FD270a Docker 01, MARCH 09 - Fremantle Football Club

FD270a Docker 01, MARCH 09 - Fremantle Football Club

FD270a Docker 01, MARCH 09 - Fremantle Football Club


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Official Magazine of the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Strand headArticle headwww.fremantlefc.com.auPP606264/1022 Vol 5.1, March 20<strong>09</strong> $5.50 inc GSTMidfieldmaestroPaul Hasleby’sOlympic lessonBRoomeTIMESpreading the passionin the KimberleyYoungtalentNic Suban findshis nicheSeasonGUIDEPull outinsideSouthAfricaPride ofPotchefstroomEventscaleNdarAll the off-fieldaction in 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>1

Profile Rhys PalmerRather than set a target for a certainan impact was great.”Watchful eyein the aFl.“I’m in my second year a the club andOn the roadSouth Africaparticipants playing football inSouth Africa has dramatically risenfrom 2,500 to 17,000 players, withthe majority playing the game inthe North West Province.The week-long tour, highlightedby football development clinicsand community visits, was theclub’s third visit to the republicsince 2007.Over the course of the week thetravelling party, which includedpast players Luke Webster, TroyCook and Justin Longmuir alongwith the club’s CommunityDevelopment Program team,were joined by more than 1000children in a range of clinics atvarious Potchefstroom schools.The children at the Potchefstroomclinics take part in the SouthAfrican program equivalent toAuskick, called FootyWild.Webster said he was impressedby the skill level shown bythe children that took part inthe clinics.“Obviously the game is stillvery new to a lot of them but theirbasic skill level was better thanwhat Troy, Justin and I expected,”Webster said.“They all seemed to enjoy theclinics and adapted quickly to thenew skills they were taught, whichis fantastic.“The <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>and the AFL have worked hard overthe past three years to develop thesport in South Africa and on theback of how enthusiastic the kidswere I think AFL footy has a realfuture in the country – particularlyin the North West Province.”Burned strOnglyIn addition to the numberof children who took part inthe various clinics aroundPotchefstroom, local players,coaches, umpires, administratorsand volunteers were furthereducated on football rules andregulations by <strong>Fremantle</strong>’sCommunity Development staff ina bid to strengthen <strong>Fremantle</strong> andthe AFL’s footprint in the region.The <strong>Fremantle</strong> delegationreviewed the development of theNorth West Province’s talentedsenior players during a trainingsession on Saturday 14 February.Players travelled from all aroundthe region to participate inthe session.Longmuir said the desire to playfootball burned strongly in manyyoung South Africans, with sometravelling for hours from all overthe North West Province to takepart in the clinics.Teenager Tshepsio Mogapi hitchhiked for four hours from Mafeking,impressing Longmuir.“Tshepsio turns 18 later this yearand has the speed and agility thatwe are looking for at <strong>Fremantle</strong>,”he said.“I spoke to him about the needto work hard in the gym leadingup to the 20<strong>09</strong> South African footyseason and that he should keepdeveloping the non-dominant sideof his body.“I am not surprised that he didwell for South Africa in the AFLInternational Cup last year, but thechallenge for him is to maintainthat standard.”On the roadSouth Africatalented kidsCook lauded the talent displayed bysome of the participants.“I am glad <strong>Fremantle</strong> came onthis trip” he said.“There are some talented kidshere and, hopefully, <strong>Fremantle</strong> cancapitalise on the work that the clubhas done over the last three years.”AFL South Africa North WestProvince Manager July Machethesaid the Potchefstroom locals wereproud to be associated with the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.”The children and volunteersare so excited to be part of the<strong>Fremantle</strong> team,” July said.“The support that we receivefrom the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>and our region’s sponsors, NkwePlatinum, Continental Capital andAir Mauritius ensures that we arefar ahead of the other provincesthat are developing AFL football.CONTENTSFREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUB LTD<strong>Docker</strong> – Official Magazine of the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Volume 5, Edition 1, March 20<strong>09</strong>Parry Street, <strong>Fremantle</strong> WA 6160P.O. Box 381, <strong>Fremantle</strong> WA 6959Administration:T (08) 9433 7000F (08) 9433 70<strong>01</strong>Membership:T (08) 9433 7111Marketing:F (08) 9433 7002fremantlefc@fremantlefc.com.auwww.fremantlefc.com.auA Product of the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong><strong>Club</strong> Communications Department.Editor: Katie MitchinsonWriters: Luke Morfesse and AndrewBousfieldEmail:fremantlefc@fremantlefc.com.auDesign & ProductionScout Creative1 Wing CourtMaylands WA 6051T (08) 9371 8257scout@scoutcreative.com.auwww.scoutcreative.com.auPrintingAbbott & Co21 Glassford RoadKewdale WA 6105T (08) 9353 1166www.abbottco.com.auInserts and Flysheet AdvertisingCommunications Department,<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>© <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 20<strong>09</strong>.All rights reserved. Withoutlimiting the rights under copyrightabove, no part of this publicationshall be reproduced, stored in orintroduced into a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or byany means (electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording orotherwise) without the priorpermission of the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.64In the lead-uP to SeaSon 2008,Rhys Palmer’s goals were quite modest.number of games, Palmer just wanted theopportunity to develop his game.But if he did get the chance to run outon to Subiaco oval or the MCG, then hewas determined to “make the most of it”.the 20-year-old did far more than that.not only did he win the naB Rising Staraward as the aFl’s best young player in2008, Palmer did it in emphatic fashion..he played in 20 games and collected462 po sessions, bettering Collingwood’snathan Buckley, who was honoured withthe award back in 1993 when he picked up458 posse sions.P a Mer lPr e Pa re df or ne x t ch a l l e ngeAfter a ste lar debut year, Rhys Palmer knows what to expect in 20<strong>09</strong>. The AFL’sbest young player in 2008 is more than ready for the rough and tumble of thehome and away season. Story: Luke Morfesse3746“It wasn’t about playing a set number ofgames but about developing as a player soI could cope in the aFl,” Palmer said.“although, if you said to me at thestart of last year that I was going to play10 games and play in a few good ones,I would have taken that straight away.“to play 20 games and have a bit ofBut Palmer says the memory of winningthe naB Rising Star is in the past.“I don’t even think about it,” he said.“Sure, I had a pre ty good year but I’mnot going to stop there. I wan to keepgoing and stamp myself as a good player“having one good season in my first yearwon’t put me in that category.”Palmer, who finished fourth in lastyear’s doig Medal behind Ma thew Pavlich,aaron Sandilands and luke McPharlin,had an inte rupted pre-season afterbreaking a bone in his foot in the round 22victory over Co lingwood at Subiaco oval.“So before Christmas I wasn’t doing a lthe running… there was a lot of rehab,with the physios making sure everythinghealed co rectly” he said.“But since Christmas I’ve been doing100 per cent of the work load.”under the watchful eye of new SportsScience Manager Jason Weber, thedashing midfielder has been working onincreasing both fitne s and strength.“In my second year the load has beentotally di ferent… which has been goodbecause we’ve got a lot stronger and fi ter,”said Palmer, adding that it had “beenpre ty taxing”.“But being fi ter and stronger wi lhopefully make me a be ter player.Midfielders these days are pretty strong,so I’ve been concentrating on building mybody up and ge ting my fitness to the elitelevel of the champion runners in the aFl.“the other thing I’ve been workingpretty hard on is my disposal. You need tobe rea ly e ficient when you ge the ba l, sothat’s been a really big focus too.”a new football season also brings withit new expectations and di ferent goals.“My aim is be fit and healthy, so I canstay out on the park, play a l the gamesand help Freo win more,” said Palmer,adding that he was aware of the need to“become more of a leader”.4 Purple PocketNews from around the club5 Mark HarveyA message from the SeniorCoach6 Palmer Prepared for NextChallengeAfter a stellar debut year,Rhys Palmer knows what toexpect in 20<strong>09</strong>8 Matthew PavlichA message from the <strong>Club</strong>Captain10 Broome Time<strong>Fremantle</strong> kicked off itscommunity activities forthe year with a three dayvisit to Broome for its AFLCommunity Camp14 Olympic Lesson forMidfield MaestroDuring 12 months on thesidelines recovering fromknee surgery, Paul Haslebyendured a roller coaster ofemotions16 Support Grass RootsFooty?Help the community andput your business under thehammer on the main stage atthe Carlton Mid Gala DinnerAuctionCentre pages20<strong>09</strong> Season GuideYour pull out guide for the20<strong>09</strong> Season33 NAB CupResults from the NAB Cupand NAB Challenge34 South Africa<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s week longcommunity camp spreadingthe passion in its AFLallocated North WestProvince34SouthAfrica11-16 February 20<strong>09</strong>The <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> arrivedin Potchefstroom in mid-February fora week long community camp in theclub’s AFL alocated North West Province.Story: Andrew Bousfield34INCe FreMANTLecommenced its activities inSthe North West Province in2007, the number of registered37 Purple PatchWith the world’s mostpassionate supporters, checkout this new feature sectionin <strong>Docker</strong>38 Members NewsEverything you need to know– for Members Only40 Young Talent Time<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s focus ondeveloping and retainingtalented young players42 A word from ourSponsorsKeeping members up todate with news from clubsponsors44 Events CalendarAll the key dates for<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s club and memberevents in season 20<strong>09</strong>46 KidZoneJust for kids – Join Johnny‘The Doc’ <strong>Docker</strong> for fun andactivities33Photography: AFL Photos, <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and Broome AdvertiserCover photo:Geoff Slattery Publishingfremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>3

Senior CoachMark HarveyIntensity to rise in 20<strong>09</strong>From Mark Harvey:During the off-season,<strong>Fremantle</strong> underwent the biggestchange in player personnel in theclub’s history.The arrival of 14 new, young playersvia the National and Rookie drafts hascertainly reinvigorated our playing list.But make no mistake, this is not a shorttermproposition.We are here for the long-haul, whichis why we did not use the 2008 tradeperiod to get marquee players from otherclubs. Our focus is on developing our owntalent with the aim of achieving sustainedon‐field success.The character of this football club hasbeen tested through some tough times,particularly in 2008. But we’ve learnt a lotfrom losing those close games last season,and what is required in those situations.In Season 20<strong>09</strong>, our supporters canexpect a more attacking and competitivegame across four quarters.Our game plan will see the oppositioncome under greater pressure because ofour increased intensity. The intensity willbe so demanding that our opponents willhave to be at their best to beat us.But with one of the most inexperiencedlists in the AFL, there will be timesin 20<strong>09</strong> when we will be tested,and patience required.Huge changeThe integration of the younger playerswith the senior guys will also be veryimportant. One of the drivers for achievingsustained on-field success will be howquickly the more experienced playersin the group help evolve their youngerteam mates.As a coach you generally regardstability in your line-up as important butthere are times when it is just as importantto ask players to take on a different role tothe one they’ve been used to throughoutmuch of their careers.The decision to switch the roles of ChrisTarrant and Antoni Grover, and the use of12 first-year players during our pre-seasonmatches is a good example.It remains to be seen whether theexperiment works in this instance butin terms of developing the group it is animportant aspect of how we progress. Thechanges will also create opportunities forother players such as Kepler Bradley, RyanMurphy and Adam Campbell.I’m also really looking forward to thereturn from injury of both Paul Haslebyand Des Headland.They are both A-grade midfielders, soit’s going to be fascinating to sit back andsee how our younger midfield groupcrossover with the experienced guyswho normally play in those positions.Because of the huge change tothe list, there is also an unknownfactor about it.But having said that, the‘unknown’ element is theexciting aspect of what liesahead.hurly-burlyWho is going to emergeand have an impactlike Rhys Palmer didin 2008… who is thatgoing to be?I’d like to thinkthat we have five orsix players with thepotential to do that.But you never knowuntil you put a youngplayer into the hurlyburlyof a home-andawaygame.There’s a lot tolook forward toabout <strong>Fremantle</strong>this seasonI lookforward toyou gettinginvolved inthe game in20<strong>09</strong>.FTV Powers on in 20<strong>09</strong>FTV is now fully-loaded, and this season ispowered by Telstra and MBF.With exclusive behind the scenes access, FTVallows you to keep an eye on what’s happeningat your football club.This year you will see an array of shows hosted byDes Headland, Aaron Sandilands, Byron Schammerand Chris Tarrant for your viewing pleasure.Keep a regular eye on the club’s websitewww.fremantlefc.com.au for all the latest fromFTV thanks to Telstra and MBF, powering <strong>Fremantle</strong>TV into your home.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>5

ProfileRhys PalmerPalmerpreparedfor next challengeAfter a stellar debut year, Rhys Palmer knows what to expect in 20<strong>09</strong>. The AFL’sbest young player in 2008 is more than ready for the rough and tumble of thehome and away season. Story: Luke MorfesseIn the lead-up to Season 2008,Rhys Palmer’s goals were quite modest.Rather than set a target for a certainnumber of games, Palmer just wanted theopportunity to develop his game.But if he did get the chance to run outon to Subiaco Oval or the MCG, then hewas determined to “make the most of it”.The 20-year-old did far more than that.Not only did he win the NAB Rising StarAward as the AFL’s best young player in2008, Palmer did it in emphatic fashion..He played in 20 games and collected462 possessions, bettering Collingwood’sNathan Buckley, who was honoured withthe award back in 1993 when he picked up458 possessions.“It wasn’t about playing a set number ofgames but about developing as a player soI could cope in the AFL,” Palmer said.“Although, if you said to me at thestart of last year that I was going to play10 games and play in a few good ones,I would have taken that straight away.“To play 20 games and have a bit ofan impact was great.”Watchful eyeBut Palmer says the memory of winningthe NAB Rising Star is in the past.“I don’t even think about it,” he said.“Sure, I had a pretty good year but I’mnot going to stop there. I want to keepgoing and stamp myself as a good playerin the AFL.“Having one good season in my first yearwon’t put me in that category.”Palmer, who finished fourth in lastyear’s Doig Medal behind Matthew Pavlich,Aaron Sandilands and Luke McPharlin,had an interrupted pre-season afterbreaking a bone in his foot in the round 22victory over Collingwood at Subiaco Oval.“So before Christmas I wasn’t doing allthe running… there was a lot of rehab,with the physios making sure everythinghealed correctly” he said.“But since Christmas I’ve been doing100 per cent of the work load.”Under the watchful eye of new SportsScience Manager Jason Weber, thedashing midfielder has been working onincreasing both fitness and strength.“In my second year the load has beentotally different… which has been goodbecause we’ve got a lot stronger and fitter,”said Palmer, adding that it had “beenpretty taxing”.“But being fitter and stronger willhopefully make me a better player.Midfielders these days are pretty strong,so I’ve been concentrating on building mybody up and getting my fitness to the elitelevel of the champion runners in the AFL.“The other thing I’ve been workingpretty hard on is my disposal. You need tobe really efficient when you get the ball, sothat’s been a really big focus too.”A new football season also brings withit new expectations and different goals.“My aim is be fit and healthy, so I canstay out on the park, play all the gamesand help Freo win more,” said Palmer,adding that he was aware of the need to“become more of a leader”.“I’m in my second year at the club and6 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

ProfileRhys Palmer“…Being fitterand stronger willhopefully make mea better player.”with all the young boys that have arrivedat the club, I need to step up as far asleadership goes.”Palmer has already given the 14 newplayers an insight into what he learnt inhis first year at <strong>Fremantle</strong>.“One of the things that I’ve tried to getacross to them is that age is no excuse,” hesaid, adding that he had spent a “fair bit oftime talking to the young boys”.“Whether you are 18 or 25, there’s noreason why you can’t come into a footballclub and have an impact.“Even though they are young, theycan have a big influence on the club’sdirection.”Extra attentionPalmer said the impact of the new recruitsand rookies on the rest of the playinggroup should not be underestimated.“There’s heaps of enthusiasm with theyoung boys, who are just so happy to be atthe club,” he said.“It’s also been a bit of a wake up call forthe boys in their fourth, fifth or sixth year.“With all these young, new faces around,it’s made them really step up this yearboth on and off the field.”After his stellar debut season in 2008, thepundits continue to harp on about the heavytagging Palmer will be subject to in 20<strong>09</strong>.But he knows what to expect.“Because of the injuries and retirementslast year, Mark Harvey was forced to play ayoung side and I was the number one runwith player at times,” he said.“The extra attention when you’re in thatposition is part of the game and you have tolearn pretty quickly to adapt and cope with it.“That’s footy… I don’t mind it.”fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>7

<strong>Club</strong> CaptainMatthew PavlichDemanding the bestFrom Matthew Pavlich:There is a always agreat level of anticipationas round one of a newseason draws near.For supporters, who arestarved of football action inthe off-season, it’s the buzzand all the excitement thataccompanies another homeand away series.As a footballer, round oneof a new season is a rewardfor all the hard work you’vedone in the previous four tofive months.You are finally able toshowcase your talents andthe benefits of a tough anddemanding pre-season.<strong>Fremantle</strong> supporters canexpect to see a consistentlycompetitive and determinedteam this year. Season 20<strong>09</strong>will also see increased intensityas a hallmark of our game.In the off-season, the playinglist was reinvigorated by anoverhaul unrivalled in the club’shistory. While we farewelledeight loyal servants of the club,we have taken on board 14 young,inexperienced but incrediblymotivated and talented youngmen who are all determined tosucceed in the AFL.Their arrival at the club andthe level of enthusiasm theygenerate has really inspiredthe whole playing group.Core valuesOur new assistant coachesin Barry Mitchell and ToddCurley plus our sports scienceteam, including Jason Weberand Chris Spinks, are allincredibly professional.The range of philosophiesand new ideas they havebrought to the club haveenhanced our whole attitudeto training.The ethos of the playinggroup and our approach totraining has gone to a newlevel. It’s really about gettingthe best out of yourself andyour team mates every timeyou train.From my own perspective,I’m determined to achieveand maintain a high levelof consistency. And I will beequally determined to do all Ican to help fast track our youngplayers as quickly as possible.I will be enlisting our third,fourth and fifth year players toensure that happens.The new leadership group,including Luke McPharlin,Aaron Sandilands, AntoniGrover and Des Headland, willalso be integral to that process.Luke, Aaron, Antoni andDes were selected for theleadership group because theylive and breath the core valuesand trademark behavioursthat we as a club believe areimportant.Their presence in theleadership group reflectsnot only their capacity todemonstrate those values butto also ensure that the playinggroup abides by them as well.To be a great leader youhave to perform, live thecore values and trademarkbehaviours as well as demandthe best from your team mates.The good thing about ourleadership group is that thereis scope for improvement. Weare good at certain things butwe can get much better.Leadership GroupWhen a third of your listchanges, as is the case thisyear, and those players areat an age when they are veryimpressionable it is extremelyimportant that they are in anenvironment where they arealways observing appropriatebehaviour.If the players in the leadershipgroup are all performing wellin everything we do, anddemanding the best out ofeach other out on the ground,then that will go a long way toensuring our aim of achievingsustained on-field success.In the meantime, Help Spreadthe Passion and I look forward toseeing you at the footy.Help Spread the PassionMEMBERS ONLYHands up if you want to win tickets to the awayCarlton Mid Derby for you and three friends!As a 20<strong>09</strong> Member, just by introducing a new member to the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> you are eligible to win tickets to theCarlton Mid Derby Preview Function on Friday 1 May and ticketsto the away Carlton Mid Derby on Saturday 2 May for you andthree friends.Simply introduce a new member to the club and if they sign upto a 20<strong>09</strong> membership package, you are eligible to win. You willreceive one entry for every new member introduced. Promotionbegins Wednesday 25 February 20<strong>09</strong> and ends noon Thursday9 April 20<strong>09</strong>.Help us Spread the Passion in 20<strong>09</strong>!For further details and Terms and Conditions go towww.fremantlefc.com.auor call 9433 7111 or 1300 88 20 77Proud Loyal Passionate8 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

On the RoadKimberleyBroome4-7 February 20<strong>09</strong>10 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

On the RoadKimberley<strong>Fremantle</strong> kicked off its community activitiesfor the year with a three day visit to Broomein early February for its 20<strong>09</strong> Telstra AFLCommunity Camp. Story: Andrew BousfieldThe visit to theKimberley regionstarted on a hot andhumid Wednesday morningwhen <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s touringparty arrived in Broome.The travelling party, whichincluded <strong>Club</strong> CaptainMatthew Pavlich, SeniorCoach Mark Harvey and amix of senior players and newrecruits made their way outto six primary and secondaryschools around Broome totalk with students aboutthe rigours of playing elitefootball and the commitmentrequired to succeed.Assistant Coach ChrisScott, Paul Hasleby, GarrickIbbotson, Ryan Murphy andnew recruit Chris Hall werewarmly welcomed by Year10-12 students from St Mary’sSecondary College. Theplayers discussed how theirsacrifices and work ethicshaped their football pathwayand encouraged the studentsto employ similar strategieswith regard to succeedingat school.<strong>Fremantle</strong> were laterofficially welcomed to theregion by Shire of BroomePresident Graeme Campbellat a civic reception at the shireoffices. Ibbotson and Harveypresented Mr Campbellwith a signed and framedfremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>11

On the RoadKimberley<strong>Fremantle</strong> jumper for theshire as a gesture of thanks forwelcoming the club.Local knowledgeWA National Party leader and<strong>Fremantle</strong> member BrendanGrylls (pictured oppositepage with Mark Harvey andMatthew Pavlich), made asurprise appearance at thereception, welcoming theplayers and coaches to Broomeand thanking them for thetime they would spend in thefollowing days with regionalsupporters who do not get tosee AFL players as often asthose in the city.To cap off a busy first dayin Broome Harvey, Pavlich,Steven Dodd, Rhys Palmer,Luke McPharlin and PaulHasleby entertained a capacitycrowd at the Broome Bowling<strong>Club</strong> with a Sportsman’s Nightpanel show. Between a seriesof tall stories and humorousanecdotes, the crowd wasgiven an informed previewof <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s preparationsahead of the 20<strong>09</strong> AFLPremiership Season.Day 2 of the camp startedat 6.30am with an hour longtackling session on the sand atCable Beach.The travelling party latertested their angling ability atvarious fishing locations on theoutskirts of Broome. Harveywas joined by Des Headland,Hasleby, Palmer and newrecruit Casey Sibosadoamongst others at Willie Creek,40km north of Broome wherethey cast their lines and wentsearching for mud crabs.Hasleby had the mostsuccess with the reel, pulling infive fish while Sibosado’s localknowledge also came in handyas the group caught a couple ofdecent sized mud crabs.Solid sessionBut it was the marquee eventon <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s camp calendar,the community evening atthe Broome Recreation andAquatic Centre that was thetrip’s biggest success. Morethan 1500 people made theirway to the new football oval atthe centre to meet the playersand see <strong>Fremantle</strong> in action onthe training track.The evening got underwaywith more than 500 lively fiveto 12-year-olds registering totake part in a NAB AFL AuskickSuperclinic to learn footballskills from some of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’sbiggest stars.Under the watchful eye ofsenior players Pavlich, Headland,McPharlin and new recruitsStephen Hill, Hamish Shepheardand Matt de Boer, the localchildren were put through aseries of exciting and challengingdrills aimed at improving theirball handling skills.Pavlich said the localsproudly demonstrated theirpassion for <strong>Fremantle</strong> byturning out in droves forthe clinic.“Seeing so many kids makethe effort to come down andtake part was really hearteningfor the players who ran theclinic,” he said.“It’s always a privilege beingable to teach kids new footyskills and seeing so muchpurple at the clinic showedthe club has a lot of supportin Broome.”After signing autographs forthe excited crowd, <strong>Fremantle</strong>players took to the trainingtrack with selected localtalented players for a solidone‐hour session.As one of the star attractionsof <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s visit, Palmerdidn’t disappoint the crowdand set the standard for thelocal players.“It was great to have thelocal guys out there for oursession. I’ve been in theirshoes before where you get anopportunity like they have andit’s unreal,” Palmer said.“They all showed somereal talent and even with thewet footballs they had goodcontrol and were pretty strongoverhead.“Their foot skills were prettysolid as well. I don’t rememberthere being a kick from any ofthe Broome boys that didn’t hitme laces out.”Harvey also took timeout to play kick-to-kick withlocal children, while assistantcoaches Barry Mitchell andDean Wallis conducted acoaching seminar for localsports administrators, coachesand players from the BroomebasedClontarf Academy.The final full day of thecamp in the State’s NorthWest saw the reducedtravelling party head to remotecommunities in Derby, Beagle12 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

On the RoadKimberleyBroome“It’s alwaysa privilegebeing able toteach kids newfooty skillsand seeing somuch purpleat the clinicshowed theclub has a lotof support inBroome.”Bay, One Arm Point, Djaridjin/Lombadina and Bidyadanga tovisit schools.Old SchoolSibosado headed to his homecommunity of Lombardina onthe Dampier Peninsula withPalmer and Paul Duffield. Thegroup also visited schools atBeagle Bay and One Arm Pointto discuss the importance ofworking hard at school andencouraging students to lookafter their bodies through goodnutrition and exercise.Sibosado said returningto his home community wasthe highlight of his trip tothe Kimberley.“Getting back to my oldschool, Lombardina/DjaridjinCatholic School, was great.I got to have a chat to thekids, so that was definitelymy biggest highlight,”Sibosado said.“We got a pretty warmwelcome, not only fromLombardina, but from all theschools. I think they werequite proud of me representingthe community.“There are quite a few Freofans up there and hopefullyI have somesort of impact inthe rise of Freo fans up there.”Josh Head, Murphy andBrock O’Brien made a visit toHoly Rosary School in Derby,while Des Headland, Jay VanBerlo and Clayton Hinkleymade the one and a half hourjourney south of Broometo the most isolated standalone community in WesternAustralia – Bidyadanga.Located 180km south ofBroome, Bidyadanga has apopulation of 800 residents,including almost 200children, with most of themattending La Grange RemoteCommunity School.Headland, Van Berlo andHinkley arrived at the schoolto a warm reception from thestudents and other members ofthe community who venturedto La Grange to meet their<strong>Fremantle</strong> heroes.The trio made their waythrough each class at theschool and spoke of theirlives as footballers as well asdiscussing the importance ofreceiving an education. Eachplayer encouraged La Grange’sstudents to make a concertedeffort to attend school eachday, learn as much as theycould and to work hard whilein the classroom.Role modelsLa Grange RCS Principal MarkWilliams said his studentsstood to learn a lot from theirtime spent with Headland, VanBerlo and Hinkley.“To have positive role modelsvisit the community, especiallyindigenous players like DesHeadland, and to speak on theimportance of schooling andlearning life skills… I’m sureit will go a long way with ourkids,” Mr Williams said.“We have really beenencouraging our students toattend school more regularlyand I think hearing theirheroes encouraging them to dojust that will be beneficial fora while to come.“The kids got a real kickout of having the players hereand it also brought membersof the community into theschool, which is somethingwe encourage.”Van Berlo said the trip toBidyadanga and La GrangeRCS was a great experienceand like nothing he hadencountered before.“It’s a great little school andthe kids are fantastic,” he said.“It’s great to be able to put asmile on their faces but we asplayers get a great deal out ofthese sorts of things as well.”While there was theunmistakable football theme,Van Berlo said encouraging ahealthy lifestyle was just asimportant for the players todiscuss with the students.“It’s crucial we get themessage across of eating right,as well as promoting a healthylifestyle. It is important for usin our lives as footballers butthe messages are universaland hopefully the kids tooksomething out of what we saidso they can live a better life,”Van Berlo said.All <strong>Fremantle</strong> coaches,players and staff who madethe trip north wish to extendtheir gratitude and thanks toeveryone within the Shire ofBroome as well as those theyvisited in remote communitiesfor making them feel at homewhile in the Kimberley.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>13

ProfilePaul Hasleby14 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

ProfilePaul HaslebyOlympic lesson formidfield maestroDuring 12-months on the sidelines recovering from last year’s season-ending kneeinjury, Paul Hasleby endured a roller coaster of emotions. Story: Luke MorfesseWhen Swedish athleteSusanna Kallur fell at the firsthurdle in the 100 metre hurdlesemi-final at the 2008 Beijing Games, itwas the end of her Olympic dream.For Paul Hasleby, who had suffereda season-ending knee injury six monthsearlier and was perched in the grandstand directly above where the gold medalhopeful crashed out of the Games, it wassomething of a realisation.“For me it just hit home how Olympicathletes sacrifice four years of their lifeand go out to compete yet it can be all overso suddenly,” said Hasleby, who duringhis time in Beijing was half-way througha year-long stint on the sidelines.“As a footballer you always have the nextquarter, the next game or even the nextyear to turn it around if you don’t succeed.“I had one year out of, hopefully, a 12 or13-year career but someone like SusannaKallur has to wait four more years to getanother chance.“The experience of being there in thestadium that day really helped put my ownsituation in perspective.”He certainly needed to.Lonely yearIn the weeks and months following theinjury, which Hasleby sustained in roundone of the 2008 NAB Cup against WestCoast, the outlook was quite bleak.“The toughest part was probably fouror five days after the surgery when youhave all the well wishers and you feelvery special because you’ve got so muchsupport,” he recalled.“But after a while it stops and realitysets in… you know you are going to be byyourself for the whole year.”The sense of isolation led the 27-yearoldto describe it as a “lonely year”.“It was very hard to feel a part of thegroup because there’s nothing like being outon the football field and playing,” he said.The top flight midfielder relied on hisinterests outside football and a stint in thecoaches’ box to help cope with the sense ofisolation.“Mark Harvey got me to join thecoaching staff for part of the year and Iwas doing a bit more media,” Hasleby said.“I really just used it as a developmentyear for myself in preparation for whenthe curtain does fall on my career.”Hasleby got so much out of his timewith the coaching staff that he nowwishes he’d had the opportunity earlier inhis career.“It’s certainly going to hold me in goodstead for the rest of my career,” he said.But for now, even if he is wary of settinggoals for the year ahead, it’s all aboutSeason 20<strong>09</strong>.Individual focus“It’s pretty hard to set goals when you’recoming back from the type of injury I’vehad,” Hasleby said.“I haven’t set them too high… it’s a lotof suck it and see.“But firstly I’d like to get back into theteam and then aim for consistency, whichis something I haven’t really had for myentire career.”“It might take until the second half ofthe year until I’m doing that and playingmy best footy but that’s the aim.”Helping achieve that aim has been theshedding of a few kilograms.Under the new fitness regime of sportsscience manager Jason Weber, Haslebyis close to the 86kgs he weighed whenhe first ventured down to East <strong>Fremantle</strong>from Northampton as an 18-year-old.“With the new fitness and training…and everything else that’s been going on,I can happily say that I’m in really goodshape,” he said.“You train a lot harder and do a lot morethese days but it was an individual focusthat I had to improve during the time I wasout of the game.”The arrival of 14 new, young playershas also inspired Hasleby’s returnfrom injury.Although with the departure of eightsenior players last year, including some veryclose mates, it took some getting used to.“You come down to the club and thefriends you’ve made over the past 10 yearshave all gone their separate ways… so atfirst as an older player it was a bit hard tocome down,” he said.“But with youth comes a lot of energyand enthusiasm… they all have that ‘eyeof-the-tiger’about them… they are reallykeen to learn and just want to get into it.”Hasleby has embraced that and asa senior player knows that one of hisresponsibilities is to “show them the way”.“There’s also a group of <strong>Fremantle</strong>players who have played in losing sides forthe greater part of their careers,” he said.“That had an effect on all of us becausewe’ve been put down for a number ofyears for losing.“But these young blokes have comein and they haven’t been through that…all they know is they want to win.“So that really inspires everyone and itreally excites me about coming down tothe club.”fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>15

Supportinggrass roots footyHelp the community and put your business under the hammer on the main stage at theCarlton Mid Gala Dinner AuctionPerth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wednesday 3 June 20<strong>09</strong>By getting your Company involved in the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>’sbiggest fundraising event of the year, the Carlton Mid Gala DinnerAuction, you will have the opportunity to showcase your business toan array of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s stakeholders and supporters.This is both an excellent promotional opportunity and investment.Your support of this event will go a long way in assisting thegrowth of the club’s Community Development Program, which is the solebeneficiary of the auction.To lodge your generous donation for the main and/or silent auctions forthis year’s event, please contact the club on 9433 7000 or via emailat auction@fremantlefc.com.au. For more information on theinitiatives that <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s Community Development Program deliversthroughout Western Australia please visit www.fremantlefc.com.au.Event Sponsor16 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

PulloutContentsStarlight Purple Haze Game..........................................................................iiSenior Coach profile.................................................................................... iiiLeadership Group profiles............................................................................ iiiSenior Player profiles.................................................................................... vRookie List profiles......................................................................................xii<strong>Club</strong> Honour Roll........................................................................................xiiiStatistics 2008..........................................................................................xiv<strong>Club</strong> Statistics............................................................................................xiv20<strong>09</strong> Season Fixtures................................................................................xvifremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>i

Purple Hazeto kick off round 1The annual Starlight Purple Haze Game, proudly supported by <strong>Fremantle</strong> Ports, will kickoff the season when <strong>Fremantle</strong> takes on the Bulldogs at Subiaco Oval in Round 1.You can play your partby digging deep and byhelping create a ‘PurpleHaze’ around Subiaco Oval bywearing something PURPLE.The popular “Purple PlayOff” competition is also back.To be eligible to enter you mustdress up… Be creative, beoriginal! Whatever you decideto wear, just think PURPLE andregister with 92.9 – Perth’s HitMusic Station at Gate 8 beforethe 4.10pm bouncedown onSunday 29 March.The 92.9 road runnerswill choose five of the bestdressed supporters to takepart in the competition at halftime on Subiaco Oval to wina fantastic prize. The winnerwill be the finalist who attractsthe loudest applause from thecrowd as they are introduced.So, start planning yourpurple outfit today and pleasedig deep on match day as themoney raised for Starlight willassist with granting wishesfor seriously ill or hospitalisedchildren and will also helpto continually improve theresources of the StarlightChildren’s Foundation in WA.Heading into its seventhyear, the Starlight PurpleHaze Game, has raised almost$190,000 for the StarlightChildren’s Foundation witha new record of $40,621.30raised at last years match.For more informationon the 20<strong>09</strong> StarlightPurple Haze Game, proudlysupported by <strong>Fremantle</strong>Ports, please visit the eventssection of the club’s websitewww.fremantlefc.com.au.iiMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

# 29# 31Mark Harvey – Senior CoachPlaying Career:Essendon <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>(1984-1997) – 206 GamesCoaching Career:<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>: Senior Coach 2007-Current<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>: Assistant Coach 2006-2007Essendon <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>: Assistant Coach 1997-2005Mark took the reigns as the club’s Senior Coach priorto round 16 in 2007 and marked the occasion witha resounding victory over Adelaide at AAMI Stadium.He was appointed to the role for three years at theconclusion of the 2007 season.Mark joined the club as an Assistant Coach forthe 2006 season and enjoyed a successful debut yearat <strong>Fremantle</strong>, taking control of a largely young andinexperienced defence and moulding them into one ofthe competition’s tightest units.Prior to joining <strong>Fremantle</strong>, he spent eight yearsas an assistant coach at Essendon after playing 206games for the Bombers between 1984 and 1997,including three premierships as a player in 1984,1985, and 1993 and one as an assistant coach in2000. He finished in the top five of the Bombers’ Bestand Fairest, the Crichton Medal, on four occasions,winning the award in 1992.Matthew Pavlich – <strong>Club</strong> CaptainDate of Birth: 31/12/81Height:192cmWeight:1<strong>01</strong>kgGames for FFC: 194AFL Games Total: 194Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 4Goals for FFC: 379AFL Goals Total: 379Debut for FFC:2000 (18 years 99 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player Honours:<strong>Club</strong>: Best and fairest 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008;2nd best and fairest 2003; 3rd best and fairest 2004;All-Australian 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008;International Rules Series 2002, 2003; Leading goalkicker 20<strong>01</strong> (equal), 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008; AFLRising Star nominee 2000; <strong>Club</strong> Captain since 2007Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 17; career votes 79.VFL/AFL: 11035th player to appear,448th most games played, 89th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 81st player to appear,3rd most games played, 1st most goals kickedProfile:Matthew had another brilliant season in 2008,winning his fifth best and fairest, even though hemissed the last two matches with a knee injury.Difficult to beat in the air, especially in packs, thekey-position forward led the way for the club with 138marks, including 40 contested. He also topped theclub’s goal kicking with 67 and led the way with inside50s (1<strong>01</strong>). Matthew polled 17 votes in the BrownlowMedal, evidence that he is one of the most outstandingplayers in the game. He always leads by example andhas many years of top football ahead of him.Draft History:1999 National AFL Draft 1st round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 4 overall.Aaron Sandilands– Leadership groupDate of Birth: 06/12/82Height:211cmWeight:123kgGames for FFC: 115AFL Games Total: 115Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 4Goals for FFC: 34AFL Goals Total: 34Debut for FFC:WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:2003 (20 years 114 days)East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:<strong>Club</strong>: 2nd best and fairest 2008; All‐Australian 2008;NAB AFL Rising Star nominee 2003Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 10; career votes 20VFL/AFL: 11254th player to appear,1534th most games played, 2212th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 105th player to appear,16th most games played, 33rd most goals kickedProfile:The tallest player in the AFL, Aaron capped awonderful 2008 season by being named All-Australian,his first selection. He played every game last seasonand won a phenomenal 646 hit-outs, easily the mostin the competition. Aaron’s ground play and markingskills have improved dramatically and he is criticallyimportant to <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s ambitions this season as heposes enormous problems for opposition ruckmen.He will generally handball when he wins possessionand he led the way for the club in 2008 with 208.Aaron was runner-up in the club’s best and fairest.Draft History:2002 rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>iii

# 11# 14# 18Des Headland– Leadership groupDate of Birth: 21/<strong>01</strong>/81Height:186cmWeight:91kgGames for FFC: 100AFL Games Total: 146Games for other clubs: 152Finals Games: 9Goals for FFC: 105AFL Goals Total: 157Debut for FFC:WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:2003 (22 years 68 days)SubiacoPlayer honours:Brisbane Lions premiership side 2002Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 2; career votes 42VFL/AFL: 1<strong>09</strong>83rd player to appear,894th most games played, 479th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 104th player to appear,20th most games played, 8th most goals kickedBrisbane Lions: 51st player to appear,40th most games played, 23rd most goals kickedProfile:Potentially one of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s best players, Deswas restricted to just six games in 2008 because ofknee injuries. He also missed a large chunk of 2007with a hamstring injury, so the 2002 Brisbane Lionspremiership player deserves a change of luck. However,a calf injury has seen him endure an interrupted preseasonbut he is back on track and should be availablefor selection early in the season. Des can be a drivingforce in the midfield and is dangerous near goal.The club is hoping he can have an injury-free run in20<strong>09</strong> and return to his brilliant, creative best.Draft history:1998 National AFL Draft 1st round selection (BrisbaneLions) No. 1 overall; 2002 National AFL Draft tradedby the Brisbane Lions for No. 3 (Jared Brennan) andNo. 19 (Troy Selwood).Antoni Grover– Leadership groupDate of Birth: 11/03/80Height:189cmWeight:97kgGames for FFC: 146AFL Games Total: 146Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 2Goals for FFC: 19AFL Goals Total: 19Debut for FFC:WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:1999 (19 years 163 days)SubiacoPlayer honours:2nd best and fairest 2007Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 2; career votes 5VFL/AFL: 1<strong>09</strong>98th player to appear,989th most games played, 3126th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 74th player to appear,8th most games played, 50th most goals kickedProfile:One of the strongest key-position defenders in theAFL, he often gets the task on the opposition’s biggestforward because he uses his bulk well. Missed fivegames in 2008 and <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s defence lookedvulnerable without his bullocking work on the last line.A key player when in form, Antoni signed a one-yearcontract extension, taking him through to the end of2<strong>01</strong>0. With his 17 matches in 2008 taking his careertally to 146 games, Antoni is poised to become thesecond Indigenous player to reach the 150 gamesmilestone and achieve Life Membership with the club.Draft history:1999 rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).Luke McPharlin– Leadership groupDate of Birth: <strong>01</strong>/12/81Height:193cmWeight:93kgGames for FFC: 121AFL Games Total: 133Games for other clubs: 12Finals Games: 4Goals for FFC: 89AFL Goals Total: 92Debut for FFC:WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:2002 (20 years 197 days)East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:3rd best and fairest 2007, 2008Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 3; career votes 10VFL/AFL: 11036th player to appear,12<strong>01</strong>st most games played, 934th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 102nd player to appear,15th most games played, 11th most goals kickedHawthorn: 796th player to appear,477th most games played, 460th most goals kickedProfile:Luke had another excellent season, finishing third inthe cub’s best and fairest. He is extremely consistent inthe heart of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s defence but he also did wellwhen played at the other end of the ground, kickingfive goals in round 18 against West Coast. Luke tookmore marks (142) than any other <strong>Fremantle</strong> playerand was second at the club (behind Matthew Pavlich)for contested marks (28). He is one of the AFL’s elitekey-position players.Draft History:1999 National AFL Draft 1st round selection(Hawthorn) No. 10 overall; 20<strong>01</strong> National AFL Drafttraded by Hawthorn for No. 1 (Luke Hodge), No. 20(Daniel Elstone) and No. 36 (Sam Mitchell).Visit the ‘Team Store’at Subiaco Oval forall the latest gearivMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

# 3# 4# 5Byron SchammerDate of Birth: 21/06/85Height:176cmWeight:80kgGames for FFC: 105AFL Games Total: 105Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 4Goals for FFC: 29AFL Goals Total: 29Debut for FFC:2003 (17 years 282 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:ClaremontPlayer honours:NAB AFL Rising Star nominee 2003Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 3;career votes 20VFL/AFL: 11255th player to appear, 1768th mostgames played, 2476th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 106th player to appear, 19th most games played,36th most goals kickedProfile:Byron bounced back from a horror 2007 in whichcomplications following an appendectomy saw himmiss a substantial amount of football before makinga return to the field against Carlton in Round 13.Last season saw him return to good health and heprovided plenty of grunt around the packs and wasdangerous near goal. Byron amassed 386 possessionsto prove he is an invaluable midfield contributor inwhat was his best season for <strong>Fremantle</strong>. He was eighthin the club’s best and fairest and laid the most tackles(88) at the club. Given an injury-free run in 20<strong>09</strong>, hecould provide <strong>Fremantle</strong> with great midfield input.Draft history:2002 National AFL Draft 1st round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 13 on-traded by Port Adelaide toNorth Melbourne for Leigh Brown.Paul HaslebyDate of Birth: 12/06/81Height:182cmWeight:87kgGames for FFC: 166AFL Games Total: 166Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 2Goals for FFC: 100AFL Goals Total: 100Debut for FFC:2000 (18 years 273 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours2nd best and fairest 2000, 2004;3rd best and fairest 2003;All-Australian 2003;International Rules Series 2003;AFL Rising Star winner 2000.Brownlow Medal: Career votes 60VFL/AFL: 11007th player to appear, 717th most gamesplayed, 851st most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 79th player to appear,4th most games played, 9th most goals kickedProfile:Paul missed the entire 2008 season followinga knee reconstruction. His injury was a huge blowto <strong>Fremantle</strong> as he led the club in the midfield with241 handballs in 2007. He is a match-winner on hisday because of his great goal sense and ability tobring teammates into the play. Paul has shown hewill be ready to go in round one with some strongperformances during the pre-season competition.Everyone is hopeful he can quickly return to his bestbefore too long.Draft history:1999 National AFL Draft priority selection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>)No. 2 overall.Garrick IbbotsonDate of Birth: 15/03/88Height:188cmWeight:81kgGames for FFC: 20AFL Games Total: 20Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 8AFL Goals Total: 8Debut for FFC:2007 (19 years 87 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honoursNAB AFL Rising Star nominee 2008VFL/AFL: 11581st player to appear, 5537th most gamesplayed, 4552nd most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 127th player to appear,88th most games played, 82nd most goals kickedProfile:After playing just one game in 2007, Garrick madea big impression in his second season. He played19 games and looked comfortable and composed inthe midfield to show he is a potential star. The clubregards him as a key to its future prospects. He was10th in the club’s best and fairest, collecting 325possessions and finishing fifth at the club for tackles(59), a tremendous effort for such a young player.Draft history:2005 NAB AFL Draft 2nd round selection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>)No. 26 overall.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>v

# 6Dean SolomonDate of Birth: <strong>09</strong>/<strong>01</strong>/80Height:189cmWeight:102kgGames for FFC: 33AFL Games Total: 191Games for other clubs: 158Finals Games: 12Goals for FFC: 18AFL Goals Total: 74Debut for FFC: 2007 (27 years 81 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>s:PerthPlayer honoursEssendon 3rd best and fairest 2004;International Rules Series 2004; AFLRising Star nominee 1999; Essendonpremiership side 2000.Brownlow Medal: Career votes 18VFL/AFL: 10865th player to appear,468th most games played, 1182nd mostgoals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 123rd player to appear, 73rdmost games played, 56th most goals kickedEssendon: 1<strong>01</strong>2th player to appear, 57thmost games played, 134th most goals kickedProfile:Dean can fill positions from defence tothe forward line and always plays withaggression but understands there is a fineline. Dean’s suspensions in 2008 saw himplay just 13 games. He takes a strong markand will be an important team membergiven he is now one of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s mostexperienced players. Dean will return tosenior ranks in Round 2.Draft history:1997 National AFL Draft 2nd roundselection (Essendon) No. 20 overall;2006 NAB AFL Draft traded by Essendonfor No. 42 (Bachar Houli) and No. 47(Kyle Reimers).# 7Brett PeakeDate of Birth: 05/07/83Height:186cmWeight:88kgGames for FFC: 57AFL Games Total: 57Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 3Goals for FFC: 28AFL Goals Total: 28Debut for FFC: 2005 (21 years 349 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours3rd best and fairest 2006;International Rules Series 2006Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 2;career votes 12VFL/AFL: 11438th player to appear,3246th most games played,2528th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 118th player to appear,48th most games played,37th most goals kickedProfile:The son of former West Australian andGeelong star Brian Peake, Brett hada much improved 2008 season afterbreaking a collarbone the previous year.Has ability to win the ball creates plentyof opportunities for teammates. He workshard in the midfield and a little moreconsistency could see him as one of histeam’s elite players.Draft history:2003 NAB AFL Draft 3rd round father-sonselection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 43 overall.# 8Nic SubanDate of Birth: <strong>09</strong>/05/90Height:180mWeight:83kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:ClaremontProfile:Nic was an All-Australian under-18 playerin 2007 and 2008. Has a strong body andcould play senior football earlier than most2008 draftees. From the North BallaratRebels, he can play on the ball or indefence and reads the play well. Keep aneye on <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s new look number 8 inhis debut season.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 2nd round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 24 overall.# 9Marcus DrumDate of Birth: <strong>01</strong>/05/87Height:191cmWeight:84kgGames for FFC: 17AFL Games Total: 17Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 6AFL Goals Total: 6Debut for FFC: 2006 (19 years 61 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:PerthPlayer honours:VFL/AFL: 11508th player to appear,5894th most games played,50<strong>01</strong>st most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 122nd player to appear,91st most games played,89th most goals kickedProfile:A nephew of former <strong>Fremantle</strong> coachDamian Drum, he had a mixed season in2008, playing just nine games. He hadhamstring problems mid-season andnever seemed to hit top form. Has heapsof potential as a hard-hitting defender but,in his fourth season, the club will be keento see him progress.Draft history:2005 NAB AFL Draft 1st round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 10 overall.# 10Rhys PalmerDate of Birth: 13/02/89Height:182cmWeight:80kgGames for FFC: 20AFL Games Total: 20Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 10AFL Goals Total: 10Debut for FFC: 2008 (19 years 45 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:2008 NAB AFL Rising StarBrownlow Medal: 2008 votes 7;career votes 7VFL/AFL: 11642nd player to appear,5567th most games played,4243rd most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 132nd player to appear,90th most games played,75th most goals kickedProfile:Rhys had a superb debut season to be namedthe 2008 NAB AFL Rising Star. After debutingin round 2, he missed just one other matchafter suffering a knee injury. A prolific ballwinnerwith more possessions (462) thanany other <strong>Fremantle</strong> player, he has plentyof courage, good pace and great endurance.The former East <strong>Fremantle</strong> midfield star wasfourth in the club’s best and fairest. A full preseasonshould stand him in good stead for theupcoming season as he shapes as a real talentof the future for <strong>Fremantle</strong>.Draft History:2007 NAB AFL Draft 1st round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 7 overall.To view the latest FTVvisit fremantlefc.com.auviMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

# 12Brock O’BrienDate of Birth: 30/05/88Height:181cmWeight:79kgGames for FFC: 3AFL Games Total: 3Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 1AFL Goals Total: 10Debut for FFC: 2007 (19 years 94 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:Peel ThunderPlayer honours:VFL/AFL: 11622nd player to appear,9605th most games played,8061st most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 129th player to appear,126th most games played,122nd most goals kickedProfile:After playing one game in his debut seasonof 2007, Brock played just two last year.The young left-footer is a highly skilleddefender who played senior footballwith Peel Thunder in the WAFL beforebeing drafted by <strong>Fremantle</strong> in 2006.He represented WA at the 2006 NABAFL Under-18 Championships. Brockhad a set-back after injuring an AC jointin his shoulder during <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s NABChallenge match against the Kangaroos inCanberra which kept him off the track fora few weeks but he is now back training.Draft history:2006 NAB AFL Draft 4th round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 52 overall.# 15Ryan CrowleyDate of Birth: 05/03/84Height:190cmWeight:91kgGames for FFC: 72AFL Games Total: 72Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 3Goals for FFC: 54AFL Goals Total: 54Debut for FFC: 2005 (21 years 84 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:SubiacoPlayer honours:International Rules Series 2006, 2008.VFL/AFL: 11429th player to appear,2627th most games played,1551st most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 117th player to appear,37th most games played,24th most goals kickedProfile:Well established with <strong>Fremantle</strong>, Ryancan play in a variety of positions and isdangerous near goals. He attacks the ballhard and can be used at either end of theground or as a tagger. Equal fifth (withMichael Johnson) in the best and fairest,his importance to the team was underlinedby his 216 kicks (third at the club). He wasalso third for tackles (77). Expect a bigyear from Ryan.Draft history:2002 National AFL Draft 4th roundselection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 55 overall tradedby Essendon for Adam McPhee; 2005rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).# 16David MundyDate of Birth: 20/07/85Height:192cmWeight:91kgGames for FFC: 86AFL Games Total: 86Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 3Goals for FFC: 17AFL Goals Total: 17Debut for FFC: 2005 (19 years 284 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:SubiacoPlayer honours:International Rules Series 2006;NAB AFL Rising Star nominee 2005.VFL/AFL: 11403rd player to appear,2212th most games played,2896th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 115th player to appear,25th most games played,47th most goals kickedProfile:David played every game in 2008 and wasseventh in the best and fairest. He rackedup 375 possessions and laid more tackles(63) than any other <strong>Fremantle</strong> playerexcept Byron Schammer (88). David hasdeveloped into one of the club’s mostconsistent performers. He plays with flair,but also can be extremely tight in defence.David has not missed a game for the clubsince his debut with <strong>Fremantle</strong> againstMelbourne in Round 6, 2005.Draft History:Draft history: 2003 NAB AFL Draft 2nd roundselection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 19 overall tradedby the Western Bulldogs for Steven Koops.# 17Hayden BallantyneDate of Birth: 16/07/87Height:174cmWeight:77kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:Peel ThunderPlayer honours:Sandover Medal 2008Profile:Hayden is a lively small forward from PeelThunder who won the 2008 SandoverMedal. Quick and clever, he kicked75 goals in the WAFL in 2008 and hasthe ability to push into the midfield.A good mark for his size and is seen asa replacement for Jeff Farmer. Haydenunderwent corrective wrist surgery shortlyafter he was selected at the 2008 NAB AFLNational Draft and has missed the preseasoncompetition. Looks a ready-madeprospect and should make his debut in thefirst half of the season.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 2nd round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 21 overall.# 19Clayton HinkleyDate of Birth: 21/02/89Height:186cmWeight:72kgGames for FFC: 5AFL Games Total: 5Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 2AFL Goals Total: 2Debut for FFC: 2008 (19 years 58 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:Swan DistrictsPlayer honours:Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 1;career votes 1VFL/AFL: 11652nd player to appear,8562nd most games played,6824th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 133rd player to appear,118th most games played,107th most goals kickedProfile:The young midfielder from the NorthBallarat Rebels played five games inhis debut season of 2008. Clayton isexceptionally quick and he can also playin defence or up forward. He representedVic Country at the NAB AFL Under-18Championships in 2007 and all at<strong>Fremantle</strong> have a high opinion of his ability.As he continues to develop, expect to seemore of the number 19 this season.Draft History:2007 NAB AFL Draft 2nd round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 24 overall.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>vii

# 20Chris TarrantDate of Birth: 18/<strong>09</strong>/80Height:193cmWeight:92kgGames for FFC: 37AFL Games Total: 198Games for other clubs: 161Finals Games: 7Goals for FFC: 56AFL Goals Total: 355Debut for FFC: 2007 (26 years 194 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East PerthPlayer honours:All-Australian 2003; Collingwood leadinggoal kicker 20<strong>01</strong>, 2002 (equal), 2003-2005Brownlow Medal: Career votes 26VFL/AFL: 10854th player to appear,419th most games played, 106th mostgoals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 124th player to appear, 65thmost games played, 22nd most goalskickedCollingwood: 987th player to appear,60th most games played, 14th mostgoals kickedProfile:Chris looked more settled in his secondseason with <strong>Fremantle</strong>, kicking 23 goals in16 matches. He takes an exceptional markand at times he looked as if he was capableof producing the brilliant form he showedwhen he was named All-Australian in 2003.Keep an eye on Chris early on the seasonbecause he has been one of the mostimpressive players on the track during thepre-season.Draft history:1997 National AFL Draft 1st round selection(Collingwood) No. 8 overall; 2006 NABAFL Draft traded by Collingwood for PaulMedhurst and No. 8 (Ben Reid).# 21Andrew FosterDate of Birth: 31/08/85Height:183cmWeight:78kgGames for FFC: 3AFL Games Total: 3Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 4AFL Goals Total: 4Debut for FFC: 2007 (21 years 346 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:VFL/AFL: 11614th player to appear,8908th most games played,5649th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 128th player to appear,120th most games played,96th most goals kickedProfile:A prolific possession-winner in the WAFL,he was promoted from the rookie listlate in 2007 and played three gamesthat season. Andrew plays mainly in themidfield but managed just one match lastyear as the second half of his season wasruined by a back injury. His pre-season hasagain been interrupted by the persistentback injury but hopefully he’ll return earlyin the season through the WAFL.Draft history:2007 rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).# 22Scott ThorntonDate of Birth: 11/<strong>09</strong>/82Height:194cmWeight:87kgGames for FFC: 73AFL Games Total: 73Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 1Goals for FFC: 9AFL Goals Total: 9Debut for FFC: 2002 (19 years 249 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:South <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:Brownlow Medal: Career votes 1VFL/AFL: 11208th player to appear,2619th most games played,4450th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 1<strong>01</strong>st player to appear,36th most games played,80th most goals kickedProfile:Scott had a fine 2008 after starting theseason in the WAFL. He provides plentyof run from half-back with his daringplay. He played 17 games in 2008 afterjust 14 the previous season due to injury.He stands out because of his fair hair andhis courageous marking and he has thechance to establish himself as a <strong>Fremantle</strong>regular. With further development, couldbe a key player for <strong>Fremantle</strong> over the nextfew seasons.Draft history:2000 National AFL Draft 5th roundselection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 66 overall.# 23Chris MayneDate of Birth: 02/11/88Height:188cmWeight:80kgGames for FFC: 17AFL Games Total: 17Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 10AFL Goals Total: 10Debut for FFC: 2008 (19 years 148 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:PerthPlayer honours:VFL/AFL: 11641st player to appear,5934th most games played,4225th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 131st player to appear,92nd most games played,74th most goals kickedProfile:Chris had a tremendous debut season,playing 17 games. He racked up 223possessions and was among <strong>Fremantle</strong>’sbest in several games. Chris had alreadyhad a taste of senior football playingleague with Perth before joining the cluband looks more than comfortable at AFLlevel. He takes a good overhead markand has plenty of courage. Despite aninterrupted pre-season, Chris will pick upwhere he left off when he is fully fit.Draft history:2007 NAB AFL Draft 3rd round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 40 overall.# 24Adam CampbellDate of Birth: 25/<strong>01</strong>/85Height:194cmWeight:90kgGames for FFC: 10AFL Games Total: 10Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 12AFL Goals Total: 12Debut for FFC: 2006 (21 years 129 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:West PerthPlayer honours:Brownlow Medal: Career votes 2VFL/AFL: 115<strong>01</strong>st player to appear,7040th most games played,3847th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 121st player to appear,108th most games played,68th most goals kickedProfile:Adam spent most of 2008 in the WAFL, butdisplayed good form in the final four AFLrounds. A strong mark, he showed he couldadd considerably to <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s optionsup forward. The former New Zealandertook up Australian Rules football when hisparents moved to country Victoria in 1999.Adam still has plenty of development inhim after showing himself to be a potentkey forward in the making.Draft history:2003 NAB AFL Draft 2nd round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 27 overall.fremantlefc.com.au – log on today for the latest newsviiiMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

# 25Steven DoddDate of Birth: 20/06/83Height:191cmWeight:82kgGames for FFC: 76AFL Games Total: 76Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 3Goals for FFC: 4AFL Goals Total: 4Debut for FFC: 2004 (21 years 55 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:VFL/AFL: 11372nd player to appear,25<strong>01</strong>st most games played,5617th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 112th player to appear,33rd most games played,95th most goals kickedProfile:After playing all 25 games in 2006, Stevenhas had two relatively lean seasons. He hadsuspension and shoulder problems in2007 and last year played 17 games, beingsidelined mid-season with a calf injury.Steven can play in defence or in a midfieldtagging role and he faces an importantseason in 20<strong>09</strong>. With his stamina and closechecking being a major frustration foropposition forwards, Steven’s defensivepressure and endurance has made him oneof the club’s most reliable and effectiveshut down players.Draft history:2004 rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).# 26Kepler BradleyDate of Birth: 13/11/85Height:199cmWeight:102kgGames for FFC: 9AFL Games Total: 58Games for other clubs: 49Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 12AFL Goals Total: 26FFC Debut: 2008 (22 years 187 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:West PerthPlayer honours:NAB AFL Rising Star nominee 2005VFL/AFL: 11307th player to appear,3170th most games played,2598th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 134th player to appear,111th most games played,67th most goals kickedEssendon: 1042nd player to appear,305th most games played,323rd most goals kickedProfile:The former Essendon player started the2008 season slowly, but hit form in thefinal five rounds to suggest he can play animportant role for <strong>Fremantle</strong> this season.Kepler can play in the ruck or in a keyposition at either end of the ground andis very mobile for his size. Expect a goodseason from him.Draft History:2003 NAB AFL Draft 1st round selection(Essendon) No. 6 overall traded byRichmond to the Western Bulldogs forDanny Jacobs; 2007 NAB AFL Draft 5thround selection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 69 overall.# 27Daniel GilmoreDate of Birth: 02/03/83Height:191cmWeight:91kgGames for FFC: 40AFL Games Total: 40Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 9AFL Goals Total: 9Debut for FFC: 2004 (21 years 25 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:South <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:Brownlow Medal: Career votes 2VFL/AFL: 11303rd player to appear,3994th most games played,4357th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 1<strong>09</strong>th player to appear,59th most games played,77th most goals kickedProfile:A grandson of 1954 Footscray premiershipplayer Brian Gilmore, Daniel had yetanother injury-ruined season and playedjust seven games due to injury. Elevatedfrom the rookie list in 2003, he has playedjust 40 games in six seasons. 2007 sawDaniel enjoy his strongest season withthe club, appearing in 14 matches. In theabsence of Justin Longmuir and AaronSandilands, he and Robert Warnock tookthe reigns in the ruck and performed withaplomb. Complimenting his big leap atcentre bounces is his ability to become adangerous, running extra midfield playeronce the ball is in general play. A fullpre-season will ensure he is up and firing,come round one.Draft history:2003 rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).# 28Ryan MurphyDate of Birth: 24/05/85Height:193cmWeight:92kgGames for FFC: 40AFL Games Total: 40Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 2Goals for FFC: 39AFL Goals Total: 39Debut for FFC: 2004 (19 years 54 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:South <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:Brownlow Medal: Career votes 3VFL/AFL: 11362nd player to appear,4<strong>01</strong>2th most games played,2008th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 110th player to appear,60th most games played,28th most goals kickedProfile:Ryan played just nine games in 2008after only making seven appearances theprevious season. Ryan has undoubtedtalent and, at his best, is a strong markwith a huge leap. As a key forward, heneeds to consolidate in 20<strong>09</strong>, his sixthAFL season. Ryan’s pre-season has beenimpressive on the track which should holdhim in good stead for this year.Draft History:2003 NAB AFL Draft 1st round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 12 overall# 30Zachary ClarkeDate of Birth: 28/03/90Height:203cmWeight:83kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East PerthProfile:A former basketballer, Zachary waspicked up from the Oakleigh Chargers.After deciding to pass up playing collegebasketball in the USA, he has had justone full season of football. His decision toconcentrate on Australian Rules footballwas rewarded with him representing VicMetro at the 2008 NAB AFL Under-18Championships. He has good endurance,with an outstanding vertical leap and hewill be given time to develop because of hislightly-framed body. He has also shown anability to play as a key tall either forwardor back but is seen as a long-term ruckprospect for the club.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 3rd round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 37 overall.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>ix

# 32Stephen HillDate of Birth: <strong>01</strong>/05/90Height:184cmWeight:69kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:West PerthProfile:Stephen is a medium-sized utility who canplay in the midfield or in defence. He hailsfrom West Perth, earning All-Australianselection after representing WA at the2008 NAB AFL Under-18 Championships.He is a long left-foot kick and was astandout at the 2008 NAB AFL Draft Camp.He also showed <strong>Fremantle</strong> fans why he wasthe club’s number one selection with animpressive debut in <strong>Fremantle</strong> colours inthe club’s opening NAB Cup match againstRichmond. He still needs some bulkingup, but Stephen can play and it won’t belong before the newly donned number32 officially debuts for the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 1st round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 3 overall.# 33Ben BucovazDate of Birth: 02/11/90Height:188cmWeight:88kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:ClaremontProfile:Picked up from the Geelong Falcons, Benis a utility who can play solidly in defence,go on the ball or even pinch-hit at fullforward.He reads the play well and is along, penetrating kick. Ben is strongly-builtand takes a good mark.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 4th round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 56 overall.# 34Chris HallDate of Birth: 25/06/90Height:181cmWeight:66kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East <strong>Fremantle</strong>Profile:Chris is a clever utility with good goalsense and clean hands. Originally fromFlinders Park, he played senior footballwith SANFL club Woodville-West Torrensin 2008. He also represented SA at the2008 NAB AFL Under-18 Championships.Chris got his first taste for AFL football inthe club’s first pre-season outing againstRichmond but will need developing andbulking up before he could be consideredfor season proper.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 6th round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 77 overall.# 35Tim RufflesDate of Birth: 05/10/90Height:180cmWeight:67kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:PerthProfile:Drafted from the North Ballarat Rebelsand originally Narrandara (NSW), Tim hasplenty of pace and can play in the midfieldor close to goal. He is a power athlete whorecorded a 20m sprint time of 2.85 secondsat state screening for the 2008 NationalDraft. He also boasts a big leap, but islightly-framed and will be a developmentproject for the club.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 5th round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 68 overall.# 36Andrew BrowneDate of Birth: 14/05/84Height:176cmWeight:78kgGames for FFC: 27AFL Games Total: 27Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 6AFL Goals Total: 6Debut for FFC: 2002 (18 years 4 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:ClaremontPlayer honours:VFL/AFL: 11206th player to appear,4844th most games played,4945th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 100th player to appear,77th most games played,88th most goals kickedProfile:Andrew had a relatively injury free 2008season after missing most of 2007 with ahamstring injury. However, he spent mostof the year in the WAFL and played justfive AFL games. He has good skills, buthas played just 27 games in seven seasons.Currently injury free, Andrew was livelyin the club’s opening NAB Cup pre-seasonopener against Richmond with a best-afieldperformance which might indicate hisluck has changed and that we will see a lotmore of the number 36 this season.Draft History:20<strong>01</strong> National AFL Draft 4th roundselection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 52 overall.To see your name in lightsat Subiaco Ovalcall 08 9433 7000 to enquire about LED signagexMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

# 37Michael JohnsonDate of Birth: 20/10/1984Height:194cmWeight:94kgGames for FFC: 74AFL Games Total: 74Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 3Goals for FFC: 13AFL Goals Total: 13Debut for FFC: 2005 (20 years 179 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:PerthPlayer honours:2nd best and fairest 2006 (equal)Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 2;career votes 4VFL/AFL: 11399th player to appear,2570th most games played,3757th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 114th player to appear,34th most games played,65th most goals kickedProfile:The tall and reliable key-position defenderhad a fine 2008 season, finishing equalfifth in the club’s best and fairest. He wasthird at the club for marks (125) andprovided plenty of dash. One of the<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s most important players,he reads the play well and is rarely beatenin the air. He was third for rebounds from50 in 2008, with 45. He is getting strongerwith every season and is now one of themost reliable defenders in the competition.Expect a big season from Michael Johnson.Draft history:2004 Pre-Season Draft 1st round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 8 overall.# 38Michael WaltersDate of Birth: 07/<strong>01</strong>/91Height:177cmWeight:73kgGames for FFC: 0AFL Games Total: 0Goals for FFC: 0AFL Goals Total: 0Debut for FFC:Yet to debutWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:Swan DistrictsProfile:Quick, with a good football brain, he isa magnificent kick and, given time todevelop, should bolster <strong>Fremantle</strong>’smidfield depth. An AIS/AFL graduate,he played senior football with WAFL clubSwan Districts in 2008 and represented WAat the NAB AFL Under-18 Championships.Draft history:2008 NAB AFL Draft 4th round selection(<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 53 overall.# 41Paul DuffieldDate of Birth: 05/02/85Height:187cmWeight:87kgGames for FFC: 24AFL Games Total: 24Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 8AFL Goals Total: 8Debut for FFC: 2006 (21 years 84 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:South <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:VFL/AFL: 11479th player to appear,5<strong>09</strong>8th most games played,4513th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 119th player to appear,82nd most games played,81st most goals kickedProfile:Paul struggled early in 2008, but showedmuch better form to hold his place in thefinal six rounds. He was elevated from therookie list in 2006 and he made his debutin the ‘Sirengate’ match against St Kilda.Paul can play in a number of positions,either in the midfield or in defence.He has had an interrupted pre-season witha fractured hand but we will see him in<strong>Fremantle</strong> colours early in 20<strong>09</strong>.Draft history:2006 rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).# 42Josh HeadDate of Birth: 07/04/83Height:189cmWeight:83kgGames for FFC: 3AFL Games Total: 3Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 0Goals for FFC: 1AFL Goals Total: 1Debut for FFC: 2008 (25 years 83 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:South <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:VFL/AFL: 11685th player to appear,9460th most games played,7717th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 135th player to appear,125th most games played,121st most goals kickedProfile:Josh spent the first half of the 2008 seasonin the WAFL, and played three games with<strong>Fremantle</strong> towards the end of the seasonbefore injuring a knee. A left-footer fromSouth <strong>Fremantle</strong>, he can provide good runfrom a wing. He has had an uninterruptedpre-season and should play some moresenior footy this season. Josh spent the2002-2003 seasons on <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s rookielist before being nominated at the 2008NAB AFL Pre-Season Draft.Draft History:2008 NAB AFL Pre-Season Draft 1st roundselection (<strong>Fremantle</strong>) No. 6 overall.# 43Roger HaydenDate of Birth: <strong>09</strong>/12/80Height:182cmWeight:82kgGames for FFC: 94AFL Games Total: 94Games for other clubs: 0Finals Games: 4Goals for FFC: 7AFL Goals Total: 7Debut for FFC: 2002 (21years 216 days)WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:South <strong>Fremantle</strong>Player honours:International Rules Series 2008Brownlow Medal: 2008 votes 2;career votes 4VFL/AFL: 11226th player to appear,2007th most games played,4757th most goals kicked<strong>Fremantle</strong>: 103rd player to appear,24th most games played,85th most goals kickedProfile:Roger is one of the club’s unsung heroes.He had an interrupted 2008 seasonbecause of a punctured lung and ahamstring injury. A tremendous spoiler,he also knows when to give <strong>Fremantle</strong> runfrom defence. An invaluable contributor,he played just 14 games in 2008 butwas good enough to be ninth in the bestand fairest. Expect a big year from thenumber 43.Draft History:2002 rookie elevation (<strong>Fremantle</strong>).fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>xi

# 13Rookie listLuke PrattDate of Birth: 8/10/89Height:183cmWeight:74kgRecruited From: Swan DistrictsWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:Swan Districts# 39Rookie listCasey SibosadoDate of Birth: 13/10/90Height:192cmWeight:85kgRecruited from: Oakleigh Chargers U18WAFL <strong>Club</strong>:ClaremontProfile:Luke was retained on the rookie list fora second season, he is a medium-sizeddefender from Swan Districts. He readsthe play well and attacks the ball hard.He represented WA at the 2007 NAB AFLunder-18 Championships and will be keento impress in 20<strong>09</strong>.Profile:Casey is an athletic key forward prospectwho is strong overhead and is capableof freakish goals. From Beagle Bay inthe Kimberley (WA), he represented theNorthern Territory at the 2008 NAB AFLunder-18 Championships, but spent mostof the season as a boarder at Xavier Collegein Melbourne and played in the TAC Cupwith the Oakleigh Chargers.# 40Rookie listMatthew de BoerDate of Birth: 10/03/90Height:189cmWeight:81kgRecruited from:ClaremontWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:Claremont# 44Rookie listBrent ConnellyDate of Birth: 24/02/89Height:202cmWeight:87kgRecruited From: Gippsland PowerWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:West PerthProfile:Matthew is a medium-sized defender fromClaremont. He is a prolific ball-winnerwho runs hard and attacks the ball. Had anoutstanding NAB AFL Draft Camp with top10 finishes in the 30m repeat sprint, 20msprint and 3km time trial. He representedWA at the 2008 NAB AFL under-18Championships.Profile:Retained for another season on the rookielist, Brent is a young ruckman who pushesforward, kicks goals and covers the groundwell. From Morwell and the GippslandPower, he is agile for his size and withnatural improvement he will continue todevelop with West Perth in the WAFL.# 45Rookie listHamish ShepheardDate of Birth: 28/10/90Height:194cmWeight:80kgRecruited From:East PerthWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:East Perth# 46Rookie listClancee PearceDate of Birth: 23/10/90Height:184cmWeight:93kgRecruited From: Swan DistrictsWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:Swan DistrictsProfile:Hamish is a tall, versatile forward fromEast Perth. He is very mobile for hisheight, he reads the play well, takes astrong mark and can also play in defence.He represented WA at the 2008 NAB AFLUnder-18 championships. He is very lightlyframed for his size and will be given timeto develop.Profile:Clancee has already has played seniorfootball for Swan Districts in the WAFL.He is a medium-sized defender who wonAll-Australian selection after representingWA at the 2008 NAB AFL under-18Championships. He was also namedCaptain of the WA Colts team in 2008.He uses the ball well and kicks long.# 47Rookie listJay van BerloDate of Birth: 18/<strong>09</strong>/88Height:186cmWeight:78kgRecruited From:West PerthWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:West Perth# 48Rookie listGreg BroughtonDate of Birth: 29/<strong>09</strong>/86Height:185cmWeight:87kgRecruited From:SubiacoWAFL <strong>Club</strong>:SubiacoProfile:The brother of Adelaide’s Nathan vanBerlo, he won the senior best and fairestfor West Perth in 2008 after undergoingpre-season shoulder surgery. A talenteddefender or run-with player, he is toughand disciplined. Has great endurance andgood leadership skills.Profile:Drafted from Subiaco, Greg is a mediumsizeddefender who wins plenty of thefootball. He is a mature age rookie andhe represented WA at senior level in 2008.He has good disposal skills, especiallyby foot and with his strong body, he isreadymade for AFL action.Visit the ‘Team Store’at <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval forall the latest gearxiiMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

CLUB HONOUR ROLL<strong>Club</strong> Captains20<strong>09</strong>.............. Matthew Pavlich2008.............. Matthew Pavlich2007.............. Matthew Pavlich2006......................... Peter Bell2005......................... Peter Bell2004......................... Peter Bell2003......................... Peter Bell2002......................... Peter Bell20<strong>01</strong>.............Shaun McManus/........................ Adrian Fletcher2000.............Shaun McManus/........................ Adrian Fletcher1999........................Chris Bond1998....................... Peter Mann1997....................... Peter Mann1996.......................... Ben Allan1995.......................... Ben AllanCoaches20<strong>09</strong>.................... Mark Harvey2008.................... Mark Harvey2007................Chris Connolly/............................ Mark Harvey2006................. Chris Connolly2005................. Chris Connolly2004................. Chris Connolly2003................. Chris Connolly2002................. Chris Connolly20<strong>01</strong>.................Damian Drum/................................. Ben Allan2000.................. Damian Drum1999................... Damian Drum1998............... Gerard Neesham1997............... Gerard Neesham1996............... Gerard Neesham1995............... Gerard NeeshamDoig Medallists2008.............. Matthew Pavlich2007.............. Matthew Pavlich2006.............. Matthew Pavlich2005.............. Matthew Pavlich2004......................... Peter Bell2003......................... Peter Bell2002.............. Matthew Pavlich20<strong>01</strong>......................... Peter Bell2000........................ Troy Cook1999................. Adrian Fletcher1998....................Jason Norrish1997...................... Dale Kickett1996................Stephen O’Reilly1995....................... Peter MannBeacon Award2008.....................Rhys Palmer2007...............Robert Warnock2006...................Marcus Drum2005................... David Mundy2004............... Andrew Browne2003.................. Graham Polak2002................. Paul Medhurst20<strong>01</strong>..................... Dion Woods2000.................... Paul Hasleby1999....................Clem Michael1998........................ Brad Dodd1997......................... Mark Gale1996.................. Gavin Mitchell1995..................Scott ChisholmLeading Goalkicker2008.......Matthew Pavlich (67)2007.......Matthew Pavlich (72)2006.......Matthew Pavlich (71)2005.......Matthew Pavlich (61)2004.......... Paul Medhurst (41)2003..........Paul Medhurst (50)2002..............Trent Croad (42)20<strong>01</strong>............. Justin Longmuir/...............Matthew Pavlich (28)2000..... Clive Waterhouse (53)1999...............Tony Modra (71)1998...... Clive Waterhouse (30)1997........ Kingsley Hunter (32)1996........ Kingsley Hunter (33)1995................Peter Mann (33)All Australian2008.............. Matthew Pavlich,.................... Aaron Sandilands2007.............. Matthew Pavlich2006.............. Matthew Pavlich2005.............. Matthew Pavlich2003......................... Peter Bell,Matthew Pavlich, Paul Hasleby2002.............. Matthew PavlichAFL Rising Star2008.....................Rhys Palmer2000.................... Paul Hasleby<strong>Club</strong> RecordsGames:.......Shane Parker (238)Consecutive Games:................................Matthew Pavlich (160)Round 15 20<strong>01</strong>-Round 16 2008Total Goals:...........................................Matthew Pavlich (379)Goals in a Game:............................................. Tony Modra (10)Most Games as Captain:............................ Peter Bell 107 games.......................... (2002 - 2006)......Matthew Pavlich 44 games*.................................... (2007-).......Shaun McManus 44 games.......................... (2000 – 20<strong>01</strong>)........ Adrian Fletcher 44 games.......................... (2000 – 20<strong>01</strong>)...............Peter Mann 40 games.......................... (1997 – 1998)All 22 Home & AwayGames in 2008Ryan Crowley, David Mundy,Aaron SandilandsPlayers UsedYear Players Used Debuts1995 41 251996 39 81997 38 51998 39 61999 39 62000 36 620<strong>01</strong> 37 52002 34 72003 32 32004 33 52005 34 42006 35 42007 40 52008 38 4100 or More AFL Games –Current PlayersNo Player........ Total AFL Games1 Chris Tarrant................ 1982 Matthew Pavlich........... 1943 Dean Solomon.............. 1914 Paul Hasleby................ 1665 Des Headland............... 1526 Antoni Grover............... 1467 Luke McPharlin............ 1338 Aaron Sandilands......... 1159 Byron Schammer.......... 10550 goals or more with FFC– Top 10No Player................ Total Goals1 Matthew Pavlich ....... 3792 Jeff Farmer................... 2243 Clive Waterhouse.......... 1784 Justin Longmuir........... 1665 Paul Medhurst.............. 1666 Tony Modra.................. 1487 Peter Bell...................... 1308 Des Headland............. 1059 Paul Hasleby.............. 10<strong>01</strong>0 Shaun McManus............. 95(Current Players in bold)CoachesCoach Games Wins Losses Draws Winning %Mark Harvey (Rnd 16, 2007-) 29 10 19 0 34%Chris Connolly (2002–Rnd 15, 2007) 129 67 62 0 52%Gerard Neesham (1995-1998) 88 32 56 0 36%Damien Drum (1999-20<strong>01</strong>) 53 13 40 0 25%Ben Allan (20<strong>01</strong>) 13 2 11 0 15%Home and Away Season OnlyYear Position W LGoalsForPointsForTotal PtsForGoalsAgainstPointsAgainstTotal PtsAgainst2008 14 6 16 287 266 1988 310 261 21212007 11 10 12 333 256 2254 317 296 21982006 3 15 7 303 261 2079 267 291 18932005 10 11 11 304 217 2041 291 292 20382004 9 11 11 275 232 1882 267 268 18702003 5 14 8 311 277 2143 305 248 20782002 13 9 13 274 256 1900 319 237 215120<strong>01</strong> 16 2 20 258 246 1794 362 319 24912000 12 8 14 276 230 1886 387 296 26181999 15 5 17 282 289 1981 355 273 24031998 15 7 15 251 233 1739 340 237 22771997 12 10 12 251 248 1754 279 228 19021996 13 7 15 257 288 1830 289 249 19831995 13 8 14 296 275 2051 324 265 22<strong>09</strong>Total: - 123 185 3958 3574 27316 4412 3760 30232Win and Loss Record – Season By SeasonWin and Loss Record – Home and Away SeasonPlayed Wins Losses Draws Winning %308 123 185 0 39.9Win and Loss Record – FinalsPlayed Wins Losses Draws Winning %4 1 3 0 25.0Year Wins Losses Draws Percentage Ladder Position2008 6 16 0 93.7 14th2007 10 12 0 102.54 11th2006 15 7 0 1<strong>09</strong>.83 3rd2005 11 11 0 100.15 10th2004 11 11 0 100.64 9th2003 14 8 0 103.13 5th2002 9 13 0 88.3 13th20<strong>01</strong> 2 20 0 72.0 16th2000 8 14 0 72.0 12th1999 5 17 0 82.4 15th1998 7 15 0 76.4 15th1997 10 12 0 91.9 12th1996 7 15 0 92.3 13th1995 8 15 0 92.85 13thfremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>xiii

Offensive and Defensive YearsBest Defensive Years Points Conceded Best Offensive Years Points Scored2004 1870 2007 22542006 1893 2003 21431997 1902 2006 20791996 1983 1995 20512005 2038 2005 20412003 2078 2008 19882008 2121 1999 19812002 2151 2002 19002007 2198 2000 18861995 22<strong>09</strong> 2004 18821998 2277 1996 183<strong>01</strong>999 2403 20<strong>01</strong> 179420<strong>01</strong> 2491 1997 17482000 2618 1998 1739Largest First Quarter Deficit To Come Back and Win31 points v Geelong, Subiaco Oval, Round 7, 199928 points v Hawthorn, Docklands, Round 18, 20<strong>01</strong>28 points v St Kilda, Subiaco Oval, Round 2, 2002Largest Half Time Deficit To Come Back and Win32 points v West Coast, Subiaco Oval, Round 21, 200029 points v Hawthorn, Waverley Park, Round 17, 199729 points v Hawthorn, Docklands, Round 18, 20<strong>01</strong>Largest Third Quarter Deficit To Come Back and Win18 points v West Coast, Subiaco Oval, Round 21, 200<strong>01</strong>8 points v Brisbane, Subiaco Oval, Round 14, 200317 points v Western Bulldogs, Optus Oval, Round 1, 199717 points v Geelong, Subiaco Oval, Round 7, 1999Best QuartersFirst:9.2 (56) Round 18 v West Coast at Subiaco Oval, 20089.2 (56) Round 7 v Collingwood at Subiaco Oval, 20059.2 (56) Round 15 v Sydney at Subiaco Oval, 2000Second:9.2 (56) Round 21 v Melbourne at Subiaco Oval, 2007Third:10.4 (64) Round 4 v Kangaroos at Subiaco Oval, 2003Fourth:9.4 (58) Round 6 v Sydney at the WACA, 7 May, 1995Statistics 2008Goal KickersMatthew Pavlich.................. 67Jeff Farmer.......................... 23Chris Tarrant........................23Goal AssistsMatthew Pavlich..................20Jeff Farmer.......................... 14Chris Tarrant........................ 13Total DisposalsRhys Palmer.......................462Byron Schammer...............386Michael Johnson................ 376Contested PossessionsAaron Sandilands............... 195Rhys Palmer....................... 144Matthew Pavlich.................141Uncontested PossessionsRhys Palmer....................... 325Byron Schammer...............288Michael Johnson................269Hard Ball GetsAaron Sandilands............... 107David Mundy.......................56Rhys Palmer.........................53Loose Ball GetsRhys Palmer.........................50Byron Schammer.................44Josh Carr............................. 40General KicksRhys Palmer.......................270Matthew Pavlich................263Ryan Crowley..................... 216Effective KicksMatthew Pavlich................ 165Rhys Palmer........................161Michael Johnson................ 159Long KicksMatthew Pavlich..................82Ryan Crowley.......................52Rhys Palmer......................... 45Short KicksMichael Johnson................ 126Byron Schammer................117Rhys Palmer....................... 115HandballsAaron Sandilands............... 208Rhys Palmer....................... 192Byron Schammer............... 185Handballs ReceivedRhys Palmer....................... 187Byron Schammer............... 177Michael Johnson................ 140TacklesByron Schammer.................88Josh Carr............................. 84Ryan Crowley....................... 77ClearancesAaron Sandilands................. 88Rhys Palmer.........................62Josh Carr............................. 50MarksLuke McPharlin.................. 142Matthew Pavlich................ 138Michael Johnson................ 125Contested MarksMatthew Pavlich..................40Luke McPharlin....................28Aaron Sandilands................. 28Uncontested MarksLuke McPharlin.................. 114Michael Johnson................ 113David Mundy.......................98Matthew Pavlich..................98HitoutsAaron Sandilands............... 646Robert Warnock................... 74Kepler Bradley..................... 25Frees ForRhys Palmer.........................34Ryan Crowley.......................32Aaron Sandilands................. 29Inside 50sMatthew Pavlich ............... 1<strong>01</strong>Rhys Palmer.........................68Chris Tarrant........................ 61Rebound 50sAntoni Grover...................... 52David Mundy.......................46Michael Johnson..................45<strong>Club</strong> StatisticsMost Goals in a Season72.......Matthew Pavlich (2007)71.......Matthew Pavlich (2006)71.............. Tony Modra (1999)67.......Matthew Pavlich (2008)61.......Matthew Pavlich (2005)55...............Jeff Farmer (2006)53..... Clive Waterhouse (2000)50..............Tony Modra (2000)50..........Paul Medhurst (2003)Most Goals in a Game10.2 Tony Modra,v Melbourne, at theMCG, Round 10, 19999.1 Paul Medhurst,v Brisbane, at SubiacoOval, Round 9, 20049.0 Matthew Pavlich,v Carlton, at the MCG,Round 16, 20058.5 John Hutton,v Sydney at the WACA,Round 6, 19958.2 Matthew Pavlichv North Melbourne atSubiaco Oval. Round12, 20088.1 Matthew Pavlich,v Adelaide at AAMIStadium, Round 14,2005Goals Against Oppositionv Adelaide8 Matthew Pavlich(Rnd 14, 2005)v Brisbane9 Paul Medhurst(Rnd 9, 2004),v Carlton9 Matthew Pavlich(Rnd 16, 2005)v Collingwood7 Kingsley Hunter(Rnd 15, 1997)v Essendon6 Tony Modra(Rnd 18, 2000),Matthew Pavlich(Rnd 19, 2007) and(Rnd 14, 2008)Goals Against Opposition(cont)v Fitzroy4 Kingsley Hunter(Rnd 22, 1996),Clive Waterhouse(Rnd 22, 1996)v Geelong6 Tony Modra(Rnd 7, 1999)v Hawthorn5 Justin Longmuir(Rnd 18, 20<strong>01</strong>)v North Melbourne8 Matthew Pavlich(Rnd 12, 2008)v Melbourne10 Tony Modra(Rnd 10, 1999)v Port Adelaide6 Tony Modra(Rnd 2, 1999),Jeff Farmer(Rnd 22, 2006)v Richmond7 Tony Modra(Rnd 4, 2000)v St Kilda6 Matthew Pavlich(Rnd 5, 2006)v Sydney8 John Hutton(Rnd 6, 1995)v West Coast7 Clive Waterhouse(Rnd 21, 2000)v Western Bulldogs5 Clive Waterhouse(Rnd 12, 1999),Luke McPharlin(Rnd 15, 2005)Most Goalkickers in aGame16 v Port Adelaide,Rnd 17 2008 (Josh Carr,Ryan Crowley, AntoniGrover, Josh Head,Garrick Ibbotson, MarkJohnson, Chris Mayne,Shaun McManus,Luke McPharlin,David Mundy, RyanMurphy, Rhys Palmer,Brett Beake, AaronSandilands, ChrisTarrant, Scott Thornton)Highest Away Attendancesat Current VenuesAAMI Stadium (<strong>Football</strong> Park)– 45,436 v Adelaide,Round 1, 2003Skilled Stadium (Kardinia Park)– 22,116 v Geelong,Round 12, 1995Aurora Stadium (York Park)– 17,212 v Hawthorn,Round 13, 2003Manuka Oval– 9,242 v Kangaroos,Round 15, 2002MCG– 45,383 v Collingwood,Round 1, 2008SCG– 30,228 v Sydney,Round 17, 2003Docklands (Colonial Stadium)– 42,256 v Essendon, Round21, 2003Optus Oval (Princes Park)– 19,100 v Carlton,Round 4, 1999Gabba– 27,999 v Brisbane,Round 9, 2006Telstra Stadium– 61,373 v Sydney,1st Preliminary Final, 2006TIO Stadium– 11,449 v Western Bulldogs,Round 12, 2007Highest Away Attendancesby OppositionAdelaide – 45,436 at AAMIStadium, Round 1, 2003Brisbane – 27,999 at the Gabba,Round 9, 2006Carlton – 28,955 at Docklands,Round 9, 2008Collingwood – 45,383 at MCG,Round 1, 2008Essendon – 42,256 atDocklands, Round 21, 2003Fitzroy – 7,561 at the WesternOval, Round 3, 1995Geelong – 22,116 at SkilledStadium, Round 12, 1995Hawthorn – 39,735 atWaverley Park, Round 22, 1998Kangaroos – 20,585 at theMCG, Round 11, 1997Melbourne – 23,368 at theMCG, Round 7, 2006Port Adelaide – 41,518 at AAMIStadium, Round 22, 2005Richmond – 26,219 at the MCG,Round 1, 1995St Kilda – 35,329 at Docklands,Round 22, 2004Sydney – 61,373 at TelstraStadium, 1st Preliminary Final,2006West Coast – 43,527 at SubiacoOval, Round 21, 2006Western Bulldogs – 23,805 atDocklands, Round 11, 2006Highest Home Attendancesby OppositionAdelaide – 37,172,Round 5, 2007Brisbane – 34,143,Round 11, 2005Carlton – 36,307,Round 13, 2007Collingwood – 40,9<strong>01</strong>,Round 19, 2004Essendon – 38,274,Round 19, 2007Fitzroy – 22,515,Round 22, 1996Geelong – 38,022,Round 6, 2008Hawthorn – 38,022,Round 2, 2008Kangaroos – 37,077,Round 15, 2004Melbourne – 36,244,Round 16, 2006Port Adelaide – 41,121,Round 22, 2006Richmond – 37,541,Round 4, 2008St Kilda – 39,931,Round 7, 2004Sydney – 35,037,Round 17, 2004West Coast – 42,213,Round 6, 2006Western Bulldogs – 35,624,Round 8, 2008xivMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

Most Points In AnyQuarter64 (10.4) Third Quarter,v Kangaroos, Subiaco Oval,Round 4, 200358 (9.4) Fourth Quarter,v Sydney, WACA, Round 6, 199557 (9.3) Fourth Quarter,v Carlton, Subiaco Oval,Round 13, 200756 (9.2) First Quarter,v West Coast, Subiaco Oval,Round 18, 200856 (9.2) Second Quarter,v Melbourne, Subiaco Oval,Round 21, 200756 (9.2) First Quarter,v Sydney, Subiaco Oval,Round 15, 200056 (9.2) Third Quarter,v Essendon, Subiaco Oval,Round 6, 200356 (9.2) First Quarter,v Collingwood, Subiaco Oval,Round 7, 200556 (9.2) First Quarter,v West Coast, Subiaco Oval,Round 18, 2008Most Points in Any Half111 (17.9) v Sydney, WACA,Round 6, 1995106 (17.4) v Carlton, SubiacoOval, Round 13, 200795 (15.5) v Collingwood,Subiaco Oval, Round 7, 200594 (15.5) v Kangaroos, SubiacoOval, Round 4, 200393 (15.3) v Carlton, MCG,Round 16, 2005Most Accurate Quarters9.1 v Fitzroy, Subiaco Oval,Round 22, 19969.2 v Melbourne, Subiaco Oval,Round 21, 20079.2 v Sydney, Subiaco Oval,Round 15, 200<strong>09</strong>.2 v Essendon, Subiaco Oval,Round 6, 20039.2 v Collingwood, SubiacoOval, Round 7, 20059.2 v West Coast, Subiaco Oval,Round 18, 2008Largest First Quarter DeficitTo Come Back and Win31 points v Geelong,Subiaco Oval, Round 7, 199929 points v Melbourne,Subiaco Oval, Round 16, 200828 points v Hawthorn,Docklands, Round 18, 20<strong>01</strong>28 points v St Kilda,Subiaco Oval, Round 2, 200225 points v Hawthorn,Waverley Park, Round 17, 199723 points v West Coast,Subiaco Oval, Round 21, 2000Largest Half Time DeficitTo Come Back and Win32 points v West Coast,Subiaco Oval, Round 21, 200029 points v Hawthorn,Waverley Park, Round 17, 199729 points v Hawthorn,Docklands, Round 18, 20<strong>01</strong>26 points v Richmond,MCG, Round 12, 200420 points v Collingwood,Subiaco Oval, Round 12, 2002Largest Third QuarterDeficit To Come Backand Win18 points v West Coast,Subiaco Oval, Round 21, 200<strong>01</strong>8 points v Brisbane,Subiaco Oval, Round 14, 200317 points v Western Bulldogs,Optus Oval, Round 1, 199717 points v Geelong,Subiaco Oval, Round 7, 1999Highest Scores For<strong>Fremantle</strong> 28.12 (180) def Collingwood 10.8 (68),Round 7, 8 May 2005 at Subiaco Oval<strong>Fremantle</strong> 27.11 (173) def Carlton 13.18 (96),Round 13, 30 June 2007 at Subiaco Oval<strong>Fremantle</strong> 25.17 (167) def Kangaroos 19.8 (122),Round 4, 20 April 2003 at Subiaco Oval<strong>Fremantle</strong> 25.13 (163) def Sydney 16.9 (105),Round 6, 7 May 1995 at the WACA<strong>Fremantle</strong> 24.13 (157) def Essendon 9.6 (60),Round 12, 16 June 1997 at Subiaco Oval<strong>Fremantle</strong> 24.13 (157) def Fitzroy 10.11 (71),Round 22, 1 September 1996 at Subiaco OvalHighest Scores AgainstBrisbane 28.13 (181) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 9.13 (67),Round 20, 15 August 1999 at the GabbaWest Coast 28.10 (178) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 9.7 (61),Round 6, 15 April 2000 at Subiaco OvalWestern Bulldogs 27.12 (174) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 12.9 (81),Round 11, 20 May 2000 at Subiaco OvalBrisbane 25.21 (171) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 19.8 (122),Round 5, 29 April 20<strong>01</strong> at the GabbaAdelaide 25.17 (167) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 11.8 (74),Round 2, 5 April 1998 at <strong>Football</strong> ParkLowest Scores ForGeelong 9.21 (75) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 3.7 (25),Round 20, 14 August 2004 at Skilled StadiumAdelaide 20.11 (132) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 5.6 (36),Round 7, 12 May 1996 at <strong>Football</strong> ParkGeelong 14.13 (97) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.7 (43),Round 6, 4 May 1997 at Kardinia ParkKangaroos 8.18 (66) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.8 (44),Round 13, 19 June 2005 at Subiaco OvalGeelong 18.10 (118) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.8 (44),Round 15, 12 July 2008 at Skilled StadiumWest Coast 9.13 (67) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.9 (45),Round 1, 31 March 1996 at Subiaco OvalWest Coast 13.15 (93) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.9 (45),Round 21, 22 August 2004 at Subiaco OvalLowest Scores Against<strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.12 (48) def Sydney 3.15 (33),Round 14, 5 July 1997 at the WACA<strong>Fremantle</strong> 14.12 (96) def Hawthorn 4.11 (35),Round 18, 3 August 2002 at Subiaco Oval<strong>Fremantle</strong> 12.13 (85) def Richmond 5.12 (42),Round 19, 9 August 1997 at the WACA<strong>Fremantle</strong> 15.12 (102) def Carlton 6.13 (49),Round 3, 14 April 1996 at Subiaco Oval<strong>Fremantle</strong> 13.6 (84) def Kangaroos 6.13 (49),Round 8, 20 May 2006 at Subiaco OvalGreatest Winning Margin112 points – v Collingwood (Rnd 7, 2005)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 28.12 (180) def Collingwood 10.8 (68) at Subiaco Oval97 points – v Essendon (Rnd 12, 1997)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 24.13 (157) def Essendon 9.6 (60) at Subiaco Oval86 points – v Fitzroy (Rnd 22, 1996)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 24.13 (157) def Fitzroy 10.11 (71) at Subiaco Oval83 points – v Bulldogs (Rnd 7, 2003)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 23.17 (155) def Bulldogs 10.12 (72) at Docklands79 points – v Port Adelaide (Rnd 22, 2006)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 23.13 (151) def Port 9.18 (72) at Subiaco OvalGreatest Losing Margin117 points – West Coast (Rnd 6, 2000)West Coast 28.10 (178) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 9.7 (61) at Subiaco114 points – Brisbane (Rnd 20, 1999)Brisbane 28.13 (181) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 9.13 (67) at the Gabba107 points – Brisbane (Rnd 22, 2000)Brisbane 23.18 (156) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 7.7 (49) at the Gabba104 points – Kangaroos (Rnd 20, 1998)Kangaroos 22.19 (151) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 7.5 (47) at the MCG100 points – Collingwood (Rnd 15, 1997)Collingwood 25.10 (160) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 9.6 (60) at VParkLast 10 Derbies<strong>Fremantle</strong> 12.11 (83) def West Coast 11.7 (73), Round 6, 1 May 2004West Coast 13.15 (93) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.9 (45), Round 21, 22 August 2004West Coast 12.16 (88) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 12.8 (80), Round 3, 9 April 2005West Coast 19.14 (128) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 12.8 (80), Round 20, 12 August 2005<strong>Fremantle</strong> 12.11 (88) def West Coast 12.16 (83), Round 6, 6 May 2006<strong>Fremantle</strong> 18.10 (118) def West Coast 8.13 (61), Round 21, 27 August 2006West Coast 14.7 (1<strong>01</strong>) def <strong>Fremantle</strong> 11.4 (70), Round 3, 14 April 2007<strong>Fremantle</strong> 19.10 (124) def West Coast 14.13 (97), Round 18, 5 August 2007<strong>Fremantle</strong> 12.15 (87) def West Coast 10.13 (73), Round 3, 5 April 2008<strong>Fremantle</strong> 17.14 (116) def West Coast 12.11 (83), Round 18, 3 August 2008Record At AFL Venues (Home and Away)Venue P W L D Win %AAMI Stadium 22 6 16 0 27.27%Gabba 8 0 8 0 0.0%Optus Oval 11 2 9 0 18.2%Subiaco Oval 152 82 70 0 53.9%Victoria Park 4 0 4 0 0.0%WACA 18 10 8 0 55.6%MCG 30 9 21 0 30.0%Docklands 25 7 18 0 28.0%Whitten Oval 4 1 3 0 25.0%Waverley Park 7 3 4 0 42.9%Skilled Stadium 11 1 10 0 9.<strong>09</strong>%Aurora Stadium 6 1 5 0 16.6%Manuka Oval 1 0 1 0 0.0%SCG 10 2 8 0 20.0%OVERALL 308 123 185 0 32.4%Winning and Losing Runs at Current VenuesVenue Winning Run Losing RunAAMI StadiumThe Gabba2 wins – Round 3, 2006 toRound 19, 20060 winsOptus Oval 1 win – Round 18, 2004Subiaco OvalMCG13 wins – Round 6, 2003to Round 6, 20043 wins – Round 6, 2005 toRound 18, 2005Docklands 1 win – Round 17, 2006SkilledStadiumAuroraStadium1 win – Round 10, 20051 win – Round 5, 20065 losses – Round 14, 2000 toRound 11, 20037 losses – Round 21, 1996 toRound 6, 20078 losses – Round 9, 1997 toRound 17, 200211 losses – Round 1, 20<strong>01</strong> toRound 20, 20<strong>01</strong>10 losses – Round 1, 1995 toRound 8, 19997 losses – Round 12, 2000 toRound 15, 20<strong>01</strong>8 losses – Round 19, 1995 toRound 20, 20045 losses – Round 3, 2002 toRound 1, 2006Manuka Oval 0 wins 1 loss – Round 15, 2002SCG2 wins – Round 21, 1995to Round 17, 20038 losses – Round 6, 1999 toRound 14, 2007Debut Dates of Current PlayersPlayer AFL Debut <strong>Fremantle</strong> DebutHayden Ballantyne Yet to DebutYet to DebutKepler Bradley Rnd 1 2004 v Port Adelaide Rnd 8 2008 v W. BulldogsGreg Broughton* Yet to Debut Yet to DebutAndrew Browne Rnd 8 2002 v Melbourne Rnd 8 2002 v MelbourneBen Bucovaz Yet to Debut Yet to DebutAdam Campbell Rnd 10 2006 v Richmond Rnd 10 2006 v RichmondZac Clarke Yet to Debut Yet to DebutBrent Connelly* Yet to Debut Yet to DebutRyan Crowley Rnd 10 2005 v Geelong Rnd 10 2005 v GeelongMatt de Boer* Yet to Debut Yet to DebutSteven Dodd Rnd 20 2004 v Geelong Rnd 20 2004 v GeelongMarcus Drum Rnd 13 2006 v Sydney Rnd 13 2006 v SydneyPaul Duffield Rnd 5 2006 v St Kilda Rnd 5 2006 v St KildaAndrew Foster Rnd 19 2007 v Essendon Rnd 19 2007 v EssendonDaniel Gilmore Rnd 1 2004 v Carlton Rnd 1 2004 v CarltonAntoni Grover Rnd 21 1999 v Sydney Rnd 21 1999 v SydneyChris Hall Yet to Debut Yet to DebutPaul Hasleby Rnd 1 2000 v Geelong Rnd 1 2000 v GeelongRoger Hayden Rnd 15 2002 v Kangaroos Rnd 15 2002 v KangaroosJosh Head Rnd 14 2008 v Essendon Rnd 14 2008 v EssendonDes Headland Rnd 13 1999 v Sydney Rnd 1 2003 v AdelaideStephen Hill Yet to Debut Yet to DebutClayton Hinkley Rnd 5 2008 v Adelaide Rnd 5 2008 v AdelaideGarrick Ibbotson Rnd 11 2007 v Richmond Rnd 11 2007 v RichmondMichael Johnson Rnd 4 2005 v Richmond Rnd 4 2005 v RichmondLuke McPharlin Rnd 5 2000 v Port Adelaide Rnd 12 2002 v CollingwoodChris Mayne Rnd 2 2008 v Hawthorn Rnd 2 2008 v HawthornDavid Mundy Rnd 6 2005 v Melbourne Rnd 6 2005 v MelbourneRyan Murphy Rnd 16 2004 v Adelaide Rnd 16 2004 v AdelaideBrock O’Brien Rnd 22 2007 v Port Adelaide Rnd 22 2007 v Port AdelaideRhys Palmer Rnd 2 2008 v Hawthorn Rnd 2 2008 v HawthornMatthew Pavlich Rnd 5 2000 v Melbourne Rnd 5 2000 v MelbourneBrett Peake Rnd 13 2005 v Kangaroos Rnd 13 2005 v KangaroosClancee Pearce* Yet to Debut Yet to DebutLuke Pratt* Yet to Debut Yet to DebutTim Ruffles Yet to Debut Yet to DebutAaron Sandilands Rnd 1 2003 v Adelaide Rnd 1 2003 v AdelaideByron Schammer Rnd 1 2003 v Adelaide Rnd 1 2003 v AdelaideHamish Shepheard*Yet to DebutYet to DebutCasey Sibosado* Yet to Debut Yet to DebutDean Solomon Rnd 5 1998 v Collingwood Rnd 1 2007 v Port AdelaideNic Suban Yet to Debut Yet to DebutChris Tarrant Rnd 3 1998 v W. Bulldogs Rnd 1 2007 v Port AdelaideScott Thornton Rnd 8 2002 v Melbourne Rnd 8 2002 v MelbourneJay Van Berlo* Yet to Debut Yet to DebutMichael Walters Yet to Debut Yet to Debut* RookieDerbiesP W L D Win %Derbies 28 10 18 0 35.7%Since 2002 16 10 6 0 62.5%Record Against <strong>Club</strong>s (Home and Away)Opposition P W L D Win %Adelaide 22 9 13 0 40.9%Brisbane 18 6 12 0 33.3%Carlton 20 11 9 0 55%Collingwood 19 8 11 0 42.1%Essendon 21 6 15 0 28.5%Fitzroy 4 3 1 0 75.0%Geelong 22 6 16 0 27.2%Hawthorn 20 6 14 0 30.3%Kangaroos 16 5 11 0 31.2%Melbourne 24 13 11 0 54.1%Port Adelaide 19 6 13 0 31.5%Richmond 21 9 12 0 42.8%St Kilda 21 11 10 0 52.3%Sydney 20 8 12 0 40%West Coast 28 10 18 0 35.7%Western Bulldogs 17 7 10 0 41.1%OVERALL 312 124 188 0 39.7%fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>xv

20<strong>09</strong> Season FixturesRound 1 Sunday 29 March 4.10pm WST vs Western Bulldogs – Subiaco OvalRound 2 Sunday 5 April 11.10am WST vs Essendon – DocklandsRound 3 Sunday 12 April 2.40pm WST vs Adelaide – Subiaco OvalRound 4 Saturday 18 April 5.10pm WST vs St Kilda – DocklandsRound 5 Saturday 25 April 6.40pm WST vs Sydney – Subiaco OvalRound 6 Saturday 2 May 2.10pm WST vs West Coast Eagles – Subiaco OvalRound 7 Saturday 9 May 5.10pm WST vs Carlton – Gold Coast StadiumRound 8 Friday 15 May 6.40pm WST vs Hawthorn – Subiaco OvalRound 9 Saturday 23 May 12.10pm WST vs North Melbourne – DocklandsRound 10 Saturday 30 May 5.40pm WST vs Richmond – Subiaco OvalRound 11 Saturday 6 June 5.40pm WST vs Port Adelaide – AAMI StadiumRound 12 Sunday 21 June 2.40pm WST vs Geelong – Subiaco OvalRound 13 Saturday 27 June 12.10pm WST vs Collingwood – MCGRound 14 Sunday 5 July 2.40pm WST vs Carlton – Subiaco OvalRound 15 Saturday 11 July 5.40pm WST vs Adelaide – AAMI StadiumRound 16 Saturday 18 July 5.40pm WST vs Brisbane Lions – Subiaco OvalRound 17 Saturday 25 July 2.10pm WST vs West Coast Eagles – Subiaco OvalRound 18 Saturday 1 August 12.10pm WST vs Western Bulldogs – DocklandsRound 19 Sunday 9 August 2.40pm WST vs Port Adelaide – Subiaco OvalRound 20 Sunday 16 August 11.10am WST vs Melbourne – MCGRound 21 Sunday 23 August 2.40pm WST vs Essendon – Subiaco OvalRound 22 Saturday 29 August 11.10am WST vs Geelong – Skilled StadiumxviMarch 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

NAB Cup Round Onev RichmondNAB Cup Round One v RichmondSunday 15 February 20<strong>09</strong>, Subiaco Oval 6.40pm(9-point goals/6-point goals/behinds)<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.3.2 3.4.4 3.4.8 5.5.11 (86)Richmond 1.1.5 1.3.5 1.8.5 1.12.8 (89)Super Goals: Browne, Schammer, Solomon, Ibbotson, HillGoals: Grover, Bradley, de Boer, Murphy, DoddKicks: Peake 9 Marks: Peake, Pearce, Murphy 4Handballs: Palmer 14 Possessions: Palmer 21Tackles: Hill 8 Crowd: 14,517NAB Challenge ResultsWeek 1<strong>Fremantle</strong> v Kangaroosat Manuka Oval, Canberra<strong>Fremantle</strong> 8.4.52Kangaroos 23.11.149Week 2<strong>Fremantle</strong> v West Coastat Subiaco Oval<strong>Fremantle</strong> 17.9 (111)West Coast 16.10 (106)Week 3<strong>Fremantle</strong> v Carlton at HandsOval, Bunbury (results weren’tavailable at time of going to print)Fans Dig Deep for Bushfire AppealSporting clubs affected by the Victorian bushfires will receive a generous cash injectionof almost $150,000 after the WA football community joined forces to pull together a specialpre‐season Western Derby on Saturday 7 March at Subiaco Oval.<strong>Fremantle</strong> and West Coast agreed to the pre-season derby to aid the fire victims and the fans cameout in droves to not only support their side, but also to fundraise for the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.<strong>Fremantle</strong> kicked nine goals in the final term to claim a thrilling five point victory in front of24,002 football faithful who were eager to witness the first derby encounter for season 20<strong>09</strong>.<strong>Fremantle</strong> fans had already demonstrated their generosity at <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s NAB Cup opener against Richmond,when almost $20,000 was collected by NAB staff, WA Fire and Rescue servicemen and Red Cross volunteers forthe Victorian Bushfire Appeal.All funds raised from the round one NAB Cup game were handed across to the Red Cross to assist communitiesaffected by the devastating bushfires get back on their feet. Donations can still be made at www.redcross.org.auor on 1800 811 700. Thank you to everyone who dug deep and got behind this worthwhile cause.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>33

On the roadSouth AfricaSouthAfrica11-16 February 20<strong>09</strong>The <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> arrivedin Potchefstroom in mid-February fora week long community camp in theclub’s AFL allocated North West Province.Story: Andrew BousfieldSince <strong>Fremantle</strong>commenced its activities inthe North West Province in2007, the number of registeredparticipants playing football inSouth Africa has dramatically risenfrom 2,500 to 17,000 players, withthe majority playing the game inthe North West Province.The week-long tour, highlightedby football development clinicsand community visits, was theclub’s third visit to the Republicsince 2007.Over the course of the week thetravelling party, which includedpast players Luke Webster, TroyCook and Justin Longmuir alongwith the club’s CommunityDevelopment Program team,were joined by more than 1000children in a range of clinics atvarious Potchefstroom schools.The children at the Potchefstroomclinics take part in the SouthAfrican program equivalent toAuskick, called FootyWild.Webster said he was impressedby the skill level shown bythe children that took part inthe clinics.“Obviously the game is stillvery new to a lot of them but theirbasic skill level was better than34 March 20<strong>09</strong> fremantlefc.com.au

On the roadSouth Africawhat Troy, Justin and I expected,”Webster said.“They all seemed to enjoy theclinics and adapted quickly to thenew skills they were taught, whichis fantastic.“The <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>and the AFL have worked hard overthe past three years to develop thesport in South Africa and on theback of how enthusiastic the kidswere I think AFL footy has a realfuture in the country – particularlyin the North West Province.”Burned stronglyIn addition to the numberof children who took part inthe various clinics aroundPotchefstroom, local players,coaches, umpires, administratorsand volunteers were furthereducated on football rules andregulations by <strong>Fremantle</strong>’sCommunity Development staff ina bid to strengthen <strong>Fremantle</strong> andthe AFL’s footprint in the region.The <strong>Fremantle</strong> delegationreviewed the development of theNorth West Province’s talentedsenior players during a trainingsession on Saturday 14 February.Players travelled from all aroundthe region to participate inthe session.Longmuir said the desire to playfootball burned strongly in manyyoung South Africans, with sometravelling for hours from all overthe North West Province to takepart in the clinics.Teenager Tshepsio Mogapi hitchhiked for four hours from Mafeking,impressing Longmuir.“Tshepsio turns 18 later this yearand has the speed and agility thatwe are looking for at <strong>Fremantle</strong>,”he said.“I spoke to him about the needto work hard in the gym leadingup to the 20<strong>09</strong> South African footyseason and that he should keepdeveloping the non-dominant sideof his body.“I am not surprised that he didwell for South Africa in the AFLInternational Cup last year, but thechallenge for him is to maintainthat standard.”talented kidsCook lauded the talent displayed bysome of the participants.“I am glad <strong>Fremantle</strong> came onthis trip” he said.“There are some talented kidshere and, hopefully, <strong>Fremantle</strong> cancapitalise on the work that the clubhas done over the last three years.”AFL South Africa North WestProvince Manager July Machethesaid the Potchefstroom locals wereproud to be associated with the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.”The children and volunteersare so excited to be part of the<strong>Fremantle</strong> team,” July said.“The support that we receivefrom the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>and our region’s sponsors, NkwePlatinum, Continental Capital andAir Mauritius ensures that we arefar ahead of the other provincesthat are developing AFL football.fremantlefc.com.auMarch 20<strong>09</strong>35

On the roadSouth Africa“We really appreciate thecommitment shown by the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and thisis enhanced by yet another trip toour region.”The touring party complimentedits football activities with visits tothe Thakaneng Project in Ikageng,a township outside Potchefstroomand to Cotlands – a not-for-profitHIV/AIDS clinic for children.AFL South Africa North Westhas a strong relationship with theThakaneng Project in Ikageng.During the 2008 communitycamp in South Africa the club wasoffered the opportunity to visit theThakaneng Project. The projectensures that children abandonedby their parents are given a bed,shelter and are cared for.<strong>Fremantle</strong> held footy clinicswith the Thakaneng children, whorange in ages from five to 16 years.Webster spoke with the childrenabout maintaining hope and theirdignity and was touched by whathe witnessed at the project.Life on the street“It was quite overwhelming to seethe good work that the staff atThakaneng are doing for theseyoung people,” Webster said.“Life on the street in SouthAfrica is unbelievably hard and itis great that the dedicated staff ofthe centre are giving these kids achance.“I am also very pleased that<strong>Fremantle</strong> has taken the timeover the past two years to visit thecentre. If we as players, and pastplayers, can provide these kids apositive example, then hopefullywe have contributed in some way.”The <strong>Fremantle</strong> delegation alsotravelled to Johannesburg to visitthe Cotlands HIV/AIDS clinic. Thetravelling party spent the morningof Sunday 15 February meeting thecentre’s young children.“I feel a deep sense of pridein what <strong>Fremantle</strong> hasachieved here and if wewere able to continue on,that would be a great thingfor the club and the youngpeople of South Africa.”For Darren Beazley, <strong>Fremantle</strong>’sgeneral manager of strategicpartnerships, it was his fourthand “most rewarding” trip to SouthAfrica representing the club.“I feel a deep sense of pride inwhat <strong>Fremantle</strong> has achieved hereand if we were able to continue on,that would be a great thing for theclub and the young people of SouthAfrica,” he said.“The depth of football talent inthe North Province is really startingto develop.SouthAfrica“The group that trained inPotchefstroom showed glimpsesof something special. It was alsoheartening that the kids at thedevelopment clinics now have mostof the basic skills and are beginningto understand the game.“We have started to see some<strong>Fremantle</strong> fans emerge as well,which is a huge bonus and rewardfor our efforts here.”<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s strategic partnersNkwe Platinum, Continental Capitaland Air Mauritius, all in theirsecond year as strategic partnerswith <strong>Fremantle</strong>, are helping developAFL in South Africa.36 March 20<strong>09</strong> fremantlefc.com.au

Purple PatchWelcome to the Purple Patch!We asked our supporters to email us photos for‘The Purple Patch’, one of our new features. We wereinundated with some fantastic shots! Here is aselection of are some of the great entries we receivedfor this edition of <strong>Docker</strong>.<strong>Docker</strong>-4-LifeMy name is PhindileKhambula from SouthAfrica in the NorthWest Province, where<strong>Fremantle</strong> is helping todevelop football.My office is purpleand I always keepup-to-date by visitingfremantlefc.com.au tokeep up with what Freois doing!My photos comefrom a match Freoplayed againstRichmond Tigers at theMCG in 2008 and some are of me here at home and in the office.<strong>Docker</strong>s-4-Life!On tourMy name is Ryan Hunt and Iam 14.My family and I did sometravelling around Europe.I wore my Freo jumpereverywhere… includingVatican City, Pompeiiin Italy, on the LondonEye, Westminster Abbey,Buckingham Palace and BigBen!Here is a photo of me atSt Mark’s Square in Venice,Italy wearing a Venetian mask.<strong>Docker</strong>s for flag ’<strong>09</strong>.Sleeping BeautyI have been a <strong>Docker</strong> fan for aslong as I can remember.This is me asleep in myroom, if only you could see therest of it as I have a <strong>Docker</strong>sflag in my window that can’tbe missed as soon as you pullinto our street.Instead of Mum and Dadexplaining to people our houseis the 5th on the left, we say lookfor the <strong>Docker</strong> flag. (No one hasgot lost looking for our house.)Melissa – age 9 on 15 AprilDracula DAVEIn September 2006 I visitedRomania for a trip. It wasa stressful trip for me aswe played Sydney in thePreliminary Final whilst I wasthere so I spent a mad timetrying to find an internet cafeto find out the result whilsttrying to figure out how I wasgoing to secure Grand Finaltickets if we won.The attached photo wastaken at the birth place of VladDracul aka Dracula/Vlad theImpaler.Game DayThis is my 2-year-old granddaughter Ella on her way to amatch with us. She absolutelyloves game day.Ella is an entertainer. In fact,last season one of the memberswho sits near us didn’t comefor several weeks and he said tome after a particular game thatit was worth coming just to seeElla and hear her yelling Freo,Freo, Freo!Ella’s favourite player isRhys Palmer. She can pickRhys, Pav and Harvey out in ateam photo.From Grandma JulieThanks NanI am hoping you can put thispicture of me in <strong>Docker</strong> tothank my Nan very much forlooking after me while mummyworks.Nan is also an avid<strong>Fremantle</strong> supporter who hastaught me my first word…“FREO”.From Jack Grant, 21 monthsWe want to see photos from every corner of the globe so we can show theworld how passionate our supporters really are. Send <strong>Docker</strong> your photos –purplepatch@fremantlefc.com.au to be included in the next edition.PLEASE NOTE:• The submission must be sent from the person in the photo or their parent or guardian.• There are no guarantees that your photos will be published and entries will be chosen atthe discretion of the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.• Full name, age and a description of the photo must be sent via email ONLY. Postalsubmissions can not be accepted. Receipt of email will be considered consent to publish.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong> 37

Members NewsMEMBERs ONLYIMPORTANT CONTACTSYour membership team is hereto help so please call, email orcome and visit us if you have anyissues, queries or concerns.Membership Services CentrePhone: (08) 9433 7111(1300 88 20 77 for interstate orcountry callers)Fax: (08) 9433 7002Email:membership@fremantlefc.com.auAddress: <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval,Parry Street, <strong>Fremantle</strong> WA 6160Game day Membership ServicesOn game day, the MembershipTeam will be located at theMembership Services Centre atGate 26 Subiaco Oval.Or phone: (08) 9433 7111TicketmasterPhone: 1300 135 915Website: www.ticketmaster.com.auMEMBERSHIP SERVICESLost Membership CardsLost membership cards canbe replaced by calling theMembership Team between9am and 5pm Monday to Fridayon (08) 9433 7111. A $10 feeis charged for the replacementof the card however if astatutory declaration form iscompleted with a copy of apolice report (in the case oftheft) the replacement fee willbe waived and the barcode onyour membership card will becancelled and a new card issued.What to do if you have lostyour membership card orpaper tickets in the weekbefore a home gameLost Ticket Vouchers (LTV)are given to members in placeof a lost membership cardor a lost paper ticket so theycan gain access to the ground.Call the Membership Teamon (08) 9433 7111 to makearrangements.LTVs requested before12 noon on the Friday prior toPROUDa home game will be issued atno charge and posted to youraddress, or you can arrange tocollect it from the MembershipServices Centre on gameday (Subiaco Oval, Gate 26).Personal identification must beshown when picking up a LTVand they will only be issued tothe membership holder.LTVs requested after 12noon on the Friday before thegame will be charged at $10for the first occurrence, $15on the second occurrence and$20 on the third occurrence.This fee is on top of thecard replacement fee of $10(<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>subsidise your full-priced entryeach time we issue a LTV).Transperth Transport Serviceson game dayTo avoid the parking hasslestake public transport to thegame. All 20<strong>09</strong> members areentitled to take public transportthree hours before the matchstarts and three hours after thematch finishes. Just show yourmembership card or matchticket and there will be nocharge for your travel.Interstate Games(Away game ticketing)If you are travelling interstateto watch the team in 20<strong>09</strong>,match day tickets can bepurchased through the club.Each ground has differentbooking requirements, soplease allow a minimumof three weeks prior to thegame to ensure you have thetickets in time for your travel.For bookings please contactthe Membership Team on(08) 9433 7111.The annual member’s tripis scheduled for our Round 13game against Collingwood atthe MCG on Saturday 27 June.Details can be found atwww.fremantlefc.com.au.Change of detailsIt is important to keep yourpersonal information updatedso you get the most out ofyour membership. Give theMembership Team a callor email membership@fremantlefc.com.au to updateyour details.Member Emails ande-NewslettersDid you know that theMembership Team regularlysend exclusive emails tomembers with all the latestand most up-to-date club andplayer news, event information,Team Store offers and exclusiveMember Rewards from ourpartners and sponsors?Make sure we have yourlatest email address by callingthe Membership Team on(08) 9433 7111 or emailmembership@fremantlefc.com.au.MEMBERS’ EVENTSBill Walker Room Match Day InformationAway Game FunctionsWhere: South <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval,Parry Street <strong>Fremantle</strong>Cost: $2 adults, $1 childrenWhen: Every away game,including the Carlton MidDerby on Saturday 2 May.Watch the game on the bigscreen with other passionate<strong>Fremantle</strong> supporters. The barwill be open and lunch/dinnerwill be available to purchaseThere will be raffles toparticipate in; an MC to keep theday in order and non-playingplayers will be in attendance.Members’ Bar on Game DayThe Bill Walker Room will beopen to members throughout theseason and access to the roomwill vary round by round. TheBill Walker Room will operateas a Members’ Bar for all homegames and opening times areshown in the table below.After every home gametwo non-playing players willmake their way to the BillWalker Room for an after-gameinterview. There will be an MCand all members are welcome.Round Pre Match Half Time Post Match1 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN3 OPEN OPEN OPEN5 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN8 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN10 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN12 Closed – Members’ function OPEN OPEN14 OPEN OPEN OPEN16 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN17 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN19 Closed – Members’ function OPEN OPEN21 Closed – Corporate function OPENMembers’ Function.Entry fee appliesLOY38 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

Members NewsMembers’ Lunches and5th Quarter FunctionThe Bill Walker Room willhost two pre-game Members’Lunches for rounds 12 and 19,so why not make a day of itand join us for lunch before thegame? There will be an end ofseason 5th Quarter Functionafter the round 21 clash withEssendon.Entry fees apply andbookings are essential for allfunctions – for further detailsor to make a booking pleasecontact the Membership Teamon (08) 9433 7111 or visitwww.fremantlefc.com.au.MEMBER INFORMATIONOpen Training NightsDue to the number ofscheduled Sunday gamesfor <strong>Fremantle</strong> this season,‘People’s Night’ will stilloccur at <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval in20<strong>09</strong> but will be scheduledto ensure your outing to ourheadquarters is worthwhile.Please keep the followingdates free and join us at<strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval to watch theteam train. We encourageeveryone to come along andenjoy the atmosphere withother supporters at our official‘Open Training Nights’ thisseason. The fun kicks off at4:00pm and the players lookforward to seeing you there.• Wednesday 15 April 20<strong>09</strong>from 4.00pm• Monday 15 June 20<strong>09</strong> from4.00pm• Tuesday 21 July 20<strong>09</strong> from4.00pmKeep an eye onwww.fremantlefc.com.au forfurther information.Carlton Mid Derby – Round 6and Round 17The scheduled Round 6derby is a West Coast Eagleshome game, when WestCoast Eagles members willretain their reserved seatingand membership rights.<strong>Fremantle</strong> members will havepriority access to purchaseseating, with tickets placedon sale to <strong>Fremantle</strong> membersbefore being released tothe general public. Ticketswill go on sale two weeksprior to the game startingat 9.00am on Monday, 20April 20<strong>09</strong> through until 5pmTuesday, 21 April. Tickets canbe purchased by <strong>Fremantle</strong>members through Ticketmaster1300 135 915, via the webwww.ticketmaster.com.au orat a Ticketmaster outlet. Youwill need to quote the barcodefrom your membership cardwhen purchasing tickets viathe web or over the phone, orpresent your membership cardwhen purchasing tickets froma Ticketmaster outlet.The scheduled Round 17derby is a <strong>Fremantle</strong> homegame when <strong>Fremantle</strong>members retain all oftheir reserved seating andmembership rights.SUPPORTER GROUPSThe <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>is proud to have a numberof supporter groups locatedaround the State and beyondthe border.We have regional supportergroups located in Bunbury,Collie, Esperance and Mandurah.Each group conducts variousactivities, including some awaygame functions. They alsoprovide a transport serviceto the game. If you live inthese areas and would like tomeet up with others who love<strong>Fremantle</strong>, please contact theclub for further details or visitwww.fremantlefc.com.au/supportergroupsWe also have a women’ssupporter group called TheSirens. Sirens are women wholove football and get togetheron a regular basis throughoutthe season. There are officialand unofficial Sirens functionswhere women who share a loveof football can network andenjoy each other’s company.Visit www.fremantlefc.com.au/supportergroups for details.There is also the FREO MOB,a supporter group made upof passionate <strong>Fremantle</strong> fanswho have been behind theclub for many years. They areproud Patrons and Platinumsupporters of the <strong>Fremantle</strong>Hawks Junior <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.They also support footballand other worthwhile causesin the <strong>Fremantle</strong> region.Memberships to the FREOMOB are $15 ($10 concession)which gives members accessto all away game functionsthat the MOB conductsat the South <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> throughoutthe season in conjunctionwith <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong><strong>Club</strong>. For further details visitwww.wehavethepassion.comOur supporters basedin Victoria are everybit as passionate about<strong>Fremantle</strong> as our WA-basedsupporters. Keep an eye onwww.fremantlefc.com.aufor details of Members’ Eventsthis season.SUBIACO OVALCode of ConductThe West Australian <strong>Football</strong>Commission has devised a Codeof Conduct for the benefit ofall patrons using Subiaco Oval.This code is bound by law andthe rights of others to enjoy thegame. If you experience anydifficulties with other patronswho are in violation of this code,please approach Subiaco Ovalground staff and report theincident immediately.Subiaco Oval Code of BehaviourFor the enjoyment of all patrons,please:• Be considerate of othersaround you• Do not stand in theemergency exit aisles• Be enthusiastic and cheerfor your teamThe WAFC and your club considerthe following to be inappropriate:• Excessive alcoholconsumption• Smoking inside the venue• Racial taunts• Bad language• Offensive behaviour• Opening an umbrellain seating areas as it isdangerous• Bringing cans, glass, alcohol,prams, strollers and largeeskies into the venue• Videotaping or recordingat the venue• Alcohol is not permittedtaken in our out of SubiacoOval at any timeThe following behaviour will resultin immediate eviction from thevenue:• Arena invasion• Assault• Continued inappropriatebehaviour• IntoxicationPlease advise Subiaco Ovalevent staff if you experiencedifficulties with the behaviourof other patrons, and theywill attend to the problem onyour behalf.ALPASSIONATEfremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>39

ProfileNic SubanYoungTalent TimeUnder senior coach Mark Harvey’s regime there is now a much stronger focus ondeveloping and retaining talented young players at <strong>Fremantle</strong>. 2008 draftee Nic Subanprovides an insight into his first few months at the club. Story: Luke MorfesseBarely a day after Victorianteenager Nic Suban was picked upin the 2008 National Draft, he waswinging his way to Perth from BacchusMarsh, about 55km south of Melbourne.The previous 24-hours had been awhirlwind.“On the morning of the draft I couldn’tsit still… I couldn’t stop thinking about it,”he said.“You don’t know where you are goingto end up, or even if you’re going to getdrafted.”He needn’t have worried. Suban was<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s third pick overall at selectionnumber 24.And just as elsewhere in the country,where <strong>Fremantle</strong> officials were descendingon the homes of fellow Eastern Statesrecruits Zac Clarke, Ben Bucovaz, ChrisHall, Tim Ruffles and WA draftees StephenHill, Hayden Ballantyne and MichaelWalters, Suban also had a knock on thedoor from club recruiting staff.After congratulating them on being pickedup by <strong>Fremantle</strong>, the draftees and theirparents were all thoroughly briefed what layahead in the next few days and weeks.“Right from the outset we make surethe boys and their parents are acrosseverything that’s happening,” said PlayerDevelopment Coach Stephen Malaxos.“We are really conscious of the need tonot only develop the boys as footballersand good citizens but that we retain themas successful long-term players with the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.“We pay a lot of attention to howthe young players cope in an AFL clubenvironment, especially when some of theboys are a long way from home and theirfamily and friends.”40 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

ProfileNic Suban“You can get away with not doing a few things and eating‘Maccas’. But here you have to do everything perfectly.”Within an hour or two of being pickedup, the eight draftees had all receivedpersonal phone calls from senior coachMark Harvey and captain Matthew Pavlich.Boarding school“When Matthew Pavlich phoned me,I couldn’t believe it,” Suban recalled.“I thought, ‘oh my God, I just spoke toMatthew Pavlich… he’s one of the bestplayers in the AFL’.The dual U18 All-Australian didn’t havelong to dwell on the euphoria of draft day.“That night, after a bit of a celebration,I packed my bags and the next morningat 11 o’clock I was on a plane here,”Suban said.“The people at the club were really great,especially in the first few days.”Hours after arriving in Perth, Subanand his fellow draftees gathered at theclub for a barbecue, where they wereintroduced to the rest of the playing groupand the coaching staff.As far as leaving his family behind onthe other side of the country, Suban hada bit of a head start on the other boys whowere heading to WA and their new home.In his final year at school, Suban was aboarder at St Patrick’s College in Ballarat.“Having come straight out of boardingschool, I was used to living away fromhome and my mum and dad,” he said.“After a while you get used to not havingto rely on them too much. A few of theboys said they really couldn’t believethey had been picked up… and I couldn’tbelieve that I was over here and part of<strong>Fremantle</strong>.”For the first few weeks, Suban wasbilleted with new team mate Ryan Murphy.“He’s a Victorian boy as well, so he’dalready experienced what I was about togo through,” Suban said, adding that hewas always prepared to “go interstate”.“I was willing to go anywhere but insaying that, you are conscious of what’sabout to happen and that you’re a longway from family and friends.“I was a little bit wary at first butgetting in with “Murph” and living with aplayer for those first couple of weeks wasreally helpful.“I got a real insight into what he does forpreparation and getting into the groove ofbeing an AFL player.”Big AdjustmentsMalaxos said the draftees, who are allrequired to work or undertake study, facea range of challenges in the early stages oftheir careers.“Off-field, it might mean adjusting to anew environment… a new city where youare a long way from home and may notknow anyone,” he said, adding that one ofthe big adjustments was going from beinga part-time footballer in the U18s to a fulltimecareer in the AFL.“They have a more comprehensivefootball program and the workloadis definitely greater because they aretraining a lot harder. Having a consistentapproach to time management andpreparation can also be a real adjustment.”Suban certainly agrees.“In the TAC Cup (in Victoria) you traintwo or three times a week and that’s allyou do,” he said.“You can get away with not doing a fewthings and eating ‘Maccas’ or whateveryou want. But here you have to doeverything perfectly. You can’t eat thewrong sort of food or go out late at night.“There’s a huge emphasis onprofessionalism and everyone doeseverything they can to be at their best ongame day.”Great experiencesAs player development coach,Malaxos said he now oversees a more“comprehensive and intensive program”,which not only aims to develop and retaintalented young players but producefootballers who are capable of deliveringsustained on-field success for <strong>Fremantle</strong>.“Rather than seeing it as a hardship, weare turning it around so coming to WA toplay football for <strong>Fremantle</strong> will be one ofthe great experiences a young footballercan have,” he said.“When these boys sit down withtheir parents and player manager, wewant them to be able to say, ‘<strong>Fremantle</strong>is the club I want to be at becausethey are professional and are going tohave success’.”fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>41

A Word From Our SponsorsLG and Integrated go majorFor the first timein the club’s history,<strong>Fremantle</strong> will enjoythe support of two MajorSponsors in 20<strong>09</strong>, with LGElectronics and IntegratedGroup becoming the club’sMajor Sponsors.LG have been the club’ssole Major Sponsor for the lastthree years and in that time,have watched their brand growin line with their innovativeproduct range.<strong>Fremantle</strong> is delighted thatLG Electronics will continueas a Major Sponsor, alongsideIntegrated, in 20<strong>09</strong>.Mark Nesci, CorporateMarketing Manager fromLG Electronics said, “<strong>Fremantle</strong>and LG share many attributes.Both are young but establishedbrands, both share a belief infamily values and communitysupport and both, mostimportantly, share the passionto succeed.In a first for the club,LG will share the MajorSponsorship property withIntegrated Group, a leadingnational recruitment specialistwhich have been involved withthe club since its inception.For Integrated, the MajorSponsorship of <strong>Fremantle</strong>is about building brandawareness in the Australianmarket.Tom Parker, Integrated’sGeneral Manager ofOperations said, “The majorsponsorship is part of ournational marketing strategyto build recognition of theIntegrated brand throughoutkey markets within Australia.AFL audiences, both at thegames and via television, giveus outstanding reach acrossAustralia to position theIntegrated name”.<strong>Fremantle</strong> looks forward toshared success with its MajorSponsors LG Electronics andIntegrated Group in 20<strong>09</strong>!FREMANTLE WELCOMES MBF<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s partnershipwith leading private healthinsurer HBA will go fromstrength to strength in 20<strong>09</strong>with HBA’s sister brand MBFcoming on board this season.HBA and MBF merged in2008 to become sister brands,creating the largest nongovernmentoperated healthinsurer in the country.<strong>Fremantle</strong> members can beconfident that they’ll receivehigh quality service throughtheir existing HBA or MBFmembership, while gainingaccess to a greater range ofproducts and services. In fact,as part of MBF’s commitmentto providing West Australianswith greater levels of servicea new MBF customer centrewill be opening at KarrinyupShopping Centre in March.Importantly, MBF with the<strong>Fremantle</strong> players, will supportthe club’s annual BraveryAwards which recognisethe amazing strength anddetermination of childrenundergoing treatment and who,for one reason or another, passthrough the hospital wardswithin the South MetropolitanArea Health Service.<strong>Fremantle</strong> is proud toendorse our Diamond levelSponsor MBF!www.samsonmaritime.com.auCOMEABOARDThe busy off-season has seen <strong>Fremantle</strong> welcome Samson Maritimeaboard as a Silver level sponsor through to 2<strong>01</strong>1.Samson Maritime director Ben Ward recognised that his company and the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> are both proudly Western Australian and are basedin the heart of <strong>Fremantle</strong>.“Aside from just our love of football, we see the similarities between SamsonMaritime and <strong>Fremantle</strong> as the perfect fit because we are both hardworking and loyal organisations,” Ward said.“We also believe that both organisations are in an exciting phase, and wehave great faith that the direction in which senior coach Mark Harvey andchief executive officer Steve Rosich are taking <strong>Fremantle</strong> will pay dividendsduring the next few years.”Samson Maritime is a Western Australian based marine services companywhich is also strategically located in the heart of the Pilbara region. Thisallows it to service the remote region of North West Australia as well asprojects Australia-wide.Samson Maritime offer modern reliable vessels, with experienced anddependable crew backed by complete onshore support.<strong>Fremantle</strong> fans will see the Samson Maritime brand at team trainingsessions and on the new LED signage at Subiaco Oval at home games.42 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

A Word From Our SponsorsAlinta and <strong>Fremantle</strong>celebrate 15 yearsWA energy retailer, Alinta, this year celebrates15 years of community partnership with the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.To mark the occasion, Alinta is celebrating this milestone bylaunching the <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s Community Development Program(CDP) for 20<strong>09</strong>.Alinta is the official partner of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s CDP, which formsthe heart of Alinta’s own community program.The CDP uses Aussie Rules <strong>Football</strong> as a vehicle to help youngchildren develop life skills and values.The program’s 20<strong>09</strong> calendar kicked off on 2 March with thepopular Johnny ‘the Doc’ <strong>Docker</strong> Motor Skills Program, whichwill be rolled out in 30 primary schools in terms one and two.All of the programs incorporate fun, fitness, friendshipand family. <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s CDP now has more than 550 schoolsregistered for participation through school based clinicsthroughout the 20<strong>09</strong> season.<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s CDP features the Freo Factor, Welcome to theAFL and Skills4Schools. Skills4Schools incorporates three funcompetitions; Freo Long Bomb, Freo Kwik Kick and Freo FastBall. For more information on these and other programs, visit theCommunity Development Program section of the club’s website –www.fremantlefc.com.au.Telstra to Power SMS CompetitionTelstra will be powering the game day SMS competition during<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s home matches at Subiaco Oval this season.Telstra is encouraging all members to keep an eye on the big screen forthe chance to win fantastic prizes throughout the year.In addition to the SMS Competition, <strong>Fremantle</strong> and our friends at Telstrawill, over the coming months, be sending out some exclusive memberoffers and we want to make sure that you hear all about them.The first is shaping up to be fantastic, with an exclusive offer that will go“straight to the pool room”.To kick start your memorabilia collection before the first bounce of theseason, we’ll be offering an official Sherrin game ball, personally signedby one of <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s players! You’ll also get a certificate of authenticityto prove to all of your envious mates that it’s genuine. This offer will beavailable with the purchase of an eligible Telstra service.Have the <strong>Fremantle</strong> membership team got ALL of your contact details?You won’t want to miss these exclusive members offers thanks to Telstra.The life of Rileyat <strong>Fremantle</strong>Swings & Roundabouts,and its featured range, the lifeof Riley, is <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s newwine Sponsor for the nexttwo years.Through the partnershipwith <strong>Fremantle</strong>, Swings& Roundabouts will bepromoting the life of Rileypremium wines.Swings & RoundaboutsDirector Andrew Moore saidthe company was lookingforward to working with<strong>Fremantle</strong>.“We see fantastic potentialin aligning ourselves with theproud, loyal and passionatepeople at the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and lookforward to providing the club’smembers and supporters withour finest the life of Rileyproduce,” Moore said.Swings & Roundabouts isbased in the Margaret Riverregion in WA’s South West.Last year was a watershedone for the winery with chiefwinemaker Mark Lane beingnamed the 2008 AustralianWinemaker of the Year byWinestate Magazine. Thewinery was also nominatedas a finalist for 2008 WineCompany of the Year.To learn more about thepremium range the lifeof Riley has on offer visitwww.swings.com.au.<strong>Fremantle</strong> members andsupporters are urged to buythe life of Riley and supportour new Silver Level Sponsor!Look out for this label in yourlocal liquor outlet!fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>43

Events 20<strong>09</strong>Events Calendar 20<strong>09</strong>Date Event Venue DescriptionWednesday15 April 20<strong>09</strong>from 4.00pmOpen TrainingNight<strong>Fremantle</strong> OvalPlease join us at <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval to watch the team train. We encourageeveryone to come along and enjoy the atmosphere with other supportersat our three official ‘Open Training Nights’ this season. The fun kicks offat 4.00pm and the players look forward to seeing you there.<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s homegames atSubiaco OvalMembers’ Baron game dayThe Bill WalkerRoomThe Bill Walker Room will operate as a Members’ Bar for all home games.Members are invited to use the facilities at half time, post match and atcertain times before bouncedown. Access to the room will vary round byround and opening times are as follows:Pre Match Half Time Post Match1 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN3 OPEN OPEN OPEN5 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN8 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN10 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN12 Closed – Members’ function OPEN OPEN14 OPEN OPEN OPEN16 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN17 Closed – Corporate function OPEN OPEN19 Closed – Members’ function OPEN OPEN21 Closed – Corporate function OPENMembers’ Function.Entry fee applies.After every home game two non-playing team members will visit the BillWalker Room for a post-match interview. All members are welcome.Every <strong>Fremantle</strong>away gameincluding theCarlton Mid Derbyon 2 May (Refer tothe fixtures for allother dates)Away gamefunctionsSouth <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>,<strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval,Parry Street<strong>Fremantle</strong>Watch all the action on the big screen with other passionate <strong>Fremantle</strong>supporters. The bar will be open and lunch/dinner will be available topurchase. You’ll be hosted by an MC and non-playing team members willalso be in attendance. Entry is $2 for adults and $1 for children.Friday1 May 20<strong>09</strong>Carlton MidDerby LunchBurswoodEntertainmentComplexThis popular annual function features a panel of guests to give you aninsight and prepare you for the excitement and rivalry of the CarltonMid Derby. Guests are treated to a three-course meal and entertainmentthroughout the afternoon.Wednesday3 June 20<strong>09</strong>Carlton MidGala DinnerAuctionPerth Convention& Exhibition CentreMake the most of this excellent promotional opportunity and get yourbusiness involved in the club’s biggest fundraising event for 20<strong>09</strong>.All proceeds from the evening are invested directly into the club’sCommunity Development Program. Enjoy an evening of sumptuous foodand first class entertainment.Sunday21 June 20<strong>09</strong>Round 12MembersPre-GameLuncheonBill Walker Room,Subiaco OvalWhy not make a day of it at the football and join us for lunch beforethe game? The Member Pre-Game Luncheons provide a relaxed andentertaining dining experience in the Bill Walker Room at Subiaco Ovalas a prelude to <strong>Fremantle</strong> home games. Lunch includes a pre-gamebuffet meal, an AFL Record for each guest, a match day host, raffles,guest speakers and player interviews. The members’ functions book outquickly, so don’t delay in securing your seat.Monday15 June 20<strong>09</strong>from 4.00pmOpen TrainingNight<strong>Fremantle</strong> OvalPlease join us at <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval to watch the team train. We encourageeveryone to come along and enjoy the atmosphere with other supportersat our official ‘Open Training Nights’ this season. The fun kicks off at4.00pm and the players look forward to seeing you there.44 March 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

Events 20<strong>09</strong>Date Event Venue DescriptionSaturday27 June 20<strong>09</strong>Away gameInterstatefunctionMCGAttend an official <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> match day interstatefunction in Melbourne. Tickets include a premium reserve seat to watch<strong>Fremantle</strong> take on Collingwood in Round 13 at the MCG.Tuesday21 July 20<strong>09</strong>from 4.00pmOpen TrainingNight<strong>Fremantle</strong> OvalPlease join us at <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval to watch the team train. We encourageeveryone to come along and enjoy the atmosphere with other supportersat our official ‘Open Training Nights’ this season. The fun kicks off at4.00pm and the players look forward to seeing you there.Sunday9 August 20<strong>09</strong>Round 19MembersPre-GameLuncheonBill Walker Room,Subiaco OvalWhy not make a day of it at the football and join us for lunch beforethe game? The Member Pre-Game Luncheons provide a relaxed andentertaining dining experience in the Bill Walker Room at Subiaco Ovalas a prelude to <strong>Fremantle</strong> home games. Lunch includes a pre-gamebuffet meal, an AFL Record for each guest, a match day host, raffles,guest speakers and player interviews. The members’ functions book outquickly, so don’t delay in securing your seat.Sunday23 August 20<strong>09</strong>5th QuarterFunctionBill Walker Room,Subiaco OvalThe 5th Quarter function has proved to be a popular event. It is opento adult members looking to enjoy a casual drink post match in thecompany of fellow members and <strong>Fremantle</strong> players and coaches. Thefunction includes a live DJ, bar snacks, a premium beverage served onarrival, player interviews, raffles and an event host.Friday9 October 20<strong>09</strong>Doig MedalPresentationDinnerBurswoodEntertainmentComplexBeing named your club’s Best and Fairest player is the most prestigiousclub award a player can receive during the career, recognising consistentperformance and contribution to the team over the home and awayseason. This black tie event honours the deep football heritage of<strong>Fremantle</strong>.Date to beconfirmed.Junior MemberChristmasParty<strong>Fremantle</strong> OvalJunior Members will enjoy a Christmas party with the players andcoaches on <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval. This event is free of charge for all our 20<strong>09</strong>Junior Members.This calendar is subject to change, please visit fremantlefc.com.au for the most up-to-date information or contact the Events Departmenton 9433 7146. Keep an eye on fremantlefc.com.au for further information on the ‘Open Training Nights’ at <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval.fremantlefc.com.au March 20<strong>09</strong>45

Hi kids,Welcome to my first edition of KidZone for season 20<strong>09</strong>!I hope you are all looking forward to the football season as much as I am… and as much as all theplayers are looking forward to playing at home in front of all our supporters.The guys also asked me to thank you for becoming a Junior Member this season and hopefully youcan catch up with the players at the Junior Members events this year.As you know, there are lots of new faces down at the club and I have a new look too… make sureyou check out my ‘new outfit’ at the Starlight Purple Haze Game in round one.Give these activites a go and enter the ‘Who Am I?’ competition below to go in therunning to win a KidZone prize pack. Email your answer tojohnnythedoc@fremantlefc.com.au.I hope to see you at the game. Go Freo!And remember, KidZone –it’s the fun place for kids!Who Am I?I played for West Perth in both colts and league in2008. I also represented WA in the U18 NationalChampionships and was rewarded with All-Australian honours for my performances. I showedhuge improvement throughout the course of 2008playing largely on a wing or across the back line.I am competitive, quick and the AIS/AFL recordholder for agility.My jumper number in 20<strong>09</strong> is 32, which PeterBell presented to me in December 2008.Johnny asks: Who do you wear?Did you know that the Team Stores in <strong>Fremantle</strong> and Subiaco can now putthe playing number of any of your favourite <strong>Fremantle</strong> players on the back ofyour jumper?Well, during the off season I did an check on the numbers purchasedfrom the Team Stores in season 2008 and the most popular number wereMatthew Pavlich’s 29, Rhys Palmer’s number 10 and number 23 which isworn by Chris Mayne.It made me wonder whose numbers our players worewhen they were growing up so I asked a few of the guyswhat number they wore?Nick Suban – #35 RobertHarvey from St KildaRyan Murphy– #33MatthewKnights fromRichmondKepler Bradley – #14 PaulKelly from the Sydney SwansMarcus Drum – #5 GaryAblett from GeelongRhys Palmer – #18Wayne Carey fromthe KangaroosThe numbers game…Check out some of your favourite <strong>Fremantle</strong>players in their new guernsey numbers in 20<strong>09</strong>.Garrick Ibbotson has vacated his number35 and will now been seen running around inthe number 5 jumper (formerly Ryley Dunn’s).Marcus Drum has passed in his number 30and will don Matthew Carr’s number 9, whilstAndrew Foster has swapped his number 40 forHeath Black’s number 21.Other number changes which will see someold favourites receive a youth injection thisseason are Shaun McManus’s famous number8 which is now the property of new recruit NicSuban. Peter Bell’s 32 and Jeff Farmer’s number33 jumpers have been passed on to Stephen Hilland Ben Bucovaz respectively.In other jumper allocations, Hayden Ballantynewill wear number 17, Zac Clarke will don thenumber 30, Chris Hall will take number 34, TimRuffles will fill Ibbotson’s vacated number 35 andMichael Walters will wear number 38.The 20<strong>09</strong> rookie jumper allocations are:Casey Sibosado (39), Matt de Boer (40), HamishShepheard (45), Clancee Pearce (46), Jay VanBerlo (47) and Greg Broughton (48). Luke Pratt(13) and Brent Connelly (44) will continue inthe numbers they wore in 2008.46 March 20<strong>09</strong> fremantlefc.com.au/kidzone

Johnny’s Join the Dots… completed the join the dots game, get out your textas and colour me in.Starting at number 1, follow the numbers and join the dots. Once you have13442 43 254161137407361<strong>01</strong>23983813 93514343316153225 2417312623182722302928212<strong>01</strong>9Catch me with Chris Tarrant inTazza’s Talent Tips onwww.fremantlefc.com.aufremantlefc.com.au/kidzoneMarch 20<strong>09</strong> 47

20<strong>09</strong> SponsorsMAJOR PLATINUM DIAMOND GOLD SILVERfremantlefc.com.au

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