Dr Waller Vita2010 - Troy University

Dr Waller Vita2010 - Troy University

Dr Waller Vita2010 - Troy University


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Board Certified Expert in School Crisis Response—American Academy of Experts in TraumaticStressCURRENT PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPSNational Association of Social WorkersCouncil for Exceptional ChildrenAmerican Academy of Experts in Traumatic StressNational Center for Crisis ManagementCOURSES TAUGHT<strong>University</strong> of Georgia—Athens, GAUndergraduateSocial Work 215 - Introduction to Social WorkGraduateSocial Work 611A - Foundation Practicum/Integrative Seminar-ISocial Work 611B - Foundation Practicum/Integrative Seminar-IISocial Work 711A - Concentration Practicum/Integrative Seminar-ISocial Work 711B - Concentration Practicum/Integrative Seminar-IISocial Work 711C - Concentration Practicum/Integrative seminar-IIISocial Work 7022 – Assessment and PsychopathologySocial Work 6066 – Foundation ResearchSocial Work 6074 - Theory and Practice in Organizations and CommunitiesSocial Work 7026 – Family Centered EvaluationValdosta State <strong>University</strong>GraduateSocial Work 7500 – Advanced Research and Program EvaluationPiedmont CollegeGraduateSpecial Education 656 – Collaborative PracticeSpecial Education 684 – Advanced Strategies for Behavior Change/Functional Behavior AnalysisEDUC 696-698 – Methods and Interpretation of Educational ResearchEDUC 656 – Collaborative Practice in EducationEDEC 788 Capstone ExhibitionEDS 820 – Advanced Research I: Qualitative and Quantitative MethodsEDS 821 – Advanced Research II: Design and CognitionEDS 822 Advanced Research III: Assessing and PresentingSPED 602 - Characteristics of Students with EBD, SED, and AutismSPED 600 – Applied Behavior Analysis4

2006 – Presentation to Parent Support Group/Children with Disabilities - Positive InterventionPlanning2007, 2008 – Curriculum and Programs Committee2008 – Commencement Address/Athens Technical College Adult Education Program2004, 2005, - Institutional Review Board Member/Piedmont College2006, 2007,2008, 20092007, 2008, 2009 – Educational Assessment Committee2008, 2009 – Program Consultant/Wesley Glen MinistriesDOCTORAL COMMITTEESJoanie FunkChad Dollar<strong>University</strong> of Georgia/Social WorkGeorgia State <strong>University</strong>/School PsychologyREFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES1. Grigsby, R. K., Thyer, B. A., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., & Johnston, G. A. (1999). Eating chalk incentral Georgia. Southern Medical Journal, 92,190-192.2. Gogoleski, M. A., Thyer, B. A., & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (1993). Reports of childhood incest byadults with panic attack or agoraphobia. Psychological Reports, 73, 289-290.3. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (1996). Responding to reprints: How do JABA authors measure up? Journalof Applied Behavior Analysis, 29, 289-290.4. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2003). Application of the Kindling Hypothesis to the Long-Term Effects ofRacism. Social Work in Mental Health, 1, 81-89.5. Ramsey, S. A., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., & Walker, A. (2005). Using Visual Interventions as aComponent of Positive Behavioral Support For a Student with AggressiveBehaviors and Mental Retardation: A Review and Single Case Report. SocialWork in Mental Health, 3, 99-108.6. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., DeWeaver, K. L., Myers, L., & Thyer, B. A. (2005). A Correlational Studyof the Impact of Discrimination on Disposition During Hospital EmergencyServices Contacts. Social Work in Mental Health, 4, 71-87.7. Kadlec, E. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2004). Emotional and Behavior Management Considerationsfor Students with Hearing Impairments. School Social Work Journal, 29, 28-39.8. Bordnick, P., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., & King, M. (2004). Feasibility and Implementation of a StatewideEvaluation of Substance Abuse Services. Research on Social WorkPractice, 14, 417-423.6

9. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., Lewellen, K., and Bresson, D. (2005). The Debate SurroundingPsychotropic Medication Usage in Young Children. School Social Work Journal,29, 53-61.10. Burley, R. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2005). Effects of a Collaborative Behavior Management Planon Reducing Disruptive Behaviors of a Student with ADHD. TeachingExceptional Children Plus, I (4), article 2.11. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. & Conley, M. (2005). Educational Placement of Children With CochlearImplants. School Social Work Journal, 30, 75-83.12. Ramsey, S. A., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., & Bresson, D. J. (2005). Encouraging Communicationbetween General Education and Special Education Students by IncreasingInteraction Opportunities. Gateways in Teacher Education, 14(2), 32-40.13. Sausser, S. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2006). A model for music therapy with students withemotional and behavioral disorders. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 33, 1-10.14. Johnson, M. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2006). A review of effective interventions for youth withaggressive behavior who meet diagnostic criteria for conduct disorder oroppositional defiant disorder. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 17(2), 67-80.15. Holt, D., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., Johnson, M. E., & Clark, R. (2006). Public opinions regardinghigh stakes testing in Georgia. Gateways in Teacher Education, 18(1), 43-51.16. Glenn, J. H. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2006). Reducing irresponsible talking out during class in a7th grade student with an emotional / behavioral disorder. Teaching ExceptionalChildren, 3(6), article 3. Access athttp://escholarship.bc.edu/education/tecplus/vol3/iss6/art217. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., Kent, S. & Johnson, M. E. (2006). Using teacher prompts and habit reversalto reduce fingernail biting in a student with attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder, and a mild intellectual disability. Teaching Exceptional Children, 3(6),article 3. Access at http://escholarship.bc.edu/education/tecplus/vol3/iss6/art318. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. & Mays, N. M. (2007). Spontaneous recovery of previously extinguishedbehavior as an alternative explanation for extinction related side effects.Behavior Modification, 31, 569-273.19. Glenn, J. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2006). Reducing irresponsible talking out during class in a 7 thgrade student with an Emotional / Behavioral Disorder. Teaching ExceptionalChildren, 3(6) article 2. Access athttp://escholarship.bc.edu/education/tecplus/vol3/iss6/art220. Sheffield, K. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (in press). A review of single-case studies utilizing selfmonitoringinterventions to reduce problem classroom behaviors. BeyondBehavior.BOOKS7

1. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (Ed.) (2006). Fostering Child and Adolescent Mental Health in theClassroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.2. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2008). The Educator’s Guide to Solving Common Behavior Problems.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.3. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J (2009). The Teacher's Concise Guide to Functional Behavioral Assessment.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.4. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (manuscript delivered). A Behavior Management Primer for EducationalLeaders. Alexandria, VA: Educational Research Service.5. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (under contract, 4 book series). Mental Health Promotion in Schools:Foundations of Mental Health Promotion in Schools. Bentham Science Books.BOOK CHAPTERS1. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (1997). Should social workers support the inpatient treatment ofnonpsychotic adolescents? In B. A. Thyer (Ed.), Controversial Issues in Social WorkPractice. pp. 95-109. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.2. Nackerud, L., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., <strong>Waller</strong>, K., & Thyer, B. A. (1998). Behavior analysis andsocial welfare policy: The Case of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). InP. A. Lamal (Ed.). Cultural contingencies: Behavior analytic perspectives on culturalpractices. New York: Greenwood.3. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., Bresson, D. J, & <strong>Waller</strong>, K. S. (2006). The educator’s role in child andadolescent mental health. In R. J. <strong>Waller</strong> (Ed.). The Educator’s Guide to Child andAdolescent Mental Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.4. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., <strong>Waller</strong>, K. S., Bresson, D. J. & Schramm, M. (2006). Conduct disorder. InR. J. <strong>Waller</strong> (Ed.). The Educator’s Guide to Child and Adolescent Mental Health.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.5. Palmour, J., Bresson, D. J., & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2006). Child maltreatment. In R. J. <strong>Waller</strong>(Ed.). The Educator’s Guide to Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage.6. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. & Douglass, J. P. (2006). Introduction. In R. J. <strong>Waller</strong> (Ed.). The Educator’sGuide to Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.BOOK REVIEWS1. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (1996). A review of “The Foundations of Social Work Practice” by CarolMeyer and Mark Mattaini. Research on Social Work Practice, 6, 263-264.2. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., & Thyer, B. A. (1997). A review of “Outcomes Assessment in ClinicalPractice” by Lloyd Sederer and Barbara Dickey. Research on Social Work Practice, 7, 280-282.8

3. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (1999). A review of “Consumers as Providers in PsychiatricRehabilitation” by Carol T. Mowbray, David P. Moxley, Colleen A. Jasper, & Lisa L.Howell. Research on Social Work Practice, 9, 262-263.4. <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2001). A review of “Behavior Change in the Human Services: AnIntroduction to Principles and Applications” by M. Sundel & S. S. Sundel. Research onSocial Work Practice, 11, 131.EDITORIAL ACTIVITYReviewer1994, 1995 Research on Social Work Practice1997, 19981999, 20002003, 2004,20051998, 1999 Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research2001, 20022005, 20062001 State and Local Government Review2002 Southern Medical Journal2003 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders2004 Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved2008 Journal of Research in Childhood Education2008 Early Childhood Education Journal2009 Child and Family Social Work2009 Child and Youth Care ForumPRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCESNackerud, L., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., <strong>Waller</strong>, K., & Thyer, B. A. (1997). Behavior analysis andsocial welfare policy: The Case of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). Presentedat the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August 1997.Grigsby, R. K., Thyer, B. A., <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J., & Johnston, G. A. (1998). Eatin’ chalk incentral georgia. Presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Chapter of the NationalAssociation of Social Workers, Atlanta, GA, September 1998.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2003). Kindling, racism, and Punishment: Strengthening the Case forPositive Behavior Planning and Intervention. Presented at the annual conference of the GeorgiaAssociation of College Teacher Educators, St. Simon’s Island, GA, March 2003.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. & Mays, N. (2004). Reducing self-injurious behavior in a student withfragile X syndrome, autism, and mental retardation using differential reinforcement of alternativebehaviors and differential reinforcement of lower rates of behaviors. Presented at EducatingStudents with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome 2004, Co-Sponsored by the Emory AutismCenter and Piedmont College.9

<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2005). Advancing the scope of positive interventions to schoolimprovement. Presented at Educating Students with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome 2005 atPiedmont College and in Savannah, Georgia, Co-Sponsored by the Emory Autism Center andPiedmont College.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2005). Using functional behavior assessment as a tool for developingeffective interventions in educational settings. Presented at the 39 th Annual Conference of theGeorgia Association on Young Children.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2005). The role of school social workers in functional behavior assessmentand intervention planning. Presented at the 17 th annual conference of The Annual NationalAssociation of Social Workers-GA Conference.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2006). Fostering mental health in the classroom: Child, adolescence, andbeyond. Presented at the 28 th annual conference of the Association for Integrative Studies.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2007). Promoting mental health for students with disabilities. Presented atthe annual State of Georgia meeting of the Council of Exceptional Children.Glenn, J. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2007). Encouraging responsible talking in a 7 th grade studentwith an emotional/ behavioral disorder: determining the function of irresponsible talking.Presented at the annual State of Georgia meeting of the Council of Exceptional Children.Boudreaux, S. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2007). Introducing a competing behavior to reduce objectmouthing. Presented at the annual State of Georgia meeting of the Council of ExceptionalChildren.Burley, R. & <strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2007). Exploring the potential of PDA use in classrooms.Presented at the annual State of Georgia meeting of the Council of Exceptional Children.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. (2007). Positive behavior supports in a response to intervention framework.Presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Association of Education Leaders.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. & Andrews, D. G. (2007). Data collection and intervention planning withinthe tier of interventions. Presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Council ofAdministrators in Special Education.<strong>Waller</strong>, R. J. & Blake, M. (2010). Future Directions in Functional Behavior Assessmentand Intervention Planning. Presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Council ofAdministrators in Special Education.10

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