatt Austin, OT Alvin Bailey, DE Kenneth Boatright,LB Ramon Buchanan, LB John Lotulelei, S RayPolk, G Jordon Roussos and LB Craig Wilkins tomultiyear contracts.Arena Football LeagueORLANDO PREDATORS—Added DL Claude Wrotento <strong>the</strong> roster.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueCOLORADO AVALANCHE—Announced <strong>the</strong> resignationof president Pierre Lacroix, who will serveas an adviser. Named Josh Kroenke president.Promoted Joe Sakic to executive vice president ofhockey operations.WASHINGTON CAPITALS—Recalled G PhilippGrubauer, D Dmitry Orlov, D Tomas Kundratek,D Cameron Schilling and D Nate Schmidt fromHershey (AHL).ECHLREADING ROYALS—Announced D Patrick Wellarwas assigned to <strong>the</strong> team from Hershey (AHL).SOCCERMajor League SoccerCHIVAS USA—Announced MF Martin Aaron Poncewas loaned to <strong>the</strong> team from Chivas Guadalajara.COLLEGECAL STATE EAST BAY—Announced <strong>the</strong> retirement ofathletic director Debby De Angelis, effective Aug. 2.FLORIDA—Announced men’s junior basketball G EliCarter has transferred from Rutgers.GEORGE MASON—Announced freshman basketballF Julian Royal is transferring from Georgia Tech.GEORGIA TECH—Announced junior basketball GBrandon Reed will transfer after he graduates at<strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> summer term.

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013SPORTS3BCOLLEGE FOOTBALLConner High QB willplay at KentuckyHORSE RACINGDerby winner Orbgallops in New YorkMLBNFLSmith just being‘my natural self’COLLEGE BASKETBALLNew Rutgers coachdoesn’t have degreeHEBRON, Ky. — Drew Barkerwill play for Kentucky, giving <strong>the</strong>Wildcats a quarterback to run<strong>the</strong>ir new pass-oriented offense.The Conner High SchoolQB made his announcementFriday. Several schools wererecruiting <strong>the</strong> 6-foot-4, 210-pound dual threat who becameone of <strong>the</strong> nation’s top prospectsafter passing for 2,067yards, rushing for 1,422 andscoring 40 touchdowns as ajunior. Kentucky beat out SECrivals Tennessee and SouthCarolina.BALTIMORE — KentuckyDerby winner Orb galloped1¼ miles under exercise riderJenn Patterson at BelmontPark on Friday, and trainerShug McGaughey said he’s“pleased with everything I’vebeen seeing.”Orb closed from 17thto win <strong>the</strong> Derby by 2½lengths last week, and isexpected to have a finalworkout on Monday beforebeing vanned to Baltimorefor next Saturday’sPreakness.REED SAXON/The Associated PressLos Angeles Dodgers’ Adrian Gonzalez (23) is congratulated byMatt Kemp on his three-run homer against <strong>the</strong> Miami Marlins in<strong>the</strong> first inning Friday night in Los Angeles.FLORHAM PARK, N.J. —Geno Smith was surroundedby a throng of reporters, acrowded scene usually moreappropriate for a No. 1 draftpick than a second-rounder.“I just come out,” Smithsaid Friday, “and be my naturalself.”Various published report<strong>spa</strong>inted Smith as an immaturediva who didn’t always takefootball seriously enough.“Maybe I don’t know what<strong>the</strong> diva behavior looks like,”coach Rex Ryan said.NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J.— New Rutgers basketballcoach Eddie Jordan is nota graduate of <strong>the</strong> universityas <strong>the</strong> school had claimed,ano<strong>the</strong>r embarrassment for<strong>the</strong> athletic program.Jordan’s biography on <strong>the</strong>athletic department’s websitesays he earned a degreein health and physical educationin 1977. But <strong>the</strong> registrar’soffice at <strong>the</strong> universitysays <strong>the</strong> former NBA playerand coach never graduatedfrom Rutgers.BY BEN WALKERThe Associated PressNEW YORK — Major League Baseballsuspended umpire Fieldin Culbreth fortwo games on Friday because he was incharge of <strong>the</strong> crew that allowed Astrosmanager Bo Porter to improperly switchrelievers in <strong>the</strong> middle of an inning.Culbreth and <strong>the</strong> rest of his crew — BrianO’Nora, Bill Welke and Adrian Johnson— were also fined an undisclosed amount,MLB: ROUNDUPUmps fined, suspended after 2nd mistakeBEN MARGOT/The Associated PressHome plate umpire Fieldin Culbreth yellsat <strong>the</strong> Los Angeles Dodgers dugout duringSunday’s game between <strong>the</strong> Dodgers and SanFrancisco Giants in San Francisco.after MLB admitted itsumps goofed for <strong>the</strong>second straight day.“The rule coveringpitching changes wasnot applied correctlyby <strong>the</strong> umpiring crew,”MLB said in a statement.The problem inHouston came a dayafter Angel Hernandezand his crew inCleveland failed toreverse a clear-cuthome run after lookingat a video review.MLB vice president JoeTorre said <strong>the</strong> umpires made an “impropercall.”It’s recently been a rough run forumps. Crew chief Tom Hallion wasfined earlier this month after gettinginto a verbal <strong>spa</strong>t with Tampa Baypitcher David Price.The latest trouble occurred in <strong>the</strong> seventhinning at Minute Maid Park. Andwhile baseball does have video replay forsome hard-to-tell calls — and has talkedfor a couple of years about expanding itsscope — <strong>the</strong>re was no mistaking whatumpires saw.With two outs and <strong>the</strong> Astros ahead 5-3, Houston reliever Wesley Wright camein from <strong>the</strong> bullpen and threw severalwarmup pitches from <strong>the</strong> mound. Porter,PAT SULLIVAN/The Associated PressLos Angeles Angels manager Mike Scioscia questions <strong>the</strong>umpires on Houston’s pitching change Thursday night in Houston.a first-year manager, <strong>the</strong>n ran onto <strong>the</strong>field to stop him and brought in ano<strong>the</strong>rreliever, Hector Ambriz.Angels manager Mike Scioscia argued,correctly contending Wright was requiredto pitch to at least one batter. But <strong>the</strong>umpires permitted Ambriz to stay in andScioscia put <strong>the</strong> game under protest — itbecame moot when <strong>the</strong> Angels rallied towin 6-5.Scioscia wasn’t surprised by MLB’s sternruling.“One thing I have found is that in <strong>the</strong>course of, especially with Joe Torre andMajor League Baseball, that I think <strong>the</strong>re isaccountability that is <strong>the</strong>re,” he said Fridayin Chicago, “that might not always showits face but I know behind <strong>the</strong> scenes (it) is<strong>the</strong>re and this is one example.”Garcia goes 1 up on Tiger at midpointBY DOUG FERGUSONThe Associated PressPONTE VEDRA BEACH,— The Players Championshipalready provides plenty of<strong>the</strong>ater because of its thrill-aminutegolf course. Making iteven more compelling is <strong>the</strong>star attraction of Sergio Garciaand Tiger Woods, playing in<strong>the</strong> final group on <strong>the</strong> weekendfor <strong>the</strong> first time in nearlyseven years.Garcia made seven straightputts — six of <strong>the</strong>m for birdie— on his way to a 7-under 65to match his best score on <strong>the</strong>TPC Sawgrass.GOLF: THE PLAYERSThat gave him a one-shotlead over Woods, who againmade short work of <strong>the</strong> par 5sand posted his second straight67. Woods broke his own 36-hole record at Sawgrass bysix shots and can’t find muchwrong with his game at <strong>the</strong>moment.It’s hard to call it a rivalrybecause it’s so one-sided.Not only does Woods havea 77-8 margin in PGA Tourvictories (and 14-0 in <strong>the</strong>majors), in <strong>the</strong> previous fivetimes <strong>the</strong>y were in <strong>the</strong> finalgroup on <strong>the</strong> weekend on <strong>the</strong>PGA Tour, Woods has gone onto win all five times.Asked about <strong>the</strong> possibilityof playing with Woodson Saturday, Garcia said hewouldn’t see it as anything butano<strong>the</strong>r round of golf.“I don’t have to measuremyself against anybody,”Garcia said. “I know what Iwant to try to do, and anygiven day I can shoot a roundlike this and any o<strong>the</strong>r day hecan shoot a good round andbeat me. Like we always say,it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.So <strong>the</strong>re are going to begood days and not so gooddays, so just got to enjoy <strong>the</strong>good ones as much as possible.”This was a good day.Garcia ran off five straightbirdies, ending <strong>the</strong> streakwith putts from 20 feet and25 feet, and <strong>the</strong>n he addeda 40-foot birdie putt on <strong>the</strong>par-3 eighth. Garcia, whowon The Players in 2008, wasat 11-under 133.Woods looks as if he’s havinga good time on <strong>the</strong> course thathas vexed him more than anyo<strong>the</strong>r on <strong>the</strong> PGA Tour, andhe could be <strong>the</strong> greater threaton <strong>the</strong> weekend. He now is 8-under on <strong>the</strong> par 5s this week,including a 20-foot eagle putton No. 2 that gave him a shareof lead.NHL: PLAYOFFSLeafs edge Boston,avoid eliminationTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSBOSTON (AP) — Tyler Bozakand Clarke MacArthur scoredand James Reimer stopped 43shots Friday night to help <strong>the</strong>Toronto Maple Leafs beat <strong>the</strong>Boston Bruins 2-1 and stayalive in <strong>the</strong>ir first-round playoffseries.Game 6 is Sunday inToronto, with <strong>the</strong> decisiveseventh game back in Bostonon Monday if necessary.Zdeno Chara scored forPiratesContinued from page 1Bthat <strong>the</strong> Pirates earned <strong>the</strong> byeweek to open <strong>the</strong> postseason.“It was very important tohave this week off because wedid need it,” said Torres. “AJmissed three to four games<strong>the</strong>re, so it was tough. That’swhy that last game we played,we only took 17 guys.”Unless <strong>the</strong> 49ers lose thisweek, tonight’s game will be<strong>the</strong> final home game for <strong>the</strong>Pirates. Torres said he wouldlike to have a good fan basetonight to send <strong>the</strong> team outwith a strong hometown victory.With two losses on <strong>the</strong> season,Bone Island is <strong>the</strong> thirdBoston to cut <strong>the</strong> deficit to it2-1 with 8:48 left. The Leafskilled off a delay-of-gamepenalty in <strong>the</strong> last four minutesand <strong>the</strong>n protected <strong>the</strong>lead.CAPITALS 2, RANGERS 1, OTWASHINGTON — Mike Ribeiroscored 9:24 into overtime, and <strong>the</strong>Capitals regained <strong>the</strong> momentum —and <strong>the</strong> lead — in <strong>the</strong>ir first-roundplayoff series. Ribeiro put in <strong>the</strong>puck after Troy Brouwer deflected ashot from <strong>the</strong> blue line.The Capitals lead <strong>the</strong> series 3-2.ranked team and <strong>the</strong> 49ers areNo. 2, setting up a potentialrematch of last year’s conferencefinals, which was where<strong>the</strong> 49ers ended <strong>the</strong> Pirates’season.There is a $6 entry fee foradults and a $3 fee for childrenunder 12 for tonight’s game at<strong>the</strong> Back Yard with all proceedsfrom <strong>the</strong> gate and concessionsgoing directly to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>High athletic department.“We would just like fans tocome out and, not only supportus, but also <strong>the</strong> school,”said Torres. “There should be alot for <strong>the</strong> hometown crowd tocheer for and it will really helpour morale, because whenyou are down and out, <strong>the</strong>reis nothing like a hometowncrowd to pick you back up.”jwcooke@keysnews.comFootball and Cheerleading Sign UpFlag - A DivisionMonday-Thursday 5:30-7:00Sign Up cost $100 (Sibling Discount)Location: George Mira Field3155 Flager Ave, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040Or contact Peter Estevez@ 305-684-9376 for moreinformation355691KEY WEST LITTLE CONCH BASEBALL SCHEDULEMon 5/6/138U 6:30pm Orioles vs Braves Field B10U 6:30pm Yankees vs Rangers Field C12U 6:30pm Reds vs Mariners Field D14U 6:30pm Dodgers vs Cubs Field ATue 5/7/138U 6:30pm Nationals vs Astros Field B10U 6:30pm Angels vs Athletics Field C12U 6:30pm Marlins vs Phillies Field D14U 6:30pm Brewers vs Giants Field AWed 5/8/136U 6:30pm Express vs Hooks Field C6U 6:30pm Seadogs vs Mudcats Field A8U 6:30pm Cardinals vs Braves Field B12U 6:30pm Reds vs Marlins Field DThurs 5/9/138U 6:30pm Blue Jays vs White Sox Field B10U 6:30pm Athletics vs Red Sox Field C12U 6:30pm Marlins vs Mariners Field D14U 6pm Dodgers vs Brewers Field AFri 5/10/138U 6pm Orioles vs Padres Field B8U 8pm Nationals vs Blue Jays Field B10U 6pm Yankees vs Angels Field C12U 6pm Reds vs Phillies Field D14U 6pm Giants vs Cubs Field ASat 5/11/13T-BALL 9am Hot Rods vs Grasshoppers Field DT-BALL 10:45am Riverdogs vs Thresher Sharks Field BT-BALL 10:45am Sandgnats vs Knights Field DT-BALL 12:30pm Raptors vs Scrappers Field B6U 9am Express vs Hooks Field C6U 11am Mudcats vs Seadogs Field C8U 9am Cardinals vs Astros Field B10U 1pm Rangers vs Red Sox Field C10U 2:30pm Yankees vs Athletics Field C12U 1:00pm Mariners vs Phillies Field D14U 10am Cubs vs Giants Field A14U 1pm Brewers vs Dodgers Field AThe <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong> is a ProudSupporter of Little Conch Baseball355206

4BTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013SPORTSNBA: PLAYOFFSKnicks eager to get Stoudemire backBY MICHAEL MAROTThe Associated PressINDIANAPOLIS — New York coachMike Woodson believes whole-heartedlythat Amare Stoudemire can makea difference against <strong>the</strong> Pacers.He’s big, strong, and, when healthy,a proficient scorer — three ingredients<strong>the</strong> Knicks can use tonight (8p.m., ABC).The problem is Stoudemire hasn’tplayed in an NBA game in more thantwo months and will now try to workhis way back into game shape during<strong>the</strong> Eastern Conference semifinals. It’sa risky move, one Woodson insists isworth <strong>the</strong> gamble given <strong>the</strong> potentialpayoff of breaking a 1-1 series andreclaiming home-court advantage inGame 3 of this best-of-seven series asit shifts to Indianapolis.“If I didn’t think Amare was importantto our team, <strong>the</strong>n I wouldn’t evenconsider that,” <strong>the</strong> Knicks coach saidafter Friday’s practice. “But Amare canstill play, and I think he proved that in<strong>the</strong> short time he was back this lasttime.”On paper, it looks like a no-brainer.Stoudemire gives <strong>the</strong> Knicks morescoring punch against one of <strong>the</strong>league’s stingiest defenses and ano<strong>the</strong>rbig body against a Pacers team thatled <strong>the</strong> NBA in rebounding during <strong>the</strong>regular season and has been <strong>the</strong> bestin <strong>the</strong> playoffs, too.What’s <strong>the</strong> downside?Without Stoudemire, limited to 29games this season after surgeries oneach knee, New York has still foundways to win. The Knicks clinched <strong>the</strong>second seed in <strong>the</strong> East and won <strong>the</strong>irfirst playoff series in 13 years, includinga 26-point win over Indiana inGame 2 to even this series.And it’s still not clear how effectiveStoudemire can be. Woodson hasalready said he will limit his star forwardto 10 or 15 minutes tonight,just long enough to force <strong>the</strong> team tochange its rotations and potentiallyupset <strong>the</strong> chemistry of a group that’splayed pretty well during Stoudemire’sabsence.Conventional wisdom suggeststhat putting a player like Stoudemireback in <strong>the</strong> lineup should provide animmediate boost. The Knicks agree.“He gives us ano<strong>the</strong>r scorer, givesus ano<strong>the</strong>r big guy,” Knicks guardRaymond Felton said.But Indiana fans know that’s notalways <strong>the</strong> case.Exhibit A came during <strong>the</strong> 1996NBA playoffs. Near <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>regular season, Reggie Miller fracturedhis eye socket and missed <strong>the</strong>first four games of <strong>the</strong> best-of-five,first-round series against Atlanta.He returned in Game 5, wearinggoggles, and scored 29 points. But<strong>the</strong> Pacers, who had figured out howto win without Miller, got out of syncand wound up losing <strong>the</strong> decisivegame, 89-87.MARY ALTAFFER/The Associated PressNew York Knicks’ Raymond Felton (2)goes up past Indiana’s George Hill in<strong>the</strong>ir Tuesday game in New York.WNBA: PREVIEWGriner makes Phoenix <strong>the</strong> league favoriteTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSPHOENIX — Penny Taylor has recoveredfrom a torn ACL. Diana Taurasi is healthyagain and coming off her fifth EuroLeaguetitle. Candice Dupree is back from her kneeinjury and super sixth woman DeWannaBonner re-signed after a career year.Coming off <strong>the</strong> worst season in franchisehistory, <strong>the</strong> Phoenix Mercury and<strong>the</strong>ir full-of-stars roster were expected tobe back among <strong>the</strong> WNBA’s elite teamsthis season.The addition of Brittney Griner ratchetsup expectations even more.Throw <strong>the</strong> 6-foot-8 swatting and dunkingcenter into <strong>the</strong> mix of what was alreadyone of <strong>the</strong> league’s most talented rostersand <strong>the</strong> Mercury aren’t just a favorite towin <strong>the</strong>ir third WNBA title, <strong>the</strong>y are THEfavorite.“Those are lofty expectations; we haven’teven had a full practice yet,” Taurasi saidFriday during Mercury media day. “Butyou look around <strong>the</strong> locker room and wehave some of <strong>the</strong> best players in <strong>the</strong> world,whe<strong>the</strong>r you’ve been in <strong>the</strong> league 10 yearsor whe<strong>the</strong>r it’s your first week of trainingcamp.”Last season was a forgettable one for <strong>the</strong>Mercury.Taylor, a three-time All-Star missed <strong>the</strong>entire season after tearing her left ACL.Taurasi, <strong>the</strong> 2009 league and finals MVP,missed half of Phoenix’s games due toinjuries and <strong>the</strong> Olympic break. Dupree, athree-time All-Star, missed 21 games witha knee injury.Bonner set career highs in almost everycategory, including with 20.6 points and7.2 rebounds per game, but <strong>the</strong> Mercurylabored without <strong>the</strong>ir o<strong>the</strong>r stars and finished7-27.But with <strong>the</strong> disappointing season camea bit of luck: Despite having <strong>the</strong> league’ssecond-worst record behind Washington,Phoenix won <strong>the</strong> WNBA lottery for <strong>the</strong> toppick in this year’s draft.The Mercury, after playing coy headinginto <strong>the</strong> draft, made <strong>the</strong> selection everyoneexpected and took Griner, one of <strong>the</strong>most highly touted players ever to enter<strong>the</strong> WNBA.The two-time AP player of <strong>the</strong> yearwas a game-changing force in four yearsat Baylor, dunking with ease, swattingand altering shots, piling up points andrebounds.In Phoenix, Griner joins a veteran teamthat’s been successful, meaning she won’thave to come in and have to do everythingas she might have on a young, down-andoutteam.“I can limit her to rebound and blockshots, learn as much as you can and playSEAN D. ELLIOT/The Associated PressConnecticut Sun’s Allison Hightower (23) and Ashley Walker (44) lead o<strong>the</strong>r players into <strong>the</strong>arena during <strong>the</strong> team’s media day Tuesday in Uncasville, without any pressure,” Mercury coachand general manager Corey Gaines said.“That’s better than everything being onher.”The addition of Griner will allow <strong>the</strong>Mercury to change, or at least enhance,<strong>the</strong> style <strong>the</strong>y play.Since he took over as Phoenix’s headcoach in 2006, Gaines has used a versionof <strong>the</strong> up-tempo system he learnedas a point guard under Paul Wes<strong>the</strong>ad atLoyola Marymount.The original system revolved aroundhaving a big player who could scoredown low, <strong>the</strong> focus on inside-out when<strong>the</strong> team wasn’t in transition. Since <strong>the</strong>Mercury haven’t had a dominant insideplayer, Gaines altered <strong>the</strong> system to moreof an outside-in approach.The addition of Griner gives <strong>the</strong> Mercury<strong>the</strong> inside presence <strong>the</strong>y’ve been missingand will allow Gaines to alter his systemto best fit that night’s opponent or game<strong>plan</strong>.“Now I can use outside and inside,”Gaines said. “Now we can effectively use<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r part of it, which is posting up abig.”Griner also changes what Phoenix willdo defensively.With a long reach and a knack for knowingwhen and where to challenge, Grinerblocked more shots than any man orwoman in NCAA history.As an anchor in <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong>TENNIS: MADRID OPENMercury’s defense, she will not only be<strong>the</strong>re to block shots, but will force teams toalter <strong>the</strong>ir shots inside just with her presence,maybe take ones from places on <strong>the</strong>floor where <strong>the</strong>y don’t feel comfortable.Gaines <strong>plan</strong>s to alter Phoenix’s defensethis season so it filters shooters to <strong>the</strong>baseline and toward Griner’s long arms.And with her in <strong>the</strong> middle, <strong>the</strong> perimeterdefenders can be more aggressive andtake chances, knowing <strong>the</strong>ir big center isback <strong>the</strong>re to make up for any mistakes.“She’s going to change <strong>the</strong> way teamsplay offensively,” Taurasi said.First she has to get used to life in <strong>the</strong>WNBA.When <strong>the</strong> Mercury started trainingcamp on Monday, Griner had to adjustto <strong>the</strong> physicality of practice and foundherself waddling later that night becauseshe was so sore.Griner also has a lot to learn schematically;Gaines had to teach her how to setpicks and dive off a pick-and-roll becauseshe had never done one before.“A lot is happening, just trying to takeit a day at a time,” Griner said. “It’s a newexperience, just like waking up for <strong>the</strong> firstday of school every day, so it’s always excitingto do something different every day,meet someone new, learn something thatI didn’t learn before.”So far, Griner has been a quick study,adding to <strong>the</strong> list of reasons <strong>the</strong> Mercurywill be much better this season.Nadal rallies past Ferrer; Serena winsBY JOSEPH WILSONThe Associated PressMADRID — Rafael Nadalrallied past David Ferrer, 4-6,7-6 (3), 6-0, Friday in <strong>the</strong> quarterfinalsof <strong>the</strong> Madrid Open,maintaining his bid to reacha seventh straight final sincereturning from a knee injury.Top-ranked Serena Williamsstruggled before defeatingAnabel Medina Garrigues, 6-3, 0-6, 7-5, and second-rankedMaria Sharapova joined her in<strong>the</strong> semifinals after easing byKaia Kanepi of Estonia, 6-2, 6-4.In a meeting of Spain’s toprankedplayers, Ferrer’s baselinegame on <strong>the</strong> red clay almostproved too much for Nadal.But Nadal won <strong>the</strong> tiebreakerto force a third set and wonsix straight games to improvehis career record against Ferrerto 18-4, avoiding an early exitwith Novak Djokovic and RogerFederer this week.“I’m just happy to be backin <strong>the</strong> semifinals at Madrid,”said Nadal, who won in 2005and 2010.Nadal will play ei<strong>the</strong>r PabloAndujar or Kei Nishikori,who upset Roger Federer onThursday.The Spaniard has won fourtitles this year since sitting outseven months with tendinitisin his left knee.“It was a tightly contestedmatch,” Nadal said. “Daviddeserved it more than I did toreach <strong>the</strong> semifinals, but that issport. I was lucky to somehowsave that ball down 15-30.“After missing his chance,David fell apart a little. He loweredhis intensity in <strong>the</strong> thirdset and I didn’t have to do asmuch.”Sharapova will play AnaIvanovic after <strong>the</strong> Serb di<strong>spa</strong>tchedAngelique Kerber, 6-3,6-1.Defending championWilliams will face Sara Errani,who downed EkaterinaMakarova, 6-4, 6-3.Williams appeared to beworn down after being blankedin <strong>the</strong> second set and fallingbehind 4-2 in <strong>the</strong> third.AUTO RACINGKurt Busch turns inrecord Darlington lapBY PETE IACOBELLIThe Associated PressDARLINGTON, S.C. — KurtBusch ended up on top atDarlington Raceway a weekafter finishing upside-down atTalladega.Five days ago, Busch wentairborne near <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>Aaron’s 499 and crash landedon Ryan Newman.On Friday, Busch spedaround Darlington with a fastlap of 181.918 mph for histhird career pole here. It surpassed<strong>the</strong> two-year-old markof 181.254 mph held by KaseyKahne.“Last week, we ended onour lid and this week, we’rehere with a track record,”Busch said.Defending Sou<strong>the</strong>rn 500champion Jimmie Johnsonwill start alongside Busch,followed by Busch’s youngerbro<strong>the</strong>r Kyle, Kahne andMartin Truex Jr.It’s been quite a week for <strong>the</strong>MICHAEL MAROTThe Associated PressINDIANAPOLIS — TheIndianapolis 500 is getting itsmojo back.Rumors are flying, speedsare increasing and an Andrettiis trying to get back to VictoryLane. Yes, it’s starting to feellike <strong>the</strong> good old days in Indy.“I’ve been feeling thatresurgence ever since I cameback over in 2009 and <strong>the</strong>momentum around <strong>the</strong> Indy500 is just increasing,” saidDario Franchitti, <strong>the</strong> defendingrace winner who is tryingto become <strong>the</strong> fourth memberof <strong>the</strong> four-time winnersclub. “It’s growing in statureagain.”This year’s race will be historicfor o<strong>the</strong>r reasons.For <strong>the</strong> first time since 1987,two three-time Indianapolis500 winners — Franchittielder Busch.There was <strong>the</strong> frighteningcrash in <strong>the</strong> last Sprint Cuprace, <strong>the</strong>n an Indy Car test sessionfor Michael Andretti at <strong>the</strong>Indianapolis Motor Speedwayon Thursday. It’s also <strong>the</strong> 10-year anniversary of <strong>the</strong> thrilling,side-by-side duel withRicky Craven in which Buschlost <strong>the</strong> race by .002 seconds— <strong>the</strong> closest finish in SprintCup since <strong>the</strong> series went toelectronic timing in 1993.“It’s been surreal,” Buschsaid. “It’s been an amazingride.”And it might not be finished.Busch’s Furniture Rowteam was <strong>the</strong> surprise winnerat Darlington two years ago,Regan Smith holding on tobring victory to <strong>the</strong> single-carprogram and <strong>the</strong> only NASCARoperation based west of <strong>the</strong>Mississippi River, in Denver.“To put it on <strong>the</strong> pole isa great surprise, but it’s alsoshowing <strong>the</strong> strength of <strong>the</strong>team,” Busch said.AJ MAST/The Associated PressAndretti Autosport team owner Michael Andretti, left, and NASCARdriver Kurt Busch wait for <strong>the</strong> start of a testing session Thursday at<strong>the</strong> Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis. Busch was drivingan Indycar for <strong>the</strong> first time during <strong>the</strong> test. On Friday, Buschqualified atop <strong>the</strong> NASCAR Sprint Cup field at Darlington.Drivers, teams preparingfor different Indy 500and Helio Castroneves — areexpected to be in <strong>the</strong> startingfield. For <strong>the</strong> first time since1991, excluding <strong>the</strong> years of<strong>the</strong> open-wheel split, RogerPenske and Chip Ganassi arearriving at <strong>the</strong> 2.5-mile ovalwithout a win.For a change, nobody’s talkingabout whe<strong>the</strong>r race organizerscan fill <strong>the</strong> traditional33-car field. They’re talkingabout whe<strong>the</strong>r any late additionscould knock one of <strong>the</strong>33 on <strong>the</strong> current entry list outof <strong>the</strong> starting field.“I think it’s going to be exciting,”said Michael Andretti,<strong>the</strong> former driver whose teamhas won three of this season’sfirst four races. “Some teamshave not been so competitivein years past. But <strong>the</strong> racingthis year has been at <strong>the</strong> toplevel and it has to be great for<strong>the</strong> fans. It’s as good as it’s everbeen.”

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED5BHOROSCOPES for todayBRIDGE TIPSSORRY, PARTNER,I PLAYED TOOQUICKLYBy Phillip Alderbe able to meet most of your now to fur<strong>the</strong>r your ambitions.response, in a suit higher ing clubs. This defeats <strong>the</strong>expectations.Chances are it doesn’t requireranking than his partner’s, contract. The defenders getany more study, just moreLEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- action.guarantees at least a fivecardsuit. (With only four and one heart.two clubs, one diamondWhen it comes to competitiveSATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013 involvements, <strong>the</strong> odds tend to CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.hearts, South would usuallymake a negative dou-promotion until, if pos-Do not try for a trumpfavor you.You’ll have <strong>the</strong> ability 19) -- Nice things are being Josh Billings, <strong>the</strong> penThere’s a chance that you’ll to focus on something that will said about you, because abecome more independent give you an of Henry Wheeler ble.)sible, you have taken all ofnumber of colleagues admireand strong-willed than you’veShaw, was a humorist who Many defenders would your side-suit tricks.your style. Keep up <strong>the</strong> goodever been before. This new VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)work.died in 1885. He said, “One win with <strong>the</strong> club jack,attitude will bring numerous -- This is a good day to makehalf of <strong>the</strong> troubles in this cash <strong>the</strong> club king, andfresh successes.a presentation to <strong>the</strong> proper AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. life can be traced to sayingyes too quickly and not What would happen?continue with <strong>the</strong> club ace.people. What interests you will19) -- You should be especiallyTAURUS (April 20-May 20) also intrigue o<strong>the</strong>rs.solicitous toward members of-- Even you will be surprisedsaying no soon enough.” If South ruffs low, <strong>West</strong>your own family. They’ve doneby how assertive and confident LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -Perhaps one half of <strong>the</strong> overruffs and shifts to ayou are today. Luckily, you’ll - It will be very difficult for yourmuch for you in <strong>the</strong> past, andmistakes at <strong>the</strong> bridge table diamond for down one. Ifbe able to speak your mind associates to keep anythingit’s time to repay <strong>the</strong> favor.can be traced to playing Southruffshigh,heeventuallyloses a heart and a dia-without giving offense. from you.Your natural detectivePISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)instincts will be keener thantoo quickly and not takingenough time to think mond to fall to defeat. ButGEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- usual.-- Your brain will be on activeIf you take <strong>the</strong> time to evaluateduty today, and you’ll need it.things through.a South who paused for ayour innermost feelings, you SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Focus on thinking your wayThat would be <strong>the</strong> case few moments at trick threeshould be able to get a new -- This is an exceptionally good toward solutions instead oftake on some unresolved day to take care of matters using force.for many players in today’s would see <strong>the</strong> advantage inissues. Self-awareness breeds that require cooperation. You’lldeal. Defending against discarding his unavoidablesolutions.have <strong>the</strong> ability to bring people ARIES (March 21-April 19) - four hearts, East wins <strong>the</strong> diamond loser. Then <strong>the</strong>or things toge<strong>the</strong>r.- Conditions that pertain to your first trick with his club jack. contract would make.CANCER (June 21-July 22)material well-being are trendingHow would many continue?What should East do? mond ace at trick threeEast should cash his dia--- Be optimistic regarding your SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- quite favorably. Be alert forpresent endeavors. You’re in Dec. 21) -- There is something opportunities to enhance youra lucky cycle, and you should important that you can do right material situation.South’s two-heart (or two) before continu-KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ®000ANNOUNCEMENTS010....................................Public Notices020............................Volunteers Wanted030...............................................Travel040.........................................Personals050....................................Lost & Found060..........................................Pets Found100SERVICES110..............................Child/Adult Care112...................................Money To Lend120............................Private Instruction130................................Mortgage Broker200EMPLOYMENT210........................................Jobs Wanted220...............Help Wanted Lower <strong>Key</strong>s230..............Help Wanted Middle <strong>Key</strong>s240.................Help Wanted Upper <strong>Key</strong>s300MERCHANDISE305......................................................Pets310..................................Sporting Goods315...............................................Bicycles320..............................Household Goods321...........................................Furniture325...................................Miscellaneous327...............................................Jewelry329.....................................Yard Sale Map330.......................Yard Sales Lower <strong>Key</strong>s331.....................Yard Sales Middle <strong>Key</strong>s332.......................Yard Sales Upper <strong>Key</strong>s335...........................................Antiques337....................................................Art338...............................................Fine Art340.........................Musical Instruments345.........................................Appliances350...............................Office Equipment351.........................................Electronics355....................................Wanted to Buy400RENTALS402.......................................Roommates404............................Rooms Lower <strong>Key</strong>s406..........................Rooms Middle <strong>Key</strong>s408............................Rooms Upper <strong>Key</strong>s410...............Mobile Homes Lower <strong>Key</strong>s412.............Mobile Homes Middle <strong>Key</strong>s414...............Mobile Homes Upper <strong>Key</strong>s416........Furnished Condos Lower <strong>Key</strong>s417....Unfurnished Condos Lower <strong>Key</strong>s418........................Condos Middle <strong>Key</strong>s420..........................Condos Upper <strong>Key</strong>s422............Furnished Apts. Lower <strong>Key</strong>s424...........Furnished Apts. Middle <strong>Key</strong>s426............Furnished Apts. Upper <strong>Key</strong>s428................Unfurn. Apts. Lower <strong>Key</strong>s430...............Unfurn. Apts. Middle <strong>Key</strong>s432................Unfurn. Apts. Upper <strong>Key</strong>s434.................Furn. Houses Lower <strong>Key</strong>s436................Furn. Houses Middle <strong>Key</strong>s438................Furn.. Houses Upper <strong>Key</strong>s440.............Unfurn. Houses Lower <strong>Key</strong>s442...........Unfurn. Houses Middle <strong>Key</strong>s444.............Unfurn. Houses Upper <strong>Key</strong>s446..............Wanted To Rent Lower <strong>Key</strong>s448............Wanted To Rent Middle <strong>Key</strong>s450..............Wanted To Rent Upper <strong>Key</strong>s451.....................Mobile Home/RV Sites452............Vacation Rentals Lower <strong>Key</strong>s454..........Vacation Rentals Middle <strong>Key</strong>s456............Vacation Rentals Upper <strong>Key</strong>s458..............Vacation Rentals Elsewhere460..........................Commercial Rentals462.......................................Office Space464...............................................Storage500REAL ESTATEMobile Homes502........................................ Lower <strong>Key</strong>s504.......................................Middle <strong>Key</strong>s506........................................Upper <strong>Key</strong>s508................................ Lots Lower <strong>Key</strong>s510............................... Lots Middle <strong>Key</strong>s512................................ Lots Upper <strong>Key</strong>sHomes For Sale513........................................Timeshares514..........................Condos Lower <strong>Key</strong>s516.........................Condos Middle <strong>Key</strong>s518..........................Condos Upper <strong>Key</strong>s520...........................Homes Lower <strong>Key</strong>s522..........................Homes Middle <strong>Key</strong>s524...........................Homes Upper <strong>Key</strong>sCommercial526......................Business Opportunity528...............................Business Wanted530.......................................Investments532................................Income Property534.......................Commercial PropertyO<strong>the</strong>r Real Estate536...............Lots & Acreage Lower <strong>Key</strong>s538.............Lots & Acreage Middle <strong>Key</strong>s540...............Lots & Acreage Upper <strong>Key</strong>s542...............................Realty Elsewhere544...................................Realty Wanted600 AUTOS/TRANSPORTATION900LEGALSAutos/Trucks610................................................Trucks615..................................Auto Financing620....................................Autos For Sale622.....................................SUVs For Sale625.....................................Classic Autos630....................................Autos Wanted640..........................................Auto Parts645.............................Heavy EquipmentRecreation650.............................................Scooters652.......................................Motorcycles654....................................Travel Trailers656............................................Campers658...........................RVs/Motor Homes660....................................Marine Needs661....................................Marine Parts662.......................................Powerboats664............................................Sailboats665.......................................Houseboats667.........................................Misc. Boats669.............................Dockage/Storage670.............................................Aviation220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS010 Public NoticeNOTICE TOADVERTISERSIn case of errors,please check your ad<strong>the</strong> first day it appears.In <strong>the</strong> event of an error,we are responsible for<strong>the</strong> first incorrect insertionof an ad. The <strong>Citizen</strong>does not assumeresponsibility for anyreason beyond <strong>the</strong> costof <strong>the</strong> ad itself.CANCELLATIONSAll word ad rates areplacement fees andnon-refundable (for frequencydays canceled).Ads may be removedfrom publication withplacement fee remaining.CHANGESOnce an ad has beenplaced only acceptableminor changes can bemade to <strong>the</strong> ad.040 Personals55 YEAR OLDWHITE MALE6’2” 190 pounds seeksfemale companion. 45 to60. Ramrod area.395-8058.060 Pets FoundLARGE SOUTHAMERICAN TEGULIZARD FOUNDBeautiful gray stripes,and monitor type tongue.The <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> SPCApickup, so he is safe.305-304-5964.220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYSAccepting ApplicationsCOURTYARD BYMARRIOTTWATERFRONTFor The FollowingPositions:*Housekeeping*Maintenance*Front Desk*Food & BeverageSmoke free workplace.Must speak EnglishExperience preferred.Flexible hours preferred.Benefits after 60 daysPlease Apply in person3031 N. RooseveltBlvd. EOE. Drug freeWorkplaceAccepting applicationsfor Teaching PositionSunbeam ChristianSchool in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.Experience preferred.305-294-6018.Become part of ouroutstanding teamThe <strong>Citizen</strong> is seeking areliable & motivatedpermanent resident ofBig Pine <strong>Key</strong> to join ourstellar team ofHome Delivery Carriers.The perfect candidatewould need to dedicate acouple of hours eachnight delivering ourpublications to <strong>the</strong>irfriends & neighborsbetween <strong>the</strong> hours of1am & 6am. We willprovide all <strong>the</strong> tools tonot only succeed but toalso grow. In return, <strong>the</strong>ymust provide reliabletransportation, vehicleliability insurance, a validlicense & <strong>the</strong> willingnessto provide consistent,timely & accuratedelivery 7 days a weekrain or shine.The delivery areaconsists of approximately30 driving miles & takesabout 1.5 - 2 hours tocomplete anytimebefore 6:00amThere is tremendousgrowth opportunityavailable with minimalincrease in time & little tono increase in mileage.The only limit is <strong>the</strong>population of <strong>the</strong> deliveryarea & <strong>the</strong> motivation of<strong>the</strong> candidate.Call, Click or Come by.Jason Gainey305-292-7777 ext 257jgainey@keysnews.com3420 Northside Drive,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Fl 33040$1,000 FAST STARTBONUSAdam Scott RoteGalleries is looking tohire 3 professional SalesPeople. Please call <strong>the</strong>Gallery at 305-735-4014ATTENTION SALESREPRESENTATIVESGREAT EARNINGPOTENTIAL with OldTown Trolley Tours of<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. Full timepositions available forpositive and dependablepeople to sell our OldTown Trolley Tourtickets. Must like outdoorwork and have a flexibleschedule. We offer goodhourly wages pluscommissions and abenefits package.Previous applicants neednot apply. Apply orApply in person at 122Simonton St., <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,FL EOE & Drug Free.Bilingual ProbationCounselorFull-time/Part-time forCriminal Justice Agencyin <strong>the</strong> Lower <strong>Key</strong>s.Good starting salary.Bachelors degreepreferred. Please fax oremail resume to(305) 378-8123 orhr@courtoptions.orgBoy’s and Girl’s ClubWe needFull-Time and Part-timeSummer ActivityCoordinators in<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. Previousapplicants need notapply. Please call(305)296-2258 for moreinformationCABINET SHOPLooking for fullyexperienced CabinetMaker. Good long termposition with benefits.Must be clean & sober.Call Steve 305-747-0020Come join a GreatTeam Old Town TrolleyTours of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Is hiring Conductors. Doyou like to entertainpeople with historicstories while drivingthrough picturesque <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>? We will pay youwhile training and pay$13.00 per hour plus tipswhen certified. Full-timework. Full benefitpackage available. Applyat www.historictours.comor 122 Simonton Street,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Fl. EOE &Drug Free Workplace.Previous applicants neednot apply.HOUSEKEEPERSHOUSEMENGREAT PAY, INCENTIVES, BENEFITS, PAID VACATIONPlease apply in person at28500 Overseas Highway, Little Torch <strong>Key</strong>362098Alonzo’s Oyster BarIs looking for anexperienced, reliableKitchen Manager who iscomfortable with highvolume food service.Ideal candidate will haveverifiable references and2+ years in a leadkitchen/line role. GoodPay. Please apply inperson at 700 Front St.Ask for Chef James.CONCH TOUR TRAINis now looking forpositive and dependablepeople to sell ConchTour Train tickets. MUSTHAVE A CLEANDRIVING RECORD. Weoffer a 401-K Plan,medical/dental/lifeinsurance, paid vacationand sales incentives.Apply online orin person at 1805 StaplesAve., Suite #101 Mondaythrough Friday between<strong>the</strong> hours of 9:00 a.m.and 3:30 p.m.E.O.E. and Drug FreeWorkplaceDiamonds Internationalis now acceptingapplications for a FullTime Sales position.Base salary pluscommission. Retailexperience preferred.Training will be provided.Please fax resume to:305-293-8795.DRN MOVINGNow hiring Movers .Heavy liftingrequired. Must be hardworking & honest with agreat attitude. Apply inperson at DRN Moving/Big Pine Storage30677 Overseas Hwy,Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>.ESTABLISHEDPAINTINGCONTRACTORLooking for experiencedpainters, must havetransportation and validdrivers license. Must bereliable and honest. Paybased on experience.Call Dave 305-766-3434.FAT TUESDAYis looking for waitressesand bartenders who haveexperience working in ahigh volume bar/restaurantatmosphere. Theideal candidate will beable to work days ornights or combination ofboth, as well as possessa strong ability to sell.You must also believe inour "Guest Service"mentality. We areaccepting applications at305 Duval Street. Nophone calls please.Front Desk andMaintenance ManagerApply in person in <strong>the</strong>lobby during businesshours. Fairfield Inn &Suites, 2400 N.Roosevelt Blvd. EOEFRONT DESK - HOTELFulltime position.Computer & Front deskexperience required.No smoking. Hourlypay & commissions.Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Cross HotelApply in person 10 am -8 pm at 417 Eaton St.Full TimeEntertainment andProductionSupervisor (<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>)Assist in developmentof Storytellersat <strong>the</strong> ShipwreckTreasure Museumand Ghosts &Gravestones TrolleyTour.Assist indevelopment of museumdisplaysExperiencedentertainmentactors/managersFull time, $13.00per hourBenefits availableTwo weeks paid vacationplease apply online:www.historictours.comLocal ApplicantsOnly PleaseEOE/DFWHotel Management &SupervisoryPositions AvailableAll DeptsMust be self motivatedwith attentionto detail to lead yourdepartment andbe part of our team.Organization,dependability,multi-tasker and positiveattitude are all requiredattributes.Excellent customerservice & satisfactionmust be No. 1 priority foryourself and your dept.Must speak, write, andunderstand English.EOE, Drug & SmokeFree workplacePay commensurate wi<strong>the</strong>xperienceHealth Benefits availableafter introductory periodPlease send resume tobox 167, c/o The <strong>Citizen</strong>PO Box 1800 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,FL 33041.HOUSEKEEPERSSou<strong>the</strong>rnmost HotelCollection hasAssistant HousekeepingSupervisors &Housekeeping positionsopen. Please apply at1319 Duval St.Sous ChefSunset Pier Wait StaffGreat pay and benefits.KW’s friendliest staff and working environment.Apply in person at Zero Duval.355420A CAPTAIN OR MATEWANTEDWill Train. Call11am-5pm.305-296-0600MaintenanceFULL TIME POSITIONavailable at Old TownTrolley of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.Applicants must bereliable and mechanicallyinclined, and have a validdriver's license. Positionwill include generalcleaning andmaintenance. Applyonline orin person at 122Simonton St, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.EOE & Drug FreeWorkplace.Making a Differencewith Children & ChildCare ProgramsExperienced VPKTeacher for August2013 school yearInez MartinHS Degree/GEDFCCPC with VPKEndorsement requiredBilingual a plusApply today at 1304Truman Ave. or emailResume toHR@wesleyhouse.orgDrug Free Workplaceand EEOC EmployerPOSITIONSAVAILABLEat*WESTIN KEY WEST**SUNSET KEY**WEATHER STATION**AND BANANA BAY*<strong>West</strong>in*Reservations Manager*Barback*Sous Chef*PBX Operator*Room Attendant*Guest Service Agent*Maintenance Staff*PainterSunset <strong>Key</strong>*Guest Services*Restaurant Host*Room Attendant+ Previous applicantsneed not apply again.+ Application hours arefrom 9am to 3:30pm.+Can also apply on-lineto:hr@westinkeywestresort.comDrug Free Work Place -An Equal OpportunityEmployerApply in Person245 Front Street,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040Tel: 305-294-4000Fax: 305-292-4348has <strong>the</strong> following exceptional opportunity:Personal Banker - Marathon BranchPlease view complete job description andapply on-line Opportunity Employer M/F/D/VPART-TIME COOLERAND FREEZERGFS MARKETPLACEGFS Marketplace iscurrently seekingpart-time SalesAssociates for <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> location. Flexibleschedule . To apply,please visit our websiteat: Searchfor "Retail SalesAssociate-<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL".Cooler & Freezerpositions will be daytime& weekend.GFS Marketplace, anequal opportunityemployer, is proud to bea drug-free workplacethat drug tests allemployees.PROGRAMMER /DEVELOPERMel Fisher’s TreasuresThis full time position isresponsible forconfiguring, developingand maintaining existingintranet and internetweb-based applications.Must be proficient in SQLas well as,classic ASP andJavaScript. Benefitsinclude health insurance,401(K), holidays,vacation and a friendly,positive workenvironment. Pleasesubmit resume to:grandolph@melfisher.comREMINGTON LODGINGAND HOSPITALITYIs now hiring for <strong>the</strong>following positions:* Sales Manager* Kitchen Manager* Front Desk Agent* Lobby Ambassador* Night time Restaurant/Bar Supervisor* Restaurant Attendant* Banquet Captain* Baristas* Catering SalesCoordinator* Bell Captain* Bellman* Lead Line Cook* Station CookPlease pick up anapplication at any of ourproperties and leave at<strong>the</strong> front desk along withyour resume.Crowne Plaza La Concha430 Duval St.The Inn at <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>3420 N. Roosevelt Blvd.Sou<strong>the</strong>rnmost House1400 Duval St.No phone calls please.378374

6BANSWER GRID FOR 5/10/2013 CROSSWORDACROSS1 Expert4 Arrange8 Wander12 SingerOrbison13 Cattle callreward14 BBs15 Downpours17 Save acoupon18 Jacket part19 Pith helmetsKEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED21 Fishhookpart23Dressmaker’scut24 Tibet’s --Lama27 Shower29 Be billed30 Bound32 Cheerless36 Messy one38 Baker’s need40 Baseballstat41 Pointedarch43 Aquaticmammal45 -- Torino47 Rookiesocialites49 Water lily51 Camels’ kin55 Made a rug56Commanding58 At any time59 Falsehoods60 Portablebed61 Mack andKoppel62 Kind ofboard63 AnnapolisgradDOWN1 Craft<strong>spa</strong>rtner2 Aloof3 Rochester’sJane4 Triumph5 Standoffishone6 PCkey7 Snug retreat8 Hoarse9 -- vincitamor10 Faulty11 Cleaningimplement16 -- Mc<strong>Entire</strong>20 Osaka sash22 Facedcourageously24 John --Passos25 Pointed tool26 Sign beforeVirgo28 Fosseyfriend31 Want adletters33 Tell on34 -- had it!35 Ball clubVIP37 Stiff strawhats39 Mosthonorable42 Wildebeest44 Russiandespot45 Mitten kin46 Traveled farand wide48 Senior50 Auctioneer’scry52 “Of -- andMen”53 Well knownauth.54 Bilko andPreston55 Freshlypainted57 EstuaryTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013HAPPY TWEEN IS TROUBLED BYFEELINGS OF DEPRESSIONDEAR ABBY: I am a 12-year-oldgirl who is happy, healthy and doinggreat in school. But lately I have feltsad, lonely and just plain frustrated.I used to talk to my parents aboutit, but I don’t feel comfortable doingit anymore, and my friendsdon’t like listening to me.I have tried hard to pushback <strong>the</strong>se feelings, but itis putting a strain on me.Sometimes I break downcrying and can’t stop. Mostpeople think it’s just my age,but it’s not. It’s more than that.I want to talk to a psychologist,but I’m scared to ask for one.What do you think? -- SOMIXED UPDEAR SO MIXED UP: Admittingyou need professional help with aproblem isn’t something to be scaredof. It is a sign of maturity. Yourmood swings may be caused by <strong>the</strong>hormonal changes going on in yourbody as you are becoming a woman.However, because <strong>the</strong>y are of concernto you, it is important that you letyour parents and your pediatrician ora counselor at school know how youare feeling. It’s <strong>the</strong> surest way to get<strong>the</strong> reassurance and, if necessary, <strong>the</strong>counseling you think you need.DEAR ABBY: My 6-year-olddaughter wants a dog more thananything in <strong>the</strong> world. She mentionsit at least once a day.She’s a great kid, well-behavedand doing well in school, so I hate todisappoint her. But I have absolutelyno interest in taking on <strong>the</strong> addedresponsibility of a pet like that.My wife and I work long hours andour home is unoccupied for most of<strong>the</strong> day. It would have to be adjustedto be pet-friendly. I have nothingagainst pets, but I could never beconsidered an animal lover. Wecurrently have two goldfish, but I cansee that <strong>the</strong> time those guys boughtme is quickly running out.I want my daughter to be happyand rewarded for what a greatkid she is. I DON’T want a dog.What do I do? -- BAD DADDYOUT WESTDEAR DADDY: I would havesuggested that you considerallowing your daughter toadopt a hamster or guineapig, but <strong>the</strong>y require a certainamount of care. A child hasto be responsible enough tofeed, water and clean <strong>the</strong> cagedaily, and at 6, your daughter is notmature enough. Tell her that whenshe is older you will consider lettingher have a pet. Cats require muchless care than dogs do. Perhaps acompromise could be worked out ata later date.DEAR ABBY: I am 75, and when Ipass on I would like <strong>the</strong> undertakerto remove my six gold caps from myteeth. Then my wife can sell <strong>the</strong>m topay for my funeral. I think this willwork out well. What is your take onthis? -- ED IN FLORIDADEAR ED: As I started researching“dental gold,” I realized that while<strong>the</strong>re are companies that buy it, <strong>the</strong>price your wife would get will dependupon <strong>the</strong> weight of <strong>the</strong> gold -- most ofwhich is 16-karat -- and <strong>the</strong> currentmarket value of <strong>the</strong> metal.Because of <strong>the</strong> nosedive that goldhas experienced lately, I’m advisingyou to start saving up for your funeralNOW and to live long and prosper.My experts have informed me thatmost funeral homes are unwilling toremove fillings, caps, etc.220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS220 HELP WANTEDLOWER KEYS417 UNFURN.CONDOSLOWER KEYS440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYS440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYS440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSSALES/ADMINISTRATIVEPOSITIONFull time positionavailable for a sales andadministrative positionassociated with tourismdestination sales andpromotions. Experiencewith Microsoft Word,Excel, Windows andPowerPoint necessary aswell as excellent writtenand communicationskills. Ability tocoordinate and set up fortravel trade shows.Some travel required.No phone calls please.Send qualified resumesto: TDC SalesDepartment, 1201 WhiteStreet, Suite 102 <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>, FL 33040. EOE.SCUBA INSTRUCTORSMay 22 -August 31.Salary plus roomand boardinfo@seacamp.orgSEARS NOW HIRINGLooking to Join <strong>the</strong>World’s GreatestIntegrated Retailer thatDelivers a WOW MemberExperience?Are you a self motivatorwith great customerservice skills?Full time and Part timePositions are available!Management, Sales,Sales Commissions,Cashiers, Merchandisers,Auto Sales, and AutoMechanics.Please Apply online stop by <strong>the</strong> HumanResources Office duringbusiness hours. Sears isan EEO/AA Employer.Security Guard Needed.Part-time, full-time,night time hours. $10/hr.Please call305-294 3555 or305-797-2791SECURITY OFFICERSImmediate positionsavailable starting at$10.50. Florida Class Dsecurity license requiredor ability to obtain one.Must possess excellentpublic relations andcommunication skills.Prior applicants need notapply. Call 305-296-0556Agency No. B-9700003.SECURITY STAFFMEMBERSSloppy Joe’s is currentlyseeking qualifiedcandidates for PM Shifts.MUST have priorsecurity, military, ormartial arts exp. Ifinterested, contactMarian Kershenbaum on305-296-2388, x123 ormarian@sloppyjoes.comEOESEVERAL POSITIONSFOR OFFICE NEEDEDExtensive computerexperience. WarehousePerson for delivery andwarehouse work. Applyin person 909 SimontonSt. 294-2483.Smoking Tuna Saloonis looking for experiencedservers. Microsknowledge helpful. Mustbe able to work a flexibleschedule. Apply inperson at 4 Charles St.Tue - Sat after 6pm.FORM CARPENTERMust have a vehicle andhand tools.305-797-5323SOUS CHEFA hotel currently seekinga high-energy qualifiedSous Chef. Candidatesmust be organized,focused, creative, andhave a true passion forhigh quality food.Supervision experience,budgeting and costcontrol knowledge isa must. Purchasing,preparation, training, anddevelopment duties willbe included. Experiencein a high-volumerestaurant a plus. Workfor a career-orientedgrowing company wi<strong>the</strong>xcellent benefits andsalary.Please reply to box 179,c/o The <strong>Citizen</strong> PO Box1800 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> FL33041.STUDENT ACCOUNTREPRESENTATIVE(SAR) is a part-timeposition thatprovides a customerservice role andprocesses studentaccount activity atFlorida <strong>Key</strong>s CommunityCollege. For moreinformation,; Allmaterials to be submittedelectronically to:lexy.perdomo@fkcc.eduEOE M/F/D/VThe <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong>Customer Service Rep -FT CirculationThe <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong>is looking for a full timeCirculation CustomerService Representative.You must be able to workMonday through Fridayfrom 7am – 3pm. Thisposition has extensivesubscriber contact and<strong>the</strong> ideal candidate willpossess <strong>the</strong> followingskills:*Excellent customerservice skills*Ability to maintaincomposure during timesof peak callvolume/stress*Ability to navigatestandard Microsoft andMacintosh computersystems*General clerical/administrative skills*Friendly demeanor*Ability to communicateeffectively*Remain organized withattention to detail*Ability to meetdeadlines.*Must speak/read/writefluent English*Spanish bilingual ispreferred but notnecessaryApply today to join ourfast-paced Circulationteam!Apply in person at 3420Northside Dr, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,FL 33040or email your resume totparks@keysnews.comor mail to PO Box 1800,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33041EOEFULL-TIMEMAINTENANCE ANDGROUNDSKEEPERNeeded at Old Town Inn.40 plus hours per week.Competitive wage basedon experience. Applicantmust be self motivatedreliable and have ageneral knowledge ofcarpentry, plumbing, poolcare, maintenance/ repairof small appliances andAC units. Referencesrequired. Apply inperson 419 Amelia St.Previous applicants neednot apply.VEHICLE BODYRESTORATIONConch Tour Train isseeking a qualifiedindividual for this full-timeposition. Must beexperienced in bodyrepair, restoration andwelding. Benefit<strong>spa</strong>ckage is available forall full-time positions,including 401(k), Medical,Dental, Life and twoweeks vacation. orat <strong>the</strong> Conch Tour Train1805 Staples Ave. Suite#101 Monday throughFriday 9:00 a.m. - 3:30p.m. Drug Free Workplaceand E.O.E.WYLAND GALLERYAt 102 Duval St.Is looking for 2 SalesPeople that want tomake $$$ now!!We offer:*Insurance Plan*401k*$500 sign on bonus*Paid vacation*Spiffs*Commission upto 15%* Great workenvironment*Tremendous TrafficCall Andy 305-294-5240402 Roommates3 BDRM/2BTHClean with new furniture.Fully furnished. forpictures and information.Rent includes utilities.$900:standard bedroom& $950: masterbedroomw/ private bath.References required.404 ROOMSLOWER KEYSClean Old Town Room$275 to $350 /week1 week deposit 4 weekminimum Own entrance,own bath, double orsingle bed, a/c, cableTV, W/D, WIFI. Securitycamera. No drugs,alcohol. Sorry no pets.305-395-8731FURNISHED ROOMSingle professional,non- smoker, no pets,balcony, large bath/dressing area, parking,shared kitchen, W/D,$900/mo. 305-296-4087417 UNFURN.CONDOSLOWER KEYS* LA BRISA *4th Floor, King Size 2/2Water viewTiled, W/D, new kitchen,covered balcony &carport, pool, beach,Jacuzzi, tennis, bbq.Call now. 305-296-77063/2 LAS SALINAS1250 s.f., all S/Sappliances, new W/D,built -in closets/pantry, alltile floors, a/c, new paint,2 car garage.Non smoking. Pet withrestrictions. AvailableJune 15th. $2.200/mo. +utilities, F/ $1,500 Sec.305-294-3339 or305-432-6867422 FURNISHED APTS.LOWER KEYS1 BR EFFICIENCY2 TV’s, fans, Internet,queen bed, 1 year lease.$1,200 month, F/S305-295-90001 BEDROOM, 1 BATHQuiet area on canal.$1,200 month plusutilities. Non-smoker.305-295-7805.428 UNFURNISHEDAPTS. LOWER KEYS2/1 GROUND FLOORGreat location. $1,800month, F/S. Call FrankPreferred Properties KW,305-294-3040,305-304-5253.MID DUVAL STREETSpectacular recentlyrenovated 2/1, largeliving room, eat-inkitchen, balcony.Overlooking Duval,parking. $2,500/mo.305-904-2261 Frank<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> VacationProperties & Realty305-296-6667305-797-4130Now Available for Rent2 Bedroom 1 BathroomBig CoppittUnfurnished on Canal16 Aquamarine$1,400.00 per month1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom903 Ca<strong>the</strong>rine StUnfurnished$1,200.00 per month1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom604 Truman AveFurnished/2-Story/ osp$1,400.00 per monthCHARMING OLD TOWNGround floor, W/D,hook-up, private reardeck, great location.Asking $1390/mo. pluselectric. No dogs.Contact Everett Watkins,Preferred Properties.305-304-4269814 WHITEHEAD ST500 sf studio, renovated,A/C, ceiling fans, no pets.$1200/mo. Incl garbageF/L/S. AvailableMay 1st. Credit check.1-317- 997-6493440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSAT HOME IN KEYWEST888-337-9029Pictures and moreproperties atwww.athomekeywest.comOLD TOWNCharming, updated1/1 house w/ AC,washer/dryer, patio;pets considered;Available June;$1500/mo + utilitiesMID-TOWN2/2 Single family homew/ mo<strong>the</strong>r-in-law cottage,Covered patio, pool,OSP, central AC.Pets considered.Available NOW.$3,500/mo plus utilities& poolNEW TOWNSpacious 3/3 townhomew/ covered parking,central AC, washer/dryer.Pets considered.Available mid-July.$2400/mo plus all utilitiesKEY WEST GOLF CLUB3/2.5 single family homew/ wrap-around porchand screened deck;central AC, washer/dryer.Available mid-June.Pets considered.$2500/mo plus all utils.- - - - -New Residents Arriving Daily!Make sure <strong>the</strong>y know your business.Advertise in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Citizen</strong> for just over $2.60 per day.MAY 8 – 14, 2013Service DirectoryAUTOSAll Autos All YearsJunk or Used Cars,Vans & TrucksRunning or NotCash!381531305-332-0483CARPET & TILECLEANINGRUG BUSTERSCarpet, Upholstery, Tile,Grout & Cleaning24 Hour Flood Emergency355171305-296-4592CLEANING SERVICESClean Queenhas a brand new number andis ready to earn your business.Please call now:305-906-1866Lic. #20885No matter how big or smallyour castle is, we’ll make youfeel like royalty.STOCK ISLAND3/3 Coral HammockTownhome w/ central ACwasher, dryer, coveredparking, pets considered;Available June.$2400/mo + utilities.BIG COPPITTRoomy, 3/2 home oncanal w/ openwater view; Features:boat ramp, fenced yard,one-car garage, w/d,central air.Pets considered;Available Mid-June.$2400/mo plus utilitiesSee pictures & moreproperties @www.athomekeywest.comAT HOME IN KEYWEST888-337-9029382549COMPUTERSERVICES• Web Site Design• Internet Advertising• Search Engine Marketing• Google Certified Partner305-292-1880GENERATORS355175<strong>Key</strong>s PowerSales ServiceDiesel & L.P.292-9277HANDYMANMARINE355588HANDYMANAll home repairs30 years experienceExcellent local refs904-392-1516Authorized DieselSales & Service, Installation305-292-2300356072MARINE DIESELof <strong>the</strong> FLORIDA KEYS INC.2BR/2BA BIG COPPITTVery nice home, W/D.$2,000/mo includeselectric & water. Smallpet. Call 305-896-1643NEW TOWNSingle, 120316th Terrace, <strong>spa</strong>cious,newly remodel 3BR/2BAsingle with built in pool.$2,750 plus utilities.Call 215-431-4931.AMAZINGSUGARLOAFCANAL FRONT3/2 +office, high ceilings,W/D, D/W, large deck,seawall, davits, beach,diving board, plently ofcovered parking. Fencedyard. Pets OK. Avail now.$2,000 F/L/S 295-7070355169CALL 292-7777 X3PRINTING- - - - -Kenneth WellsSP 1259PAINTING &DECORATING4 GenerationsPainting • Faux Finishes(305) 296-6985Commercial Printingon Quality NewsprintTabloids • BookletsNewletters • Info GuidesRandy EricksonCooke Communicationsrerickson@keysnews.com305-292-7777 Ext. 203ROOFINGTony’sRoofing & Sheet MetalRC0064676440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSSingle Family Home3BR/2BA New Town$2,100/mo., large deck,gardener & pest control,FL room, washer/dryer.Call Becky 305-296-6667or 305-797-4130All real estate advertisingin thisnew<strong>spa</strong>per issubject to <strong>the</strong> FederalFair Housing Act of 1968which makes it illegal to advertise“any preference, limitationor discrimination basedon race, color, religion, sex ornational origin, or an intentionto make any such preferencelimitation or discrimination.”This new<strong>spa</strong>per will not knowinglyaccept any advertisingfor real estate which is in violationor <strong>the</strong> law. Our readersare hereby informed that alldwellings advertised in thisnew<strong>spa</strong>per are available on anequal opportunity basis.359003RS0016738Established 1953Monroe County’s OldestResidential & Commercial296-5932355173355174355172

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED7B440 UNFURN. HOUSESLOWER KEYSBEAUTIFULLYUPDATEDRiviera canal front housefor rent. 3/2.5 swimmingpool, seawall, secludedand private $3200/monthOne year lease F/L/Sdeposit required. Petsconsidered. Call305-923-6431 to set upan appointment.COMPASS REALTY305-292-1480Unfurnished HomesREDUCED <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Golf Club Spa home.2b/2.5b, small pool.Available June. Call formore information.Furnished Homes:Several furnished unitsavailable for spring andsummer.Call for more informationCall Compass Realtyfor an appt. 292-1480 or888-884-7368www.compass-realty.com452 VACATION RENTALSLOWER KEYSSUMMER RENTALS1 to 5 Bedrooms,1 to 6 months.$1,800--$5,000/mthCall Historic Hideaways:305.294.RENTSee all properties/pricesonline @www.HistoricHideaways.com462 Office SpaceBUSINESS CENTER$650- $750/moIncludes all utilities305-296-4087keywestbc@aol.comBUSINESS IDENTITY$170/mo.464 StorageSTORAGEIndustrial WarehousesSizes vary.Storage ContainersOn our site or yours.Call (305)294-0277520 HOMESLOWER KEYS$99,900 NICEEFFICIENCY CONDOAt Santa Clara in NewTown. Call Dave864-940-0882.CALL FOR BIDSCALL FOR BIDSTHE UTILITY BOARD OF THECITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA,herein after called Utility Board,operator of <strong>Key</strong>s Energy Services(KEYS), hereby gives notice toprospective bidders that sealedproposals will be received by saidUTILITY BOARD, at <strong>the</strong>Purchasing Department, 6900Front Street Extended, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,Florida 33040, until 1:30 P.m. onJuly 12, 2013 for:KEYS BID #06-13SPECIFICATIONS FORBANKING SERVICESThe Utility Board has instituted<strong>the</strong> system toprovide current information topotential bidders. This systemallows you to receive bidinformation quickly and at yourconvenience 24 hours a day,seven days a week.Specificationsmay be obtained from <strong>the</strong>irwebsite at( website or phone:(954) 577-3915. Registeredvendors will be notified automaticallyof all Requests forProposals.You may also visit(<strong>Key</strong> for links anddownloads to <strong>the</strong> DemandStarwebsite.MAY 11 & JUNE 8, 2013NOTICE OF FORECLOSUREIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OFFLORIDA, IN AND FORMONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA -CIVIL DIVISIONCase No.:44-2009-CA-000326A001-PKDEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUST COMPANY, ASTRUSTEE FOR FFMLT TRUST2006-FF13, MORTGAGEPASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES, SERIES2006-FF13,Plaintiff,vs.NICHOLAS A. LEE A/K/ANICHOLAS LEE; UNKNOWNSPOUSE OF NICHOLAS A. LEEA/K/A NICHOLAS LEE;UNKNOWN TENANT(S); INPOSSESSION OF THESUBJECTPROPERTY,Defendants.RE-NOTICE OFFORECLOSURESALENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to an Order ResettingForeclosure Sale dated <strong>the</strong> 26thday of April, 2013 and entered inCase No.44-2009-CA-000326A001-PK, of<strong>the</strong> Circuit Court of <strong>the</strong> 16TH520 HOMESLOWER KEYSNEW HOME<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. 3BR/2BA1,500 sq.ft. Open waterviews, custom kitchenwith granite counter tops.Tile throughout, 10’x30’screened rear porch,gated community, metalroof, impact windows anddoors, low insurancerates. Optional fishingpier (T-Dock). Fullyfenced and landscaped.Call 305-522-2133for details.FOR SALE BY OWNER2BR/1BA, totally rebuiltConch house. 907Ca<strong>the</strong>rine St. $375,000.305-797-6963.RESIDENTIALFOR SALESearch All <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> andFL <strong>Key</strong>s Residential REFor Sale at:www.<strong>Key</strong>sRealEstate.comKW Waterfront Home3BD/3.5BA, Furnished,pool, open water views.Gated community.Just listed. Showingsstart Monday.Shark <strong>Key</strong> Iconic Home1 Tiburon Circle.Just renovated,1 acre w/water on 3 sidesBig Pine <strong>Key</strong>2-Acre EstateExcellent boating andviews, 4 davits,3BD/3BA w/ pool.Canal Front Home inBig CoppittBuilt in 2006, BankOwned. 3BD/2BAOpen water views downcanalContact B. Will Langley305-394-9020,Prudential Knight &Gardner Realty.President's Award in2012.Named in <strong>the</strong> top 50realtors under 30 by <strong>the</strong>National Association ofRealtors!Now Accepting NewListings. Call for aconfidential meeting.526 BUSINESSOPPORTUNITYKEY ACCENTSPremier Furniture &Accessories Business.Open 7 profitable years.Competitive Lease.305-293-8555NOTICE OF FORECLOSUREJudicial Circuit in and for MonroeCounty, Florida, whereinDEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUST COMPANY, ASTRUSTEE FOR FFMLT TRUST2006-FF13, MORTGAGEPASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES, SERIES2006-FF13 is <strong>the</strong> Plaintiff andNICHOLAS A. LEE A/K/ANICHOLAS LEE, UNKNOWNSPOUSE OF NICHOLAS A. LEEA/K/A NICHOLAS LEE andUNKNOWN TENANT(S) INPOSSESSION OF THESUBJECTPROPERTY are defendants. TheClerk of this Court shall sell to <strong>the</strong>highest and best bidder for cashat<strong>the</strong> KEY WEST COURTHOUSE(ALL SALES), 500 WHITEHEADSTREET, KEY WEST, FL 33040,11:00 AM on <strong>the</strong> 12th day ofJune, 2013 <strong>the</strong> followingdescribed property as set forth insaid Final Judgment, to wit:LOT 18, BLOCK 9, PLANTATIONBEACH, ACCORDING TO THEPLAT THEREOF ASRECORDEDIN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 76 OFTHE PUBLIC RECORDS OFMONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA.Any person claiming an interest in<strong>the</strong> surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any,o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> property owner asof <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> lis pendensmustfile a claim within 60 days after<strong>the</strong>sale.Dated this 2nd day of May, 2013Amy Heavilin, CPAClerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit CourtBy: Jennifer SettoonDeputy ClerkChoice Legal Group, P.A.1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309Telephone (954) 453-0365Facsimile: (954) 771-6052DESIGNATED PRIMARY E-MAILFOR SERVICE PURSUANT TOFLA. R. JUD. ADMIN 2.516eservice@clegalgroup.com09-06807May 11 & 18, 2013IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OFFLORIDA, IN AND FOR MON-ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA -CIVIL DIVISIONCase No.:44-2009-CA-000137A001-MRJPMORGAN CHASE BANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATION,Plaintiff,vs.534 COMMERCIALPROPERTYCommercial For SaleSearch All <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> andFL <strong>Key</strong>s Commercial REand Businesses For Saleat www.<strong>Key</strong>sRealEstate.com631 Whitehead St.Across <strong>the</strong> street fromCentennial Bank, 4,020SF building w/ 2bd-2baupstairs condo and officedown. Large parking lot1/2 block from Duval St.Medical/Office/RetailUseNext door to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Surgery Center 1250 SFAvailable now.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> KiteCompanyMotivated Seller.408 Greene St.Old Town Restaurant150 seats with full SRXliquor, Profitable.Real Estate included<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> ShoppingCentersSpace Available in AllMajor Shopping Centersfrom 800 SF - 3,000 SFWaterfront Restaurant& MarinaFor Sale inSummerland <strong>Key</strong>US-1 Frontage LOTBig Coppit- Ready tobuild, preliminary <strong>plan</strong>sfor 2,400 SF Building.Major Price ReductionRamrod <strong>Key</strong>Convenience StoreCommercial Kitchen,Patio. 1/2 Acre on US-1.Mile Marker 27Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>Mix-Use PropertyOffice and 2 apartments.Large swimming pool.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> OutdoorRestaurantLocated on Flagler Ave.Take over lease andpurchase equipment.Contact Claude J.Gardner, Jr.305-766-3133Prudential Knight &Gardner Realty# 1 in KEY WESTcommercial sales andlease volume in 2012and for <strong>the</strong> last10 years combined.EDMUND JAMES A/K/AEDMUND CHRISTOPHERJAMES A/K/A EDMUND C.JAMES A/K/A E. CHRISTOPHERJAMES; J & M SCAFFOLDS OFFLORIDA, INC.; JPMORGANCHASE BANK, NATIONALASSOCIATION F/K/A620 Autos For SaleNILES SALES ANDSERVICE305-294-1003Ask for Mr. Clean*This Week’s Specials*www.nilesgm.com2012 Moped ScooterSany Fiddle II. Lowmiles, like new305-294-1003$`1,988 SAVE2003 Honda Civic 4DrExcellent cond. Superclean, very sporty, auto,a/c, power windows.305-294-1003$5,488 SAVE2003 Chevrolet TahoeSUV, Excellent condition,very sporty, full power305-294-1003$9,988 SAVE2006 Ford E250Cargo VanV8, auto, full set of rackbins, color white,low miles.305-294-1003$9,989 SAVE2006 Mazda 6SedanZoom-zoom its a Mazda,sporty good looking andsave on fuel cost.305-294-1003$9,998 SAVE2008 Nissan Sentra4 door, auto, low miles,fuel saver, a/c,power windows & locks.Very clean.305-294-1003$10,887 SAVE2010 Nissan Cube4 cylinder fuel saver.Automatic, powerwindows and locks.305-294-1003$10,999 SAVE2007 VW JettaSedanAuto, A/C, power windowslocks, very sporty.305-294-1003$11,998 SAVE2006 Toyota RAV4Low miles, automatic,a/c, power windows &locks. Very clean.305-294-1003$13,887 SAVE2006 Nissan XterraAuto, a/c, power windows& locks, alloy wheels.LEGAL NOTICESNOTICE OF FORECLOSUREWASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK,FA; SUPERIOR ELECTRIC OFTHE FLORIDA KEYS INC;UNKNOWN TENANT(S) INPOSSESSION OF THESUBJECTPROPERTY,Defendants.NOTICE OF FORECLOSURESALENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to an Final Judgment ofForeclosure dated <strong>the</strong> 9th day ofApril, 2013 and entered in CaseNo. 44-2009-CA-000137A001-MR,of <strong>the</strong> Circuit Court of <strong>the</strong> 16THJudicial Circuit in and for MonroeCounty, Florida, wherein JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, is <strong>the</strong>Plaintiff and EDMUND JAMES, J& M SCAFFOLDS OF FLORIDA,INC., JPMORGAN CHASEBANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATION F/K/AWASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK,FA, SUPERIOR ELECTRIC OFTHE FLORIDA KEYS INC andUNKNOWN TENANT(S) N/K/AJAMES KENDRICK INPOSSESSION OF THESUBJECTPROPERTY are defendants. TheClerk of this Court shall sell to <strong>the</strong>highest and best bidder for cashat<strong>the</strong> KEY WEST COURTHOUSE(ALL SALES), 500 WHITEHEADSTREET, KEY WEST, FL 33040,11:00 AM on <strong>the</strong> 23rd day ofMay, 2013 <strong>the</strong> following describedproperty as set forth in said FinalJudgment, to wit:Doc# 1847863Bk# 2301 Pg# 1095Legal DescriptionTHE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDREAL PROPERTY SITUATE INTHE CITY OF MARATHON,COUNTY OF MONROE, ANDSTATE OF FLORIDA, TO WIT:ALL THAT CERTAIN REALPROPERTY SITUATE IN THECITY OF MARATHON, COUNTYOF MONROE, STATE OFCALIFORNIA DESCRIBED ASFOLLOWS:ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCELOF LAND SITUATE IN MONROECOUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA,BEING KNOWN ANDDESIGNATED AS METES ANDBOUNDS PROPERTY AS MOREFULLY DESCRIBED IN DEEDBOOK 1260 PAGE 2190,RECORDED 6/11/93, MONROECOUNTY RECORDS.TAX ID #: 1120855BY FEE SIMPLE DEED FROMEDMUND JAMES, A SINGLEMAN WHO ACQUIRED TITLEASE. CHRISTOPHER JAMES ASSET FORTH IN DEED BOOK2065, PAGE 919 ANDRECORDED ON 12/9/2004,MONROE COUNTY RECORDS.THE SOURCE DEED ASSTATED ABOVE IS THE LASTRECORD OF VESTING FILEDFOR THIS PROPERTY. THEREHAVE BEEN NO VESTINGCHANGES SINCE THE DATE OFTHE ABOVE REFERENCEDSOURCE.620 Autos For SaleVery sporty.305-294-1003$13,887 SAVE2008 Nissan Maxima SLLea<strong>the</strong>r, sunroof, auto,alloy wheels and much,much more. Pure Luxury305-294-1003$13,887 SAVE2010 Nissan AltimaColor white, 2.5S, auto,A/C, Power window &locks. Fuel Saver.305-294-1003.$13,998 SAVE2010 Ford Fusion SELow miles, fully loaded,pwr windows & locks,automatic. Like new.305-294-1003$13,999 SAVE2009 Toyota Rav 4Small SUV, very sporty,4 cylinder fuel saver,power windows and locks305-294-1003$14,988 SAVE2010 Nissan Sentra SRVery sporty, color silver,automatic, powerwindows & locks,4 cyl fuel saver. Like new305-294-1003$15,988 SAVE2007 Pontiac SolsticeConvertible5 speed trans, a/c,low miles. One owner.Like new.305-294-1003$16,877 SAVE2006 Chevy AvalancheColor gray, excellentcondition & loaded wi<strong>the</strong>quipment.Good looking.305-294-1003$18,888 SAVE2011 Dodge Nitro Heat3.7L, V6, produces 210horsepower & 237pound-feet of torque.Feel <strong>the</strong> Heat305-294-1003$18,977 SAVE2006 Jeep WranglerSportAutomatic, 4 wheel drive,6 cyl, soft top, low miles,very sporty.305-294-1003$16,988 SAVE2007 Lexus ES 350Low miles, color silver,very sporty, runs &looks good. Luxury.305-294-1003NOTICE OF FORECLOSUREAny person claiming an interest in<strong>the</strong> surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any,o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> property owner asof <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> lis pendensmustfile a claim within 60 days after<strong>the</strong>sale.Dated this 17th day of April, 2013Amy HeavilinClerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit CourtBy Tammy MarcialDeputy ClerkChoice Legal Group, P.A.1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309Telephone (954) 453-0365Facsimile: (954) 771-6052DESIGNATED PRIMARY E-MAILFOR SERVICE PURSUANT TOFLA. R. JUD. ADMIN 2.516eservice@clegalgroup.com09-18385May 4 & 11, 2013IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHESIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITOF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, INAND FOR MONROE COUNTYCIVIL DIVISIONCASE NO. 44-2010-CA-000372-MCITIMORTGAGE, INC.,Plaintiff,vs.JUAN D. BONACHEA, JR.;YUSINAY BONACHEA; IFLIVING, INCLUDING ANYUNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SAIDDEFENDANT(S), IFREMARRIED,AND IF DECEASED, THERESPECTIVE UNKNOWNHEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES,ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS,LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES,ANDALL OTHER PERSONSCLAIMING BY, THROUGH,UNDER OR AGAINST THENAMED DEFENDANT(S); BANKOF AMERICA, NATIONALASSOCIATION; JOHN DOE;JANE DOE;Defendant(s)NOTICE OF SALENotice is hereby given that,pursuant to a Final SummaryJudgment of Foreclosure enteredin <strong>the</strong> above styled cause, in <strong>the</strong>Circuit Court of Monroe County,Florida, I will sell <strong>the</strong> propertysituate in Monroe County, Florida,described as:A PARCEL OF LAND IN A PARTOF THE SOUTHEASTQUARTEROF THE SOUTHWESTQUARTER OF SECTION 1,TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH., RANGE32 EAST, AT KEYVACA,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,AND BEING MOREPARTICULARLY DESCRIBEDBY METES AND BOUNDS ASFOLLOWS:620 Autos For Sale$18,884 SAVE2004 GMC 2500xCabSLT 4x4 DieselLea<strong>the</strong>r power windowsand lock, auto matic,A/C, fully loaded.305-294-1003$18,988 SAVE2008 Jeep WranglerUnlimited4 doors, automatic, A/C,like new, very sporty.305-294-1003$21,988 SAVE2011 Toyota TacomaPreRunner Crew Cabautomatic, like new,sporty. 305-294-1003$27,888 SAVE2011 Nissan MuranoCrossCabrioletConvertibleOpen road, enjoy <strong>the</strong>outdoors, comfortableluxury, all in one.305-294-1003SAVE SAVE SAVE2007 ChevroletSilverado 2500 HDCrew DieselZ-71, 4 x 4, lea<strong>the</strong>r,low miles.305-294-1003SAVE SAVE SAVEGreat Buys2011 Toyota AvalonLimited2012 Chev Silverado LTZ2012 Chevrolet Express12 Passenger2009 Audi A6, 4dr, 3.0TPrestige AWD2010 Lexus RX3502010 Chevy Camaro SS2011 Nissan Murano305-294-1003Plus tax, tag and doc feeNiles Sales and Service3500 N. Roosevelt Blvd<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. Ask forMr. Clean 305-294-1003www.nilesgm.comKEY WEST KIA3424 N. Roosevelt Blvd.<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040305-295-8646* Manager Specials *2014 Kia SorentosIn Stock2013 New Kia RiosStarting at $14,600620 Autos For Sale2013 New Kia SoulsStarting at $14,6002008 Lincoln MKXFully LoadedBank RepoTake over payments.2013 Nissan Altima SL3.5Auto, a/c, lea<strong>the</strong>r,sunroof, 3,000 miles.Bank RepoTake over payments.2009 Kawasaki 1500Jet SkiWas $7,990 Now $5,99019 Ft. Trophy Boat150 hp Mercury.Was $7,995 Now $5,9952007 Pontiac SolsticeConvertibleAuto, a/c, 29K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2003 Ford F-150Regular cab, auto, a/c.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2009 Smart CarConvertibleAuto, a/c, lea<strong>the</strong>r,25K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2003 VW Beetle CoupeAuto, a/c, 59K milesSAVE, SAVE, SAVE2005 GMC EnvoyAuto, a/c.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2012 Buick LaCrosseFully loaded, 8K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2006 Mazda 6Auto, a/c, 64K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2009 Nissan SentraAuto, a/c, 71K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2011 Toyota PriusAuto, a/c, 26K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2011 Kia Sedona LXAuto, a/c, 13K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2011 Kia SportageAuto, a/c, 16K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2009 Kia Rio LX4 door, auto, a/c,61K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2013 Kia SorentoNOTICE OF FORECLOSURECOMMENCE AT THEINTERSECTION OF THE WESTLINE OF SECTION 12,TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE32 EAST, AND THESOUTHEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S.HIGHWAY NO. 1, BEARNORTHEASTERLY ALONG THESOUTHEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S.HIGHWAY NO. 1 FOR ADISTANCE OF 2095.28 FEET TOA POINT; THENCE BEARSOUTH FOR A DISTANCE OF157.38 FEET (CALCULATEDAND MEASURED 161.46 FEET)MORE OR LESS TO THESOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT1, IMBER SUBDIVISION,ACCORDING TO THE PLATTHEREOF AS RECORDED INPLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 174 OFTHE PUBLIC RECORDS OFMONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA;THENCE CONTINUE SOUTHFOR A DISTANCE OF 66.67FEET TO THE POINT OFBEGINNING OF THE PARCELOF LAND HEREINAFTERDESCRIBED; FROM SAIDPOINTOF BEGINNING, CONTINUESOUTH FOR A DISTANCE OF66.67 FEET TO A POINT;THENCE BEAR EAST FOR ADISTANCE OF 112.02 FEET TOA POINT; THENCE BEARNORTH FOR A DISTANCE OF66.67 FEET TO A POINT;THENCE BEAR WEST FOR ADISTANCE OF 112.02 FEETBACK TO THE POINT OFBEGINNING.A/K/A 333 80th Street OceanMarathon, FL 33050at public sale, to <strong>the</strong> highest andbest bidder, for cash, At <strong>the</strong> FrontDoor of <strong>the</strong> Monroe CountyCourthouse, 500 WhiteheadStreet, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida at 11:00a.m., on May 28, 2013.Any person claiming an interest in<strong>the</strong> surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any,o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> property owner asof <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> lis pendens,must file a claim within 60 daysafter <strong>the</strong> sale.Witness, my hand and seal of thiscourt on <strong>the</strong> 18th day of April,2013.Amy HeavilinCLERK OF THE CIRCUITCOURTBy: Tammy MarcialDeputy ClerkTHIS INSTRUMENT PREPAREDBY: Law Offices ofDaniel C. Consuegra9204 King Palm DriveTampa, FL 33619-1328Attorneys for PlaintiffREQUEST FORACCOMMODATIONS BYPERSONS WITH DISABILITIESIf you are a person with adisabilitywho needs any accommodationinorder to participate in a courtproceeding or event, you areentitled, at no cost to you, to <strong>the</strong>provision of certain assistance.Please contact Cheryl Alfonso,2005 DODGEDURANGOThird row seating, auto,air power windows, radio,rear air controls, powerdriver’s seat, roof rack,running boards. 88,000miles, $5,900. Call305-289-6297.NEED A CAR???HAVE JOB???We can help.Tropical Auto Sales(in North Palm Beach).561-729-3250. Ask forUncle Joe. Everyone’sapproved at TropicaL.Check us out at:www.tropicalautosales.com2008 HYUNDAIELANTRASilver, great shape 1owner, 29,000 miles.$8,000. 305-393-4480.NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE302 Fleming Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,Florida, 33040, (305) 292-3423,atleast 7 days before yourscheduled court appearance, orimmediately upon receiving thisnotification if <strong>the</strong> time before <strong>the</strong>scheduled appearance is lessthan7 days: if you are hearing or voiceimpaired call 711.May 11 & 18, 2013IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHESIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITIN AND FOR MONROECOUNTYNOTICE OF FORECLOSURESALE BY CLERK OF THECIRCUIT COURTNotice is hereby given that <strong>the</strong>undersigned, AMY HEAVILINClerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit Court ofMonroe County, Florida, will, on<strong>the</strong> 22nd day of May, 2013, at11:00 A.M., at 500 WhiteheadStreet, Monroe County, in <strong>the</strong> Cityof <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Florida, offer for saleand sell at public outcry to <strong>the</strong>highest and best bidder for CASH<strong>the</strong> following described propertysituated in Monroe County,Florida, to wit:Lot 8, Block 1, PINE CHANNELESTATES SECTION 1,according to <strong>the</strong> Plat <strong>the</strong>reof asrecorded in Plat Book 5, Page99, of <strong>the</strong> Public Records ofMonroe County, Florida.a/k/a 29552 ConstitutionAvenue, Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>, FL 33043Pursuant to ORDERDEFENDANT'S EMERGENCYMOTION TO CANCEL ANDSTRIKE NOTICE OF SALE SETFOR APRIL, 19, 2013 entered inacase pending in said Court, <strong>the</strong>Style of which is:GOLDMAN SACHS MORTGAGECOMPANY,Plaintiffvs.AMADO CALERO,,Defendants.And <strong>the</strong> Docket Number is44-2010-CA-757-KWITNESS my hand and <strong>the</strong>Official Seal of Said Court, this25th day of April, 2013Amy Heavilin,Clerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit CourtMonroe County, FloridaBy: Shonta McLeodDeputy ClerkFlorida Statute 45.031: Anypersonclaiming an interest in <strong>the</strong> surplusfrom <strong>the</strong> sale, if any, o<strong>the</strong>r than<strong>the</strong>property owner as of <strong>the</strong> date of<strong>the</strong> Lis Pendens must file a claimwithin 60 days after <strong>the</strong> sale.May 4 & 11, 2013620 Autos For SaleAuto, a/c.SAVE, SAVE, SAVE2011 Kia SorentoAuto, a/c, 22K milesSAVE, SAVE, SAVE2012 Kia SoulAuto, a/c, 20K milesSAVE, SAVE, SAVE2010 Kia SoulAuto, a/c, sunroof,33K miles.SAVE, SAVE, SAVETax, tag and DOC feenot included in sale price(305)295-8646Call us andSAVE, SAVE, SAVE652 Motorcycles2006 TRIUMPHBONNEVILLE T100Red & black, looks great.Corbin smuggler seat,17K miles. $5,500 OBO(305)942-9080662 Power Boats'89 22' TIARA PURSUITCuddy Cabin '92 200 HPJohnson outboard '91 EZLoad Galvanized rollertrailer many extras, runsgood. $3500. OBO -305-853-72951969 38FT Hatterasconvertible. Wellmaintained, documented,853 Detroit diesels, 8KWOnan generator set,additional fuel tank,Raymarine C80,$68,500.00.813-884-7757664 Sailboats24 ft Piver Trimaran,recently restored. Sailsgreat. $1,999. 433-1346

8BKEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013Yard Sale Ad& Kit$40 for 2 Daysof ads (1-5 lines)on <strong>the</strong> Map & KitKit Includes6 fluorescentsigns, 6 directionalarrows, pricestickers & more!YARD SALE MAP86157342<strong>Key</strong> HavenSugarloaf <strong>Key</strong>910#1. 1119 Southard St.Saturday 7am-?Spring Cleaning. One person’s discard is ano<strong>the</strong>r’s treasure.Could be Tupperware here.#2. 809 Elizabeth St.Saturday 9am-12.Clothing, household items, costume jewelry,exercise machine, misc.#3. 1121 Olivia St.Saturday and Sunday 8am-2pm.Moving Final Sale. Make offer. Take away.#4. 2215 Flager Ave.Corner of 5th St. Saturday 7am-12noon.Yard Sale. Fundraiser for <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> U18 Girl’s Softball.Wide variety of goods and refreshments being sold.#5. 2415 Fogarty Ave.Sat., 9am to ?Baby crib & mattress, rocking chair, baby bedding, toys,vacuum & o<strong>the</strong>r big items.#6. 2819 Fogarty Ave.Sat. 7:30-11Dining room set, storage shelves, furniture, patio set, lots ofgood clo<strong>the</strong>s, books, tools, shade tents, lea<strong>the</strong>r jacket, vest andchaps. Something for everyone.#7. 2906 Flagler Ave.Saturday 8-12.Furniture, <strong>plan</strong>ts, baked goods. Too much to list.#8. 3612 Eagle Ave.Sat. 7:30-gone.2 family sale-Nice casual clo<strong>the</strong>s, furniture, collectibles,household items, misc. tools and more!#9. 2 Beechwood Dr.Sat. 8-12.Moving Sale. Outdoor and bedroom furniture, kayak, strollers,pool table, clo<strong>the</strong>s, more.#10. 9749 Date Palm Dr.Saturday 9am-1pm. Sugarloaf Estate Sale. Antiques andcollectibles, general household,fishing and divingequipment, tools, garden equipment and more!www.Susies<strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>EstateSales.netMAP DEADLINE isNOON on THURSDAY.For More Yard Sales,Please CheckClassified Line Section 330.359018

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