il#". - Georgina Electronic-records Management System (GEMS)

il#". - Georgina Electronic-records Management System (GEMS) il#". - Georgina Electronic-records Management System (GEMS)


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IOI'IFStrIP OP GEORGII{A;:IInaugr,ral l{eeting ,Januar;r 4t , 19?1.Sutton & Distrtct Htgh School,Sutton l{est , OntarJ.o.the-fnaugural- ltreetiug of the Councll of the llrurl,cipalityof the lfounehip of -Georglna, He$ion of York, for the years lgff-?Zwae held ia the aud.Ltortran of the $utton & DLstrlct Eigh School itB:0O p.Br l'llonday, January 4&, 1971.Prior to the opening of the, the Sutton Braes Bandwlth Direetor ltlr. Ralph Falle Sr. entertained..X[r. SeB Saeellor forner Reeve of $utton, ecting as Chairnanealled. the ueetinq to order. The I'Ienbers-eleet of Couneil lecl. byHJ.s Honour C. l{. f{orrison narched. into the ar.r.d.itorlun shilbthe Band. played. nHeyr Look I{e Overn.Chairna-Ir Nasello then ad.d.reseed the eapacity auillencelcoagratul-ated tb,e Couneil flenbere-eleet aad. cal"led upoa errcxTrone toSlve their support and. aselstarxce to Council in the task of clirectingthe Sovernmeat of the neu legioaa,l nunicipality of the Sownsbtp of<strong>Georgina</strong> .Chal.ruan Nasello called uporr the Reverenfl Walter V. faitof Sutton Presbyterlan Church to give the invocation.'iltt-*-ofonHis Eonour Jtrdge C. I{. }Iorrinon edninietered. the Declaration0ffiee ancl the llenbers of the L97L*78 Oouncil took thelr pLacesCouneil &s foIIsuE :HayorHegional CounciLlorCouncilLorsGeorge 11 . BuruoseRobert l{. FolloekGerrTtr A. BurnLeKnud E . Laxs enGorclon L. ClarkBruce S. lfelshJanee FoyataKenneth B. SnoekunEd.gar I . Iayonsfhe flayor iatroduced. the llembere of CounctLand ad.d,reeeed.the aud.ience etati-ng tb'at pollution sas a najor concern as ourItvelihoocl depencle on aatura]- reEorrtcee aad lt sill be otre of onrJobs to protect those resourees rEhe l{ayor then called. the ueetinsto CouncillorSounsillor Burnle(1)PollockEhat By*Lew ltfunber I , a By-Iaw tod.eclare loyalty to Her GreciouEHaJesty, Queen Slj.zabeth II, Queenof Oa.nad.e, be introdueed anil read.a first tine .CaffLgd... . . . r r r r . r.4.-.:-----------F ,)

Council llleeting,January 4s , t97t .The aud.ience was entertai-ned. bythe Jersey l-teen Choir with Director llissPage -1-a flne group of singersRuth lhrnne , Jereey.I{rB. Dorie Ban^ks of Eeswick preeented. a poen espeeiallysritten for the occaeion nA Few Hord.s From a Friend.n whlch wasreceived. with hilarity .The Sutton Scarletairee with Direetore Hrs. IorraJneJobli-n, Itrs. llarlr lou BeLden and. l{iss Sand.ra Deacon perforned. clurlngthe evenLng and. gave a verTr eolourful preeision dxJ-II.Eclward.n|[alesF.ofThe Sutton & Distrtat Slgh $choo1 Cholr with Dlreator l1r.truka end.ed the evening rith a beautiful rend.ition ofthe Vienna lIood.srr .Refreehmente sere then served..Chairnan-),{f-t'

SOI{$ISEIP OF OSONGIffACowreil tI eetLn8 rJanuery Sttrr 1971.Adnlntetrati.on &rlldtnf rPeff erlaw, 0ntarl"o.The l{ayoT ealled the neetLng to order et 7.3oldembers present: 11 ayorReglonel CorrnelllorGounelllof s iP Jd .G. BurrovsR. Pol].oekB . tsr,trnl eG . C lar kE. LareanE. LyonsJ. PoyntaK. SnoekumrB. tlelchIt rres rovcf, by Courrelllor Lyons thet the nl.nutes of themeetlnEs held Deeember 23rdr 197O, ffid Jsnua,ry ?ndn L97L, le adoptedas emended .CounellJ"orCounclLlor(r)K,G.SnoekuuClarklbet B5r*Lav ilo. l+, a Fy*Law to euthorlzetlae horrowlng of $1r000rOO0.O0 to neeteurrent expendltures for tlne year belntrodueerl antl retd a lst and 2nrltlle.BY*LAI{ ffO . t+CarrJ"ed. r r | | | r r . r r . . . r r r . . . I r rPesEedr seeled and sLgned by t,he lt[eyorand Clerk.CounclLlorCounclllor(a)K.E.$noekrnLarsenthet By*Lnw fro. 5 , a By*Lav to authorj"sethe lorrovLng of $ 50O r 000 . OOto axpendLtures for the year Lelntrodueed und reed a lst snd 2ndtln e .'lBY-tall t0 . iCourrelllorCounelllor(r)sY-Utrf ilo . 6G.s.Clelkl{eIcbCgffilgdr. . . r . r r r . | . . I r r r r r I rPassedr sealed end slgned by ttre l{af,orend Clerk.hat Sy-Larr I{o. 6, a By-Iraw to appolnta Clerk for the for,vnshlp of tieorglna lnthe RegLoneLldunlelpallty of York belntrodueed and rsed a lst end Znd tlne.CgffLgd.r . r r I r r . . . t r r r . r . . ? rPassedr $caled and slgned bf the Mayorend Cl.erk.Counelllor G.CounclLLor G.(t+)BY*LAH I{0 . 7ClerltBurnlefhnt By*Law ilo. 7t a By-Law to appolnte Deputy Clerk for the TsvnshtP ofGeorflne ln the BegLonal l{untelpalltyof York Le lntrotlueed and retcl a letand Znd tlue ,Carrtgd. r r r r r . r | . . t . . . I . t . r .Passed seelEd and slgned by theFlayor and Clerk.2,

Corrnell l,[ eetlng IJanuary 61fr, L97L.Councl,llorCounelllor( 5)G.E.BnrnJ"eLyonsFage -pthatBy-Lau ilo. 8f e By*Lau to appoLnta Treesurer for the Tor*nshfp of GborglneLn the Regtonal !{unlclpeltty of Yorkbelntrodueed anril read a lst and 2ndtfite.C&frlgdr r . r r r r r r r | . r . r r r . r . . ,BY-IAIT I{O . 8Passedr sealed, and slgned by the Meyorand, Cl.erk.CounelllorGounelllor(6)G.J.BurntePoyrtt"lbqt By-Law llo. 9r s By-Law to eppoLnta Deputy Treesurer for the fownshlp ofGeorgLna ln the Reglonal lttrrnlclpalltyof York be lntroduedd and reed a Istsnd?nd tlne.BY*LSI{ H0 . gCarfigd. r r r r r . . r r | . . r r r r r r r . rPassedl seeled and slgned by the Heyorend CLerk.CounelllorCounelllor9)E.E.Lar s entyonsIhat By*Lew Ho. 10, 6 By-I*aw to provldefor the plaelng of tvo slgnatures oncheques tresued ln the nts€ of theCorporatLon of tJre Townshtp ofGeorglna be lntrod.ueed and-read e Lstand ?nd tfie .Carrledrr . r r r r . r . . ? r . . r . r . . rBY-LAIC HO. 10Passedr sealed and slgned by the l*Iayorend Cl-erk .CounclllorCounelllor(8)E.J.LersenFoyntafilat S-Lev ilo. Ilr e tsy*Lav to appol-nt'an Audltor for the Township of Geppgltr*rln the R+gl-onal Hunlelpallff of York belntroduced and read e lst and 2nd tlne.Cerrlgdr r . r I r r r . . . . r r r . r . r r ?BY-LAW ffo . 11Fassed, sealed and slgned by the l[ayorand C 1 erk .CorrnctllorCounelllor( 9)B.G.WelehClerktlret By-Lau ilo. 12, e By*Law to appotntHembers to ths Publle f,lbrary Board offte fourrehl"p of be Lntrodueedsnd reed n lst end ?nd tlne.Cgrrlgd.. . | . r . r . r r . r r r r r ? r r rBY*LAW ITO . 12Pessedl s€a]-ed and slErred by the l'teyofand Clerk.Councl.llorCorurell-1or( ro)B.E .BY-LAIII ilO . 13lfe].chIrAfsenthet B5r-L*r Uo, 13 r a By-Law to appointa tlaterworks Supertntentlent belntroduced and read a lst and 2nd tlne.C&ffigdr r I r r . r r . . . r r r r r r r r r .Passed.r seeled and stgnetl by the Hayorend Clerk.3.

Cortrcll $eettng tJenuary 5th, L97L.Counelllor K. $noektmCounelllop E. Lyons(u)-FEge 3 -fhat By-lav l[o. thr a By-Iraw to funposea sp€clal ehsrge to provlde adtlltJ.onalseser and uater snpply eapacltY belntrodueed snd read a lst and Znd tlne.Garrtgd.. r r . r . . r r . r . r ? r ? | r r oCounelllsr K.Counclllor E .(ra)SnselrmLErsenthat Bf-Law ilo. \5t e By-Lew toeetabllsh a l,ot Levy be tntroduced anclread a lst *dryd tlne.Cafrl-ed,. r I r r r t r t . t r r r . . . t t I .CourlelllorCounelllor('t3)B.s. PolLoek$nockmThat By-Leu Ho. 16 r a By*Law to eonffumthe proeeedlngs of Cornncll at ltsneetlng held on January 6thr L97L, bsintroducett and read a let and ?ncltlne .Carrlgdr r r r . ? . r I t r r r I r I r . I I IBY*LAI{ I{CI . 16Pessed, seaLed and, slgned by t&e llayorend C1erk,Thettr{ayor eppolnted a Cornlttee of Counelllor fi. $noektm antt_ReglonalCouneil.ior n. Polibck to losk into tlre natter of taxt llcenslng andreport thetr fJ.ndlngs to tlre next counell leetlng.tCouncfl].or K. $noekmReE. Corur-ctl1or R. Pollock( 14)Sounclll,or F. tsurnlenext re the netterof Georglne.That the folloulng be the StandlnsConntttees of Counell for the yearLg?L..EilSIHEERII{GI ChaLruan - Oowrel-I1or J-Poyatzlr[eu]ers * Eeg.Csuncll"IorR. FolloekCounellLor E. tyonsCounellLor K. $moekunPI.,AHHI$G:Chalrman - Reg.CounclllorR. Fol.loekltembers - Counelllor G.BurnLeCouncllLor E. ClsrkRECBEAftOfr r Chslrnan * Counelllor K.SnockmHenbers - Counelllor B.$elchCouncll-Lor E. Lergengav€ notLee of uotlon to be present*$-at6f aoe lleenees for the uew nunlelpal"ttythe0n notlon ueetlng edJourhed.t

TOTII{SHIP OF GSORGIIIA_^+.JCounel"LH eeting rJarruarg }ltr' I9?1..tdnlnlstretlon &rJ.ldlnr .Pefferlaw, 0ntarI.o.lbe Mayor ealled tlne meetlng to ord,er st ?.3O P;l*{.Hembers presenti llayor G. BtmrowsRegJ.onal Counelllor R. PoltockCounclll"or{riG. BrrrnleG. ClarhE. LarsenE. I.yOnSJ. PoynttK. ftnoelnrmB. We1eh0n notJ.on tlre nl-rrutes of the Ineugural neetl-ng of Jan. )+, Lg?t-t$ete adopted as read.Cgrrlgd. i r r . . r | . . r r r . . | . r ' r . . r r r r0n notlon ttre nlnutes of the meetlng of Jenuary 6th, 19?1,Here adopted as anend.ed.DHPI'TATIONSCaffied. r r r . . r r r l r r r r r . | | . r . I r r . . .t[r. A. Bobertsr representlrrg the Retepayerst Assoclatlon$teerlng Coronlttee extended an tnvltatton to the Counell uembers toattend the Inauggral Meetlng of_ the Assoclatlon on tfed,. .Tan. I.3r LgTLtat the Hemorlal- Arena ln Kesulek.Ifr.Roberts outl.l"ned the alus and obJeetlves of theAssocLatlon.I{r. 8111 Setgon presented Counell wlth a brlef for a proposedsubdivi.sion of 173 lots ln the Keswlek area for thetr perusal andepproval. Itrle brLef wae referred, to the Plennlng Commlttee of Counellfor thter reeormrendetlon. Mf. Salgon was agsured tJrat he would. receivesorne lnformatlon the sese utthtn tr,ro weeks.}COUMUNICAfTOHS(a) Crozler & Fahey * eonpletlon of traneactlon betyeenEarrlson and the Vtllage of $utton re Jeeksonfs PolntPerkette.Reg. GonnclLJ-or Pollockfhet the Tounshtp of GeorglnaCounel-llor tyons slII be eonpletlng the transaetlon(f)and ls agreeable to extended date.CaFflgd+ r . I r . . r r . r I r . r | . . r . .(U) D. Jeek Coxr Construetton Englneerr Re$lon of York re550 Ft, of Santtary Sewer VlIIaee 6f Sutton.CounctLlor E. Lyonsthet the s6wer extenslon on theCouncl|lQr E. Irarsen uesterly rn,d of La,keshors Rd..(2)tnJaeksonir iotnt be conpleted before theeonstructlon uork ts d,one and thlsproJeet to be pald for out of currentr6venu6$.Caffled,rr r r r . r . r . . r r r . . r r r . . rE.

Counetl l{eetLngrJanuary llth, lgyt.- Fage 2 -ir(c) Canadlan Unlon of Putlle- hployecs * re stafils of agreenentbetreen Tomshlp of ilorth Grrilltnbury sad Locel #I3e3.CounelLlor BnrnieCounell"lor }Ieleh(3)(ilfalled for further inforuatlonand dlgcussLon.Safrtgclr . , . r | | r r r r | . r r r r r . ,Thornlea seeondaf,I $ehool - re eourse sn nHow l{e are Governedn.Letter regd and referred to CLerh.(e) Horth York Plomenrs Assoclatlon - re grant for 1g21.fabLed for filll eonsLd.eretton.til Depettment of hrblte Sorks - re temporary postal accommodatl-onKesrriek , 0ntarlo .fbis agfeement to be executod byMeyor alld CLerk.(E) l,lrs. !,1. Leel $eeretaryr $utton $eouts Group Gonultteere L{attonal $eout-Sulde-Seekr February Al*pS , L9TL.4*9. 9qg"*fpor PolLock fhat trhe rreek of Fgbruasy Al - ?ErCounel].lor ClerkLg?L be deelared p{atl-onai seout-(t+) eiide seek rn tne fodshrp ofGeorglna.Caffledr . . | . . . . . r . r r r r r . | | rCounclllor$ounelllor( 5)SmoelcunOlarkIlret By-I"av Ho. L7 t a By-Inaw to prohlbitlrersons froun unused- orabond,oned refrlgerators on thel.rprerlses ln tJce townshlp of G6opg{nsurrless the latehes or doors have beenremoved, or flxed ro that they eannotbe loekeel frou the inelde be Lntrodueedand read a lst and Znd tlue.CAfrLgd... r . . r | . . r r . r I r . r . . . rBf-LA1{ I$0. L7Councl,llor Cl-arkCounet|loq Poyrrtz\?a/Passgdr sealed and sl"gned by the t{eyorand 0 lerk .thet By-Lav Ho. 1S , a By*Lawrespectlng the sele and. use of Flre*vorks J"n the Towrr*shlp of &E6pg1nsbe Lntrodueed and read a lst snd ?nd.tlne.Carflgd. . . r . | . . . r r . r . r r r r r . .tsy-LAH S0 . L8Fassedr seEled end slgnef, by t*re tlayorand Glgrg .CorenelLl.or ClarkReg. Counelllor Pollock(6)frat Bfl,av !Io. 19r a By-Lar to appotnta Lottery Lteenslnfi OffJ"eer for theilunlelpal Corporattsn of the TovnSlpof G69Pgine.Garrlgf,. . I r r . . r . | . . r r . . r r r r rBY-LAW trilo . 19Passedr sealed snd $lgned by the !.{ayorand CLerk .3.

$HffiH*+ TiE*iT s?t.Counelllor $noekrmReg. Corxrelllor PolloekQ)BY-LAta }to. 20- Page 3That By-Law No. ZO, s By-Law toestatllsh a Fluorldatlon <strong>System</strong> lnthe t{untelpa} Corporatlon nf theTounshlp of Gs6pgtna be lntroclueedand read a lst and pnd tine.Carrfgd. r r r , . . . r | , r . r r r ._Passedp $€BIed and slgned by theil ayor and C1erk .BS-I,A1{ KO. L5sotlcE0FI'{,prr$I?assedo seaLed end slgned by theMayor and Cl.erk.Counclllor Burnls nf,errested nore tnfonnatton be obtainecl beforepresentatlonlleenslng .*l The Mayor appolnted Cowretllor Burnie as a Comnlttee to reporton thls matter et the next regulsr 0oune11 neetl-ng,of notlo$ f6ncerll""; 'dog By-Law !{o. 15 read a 3rd tlne.HOTIOH$CounellLor PoyntsReg. Counelllor F6]]ss5(8)fttat upon reeornmend.a.tlon of Conulttee the Road $upt.snd tfre Road Foreman be elLowed toattend, the 0ntarlo Good RoadsConventl"on hel-d February ?2r a3 andZt+th et the Royel York Eoteis Ttratthey be peruttted the usualeonventlon elLouanee for Tovmshlpenployees .Carrlgdr r r i r | . r r r r r I r . r r r rCounelllorCounelllor( s)PoyntatyonsTbat upon the reconuendatl"on of theEnglneerlng Conntttee Counell membersbe eLloved to attend the 0nterLo SoodRoeds Conventlon hel-d February 22123 and el+th at the Royal" York-Hot61.AIl conventlon experrs€s peld plusLit a ulle trevelLlng and S2O.0Oper dlen.CafTlgd.r | . r . r . . r r . r . . . . r . ICounclllor PoyntsCoranclllor Pol-loek(ro)fhat the nembershlp fee of SIl,Oobe forvarded to the Ontarlo GoodRoads Assocatlon to attend tfteeonventton held ln the Boya1 YorkHotel on February 22r 23 and Pl+th,L97L,CarrLgd. . . . . . . r r r r . I t r r r r r"fCounelllor PoyntaReE. Courrclllor Polloclt(rr)fhat upon the rceomendatlon of t,lueEn6lneertng Coumlttee B.A. Ga,rdenr0.t,S., survey tbe Dlsposal $ltesln the fonnshlp of Seorglna.Carrlgdlr . r r . r r . . t . r r . | | . . . .4.

Cowrcll l,leetlng IJanuary llth , 1971,* P ege 4 *tCouncillorCounelllor(ra)SnoekunClark?lrat ttre l{unleI"pal Councll- of theTownshlp of 0eorglna hereby adoptsthe Netlonel BullcLlrrg Cod,e end theClerk le lnstruetecl to have a By-Lawprepared ,0n motlon tgblgd . . r . r | . r r r . . . r rCorenelllor FoLloekCounelllor Poyntz( r:)Itrat the lands desorlbed ln sonvsyancefrom l{1111en J. tfateon to the formshlpof Itorth Gwtl-ltnbury regtstered es#800968 are not reqirtred for the purpogesof tJre Tor*nshtp of G66r3glna and seidlands to be re-conveyed to grantors.cgrrledI r I . + I . . . I . r r . r r r I I . I | . rCounelllor LarsenCounclLlor Lyons( 1t+)That He g1s Counetl of the Torynshipof G66pgLna accept the reeonmendatlonby the $tcer'lng SmLttee regardlngsalarLes to be pattl to the neubersof Csq1ell.Be tt therefore resolved thet theHayor be patd the eum of $7r50o.o0per flnnumr and ttret all otlner nennbersbr Cowreli te patd the sun of $3r6oo.ooiand thrt sald remuneratlon be patd tn 12nor-rth3-y *nstalnents ,0n urotton tebled tlIInextneettng r r . r . | . r | . r r r t l r . r I r r . | . .,Cfr,{MITTEEREPORTSThe Coumlttee of Rsg, CounellLor Polloek snd Counelllor Smoclr,umappolnted to look tnto the matter of taxl llcenslng requested thetth^efr report be presented at the next reguler meetlng of CorurelL.fhe t{ryor Feqluested t-het the Beeres,tlon Corunltteo bring baeka report on t.he orgerrlgatlon of the Llbrary Board to CornnelL'fhe natter of HaII Boarils end eppolntments ws referred to theReereatlon Connlttee for a report to Counell.fhe control of snounoblLes ln ttre af€a was referred. to theReereatLon ConnLttee for a report to Councl"L.Tle eppolntnents of nembers of the Commlttee of AdJu-st'uent*vers dltscuss-eh and a Ilst of names ues suhltted to tfts nembers ofCouncll" for thetr eonsld.eritlon. 0n uotLon of Counelllor Smoekl& thlsrnatten vas talLed ttlLthe next ueetlng.$[s ]Iayor appolnted a Connlttee of Reg. Counell'Lor PollocktCounclllors Lyonsr-01ark and Poyntt to revlew the scale of salarLeufor appolnted enploY€6$'The Hsyor l-nformed trfo6 Oouncil $enbers of the vork of the Eea1thand Welfare Cirnulttee of the Region ln regards to Day Care Centresfor the aref, and. also nentloned that a dentaLeere progran ras understudy and the feasablLlty of a moblle dentel, rurlt for the Reglon wasbelnk dlscussed.i'";#j.iF;'lllii

Counell tleetLns .January llth , 1971.- Page 5 *--T"g' _Counelllor Polloek Lnfonned the nembers that the PlannlngCommlttee for the Reglon approved the recoffinendatLon of LelsonConmlttees vlth other &feas end iletro.1 Corrnelllor Burnle reported that he rrnderstood, ttre York CountyBoard of Edueatlon lntended to close the sehooJ. ln Pefferlgw.Counetllor BrrrrrLe asked lf Counell would the feaeiUtfftyof obtalnlng thts sehool for the purposes of a llbEary and arehites.thte was referred to the Clerk to eonnrrnleate orrr lntbrest to tfteYork County Board of Edueatlon.Counelllor PsilosgCounelllor E. Snoekrm(15)BY-L.AW H0. 2Lthat By-Law I{o, 21, a By-Law to conflrmthe proeeed.lngs of Counell at ltsneetlng heLd on JaJr-uery lltht L97Lo belntroduced end read a lst and 2nd ilme.Carrigdr r . I r r r r r . r ? . . r . r r . l . r r r- Passed, sealed and slgned by theMeyor and Clerk.0n motlon meeting adJourned .

IOWI{SHIP OF GEORGINACouncil ,*Tanuary 25th , 197I .Aftnlntstretion Bulldlng ,Pefferlev, Ontarlo.[he lflayor eal].sdlfembers Bresent ltheOn motlon the minutee oftsre ad.opted. as rsad. .DEPIIEATTO$ to ord,er at ?.1O P.lf,.lfleyorReg. CounaillorCouncil.lorgie. BurrowaH. PoIIoekG. Bu.rnieS. ClarkE. trarsenE. LyOnSJ. PolmtuK . Smo ckunB. Welchthe meetlng of January llth, 1971,Carrlgd,r r r . I r . r r . r r r r . . . .lf,r. Gravely snd l[r. llclntoeh, Lnterested, partiee J"u a houeebelng bull-t on Burk St., Sutton West, J.ntervleved, Councll regard,tngrequirementa in queetLon ae to the strength of the floor dolstsueed.. Mr. G*avely etated that the etrength of theee Jolets exce6d6dthe requlrenente of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Buil.ding By*L,at an.d he eould Ee€no reaeon rihy thia butlcltng couLtl not be conpleted.. flhe Councilreferrod. thl.s natter to the three BuL1d.lng fnepeators forLnvesttgatiou and. reconuend.etiou to Councll.MF. l[. lfie1J.ory, Sutton frcetr aaked. CouncJ-l to look i.nto theuatter of the uneatL$fectory eonditlon of the property l.,ot i4,PIen 96, Sutton Hest, Tlth regard to hevlng the oilnsr cl6sr thisproperty up. He waa l-nforqed. that thl.s ras pertly a eivl.l matterbut thet the fornohip vould sond. the otner e copy of the the heepl-ng of propertlee ln good eondJ.tion. A coBy ofthLs 8y'*Lar r11l be sent to the ownera' Iaryer a$d. Mr. trfalloryrequested, a oopy be sent to hl.s lanyer aleo.I00tdMusIcA[Ioilg(a) Douald. G. Flarton - 16 Jaa Bnrnck property, Ft. lot IZtCon . 6 (N. G. ) .Refemed, to the Plannlng Conntttee for recomntond.etLon.(b) C\ube Co-opere,tive Eeelth Servlces - Brenium rate increase.Befeued to the Fluance Oonn:lttee.(o) Ontarj,o ffater Reeorrrcee ComnLssion * VJ.llage of SrnttonSerage fforke ProJect .For lnformation of hgLneerLng ConrnLttee.(d) Aseoe. of Ontarlo Mayors and, Reeves - ro nenberehLp.Referred. to the,noe Cotnnlttee,(e) llorn of l{osnerket - r€ ReeolutLon rlthconstructLon of Htghray 40+ .lfo be presented under Motioue.reopect to the(f) Chllrlrenfe Aid Soclety - r€ Recreatl-onal aet{vltLeg.Iretter read and. refemed. to 01erk.(e) l[wp. of Georglna Bateps,ycrsr AseocJ.atLoa * 3€ s],ate ofOfficera, dreft ConetJ.tutlon and, d.raft By*L,awe.letter read entl refened, to Clerk.2.

Page 2 -Council lfleetiagtilanuarf, e5thr 19?l .COMMITfEEREFORTSEeg. Counoiltor Follock reporteil that the FLnance Sonmltteevl-ehed. Eo uate some ml-nor changes regard.Lng salaries end the reportr11-l- be preeented at the next meetlng of Counoil.EugLneerlng Cornnittee Chalrnau Counol.ltgT Poyata presentedthe nin[tes of tne Englueextns Comnlttee meetiug.Oouncillor PoyatrCor,rncl.Ilor BuruLs(r)that the nlnutee of the ShglneerJ.ngConnlttsc be adopted. ae printed..Caffilgd. | . . . r r . r . r r r r r t t . t .0ouaeiLlor Fo;mz reported. that a By-lau oovenLng $arpaee-Cotleation for the-nrrntaipality ws,E aonsiclered. end ehould beoonpleted. by Feb. I, 1971: IEend.ers for roatl work natenl-al rtIl beeatied for February-l5r 197I. The rork of tbe sewsr extenslon oulateshore Road yffi ooit aBproxlnately S2O'OOO.OO and this sxport"seriII be sBread, over e two-year perlod.. The Rsed Btldget waed.lEeueEed.ChairnsJr of the PlnnrriaB Comn{ttee Reg. Conncillor Pol}oekfett that any aetion by Ffannllg +f this_ar-ea hl.nges. on- the.Regionalptaanfng aetlup and thlt very little c_ould be at thie tlme.More Beieonuel-bas been regubeted, by the Reglonal Flennlng Con'su1tstrtln hj.e work.ghairnan of the Recreatlon CounLttee Counclltor Suoolnrm, neked'thet a further neeting rith CouucLl be held before his report{e Bresented.Souu.otllorCounclllor(2)Eurnj.eIryoneThat the report of CounelllorBurnle regarclLug CanLne Sontrolbe recelved. by Counoil .Carrlgd.r r . r . r . . . . . r t r + . . ICounclllor Burnle reconmended. that e contraot be med.e rrl'th theHrr"uane Soeiety in regard,s to the eontrol of d.oge. He feLt that thei"ff coet of Eenlne dontroLoannot be reelaj.ned. 8rd that the*r,Bu"Aitur; tor fg?f could reach $25'OOO.OO.- He-sugggstPg thet &nill*s be Brepareft' lnoreeeed rates.f"* dogs Ln the lfownshl'p.Cbunciffor-Buiniels report-rae refemed. to the next ConnitteeseetLns sf Counel} .BY-I,AWS0ounallIorOouncJ.Ilor(t)SmockunCIarktrhat By-Lav No . ?2, a BY-Iraw toeetabtieh a PettY Caeh lbnd'be iutroduced and. ree'd. a lEt andZnd. time .Sgrrigd.r. . . . . . t I . . I I I I | . toBY*LAW NO . 22Reg. Councillor PoIIochCorrncillon FoXmtz(4)BY-LAII SO . 25Passed., sealed. and eLgned bY thelfiayor a"nd. Clerk .Thet By-Law I{o. 25t a EY;law torepeal- By-law L91+ (l{. G. ) appoint-'ln$ a Boad Superintend.entr beintrof,uaef, entl read. a let andZnd tlne .Caffil-ed.rr t . r . . I I t t t t . . t * Ifaaeed,, Btsalod antl e*gnef, bY theMsyor and, C]-erk .1.

- Pego jCouncil Meetl,ng ,ilanuary 25th , 197L.CounolllorCouncillor( 5 )Po;rntrSnockunThat By*Irar I[o . 24 , a By*law torepeal By*f,aw lr[o. 9?r, (Georgtua)appoiutlng a Boad. Superiutend,ent ,be introduced ard. read. a lst aad.2nd. time .CE|,ffiJ,gd,. r . r . . . r | . r . r . r . . .BY-I/|W $O . 24Councillor Po;ntaReE. Counclllor Follock(6)Passed., eealEd" and. sLgned" by tbeMayor and. Clerk.That By*Ler No. 25t a By-Law toappoint a Road. Superl.ntend,ent beLatroduced. end. read. a l-st and fudtime . I r r . r . r . I r r r r . rBY-IAII IVO . 25Passed,, uealed, and eigued by thelflayor aud. Clerk.CounolllorCouncj.llor(7)SmoclnnnBurnie[hefi-By-]iaw ffO. ?5, a By*I,aw tOapBoJ.nt looal Weed Inspectors, beLntrodueed and. rsad, a Ist and Zndtlne .Carrigd... . r . r r . r r . . r . r . . . rBT*trAW l[O . 26Passed., seal"sd. and" sLgned. by theMayor and C1erk,Councl.l.IorCorrnolllor(8)FollochL,yone[het By-L,aw lto . 27 , a By*l6r toappoint Fould Keepera, be lntrod.uoed.aJrd res.d a Lst and. 2n(t tlme.CarrLgd.r. r r . r r . r . r r r r r r rBT-IAW NO . 27Passed., eeal-ed and signed by theMayor and. CJ.erk.Connsil-1orCouncillor(e)ClarkSnocku:nThat BY-Iraw IIo . 28 r a BY*law toappotnt freep Valuatore be lntrod.uced.End reed e Ist and Znd tl.ue.CgffiLgdr . r r . r . . r . . | | r e r .BY-LAW I{0 . 28Pessed., sealed. and nigued. by theMayor aad. Clerk .CouaeJ.l.l"orPoyatzCouncLllor Pol-lock(lo)That By-lar 2$ , a By-Law to epBointFence VLewere, be lntroduced andlreed, s, lst and hd. . r . . . r . r r r . I r r | |BY*IAW flO . 29Paaaed., sealed. and eLgned. by theMeyor and. Clerk.tCouneillor &mnleCouneLl.lor Snockun(rr)thet By-f,av So. 7O, e By-Iraw relattngto the filling up, dralnlng, cleaningtand of sny Srout"d.s , yerdaud, vs,oant Iots, be introduood Enf,4.

CorrncLl lleetlne.Jenuary 25th I I97L .- Page 4 *reed. a lsts,nd. ?nd tlme.--)BY-I,llItr NO . 10Carrl,gd.r . . r r r r r r . . . . , . . .Peeaed., seeJ.Ed snd. eigned. by theUeyor and Cl.erk .CounoLlLorCorrneil.lor(re)LyoneFolmtzEhat By-Law Ho. 5L, a By-law toauthorlze the pulling downl repala*lng or renerLng of buJ.ldlngs lua rrrlnoue state be Lntrod.uced. andread. e, let ald hd. tj-me.Eir-taw lto . ILReg. Counclllor PolLockCounctllor CLark(r5)Carrlgd..r r . r r r r r r r r r r . I r rPeeaed., eealed and slgned. by theMayor end. Clerk.That Byrlav lfe . 12 , A By* the owtilefa of bulld,lngeor yard.e to puII dorn or d.emolishor pu! ln Eafe cond.ltion, buJ"ItlJ-ngsor other ereati-one d.eemed. neceEearyto prevent the epread. of flre oraccld.eute be Lntrod,uced. and. read. alst aad. ?nd. time .Cafrlgd-rr r r r r r r . r r r r r r . r rBY*IAW N0 . 12Councillor ClarkCouncilJ-or BurnLe(r+)rFaesed, sealed end. eigned. by thelfiayor and. 01enh .That By*Lav N6. 15, a By*Trar tofJ.x the nod.e of palment of tsrresLn and, for the llovnehlB of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be introd.uced aad. read.a let and. ?nd tLne.Caffited..r . . . . r r r | . r ? . | + r rBY-IAW N0 , 51- Pasaedr eealed and. elgned by theilayor and Clerk .CounclllorCounclllor(15)SnockunClarhThat By-I'as I{o . 94 t a By-Lss 6oedopt the l{atLonel Btrlldtne Cod.ebe l.ntrod.uced and, reed e let end.2nd. tLme .BT-f,AW NO . j+Carlll-gd. . . r r r r r I r r I r r . r . .- Passed., eealed. and, elgned by theUayor snd CLerk .On motion Cou.nclllor Smockum proBoBod. acceptance of thefoll,owlng board of members for the Conalttee of .0.d.Justnent;lil.J. Taylorr Harold, Phil}ipe, lflerlLn.Gordonr John lrongpore, Mrs.iI.M. $nfth, Erl.c Cronsberry and, E. Stevenson.CafrLed,. . . . r | . . . . | | r r r r . .5.

-t0ouuclll lfeetiag ,January eSth , 1971 .L[oTIOI{SOouneLllor LyonaOounclllor Snockun(16)* PEge F *That the Road. Superintenf,eut baauthorLsod, to aek for tend.ere forgravel ae followdi 31r0OO toneon road,el l5rOOO tone stockpllefl;eubJoct to the approval of theDepartnent of Eighways I of Ontarl.o .Calrigtlrr . r . . . r r r r r r . . r r rCouael.llor l,yoneReg. Oounolllor Po]lock(u)flhat the Roed $uBerLntend,ent beauthorJ.sed. to ask for tend.ere for275'OOO gallons 15# caleiun ChLorld.eaubJect to the aBproval of theDeBartment of I{tghwaye of Ontario .Cgffigd.r . . r . . . . . . I r r r I r rCounolllorCounclllor(r8)PolloekSmockunflhet the Road. SuperLutend.ent beauthorLsed. to aek for tend.ers for27O gaHonc BruehktllaubJeot to theepproval of tbe Departmont ofIltghways of OntarLo.Carrigd..r r r r r r r r . r r r . r . r r rReg. Couacillor PollockCouncl.llor l,5rone( L9 )fhat the Boad. SuBerLntend.eut beauthorlaed. to ask for teud.erE forLSfOOO 6allone D.E.O. hirner eub$eotto the approval of the Departnentof Hlgbwaye of Ontario .Cgrrlgd. r . r . r | . . r r r r . . r . . .CsunclllorCouneillsr(20)SmoekuuFollockThat the Bropoeed, Road, Sryend.ituresfor 1971 atr bereto attached. be h,ereby aBproved. ancl that thenornel" Roed.e Erpend.tture By-lawand. Supplenentary Roada Expend.J.tu.neBy-Lavs be prepsred. aeoord.ingly.Ceffigd..r . . . . r . . r . | | r r r I rConneill-or LyonsCorrnsLLlsr Snockun(ar)thet the EugineerLug Connittoereconmend that KlLborrhgJ-neerius,Ltd,., be engaged. to prepare thefLnal- Blano for a fil"rtber $ewer.ftrteneion on lakesbore Boad.r westerl.ya dietance of approx. 55O feet;,A.ud. Be It ftrrther ReeoLved. that thecoet of the eouetruotion of sald.serer extenElon be pald for out ofthe O\urent Revenue of the $ownehlB,of over a two (2) yearperlod..#Cg.fflgfl. t . t t r . . . . | . t t . . . . .6.

Counoil Heetlng,January 25th , L97L .* Pagc 6 -CouneillorCounclll-or(ee)LyousFoSmtzEhat Tbat the tbe Oouncll CorancJ.lof the l[wp. ofGeorgi"ua su,pport the EEeolutisn ofthe llorn of lfewqarket ln theLrrequest to tha Beglonal Gsvernnentto innedlately etart negotJ.atLonsrrlth tetropolltan lloronts and. theeBproprlate authorltlee to lnLtl.atethe bull-cttng of ELghruy 4O4.Ca3rl-gdr. r . . r r r . r . + r r I r r r . rReg. Ootmolllor PolloohCouuoil.lor lersen(er)fhat the llreasrrrer be nuthorLzEd. topsy the follsrLng e,ccorrate s,s per$chef,ulee datod ilsa. 25t l9?treH{ER.At S}41554.69rIHS $519 . ?9ROAD S10,011.69ffafffiHoHE$ & S$tflffi,S $1 , It5 .79RSCREATIOI{ oO!{MTSSTON $A , e85 . }SFOtrcE $I , 74O . 55Oafried,. r . | . . | | r I r . . . r r . r . .Bequeeta have been mad.e by l.ntereeted. parties toraeeLve tbe nLnutes of tbe Councll neetl,ngs. This rtll be d, the Connl.ttee neetlng of CounoLl.lfhe natter of ecquir{.ng l.4nde Ln the arca, fon reoreatl"onal useres referred. to the Bocneetlon OonnLttee .Itr. Xuncaa of, ProJect Plann{ng, rho has been rorking rlth theO.W.R.C, wtll" fiake g preeentatlon to Counell early l-a febnrsrJr.fhe F],enutng Connrlttee rlllat the next meettng of Coun0LL.precent e sub-d.l-viel.on agreementOounolllol lyons rsported. tbat the repreoenetive for thLe&rs& on the*Coneervration OonnLttee is Don Hsrttrna.{vto*r.l,.. */CounelLln Gonnl.tftee of the ilho1e .Mayor Brlrrore ln the Chalr.f,lhe 0ounLtteG roa6, fllta Mayor asauned, the ohalraad 0suaaLl resuu,ed,.CouncllLorCouaoillor(erl)Trareonl,yone[lbat BY*Irar So . 75 , e B'r-tss toprovtrle for remuneration forllenberE of Counci"l of the tosnshlpof <strong>Georgina</strong> be l.ntrofluced anrl read.a lat and fud tLne.Ca.Tfl,gd,r| . | . . . r r r . r | | r I rBY-LJIB NO . 15- Passedr aealed and eigned, by theItrayor a$.d C1erk$uoctruufrat By-Irat lYo . 16 , e By*f'sY 6*Brovld.e for reuuneratJ-on for theRe6lona1 CounoLllor of thEfsmehLp of <strong>Georgina</strong> be introdueedaad. a let aad ALd tLue .. . r r I r r | . . r r r r * r r7 ,

Council Ueetlng IJenuary 25th , 197I .- Fage 7 -BY -r,AIt $O . 56Counclll.or lryoneCouncillor Po;mtz(26)Faseed , sealed. and. etgned bythe trf,ayor and C1erk .That By-lav I[e. 57, a By-I,aw toBrovLd.e for remuneratLon for theMeyor of the fown*hlp of<strong>Georgina</strong> be lntroduoed and. reed.a let and. hd. time.Caffilgd. . r r r r r r r I r r I e . r r .BY-LAII N0 . 17Passed., eealed. and. sigued by theMayor and. C1erk .CsuneillorCouneLllor(2?)lyonsSmockunThat By-T,aw No. 58, a By-law toaonfirn the proceed,lngs ofCouncll at Lts neatlng held onilanuary 25th, 197f, be introd.uced.and. reed. e lEt aad 2nd" tl-ue.Cgffigdrr . . . . . . . . . r . r r r . e rBT-I,AW NO . t8Feseed.l sealed, and. signed bythe Mayor end. G1erk .0n nstlon neeting adJourued.CHAIRIIAI{

fOli[NSHTF OF GEORGII{ACouncll Meeting tF€bruerf I r 1971 .AdnlnLstrs,tion BuL1dlng,Pefferlaw, OntarLo.4 DE}UTAIIO$SThe Hayor calledMembere present to at 7.1O P.M.lilayorReg. CouncllJ.orCouncl-lloreOn notJ"on the ninutes of the meetJ-ng of .IanuaryTere adopted aB smended. .CarrLgd..G. BnrpoweH. PollockG. tsurnl.eG. ClarkE. LarsenE. Lyone.T. Fo;mtrK . Sno ckuu8.. Welchegth , lg71 ,. r r r r r . . r r r r r . . r r r e- trtr. if.F.Steinhage, Udora, rsquegted Counsll to s,Btren for tbe Broposed subd.ivieton exteneLon of PIan 17B tn the UdoraCrea. ,lEhe PlennLng Counl.ttee rtII l-ook lnto thle Eatter and. reporttheir rsconmeudetione to Council .A delegetion of fnepector Pauy, ldre. Felry,ancl Anlmal Warden$kabernl,oky-of the Ontarlo Hrrmane Soclety lntervieted. the eervlcee that the Society aouLd. provLcle thenuntclpaltty contract. The present enBloyees of the CanineContro-l DeBartuente of the lfownshlp would be oonsLd.ered. for continued.enploluent under this contraet. The !fiayor appoLnted. a Coumltteeof Counatllor BnrnLe and Corrnctllor C1ark to look Lnto thie matterfirther aad report baok to Couacl-I.Mr. A:rt Pollock asked Couneil rhat could, be to comecta mlnor varianse on property omed. by l[lckht1l Investnente in theKeswlck &rea. Ur. PoIIock ves lnforned. that the newly appointedConnLttee of AdJuetment of the fornEhip of <strong>Georgina</strong> should. becontaeted. to l.ook J.nto this problen.Mr. Polloak also onquLred ee to what could be done to allevtatethe drainage problen that seems to re-occur in the Ra;mers Road areain Keewick. Elre Connlttee rtll lnvestLage thLs f,udreport theLr flndings to Councll.couuulucATross(a) Trrp. of <strong>Georgina</strong> Ratepayere Aeeogf,atlon - r€ reaognltion.Iretter read, end. refemed. to Clerk.(b) J.[.H. Dey, Q.C.r - rE Cooper and. Sovaehip of OeorgiuaexproprLatlon .Referred. to Conul.ttee of the lflhole.(c) DeBt. of Hlghwaye - TB Hlghray 48 speed. zonLng etud'y.To be preeented under motlone.(a) torn of lllchnond HLll - r€ resolution aesumptlon ofDon MJ.ILe Rsad. aE Frovinclal Highway.ISabled for further consld.eration .2.

Counail lfleeting,Februarx I r 1971 .- Page 2 *^J(e) Etlborn hgLneerlns lrtd.. - Lrakeshore Rsad. Boter exteneion.I"ettei reed, and refemed, to Clerk.(f)York Couaty Board of Edueatj.on - r'6 sale or lsase ofPefferlar Rrblle School .letter reed. and referued. to Clork.(g) Sgtton Ftgure SketLng Cl.ub - supBort re hograufor CaraLv&I .l[o be preeented under l[otlons.advertLsLng(h) Torh Regional Board, of ConnLesloqers of PoIJ.ce * rs $ Guard'a .L,ettcr read. and. refemed to Clerk.GOITTIE$ffiEEFORTS&{r. R. Certer, BuLldiug Inspeetor for the YJ.ILagE o{ Sgtt!o3.ar6a reported to C6unclltbdt thE houso ou trateehore_Boed., Lot 54,pfa[ 96; bad been boarded uB for the preetut tiue. It Le nsr a matteuof uatting to see rhat the partJ,ea LnvoLved. oen d.o to reaeh c,eatlefastory eolutLon to tho problen.Plannl,gg CorunLttEc Chairqea Rag. CorrneLLlor Pol-look -reportedths.t tbe thrde Bullding IneBeetore .for tbe Somehip hsve been aeked,to put in J.nd.ependeut Fcporte on the cond,l-tl-on of th houes on BurkSt.-Lu Sfrtton and after consideratJ.on on the baeie of theee reBortsthe ConnLttee rtIl neke their r€cornnsUd.atLone to GounoLl.Reg. Gouncj"l"lor Folloak presented. the reportConml-ttsc,arsenLyonsof the plnnn{tgThat tbe report of the Pl*nnnlagCommlttee be ef,opted es prosented,"CarrLgd.. . . . r r r r . r r . IReg. Councillor Potlock reported that 66" plnnnlng CoTnlttecfs,vored-the d,evelopmeat of the Sal.gou property lu the Keerl'ck arseaud, that thls sut-Atvteion BToposa1 be referred to the RegionaleuthorltLes for ooneid.eration.A reBort w[It be presented, to the Gorrneit- rogardias the- Bropoeed.uas of Fart of IrOt 5, Con. 6r aa & treller park_as aoon ae theGomntttee hae obtalued. more infornation for stud.y.EngLueertngthe reBort of tbeGounclllorCorrneillor( 2)PoPtrEyoueCosnlttee Cb.el.rnan Counsillor Po;mtz preeentedl'neetlng of the HagLaeerfng Coumlttes .That the report of the hgf.neerlngCounXttee be adoBted. s,a Presented,.Oarrigtlr. . . t . . t . r . . . . r rgorruel.Ilor Poyntz reportEd. that a nqetlng had. bsen helf, rtthtbe FLre Chlefe of-the Eornship ard the Ftre DepartnEnt of the,lfosqeh{p rttl knorn aa KeswLck Flre Dept.r_ PefferLag-Sl-re DeBt.nand Strt-ton Flre DeBt. Pay rates for the Volunteer Fl.reneq andthe sal-er:lee of tha Flre Chtsfs rgre revLerett aadt eoneolld,ated..As soo[ ae l.nfornatiou bes beeu reeel.ved fron the Flre !flarhsallaOffloe aotLon rIILbe tafren on tbe report ned.e by Chtef Rye regard.:ln$FLre pro.tection for Sueke IelsJild anf, lel.and..i.

Pa€e 5 *Csunoil $eetlag,February I , L97L .C0unalllorCounol,llor(3)LyoneBurnleShat the letteriug on the threeFire truche for tho To*nehiB ofGeorglna be end tbat eaohtfilck be deeignated. ae e oertaLnna.Be ar6a. - Keerriek I'lre Dept.,Pefferlar SLre Dept., end, Dept .CaffLgd,rr ? . . . | | . . . . . , ' r . rCounaillor Po;mtz also reported, regardiag land. ftll operatloneand. garbage Bl.ekup for the nuaLc5.palJ,ty. l[eqd.ere rtLl be aubnltted.for eonsid.eratLo[.ffembera of the EnglneerLug Commttteo and- the Road. SeBt. rlIInttend. a of the Dept. of El,ghrays thlc uosk regard.lugHl.ghuey 48 aud. a report rtlI be brought back to Councll.Recreatlon C0nnlttee Ohalrnan CouqcLllor $moc}rus presented,the report of the Recreatiou CoruLttee neetins.CouuctllorCounolllor(4)llaracnBurnieShat the reBort of the Reoree.tionConnl-ttee be ad,opted. es preaented,.Oarrigd.r. r r . . r . . r . r I r r I r rCbunoillor $nockun reported tbat the Vtllage of Srrtton Band.rou1d. be gLven sonsid.erati,on iu obtalning a good. Iocation for bandlpractices a.rxd, storage for thelr iustfirments aad. uaiforns. It re'eru6geeted. that the Baad.naEter plece an advertLseuent ln the loealpaper lnrrttlng lntereated partlee of the now erea nraulcLpaltty to$oln thf.a STouB.lfhe Resreatiou Oonntttos rlll ueet stth the nenbers of theCeffiery Board. ancl aleo rtth the nenberE of the Fefforlav CounruityCentree" Board on X'ebnr,ery 17, 19?1.A report raa eubnltted, by Oanine Control Offleer ClereaceSmg ckun .A report ree eubnLtted. by tbe Waterrorke $upert.atend,ent offtrttoa prlnprnE d,ata a"ud. luterest poLnts for the mouth oftanuary .Couaelllor lyons suggeEted thet tbe Conssrvetlon AuthorJ.tieabe approached regard,iug the futute naLutenelce of the Srrtton Danas seII as the Bald.wln Dsn and l[111 pontl to aee lf theee ares.s oould.not be eoael-dered. untler theLr author5.ty.BY-ITASSOounoillor PoyntrReft . Couaaillor Pollock(5)trhat By-T,ar So . 19 , e By-trar tsconatitute and appol.nt a CommLtteoof ldJuetnert , be introducedl aadread, a end. ?nd time.Oaffigdl. . . r r . . . r I r r r r r r . .BT-L.AW l{O .. }gPaseed.l eea.led, ancl, signed, by the!{ayor eud Clerk .4.

- 4 -SouneJ-I l{eettug t$ebnrary I r 1971 .Oounctll.or Po;mtzCouucillor l5rona(6)flhat By-I'aw fro. 4Sr e By*f1a's 16provid"e for the 1971 €rponditurcson road.s, be Lntrodluced ead. reade lat and. end tlne .Caffilgd-rI r . r r r r . . t . . . t t r tBT-I"AW NO . rFOPaaeed, ssaled, aud eJ.gned by thelfayor and Clerk .Counaillor tryoneCouacillor Foyata(7)Shat By*L,a; I[o . 4I , a By-T:aw toBrovJ,d.e for thE 1971 Supplenentaryerpenf,lturea on road.on balntroduoed and read a let eadt hdttLre.Ca-rrLgd... . . r . r . t t . | . | . . rBT-LAW 1[0 . 41Peased,, eaaLed. antl ef.gned by theHayor aad. CJ,erk .OouneLllorOouncillor(s)Cla^rkBtunle['hat By*law ffo . 4fl , a tsy-Iraw toprovLd.e for a dssft subdivielonagreemen"t be in.trodtreed. and read.a let aad &d tLue.Carf,J-gd..I r . . . . . . . . r . r r rBT-I"AW I{O . +2Paeeed., sealed. and eL6ned by the!{ayor and. Olerk.0ouneLllorOouncillor(e)Snoe,kunClerkTbat By-lar ilO. 4i, a By*f,ss' X" for the of trosl.gnatures orr paJmoll ehequeaLssued. ln the nets6 of the Corporationof tbe [omship of Goorgl.ue belntrsduced aail reef, a lst aad hdtl.ue.Carrigd.. . . . . t | . . r . . . I . . IBT-LAW I{O * 4tCor.rneillor PoyntzOounei].lor Snoclrum(10)Peeeed., eealed aad. eiguecl by theileyor aud. Clerk.Ehat Brrl,ar lllo . 4l* r a By*Traw toestablLsh and ralntala a eysten forthe collection, remeval end tlLepose,lof garbage aud sther refiree Ln theGorporatLon of the lfornehLp of<strong>Georgina</strong>r BeSJ.on of Torkr beintrodueetl and read. a let and Pndtlne .IBT*I,AW l{O . 44CarrLgd.r . . . t . . I t . I t . r . . . .Pasecd,, eealed. atrd elgnetl by theXeyor ltld, Olerh.5.

tCorrncll lfleotiug,Februery I r 1971 .uosro$sReg. 0suncillor PollockCouncl,llor Poyaa(11)* PaSe 5 -that after a euraory e:EarriuntLonof the lands aad the rrittenBropoeal beforo uE, and. e neetJ.ugrLth l[r. Saigou, lt ls tbe opinlonof the Platlnfun$ Counittee ths.treEl.d,enti.qJ. d.svelopnent of thaSaigon Lanrile et thts ttne vouldbe both d.esLrable end boneflel-atfor the connunlty.It Le, aceord,lngly, ou,r recomend.etLon,_that theproBoeal to eubd.ivld'eas eubsltted by l[r. $algou.It ls further r6eo&ueqd,ed. that theseLd proposal of eubd,fvl.eLon berefemed. to Regional ltrthorLtl,eefor colreiileratlon and revier, after.rhl*ch a f,inal evaluetLon of fhenerlts of the Broposal earE beuqdsrtaken by thLE 0ounei.l.Cefflgd..r . . . r . . | . r r r r r r r I0ouacLll.or lyono0ouaeLllor Welch(r2)flhat mrereee lt sas lnpoaslbte forthe nagorlty of ratepayere to ta.keed,vantage of the 4% cH.eeount allouedfor prepayment sf 1971 ta.xes und.erthe provLsions of By-law I{s. 55Baeeed. on ,Taa. 25, 197I, $nd Whereaethie CouncLl d.eema Lt ad.viss,ble toallow the llreasurer to cive a"d,teaount of 4fr on euoh Inonne ofpropayueut of 1971 taxeE aB arereceLved. in the month of FebruaryI97I; [h,erefore bri lt aad lt Ls ".hereby reeolved that uotrithstendlngthe prorrisionE of Seetion I ofEy*Ier So. 55 paeaed, on tTsn. 25t I971rthe treaeurer lE euthorLaed, arnd,directed to allor a d,Leoount of 4#ou euch amounte of prepaynent of19?1 tates are are iadb Etrrrtus thsnonth of Februarg 1971 . tsegJ,naj-uEllereh, 197f aud conttnuiagthereefter the sched,ule of d.ieoorrnteLn Seatlon I of the eald. By*Laweheil apply.Cgfrlgd,.r | . . . . . r | . , . | | r r r r rSounolllor lryoneCounciLlor Pollock(u)fTret the Connitteerecounend.e thet the Council of theTownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> aocept thereg6 eehed.ul,e for the Road, DeBt.LB Brlr sched,ule hereto attach.ed,.Carrlgtl.. . . . . . ? r . r r r r . . . . r I6.

- Page 6; *Souncil lleetlng ,I'ebrtrary I r 197tr .Gbunol,Ilor PoSmzCouncl.llor $nockun(r+;|[hat upon the reeoxrmendatLon ofthe EugLneering Cornmtttee , the RoadSuBt. be authorl.sed. to fsrthe fol.lorlag equipueatr 1 - el.asa6 notor * plow and, rtng;2 * 9 ton dunp tnroka rlth body -ouorey plows ead. ring; I - 1€ tootruek rtth autoue,tic traneuLsaioa;I - traLler-type saed. BpreyeriI * I+ rheeldrive loader rLth alf yardt buoket ; eubgect to theapproval of the Departneat ofHighwaye of Ontario .Cafrlgd,r r . . . . r . . | . I r r I r r .CouneLllsrCounoil].sr(15)C1arkBurnieThat tbe,cLl of the Sownship eeceBte th,e reoouue[d.ationof the ReoreatJ-on Oonnl.ttee thsta sevou nenbeu Counl-ttee beesteblieb,Ed. for the Port Bsl.atorCoumrrnl.ty HaIl a&d three (l) ofeaid Connlttec be aBpol-nted toneet wtth the Beereation Corunitteeorr a nonhl.y beel.g.CafsfLed,r r . | . r r r r r . . r . . . . .CouncLllorCouneillor( t.6 )Poyatzlyonefhat the Coupeil of tbe lfotnnh5.pof Gsorgina eeoopta thc recounead.artl,on of the Reereatiou Gounltteethat Souacillore Welch anfl Olarketteupt to aegcee ths puhlleproperty ln tbe Sovnohlp ofGeorgl-aa aad. brin6 baek a reBort.Caffigd,.r . r . r r . I i . . I r e I r r rCouncj-Ilor Snoc}runCounoillor Olark(17)that the Corrnail of the EownEhl.Bof accepte the reeonneud,ationof the Recreation CommLtteethat the Sorth G'rltlLnbufy ScoutGrouB CounLttee bo pormitted theuse of the flomshlB Park ou$aturday, lday 19tb, L97L, for a0ubaleo .CgrrLgd. . r . . | . . . r . . . r r . . . .Counoillor BrmnleOounoLLlor Clark(re)fhat the 0ouncl.l of tho $onnehipof Georgiaa acoepts the reconnend,c,*tion of tbe Fiqenoe Connj.ttee thatT,l.eeuee FeeE for llog Sage l-n the$ownship of Georglna be as folloterLet MaIe - S4.OO; 2a6 ilere - $7.O0;Eech Add. Halo - $15.OOi letFena-le $IO.OOi eud Female - Sf5.0O;Eacb. Ad.d.. Senale - $e5.OO1 KennelLioenee (Granted, aub$ect ioRegletration of DoS) $e5.O0.Cgrrigd,.. . . r . . . r . . r r r . . r r7"

- Page 7 *0ouncJ.I lfieeting IFebmarx I r L97L ,Reg. Couneillor PolloekCounclllor lryone(19)flrat tbe re.te $chedule forTolunteer Flghters be set et$6.00 for tbe let hour; $4.OO foreech af,d.ltlonal hour.CaffiLgtl. . . . . . t r t I t t . r r .CounclllorOouncillor(ao;Smoehmf,arsenShat the Counctl of the {towtehip ofGoorg*na aoeepte the rsconnend.ationof the Reereetiou fioumLtteo tbatltr. $toven Roekel be hired. e,eReoreatlonal Dlrector at a ealatyof $8'OO0.OO pcr nnntlm plue mileage.Caffilgdr r . . . | . r . . . . t . . .Oouncillor lyoneCorrneil-Ior Welcb(eI)That llale Connor and ilaok Otrd,worthbe apBolnted l[reuch Inspectore forthe Tornehlp of Georgine und,er theBrovlsions of the lfreuchEtcavatorg t Protecti,on Actl R.$.0.1960 r G . tfr| .CgrrLgd.. i . r i . r t t | | . t tCouncLll.or lrerserlCounoillor Uelch(22)fhat WhereaE the TorushLltg and fiorth Gnrlllinbury and,the VLllege of $utton heve the Regf.onalMurnioipallty of York And Ls norlrnom as the lfornshiB of Georglaa;Sou Eherefore be and. tt 5.s herebyresol.ved that ue, the Councl.I ofthe ltorrnehip of Georg5.nar herebyrequest the OntarLo HouslagCorporatlon to oerry out a flr.rr€Yto detcnirl.ns the aeed and d.enautlfor add;ltionel eeal.or sLtlseneaeconnod,atlong .Ca.rrlgdr r . | | t t . . . | | . t .tCouncj-I1or SmoekrrnRes. Counoillor Polloek( er )That the Englneering Counlttee beand ls hereby authorl.zecl toad, for tend.ere fsr a 2 yearcontract fsr garba6e esllectiont^a Werd.r lr?r1r5, 6r and. sf,nltarYlaad fJ.II uethod of garbage d,lsBoe&lJ.a Ward.B lr?11141516r {lownahLp ofGeongJ,na. Tend.ers to sloeelfiareh 5th r 197I .Cafried. . . . . t . . . I . . . I I .tCouncl.Ilor$sunelllor(e+;lryonsPoIIockThat the Chtef of the PeffenJ.awFLre Dept. be authorl.sed, to havethe new Sank Trusk Broperly eguipped rs.i. SLren, Ll.ght, Racli.o traneferredand Lettered,.Carrigd.r r . r . . . r . r r r | . r .8.

Council Meeting,February I r 197I .* Fage I *SorrnelllorCouaeLllor(ar)WeIehJ,arEonfTrat Bnrae Bye and. E. HXltls beaBpointed. Warble FIy IneBeetorsfor the lfornshtp of GeorgLnaunder the provisions of the WarbleFty Qontrol Aot, H.$.0. 1960,c r 422 .CarrigdrI r . . . . . . . r r r | | . rGouneLllorCounel.Ilor(26)FotrntaLyonsfhat tFe !flayor asd the C].erk siEBand subntt PetitLon to the llept.of Hlghways for eubeid.y ouauthorized. erBendltures on road.sin the flornehlBe of end.I[orth fullllubgrt anA the Vj.llageof Suttou Ln 1970 .Ca3figd,. . . . . . . . . . . r . r r r . .Gounclllor LarsenOounsillor itr,rrnie(e?)That the 0lerk be instruated. tscontact the Sollcl.tors appol,nted.tor the__yesr Lg?O ae folLbve ;.foaeph VaIe, Q.C. - lEovnehiB"ofI{orth GryLlliuburyi Patrlck J. Fahey -VLllage of Suttoui if.W. H. Day, q.e.-fornehl.p of; and. Claie C.Oreen and. Josepb DaLeEr Q.0., Ftthrelatl.on to theLr intereet lnaerving and, the eonditLone ffiiehthey vould eerrrlee es SolLcl,torfor the a,ree nunLelpall.ty of thelloynshl.p of Georglua.Oarrlgd,r. r r | . . r . r r . I e i r r r rCouneillorCouncillor(e8)tryoneClarkl|hat the forrnEhlp of GeonglaesuBBort the ftrttoa & DLstlri.etFS.gure $ Club progxran ad,verti*B+nS by eoutrlbuttrs a ld pageadvertJ.eemenof a nossa,66 fron theMeyor .Caffl,gd.. r | . r r r . . r r I r r l r . r .0ounelllsrOorrncillor(e9)BurnlePeyr.tzTlrat the nl.uutes of the CouneltEeetiuge of the EovnehLp of<strong>Georgina</strong> be provJ-d.erl to interested,Bartles yLthout charge .CarrLgd,f. . r r . . . . . r , , . . ? r r rCsuacillorCotrncillor(ro)llroneWe1cbllrat the OJtbway Baad" of GeorgineIELani[ be aeked. to appoint a meu,berof their group to attend. theueet{nEa of the Souncll of theTounehiB of GeorgLna.Cafrigd,.. . r r . . . r e I r I r r r . . t9.

Counell M eetLng .February I r L97T :-- Fe6e 9 --Counclllor PoyrltECounclJ,lor Lersen(:r)Thet the tleasurer he authorlsed topay the follorlng aeeounts es perschedules d,ated Feb. I, L97LtGENEBAI $6 ,7t+5. IgFrRE s4ise'.g0t{atERilonx$ & sEt{Ens $159.70PoI,rcE s]-r850.15Cefflgdr . r r I r r . . r r . . I r rlbe Clerk was lnstrueted to advErtlse 1n the Leke SlmcoeAdvocate and the Nermarket Erq that buslness ll-eenses ln the ereethat explred Dacember 31r f97O, shell remaln valld untll nev By-Lawsare eneeted.Tlne Englneerlng Comsittee rrlll look lnto the natter of keeptngslder+te1ks clear of $now.Counelllsp LyonsCounclllor Smockrrn(32)BY-tAll N0. l+5that By-Lev No. l+5, a By-Lau toeonflru the proeeedlngs of Counellat 1ts neeting helcl on February8, Lg?L, be lntroduced and read al-st and ?nd tlme,Carrl-gd.rrr.r.rr+rr.rr- Passedl sealed and slsneil by ttteMayor end C1erk.0n motlon meetlng ad.Journed,CHAIH'{ ANt

TOIII}ISHIP OF GEORGTI{ACouncil Meeting,Februery AZ , 1971 ,The [itrayor calledMembers present :theAdninletration ,Pefferlaw, Ontarlo .meetLng to at 7.1O P.l[..MeyorReg. CounciltorCounclllorsG. BumowsR. Pol-IockG. BurnieG. ClarkE. larsenA. lyonsJ. Po;mtzK . $mo ekrrnB, IllelchOn notLon the nlnutesTere ad.opted. as presented.,of the neeting of X'ebruary 8, Ig7lrCarrl,gd.r r . r . . r r r . r r r r I r r . . . . r r . r I rDEFUfATTO$SMrs. C. fhonpson and Mr. D. .Tonescu net wl"th Council withregard.s to the summer school for Retarded. and the helpneed.6d. with thLs. l[he natter was referred to the RecreatlonConnittee for attentlon .Representatl.ves of Eaetbourne Helghts Homes Irtd.. aeked. absutthe progxess of theix egreement. {[hle information wtll bepresented, later by Motion.trllr. R. GrlffLth explalned to Council that work on thePefferlaw Dnm should" be done within the next two weehg. Ee saiflhe would. d.o the work for a fee or at an hourly rate. He willrequire help ylth thls work. A resolution thte wlIIbe presented. Motions .Mr- A. Roberts, Fresld.ent of the <strong>Georgina</strong> RatepayersAssocJ.atlonr intervl*ewed. ConnciJ. to get infornation regardingtelephone service to the Pefferlaw Adninistration OffLce fronWards I &, ?. He wag informed, that the resJ.ilents could call theBelhaven Office and obtain the nEot line'f number for PefferlawBo that 1on6 d.l.stance charges would not be nade the Nunber722.579r.. He aeked for olarifl.catj,on of By-law No . 11 and waeinformeC that payment of the l97L tnxes under thls By*Ilaw had. tobe predleated on the anount of the 1970 ta:r. CouncLllor L,yonsagreed" to take up the natter of unnecessery and d.nnplngat the southerly end of lalre Slneoe with the Conservatton-fiuthoritLes .lilTe" J.M. Snith enquired. of CouncLl about the servi.ces eheeould e:cpect from her Ward. Oouncillor and. also fron the Regionel0ounc111or. She w&s lnformed. that ell CorrncLllors were availablefor serviee and informatLon but all requests aad. enquLrLeeehould be first d.lrected to the Clerk.l[re. SuLth a].so made enquirLes about the varl-ous aspecteof Townehlp budgeting end flnancLng. She qas gJ.ven aIIinforrsation available at thl.s tine.COMMUNI CAf TONS(a) MrB * B. Donn - change of speed. llnlt on Highway 48.To be presented. under Motlons.2.

- Page 2 *Corracil !fieeting,tr-ebruary 22 , I9?1 .IConnunl.eations cont rd. -(b) ReELon of Iork - Queents York Hangers tryork Night,,Idarch l/ , 197I .letter read. and referred. to CLerk.(c) York counly 4ederation of Agriculture - rts Menberehipfees ln the Fed.eratlon of Agrlculture.letter read. and referred. to FLnauce Commlttee.(d) A'esocLation of ontario r,and. srrrveyors - TB consortlunof four firu,s .letter read. and referued. to Clerk.(e) Und.erwood. McIrellan & Aseociates Linited - reConsulting EngLneerlng ServJ.ces ,letter read. and refemed to Clerk.(f) trl1b 'rAfl Travel Ad.vlsors - xe new business.Lretter read. and, referred. to Clerk .(g) l[r. J. Cox, Reglon of York -Letter read. and- sld.ewalks .to Bngineerf-ng Comml.ttee.COMMITTEE HSFOHTSCounclLlor $mockumReg. CIounclllor Pollock( i )Corucillor Po;mtzRes. Corrnclllor PolLock(e)CounaiLlor $nockunCouneLllor Po;mtz(')Couneill-or Srnockun0ouncillor PoSrntz(+)fhat upon the reco&mend.ation of thehglneerlug Connlttee CouncJ.l consl.derthe constructLon of sld,ewalks onboth of the road.way in Vl.rginl.aon l{l-ghway 48 by the D.H.O. for thelength of the urban sectlon of theroad. end. sid.equate tllumlnatl_on beprovLded.Carrlgd.r r r r r r r r l . r . r . r l .fhat upon the recomnend.ation of theEngJ.neering Counl.ttee 0ouncll cousl.derthe construction of el.d.ewalks by theS,H.Or oD the propoeed. railway at StatLon 7O4 on Hlghway a8*and- edequate llluminetion be prbvtded.eepecLally above and. below roadwaytu.unel I r r . r r r . r . r . r r rThat upon the reconmend.ation of Connl.ttee a revLew be nad.eby the D.H.O. for en extra lane at theinterEection of the Drrcloe FoLnt Roadin Lot 15r particularly sn acceleratlonIane on Hlghway 48 weeterly to accounod.atethe west bound trafftc froln DrrcloeFoint .Caffiled,. . . . r . r r ? r r . . . r . .That upon the recolomend.ation of thehglneerlng Conmittee Councll consJ"d.era shannellzecl lntersection at theHolnes Potnt Road. at Statton #r51.

- Fage 1 -Corr:neil tr{eetfulgtFebruary 22 , 19?l .Oounlttee Reporte cont 'd. -Counaillor SmockumReg. Counclllor Pollock(5)Reg. Couaaillor Follock0ouncillor Fo;nntz(6)Councillor Smocku.nIleg. Councillor Pollock(?)CounsLllor Po;mtaRefr . CouncJ-Ilor Polloch(s)and Barticularly left turn and,aeceleratiou aud deceLeratlon l-aneson the north sid.e of Hlghway 48.CgrrLgd.r . . r . . . . . . r . . r r r r rThat upon the recomrnendation of thehrgJ-neering Connittee the D.H.O. givefrrrther coasid.eration to the apBroachto Hlghway 48 on the Rlvervi-ew Beeeh.Road. at Station 695 particularly toprovl.d.e en easier grad.e than 5.9%shown on Pret;"ll;u?1: . . r . r . . * . . , r .that upon the reeoumendatJ.on of thehgineering Comnrlttee the D.H.O. and.RegLon of York be asked" to co-ord.inatetheir plannlug wl,th respect to theWeLr $ld.eroad. from Highway 48, 2 rnileesoutherly'carrigd... . r r r r r r * r . r r r rThat upon the reeommend.ation of theEngJ.neering Committee the D.E.O.contlnue the polJ-cy of extend,ius thepevement I0O ft. from thelr on all townehiB road.e in theirconstruction ares. as \[s.s carrled. outon the ru*tri**iffiii:.. l.r .., .. ,, .rfhat upon the recommend.ation of theSngineering Connlttee a revJ.ew be nad.eto lncreasing the d.aylJ-ghtiugof road. lntereections in the Townehipfrom 66 ft. to 86 ft. to flt futrrreroad. conetruction .Cgxrigd... r . . . . r r r I r r r | . rOounclllorCounaillor(e)$mockumFo;mtzThat Shereas a petition hae been reeel.ved.from the resJ.dents in the Balclwin ar6aiAnd. Whereas these pet{tioners d.o notwieh the epeed linit through Baldwtnincreaeed.; Now Therefore, the HngJ-neerlryConnLttee reconmend,s to Council thetthe speed. llntt through Beldwin benaintained at 4O niles Ber hour.Cafflgd. . r r | . r . . r . . r r | . .Heg. Counoil-Ior PollockCIouncillor Foyrtz(10)Counaillor SmockunReg. 0ounaillsr Folloak(1r.)[hat upon the reconnend.ation of theEnglueerlng ConnLttee tbe I'Ifo FarklngHere to BrLd.gerr sign placed. at the northend, of tbe iu Sutton be renoved.and plaoed, apprsxlmately !O ft. to theeouth.Carrj,gd.. . r r . . . r . r . . r . . l r .flhat upon the recornmend.ation of thehglneering Connj"ttee Ey-T,aw No. 95t+re entrsnces for llard.s 5 & 6 be repoa]-ed"snd a lr6w BY-lew be PreBs,red for therownship of SHIgtH:: .T:Ti:T.::.T::T: .4.

* Page 4 *Cou-ncil Meeting tFebruary 22 , l97I .Conmlttee Reports cont 'dConncillorCorrncillor(1e)Po;mtz$moclnrmlb,at the Engl-neering Connlttee get thewashxoom floor in the Road.e DePt.Garage in Sard.e J., ? and. 3 ttl"ed. afld"that a cuBboard be nEde for the etoringof plane and stationary end. e table3' x 6' be obtalued..Oarrigd. r r . . . . r r . r | . r r | .IReg. Councillor FollockCounci]Ior Lyons(13)Oouncl-l1or We]-chCounaJ.Ll"or Smoekun(r+)That the Inspector beauthorized. to lssue Butld.lng PermLts fordwellings w:[thi,n Regietered. FIan NsmberJ94, fownship of Seorginar eubJect toEaetbourne Helghts Honee Trtd.. signingAppend:lx rrArfr Agreenent to constructroads ou Regl-stered, Plan llumber 794tnamely Elizabeth Street except 250 feetet the exbreme easterly l-tnltr allGeorge Road, aII Carollm $treet andDouglas Street and. Joau Street to theepeclfLcations of ABpendix tr4tr heretoattaahed.. SubJeet to + $4O'O00.0O(forty thousand dollar) Bank Letter ofCred'lt'Caffied.. ' . I r r . r . + . . . r . r . .$he Clerk was inetructed" to write to the Onterio Water ReEourcesCornniesion and inform them thet the $omship of Seorgina hae d.eaLdednot to aomplete $ewage llorks koJeet #24?85*7A-She metter of hand.ling targe trees eto. at the Hefuse Slte wasreferred to the Engineering Conntttee for reoounend.atio1s.gounclllor Lyone requested that the ToumehJ-p of Georgirra Councilwrlte to the Conbervation AuthorltLes requeetLng arl inepectlon and,etucLy of the $utton Dam. fhe C1erk was instructed. to d.o th*e.Councillor Burnie reported. that a nrrmber of calls had. been mad.ein egor to the Ontario Humane $ociety fron toilnehip reeld.epts regardingd.og eontrol. Most of these w6re referued back to the-T'!tp.-+Fln*Cottrol Dept. for attention. The Canine Control Coumittee wJ-lIreport further to the next meeting of Councll-CouncilLor Smockun reported. that the Cemetery Board. had. attend.ed.the Recreation Comnittee lneeting. fhe By-Laws of the Cenetery BoarcLuere preeented. to Corrneil members. the Recreation Comrnl-tteereeoniend.ed" a grant be made to the North GwJ-Ilinbury $kating Cl-ub.That the following pereons be the Conmlttee for the Conmtul.tyCentre, Ud.orar Allan Wagg; Fred Spooks;Bruee Glreham. Representatives fromScott fownehlp * John Bagshaw; HJ.chard.Sestgartb..Caffil-gd.r . r * | r r l r . + t . . r l I .Conncillor $nockumCouncj.Ilor lflelch(rr)That the fol.Iosiug persoae be appointedto the Elngrove Conmunl.ty llallComml.tteEr Mrs. E. Hanilton; JoeIOhappelle ; trilto Schortinghuls ; PauIFeltkanp.OaffiLed'r r . r r r . . . r t . r . I I r .5*

- Fage 5 -Couuc j-I Meetlng ,February 22 t 1971 .Corunlttee Reports cont td -Cou:acillorCouncillor(16)CounsillorCouncillor(17)CounclllorOouncillor(r8)IiNFINISHEDSmoclnnnWelchSnockun,lltelchlarsenT[elchBUSIN-rISSThat the followlng Bersons be appoJ.ntedto the Belhaven Comnrrnity HaIlConmlttee - Mary Munrol Bernard.David.eonl Vera Snith; I-,ll-l-ten Kyd.d..Caffiigdr. r . . r . | . r . r | | | r r r r rThat the following Bersons be the Fefferlaw Oomuuaity flalICoumittee - Naoni Draper; Hobert Kibble;Mabel Rennie; [Itlllan tfalsweer.Caffigd.rr r r . . . r . . r . . ' . . . r . rThat the Recreation Couml.ttee recoumend.eto Counol.l that the lVorth GtrillinburyFl"gure Skating CIub be given en lnterLmgrant of $5OO.OO to help subsLd.lsethelr Lcetime ,CaffLgdr. . . . . . . r . r . . r | | . ? . rTh6 tntroduction of a ta:rl by-Iaw restrictlng the number oflLcenses for taxLe in the llownehip was dLscuseed. The natter rEBrefemed to the Oosnittee for further cor,sid.eration.the Clerk was instructed to rrrLte to the Region of YorkRoad Deptr Tegarding the road. treffl-c Broblen at the end ofMetro Rd.. e#' Dalton Rd..BY-L,AI$SReg. Counclllor FollockConncillor Po;mtz(19)BY-TrAW NO . t+6Couaci].1orCouacillor(e0)EY*LAW I{0 . t+7SmockumCl-arkflhat By-Iraw No. 46f a By*f,sw to appointa Solicltor be introduced. and. reeda first nnd. seeond. time.Carrl"ed,r r . r r. r I r r r r r . . r . r r .Paeeed., eealed and. signed by the Mayorand. C1erk .That By-law No. 47t a By-traw to appolntllrench Inopectors be inrodueed. and,read a fLrst a.ud eecond. time.GbffLgCl. . r r . r r . r I r I r r . r r r rFassed., seaJ.ed. and. eigned. by the ldayorand. C1erk.CounoillorOounoillor(el)ClarkBurnieThat By*lav No. 48, a By-Iraw to appointWarble FIy Inepectors be Lntroduced.and. read. a fl.rst and. secoud. time.Carrigd,. . r . r r I r r i . o . . . ' . . .BY-IAW $T0 . 48Passed, sealed and, ef.gned by the Hayorend, C1erk.rJt{0[roNsReg. 0ounciLlor Pol}ockCounoillor Po;mtz(e2)fhat on e trLal basis the fowreehip of<strong>Georgina</strong> will sBend. up to $ITOOO.OOto olear the naln el.dewalks Ln the a.res,for the oafety of resLd.ents.Caffiigd.. . I r r I r r r r r r r . r r . . r r6 .

- Page 5 -Couneil Meeting ,February 22 , L97LMotlons cont td. *CouacillorCounaillor(eF)ClerkBurnLeReg, Couacillor FoLlockCouncillor lvons(e4)0ouncillor FoyntzReg. Couaeillor Follock(e5)CouncJ.llor Fo;nrtzReg. Oounctl]or Pollock( aa ICbuncf.llor0ouncillor(27)OouncillorOouncillor( es )FoJmtzLarsenPoyntzWelchfhat the french fnspectors for theTownehip of <strong>Georgina</strong> be paid e feeof $1OO.OO per EnrrurrlrCaffied,. . . r r r . . . . . r | . r . r | .That the membere of the Connittee ofAd.justnent be pal-d SPO.OO and theChllrqan be pal-d. S25.0O per meetLngattend.ed.C8.Tfigd.. r . r . r r r . r . r . . . . . .That upon the reeosmendation of theT"g+qgglilg CbnnLttee I[r. RalphGrtfflth be enployed, as Cuetod.ianof the Fef,ferlaw Dam at the rate ofpay of $5.0O per hour plus an addltionalman at the rate of pay of $5.OO penhourr at the pleasure of Council-Cafflgd.r r r . r r + r l . . . . t . . . .Ehat upon the recommend.atlon of theTreasurer the Pltney-Bowes Model F6OOFoetage Metre preeently on trial frthe Mrmlctpal Office et pefferlaw beacquired .for the balance of IgZl ona reutal basle in accord.ance rtth theterms of the attached. proposal and.-tFat the Mayor and. Cterk ehaLl sJ.gnthe necessary asTeement on behalf-ofthe Corporation .C8.ffiLgd,.. r r r . . r r I r r . . r r * iThat the Treasurer be authorized. tope-y thg followt4g acoounts as persahed.ul-e dated. February ?2, fgTl IROAXS - $25 , 55Q . 75Caffil,ed,r . r . . . , . . , . . . , . r . ,) .That the tr'Lre HaI} ad.dition in X'1.1e Nrrnber A{+IZG-OOF , Departmentof hblic Works, Canad.a, be'madeavailable to tle Depqlment .fsruary lst,197f, to JuIy 31st, L9TL, Rt &monthly rental of S25O.OO and. the Mayoranfl the Clerk be authorj.zed to executeshort tern leaee the above.CaffLed,. . . . t . . . r r . . r . r . . r .-The p-netaeering_ CqT*ittee vill- take caxe of the problen ofclearlng the_refuee left at the lale end of the Fth cbn. noaa--et Crescent Beach.fhe chairnau of the conmittee of acLjustment is Mr. ErLc9ronebemy and Mrs. rsober Griffith has 6een appointed. the$ecretary.7.

Couneil Meetlng,February 22 , 1971 .- Page 7 -fhe reportesere refemed. toeeked to }ook atof the Build.tng Inspectors on the Gravely propertyCoumittee of CouncLl-. AII Councll members werethe build,ing in question and. the subdivlsion area,.CounalllorCbuncillor(a9)lr)ronsSmoclnrmThat By*lew $o . 49 r a By-Law to confirnthe proceed.lngs of Council at ltsueetlng he1d. on Sebruary 22, 1971 beintrod.uced and. reed e lst end, 2nd.tlme .OarrLgd,.. | . . r . . r * * + r r r * + r . r . rBT-I,AW N0 . 49- Passedr sealed and. signed. by theUayor sud, Clerk .On Motl.on ueetLng edjourned..CTIAIRMAN

TOWNSIilF OI' GEORGINACorrncil fleetingtllarch I , I97I.Ad-ministration Build.ingtPefferlaw r Ontario "lhe PIaYor calledllembers Present :therneeting to order at 7t3O P.IIITllayorReb-CouncillorCou^ncillorsG- BurrotrgR. PollockG. BurnieG. ClarkS. I,afSenIL lyonsJ i Poyat zK. SmockllnB . We lchOn motion the ninutee of the neeting of Febnrary 22r 1971rwere adopted. as circulated.DEPUTATIONSllrn FI. V. !,/ootton, Keewick, r'rished- to submit sn aFPlicationfor a rafiel-nd.*a i"*i-1i6ense. He Has inforrned. that a rescind.ed'lieense was not portable and ad-vised to,re-aqpll for a licensewlthln three *e*Ls pursuqnt to the paseLng ol the Sax1 By*lau.HT. Clare C. Green, Barrister, Keswlckr representing HT*:Gerda fred.ricUs of tres*i;tr, appeared before Councll in regard tsher lande comprised of PIan 175.C OHI{UNI CAT IONS(a) Kllborn Engineerfqg_Ltd.* $ewer extensiron, I;akeshore Rd..T-retter read, filed'.(n) Reeloni.of York -\*/ ---*-**tierre; Zoning By*lawsreaa, referred. do Committee of the lfhole(c) \-/(d)Cane,flian Cancer Socj-ety - re Cancer Canpaign HonthLetter read', to be presented- rmder motions'Joseph Vale, Q.CrLetter rea'd..- re PIan 575(e) Engineering Departnent, Region of York - re Heir Sid'eroad-letter reed-.(f) Ontario Houeing Corp-oration-re low-Lncome tr'amlly Housing=letter read, to-be presented motions.(g) Fla-nning Department, Regiol of York - re Afea $ertricesfetter ieaa, refeffea to Committee of the l{hole andmembers of tne Connittee of Ad'iustment'(h) John D. sibbald, Briare Inn & Oountry club re Repairsto Irakeshore Road'Letter-re*d, referred- ts Road. $upt' Hegion of YorkRoads Conm, Clerk to rePlY.(i) sutton {[ District Figure skating club * r€ use of P.a.SYstemLetter Tead.

Council l{eeting,F1arch B n 1971.* Page A *CouncillorCor.ucillor(l)LyonsClarkThat permission be granted. to theSutton & District Skating Olub touse the Public Add.ress $yetem toad.vertJ-se the Carnival as per hoursetated in }etter submitted.,Carried..r r r . . I r r | | . rCOI{I{ITTEE REFORISEngineering Counittee Chairnan Coun,cillor PoX'ntz reported. onthe Cornmittee meeting with llr. V. G. Bard.awill, p.Eng., and. IIr. HaneStrobel, Contractor for the Cond.oml"niums, Sutton. Illx. $trobel wasrequested. to prepare nnd preeent a plot and d.rainage plan of thed"evelopmentr nnd. e draft agreement to be drawn up by l1lr. Bard"awill.Councillor Poyatz requested. tbat the h.ours for the use of theDisposal eites be ad.vertised..South Lake Simcoe ConservationAuthorlty.CotrncillorCouncillor(e)SmockunlarsenRequest the Consefiration Authorityto assess the Holborn Property and"bring back a report .Carried.. . . . . . + | r o I r .Councillor BurnieCou.ncillor I'yons( 3 )A d.etegation or Cornmittee of 0ouncilmake representation to the llinisterof lfrnicipa] Affaire polntins outthat due to our having to provld.erecreational facilit;ir,es for thenajority of users in the southernmunlcipalJ,ties there has been ad.Lrect inequalityifherefore Couneil of the Corporationof the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> requeststhat sone plan be set up by theI{inister to subsid.ize the fownship s;<strong>Georgina</strong> for thesefacilitles.Carrled.. . r . r r . . r . r . .A report on the Punping Data of the Waterworke Departnent trassubmitted. together uith a.n estimate on repairs to the TheCorrespond.ence Couree for lfaterworke Suptr rra.s refemed. to 0orunitteeand" the relocation of fire b;rdrants on Lakeshore Roail (8*lO) @ approx.S97.00 each was cor.curred by Council.A surrrey of the number of texis in the fownship was submitted.and. d.iscussed..CouncillorCouncillor(4)SmockumClarkthat the number of faxie be One (1) per Fifteen Hunctred(lloo; pernanent population.Carried,.r r . r r r r I r r . r

Corrncll llleetingtlflarch I ' L97]- .* Page 3 -CorrneillorCouncillor(5)BurnlePoYntzCouncll concurs in the recounenclationof Corumittee that tb.e rate for taxicabe be as follows I5Od lnitialrate1A4 per mile efter lnitlal rate.Carrigd.rr . r . . r t r r i I r rfhe Coumittee report on I'icen$ing Fees was xeferred. back to Sommflf,f,ss.BY-T,A.WSReg-Council]or Pollock0orrncillor Poyntz(6)That By*Iaw No. 5On a by-Iaw toauthorize parttcipation in theOntario l{unicipal Enployees Retire*nent tiysten be introd.ucef, and read. afirst anf, second. tiu.e .Oarried. . . . r . | . r r | | rBY-I,AII NO . 50* Paesedr sealed. and. signed bY tbeMayor ancl Clerk .CouacillorOouncillor(?)SmoclrunCIarhfhet By-law llo. 51r a By-law torestrj-ct the weight of vehiclespassing over* located. onOounty Bound.arSr Road.e be intrsd.ueeilend read, a firet end. geeond.e time.BYET,AW NO . JL*Passed., sealed. an,d. signed by theI{ayor and C}erk.CouneillorCouncillor(8)BY-IIAW NO .SmocktmBunnieJ?[hat By-I-aw I{o. 52, a Hy-larr to i:r.r 11d.eelgnate a plan of Subdlvisiond.eened, not registered. be introd'uced.and" read" a first and, eecond time.*Passed., eealed. and signed. by theI{ayor and C}erk.lloIroN$Reg*Councill.or PollockCouncillor Clark(e)Tb.e Road. $uperintend.ent be authorize'to for the renroval of 5O d.esd'trees on the road. allorances in theTounship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Carried.r r r . . r I i . . r r .CouncillorCouncillor(I0)SmockumclarkUpon recomnend.ations of the Depart*nEnt of Highreys ald. the Engineering0onmittee, the speed. llnit on Hlghvay# 48 fn Pefferlaw area beinlreased. from 40 I'I.P.H. to 45 I'I.F.HCaffigd.r. r . r i r . r . . . I

CounciLlleeling,l1larch I , 197].- Page r} -Reg-Councillor PollockCouacillor Poytrtz( * I )UFon the recommend.ati-on of theriagineering Comnittee r Councilauthorizes the Region of YorhEngineeriag Departnent to instaLsid.ewalks on Lakeshore Road", ,facksoniPoint, Froject No. 205, Region File205.1 at the f,ollowing eoetelBeplacement of exi.stingI{ew Sid.dwalkslotaL$eid.evlalks*$ 14r4OO.0Oe , 2o0.oo16r600.OOCafflgd, . | . r r . r | . . . . .Councillor0ouncillor(12)G. A, BurnieIrarseuI{r. Frecl Thompeon be pernitted. toattend. the 1971 T. J. llahoney and registration fee end"expenses be palcl by the TownshJ.p.Caffied.. . . . . . r r | . r | .CouneillorCouncill-or(15)CouncillorCouncillor( 14)IlyoneCLarkl{elchIryoneUpgn the reco&mendation of theE\rgineering Gomnittee it is herebyresolved that logs, Iimbs and brushto be e-d-nitted at the Refuse DisposaSite be no longer than 6 feet. AIIh.mber used. in construction will beaccepted. ln random. lengths. I{o logslinbs , brush or used lumber fron outside the Township will be admitted..Carrlgd". r | . . . r . I r . r .Upon the reconnendatlon of the Eng*ineerlng Cornmittee it be ancl ishereby resolved. that resld.ente ,business and, commereial tanpayers beqnd are pernitted. to use the RefueeDisposal Sites for d.epositingord.inary refuse and. garbase pertainingstrictty to their own privateproperty without further charge .{[h^a.t naterlal requiring rehandlingfor d-isposal such as refrJ.gerators,stoves, trees and.,/or build"ing materialebe charged. at the rateg state.beLowrll ton truck $2 ,5Oj/4 ton truck SF . OOsingle wheel stake truck $7.50dual wheel dump & etake $1e.5Otand"en trucke $25.oOCarried.. . . r r . | . . . . | .CouncillorCouncillor(15) Vote dequested.Yeas- Burrows, Pollockn Burnier C1erkl lrarsen,lyons , PoSmtz , $moc}run, Irlelch.NaysThe Council of the Tovnship of<strong>Georgina</strong> hereby ensages Hr. Gerhard.I{int z , P . Eng . r Bs Engine er*Adminl s t -rator at a salary of S1615OO.00 perannum. Duties to eor*enie April-let1971.Carried. .tlggai'nougl$ "

Council l{eeting,Ilarch I , 1971.CouncillorCouncillor(re|Fo;rntzlyonsRecordecl Yote requested.- FaSe j *The present Canine ControJ. Officersfor the llownship of beretai.ned for year 1971.Councillor Snockrrm declared. hls interestRefrained, from VotingTees * Buruowsr Pollock,I{ays - BurnleC1arkr I'latsen, I,Jrons, Po;rnta, He1chCaffigd"rrr.rrrr..rrr.Conncillor olarkReg*Councillor Pollosk(17)The policy of the Courrcil" of thetownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> be that eaohseverence have a Levy of 5# of theappraised value mad.e against saffre aga cond"ition of the treverence to beplaced. in a capital fund. for parkpurposes iAnct further as e cond.ition of s€v€Tencethe llowaship of mayrequire the d.onation of an5r*ad.d.itional land-s for future road wid.enlng;And. the Conmlttee of AdJustnentbe forifard.ed a copy of thisresolution.CouncillorCouncillor(r8)Smoclnr.uLyonsCa#igd. r . r i . . . I r . r r .Upon the reco rnmend.ation of theSngineering g6mmittee the ofCollinguood. Sand and Gravel to suppLyl9rOOO tons of graveLl.n Distrtct SlTrrp. of Geor6ina, for enrehing and.spread.irxg on trp. rsad.s srrd 12rO00tons of gravel for stockpiling lnyard be acceptecl as follo$rsl0n Road,s - 69# per tougStockpile * 4OA per ton;On trrp. Trucks * 15# per tonrtJ{D THAt the tender of Co}lingrroodSanil and. Gravgl to supply l-ArO00 tonsof graveLin "lstrict #P, fte. of<strong>Georgina</strong> , for crushing and, spread.ingon Trrp. road-s and- 5r0ffi tons of gravefor stockpiling in yard. be accepted.aE follows IOn Roed"s - 75fl per tonrStoekpile - 45A per tont0n Twp. truclts 55fr Ber tonrSub$ect to the approval of the Dept.of Highways of Ontario.Carrigd,.. . . . r r . . . . . r IReg-Councillor PollockCouncillor Polmtz(19)Upon recoilurend.ation of the Engineer*ing Conmittee the of LrarryTuck for the collection of Garbagein Ward"s 5 & 6, Twp. of <strong>Georgina</strong> beaccepted. f,s per contract epecificationees follows rHesid.nntlal Pick-uB - SlO.00 per uniiCornmercial Pick up - $?O.OO per nnltfor a total- price of S25r50O.OO,subject to the approval of the !{asteIlanagenent Branch of Ontario.'l0arrieclt . r r ' . . r . . . r . r

Council l{eeting tI{arch B , 1971.Cor.meirlor PoyntzReg*Corrncillor PoLJ-ock(20)- Page 6 -Upon the recollunend,ation of the Eng*ineering Conni-ttee all entrenceculvert installatlone be referued. tothe Road Superi"ntend.ent .Carried.. t r . r r . . r r ? ? |CouncillorCorrneillor(el)LYonslJeleh{[he Tor+nship of <strong>Georgina</strong> maintaintb.e necessary lendif 11 operation atSite No. 2) Subjeet of the approvalof the hlaste <strong>Management</strong> Branch ofOntario.Carried.r . . r . r . r . . r . .Cou-n'cillor PoyntzReg-Corrneil}or Pollock(2e)Upon the recouunend.ation of the Ingin-eering Corunittee the ofBoger I,aRue $nter?risee Ltd.r forSa.uitary Landflll operation of SiteNo. I, for the price of S 75f1Ol$.OOas per contrect specifications beaccepted.. SubJect of, the approvalof the Waste llanagement Bra"sch ofOntario.Carried.r. . . | . . i . r r r rCouncill-orCouncillor(23)lJelchL,areeD.Upon the recomnendations of the E:ngineeringComnittee the Tender of1{1}}ar Paving to euPpIY CalaiunChlorld.e soJ-u.tion to l[wp. Road"s beaccepted. as follows: District N. I2O0'0OO ga1s. Distrlct No . 2 -75r0OO ga1s. e't the price of,166 pergai. Subject to the approval- of theDept . of Highways of Ontario.Carried..r . . r . . . r . . . tCorrncillorCouncillor(44)Larsen!JeIchUpon the recoumendation of the Eng*ineering Connltteo the Tend,er ofStephen R. Pallett to eupPl.Y ?2O_sallons of Low Volatile EEter, 96 ozE_+n and Z-rr-FT nixed at g4.9il1 pergal]on(total cost $ro85.7o) rand 50 gallons of 2*4D Anine, SO $2.9+ per gallon (total eost$147.OO) , ueed- and- brushklu beaccepted.Tab1ed,. . . r r . r r r r . . . rReq-Councillor PollockCoilncil]or clark(?5)Reg-Councillor PollockCorrncillor PoYntz(26)Cou:acit ofthe Sorrneb.iB of <strong>Georgina</strong>is in favour of ueing the areaseflrlces to Fleuber }Irlulcipalities s.6set out in letter of llarch lrd' 1971from the Planning Department of theRegion of York.Carried... r . r . r . . | | r rFIr. BIJa WllloughbY be aPPointedearetaker of the Plrrnicipal Offiees aaEd. 0onmunity EalI' at BelhaventOntarior st a salary of $l-r5OO.O0_per annum retroactive to .Ianuary lst1971.Carrigd... . r I t r r . | | | r

Oorrncil lleetingtlllarch I , 1971.Page 7CorlneillorCouncillor(27)ClarkBurai-eUpon tb.e Recoumend.ation of the EnglneeringCommittee the ofl{iller Paving to suppJ.yn bsul andapply approrimately 15rOOO gallons ofAsphalt Priner for twp. Roads beaceepted. at the price of $O.2)4 pergallon, eubject to the approrgal ofthe Dept. of Highways of Ontario.Caffiigd,.r r r . r o r r r r t r itCouncill-orCorrncillotl(28)ClarkSmocku.uReg-g6nncj.11or PollockCouncillor Clark(e9)The Cou:lci1 of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> is not in favour of grantingconsent to lorne and. fiargaret convey a parcel of l,and. to theOntario Hlectrl.c Power Commiss*ion is less than 1$rO0O sg. ft.Counoil further recoilmend"s the subjec'land. ehould be a mininun of L&cr€rCarrigd,r r . r r . r . r r r r . .The Council of the EownshiF of<strong>Georgina</strong> is not in favour of the tilpeof d.evelopment requested by DurnaInvestmente T.leited in applicatlon tothe Corumittee of Adjustment to bepresented. at Hearing }Iarch llsr L97UCaffigdf. r | . r r | . . | . . rCouncillorCormcillor(10)SmockumBurnlell-rs. Aud.rey Hensen be appointedcareteker of the Ad.u.inletrationBr.lilding, Fefferlaw, Ontarl"or at asalary of $BO.OO Be:r week, retroactlvto January let t L97L,.Carfigd-rr r r . r . r I r r r ? rCounclllorCouncillor('1)L,YonsFoYntzl'[r. AIex flussey be appointed care*taker of the Ffi4iilcipal Offices'Sutton, Ontarior et a salary of$fa5.OO Ber month.0arrled. . . . . . r . r r . . . .Councillor SmootsumReg-Corrncillor Pollock(3?)llhe Treasurer be authoriaed to paythe balance of 1970requisi.tion d.ue to the York CountyBoard. of Ed.ucation:Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> - $691680'95Village of Sutton 4e'991.?Ol[np. N. Gwlll-inburY -Jgdg6.e0totalCarrigd'.*]IiOr6BT.ejr . . r . | . r I r . r r

C,ouncil lleeting,Harah I , 1971.PaSe -8Gouncillor SmockunCouncillor Burnie(13)Recorded. Vote Requested.The Counci-l- of the Townehlp of<strong>Georgina</strong> concurs with the resolutiond.ated. Deceraber 14sr 19?O, passed. bythe forner CounciLof the founshipof Georglaa as follows Itt the CounsiJ- of the Corporationof the Tormship of Oeoigi-na d.oehereby authorise the Bulld"ingfnspector of the sald" Townshlpto teke whatever action rr€c€$saryto have build.iag renoved. fr,from Flan l-ifo, 555, Parcel /,BlocktrAt .ffFurther Council authorizes theBuild-ing Inspeetor to continueBroceed.ings .Councillor l,arsen, 0ouncillor T4rons Dec1arecl their fnterestKefrained. fron Trbting.Yeas Burrows, Pollock, Burnie, Clark, Poynts, Suockrnn, tlelch.Sa.ysCarrled UnanimousLy,Reg-Corrncillor PollockCouaeillor Poyntz( 34 )AfI applications For building peruitiifor construction of buildinge otherthan prlvate resid.enees and theiraccessory bulld,inge ehall be subnitted. to the Couneil of the Townshlp of<strong>Georgina</strong> for approval before a pe:nriiis l,ssued..Caffiigd... . . r . . r r . . r rCouncillorCouncillor(J5)Earsen\JelchALI applications for Br,rilding Ferrnit,;must,,be approvefl by the Connittee ofthe whole of the Council* before apermit ua.y be issued..Caffigd.. . . . . r . r r r r r .Cor.mcillorCouncillorGo)LyoneLarSenBe lt and it is hereby resolved. thatthe llayor Proclaim the Flonth ofAprll as Csncer Ca.mpaign Honth..Caffiigd.. r r . r . r . . r . r . :Reg*Councillor Pollockfhat the Treasurer be authorised toOouncillor }arsenpafr the fo]]ouing eceounts as BerSehed.ules d.ated- Harch 8& r LgTl- t( 17 ) Beners,ls 1?"rolL.51FireFt755.54l,Iaterworks &,/$ewers e , 210. 16Recreation Comm, 5129+.71Pol-ice * 151048.27Carrigd"r . r r . . . | . . r . r -

0ouncil }leetiugIlarcb. 8' 1971* Page $ *OTI1ER BUSINESSCouacill.or Burnie reported. that Hrs, Florenee Bosles a eeniorCitizen ras having problens with the Brrow in her d.riveway entraneeto the street. The matter was refemed. to Supt. Tom llare.Reg-Councl1lor Po}lockCouncillor Smockuu(58)BT*I,ALT NO . 51fhat By*law No. 51, a By-law toconfirm the proaeedings of Councifat ite neeting held l{areh 8&r 1971rbe introd.uced. and. reed. e flrst andsecond. time .*Paseed., sealed. and- signed. by thellayor and. the Clerk.On l{otion }Ieeting Ad.Jourued..CTIAIRIVIAN

IOffINSHIP OF GEORGINACouncil Meeting,Illarch 22 , L97I .Adnlnietratlon Building,, 0ntario.fhe ltlayor calledMembers present rMenbers absentrtheneeting to order atMayorReg. Counc lLlorCouncLllorsCouncillor7 , 30 P.M.On notion the minutes of the meeting of March I,adoBted as clrculated.G . BurrowsR. PollockG. BurnieG . C larkS. I'afSenE. LyonsK. $moekumB . We I e hJ. PoXmtzI9?1 , nereDHFUTAfIONSIlllr. l[alfieh, representlng Mr. Strobelr asked ahout the progressof the plans for the condoniniun homes in Sutton. He wasinformed that the [wp. $olicltorr J. Va1er Q.C.r and ConsultingEngineer V. Bardawill were drawlng up an agreensnt aborrt thi$natter and that he could contact them for elariflcation.Mr. Snoddon wished to hnow what Councll could do to correctthe road problem ln the BLanehard subdivlslon. The matter wasLeft with Couneil to lnvestigate and as$ess. $Ir. $noddon willbe informed about their declslon wlthin a month.Mr. & $Irs. Chas. Whlttaker appeared before Council regardingthe Tax Rsgistration of their property. After Eome discussionthls matter was referred to the freasurer for further lnvestlgatlon.Mr. R. Draper, asked CounciLfor pernission to burn dead anddiseased el-ms in varlous places ln the Township. The Cl"erkwill contact the Waste <strong>Management</strong> Braneh regarding permissionfor thls burnlng and inform Mr, Draper of their deelslon.COT4MIJNICATIONS(a) Dept, of Energy and Resources- re open burnlng atDisposal Sites.I,etter read and referred to Clerk .(b) Dept. of lands & Foreets - rE Three day deerseason 197I.Letter read and referred to the Rsereatlon Connittee.(c) Dept. of Highways - r€ Hlghway 48 reconstr{lctlon.Letter read and refemed to the Engineering Committee.(d) BelI Canada * lines of telecorununleatione alongpubllc hlghways.Letter read and referred to the Englneerlng Commlttee.(e) 0.W.R.C. - re sanitary sewer exteneLon - takeehore RoadlVest.Letter read and referred to Clerk.2,

SounciLMeeting,March 22 , 1971,Fage ?(f)Coroner H.B. Cotnam, IVI.D. - re inquest into deathof J.K. Stainton.Letter read.(g) Ha1ker, Rice, Ellis & Pezzack - re Stanley BruelsEstate - Building Permlts * Reference PIan R.S.-L27,Letterr rBBd, dlscussed and. referred to theEngineering Conmlttee .(tr) Mr. A.J. Rettle, dhlef Officer,Region of York - re 0fficial" Plansr Zoning By-taws,Plane of Subdivision,Letter read .(i) Co-ordinated Art Servises * r€ authority fronCouncil to seII lottery tickets in the nunlcipality.Letter read, to be presented under motions.(i) Township of King * p@ endorsatlon of Klng Townshlpresolutlon of March 15, ]-97]-Letter read, to be presented under motions.COMMITTEEREPORTSCouncillor Slnockumr s€coilded by Counclllor Larsen, noved thatCouncll resolve ltself lnto Connlttee of the lfhole to considerthe followlng reports rRepcrt No. 1 of the Englneering CommitteeReport No. ? of the Recreation Committeewhich was carried.The Chairman of the Council chaired the Conmittee of the Tlhole.fhe Conmittee of the Whole B.Fos€rThe Chairman of the Council reported that the Conmlttee of theWho1e had adopted the reports as followsrReport No* 1 of the Engineerlng Comnltteer without amendment.Report No. 2 of the Recreatlon Conml"ttee, wlthoutamendment.llhe reportof the Comnittee of the l{ho1e was recelved,Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. I of theEnglneering Conmittee, without amendnent, lt was eamied.Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. ? of theRecreatisn Committeer wlthout amendment' lt was carried.lulr. Steven RockeI, Recreation Directorr was introduced.Mr. Roclrel sald that he had been neeting people and looking overthe various recreatlon programs of the fownship. Inter-courmunltyprograms and a map lndieating the reeroetional area pointswere plans of the future.3,

Council meetingtMarch 22' 197I.Page 3 -Councillor Lyone reported regardlng the ConseEvationAuthorities. The bstirnated cost of repairs to the $uttondam is about S151000,00. The Kinsmen CIub was glven authorityto remove logs at the dam. [he Township 9{ qeofglng_+p portionnen tof the ConseFvatlon Authority levy for 197Lis $L7'948.13.UNFINISHED BUSINESSBy-Iraws Off icer F. Nash reported !1.*t there were tentaxi Licenee owners in the Townshlp. The linlt at present isten,Two new applieations for taxi licenses have beenreceived by Corrncll. The Clerk was lnstructed to lnformthese appl-lcants that no licenses were available at thietime.BY-I,AW$-Councillor BurnieCouncillor Clark( I )BY*I.,AW NO. 54That By-Law No. 54, being a By-Lawto provide for the regulating andIJ-censlng of cabs ln the TownshlPof Georglna be introduced and reada first and second tine.Carrlgdr. . r r r t . . | | t t r . r r . I rPassedr s€Eled and signed by theMayor and Clerk.Councillor LarsenCouncillor Welch( ? )BY*LAW No . 55fhat By*I'aw No. 55, a By*I,aw toestabtlsh a new PubIic LibrarYfor the Tovrnship of Georglna beintroduced and read a first andsecond timee.Carried. . r . . . r I r . . I r r r I t | | .Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and C1erk.CounclllorCounclllor( 3 )WelchLarsenThat By-taw No. 56, a BY-I.,aw toappolnt Mernbers to the Pub1icLibrry Board of The Townshlp ofGeorglna be lntroduced and read afirst and second t imes.Carrigd.r.. ..rr.ttfrr ..t.rrBY*LAW NCI. 56Faesedr eealed and signed bY theMayor and Clerk .CounciLlor LyonsCouncillor Welch( 4 )That By*Law No. 57, a By-Law toreconvey certain lands in theTownehip of Georglna be introducedand read a first and second titnes.Carrigd.. . . I t . . r . | | | t t r t | | tBY-LAW No. 57Paseedr $ealed and signed by thetrllayor and Clerk.4.

Councll meetingrMarch 22 , 197I.Page I+ *CouncillorCouncillor( 5 )BurnleClarkThat By-Law No. 58, a By-Law tode$ignate a plan of eubdivisiondeerned not regJ"stered (308) Uelntroduced and read a first andsecond t imeg .Carrigd. r | | r I r r r r r . r r r r r t .BY-tArfl N0 . 58-Passedr sealed and. signed by theMayor and C1erk .0ouncillor ClarkCounclllor Smockun( 6 )BY-LAW N0. 59That By-taw No. 59, a By-Law todesignate a plan of subdivisiondeemed not registered (34e) Ueintrodueed and read a first andsecond tines.Carrigd. | . . | | . . I r r I r . . . | | | |-Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and C1erk .Councillor SmockumReg. Councillor Poll"ock(?)fhatBy-Law Nor 60, a By-Law todeslgnate a plan of subdlvleiondeemed not registered (231) Uelntroduced and read a flrst andsecond timeg ,Carried. r r r . r . r | | r . | | r I r r | .BY-LAW NO. 6O-Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and Glerk.Reg. CIounelllor PollockCounc lllor Lyons( I )fhat By-Law No. 61, a By-T.raw todeslgnate a plan of subdivislondeened not registered (hlZ) Ueintroduced and read a flrst andgecond t imes ,Carrigdrt I r r . r | . r . . r r r . . I r r rBY-I,A\II NO. 6TCounelllor BurnieCouneilLor Clark( e )-Passed, sealed and slgned by theMayor and Clerk.fhat By-Law No. 62, a By*Law todesignate a plan of subdlvlsiondeerned not rEgistered (3fi) ueintroduced and read a flrst and,second times.Carrlgdr. . r r r . r r r r . . l I r r r r r rBY*LAW NO. 6Z*Passedp sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk.Counelllor LyonsReg. Councillor PoIIock(ro)That By-Law No. 63, a By-Law todeslgnate a plan of eubdivisiondeerned not regtstered (158) Ue5.

Council rneeting,March 22 , L97L_ page S _introduced and read a first andsecond tl.mes.Carried.. . I r r . r . . . | | | r r I r . rBY*LAIT' NO. 6I-Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and C1erk,CouneillorCouncillor( n )LarsenSmockumThat By-Law No. 64, a By*[,ss trodesignate a plan of subdivisiondeemed not rEgistered GLg) Uelntroduced and read a first andsecond times,Carrigd., . . r . r r r I r . I l . r r r . r rBY*LAW NO. 64-Passedr seal€d and signed by theMayor and Clerk.HOTIONSCounclllorCouncillor( 12 )WelchLarsenThat the Treasurer be authoriaedto pay to the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>Library Board a further advance ofS5,000.00 on the Lg?t Budget.Carfiedf r . r | | a l r . . . r I r ) ) , t t .Reg, Councillor PoIIockCouncillor Lyons( 13 )That the Council of the Townshlp of<strong>Georgina</strong> accepts the Township'sshareof the Department of Highwaysestinated cost for sidewatks inVlrginia of S3,?50.00 - W.F. 8Z0-66f,.s per estinate attaehed to thisresoLution.Carried. | . r | | r r r r . . I r I r . I r r .Counclllor LyonsCouncillor Burnie(lt+)That due to road constructlon onLakeshore Road, Jackson's Polnt, anumber of fire hydrants will berelocated. Gate valves to be instaHedahead of relocated hydrants ,Carrigd. I r r . r r I r r . . . . . . . . | | . ICouncillorCouncillor( r g )CounclllorCounclllor(16)LarsenWelchBurnieSmockumThat upon the recorrmendatlon of theRecreation Committee the Clerh beauthorized to advertise for aCaretaker for the Pefferlaw CommunityHaII.CarrLed.| . . I r r | | r | . r r I r r . r | . IThat the Councll of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> concurs with the recommendationsof Committee wlth regard toBnllding Permit fees as contalned inthe recomrnendatlons of the Commlttdeappolnted by Councill and d.oesspeclfy that, where a field tripand comespnndence required of6.

ICouncil meeting,March 2? , 1971.CounciLlor ClarkCouncil"lor Burnie( 17 )- Fage 6the Building Inspector, other thananswerlng correspondenee to nonprofessionalcorrespondants , the feeshall be $10. 00 and for correspondlngonly, the fee to be $5.00.That the fee for boat slips asreeommended by refemed back to theCommj.ttee.Carried. r . . . i r r r r r r I r | . r r r :That effective Janrrary lst, 1971r rrolicense fees sha1l be charged for thefollowlng categorl-es r Food prenises tBarber shops t Hai.rdresslng parlours 3Boat storage I Keeplng of pigeons .Carrigd.r r . r r I r r r r I r r r r . I r rReg. Councillor PollockCouncillor Lyons( r8 )fhat each enployee who is required touse his private motor vehlcle forthe purposes of The Corporation ofthe Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> be compeneatedat the rate of l4d psr mile for thefirst I01000miIes drlven and L?# permile for each mile drlven 1n excesgof 101000 ln each calendar V€flr.And that each employee who iecompensated as above be requlred tosubmit rnonthly a statenent lndicatlngthe origin and deetination of eachtrip and the purpose of the trip.Carrigd.| | r . . | | | r r I r r r | | r r r ICouncillorCouncillor(Ie)SurockunClarkThat the regular Council neeting ofApril l?th, 197I, be held at 7.30ftlonday, April" 5th, 197].Carrigd..rrfr..rrrrrrrr.rrrCorenclllorCounclllor(?o)CouncillorCouncll.lor(zr)ClarkWeIchWelchLarsenThat a $5O.OO park levy be eetabllshedon each severance and that thj.s figurebe reviewed annuallyl And thatresolution Number I7 of llfiarch 8th,f97f' be and the same ls herebyrescinded,Cafflgd.r.rrrrrrf.irrtr.r.rThat the Co-ordinated Arts Ssrvicesorganization of Toronto be allowedto sell lottery tlckets in thenunicipality under licence numberl-7L47 granted then by the Provlnce of0ntarlo.Carrledfrrr rrr.rrr.rr rrrrr.Council-1orCouncillor( 22 )LyonSLarsenThat the Council of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> support the resolution passedby the Council of the Township of Kingregarding the request to the Legislatureto repeaLSectlon Ja of the Coneer\rationAuthorlties Act.Carried. . r r r | | r r . I r r I r I r . | |Counclllor LyonsCouncillor Larsen( ? 3 )That the Treasurer be authorized topay the follwing accounts as perSchedules dated March 22, I97I rR OADS $ag, iz7 . LgCaffigd. r r r r | . r I r | | | r . r r | | .7 ,

Councll meeting'Irllarch 22 , I97I.Page 7Councillor WelehReg. Councillor Pollock(?4)fhat Building Inspeetor Jack Gudworthls hereby au+;horiaed to lssue eightBuilding Fermits as presented toCouncil for conslderation, And thatBuilding Inspector C. Chirnsideis hereby authorired to lssue threeBulldlng Permits as presented toCouncil for consideration.Carulgd.I r r . . . I r r l r r r r I r rMr. Dorfman will meet with the ConmflEee of Council at a meetingon March 2p, 1971, to discuss the Baldwin Dam.The Mayor asked the Council members to connent regarding^lhepresent C.U.P.E. negotiatlons. The opinlons etcpressed did notiavour any negotiations in this matter. The Twp! solicitorJoseph Vaie, 8.C., wlll represent the_Township at a Hearingregalding C.U.P.E, with the Labour Relations Board on March ?9'1971.Reg. Counclllor PoIIockCouncillor $mockum( 25)That By-Law No. 65, a By*Law toconfirm the proceddings of Councilat its meetings held March ??' 1971'be lntroduced and read a first andgecond tineg,Caffied. . r . | | t . t . | . r r I r r | |BY*IJAW N0. 65*Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk .0n motlon Meeting adjourned.CHAIRII{AN

TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINACouncll l\{eeting,April 5, 197I.Administration Building 1Pefferlaw , Ontaris.The lVlayor calledthe meeting to order at 7,30 P.I{.Members present tMember absent tMayorReg. CouncillorCouncill-orsCouncillorG "BurrowsR. PolIockG. BurnieG. ClarkE . Larg enE. IryonSK. SmockumB, VIelchJ, Potrrntz0n motion the rninutes of the meeting of March Z?nd' 197I,were adopted as circulated.DEH.ITATroNgG. Mintz, Township Engin€€rr informed Councll that the reporton the sewer and water installations for the Keswick area wascomplete but as the Ontarj.o l'later Resources Comnisslon setupnay be revlsed this report ls being held in abeyance until adecision regarding this setup is reached'Mr. Dernonok asked Council about sewer connectlons for his propertyon lorne St. , Lots 5 & 6, PIa.n 233, The matter was referred tothe Township Engineer for investigatlon and reeommendatlon.COMI/JI]NTCATIONS(a) York County Board of Edueation - re payrnent of 1971school levies.Letter read.(n) Dept. ef Energy and Resources <strong>Management</strong>burning at Disposal Sites'Letter read .re open(c) Dept. of Highways - re reconetruction of Highway 4S.T,etter read.(0) Ontario Labour Relations Board - re C.U.p.E. & Twp.of <strong>Georgina</strong>r (Section l+?e of the Act).Letter read. Referred to Twp' l:olicitor.(e) Pefferlaw and Distrlct Lions Club * permlssion for Paradeand use of loud speakers.Letter read. To be pregented under motions.COMMITTHEIIIHFORTSThe Treasurer presented a proposed Budget estlmate for 1971 toCouncil for consideration.2.

Council Meeting,April 5 , 1971.Page 2 -Engineering Committee Viee-Chairman Councillor Smockum reportedthat the vrater problems in the beach areas at this time had beensolved. The -'tefuse Site Gatemen were agreeable to the hours setfor the Sites to be open" Hnquiries have been reeeived as to thedate of a spring collection of artieles not permissable forcollection in the regular garbage pickups. Twp. Hnglneer G. MintawilI investiga.te the road problem in fhe Blanchard subdjvi.sion,Pefferlaw.Mayor Burrows reported that the Fire Dept. requirements of tlteFire }larshalls' Office will be discussed in Committee. Theftwp. Engineer and the Road Supt. will look into the rnatter offuture road mainteance on l{edge Rd. Jackson's Foint, to do withthe care of the hedges during the wlnter months.Planning Comrnittee Chairman ReE;. Councillor Pollock reportedthat an expert from the ltegional Flanning Dept. would be availableto Committee for advice and direction at meetings. The proposedsubdivisions of !ir. Saigon, Mr. Rack and Mr. llaiend were discussed.Buildi-ng Inspectors J. Cuciwo:rth and C. Chirnside reported thatincrease in butlding has been substantial for the first threemonths of 1971. Bullding Inspector R. Carter reported tha'b noreplies had been received to date from $Ir. Shulman, Mr. Camarata.or ltlir. Tees.Recreation Committee Chairman Smockun reported that the Committeehad met with the Elmgrove HaIl Board and a budgetis beingprepared.Councillor Burnie reported that approximately forty entrieshad been reeeived in the Logo Contest.Ihe March report of, the V{aterworks Dept. wa.s received and noted.Councillor Lyons, seeonded by Reg. Counclllor Pollock, movedthat Council resolve itself into Committee of the Who1e toconslder the following reports tReport ltro. ?. of the Engineering Comnitteelleport I{o. I of the Committee of Council llleetingwhich was ca.rried.The Chairman of the Councilchairedthe Commlttee of the Who1e.The Committee of the Whole arose.The Chairman of the Council reportedthe Who1e had adonted the reports asthat the Committee offollows rReport No. 2 of the Engineering Committee, without amendment.lteport No, 1 of the Commjttee of Council by amending C1ause (B)Resolution No, 5 to read "Be it resolved that a fence be erected'bo a length of one milo at Dump Site No. I, and that theEngineering Committee obtain priees for samel And That Clause(9) (c) -e.esolution No. 7 be amended to add thereto! "forthe purpose of beach a.rea."The report of the Committee of the Whole was received.)t

Council Meet ing 'April 5, L97I,Page 3Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. ? of the Hn$ineerlngC6**ittuei without amendment, it was carried'Upon the question of the adoption.of Report No. I of the Committeeoi councii ltleeting, as amended, it was carried'Mr. Steven Roehel, Reereation Direetor, reportuq lhll.programsare being considered for senlor cltizens' Retarded childrenafso a Glrls'"nA Winter Ringette Team. AII ongoing program$oirr u* continued and an attempt will be made to develop themin tf"te future, for example the sunmer swimming Programs'The prgosed supply of W99d and Brushkill was referred backto the Engineering Committee"Garbage Collectlon for Wards 1, 2'-++d J was referred back toift! pileineering Committee and Committee of Council.BY-I,AWSCounclllorCouneillor( r )SmockumC1arkThat By*Law No. 66, a BY*Law toauthorize the sale of lend beintroduced and read a first andsecond tlmes,Carrigdt.r. trrr.r.... ti.rrBY-LAW NO. 66Passed, seald and signed bY theMayor and C1erk .Reg, Councillor Polloclc?hat By-Law lilo. 67, a BY-Law toCouncillor LYonsrepeal By*Law No. 62 be introduced( p\ry\and read a first and seeond times.,Carriedrrrr .rr.r.r... ...trrBY-LAIII NO. 67Passed, Sealed and signed bY theMayor and Clerk,Councillor ClarkThat By*Law Number 68, a BY-LawCouncillor Burnieto deslgnate a Plan of subdivlsion( : )deemed not reglstered be lntroducedand read a first and second times.C&rried. . . . a a a r r r r a I a I a I r I a aBY-I,AW NO. 68Passed, sealed and s igned by theMayor and Clerk .MOTIONSCounciLlor GlarkThat Resolution Number 35 of MarehCouncillor Smockum8th, 197I, as follows: "That all( tr ) applications for residential BulldlngPermits must be approved bY theCommittee of the Whole of the Councilbefore a permit may be issuedr be andthe same is hereby rescj-nded.Carried.. r . r I r | | r r . . . . t r I IIr

Couneil Meeting,April 5 , L97I .Page 4Iviotions continuedReg. Counei]Ior PollockCouncillor Lyons(s)That by this lllotion, Council instructsMr. Joseph Vale, Q,C., TownshipSolicitor, not to proceed any furtherwith the Equallzation AssesementAppeal.Carrigd.rrr *rrrtrrr.. ..errr.r'Reg. Councillor PollockCouncillor Lyons( 6 )That Council favourably eonsiders theproposal- to subdivide as submltted byMr. Rudy Raek * File No. T*e1112.It ls recommended that the saidproposal of subdivision be referred toRegional Authorities for considerationand review, after which a finalevaluation of the rnerits of theproposal can be undertaken by thisCouncil.Caffiiedrrr. .rrrrrrrrr rrrrrr.rfrReg. Councillor PollockCounclllor Lyons( 7 )That Councll favorrrably conslders theproposal to subdivide as submitted byV. Raiend & Associates File No. T-?0249. It ls recommended that the saidproposal of subdivision be referred toRegional Authorities for considerationand review, after which a finalevaluatlon of the merlts of theproposal can be undertaken by thisCouncil.Carrigd.. . . r . r r | | r | . r r I r I r r I r . r rCouncll"IorCouncillor( I )CouncillorCouncillor( e )BurnieClarkI,arSenWelchTha"b Council does authorize the RoadSuperintendent to caII for tendersfor the sale of the bulldozer atGarbage Disposal Site Number ?.Carrigdrr.r rrr.rrrrrrrr..rrrrrr tThat Ws, the Gouncil of the Townshipof Georqina, wish to express ourconcern about the large anount oftrees in the Jackson's Point area, thatare narked to be taken dor,rn inconnection with the road widenlngon Jacksen's Point. lt/e respectfullyrequest that only sueh treec that arein the actual road area be removed,and that prior to these trees beingremoved the Council be duly informed.Cafflgdrr r r r r r I r r | | r | | . r . | | . r r r rt

Couneil Meeting,April 5 , 1971,Page 5Flotions continued -Councillor BurnieCouncillor Smoekum( 10 )That Whereas lt has been widely reportedthat this has been a particularly hardwinter for deer in Ontario, withestimates of approxlmately 100,000 deerbeing killed by starvation and otherrelated carrses, and Whereas it wouldseem that there is an apparent decrea.seln deer population in this area, dsreported by hunters, farmers, and thosefamiliar with wildlife, whlle tt wouldseem that there is an apparent incneasein the wol-f population in the samearea, and Whereas it hag been reportedin an article by Doctor Andrew H.Chapeskie that, since 1959 there hasbeen a decrease in the deer populationthroughout Ontario due to the comblnedtoll of predation, nature and hunter$,nowTherefore the Couneil of theCorporation of the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>does hereby resolve that approval N0[be granted to the Departnent of Landsand Forests of Ontario to hold a 3 dayopen season on deer in <strong>Georgina</strong>Township during 1971.Carrigd.r.r rrtrtrrrrr rrrrrrriCor"rncillor LyonsCouneillor Pollock( n )That the Lions Club of Fefferlaw bepermitted to hold a Parade and StreetDance on July l0th, and that the saidClub be ailovred to use a loud speakermounted on a vehiele to advertise samethree days prior to July 30th. Loudspeakers not to be used before I A.M.or after 9 F.M.Carriedrrrr ..rr..rrrr rrr.rrtReg, Councillor PolloekCouncillor larsen( ra )That the Treasurer be authorized topay the following accounts as perschedules dated April 5, 1971rGENERAI - $t+S,3LtQ.Zi as amended.(Item No, 84 deleted),FIF.E * tZg76 , 74WATERWORKS & SE1iTERS gj7g6.+jRECREATION . S512}. OOPorIcE * $eo,47Q,gLCouncillorCouncillor( rr )LyonsSmoekumThat By-Law No .the proceedingsmeeting of ApriIand read a first69, a By-Law to eonfirmof Council at its5 , 197f ' be introducedand second times.Carriedrrrr rrrrrrrir' .'.',.BY-I,AIV NO. 69Fassed, Sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk .Qn motion meeting adjourned./)r.a /-/I' /--,,r-L\ _.flt*,t_t_L.,L4_.CHAIRMAN

Report No. 2tT'\,'[TSH]P oF GE'RGTNAEngineering gsmmi-ttee Meeting,March 2] , L9?L ,Municipal0ffice , Sutton'Meeting commenced. at 7:O0 P.m'Members present l Aouncill-or EmockumCouncillor LyonsCor:neillorSmocla:m in the Chair.(6) Tend.ers for Tree Cutting & Removal"fl(i) Harry E, Comer 168 Cedar St. KeswickTotal Price $ 2495 . OO(if) Robert Draper Tree Experts, t.76 Queensway,Keswick[ota] Price $ ?7+5.OO(iij-) Carleton Logging, Port Bolster, 0ntario.[ota] Price $ 52OO.0O(iv) H. Hill Tree Service Reg'd., Jacksonrs Foint, Ontario.Total Price $ 240O.OO(v) Lake Simcoe Tree Cutting, 241 Simeoe Avenue, Keswick..'l(vi)Total Price $ e26B,oOBruce R. Longhurst, R.R. l-r Zephyr, Ontarlo.Total Price S 2360.00(a) It was noted. that previous eontracts with one of theContractorswa,s never satisfactory.(b) It was reconaended. by Cornmittee that the Tender ofR. G. Iiill, [ree Service be accepted. subject to theapproval of the Ontario Departnent of HighwsYs.(7) A Communicatlon from the Sutton^Colnission Re:Ar:xi1]iary Power - Futnp House, lorne troad-.Refemed. to Councillor LYons .-^*CommitteeAd"journed at 7t1D p.m.

Report lilo . 1ilo\ilNsurPoF GEoRGTNACommittee of Council Meetirrg,March ?9 , l*gTL .Municipal Office , Sutton .( r ) Meeting cornmenced.Members present tAbsent Iat7:iA F.rn.MayorReg-CouncillorCouncill-orsCouncillorBuruowsPolLockBurnl-eClarklarsenlyon sSnockumltfelchFoyntzMayor Burrows in the Chair(e) It was moved hy Council-lor Lyons, seeond.ed by CorrncilLorWelch that the ninutes of the Connittee of C6unsil Meetingof March 15th, be accepted as distributed.( 1 )Diseussion concernlng Garbage DJ.sposal - Snake Island"Mr, Harold. Mc0ue, Custod.ian of the Island. requested somedirection for garbage d.lsposal d.ue to the restrj-ctions onburning imposed by Waste <strong>Management</strong> I\[r, Bard.awill, P. Eng.proposed. that suitable equipment be taken to the isl"and. todig a Pit ZOx OxlO and. the Waste <strong>Management</strong> Branch woul-dbe contracted to obtaln pernission for burning for thisye ar ,Resolution # 1Councill-or l-rarsen1}A-Counelll-orIt is hereby recommend.ed that a3Ox4Ox10 Fit be dug on the fsland.for the purpose of Garbage Disposalon land. to be provided. by theBand."Mr. Dorfnan owner of the property gave a progress report on theproposed. acquisition of the Dam by Depattrnerrt of land.s and F-orests.Resolution ll 2Carried.. r r . r . . r . ,Councillor Welch was delegated. to carry out the arrangements forobtaining the equipraent and transporting across to the is1and..(4) Discussion concerning the Bald"win Dam,Councl}lor lyonsCouncillor BurnieIYIIEREAS the $outh I,ake Sincoe Shorearea, and. other areas ad.jacent theretohas been stipulated as a recreationalland use area by the Honourable Ministerof Municipal Affairs the terms ofthe foronto Centred. Concept plan:AND WIIERES the Council oi the Corporatlonof the Tounrship of <strong>Georgina</strong> is anxj-ousto provld.e as great an area suitable forsuch reereational puf,poses as possible,( cont ' d)

^ Connittee of Corrncil Meeting,?9r Lg?L.]archResolutLon ff 2 ( cont'd )both by its own acqu.isition and. bythose acquisitions on the part ofotherleveLs of Government .AND WHEREAS it has been briueirt tothe attention of the said. uouncitthat certain land.s are belngconsi-d.ered. by the Departneni ofland.s and Forests, This l-and. morespecifically d.escribed. as theBaldwin Damo Mill, and land,s.The said. Couneil, therefore, urgesthe said. Department of land.6 anO.Forests to proceed as soon aspossible to acquire this l-and_ for thepurposes mentioned. above .2Carrigd-r | . , . I r . o . , . .copies of the above resorution to be sent to I{r" l{aslen,f, Department of l.,ands and Forests and to Hon, H. B. Dymond., M.p.p.-(5) Discussion concerning a proposed. plan of subd"ivision*Youngs Harbour .(6)lllr, Chalmers and ffr. Plitcle]l, Consul-ting EngineerEresented- plans for a at you_frgs Harbour.rt was briiefly discussed by gemmitbee and.-referred toPlanning Conmittee.Hr. Bardawil]r P. Eng. presented. his find"ings with regard tothe Baldwin Dam ,flr. Bard.awil-} requested that serious consideration be givento the fencing of the Land fill Sites.Resolutio! # 1Councillor BurnieCouncillor Snockr.uTh* CoU:rcil of the Corporation of thelownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> d-oes herebyresolve to erect a fence around-thedunp site knovn.l aE Dr:mp Site IIo. ?of the previ-ous rovinship of <strong>Georgina</strong>Dump Site "Such fence to encompass an area of$ acres around. the area nrreccnt'lrrunder ,rs u , C-irte-n* "*""*fiiiil--ii"n*established. ) ernd shal-l_ be g strand. -high, and. the posts to be used. shallbe one wood. and. two steel, and thatthe Engineering Committee obtaj-nprices for same oCaffigd...r.,.,..i,..(7)Dscussionre Sched.ul,e of Hours - Disposa] SitesResoluti-on # 4 Be it resolved that the fol"]owingCouncillor Smockrrnschedule of hours for d"isposal sitesCouncilLor Burniebe ad.vertised.:-lfdfffiay Site No" I - Six (6) d_ays per weekEi Sa^i,uroay - B;ob a-.n- to6 : 00 p .m,$tatutory Holid.ays * B;O0 a.m. to5;O0p.m.May to October inclusive .r r. nnf i ri \\ v v+r s" J

{H*l-lB: i6rlr*ci1 Meetins'FesolutLon fi 4 (cont ' d)_-jt_Site No. 2 - Two (2) d.ays per weekfireffi-esffand. Saturd.ays * B*:OO a,u,to 6: OO p.m.Statutory Ho1id.ays * B:0O a,m. to6 : OO p , m .Hay to October inclusi-ve ,Sites wil-1 be closed. on ChristmasDay, New Years Day and. Sund.ays.Caruigd.r * r r r . , . . .(B) ResolutiontouncillorCouncillor4trlrJBurnieSmockunBe it resolved" that a fence beerected to a length of one mile5O0O feet at Dump Site No. I and.that the Bngineeling Committee obtainprices fol seme ,Caffied.rr . . , r , . ? . r I(9) Comrnunications :(a)<strong>Georgina</strong>NationalTownship Hrblj.c library Board.Iribrany Week.Resolution f, 6Council]or WelchCouncil]or BurnieBe i.t resolved that the MayorProclairo the week of April l8th toZ+th, a971, to be NATIONAI IIBRARYWEEK .Carrigd.r. { r ' r r r r . r o(b) Hr. T. Roberts, Keswick ChenicalOontents of WelILetter read, 'referred. to Region of York Road.s Comm.(c)Mr. C. Good.year, Clarendon BeachRqsolution # 7Cbuncillor C1arkCouncilLor LIeIchThe property of Mr. ClarenceGoodyear Plan jO?, lots 14 & 15generally known as Clard.on Beach,be subsid.ized. for the amount ofL97l taxes on said lots: for thepurpose of beach area.It is understood. that I{r. Good.yearwill be in attend.ance on the property24 hours a d.ay and. that supervisionwj-Il be exercised at a]l tines byhiu. ft is further und.erstood thatall Townshi-p resid.ents will beadsitted. free of charge .Caffied.rr . . . . | . , r r( tO) Resolution ff 8CouncilLor SmockltuCouncilLor LarsenBE fT RES0I\rSD that Hr. Browne beeuployed. by the [ownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>as a Fark Attend.ant at an hourlyrate of $2 ,75,Carried.r . r. , . r . ., . r . .t

fr o*itt e eMarch 2$ ,of Council Meeting,l'97rEngineeringConmittee Mlnutes presented. '( 11 )Resolutj-on ff lCouncillor SmockumCouncillor IryonsBE IT recommended by the EngineeringCommittee that the of RobertG, Hi1] Tree Service Regtd of JacksonsPoint in the amor.urt of $[2400.00be accepted. as per specific'atlons .Calfied.r r r r r r r - r , r . . r(12)( I r )ResolutionCouneillorCouncillorSutton Hydro Commissj-on* Power line ,# 1OlyonsBurnieThe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> enter intoax agreement with the Sutton Hyd.roComrnission to construct a power lineto supply the Waterworks in Suttonwith an auxilliary 55O volt powersupply at a cost of Str000.O0 formaterial and. Iabour and. a pole rentalof #1.00 per year for twelve poles.Carried... r . . . . . . r . . r . IA report of Building fnspeetor, Sutton was presented. and.acted. upoR.Reg-Resolution # 11Couneillor tryonsCouncillor PollockBe it resolved. that flr. Roy CarterBuilding Inspector, be herebyauthoriaed. to issue a BuildingPermit to l"lr. Ted. Dyla, for theconstruction of a garage as anad-d.ition to the existlng building,Caffigd.r . . . . ' | , r . e . t . ,Resolution ff 12Councillor larsenCouncillor LyonsBE it resolved. that Mr, Roy CarterBuilding Inspector, is herebyauthorized. to consult the fownshipSolicitor with regard to the 1egalproeed.ure to carry out proposal-sre: Shukoan, Camarata and. Teesproperties .Carried.. . , n .1 . r r . . , . . r .( 14 )Copies of the 197O Actual Budget Figpres wered.istributed" and. briefly d-iscussed-.Coromittee Ad.journed. at IIt3O.p'tu,

fOWNSHIP OFCEORGINAJ$peclal Corrncil MeetingtApril 16, 1971 .Munlctpal Offlce ,Sutton Weet , Ontario .llhe Mayor calledMembers Present :ueeting to order at 9;19llayorReg-Couacl-IlorCounclllorsp.ilrG.B.G.G.E.E.J.K.B.BurrowsPolIockBrrrnLe0larkLarsenLryonsPo;mtzSrnockunl[eIchEhe uetttng wes cal-led to resolve the contract forgarbage coll-ectlon ln Wards 1r 2 and j.CouncillorBurnl.eOounciflor Tryone( r )fhe Counail of the Corporatlon ofthe fowneh{-p of <strong>Georgina</strong> d.oes herebyresolve not to accept any of thetend,ers es eubmltted for garbagecollection in Wards 1, 2 Egd I aeLs lte prlvJ"lege .Carrigd,...r rr...rrrr. rCounclllorCouncilLor(2)SnockrrnPoyntzlfhat Council accept the negot{ated.prlce of $601550. of Snith &, traRuefor Garbage Pl"ck*ups Ln Wardel, eand. 5 .CouncillorCounclllor(t )ClarklrarsenCarrf"gd . . . . r . r . r . | | . r | |BE IB BESOT,VED that a d.iscussionre the creation of approx. 5OOad.ditlonal Lots in the Townshlp ofGeorglnp be placed. on the agend.a.Carrigd.. . . r . r . r r . r r r r r .G. Mintz, Townehlp Engineer Lnformed Councll of the eventstaken plaee in the laet week thet d.euand.ed. the iunediateattentlon of Oouncil .Couneillor tarsenCbunclll0r Clark(4)flhat By-Iaw No. 70, a by*1sw tore*Aone a portion of the townehipof <strong>Georgina</strong> be introduced and. read.a first and escond. times.Caffigd,.r I r . . r r r . r . i . . rBT-L,AW $0 . 7O- Paesed., Sealed. and. signed by theMayor and Clerk.

Speclal ,Council Meetlng,Aprit 16 ' I97t.Page ?,CounclllorCouneillor( 5 )PolloclrSnockumMr. Gerry Mlnts, Englneer Administratorof Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> le herebyappointed ?oning Adninietrator.Carrigdrr.r.rtrrrrrrrrrrrrCounclllor ClarkCouncillor $nochurn( 6 )Anended Council MeetingAprlt ?6, 19?1 - to be addedafter pernits *AIl applicatlons for building pennits* nust be approved by the Commltteeof the TThole Council- before a pertnitnay be issued,except for the of accessarybuildings and addltions , alterationsand repairs to exietlng residentlalgtructures .Carrlgdr . . | | | | . r r r . . r . . . . | | . .CouncillorCounclllorQ )LarsenBurnieIn additlon to the fees for bul.Idingpermits prescrlbed by Reeolution passedthe ?Znd day of illarch, 197I' there shallbe a fee of S500.00 charged for theinepectlon and approvaLof the Blansof aII buildings to be ereeted in theTovmshlp of Georglna.Upon payment of the township of<strong>Georgina</strong> of such fee of $5OO,0O and ofthe fee prescrlbed by Resolution passedthe ??nd, daXr of March' 197I, and providedthat euch plans ere approved by theBulldlng Inepector, a butlding permitshall be lesued eertlfylng sueh approval.And provided that upon appllcAtlon inwrlting therefore the Municlpal Counellin indivldual cases nay reduee euchfee of $5oo.OO by such arnount as ltdeems advisable.Tabledrrrr. rrr..i..rr .rrrr.rrCouncilLor BurnleCouncil-1or Smockum( I )That By-Iraw No. 7L, a by*Iaw toconfirm the proeeedin6s of Couneil'at lts neeting of April 16' 1971rbe introduced and read a first andsecond tlmes .Carried. . , .I at I a r I I t a I r rltal rBY-LAW No. 7LPassed , sealed andMayor and Clerk.slgned by the0n Motion meeting edjourned.-'-t"tr'i.r')rf,iuiCI.ERK / ICHAIRMAN

.. ,t.l MTNUIES OF COI.,NCIL: OP THETOI{NSHIF OF GEORGTNArN THEREGIONAL MIJNICIPALITY OF YORKMonday A,prll_ p5 , ITTL ,p,M. 'ii"iiiiirit-in theThe council of the fownshlp. of Georg-ina meteveningatln ther.jecotrncll c?rafobers ot Trreinaaministruiio"Pefferlaw.fhe ChaLrman of the CorrrrciLtook the Chalr and called the MemberE,to order .1. Membens present at this Meetingl_Mayor Burrows,Potlock, gouircirlorsReg. Cormcil-rr,:n""nru, cr;;il;-llil*n, Lyons, poyrrtz,and Welch.'smockr_urr.n2' Councillor Larsenr EecoTded- by cor-rnclIlorminutesLyonsof themovedcorrnclithat tlri,Meeting rreie -il;prii- ln theEl" igir]form supplledu* conftoirmeuthe FtEnuersr-*hi*t *** caruj-ed,1- counclllor clarkr_ second*g_by Rgs. cor.rncilror -rreia- polIock,that the minutes ofmoved.itre cotmciL**eii"ebeon-4piii-iamended andOl'rg;i-*adopted as read,, wrricrr.fias carrled.DELEGATTONS4, Mr. A. E" Middl-eton of Lake,presented a petition on_Orchard Beach arsa, Keswicrr,behalf of residents in theof the contraventionarea cbrupl_alniirslof Restricted Area By-LawBeach Trul.#a#g bt ih*-oiiii*r,,,Thts was referred to the Zoning AdnlnistratorinveG* Mintzs t igat i onfor.5..subdtvision- ".MT..Rudy lu*tr enqulred as to the proceedlngs of hle pranHe was infoformed that ii fils ueine*pro**ilJEotifi'h[i]evel at the present.t""*:6' I{r. Snodd'on asked. what had, been done toto-thebringroad problemabout a solutio,".DBaT' hls hom*. u*-w"shadinfor"nnedbeen investigatedthat the matt*rind *i*p"*o,.rIdMrbeisnoddon,***tingMr. Br-anchardwithand ttre np'. EngineerfinallzeMr.thisMintz,matter.to7, solicitor for Mr. chalnerqr_polnt Developmentsubmisstonco, presentedfor Lot 111r_Fr.anafu?, ** *-subdtvislon"the area r+asrt wasnot sultaLr-e6ecj.derto suL6:i*rision lotslocation.because of its

*2-B* Irir" iioronr oi Istand .:"ro've (North Gwit1.) asked, Councll to lookinto the matter of a sontraventlon of Restricted Area By-Law#Lo91 by the James Day Ferry & Parking Services in the hrea.The matter was referred to the Engineering Committee and By-LawOfficer for consideration.COMI{UNICAT]ONS9. From tJre South Shore Conservation Authority and Dept. of Landsand l-ore-sts "The---*.'orngfnr.ocrcorillrlunl-cations were noted and filed,10. From Chippewas of <strong>Georgina</strong> Jsl-and regarding attend,ance of membersat meetings of Counc i-L.The foregoingcorrrnrutication was noted and filed.lL. From Jersev Buslnees Ments Association requesting protectionlocal tradesmen J-icensed by the ontario Dept. of-Libour,forpaffiIgNs.The foregoing4 coiit'Jitication was referred to a Commlttee ofCouncil mee-c ings nL2* Regional I'rjr-r:r.i.cipaiity of York regarding Provincial Mr.:nicipalEmplc, rent incentrve Pl_an L97J-"The foregloing +onuii;;nieatlon ri/as noted and fil_ed.}3,, Colincii-lor pres,ented a pe1:iotion requesting Council toinstitute the nece,Esarli sbepr-+ to preven'b the opening of-fprther retailfood oubir;ts in ilhrer i(esw-ck fi.r€i:_- untj-i srrch time .s-it woul_d, bebeneficra-l- to .rl-1. c.ri'ceri'red, s:-gned 'h1' brrsiness people in the area.The fore6Saing petitron" w.s.r :'efclreC to the Cl-erk foi clarification ofsignatures "Effi-&L,|! .4r Council-lor Lyons, seconded byr. F plve i"bself rnto Coinmittee of theHorts :Council]or Larsen moved that Councili{hole td Chnsider the fo}lowlngReport llo " I of the Bngineer-AdninistratorRc+port itTo " ? of the Bngineer-Administrato rReport l" ,r, J of 'the Engineer-Administrtrt orReport N,-r, l. of the Treasurer,Administratcr'pi'esented by the Engirleer-

-3-Report No. 1 of the Recreation CommitteeReport No. 4 of the Recreation CornmitteeReport No. 2 of the Comrnittee of CouncilReport hlo. 1 of' the Engineering CommitteeReport of Counci]Iorcarrled.Burnie regar"dlng Tax protrlem, whieh v,rasThe Chairrnan of the Cor.mcil- chaired the Comnrittee of tkre Whole,The Committee of the tihole arose.The Chairman of the Cor-rnc11 reportedhad adopted the reports as follovrslthat the Committee of the I''trholeReport No . I of the Englneor'-Admini. -stra bor , without antendtnen i; ,Report No . 2 of the Engineer-Aclministrator , ruithr-rut amendtnen l; ,Report No . 1 of the Engineer-Admlni s trator , r,.'ithout antendmcrli. ,Report No. 1 of the Treasurerr presented 1:y th.e Enginr-.ct'Aaministrator, referred tr the Engltreer:itrg flonrmi L tce forconsideration.The'rReport No. 3 of thc RecreabionCornmittee, withou-i; arnendment-Reoort No- 4 of the Rccreation cotnmittee, bjt atnencliug clause (by-adding the word rrsuttottrr so 4s io rcad "Sutton Aroria; hyamending Clause (40) by aclding the words rrKesv'rick-8u11" so a,3read gail"KEswick Diamond'r; 1:y amencling Clause (1r5) by theaddition of the words t'this to be advertisetl: .Report No. ? of the Committee of Council by Cl-atrse-(Zti;Reiolution No. 7 so a$ to read Tvan Day Insurancei h). amendir,rlClause (=O) by the addition of ttre work rrcontmissionrr"Report No. 3 of the Bngineeri"ng Committee, withoutamenclmerrt.Report of Counciflor Brrrrri e regarc)irrg Tax prohlr'.rn , r',ri thorrL irltti'riri,',.r*port of the Commj-ttee of the lVhol-e v,ras .cccivod.Upon the quest-'i-on of the ardoption cf Report Irlo. 1 of the Errginl:;1"-Ahminlstra=tor, without amendment, it v,ras carried,Upon the guestion of the ad.option of Report Itlo . 2 of the ljlrtfl i.r:iec;i'--A"drninistrator, v,rithout arnendment, it vlas caryicd.Upon the qrrestion of the adoption of lteport No. J of thc Errginee::'-Ahministrator, without amendmerrt, it was cat.t'i.ed.Upon the question of the adoption of Report lilo . 5 o fCbmmitteef without amendment, it was carried.itj,lril-hlrc llt, t: t"ci'r 'i.i oi

-4-Upon the question of the adoptionRecreation Commj.tteer f,s amended,ofit{Report No. 4 of thewas carried .Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. 2 of the Committeeof Council meeting, as amendedn it was carried.Upon the adoption of the Report No. 1 of the EngineeringCommittee, without amendment, it was caruied.Upon the ad.option of the Report of Councillor Burnie, withoutamendment, 1t was carried.BY-LAWS15. Reg. Councillor Pol-lockCouncill-or Smockum( ] )That By-Law No. 72, a By-Law to prov-id,for the Corporation I s consent to Be1-LCanada construction its lines upon thehighways, streets, bridges and otherpublic places of the Corporation, andto authorize the Engineer to superviseand approve the construction of suchllnes, be introduced and read a firstand second times.Carrigd..., .r....r.r. ..rrrpCouncil-l-or BurnieCouncillor Cl-ark( 2 )That By-Law No. 71, a By-Law to amendBy-Law No" 1I of the Township ofGeorgi.rra be introduced and read afirst and second times.Carried.r.. ....r...o. ..r.olBY-LAW NO . 7JPassed, sealed and signed by theMayor and C1erk .-fiY-LAWReg. Councillor Polloc}rCouncil-}or Poyntz( 5)NO . 74That By-Law No. 74, a By-Law todesignatc a plan of subdivision deemeilnot registered be introduced andread a first and second times.Carried.rr. .........,.Passed, sealed and siggred by theMayor and Clerk .MOTIQNS.l-6. Reg. Counci]lor EolfockCounc itt?[) tou"* UThat Norman Ley be offered Fifteencents (158) pe" ton for gravel takenfrom.his gravel pit (Pt. Lt, 6, Con. TN.G.) for a period of five (5) yearsstarting in I97?. Sulrject to theapproval of the Department of llighwaysof OntarioCarrlgd.... ...r...... .r.'rl

tCor:ncil1orPoyntzCouncillorSmockum( 5 )-5-That the Road Crew rri i,r,a.i.d"r, '.rTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> T-rc eliti,_Li,same fringe beneflts ,is fLn i;lin Wards 102, and J Tov;:rr;h:i ,r<strong>Georgina</strong>, retroactive to r;irirJanuary , L977 ,Carriedr 0 , ^ a'r nt cj,\-i. ,. Lf-:ijReg, CounciLlor PollockCorrncillor Poyntz(5)That the Englneering; i-r;rllli.i:,ri;:mends to Councll-bira[ 'Li,.u t.:,,'r),-,:fnternationaLHarves"lir.i.r'' -1r,.' i:t lI', ,', iiriTrucits at a quotec. 1ri'J :;,;,, ii;. 'ii:;; i i ),:be acceptedp suhjecl; ';*r f,.r, ' i'i-,.,1;ir-,-!of the Department r.rf I-i i 1.r f,i.,, iri;,tCarried, e , .i !i--11-lReg, Councillor PolLockCouncilLor Foyntz( 7)That the Engineerinft Cciir,,rr i' r.i rmends to Counci] tii+rj: "Liir: 'i.r, rDoel lvlerCury Ford. ioi. .i, t.i_,.r ,)ja quoted pr-Lce of #;2.1.11j-r. ; 'i;.subJect to the appr'o'i'.ii ri",' *ui,,,of Highways .Carrieci. ri s 1, , . n i \,,'lr"t Itl:,",rrrli:'-_,r.,',I /' I)l-' If r1r.. :::; ./ '.lCouncillor PoyntzReg. Councillbr Poll-ock( I )That the Engineerin.=; ;L;thends to Cor-mci] t,hiii" -j.;i,,_' ..;: ii:.,i_;Wabco Equlpmcnt L, [d . '.i ,.] :. , I i :r, li,,:,quoted price of {025,'' ( t-'i',,,,'"';', it. , ,subject to the oppr.,tvi-,.!- .r ;:.i,: ;of HighwaysCaryledd . o { r, , ,'::'l,1if:lCouncillor PolmtzReg. Council-lor Poll-oek( e)That the EngineeririE ijiitrii'-i-'1.,,r, (: j,,.; ,-r t;t:) .,,mend$ tO COunCi-l- tl.:j. :;.i,r 'Li;tL{.ijr' ,,)1.Pfieer Company of'n,la ,-'{", i:r 'ri::,r.jSprayer at a quoted r)...i.'-;,r ( ^. lt;:i :; t):t.'-,::ibe accepted sub ject to ;hc ,jlrti r''o v, i1r .l o j'the Department of lii,11l:t ii'1."Carried. r i a , a . ! -

IJ iI at,il{tiIIlilReS. Counci]Ior polLockCouncillor polmtz(\ 10) -v /lh.'- -Reg. Councill-or pollock(l-6-That the Bngineering ComnitteL) rccom,-mends that Council accent the highe;:tbid of Mr. DolaLd Dar+soir, Beaver:ion.for the purchase of the Bul1cj.oze* ir.,the amorurt of S46O.OO upon presentaLi-oiiof a certifiect cheque, mad,e"payable icltiretreaslrrer .Carrigd.,..t.o,., Poynt"( 11 )CounclLlor ClarkCounclllor Smockum(ra1Counclllor SmockumCounci]lor Clark( lt )Counclllor Burni_eCounclllor Larsen(14)Council-]or LarsenCouncillor Burnie( rE )lhat upon the recornmonclation of theEngineering Commiitee the tender ofStephen Rd" Pallett to supply ZZ gallonsof low Volat.ile Ester, 96-bu. Z-tt-_Dand 2-4-5T miTed_?! llh,WtE per(tota1 5;e.t-tor:eost of gt085.,l}j-firraIO natforrsof 2-4D Amine, B0 oi.,.r at $Z,9zr put-- ---gallon (totat cost #tifi.0o) ;-we,*[-anribrushkill- be acceptedCarriedr... ".!..r..r.. ...r..4the lvtayor proclainrTFIDaylieht ,savrngrtme Eo commence on Sunday, April A5th 'L97I at 2l0O A.lvl. anci to bontinr_re unti_r_Sunday, Octobcr.Jl, Ig'fI, flt ZrO0 A.tI;Carrled.... ,...:.,rrr .,r,r.oThat Kilborn Jlngin.:cr-i-ng Ltd" bcr t_.{ts-.;*ructed to arlv:'-se the Refiional Mr_mlci_-p_ality of York Engineerj-ng Divisionthatsanitarv sewer exteirEion fo::Lakeshore RohO V[es.t, Sut{on, ten,Jcred.under Regional Contr;rci Zl*i consist.-ing of 7801:'_n. ft. of sanitary =or**and appurtenarrces be a,ccepted ior atotal price of $16 , gO5 . 60 .Carried...r .r,..,.rr. .{,5.{.That Monday, September 20, rg7rproclaimed, bcb;r the t{avcr to be tire=<strong>Georgina</strong> Tovrnsh.ip Civj_c llo1iday.Car-ri.ecl.... ....d a. .{ a a. i s r , anIl.ut !|g_lvtgfol proelaim thu, wcek of May9!t, l97I to lt{ay 15th , I7TI asof Hope trrleek,' for the'Merrtal-ly ".Floweilnetard;I.Car"riodr..rrf..,sr..t,.G*rn..

-7-,:rn.cillor Burniei.:or;ncillbr LvonsItr\-I \ JO /-,,jilurlcillor Larsen'lr'rlncill-or Welch( L7 )ilncirrorLarseni-l,rirncil_}or Wel_ch(18)That the Council of the Corporation ofthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> does herobyresolve to make application to TaxAssessment Revi"ew Court to cancel thetaxes hel-t to be in arrears againstthe land described as (Lot jj-l pl'an jTgt238 ltlida Drive, Keswick, in the name ofMrs. Jean h4rlttaker (now vested in thename of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>) anclto cancel as vrell all charges, interestetc. agalnst the propert5r.And that the property be vested backinto the name of Jean Whittaker assoon as possible.Carried..r, rr....r.r. .rf.r.rThat the Treasurer be authorizecl to pavto the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> LibraryBoard a further advance of SFT0OO.OO onthe 1971 Budget .Carrigd..r.,r..r..r!,r.,.r.0That as a condition of severence, theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.may require adonation of any acidifional lands forfurther road widening; and that theCommittee of Adjustnent tre forwardeda copy of this resolutj_on.Caffigd.,,t , ,.,, ...,...rruncillor.;ncillor(le)LyonsBurnieThat a letter be sent to the Dept ofHighurays asking then to investigate thepossibility of increasing the streetlighting area at the eastern approachof Sutton on Highr,ray 48.Carrigdrr.. rrrrr.rr,. rrr!r,.illuncil-10r Lyons{,'olrncil}or Welch(20)That Mr$. Gloria Wallace & Miss MarlenePollock be issued a kennel Jicense toraise pomeranian clogs on ir{rs, Wa}}aceslproperty on Varney Rd-., and Mr. Joseph,Canine Control Officer to be so advised."Carrigd.... r.,r..,..r ..,rdr..

-8-Council-Lor Poirntz!frrunc11lor Lyons- / nr \r\4rlThat a Notice be placed in the Advocateconcerning the removal of Fish Fiuts ando1d cars & vehicles of transportationfron Township property prior to the 10thof May , 197I, and in subsequent years ithe 7th of April of each subsequent yearor fish huts and old cars and vehiclesof transportation will- be removed by theTownshlp-if not claimed.'v,r,ithin 50 dhyswill be disposed. All costs ineurred.wi]I be charged against the person whocl-alms same .Carrledj.e+ r..rr. ...1....CounciLl-or PoyntzCouncillor Smockum( 22 )T]:at the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> Purchaseth e o 1 cl Bank of Comnerce buildine andproperfy located on Pt, Lot ]5, Con. 1Keswick, for the sum of $F2J,C}OO.00,l-nr..r-.i orla . a t . . t . o . r | . | { . s | . I t auncil-lor Poyntzuncil]or ,Smockum( 25 )That the Treasltreti be ar.rthcr-ized topay the fol-lowing accounts as perschedule dated April 26, lg7l_iROADS - $22 , 5gB . 84 ;l-*nriariNOTICEOFMOT]0NL7, Councillor Smockum gave notice of motion that a resolution wil-l- bepresented asking that the bounty on fox be removed and the Council considercontributing to the present wol-f bounty and that the cont::ol of fox beleft to the Trappersf Association,OTFIBR BLTSTI{ESS]8. The Mayor appointed Counciflors Clark and Welch as a committee tolook into the matter of hunting restriction in the Kesrtrick area.-, The Clerk was instructed to contact the Regional Police regardingGkins bv*laws .-1.-Reg, Councill-or PollockCouncillor Povntz(z+1That By-Law No. 75, a By-Lan to confirmthe proceedings of C.:uncil- at theirmeeting held on April ?-6, 1971 beintroduced and read a .first and secondtimes ;CarriedLt.t i.r.rr.,.. ...t,...

-9-l}'aw rvo. 75 -fil;:;-;"i-Bt;*n"osigned by the0n motion rneeting adjourneo..CHAIR.MAN

PEFFERLAW, ONTARIORcport No. ITownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>InThe Regional Municipality of YorkREPOHT OX' Sffi HIGIilEER ADIilIST$IAAfORREGARDI}TE STBEHI I GEEII{Gfor coneideratLon by theCouncLLon .Aprll 19s.L97L708-487-ZZr04L6-722-579LIn the paet, the PolLce and loea} realdantsheve been reporting fallure of street J"lghte.fte RegJ.onal Pollce ars no longer lnterested.ln thla eervioe and tbarefore I vould. roconnsnd, that ve havethe citlzene phone in d.Lreat.noticeflWa ehould. thErefore ad,vertlse the follorJ.ugfor four consecutLve prJ.nttngs lu the Era end, Advooatelflotr0sBESIDEilT$ 03 THE IOWtrSHIP OF GEORGISAREGTOil OF YONKPleaee report the locatLon of eny street orraruLng Ilght that J.s not operatlng to thel[uniclpal offLco at Pcffcrlas by or 7O5417*22]';Or &ll',,*.Il[aLnteuaucs work rl11 be on flhursd.ay orFrlday eash r6ek .Your co-opsxatlon rI11 be apprecl,ated.Respectfully subnltted.,.#d;*4----G. lfi-nts , P./Eng .EIfGI$EER ANtrJfiTSTHAEOBtlAprll I9s , 1971Pefferlaw, OntarloA3FROV.ED BY COUI{C il,rByDate

PEFFERLAW ONTARIOTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>InThe Regional Municipelity of YorkReport No ' 2705-497-2210416-722-679LREPORT OF THE EI{GTI{EER ADIIIfiISTAASORREEA.RDItrE PA}ER WOAKfor conelderatlonCouncll- on Aprllri?rby thee6t IRe paBer rork for CouncLl end Coumltteeneetlngs, etc. be constructed. l.n a Eatner presentlyad.opted by the Regl.onel CounclLueJ-ng slul.lareoloure for each lnd.lvldual" Lten conpoeing theOrder of Busl.ness 1:s: Agend,al trfl-nutee, ConnltteeReporte , etc .Reepectfullyeubnitted,,rfrwdd.tfintz, frfhg.SfrEINEER ADUIIISIEATORAprll 21et r 1971Fefferlar, OntarloAHFROTIED BT C0UI{CILByDate

PEFFEBLAW ONTARIOTownship of ffeorginaThe RegionalInMunicipality of YorkReport No . 3706-49?-2210416-722-679LREFORT OF THE ENGI}I'SER ADI'fINISTRATORREGARDING COU$CII, CHA},IBER AND I{EW OFFICEfor consid.eration by theCounciLoa AprLl e6$ , L97Lf nouId. reconuend.-to ,Council- EngJ,neer-Adninistrator be authorizeffiffiTffiS toaximun enount of$6f0O0.OO prior to the 1971'Budget belng flnalized forrefurnlshing the Council Ohamber and. a new offlce in coordinationwith Council,Respectfully8ffi4-submitted,i. I{intz, Pfnng*ENGTNHER ADD]IINISTRAEORApril 26tb r f971Pefferlaw, Ontarl-oAPFROVED BY COlINCItrByDate

".,.,,,*i{affiid*€YTOVfNSHIP OF GEORGINARecreatlon Committee Meeting,April f , L97l .REPoRT NO D 1RECREATION COMMITTEEMunlclpal Office,(fg)Sutton.Meeting conmenced at 8:OO p.m.Members PresenttCouncillorMayorCor.mcillorsRecreation DirectorEngineer AdministratorK. SmockumG . BurrowsE. LarsenB. I{elchS. RockelG. MintzCouncillorRecreation Advisory CommitteeSmockum in the chair,R. Cl-arkR. Griff ithsD" Mercer(20) It was moved and seconded that the mlnutes of the ElmgroveHall Comrrittee be*. - ' -accepted as read. April I, lgZ]-.(af1(Ze;It was moved and seconded that the minutes of RecreationConmittee meeting of March l7th , LgTl. be approved. a* *uJO,Discussl-on re Members for Recreation Advisory Committee(a) Mr. Rockel listed the names of interested. parties submittedfor participation in recreational a-ctivities.(af)(n) The format of the committee structure was thoroughlydiscussed and the selection of addltional memtrerE tb ttreRecreational Arlvisory Committee was deferued pend.ingfurther*study and investigation by the Directbr.(a)(b)Discusslon re Pollcy of Committee Meetings,RESOLVED that the first meeting of the month woul-d be heldfor the purpose of -meeting vrith the Recreation .A,dvisorycommitte-euald 3ny delegations requesting to attend,It was the feeling of the Commit{ee mernEers that thisPqocedure would be a method for the Recreatlon Ccmmiiteeof Cor,mcil to obtain information and/or suggestions *nArecommendations.The second meeting of the month would be held for BusinesspurposeE,

4.+-..ffi#-:Recreatlon Comrnittee Meeting,Aprll 7, I97]-.- Page 2 -(a+)Business Arising From Minutes(a) rtem B Prant Maintenance & constnictionDecided that Constructlon work would be referred toEngineering Commitiee and regular maintenance referredto Recreation Committee,fn the case of structural repairs the request would comefrom the Recreation Committe-u tg the Engineerlng Commltteefor the work to be carried. orr,(b) Item tt Band practisesSchedul_e not amanged as yet.(c) ftem 12 Swimrning InstructresstSwimming^fns tructress t contacted. and available for LgT:-season, Salary to be negotiated.Recreation Director authorized to hire Mlss Jill Timmins(a) Item ]5 Tor,,rnship park - Holmes pointJ(ef)(a)(U)(c)Dlscussion on operation of Park to be d.ecided at a laterdate.New BusinessRequest from Recreation Commi-ttee that the Engineer-Administrator investigate the proposed constrilction ofHighway # 4o+ and its-rer-atlonitrif to the-possibleconstruction of ice faci]ities ln-pefferlaw.Committee to investigate the possible alternate sitesin consideration of the above factors.Recommended by the Recreation Committee that Council-l-orBurreie and Cl-ark be appointed to the Recreation Comm*ittee.Recommended that a $5.0O membershlp fee be paid toOMRAr- and the Director to attend the OMRA conventionMay 5trr, to May Bth I l*g7]-.(o) Application received from catherine spence,An interview to be arranged.(e) Request to construct a public swimming pool referred toEngi"neer and Director .

Recreation Committee Meetingr - Page 1 *Aprll 7r 1-97L,('26) Discussion re hiring of Students for Parks and Playgror:ndsupervision.Director was authorized to advertise in the Advocate anda copy of same to be for:tuarded to the High School.On motion Committee adjourned at 11t50 P,M.Listof Names submltted;Ron CawstonPhil HuddBill HarveyA1 BrumbyRobt. HudsonMr . AlwrightNick KordtsJlm LambNiek BostonKurt LanvoightLaruy GrasbyStan SaxsErnest SaxsJerry OatmanLeif EriksonPhl] WatsonWhipper (niffy;WatsonC .M . MarshallJ. D. O t BrienMrs. Barbara SlbbaldBrian SmockumVic TimminsLake Simcoe Tourist AssociatlonRatepayers AssociationCommr-mity CentresBeach AssociatlonService ClubsCubs , Scouts , Girl Guides

"TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINARecreation Cornmittee Meeting,!\nril 21 r I97tVmlclpalOfficen Sutton.Report No . 4("7)'Meeting commenced at frz1,} p,n.Members PresentlCouncill-orCounclllorMayorCouncilLorsDirectorSmockum in the Chai-r.K . SmockumG. BurrowsG. BurnieG, C1arkE. LarsenB. WelchS. Rockel-(28) It was moved. and seconded that the Recreation Commlttee Minutesof April /, I97l- be adopted as circuJated.-tt9)(a) Business Arising from Minutes. .It was recommended and referred to Councillor Smockum toexplore-the possible use of the Upper room in the TownshipGarage for Band Practises.It was moved and second.ed that the Belhaven Committee meetingminutes be accepted as presented.(a) Business Arislng.Resolution # LMayor BurrowsCouncillor Wel-chThe recreation Committee of Councildoes hereby accept tle followingrecommendations of the BelhavenCommunity Hall Committee ;1) 50 Chairs @ $4.90 $269.502) of J. Davj-d.son PaintHaI] Basement216.0O1 ) Tender Wm , BurtonRoof Repairs200.oo*l(b)Resolution #2Mayor BuruowsCouncillor LarsenCarrledr . . . .The Recreation Committee of Councilrequests action be deferred on theinsulation of Belhaven Halt r-mtil_the fal-l- .Carrlgd.... r..r...,.. .......It was moved and seconded that the mlnutes of PefferlawConmunlty Ha11 Committee be accepted as presented.(a) Business Arising CaretakerRecreatlon Committee accepts the recommendatlon of Hal-l- Committeeto hlre Mr. Ed. Rennie as Caretaker for the HaIl @ $gO.OO monthfy.

Recreation Committee Itleeting -Page 2-Apri] 21 , 1-97l- .(fr)Recreation SurveysDiscussion re grants for Recreational- Directional StudyRecreation Committee of Council authorized the Directorto proceed with furthcr study.GZ)Dlscussi"on Community Centres Bud.get Forecast -June IjftLLetter read , referred to Director.(:f) Discussion -Park Clean-Up +North Gwillimbury Park*Fence and Elm Trees *liletro Road Trees to be eut. d.ownand Fence to be installed-Fencing on Lakeshore RoadTo be erected-Toil-et facilitieswith trees-Trees 1n area by. entrance-Ditching , Water Pump repairs ,Authorized by Committee.Price to be obtained. forOne .To be planted and thruoutParkRoll Grass , Dispenser-Playground-Ladder-Shel-terEquipmentRecreation Di-rector toassess the requlrements .to be purchasedreferued to Admin-Eng ,and Director to assessand obtaln pri-ces.-Lawn Mowing Equipment*Lakeshore Road Posts &-Paint Fl-oorsPrices to be obtainedBench Restore Posts & BenchAuthorize 'ourchase ofPaint*Electrician check Shed Lighting AuthorizedI-Tickets & Fees Director to check onFr.ov. Park Fees-Tenders for Booth-N. Gwill-, Director to prepare specs.& call for Tenders-Number the ParksAuthorized-Orange Lodge Chlldrenst Picnic (:rA weekend in Jr.lre)Permission granted.G+) Discussion Summer Program applicationssix applications for Playqro*nd and seven for parkMaintenance .Director authorized to get this underway for grant Ipurpo8es I

Recreatlon Committee MeetingtApril 21, I97A ,- Page 1 -( ff ) Discussion re TreeResolution #1Councillor WelchCouncil-l-or LarsenPlantingBE IT RBSOLVIID that thc RecreationCommlttee of Council recommend toCouncil that Ten (1Og) cents perCapita be al-loted for a initial Treeplanting program in the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> - and -Further more Council consider as ageneral Plic5' that for each treeiemoved three (f) saplings beplanted in the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Carried(16) Discussion concerning Arena Boards.Resolution #4 Recreation Committee recommends toCouncillor Wel-ch Council that a Five(5) man ArenaCouncillor Larsen Commlttee be formed for each of theSutton and Keswi-ck Arenas and theirjuriscliction and sphere of responsibilitybe delegated. and desj-gnatedspecifically by the RecreationCommittee of Council .Carried(37) Discussion concerning fce Time - Skating Club TreasurersrReportTreasurers I Report referred to Auditor .It was the feeling of Committee that Ice time should bedelegated by Committee under the direction of theRecreation Director. Representatives of the FigureSkating Clubs to be invited to attend a Cornmittee meeting.(fg) Discussion concerning Saturd.ay Dances at the Sutton ArenaIt was recommended that eaeh request for dances 1n 'theSutton Arena be considered in each individual- case byRecreation Comnrittee .(:g)Discussion concerning Arena Staff.Referred to later date .Directorrequested the use of Sutton Arena in Summerfor Summer Programs and requested staff to keepArena and Booth openr Referred to Dlrector.

tRecreation Committee MeetingAprll_ 21, l-g7l-(40) Discussion concerning Lights for Keswick Ball DiamondRefemed to Director(*tt- Page 4 -Discussi-on concerning AdvisoryThecornmittee.fol-lowing ***ll.yg"o suggested as"13u:t. committee - MFs. B.- sinilJia,"-rr* Lamrr,(+21 other Business:\(a) councill*r Burnio reportc,cl 0n the portcommunity Ha1l commiiii;-ilBorstertakenrequestedon til_ing theacrionfio"r.'.-beResolution #jCouncillor LarsenCouncillor Wel_chCornmittee recornmend.s thatBur!ieCounci]lorbe auitr-o"i;.;d io*"uirtendersro"for tilirrg il.u-riliorPort Botsterin theCommrfnity Hiii.Caffigd. . . r . , . . . | . . | . .t(4f) Discussion concerninE Eov Scoutrs Litter Chase.Resolution #6 Th,?!,we permitCouncillor Burniethe Scorit_qa Litterto conductIv{ayor BuruowsChase in tire fownsfrip of9eorgj-na on lvtay Ath,-fgTil.anaTownship tneto prbvide 'reireifrments whatever assistan".andThisilt- tJ'is .bo anvertislO,-planed Muy jAdvertising, l-}Tl-.Carrigd.... .r......r, ,..rr..(44) Tt was recommendecl that theinvitedfotrowingto attenddelegationsthe tre. nextMeeting.*;g;t;;^RecreatrJn-committeeligure srrating ii"uE-i'izo p.tu.Lions' Ct_ub_FErreriir,r'eioo p.M.Baseball_ Club gran o *South Shore A.A. 9;60 i,:ii,r:(45) Discussj_on concerning Clean_Up Campaign.ft was subrnittedMay as CLean*Up-that the Ivlayor proclaimCampaign Month .the Month of0n Motion Committee Ad j ourned at l_l s 0O p .lvl .

#'"''ijj'..,+ , , ..,r{ + -+Ii.'iiIIOWNSHIP OF GEORGINARecre at ion Committee Heeting tApril 21 , 1971 ,t. J JJil'fliiIMunicipal( 27 )(29)(ro)Office , Sut,ton.HeetingcoilEnenced atMernbers Present:Councillor7 z 10 p . m.CouncillorllayorCouncilforsDirectorSmockrrm in the Chair.K . Suo clcttmG, BurrowsG" Burni-eG. ClarkE. Larr:enB" lJelchS" RockelIt was moved and. second-ed. that the Recreatisn Qsmmitteeiti""t**-_or Aprir ?r 1971 be aclopted- as circulated-.(a)Business Arieing from Hinutes'It was recommend'ed- and- referred' to Councillo-rsmockrrm toexplore the possible uFeof the.Upperroon in ifie T'ownship Gaiage for Band Practises.It was moved. and. seconded that the Berhaven conmitteer*uiiog minutes be accepted- as presented-'( a) Business Arising .Resolutj-on # 1The Recreation Coronittee of CouncilPlayor Burrowsd-oes hereby aceept the follovringCouncill-or Llelch recolrfiIend.ations of the Belhaven(b)Resolutton # ?Hayor BuruowsCouncillor Tlar'senCommunity Half--Committee ;{ ) 5o Chairs @ $a. 902) lender of H. David-sonHalI Base4ent4 ) Tend"er -Wm. BurtonRoof HePairsCarried.r$269" 50Paint216 "00200 . 00' . . .. . | . I r'' i I I 'The Recreation Comrrrittee of Council, reouests action be deferred. on theJ ins'ulation of Belhaven HaIl rintilthe fall-.Carrigd.. + . . l . ] . t | .. t ' IIt was moved. and- second.ed. that the mi-nutes of PefferlawCJ**r*ity narf Comrnittee be accepted. as presented.(a) Business Arising CaretakerRecreatios Qsmmittee accepts the recommend'ation of =:':committee to ni"e yirl. Ed. Rennie as caretaker fortb-'; dai'.@ $50.00 monthly.

It"'ri. b,l;,qRecreation Committee Meeting ,April ?1 , 1971 .Page 2 *- Electrician check Shed lighting ;luthorized"Tickets & I'eesDirector to check onP::ov. Park FeesTend-ers for Booth-N"GwiIt. Dir-ector fo prepare Specs"6 -r -& ea.Ll for TenrlersNumber the ParksAuthorized-Orgnge lo,lge Child::ens I Picnic (lrd weekend- in Jrrne)Pernrission rr I Recreation Surveys( z ) \Discussion re erants for Recreationar- Directiona.l stLrclyRecreation c"*fii#;; oi-councir authorized. the Direcrorto proceed. with further stucly"Discussion Community Centres Budget li'e1'ssast *June 1j/71Letber read.., referrecl to Director.J\ ) ) )Di-scussir:n -Park Clean-Up +North-Fence anrl Elm Trees -l'letro Road_* Fencing on Lakesilore Road.Toil-et .facil-ities rvith treesTrees in area by entranceDitching,_W-ateEX.uthorized- Pumpby Commi-ttee.repaj_rs,'1ln.r- lfl r\rf.rr^1i?r d'i+ LcJt6r u ua4u sLt u.a}/uEt_|, nmonJtJ- Lad-d"er-$hulte"- Lawn Mowing Equipnent- I-,akeshore fioad. Posts &- Paint FloorsBench(+r^t'r I I i mhrrrtrvvYrr+fsuBrJ/Pafkrefemed to Aflmin-Eng.and Director to assessand. obtain priees.Prices to be obtained.Restore Posts & Benchlruthorize purchase ofpaintITrees to be cut downand Fence to be instaltedTo be erested-Price to be obtained forOneTo be planted. and_ thruoutParkRol-1 Grass , DispenserRecreation Director toassess the be purchased-Ir^l? s+)Discussion Srmmer: Program appli*cationsSix applications for Playground. and seven for Parkllaintenance .Di::ector authorized to Set this und.erway for grantpurposes"

-aFr,/j :RecreationConmittee l{eetingtApril 21 , 1971 ,- Page i E( 55) Discussion reResolutlon # 3Councillor WelchCouncillor LarsenlreePlantingBB I[ REffiOLV]iD that the RecreationCommittee of Counci] recommend toCouncil that Ten ('100) cents PerCapita be alloted- for a iriitial Treeptanting prosram in the fovrns]rip of<strong>Georgina</strong> - and -lurb,her more Counei] consiiler alr ageneral policYthat for each treeremovecl three- (1) saplings beptantecl in the [ownship of Georgi-na'lza\ Didcussiorl concerning Arena Board.s.Resolution ff 4Councillor WelchCormcil]or LarsenCarried.o . r I r r r r . r r I o . r .Recreation Coramittee reconrmend-s toCouncil that a Fj-ve(5) man i\renaConmittee be formed. f,or each of theSutton an

Eecreati-on Committee l{eeting, Fn cro lL -t( 40 )(41)(4e)Discussion concering lightsReferred. to Directorfoq.,Di-amond/r'rDiscussion concerning Ad.visory Coromittee.The following names were suggested. as add.itionafmenbers to the Conrnittee * Mrs. B. Sibbald", Jim j",a-mb,Bill Harvey.Other Bus iness r, .,. l,4,i;,n. ! i.. i(a) Council]or Burnie reported. on the Port BolsterCommun-lty Hal} Comnittee and requested action be-.taken on tiling the floor.;.r',,i:,, ii",Resolutton # 5Committee reconrmends that CouncillorCouncillor Larsen .e Burnie be authoriaed to call forConncillor Selch ,)),,,,t7 tend.ers for tiling the floor in the+,jPort Bol-ster 0ommunity Hall-.Carrigd...rr .rrro.+ao. i.rIJ+1)(44)Discussion concernin6 Boy Scout s Litter Chase.Resolut j.on # 6, ,,I That we pernit the Scouts to cond-uctCouncilJgr Burnie -'\^' a Litter Chase in the Township ofM*yprFurrows.ln* ./<strong>Georgina</strong> on Hay Bs, 1971, and. theTownship to provid"e refreshraente and.whatever pssistance" mayrbe required..*)[-":., h f-- .;,r*irct l':.'. ;/Carried-rr.. r..rr...rr .otIt was rp.conmended. that the following d.elegations beinvited. to attend. the next regular Recreation Comraitteei'Ieeting. Figure Shabing CtuuE ?;jO F*rr.Lions I Club*Pe€f erlaw I ; 00- D. m.Basebal-t CIubB: 7O b.*.South Shore A.A: 9l0O p.ror(45)AlDiscussion concerning Clean-Up Campaign.,./ '[k It was submiti,-ed. that the liayor Proc]-aj-m the Honth of,ri '*.:Y,AF" May as CIean-Up Campaign llonth'J ' On" I'lotion Corunittee Adjourned" at'1'11O0 prrrr.r' 'l

ITOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAeConmlttee of Cor.mcil Meeting,Airril 19 r 1971 ,Munlclpal- Offlce , Sutton.REPORT NO" 2COMMITTEE OF COI.]NCTL(15)Meeting commencedat 7 : JO p .m.Members Present IMayorReg-CouncillorCouncillorsG . BurrowsR. PollockG" BurnieG , Cla rkE. LarsenE , LyonsJ. PoyntzK. SmockumB. V'Iel-chMayor Burrows in the Chair.(16)(rz)(re)(rg)(?o)rt was moved. by corincilLor Larsen, seconded by councillorBurnle that the minutes of cor-mcil committee meeting ofMarch 2$, 1971, be adopted as circulated.Discussion re_proposed plan of subdivislon, Lot Fr con.(i,North Gwil-Iimbuiy" Seilore )Mr. Robert Armstro-ng, Armstrong Real Estate, Nevrmaricetrepresenting Mr, Illill-lam Joyce and Mr. coulier presented aproposed plan of jj - 2 acre lots.Ttrls was referued to the Planning Conmittee..Finance Committee@ittedto the Department of MunicipalAffairs was distributed to council members and briellydi-scussed by the Mayor.Report of Engineer Ad.ministrator *Street LightingReport received and referred. to Council Meeting.EnFlneerlngCornmitteeCounci]]or Pbyntz, Chalrman requested. dlscussion on(a) By-Law - Be}l Canad.a rdferred. to Clerk(b) Roads - Letter from V. Bard.awill, Fo Eng. r.e WatsonRoad - referred to Chairman

Committee of Council- Meeting,April 19 , L97I .* Pnoa )f(af)(c)(a)F'ire - Councill-or Lyons reportedmeeting.Garbage.-.(i)(ii)on Fi-re CommitteeSchedule re Plck-ups-LaRue & Smithreferred to Township Engineer.Snake fsland. - re BurningConsent to burn has been denied by l,raste<strong>Management</strong> Branch .Mr. Bardawill and. Mr. Ivllntz to visitIsland to determine the problem ofGarbage Dlsposal .TEI{DEIRS - Fencing Disposat SitesThe following terlders were opened by Councillor Smockum,Dep-Ctrairman .(a)(b)Mr. G. TravisMr. H. Yoemanson, eueensvllle$ 7. oo per rod$10. 00 per rod,Resol-utlon # 1BE rr RESOLVBD that we accept theReg-councillor Pollock tender of Mr. G. Travis @ $7.00council-lor Burnleper rod for fencing Disposal sltesNo . 1 and 2.Carriedr . . r . . . , . . . . .The installationof gates wil} be an additional expense,(22) DiscussionCouncillorseverance( Zl) DiscussionResolution # 2Reg*Councl1lor Poll,ocl

Gommlttee of Cor,mcil Meeting,April 19 r 1gZ1 .- Page 1 -tG + )PlanninE CommitteeDiscussion concerning chalmers plen of subdivisionLot 111, Rp J45, Uor{tr Gwillimbr"y.Resolution # 4 BE rT RESOLVED that Resolution lrro, ][eg*Councillor Pollock be deferred .Councillor Wel_chResol-utionCouncillorCouncil-1or(25)Mr.( r )#jBurnieLyonsRoy Carter ,UnfinishedLetters toDefeated.BE IT RESOL\ED that we do not approvethe plan of subdrvision ( 1ot iii;-'-RP 345, Irlorth Gwillimbury. /Carri,gd,.t,..,r,.rBuilding Tnspector presented report :Business rel Shulman, Tees, Goodman"be sent by Secretary,(ii) Applications for Brril_ding permits;Driftwood Motel & I{amer- Eoanh (+R.esoLutiorr # FCouncill-or LvonsCouncillor LlrsenBE IT RES0LVED that Buildingbe issued to ivir- Boafnn Trypermit tLc,'foyoter. .sun;ect i3fiJil;"3;t,1lHf;"uRestrictedArea By-lavr.Carried!,,.,+rsFBuirdin€ rnspectors to be informed to processationsalrforprersentationappiic_to council *"a' *ppiilationsfor repai-rsforto be considerea at the crisciuii.*"fnspector.of Buirc'r:l(?6) Applications for Building perm_j-lbs _ J. CurlworthtResolution # 6 BE rr RlrsoLVED thatcouncillor ]derchthe councir_ a.pprov,:th-* appricotiorr=councit-lor poyntz for Buirding permitssun_jebt to-irre fi;;i *ppro"or of theBuilding Inspector.Carried(zr)Recreation Director reported :Mr. Rockel lnformed council of the grants availablethe Youtheur.cler.and Recreation Branch for Eonlucting aionalRecreat_Study.Referred to Recreation Committee Meeting"Summary of other reports referred to Commj-ttee Meetinf, "

Commlttee of Council Meeting,Apr1l 19p 1971 .- Page 4 -( 28 ) Other Report s(i)(ii)A new Telephone <strong>System</strong> and Dictating <strong>System</strong> arebeing considered for the Administration Offices.Discussion concerning Insurance coverage forTownship .ResoLution # 7CoturcilLor BurrrieCor-mcil-1or Larsen(29) Application for severance - PedersonBE IT RESOLVED that we employ aconsultant to investigate and reporton the adequate coverage required forthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> gAND THAT the brief be submitted toTomenson, Sanders and lvan DayInsurance .Carrigd.rr .. . . . . r . ,Resol-ution # I TIIAT tlle re consent forCouncil-}or Larsen severance be replied to and returnedCor:ncill-or Lyons to the Minlster of lt{unicipal Affairs.Carrigd. . r . . . . . . . .(50) Councillor Lyons reported that Mr. John Paul and Mr, JackAll-en had been hired to selI dog tags in the South end ofthe Township for $1.0O per tag commisslon.(ff) Di-scusslon concerning regular Committee meetings.Pl-anning Committee lst and 5rd MondayRecreation Commi-ttee lst and }rd WednesdayEngineering Committee lst ThursdayResolution # I BE IT RESOL\IED that the press be inv-Reg-Counci-llor Poll-ock ited to attend alf Committee meetings.Council-lor ClarkCarrigd. . .. . . . r r . r .On motlon Conmittee Adjounned.

Beport Ho, 3*TOI,'TNSHIP OF GEORGINAEnglneering Commlttee Meetlng,April 2] , 1971.REP0Rf N0 . 5The Engineerlng CommltteeMunlcipal Office, Sutton,(15)Meeting connenced at 2l0O F.m.CouncillorMenbers PresentlPoyntz in the ChalrCouncillor J. PoyntzReg. Cor.rnclllor R. PollockCounclllors K, $mockumG. ClarkRoad Supt.Tom Hare( 14 )(15)It was moved and. seconded, that the minutes of the Engineerlngcommittee meeting of Apr1l l4th, be accepted as circillated.0pening of TenderslTenders-for (f), $.ton truck, (ii) Weed Sprayer(lil) Grader (iv) 2 Five Ton Tnrcks (v)- Slle ofBulldozer, were opened by the Chairman.(a) Reg-Councillor PollockCouncillon Smockum(1)TIE Englneerlng Committeereconmends that the tenderof Irrterrrati.onal Harvesterfor 2 Five Ton Trucks ata quoted price of S55r915.O0be accepted, subject to thetpproval of the Department ofHighways .(b)Corrnclllor Smockum.Reg*Councillor Fo1l.ock(2)The ' Engineering Committeerecornmends that the tenderof Doel- Mercury Ford. for STon Truck at a quoted prlCeof $2889.19 be dccepteil sub-Ject to the approval of the tDepartment of Highways .Carnigd. . r . r r . .

ilEngineering Committee Meeting ,April 2] , I97I .( c )Reg-Councillor PollockCor.mcillor Srnoskun( r )-?-The Englneering Committee recom*mends that the tender of WabcoEqulpment Ltd. for Grader at aquoted price of $25 , 76l- . 75 beaccepted subject to the approValof the Department of Highwflys .(a)( e )(16)Cbunclllor SmockumReg-Cor-rncillor Pollock( 4 )ReE-Councillor PollockCoilncil-1or Smockum( r )Carrlgd. r . r . . . r r .The Engineering Commlttee recommendsthat the tender of PfizerCompany of Sarnia for a WeedSprayer at a quoted price of$2+g1.75 be aicepted- subject tothe approval of the Departi:er.rof Highways .CarrledThe Engineerlng Committeerecommends thqt Council acceptthe highest bid of Mr. DonaldDawson, Beaverton, for the purch*ase of the Bulldozer in the amourl'cof $460.00 upon the presentation ofa certified cheque made payableto the Treasurer "Carried. . . . . . r . . , r .Heating <strong>System</strong> - Administration Building - pefferlawSubnission recelved from E. A. Binghma, Mt. Albert(a) Recommended by the Engineerinf committee that the work bedone on the Boller and Heating <strong>System</strong>, pefferl_aw.(r7)(b) submission received from Horder Brosr cenc€rning Zoningthe Heating <strong>System</strong>.Engineering committee recommended that this be deferredto a Later date .Discussion concerning Wal}ruay - WilLow BeachCouncillor SmockumReg-Councillor Pollock( 6 )The Engineering Committee recommend.sthat a letter be forrtrarded to Mrs.Barb McDonald, Lot 2f , Plan 281-,North Gwi]limbury that she has Ten(fO) days to rembve ced,ar hedge baclrher property line in order that theTownship. can complete the walkv,rayfrom Ifif#f,;t{te' Drive to the 6ttrconcession , Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> ,Carrigd., , . . , . . . . t o

$ngllegting,Comrnlttee Meetlng,April 25 r l97l .- Page 3 .-(18) DlsposaLslte # Z, Wards j & 6Commlttee lnformed that Slgns are ready and fencing Commel.c,r:c1,,Discussion concerning Bond of I'Ir. Tuck.Reg-Councillor Pollock The Engineerlng Committee recommendsCouncillor Snocltum that no tenderE be acncnt.'rl f^t f,]is6, 'ownshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>; AndQ) il#lf;ip'1,'3.5fi;?fiI.:*;g ' ili '"lilFating the col]ection rrarhap.rl l.llWardE 5 and 6-;; -*-**u"*-Ii-ofiie in^lng a cost factor ,corlectiorr oi- e*rbu[I-ifiijl"ol' I .1ndCarried...,.(fg) Dlscusslon concerning Cleaning Beaches and. Rmcl All-owancesIt was recoEmended that the Recreation Committee assurne the respons*lbility of cleanl+F ttp the Parks and, Road, At-t-ownaJes rather than Li:eEngineering Commlttee.(eO; Dlscussion concerning Tree plantlngIt was recommended that the E)rglneerlng Committee inve.qtinnro -tlrcfeasibll-itv of planting as qranf trees H* p"="iui* ;; 'R;;;"iiiool...,*. under the dlrection,,of-the Roah Superlnteirdent. Ree-Council_lorPol-lock and counctllor smockum'a cbrnmitt;;-;f-i*o'-iE prr"".ruproposal.thjs(ar)(a)Dlscusslon concernlng Entrance and Bullding permitsounciLlor Smockumeg-Councill,or pollock(a)'Errgineering Committee recommends 'i;hatentrance permits must be authorized i:vthe Road Supt. prior to the issuaneeof a Bulldlng Permit ,(u)Reg-Cor.mcillor PoLlockCouncillor Smockum( e )Carrlgdoe c . d c * D n I DBrgineering Committee recommends thatthe Bullding Inspector be author"izecl tolssue a Buil"dilg Permit for dwellingy1lhin R.s. iiL67,.1 part Block Ao n;p"477t North Gwi1l.) subject to **irerrr*eAppendix ttArt -ilreagreeing to con.structroads on same plan and subject toobtaining a Health permlt ind an Entr,*ance

Engineering Committee Meeting,April 21 , I97l.. .(c)(aa)Councillor SmoclrumReg-Cor.mci1lor Pollock(ro)Discussion concerning Roads* Page 4 -Englneering Committee recommends thatByron J.. Robertson be granted a buildingpermit to erect a residential homeon Part Lot 15, Concessj"on J, Tcr^rnshlpof-<strong>Georgina</strong>, ( Formerly North Gwill_)rsubjectto the approval of the Heal.thunit ancLthe issuance of an EntrancePermit from the Road Supt.Carrled.... ....i,r(a) Cor,mcil-lor Smockum It is hereby recommend.ed that the RoaciReg-Cor:ncillor Pol]ock Supt, be authorized to proceed with thcre-construction of AnnShella Drive andWinnifred Drive and the for( ] 1 )Sirncoe Street, and that a copy of thisresol-ution be fonrarded to VictorBardawill- Consulting Bngineer .Carrigd.... .......4(b) Reg-Councillor PollockCouncillor Smockum( 12 )( c) Cor-mcillor SmockumReg-Councillor Pollock(rr)Tt is hereby recommended that R. A,Garden, O.L.,S. be engaged to survey ilreeasement that the former North Gwill*imbury Township acquirecl from John RossMcNeil in 1967; a copy of this beforvrarded to Mr . Garden .Carried..r, .,...riThe Engineering Committee recommendspr"-! the acquisltion of property ownedby Mr. Ryan be acted upon in oriler thatthe road widening program can becompleted. ($ieir side road. )Carrigd. 4 . . . . . . . . +ftl) Discussion concernlng an employee for Road Department.It was reconmended that Mr.-Le1and Nelson be irired for theRe ds Department .(24) Discussion concerning welLon Road al-lowance - Frankl_inBeach referred to Engineering Committee to investigatefurther .(25)secretary lnstructed to write to the Dominion Red Machinerycompany thanking them for the,reception and hospitalityextended to them recently in Goderich.

Engineering Committee Meeting,April 2J , I97I ,- Page 5 -On motlon Cbmmittee adjourned.TEFDERSforSaleofBult_dozer1)2 )5)4)5)C'. Harding, Port BolsterR. Tizzard, KeswlckL, E. Arnold, PefferlawJ . E . HodginsDonal-d Dawson , Beaverton$200.0o105.00350.00250.00460.0oLIST OF TENDERS opened by Etrgineering*tolurRuarcCommittee.1) John Slessor, Newmarket 1g7l GM$2850.00R.S.T. 142.00$'aTqrffi2 )5)t+)5 )6)International Harvester,Newmarltet I97l InternationalArdill Motors, Sutton L97L ChevDoel Mercury Ford, Sutton l-?TI FordSteinberg Motor Sales I97J- DodgeDon Coffey Motors, Schomberg L}T;- Ford$2971,79$iots.z5s2889,59#2749.95$5120.60WEEDSPRAYHR1 ) Pfizer Company , Sarnia2) NJ-agara Chemical Ltd.R .S .T .Trade$2575.00al-g,75WTEgffi$1119.]"5290.00$ffif,e]f5

Engipeqrlng Committee Meeting ,April 2], f.97I,- Page 6 *IIST 0F TENDERS opened by Engineering Committee (ContrA)GRADBR1) Wabco Equipnrent Canad.a Ltd. paris,2) Dominion Road lvLachinery Sales God.erich- 2 - Five Ton Trucks$25r76r.75261912.5O1) steinberg Motors saLes williamsberg Dodge Frink Body$55r7O3,r92 ) Don Cof fey , $chombergFords $54 , 456 , 48t) Slessor, Newmarket$35,206,694) Doel- Mercury Ford , Sutton$]4,76L,1B5) fnternatlonal Harvester, Newmarket$f] , 9f5 .00t

-lf3MINUTES OF COUNCILO F THETOV{NSHIP OF GEORGINAIN ITIEREGIONAL MIJNICIPALITY OF YORKMonday, May 3, L97r.The Council of the Tovrrrship of <strong>Georgina</strong> met at 10,30 P.M. in theevenin4 in the Municipal Office at Sutton.',,re t-lhairman of the Council took the Chair and called the Membersto order.1. Members present at this meeting: Mayor Burrows, Reg. CouncillorPolrock, couneillors Burnie, clark, Larsen, Lyons, Poyntz, smockunand Weleh.BY-I,AWS*l-'Councillor LarsenThat By-Law No. 76, a By-Law toCouncillor Polmtzre-Zone a portion of the Township( 1 )of <strong>Georgina</strong> be introduced and read afirst and second times.Carrigdr , | . . . . | . .By-raw No. T5-Passed, s€flIed and signed by theMayor and Clerk.MOTIONSCouncillor LarsenBe*it resolved that the Council of theCouneillor LyonsTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> purchase the( 2 )propelgy (Lot 1, Plan ?48) known asJackson'g Point Parkette for the sLrmor s30 , 500 . 00,Cafried....r ,.rr..r.rr ,.rrrr.r.r rCounc illor SmockumBe it resolved that in addition to theReg. Couneillor Pollock fees for buil-ding permits prescribed by( 3 ) resolution passed the Z?nd day of March,1971, there shall be a fee of $:5o0.oocharged for the inspection and *qrprovalof plans of in the Township all buildings of be erectedUpon pSyqent td..the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>of sueh f6e of $500.00 and the feeprescrihed by resolution passed the ZZndday of March , l-97L, and provided that suchplans ?re apploygq by the BuildingInspector, a building permit shalf Ue||t2 ,

tl?issued certifyingCaffigd.such approval.I r I r | . . r | | . . . i r r r I rReg. Councillor R. PoIlocitCouncillor Clark( 4 )Be it resolved that the appllcationsfor building permits submitted byJr Cudworth' B1dg. lnspector behergb,y approyed by Cguneil and saidpermits be issued subjeet to finalaaprovalof the Building Inspector.Carrigd..rr....rrrr.rrrrr.Reg. Councillor PollockCounciLlor Smockum( 5 )That By-Laws No. 77, a By-Law toconfirm the proceedings of Councile introduced and read a first andsecond times,Carrigd..r. r.r.rrr..r ..rrr.BY-LAW N0 . 77-Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk,0n Motion meeting ad journed.MAYOR

I{IINUTES OF COUI{CILOF THETOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAin theREGIONAL MUNICIPAIITY OF YORKMonday, May 10, Lg?l.fhe Councll of the fownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> met at 7.30 P.M. in theevening in the Councll Chambersof the Administratlon Bulldlngin Fefferlaw.fhe Chalrman of the Councll took the chair and calledto erder.the Menbersl. Menbers present at this meetlngr lulayor Burrows, Reg. CounclllorPolroek, counclrlors Burnie, clark, Larsen, Lyons, Polmtz, Smoekumand Welch.2. ReS. Counclllor Pol1ock, seconded by Councillor Clark, movedthat the minutes of the Council Meetings of April 26, IgZl, aildMay 3, L97L, b€ confirmed ln the form supplied to the Members,whlch was carrled.*lDEFIIflATIONStt. A large number of eoncerned residents from the Jersey areaof the former North Gwlllimbury Twp. were present to discuss thevrater & sewage probletn and the restrletione put on septlc tankinstallatione & repairs ln this low lylng area.Mr. Burns, Director of Environmentel Health, Health Unitrspoke at some Length and assured the re$idents that his Dept. wouldrevlew all reJected permlts & that many of them would be approved.fhe pernanent solution, he felt, would be the lnstallatlon of water& sewers .Councillor C1ark introduced l{r. $quiresand IIlr. $quires toldof a proposed solutlon with the lnstallatlon of Koffer dams to lowerthe water table ln this area.fhe Mayor told the resldents that everyth"Ing was being doneto get sewer & water servlce in this area and thls should be donewithln the next three $€ars.5. Mr. Howard Graham of Keswlck, asked Council to consider aBy*Ia.w to prevent the burnlng of rubblsh. He also asked that a speedLtmlt be consldered for Woodycrest Avenue.* J2,Mr. Graham was asked to contact the By-Laws Offieerthe burnlng of rubblsh.regardingThe matter of a speed llmlt was referred to the EngineeringCommlttee.

-?-6. The Solicltor for the Estonian l.{onen's Assoc., who operate aChildren's Camp in the Udora area' asked Council to considerrellevlng the Aesoclation from the paynent of the balanee of the1970 taxes and the 1971 taxes on thelr canp property.The matter yrag refemed to the Csmulttee of Council forconsideration.COilIMUNICA-TIO}IS7. Fron Central Ontarlo Regional Developrnent Gotrncll reSpring Conference ,The foregoing communlcatlon yas noted and flLed.8.H,l.E. IiartLey Csnsultante Ltdr rG servicegnunioipalities ,To be presented under Motlons'provided for9 ,Dept. of Soelal and Family SerwlcesCltlzens ' Week,To be presented under Motions,Ontario $enior10.Mr. J.A. Crittenden re us6 of DDT in Holland Marshlllarlcet Gardens .[he foregoing eommunication was refemed to CouncillorLyone to be presented at a neetlng of the ConservationAuthoritlee.ffiEgRfS.1I. Councillor Lyons, seeonded by Councillor largen moved thatCouncil itself into Connlttee of the Whole to eonsicler thefollowing reports rReport No. 4 of the Englneerlng ComnritteeReport No. 5 of the Sngineerlng GonmltteeReport No. Lof the Flannlng ConnltteeReport No. J of the Recreatlon Committeewhich wae carried.The Chairman of the Counell chaired the Committee of the WhoJ.e.fhe Committee of the Whole arose.The Chai.rman of the Council reports that the Conmittee of thel'{hole had adopted the reports ag followsrReport No. k of the Engineering Conmlttee, wlthout anendnent.deleting C1ause( I) Fire Tnrchread "tendersReport No. J of the $rgineering Conmittee, byLOl that Clause m. (a) be amended to reed that'One'be purchasedl that Clause 4? (u) be anended so as towere presented for the purchase of a Sanl Van; that Item (a) beadded to Clause 4J as followsr'a oCterla drawlng bethe lntersection at Chureh $treet and the Queensway,of Georg ina',pre pared ofWard 3, I Townshlp3.

t3-Report No. 5 of the Recreatlon Counlttee be amended - ClauseJ0 be anreided by adding the rords "at Keswlclr" after the wordhDiamond, and by addinfi ttre words "at Keswlck' after the worde"balJ. field". Clause ja m anended by deLeting the words "tahencire ofi and addlng thb word "revl"ewed" so as to read "wi}l berevlewed by the Recreation Conmittee of Council"The reportof the 0orunittee of the Whole was recelved.Upon the questlon of the adoption of Report l'lo. 4 of theEigineerlng comnitteer wl-thout amendment, it was carried'Upon the questlon of the adoption of.Report No, J of theEirglneering CommJ.tteer f,$ anended, it was carrled.Upon the question of the adoption of Heport No. I of thePlanning Cournittee, wf,thout amendnent' it was carried'Upon the question of the adoptlon of Beport No. J of theRicreatlon Courmittee, aE amendedr it wae carrled.BY-I,AHSre.Reg. Counci1lor FollockCounsillor PoYnta( r )BY-LAW No. 78fhat By-law No. 78' a BY*Law toauthorize the sale of land beintroduced and r€ad a firet andsecsnd tlmeg.Carrigd..rr r....rtrr. .rtrrr- Passed, $€B"l"ed and signed by theMayor and 0lerk .I$roTr0N$13.CounciJ.IorCounell"lor( e )$mockumBurniefhat the Council of the Corporation ofthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> does herebyresoLve that as of the date of thepessage of thls resoJ.utisnr the bountypald f,or deetroylng of foxes iedlscontlnusd.Carrigd. t r I r t r | | r I r r r t r t I I I .Councillor SmoclrumCounclLlor Poynta( 3 )That !ilr. Walter Barrett be paid \i?,75per hour for his duties as Gatemanind tand FifI 0perator at Disposal$ite Number ?, l{ards 5 and 6, fovrnshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>, and to receive the samefringe benefits a$ the Roads DePt.employees .Carrlgd.. r . r | . | | r r r . r . r . r . r . r4.

ICouncillor WelchCouneiLlor Clark(h)Reg. Councillor PollockCounoillor Poyntr(5)-4That the Council of the Twp. of<strong>Georgina</strong> accept the tender price ofArt'g Garage, Queengville, for MasseyFerguson tractor and mower as p€rspeclfled price of lil?12.75.Carrigd. . . . . | | . . r . | | | | | t t tThat Howarf, Phoenix of Cedarhrae beoffered {11.6 ,000.00 for gravel on hisproperty W-i' Lot 5' Con. 1r and that ttobe pald $10'000.00 in 197f for the saldgravel and S6,000,00 in L97"r -subiectto a land survey, area 400' x 600'nore or LeEsr subject to the approvalof the Ontario Department of Highways.Caffigdrr.. ...rrr.r.. ..rer.Reg. Councillor PollockCouncll.lor Poyntz( 6 )That the Township $ol-icltor beinstructed to prepare deeds for thepurchase of land for road widening onWelr Slderoad fron J,R, Ryan' InstrunentNunrber 7606, Part 2 of R.S. File No.GI I 18, for the sum of $aoo.oo uponthe condltlon that a fenee be erectedon the said l-andl the said fence to beerected by the Township of Georglna.Carrigd.r r I r t t r I t r t I r I t | . r t tReg. Councillor PolLockCounclll-or Poyntz( 7 )Reg, Counclllor PoLlockCouncillor Fotrmtz( I )fhat a criteria drawing be preparedof the lntersection at Church $treetand the Queensway, Ward 2r fownship ofGeorglna,Carrigdrr.r .rf.r...t. .tttrtrThat Council favourably considers theresubnission of proposal Nunber T-?099? to subdivlde as submitted byMr. Saigon. It is further reconmendedthat the said proposaLof subdivisionbe refemed to Regional Authoritles forconsideration and review, after whicha final" evaluation of the nerits of theproposal can be undertaken by thieCouncll,Carrledf. . . r r I r . . | | | | . . r r ? r r5.

- 5-Reg, CouncilLor FolloekCounclllor Poytttz( e )That Resolution Number 6 of Aprllf9th, l.97;".r &s folLowsr"That Couneilapprove the appl-ications for resldentialBulLdlng Perrnits, subject to the finalapproval of the Bullding fnspector', ,be and the same ls hereby rescinded.Carrlgd.r.r r...r..rri r.rrrrrtCouneillorCounc illor(ro)ClarkSmockunThat the regular CounclLmeeting ofMonday, May 24th , I97L, be held onMondayr May 31 , L?VL .Carrled.. . r r r . . r . . r | | | t r . . I t rCouncillor PoyntzReE. Couneillor Polloch( 11 )That lt be and lt is hereby resolvedthat the By*Iraws 0fficer be enpoweredto proceed on his own inltiative wlththe necessary clean-up of any propertiesrequired under fovrnship By-Lawregulatlons in the anounts up to andlncluding $100.00 plus a S)fr proeessi.ngcharge and the recovery of costs nad,eagainst the property owrr€f,r Anythingover S100.00 to have mlninum of twotnvltational bids .Carrigd. | . r r . . r I r r r . | | r r r | |Counclllor Po5rntzReg. Couneillor Pollock(re)That authorization is hereby grentedto the By-Iaws Officer to proceed withthe clearupr after proper due noticeto the own€F, G. Tinoransky, I10 RobertStreet, Toronto, of property onLake Dlrve, Part of Lot 6, Concession8, fownship of Georglna ln aceordancewlth fovrnship By-Laws result of aflre on sa5.d property in lilay, 1970,Contract price ol $z5o.oo ptus jfrprocesslng to be charged against thi.sproperty and colleeted in the sa$ernanner as taxes .Carrigd.rrrrr.r...r.r.rrrrrCouncillor PoyntzReg. Councillor Pollock( 13 )That authorization ie hereby grantedto the By-Laws Officer to proceed withthe cleanup, after proper due notice tothe owrrer, Mr, ZvL Gindel, 925 Roselawn6,

Itlotions eontLnued-6Avenue, Toronto, of property Nr/$Base1ine, Concession Nine, Part l,ot 19,Contract quotetion for cleanup of thisproperty in accordanee with TownshlpBy*Law ls {Fl?00.00. Same to be ehargedagainst this property plus 5%, andcollected ln the sane manner as taxes,Carrigd. r . r r | . . . r r I r r r I r | . r ICouncillorCouncillor( 14 )lryonsPoyntzThat a new fire truch be purehased toserve the central area of the fovrnship.ALso that the truck chasis be purchasedfrom Ardill Motors of Sutton thelrsbeing the Lowest of two invltational bids.Carrigdrr . | | | | | | | . r . r I r . r r r r rCouncillor BurnieCouncillor Clark( 15 )That Councll of the township ofGeorglna offieially recognize SeniorCitlzen's Week June 20th to June ?6th,19?1.Carrigdr r | . I r I r | . r r . . . r r I e I r . .Reg, Councillor PollockCouncillor PoSmtz(16)That the severance application ofMr. C. Ronan be approved by thisCouncil subject to the approval of thefowrrship Engineer and returned to theMinister.Carrig d. , . r | . | . | . r ? . r o r | . r ' . .Reg. Couneillor PollockCouncillor Poyntz'-(u)That Council favourably considers thesubnission to subdivlde as submlttedby Messrs. I,ink & Horton. It is furtherrecormended that the said, proposal ofsubdivision be referred to RegionalAuthorltles for consideration & review,after which a flnal evaluation of thenerits of the proposal can be undertakenby this Couneil.Carried..r. r..rrrrrrr rrrrrr.._{}CounclllorCouncillor(18)WeIchPolmtzThat H.E. Har1ey Consultants Limited beengaged to tender j.nsurance requlre-7,

-7Ivlotions continued -nents in accordance with thelr letterof April 29, 197I, for a total fee of$900.00 plus advertlslng expen$€srCaffigd. . . . | | | . r r . . | . r r t t t . .Counc iLlor BurnieCounclLlor Lyons(rp)Thfl.t any menber of the Cqmmlttee ofAdjustment be aLlowed to attend theSpring Conference of the Gentral OntarloRegional Development Conncil on June8f9,10, r9?r and that they be alLowedall norrnal expenses for attendlngconventlons. fhe said Conferenee tobe held at the Cara Inn, Malton, 0nt.Sarrlgd.. . . r . | | r I r . . | . . . r . I rHeg. Councillor PollockCouncillor Foptz( eo )That Councll metnbers be allowed toattend $prlng Confereence of C0RDAJune I 10, 1971, ln Toronto and thatthey be allowed the usual expense$.Carrigd. . I r r r . . r r . r . . . . | . . r . ICouncillor LarsenCouncil-1or Smockum( 21 )that CouncllLore lYeLch and Clark andthe Engineering Comnittee be authorizedto proceed with plans of Koffer dansin respect to actuaLpriclng and costof inplenentation of sarte to reportto Cornmittee,Carrled.. . . I r I r r r . r I r r r r r . . r iCounclllor0ounclllor(22)LarsenlfelchThat the Treasurer be authorized topay the followlng accounts as perSchedules dated May 10, 1971rGENERAIT S56,2L7.33 as a.mended.(Item I12 deleted).FrRBr #3'47t;'92WATERW0RDS & SEI{ERSr tig,tO5.75RECREATIoN C0IfiMITTEET {F9,65Le8PoLrcE r {,xet , 668 ,70Carried. | . . I r r I r . r r r I r r I r . .8.

-8IRes. Councillor Follockcoilncillpp LyonsG 3 )that By-taw No. 79, a By-I,aw to confirnthe proceedlngs of Counell at itsmeeting held on May I0' 1971' beintroduced and read a first and secondtimeg.Caffied. I r r r r . . . I r r . . r r I r r r | | | | | |BY-LAW N0. 79Passed , sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk.0n Motl.on meeting adjourned.CHAIRMAN

tilIOWNSHIP oF GEOTiGTNAREGIONAI MUNICIFAII'TY OF YORKENGINBTHTNG COI/IHIITEE HEETINGREFORI NO " 4May 5 , LgTj.fhe Engi-neering Connittee of Council of the fownship of<strong>Georgina</strong> met at 4:]0 p,,m" in the Couneil Chaubers of theMr.micipal, Sutton, for the purpose of a specialmeeting.the Chairman +f tl:"+: Ccnuittee troc.'l: the. chair and. caI}ed.the neeting to ord"er"11. Members Preeent: Councillor Poyntz, Councillor $mockum"I32. The meeting was calLed to d.j-scuss the followingr(a) Ratify the Agreement for Garbage CollectionWard.s '1, 2 and. ]r(b) Ratify the Agreement for land.-tr'il}, Site No. 1,(c) Arrarlge Pick-Up Routes*1^Iard.s ! and. 6,(A) Wage Schedule * Fich-Up Men-Ward.s 5 and. 6.3j, Mr. R" laEue and. Mr" Laru;r [uck were present to dj-scussthe overl-apping of Garbage was agreed. that lir" Iuck would" prepare a echeduleto be presented. at the next regula:: Council meeting.5a(") It was ssgsmm€nded. by Engineering Committee that l-,aruyTuek be appointed as Sub-Foreman for the SanitationDepartment-at a salary of $t?6,00 we,ekly (+0 ttour week) al-1- f}:'' f:i.[ge lre'nef:.ts .cf ti.e Road,s Department-,AIso Mr" luck is hereby authorized. to supervlse theGateman at Disposal Sites No' I and. 2"(U) It was recomfler.'.1ed" by the Engineering Conmittee thatI{r. John Tugeil, b€ hirerl. on a lmonth probationaryperiod. at a w€e;k}.i' -qalary of $fOO"QO, plus fri-4gebenefits for the Sanitation Department, Ward.s j and. 6"( c ) It was recoflill,errded- 'Lhat Glen l]a]es be hlred. as aternporary man fr.rr the $anitation Department at therate of S14,OO per d.ay plus frin64e benefits.On Motiorr Committec /tcljcurnec""

IOWNSHIF OFGEORGINAREGIONAI UUNTCIPA.IITY OF YOHKENGfNDERING COi"IHITTEE YIEETINGFEPORT NO .{.[hursd.ay, I{ay 6, 1971 "[he Engineering Committee of Counci] of the Townsirip ofGeorgiila_ rngt aE 7 :]O,p , n" in the Counoil $hambersof theMunic ipal Build-ing , Sutton'The Chairrnan of the Committee took the chair and. called t'hemeeting to ord-er,55. Members Present: Councillor Poyntz, Mayor Bumows,Reg-Councillor Poll-oek, Councillors lryons, \nlelchr16, DeleHations:- Hr" All-an E. At*yrF.EnS"r PIr, I'likeCrompton and. i{r. Ed", Inouye ol theOntario net with Committee tod.iscuss Street T-,ighting Agreem.entswith the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.After consid.erable d-iscussion it was recommend.ed. tiratthe proposal be forward"ed. in writing to IIr' G.Mintz , Engi-ne er*Admini. strator '(t) t{r. Fra4k Nashl By-law gfficer net with Corupittee todiscusJ procedfre-:'c:r: enforcing By-law No ^ 32,It was recommended that the By*Ilaws Officer be proceed- on his own initiative with the necesEarJrclean-up of arry properties required" TownshipBy*Iaw regulations in the amounts rrp to and. includ-ingS1OO,O0 pl-us 6. 1'rt precessing charge and- the recovery ofcosts mad-e against the property owner"It was recoil]mend"ed that authorization be granted- to Byf,awsOfficer to proceed- with the clean*up, after propeild.ue notice to 1hb owner, G. Timoralskyr 11O Robert St"Toronto, of property on lake Drive, Part lot 6-r.Con' poTownship of Geoigina, in acco::d.ance with Township By-Iawresult bf fire on said property in I{ay 1970. Contractprice of $fl5O.OO plus i1/, procbssing to be charged- againstthis property and collected in the sarne manner as taxes.Coumitteb reconmend.ed. that Two quotations should. bereceived. for estinates in excess of S'100.00'(c) Mr. Roy Carter, Inspeclg{ apPeared- beforelcmmittee and. presented. his Pernit report forrrrj-I, 197,1,'The Report was received", noted- and- filecl'

2-(d) Mr. Heinz Strobel appeared. before Committee to inquireabout the install-ation of water and. sewers for theTown House d.eveLopment , Sutton.IIr. Strobe] was informed. that until an agreement isisigned" no-action nay be taken for such install-ations,Ehe final-iaing of the Ageeement was referred. to G" ltinta,and Hr. V. Bard.awil-I"17 . RO/,X$'(a) Discussion concerning Expropriation of Land-BaldwinCommunication received froru Solicitor.It was reconnended. that the Counci-I accept the proposalof the solicitor to pay the su.lo of S25OO"OO for thepurchase of the ]and.; and furthermore the installationof the uulvert and. the erection of the fence(B ]ine1 wood.) be done by the fownship Fubl-ic Works employees,"(n)( c )(d)( e ) for Road wid.ening - Weir Sid.eroad".fhe Engineering Conmittee recommend.ed. that the [nwnslrip$olicitor be instructed. to prepare d-eed.s for the purchaseof 1and. for road wid.ening o..n Weir sid-eroad. frorn J. R, Ryanfnt. # 7OOA, Part 2, R,S; # G1-I-181 for the sum of $200.upon the cond-ition that a fence be erected on the saiclIand., the sai-d. fence bo be ereeted. by the Township ofGeorgtirna.Di-scussion concerning By-Law # lAjA-N.G. No Pa::kingChurch Street to Boyers Rpad.rBy-Iaw to be checked. and- amendments consiclered. forregulating parking for the above noted..Well - Frankl-in Beach Road..Referred to Road. Dept. d.rtd By-lawe Officer,Communication - J.W.H. Day - KinS $treetReferred" to G. l{intr, Hngineer,Hater&sewersDlscussion concerning install-ations of laterals prior toconstruction of l-'akeshore Road..Refemed. to G" lTintzo Engineer.19.40 .d* t"*Walkway * I'Ips. B. IicDonald- -Ced"ar Hed.geDue to a minor accid.ent, insurance claim, etc".I{r. Nash to photograph and. action be he}d. uppend"ing eottl-ement by Insurance Co.STREEI T,IGHTINGDiscussion concerning street lighting -on Local. Improveraentof General Rate,It was sssprnrnend.ed. by the Engineering Conclittee that theStreet lighting for the Town"ship of <strong>Georgina</strong> be put enthe general mil-l- rate.

} .^-d ..*+:f'_L r,_,ze"*t*+1 . tr'1re+2.+1.( a)(b)1Discussion concern:ing Fire TrucksIt was l.sssmm€nd.ed. by the Engineering Comr:nittee thntTwo (2) new Fire Trucks be purchased. for the Townsirtip ofGeorgi-na and" 'a;rnent to be spread. over two years'Reconnend.ed. that By-laws be prepared to establish aFire Departrnent in the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>r toPartiqipate in Mutual Aid, and the agreements wlthother municipalities be rt -tewed..GarbaHe( a ) Discussion concerning charges for garbage coll-ectionin the Township, Ward.s '1r 2) 1, 5 and. 6.The Engineering Committee requested. furthe:: stud"y tobe done in this regard- before a decisi-on is reached'l4arkham [ownship proposes to set up Garbage Areashowever have not d.ecid.ed. whether to charge a fl-at rateor rnill rate. + I/r- \ D-teaPtli r'f\t/'/ Tend-ers werero++srd. for the Purchase of a Sani Van1) General l"lotors ttueenswayGl'lC Sani \Fn - NewS 17r7O+,Qo2) Elgin rlotoreI'ord. Sani Van New 17#60.001) Sicard. (Dernonstrator -l,0OO Miles)1 j ' 965 , ooIt was sssemmerded. by the Engineerins Cornmittee thatthe Sicard. Sani Van be purchased. at a price of$',l5r965.00,Other Business :Application was received. from GuIf Oil- - for lnstal-lationoi*underground tanks' Dal-ton Hoad -suttonIt was rEcom.nend.ed. that the Build-ing l;spector beauthorired. to issue a permit for this npplication.Discassion coneerning purchase of Gravel Pit'It luas recpurnend.ed that Howard- Phoenj-x of Ceti.arbrae,be offered. $'16rOO0.OO for gravel Fit o+ 4i9-FropertyWl6 l-,ot 5, Con. '1, and. thathe be paid- S10'O00.OO.in1971 for'the said pit and t[6'000'00 Ln 1972r-subiectto the approval of-the Dept".of Highways of Ontario.

'fl$' {rttSOWNSHIP OF GFONGINAHEGIONS.I, l'iiIiffCIPAITryOP YORI(PT,AI{NING COI'II{ITTEE I'IEETING_RHPOFINq"lMond.ay , U"y 3 t 'l 97 1 .flhe plannins Conmittee of Oouncil of the [ownshSF of .Seorglnauet a ?t1,0 i.n, in the Council Charnbers of the MunlcipglBuilding , Sutton.The Chairman of the Cornmittee took the chair and 'oal}ed" themeeting to ord"er.1 . l{embers pre sent : IlayorBurrows , Reg-Cou4c iU-or Po llock-t0ouncill6rs Burnle,-Clankn Larienr-T:yons, POyntar $mockunand" \{e}ch.2r--'#(a)Ur. Norm Davies of Keswigk, spokesman f_o; a laryEe gToltp - ' _oi ratepayere requested iniornation_with. {9SarO to futureaevelopireirt in tlre area d.ue to the .-llopositign_offurtherrestri*ctions 9f the Separtnent of llealth and. Soci'aJ-Services Hea1th UnitrA aonmrrnLcation 1lIaE received. and read explaining thechange of policy re lot slze, requiremente and' conditionsfor Septic Tank applicati&orls rftre ]4a]or spoke -tnat tb-tb# gfgup in more d.etail aqd. sumnarized"by stiting the Cor.mcil is working closelV_with theO-.I,I.R.C. for the inplementation of sewer instal.Iations inthe near future."(U)Mr. - ' John IJink & I1r. Donald" HortoEi presente+ a proposedplan 6f Subd.ivision *lgtq1- and. -ArConcession was moved- a:rd. second.ed that the Plan be received and.referred to the Township Engineer, I{r. G. }Iintz'(c)I"Ir. V. Raiend requested- prog4ess_report on F1ein ofSubd.ivision for sunmer tro[Ie oeveropn€rt! rMr. Raiend. was inforned be could expect a reply fromRegiona} P1anning Cepartment within two geehs.(d.)$r, *-'Lot S, OnyschuJr.presentqd a Broposed Pf"t-t of ubdivieion11, C"oncessibn 1 and 3 Plan qf q four-plgT to beerected" on Part lots 1+t15t46 and '170 PIan-179'-It was moved. and. qggonded. that two proBosals of Hr.Onyschuk be refsrreq' to tloWnship Engineef, I1lr. G. flIintz.4^ PIr. Mhrray Pound, l1lr. Harold Wargon and I{r, Don Knightoi- t[* nlhion of 'YorJr Planning ilepartrnent were pnesent and.plr, poundl Commissioner of Plarrning Departnent reported. onthe, followingl(a) Satgon Plan of Suhf,ivi.eioh - tll, Saigon has agreed tore-Eubrnlt a proBoeal"on a sxilaller scalet d.esigned' so thateorrnections bouid, read,lly be mad"e to sewer connectionswhen installed'.

.rns@cHPage 2 -(b) Rack Plan of Subd,ivision - wlll likely be recorynended. byRegJ-ona1 Plarrning Department withln two weeks aftera joint meeting with the flownship Errgineer and. RegionalPlannlng.(s) Severances and. land- Severance Connittee - Con4trttee wasinforned. that a letter had. been forward-ed. to the Chririrnanof the Region from the Flinister in reference toappointins a Trand. Severance Cornnittee.4. COHMIJNICAIIONS :5,(S)X'rom Mrs" A. W" Chapnan, Wood. Rivera one foot reserve .fhe foreEoi.nq coilYrtunication hiasto Mr. cl t'Iittzn Engineer"EL'AI{S(") ZrRad.oj,vic -PIan of Subd.ivision -Lro_t 25L Cgr+oeeslon 6.plan*raras received and. referred. to Inlr, G. l{lntz, Townshi-pEngine er.(b) l{r. J. Steinlrage- Plan of Subd-ivision - Lfrt eef Ooncession'1 r 'Plan Ud.ora.teceived and' referred' to Mr' G' Plintz o [ownstripEngineer.(e) I{rs, c. Grape, P}an of subdivisiOn, Irot '18r Goncession1 , Uddra,pLanilas received and. referred to lir. G. Mintz, TownshipEngineer.( O) Mr. lnlPaybon *Build"ing -Pgrnit_forBoathouse .ComnuniLation received" from Department of l,ands qnd!'orests a Buxvey by F- _8, Gard.en, o.T,nS.The ioregolng corununication noted. and- referred. toTov'rnshiP Bngino€rr(e)Acres regard.ingnoted. and. refexred.IIr, R. Armstrong Mr. Joyce -Plan ofleBlesentinsSubd.ivision, I,ot 5, Concession 1'plan received. and- referred- to {lownship Engineer.,l;,6. SEVERANCES :It moved. and. secorrd.ed- that the several lFplicationsfor**rr*=*rr**"- fto* the Minister be referued' to Comittee ofnAjusinent for recommend-ations to Council.?. OTIIERBUSINESS;(a) trailer Park -$tremos - Conmittee requires a moreco*p=*hensive plan of the proposa] before any actioncan be taken.(u) sincoe sports cent1g. lt*i .Parachute club.Request h t*tt*r with af,flitional infornation at the verJireaftiest convenience '

tt(c)(d)(e)(f)(e)(h)Page-1-Watson - Retunn of Iran'i (Road)Solicitor r,vill ad-viseFahey & Haronie ZoningHtddleton - zoningReports not availabl-eBrown Camps ltd-lo Tretter to M-ayorit-#a*no?ed.' and'seoond.ed. that this be tabled"'Ontario -I, - Occupancy Permits*rbceived, noted' hnd' filed''Garrett * lands and Foreets - Llater lot OccupatiQn'It was rnoved. and- second-ed. that wHffiSAS there abeno water lot ifJ"t**s of occupatiot-t i*,effect forf,ne u*A of lratu Si**o* opposite Lote ?4, 21, 26..2?. 28, 29 snd IOr Plan $4;ftffr itilnfiEis r""ee 'aespoiis 'of firl hqve beenAdpua i" tne UEA of l,alte Si$coe 6n fr-ont ofthese lots ;ngiEnm,Ong tne Corrneil of the llownehi'_rof <strong>Georgina</strong>;;q";;+* tft*-nepartner-rt of land-s and Foresfis tahe;ii action neceisary to xemove the fill and'restore the area to* its natural condition''On t{otionCommittee Ad'journed'',t

TOI4IIISH]P 0FGB0RGINAREGIOHA.I MUNICIFJITJITY OF YOFKRHCREATION CO}'IYIITIEE i'IEETTSGREPORTNOJtrWed.nesd.aY, IIaY 5 , 1971 ,The Recreation Committee of Council of the TownsEip.of <strong>Georgina</strong>n*ip.rtrr in the Counci] Chambers of the St:niclpalB:ailding, "t-?tiO Sutton.[he ChairmaLof the Commj-ttee took the chair and calIecl themeeting to order'4€ . Hembers Present : Councittor Smockunt I'I-qygr- Burrows tcouncillors Burnie, clark, larsen qnd. welch.Advisory Committee 'members ': Bn 'nJ, I-,amb, D. Plercer.repairs and rnaintenance+?, FIx. Wrn. Clark presented- a Eeportou'for the H,emoriat Arena in Sutton'Ihe report was aceepted- and- referred' to the Arena Conmitteeof Sut-ton for futher studY.4S;49.50.IIrs. A. Whitcombe, Suttono l{rs. F; Allwright^and. Hrs. Ciifia3, - Keswickrmemtiers of . the Figure Skating Clubs werepres6nt to diicuss Ice [i-rne for the coming.F-?3*?*:[he sched-ule d;;tfit up by the Director received' the approva]of the Skatiin$ Clubs.It was soggesfied #hat a conmittee be formed coneisting;i (il tw[-menUers from eacb- Clubsr executive and(n) one member at largetopresent a BroBosaf foi tne standard.ization of fees forta)-rle*uer's oi the tr'igure Skating CIub arrd"(n) pa;rrnent of fees to the-Pros'-Storife^pi*** for costt-Lnes & Piops feferred' to Director.I{r. E. Strongman and. }Ir. Wm. Wa}sweer of the Peffer}awf,ionsr Club dttEnAed to discuss a site for the proposedIce facility in the Fefferlaw I'TQa'It was rsssmm€nd-ed- that Mr. Mintz, Errgineert SgungillorS;" ;k,r.; Ilr; R"*f.Ef , Oi"**tor ald 'memEers of the J''ions ICj-ub meet to visit inO. inspect alternate sites for thefaci-Iity.llr. Jerry Oatmari, presld'ent-:of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Ilinor Baseballi;;d;-*6t ti;rt--irt-e committee to d-iscuss the prosrarl of thecoming season.A request was mad-e for more diamond-s i'e*2 :-ili[J"l-4 - Keswickr '1 * willow Beach'Nr.mberoffea:nsSutton - B BoYs f GirlsKeswick- 14 BbYs'1'1 Gir1s

t50.51 ,E*(Cont ' a)Hr' oatman suggested that a rrew backstop was needeciestinated. cost of S2280.O0.that work r**-nLeA.eA -on-the *,nainage d.itch on left-/r-I*--side of Diamond+'l-/i-Rec*Dire c bo r rJport e{ o+ =9he P5ff're s s of llght sfor the BaIl- fiel-dg, F -/t

1-,7 , Other Business IIt was recornroended by the Recreaticn Cornrnittee tha'blWIIBREAS-;-;e"est haL been received. from the Trappers(irssociation asking that paynent of FoT,Bounty in theforuer North Gwillimbury Township be discontinued- a-ndthe control of tr'oxes be left to the Trappers' toharvest in a more useful and- profitable xranner;THEHEtr'0Ij.E' the Council of the [orvnship of Georgirurconcur5 witn this request and- woulJ heret'y rescindtheresolution passea Uy tfre forner North Gwillillbrrr'ilCouncil Pertaining to Fox Bounty.0n Motion Cornmittee .r^rdjourned".t

.ltIOI/NSI{IPOF GEORGINAlist of Tend.ers for [ractor lawn Piower1 )A-rt ' s Garage , Q,ueensville , Ontario 'I'lassey Ferguson Tractor& IlowerTrad.e-In alJowanceRST "TOTAI155O-OC)i71"OO1111"0os #tE2)Rivered"ge Marirre, K+swick, Ontario'1g?1 Allis Chaln"ers Power Electric flractor48tt Mower for tractorTotalfrad.e-In AllortanceR$TTotal1162,OO256.OO'l 61 I . 40]40.401278"0061 ,gOT54T"*g.'flil South Shore $ports, QueenswflYr Keswick{-'lzliP J ens Tractor1 +2" RotarY lllowerflrad.e-In A]l-owanceRSTTotal.1598"00299,00$ 1697 . OO.3O0-00$ 159? , OO69.85$ '1466.85llend.ers for $helter & Confort Station1) Jemy t{cAuliffe, Sutton $ 1695"002) Jack Kel}y, Roches Point $ 1165'00The Shelter Tend.ers referred- to EngineeT.

MINUfES OF COUNCIIof theTOI{TNSHIP OF GEORGINAin theREGIONAL MUNICIPATITY OF YORK. rtIt/londay, May jl, 19?1.The council of the fownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> met * p.M. in theeve_ning in the council Chambers or {ne Adminisiritlon nuiiains inPefferl:.w,The Chairman of the Council took the Chalr and calledaroer ,the Members toI" Members-Present at this_rneetingr Mayor Burrows, Reg. CouncillorPollock, councillors Burnie, clark, LIrsen, tvo""l iiyntrr snockumand We lch ,2^ councilrll Lyono, secondgd by couneirror Lar$en, moved thatthe ninutes of the council meeting bt Mat i0, tgZil-[L confirmed in theform supplied to the Members, which was 6arrieo.'DEPUTATIONS3. Mr. Marhof asked Council to issue a Building Permit for afr comrnercial business on his property, Part Lot ill, Fran- ij: ii,ieshore-= Roq{, Jackson's Point' Tentative ipproval had'been gi.'*fr'f;; thls in]-968 be the former Sutton Council. -rtrematter was referred to theftrgineer-Administrator for final approval,4, M"F. .M.- Gi-llan, York County School Board Trustee informedCouncir that the Board was considLring disposing of severai unuseaschools in the Township. She suggestdd that tnE councii cJn{act tneBoard as soon-as-possible and leT-them know whether or not theTownship would rike to purchase any of these schooLs,COMiVIUNTCATTONS*J5, From the Town of Aurora re Annuar Art show and sare,The foregoing communication was noted. and filed,6"7,fiI'roru. the_Region of York re Federal-Frov incial-MunicipalSpeeial Development Loans program.The foregoing conmunication was noted and filed.From_the Region of York re Iricensing of Auctioneers,The foregoing communication was noted and fil_ed.F"g* Gecrgina-broek Hortlcultural'.r,society re annual grarrt.r' .r'7 : ' RilatliCc. *:.mitt.:e. meet ing re Budget.J? ,

-?,Communications continued -9, Fbom the Kinsmen CIub of Sutton West re use of Jackson'sPoint Parkette and u$e of loudspeakers,To be presented under Motions.10. From Buster Taxi Ssrvlce re taxl license applicationlfire foregoing communication was referred to theTaxi Committee,11. From South Shore Taxi re trandfer of licensetThe foregoing communication was referred. to theTaxi Committee .REPQRTS12. Councill-or Welch, seconded by Councillor Clark moved thatCouncil resolve itself into Committee of the Whole to consider thefollowing reports rReport No . J of the Hrgineer*AdministratorReport No. I, of the Hrgineering CommitteeRsport No. ? of the hrgineering CommitteeReport No. 1 of the Fire ComnitteeReport No, 6 of the Recreation ComrnitteeReport No. ? of the Planning Committeet which was carried,The Chairman of the Council chaired the Committee of the Whole.The Corunittee of the Whole arose,The Chairtnan of the Council reports that the Committee of the Wholehad adopted the reports as followsrReport No . 3 of the Ergineer*Administrator , without amendment .Report No. 6 of the Engineering Comnittee by arnending Clause50 by adding the words "if no water found" so that it now read "costto be half price if no water found". Report No. 7 of the Ehgineering Committee by amending Clause54 (b) by adding the words "a half a mile west" so that it now reads"reconstruction on road Lot 18, Cons. ? and 3 be completed a half amlle west rReport No. I of the Fire Cornnittee, withoutamendment.- Report No. 6 of the Reereation Committee by amending Clause63 by adding the word "Recreation" so that it now read "referued toRecreation Director ". By amending Clause 64 (d) by changing thenumber J5 to the nunber '70". Bv Clause 67 Uy aetetingthe word "reported" and adding the word "enquired" so that it nowreads "Councl-llor Burnie eneui-red"1 By deleting Clause 68 .(b).3.

t Reports continued -3*,- , Report No, 2 of the Planning Cornrnittee by amending ClauseIt(b) by deleting the words "Robert Draper" and adding tne words"Mr. John Hopkins Jr , "The report of the Committee of the Whole was received.upon the the question of the adoption of Report No. J ofthe Ergin e e r-Adm in i s tra to r , without amendment , it was carrie d .Upon the question of the adoption of Report No, 6, ofthe Ergineerirg committee , as amended, it was, carried.lpotl the question of the adoption of Report No, 7 of theEngineering Committee, as amendedi it was carried,upon the question of the adoption of Report No, I of theFire Committee, without arnendment, it wis carried.Upon the question of the adoptlon of Report No. 6 of'the .:ecreation Committeel as amended, it was carried,Upon the euestion of the adoption of Report No. Z ofthe Planning Committee, as arnended, it was earried.13. Couneillor lyons reported that the Finance Committee of theSouth Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority was looking into the matterof the Holborn property. The L97O Auditor'$ Rsport of the Authorityhad been circul'ted to the Councilmetrrbers.14, The Canj-ne Control Report for 19?l was given by CouncillorLyons .15. The April report of the Watenrorks Superintendent was readby the Clerk .16. councill-or crark informed the counei] that the Dept, ofLands and Forests u,irs looking into the malter of the diicharge offirearms at present and a report would be lvallable in the nef,r City of St. Catharines - re resolution.This ma'bter was tabted.l-8. councillor Lyons That the Couneil of the Tovrnship ofCouncillor Burnie <strong>Georgina</strong> does hereby authorize tte0ntario Humane Society, York County4.

-4-Motions continued -Branch, to hold it's Annual Tas Davon-Friday evening, Sept, ?hth , Lgl\,and on Saturday, Sept. ?Sth, Lg?L',-'in the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Carfiedo.r4r.rre,rrrrICouncillorCouncillor( e )LyonsSmockum!t*! upon the recomrnendation of theErgineering Committee the Road authorized to continue the roah workin the Estonian Surnmer Home Associationas was carried out in the 6r.rorrr.r r.ICouncillorCouncillor( 3 )SmockumLyonsIh"! upon the recorrunendation of theErgineering Cornmittee the jload Supt.oe aurhorized to proceed with thereconstruction of Weir Sideroad,Lo-t f8, lg, Concession"S, for a d.istance -to -*"*of approx, one ( I) mil_e , subj**tthe_-approval of the Ontario iepartmentof Highways .Carriedrrt, !.r?..rr.. ,..Council]orCouncillor( 4 )LyonsSnockumItr*! upon the recommendation of theEngineering Committee the Road Supi. bebe authorized to proceed withreconstruction of Township Road Lot Ig.Concessions z and j, for i aistance ;i'one-half (+) miIe,-subju*i to the_fpFroval of the 0ntario Department ofHighways .Carrigd.r..,r.r.rr.rr.rrrrCounciltorCouncillor( 5 )LyonsSmockumlnu! upo! the recommendation of theErrgineering Committee the Clerk be andis hereby authorized to F"epare a By*Lawestablish+rc q J0 mile per irour *p*6a--'''Iimit on the fo I l_owing : - Wa It u" n"i"*Annsheita,Driveo Lake Drive betweenilgutg No, SBZ ald EZZ, frene Drive,Adeline Drive, I{innifred Driv*,-p*"tcw*yAvenue , Cedarholme avenuel* woodyer;;i-"Avenue, George Street and $hirlea-ilfrra.,subject to the .:;pproval of the Ontario-'Dept, of Transport.Carried.rrr rrrr.rrrrr rr5 .

-5-Motions continued -CouncillorCouncillor( 6 )SnockumLyonsThat upon the recommendation of theErgineering Committee the Road hereby authorized to cal-l for tendersfor surface teatment on Township Roadssubjeet to the approval of the OntarioDepartment of Highways .carriedr... ...rrrrrr. r..r'Councillor We1chCouncillor Lyons( 7 )That Councillor Larsen be appolnted tothe Cemetery Board for the period of2 years 1971 and L972,Carrigdr . r . r | . | | | o I r | | r | . .CouncillorCouncillor( I )LyonsPoyntzThat the Fire Chiefs' of the area FireDepartments in the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>be permitted to purchase Fire Equipmentas per schedules hereto attaclled tothii resolution, Pefferlaw,$600. 00.sutton, $2800.00. Keswick, $900.00.Carriedrrrr .rrr.rrr.r .rrrCouncillor LarsenCouncillor Welch( e )That the Cemetery Board be paid anadvance of 1i600,00 of their proposcdBudget for L97L,Carriedr..r .rrrr..rr. rrrrCouncillorCouncillor( ro )C1arkSmockumThat a cheque for sum of +15.00 be sentto William Browne for token appreciationof professional service re waterwitching in North Gwillimbury Park toreimburse Cec Sedore for water sme11ing.Carrigdrrrrrrr.r.r'rrrr.rReg. Councillor Pol"IockCouncillor Polmtz( r r )That the Engineer-Adninistrator be giv enthe authority to expend an amount not toexceed {l'500.00 prior to approval ofCounc i1.Carriedrrr. .r.rrrrrrrr.rrCouneillor ClarkCouncillor Welch( 12 )fhat a sum of up to {i10,000 beappropriated to proceed .immediately witha pilot project to install eoffer damsto lower the water table in the area6 ,

-6-l/loti-ons conti-nued. -from Beverly Isl-es to trttynhurst Beach,This being necessary to carry out ouragreement ',vith York Regional HealthUnit at meeting of May 1O, I97I.Tabled,..o.. .r... r...Reg. 0ouncillor PollockCoulcillor Po;mtz( lt )That the Road Superintendent check treeson South Park Rd, to ensure that anytree-cutting be on a highly selectlvebasiso and that only enough treesbe cut off the publlc road. allowanceto provide arbess to the proposed"parking area .Catried.rfr,r,,rr,Councillor SmockurnCouncil-l-or l-,yons(r+1That the Kinsmen C]ub of Sutton ttrestis hereby granted. permission to usethe Jaeksonjs Point Parkette for theirAnnual- Kin0arnival to be held SaturdayJuly 5, 1971; and. that they also bepernitted. to use loudspeakers toad.vertise this Carnival in thecommunity on Frid.ay, July 2 and. Sat*urday July 3 r I97I"CarrieclCouncillorCouncillor( 15 )CouncillorCouncillor(16)lVelchLyonslyonsLarsenThat the Engineer*Adninistrator ishereby authoriaed to investigate andgive final approval for the issuing ofa permit for a commercialbusines on the property owned. by F.Marhof, Pt. Lot 74, PJan 73, LakeshoreRd, , Jackson's Point.l''!n r"niarlIug'rrrlhat the To'nnship Engineer beauthorized- to send. out invitationalbids to American lanance, King Seagrave,C.E. Hickey & Son and. Nord.j-e fnternational-to tender for a Fire Fumperto be fitted to the truck to besupplied" by Motors of Sutton.Camied. .l'7 .

-7-Motiorrs continued. -Counsil-]orCouncillor(rz)ClarlrPollockThat the [reasurer be authorized topay lhg fol-lowing accounts as per -Schedules dated. Muy Jt, ]9ZI:ROADS - S57,+gg. 51Calrigd...,. r ,... ..,.CfITERBUEiINESS*.19" G. Mintz-, Ehgineel*Adn inistrator was still i-nvestigatingthe complaint of ulr. Maroni of rsland Grove, regarding abesidential area By-Law contravention.20. Thg passes for area residents for fovrnship Parks etc. arenot compreted to date, A Brochure wil-I be nailed outin the near future .21. The nelu office in Keswick wirt be opened. as soon aspossible a.fter June 15.??. A neeting with the ontario water Resources water and sewers will be held. Late in June.21.+ c_onplaint- a property on sheppard. Avenueis being taken care of by Building Tnsp-ector Jack CuELworth.2+'Heg. CouncilLor pollockCouncillor Welch(re)BY-I-,AW NO . BOThat By-Law No. 80, being a By-lawto confj-rm the proceed.ings ofCounci] at its meeting held on May11, L97L, be introduced. and read. afirst and second times.Caffied-rrrr r {..r.,.,Passed., sealed and signed by theMayor and. Clerk .tOn X.{otion meeting ad.journed.CHATRUIAN

IlReport No . JFor consid.eration bythe Council11 May, 1971CHAIRIUAN AND MMIBSRS OF COUNCIITOSNSHIP OI' GEORGINAThe annual conference of the Associetlon ofMuniclpal Clerks and. Treasurers of Ontario will be held atDelawanna Inn, Honey Harbour, Ontario, June 20 to 24inclusive. The registratlon fee ie S'1O.0OIt is reconnended that the fo]lowing Tdro are membersof the Associatlon attend the eonferenee and. be grantecLreglstratj.on fee and. uormal expensesiE, Waggett * C1erkR. Rekis - Assistant TreasurerJ. Oke * Offlce ManagerRESPECTFTILLY SUBMITTED ,G. Mintz, F. Eng. ,Engineer i,d.ministrator .Fefferlaw, Ontario ,May 51 , 197'l .

--,r[h'.ih".i-t r-uIOI.INSHIP OX' GEORGINAHEETONA]' ITUNICIPTIITY OF YORKFf,A}iNIT{G COUMIT$EE }IEETTNO,REPORT NO.. 2Mondayn l{ay 1f, 1971 ,The Planning Conmlttee of Council of the fownshiB of <strong>Georgina</strong>met'at 7r]0 p.m. ln thrc Council- Chanbers of the MunicipalOffic e , Sutton.The Chaj.rurn of the Conmittee took the chair and called- theneeti.:rg to,B. l{embere Presentr $qyo.r Burrows, Reg*0o:unci}1or Pol}ock,Q,oqncillore Burnie, Clarko larsen,, lyone, Fo;mtzo Sm,ockunand. Wetch; "' "' ' :o9. DEFUTATIQNS I(a) Mrs. G. Frledrichs appearef, on behatf of FIrs. $hropshireconcerni-ng the unopened portion of fs osncession, N.G.thls was referred, to the Engineering Cosmittee.(b) l1r. tJ. Schleuter regarding a aharlge in zoningBy-1aw.This was refemed. to C. Chirnside, Btd.g. In$pector.(c) flr. lt" Betel, Solici.tor representi-rt$ orrnxers of T.rots ond.e-regLstered. plan # 179 requeste df,rectlon from th,ePlanning Comnittee for proceed.lng wlth an ord.erlyd.evelopment .I{r. Betel wae lnformed. that the Planning Cornnnitteewould. be receBtive to a new propoeed plan of subd.ivision.(A) mr. Iglar of lglar & lobe, Solicitore, representingMr" Jaanpark presentod. a sketch to illustrate d.escriptionsof Fart of lots 1 and 2.- Highwey ltr$.llxo lglar w+g informed. that qAJr proposal must com6in the fsrm of a pnoltoeed. pfdn of"'iiubdivision.(e) Itr. Ben .Tohnson orfirer of acreage on Ba,geline requested.guidance for further severances,Ehe Conmj-ttee fecornmended. that a proposed. plan ofsubd,ivision be presented. for conslderation"(f) Hr. Iglar repleesnting PIr. J" Znmrnlt spoke ln regard" tod-evelopment of the property owned. by Mn. Zanmit and alsouade reference to the letters sent out by the Health Unit.PIr,. Iglar wae inforged. by the Connittee that it was0orrncilrs policy t,o accept only proposed. plans of$ubdivisl,orrl 4pd. the juriqdiction of the Health Unit didnot cone from Couno*l.s and. wae appl-i,oable to alLa.reaswithin the llegion of York,

;.i .-, .; .. .,.. , ..r. :lh;."r t il"j:.'"r4r:.1: li:+t;ti*,*i4iaifu.hdt6.4.filiir$,:nti," lr,*r:otlrir'liffiEF:rl;i"1iiri\"'\10. REFORTS I(a) Qntaris llou*i4g 'Sorporation - Low IneOSe FanilyHousing.It was recotrnenfleA by the Fl-anning Coryitteetbat the Ontario Houelng Corporatio$ be Brovid.e {2 f anlIy rent*ge ared.-to- inc ome housingunits in tbe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>isuch accomodations to be located in the Sutton €'reaof the TownshiB of GeorgS.nat as indlcated. in theEurvey of need. End effective il.emand, dated Janueiryt1971.'i:,r ,.11:(b) EaEt lcj-a1 FIan" Ehe Cha[it'"#gport nntr : *t rds.g reeoumended.that the }lini.eter be irrforned that the PlanningCoiimittee of Counel} of ttre tow,n+hi,p o{ GeorHiPa) is lR favour 0f ths proBosed. Off *eial- ,PJan witht \ ,v' the exoepti,on:of the l.ast parasreph on Paqe 10\ cof the report .\h"uShe Corunittee felt th^a.t the acquisitlon or use ofany land wtthtn the flownship_qq.0pe+ Epacq shou]-d.refiutrl an amendnent to tbe-offlclal Flani11 . colo{uN-ICA,troNSr.V( a)(b)l{r, Gerry Hebard, Sanford AcresIretteb read.. ltr. lleharg to be informed. th.atthe area ls zoned. Agrtcultr.rral and no build-ingperni,ts ma;r be iesuEd.''Card.ina1 Homes I'td.. Comrnerelal Suilding Permit.letter read., refeged to }tr. Carter, Bld.g. Inspector'Oonnittee of idiustnent -attendan+C',,at neetinge.letter read r rePlY to Chq:irlnan,r l:SdtS&++ffi6-r:fl6;' *;' ;' --P.+q --Ele$ 148Ietter read., referred. to Solicitor.N ; k)\flu (+) .GerBld- fI . ' He+thg,t&J:"{n1?, SEILrERAI'IC4Sr(a) 0harles & Jean Hitcherl -' ,Connrrnicationg received, nead, ftrou J.W.H.DayIt was reoomendefl tnat approval be granted onseverance, of SO acres nubiect to i4epection of5O'acre parcel to 'be conveY€d-rathe

ili:i{Frri--'''ttt$*--i.l'.t'i';D4ill.':l,iir.(n)(e)t (a)( e )(f)(e),;fi(i)L/( j )(k)(a)(b)(b)1'-'Cryd'ernqn- ApB1fc*:bJ'on not priasented.. :Crate - Reeonneuded that this applieation be held.In abeyance.l',Stiles - Consent granted".Gard.en & Watson - Cbnsent refuaed.Reeorurend,ed. thf,t q proposed. of eubdiviei.onbe pr,esented.. ,Iyone * Referred to Chairnan for furth#f lnvestigation,Daenke - Area zoned Agrtcultural*Conserntrefused.S'rfff*r+rs... #Sf,ussd- Ba.xe61 .to,.be oonveyed.not 50 acres.llrs, PIn Kay * refemed. to Cbairnan for furtb.erinvestlgation.F. & K, Gaf,lgnr* re,,ferSed. tn Chslruee for furtber!iluvestigation.F. & fi. Eioake - referr-ed. to Chairnsn f,or furtherinveetigatlon.SUEIDIVISIOI{$rSagai.n Subdivleion -I.rot 161 17t Con. II & IIIRe*Subnission of ,SnaLler propoeed. planHefemed. to Engiaeer - G. l{l.nta.Chowgr.iec * T'ot 2'l & 22, Con,. IVPIan received., referred to Sugineerr G., llintz.14: onFgRBusrNnsst(a) *.ffiH#?:-!;fT, ,,r., ,, fi ),,,:*WAppllcation for Eullding Pemdt -Jask :Cutf,trorthfor ffi ,s!. ala" Property not , frontir-rg onl*frolfif;m:ffi/4,Refemed t& EngJ.neor, F-, Mintz"(c) Infil}in€ af, lote Ssd ,Satrrratr H ater Gourges .!Na:tseheff,, Aritono+Eruulus, BrueIE e$4 SllJ.otttreferred to Ebgineehr G' l{Lnta.''. ,'(d)Tlflrts Bresentgd by Councillor Clark for Loweringthe water tabl€rTabled pendins reeelpt of feasibility snd. coet etudyfrom V.G.Bard.aw111, P.S4g;.41.1'1 'I

,il-iF--it:tl.rtr H".rffiIlllrilrHLJl. 't. ,*,ilOTHER BUSII{ES$; (coni',f,1(e) Atl Builaing Inspeotore to attend. P1s"dfilngConnlttee meetingg i.1e. Severances r(I)Roman -It was reonuenf,ed that the oonsent,be gltf,nted.upon the oond.ition that a ten (10') {eot striBbb deed,ed. to the forrnrehiB for road, wld.eninsplmposes fronting on' the l{etro Road.":;:i.,i rjlirii iii{.On Motion: . : r.. I ; ,,1{fii;1il$;li.''it:lirr'ur;":iii+rConmittee Ad,Journedl..Fr.-'.:'.-tll-';:-:t',"iit ''*'Li-r; tiLt+u+ ;it ti" ...-i-.It!tirii' -:, .,r:lt:il'li

ij+IOWNSHIF OF GEOEGINAREGIONAI MUNICIPA]JIIY OF YORKENGINEERINGREPORTTTEE MNBTINGI'lond"ay, May 1f, 1971 ,The Engineering Cornmittee of Counci-l- of theTowrrship of<strong>Georgina</strong> met at'1'l:10 p.Ir. in the Council- \'hambers of thel{rrnicipal Office o Sutl;on.lhe Chairnan took the chairorder"and. ca]-Ied. the meeting to4+. l{embers Present: Councillor Poyntz, Hayor BumowsrReg-Council-Ior Pol-l-ock, Council-lors Lyons, SmockgmtClark, Burnie, Larsen and Welch.45. The meeting was called to d.iscuss the followingl(a) Street Lighting charges(b) lunch Room & Office*llownship Shed.-<strong>Georgina</strong>(c) Wetl- - N'Gwi]l. Park(d) Collection of Garbage - \'Iard.s 1r2r1, 5 and' 6Charges for coJ-l"ection,46. Joel Hopkins, llreasurer presented his report on $treetIright ing .It was recommend.ed that the Street l-,ighting chargesbe placed- on the General Rate.4?. Discus"ion concerning local- improvement charges forcollection of Garbage.It was reconmend.ed" that Pick-up for Resid.ential be$1P.OO and. Qernmercial" $21.00 per year in Ward.s 1, 2, 5,5 and. 6, and- set up und-er Local Improvement .48, Discussion concerning construction at fownship Shed.tHighway 48 .It was recommend-ed. that the Engineering Committee beauthorized. to aruarlge for the construction of a lunchroom and. smal1 office at the <strong>Georgina</strong> Yard-, costs notto exceed. t$1,0OO"OO.It was further recommend.ed. that each cornmittee beauthorized- to spend. an amount not to exceed. $5OO.00prior to approval of Council.+9. Councillor Lyons reported. that the plugs he'd- beenat the pound by the Hrrmane Society.It was suggested. that all d.ogs to be d.estroyed beAurora for tr51s purpose.pulled.sent to

50. -1-Discussiotl concerning well at North Gwillimbury irark"It was recollmended that another well be undertakenin the Park *ryaximr:m of 70 foot depth, cost to behalf price"i{ utro ,nr(gfuLtQn."."r/,- 51. Hr" Terry l{cGrail pre_sented. a_pr'o_posal,,for operationof the Bboth in the North Gwil-limbury rownship Park"It was recommend.e4 that llr. PicGrail be granted- permissi-onto operatethe booth for the Hay 24Xb weekend- only.0n Motion Comilittee Ad-journed-.

I rffqJi4tTOWNSHIP OF GEOTIGINAREGIONALIIUNICIPTILITY OF YORKENGTNflHRING COM{ITTEE YIEETTNGREPoRrNo.f,J''l Ylay 27 | 1971 .lhe Engineering Commi-ttee of Council of t4* Township ofGeorgiila met at TtiA F.E. in the Counci] Chambers of theMunicipal Office r Sutton"The Ohairnan took the chairorder.and. caLled- the meeting to- 5l-. Ileu.bers Present Councillor Poyntz, Playor BurrowstCouncillors Burnie, Larsen, lyons and' Smoclcrrm.51, I1r. V. Bard-awill, P.ErrS.r presented. his report reWaste DisPosal and Burning.The report was received., d"iscussed. and. lrecommendationsof the report to be imPlemented..51 . Conmtmlcations I(a) Keswick Marina - Cutting Trees South Park Road.conmittee recommend.ed. that perni.ssion be granted,(n) IIr. An W. Ban-field - Garbage collection-Hed-ge Roadletterread., SecretarY to rePlY.(c) Departnent of Highways - Interim Subeid-yNoted and fi"led..(d) - orchard Beach Gard.ens Assoc. 1l Mile Speed. Lrfunit.letter read.r referred. to Chairman.(e) Tony Scarangella Gravel on Road..Lbtter read-, referred. to Chairman(f) Mrs. Eric R. Hurst Garbage collectionletter read, SecretarY to rePlY.|(g) 0.w,R"C. QuestionnaireLetter read, referred- to Engineen, l1r. G' D1intz'(h) Lighthouse ancl Fra4kl-in Iroclge property -request tofence lake ProPertY"Discussion conEerning the installation of guid.e posts"Referred to Engineer and. Sollcltor.I

_'_L_":ftI54,55 .56,") It was recornnended. that the constfli.ction for road-\-'widening on lJeir sid.eroad be conmenced''(n) It was rec )mmen6qd. that the reconstruction on road-\-/Og* Tgr-b*tffien Concessions II a3d. III be compie'bed''/I -t'w'+fu *,Q-L(*) ff was recomnencled. that q_ by-1aw governing speedlinits in the Young,s harbour area be prepareci-"(d) It was recommend.ed- that tend.ers be called $orsurf ace treatment .(e) It was r.ecommend.ed. that the Estonian Srinmer l{oues\-',[ssociation recdive the sane consideration withregirA to gravel on their roads as they havereceived in Past Years.Councillor Burnie presented a request from Udora Parkio"--*="shed- graoel to be placed on the parking area andforsone condid.eration be given to the existing entran'cetotii* park whi-ch is encroachingron^plivate property.fhis wai refened. to the Ch$.irnan of oonmittee'Discussion concerning the four sorners, Dalton and HainStreet and. the posting of ]-way-$'bop hirgns'This was referred- to G. llints, Engineer'Discussion concerning South Shore Sdmc o e DevelopmentC;:-anA gonO which becones renewable in JunetReferred to G. Hintz. Engineer.Di.scussion concerriufung Gravel Pit-Cedarbrae ?Referred to G. Ilinda, to preFare eI1 a*reement.It was recommend-ed. to form Sub-Committees ald- appointOhai-rman for the following:-$anitation Cornnittee Chairman Councill-or Smocku.mFire ComnifrteeChai::man Councillor l,Yons.-,tI60 .Fire CommltteeCouncillor lyons in the Chair.(a) L,ists of equi-Pnent to be purchased was subnitted bYthe three Fire Chiefs.It was reconrnended- that the Fire Chiefs be authoriaed"to purchase this equiPment .(b) It wag recommend.ed. that invitational bids be sent to.American LaJ'rance , King seagrave , c. H. Ilickey & sonand. Nord.ic International for a Fire Funper.

)-#ttj)t-1-61" It was recommend.ed. by the Engineerilrg Commit'bee that asecond- hal-f*ton truck be purchased. fion DoeLl{erc}rry Fordby the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.62" KOFFER D,\}iThe report of Mr" V, Bard-awill, Piring" , on Koffer Damwas presented.., received and. d"iscussed.61 , Cond.ominiums :It was 3sgommended- that Plr" V. Barrlawi-ll, P.BnS'rcontinue the stud"y re the cond"ominium d.rainage probleruand- closely supervise the p1.osress of the completiop ofthe n-r'o i€ct ..t1" v u64" It was reoonmend.ed. that Council review the Fire }tarshalrsreport for d.iscusslon on June lrdr agend"a.0n Hotion Comilittee Ad.journed.---,I

" A, .{ Vu tTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>Engineerlns Connittee Meetirrg ,FIRE COMI'IITIEE \Aprtl 28 , 1971 .rg'IltmicipalOff ic e , Sutton.( 26 )Ileeting senmenced at 7'.14 p,flI.Members Present :CouncillorsFireChiefs\^1. G. Alexand.ero Chief, tr'ire Services $ectionNorm Aitken, Dietrict Ad.visorFire l{arshalts Officet Ontario.T,trnna4J vr*pLarsenSurniePoynt z$nockr-rmB .. RyeP,. SnooksH. Waggetttft(27)( *)( b )( c )(d)CouncillorLyons in the Chair.Discussion conce:rning the tr'ire Protection Stud.y oond.ucted"by the Fire Marshals 0ffice for the Township of Georgi-na.the Report was read. by section and. the following coilunentswere mad.e IBY-IAWSI (i) A new by-law should be passe_d- to establ,ishthe I'ire Department of the New Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>,(ii) Suggested that a population of SOOO and. overshoul-d- hire a fuIl tj-me Fire Chiefn whoseadditional- - responsibility would be to undertake asched.ule of inspection for al,1 build.ingsin the Townehip.PIr. ALexander pointed- out that the Fire Chief has the rightto inspect any which he feels should. be inspectedwithoutinvitation, however, formal notice could. be giventhat an inspection is ord.ered.' The report*ghoul$ be mad-ein triplicate and--copies forwarded. to 1) 2) FireMarshals Office il municipal Fi-re Dept'It was noted. that a]l record.s of the three (1) d.ivisionsshould. be stand.ard.ized..Thewasimportance of iegular apparatus maintenance checkstiessed by Mr' ;lf slrander"The +greements for Fire Protectiol with_other nunicipalitj-esshouLd be reviewed. and" specifically a clause stating thatrr Protection will be provi-d.ed. at the d.iscretion of theFlre Chief rrsaid clause should. be @anefully cortsid.ered.'

tFireApftl(28)Cornnittee Meeting,28, 1971 ,Page 2 *Pefferlaw Fire HaIl(a) Fire Chief hraggett concrrrred wlth suggestion forwashrooms to be lnstalled and indicated- hissatisf action with all other facilities, howeversuggested an ad.d.itional bay f,or the Fire HaIIfor-the purpose of storing a Van when purchased.for camying equipment "(b) Keswick and. Sutton Fire HaIlIt was recoTnmend.ed. that a telephone survey beeond.ucted- for'che Sutton and. Keswiok areas by theBelI Canad-a at an esti$ated- cost of $50"00 persurvey.|,(29) lliscussion concerning a new Sire HalI(30)(a) It wa s noted that in some areas a new fire hal}was built in conjr.iaction wtth a new library Bui-}"(b) It was suggested tf a new structure is erectedconsiderafionshoulil- be given to an ad.d.itional unused.apparatus bay for future use ald. the height of bayehould be carefull-y considered for housins anaerial truck.Discussion concerning purchase of Equipnent.(a) [he purchase of equi-pnent such as Masks, Scot AirPacks, etc. E:cC€€d.inS $500.00 are Tax Exempt.(U) It was recoumend"ed. that the latest NationaLFireCod.e of Canad-a coulil be obtained- fron theNat ional Research Council , Ottawa.0n l{otionCommittee Ad.j ourned"

titr!iIOI/'INSHIP OF GEORGINAREGIONAI' I'IIINICIFA'T'ISY oF YORITRSCREAIION COI'II"1I[[EE I{EETINGREPORTNO.6Ialednesd.ay, l{ay 12r 19?1 .fhe Recreation 0ommittee of couhcil of th-e [ownsbtB of <strong>Georgina</strong>met at groo plm.-i"-tn* councirT[anuers of the l{unicipa} office'Sutton.The 0hairman of the Conmj'ttee took the chair and' ca}led" theneetlng to }nleubers Present: Council}or smockrr.m' Butrowe'ltalFolCouncilfo="-n"rnie, 01ark, T'arsen' and' lJelch'Corrncilf;;; foffocfi and. P6lmtz were also present.ylinutes,g. It was moved. aIId gecond"ed- that tle Recreation connitteettotmay ii'44zlr-a" accepted. ae d.istributed.60. Dlscussion concernin-g the Arena Comrnrttee Responsibilityrepont diu*iiT;a ny Mr" Rookel, Director"It was 1$spmmend'ed. tfai [ft* refort be accepted" a'nd referred'to tbe .Arena Conmittee -rnemUers- in Keswick - for d,iscussion. .axd the subuission of a report by the mext regular RecreationCoruoittee $eeting.6,1. Diecussion Concerning fickets and charges for the uEe of theTownsbip Parks for aon-resle'^nus' ! -r----^- -rIt was i*-*oril*"a*a tnat-t[* fo]]owing charges be app]ied'l(<strong>Georgina</strong>)Georsina llownshiP FarksWeeklends and HolidaYsWeek-d.aysWeek-enils and' IIoIld-aYstrileek-d.ays(N' Gwllrilbw)w"etrffe nd-s atd" Holidays\,Jeek-d.aysWeek-end.s and' HolidaYsWeek-daysCanpins Fees (1t'cwiff),-Further, that thes-e rdtes apply for the1971 Season onlY'62. Discussion concernlng tbe well.atIt was reco$mend.ed' by Recreationbe continued".S2.0O per car'l . OO per cer$8. OO Fer bus4.OO per bus$2.oO per car1 .OO Ber car8. OO Per bus4. 0O per bus$1.o0 DailyN.GwlllinburY Park.Counittee that the d-rilling61, Discussion concerning hiring of staff for clean-uB under theincentive program.n*i*"t*d [;;fiirEcto1 and' Corr'ncitlor Poynta'l&n'xtrM'

li,rr-2-6V, (Contt d.)Councillor CLark and. Welch appol,nted. to prepare a list ofroad end-s in the Township of Geor$ina and- produee them ona maB .64. Mr, Bockel, Director reported oa the following actilvities;(a) Vol1ey BalI Brograrl - \fed-o Nites--$leh SchoolTtjQ to 9l |O p.m.(b) 0rI{.R,A, Oonference Report to fo}}ow(c) 'tn.lighEipg i" Club - llues. Nites- Roches Pt. EIOO P:m:* Diamond - more estimates to be obtainediii.S,ff. fraining Canp for ]-,ead.ersDirector wishes to use tbis facilities - excell-ent coeoperationv.senior citizens - Two clubs have been [raining - tralifledr_ interested party availfibtre ivii.Gytnastics - hrblic School * llues. 4zi1 to 6:30uiraer theid.irection of PIr. Bob Newman.(d) Playground. Frogran -Lreaders - applicatlons from# r7osltee - F Broposed.Jersey, lili]Iow Beach, Keswick, sutton and. i{orni.ngGlory School , Pefferlart.66.67,Discussi.on uniforns for the playground slgffl .It was reco$mended that this be refeired to tbe Dire0tot.( e ) Swinming Frogran -Slaff- qualif icationsReeorsfindecl*that the hiring of person*el forswiuning program be revised. next year.(f) Playgrorrnd Equipment Ge-orgina ParkDiiEetor req=uested to subnit his recommend,ationsto Connittee for apBrova}.N. Gwillinbury - Mr. l{. 4.. l{cEachnrn d'onated.Swings and Teetet tottere '(e) \o/ Accounts - It was recoumend.ed. tbat the accountsCor-iritter Chase & Parks (tfio.Brown) be accepted.and submitted to Cotrncil for pa;ment.The account subnitted by G. oattnan be referred toDirector for clarification.The -*"4 representatives of the Keswlck Guiiles and Browniesoi tne Uaora Commnnlty Centue tq be invited to thefirst recreation uonnitte-e neetlng in June'0L "Councillor Burnie nAe#+fdd" tne progress of the purchaseoi B"oBerty adjoininrt Port Bolster Corunr.raity Hal1.I'ur-ttrei aotton- referFed. to Clerk.

3l , r'cr+^L.-| f,,8. Discussion concerning Ice ti-ne; Ilockey & Figure Skating(a) it was recommended_ that the ice time for theilj"gr*=* Skating CIub be'subsid.ized' and thb cLubt{oilId pay for-the pros, subject to the approvalof their fee sched.ule "1^(b) -.i, It was recermend.ed that 4*q time for hockey'benreebises subsi.d-ized 6nd- ice tine for{r * .,^\ilt hockey ga-n+s be charged' at the rate of S7.5O$\ti- / FeI Ilcur,.031 l{otion Comnnittee ad.j,*rurnefl.",|il

MTNUTES OF COT]NCILOF THETO'd}TSHIP OF GEORGINAIN T}MREGIONAL IVIIJNIC]PALITY OF YORKMonday , June 14th , l-:97The Council of the Tovmshtp of, <strong>Georgina</strong> met at 7.30 P.M. in theevening in the Colrncil Chambers of the Administrati.on Bullding inPefferlaw.fhe Chairman of the Corrncil took the Chair and calledto order .the Membensli Members present at this meetlng: Mayor Burrovrs, Reg. CouneillorPollock, Council-l-ors Burnie, Clark, Larsen, Lyons, Po5rntz, Smockumand tr'ielch.2. Reg. Councillor Pollock, seconded by Councillor Lyons, movedthat the minu'ces of the Councll meetlng of lvlay 31, 1*97I, be confirmed1n the form supplied to the Members, which was carried.Wq1. Department of Lands and Forests re Registered Plan 94.The foregoing communicatLon was noted and flled for thePresent.4, From the Department of Transportation and Commr.nications reLlghting on Highway 48The foreoing commrrnication tlas noted and fl}ed.5. From -bhe York County Board of Education re Schools.The forogoing communication rvLs noteci. and filed.REFORTS6. Corxrcil]or Larsen, seconded by Councillor Lyons, moved. thatCouncll resolve ltself lnto Comnittee of the Whole to consl-der thefollowing repor-ts :Repor-L itlo, I of the Englneering CommltteeReport ItIo. 1 of the Planning CommitteeReport No. 7 of the Recreation CommitteeRepor-b of Corrnclllor Lyons re Canine Control Meetingwhlch was carr.ied.The Chairman of the Council chaired the Committee of the Wlrole.2.

-?-t-The Commlttee of the Whole arose,fhe Chairman of the CounciLreportshad adopted the reports as foll-ows:that the Commlttee of the WholeReport No. B of the Committber without amendment.Report No. 1 of the Plannlng Committee, without amendment.Report No. 7 of the Recreatlon Comnltteer without nmendment.Report of Cor.mcillor Lyons re Cahlne Control, without amendment"The report of the Committee of the l'Jhole was received.Upon the questlon of the adoption of Report No. I of theEngineering Comnittee, without anehdment, it was camled.Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. J of thePlarrntng Comurittee, without amend.ment, it was carried.Upon the question of the ad.optlon of Report No. 7 of theRecreation Committee, without amendment, it was carried".Upon the questlon of the adoption of the Report of CounclllorLyons on the Canine Control Meeting, without amendment, itwag carried.7. Cor:ncillor Lyons reported that he was pressing the SouthLake SJ-mcoe Conservatlon Authority to give top prlority to thenatter of acquiring the Holborn property.8. The May report of the Watenrorks SuperJ.ntendent was read bythe lffor .gll:r^i'::9. Reg. Cor:ncillor Pollock That By*Law No. 81' a By-Law toCor.mcillor Brrrnie authorize the sale of l-and be(1) introduced. and read a first andsecond times .Carrigdr . . . . r . r ! r r I r . . . . . | . .- Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk .1.

-1*MOTTONS10, Cormcillor PoyrrtzCouncillor Lyons(2)That Whereas resldents of VlrginiaBeach Boulevard, Virginia Beach Road,Lakeshore Road and Hlghway 48 atVlrginla have requested street lightsto be instafled in these areas;Therefore, be it resolved that thisCormcil enter into contract with OntarirHydro at FeneJ-ort Fall,s to instal thenecessary lights in these areas,Carrigd.... rrr..rr.r? ,rrrr.Reg. Counclllor PollockCouncll.l.or Polmtz(5)That the Council of the Townshlp of<strong>Georgina</strong> does hereby authori-ze thepayment of a donation of $500,O0 to theRetarded ChiLdrenfs Society ' of theTowrrship .Carrigd.rr, ..r.rrrrr. rr....Councll].orCouncillor(4)C ounc l]tlorCounclllor(5)BurnleSpoclnmPoyntzSmockumThat Whereas a request for a granthas been received by the RecreationCommlttee from the Keswick Boy Scoutswhich lndicated that there was a ce:.'talnurgency l-n order to meet presentcommitments ; It ls , therefore , resolvedthat the Keswick Boy Scouts be given anadvance on thej.r sai.d grant of TwoHrurdred. and Flfty Dollars ($ZlrO.O0) . . , r r . . . r , I r r . , . . .That a of }tliller Faving Companyto supply and apply as di 'ected by theRoad Superi.ntendent , surface treatnrent ,in_ the .amoun! of $2lr4Q5.O^0,Fe acceptedsubject to the apprbiral-of theDepartment of Highways .Carried. r r r r . r . . . r . . r r . . . | .CorrnsillorCorrncillor(6)LyonsLarsenThat due to the,,increased. pedestrian'/traffic on the Qalton Road, Sutton,We, the Cor:ncil-of the Tovrnship of<strong>Georgina</strong> respectfully request theEngineerlng Department of the RegionalM.niclpality of York to theplacement of a CROSSWALK in a strategicarea on the Dalton Road for the use ofthe pedestrian traffic , preferablythe School

-4-Motlons contlnued -Corrncl}lor LyonsCorrncLllor l[elch0)That the Township purchase a C.0. 2 Boxto be used by the Canlne ControL0ffice::sto destroy cats that are brought lntothe Pound and are not claimed. SaidBox to cost approxinately $50.00.Cafrlgd. . . . r . r r r . t . . r . ' . r r .CouncillorCouncillor(B)LyonsSnoclnrmThat the Sutton Agrlcultr:ral. Socletybe paid a grant of $1500.00 which wasfequested early thJ-s year; this grantto help defray costs of operatingsald Fal,f rChfrigdr| . . . r r I r . . r . | . . . . r iIvlayor BumowsCouncllLor Clark(e)That lvlr. Ralph Fa].le, Band Director,be given a $500.00 adrmnce on hissalary.Carrlgd.. r . . . . . | . | . r I r I r . . ICounci]l.or LarsenCounclllor BurrrLe(10)That llllLllam Browne be appointed asPark Foreman and tris duty shall coverall parks in the townshlp that aremalntained by Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> .I'Itrereas Mr...Browne is not seeking anlncrease ln wage that his ctrrent hor.rrl.yrate still apply.Carflgd. . . r . | . . r . . . r | . r ' r | |Councll1Counci]-l(rroror)LarsenWelchThat the Reereatj"cn Committee of Counci.lrecommends that ylr. Hor^rard $edore ,Baldwlnl trtlr. Robert Draper, and. IvIr. James Stevenson -Keswlck, south of Boyers Road beappointed as Caretakers for the cemeterj"elabove noted and that they should receiveby remuneration for ser:lrices renderedfiZ .75 per hour .Tabled. .artrlltflltarrrraattaCouncillorCounclllor(12)SnoclnrmBurrrieThat the Council of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> does hereby authorize anlnterlm grant of $55O.0O to Rev. ItlalterTalt for the establishment of aParticlpation House for the youth of . . . . I r . . | . r r . r r r . . n5 .

MotLons contlnued *Counclllor ClarkCounclLlor Smockun( rr )Rf,gr Counotl*lof PolLockCounclllor Poynte( 14 )-5-fhat the Treasurer be authorLzed to payto the Townshl,p of Georgi:ra LlbraryBoard a further adrrance of $Fr00O.00on the ].:97I Budget .Carrj,gd,.. . r . r . . + . . . r . ? r r | | r e rfhat trlhereas the Assessment ReviewCourt d:Ld on May 7th, I97Lt approve thew:rlte-off or refrrnd as the case may beof Buch tarces as are ltsted on Schedul-eA of By-Iaw Nr,unber 946 of the formerTor^rfl$htp of Georglna and Schedule A ofBy*Law Nrmber 1952 of the former Tcrvrnshipof ,Nottth G\rillinbury; Theref&rre, he ltafld lt lg hereby resolved that' tfffi.Treaguref, J.s authorLzed to refund orwrite-off ae the case may be, such tancesas are l{qteA on $chedu16 a of By-LawNunbef 946 of the former Townshlb of$ggrgtna hnd Schedule .4, of By*Law NrrmberL952 of the for-mer Townshlp bf Nor.thG?illlnbrrry and were approved by theAssessment Review Court on Mat' 7i',}a,L9TL and slgned by S.R. McNeiJ-, Ivlemberof tlre said Assessment Review Court.Tablgd,. . . . . . r . . r r I r r r r . . . r | | .ACCOUNTS11. Cor.rncillor CJ-arkCouncillor Porrntz( 15 )That the Treasurer be authorized topay the follovlng accourrts as perSchedules dated Jr.une 14, 197LlGEI{ERAL I $83 , !t+Q, 53 as amended.(Items 34, 56 end 37 deleted).FIRE : $5 , 406 . l#WATERWORKS & SE'filERSr $12rO95.92RECREATfON C0MMITTEET $10r548.19CafrJ.gdr. . . . - r r . | ? | | { r . r r I r rCouncLllor PoyntzCounclllor Clark(16)That the Treasurer be authorized. topay the Road Account of CollinguoodSand and Gr rvel ln the amount of$11 , 650 .Oo .Carfigd.. . . . . | . . . r | | r r . . . . r r6.

-5*OITTENBUSINESS, F. Cornpl,al.nts have been recel.ved regHrdtng the drrnplng of,sSlluFg.and refuse on the pggchbs aiid roEa u''A; ;i;";Lafie Drive. Thls matter wlll be ta.ken care of by ttrE parksForemanLl" Counc1l].or._foltt*, Engineering Conmlf,tee Chalrman,lookwil,t_lnto the cl.eanlnE-up - or The ro*d*ends on ieveirarthestreet :; lnWlLlow Beach areal- , 14. The Clerk wae Lnstt'troteA to rrrlte to the DepartmerilPublicof'workd regarding the Lease aereEment-or-fi't"-F6;tDepartment0r.r.:r"ce.15. Alr actlon on the sewerg for the KeeurLck area ;rlrl betaken by the 0 .w.R.c . throrrgh the Reei;nal -I-riiniiirpiii"v of york .16. The traf,ter of a BuildJ4rg permit requertc, i -by lvir'"schlueter was refemed. to the piannrng commtttee chaj.r"man.L7. rhe menbers of the cemetery Board. ri+rt neet wlth tb.eRecreatlon Corunlttee for fl.utfrer afriction.18. Buildlng-fqfpector R. carber was instructed to rer,ortflndrngs-on a billldrng ln the rslana grove area to a re,si6*rr*reques#ed. -kir*r.dtral {1Reg. Cor.mcil,lor pol-lockCor:nci1lor Snoclcr.ln(rz)Tha! By-Law No. 8i2,- f, ,iy".T,;i',y 941conflrn the proceed.Lrgrr" of Corrne:i,",1_ lrtIts neettlg held on May l_0u IgTIu b,.]lntrodtrced and read a first and c*+cr:i.ttlmeg.Caffigd. . . . r . a rj o + s g $ i) E * c i D o ,.1 1.,BY*I,AW NO . ffi*Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk.0n Motlon meetlng adJourned.,ICI{ATRI{AN

TOM,ISHIP OF GEORGINAREGTONAL MTJNICIPALTIY OF YORKENGINEERING COMMITTEE HEETINGtREPORT NO. 8Jrrne 3, L971.IThe Engineering Conrnittee of Council of the Township of Geonginarnet p,il. in the Council Charnbene of the Mrrnicipal 0ffice,Sutton "t-?,80 .The Chairman took the chain and called the neeting to onden,65. HenbeFe Pneeent: Corrncillor Poyntz, Mayor Bu.nnowe, CouncillorPollock r Lyons.Also pneeentl Councillone Burnie, Clark, Lansen and hlelch.66. Deputation6: Mr. E Hrs, Fullen, Hn. E Mr:s. Baken of VinginiaffipPear€d befone Conrnittee to diecuee petition font.ights which was neferred to ChaLunan, tlte use of the sumneFcottage adjacent to their reeidences, which wae nefenned to theBy-Lewe Officen and the Ditch at the pear of Hr. Bakerglpnoperty which wae nefenned to the Engineen.67, Communicatione:(a) l,lanina Eetates Ratepayene Aseoc. re poeting eigne.Letten read, Secnetany to rePIY.(b) Waste Hanagement Bnanch nei Disposal eitea(c) Ain Hanagement Bnanch rei oPen BunningThe foregoing communications srelre noted and eopiee tobe fonwarded to Hn. R. LaRue.(dl Mr. t Mns. W. King nei Septic Tank <strong>System</strong>Letten nead, refemed to Depantnent of Health.68 . EqADS I(a) Discuseion concenning Koffen Dame and Road Work in $ameaFga8.(b) It was reeonmended that Hn. Bandawillr P. Eng.,pnoceed with the cost study alneady in pnogr€Es.(c) Purchase of Pnoperty - Chuneh E Queensway-. The Hayor declar.ed his interest and refnained frondiscuseion .It was recommended that the panty be notified that theCounci1 was intenested eubject to price.Budget restrictione and subeidies available fon thiePunchage .

Rcade (conttd) Z - 3, 1971.t(d)(e)Mns. Fniedniehs eoncenning Cone. VfI Road Allowance nevenopened .Mns, Fniedrichs to be notified that a eulvent nay beinstalled subject to the appnoval of the Road Supt. onthe size of the culvert.Diecussion concenning Wel1s on Road Allowances, andIiability of the Township to maintain.Soliciton advised that the Township is not r.esponsiblefon maintenance of wel1s on t-oad allowancee being ugedbY the pnoPertY owners .(f) Mr. Br Dnapen, and j"nstallation of a culvent.Referred to Engineen and Building Inspecton.(g) Discussion concerning Filting in of tlatencounses andDitches .Refenred to Engineerl .(h)(i)I'In. J. Day - Boat RamPReferred to Engineen and Soliciton.Panking - Lake Dnive * Willow BeachSevenal parking areae were discussed and nefenned toAdministnator .(j) Pay Incneases Road Dept. emp3.oyees.It was recommended by Committee that the Road Dept.employees be granted an 8+ incneases in salanynetnoactive to MaY lstr 1971.This incnease also to apply to the Watenworks enpl"oyees,(k)Cutting dead Trees.It was reconmended that the Township hine apPnox.20men under the Fnovincial Subsidy $cheme.Schedule of trees to be cut would be subnitted to theAdministnation offiee .69, Hr. H. Stnobel appeaned befone committee fon permiesion tocontinue wonk on the installation of senvices.Hr.. Stnobel was infonmed that a meeting eould be annangedwithin 48 houns of neceipt of Lot gnadee.70, Mr. Hanry Kenr, Weed fnspector appeared before Comrnittee todiscuse the punchase of equipment fon I'ileed Cuttingft was necomrnended that the equipment be punchased fnorn AntfeGarage, Queensville, dt a quoted pnice of $l-800.00.7L .Fine(a)Discussion of the Fine Marshalsf nepont :refenned toChairman of the Fire Committee.

*3 June 3 , 1971.t7? . Waten E Sewens(a)Mayon Burnows was apPointed Chainman of the WatenE Sewen Sub* Committee .(b) It was necommended that the pnoposed extension ofSanitary Sewens to the Mrole of the Sutton areaof the township of Geongina be neferred to Mr. MintznEne-Adninistnator. and Engineening Dept. of theRefiionat MunicLPalitY of Yonk.(c)Mr. Mlnte informed the Cornmittee that the mapping_ofthe waten lines and services would nequine extensivework to pnepane a more detailed plan.(d) Discussinn eoncerning inetallation costs of Latenals'to the lot lines.This was refenred to Mr. Mintz, Engineen'73 .Stneetl,ighti4g_(a) ft was llecommended that alt requests fon Stneetlighting be by petitions and refenred to thefngineering Conmittee of Council'(b) Lighting fon Rural Roads - raeferned to . Othen Business(a) Mn. Mintzu Administrator pnesented a plan fonne-funnishing the Council Chambensand requestedthat this be studirid by the members and a neportsubmitted at a later meeting.On MotionCommittee Adjounned.

ffIl+t i ,*.r1:;''ri, I1"i,,tc. ,..f.ll'\litl;"-trilSOI,IN$HTP OF GIIO}IGINARXGIONAIJ I"IUN]CIPALfTY OI' YORKRECRIJAITON COIU{TTIEE 1SETINGREFORT No. 7June 2) 1971 ,i .],\ {|l','rt:p:.{it 'l"ii; IIThe Recreation committee of council of the fownship of Geor:ginamet at it=tg porro in the Council Chamlrers of the llunicipal OfficetSutton.The Chairman of the Committee took the chair and cafled the meetingto Members Present: Counclllor Smockum Hayor BurrowstCouncillors Burnieo Clark, Larsen and- Welch.Councilfor lyons also Present .rlrll members of the Ad.visory Corunittee.69.It was moved. and. second.ed, that the l{inutes of theRecreation Committee meeting of May 1?t be aecepted" aseireulated."70" H"EPOI]IS :It was moved" and- second,ed" that the Reereation report No. 1 of the Advisory conmittee'The report was ad"oPted as followe:Item 1 referred. tO Mrs. Int. Hedhurst a3d IIr.'uJm"Harvey\ ior tiie purchase of reind.eers and investigate the\}feasibitity cf, a parade in Pefferl-aw.n J ltem ! refemed. to ttre Recreation Comnitte"e of Couucil..\\^) trtem6 referrecl to Recreational Director.,\Y}',,,'t' It was novecl and seconded- that Report No. 1 of theldf\-{,"-=* Recreation A.d-visorl Committee be adopted'VV'1 r ( a),tssocr pfesefi.ted a report on1971 actvities and' submittedtheirproposecl bud.get.iI\\rr--r ,Mr.\v,/ N,-Kold.ts of tfie Sutton Soccer Association presented..t a report and submitted" the propoeed- budget.Tt r*as recommended. fihat the tvro Sroups meet,with theAdvisory Conmi,ttee and Recreation nirectoron Thursd'ayJune 'l0tb to continue d.iscussion.Hr. lawrence and Hr. Hgl{urray of the South Shore Soccer7?,, Iul.Es'r . Allwright representing the Keqwick Figure . StcatingClub appeardfl and-inqqired about the 1971 eralllJIt was-recomnenderl tflat ]trn* Alh.rright meet with thef4.visoryCourmittee and the Recre ati on-Sirec$hr on June' 'ii]-'lo anil a report *Counci1 to be tutu4itlgql tfi,i]?ecreationgOri;i:"ttee ofon June,16Sri i$I#rottiti,{ilffi".

ff'" ,F,I ;',\jF:'i; {,F \f,1t:I#li1,hilrl;iilfiiIns;ffimF"trffitf,li{hililrhs.ilsil"iql {-.lflht*iIffird&lffiff.Fi. , ..,;t if"'171 .74"v5"76,77"I!.jcElTr. Leif Erikson representing the Keswick Boy Scoutspresented. a report on the activities of the scouts and.srrbmitted. his 1970 financial statemenl- and. ptroposed" buclget x.,Pfor 1971. l{r" Erikson thanked- the committee for. n,,rr\''to use the N"G. ?ark ror the cubaree hJi5";E-t-li t9l"I;Ia*isrori\u'r"fhe members of the eommittee congrat*1at-ed. ]1r. E::ikson or.,]the exce11ent work be:Lng done anc} aSsured. irin tirat trigrequest for a grant would lre given every consj-der:at-ionrl{rs, }larion i'[edhrrrst repre6enting the sutton $anta cla.ueParad-e presentecl a report and inf ormcd- the committee tllatcertain changes were bel-ng conr:id.erecl for the format of theparadc for 1971, I{rs. Ued"hurst inclicated. t}rat the reincleerfloai; would. be for the use of the whoJe of the Township ofGe o rgina .Rev. Wal"ter Tait of Sutton appeared" before the Coiir.lrittee todi-scuss the proposed. project for the teen-age::s in thetownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>l and submittecl a proposed, bud"ge'b, ^J{1. Sand"y Step$k presented. a summary of the proposal * and tr.i'{ieldeCquestj-ons from Committee very read.ily,. 'VPIr. Roger O'Dell sur$n,arixecl for the comr:nitteb what he felt \Ithe project r^rould. accompllsh for the entire uommunity" .rrt was the feering of the Recreation comnittee anf, ttre *0"Advisory Committee that tlris project shoul-d. be proceecled. iwith.Discussion concerni-ng leaslng of .ry"G,-TownFhip P_ark,It'was recommend.ed. byithe Recreation Committeb that an /lan asreement be drawn up between Mr. T. HeGrail_ and theTownshi-p of <strong>Georgina</strong>.RIIPORI_JFFRjICREATIONDIBECTOR:( a) Accounts :6b )The Accounts were presented, approved. and- reeommended.that they be presented to the Treasurer for pa;rmenb.Communications i(a) South ,Keswick Cornmuni.ty Club.Letter reaf, o filed,( u ) Arabj-an I'Iorse hssociation - TrophyLeti;er read., Trophy to be d.onated,( c ) Department Heatth & Sociat flervicesLetter rea.rl, refemed to l1r" Ilanson.( d ) lad.ies Au.xi]1iary-R.C. I,. SuttonRequest for use bf Farkette,Permission granteci."(e)Colclst::e&rnr s 'I{pnt s CLub r - A:rmral $utinntretber rearlo Sec::etary toi:,rep1y.

$.'! iI rt,Dj.rectorr s Report (Cont (d.)1-t1".I| :II 'tli .I{7 B .\I\170(c ) General :Hr. Rockel reported. on the prograxis ancl activitiesuncler way and proposed..Gym.nastics, Volley BalJ-, Table Tennis -Weekly ne\,{s report, Brochurcsl playground.s ,and swirnming programs"'',rl,, "'fenders - Township Park -<strong>Georgina</strong>{tru' v,{'nr\ Ll, !r,"Chairman openerl a Tender fron \I'0 .*"'tJI'ir" \{ayne Sbewart, Port Bolster fo.r: lease ofITownship Park for Season -*--*--S500.00.,,1f"-,llr'"It was r:ecommend.ed that l{r, Stewart mee'b with i' Ji'*Councillor Smockrrm and. Burnie for d,iscuesiotl.}nf/\Other Business;I,\tDiscussion concerning Prize rvinning Logo,It was recornmended- that the selection of theJud.ges of the contest be acceptecl by theRecreation Committee of Council,0n l{otionCouunittee ad.journed".t;/-ltrlt't,,,i

ia!: t + IOIIINSIilP OF GEORGII\TAREGIONAJ, I'IUNICIPAIITY OF YOTIKPLA]VNING COJ''II'If[[EE I'IEEI INGR.EPORT NO . J ,June 7s , 1971 ,The Planning Con:rrittee of Counci! of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>met at ?tj}-p.n. in the Council- Chambers of the }lunicipal Office,Sutton.fhe Chairman of the Commi-ttee took the chairmeeting to call-ed. the15. Members Present: Reg*Councill-or Follock, Hayor Burrot'rs,Councj,llors Burnie, Clark, L,arsen, lyonsr Poyntzr Smocku.martd. Welch.16 . DEPUIAIIONS ;(a)ttrr. N* D. I'IcRael Q,Co 1 appeared. before Committee todiscuss the extensJ-r:nof an existing roadway.It was recommended- that Mr, McRae oBen negotiationswith the Township for the sale of this the rear portion of the property.Said negotiations to be quoted- separabely.(b) Pir. Clare C. Green, Solicitor representing Hr. R*Draper and Hr. H. Blanchard. attend-ed. to Perrnit for Lot 17t Con. IV'It was l.sssmm€nd-ed that the owrlers prepare and presenta Froposed. plan of subd.ivision on this property.17 , C0HI{UNTCA'rrQ}TS I(a) l{r. J. l'/. H. Day <strong>Georgina</strong> Street, Suttonftsqslnmended" that arl agreement be ilrawn up betweenthe Township and. the owners for opening the roadbetweenKing and. Cemetery Road.,#.(b) Geral-d. M" Weinberg Baker, lot 16, PIan 5+8,Communicati-on read., and. referred- to Engirleelt.(c) I,ilil-liam flcGregor Farachute ClubCommuni-cation read., Conmittee was ir:-formed of thestringent regulations the Dept. of [ransport,and. the weekly inspectione taking place to er:-forcethe regulations .( d) Regional Ptanning Dept . ZoningCommunication teceived., noted- and. filed..(e) Wn. S. Uehibori Oonstruction of Road.Mr. Uchibori to be informed" that the Totrnship hasno long range plans for the servicing of this arear

t2*(f) Bruels Estate Jud'gers PlanIt was reconmended.-that the nanes of the own'ergin this *reib* obtained and. a preliminaryr**ii"i U* arrangeg with the ownersl thesoii"iEo= tor-trrH Estate, Mr' Mintzl *ndgouncilror Foriocu to d.1scuss bringlng the road'sup to stand-ard-.( s ) ReRional- Planning Dept. Hossfn$ton^liloods subd'ivision''--E;il""i*"lilniece-ived, notedand' flled'"(rr) Glanou-pclus Traj'Ier CamP'ft rvas the r:eefing a-f Com'nrittee that this planwas PTemature at ihis time '(r) l{r. J. Irving [railer OemBcommittee #** iniormea tha-t this property has beensold. * request another application'-It was *"eg*si*A trtu't a *nbuber of the lgpt'ofTourism ne'presen't at nerb i:c;ting to discugs[railer CamPs"( j ) ontario sweepstakes - i$orth Mtdd"tesex- Arena comm.It was =**5t*uttaed. tbat we pgrpit,the sale ofsweepstak**t i*t.ut* sBoneor*ed by tbe abovenoted*(tr)Csxd.inal Homes ltd'. Bld'g' Permit-Marhof'Ad.rdnistrator to reBIY.'1 B . P:T,A}ISOFSUBDIV]SIO}I:(a) ],. RubYI,ot 19t Con' IXry N'G'Beferred. trO -rrr;i.rr-'rBXr19.(b)( c )(d)Don Horton Plans for Six PlexReferred- to Engineer'Winarsk:i ,Burke StreetReferr6A to Engineer for rePcrt 'R. G. Pe::ningt'on .Cateri'ngFoad'Referled. ';c Bngineer'(e) strobet Appli-eation und'er cond'oninium Act'Q,uestl-on:rai-re frorn Cornmunity Planning Branchreferred. to Engineer"SEVERAI{CES :Committee was inforned'in l"griculturalRe-Zoning.thatZone wou1d.any severances requestedhavb to aPPIY for a

eo.( a )(b)(c)(d)(*)11*DJ-scussionconcernlng reproductioq of Map.ofUarBs { anA 1 on ff$ndbreak at Poet office'r ?Ke swick . FerroisEion granted..Belhaven Development IJtiL' ProkalIt was =**o***i+ed. that the TownshlB Telne$otiatewith I{r. Barber for a revision of the 1967 Sub*dlvision asreement .Samaritan Club* Building Permitsapplications-fo"-i"rtnEr Building P61'6ite nust bep-r-esented. to Counci].H. ---M;,-StroUel";;-Strobel - sewnr & water eervices*condoniniu"nsirrf or-ned that the sub*d.ivision#;-il;"i ie ;eaf,v for,si6P"Ip*Y an$ Corr:eeiLls prep*"ea-to neftotiate at nie conveniellce.Di,scuseion eoncerning appll.cation f,gr.pernltsfor renovatioili- aoa--Haaiitons to exist-ing build'ioss 'and -fo Health presented. at Councllmeeting'0n Motion 0ommittee Ad.iourned..

*;:r4jrtovrnsiripc-ri SeolginaRECREAT]-OIV DJTPiTiTI"IENTADVISORY COMT'IITTXE I"IEETINGITtrPORT NO .'I"I{aY 26 , 1971 .frThe rrd-visoiv Contnjttee met a'D ',t:5O p"n' in the Councildhambers of"tl:e llur-Lrcipal- Office' Sutton',1. Ilembers Present: B:l-l- tlarve;" Jl*-Lambo Bob claric. arlpbGllffith=, lar.'-';" Sibr: l-' S' t''rrcJ';el'2, [rhe na,' :jl; and 'uillephcne nuinbe]'.'il of the Ad'Vi-scry Cor'rni;tees.enbers tril-Lbr put :n i;he news report:For Inf or:lati c ..:BiIr Harvey Ke;it'ricltt'76'zs51?:61 Lahevibi'r -"'-i'. , llesru'j'clt ^4n?Jiro. Lamb Ducl-os Pojrr't +17-?2OjP, . R. 2i ?efferler';tscb Cfartr" Jclrlr)J- 476-'+7+1295 t'iiarei ,'I{e sttic}i ,Ralph GriffitnsPeffe:-'1ar'r tV77".1776Feflerlavr, Ontarlo t..Barb Sibba.ld.Jeclcson's Pt''i.l"r-;?rtBox 1OO, Jacksont s Ft ,'Datt l'tercer7??'-5?,26Box 7'sZ , Sutton "iub'bcrn4,It was noveC by L3" '-Iervey, srcond-*$- by Jin' lanbThe .ird"visory d"or,,rrittee rLiornrnend.s that the reerea-;ioi:eo*nittee cLni,le' trl+ purchase of -.$ reind-eer at a*o,*t ,rl il.tfO.OO cach. fic,n 1Jag*er Sign Co. Torontofor the Tot,t*sirip [je,ni;a cl eus and approxinateii,lO sheets oir*pfir'too* fo iuplir. Un* ext erio-C of the floatto be .rs ro - ihroughc i; t [h-e Regio*ra--l- Township oiCeoig-'r*, .qIro-:fltunt ,,:-L$ purcfiarsc be maCe separatelyf1'6p1 the Bc:-le:::r.l q::'lnrs .Tire su;ior t-]nte c-iusi P.tred.e coirmlttce is to be asred'tO g.i '1,; '-' tr,*r -I:. r: :iO l''r, , ' ' '1 ;r.rJ.n I L;f; 't i-' ng O I' the ReCre atiOn CO-'ffn-. it';ec i;o cli'-cti;,:Li tl.;c: '")'71 I):(rilTilrl'Th.e 1,iir;ien Cl;ilclr:c:-ts ;\'j'::'oia1;ron j's to lre asked- toatten* ti:": T?.,r" Lr|,uJi'--r' :eeL;-i'ri6 of the Ad-vlsory Conriitteetto d-iscuss tirei*' ryst--ncI l'..::f:lr fl.SsiStantst recreatiOn,a pa:llr- nl-,'r.tir'11 fi:liig-Trllil e:'-l rl'iii'ucing'-itvas raovcd. by .d.e.hph Gr:ffi'uhs and seconded by tsob clarlIThe :Id.visori Cbnu1ittce I:cccr+r,tend.s that the recreetrcnccruritbee assist the Relarcled- Chil-d'rents '\ssociation vriEha grant of-{}iOc.Oo tr: pay fof' the salary oi theirinstructor"

',l2-6 .Immed.iate action be taken a supervisorfor swim.niing.7 It was rnoved and secnnd.ecl thl't bhe ,\dvisory Ooi;::-ir:e.;"recOmmend.s Lhat the recroatiOrr com:,ti-tiee T€COIiilCrIl.j-;-,:)Council that no d"re,lgings shall be dropped. il:rrr i:tl'uatershed-l and bhat this recorlTllelrdation to be s"':r.i '-")The Honourable Georl3e Kerr, I{irrister of lffitt. t4nl/rt'td+n+'"zr8. r, pfoposal will be p-resenberl at the next mee'biirg fr-ra ioller skating c1ub.9" It wa5 al'l.nounced. tha'o there wil-I be a teen foyJ-f,i onThursd_ay, llay 27t 1971, Rt 7:00 p.fl, at sutton l{igtrSchool'10. It was suggested. that the rtd.visory Connittee neetregularly-dn the last fhursday -qf ev?ry-*9+!l in theCoil.ncit Uhambers of the Sutton Hunicipa] Office,11. Next neetings of the ;\clvi$ory Committee will be a.tSutton ltuniEipaf Office, at ?:10 p.rl. \^Ied.nesday, Jrrne 7and. Thursd.ay , June 2+.On I'lotion Cornmittee 1r"d-journed-r

PEFFERLAW, ONTARIO 708-497-22104L6-722-6791Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>InThe Regional Municipality of YorkCANTNECONTROLMEETTNGThe Canlne Control Commlttee meeting was held lnthe offlce at Belhaven, Frlday, June L1, 197f, at7 . 10 P . Iq .Members present: Counclllors Lyons, Welch & CLarkCanine Control Offlcers Joseph &SmockumMr . BracketMr. Bracket explalned Btll 194 and why lt was broughttnto effect. ft ls for the pollcing of kennels wheredogs are raised for research. It was set up by theAgricultural Dept .Discussionre Smockum Pound(1) Hrrmane Soclety - not responding to cells(2) C.0. 2 Box for destroylng c&tsr - $50.00(l) FIr. Bracket to inspect mschlne wlth a vet6rinaryand inspector(4) New bom costs approxr S850.00.Meetlng adJourned at I P.M.IISecretlryChalrman

frt**rr T/lJao-it'ft

MINUTES OF COTJNCTLOF THETOI{NSHIP OF GEORGN{AITI fTIEREGIONAL MIJNICIPATITY OF YORKMonday, Jr:ne 28th, X9ZI.The council of the Tovrnshlp of met at P,M. tn theevenj.lg tn the Cor.rnclLChanbers of TJre Addrrlstratto'n nuildittglnPef ferlaw .fhe Chaltman of the Corlncil took the Ctralr and cal1ed the Membersto order.].__Mepbers present at thls neetlngt Mayor Burrorrrs, Reg. CotmclfilorPollo_ckr- corrncLllore Burnle, Clark, Larben, Lyonsr-Poyntz, snoclnrmand We1ch.?, Reg. Counclllor PoIJ-ock, seconded. by CourcllLor Larsen,moved that the mlnutes of the CourclJ. meetlng of June 14th tgTItbe confLrmed In the form supplied to the Meurbers, wail carried.t3. { lequest by Cor.rncilLor Burtrie that he recelve a cop,y of aresolution_Fassed ln the forner I\rp, of North Gwilltmbuiy Lastyear regarrC,S.:ag overtlme palments will- be taken care of by ttre CLerk.DEPTJTATTONS4. Iqr. B. Grifftthi, Pt. Lot 1O, Fon. 5 (former'CouncilN. Gr,riJ.l.), asked.what could be done about the noise of ttre planes tiklngoff on sky-dlvlng mernouvers on property adJacent tb his.trflr. Grifflth was informed that an Inspector from the Dept.of Transport has been lnvestlgatlng the matter and the CouRcJ.lassured hln that everythlng was being done to try and. comeetthle sltuation. Ihe lvp. Sollcltor wlLl be contacted for l-egalJnforrnstlon for a Bosslble solution.5. On motion of Cor.mclllor Burnl.e, seconded by Reg. CouncillorPollock, I{r. Hatton, of El^n Ave., Kesr'rick afea, was a11or.ldd toad.dress Cor.mcLl. as a deputatlon.I![r. Hatton aeked about the issulng of a SeptJ-c fank permltso that he may obtal.n a Bulldlng perult for an ad.dition to hlshoueṪhe Ulayor Lnformed I\{r. Hatton that he was neeting wlth tlreHeal,th Dept. to consult on thJ.s natter and would inform lvlr. Hattonabout thJ.s as soon as possible.iCOMIIIIJNICATtrONS6.ii(a) R. Htl-lter r r.6 Pa.rks Dept., The foregolrrg connr:nfcatlbn rfas noted and flled.2.

- 2-Conmunlcations continued *(b) R".corrrell, Keswick Flre Deptr a F€ permlssion to useP o A n system .To be presented runder motions.(d) Klnsmen Cl.ub of Suttof,r * r€ FernissionF.A. system.To be presented useREPORTS7 . (a) nistrator G . Mlntz repor"bed. on thec .0 .Rrb.Conference at Cara Inn, Malton. The corrference empfrisizednmrnicipal-. finance, developers co*operation and capltallnvestment , po1-lcies and incentives ,(b) G. Mlntz, hrgineer- Admlnistrator reported on the rryrlte*offor r+ft-urd of tarces under 76 (1) G. of the Assessment Act.This wi).l- be presented under motlons.8. Councillor Larsen, seconded by counclllor we}ch, moved. thatCouncil resolve itself lnto Conmittee of the Whol-e io conslder thefollowlng reports :Report No . 9 ofReport No. 4 ofReport IIo" B ofwhLch was carried"the Engineering Conmittee-bhe Planning Committeethe Recreation CommitteeThe Chairman of the Cor:nc1l chaired. the Committee of the Whole.The C.omnitte+ of the Wlrole arose.The Chaiflnan of the Corrncil reports that the Cormrlttee of theWhole had. adopted the reports as folJ.owslReport No" 9 of the Engineering Commitrlss. Clause ZZ (h) beamended. by aCding the words rrand. other mutr:e.l coircernsrr sothat the last paragraph now reads rrlt was recommended that amember of Councll act as liaison between the Reglona1 Po1LceDept. and the Tov,rnship parklng and speed linftsand other mutual concernsrtl That Clause 78 (c) be qmended byaddlng the word.s rrCatalogue forrr so that it nor,'r reads, trCatalbflrefor metal signs has been sent forrr; That Clause BO (b) beamended by delettng the number fr2rr and adding the numbersrr5 & 6rr so that the sent+lroo now read.s nEmployment of RoyWilson for Garbage Piclnrp in Wards 5 & 6tt; That Cl-ause 81(") be amended by deleting the l,rork trstrr*e1tt and. add.lng theword in its place; That Clause 8L(,#Ae arnendedby adding the words ttand mileagerr to the end of the paragraph.St)2n

- 5 --ReBor*bs contined -Report No. 4 of the Pl-anning Conmittee, withoutamendment.$gPort No. I of the Recreation Comnittee be amend,ed. as follor^rs;Clause 83 II"* t-Ftr.the additlon of the name of Terry Vinel--t'I!** I Fv the addltion of the nane of charrotte Trnninsj -'Jtem I by the addition of the natne of Lorne Fox and. f{eir ffbe deleted.The reportof the cornmittee of the trfhole was recelved..Upon the question o# tfte adoptlon of Report No. g of theEngLneering Comnitteer &s amended., it was camled.9pon the questlon of the ad.option of Report No, 4 of thePlannlng conmittee, without amendment, it was carried.upon the quegtlon of the adoption of Report No. g of theRecreation Committeer fls amended., it was carrled.9. councLllor smockr.m reported that more picnlc tables wereneed.ed at the Georglrra Park. The Recreation Director wiJ.]. Iookafter thls and these tables wiLl be marked as Tor^rnship property.^-.AJU}ilFTNISHED BUSTNESSL0. Resolutlon re tanes - By-Laws #946 (C) & 1g5A (N.G.).To be presented r.mder notions .I{OTIONS11. Reg. Counclllor PoJ.lockCouncJ.J-lor Poyntz(1)That Whereas the Assessment ReviewCourt did on May Ttht LgTLt approvethe write-off or as the cagemay be of such tanes as are Listed onSchedule A of By-Law Nrrnber 946 of theformer Townshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong> andSchedule A of By-Lar^r Nr.mber ]-.g52 of theformer Townshlp of Nor*bh GwilltmbrJrytTherefore Be tt and it ls herebyresol-ved. that the Treasurer ls authorlzedto refurrd or write off as the casemay b.e, such ta:ces as are lLsted onSc1etuJ.e A of By*Law Nr.rnber 946 of theformer Tovnnship of Georglna and ScheduJ-eA of By-Law Nr.mber L952 of the formerTovnrshlp of North Gwil1imbr:ry and wereapproved by the Assessment RevJ.ew Corrton _May Ttht L97L, and sS.gned by S.R.McNeil, Member of the saLd AssbssmentReview Court .Carrj-gdr . . r . r ? r ' r r r . r r . | . .4.

*4-MotJ.ons contlnued *C ounc l11or LyoneCouncil-l.or Poynta(z)CouncillorCor-mcll,lor( 3 )LyonsPolmteThat the Flrements CLub of Kefl^rlckbe allcwed to use a loud speakersysten on JuIy 14 & 15 to advertlsethe Flrennesr-Ball on July 16, ]..97]. ,to be used between 4 & 6 P.M.CarrLgd. . . r . r . . r . . . r | | | r r r | . r .That the Klnsmen CIub of Srrbton beaIlor^red to use a loud speaker systemto adverilse tlrelr Bingos to be heldon Tueeday nights through Jut-y &Augpst.* To be al].owed between 4 to6 P.M.Cafflgd. I r . . . r | . r . r r ? . . | | ? | | |CouncLllorCouncillor(4)PoptzLyonsThat the Cor.rncil of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> requests that a Roads NeedsStudy be taken in co-operation wlth theDepartment of TransportatS.on &Commrnlcatlons for the roads system lnthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> RegionalMuniclpality of Tork.Carrigdrr . | | . . . r . . I r I r | ? r r r r rCorrncillorCouncillor(5)PogrtzLyonsThe't Vlhereas the resldents of WoodlandAve., Plan jo$ (former N. Gw111.) haverequested street Llghts to be lnstal-ledon Woodland Ave., Now Therefore be ltresolved that the Council of the Townshlpof <strong>Georgina</strong> enter into a contract wlthOntario Hydro at Newmarket to lnsta]the necessary llghts .Carrlgdr . r . . . . r . | | . . r | | | r r | | r rCor.rnclILorC ounc 111 or(6)LarsenWelchThat Mr. H. Sedore be hired as caretakerfor the Baldwin Cenetery for the yearL97L for $?50.00 for the year. I\m. R.Draper be hired as caretaker of theQueensway cemetery for the year 1971 for$4lO.0O for the year. Mr. J. $tevensonbe hired as caretaker of the Boyers Rd,Cemtery for 197I for $l-25.O0 for theyear,Carrigd. . . . . . . . r . . . r . r r . r . . . . .Councl lIorCouncl 11or(7)Smocln:nC].arkThat purusant to Section f79 SubsectLon(1) Paragraph 21 of the Mrnlclpal Acta By-Law be prepared requlrlng theowners of privntely*owned outdoorswlmming pools to erect and maintainfences and. gates around such swirnningpools .Carrigd.r | | . r . . . | | . | . . . . r r I r r r5,

-* 5 --Motlons contl,nued, -CounclllorCounclllor(B)LyonsWeLchThat a member of the Corrncil, darnelyCouncillor Lyons, b€ haned to act a-sLiaison between Corrncll and the PollceDept. of the Reglon of York.Carried,. . . . . | . . e . , . I r r . I r . . . .Counclllor BurnleCouncl]-].or Clark(e)That Whereas Sectlon 48 (a) of theDepartnent of Munlcipal Affalrs Actprovides that the Treaslrrer of aMmicipality may lnsure tax propertiesupon regLstratlon for arrears of taxesand charge the cost of the lnsrrrance tothe amourrt requJ"red. to redeem the 3-and,And I'Jhereas the Iviwrlcipal AdmlnistratlonBranch of the Department of Muntcipal^A,ffeirg requests that all lmprovedpropeTtles-be insured. upon registration,Therefore be lt and. it ls hereby resolvAdthat the Treasurer ehal-l lnsure a}linproved properties registered for aruearsof tarces and that notice sha1l be givento lnterested of the CorporatlonrsLntention to lnsure such propertles.Carfigd... . . | . r . . | . r . r r r . | . r r ICounclllor LyonsCouncilLor Larsen(10)That the Cor-rncf1 ts in favor of grantlnga severance of land on the Sell-ers farmnear Sutton. Sald 1and to be so1d. toOntario to be used for a sub station.Carrlgd. . i r | . . . , . r | ? r I r . . . r .CouncilLor welchCouncilLon Smoclrrrm(11)That the Treasurer be authorlzed topay the fol-lowLng accounts as perSchedules d.ated June 28th, 1971:RoADS - $5e, 724 . 04Caffigd. . r . r . r . . r r r . r r | . r r r I r-|;SorrncillorCouncillor( 12 )PoyntzLvonsThat the Trrp. Engineer I{r. Mintz begiven discretlon by this Council to lookinto the matter of the lssuance of abulldtng permit to IvIr. Vilal-ton for theerectlon of a boathouse at Mossington.Carrlgd. r . | . r I r . I r r . . r . . r | | r .6,

-6-Mr:ti-ons conti.nued -Reg, Councillor polLockCouncilJ-or Lyons(]t)OTHER BUSII\IESSIhat thls Cor:ncil l.s in favour of anvlecgssary reEoning,g{.pt. Lots lr2 aird3, Con. _8 (No. f2eo68) so that tfreprop_osed plah of subdivision of tfr*and Horton may proceed.Carrlgdr . | . , | . . . | , . . | . . r r . . .12" (a) By-Lavs Officer F. Nash r-eported. hls findingspropertyregardlngon Vlrglnia Beach B1vd. ,(b) Ep$i.neer Committee Chalrman CorrnciJ.lor poyntz reported.the ditch+tg thato? Annsheila rras nea"iG-*o*irutronwili.andhe startedworkon lrlJ.nnifred Dr-_*,le F6on.{c) 9-o-+p}E++tp-,have bgen recejye-d re,swiiruninlj-drbTil "Eiloys wrr-r ou pf;B"B*tst5pfi3$Hogfrs rnareas for hc;a'blng and sr./iraming.*(d) The- By*Laws offlcer was instructed. to check on theof barnsnumberin residentlar arees and revl*w-""v-ily_lawscovering these and. report -to uCounciJ..(e) Mr, Grahan r:f Keswick asked corrncil about the progressof by*Iar+s f-o1 sneed r.imits and the u"*ni"e 6r rubblshin the Townshlp. He was assured thes; iltlEe;-"loole into*u"u hetngfor conopletion,(f) Ta;* a-oplications and renewals By-Lavr No,be5'ngF4 arechecked for coTect procedure as-to functionDep'b-.Ji-pottc*and By l-t-ari Qfficer"{s) Letters of commencl.ation for the work done on thesiderval.kroad. and,at Jacks.cnr,q point wlLl be serrC-to-ligmar -oico" andConstructlonthe Engi-nec'ta5, Dep.b" of the nesrin yort.E*9. CounclLlor Fol]-ock That-By-Lavr No. B5r a By_Lawcowtcil-lortosnockrrn confiril the proceedi"gut/r /. \of(r_+.,Councll atits meeting held on Jilne ZBth, ]'gi]-,be -lntroduced and read a flrst and rsecond times ,,EY-LAW NO. 85Carriedr... drrrrrr... ..rrrr.r- Passed, sealeC and slgned by theMayor. and Clerk,1;on Motion meeti-:rrg adjorrrned.

SOWI{SHIF CIF GEORGINA, '' " Xn theREGTONAL I,IUNICIPALIflT oF YORITingpont No . 9Ihe zulneenlngJune 24, lg?1.The Hnglneertqg Comlttee of CounctLof, the fqvrnghlpnet atof GeorgJna7-50 P.M. ln the corrnclLcnresuers$utton*oi thE--ltriirretpal offr.ce,flhe Chalrman took the chalr and called the neetrng to orrler.75* Members pneeentl cor.rnclLl-or Poyntz* MayorLyonsBurrows,.cmrnc1ltorMembers absgnti Resr-councLllor Polloe$, councl.rlor $noclflrxr.41uo preeent: Cor.rndtttors Grsen, cl"ril;[*frei*rr.Chtefs.. present * B. Rlre; p: tuootti ;iliT" waggett.76, FIRE_C0lt!$r1gffi(a) Flre cornmltbee Chal*nnan counoltror tyons dLscuseed.of thetheFireeet-upRepgr! l.Jst*rgs for perbonnerll-* -wlirr-{"*oIt wss reconnended that tfie llstift;colr.wrehours beforueed and separate etencifEpersonnel -naae- fJr-eacfr oepaffientKemrlck, $rrtton & pefferlaw.(b}'Frre Agreements betw-een m.grJ.cipaLltles lrere revleued,.rt was recor ded thet the rrie comit{Ji-cFrfu-"contactBrock, Thora and scott Tmnrships to neview iiieAgreenentFlrewlth them and brlng it up to Aaie .---(c) The Telephone Serrrice of the ttrree Depar"trnents wasrt uasdlscussed..recomenriled. that I,phones uJidGa-iri-tt*set-14Fr plussu{ion----- -one renorted Son one".[-phonehoui;-fuAofi1ur.wtLl be 1rut Ln ttre Flre HaII and one Hrtensron add.ed.*fhe Keqrlck Dept. and the Kes.lrrlck Police Dept.on the tel,ephone_servlceco-operatethere. No changelirr beunttLplansnndefor futr-rre changes there are-turoyrn,fire set'{rl} at peff,erlaw le quite ad,equate,(d) ft was-agreed,,that fnrck No., 2 of, the $utton Dept* ueed i as ln the past, f,or vario*-p#Jd;;.(e) qrre clerk rrns Lnstnrcted to contac! the Torvnelrlps of KLns andJaggnan.for a^coFy gf thg+r By-taw resprndi"e-F$;s-ioilEe*lrrfonuation of thb Courci]" tn- settfne*W aTy:6;-f ;r-TownshtpthdoffieorgLna.2.

77 , p0MMUNTCATT,ONS-2-(a) UrFr.E. FlnggJ.$ - rB ertenslon of water to propert$.Petition nust be conrpleled and then request wtlL-oe considereci. -(b) ryl", P,R. Dtarnond - urlsightl-y propertles-Alice & EvelynAvenues and Boyer$ Rd.Refer"red to By-l,aws Offlcer for lnvestlgatlon egd repor.t.(c) Mrs, M,E. Mlddleton - r€ No Parklng and 25 MFHrestrlctlonsReferued to Englneerlng"Chal.rnran .(d) K. Lana - rs dttch on WaLter Drive & crrlvert l"netallatLon.Thls matter being taken care of by Roads Dept.(e) nm. HoIe - r€ crrlvert Lnstal-lation ; property markers.Work has started on Arursheila qnd,"-rthe natter has beensolvgd.r:i.(f) Peter Dtka, Solicitor.' - re 0rchard Be-*r fnn - Temo\ralof gravel.ft was recommended that the Tovrnshlp relnbrrrse owrrerwlth three J.oads of gravel, Otrffrer to deeignate placefor gravel- to be dr:mped .(g) G. ItuIlls - re sor:nd system at North GwL1l. MernorlalCentre .Letter read, noted and fLled.(h) C.J. Stokes - re all etreets in t\rp, beposted at 50 or 55 MPt{.Clerh instructed to r,rrlte to the Dept. of Hlgfrways.Letter to lre sent to lvlr, Stokes.t"' : J.traison between the Reglonal Police Dept. and tlreTownship regardlng parEtng and, speed limits , +olttt^rytr'J,I',!**""(1) South $hore Estates (Beitraven Devielopnent Ltd"i) -re putchase of fots. ''Referred to Sngineer;AdrninLetrator .(J) V.G. Bardawlll-$outle $hore Estates * rB etc.Tr4). Engineer G. Mintz and. I{r. Bard,arryill negottatfngagreement .(k) Chief of Police B. Crawford - re traffic-Hlgh.St, and. Dalton Road.Referred to Regional Drgineertng Commtttee forcornrnent and possible solutLon.1 ,

Comfluni.catlong continued *u3-(f) Lake Sincoe Torrlet Association - re disposfll, df -'lP**9_ggtt.It was recommended that letters be sent to N. Cafikl M.Pnlthe Dept. Lands & ForesG and the O'W.R.C.Referrbd. to Engineering Chalrnan for investigation al-so.(m) The Brlars Inn ar1d Corrntry Club - BrLars Estates Ltd,.Water SYstem.Letter read, noted and flIed.(n) D.R. McE\uen - repairs fe Simcoe Street Dock.The Mayof reported that the re;:-' q on the dock hadbeen compLeted.Mr. McEvrbn to be informed that the maJor stmcturaLrepairswll-l be comBLeted. in the faLl.(o) Offt. Water Resources Connission - re Sutton llater ldorks.' ''FIr. Drolet to take care of <strong>records</strong> etc. to be'fornrarded to Commlssion.(p) Dept. freasq4y & Econonics * re Tile Drainage SeminartJrrne 29 ' 1971 .Referred to Mr. Mintz.(q) Mr. Gardenr O.L.s' -- DisFosal SJ.te N. Gwill".* surrrey and.stalting out.It was recomnend.edthat the account presented. be pald.78 , ROAPS(a)ApprovaLof-the Dept: of Hlghways has been recelvedfbi the surface treatment of Township roads*(b) A Fupplenentary subsidy allocation.of $25rOOO.OO foreonstruction has been approved. by the Dept.(c) Parking on Arena Road Keswick will inelude parnLlelparlting on the West-Side.1,Meta-l slgns have been sentlor use on this Road-- \lI CnlalaG+te FpR.(d) The tree cutting program-forlhe Tcrvrnshlp has beenvery successful. QgunclLlor.Poyntz_ reported- thatthe-work would be finished at the Keswick Arena by theend of June. CleaninE up was beLng done in Baldwlnat Present .(*) Paving sidewalks near the Post 0ffice in Keswick andpavfnfi in front of Fire HalI at Keswick was discuseed..tfre Unetneering Chairnan w111 obtain pricesot cenentsidewalk repairs and price mpavJ'ng in Ha1ln anA tne natter of a gutter needed here'4,

5.Roads contlnued -(f)- 4 +It was noted that the_booklteeplng for the Roads Dept.wou1d be done at the Pefferlaw offLce.(S) The Township rgad-s were d.lscussed_. Engtneertng ChalrmanPo:mtz repoited that many loa{s the in forner <strong>Georgina</strong>have not been assumed by the TovrnshJ.p for tuaintetlfincerIt was rsssmm€nd.ed that--a Roads Needs Study be takenof Township roads Ln co-operatlon with the Dept. offransportation & Conmrnications .7q . STHEET LTGHIING'[a) - 'Woottland A petitlon has been recelved fbom the residents ofAve,, Pl-an 505 (former N. Gr,r111.) tor streetlights .It-was recommended that the Ontarlr Hydro be authorizedto enter into a eontract wlth the TownshLp to lnstalthese lights .80. Q4@^gE,(a) An account for ertra garbage pickup ln the Suttonarea from R' LaRue was reviawed.This was referred to the Englneerlng chatrme.n andMayor Buruows for consultation with Mr. LaRue.(b) EnpLoymqnt of Roy Wilson for Garbage plclnrp in Ward.fu {+[ ,'r' '8T . W.FEffi-ctIt was recommended thata salary of $L00 .0O PerRoy Wilson be paidweelt.- r\r(a) It was recormend,ed that the Waten*orks Supt. be kepton at regular pay rrntlLfi'rther notlce.(t) The Secretary was - instructed to report on tle amangementsregarding Woiknent s Compensation for Dornrelly.(c) Cor.rncill"or Larsen reported that a culvert had beensms.shed. at Park Rd. & Metro Rd. due to hearqy loadsand also that there were several potholes on the roadthere-The k;H-frJd*'i,ur.*ts Drtrg $tore (ure horsehoe drlve)was j-n need of reP-qir.These mattes were referred to the EngJ.neerlng Chairnartfor investigation-(d) The matter of the water lerd- at the Baldwin Dam wasbelng investlgated.(e) Sone d.i-scussionwas _glven- regarding the park areaavailab]"e south of Keswick'It was recommended that the ltlayor look into thls matter

IOther Business contLnued -. ; ... *-5-to obtain an option of 30 or 60 days.(a) It wgs recommended that the Seed Inspectors be paldat the rate of $tj.05 per hour and a iesolution to this effectbe presented at Council meetlng of Jrrne 28,+ nlrLtsn&E t(e) It was recommended tha.t a resolution be presentedto Council authorizlng that the Canlne Control OfflcerC. Smockun be paid $500.00 as per agreement.(r) l,tr, Amher, repre$enting !tr, $trobelo and. Mr. v. Bardawtlrw111 be meetlng to try and complete the subdivislonagfeement,; flfffl.ffiements regardlng the Strobel Condonlnl.unsl.n Sutton..On Motion neeting adJourned..' SecretaryChalrnan

IOT'NBHTP OF GEORGINA| ' IN tI{H 'l 'nucrol\Iar, iltfilrctpmtrlry or YoRI(EL,AI{NINC COMMTT"IFjE MEETINGREPORT NO . 4June 21 , L9TI .The Plannlng Connittee of Courtcil of the TovnFhip of Geole{q{-met at 7.50-P.M. irr the Colrncl]- Chsnbers of ttre Mturlclpal OffieetSutton West , Ontario.The Chairman of the Conmittee took the chairto order .and ealLed the meetingeI" Membere presentl Reg. Cor;ncllJ.Or Poll-ock, Mayor BurrOvrenCognclllbrs Butrlter-C1ark, I,arsen, Lyonsr Poyntzr $nockrrmand Welch ,22 . DEPTITATIONS(a) I/tr. Vf.B. Thorraa, Sol,lcitor, asked Councll !o qo+slder theapplLcation of 0.F. Daemhe re Lot 5r Con' I of 2.9 acresf,dr a s€v€f&tl.ce .tt wae reconniended that the Tcnrm$htp Solicltor be askedfor advice on thJ.e natter.(b) Ir[r. B. Lockie asked CounFtI. tO consider an arnendment tothe Zonlng By*Law regardffi property owned by *T. RyftantLot 11, Con. 3,It was reconfitended that th,il*e mntter be held over ttllthe nert pfarrnfrrg Comittee Meetlng so that strrdy-andfi,rrther discusslon could be nade wlth the RegLon"a} Dept .(c) Ur, Basir.rk presented q_plqq for the-develolment of thectranrrel fot-s- on P1arr 52? ( former old Georgfns fi,W ' ) area .It was recommended that IvIf. Basiuk pfesent a wrlttensubnlsslon of^ hJ.s plans fot' these lots so that firrtherdlecuEslon nay be given at the nerct PJ.annlng Commlttee meeting.(d) Mr. I$rghtrrof the area.servLcee Branclr Pl-anning-Dep!:.ofthe Regfonit ltunlclpaltty of York, lnfortned the Commltteeon the-progress of beveral subdivislon planq for thefovmshtb aT Reglonal level. Flnal recomnendatlons wlllbe completed as soon as posslblb. Hls Depagbnent w111 belooking over the site ofthe COndonlnium development inSutton-wtthln the nerct few daYei2.

,tttL 2 -21 . REPORTS(a) Fepgtl regel11ed, fir month of AprJ-l, J.}71,t from R. Carter,Bullding Inspeotor .Above report noted and fl,,led.2t+. C0MMUNICATIONS(a) J.S. Morin, Pres. Briars Conrrunlty A.ssociatlon re aoning.Mayor ln conmrnlcatlon wlth l{r. Morln. Letter read.,noted and flled.(b) .T. Hunttngdon, Riveredge Drlve, Keswick - Kerurel. license.Reg, Coruclllor PoLloak investJ.grte By-Lew reguLatiotJs.( c ) T , P , McGrailC. Cannon re Helen K1ein Lot - San5.tary sewer connectlonsre Jackson ,r s Polnt Ave .Plan und.ert'ray for sewers on ttris street,(d) Mr. B, Grlfftths - sky Divers.Referred to Councll neetlng, *Tune 28, L97I.(e) Mr. R.A. Hands - Trailer campRefereed to nerct Planning Connlttee meetLng of July $, 1971.(;:) It.B-. -Po!ter, .Sglicitgrn Drrclos Polnt Property Owners Inc.Lamb I s Hide-.A-Wau.Referued tu Reg,-Counclllor Pollock to agange neetLngwith partLee concerned for possLble solutlon.(g) J. MaSmard, Wl11ow Beach - movlng buildlng from DonMl1Ls Rd. to Lagoon Dr.It was reconmend.ed that ItIr. Maynard be i-nformed thatbuiLdlng cannot be movedr25: W..[a) G.E. Stll"es, Lot 9 ln Block 1.f, RP 69 (suttonrea)Communication noted.(b) c. Mitchell, Pt. Lt. 1, Con. T, (former N. GwiIL.)Comnwricati.on noted.(c) E. Stevensonr Pt.Lot 12, Con. IReferired to Engineer.!26, BUII,DTNG PERIVTITS',,'(a) Sehleuter * referred to Englneer fqr I - ' *ndation.(b) Gone '.: - Pt. Lt. I, Con. 5 - we]-ding dnf, blacksmlth shop.Recommended that Mr. Goneau be notlfy-ed- pur-chaser naycarry on above business.the3. pernlts contlnued -r'(q) s.G. walton -"(d) PLan 427 (St. George subdivlslon)Buildtng Inspector C. Chirnelde to obtal-n lttforrnatlon.Referred to next Plannlng Conntttee fteetlrtgr27 . OTHER. BUSII{ESS(a) Lieenslng of Auctloneersr r',, r ' lReaomqenEed that Councttior $moclcun tnventi.gate X.icefrsLsgfees Ln other areas and reportback to ng'lr,t neetingl(b) Dlecuse5.op- rg offer,of sale of 180 acrqs for recneatlonalprrposes by D. l4acMillan & K. Hrrnte#.Reeommendeittrat May0r Brrrows, Cor.rnclilorH Clarl* eurdWelch keeF negottati.sns open, -A1l- 'Counoll menbers asked. tolnspect Property .(c) Bulldj,ng Inspector J. Cudworth reported. that f, stop* had been put on bull.dlng on Pt.Lti 17, PIan 556at preaent and a sohrtlon to problen ln slght, l{ri Cudtrrortlraleo r.eported that a per.ult had been tEken-out for therei.rvations belng done on horrse on Frahkl,in Beach Rd.'14; ntgcussLon re fencil"ng of srdinnfng pool-s and coverlngBY*Law'Refer{red to Englneer for lnvestlgation.On Motion Committee adJOurned.SecretaryChalrmarr

-F--r[O\^/NSH]P OF GEORGINAFEGIONXI l'IUNfCf PAIJITY OF YORKRECREATION CO},II{IITEE }'ISETINGRBPORI NO . 8Jr:ne 16, 1971 .fhe Recreation Committee of Council of the fiownship of<strong>Georgina</strong> met at 7:1O porrr in the Municipal Office, Sutton.80i Members Presentr Councillor Smockr,un, Burnie, Clark, f-rarsenand Welch.the Ohairrnan took the chai-r and. called- the meeting to order,-\:\-B'1 .8?_.It was moved. and second.ed. that the minut$e of the RecreationCounittee meeting of Znd., 1971, b€ ad.ppted. as circul"ated.,Delegations :(a) Councillor Burnie appeared. as a d.elegation on behalf ofthe Port Bolster Connunity Ha}I to request the installationof en exhaust fan and a hand. raiLfor the outside porch.It was reconunend.ed. by Counittee that tenders be called.for the installation of a hand. rail on the outsi-d.e porchand the installation of an exhaust fax. for the Port Bolster0onmunity Halt. To d-efray the cost of sane the Euchre Clubof the Port Bolster Conrnunity Hall were d.onatins $150;O0toward.s this(b) Councillor Bunrie presented. add.itional information withregard. to the tiling of the floor.Quoted. price for supplying and. installing tile $588, 00Sanding Floor & f.rabour60.00The Oommittee s6s6mmerrded, that the fender of Orest Kortkoof Virginia for the purpose of preparing and tiling thefloor of the Port Bolster Qosnunity HaIl be aceepted. asof this date i-n the amoulrt of $648.00.(c) l{embees of the B:-*ar HiIl0emetery Board. appeared. tod"iscuss the replacement of I{r. Wm. Stewart who had.submitted his resignationy effective Nov. 1971,It was resommend.ed. that the position be ad-vertised. atthe earli.est .(d) lllr. Jin Day and. Hr. tr'rank }Tash representing the KeswickArena appeared. before Connittee to d.iscuss the accountsreceiveble and payable.The Reereation Coumittee recourmend.ed. that the South ShoreAthletio Association present an audited financialstatement to the Recreation Conmittee of Council pend.ingthe recornftend.ation to 0ouncil of the paynent of theirgrant .

-l -r2-85. IIr. Rockel, Recreation Dtreator presented. his psssffoendationsand suggestlons to Connitteel (sbe schedule attached,)Item '# 1 of the report recolunend.ed. to 0ouacilIten # 2 Referred to Director for more information.Iten # 1 .lr.pproved,,Iten # 4 Staff for parks progqram ApprovedTten # 5 Staff for" Flayground- progtraJll Approved.Iten # 6 Coumunication S$sten ftssslnmsnd.ed.Iten # 7 Resolution Tab1ed. to later d.ateIten # I Swinning Progra.n Recommended. eubject toa report from D.Lrector on Dollar & Oente costsaad. number}led. ln progra$.Iten # 9 Feasibility $tudy RecornmendedIten # 10 Use of N.Gwill Park Approved.Iten # ll trawn l{ower - [ab].ed.Item ff 12 tJee of N.Gwill. Park by schoolefurther infoluation[abled. forIten # 11 Construction -Stage- $utton Areaa *Approved.Item # 1+ Darree -Sutton Arena ApproveclItetr # 19 Prrrchase of Hydro Polrbs - Beferred. to CotrncillorWelchIten # 16 Arrard--rFin I'arrg ABproved..8l/f. Aecoux,te I[be accounts were presented., approved and. recpunended.thef they be subnitted. to the Treasurer for pa;rnent.85. New Business :DLscussion concexning salary for the oaretakers of theCenetei!.e8.Councillor larsen presented. proposed. figures and itwas reconmetrd.ed that a resolution be presented at theRegular Council meeting.0n l{otion Commlttee *ld.journed.

'i!rr '" RJICOi-IflENDATIONS AND SUGGJJSIIONS OF RECREA'IIION DI-I JI.:{iI-:'4 I aAs Recreation Director I recommend. that: the cl-imberknown as "Girrgerbread" Boy" be purchased. for the southeastcorner of the Gworgina Park to be placed- in asix foot circle, Cost not to exceed. S'141.21 plus tax andshipping charges,/t.2.7+.5.As Recreati-on Director I suggest that consid.eration bemad.e of a trophy to be presented to the South ShoreSoftball Association by the Recreation Department.As Recreation l)irector,of the reconmendation#1 Article # 5 ,As Recreation Directorsta$f be hireit for otrrMichael Raf fertyBill ArnotRoger 0 t DellRobert SimpsonIYlichael SmithBruce MorrisonFrank WatsohRichard. SmythKen i{clnnesRobert Hansen Sr.Robert Hansen Jr,Duff Sed.ore $n.All CollierBill BrownBiIl AgnewI recoamend- a coneid.eratlonof the Ad.visory Coumittee ReportI recommend. thatparks progralltNorth Gwillinbury $North Gl'rillimhurySutton Arenal.-"t.oArena<strong>Georgina</strong> [ownsh5-pNorthNorthftGwillimbrlryGwillinburythe following|l ll1 .15 per hrtlAs Recreation Director I recommend that the followingstaff be hired. for ou.r playground. progxartrJilI [inminsSupernrisor$60 . 00 weekJud.y Norri sPefferlaw lread-er40. 00ilftHeather $ed.orellMichael [aylor$rrttonItPeggy EwarttlPau]- Demenok\.Iil-]ow BeachllElva SnithilJulia FaribarnKeswickAbraham Bo sman+tlYvonne NetrmanJerseyrtHilka ReusJuend.i lrl vingstonerlald- that"these lead.ers with the Director attend. thetratni-ng canp from Jrrne 44*Jrrne ?7 t 1971 , nt the OntarioAthletic lead.ership Centre at a cost of $22.00 per,tln+tltfIt2 , 50llI'rlll

5 .7,As Recreation Director I srr,ggestthat consideration be rnad"eof a note effective colanunications systemi whereby parkwof,k old.ers may be passed. on. to various work crews.. A jobto be in a parlc area would- be pamsed to tbe Reerea'bionDepartment and. then given to the appropriate work crew,'Ihisproee$s would. eliminate the of work upon thework crews. It would be und.erstood. that if a crew were in anarea that some minor job would not be overlookecl.,As Becreation Director, I suggest that cor.Ei,leration be macleof the attached. resolution, with the ad.clition of a limib,rAs Recreation Director I would recomnrend. that the follor,iringetaff be hired after proof of age and. qualificationsfor out ewimrnirrs prosralnr'"':SUfTON ,'!Ein .Phyliss Gold.waseer Sutton & <strong>Georgina</strong> Co*ord.inatorRita AbetnanInstrtictortlBlaire Egerd.ieEllen GreenbloomntlRita Shapir:oGEORGINA AREA;ItDavj.d. SaollosytlPatricia SpeneetfKristl KuuekNOBTII G1^IIIJ'$IBIIRY .lBEArBarbara lru" SupervisorRobert HudsonCInstrtrctorBoh $ed.orerlJanet l{c$il-IanrrCathie ilr.&page rlArrn Hud.sonrrJanie-lya Keeling rrGwen Sl-aterrlI,eelie Eagleson tlPatty O r'SheatlAlso that PatrolilInstructorilSupervisorCor-ord.inatorpay sched.ule be set asAge 14 25. Oo,/weekage 15 40 . OOlweekage 16 4! . O0/weekAge 17 50 . Oo/weekAge 19 6l .O0/week9O . Oo,/weh65.OO/week

Er,rtk.+++at79, As Recreatiob. Director, I recolnaend that l{iss l-,isa l;i*r-';cl'and. Mr" F1avio Bel1i be hi-red by the fownship o-f <strong>Georgina</strong> tocond.uct a sur\rey in conjulction witlr the Youth and-Recreation Bran-ch of the Departnent of Education' Theirsalary to he $?0.00_per week slleage to-be award"ed.i* an"honorariu.n" Rooru and Board. to be the respondibilityof the surveyor"10. As Recreation Direetor, I reec,nruend that the South KeswickCommr:nity Club pe given permission to attend. the NorthGwillirnblrv - Parlc aI no c6st for a vlub activity gn {Yne 10ur4 ii4 ;e ly ]0 persons will attend- from { 1 ; oo 6tr trrto 4:O0 "pprbxinat p,m.11, As Recreation Director, I suggest that consid-eration bemad.e of i-p"J*na"* of i fawn-tower for the Eeswick Arena'1?.. .A.s Reereation Director, I suggest that sonsid'eration bemaid"e of schools atterrding the-North Gwillinhury Park atno cost for activities, witn prior notLce to be given tothe Recreation Dlrectot.12" As Eecreati.on Directorr I suggest that eonsid.eration be rnadefor the construction of a stage for Sutton Arena appfoxrcost $95'OO.'14.As Recreation Director, I suggeet that consid"eration benad.e of ifre Sutton Dan6e Group to hold. their,first d.ance ofof the season at the Sutton A-rena-on^Jrrne 2Q*+ 1971.(tqOng; Price for rental of irena)1:". As Recreation Director, ! 9ugsqs_tthat consid"eration lre 'imad-e of the purchase of Hydro PoJesi ;..".;l2 - 40 ' aBBrox. $ 65"O0 Each rrnd'e1ive:red'tt--,115. OO rl2 - 50'2 - 60 | rr120"Oo'16.[ota]-6 poles - approx. $74o"0oAs Recreation Direetor and. upo? reccilunend-ation of Mr 'Wm. CLH$* c-ould- we giv* conii-d.eration to,", Lang;;ie-#F-*rf ib*Urp aEtlons in reportine a Break and- Enter ni.-which ,tgit , iil*'il*fu-;h- arena sone tinE *go r \" i'-\

:i'rri'.ffih,(ftil-\I I1t -'(a-trsF.!.-rl+^*;*a+il-t"ttttttl-t"lt*,on tt ttt'+

The Counci I of theCounci I Chambers ofI'IINUTES OF COUNCILO F THETOIdNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKl4onday,luly 12, lg7t.Toynship.of Georgin i: met at 7.80 p.m. in thethe Administration Buildlng, pefferlaw, 0ntario.The Chairman of theto order,Council took the Chaif and called the l,lembersl. I'lembers present at this meetingl Mayor Burrows, Reg-CouncillorPollpck, counci'!lors Burnie, cTark, Larsenn Lyons, Foyniz;Smockurn and ldelch.?. Councillor Larsen, seconded by Councillor Lyons, moved that theminutes of the council meeting of June ?9, igtt, u* confiimedin the form sUpp1ied ')D the Members, which was iarriedDHPUTATIONS:t3. i'lr. Keith lJarrison of the I'{cRae Beach Property 0wners Assoc.addressed council with reStrd to the propised-Trailer Cump-'de-velopnrent in the area. He informed'Coirncil that the meinbersof the association cbjected strenuously to this development fora number of reasons, ald in support of this had signed'apetition to this effect.Mr. l'larrison lras informed_lhut prior to plans betng finaliredCouncil would mel'i rvith all panties concirned for iurther discussion"4.Mr. Hatton of Kest'uick asked to address Council again with regardto obtaining a Health Permit,l4r. llatton was adviced to contact 14r. Hancey again for furtherdiscussion and consideratioir.COMf'4UN I CAT I ONS :5.6.7 .8.Depgrtment of f4unicipal Affairs re levy of taxesThe foregoing communication was noted and filed.York county Board of Education re Disposition of schoolsTo be presented under Motions.Briars Community Association re Zoning n,|: ':l - . :-eA.The foregoing communi.:;riion was noted and referred to PlanningCommittee of Council and the RegionalPlanning Department.Robert S. hlelch, Minister of Educationre summer youth in actionprografll.The foregoing communication was noted and fi I ed.

Commun"icatlons continued-2 Monday, JulY l2' 197t.9. Department of Transportdtlon and Cointnunications re gravelrights - Part Lot 5, Con. l,The foregoing comnunicatlon HHs noted and referred toEngineering Committee and Road Supt.10. Town of l'larkham re l97l Incentive ProgramThe foregoing communication was noted and filed.REPORTStl.Reg-Councillor Pollock, seconded by Councillor Clark movedthat Councll resolve itself into Committee of the hlhole toconsider the following reports:Report No. 6 of the Engineer-Admi n i stratorReport 7 of the Engineer - AdministratorReport No. l0 of the Engineering CommitteeReport No. 5 of the Planning CommitteeReport No. l0 of the Recreation CommitteeReport of Councillor Lyons re the Canine Controlwhich was carried.The Chairman of the Councll chaired the Committee of the Whole.The Committee of the l,lhole arose,The Chairman of the Council reports that the Committee of the Wholehad adopted the reports as follows:Report No . 6 of the En g i neer-Admi n i s tratorwi thout amendment.Report No. 7 of the Engineer-Administra torwi thout amendment.Report No. l0 of the Engineering Committee by amending Clause 83(f) (iv) by changing the word 'Plugs' to "0utlets".By amending Clause 86(d) bv adding the words "q days a week" s0that it now reads "9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p,m. Six (6) days a week".By amending Clause 86 (c) by deleting the words "plus fringebenefits" By amending Clause 87 (c) (l) by adding"Belhaven ofKeswick 0ffic€rr .Report No. 5 of the Planning Committee by amending Clause 29 (c) bydeleting the word "Councilu and adding the word "Buildfng Inspector".By amendtng Clause 32 (f) by adding the words "[,led. Thurs. and Fri.'l2th,ttttr, and lSth Aug, By amending Clause 34 (a) by deleting theword "Boathouses" and adding the word "Dwelling" so that it nowreads "appllcations for dwellings". By amending Clause 35(e) byadding the word draft" so that it now reads "presented a draftBy- L aw" .

Reports continued-3 Monday, July 12, l97l-Report No. l0 of the Recreation Committee, wltltogt amendment.Rebort of Councillor Lyons re Canine Control without amendment.The Report of the Committee c" the blhole was received.Upon the question of the adoption of Report-No. 6 of theEngineer-Adninistrator, without amendment, i t was carried.Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. 7 of theEhgi neer-Admi n i s trator , wi thout amendment, i t was carri ed ,Upon the question 0f the adoption of Report No, l0 of theEngineerirtg Committee, ds amended' it was carried'Upon the question of the adoptlon of Report.No. 5 0f thePlanning Committee, as amended, it was carried.Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. l0 of theRecreation Committee, without amendment, it was carried.Upon the question of the adoption,of !hg Report ofCbuncillor Lyons re Canine Control, without amendment' it wascarried.12, Mr. H. E, Hartley, of Hartley Consultants Ltd., presented hitreport on the Iniurance requirements and coverage specifieationsfor the TownshiP of <strong>Georgina</strong>.13. Report of the Treasurer for the first six months tlas read bythe MaYor.BY-LAhIS14. Councillor PoyntzCouncil lor Lyons( I )That By-Law No. 84n a BY-Law torequire the owners of privately ownedoutdoor swimming pools to erect andmaintain fences and gates aroundsuch swimming pools, introduced andread a first and second time.CarriedMOTIONS15. Councillor BurnieCo u n c i I I o r C I a r k( 2 )BE it resolved that the resolutionregarding Insurance Tenders passed onthe lgth of April, 1971, be and thesame is hereby rescinded.Carried. .

-4 Monday, July 12, 1971.Hotions continuedCounci I lor ClarkCouncillor Lyons( 3 )Councillor PoyntzCounci I I or Lyons( 4 )Counci I I or PoyntzCouncillor Lyons( 5 )BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVE0 thatthe 1971 General Insurance Tender forthe Township of Geol^gina be open toall prospective bidders.Carried..The tlarble Fly Inspectors be paidat the rate of $3.05 per hour, andthe assistants be paid at the rateof $2.75 per hour.C a r r i e dh|hereas July 3lst, 1971 , i s 0rchardBeach Association Fiel d Day, they bepermitted to close off Orchard BeachRoad at Metro Roadfrom I . 00 a .m, to8.00 p.m. on .luly 3lst, l97l .Carried. , . .Counc i I I orCounc i I I or( 6 )FoyntzLyonsThe Council of the Corporation of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> hereby authorizestIe follor,ring paving to be undertaken;l) ?0' driveway at Keswick Arena totie in with the existing drive*way an area of 5,504 sq, ft. at acost of $1,376.00.2) East side of Arena - an area of3,667 sq. ft, at a cost of$826.75.3) Remove concrete and pave in frontof Fire Hall Bays at a cost of$?30 . 00 .Carried..Counci I I orCounc i I I or( 7 )l,lelchLyonsThe Council of the Corporation of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> hereby consentsto the conveyance of land from LorneAnd lvlargaret Arnold to the 0ntarioHydro Electric Power Commission,Carried. .

-5-Monday, ,July 12, 1971.ACC0UNT$rI 6 .Reg-Councillor PolI o c kCounci I lor Poyntz( I )That the Treasurer be authorized topay the followfng accounts as perSchedules dated July l2th, lgTl:General :Fi re :l,la terworksRecreati on, Sewers$r 38.446 .l 0I,144,234 , 0?4 . 8g13,760. 43OTHER-,BUSINESS:Carrled17. Mr. Payton of Mossington Park asked to speak to Council abouta permit for the construction of a boathouse. Councilsuggested that they would have an answer for Mr" Payton intwo weeks.Councillor Clark reguested a guard rail 0r larger checkerboardfrom Miami Orive to Townline. Clerk to write toEngineering Department of Region.Councillor Poyntz rep0rted on the current needs studyundertaken by the Engineering Bepartment and informedCouncil that Mr, Hare, Mr. Mintz and Mr, Poyntz weremeeting with the Department on July l5th, to discuss theassumption of certain roads by the Region.IThe approval for the construction of tleir sideroad wasreceived, and acknowledgement of our request for crosswalkon 0alton Road l.tas received.The question of illegalto Councillor Lyons,parking at Mossfngton was referredCouncillor Smockum asked that the Province be contactedagain in regard to the opening of the Day Park at MorningGl ory School .Councillor Burnie asked that some definite action be takenon the flooding 0n the Holmes Point Road.Discussion concerning the disposition of unused schools.Councillor BurnieCounci I I or Smockum( e )The Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>submits that the schools being offeredfor sale should be done by sealedTenders. Further that we shouldindicate our preference for Pefferlaw,Udora and l'lount Pleasant.Carried..6.

-6-0ther BusinesscontinuedThe Mayor read a letter fromand Tavern.A copy of the Solicitor'Mr. Vale res reply tothe 0rchard Beach Innbe forwarded to the group.Reg.-Counci I lor PollockCounc{ I I or PoyntzBY-LAI.I NO. 850n motlon meeting adJourned.That By-law No. 85, a By*law toconfirm the pr0ceedings of Councilsat !ts meeting held 0n ,luly l?t l97lhe introduced and read a firstsecond time.and- Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk.t

Report No . 6O FTHE ENGINEER ADMINISTRATOR--.IFcr consideration bythe Counci Il2July, l97lCHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCILTOI.|NSHIP OF GEORGINAMUNICIPALApt4INTSTRATI0-T.0RGANrZATI0Nacri ve in .--tlnlfri,iffi El;tftli{.iHli*nHfr, fii:r"ffii;il*;il Ill{"to provtde comprehenslve but consol{dated service t0 all peoplein the nev{ Corporation of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Previously three separate and quite differentadministration entities existed mainly former Township oftlorth GwillimbupJ, Village of Sutton and former Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>. l,lith the amalgamation and formation of the newtownship the problem exists of combining these separatedentities into streamlined functions. In this regard it isdeemed necessary that the functions be consolidated in oneplace d$ much as possible which may not be the same physicalIocation. I an speaking of functions like administrationof Building Department, tax arrear collection and generalroads construction and maintenance. In as far as the roadssection is concerned this function has already been effectivelyestablished in one place namely the former Belhaven Township Yardnow Yard No. l. Also the separated function of Recreationhas been established primarily in Sutton.Hith the co-operation of the Sutton Hydropersonnel it is now proposed that effective July 3l the newBuilding Departnent for the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> be alsoestablished in Sutton. That is the Sutton office will beconethe head office from which the Building Inspectors will work,Application forms will be available in all offices and aBuilding Inspector will be available at any branch office_byappoiritment or on regular assigned basis for nubl!g consultation,Ait Building Department admlnistration however wiIl be primarilycomFleted in the new Sutton Head Office.Further, in order to bring information closer tothe people in the Keswick area the Council has purchased theformer Bank of Commerce on the west side of the Queensway,south of Church Street. This office will be open for generalinformation, tax payments etc. to the public on July 31,1971. Tax arrears, howeverr wil'l be received in Pefferlawwhere this function is being consolidated. This is necessarybecause of the precise information required which has to beup to date .

2-The Pefferlaw 0ffice being the largest of availablet'{unicipal Buildings will remain to be the 0ver all head officefor the present time"Further 0n ,luly 19, 1971 a nevt telephone systemwitl be in operation' The telephone system which will befurther explalned in the general brochure presently beingmailed to alI taxpayers is direly needed to consolidate thedo ze n o r s o d i f fe re n t n umbe r s be i n g u s e cl by ,'t h e ' a dn i n i s tra t i onpersonnel. It WJll greatly increase intercommunicationbetween public and personnel responsible for individualfunctioni rather than necessitate prolonged dialing ofnev{ numbers by the public which especially can become anuisance for long distance callers.The new system will incorporate five trunk lineswith a Sutton number and two Pefferlaw lines wh'ich wi'11 bedisplayed ancl dispatched from a central switch board in thePefferlaw reception area. All calls are then d!spatchedfrom this switch board to the branch offices which willallow immediate re-transfer to other personnel aS necessary.The numbers for the netlr syti+:m will be the two existingnumbers 7?2-3elt ancl 437-1110 tvith features for automaticswitch over to adia'ent lines when one line is busy.Synonymous with the incorporation of the newtelenhone systbm ah interoffice directory will be pub'lishedwhich Jointiy with the system should remgve the maiority ofthe present t',^ustrations being encountered.p e r i o d .RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTE D}'|e request your indulgence during the switch overG, Mintz, P. Eng. ,Engineer Administra tor.Pefferlaw, 0ntarlo.July 12, 1971.

ReportNo , 7OF THE ENGINEE R ADMINISTRATORfor consideration bythe Co un c i I12July, l97lCHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCILTOT.INSHIP OF GEORGINARe : 0ffi ce StaffI t i s recommended tha tbe authorized to engage three addi titemporary basi s for the position ofsteno typist.theo n a lfi I eEngineer Administratoroffice staff of aclerk and generalThe reason for engaging the staff is that thesepositions are vacant due to holidaysr general re*organization,repeated over aI I mai I ings of general brochures and taxes, etc.The salary levet $3500.00to $4500.00 per annum.for.RESP E CTFUL L Y S UBM I TTE D,Thi s has beenin the past and is presently budgetedG, Mintz, P. Eng.,Engineer ArJministrator.Pefferlaw, 0ntario,July 7?, 1971 .

TOI'{NSHIP OF GEORGINARECIONAL I4UNICIPALITY OF YORKRECREATION COI{I;IITTEE I,iEETINGREPORT NO. I O .rlulyT, 1971.The Recreation Committee of-the $oUtc_'ll of-{he Towhship ofrnet at 7,30 P.t'l. in the ltluniclpal Off{ce, SUttoh.<strong>Georgina</strong>The chairman took the chalr and called the rneetlng to order,86. l4embers Presentl Councillor Smockum, I'iayor Burrows, CouncillorsBurnie, clark, Lgrsen and l{elch, s. Rockel, Director AdvisoryCommittee: B. Clark, J. Lamb, D. Flercer and B. SibbaId.87, It kJas moved and seconded that the llinutes of the RecreationCommittee meeting of June l6th, 1971, be accepted as circulated.88. Report f,lo. 2 of the Advis0ry Committee was presented.Item ltL referred back to Advisory CommitteeItem #3 referred to Director for terms of reference.Item #4 referred to Director for an assessment on theirrequi rements.Report lt? of the Advisory Conmittee uras accepted.89, l'liss Lisa Darrach and l.{r, Flavio Belli were introduced to themembers and a brief discussion followed about the formula forconducting the survey.It-was,suggested ,that this be announced ln the local paper andsuitable identiflcation be carried by the Surveyors,90. HOCKEY'l-t4r. P. Hudd and l1r, R. Stitt subnitted an audited financlalstatement for the South Shore Athle'llc Association.Followlng a discussion concerning audited statement it wassuggested that the Advisory Committee meet with the 0MHA andSSAA to try and resolve their differences.The Recreation Committee of Counc'il recommended that the $9,000.00grant to the South Shore Athletic Assoclation for the t970*71season be paid to fulfill the committment of the Council of theformer North Gwillimbury Township.91. l,{r. }lm. Browne. Parks supervisor presented his report on theTownship Parks and the duties he and his assistants areperforming .

July 7 , l97l .9e . Accounts:It was recommended thdt the Accounts for the Recreation accepted and submitted to Counctl for approval and paymbnt.93. 0ther Business:(a)(b)(c)Date of Civic Plcnic referred to Councillor lrfelch.Request from Corner'g B$aCh Atsociatlon for use of PortBolster CommUnlty Hall for Bgke 5ale, Sat. *tuly 24th,Permission granted, l,lrs. Beckett Presldent to be notifled.Discussion concernlng extengloh of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Twp. Park.Referred to next meetlng.94 . Cemetery BoardCounclllor Larsen presented a repol't 0h the Brlar Hill CemetervBoard and stated that 4 applicatlons had been l"ecblved for thepositlonof l{anager/Caretaker.Counclllor Largen made the following recommendatlons:(a) Books should be audlted prlor to the hlring of new $4anager/Caretaker.(b) An additional Plot plan should be prepared and stored i n a asafe place.(c) Recommend that all accounts be approved by the Boardmembersbefore payment.(d) Recommend that tt'rosignatures be placed on the chegues.(e) A monthly financial statement be presented to the RecreationCommi ttee.(f) A monthly report on all Lots sold, graves opened, etc.0n tt{otion Committee Adjourned.

TOI.INSHIP OF GEORGINAREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKPLANNING COMMITTEE MbETINGREPORT NO. 5.luIy 5th, t971,tThe Plannilg Comrn!ttgp of Councll of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>met at 7:30 p-m.-in tle couhc{l chambers of the Municipal*0ffice, Sutton, 0ntarlo.The Chairman of the Commlttee took the chair and called themeeting to order.28. Members Present: Regtcouncillor PolIock, Mayor Burrows,Counclllors Burnie, Clark, Ldrsen, Lyonsn poyntz, Smockuma n d l,|e I c h .29 . DEPUTATIONS(a)(b)(c)l'fr. J. Snedden" Property Division of 0ntario Hydroattended to discuss the application rfor consent for theuse of Virginia Beach Distributing Station.Mr. Snedden requested a resolutlon from Council grantingconsent.This was referred to the Council meetingof .luly 12th,under Motions .fvtr, R. A, Hands, owner of Ashunyoong camp, near Moore'sBeach asked for tentative approval of the developmentof a trailor camp.. He stated that he was preparbd to complywith all .rules qnd legulations of the Townitrib. It wasrecommended by Committee that Mr. Hands preseirt detalledpla!s of his proposal together with apprbval of theHealth Unit for further c0nsideration.tilr. ttqlrut-Kik, Lot 6, Concession 7, requestedclarification on his bqiTg unable to obiain a buircringpermit. Mr. Kik was advised that his property waszoned agriculture and a building permit cbuld-not befssued. He then reguested a permit for a pole barn.This matter was refdrred to Mr, Charles Chirnside,(d) Flr,-Jim Day presented a petition signed by approx, 400residents of Snake Island reguesting that the'ferryservice be continued. Mr. Day fnfoFmed the comrnitteethat he had been serve! un injunction, and requestedassistance from Counci I .It was recommended;that the injunction be withheldpending clarification of the Zonlng Boundaries.

-2-(e)Mr. Marshatl of Baldw{n attended to request the removalof some trees in order that he may obtain a license tooperate the Baldwin Airport .It was recommended that a meeting be arranged with Mr.Marshall, t4rs. M. charpentier and Mr. Minti to discussthis matter to arrange a suitable agreement for allparties concerned.30 . RE PORTS(af.mgussion concerning the Report to OMB on the appealby Fred & Dorothy Routley against the decision oi'theCommittee of Adjustment of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Above Report noted md filed.(b)Mr. Don Knight, RegionalPlanning 0ffice presented areport on the progress of fie subd'ivision proposals atthe regional level.Raiend Subdivision - Lot 20, 21 Con. zChowaniec Subdivision - Lot 21, 22 Con qSaigan Subdlvision Lot 16, 17, con ? e 3The above were being recommended for approval by theRegional Planning Department.Strobel' Condominiums - Planning Dept. would confer wlthl,flr, Mintz before presenting Technical Report to Dept,August, l97l .I(c)committee was informed that no action has been taken0n forming a Land Division Committee. Members ofCommittee felt that this Committee was essentlal andthe Mlnister should be advised by the Region that actionshould be taken in this regard.Itlr. Edwin Latimer of the Dept. Tourism and Informationinformed the members of the procedures for theestablishment of trailer camps in 0ntario.A resume 9f progress to date'on Lamb,s Trailer Camp atDuclos Point was presented.32 . COMMUNICATIONS(a) Cardinal Homes Ltd. Re; Building permitLetter read, referred to Engineer for repty.(b)(c)(d)Rudolf H. Simon Re; SubdivisionLetter read, referred to Engineering CommitteeRegional Municipality of York Planning Dept.Letter read, fi led.York County Bosrd of Education - Dwelling Unit FeesLetter read and fi led.

(e)(f)(g)-3July 5, 197.l.York County Board of Education - Owelling Unit FeesLetter read, filed,rlersey Businessmen's Assoclation - ParadeIt wa$ recomm€nded that permission be granted for the useof a Public Address <strong>System</strong> provided lt is used between the hoursof 4:00 p.m. to 6;00 p.m. ldednesday Thursday and FridayAugust ll, 1? and 13.Department of Lands and Forests - License of Occupation.Letter read, referred to Engineer.33 . Severances :It was recommended that the severances be referred to theCommittee of Adjustment for their comments andlor recommendations .I34. Building Permits:(a)( b )35. 0ther Business:(a)(b)( c )( d )Mr. J. Cudworth presented two applications for dwellingsMr. Cudworth was instructed to issue no permits for theselots, as they were zoned agriculture.Reports of permits issued for the month of June weresubmitted from Belhaven and sutton 0ffice.It was suggested that the reports be summarized on acontinuing basis.Application for Taxi License (Wheaton) referred to Counclll,lct'laster & Montgomery, Solicitc'rs for Basiuk and Kuchurachukrequest for a Marina - Lot 1,2,3, and Lot ?1, Concession 7.(Plan 327l'Referred to Enginee F.Mrs. G, Friedrichs presented a proposel which wasdiscussed and filed for future consideration.Councillor Burnie presented a resolution concerning CedarBlvd., Holmes Point regarding the right-of-way to theRiver.It was reconmended by Cr:mmittee that this be placed on theAgenda of the Council Meeting, .Iuly lzth.( e )Frank trlash By-Laws 0fficer presented a draft By-Law forthe regulating of ponies and horses in the Township,Copies of same to be distributed and discussed at nextregular Commi ttee meeting.0n llotion Committee Adjourned.

iilr'-f,TOI.INSHIP OF GEORGINABelng a By-Law to control and regulate the keeping of horses andponies withln the limits of the Towrrshtp of <strong>Georgina</strong>.bilHEREAS lt is deemed expedient by the t4unlcipal Councll of the9orpgration of_!hq-Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> under the lvlunlcipal Act,Sect{on 179, (l) (tl) to regulate anO control the keepin! andrestricting the numbert of horses,and ponles withln the iesidentialsectlons of the Townsh'ip of Georg{na.BE IT THEREF0RE E$|ACTED by the t'luplclpal Councll of ihe Corporatlonof the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> a$ follor^rs;l. Alt horses and pon{es shall be kept in properly constructedguarters which shall nt all tlmqs be kepi ln a clean andqqt!!tary condition and inay be l'nspected at, any time try a PoliceOfflcer or any other pers0n appolnted by Counci'l for ttre purpose.2. Such guarters for horses anrj ponies are to be a rntnimum distanceof 100 feet from any rLrsideniiai dr,reilfng.3. No more than two (e) animals rnay be kept on a;iy one property.t .5.6.Ponies and horses are I'orbldden on any s{dewalks.Ponles and horsesTown shl p.Ponfes and horsesof the Townsh i p .are forbidrien oit all pub'llc beaches in theare forbfclrien to be ridden en the main roads7. Pon'ies and horses are forbidden to be rldden on other Townshiproads by anJ'sps under Ten (lO1 yenrs 0f clgE unless accompanieilby an adult,AHY PERS0N convicted of cr br,lach of the provlsions of thlsBy-Law shall forfeii clnd pay at, the d{scretion of theconvicttng hilaglstrate a penalty not exceeding the sum ofFlfty ($50.00) Dollars fon each offence excluslve of costs.t

lI .Report #2RECREATI0N DEPARTMENT ADVIS0RY C0MI'IITTEE,lune 24, I 971 ,The Adivsory Commlttee met at 7:30 ln the Muhicipal 0fflce,Sutton .ll,lembersPresent: Bob Clark, FlrJr Jr D. Slbbald, Ralph Grifflth,Bltl Harvey, Jim Lamb, Ddlt l,{efcer, Steve Rockel.2. The figure Skatlng Glub alonE wlth I'.1r. J. Allwrlght met w{th thethe Advl$ory Committde.I!."9s movqd by Dalt l4ercer, seconded by Blll Harveythat the Advtsorl Cuniillttee recommend to the Relreation Comirttteethat the tees presehted by the Firure Skating Clubs be the feesfor 1971.72 fiEure skatlng season.SuttonFees:Under 6 Years no badge $5.002 hours per week I le$sonJunlor below 7th badge $9.002 llZ h$urs psr ireek I lessonAbove 7 th$t 0. 00 plus$9. 00Approx. 6 hours per week3 lessonsN411f,[ Gw i I I i m b u ry Fe e s :No badges2 hours per week iJuniors up to 7th311?- hours per r'rcekAbove 7th to lOth5 hours per weekI I and above6 hours per week$7 .ooI lesson$l 5 . 00I I e s s on$15.00 + $5.00Z lessnns$25 . 003 les$ons3. Floved by Dalt l4ercer, Znd by Btll l{arvey,The Advlsory Commlttee recommends to the Recreation Comm{tteethat Pauline Trlvett,_Doug Kellett, Vlc Tlmmins, George Holbornand Al Brumby wlth Dalt l4ercer as Advisory Committee l-fason bebe appolnted as the Arena Committee, after prlor indlcatlon ofactual responsibllltles and authority regariling budgetrng, lcetimes and rental rates.

'1t-.lune 24, I971 .5. Report on the Santa Claus patade.Estfmates are now^being aFranged for, with regard to thetrade and value of the old reindeer.-Estlmate for plate-type startdr, $e2,$0 each (ftve are needed).6.7 .8.l'|ith reference to the Keswlck Scout [,lovement.Lelf Erlkson of Keswlck l$ to be invited to attend the nextregular meetlng of the Advisbry Commlttee.cq.fgsFgndence froln Klrismen ttuu of sutton regarding the useof the Arena.I'linutes of meeting of June 10, 197l as follows:$ilunicipal 0ffice, Sutton.Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>RECREATION ADVISORY COI,II,IITTEEf4 E E T I N GJune 10, lgll.Members Present: 0. t"lercen, B. sibbald, R.Grlfflth, B. Harvey,J, Lamb, B. CIark, S, Rockel, (Ctrilrman).It was moved by Dalt l4ercer, seconded by Barb Sibb d that for theI97l soccer season the. registration fee- for soccer b; si.tio'ino-[rrutthe budgets submitled !V the soccer group be considered wi th tfrfi -Tegard' Further that fbr the l97l sEasoir the CIubi-in the SuitonArea and the Keswlck Area function as two unlts under the Recr ittonDepartment.To be presented at the meetlng of the Advisory Commlttee and theRecreatfon Committee (tst l^led. in Juty).9. The next fegular meeting of the Advisory Committee shalt beon_Thursduy,luly 2gth, l97l, at l,30 p.m. in the sutton l4uniiipat0ffi ce .0n ttlotion ',; Adjourned,I-FI

TOt.lNSHIP OF GEORGINAREGIONAL MUI{ICIPALITY OF YORKEIIGINEERING COMI4ITTEE MEETINGREPORTNO.I0.July 8, 1971.The Englneering Committee of Gouncil of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> met at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chanbers of theMun{cipal 0ffice, Sutton, Ofltar{0.The Chalrman took the chalr and called the meeting to order.82. Itlembers Present: Counclllor Poyntz, Mayor Burrows,Reg-Counclllor Pollock, Councillors Lyons, $mockumand CIark ,83 . ROADS:(a) Letter received from Department of Transportationand Communications rei Casings for Pipelines.Letten read and referred to T. Hare, Road Supt.(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)Discussion concerning Assumptlon of Roads inllards 5 and 6, 49 roads to be assumed by By-LawLlst of same to be prepared for Monday nite.0iscussion concerning wages - l,larble Fly InspectorsTo be presented Monday nites' Council neeting.Discussion concerning 'lf+ Parking:' Signs - LakeshoreRoad. Coples of all By-laws have been forwarded toPolice. Upon complet{on of the By*law InspectorShields requested to meet with Committee toreview the By-law.Dlscussion concerning Flasher Lights {n theTownship - Flasher light at Keswick, requiresrepairs - Referred to Hydro Manager and Bruce Klngof 0ntarlo Hydro.Discusslon concerning repairs reguired at KeswickArena.LRecommended that Engineer obtain pr{ces forpurpose of general ventllation of the KeswlckArena .i{. Purchase of a Scaffold for use atarenas was referred to Engineer.lli.iv.the twoRepairs to East wall of Arena to be done byEd. Koskinen at a cost of approx. $200to $e2$ .Two Tenders received for 0utlets for Arena*awalting Hydro Approval, before Tender ls let,.

-2v. Discussion concerning paving the area around theKeswick Arena and the Keswick Fire Hall Bays.This vras referred to tlonday Nite Council meetlng.84 . FI RE(a) -The Chairman of the Fire Committee took the chairand opened the following tenders for Fire Punper;l) C. E. Hickey & Son Ltd., Hamilton, 0ntario.I stage Punper - $ 18,307.00? stage Pumper - addit{onal 2e5,00(b) i.(c)ii.2lKing Seagrave, l,loodstock, 0ntario1 stage Pumper 19,652.002 stage Pumper - addttional 225.003) Nordic International. Port Credit, 0ntar{oSingle Stage Pumper 17,540.002 Stage Pumper 18,640.00The Tenders were referred to the Englneer andFi re Chiefs .Communication from Bell Canada concerning Phone<strong>System</strong>Letter read, fi Ied.Communication from Fire Marshal's Officeconcerning report forms .Letter read, referred to Fire Chlefs,It was confirmed that the York Regional Policewould be using the North Fire Bay after July 23rd.85. WATER & SEI.TERSCommu n i cation s :(a) F, C, Prokai Request for ['lunlcipal t{aterservr ces.Mr. Prokal was informed that the facilltiesof our plant would have to be determined beforearriving at a decision.'(b) ,Iames H. Sanders concerning hook up of four (4)cottages to sewers .Referred to Engineer.(c)(d)Mrs. 0live Turnbull concerning water servlceRequest denled.V. Cvetokovic concerning water serviceReferred to C, Chirnside.

{Engineer I n g Comml tteeReport No. l0-3 July I, 1971.85 . Garbage(a) Committee was informed that the former GeorglnaTownship would soon recelve garbage pick-up foralmost the enti re area.(b) It was recommended that Mr, John Barrett be hiredon d temporary basis (32 hsur weekly) at the rateof $64.00 per week for garbage pick-up.His work days to be Monday, Tue$day, Thursday andFri daY.(c) It u,as recommended that l4r. Roy l^lilson be hlred ona Temporary basis, his remuncration to be $100.00Per week'(d) Mr. Beardmore hours of work to be from9:00 a.m. to5:00,, 6 daYs a week-87 . 0ther Business;(a)(b)(c)Manager of Bank of Commerce, Keswick to be lnformedwtth-regard to the entratice and exit to facilltatecu$tomer Parking.Parking of Employees cars at $adlon & Scott trya$referred to Frank Nash' By-Laws Officer.Report of Engineer-Admini strator :i. Pefferlaw Administration 0ffice to remain openSaturday morfl{ngs, a$ well as Belhaven and Keswick.ii,New form of appllcations for build'ing permitssubmitted for consideration.iii. $olicitor to be asked for advice with regardto closing road on Plan 4?,2, Port Bolster.iv,Request to purchase chairs for councll chamber'Pefferlaw.It was recommended by Committee that the chairsfor Council chamber be purchased at a cost of$3, 300 . 00 .0n Motion Commlttee Adjourned.

".tT,IINUTES OFCOUNCIIOF TITEIOWNSHIP Or' GEORGI$AIN fHEREGIONAI MUNTCTPfiTIIY OF YORKMonday, July 26, 1g?1"The counci] of the fownehip.o{ Georgiaa' net at ?t}o -F*ri*rrawf p.n. incounciL0hanberstheof the Ad"hinistratlon euiid.ins , oniarro,the Chairlaan of the Cou:rci-l took tbe shair exd eaLled.tothe nembersord-er,1' Plembers Presentl at t[is meeti+g;_l{ayor Burrows, Reg*CouncirlorPo110ck, CounciJlors Burnie , criin, H;";;;-i;;i- , Foyot;;--'Snoclnrn and Welch.?. $-eg-'Councillor Pollock, second.ed. bythe minutes of the0oun6,it neeting bfln the forn suppl-ied. to the t{enb6ls,1,COI{MIINICATI0NS ISouth llake Sfunsss Conservation Authority re property SalesThe foregoins cof,,'unioation was noted"-and. rirEal--4. torun of Richnond. IIiIJ- re Appeal 1g?o Equarization Factorflhe foregoing corormnicatiin was noted. and. filed.5' ont ario Eousing corporati- on re eue stionnaire s-senior Oitiz ensThe foregoing corn'unication was noted. and. iiieo.6, Ontario Eumane Society re Raff1eTo be presented. uad-er llotione.7. Departrnent of Land.s End Forests re d.irectional signsTo be presented. und,er l{otions"REPOR[SCounciLlor Clark r moved, thatJuly 12, 1971, 6* confirned,which was cariied.,'rilt8.Council-lor Snoclflrm second"ed by Councillor C1ark noved. thatreso].veCorrncilitsel-f J.nto conmittee-of the whole i"-;;;sid.erfollowingthereportssEeport No " S of theEngineer-Ad,n inistratorReport No. 6 of the plannfug CoaraitteeR.eport Ncrr 11 of the Recrearion comnttteeReport of councillor T-ryons re the carr:in; contror^' *;':r r'r:Ee$orttof corrnciri;n r';il rI south ralce sincoeConservation Autho"rity which rols caruie+,flhe Chailnan of the CouncLl chaireillbe Comnittee of tire Whoie arose.the Cornnittee of the tilhole.fle chairman of the council reports tbat the connittee of theWhole had. adopted tire .reBorb qi foXfowgl

-?eReports Cbntinued.. I'Iond.ay, JuIy 2G , 1g?1tReport No . I of the Engine er-Ad.nlnis tratoranend,ment.wlthout-Repgr! No . 6 of thePranning..csmmittee by amending clause 41 (aibe d.eletlng the word. "minoi'r.Report No. 11 of the Recreation Corunittge by pl.riun.*?41) uy_grrangilg.lp* ;;;il-"Ausdrii+" to"Aggusr Zpndi bylabl|pg cIalrs_e_27q)pend.ins a^fgpgr-t fron rhe"Engineerins'Comnif, f,ss. Ff u*goginft Ctaude g8(i) by-;A[i"s-"f;E-,r** of -,i;i.sBpivate park" and by d.ef esrlng Ciause- 99(1 ):-"Report of Counciflor f,yons re Canlne Contrrbl wlthou.l,amend,ment .Eepor* of Corrncillor Iryons re South T.rake SimcoeConsefiration Authority- without qmendJlent .The Report of the conmlttee of the whore was received_.flro1 the question of the ad.sption of Report No. g$ngof thelne e r-Ad.nini- strat o r , without amendmeirt , it was c arried. ,flp9n -tne guestion of the ad.option of Report No.rlarutj.ng6 ofUsntmif,f,ss,theas amend.ed_, Lt was -ca*ied..HESI.:ti"$"3;**it3:,'*E HSHHIHT lf *33';l=Ii;ul10f rheObunclli-or'camled..qu,estionPryl_tl:of the ad.-optlon of therJyonsReportreofcanlne oontrol without anend.nent, it-wasuponthe question of the ad.option of theReport oflyone re s-outh l*ke sincoe c-onservation aui["=iiyamend-nent , 1t was carried..Counc i11o:'withoutilIBY-IAWSr9.. Corrncillor la:nsenCouncillor Welch(r)BY-LAW NO . 8I$Cor:ncillor0ouncillor(4)WelchBurnieTF"tBy-Iaw No. 84, a by-Iawto reiyij"-i.r:E#ErfiHBB*Fo 8{*pt*"BSB &T gge*S"grtt $*t='fences and gates around. such swinnj.rl':poolsr'introd.uced. and. read. a I a Caffled., . | | r . | . r r . o 6 d o j. (, s- Passed., g_eatgd. and. signed. by thcI1[ayor end. the C1erk .Th"-t By-Iaw No. BG, a by-Iaw toauthorize the appointnent of a headof thefownship aEsfnistration and. tod.efine the duties and. sesponsibil:L+r:e,rof thw TownshJ.p Engineer ,-tOnin-tstrat, introd.uced.rand. iead. a first and_second ti-ngtcarrigd......irro*sd,:{

tBy-laws continued..Councillor larsenCounci.llor 0}ark(5)-1-I{onday, Juty 26, XgTlflhat By-Iaw No. 87t a By-Iaw toauthorize the application forreeistration of a Crest for theTor^rnsnip of Georgiina, be introd-ucecrarrd. read. a first and second time"Carrigd,r. r . r . + . r r . 6 EBy-Iraw No . 87-fassed., sealed. and signed by theHayor ald. Clerk.HOTIONS:1O. Cbrrncillor SnoclcrrnCorrlcillor Clark(6)The Deer Park Hockey Association bcgiven permission to hold. a etreetd.ance on Saturday, July }1st, 19?1tfron 8:00 ofclock to nidnight onOsborne Avenue , Roche Point.CouncillorCouncillorQ)SmockunPolmtzCaffigd-. . r . r.f | '.r . r c - iWhereas resid.ents of t{arina Estate,Pefferlaw, have requested- streetlights to be installed in this arei-,.i:TIIEREFORE, be it resolved. that thisCouncil enter into contract withOntario, Rt Fenelon Fall-s to.instal the necessar)r lights in thj"r:are a rCarrigd.r. . | . . . . .. .. r r i o ettCouncillor FoyntzReg*Csuncilloi Pollock(8)Councillor FoyntzReg-Council}or Pollock(e)The Council of the0orporation ofTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> d.oes herebythe of B.R..Bell Electric,Keswj,ck, Ontario, for the supplyinstallation of Arena reeeptaclesKeswick Arena at a contract nrice#1,I11 .O0.Carried-rbhe.tr1..rr,.j1.1f.l+v v .nt-!;anCfcr. . r . r r . I r o r o e F iBy-Law Nr.urber '1FFB of theformerTownship of North Gwil-tinbffiXr beanended- to includ.e ttNo Parking"onFarley Cj.rcle.Carrj-gd-. . . r r , . r . r r r I p n r.* 4-

*EPlonday, JuIy 46, 1971",Motions Continued..Councillor PoyntzReg*C6srrci11or Pollock('10)flhe Clerk ls hereby authorized. toanend. Sched.ule tt4tt" 61 By-Iaw Number1661 t llownship of lVorth- Gwilli4buryby thereto fthere shall be a40 nile per hour speed. Llnlt frorn theSouth boirnOary of iot 11; Concession1, of theNorth bound.ary of CJ-arlynDrlvei I Carried.i , , . ; : ; : ; ; ; . . . ; ;ICouncllIor PoyntzCounci-1Ior Snocku.n( 11 )Corrncillor PoylctzCouncillor Smockrr:r.({2)Coungillor PoyntzReg-Cpq*ci}loi Pollock( { 5 )[he Road. Superintend"ent ls herebyauthorized to calLfor tend.ers for thesupply of approx. 1rOO0 tons of coarsehighway salt, subject to the approval oof the Departnent of Transportationand. Communications.Carri-ed". . r r ;. . ; . . ; . . . . ; ;llhe RoaA Huperintend.ent ls herebyauthorlzetl to ua]I for tend.ers forthg.cutting and. renoving of eighty*four(#+) trees-on Township firopert],subject to the appxoval of the Departnentof fransportation and. Conmunications.Caffigd,. r r | | | . I r . r r r I r . .Upon lnspram€fld.ation of the Sutton FireCLiet, that we purcb.ase the Fire hmperfrorn I ;agrave Comparry at a price of$2Or47.OO.Oarfied.. . . . r r r | . r . l r r | ) |Councillor PoyntzEeg-Counci]]or Pollock(14)The Road Superintend.ent, the Engineer-Ad:ninistrator and. Cor.urcillor KenSnockrrn, CounciLlor Jiro Polmtz be*pBointed. to theRoad.s Need.- Stud.yuonnau'gg'carried.r . . . , . . . . . r . . . | . rilICouncillorCouncillor(15)Counci"l-lorCouncillor('16)LyonslJarsenLyonsT.rarSen[he Corrncil proceed. with the sewersgn Jacksonrs Point Avenue and. Mal-oner(oad. to be paid. out of cument Tevenueplus frontage charges.Canrigd,rr I r | . . . . r . . r . . I r'A nrultiple connection be al-Lowed. on asingle lateral in Lrots 1, ?,, 1 and- 4,Plan 52, north sid.e of Sakeshore the lateral meets thestand.atd.s of a regular sewer and. is*fwd._'

Plotions Continued. --5-Mond.ay, JuIy ?6, 1971t (16)CounclLlorCouncillor(u)IryonsLArEenowned. and- oBerated. bp the [ownsbi"p of<strong>Georgina</strong> withln en easaent, and.provid.ed. that cash paynent for thisconstruction is forthconing fron thebenef iting own€Ts,Carried,r... | . r . . r . r . . r I rA preLininary d.eslgn stud"y for waterand. sewet services be und-ertalren toinclud-e the built-up area ad.jacent tothe east }init of the former Bil]aeeof Sutton from tralreshore Road- the Black River.Caffled-.r r r r r . r I r r l r r o rCouncillorCouncillor(18)|tronsrJargenfhe Counci]- proeeed-Sibbald. Beach Road",paid;in cash by theamangenents can bewith sewers on Glenthe cost to beowner$ aftermad.e.CouncillorCouncillor(19)CounclIlorCouaciltor(?o)Re$-Cou:rcillor Pol}ockCouncillor Snockrrn(el)TryonsWelchShocln:nBr:rnj.eCaffiigd,.r I r . r r r | | r r . r . eOanine Control Offlcer SX-*r*oc*Snocl

-6-I{otlons Continued. -Plonday, July 26, 1971 .CouncillorCouncillor(22)PoyntaSnbchunMr. Pat Med.hurst, enployee at theNorth Gwi1l, Ilenorial Arean berequested. to work d.uring his holid.ayperiod- and be re-inbursed- on regulartine basis in ad.d.itlon to his holicla;FBY.Courgillor PoyntuReg-vouncillor Eollock(21)Carried,rc r | | r . | . . . r r a o rlftre Road. $uperintend.ent is herebyauthorlzed. to call for tend.ers forapprox. 61000 tons of r,'linter sand-,subject to the approval of the Dept"Transpsration and. Connunications"0arrigd.e. . . . r r r . o . r r c r cReg*C6pncil1or PollockCouncillor Poyntz( 24)[he Council of the [ownshi-p of Georgi-;would- be in favour of the propertyowners on the east end. of ?tb EtreetRegistered. PIan Nu:rber +22, nakingapplication for a Jud.gers Order toclose theroad..Carrigd-. . .. r r . r r . . . . r c o d .CouncillorCouncillor(25)PoyntzSnockrrmWhereas leland Nelson of the Road.sDepartncnt has corepleted- his probat*ionary period ;Novr [herefore be it sesolved. that I{r"Nelson be appointed to the pernanentstaff of theRoad.s Departnent .Carrigd,.. r r . r | | . . r r r r a dCouncillor BusnisCouncillor Clarke(26)A sj-l.terDollar beperson who entered.Carried-rEiven to eachTtre logo' Grobt6st.. r . I r r r r r r i r a r bCouncillor LarsenCouneitlor C1ark(27)I{r. B. Drolet be hired. as supervisorof the Water & Sewerage Systen Blesenly focated. in the fomer Village ofDutton and. environs at a rerluneratio:of $faOO.O0 per year retroactive tol{'ay 1/71 to be paid. twice yearly,And. that Council aqrees to utili-ze tlpresent staff of tEe Sutton HyftroComrnission for necessa-ry constructionand- repairs.Carrigd... . r r r . . . r . I r . 6 . o

Motionscontriueued- *7*Monday, July 26, 1971 .CouncillorCouneillor(28)SnockunClarkS-utton $gricultural Society be glver.pernission to ad.vertise by loud" sspeaker their Sutton Fair between t]:hours of 4lO0 p.n. and 8:OO p.n.d.aily.Carried-rr . o a . . ? r r r o fr o nASqOUNTSI11 , Councill-or PoyrrtzCouncill-or lrarsen(29)That the Treasulrer be authorized- topay the following accounts as perSbhedules d.ated Jul-y 26, 1971iROADS : $ 58 , EeO " 96Ineentive Frografl: 5,1?B"OO(R.Draper)Carri-gd,ra . r r r r o o o c o o c. c o12. Discussion coneerning !ilater l{ain leak-Black River Road.Ref erred to Bros.It was $ugsested that qe a Chain of Office for ttreI'1ayor.fliscussion eoncerning d.uplication of Garbage, Brash pick -utrrand. Road work on Burke Street.It was nentioned that Elnhurst Beach, Nortb. GwllJ-inhury hacireceived. no dttching in the past nurrber of years,Reg-Counciflor FollockCouncillor Foyntzthat By*Law Number BB, a By-law iocorrfirn the proceed.ings of Councilat 5.t s neeting held. on July 26, 19.1',be introd.uced. and read- a first anCseeond. tine .tUBy*law No . 88On i{otion Heeting ad,journed-.Carried". o r r r . I r a o . o f o o 4:- Passed., sealed and- signed by theMayor and. Clerk.

'J.,,:.,,, ,r,+.F-,, lr ', ,lf llio :rlfi,ir,., ;:' ilf,fu. .l,,iiIl:i'.1,t'i1li I?1, , 1g?1 .***;: ne*"lnitf" , i';*'li;li ,'li iooo,r; ttor . thq rownship orGeorsina met at ,?:]O,F"*, 'i**f,ilu*t1o'..,t*il Ctramners of the}i;'iiEilIr-oiricu, Firt'!on. '..,'- '';"; *n*ril;n roor. lr'*' 'lirai" ' ,*a catlea the meeting to orcletnItu** : '-c Pres*;t ' ;*;1p*i':'"1-ot' Sno':i'. rn' Ilayor Burrows''dEilo,.,..I};il;.:;*'r;u,c}ar:k1o anil- i.,":*:1".lrt or** moved';egonde+ that thq l{inutes of Ju}y Jtbo\g?il-u--adJptect as circulated-','gi",i mr. uriri"* q+arry :t-toqprlttgn Arena attencled'to presnnt'.J-hisanfl recormendations' ,' '"*pottii" ' ';;;-;-*"u*tioo, *""*i!tee, th*i tr''* request'I9gP*undedrr,' ., of D. I{ick"*y to*t6ftt-i-lt=est}ins Bxhibition on',',' s+lnclav, Arrgust'{5iil*[t*tii*-S"ttoii irtuna be accepted"Rentai 'Fee-'$$75'oo'l.:r.', radd.itional water line bEri'" , I aA ' It tdas suggestef, ti'rat 'anlnstalled to the Arena'iii" It was moYed. anct-gecond.ed that.bhe rlrrk Hanager beauthoriuie to aaa:i-tionar lights for the alena''1u1",lv, Ctrark, Arena-l{anager be authorized' to oi:tainprices fr6tn build'ing- Euppllgrs in the area for air;;" ;.;-*at"tO I r-*ittr" it'*i'au. i c s fo r tlre a-rerla 'V* T}re F.eereation Committee recomlrend.s to Counclil .bha1;an amorrnr of appro*. '{ilgbi;-t. inciuded, in the 1'rc[getfor tir*pu=:*rras'e*of n i6"HoPn compressor for 1,heSu.tton Arena'vi. li-ecussion concerning wages all'o hours of worlc"of Olte and. Wil]iam-r, '_t 98.It wa$ sirggested" that the vIaLTeHClark be reviev'ied''Report of Mr" \'Im' Browne., Pa::k Supervisor was recej-vecl'i rnrlin Park - The otdrler to be ad'vised" tlrat thercffid.1iffi Co**ittee-is not interested. a'b thi s 1, lmei.n re-jlrtl:ursin6 hirn for his taxes'ii. It v,ras l.ecoilunended t}rab \'Iilliarn IIo}mes, Jr. be trir:eclfls a s.u"*[r,t-i;c, assi-st at the ljo].ines Pi:int Fnrk, Sat'Hil"a"y*-a f4ond"ey if, To sommenceJuJ.y ?1Fttr Iat tlre rabe pa:lit to other strrdents"l'i, ' :,ll

l;*t i',,;i .:.1.,,i .' .;;::. ,- . 2 !oiit;". 'goui;***i 'i ,ll "' .,i' ,ft *is re,iomxuend.erl tn"tthe Recreatj,on Ad.visory, .,lr' 'i'l'' 'li , I , I , 'li,;t,,]'r ,, ,,'', ' i t ' ''l{r" Bruce Lockie be appointed.Comrnittce"tol*.,Councill-or Burnie preeented" theBolster Community Hall meeting"minutes of the Po::tOn l{oti,on Coruaittee Acljourned.or ,!'1|',;\l;r.; :,' ,ir'.i:1..i'.r " ;..4,, li:i lir'l;,';;,, ,*; t l;t,,I,i{ ,ifi',:,ti",,'. , i.' I, ,i+"1 i. ll"; l' 4 . ,;I.i riil',,,,', ,,;n.:,t,:,,i, ,;r,1r;;.,' Y4i*- ;.',, i.,' .'l".:;l:t111 .\i:cirt''""'4',: 't ,,r r ,'it4,'it,'ii ,i.";,;,-".';r,

, .: u it.-PORT'Ilhe Fort Bolntetr Conmunity Hal.l" Corarnittee of the Tor'ln'+hipffi;"gi;i *it,-at-the Port .Bolster lia1l, F::iclay, nighfi July a1cJ71 a[ Bl0O P"il]'ltrernbers Pr*sent IHrs "Joan Schel.IUfs Isobe} Ortr--ni{rs, Joan IIalesI'Irs. Doreen lra,iobi{rs, lrorrai-ne Bazinetllrs \dend.y lJairruhour"l'Irs. Lynne Dowse1] ;'Also present vlas CouncillorIt vras mov#d hy Doreen Itglrh,,ro&n Sehell lre Ghairnan.G" Burnieand neconcled. by lynne Dot'rse i;tratOarrigd,* r o j "'n o " " .**gw*u,giseA general tllsaussi0n on the fotlowing itens;1, GoIf clinic" extend. invitation to Beaver Dotrns Pfio" to?. New tj"le Floor - Costr t$6lt'8.003r Priaes pv1 n'an, Ilanclrail ancl $creenin.g"oi-n Bud.get - $'1?C0"005. Appearane.e of the Port Bolster i{a.l}, flolver bedsr sh:ruhnu, treeso etc.,rffiii:,,1 ,,,,',i!'r";1r;; | ''l ir, ;:r,t,Riillol.rrtionsH;:*J:HEd+Ais. l,otrTaine BaainetIr;fflne Dowsei,.' ( s), I4fnne Dowsetrnbrraine Bas inet';.,(?)j'Shat the Port Bolster Community FIaIICommittee recorumend. to Oouncil tha-b nocharge be mad.e f,or any eomr:rnnityactivii;y (les) wlrere tlrere *s no feechargecl provi

-fi**il: ir firlFolster',:ConnunitJi , ,,Conmittee meetin$.trhe followj-ng }le-soluti.onsEr;nd" seconrl.ed by l{rs" Jr:atlr, (T)/zr)d5)4.rrwere rnovefl by t{rs" Wencly Baunrhour,$chel1,That tLre Port Bolster Comrmurity ilnli-Cornmit'bes i::,Jeoamenel to Counc:L.l- thai; .t;l:rT',:he cleanlng su'ppJ"i-eri be pur*lt,li,rlLriIthrnug;h 'i:he l'iu.n:i"*:Lpali.Uy ancl s;toreclfr:r uie at the llo*.b Bnlster }Ial.l-'aif*ieclo..6o.srdqoon6tfhat the PeHoC"I-{. Coffilittee Council :recluest frr:m tire lleerea'binnSommittee to be talsen ou'b of theBud6et a &ead. ancl- a half of top so:ilJ,for th{l Iiallca*ied".o&66.iog6oGr}That the F.B"C.H* Commj.ttee recomnrenr.trto Counsil to f{et aid from th.e Fa:ritsilepai'trccn"{-; to put i-n tno (2) fLouei:becls hr:niiie the front porchin frontof ti:.e Fort Br:Ister i'Ia}l""fiarrigcl"roGGoooocrroofhat the P.B,CoII, $orn:nittee recorumenElfo Counci] the Committee hirc alocal t".oy to iieep the Sf ass eut an{firimmecl"Carrigd,rr r r, o o r I + o a a f oThat the Fort Bolster Coramunity IIal-ICommi"ttee reeoro"rc,end. to Coun+i1 thatvrherr the ili}e lnloor is l-atcl i-n ttreHalLa'committeo trill apprai-ne tirer*ork recluireil, e.nd matrte l:efiommend*ati$ns with regar

4 -+ TOI'INSIIIP OF GEORGINAo1r, , o- {i(RSGIONAI, I{UNICIF.AIITY OI' YOHKPI,AIINING COHI{IfTES I'IEEIINGREPORT NO . 6Jufy 1$' 1971 .The Planning Conmittee of Council of the Townshi_p of <strong>Georgina</strong>met at ?llo p.m. in the Council Chalobers of the Munl-cipalPfflce of Sutton, Ontario.The cbairman of the cournittee took the ehair and called" theIneeting to order.16. tlembers Presentl Reg-Councillor Pollockr Hayor-Burrows,Councillore Burnier*C}ark, lyons, Po5mtzt Smoclnr.m andl{e}sh.17 . Deputations I(a) Mr. Bruce lrockte aBBeared with regard.-to theEonlne By-Iau and frls infor"med--tF*I attex'rthegi*f"fo ii ailt'ert ised - ther6'-w1] I'.'be' a' period ofiburtdEo aays to xeceive -o-bJebtions tP tFe-Ey-Iawioilowrng which a Rrblic Heiring may be b'eld.(b)( e )llr. W. Metherall attend'ed' in reference to aArainage problem on the adjolning property' |lheChgirn[nrEAvised that' he had. Bersonally invest*ietteg thie problem and understood that a courtaEtioo was p-eniling. He requested that IIr. Metherallawait the rEsu1-t of the court aetion.lIT. R. Ilawkey of Franftlin Del Beacb Assol-Cationappeared. witir regard. to access to gareges fromAlbert Street .fhe Building Inspector was instructed. to issueno U,ritdlng-pernits until further informationwas obtained..58. Reportst(a) She Chairman introduced. Mr, I"[el ]litchell and. Mr.John Anbr;;e of the Department of Trand.s and Forests.Discussion eoncerning l,icense of Occupationtgrantins of permitst NSvigable.waters etc'Mr. 1mbiose infor"ned tne Oonnittee that cornmenclngAugust 'lst, he would be cond.uctLng-Deieloprnen* BIan of T.,ake Simcoe and a project forSurroun lngArea*lhe Chairman thankeit then both for comtirg to talkto the Conmittee.

2-(c)PIr. Pound., Plar.rning Coqnissioner, Begion of Yorhintrod.uced. llr. Gord.on Brushof, the A:rea $ervides Branchand. inforned. the Committee that l{r. Brueh was hiref, toassist the 6 nunicipaltties who d.o not have their ownplanrring deparfment .(a) Hr. Don Knight of Regional Pla*tiog presen-bed. hisprogress report on Plans of Subd.ivi"sionsli.'Mochs Subd.lvision - should. be reeeived soorfii. Raiend., Lot ?Or21, Con. Itr- unsuitable for SepticSank installati-ons 1and. waterJogged.'iii. Chowanieco I,ot 21, 22, Con. iv -requests forsoil tests not beceived..iv Horton, Link - PIan received by Regional . Spnmunications I(a) Comnunication from Troyal Real Estate offeringproperty for sale to the TownshiP.Foregoing conmunication noted , filed ./*O. Planof SrTlivision:(*) Briars Estate IJtd.. File T-e2O68 (Horton)Noted. and. Referred. to Engineer,(b)Request for Re-Zoning *Horton-Six-P1ex.Flals been revanped-*does not require applicationfor re-zoning.Request that a final plan location ofnuilaing be suhnitted and refemed to Erlgineer.4'1 . Other Businessi(a) Briars Connuni-ty Association * zoningReview of this proposal to he mad.e, probablybe zoned. with possible minor revisions in thelate fall.(U) Dlscussion concerning a working Comgittee toreviert material subnitted. from the RegionalPlaaning DePartment 'It was recoumend.ed. by Courmittee that alLmembersof the Planning Comnittee of Council be appointedto the !{orkiry Cornmittee ;On }lotion fummittee Ad"journed.

'r't,I ,, r'4,"y,*rit,1,,Kfi"*l *nt- (til*",t^"A,1".tiliful,y ?61 1971.'l"!.Ho tTn Foyntro,flhml"msnnr sng$neerfngff*lruwS,utrcn f;ntari.orCornm{tteetRe':fi$"5ffim-5H;.filHElil".ig"*ils:*tlfrnefl,r $i.r:' I Sn nccordance your l" epeaj.fJ"eations were.Fr@petrscl for {netallatLon of the Ehove and tendetrs were tristtadfroy eJ"eatrSma} contractors tn tlre area.,, I F"sur teken out. documsnts and two ae li"sted helowl,$tthm,flt'Eed'f,,n Bn R. sell, Electrtc, Keewi.ekTotal Pri"eE.iSL.33I..00,A* $tanley Elegt"rLs, WLIX.ow Bea.chTota} Priee S988 -00r ssJ.l Eleatrie hne grroperl"y exesuted al.I doeuments$.nc}.ud$'nff addentfum #1. $tanl-ey fi.lectrie hae eigned the tendersheefr but nmt the addendurin #L. fheeefore fihls qgotatLon Ls l"nm*mp)-mte*The d.wrrrnents nnd work hnve been etreCkee out w{th Ontartot{ydrc:l and shal.Lhe con'rpJ.eted l"n mecordance wlth the{r requl.rernente.. l EelI El.ectrta has been cqntacted wlth regard to cenrpletJ.on,, f and, was obta$ogrod that euffLsi.ent men and, arefiv*t$-l"mblm *,o eornplete thle lnstallatlon wlthln one weeknIt, te concluded therefore that the contrnct be awerdedts B* R" BeIt Blectric for a totalprlce of, $J.r331..00. Ths prteehae been chiacked and l.s deemed rsaeonable for th{s ttrye of insta}Lat,lono-2-

*2-You have advi"eed that there Ls conei"derable urgeney l"ncornplwttng fJr*s work well prj.or to openJ"ng of the Trade Fa{r**urthe secsnd trsek of Ar.lguot theirefore prelC.mtnary author{eat{on hasbeen E5"ven to Bei.l. Eleetric+rrnrnedlateJ"y upon approval. of thle contraet we wtILnot,$-fy the eontrautor in wrl.t{ng to proceed,Vmurs vex"y tru3.y,trfiT,frST$HTF OSI GEORGIT{A,G. I4l$.ntup P" Eng.pHng$.neer Actrnn*nisttrato,rnGu/tr,i.t1{tl#*#,u#trr,"t^F$Ie*HeswlekARenat') , -./l ,l,#rutt*n*E ,Jt'nr-{-t*t{trfrar'tP*u*L't

"|hI.{INUTES OF COUNCILOF THETOIilNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN TIIEREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKMonday. Auqust 9fh. 1971The CouncLl of the Township of Georgl.tra met aE -1.30 T.l{. ln -the CouncLl Chambere of the AdnLnlstratJ.on Butldtng, PefferlawtOfltsrJ.o.-tThe Chairrnan of the CouncLl took the Chalr and called the Membersto order.:.\'1. Hembere present at thts Meetlng: Mayor Burrows, Reg*CruncLllorPollock, Counclllore Butnle, Clark' Larsen' Lyone, Poyntz,Smockum aud Welch .Z. Counclllor Larsen, seconded by Councillor C1ark, noved thstthe mLnuteE of the Counctl neeting of July 26, 1971, beconflrmed ln the form Bupplled to the nembersr whLch wascarrierlDEPUTATIONS3, The w{nnere of the Logo Contest for the TownshLp attended themeetLng. CouncLllor BurnJ.e, Chalrman for the Judgtng of thecontest said that the conte8t had been heartlly replJ.ed torwith 76 Ln all, and that he was pleaeed wlth theJudges' for the Offtctal Logo.rlThe tlayor and Cletk presented the awards to the wLnn€fg.The wlnnere of the Offtclal Logo eutry were Charles Pllar andTeruple Wrn. tlarrJs. The wl.nuer for 16 years and over enttywga ltlchael R. Seuchleon. Bonnle Thlbaults entry !iloll ln theIl to 15 years class. The entrl-eg of l{rg. Joyce Lawrenceand t'Ialter AugustowitBch receLved Honourable Mentlon.4, Mr. Clyde Draper, repreBentLTrg the !ili11ow Beach Aasocl.atdonasked Counctl about the future rllspoeltlon of the llolbornproperty at tilillow Beach. The tlayor informed hln that theproposed plan was for a Townehl'p Fark ln rthe srea wtthadequate regulatLone and tourLst facLrlLtLes',2.

2-Honday, August 9rh, I971.Deputatlone continued *Mr. Draper aleo aEked about the future plans for roadwidenlng on Metto Rd. and tf ptlvate property along the roadwould be exprop.iEated for thle. He was lnformed that tt ls notknown at this time what the future road allowance would be butthe eficess wldth would not be takeu ln bullt-up areas*Mr. Draper thanked the nembers of Cogncll for the receLpt of slettef regardlng sldenalks Lrt the WLll-ow Beaeh atea.COU}IUNICAT IONS5. (a) Torouto-Doml"nLon Bauk - re acceptanceTo be presented trnder Motlon6.Ib) Re6ion of York Englueerlng Dept. - rel'flami Beach & speed llntt on llollywoodThe comtrunl.catJ.on was notedof Tax paynents.checkerboerd atDftve ,and flled.PETITIONS6. (a) Mr* Batley of leland Grove aeked Councll to conslder presented regatdlng closLng the road (Lake Drtve)between Sheppard Avenue and the 4th Conceaslotl (Don MLlleRd,) because of Lncreased traffic and noise near theMarina on Lake Drive, and the Ep$ed of sport carsuaLng 'thls toad.CouncLl would not consl.der closLng thle portion of LakeDrlve but the Chairman of the CommLttee ' .GouncLlJ,or Poyntz wlll look Lnto thLs matter for bettertegulatlon and modl-fl"catLon of the trafflc problem.(b) Two petLtions from resl.dents of Barton Ave,, Ieland Grovearea regardLng the contraveutLon of By-Law //l1093 wetepresented ,Mr. Stnclalr of Island Grove stated that the use of 4lots on Barton Avenue for parkLug of cars frour the DayFerry $ervice was contrafy to the reeLdentLal areaBy-Law for Islaud Grove and sald that thle commereialbusinesE deprecl-ated the value of the tesl"dentl-al propertyLn the area' After some dlacusal"on CouncLllor iiu'IrnleaEked that the matter be referred to the next PlannlngcommLttee MeetJ-flg of councll. Councll coilcurred.3.

-3}[onday, August 9th' 197I.REPORTS7 .8.Councl-}1or Lyons reported on Caulne Control. IIe statedthat the Dept. of Agrlculture had inspected both poundsand they were approved subJect to a few snall changes.Reg. Counclllor Pollock seconded by counc{11or welchnoved that Councl.Lresolve ltself I'uto Comml"ttee of theWhoLe to conslder the following rePorts:Report No. 1t of the Englneerlng CoumLtteeReport No. f2 of the Englneerlug ConmltteeThe Chalrnau of the CouncLl chalted the Connlttee of thewhole'',, \' ' :'The Connittee the Whole arose.1fThe Chalrman of the Councl-l reports that the CommLttee ofthe WhoLe had adopted the report as followe:Report No. 11 of the Englueerl'ng Comml.ttee withoutanendnent .Report No. L2 of the Engl-neeerLng commlttee wl-thoutamdnement .The Report of the comnittee of the whole was recelved.Upon the adoptlon of Report No. 11 of the Engl.neerJ"ngCimutttee, without ameudment, lt was carrl"ed'upon the adoptlon of Report No. 12 of the EnglneeringComnLttee, without amenduent, lt wae cartted'9.counclllor Lyons rePorted that the conEervation Authorltyrequl_red a copy of the agreeaeut tndtcatlng the ownerehipof tfu Surtoo ilLn, so that plane coul.d be coupleted'ffrfs matter le belng cogpleted aa qutckly aa posslble.BY-LAWS10. Reg. Councl'lI-or PollockCouncLllot Poyntz(1)That By-Law No. 89' e By-Law to asaumecertaln roads ln the TownahtP ofGeorg!.na, be lntroduced and read a -.i+'flrst and eecond tl-mes.C a r r i e d-BY-LAW NO. 89-Paesed , sealed andllayor and Clerk.stgued by shs4,

4-Monday, August 9th, 1971,By-Laws continuedCounclllor Lyona That By-Law No. 90, a By-LawCounci.llor Poyata Eo establish a tr{ater and Sewer area(2) ln the Townshlp of Geor6Lna, bel.ntroduced and read a flret andsecoud tl.roes.BY-LAW No' 90Carried.r. ;r?T, , r . . , . r-Peesed,eealed aud signed by theMayor and Clerk.Councillor Smockum That By-Law No. 91, a By-Law roCounclllor Poyntz amend By-Law No. 1858 of the forner(3) TownehLp of North Gwlllinburl, bel-ntroduced and read a fLrst and secondtl.neB .Carried ' 'BY-LAW N0. 91 -Passed, sealed and st-gned bythe Hayor and Clerk.CouncLllor $mockun That By-Law No. 92, a By-Law toCounclllor Poyntz anend By-Law llo. 1661 of the forrner(4) Townehl.p of North Gwtl"linbury, beLntrorluced and read a fl.rst and secondtl.nee.CarrLed. .BY-LAI{ NO. 92 -Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor aud Clerk.CouncLllor Snockun That By*Law No, 86, a By-Law toReg. Counclllor Polloek authorLze the appointnent of a head of(5) the Townehlp adrnLnLstfatLon and to def{neth e dut Les and r e s p o n s t b t I I t i e s o fothe Township Englneer A

5-Monday, August 9th, 1,971.MOTIONS11, Councillor Lyone That an ameudment be uade to By-LarvCouncl.llor PoyntzNo. 33 by addlng the name of the'(6) Toronto-DornfnLou Bank to the Iplacee where taxes can be pald.Carrl.edCouncillor Poyntz That the CouncLl of the CorporationCouncl.llor Lyousof the Township of eflter(7) Lnto a contract wlth rhe 0ntario Hydroat Newnarket, Ontarl.o, to lnstal.lapproxfunately sl.x (6) Btreet lightson Lake from Trivetts Road to159 Lake DrLve East .ACCOUNTSCarr{-ed12, ReB. CouncLllor Pollock That the Treaeurer be authorized toCouncLllor Poyntz pay the followlng accounts aa per(8) Sehedulee dated August gth, 1971:OTHER BUBINESSGENERAL: $40,910,44 aB anended.(ItemNo, S2deLeted).FIRE : $5 ,165, 92BECREATIoN : $ 20, 810 . 46WATER e SEWER$: $3,572,28.Carried13.The matter of the deferrment of the appoi-ntment of BruceLockle-to the Recreatl-on Advl"sory CommLttee wLIl- he discussedfutther by the Recreatl.on Cournlttee of Council.t'The naure plate for the Keswlck Offtce w111- be put otr thebutldtng as Eoon as posstble'Councl-llor Eurnle requested that he recelve a report of thepro8ress of the purchaee of the proPerty at Port Bolster'A meeting wlll be held l"n the Eaet Gwllllrnbury CoumunltyCIertre on August 11, 1971., to appolnt a Reglonal FlreCo-ordLnator. The CouncLl members were invLted to attefld.6.

',-, '.- Reg. Couucillor PollockCouncl.lIor Snockum( e )BY.LAW NO. 936-llonday, August 9th,L97lThat By*Law No. 93, a Dy-Law toconflrn the proceedlngs of Councllatlts meeting held on Auguet 9th,L97L, be introduced and read aflrst aud second tines.Carrled.r.r.-Paseed, eealed aud slgned by theMayor and Clerk.0n MotJ.on adJourned.ilCIIAIRMAN

._-+_'4.fOWNSHTP OF GEORGINAREGIONAL T4I,INTCIFALTTY OF YORKENGTNffiRING COMITfiTTES MffiTII\IGREPORT NO . 11firesday, July P?, 1g7l;A SBqalaLmeeting df the Hrg,lneeifnscomrlttee ir tne forrnrefrfpof Georgxns was calLed by the chairnan on Tuesdf,y, Jtt}y 27, the hour of 10;OO a.m. ln the MunJ'clpal- Officb, Su#toni88. Metrberq Preeent; Coiitrotlldr Poyntz, Reg-CounclJlor Pollock,Counell.Lorg Smocltum, G. I{l.ntz 1 ltnginesr'-4.lntnistrator .'I89. trj R, Dgwsgnl Di-ptri.ct Mgqrlclpal. g4glneer andFIr. ,Wr ,WrOsbornl P. Eng. r Progfem Englneer of the Departuentof Transportation and Comnunicatlon net wlth the WorklnElonmltte-e to discues 'the propdeed Roade Need Study tor 'ErteTiltru'nehlp of .I{r. Dawson erqrlalned the study does not per.bain to thepfenent 4equlrenents but applles to roads as they are today.He stated that the study would requlre annuaLup-datlng bythe nr.rnfclpallty.Mr, Dawson was asked about the llet of roads the Tswnshlpwas prepared to assune by by-law. He inforned the menbersthat the llst of roads should be fonr'rarded to the Departmenthovrever the By-Iaw would not requlre Departmental- approval.90. Iqr. ll. W. Osborn, P. Eng.r informed the Commlttee that approvalin princtpal wouid be granted inltially and final approvalfollowtng the stg$ng of the agreement with the consuftantsfor the study .Furthert it was stated that the Department reserrrea the rightto approve the fLr.m of Con"sul-tants to be retalned.^t_r..91rThe terne of reference were read by Mr. Osborn and thepertinent polnts fiLled in. It wae steited that the costfactor would be approx. $100. to SttOr p€r ni1e, estlmatedcost of $25'QO9.9O_ of whlch the nr.rnlclpalltlest share wouldbe approx. $61250,00.IDl.scussion concerning the seLectlon of a flrm of consultantsresulted ln the flrm of McCormlck and Rankln & Assoclatee,Port Credlt, OntarLo, belng consldered to conduct the study.2 ,

*tt'-2-Tuesday , JrtLy 27t L97L'-91. It was soncluded that the Comnittee for the roads need studyshould fornally be lorown as the Needs Study Co*ordinatXngCorunlttee, conelsting of Councillor J. Polmte, Chalrma.n,Councillofs K. Smocltunr I{r, G. Mlfitz P.Ehg. EnglneerAdnlnlstratotr [tlr. R.- E. Dawson P, Eng. Dlstrlct]-EngLneer, Dlstrlct #5 Departnent Transportatlon and CoronnnLcatlonsatrd Mr. W. Wr 0sborn, P. Eng. Program Studl.esEltglneer .Uach uenber shaLl be entltled to a Motlon Condlttee AdJor.rrned.\\L

e._.iTOWNSHIP OFGEORGINAREGIONAJ., I'IIINICIPALIIY OF YOHKEI{GII{EERING COHPIJIfEE I'iEEIINGREPORT N0. 'l?,Thursday, JuIy p91 1g?1.fhe Engineering Cornnittee of Cou4ctl of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>met at TllO p.n. in the Counclt Chambers of the Municipal Office,Sutton, 0ntaiio.The chairnan took the chair and- calred the meeting to order,94. Members Presentl Counc1l.lor Foyntz, Reg_Csrrncillor Fo1loclrcouncil-ror lyons, councillor snbcruri, mHyor Bu*ows.95 . Deput atipns tMr. Ken Hackenbfook and. Mr. Jack Vid.Ier of SrrnsetAeeocJ-ation,Beach.4PPeared before cornnitteeprobremlo-ai"*tru* aind.rainagethb-atrear and- speed. rinitThey were inforned'that ihis"i""*l- b;Theinspectedcomrnitteebyand- Road supti-to-aeteilil*-; ""*"-*o;iH possible so}fi.ttfiru.96. Conmunicationst(a) Entario Water Resources Commission*Bulk plant, Suttonletter notcd., fil,ed. .(U) PII". L. Oliver -Ditches Virginia BeachLretter read, refemed to C[d.irman.(c)Pupt. Transpor#ation and. Conrraunications -HighwayReconstruction# 48letter read, refemed to Engineer.(d) Rj E. Winter Associates _ Condominiumsretterregg , ref e*ed. to ungitte er-Ad.nini stratRegional pl_dnning,or and.(e) I{arina Estates Ratepayers Associ-ation -letter read., road. EoLaitioo rer*""ua to G. tr,oster,_l(f) I{, Charpentier - Trees*Airportletter read. ,(e) R*eggpt Street, pefferlaw re Signsletter read, Tequest has Ueen coxlpLeted,97 . Ro ad.s :( a) Betl Telephone By-Iawletter read, rbqueet crarification of retter.(n) By-taw re pip e Tvrp. Road.s.Recommende-d that a By-Iaw be prepared..(c) Mrs. 1,/m. HcKinnon - Drainage -Duclos pointRef e*ed.*sn$ineto chalrrnan and. er-adnini s trato r ,

-2-Road.s Continued. - Jul-y ?9 , 1971(A) &, River Road.s, a't Mosslrrgtonts *i{ait boxesletter to Postraaster of d.istrict requestingl,Erenovalof nail boxes.{l (e) Willow Beach re warkway to the beach.Lretter read.,(t) Asswption of Road.s-Ward 5 and. 6Draft coPY of bY-law Bresented..(S) Grey Coach Bus Lines re- Route-Jacksonls Fol.ntiIetter read., Sefretary to reply -Approval ofproposal.(rr)orchard. Beach Gard.ensletter read., Secretary to reply.(i)Roads Needs Study ReportReport noted.98 . lnlater & Ser'rers(a) Report of Ontario Water Resources CornmissionNoted. and Filed..(b) l1lrs. Olive Turn[ul1 * r€ lilater bi]IRef und" grant ed .99, S,treet l,iehts(a) llrivett Hoad. to Crescent Beaeh requests for StreetlJ-ghts.referred. to Chairmarr .1 OO . Garba$e(a) Dept. Energy & Resources *Waste Managenent Branchrei Closure of Disprirsal Site # 2llo be ad.vertlsed. as of Sept. 1st | 1971.on }lotioncomrli-ttee a{iourned''

tlMINUTES OF COUNCILOF THETOb{NSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THHREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKThe Counc i Ithe Counci I0nta i'i o .of the Town$htp pf Geoi.gina met at 2.30 p.M. inChambers of the Adm{nislration Building, pefferlaw,The Chairmanof the CoUnc{l took the Chair and called the Membersto order.l. Members present Et thls Meeting: Mayor Burrows, Reg-CouncillorPolloc!, councillors Eurnie, clark, Larsen, poyntz, smockumand tlelCh.Member absent: Corrhct I lor Lyons,rl2. councillor lllelch, secohded by councittor Larsen, moved thatthe minutes of the Council meeting of August gth, be confirmedin the form supplied to the membens, whiih was Garpied.;3"_ - Business arising from Minutes of Meetingscouncillor Burnie enquired if council cduld take somestand on the matter of licensins sky-Diving clubs and soinform the Dept. of Transport.A resolutio! regarding this will be presented under Motions.The Twp. solicitor will also be contacted regarding thepot.lers of the municipality in licensing such clubs.Eeg, Councillor Pollock asked if the Region- of yorkEngineering Dept. cquld be informed thaI the checkboardat t'liami Beach'hac been put in facing the wrong t^tay andin the wrong place.4. COMMUNICATIONS(a) qept.,of Tourism and Informatlon - re Spot Motel,Baldwin.The"foregoing communication,was noted and filed.(b) Dept. of Transportation and Communications - reSupplementar:y Road SubsidyJhgforegoi ng [ommun i cation was noted and fi t ed .(c) 0ntario tllater Reiources Commission - rc .t,.later l,{orksBriars Inn & Country Club.The foregoing communication was noted and filed.(d) l{fss L, Saunders - re llJil}ow Beach $anta ClauseParade.To be presented undeli. t-lotions .?.

IICommunications continued2 -(e) Dept. of Agricuiture and Food re 0ntari oRegulation 140/71 , Section 20, s ubsection 2 ,The foregoing communication vvasnoted and filed.5. PETITIONS(a ) Senior Citizens, Sutton - re b e n c h e s for thei r useto be placed on High Street.To be presented under l'lotions,( b )6. REPORTSMrs. lvl, lllillion re ditchinq 0nNorth Gwillimbury).Referred to Engineering Comm t tRushton Rd . ( formertee.councillor Larsen, seconded by councillor Poyntz moved thatCouncil resolve itself into Committee of the tlhole to considerthe following reports:Report l'lo, l3 of the Engineering CommitteeReport llo. 7 of the olanning CommitteeReport No, 13 of the Recreation Committeewhich was carried.The Chairman of the Council chaired the Committee of the ll|hole.The Commiitee of the Whole arose,The chairman of the council reports that the committee of thel,lhole had adopted the reports as follows:Report Ng, t3 of the Engineering Committee by amendingclause llo. 101_by addilg-t6e words-"t4r, Mintz, i*p. Engiileeriand 14r. Hare, Turp. Road 5upt. were also present'r.'By amending Clause 103 (i) by deleting the words ,,CanineControl 0fficer" and adding the word "Gateman".Bgpo.t No. 7 of the Pn",r.nning Committee by amending Clause43 (b) by deleting the words I'the Engineer wilI make-a report0n this matter as s0on as p0ssible" and adding the words i'Mr.Johnston was informed,of thg procedure to acquire severances."By amending clause +5 (d) by deleting the words "severancesof" and adding the words 'fbuilding permit on",By amending Clause 45 (e) by deleting the words ,,propertyot.tners having" and adding the words "applicants for".3.

,itli+ 3-Reports continued -Report No. 13 of the Recreation Committee by amending ClauseI03 (ai by adding the word "used" after the words "facilitiee heing'oso as to read "facilities beingl used".By amending Clause 106 (6) by adding the words "subject to theapproval of the Auditorel after the last word in the paragraph.?i'The Beport of the Committee of the Whole htas received.Upon the question of the adoption of Report Nor 13 of theungineering Conunittee, as amendedr it was carried.tJpon the question of the adoptLon of Report No, 7 of the PlanningCbmnittee, as amended, it was carried-UFon ttre question of the adoption of Report No. 13 of theRecreation Conmittee, as amended' it was carried.BY-LA[{Sf1BY LA[f NO. 94Councillor ClarkCouncillor(r)SnockrnnCouncillor WelehCorrncl.IIor l,arsen(2)That By-Law No. 94, a By*1,6t goauthorize the entering into of anoption with Donald Macl"lillanand Murray MacMillan, be introducedand read a first and second times.Carrigdror. r r.rr rrrr-Passed, Sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk.That By-Law No. 95, a By-Law toauthoriue the entering into of anoption with Kenneth Hunter andEvelyn Vilinnifred Hunter, be introducedand read a first and second times.Carried..t. ,,Recorded VoteBY-LAW NO. 95regueeted;Ayes - Pollock, Clark, Larsen,Poyntz, Smockun, Welch.NayB - Burnie-Paseed, Sealed. and signed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillor( 3 )BurnieClarkThat By-Law No. 96, a By-taw to amendBy-Law wo. 33 of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be introduced and read afirst and second times.Carried. G r . r . r r r r r r r r r r +BY*IJ\W NO. 96-Pd$s€dr SSaIed and signed by thellayor and Clerk.4*

tReports continued-3Report.Ng. l3 of the Recreation Committee by apendilfgClause 103 (a) by adding the, word "u$*d'! after the words"facilities being" so as to read "factlitiei being used,By amendi4g Clause 106 (b) by addlng the words "subjectto the approVal of the Auditors" after the Iast word in theparagraph.The Report of the Committee of the tlhole was received.Upon the question of the adopt{oh of Report No. l3 of theEngineering Committee, as amended, it was carried,Upon the questi0n of the adoption of Report No. 7 of thePlanning Committee, as amended, it was carried.Upon the question of the adoption of Report No. 13of the Recreation Commfttee, as amended, it was carried.7. BY-LAtlSI tICouncil'lor ClarkCounci I I or Smockum(t )BY*LAt,{ NO . 94Councillor }llelchCouncillor Larsen( 2 )BY.LAld NO. 95Couttci llor Burni eCouncillor Clark( 3 )That By-Law No. 94, a By*Law toauthorizethe entering tnto of anoption with Donald MacMi'llan andMurray MacMillann bc introduced andre,ad a first and second times.Carried-PassEd, Sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk .That By-Law No. 95, a By-Law toauthorize the entering into of anoption with Kenneth Hunter and '=Evelyn l.linnifred hlunter, be introducedand read a first and second times.Carried.,-Passe'd, Sealed and slgned by theFlayor and. Clerk.That By*Law No. '96, a By-Law to amendBy-Law No. 33 of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be introtduced and read afirst and second times.Carried......q t a .. I IBY-LAh' NO. 96- Pa s s e d , S ea I e d a n d-'-s t g nedllayor and Clerk .by t h e4.

tt'8. MOTIONSCouncillorCounci I lor( 4 )Councl llorCounci I I or( 5 )PoyntzSmockumPoyntzSmockumCouncillor PoyntzCounci I lor Smockum( 6 )Counclllor BurnleCouncillor Clark( 7 )-4That the Engineering Committeerecommends that the tsnder for treecutting be awarded to lrleller TreeExperts at a quoted price of $3,F26.00subJect to the approval of the Dept.of Transportation & Communication,i,Carried...r.rrr...,rtrrThat the Eng'ineering Committeerecommends that the tender forwinter sand be rlirarded to Roger LaRueEltgtpr!!es Ltd. at a quoted-price of$q,650.00 subject to tlie apprbvalof .the Department of Transpbrtationand CommunicationsCarriedThat the Engineering Committeereconmends that the tender for Highwaysalt be awarded to Iroquois SattCompany at a quoted price of $13.67pgr lon, subJect to the approval oflhe Department of Transpoi.htion andCommunications.Carried...,r,. ., ..,flu! the-Corporation of the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong> does hereby give notice'to the Hon. l{inister of Federal-Dept. of Transport that a number ofcomplaints and deputations have heenmade to this Council alledgingannoyance, trespass and damage topr0perty arising from the activitiesof parachue clubs located in theweste[!y lvaras of this t4unicipalityspecificallythose c'i,i.:s owned andoperatedby rl.R. Brunck, Simcoe SportsCentre and btrm. Erhnat of pt. Lot i0,Con. 5, It is the opinion of thisCounci I , therefore , that no furtherlicenses should be issued or reneweduntil such time as a firm frolicy canbe established by this Utunicipalityto provide adequate control.Carried... ,,.r.r ...5 .

I;Motl ons continuedCouncillor BurnieCounci I lor Larsen( I )'lCouncl I or PollocltCouncl I I or Poyntz( e )Councillor ClarkCouncillor tlelch( r 0 )Counci I I or LarsenCounclllor Burnie(l r )Councillor ClarkCounci I I or Smockum( I e )*5That l,lhereas the proposed six-plexresidential building to be locatedon Part Lot 35, R.P. No. 248, Part ofLots 73 and 74, R.P. l{o. 353 has beenrevlewed by all those having an interestand Jurisdiction ln this matter, iIdthat it has been found to conform withall existing By-Laws. Therefore, theGouncil of the Corporation of theTownship of Georglna does hereby approvethe granting of a building permit forthe said six-plex subJect to thee*ecution of the deeding of a (11-0x)one foct res,€rve adjacent to north$lde tlood River Beni aild East sideDalton Road and East side Block A f,rtddeeding of Block B. to the TownshipFl'ior to occupanc{iorrriri,r,.,,.,.,.,Thatfihe l{,E.; Sdnta C, Parade Committeebe grirtted petfni$iion to hold theirS,G, Parage on Sept, 4, 1971, betweenthe hoUre of ll A.M. and 1.30 P.M.subJect to approval of York RegionalPolice rCarried. . . r . r rThat Jack Allan be engaged as CrossingGuard for Jersey School as a replacementfor the former Murray l'lilliamsat the extsting remuneration of $4.50pe r day .CarriedThat the Council of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> does hereby authorize thePayment of a grant of $350,00 toRev. t{alter Tait for the maintainenceof the Participation House(Metamorphosis) for the youth of thea re a .Carried..That authorizatton is hereby grantedto the Township By-Laws 0fficer toproceed with the necessary cleanupand demo'lition work required on theproperty owned by Ronald Crewe, Lot27, Plan 179, ,lackson's Point, Twp.6.

l'lotlons contlnuedCouncillon ClarkCounclllor Smockum( r 3 )Counci I lor BurnieCouncillor Larsen( I 4 )-5-of <strong>Georgina</strong> under By-Laws No. 3l and3e. Due notlce of condition wh{chare in v{olation of these by-laws weresent registefed mail tq the o$rnen onJuIy 20, 1971, signed for as receivedand al$o tgnored. Lowest contractquotat{ort on this cle*'+.{rtr*.i-&*$300,00.Same to be charged agaln$t thIEffi""'n**._property plus 5% and collected insf,me manner as taxes.,f;That the parks Foreman be i r ;il;iTi"-' -to purchase two benches - one oneither slde of High Street betlreentlorth Street and the first store in theformer V'illage of Sutton f,s requestedby residents of the Senior CitizensApartments .Carried.That the Caretaker of the Port BolsterCommuntty HaIl be paid at theestabl'lshed rate of $t5.00"pef, monthsubJect to review.Carrigd..rr ,rrr*rr,r r,9. ACC0Uf'lTSCounci I lor PoyntzReg, Councillor Pollock( 15)That the Treasurer by authorized topay the 'fol:lowing accounts as perschedule dated Aug, 23, lgTlrR0ADS - $2e,154.00.Carried..r.dr,10. OTHER BUsINTsS(a) Councillor Poyntz asked if a letter could be sentfrom the Council to the 0ntario Hydro requesting thatthey repair the street lights t'hey a're under contract$o to do. _ A great number.of ligh.ts in the area havgbeen out for severBl monthsi """'*"' 1-, ".-,.,After some discuss'{on the 'matter was left wittr^'Counci I.lorPoyltz to dlscuss the matter with the llorks Foreman o'fthe Sutton Hydro to find out if it was feasibte forthis department t0 look after tht' rc';::+';;ing of streetlamps, T.{n+'.'., rr;*'d#1'" 'li'*l tI+rI .'| I

0th'er buslness continued : '\ |(b) Councillor Larsen informed Council that the resldentsat Paradlse Beach (former N. Gwlll.) have requestedthat guard rails be put up along Lake Drlve in thatarea, That the resldents of Franklin Beach would likemore 'no parklng' slgng; put uF, and that Exi t slgnsbe put up on the 4th, Sth and 6th cons. roads,These nattefs wlll be looked lnto by the Engineeringcommi ttee' ". ,:.,.1,(c) The Engineer G. t{intz reported thtt,frr*tfls of theconstructlon of the Government docT"'frT Roche's Pointtrere not complete as yet.(d) Counclllor Burnle requested that Council send a protestto the Reglonal Pollce to the effect that gnrage ownersln the area are not recelvlng the Pollce Dept. businessas they dld in the past.C0unc{llor Burnie also requested a report on the progressat Holmers Polnt re drafnflge. He was lnformed that'the Consult{ng Englneer V.-Bardawill will be checkirrg onthls matter ln the near future.(e) The Englneer-Administrator G. lllntz reported that theC.U.p.E. vote recently completed t,las ln favour of theUnlon by17to ll. ...(f)(f) The l4ayor told Council of hls vls{t wlth l4r. Brornwichof Egnland and displayed the f:lag received.(g) The Mayor re-appointed Reg. Councillor Pol'lock andCounclllor Burnie as the Insurance Commlttee to finalizeagreements. :(h) The matter of taxl licenses ulllr-belsettled as soonas the Pollce Officer revlew{ng these returns fromh i s hol i days .(l) Regional Counclllor Pollock reported that Fire Catls& Flre Alarm <strong>System</strong>s come under area municipalityJurlsdlctlon. The F{re Chiefs of the area arechecking into thls and the F{re Committee ChairmanCounclllor Lyons will be lnformlng Council on thematter soon.Councillor BurnieCounci I I or Clark(16)That By-Law l{0. 97, a by*Law toconfirm the proceedings of Council atits meeting held on August 23rcl, '1971,be introduced and read a first andsecond t'i nes.Carried. . , r . . , r r . r . . r .BY*LA}I NO .n-97V/no-Passed, Sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk./"K:fEJElllaa-rntf)Chai rman

*a;TOWNSHIP OX' GEORITIJ.TAREGIONAT, I{IINICIPAIITYOT' YORKEI{GINEERING COI"IMTIfEE I"IEETINSRHPOHT N0 * 1 jSrresd.ay, A,rtgust 1!, 1g?1.The EngJ,-neering Counittee 6f Ootmgil of the Townshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong>met at-lo:oo a.m. th the oounall Ohambers of the Ad_ilinisf,Fati; , Pefferlaw .Th.e Chairmen took the chair and, called the meeting to order.ntzl Reg-Councj-I1or Pollock,Councillor Smoehfir, Oounctllor llrsexrr1 Q2 . OFENING IEryDEA$ tTend.ere wgre opened. by the chalrnan for the foLlowingrHiEhwey SaIt I,lf*1) Dontar Chenioals l,td.. Toronto, Ontario.Total" PriceS 11.8? per ton2) Oanad.ian Salt Conpa:ry, Missl.ssauga, Ontario.Total hlce - d - 5 , + - 1j.B? per ton1) Iroquols Salt Conpany, Toronto, Ontario.Total Frice * 11.6t per tonflhe EnginaerJ,ng Connittee recommended. that the beaward.ed. to lroquols Salt Conpany at a quoted. price of $ 11.6?per tonl eubject to the approvaLof the Dept. of f. and. GrHinterSand.:'l)Roger traRue Enterarrises Trtd.. Keswick, Ontario.Yard # 1 S'OOO tons @ $1.40 per ton $ ?TOOO.OOYafi.#2 lrO0Otons@1.65perton ,I'GFO.OOIotal Price S 81650.002) Gomley Sand &.Gravef fta, Gor"nley, Ontario.{- Tartr # '1 SrOOOtons e $ 1 .5+ per tonYard" # 2 1 '1,OO0 tons'L@ . 85 per tonTotaI Price+7 t 7QQ iOO1 , g5O . OO9r95o;ooThe Engineering Committee recommend.ed. that the bealsard.ed. to Roger r,aRue Enterpiises ltd., at a quoted. prJ-ceS8f650.00, su6Ject to the approval of the Depf,. of lI. ard ofc.

1 i-2--ft10e, Opening Tead.ers (Cont I d.)llree Cuttins IAugrrst {6, 1971.{) tJeLl-er Tree E\ryerts, Keswick, Ontario*84 trees on varidus Township Road.s $ 1#T6.O02) Hamy E, 0omer, Keswich; Ontario84 [rees oh, varlous Tohaship Roads1) Robert Gi DraBer, Keswic,ki Orr.tario84 Trees on Varl-ous fownshtB road.s5 , 4.60 . QO418#{-.004) R. G. Hilf Tree Service, Jacksonte Point, Ontario.#$ Trees on vari-ous Township road.s 419{5.O0It was recommend.ed. by thp Engineering Comnittee th+t be award-ed. to Well-er Tree Brperts at a quoted price offi1r576.00 subjectto the approval of the Dept. of T. end. C.1Q1. 0therBqsinFss :(a)Discuseion concerning Janitor for the Keswick Office.It was d.f,eid.ed. that this should be ad.vertised" for on acontract basis.(U) Sfireet I"righting, McRaet s BeachDignatures to be checked and. referred. to Counci]]orSmockun,(c) Cbnnunication concerning Asurrnption of llarritt Drlve,I{. Gwill.$ecretary to reply enclosing a copy of I1[r. I'latsonstagre ement .(a) Cjrrmunlcation from E. Blanchard- regard.irg WaterlineNoted. and I'ileil..(e) Iliecussion concerning constructlon on Ad.eline Drive.Engineering recoumend.ed. that the Road. SuBt, conta6tHr. V. Bard.auill, F.Eng., for the proiluction of roacl. on Ad.eline Drive.(f) It was recoTnmend.ed. by Connittee tbat invitational bid.sbe requested. for the installation of an Exit Door atthe Keswick Office.(e) Repairs to the Air Cond1tioning Compressor at Keswick0fflce was refemed to Chairman Poyntzr .(h) office Furnishings :The Engineering comm{ttee accepted. the recommendation

T. tt_t-j''1O5. Other Busineesr Cont,fd".August 17 , 1971 .(h)of the Ad.rninist ator for the seuovafiLone of the suboffices as followe ilJSutton Office $4 ,8,OO.OOf;eswick Office Z'aOO.OOBeach Road. and. Al.bdrt Stfeet{ aad opening-the road.s atl{etro Road.fnls rnatter ttrhe referred to the Ohaitnan for furtherinvestigationi(i) sis*ug*ion concernLn6 the prenises for the canineControlOff,l.der at Disposal Site # 1.Ref,erred. to the Chairn-an.(h) iliscussion coneerning Location of a New Fire HaJ.le$uf,ton.It was ssosTnmend.ed. that the Properby Departnent of f,heOntario Hydro be contacted..(1) Iretter to be forward.ed. to I{r. Hackenbrook, Srrs,eet Beachln regard. to snowploughtrrg in the wlnter.(n) Installation of ventilating fans for the Keswick .Arenarof erred. to EngineepAdmini strator.On Motion Cornmittee Ad"jor-mned..

ttTOWNSHIF OF GEqRGINARSGIONAIJ MUNICIPAITTY OF YORKBSCREATTON COI{MIfTEE MEEITNGREPORI NO . ,14-. August 18lbr 1971 .llhe Recreation Committee of Cor.mci-l of the-Township of Georsinamet at 7t1O p.Ir,. in the Corincir Chamhers of the-MuiicipalSutton,Office,OntariorThe chairnan took the chair and. calred. the meeting to order.\'10O. Members Fresent: Councillor $mockrm, Councillors larsen,) Blark a:rd Lielch.advisory coruroittee Members present: B. crark, D. I{ercer.1O1. The minutes of the Recreation Committee Meetins of July 11,t '197'1r were read. and- aaopter-rtirt amendments.'102.Business Arisingl'\ (a) Iten^9/(F)-*$FrggO. for !OH.p, Compressor\ co*firn that this amorrnt is i" itr-e-nrrai*t.(b) f!-en ??(1) reswick ApBointment to Advisory committee*Th* Ad.visory cornmittaa was.requested. io subnitgornomineesgppointment tib the Ad.visofy co*riiieeKeswick,from thearea.]tl.l1QI. Parks Report - Wm. Browne(a) <strong>Georgina</strong> Townshi.p park Palnt requested. io read.y received. ad.d.i.tional tabres.!Eq* for-winter -T.-iiiii<strong>Georgina</strong> Park operating- erricie;itylstorag*.d.aily and. near capaci-tf on weht_enhs,(b) North Gwil"l-imbury Twp, park attend.anue d.own thls year.due possibl-y to the f,ootn neiC *r""ea foi--tn**pastthree B'ndays. r.retter to gort; I,i;. HcGrair.-suggested- that be posted- on fournship propertyJfl*neiog t.. o-*. dre r removingtiqryanil d.ef acing Tor^rn snip "p"oB*=ty*.*_ f - - -s'104;Report of Ad"vi_sory Committee:'a(a)f $eportNo. p of the Advisory ComrnitteeJwas_3eceived..It wae recommend.ed. that the"**rnb*=s of the ,qa"i*o" pJ-aced- on the nailing list to receive Coulc.i} Hinutes.(b) The Recreatj-on Ad.vis_ory Committee recommend.s that Co,,:ncil* a Townshlp lrJinter Carniva1.L

ṯt,rt 2-l1O9t'106.( a ). ,$co,\/ /'')1-.U107.\(c)(a)".i 'furgust 18n 1971 .Hepont of North Gwillinbury Arena Wae received aad.d.iseussion concernirrg responsibllities of the Aren#Coroittee ;It was recommend.ed. that a joint neeting be amanged.gtf$ tbg Cor::aci}, .Recreatloa Ad.visory dornnitteer"Sutton ,fuena Conrnittee and. Nortfr Gwil_LJ-nbury A.r6naConuI.;tteer Date tentatively set for the 8s-ofSeptenber I IJl1 .,,Repo,rt of.fhe Reoqeation DirectorAnu.ouncemeht of a A[lre.G Oorn Roast, North GwLl1. parkAugUst 25Ur 197Xr 5,t0O p5...F. to 9rO0 p.m.Ewitnning Awar-*s lfi€ht * for <strong>Georgina</strong> fownship (fomryr) rPeff erlaw HaIl,+'PefferlawTajA FrSlHaIl. ,ilFn - (,1",n;lrs*/'rr 'Hqcgel OrgaaizAtion requestLns a snall grant for paydentof Ref ero€'s rIt was reoorn$bnded. that a $5O.0O Fetty Cash fund be setTF to +gff*S^eurrentexpensbs'for reci'eatiop at _the,discretion of the Recreation Direrctor ..^tr-*- ; / _ 5,letter A*: f:!of thanks to be sent to BLl-l- Perkin6'& Crou#G. Oatman & Group for th6 oosetluction of the Blealhers,lC*-i-h'It was recommend.ed that tbe following lrersons be replacements for Bersollrrel who have }eft during theErurunexi Wril. Ilolues Sr. tJE. Ho1mes Jr. Ronald. Al1en,Caneron Mil1s, Ariln Falcion-t, Robt. Pollock Jr.Accorlats :It was recoTnmended. that the accounts as submitted. beapproved. end- subraitted. to OorrnOi1 for pa;ruent.109,\'l09*IIOther BuslnegslI{rs. Joam. Schell representative of the Pefferlaw invlted. to attend.,the.6ntrfft Recreation Ad.visorJr Committee11sstrinq*-Thrrrs. S11g*:.26frr1971.heport f 2 of the CemeterXr Connittee was recej-ved. and- :d-iscuseed.,1Rev. Brorrne commenced. hi-s new d-uties as caretakerH anager.iI0n l{otion Oorthlttee Ad.journed..

nuy s fl 't (TTIE TO}TII$HtrP (lF SEOReIITAtil'pr-Ailflrile cgilfitrt'sE ltEETiltGREPORT I*0. I..; ,AAu$iist lt,h, lgtl,I!? plann{10_cgmmirtee of coulgil.uf. the Townbhfp of Eeorgtnanet' Bt 7130 p.lrt. in the Gsunell chtnrbeis of the ftuitcirpiOfflce of Sutton, 0ntario.The Ghrlrman uf ths corumlttee took the chalr and called theneetlng to order.42 . llefiberr_present:. Reg . -coHnc{ I t or Fol lock, l{lyor" BurrgwsGounclllors,clark, larsen, Lyons, poyntz, srnbErruu andl{eIchr43. DEPUTATIOIIS(a) llr' Iglar, _soT I cltorrattended ln reference to tfteprropored plarr of sub'dlvlslon of 6$ lotsEn',part"Loq l4,.Con. I (fonmer <strong>Georgina</strong>). The ftit $rirefemedto*the [1gl'neer G.-l'fintz for siudi enacomment to Council.(b) Ben itohnston asked about the progres$ oflrts.appl i catlon for $everances ...'The Englneer will make a report on thi s m.u$&ras soon a$ possihle.(s) l'lr. Jaanpark presented a plan of sub*dfv{s,fon forthe approval of the Commlttee.,,,, ',#**l(d) t'lr. l'tet Ley asked the committee what he had,todo to obtain a buflding pernr{t for a proudtrfly, -Y' he -'-had obtained a severanie' for last yeai^.4t thls. property. has_ beqrl-zoned agitculture,the matter u{Il:be clartfied at the time,'theamendments wlll be rnade to the zoning ly-laifor th{ s area r(e) lrlr. R. ,lung enqulred rbout zonlng requlatiensfor a proposed Z0-unit ilotel on Fart-of Lots7 & 8, Plan e{8.He was lnforned that this property would coneunder the zonlng By-Lan for the Sltton med.The Commlttee requested that l'lr. Jung pre*,entthem with a general concept plan oi itris-$,,Fofiq,seOIrlotel .e ,

It-?,Deputat{ons contlnued(f) Hr. Larry Tucfr informed committee that af.ter ob:talninga survey of his property lt was disCovered thalt hlshouse was partially built on Townshlp property.He asked if lt was possible to purchase this portlonof the Township property ot correct,the situat{oniMr, Tuck was requested to present the Committee witha.copy,of the said survey so that they may lnvestlgatethe matter for a sol uti on .(g) Ir. C.-Brush, Area Services Branch of the planningDept..Region of York, attended the meeting andreported on the status of several proposed subdlvisions.He informed Conmittee that the Reqlonil plannlnoCommittee would be dlscussing the-set-up for t-aidDivision Conrmlttee at their next nleetini.l'lr. Brush introduced Mr. Randy Alcorn of hls the Commlttee members, ,44 . C0l''ll-IUNICATI0NSt(a) N. Cafik, M.P. 0ntario Riding - F€ meetlng to bearranrged re dredging ln Lake-SlmCoe.The foregolng communication was ndted and f.lled.(b) A.C.. Middleton, Automoated Buildlng Compohents In,c.. To be-ireferred to Regional Plannlng Dept. forcinneht re zoning.l(c) Dept. Municlpal Affairs Subdlvisions SectionConsent re Arnold to Hydro.The foregoing communication r{as noted and filed.(d) Begional Munig!pall!y of York - Technical ReportNo. 6 re Lot lll, Plan 345.The foregoing communicat{on tras noted and fited.(el lvlr. H.A. Spence - obJectionre six-pTex constructlon'; ln Sutton areaIt was recommended that Mr. Spence be informedthat this buildlng conforms to zoning requ{rementse tc ,(f) Region of York Planning .. Street Name Allocation.Referred to Engineering Conmittee for completion,3,

t;I(d)Communlcations continu'ed45. PLAI{ OF SUBDIVISIONr3(a) Petnam Investments Limited - draft plan presentedfor consideration.It was recommended that thls company beinformed tfiat the area of zonedagricultural under the nel..t t6nb$g by-lawand that obJecti0ns to this dohlnE should, bemade at the hearing to be held {n the near future.(b) Strobel & Ellseheld - the'Tr{p. $dlicitor andthe TWp. Engineer hAve worlted out a revised subdivtslonagreehent t0 Be slgned by Strobeland Ellscheid(c) Mrs . llatts, Rdche's Point Flan 0n Boucher & 0sborneSts.It was recommended that the Twp. Solicitor beasked for comment on this and Mfs. Hdtts be soadvtsed.H. Elliott Severahce.It was recommended that I'lrr Elllott be inforrlredno $everances of property of less th{n 50 aure$can be accepted Ufider'irevi Ey-Ldr,/ on loning. l4ii,Elltott to be informed that he rhay make knowtl htsojectlons at the hearlng to be ehld 4fter thedsitributlon bf the By"law to Tov'lnsh'lp resldelltshas been completed.(e) It was i"ecommended thdt tlle Cotnmittee Chairmanbe authorized to notify all propel^ty 0tlne'rshaving severances that they must present theiropjections to the new zoning By-Law $o that amendmeh'timay be made regardlng severances.46. BUILDING PERMITS(a) Brice - Part Lot l, Con. 7, E, tide Dal,ton Rd.The Committee was not in favour of thlsdevelopment at this time.(b) Horton*F€ Six-plex.Referued for immediate action of Regional PlanningDept. and Twp. Solicitor.4 ,

1*,"=, U"r/.rt'* :'|i'l I-"+erfl-r"-.!*""lliLnf""du**H.r*,f[*'t.i*.. ,i-ofuJi..*l | --t,{"4{-i",fl+..r.^t"4-,*. /, j ,t*"-ntr {-i* V-*iti+, \,.-+S,l''.'l' ',' r, 1,j Itii , ... ,, ', ,.E Y_d:! _h.trr 'vl:*t I'tt l$.i.iF*!-,|},IsffiNt) irqrgtrrlRilrttffHl-l ,cotrYll'',. "' I ' I ,.':,'',,l,.,tti't::::t.';r'll1

*4tt47 , REPORTS(a) Radojevic - developmentpremature.It vras recommended that this plan of sub*divi'slonbe rejected for stated reasons.48. OTHER BUSINESSt(a) Link-Horton subdivision of 241ots.It was recommended that the Council favour thedeveopment of the above sub-division with 3 lots,each year for l97l and 197? to be approved fotbuilding permits using septic tanks provided that alIother requirements are met and the sub-divtsionagreement with the Township be signed, and als,o, "rli'provided that water and sewers be 'installed at theti me they become avai lable.(b) Saig n subdivision Pt. Lots l6 & 17, Cons- ? & 3,It wEs recommended that this Committee agrees torezone this area according to the reguirementsof l'lr . Sa i gon .MF. Saigon was informed that a draft form agreementwill be presented to him for i:is signature within'two or threc weeks .(c) Steinhage plan at Udora.It was recommended that discussion regarding thisplan be deferred until the Committee has had moretime for study(d) t{r, Urv-plan of subdivision re Pt. Lot 2, Con. 9.It ylas recommended that Mr, Urv be informedthat the Commfttee was not in favour of this plan.This area ls zoned agrtcultural.(e) A plan was submitted for an additlon to the ilanlynnHome to accommodate 33 children requiring nursing homecare .Comment regarding this submission was deferredunti I the next Committ,ee meeting.(f) A delegation from the Franklin Beach area (fonrn'erNorth Gwillimbury) asked Committee what could bedone about the garages being built facing Albent 5t.when the olvners' cottages faced Franklin Beach Rd,They said this made excess traffic on Albert St.and the residents were concerned.It was recommended that they bring a signed petitionto the Committee and the matter will be looked into.5.t'

tt0ther business continued-5?tre deputation also asked if guard ralls couldbe put up along Lake Drive in the Franklin,Beach area.This matter was referrcd to the Engineering Commltteefor i nvestigati on(g) Mr. 0'Neill asked Committee if he could obtain twoseverances regarding 150 acres of land.He was informed he could 0nly segregate one parcelof 50 acres under t,he new zoning By-Law at present,that he could make known his obiections to thiszoning at the time of the hearing on this By-Law.Copies of the new builoing applications forpermits were presented to the Comnittee. Theseforms make speciflc reference to zoning regulations.I- E0n Motion meeting adiourned.Cha i rmanI

IMINUTES OF' EOUNEILOF THETOWNSHIF OF GEORGINAIN THEREGTONAL MUNICTPAIITY OF VORKMonday, Sept. 20, 1971.The Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> met in speeialsession at 7.30 P.M. in the council chambers of the FlunicipalBranch Office, Sutton West, Ontario.The chairman of the council took the chair and carred themembers to order.1. Members present at this meetinq; Mayor Burrows, Reg-Councillor Pollock. Council_lors Burnie, Clark, Larsen, poyntz, LyonsnSmockum and Welch.2 . ACCOUNTS .CouncillorCouneillor(r)WelchPollockThat the Treasurer he authorized topay the following accounts as oerSehedules dated Sept. 20, 1971rItGENERAL * S39 .066 . 8rFIRE : $11 , I31. 22RECREATION : $30 ,134 , S0WATERhIORI(S & SEWERS $16,23L,44Carried.rr,,.3. MOTIONStCouncillorCouncillor( 2 )PolLockLarsenThat the Council of the Corporationof the Township of Georgini doeshereby resolve to reimburse Mr. HaroldP" Snooks, Chief of the Sutton FireDepartment for hie loss of pay whileincap.ecitat,ed due to his involvementin a car accident while on Townshipbusinese .AND FURTHER BE IT RBSOTVED that theTownship wil-l receive all paymentsfrom Wclrkmen,s Compensation boardr oDbehalf r:f Mr . Snooks .2.

( 2 )Motions continued *tlCouncillorpovntzReg" Councillor pollock(3)Councillor FoyntzReq. Councillor pollock( 4 )CouncillorCouncillor(s)Pr:vntzLaisenCouneillor*F FyntzReg" Councillor polloek( 6 )Jhat.the Mayor and Clerk be authorizedEo srgn and submit to the Ministerof. Puhlic Highways of the province ofOntaric the petition of the Corporationof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> showi"f-if.i:IroT the period from';afruary tst" igiito August 3lsto I9ZI, there has beenexpended on the Tawnship roads a totalof $294,993.28 and requesting thestatutory gfant on the cf,moUfii as providedfor by the Ontario Highways Act andamendments theretoCarri-ed.That the Council of the Corporationof the Township of Genrgina doeshereby award K.J. geamiih ConstructionCompany Limited the contract forpavj-ng Lakeshore Road at a quoted priceof 926,850"00, subjecr ro tlie appr;;;iofthe onrario Depirtment of rriir=poilu_tion and Cnmmuneations .Carried,That Mr. Harry Keru, be engaged for atwo-week-period at the rate ot(une$fZS.00hundred and_ twenty_five dollarsper vreekl)plus mileage, To bring factto Council a report on House Wumberingin Ward 4,5 and 6. Alsr: fo reporton the llouse Numbering in ulardi LrZ,and 3 .Carried.i.rrlThat the tender of Dependable Cleanersof Belhavenn ontario, (Kevin i;;i;t--_for cleaning duties at the Kesr,rickBranch Office of the Twp. of <strong>Georgina</strong>be accept,ed at the quotld rate forthis work of $lfS,00 payable at the endof each month "Caruied3.

Ililotions continued -Councillor BurnieCouneillor(7)PoYntzislThat Whereas it has been deemed expedientto have prepared a consolidated landmap showinq-the numher and locations oftha tands owned and heLd bY theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>i THEREFORE it ishereby iesolved that the Mayor appointcouncil.lor Gerry Burnie and Clark andWelch as a Committee to prepare sucha mapo and that they he given access toall pl-ans' maps and documents as maybe required to execute t'his task. andthat {frey shall have the right an

IIINIJIE$ Ot' $oUl{CIIj \bF TffiTOWNSHIF OF GEORGIITAIN IHEREGIONSI, MI]NICTPAI,ITY OF YOHKlIIIQIttIl{ond.ay, Septenbey?7, 1971.The Council. of the TownshJ,p of Georg.ina net a ?t5O -reFierr;;,CouncLl chambers of the Ad.rninistratlon Buildinfr p.n* in the -oi.tario.,The 0hairlna$ of the Corrncil took the Chair and. ca1led. the neetingto I{embers Present at this neetingi lt*yo" Burrows, Reg-0,orrncil1orPotlock, Councillore Burnie 1 Olark1" larsen, -f,y6ns, "silckfi*iloatrIe1ch.l{ember Absentl Councillor pogmtat2. Councitlor T,arsgn, 0ouncillor Welch, moved. that themlnutes of the Councll rneeting of August ?1.rd., 6* amended. as d.istributed., which was cairied..1- counoillor wel,ch, seiond.ed. by councirlor clark, moved. that theEinutes of the Council neeti.n6 of September 26u, be ad.opted. asread.. which was caruied..4. DEPUTAI IONS(a) Messrs. 3'uller, Nevin and. Baker of Virginia Beach attend.ed. onOouncil to d"iscuss oertain j.ons _ existin$ in their atre*n_and. requested. that action be taken Section ?(b) of -gv*I-raw No , 719 wLth regard. to rrnsightLy accessory UuliAirrq* . -"AIeo ..eonce{l was erqpressed. for Ehe flood.ine cbnd.iti;il"ioArea.tnuI1r. I{lntzr.P+s, reported that consid.Eriut* r,,rork is te:ingd'one to correct this sltuation before the wlnter sets i".,llhe natter of the buildings was referred. to the nufi[ing-Inspector.(b)Hrs. Dorie Clayton appeared. bef ore Council to ask about thewater fights in the HoJ.lres point Eurea.Hrs. clayton was inforned. that this was a clvil matterarthough it was stated._that a preced"ent had, been set by a{*Agg ru} that lakefront pn-operty o*n*r* did in faci o*ttto the blgh water nark.5. couurrurcAlroNs( a)(n)(o)(E)Mrs. D. Connor * Card. of ThanksThe foregoins conmuniaation was noted. and fired..Assoc. of ontarl.o Housing Authoritl"es - re AnrrualThe foregoing conmunicdtion was noted. and- fired..C._9:._9I*9nt * .Barristef, r€ lf. J. Johnston parkingletter read., J-t was recommend.ed that a report bESenior Citiaens,fhe foregoing$utton - r€ wayside Benchescornmunication wb,s noted. and. filed..Corrf erence .lot-Keswicksubmitted..2*

IIIIIIIIIComunications continued. -(e)2-IIrq. Agnes Sellers - re clearing of ptroperty[he foregoing connunication was noted. and filed..(f) Dept. of Justice, Office of the Fire l{arsha}I -FJ-re Protection f,eehnology Course.letter read., and referred. to Fire ConrcitteeChal-rnan.(g)(h)(i)5. RffiORTSYork county Board. of Ed.ucatlon - sale of schools}etter read., Clerk fnstructed. to Tend.erFofns .Queens( York Rangers - re Army Week[o be presented. Motions.council-l"or clark, seconded. by councillor Burnie noved.that council resorve itserf into conmittee of tb.e whoreto the following reports:Report No. 6 of the Finance ComnitteeReport Nos. '14 and. 15 of the Engineerins corunitteeReport No, I of the PLanning ConnitteeReport No, '14 of the Recreation Conmitteewhich was camied..The Chairnan of the Cor,rncil chaired. the Connittee of the Whole.The Committee of the Whole arose.The Chairman of the Corrnci] reporte that the Connittee of theWhole had. ad.opted. the reports as followsiReport No. 6 of the I'inance Comrnitte without amend.ment. ..Report_No. 1a o{_-th* EngineeTing corueittee by amend.i_ngC.Iause No . -102(f) by_ addins tbe. word pilrposes.By d.eleting Clause {fa(r).Report No. 15 of the Bngineering connittee withoufa.nend.ment .Report No. I of thePlanning Committee wlthout emend.rnent"Report No. 14 of the Recreation Comrolttee withouta.nend:nent .She Report of the Committee of the Whole was received..chief of PoLice 0rawford - re purchasing of gasolinei-n the nunicipality.Letter read., Clerk to foward. letter to ChiefCrawford ldth regard- to prevj.ous towing Amangements,-1-

- ?.-It6.upon the question of the adrirption of Report No. 6 of theFinance committeer without arcendmentr it was carried..upon the question of the ad.option of Report No. '14 of theEngineering Comnitteel as amend.ed., it wis carri-ed..Upon the question of the ad-option of Report No , 1j of theEngineering commltteer without anendment, it was earried..uprirn the question of the ad.option of Report Nop g of thePlanning conroittee, without anendnent, it was laruied.ippon the queetion of the ad.option of Report No. {4 of theRecreatleal Qemmittee, without a.uendmentl lt was caruied..BY-]JAWSIICouncillorCouncillor( { )SnookumC1arklhat By-T,aw No. 100, a by-law toauthorize the on of aConnuait5r 'Progran of Recreation withlnthe meaning of the the Departrnent of Ed-ucationA*!, to provid.e for the operation,maintenance'and. management of par*sand to provide for the establishmentoBeration and. naintenance of ConmunityCentrea pureuant to the CommunityCentree Act and. the regulations, be j-ntrod_uced. and. read. afj-ret and. second. times.IItIBY*IrAl,il NO . 1 OOCouneillor ClarkCounci.llor: Iryons( 2 )BY-IAW NO. 1O1Beg-Councillor Po]]ockCouncillor lyons( ' )BY-IAW NOCarrigd.rr r r r . r ... r r I- Passedr Sealed. and. signed. - by theMayor and. C1erk.*[n*] By-law No. 1J01, a BomowingBy-law to raise SFO;O0O.OO to aiA tnthe cons truction of ' sub-surfaced"rainage systens for the purpose ofimprovilg the agr i_cultural_ plod.uc t-J.vity of the land_ d.rained., beintrod.uced. and read. a fir6t and.second. tines,Carrigd.. . r r r r r r . . . .- -PASSED, Sealed and signed. by theMayor and. ClerkrThatFV*-f,ayt Nr:mber ,1O2, a By-law torepeal By-Law Number lgFZ ot theformer Townshjp of North Gwillinbr.rrvbe introd.uced. ind. read. a first and. 'second times.Caffied.o. . r r r r r r r ,r- Passedr Sealed. and. signed - by theMayor and. Clerk.. ,102 * 4 *

t+*By-laws Continued..CouncillorCouncillor(4)lyonsWelchflhatFryIag Nr.mber lOjt a By-law torepeal- By*law Nunber 946 of-theformer fownship of _Georglna, beintrod.uced and. read. a first and.second tines.Carri-ed,. . . r . . . . . i , .BY-lA!il NO r 1 O,Councillor BurnieCouncll]or Clark(5)- Passed.o SeBIed. and. signed_ * by theMayor tind. Cteric.That By-Traw No. '1O4, a By-Iaw toamend- By-law No. }}'fixing the mod.eof payrnent of taxes in and for theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be introd.ucedand. read. a fi-rst and. second" tinesi7.BY*TrAW N0 . 104HOTIONSPassed, Sealed. and.Ilayor and. Clerk.Carrigd-r r r . r r r r I r r .signed" by theReg-CouncilLor FolloekCouncillor lyons(6)That as Arrny league of Canad.atras planned. to ho1d. rrArmy Cadet Week"on a national scal_e from Oct. p5 to0ct. 51, 1971, that the eueenrs-york'AnertcanRangers Corps (tstRegiment, Aurora) be pernitted. topgl+ tgg*-in this area for the period_?5 to 11 October, 1971.Carrigd.. . . | | , . | . . | .IICouncillorCotlincillore )BurnieLarsenbIHEREAS Section 26 of theConservation Authority Act a conservationauthority may eiract certainregulations concerning flood. planpapping_and. dump fill-regulations onbanlcs of rivers and. streHms and. take_shore areas IIIIEREFORE be it resolved. that theSogth lake Simcoe Conservation Auth*ority rrndetrtake flood. plain mappingand- establish drrnp and fiII =e-g,tfa[_ions und"er Section 26 of the C6nservationAuthority Act for the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>, and. that this work be *und.ertaken in conjunction with theRegional and. Townitrip pJanning Comm_ittees so as best to fit in wittr theOfficial PIan of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>.-fwd.*5-

-2* tItIItIIItI{otions Continued..Councillor SnocktrmCouncillor C1ark(8)Counci]Ior BurnieCouncillor larsen(e)ItrND furthermore that an estinrate ofcost of such a stud_y be undertaken bythe South lake Simcoe ConservationAuthority for d-iscussion with theCouncil of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>prLor to initiating the stud.yoShat the South lake Si-ncoe Cbnservat-J"on Euthority receive approval of anysost involved from the Council of thelorporation of the Townshi-p of Georg*ina.Carried.r r r ? | r r | , r . .That the Council of the Corporationof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> doeshereby resolve to establ-ish One (i)Afena Cornmittee for the purpose ofoperating on behal-f of the Sutton and.Keswick .Arenag.AMBE I[ FURTI{ER RESOIVED that thefoll-owing persons a^Te hereby appointed_to the Arena Committee :lotrg. Kellett, P, Trivett, V. Timmins.Geo. Ho1born, Al Brumby, jim Day,Frank Nashr Bobs Cookn- Don Johnbonand. Bruce lockie.Carlried-or r r r , . o . . o oWIIERBAS d.i-scussion haue been held.with the Estonian @arnp at Ud.oraconcerning assistance- from the Town*shi-p of <strong>Georgina</strong> in improving theswimrnin$ and recreational areainvolved in the Pefferlaw CreekTg*n]I9_through the camp ;AND WHTBEAS it would be-rid.vantageousto the residents in this area of tfrefownship to be ab]e to make use ofguch swimj-ng area with a supervised_swimming prosram in contrirunction withthe recreati-onaI activities of theflownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> ITHEIiHFORE BE IT FESOI/VBD thAt thECouncil of the [ownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>is in favour in princifile of assistr.tgtg^ltru i"mprovements in thj_s areaiAND THAT in the year 1g?Z a sum to themaxi-mum qmount of $5r000,O0 (fivefhousand) Do],lars be'budgeted. for to the Pefferl_aw Creekin this area and. im.proving the swim*ming facilities, subject to the Estg_nianCamp paying an-equal amor_rrt tothat paid. by the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>"Caffigd..-6*. . . . r . a . o o I

-6-IIMotions continued..CouncillorCouncillor( 1 o )WeLchl,arsenReg*CouncilJ-or PoLlockCouncillor Poyntz( 11 )That the Council of the Corporationof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> enterinto a contract with the OntarioIlydro at Newraarket, Ontario, toinstal and. maintain street llghts onFairbank Ave. , Willow Beach area,Carried.r r r r . r . | | r r ?[hht Hr. Victor Bard.awi11, P.Eng.obe authorized- to ca]]" for [end.ersfor d.itching East of 0,rDeIl Lane tothe Salvation Army Canp.Carried-.r . . r | . . r r . IIIIIIICouncil]or larsenCouneill-or Wh1ch( I 2 )Reg-Councillor PollocltCouncillor Poyntz( 13)Councillor T,yonsCouncillor Lrarsen( 14)lhat the Sutton Scouts Group Comnitteebe granted. pernisslon to d.ecl-areOctober $, 1971r ns-t'tpple Day in the[ownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>* The day whenalJ Ecouts a Cubs seII apples,proceed.s of which go to their ownorganizati-on.Caffied.. . . . r r r r I r . ,rThat ttre Council of the Corporationof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>* herebygrants permission to the Keswicklaund.ronat to d.ispose of liquid.waste at Disposal Site # 1, subjectto the [ownship receivi-ng approva]fron the ttOntario Water ResourcesCornmissiorr" , "Waste PlanagenentBranch of the Dept. of Energy &Resourcep and the rrYork RegionalHea1th Utlit. rf Carried.. r r | . . . - . . . .The Council of the Corpore.tion ofthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> herebyrecluests the Regional Council of theRegional Municipality of YBrk toobtain approval fron the Ontario\nlater Resources Comnission for thecongtruction of sewer extension onthe foll,owing streets in the waterand. sewer area Nunber 'l of the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>l namely, Malone Rd..Jacksonrs Poi-nt Avenue and- thenortherly section of lorne Road. atan approx. cost of $1+0r000.O0.IND FUi?IHER be it resolved- thatapplicatlon be mad.e to the OntarioI"lunicipal Board for approgal- toissue d.ebentures for the proposed--fwd.* 7.

-7-IiotionsContinuted..IIIIIIItCouncilJ-or L,yonsCounci]1or WeLch( 1 5 )CounclllorCounci-llor( 16 )lyonsBurnieCouncil-lor WelchCouncillor CLark(17)Councillor ClarkReg-Councillor Pollock(18)CouncillorCounciJlor( 19)BurnieSmockrr:nsewer extensions .That copies of this resoluti-on beforward.ed to Ontario hlater ResourcesConmission, Kilborn Engineering IJtd.. ,and Regional Council of the Regionall{unicipalityof York}Carried.r. . r . . . . r . . r[he Council of the Corooration of theflownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> hereby requeststhe Regional Council of the RegionalI'Iunicipality of York to nake applicationto the Ontari.o Hunicipal Board.for approval to issue d.ebentures forthe purchase of }and., constructionof a new Fire Ha}} and. New equi-pmentfor S10O'0OO.00. and. Further that theRegiona] Council- and the OntarioMunicipal Board. receive crirpies ofthis resolution.Caffigd.r. | | . r d r r r . rfhat the Council of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> d.eclare the week of October1 - 9,',1971 FIRE PRE\IENTION r^rBEKilin the [ownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> and. thatthis be so advertised. in the localnewspaper.Caffied-r . r . r . . . . , , .fhe Council of thelOorpbratidn"of theEownship of Gecgina hereby authorizeslhe Treasurer to pay to the <strong>Georgina</strong>Township librar;- bohrd- a further$5rO00.O0 of their 1971 bud_get.Carried-.. | . , r . . r . r rThat a Buil-d"ing pemrit be issued. toerect an ad.d.itlon to the Jann-L.wrnNursing H;n;, sutton, sunj;;T ;6-;proper application being the Build"ing Department forapproval s .Carried". c o . . | . , r . o .[hat our Engineer-Adninistrator b einstructed. to contact our lawyer,I{r. VaIe with regarfl to initiatingnegotiations witfr Cupe.Cafrigd,. . . . | . r , . lf .'*B-

Motions Oontinued..8-tIIItItt8rCouncillorCouncll-lor( 20 )Councill.orCouncillor( er ICounc illorCouncil]-or(e2)NOTTCE OF MOf IONSmo ckunClarkClarkl{eIchI,ansenBurni eCounci,llor lrarsen Save noticeyil_l be_ prgsented. requesting thatto I"Ir. Miller of tr'ranklin Beach,garage.WIIEHI/LS the 15% Ltnitation inposedby the 0ntario Departrnent of MunicipalAffairs resultins in an erqpend_iturereduction of #J97rOO0. for*the year1971 places thls ftunicipality lir acte_{lc-i! operationa} position;AND WHEREI,S al] inditcations at thisd.ate point to the factor that thecost of I'Iunicipal services cannot bed.ecreaeed. IIIIEREFORE be it resolved. that thisCouncil petition the Minister of theDepartment of Hunicipal Affairs toincr$ase our general Municipal bud.getlinitation by-9891O0O. beinrt expend-J-ture requirements d.eemed. wamantedto naintain a stable financia]plcture in the year 1971.Carfied,r r , | | "r . . . . .WIIEREAS the regulatione of the Healt[ Unit are sti11 notclear and" confusing to the eitiaensof <strong>Georgina</strong> Townshin rHoW THEiTdFORB be it-iesolved_ thatthis Council request the York RegionalIlealth Unit for detailed ctarff i*cations of the said. regulatlonspertai"ni"ng to the installation of9-tptl_**!_q+Es and Tile Beds; :/tI{D FIIHIIIER that a copy of 'the said.Regulations be avail-abl-e at theSutton Ptunicipal Office and. theHeal"th Unit Offi.ce.Carried,rr r r r . r r r r I r[hat A By*law be prepared" forregulatj-ng Lroud. speakers arid. thatsuch loud. speakers be all_owed"between the hours of 1G00 houre to2OOO hours by specific resolutlonof Council.Carrigd... . r' , . r r r I r rof notion that a resolutiona permit be grantedforthe construction of a9-

Notice of Plotlon Continued..- 9 *tIReg*,Goirtrcil-lor Pollock gave notice of notion that a resolutionwilr be presentbd. to zuthorlae the clerk to prepare a By-rawrestricting the operations of parachute clubs wittrin ttrb Townehipof <strong>Georgina</strong>.CouncilLor Burnie Bave notlce of notion that a resolution will!e presented. Iequesting approval of the apprication of uaj-terBasiuk for a Marina Develbpment on Plan 777, and. part of the North-East half of r.rot 21, coneession ?, Tovrnsftip'of Ge'orgina.9. AecountsIt,IO.CouncilLor Smockr:.nrCouncill-or Clark(21)OIIffiR BUSI$ESSThat the Treasurer be authoriaed. topay the foll-owing accounts as BerSchedules d.ated. Sept. Z?, 1gT1;ROAIS S5+, 218. 21,Caffiledr r ..r . | , r . r . .II( a)(u)(c)(a)rt was recormended. that a nreeting be arranged. betweena representative fron Deputy Minister parm6r, MuniciparAf fairs , {ork Regional Hbartrr uni[ , ne-gionat ' councilMembersand.of Georgrna Township coun"ir iE discuss -tE;-granting of septic tarrk permits.councillors rryogs and welch to ueet with J. Joseph todlscuss Canine Control .councillor rrarsen f,eported. in regard. to a fire on ..Snake Island and..the-speed. of th[ I,ire Departmerxt.clerk instructed. to*write a lett*T-or conrnend.ationto the Fire Chi.ef .rt was announced. that a meeting would be held. on lo[ed.,1t]9 p:n. Peff erlaw council chlnbers to meetraurwith I{r,flr.ngay in regard to .A,ssessment Appeals,II11 . Re$-Councillor PollockCouncillor lyons( 24)BY-IrAW N0 . 1O5l{otion Meeti-ng Ad. j ourne d. .that-By*Law No, loir a By-I",aw toconfirn the proceed.ings of Councilat lts meeting held on Septenber -and?7bt 1971, be-introd.ucea read_a first and. second. tines.Carrigd... r . r . r . I r , r- ?assedr Sea1ed" and signed. by theHayor a.fid Clerk,

TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAREGIONAL HUNICTPALITY OF YORKREPORT NO . IBNGINEER ADI{INISTRATORFor consLderatlon bYEngtueerLng Couuittee inRepoft No . l4fhe Councll adopted Report lfp, 6 of the Engtueer AdntulEtratorotr July l?, 1971 nhereln the [er DepartEetrt for the Towuehlpof Georgtue wer eetebllched th $f,tton, whlch Dove predlcated a generalofflce eetr"tary and ftle cleflt fttt the Departneut.Thla uoel.tlon hae now been fflied ahd Councll through the EugfneerLngCoauliiec |;Jl requeatad to coilflrh the enploynent of the followlngpetronnel3Poeltiont{ane of Peiaoh HttedDate of Co[uotccmentReatlort for hltlttgFunde BrtdgetedStartl-og $alerY RaugeActual SelaryOfflce $ecretaryHre. J. H. LanbHondayr September 13r 1971.VacancyYes94000.00 to $5000.00$4 , goo .00Reapactful ly subnl't ted 'G. Hlutz, P. Eng. tBNGINSER ADUINISTRATORSeptenber 2, 1971.Pefferlaw, OntErLo.

}OT,fi,Tj"JIiTts OF GEO,IGINgB-fi(+-luN.1* lTUtiftrIFATrITy OF y(.)EKEI!-Gllil..;jiHfi\TG fi{jM}TIt'j'HH i/iEE'fIN{iH'it)fiIt'r ifo , '14@rtuThursday. fiepteuber p, 1g?1rlhe Engineering C$il.T:i.ttct.+ of i,lor.lpclj.l- rr.f, "iihr+ llownstlip of Georqirralilt*fiX,?Ji,f"H;;. i-ri trie 'rourcrr--Ei'*'n,'"*or tire rq,*i;*j";iF#[,The chaj.rnan tookt;he r:hair and. ca].led. the meetin6 u* ord"er"'1o4"Henbers P*E:s6rni;r /ricu.rir::tj.LoiCouncillor Sl.arkir_oyr-i_tz,snckurn,u Li*sryi-r ari,l- ,,ri-;.!,.,ilounci.j-.lorEngi"neer'*'i,r.dnerli s'fr"a.f.:r*i{ilrEa ,, v;-c- Ba,:

Q*Bept enbet E, 1gT1 .I O7 . R0 AIS '( a )0ulver"t InstalLation-Sulth Blvd.. ,tItIU(*(c)(d)(e)(f)(e){ OB GARBAGE I"{ogr(")(b)(c)Fire :Diecqssion concernlqg Drainagel llofunee Polnt,Petltion re Rushton ttoedr and VLrgLnia Boulevard..Holnes Foint - Itetter to C'anadq Permanent Truetrdquesting that the Marina Estate fulfilLtheobllgations ErH per"rpfroposal subui,ttef, in 19?,O.It,was reeornmend.eil that I1r. Bardawj,ll prepa:re aa Frofile for d.railage of the Horning GforlySwa.rrp, Bushton Road Area.It was recommended. by the Ad^uinistrator thatproper ease&_ents be obtained. and, cha-uneLiagbe d.ohe i-n the Virginia BIvd. Errear |[his hraerefemed to CounciJ-lors Poyutz and-snockrxn aad{[om Hare , Road. Supt.llrr' 'V, Bardawill , P*-Eng,' inforrred.- the nebeltg , -. .what was necessary for the lnstaLlation of Koffer Dafi,s"IIr. Bard.awill was requested. to subnit a futl reportwhich would. be referred- to the Heal,th Unit.By-traws - PFTioS Driveways and. Lnstallation of Township proper*by.This was refemed- to the Solicj.tor.Rrchase of laad.-Gravel-Dept. L,ands & Forests,It was recommend.ed. that we contact the Dept. ofIand. & I'orests and. inquire if they wouLd. Ee leasins a portion of the gravel pit.PryB$"tfiigzua€ ig"Wlary By-Iaw $t g r4oo .Report No. 1 of the Co-Ord.inatin$ Connitteepresented. and. summarieed..wasDisposal Site- IIvW # 48, ChapelleAccouat to be paicLand. the egxeenent tenninated..DisposaL Sjte # 1 Opening Horlrs * October 'lst tol{ay lst, BrOO &rrrr to SIOO Brm.flhis to be posted. and. advertised. in Advocate.Provinsional Certifi-cate of Approval fuu a Waste4isposal Slte reoeived" * Errptr5r Date {5h cIaV ofNovember, 1971 ,Discussion concerning storage spa,ce for New I,irellrrrek. Suggested that present Ftre HaIl be rgisedtuo blocks for tenpora4r storing of I'1ps Trtrct.-f

- 1 -SeBtenber ?1 19?l .'11O" I'Iaten&sewerei(*) Cornmunication recelved. fron Ki]-born Sngineerinergi Prerf-ni.:rary stud.y for sewe's - sutlon east*tdBlack River rIt was recomnended. that we instnrct Kllborn Engineertngto undertake the studyl{11r StreetLlehtin,EI(a) Petitiors recei-vdd. f,ron H+Sae BeachiI'6.trbank AVe , HllLow Beieh4 ltghtsrtAven$noe"tr35:*3f1:F.f,t was reconaendecl tbat rdgolutione be prepared.acceptl,ag the petitione urhen certifLea aad, the ontario at one and. the same ti^ne.(u) Petition^fron Der trtrenrtliu Beach refemed to clerkfor eertification.-5eer North or 7,112. Other Businessl(a)rt was recommend.ect that councir requert the Region to_assrrne that poltton of the 6e conadseion fronLineEhe Baseto Metr-o Road..(b) l[enders for the ,tr'ire Doorthe Chait" Eeswiek wer e opened. bytI(c)(d)(1) Hallett Bros -(e) E. Koskinen$ e6g. 50eoo.ooft was recornmenited thfl.t E. Koskinen be award.ed. for the instarlation of d.oor at Kes*rica orrtc*at a quoted price of $?OO.O0.duotatig+. Tqs - rec-e-ived from M:r. copeland. to repaf-r theatr-condirionins g"i! in Kesiwck orii;ilrt was$ that IIr. copetana be authorized. toreBair the .A,lr condtiti_oner at *tne Keswick-nfir"u.$equest for uee of r,oud,speaker - uJ.arqi Beach Assoc,rt was recomnend.ed. that $errriseion be grintea tol[lernitheBeach Assoc. to us-e the loucLspe"fiEi on*sat.Eep!. 4b'- ,1971, between tbe hourJ-oi 4rOO p.*l'Bt00*OBrrrr

-4i l:. :112. QtFerHuF{nessr Contl4(e)l' .Septenber Atlg?1,Dibcuseion concebning_slEn at Keswick offtee.ff ffif;"ffTru,:F:f+l#;x.-irirffi-Htsign on netaf ror tid hoGE "tiib*at reswrctr.^ [Jf) rt.wp ssssmlrended that we request the Regioa to\\"r',"'|/ rnsralLtu-la flashqf pgnc-ut"in*-jr*iir.J;-oiE**u r,iae ilatu cof,JJ"Iio"l(e)rhen**gry Sun!*I I, o,f rh , Shgineer*AdninistbatoI{rs . Muriel rlg*U enproyEO. as Ofriil-#;"etaryr.liirl$lffH HfnEE;o**u oo** rhe reliorr beaeeepted.i(h) Tead-ers fon scafford.i'g were_submitted.Srrgine er-Aclnlnistratby theor* *i -rollows I(1) <strong>Georgina</strong> Steel l,Iorks, pefferlaw4O foot(2) Newrc.arket Renta1, Neurnarket,4A footless RentalTotal_It was recornrneo{sa by the EngiTeeflnerlgr_T: aecepr rhe r6*oilenaHii;#;Fs 4r{6 . 67Ont .$ 549 - oorr+fi88Com,r+itteeii*irri"rratorAnd Flf,Fchase ths scaffotd. fron l{ewnarked Rental.On l{otion Connittee Adjoruned...l ,,lt

TOWITSHIP OF GMAOIIfARnero$st MltNrcrFtr,rty oF ionrENSII{$ERII{G SOIIFIIT{I'EE }IEETII{Ellhrrrsd,ay, Se;tenber 16, 1g?1,fryrySil"flI""S ConnLttee-of Corrncilof the [owaebl-p of <strong>Georgina</strong>il6t Ht,lOtOO E.d* ln the CorrnciLChambera of the Mui,icipal pfite-Peffsflf,rr; ontaiio;fhe Che'tnnaa took the and. called. the meeting to orliler.111. l{embers Presentl Corrncillor PoJnetz, Reg:-Conncil,Ior po11oc,L,counclll"ors snocktm, r.raraen and-claik.-Road. supt; n."-Ea;;.1 '14. OHETTIISG TENDERSFThe followfng tend.ere for Baving rakeshore Hoad, <strong>Georgina</strong>were opened. by the Chairman,t1) Hl-ller PavinglLmLted., P.o.Box 56r Buttonvtrle, ontari^.,,,X'or paviry ?smiles &gkeshore Roarl $ ABr?4CI.0U2) f,, J. l6ernts[ constrrrction !td.. t ?W1 BaJrvl-err Avenrte,EhornhiLl, Ont.For paviry W nilee le.keshore Road., <strong>Georgina</strong>26 , 850 . OlIt wae necorrrrtend.erl that the tend.errK.J.Beanishbe award.ed. toConstrtrction l,td.. , srrbject to the approvatrof tbe Ddpartnent of rraneportation axd Gorumrnicl-tions.t119. trhe foLlowlng tend.ers were opened, by tbe Cheirnan fonJailitor Sernrice at EeewLck Offj.cel1. CralEpar Investments 1O1 Hetro Road.?,. Robert lrl. I$ash, '121 lrske Drive $Iorth1. Arr.drey Eeneen, Pefferlaw4. *Tobn Rossr 4FF lrale S. ,5. Plril.lip Eud,cl, Eeswick5. tl&.,Oxtoby, Pefferlaw, Ont.7. Hrer Carol Neleon, Eeewlek,8. T. Ir. Brod,hagen, Sutton Weet :9. , KerrLn Keefe, Keswicko1O. i A,rthur Haunah;*fwd.tSouth, Keswiek$alo .oo200.ooe00.oo{m.oo1 eOO -OO_550.O0150.OO4'o0.o01{5.O0.450 .OO

]IEenf,ers ; (Cont t d.){{6r21 , George(b)(c)(d)?,---+",Grant, Eeewica, Ont.$epternber 16, 1g?1$ 595. OO" rt was recommend.ed. that lnterrrlewe be set up forI{umbere L_?nnd $ with CounailLor PoIatz at theKeswick Offl.ce.OIHER BUSII{ESS I(a) , D{ssussion concerni-ug Garbage plck*up at Monning Glory, Sbhool,]-t -wag suggeeted th"nt a letter be forfrard.ed to theYg"F county Boe.rd. of HlucatLon requesline paynend-eor_plcF y.p rgtroac-tlve to Janrrary 1sf,. nr[uEr";;tr; the Board be reguested. to consl_d.ercontract.BrivateDiscusslon coacerning House Nr:nberlns*rt wae recommen!,ed. bt the Engi-neerhE - conmittee thetI{r.- Harry Kerr be hiied. to prBare a surrrey of our -numberiTg eystemr- and, reooronend JnBrovemelts snd prsviflssuggestions for the fomer virlage-of sutton ana tor,msirieof <strong>Georgina</strong>.post of Eurvey.for a two (a) week period. wourd. be hpprox.$e50.oo plue frlleage,'Discussion concgrgins "l{o parkinst' eigns to be posted.on both sides of Jae*Aonvil}e Av[nuer-Wlllow Seicl,Reeommend.ed that B5r-1,** l{umber lggg be alnended. to iaerud.ethe above.Discueslon concgrfft*g Payrent of $ar-ary to H. p. $nookslFire Chief, Sutton n6partnent.Thls was refemed. to Corrnci_il.117. Conmrrniqati.ons I(a) W. E. SLessor, lfeeton Ontario lrorne GoodfeLlow IyiteEecretary to reply - f persons from Geor6ina.(b) Dnlsposal, of l{aste water *Laund.romat. KeewickReferred to Reg-Gouacillor pollo6h(c) Department of Transportation and. ConmrrnlsatLonsGrantipg of ad.d.itLonal maintenance subeid.y forremoval - $fO1425. OO.snowOn l{otionCommlttee Ad$ourned..II

FffTITE TO}VNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONALI,ilINTCIPA"I.'ITY OF YORKPIANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGREPORT No. 8Monday, Sept, 20t L97L.The Plannilng Committee of the Council of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> met at I P.M. in the Corrncil Chambers of the MunicipalBranch Office in Sutton, Ontario.Mayor Burrows took the chair and called the meeting to order.49. I"Iemhers presentl Reg.-Councillor Pollockr CouncillorsClark, IJarsen, Lyons. Poyntz, Smockum and !{elch.50. DEPUTATIONSMr. M* Pound., Commissionerr Regional Planning Dept., andMr, G. Brush and Mr. R. Hrrnter of the Area Services Branch,attended the meeting to discuss the Special,Report of thenegional Planning Dept, for planning needs in the Township.They reviewed the existing land use By-Lawsr t'he BuildingBy-Laws and the need for an Official Plan. A Flow Diagramfor the implementation of an Official Plan was presented'Zoning By-Laws No. 70 and 76 were discussed. It, was agreedthat the Area Services Branch should map all existing lotseverances so ttrat consideration could, be given to possibleboundary changes and minor amendments which couLd be madeto these By-Laws .A meeting wiLl be held on WednesdayT September 29, I97Irto discuss these matters further.On Motion meeting adjourned.IChairman\uTl\tHfi$\

TO\^INSHIP OF GEORffiNARSGIONAL MUN]CIPAITfYOF YORKRECREAETON COUMISTEE I'IEETINGREPORfl NO . 14,Wedaesd.ay, Septenber EE, 1gT1 .The Recr:eation Conmittee of Qorrncil of the-Townshlp of Geongina+et at Trlo p.m. ln the Corrnqil Cbarnbers of the FluhioiBal-oFfi;oSutton I'Iestr-0ntarioillhe Cb^airuan took the Chair and. called. the meeting to* Mem-r.r*ers Fpgpentl coungirror smocFugr, Mayor Bumows,Eggicou+tclllor Bsft-qck_r-councirrors Burnr6r-l.,a"s*n, -n.-d=liiirr" felcAdvisoqp, Coilsj.t tee lltem6ers r IIrs . Barb Slbhild,and Jin- Lanti!|Recreatlorrr ilLredtor, $. Rockel.111, rt was novg$ an{ eecond.ed. that Report Number 1tr ottb,e Recreation connrttee be accep*ted. aietriEuiea,(b) Advisory Connittee lleetlrrgl ""Report f 4Fiscussl"on concerning Band lead,er for pefferraw Areaand. FLgure Skatins I'ees.rt was moved. and- second.ed. that the foLlowing Feeewould be ad.opted.r^-for both Fx.gure.$kating ilrubs.Jrrnior $- 7. OOInterm. 1 I . OO$enior 2?.O0Retard.ed. 9.OO(c) I!t+ t + ?t Ad.visory Cgpnittee . Report -regard.ingad.d.itional members to the connittbe, it rn'Hs Ju#ested"that this be giyqn Bome conslderati6n Brior [o*beginnlng of 1974.It was moved, and. seconded that the report be ad.opted.,as d.istributed_.(d)(e)lugtth Gwil.rinbuqr coumi.ttee minutes adopted asd"istrihrted. .Sutton ArenaIten # 6(e)Iten # 6(d)rten # 7{w)rtem # 7(e)Connittee l{i.nutee Il*t+og in frqnt of Arena was refemed. to.Hjngineerj-ng Oommittee.hrrohaee of Compressor refemed. toAdministrat or ,Booth concession - r.reese - referred- toCouncillor SnoctrumPurchase of coffee }Iaker - rnvestiaatejnp posslbilities of teasing Cory=EoiieeMakei"rt was recommead.ed. t$at the sutton Arena comnittee beinvited. to attend. th6 Engine,ering comnittee neetirrg-orOetober /tb , '1971, *

2 *SeBtember 22 i 1971 .--.t'11?,It was moved. and. second.ed. that the Sutton Arena Conmitiminutes be accepted. as d"i s tributed. .New Busi-ness i(a) Discussion concerning outd.oor skating rinks.Pefferlaw, Sutton and. Keswick.This was referred. to the Director.(n) Dtecussion concerning Dan at the Ud.ora Area.It was rsssmm€nd.ed. that a report be submitted..(c) Discussion concerning the use of the Arenafor Electi-on purDoses.It was referied.*to Councillors lJelch and. PoLlock tcobtain the Optomistrs Olub for this purpose? ifpossible.II(d) Conmunication from J.W.II. Day, SoLicitor re; Fort Bolster and. LonE Estate.Refemed. to counci]}oi Burnie to arrange to havcthe transaction finalized..111, Directoret Report.(a) [ree Pranting stud.y * rt was noved. and. seeond.ed. t]: .uthe free Plan'bj,ng Study be ad.opted..It was moved- and second.ed. that the trees be purche:as per report submitted.., , r l. I ri t,(b) Discussion cOncerning Private Phone in Sutton Aren^.. ', It. _r^las resoq-rogn+g+..-:that ra lpfivate. phqn,e ,be .instq," ,, ,ifl $r., Clarksl Of,fi.,,,;ri,r ,,,"ii rt'1": (c) ,Mr.-Wg" Bro$ne reported. that an add.itional 50Gfbage csns: arg -11ireq}t"l*., , ;r,, ,r . ,.(d) Dlscusision concerlling ,anotHe'g:enployee for the Kc-,,.Arenai fh5.s was ;iefefred. to the ,ftrena Cornmitrlss.114. . , Aceolrats:- -;"y?d-if ffii"o+ , seConded that gn**gg*g*nls wfththe eriception of the' Sutton Banti '-$tO.OO be acc;;,*.i , aq4 subuitted. to Council ,{qr payment. ,, ,, r .,r. l115. conqrrrriila,bions , ,, ' ', , ,: ,, . ,, ..i.r r,l( a) Ontarilo ltrospit*1,, Ort'trtia re ; Hoddi' -Lefter .read., filed.,i'l r l, ,A A F116. 0ounci,l,Lor ; - ; Lrarsen [r*"eri.Ug'a fiUanpiaf' Uemetefy. ItOafO. '': i''.. tii. .. I r i. ., ,.i:',:report.: | .',' i.l.'ofOp4 {otioni ,lfo4pitteet,.''.', , l. rr'Ad. joqqned .

TOT{N$HIP OP GEORGINAREGIONAL MTINICIFAI.TTY OF YORKRACREATf,OT{ COM{TTTEE MEETINGSeptember 2L, L97L.sPEcrALFceouNrgPort Bolster HalISwirunLngPlaygroundBand$occerSoccerSoecerSoccercivic Corn Roast. . . . .Cooks & Servers: . ". .Entertainment. r . , r Corn Husking a -arkingTerry SchellTeresa La Flave.lill TimminsSutton Brass BandSutton Soccer Assoe,Roy l*toody.Iin Whi tcornbeBen teroux$haron PeaverWalLy l"aPierreDot RickardRuth MundyGloria ClossEV I{CIiIAbLorraine LapierueHazelle llrrnterffiSut,ton ScarlettairesSea Scouts$ 25.00t. 0056 , 00700 ,0045 . 92r0, 003. 004. 0010, 00r0. 0010. 00t0 .00r0. 00I0. 00l0 .0010, 00I+ffi10. 0010 .00

"ltownship of georglnaREGIONAI HUNTC IFAIIIY OF YORKFINANCE COMMITISE MEETII{GRF,FORT NO . 5Slrtton Cotrncil Chanbers Saturday, August 28, 19?1 .She tr'"inance Conmittee df the Council of the CorBoration of thelownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> met at 9;151 flrltl. in the Council Chambersof the i{unicipal Off ice , SuttonrThe Chalrnan took the ehair and. called. the neetirrg to"l1. Members Present: Mayor Burrows, Reg*Oouncillor Pollock,Oouncillors Bumle, Clark, I,arsen, Po;mtz, $mockun and.\nlelch.?. Discussion concerning the 1971 Bud.get. Some of the proposed-Bud,get figures were ad.justed..1. It was recommend.ed. by the Conmittee that the Garbage [ruckInvoi-ce be includ.ed. in this years budget ald the purchaseof the Keswick Office be spread. over a tr,,ro year period..4.5.Upon the recommend.ation of the Engineertng Comnittee theHoad-w Supt. be authorized" to call for tenders for theresur{actng of approximately three (}) miLes of Lrake Drivefrom Church Street north.The Co-Ord.inating Connittee for the Road.s Need- Study recornmendthat the proposal of Hc0ormick, RalJrin and Associates lrtd..,"'be accepted., subject to the approval of the Departnent ofTransportation and. Communicatiom.0n l{otionCoruaittee Ad.journed..

MI!{r}TE1S OF eOUNCrtOF THgTOWNSHIP OF GEORGINArN THEREGTONAL !'IUNIEIPAIJITY OF YORKThursdav, October 7th, Ig7l.The Counell of the Townehip of <strong>Georgina</strong>at 5.00 p,M. in the Couneil Chambers ofBuilding, Pefferlaw, Ontario.netthein special eessl.onAdministrationThe Chairman of the council took the chalr and calted the Mertrbersto order . ,I t2.Memhers present, at this nteeting: ,Mafof Hurrowsr Reg*councirlorPolloek, councirl,ors Burnie, clark; lareen, r,yone, foyntz,Smoekum and Weleh .COMMTINTCATTONS3.(a) if . Hopkins , -resignationBY-I,AWSds freasurerCftunciLlorCouncillor(tltarsenBurniefhat E!r*!ap wo. 106, a By*Law torepeal 811*Law No. I appointing aTteasdfeq for the Towishlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>be irltrodticed and rerd ilh firsrsecond tirtres .""atarrlga, , r I r . . . . . . r r . . . , . r , r .BY-LAW NO. 106-Passed, sealed and signed hy theMayor and Clerk .CouncillorCouneillor(2)SmoekumLyonslhat By-Law No. L0?, a By*Law tolery and eollect.- - from the rateableprooerty of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>in the . Regionat Municipitity of iork ,_Township General. , Conunereial_ Ceneral ,Trlater, $ewer and Garbnqerates forthe year 19?I .Carriedo . , . . r r r r rBY-I,AW NO . LO?-Fassed, sealed and signed by theHayor and Clerk .f-t{oTIoNsCouncillor SmockumR€9. Councillor Polloelc( 3 )That Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>aecgpts the resignation of Jo{!tHopkins Treasurer of the TownehLpof_<strong>Georgina</strong> effective October 4tfi ,197I, and that his salary and fringebenefits ealeulated to the end of itreyear be paid.Carriedrr r r r r , . , . e . + r , r r r r r . r2 t

2-Motions continued *Reg " Councillor PollockCounclllor Poyntz(4)fhat pursuant to Section ?18 (3) ofthe l{unicipal Act, Tvlrs. Rita Rekisbe appointed Acting Treasurer of theTownshLp of <strong>Georgina</strong> .Carried r '- r r . r G , . r , r aCouneillorCouncillor( s )BufnieClarkThat the Council of the Township ofGeorglna hereby adopts the 197LBudget , attached hereto and markedas Appendix ooA" .Carried r ' r , ' . r r r r . . r 'I ,.5. OTHER BUSINESS*re recommendation of a Speeial Cornrnittee Meeting hetdon Sept " 29, 1971, orr Questionnaires from the Deot' ofl,tuniciBal Affairs on severance atrtrlications was reviewedby Council. It was agreed that most of these QuestionnaireshA complet'ed and sent to the Dept' as quickly as possible'TO CONFIRI{ PROEEEDTNGS OF COUNCILCouneLllor $rnockumReg, Councillor Pollock( 6 )BY.I,AW NO . 108That By-Law No, 108' a BY-Law toconfirm the proeeeclings of Councilat its meetinq held on oetober 7EI'tol-971, be int luced and read an

I,IINUTES OF COUNEILOF TITEFEGIONAL MUNICIFIALITY OF YONKI,ledneedavt*V"- October L3 , 197L.lllre Council of the Torvnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> m et at 7.30 P.l{. t"J T}IECouncil- Chambers of the ndministratlon puild"inq, lrefferlf,rr, Ontario.The Chcrirman of the Couneil took the Chair and ca1led the membersto order .I"2,3"Members present at this meetinq: lrtavor Burrows, Reg-Council.lorFollock, Councillors Burnie, Clark, Larsen, Ly6ns, Foyhte,Smockum and tnleleh.Councillor rdelch , seeonded hy Counclllor Fovntl , moved that theminutes of the counsil meetinqs of Sept. 27th and oetober ?th,1971, b+ confirmecl in the form supplled to the firembers, which wascarried_pEl$iqlollg_(a) Mr. J,L" Fihoharn, of th+ Eubdiviefnns geetion, Comrhunityflanning eranch nf the Debti of, rutrnlCiual rr:EfaLrs attend,eclthc meetinrt to diseu$s dnhsehts fesgveranceg. He said thatthe ttent" wnulri. de41 with these di,,reetly until the Tnwnshiphas an officiat Flan. llht: somnletlon df the Questionnaires'sent out Fry the Derrt. regardlnq these consents letg them knorrthe oninlon of the Townshlp about the qfantinc; of theseeongents .Mr. Roqer tlunter, Frea SerViEes Ftrarrch of the ReqionalFlanninq Dept" al5o attdflded the m+eting"tt(c) Several Taxi Cab Owners in the rownship attended the meetingto dicuss the granting of licenees and flnd out the decisionof Council on this matter.Council listened to the views of t{r. B. Thomnson. }{r" V, Timmins,t'{r. BudJoblin, l\tr. BiIl .tlf,heaton, Mr.Frith and l4r. G. Simmerns.Ffter discussion of the apnl.ications reeeivecl the followinqresolution was passed bv CounellrCouneillorCouncillnr(1)Burnietynnsfhat Inlhereae lly".Latr {154, bein-g a iliy.-Lat,rto requlate and licensi: cabs in theTovm*hip of Genrgina 'rres r:nrcsed rlurinqthe nroceedinqs nf thc re-qular Council.meetinq of rrtarch 22, L971: Atxl) [^'HHl?"EI$the said ljy,-Larnr nrnvir-lerr that Council rnavaDDfnve .rnnlieations for l-icenses und,arthe nrovisions nf Fy.-Lavr 54t r.,lrltr hrfifiinff|gan aqnlication has be,=n made for anaCditional taxi license hv Hr:.,uard l,yonsof Suttnn t{estn !:eing thi} f,rn+f,ator of ataxi cah knnrsn as Busr Tasii F,Nn T,"II{ER$rSthere is c:ne or more taxi licenseE florrravailal:Ie for issuer fHFRF:FORE the Couneilof the Corcoration nf the Torsnshin ofGeorqina dn+s hereby resolve to annrovethe issuance of an aclditinnal license tothe above mentioned nnerator suhject tn the?.

'-2-,t"f*, lill"i5li;rxt]ileHi: , 3r;'nH 'Carrie

5" RmoRrs3councillor Lar$en, seconded bv councilror clark moved thatCouncil resolve lt-selfinto corunittee of the whoLe to eonsiderthe following reports 3Report No . 9 of the Engineer-A.dmini s t ratorReport No. 5 of the Finance CommitteeReport No, 17 of the Sngineefirtg ComrnitteeReports No, I and No. 2 of the Areha ConitnitteeReport lilo. 15 of the Reereation CoirrmitteeThe chairman of the council ehaired the eoffinittee of the .rrlhole,The Committee of the Whole arose.'The Chairman of the eouncii fepoftE that the Committee of theg,thole had adr:pted the repsrts a$ folldwErReport No " 9 of, thd Enqineer- ndmi nt e trator , without amendment .Report No. 5 of the rlnance conunittee, without amenrJment.IteEoq!.No. 17gr,th! Fngineerinq coinmittee by amending crauseL27 (hl fafa, 3 by deleting,the r.lordn't\oro""oneo, and addinq*the ruordin lt,s nLac€ so thht=the phrase nbr,r reads o*efitengion of twoweeks be rrtaneed"i and hv adcling section (d) to clause Lz7 asfollows :"Mr. Bar.dartrill le drawinq Up an,gdf,eeftent regardinq the roadeonst,ruction on the Bob Dtapet pfdtrefty, Brk. A, plan 536 {formerNorth Gwill"" ) "Reports 'Nn" I and No. 2 of the Atena conrtrittee,Report uo" 15 of the Reereationwithout, amendment.Conunittee, ftrithout amendment.The Report of the committee of the whore Fras recei.ved.Upon the adoption of Report Nr: . 9 of the Enctineer*A.dmini s trator ,without amendment, it was carried.Upon the ar:loption of Report No- 5 of the Finanee Conunl,tteg,r+ithout amendmentn it rnras carried,Upon the adoption of Report t{o. L7 of the Engineerinq Committee,as am.'ndedn it vras caniedupontne adoption of Reports No. I and No. z of the ArenaComrnittee, without amendment, they $rere earried"IJPoP the Adoption of Report No" 15 of the Reereation Committee,urithout amendment, it was carried.6.7 .Councillor Burnie reported that he had prepared a letter regardingthe use of the Farking Lot owned by T.J. Johnston in Keswieli,Councillor Burnie read the letter and Council eoneurred thatthis be forr,rarded to the $olicitor for t,tr. Johnston.UNFINISHED EUSINESS(a) .Ir. resolution passedHilI regardinq Billnoted and discussed,.time .by the Council of the Town. of Richmond127 procedures and regulations wasThe resolution vras tabLed at thls4.

tt4*8*BY-LAWSL.)-{'CouncillorCouneillor( 2 )SmockwnClarkThat Bv*Latr No. 109, a BV*Law to levvand colleet from the rateable propertyof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> ln theReqional Municipalitv of York n Slementa yand $econdary School Rates for the year*197I,be int,rodueed and read a first andsesond times .Carried.r,, .rcrr.,rro r.rtrBy_LAr{ NO "109*Passed, sealed and signed hy the.lllayor and Clerk ,CouncillorCouncillor( 3 )LarsenBurnleThat By*Law No. ll0, a By*Law toregulate and govern the oluners oroperatore of public address svstems ,sound equiprnent, loud speakers or similardeVices in the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, beintrodueed and read a firet and eeeondtimes .Carriedrr.. r..rrr... rr-ilBY-I..AW NO" IlOCouneillorCouncillor( 4 )PoyntzL,yOnS*'tasged, sealed and siqned by the tdayorand Clerk"That By*Law No. 111, a By-Law to amendBy-Law No. 1858 of the former townshipof North Gr'rilXimhufy, be introduced andread a firet and seeond timee.Carried.r.. r ..rrrrrnriBY-rrhw tto "lrl* Passed, Sealed and signed by the },{avorand the Clerk .CouncillorCouncillor(s)BurnieIrafSenThat By-Law No. 11?, a By*1,6* go"lieensing and reguirinq the registrationof doqs within the Corporation of theTownehip of GeorgLna and to repeal allprevious BV*L,aws , be introduced andread and first and second times .Carrigd...rrrr..or..r.r..r9 . MOTIONStICouncillorCoutrcillor( 6 )ClarkStnockunThat the Corporation of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> aptrrove the settlernent, off,arm assessments on the basis of thedecision of, the Ontario l{unicipal Boardin Cyril CXark VS the AssessnentCormissioner for the County of Pee,l andthe Township of Chinguaeousy.Carrigd,r., .tr,.r.o.r .r,,r5.

Ivlotions continued -5CouncillorCouncillor(7)CouncillorCounciLlor(8)CouneillorCouncillor( e lBurnieLarsenBurnieIraf$enlloIIockPoyntzThat hlhereas lots establlshed under"triower of appointmeni" have at presentno legal basis ln law; Therefore kreit resolved that no buildlnq permitsbe issued on said lots and that thegUildf.nq Inspeetors of the Township ofGeor gina be informed ., ,' Caffied*r. . rr.r ,rr.rrThat a Study be undertaken to assess thenU$ber of lots eetablished under"go.Her of appointmentfi in the Townshipof Geor{tina and that, a report be subm{ttedto Couneil as early as is possible.:,. : Carried,+rr irrrr.rrr. or.r.rThat re ; Property N/S Townline Lots38*39, Plan 178, Udora, T\rrp. of Georqinaauthqfization is hereby granted to theTownslrip By-Laws Officer to proceed withthe necessary eleanup work required onthe abgve nropertv oruned by Dorothy HaLI,19 llarilyn Court, Aqincourt, Ontario,bub notlce pf conditions \dere sent byregistered mail to the owner on August6r 1971. Lrbruebt dontract quotation onthis eleanup is ,$475.00. Same to beehatgred acldlnst this prbperty plus Sfiand collectdd in the salne ftanner as taxes.Carrigd.rrr rr.rrr .r,crReg i -Crrunci llor lrollockCouneillor Poyntz(I0)That prices be obtained for theconstruction of a room at the north-westeorner of the Arena at Keswiek, Ontario.Carried ..+r rrr.rrrCouncillorCouneillor(11)CouncillorCouncillor(rz1LarsenWe I chBurnieCIarkThat the Treasurer be authr:rized topay interim grant of $1,000.00 to theCemetery Board of the Tr:wnship ofBeor-cyina ,Carriedthat T{hereas the Council of the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong> is anxious to mlnimize anvdifficulties caused by recent zoningrequlations to Lts residents ; THEREFOREbe it resolved that the Council of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> is in favour of theprinciple that any lots of two acres ormore which were previousLy approved bythe Corunittee of Adiustment in the former5.

6-Motions contl.nued --CouncillorCouncillor(13)CouncillorCouncillor( r 4 )CouncillorCouneillor(15)BurnieSmockumDurnieIryonsBurnLeLarsenTownshl"p of Georqina, \/illage of Suttonand Township of North Gr.^tillimbury beeliqihle for building permits ;and also hre it resolved that prior tooa$sing the necessarv amending By-Lawsthflt our Solicitor lre informed of ourdecisision and be instructetl to prepdrethe neoessary By-Lavrs and amendmehts.Carrigd,r,ro$.t,,rrr.r.r,r.rlthat the minimum floor area of a newresldentlal slngle family ilrrildingon lots uilder tr.{o acres rpithin thelfoumship of <strong>Georgina</strong> shall he 960 squafefeet. Ahd fuf"'.er he it resolvedthat on hullding ldts of tr,ao aeres ormore Ln the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> theminimum size of sinctle familv residentialbuildinqs shall be a minimum of 1400square feet floor aren.Tabledr.r..rrThat hrhereas the Council of the IVp.r:f Georcrina desires to estabtish aOolicy concerninrl fann severances rfherefore be it resolved that thefollowing severanees be allowed. ron 50 acres - no severanceon 100 acres I severance0n 200 acres 2 severancesEach severance to be a minimum erf twoaeres and t,hat the Solicltor for thefownship he instructed to draw upthe neeessarv doeuments pertaining tothis resolution.Tahle$. rrr. trr*rrThat the Couneil of the Corporationof the Township of Ger:rgina does herebygrant permission to the Art Galleriesof Ontario Super l"ottery tr:r selItiekets Ln Georqina Township .Carried ..rrre.r, r,..rCouncillor LarsenF+9. Councillor Pollock( r 6 )That the application of J!4r. Mi ller .Franklin Beeieh , for r:i iler-rTlit f*r'thc construction of a qarage he consideredfavourably and that the reguired permitbe issued " Carried . .7 .

ifrH.ssx tffiGP 6d[{+i+7*h11r0r.t2 .lhu.rdlayor appointed counelllor Burnie and $moekun andReqional Counelllor Polloek as a Conurri.ttee to-*e*t withthe York goun-ty Board of Edueatlon regiiairrg-th*-sale ofschool s in the area and repoit to couneil on this matteras soon ae poseJ.ble.NOnreEs oF t{oTroNcouncillor BurnLe wltr present a motlon requestincl thata bul ldtnq per_mlt he ieiiued to Hr. ; schleutdr of prou t Rd.and the reguLred, amenfrnents be made.AeeouNTSCouneillor Smochum Thqt the Treasurer beRegauthorizedcounclrlor pollocktopar lhg forrowinq-aciounts(17) as per3efiedules dared oer"ner litnl isir,GEHERALT $87r460.76 as amended(Itern No . 42 deleted)FIRE; S3,1I8.4?RECREATIONT $19,444.89WATER e Sg[fERs: Sl .ZZS.TSCarrigd. r r . | . r r r . r a r . r r . .13 . TO CONFIRM FROCEE_DINGS OF COrrNCrrRe.-1. CouneLllor polloekCouneillor Smoekum(r8)BY-I,AW NO. Ir3On l4otion meeting adjourned .That BY-Law NO. 1I3, a Bv*tr,aw toeonfLrrn the proceedJ.ngs of eouncil atlts.meetLnq held on October l3th, ttif,be J.ntroduced and read a first andsecond times ,Carrigd...r....r....rrtr.,*Passed, sealed and signed by the Mayorand Clerk .Chairmantt

Report No . 9OF THE ENGINEER ADT,IINISTRATORfor consideratlon bythe 6ounci113 October, l97fCHAIRMAN AND }trI'EEBS OF COUNCILTO}INSIIIP OF GEORGINASLnce there are uotil a-number of urgent plans to be drErnr end deeLgnscompleted, I kindly request couucll approval foi the-Eugineer Adninlstrator toBet up and etaff an Departnent,Staff w111 tnittaltywiLl be advertised shortly .conel"st of a design drafrsuan whLch poslrlonThe costs are ln the budget.RESPECTFULTY $UBr.fITtED ,G. I{lntz, P. Eng. ,Eng{ueer Adninlstrator,PefferLaw, Ofltarl-o,october 13, 1971.

TOUNSHTP OF GEORGINAREGIONAL MIJNICIFALIIYOF TORKFTNAIICE COI/IXIIIIEE il[ffiTINGREF0RT No . #Admj.nlstration Office pefferlawAugust g, l9ZI.12. Meeting Commenced at l_O:00 P.M.15. Members Present * ALIfhe Chairnan took the chair and. called the neeting to Discuesion concernj"ng purchase of property for park Land.s(a) rt was recorunend.ed that the Township, in co-operationwlth the $outh Lake Siurcoe Conservation Authoiity, p"*p*r*to purchase the Holborn property at vrlirlow Beach".' +.--r(b) rt was recommend.ed that an option be obtained. on aparcel of property in concession rr, youngs Harbourknown as the McMillan property for 6 perida or-go-a*ysfor $I00 .0O.15- Next held viednesd.ay, August ff, rg?r, 4t ?z1re p, the Munici_pal Office, Sut.bon.On Motion Conmittee Adjourned.

TOWN$HIP OFGEORGINAREGTOI{A], T{IINTCIPAIITY OF YORKEI{GINEERING COMI{ITTEE MEETINGREPORT NO . 17Thursday, October 7 t 1971 ,The Engineering Conmittee of Council of the Tor,.rnship of <strong>Georgina</strong>met at 2:00 pruli in the Council Oharnbers of the Ad-ninlstrationBuild.lng, Pefferlaw, Ontario.fhe chairman took the chairand. caIled. the meeting to'118.llembers Present: councirlor Poyntz, Mayor Bumowsl Reg*Councillor Pollock, Councillors- frariem Clark ,'Snockrrnr*Engineer-Ad-nin. Miiitz, Road. Supt. Hare.11g. COHHUNICATIONST( a) Mrs . O1ive HaniltonCoumunication Stop Lights -Don MiIIs, Ravenshor:referred to Council and. Regional(b) Hr, F. H. Read. * River Road.Refemed. to Road. Supt.(c) I{=, P. Douglas* street $igns, -peter & George $ts.Refemed to Road. Supt,(d) Region of York O.W.R.C. Stud.y - <strong>Georgina</strong>conrrunication noted. oopies for-al} mem6ers of council(e) Region of York F1ood Plain plappinsConnunication noted., copies to a-11 frembers of Coqncil.(f) Dept, Reglon of york BUrl.ed cable -BellC0rnnunicati'on noted., referred. to Road. Eupt.12Q. Reports No_. 14_, '15 and. {5 of the Engineering conmitteewere read. by the Chairman,1?1.Business Arising: rnvoice for Road. work to be forrrrard.ed_to I1r. C, Blanchard,.FIr. I'rank Nash, By*T.laws Off icer Bresented. a resolutionfor property clean-up in Udora, Mrs. Hall.Refemed. to Council.rt was reconnend.ed that a xequest be mad.e to f,he FireMarshalrs Office for personar- oard.s to be issued- toRoy- Carter and. tr'rank Nash for the puspdse of Fiss fnspectionof buiLd.ings.-2*

!t2_1ee.ROADI(a) Acquisi,tion of lancLon Weir Sid.eroad- forwidening purposes.rt was recornnend-ed. thatof the land. required.we proceed- with the purchase(b)Conrnunication from i'[r. Wei.nberg, Solfi,citor,re Cul d.e sac, Riverview Beach-Road..Referqed to G-. I-lintz, P.Eng., to arrange a meetingwith Mr. Wei-nberg.( c )Tehders_b*++S called. for ditchinglllr. Bard.awill,O'Dell lane byConstruction of d.itch -Duclos Ppint, und.erway.It was recommend"ed. that a By-Iaw he'prepared_-requi_ring Hed.ges to be planted. Two (2,)-feet backfrom T-.,ot T,ine ,letter received. re d"rainage probrem Fark. -iInspectg.d_UV Road.. Supt. and. Oounci_llor poyntz.No possible way that a culvert rcan be installed. onthis lot i121;1 3+ .'l.25,( d )secretary instructed. to write I'Ir. Rettie and- requestthat Weir Sid.eroad. be a linited. access road..The follwwing requests were received for the construetionof Boathouses and. !,lharf s IMr. Bekay, Lot 7 & 8, Plan BBMr. F. Prager lot 2?, Plan 88.Jt was recommend.ed. that these proposals be investigatedand. a report be shbnitted. by I{r. Mintz, Engiaeer.Garbage:Councillor $mockr:n reported. that a surrrey was beingcond.ucted. at llorning Glory School and. the Estonian Ca.nnp"Results of survey would. be available the end. of 0ctobel.ft was recommend.ed" that there be twice weekly pick -upsin lfard.s 5 and 6 for the preeent.Firelcommunication from Bernard Rye, Fire chief, Keswick Dept.qgqard"ing fire inspection of the l",ibrary and. Keswickoffices. ftsssmmendations of the tr'ire ctiet referued. toCouncillor Poyntz.It was reported. thqt the new tr'ire fruck wtth alterationsto. the light could. be stored. in the existing Fire Hall,$utton.-1*

I.L-3 - REEIort No' J7Ocxobet 7 , 7977 ,*126, Street lightingr-- (a) I'tdRae Beach - Petl-tlon after belng passefl around. a in the area d.ld not receive suf,ftdi&rt slgnatures.llrs. B. Emerson dl.d. not wish to present the petition againfor moreeignatur€Br(b)Ad.d.itional Street trights were requeeted" forCaterln€l Road * Mrs[ Betty WlcheCor.rner 48 Highway and. Virgina Beach Rrbad, llrs. BlhornRitenriew Beach Road.r -Mr. tr'o1kes.1n. Other Businessr(a) $choo1 Buges - Secretary instructed- to write to Mr.WaLker.(b) HouseNgruberinslMr. Earry Kerr presented. his report on the housenrrnbering for Sutton and. Township.It was recornmend.ed. that the report be stud.led. and furtherrecommend.atlons be submitted.. Further it was suggested. tha'rwherever poss5.ble, arrmbers shoulcl be given out in the formerNorth Gwifl.lmbury when lssuing a Permit.It was suggested. that a.F. extesslon of HE weeksbe grrrnted. toPIr. Kerr to coupl-ete his eurvei and. requests for agsistanecbe 'forward.ed. to Ottawa, Bel.l Telephone anil Ontario*(o)Secretary instructed. to write l{r. Snodd.on inforning hirathat he has access to his property and the TownshJ.p hasno resBoneibil-lty to Blough prlvate property..On $otion Committee AdJourn$d.. ngd.-JL'o,,-' ,i1 trr'lil'":.:ti ^'1":;l: 3I tA ) "rY"r u5.,n.Iq**s},!f !1 ,d,',0A"rn,r;l sd-crurl,rLrdfuc.'u irl ir, 6"-lt i$,tr"',+-i-t #-+o1uil'4 rSLr F\ t'L'fTL,(+-Lr1\..1,t\cft! tl*--*(t.)*I1

*TOWNSH I F OF GEORG I NAREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKGEORG I NA ARENA COiS4 I fiEE MEET I hIG .'Cctober 4th" I 97 I .A Jolnt meeti ng of the North Gr+i I I imbury Memorial Cenfre Arena Board andfhe Sufton Arena Board, 51a$ held on l.'londay, 0cfober 4th, 1971, at 8.00', at theSutton Arena. At the request of Councll, .a decision to operate henceforth as the<strong>Georgina</strong> Arena Conmittee t,las moved by f. Trlvett and seconded by J. Day'l. Members presentl Bruce Lockie, Jim Day, George l{olborn, Pauline Trivett,Al Brumby, Doug Kellett, Vic Timmins'Z. Proposed Mernbers Absent: Frank Nash, Bob Cook, Don Johnson.I. present at the meeflng were Mayor Dr. George M. Burrows, Engineer AdmlnlstratorMr. Gerhard Mlnta, Recreation Dlrector lrlr. 5. Rockel, and Sufton Arena ManagerMr. Wm. Clark.4. Mr, S. Rockel tmk the chair and asked for nominaflons from the floor forChairman of the Coltuttlttee.Nomlnatlons were;l. Jlm Day by Bruce Lockie....decllned'2. Bruce Lockle by Doug. Kelletf""declined'3. Geo. Holborn by Jim Day..'.declined'4. Doug Kellett by Geo. l-lolborn,..seconded by Al Brumby...accepted andcarr i ed .5, The Chalrman Doug, Kellett took the chair and cafled the maeting 'i.o order.6. The Su*ton Arena Committee minutes were road and mernbers informed of progressof reconmendations as fol lows:(a) paving In front of Arena--Councillor Smockum had infonned of lntentlonto cofiiptefe thls project when Lakeshore Road is paved.(b) Gravel at sides of Arena-*Mr. Clark, Arena Mgr. to estlmate number oftoads required to cornplete wrrrk.(c) Water pipe in--l* inch pipe to be insfalled wlfhin 2 weeks'(d) Co6presor to be purchased*-decision to hold off on this purchase until(e)(f)next Year.Front door replacement--Two slab doors with safety glass to be bullfInfo frame wlth hydraullc safety feature, are on order and wlll beinstalled ln the near future'Enlargement of openlng and plexiglass in ticket booth--on order andwlll be installed.

"ttPage 2.(g) Buffer board installed--fan to be deleted from immediate plans.7, Minutes of t'&rrfh Gwillimbury Mernorlal Centre Board urer6 consldered by S. Rockeland it was noted by members present, that there was no business arlsing fromm i nutes ,B. After consldering both sets of mlnutes, a decision was made by members of<strong>Georgina</strong> Arena Gornmittee to use a combination of the two formats re minutes forfuture meetings, whlch would be similar io fhe form of Council meetlng minutes,9, Mayor Burrows informed fhe members present that evenfually all Arena Bills willbe paid through the Municipal Office at Pefferlaw. Bills will be aoproved by Carnmitteeand presented to Council for final approval and payment. Chalrman of Commiftee willhave option to spend up to $500,00 af hls dlscretion for any emergency expendlture.Meyor Burrows Indicated -l'hat the Budget for current year has been approved and re*cormended fhat Budget for 1972 be presented to Co,;ncil as soon as possible forapprova | .'. 10.ll.Representatives fo the Ontarlo Arena Assclciation meeflng at Lakeshore Arena,Toronto, on October l5th, 1971, were delegafed. A+ thls tlme Bruce Lockie andAl Brumby were asked to attend and accepted.A recorrrinendation to ask both Arena Managers, Mr. Gord Hare, and Mr. Wm. Clarkto attend all Arena Commiftee meetlngs was approved.12" A motlon by B. Lockie fo have Professionaf advice and Investigaflon of condensationin Keswick Arena tvas seconded by J. Day...,carrled,13. S. Rockel, Recreatlon Direcfor, volunteered fo attend all Council meetings as adelegafe fsr the Are*a Sammftt+e td pr*sen* any rsss#rrfrEndaffpn$ ff fhq Chair$flrtwas not ovailable fo ds so.14. Requesf by Mr. Clark for Heater over penalty box, Suggested by G. Holbornthaf last heater on wesf side of Arena be moved to this location.15. A decision to leave existing fime clock ut Sutfon Arena for fhe present was mad€.16. Request thaf <strong>records</strong> re Ad Signs in Sutton Arena be checked and report made atnext meet I ng .17, Recommended by B. '-ockie that Roy Af kinson be hired as full time latror employeefor bofh Arenas as necessary*-fobe worked ouf agreeably by Arena Managers.Moved by D. Kellett--Seconded by Vic Timmins...carrled,+18. Reco+lmend a showctsse be placed in Sutton Arena to display Sutton DlstriclTropfies*-rhoVed by V. Tlmmlns, seconded by F. Triveft.,.,carried.19. Mr, Wm, Clark to check on cosf of replacement facllltiesat Sutfon Arena and report on ssme,for menrs washroom2A. A speclal meeting of the Arena Commlttee wlll be held 0cfober 20th, 1971, at8.00 p. m. ln Sufton Arena,21. I'doved by G. Holborn and seconded by A, Brumby thaf meeting be adjourned,

tTOWNSHIP OF GEORGTNAREGIONAL MUNICIP/\LITY OF YORKGEORG]NA ARENA COMMTTTEEREPORL.#2A meeting was held at the Keswick Arena on October 12,1971 at I P.M.The Chairman, D, Kell-ett,meeting to order.took the chair and called theMembers present werel D. Kellett, P. Trivettt v' fimmin'stB, Cook, F. Nash, B. Lockier A. BrutnbytD. Johnson.AIso in attendance were Arena Ulanagers Gord Hare andBI]1 Clarkr fl$ we]l- as Cor.mci]Ior J. Poyntz and RecreatlonDirector Steve Rockel- .Members absent vrere G. Hol-born and J. Day.Discussion arose regarding room at the Keswick Arena nowused by Rangers. Then the groLlp went to Look at the facillties.After iurther discussion, it was moved by P. Trivett andseconded by V, Timmins -bhat the Arena Comrnlttee recommendto Council-that an addition of a dressing room be addedto the I{.W. corner of the Keswick Arena to be used at thediscretion of the Arena Committee. Thls dressing room tobe completed by December 15, 1971.Carried.Moved by A. Brrrmby and seconded by V. Timmins that theRangers be left in the workshop untiLthe other dressingroom is built and then the Rangers be moved to this newdressing room.Carried.Discussion arose regarding monetary charges l-evied against0.M,H.A, & O.H.A. Clubs. I4oved by V. Timminsr seconded byP. Trivett that G. Hare, B, Lockie, A. Br'umby and Bil"l Clarkinvestigate at the Ontario Arenas Association meeting onOctober '1lr 1971, how other Jr-mior rtCtr Clubs are assessedand what bi,frer duties (i.e. sell-ing tickets, etc.,) thatthey perforrfl. Further, that they report to the ArenaCornirittee meeting of October 20th at the Sutton Arena theirfindings which will then be presented to Cot-mcil onOctobeF 25th. Al-so, that O.M.H.A. rates are to remain thesame .Carried.Moved by B .adJown.Lockie,seconded by A. Brumby that the meetingCarried.

ITOWNSH I P OF GEORG I NAREGIONAL f-ftjNtCtpALfTy oF YORKRECREAT | 0N C0tfi-,t I TTEE MEET I NGREPORT NO. I5Wednesday, October 6, lgZl,The Recreafron cornnrftee of councif of the Townshlpmet at 7 : 50 pof Goerglna.m. i n the counc | | chambers of irre-Mun$u*ton Wesf,I c r paOnfarlo.I off i ce ,The chairman took fhe chair and carfed the meeilng to ord€r.l17 . f"lembers presenf : counci I ror smockum, frfayorCounciBurrows,I lors Burnie, Larsen.Advisory ccrimitfee members;,R. Grrffrth, B, was moved and seconded that Report NumberReereation14 of fhecornmittee be accepted as drstribufed.Bus i ness Ar i s i ng .It.was reported that the Tree planting program hadandcornmencedthe Efection was being,held in thE Opi*ir+ bu I I d i ng .I re. DELEGArroNs .(a) Mr. Paul Fertkamp, representfng rrmgrove comrnunifyattendedHaflto drscuss the repairl to Tne nooi ancr BefrIt wasrower,recorvnended thaf the prices for thesesubmittedrepairs bein wrifing.(b) Mr. E. Rrxon and Mr. c. Branchard representing the peffertawLionsr cfub aftended fo discuss ttre progresssubm.lttedot the proposalby the Lionsr crub for the coilstiuctronin theofFefferrawan arenaarea . Two rocattons were'wasJi""urr*drecorunendedandthatrfwe awart further Informatio;-iladjacent to+h; propertyMorning Glory Schoof,(c) Mrs, smith and Mrs. KIdd, repres€nfatives frorncommunitytheHailBerhavenattended io d'rscuss trre BerhavenIt was reportedHail,fhat the Hail.was berrg-ui.dtheextenstvefyradies woufdandtlr.g.the posts tromsteer posfstrre "*ou"ibase'entbeandinstailed in tneir place. -ir,is referredmatferto thewasEnglneering Ccnrnittee.J,'to'.neportaf Arenacat'lt't:lf was reported that the third wednesday of theregufarnronth wouldmeeflng benltes, the Secrefary tor ttre Recreationwas referredConnnltteefo 0fflce Manager.

* E -1 21 ,1??.121,,(b)Report cf Port Bolster Cornnu:rlty HalJ- ComnLttee[he minutes of the neeting were raad. arrd. lt waemoved. and. second.ed. tha't the ninutes be ad.opted. asreadichairuan read, a retter ad.d.ressed to councilror rarsenthan.klng him for the generous donation of sh.rubs forthe Port Bolster llall.rt was recommended'that the Halrs ber-'ad.vert1eed. in the -local-paBer to encouxage the people of the Tor*nshipto uake use of them.Report of Directort(a)(b)Conmr:nication from River GIen Haven Nursing Homele Organized. and. request for ndterialassistance.It was the feeling of the GommJ-ttee that this belnga buginess organJ.zation tbat requests for assistar6eshould be d.irected. to the Prrblic.It was noted. that the tr'igr.ue Skattne C1ubr N.G. wasaccepting registrations fees on last years rates.Director instnrcted. to ad.vise that tLe policy - has beenestabllshed. and. the new rates will prevail.( c ) Df-scussion concerning-4Ball Diauond. Lights at Keswick.Director recommend.ed. ,to be located. behin d.polee with 2 lights on each pole -backstop and to the right ofthird. base.Cost of Poles *rl- @ $12O.OO ea. $ 480 .OOLrights-B* @ 360.OO each 2880 . O0Total Cost lese J-nstallation $3160.O0It was moved. and. seconded. that we proceed. with thepurchase of the 1lghtlng equipment-subject to theproposal supplying ad.equate lighting for the Bat_l-ULemOI1([r( a )Bil-l Harvey submitted. a Sample Riehd.eer and. consid"er for use in the Santa Olaus Parade.rt was not aatlsf actory and refemed. to the Directorto make other arrangementg.Report fron the <strong>Georgina</strong> Bri clge AdlsociationReport . subuitted. by t.he Seeretary together with theoperatingrbud.get for" 1971 arrd a request for a grarrfof $150.00.Other Business:(a)Councillor Burnie reuqested. that se a WinterlJorkdl Program for the Holmes Point Park - i.€. to trinthe trees and. extend the parking Lnord,er to use theexisting parking area for picnlc area,

*1*(U) concerning the tend.ers for <strong>Georgina</strong> Sownshipschools.It was ind.icated that the menbers of Council were notpleased. ttith the policy of the York County Board ofEd.ucatiotr in offering the schools for tend*,",(c) Councill-Cr Burnie submitted his proposal for fornrJ.nga c_onm-untly ginging Group and. amanrtnnents for obtafnturga Hall. Prans are to ad.vertiSe for-interested. partles.-(d) HFtgi"{iT#lihffif;-,13fi fttffit}"u3"*3"F:,'F12+, Councillor Infsen submitted. his report on the CemeterlirBoard. and. fiaanciar statement to the end. of october. ?1.and- requestefl. that an ad.d.j-tional sun of money belssued. from Sheir 1971 Bud,get"0n l{otion Comrnittee Mjourned..a

}TTNUTES OF COUNCILOF THEfOWNS}II11 OF GEORGI}TF.IN TTIFIRAGIONA.L 'IW]1-trICITJALITY OF YORI(l'londay, Octr:ber ?sth, 1971.Th+ Council of the Torunshin of Ceorgina met at ?.3fJ P.r'l" in theCouncil Charnhers of the ld.ministration nuiLdinq, I'efferlarot, Ontario.fhe Chairman of tlre Council took the Chair and called the meetinsto ordertr. Uertbers pfesent .at, thiti rtreetinq lr4ayor Burrows , Reg*CouneillorFollock , r Counti.tlot'e Clafk , Lat'seh , Lyohe , $mockum n Poyntzand T^lelchr',lember "absent ; Couneillor lturnie .2. Councillor Larsen, secdnded l:V ecuflciltror Clask, movd

* 2IR'eoorts eontinu'qrlThe Cornmitte+ of the Trlhol-e ariose,The Chairmnn of the tiounciLreportq the Cnmnittee of95.1 l.Thole hed adopteril the rerrorts a$,F.eport llo . 10 of the Fnqineer-Ad minist,rato r withoutamendrnent .Feport No, 3 of the Arena Committee be amended hy deletinot\e second paragrsfrh of Clause 33.Fnryort llo, q of thc Planninq Cornmittee be amended. ls.rnddinq the r+orr:ls 'n,.rnd F'lfe Chief to fllause 52 (h) .ilv amen.{inq clausc Br ((X} hv chanqino the rrrordinq ofthc lnst sentenea of th.- ftr$t naragranh so'Trr.,1as to readcc,mn,lnl/ must mako a decision to r+locat+ rrit,hin therrithin the next tr"/o w,:elit'',3v anendinq clause 57 (a)so that th+ first par,'.qraph shalrnor.d recad Councillor Ctat!: asked committee to let him knour*,vhat could tlone to en+hl-e reeidentE in the Youns's Flarhourarea to "+-qet rrermissi'rn fclr hc.tlth p+rmits .F.eport, No. 16 of the riecf,eation Committee tre amenderth*l d.eLetinq Clnuse I28 (b) .The r+port of th+ f;o$mittee of thc t'rhotfl T^r,+s received.Ufron thc rruestion of t-he .rclootion +f P*p6rt ltro. 11 of theflngineer ldministrator, .,,rithout amencLmento -i..t ',rras carried,TTrron tl'le qrrest-ion of tlr,; c=.dontion of F=port i'Io" 3 of the l.lrenn,Committ,t'r, as amenr{.+d it trr*.l carri+d,trpon th,r qu'Jstion cf th: adnption of 'rrlport Nn, q of the PlanninclCommlt,tee,, as amentlr:do it was carri+rd,ITI?on the gu+stinn of the aCoption of l?onort No, 16 of th+Fecre.:tion Committee, il$ amended, it lnras earricd"5 , By-uAL^If,Couneillor Larsencoun*i11or I"nt*n( r )BY-L.AW Nr) " 112Thet By-Law \1o. I1?, a Bv*Lavr forlicensing .rn,'l rorquirin? the registratinn

3"Bv*Laws continued *Reg. Councillor trolloekCouncillor Foyntz( 2 )Fy_LA.r,rr I{O, I14fhat By--Laut No" 1I4, a By-Lar,v toamend Bv-Lf,w No- 70 be int,rodueedand reail a first and second times"eafriedoo.,or.o* Passedl, sealed anC signecl bv ther,{ayor and Clerk .Cr:unciIlsr lr?slshFteg. Couneillor Pollock(3)RY-LAI^I t'lO" 115Tlrat By*Laur lilo. Il5, a Bv-L,aw toailrend By-taw l\Io, 76, be introducedarid read a first arrd second times"Carried ooo,coirr o-fassed, sealed and siqned l:y the l{ayorand Clerk "t6 "l.'foTloNsCouncillor Smoekumfieg. Councillor troIIock( 4 )Councillor SmockumReg. Couneillor Polloek(5)That the Council of the To.nmship of<strong>Georgina</strong> is in favour of re*zoninq *subject to approval of the I't.o.H, -of the propertv of Autom.,ated BuildingComponents (description enclosedl) .Carried,c.. ror.,tThat the Council of the To.^mship of<strong>Georgina</strong> is irr favour of the appl"icationsof take, Elliottn Setlore and Navlorfor amendment of the Holdinq Bv*Lav,zand eopies he sent to the Area $ervicesRraneh for preparation of a By-Lawamendment .Carriednie,,tCouneillorCouncillor( 6 )CouneillorCouncillor(7)$ a Building Permit he issued forerection of a permanent dwelling onLot 5, Con. I, I50 aere, and nosite nlan survey !:e requested.CarriedThat T,r-lrereas residents of Third AvehueoTor^r6s5it of <strong>Georgina</strong> have reguestecistreet lights to be installed in thisarea; Therefore he it, resolved thatthis Council- enter into contract wi"thOntario Hvdro at l{eqrmarket, to instalthe necessarv lighte for this area.

Ittotions continued*'ICouncillorCouncillor( I )PoyntzSmockumThat the Councilof the Torvnshitr ofGeorqina here!:v authorizes r,/tr" V.E"BardawilLn P. Enq", to prepare aprofile for tlrainage of the \lirginiaBeach af,ea .carrled . . o r . .CouncillorCouneillor(e)LyonsLarsenCouncil"lr LyonsCounciLlor troyntz( r0 iCounciLlor LvonsCouneiLlor FIeLch(r1)That negotations be entered into withl4r. Rlchardson, with the objective rftepladinq trees cut off municipalnronerty and that Councillor trovntzand Reg. Councillor FoLloek act onhehalf of tha Township ,Caruled"...,r ooo:".r.,rThat the T$\{rlshlp Hnqineer be conta$t tHe tlnited Co-operativesof Ontario at Nat^market re the .$dttonDam anrl if posslhle to enter into anagreement to hring saicl dam underTownship o1^rnership .CarriedThat a letter tre sent to the OntarioHumane Society at Aurora advising themthat the Tovrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> feelsthat as they did not ask for theagsistance of Lhe Society they arenot ohLiged. to pay the hil}s euhmittedby the Society .CarriedCouncillorCouncillor( r ? )CouncillorCouncillor( L3 )CouncillorCouncillor( 14 )?,IeLehLarsenWe lehLarsensmockumClarkThat permission he granted to SrrortQntario to conduct a l.,otterv in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> srrbjeet to allterms and conditions as agreed to by thelieense in its application .Carried r r s . . o + r a e . a d . rfhat the Treasurer be authorized to pavto the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> LibraryBoard a further advanee of " 5000.00on the 1971 Fudget"Carried. e s r oThat the minimurn f].oor area of a nelrlresidential sinqle famil-y huildinqon lots under tI"tQ aeres r^rithin the5 .

5l4otions continued -CouncillorCouncillor(r5)ClarkLarsenTownshirr of <strong>Georgina</strong> shal.l be 960square feet .Carrigs r r r c r t * oThat the Treasurer be authorieecl toissue certified cheque for $600.00nayable to Edward Thomas Lonq, Executorof Fdward Ernest Iong for purchase off,ast half of Lot I17. excent theNortherly 44 feet thereof, trIan Ner" 251.Carrigdr r r . r , . . . r s s r . e r o , | | , . r s o .ilCounci 11or LyonsCouncillor Poyntz( r 6 )Feg" Councillor PollockCouncillor Povntz( l. 7 ICouncillor FoyntzReg, Councillor Polloch( r I lCouncillor BurnieCouneillor Lyons(19)That the regular Councilneetinq ofNovember Etho 197I, be held on rt{onday,November l.5th t L97J., f,t 7,30 P.M.Ca"rri.gdo. r r e r , . o r . o . . r o r . . r , o . , oThat a Bv-Law lre prepared to regulatethe use of trailers r.rithin the Totnrnshipof <strong>Georgina</strong> "Carri+de r c * r . r r r r . . r . . ! r . . . o r o .That Tilhereas uncl,er varied eircumstancesthc Tovrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> finds itnecessary to acquire certain laande forproper development of the Township;Ancl T,.lhereas circumstances also a.rise inr+hich tt is in the hest interest of theTownship to disnose of certain lands;And -r^lhereas the Council of the Tor+nshipof Georgrina feele that the professionaladvice of a ReaI Estate Broker in suchtransactions would be of benefit to theTor+nship; Therefore he it resoLved thatthe Tor^rnshirr Couneil suitahlv advertiaefor such a po$ition a.nd intervier+afrnlieants that are int,rrested in sueha position and a report be hrouqht backto Couneil as earlv aF is convenient.Carried ocr.scooo rr.srofhat lt.4rereas the Couneil of the Townshinof <strong>Georgina</strong> derires to establish aPolicy concerning farm severances ;Therefore be it resolved the followinqseverances Prc allowedr on 50 acresno severaneei on 100 acres Iseverances; on 200 aeres 2 severancesiEach severance to be a minimum of tr,roaeres ahd that the $olicitor for the6"

YrfiF6tr,Iotions eontinued *Tovrnnhip be instrueted to draw upthe neeessary dneuments pertainirrg tothiq resolution.Deferreds 6 s , o l . , . . . . r . r , .7 "ACeOUNtSCouncil.Ior LarsenReg" Councillor trollock(20)That the Treasurer be authorized topay the following accounts as perScheduLes ,lated Octolrer ZSth, t-gfi,ROADS I SZ5 , 844 . OgCarrigd..,,,r, ,r,rrcrr.I8. TO CCNFIRI4 TROCEEDINGSOF EOUNCILReg . Councillor pollockCouncillor Smockum{21}BY-LAW NO . 116jTha!.BV*Law tdo. I16f a By-L,ar,r toconfirm the proceedings of Couneil atlt*.meeting hetd on Oitoher ?Sth, 1921bo introduced and reatl a firet andsecond times "Carrigd. . r . a r r + r . r r r r r r , . r-Passed, sealed and signed by theMayor and Clerk,On Motion meeting adjourned_Chairman

SIAIHIMN AT{D }EN{BEffi OF COTX{CILT(IIMilSHIP OF' ffiORGI}IAReport No" 10OF TITE ENGIhIEHR AITVTI}ilISTRruIORfor oonsideratton bythe Canrcil25 October, I97lOn Augrst 9' l97I Cotncil passed a resolution tlrat an ctrtion be tahentrl tlm l4cfttillan pr€1lerty and lftrnter pncper-ty fir Concession 2, IoG f and AfNorthGrillirnbrrq;r sectior for trnssi.ble derreloprnerrt for prrblie park prrrpOses.tVt cpticn has been ercctrted wittr t}re parhies on Arrgrrrst 3 | L?TL expirjngsr Norsnber 1, 1971.tA boundarlt sunrey was requested of Mr. Ganden, O.L,S. of the subjeetpscFPrty vfiieh has been ocrpleted and draft plan sutndtted" Finat pfan wilf bedraun r4p when requestcd .A field irrspectior has been acnrpleted by;(q) A representatLve of the Departsnerrt of Errsrqy and ResorrrcesManagffitent to anatyse tslrdttrer ttris property if derrclcped may be-herreloped as anryroveA park urder the P.ark Assistarrce Act,(b)A Park Pl"annirry Csrsultarrt.It has been establislred that Fart$ of tle prcperty arezuitable for park developnerrt hcnrever fte rrcndor rdstres to seLl the -ocrptetepf_operty. It has tlrerefore been sugrgested ttrat the townsfiip cursider prrrctrase ofalt pnoperry and dispose of portlqrs not deeired for park dLvetofmerrt.Horever in order to fully analyse arxl asgess t-Ire fuIl poterrtial of tlreprrryerties arrd srJhnit a ocrrplete report additimar HJre is desired .It is ttrerefore newnnended tlat the prcperty frrners be requested foran er*ensisr of the option to 3t January, L972.RESPEETFUIJLY SUBMITTED ,*Pefferla^1, Ontario,Oc+oher 25 , I97L "

t|jTOI{NSH I P OF GEORG I I.IAREGlOl'lAL l,tUNlCfPALlfi 0F YORK('GEORG I NA ARENA COTI4 I fiEE MEET I t\IG .I-REFORT # 5 . October 20fh, l97l ,A mee*lng of the Georglna Arena Ccxnmlttee Yles held at the Sutfon Arena on Wednesday,October ?0th, 1971, at I p. m.Chairman 0. Kellett took thE Chalr and called the meetfng to order.27. Mernbers pre$ent vlerer D. Kellett, F. Triveft, A. Brumby, G. Holborn, B. Lockie,D, Johnson, B. Gook.28, Mernbers absent rr€r€i J. Day, F. Nash, V. Tinmlns.29. Also In attendance rrere Keswick Arena Manager G. Hare and $utton Arena Managerl,l. Clark,50, A rnotlon that fhe minutgs of October 4th meef Ing at $utton Arena be approvedand adopfed as reported was moved by C. Holborn, seconded by P. Trivett.,.carried.31. A mo*ion that the mlnufes pf 0ctober l?th meetirg at Keslrlck Arena be approvedand adopted as reported nas moved by B. Lockie, seconded by P, Trlvettr...carrled'12, Request by Chairman ltullett to have Corrnittee appoint E VicE Chairman.Ftcminaffons calted for Vlce Chairman. J, Day norninated by B. Lockie, seconded byG. l-folborn. trloved by P. Trlvetf thaf nominatfons be closed. Seconded by B. Lockle.Carrled. Mr, Day, alfhough absent frcm this meetlng had indlcated thaf he wouldaccept offlce of Vice Chalrrnan.3I. Chairman 0. F.ellett requested report fromdelegates to Ontario Arenas Associationmeeting held on 0ctober l3th, l97l; ro monetary charges fevled agalnst O. 14. Fl. A.and 0. H. A. Clubs in other areas. B. Lockle, reportlng for delegatesr indicatedthat the general average for other cfubs was a 30fi lE the Arena , 7lfr to fhe Clubspllt, after all expenses were paid. The Clubs were glven 2 hours free ice timeper week. Discusslon followed as to prasent Ranger lce tlme and gailes. At fhispolnt, g€mes are scheduled for Frlday nights, and./or Sunday, wlth I hour lce timeon Tuesday and ThursdaY even I ngs'/ t'{rrved by B. Lockie that Manager of Rangers, Lawrence Grasby be notlfied of declsion\l I. t I of Arena Comniftee to institute a 50f to Arena--70$ to Club spllt after all exPenses'.,r#-tsuch as refefCes, tfcket talEe-rsl*,, are paid. This agrement to allow Cfub 2 hoursX-f-- )l t.*e iCL tlmE per week. Club to be charged at .the rate of $15.00 per hour for anyVr,*i"i" irtt',,1further lce tlme. These charges to start with regufar season games and to includeIt[,,{ alt regularly scheduled and exhibltlon games thereaffer. Ser,conded by A. Brumby,...' uz t' \ carried.^ i ,\o\/tr.'

',{.. .r Page 2,34. Letter to Chairman Kellett from Engineer Administrator G. N4infz regardiitgaddition to Keswick Arena read by D. Kellett. This room to be approximatelyIZI B;, x ZlfBri, including washrooms, and to be erec+ed at an es*imated totalcost of $2, 97C . 00 .35. Chairman Kellett advised of Federal Provlnclal Municipal special LrevelopmentLoan available, an amount of approximately $al1000'00, as an incentive propram tocreate work for wintcr rvorks project'Discussion fallowed regarding proposed renovation and addition fo sutton Arena'Estimated cosf to cornplete job, aFproximately $155,000.00; this cost to be spreadover a period of years.Motion to submit to counci I proporal of addition to south end of sutton Arena'similar to submitted plans. Request Engineering committee from council to sit inwith Arena Committee to finalize sald plan to begin constructlon' Moved byG. Holborn, secondecl by B. Cook"""carried'36. Recreation Direcfor s. Rockel had checked into used church benches for saleaf $25.00 each. These were not suitable and it was agreed that benches vrould beconstructed by staff for Sutton Arena'37 , An inquiry frorn steve Gilbert of Student counci I for sutton Distrlcf Highschool re Public skating had been made to s. Rockel. Dlscussion followed revariance in admissfon charges for Public $kating at sutton and Keswick Arenas'The followi ng is a resume of present charges at both Arenas'KESWICKSingleAdmlssion'SUTION.SingleAdmisslon;Adults 756 Adulfs 75tStudents 50C Sfudents 50dChitdren 25t Children 250Season PaSses 'Season Fasses :FamilyPass $t5.00 FamilyPass $lC'00Sing|ePass $|0.00 Sing|ePass Noneavai|ableStudentpass $7.50 StudentPass $7'00ChitdrenPass $5.00 ChildrnePass $5'00Motion to adopt admission chargeE for Pub|ic Skating at both Koswick Arena andSutton Arena as fol lows:Genera I Adm i ss I on---Adu I ts 75QStudents 500Children 250

,}} ..j. r.r r'. . a* r'ISeason Passes:--FamilyPage 3.Single $10.00SfudenfChildren $5.00$15.00--Parents and all children in school$ 7.50*-with l" D. Card.Moved by P. Trivotf , seconded by A. Brumby, .carrled .38. Mofion re Pre-schocl children, accornpanied by Parent 1.o be admlttecl free fceither Arena V/ednesday mornings from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon"l4oved by B. Lock i e, seconded by D . J ohnsofl , . . . .carr i ed .39" Motion that teams within Township be charged $15.00 an hour for ice time.Teams outside Township be charged $25.00 an hour for prlme time*-8"00 A. M- to11.00 P. M. and $20"00 an hour from 11,00 P. M. to 8.00 A. M. Moved by B, Lockie,seconded by D. Johnson, "....carried.40. Tendors for Booth concession af Sutton Arena ,/{ere presented. Two Tenders wereconsriderecl--Ron Bivens at $250.00 per season and John Learoyd at $250.00 per season.After dlscussion it was moved by B. Lockie and seconded by G. Holborn that Tenderof John Learoyd be accepted.. .".carried 'Mrs. P, Trivett was asked to notify all applicants for the booth concession of fhedecision of the Arena Committee.41. Letter read from Wayne Croutch re skate sharpening at Sutfon Arena. Afterdiscussion, decision was made to notlfy l'4r. Croutch in wrltlng fhat room originallyused for skate sharpening is now used as an office for Arena and other facilitiesare nof avallable at the present time.42, Motion that permission be given to <strong>Georgina</strong> Easebal I Association to ho ld danceat Keswlck Arena Hall on 26th day of f,'lovember, 1971, for a fee of $35.00 for theuse of Flall, provided <strong>Georgina</strong> Baseball Association meet all requiremenfs of theLiquor License Laws. Nloved by P. Triveft, seconded by G. Holborn....carrir+d.43, Request byKeswick Arena Manager G. Hare to have rear door leading to Tractortloom repaired at a cost of approximafely $135.00 for 3 sections of plexiglass tobe installed by Arena staff.Moved by A. Brumby that repairs requested by G. Hare be approved and carried outas soon as possible. Seconded by B. Cook...'carried.44. Re: Passing of Bills. Bills presented by W. Clark and G. Hare were discussedand approved for paYment.Moved by B. Lockie and seconded by P. Trivett thaf accounts suhnitted by KeswickArena Manager G. Hare be forwarded to Councl I for paynenf,.,. . carried.Moved by P. Trlvett, seconded by A. Brumby fhat accounfs submitted by Sufton Arena

IPage 4.l,4anager \l|, Clark be {'orwarded fo Council for paymenf..."carried-Accounts frorn both Arena Managers to be turned over to S. Rockel to be taken foCouncil for final approval and paymenf"45. The nexf meef ing of <strong>Georgina</strong> Arena Committee will be held on llednesday,Npvember l8th, lg7l, at Keswick Arena at 8.00 P' M'46. Moved by P. Triveft fhat meeting be adjourned, seconded by G. Holborn"',.Ca rr i ed ,

EttE llxil$IHSHXF OF, fiEO8*iIUArl\f THEcoi0,t[fEsRSF+RI lrto .UEE![I!flG9!{onclav , Oct'ober IEth r 1971.The planning Corrmlttee of, Couneit of the Town$hip of <strong>Georgina</strong>#t at ?.30 in the Council Chambers of the Munieipal B,ranehOfftce in Sutton West, OntarLo.Fl. Irleilbers present: l{f,fos Burro*rsr ReE, Cogpeillor Poll.oekrCouncillors Burnle, Cl,arh, L+rsen, Irvong' Pdyntu, $nockulrtand Welch .52. gggtgtrons.(al, Mr. ,^!. gasiuk requested aoproval in pnineiple of a :plan for a l4ari,na ln ttre Holtnee Ftriirtt afea. CoutlcillgrBuitrie inforrned the Conrmittee the area dnoutLlned the extent of t'Ir. Baeiuksll p.Xans. Eng.-Admin'c, tfi.ntz reported tlrat the eite had treen vlsited and saidthat considbrabie engineering wouLd be rueded as thearea J"s low. eoi$tclllor Burnle, eeeorded bY Cotrncil1orLyons recoiilnendef, that ttre followlng resolution bepassed;lltrat it is the oplnion of the Planlring Corrm,lttee af,tersursoflr ,e*ani.nation of the proFoqsl before !!r lhat lheMarLne'devsloprtent of' waltar nas"iuk, Flan 327 |Cgn. -?-.Ifit 13, ln tnL fnwnship of Georglna (Holmes pt. Tdard 6lwould be both deglrable and. benef,lcial f,or conurnrnityi ,lfherafore lt is recoilurpnded to the eO-isreil of the saidTownshin thnt Euch a development be f,anourahhr eonsidered rin prtnciple. IT t's furthei taffiBuneniled tlrat the saidproiosal ilf aeneloPmant be referred to RegionalAuthoritiee for eonaideu*tlqn and revLew after whichfinal eval.uatLon of the rnerlte of, this Firstrqgal. can heundert,aken bY this Council.(b) Hr. cqtlev asked eofindttee if he eoulcl obta{npermlss'ion to, qpen a Billiard Hall on the BaeelLrre Road'pt. 27-28, Pl,ffr-3$6. He Ls at presgnt renting the premi*eswith an optlon to purehaae. Conqiderable renovatingwill he neaessa.tT to the build,ing., It vrf,s recofimsnded that a guildlng Pegmlt be granted to-i;#^Mr. Carley eubJect to fu*spectlon ind approval of thel: JU: f uealth unlt,the Police Dept, and the Buildinq Xnepector,'(t-nlWh" L t' 'ict ttf,. *fohn L,trrkgggnLred about an appllCatlon forsevefEtrge thert hd naa requested S.gme tirne aEo' Hewa$ inforrnea ttlat the Questionnnire se-nt otlt blr thenept. of t-tunieipal. AffairB hnd heen oo$F[stcd adAreturned to then,for flnal approlral'r2.

i. ':; .;'0''i, i,lr,:'l '" , i,,rii1,,,1l+,ffi6[i1,I,r,,,,:lri,i,]:,, lri,fir;i,iX.,I ii| II, l ,1,;11,r , ,r ;i,ii;il rlllri i li,i''t;"-..:tt. I0 & I1,bei gilpentlf;' the'.' r ;,, r'd fiuil.ain* Fdfftrit1:.suhject tol\op, ,,,'ri;'lij;,iiIUf,,n, Hagg requested a seVerance of a house and bafnfrornr,.46,acres of l"ancl' : 1"r , 'rr;l",i . .,',r'He i "wasl 'inforwedthat he wouLd rhavb to, rnake an applica,t,iont-or ]thi-bi ,through tlre Dept, ;of lltunicipal Affairs;,, i' ',tii,., "r : fiMr" . filrflrnf H,'of Fut,tarama Investments pres,ented' hie" sutidlvisionproposal to Can',rrtit.L';eii"ffi;lTulirr**r,*ed tnat,,' this prop$sal,he considereaonthe condttion the{: the pl,an tre remasembled ina block,.and,that1;1r,,,;,;i,Adnai ni ' a letter llesetfing out '{:he sent to l\'tr" Eatnnrit frorn the Hngineerconsiderationsneeded for this,,;,li n"oposal Under a subtlivision agreement.Ivlr. D. flclmton r€{1r.,,}t'l.1. tha* the Committee apDrove' Of A tVJS-'C.1S g6gtrg':l h*:intJ l,*Jrfletl tO the feAf of fris s{rr*fite}(bufldine{ in $utt"rit I'0..,'" r;--lr+ tlse cf t.ertants'in?rt,'Frri-l-.rr,i'CourtuiS.lor',rilJ' Iooit irrto theIty"-Latr.l re -rx}f;i'Li,-:rur.laonincf andi.*i;{liJLdi}ttJ h.his b*{:sfe rr tlncisioncan be made .','; iCoumunic:ttiolrs[a] Vier'l Be,"Ic:iA;iir;,-r#- * re parksThe]; i;li.ti j.,r'.i ui,'|t(- i,i:,il t.o tlrit-e t"

ii*3Conununications cont'i,nued -(c) Dept. Lands & Foreets - re }and use plan.The clerk wae instrueted to write the Dept. , for thedate and place of meetings to be hetd as arepres€ntative from the lfrrp. will be attendi.ngthese meetinrls:, ;l(ct) Keewiek Eleetroni.cs - re Cahle TVTfie Clerk was instrueted to write to other nunlrcipa:litieein the Reqion that have Ca"ble Ttr for their curarrantson this typeiof service before the Comltteee deci.esl onthis natfer(e) Sandford Ae.res Ltd" - rs Pt. Ifits 19 & 20, Con. 6To be informed of preeent aoninqy. tregality not flrrnlyestablished as theee lots were nade by "power ofappointment " .(f) D" Kennett- re Weed spraytng.Referred to the tsngineering Comnrlttee.''(g) Region of 'ork - re Claupe I of Report No. ,lrl ..The foregoing corutunieatlon was noted and filed,(h) S . Ctrapman - consent application(i) T. Churnside - 'i :consent applieation :(j) Region of York - re py .tr)6sed eix"-pl.ex buildi,nEr-(k) Dept . l,lunicipal Affaire - re consent appllcatlon e(I) Stiver, \/ale, Peupiatt & Errington - re buildi,ng permitsTtre foregoinq coruflunl.ertions were noted and ftted.54. PIJANS(al lt{r . Itar'dcaetle repr6sentign. ,' tE , .Jfhn Reeerg r"l{edthe eonunittee for ttteir oonditiona' .rpprbV6l-'6t aCamp Ground proposed forthe Fefferlaw area* lF?re gnoundswould.cover approximately 50 acree or more and ?00eailp sltes vrill. be eet up,The Comnittee reeofiffiended that Council apprdte theproposal in princtpl,e as it fl:si.n with tlre design forthe area".'.1(h) Sagain Developnents - re dra,f,t agreement.A Cottuttittee of Couneil witrI IIEeE wlth llr. gfi*fr*nto discuss this agreement .(c) A stop-work order har been plaeed on the Strobelconstruction unti.l Mr. Strobel has slgned theeubdivisJ,on agreenent with the Townshlp.4.

Flano eontinued *(d) Ir{r, f,lccasB, chlef Engineer forAutomatec{.tRuiJ.dingcompone!t'E asked,cofifinittee for a deflniate co$mitmerrtfor their-eogwany to beEinson$trustion-oi a smalr. ,r,,55. Idt ll, Con. 3 of ,t1r"__;[g*"r4ry, of t ^ip{$?[f;l"Tillti*lT;" ;l3n'T*anv mustdlocata- we w d 6The committee was infi#bf ttris developnrent andreeo$urtended that the-ri-d-dtled zoning **""'+f,u"I" Uu *u6uso that a final decision can be mide at .ttn* nextCouncil neeting(a) M".- c.. Laviolette reguest for sevet'ance wirr betrOpked into and the eoncurf,ance of the Corrrnitteegiven56. Bqi+3r"g,*pe4rtg.(al l4iss I:{' porr"ock - rrermit for a snalr horse barn-Roehers Point are{ = Varney Rd"rt was reeommended that this permit be issued.(b) r'Ir- H- phoenix, ced,arhrb,e - residence permit gn,,his property * ,for a seeonf,iot E, con. I r.50 acres. -Reeorunended that-this permit. ' be iseued when siteplan survcy received.(c) rermit f,or a greenhouse on 10 acre rot, ln theBaldwin area .Reeonmended that this permit be issued.(d) 'r{t'- D: }{aqgee, $utton, wishes to cohettuet z$dapartne-t'nt aboue hi.s business on Don Mill,s Rd.ttre guildinE rnspector wa*r requested to obtainmore informatLon on this as to t'" .-:floor *pac*to he usedetc ,(e) Property owner at orchard Beaeh wished to join twocottages to make one. Brritding rnspector ieportect'hat there was a third cott,age on piopertv also.It was reeomilEnded that thie-permil bb r*irr=ea.-57 . Other Business(a) CouncLllor elark askerl cormftffiff.rmawhat could be done to enairle residentsHarboun afea to*"tknowYAfter ..+rxssiorli.tChairman Polloek gontaetthe matter aa guickly asr{iss reconunended thatthe authorlt,J"es to clarifypossible(b) The n{ayor informed Committee that the Ontasio Housingeorporation wasgo,ing.,ahead with ttre Lt 'qqit construeted in Sutton. They are benderlnsoutthis for trand a+ well_ as the buiidi;;"Hq sTqgeBted ,!hap,r'i,the f;ommittee considGrEervicetheef, a Rea.Luselherarcof theBroker f;;-ianE *utt#i . *-8n rrlotion rgeeting edjorlrned ,

I(]'("'on^i,JTOI^IN$HIP OF GEORGTNARHGIONAI T{UNICIFAIITY OF YORKEECRE,ITION .COT'IMITTEE I{EEIII{GREPORI NO . 16Wed.nesd.ay, October 2O, 1971.fhe Recreation Conmittee of Council of the fovrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong>pe!.*t ?;]0p,m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offioe,Sutton lalest , Ontario .The Chairman took the ehair arrd. calIed. the neeting to Members Present: Councill-or Snockurc., Councillors Burnie,Lrarsen, Lyons and Welch,1 26 .127r1 28 .It was moved. and. second.ed. that Report Nr.rnber 'lF of theRecreatisn fsmmittee be accepted. as d.istributeh.Business ari-singlDerroastration. re _lights at the Keswick Ball Diaraond ,Wed.nesd.ay, Oct. 27ht at 7:]O p.n.It was suggested. that a report be suhnitted. in regard- toareas in the Townshipwherc work couId. be und.ertaken througha lJinter Works Progra:n,Report of !Jm. Btowne, Parks X'oreman,(a)r\$d'fo'(v)lhe followin$ recommend.ations were pxoposed. following the, of the report :I.t w*p_suggested. that the By-laws Officer be infor.ned. thatthe piling of brush and treb linbs on road. allowances isstill being in the Township.Discussion concerning Jacksont e Point Parkette.ft was ssfenxrended that consideration be given to fencing,, " a gate that can be locked at ni-ght.North Gwillinbury Parklrt was recommended. thqt we consid"er the instarration of apurnp at the Park, this was refemed. to the Engineef.129,( d)( e )It was ssgomnr€nd.ed that the issuing of passes for theTownshlp Parks be given further investigation.It was recomrnegd.ed by Mr. Browne that ureather pernittingall Srass should. have a final cutttrrg before the winterlflorth Gr+illinbury Figure Skating CIub.Mr' Fred. Howrett Fr;sid-ent and. PIrs. Bev. Drirnsta}l, vice-Pres,attend.ed. to d.iscuss the Figure Skatlng Sees,It was noted. that 1jj had. refistered. and. the revenuegqs S'1r'11I-.OO the salaries for two,pios - S2,1FO.0O - for2! weeks, (which includ.ed. carnival practice.)'

Recreation Conmittee Meeting - 2 -SCHEDUIJE OF FEES :Beginners (tro age tinit)(no badees)S_troking , Plenent *rX r Basic , Speed.-Novice 7; Novice 2r* 'Dance '1 , Dance 2rseniorHfiH"-l f,ifiliE:-T:il,"7i Oo15.O020"0025.OOThe Recreation Coirrmi.ttee recommend.ed. to Council that theNorth Gwillimbury Figure Skating 01ub carry on as tlrey arefor this year, due to the ad.d.itional5weeks ice tim,e in theKeswick Arena, !'urther that when equal facilities areavailable for both clubs the stand.abds of fee schedules and"fornat se__set for both clubs for the xear 1g?p/?j; andPri-or trir March of Tz, the two tr'igure Htating clut,6 'bt--requested. to meet with the Recreation Corurittee of Counciland. that. _th* conplete Figure Skatins progra-m. be that time .1I0. Connunications:( a)(r)( c )( d )Ontario Association of I'tentally Retard.ed" * r,ilork shopsletter read.Keswick Fridnd"ship corner club - d-onation of card.t ab 1 e s -I-retter read., referred. to Director.York central Association Mentarfy Retard.ed. - rlrblicConm.unity Forum meeting.fhe foregoing connunication was noted. and_ filed..Sports lotteryRefemed. to Council.1 j1 .DirectorrsReport( a ) Directorrs meetirrg with Pefferlaw llonsf Club eoutd.oor ice facilities - rear of BelvedereRequest for assistance from Township,.(b)rt was recommended. that we approve in principle theproposal of the tri-onsf club and we would be ilitttngto grant_sone assistance to the maintenarrce of an Icerj-nk in Pefferlaw, subject to bej-ng provi-d.ed with afirm estimate of costs and- assistancE requi-red_, and *that this would not rln atr;r;way affect formerd.iscussions re an artificial ice surface.Director Rocket requested. to attend. the S.DJ{.R.0.ryee!1ng and. Training Institute at Ori}lia, Nov.-fiuto 2Ou , 1971.It was recommend_ed. that pernission be granted.,1 12,OtherBusiness:(a) Councillor Burnie subxritted. quotations for the instalationof railing at the port Borster conrnunity Har1,1., <strong>Georgina</strong> Stee]. S91.OO

IrRecreationConxrittee Heeting1-ii. pipe-Rallingcouncllror$BurnieF9.OOind.idated. his p"*i*i*rr**forforthe steel raillng,rt was recomnend.ed. that <strong>Georgina</strong> steerthe contractbe instar. the rHirid-ii-trre portBolster Connunity Hall.(b)santa claus Parad-e comnitteg - requestgrantfor the{rand permission to hold u._***-titrgNov. 4ton the sutton co""*ir-cilJiu*-"E.I{rs. l{ed-hursl b* requested- towriting - the grantand."*q-"*si1ncouncil-Lor rrarsen to attend.^the.neetinga reportand. prssentto the Recreation connitt;;-;t coun6ii;-*-On Motion Cornrnittee Ad.;ourned.

*,,. ,itit{Il ., ..r:(ru*u.,RECIONAT I.IUNICIPALTfY (]F Y0RKRECREATION CO}IMITTEE MSETINGPARI$ REFORT FOR. GEORGINAHolFee Fotnt PsTk' r-t rrrll be neceEsary to have BnaLl garbage palle for theffiil"tlrt3# '":ffff"ili"foof:rlou barr*i"-"'*lor ln k.;tiG?th the requlrerfthe Parke eomittee wourd contact theMaple'Depaftmeutthey rdltoff{ndLandeout&wtrereForeststhe garbas* palr;,atur* **a*-(iJ""r sources drarued).$houl"d the Perk be operated. by, the Regtonal doard a hattd*norrer rvould berequtfed, also s barrow cart to lrauf,it_ *i.i.[u *rn* ro the road edgei rhedebrls from the lake edge could ue ptcteaT;-# rhe park [iu*[-"uun post that T{+s renoved last eprLng shourdcars froubeconl'ngreptacedtntointhe patklngorder t' kceparea vhere they tike; also have a enarr ar:eaffIll if i:"r:il|. "n*u marled orF io'-". i;-pi;;icrabies ror order peopr.e ro use,stmcoe $t. road end, the dock, requrree nerrThecrosgBy*gswepr.ecesofflcet ehouidtoputnatl topEoreto.teeth indunrplugthetraehlaw roat thekeep*ottuttl*-(cleaneAlocal peopleftfronafr"-.-tlnes thls fal1).posrg#go.giE*3olBt-e"rF:to run fronca're $erretr,srastenedfenceto thento cementto keep carssrab,fromw{rhusln!-tne dock.I(Dalronff=E*SLeftrr-Road & Lake Drlve)K€ep crean, aleo, the -The hardesr pLace lnroughestthe Townshlpon benches,torluo. drugs - .tables& cans (constderablesyrLngee & ileedtee found drinking,oncnecttthe ground),nore frequently asked toNorth Gwr'lrlnburv Fa-rkl_ More "no parkr.ngf' srgns on the Lake Road, arso on!re6t slde of Varnef Road .rt hae been recomnended by Mr' Boadway thar a,punrpPlrmp uo more thanbe lnstalred3 gallons perthatmluut"willor ih"reJ'n thewr.ri. ul trorruie PlPe' At the Einawtrh quickeandof writing thts report{n the parlctherethlshasyear.been noR.otrertvandalLenAguerv dldgroundean excelLeuton Frl'day Job of patrorllng& $aturduy rri,glits,thealso rrorraayrn. slhile lt wac nor a goodififili"+Ilffl"i;Xiii;o*13."l;;l - ;;, yire not *o["'r * parr"'iug +z , isz , "'*p i"e $r , 0s3 ,The bulldr-ngo courd stand another coat ef Res,rl{ts rr$t used by anyone the ewftinet.Bygrg=8q94-*fltil: is ueed co*sLclerilbly hy resldente and needs co*6r&nr atre$r*$nas the defur'ls iu ryi*rihcd J.n fro.u .[h* laike.Slqcoe Ave. Road eud; couLd use ir fe!"r Lou*l$ of surrrlancl gf,oues; at J."lh+ cldge renl,denta lceptto coverLt clearreturnpsaf,Ler L[,Q,rs cJ-+riirrrid (ii:r frr l;hu $prii,rg ,{Wg*F*?.+"d-*-quql: - could be improved by levelri"ng ero*e pirr:uged consJ.da:rably by the residetrts."rndaomtr saud fill-z *

tgfegfile-a* ,,\dell*s Dt!11e & Lake- Roa{:dunp{.ug grouud (very ror.rgh) .used by t : i,,:sidents ani o...r:r,, s fltTtrere seeus ts be an overlapplng of eervLces Ln sone areae of the Reglon,as other people cut Bra8s whtch hae not been supervlsed by anyone.the pasaes to Parks were abused the nsst thl.e year f,a $ofl-r€eJ.detrts havea pass who have no property Ln the Townehlp. Three boye fron the KeswLck areawere caught eelllng passes for 50C ln North Gwtlllnbury Park, trhlch theyobtadned at the Keswlck offlce. The 0fftce lras phoned and {rrforned that nopass was tequlred to walk lnto the Park, (also had trouble at Holmee potnt wlthpessee) .I would Buggest that BpecLal park pagges be printed and nunbered andeold for a noninal fee to property ourners at the Park entrance on proper identity(for the season)clostng, I woutrd-'Inllke to thank the Parks ComrLttee, Hr, S. RockeL, thestaff at <strong>Georgina</strong> and $utton Offlce, aleo the Roads Dept. for their co*operatf.onthroughout the aeaeon .Yours truly ,Merry l{masI{m. Btrovrue"Park Forcman .ilt{ii.':l

t-ltJe - ,Engineerins Connittee Meeting ^aitOctober f,g1 fg?{":\.\""*\,.1U1. R0ADST,\.\u' / / *J#(*)Bupgrt on Draperst Road, llel [, y, l{atsoir ana c*r{ YKe llington :letters to be f,orr*ardedLto,the foregoing iaforningthen of the 1'equLrenenJs of the nou'.[s[[E 6ef;rdfrartherd.eVelopnent of these proBertJesi(n)Qepartnent or rransporta'bion and. coruruniaaiions y: V'(c)(d)(e).8HffHrt3'13fi:*#;ltof;u -n',TiEf,:*r{inta' /*/n*'}""Road. Allowance - BoulevarlilFence erected. to the River.Rushton Road ald. OtDell lane - Eenders prpeparei[i.-.'-Consent af all but one ad,Jacent pro:FerFli;"4;;;;"Road Need. Study Report No. 4 presented..(f) accor'rts forr g6ami s[ conqttn - trake Drlve s ag .?+g.171t5% holdbaekRecommend paymentligfl.aoof balhaceCollingwood Sand. & GravelgrT11|.g$Nels Cbhpelle pavlng SuttonOff Lce -Rear lIF.00Dalton Road. Sid"ewalkslr}g7.:?gIt was recomnrend.ed by Connitteebe paLd..that these acco.rJ.nts' ', (g) rt was recommend.ed- tbat we call for Tend.ers for aFour l.Iheel Drive Rwer r'oader * Tend.ers to closeIlond.ay, November 1Fe, 1g?,1.,ar *=it152 . GARBAGE I,,ll'hP'-"|'Wt HT'Estonian(*)'crn.,drt was recommengg+ tifl.t !ff_ete charged.6f1,,111. I'IREIat the rate ot 5g!&p'An-pi*i";-i;;""b-6*}:u"a $F6o.ooa:ramally for garbageupiEk-up lt Horting Erory" s;fi;i;-(a) Eire Agrenents with other nr.micipalltlee . ilo*l'It was reconmend.ed. that the {Dow#hfB-of-nrock- and.scotr be notifLed. that rhe charge i^or-Fi=;-;4ffi*woutd. be fuIa_*o-*nil ,Ll** JA n'l*^ffi:1t t .l-o ' a (s e^-d-F ._.5 f* ..j":Ir-l*g/7.*,..e ,*.t*'7PffirL'()o'(tr /)^=r'+-L; if **,M..1'tTf,*u*'

*L1-Engineerlns Committee October 28 , 1971 .(b)FIHS: Property - Dalton & Ilain Sts.Itt was recomrnend.eil that Mr. Dee be contacted and notifiedthat the Engineering 0onmittee is in favour of purcha$ingthls bullding at the corner of Dalton and. l{ain $ts.. Sutton.15+. (A) Street light l{aintenaqcs * Report G. l{intzrReport No , 2 of the Sngineer*Administrator was recetved.and- i.t was 1'sg6mtnend.eil that we inplenent the recommend.*.ations of the report for a trial period.. n(b) Discussion conceraing Street llghts ;eastern aBproae*h"rF oto Sutton.3:tIffilg tf;:1i5. lilater&Elswersa:Tffiit"l"rfi"tl3fihlt: . o*n' ' n &r' T#LI( a )(b)It was recoffinend.ed. that the Engineer, I.Ir. I'llntz investllgate the feasibility of supplyiug meansjor the d"ispoealof holding tanks in Suttots. o5.e.-. f*-*/* L - . * 'It was notdd. that the involce for trakeshore Road.. GlenSibbald Beaeh and. the sid.ewhlks at JacksonrEf Foiirt wasreceived" as follows Ilakeshore Road.SidewalksGlen Siuuata$ " 17,8?1.OO4b:6bi:64 /4 trtotoJto'.eo JtrzJ'rJ,I }6 . OIIIER BUSINESS :( a )(b)( c )( d )Heating Systern - Pefferlaw ^Adrninistration Build:ing.It was recommend.ed. that Bros. be authorized. toproceed. with ::evising the heating system*Pefferlaw.IlouseNu.uberingMr, Harry Kerr presented- report Nrrmber 2Report Engineer - re Strobel -A-p1;tG*J"*sented. for ad.d.itional cond.ominiunsrt was suggested that the ptrob'pref, bf the buirdings berevi s ed. .McMillan PropertyIt was recommerr.ed that test holea be oond.ucted. on thisproperty.On HotionOommittee Ad-journed..

[orrmsHrp or. cgoRirm*REGIONAI PIUNIC]PAJ,IIY OF YORKENGINEERING COPiT'IIflIEE MEETTNGREPORT NIII'{BER 1 g)/ -,, ' t/,zr, llond,ay, Novenber 15t 1971..the Engin_eel+ns connittee of council of the [ordaship of<strong>Georgina</strong> held. a neeting oF lllond-ay, Novenber 'rgo 1g?7r et2t10 ,F.8. in the Counchl uhanbers, Fefferlaw, ,0ntari6.The Chai"**o took the chair and call-ed. the neeting to, senbere .Fresent: counci]l"or poyntz, Road supt. Hare,Road. tr'orenau., Foster and Eng-Ad.irin. 'Mintz.118. fhe Following tend.ers for a For:r wheel were. opened. by the Chairnan.'l . Fgd.qgip Incorporated. fJtd.. ,12] Eastsid.e hr r foronto. 'lBHough Machi-neTrad"e-In?. Case Power and. Equipnent'1 '1 Hars Road. , Rexd.aleCase Machi"nef,'rad.e-In5r110.oo2rO71 .00s 16r422.0O'16 , 200 . 45.!\ l5.+.5.6.t' 7.B.RCrothers1 Crothers Roa{. Toronto[rad.e*InW- J. Knox lrtd..1$4 !ilicksteed. Ave . , TorontoVolvo IlachineTrad.e-Int , 50O. OO5 , ,l BO . 0OStar:nore Equipnent4176Sheppgrd. Ave., 8., AgincourtAll-is uhal-nersIrade-In Z , 5OO. OOPigott Tractor & Equip.'1! Toryork Dr. , Westonl,Iare HachineTrade-InTruck & Tractor Road., llllseissaugaJohn DeereTrad.e-InCond.os EquipnentMarkhan, OntarioHough l{achineTrad.e-In4, 50O. OO1 , 25O . O01 , 081 . g5261199.65'l5r4O9.BO16, 900.o012 , 91 t. OO21 , gg0 . 0616r80O.00

Noveuber 15t 1971 .9.{O,Sincoe EquipnentOrillia, Ontario.'ALIis-ChalnersTrad.e-rn614.o0.00DonaLd. A. Ed.ward"s"heppard Ave . , AgincourtMassey-Ferguson MachineTrade-In 419OO.OO20 , 01 5 , OO,18r490.001'1. A. E. Joslin Machinery & EquipnentMississauga, Ontariol-. Ford-JCB-5O4t^Id.Trad.e-fn SrSOOIOOii. J.c.B. 70+Trad-e-InerSOCI;OOItd. . ,, 2X 1785.401qr386i55rt was reconnend.ed. by the Engineering connittee that of Case Power & Equipnent be accepted.,On Piotion Connittee Adjourned.

TOWNSHIP Otr' GEORGINAEEGIONAI YIUNTCIPAIITY OF YOIU{CO-ORDINATING COI{MIITHEROADS NfiED SflUDYREPORI NO . IV)/. - r s/ t rTuesd"ay, Octobet ?6, 1g?1 .fhe Co-Ord.inating conralttee of the Road.s Need_ stud.y for thefo_wnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> net at '10:OO s..f,r. in the CounciLCharnbersof the Ad.ninistration Bulld.ingr Pefferlaw, Ontario,The chai-rnan took the chairand. cal}ed. the meeting to order.14. Henbers Present: CounclLlor Poynta, Councillor Sraockrrrn.Road. SupI. Hare, Eng-Adrninistratoq Mintz, R" E. nawson, 'l.Fog.r Pept.Transportation and Connuni6ations, ttr"-Wl I4I.osborn , P.E*g. , - Dept. . Transportation and. Connunicatiorj.s,andllr. D: ,T:Bfay, Stud.yEn$ineer, -of Mc0orniclc, R.nk-iiand. Associates.14. Repgr_t No-. ]_of the co-ordinating connittee meetj.ns wasr-ead- by the $ecretary." It was noved. and. second.ed. ttradthe report be adopted. as read.^{*15 .,(a)16.Business Arisingl1) rlr. -Bray reported. that al1 infornation had, heen receiveufrom the Dept. and Region,2) rt was noted. that the A$reement had. been received.1) fhe 1971 erpenditure of,,$'afoo. received approval fromthe Dept.4 _f,lono.4) By-law to authorize bbe si-gning of the Agreement forne:ct eegular Council ue eting .The Map outlinipg the resurts of the traffic oount waspresented. and. reviewed *I{r..8}*y_presented. the statistical sunnary of the three (5)municipalitiesr and d.iscussed. under ths f611or,uing heaain$i:1. Roadsid.e€ -rt hras reconnended that the avexage projected. should beconparable to monies spent in North Gwilrimuury.?. Ilard. [op ]laintenance -Comnittee in agreementj. Loose Top IllaintenanceCommittee ssgsrnm€nd.ed. that Sutton Projection Graph beonitted"4. Winter Control MaintenanceReconmend. that the average be increased.,5. Safety Devices MaintenanceRecornnend. that the aver&ge be increased..6. Brid.ges and. Culverts l{aiatensrrce *Coronittee in agreement .2-

2-17 .18.19 .20.7. Overhead. Costsrt was reconmended. that the fotal of the overhead. cos,f,or the ] rauni-cipalities should. be projected. r*ih*"than averaged. and. rev:'..:w€d. with the*noia supt. at thenext neetlng.Mr".Blayr gtated--tgat he would requi-re a r-ist of arrequi.prnentowned. and/or used. by the Road. nepirCuntl-"noA l-ist of al-J non-subsr.d.i-aahle itens and further tharconsid.eration shfruld be given to an alrrual inerease forbudget purBoses to rtrover-the norr-sun*ldi"iur*-ii;;;.ft was moved by_R.-E, Dawson,, $econd.ed- by G, ltintz)That we ad.opt the statis&icai sunmary Refort as foirows:tr''ixed. Costs 1g?11g81Roadsid.e $ 30O. O0 sHsrd"588. 0oTop409. O0loose Top,1OOO,OO607.Qoe000. ooWlnter Control 4O0. 0OSafety700.o0Devices 66.00166.OOBrid.ges &, Culverts 2g.OO67.OOCarri-ed.c. . . r r r.r .e -a .. ,d c qAccount of I{cCorrnic}c, Rarrkln and. Assoclatesrt was moved. and- sec6nd.ed. that the G.ccount be submi-ttedCouncil for paynentto,-Tl*, n?* regular neet_ing of the Ho*ord.inating committeebe lr'--ldtoon fuesday, Noveuber zgrd", 1gT1 at '14:oo B.rr.Pefferlaw, Ontarib.On l{otionCornni_ttee Ad-journed..

T|IE IU'NSIIIP OF' GmAffiI{ATN TIIERffiISIAI,M'IfiCIPELrIYtr'Y{]HK) I , ' , ^'/ r r4{|NNSilgAS4{ffmEr'IEErncfl/o / (t tttrrday, lbranber 8ttr, 1971,Ihe Ptannirg Cf,Irrittee of Oqnrcil of the ltsfffrsfrfp of, <strong>Georgina</strong> nEt at7.30 P.M' in t}re councilchnrbers of the ltmictpal Branch-offise inSrttffi Shst, ftrtario.the cheuirman of, tjre ccumittee t-od( the chair and oalled the neetirg tootder.58. lHnbers ;reserrtr Feg. Ocnnrcillor Folloc:k, Caneiltors hrrnl.e, C1ark,Lf,Irs€np lrytrrs and Foyntz.Membere ahsentl Mayor hrrffiiE, CqmcillorE Slrnclflfir ant trlEleh,59. Ueprtaticns(a) I't' J. Steinhagre of Lrlora presented a prrcposal plan of subdivteitrlfor east of tiilona ,l-4r. Steintrage luas inftHred Urat the ftrp. hgifreer is poreparirq aleduical Repo,ft cn ttris plan ard the-report rvill p$sented atttte rect rreefirq of Gamcil.(bl I'1r. ,IaneE DEry o'f Isl"ard Grcrue, nequestea Ccfirnittee to oonsiderhis application for rc-zonirq.Itre tras infoned tltat tlre Asrlaittee qould rmrt, ccrrnent cn this ntatterat this time as t$ere is a case still before the cfrr:rts rega!fliJqthisofimErci.afprcpert?andbusiress. TtrechairnwrofttreCrrrmitteevdll recilredc wiffi the ttry. Soliciton of his legal qiniorr on ttrisaffi ask that he ffintact rcrr. Day,s lawyer also.60 . Gcffirunicatltrts(a) fiegion of Ysk Planninq DeFt. - re Bniars Estates Ltd. , V. RaiendAssoc. & Ivtlks s Associates.The foreryirrg offfiurdcations .,^ere noted and filed,O) uept' of l'trnicftnl Affatrs - re oonsents of se\rcrance agplicationsfor I'hckenr-;i-r, Rcnran, Canqrbell, Gadigrs arrt lavioletteIlre foregorrq ocnrnrrrications use rr*ea ild filed.(c) De4re. of l&micipt Affairs - re Donneral severanceIIrc foregoirry errrunlcation r,rlas roted ani filed.(d) A.S.M,. Fourxi - re (hcnrraniec nrhdivision planXhe foregoirq oonnuricaticnr r^ias rmted arxf fikd .I ,It:I2.

-2-cqmmnicaticns corftinued -/-a I fi) l{r. w. I^llmrrbactr - re asning,I Ttre rblfl. Sngineer has ixf,onrerl I'lr; lftnnrlraclr that it will berFcessan/ for hirn to mrylete an application for ezonirry.C/tttt lglar aflf l€ho - re Part r.,t. L4, cffii. ?, Eeorgi$aftre abmre firn have beffi notified Urat nDre tedrri.calinforrnation wilI be neoessary before tfiis matter can bediscussd. fiilther .lf ) tE+ ;hrrtgrwnery, Casse,ls, t.titc*rell etc. - re part lf't, E,t/ Cmr. 5, gr14rt Sideroad for trailer cirttl.The above firm tmnre beffi rrcrtified ttr,at an aplicaticnrfor ezolring jn ttris area should be ecnpleted.(-/_\Gt $tiruer, Vale, Peppiatt e tr ngtffi - re Larry Trrctcpmperty.It was reocrmnerrded that i'Ir- IFJr p:rchme otlrcr prcpertyi.n the area, aIJFfr#l. 66 ft, anf, then the f,trnrrshin q,rrul.ilobtaj"rr ttris .and in trffn dd the Sottn*fri.p lroperty that .hie hcuse flaB inedvedrreEJy heen hlil.t m hack to lfr- Xlrck.,J61.62,63./;f ttr$- Stiver, Vale, ete. *t 're PIan I.U6, Btoclr C,, t4r. v{ebberIt was rcgrrun*rder]flnt t,r. l"i$b*r be infon,'r*:l';. tjr rt BloclrC in front 6f-Iot 10 is CI!'4red by l-F-" Reid. A mrrdi.timr of * {Athe seveffinae of tJris Fwpertry vrfillfl"be that Blodr. C wuuldbe r€qui-red for frrture rofid rriderdnq.(a) HtG. T,frej-r - Ioes 7,819 & I0, PIArr 43L(fomer t',Iorth GArill.)Refemed to the Ccmnittee re€tjJg tre se\reran@s.Hrtld.i.rryPemits(al trhe tuildinq DepartrnenE ReFort wae preserrted for itrrty, Augnrst,,Sept. ard October. The nnber of rlev,r lrcmes hrilt to tfie endof october is 157.(b) i'r. clrirnside, &dlding rnspector, presented an apFricatisr fosnfor a lleryorary FeflIdt for the gonsideration of tjre Oofinittee.After scrre discr:ssiffi this form was ref,erred back to the HrildiryDeFt,. for rrrcre etrrll',Ottrer Bwirees1o- ,._ 1^t'*o0(a) Oournillor l.,arsen asked Ocnndttee wtnt they felt, ffiuld be dtrteto reverse a decision reqanflirry l{ealth tirrit apprcrral on ttretrroFerty..of lf, S'taples ffr Lorna Ave. at VliIIow Beach,rt was reoonnemded ttrat councillor rarsen @(b)Tfie Lee property cnr Sreptrnrd Ave. at Islaftt ftmnre v,iels , Idiscrrss€d fi.e to a reqrrest for an euctensi"trr of tjrre to ocnptete3.

-3*O'ttrcr harsirress continued *renovations .-rlp:,1?rfl!*4"dtrrat, r.rtiss r€e h inforned urat ttre request, for ane)[t,ensiflI lt-refitsed.(c) Reg . Councitlor Foltsck infoutedfire Depd. of iflrnici@ Affairs hadZddrq Sy-faws in $rdfirnnslip.neq . cf,hciltor Eultddr#f[ tre m-l* I,hOn moticn rtbetir4l ad jorrned ,I

I0WNSHIP OF GEOrtcT l[AREGIONAI MUNICIPAI]]TY OF YORK) I -, ' , / rrRECRIAT]ON COMI{IIIEE MEJTTINGREPORT NUMBER ,1 7flhursd-ay, Novenber 4 , 1971 .The Recreatlon Connittee of Council of the [or^rnship of <strong>Georgina</strong>P9!.at 7:J0 p.m. in the Council Chanbers of the Sutton HunidipalOffice.The chainnan took the chair and called. the neeting to order.1Ti. Henbers Fresent: Council-Ior Snockun, Councillors Burnieand. Lars€fl.Advlsory comnittee nenbers present: R; Griffiths, J. lanband. BilI l{arvey.11+. rt was noved. and- seoond.ed. that the Report No. ',|6 of theReereatisn fisrnnittee be ad.opted" as read_.115, Santa Claus Parad"e Conmittee:Mrs. Marion Med.hurst, Mrs. Penny Dickson and- plr. BirlHaevey attend-ed. and. rpported" that the arrangements forthe parad.e were wefl organized., floats were Eeing buil-tand. requested. palment of their grants.It was reeonrnerld.ed by the Recreation Cofoilittee that theS,entfi Claus Parade grants be paid as follows:Keewick Santa Farad.e CrandJ. ,,/rr# FOO.OO$utton Santa Parad.e Grant d)rr/tt 5OO.OO116. Ad.visory Connittee Report Nu.rrber 5 was presented.lThe report was accepted. ad read.117. Beereetl-qnDiEeetoCsEeBqrlr( a) Comnunity HaIl RentalDiscussion concerning pg4ta1 of the Connunity Ha}lsIt was reconrcended. thq.t tlne sched.ule of HaIl-rentalsbe investigated. by thd lltrector and further that areport be subnitted. in regard- to the Caretaking feesbeing paid. at the halls.It was further sgsenn€rd.ed. that the Recreation Committeeof Council neet with the Belhaven and. Elngrove Comrnitteeto d-lscuss the Sched.ule of rentals fees.r Bepairs to Fefferlaw and EIhSTove HallsIt fras recoilmended. that the floor at the Fefferlaw Hallbe finished. and" ehelves be installed" in the basenentfor use of the and. Brownies for storage at aeost of S1OO.0O.

2*Novenber 4, 197'1 .t\,JimREA,s the repairs to the roof of the Ellrrgrove Harl is anatter of exped.iencygAND I^IHEREAS the chairnan of a connittee is authorized. by9ouncil to approve the of up to $FOO.OO,rt was reconnend"ed. by the Recreation connittee of corrncilthat the confract for the repairs to the roof be award.ed" to{ard Roofi-ng of Port Bolsterr at an estinated. cost ofs545 . 0O .AIfD FURTHER that PIr. Roy Carter, Inspectorinvestigate the cond.ition of the BeIl fower at tneElngrove Hall.( b )IIGHTINGTDirector Rocicel reported. on the lighting Kepgflck * Mr. Jin lanb also conraented and. suggested_thatu"o p=oposaLshould. extend. to other activi{Ies aswell as baseball.It r'ras reconnend.ed that Mr, Rocke1 and. Couhcillor Snocku::rvisit the Uxbridge playing fie1d. to isnpect their Liehtinesystenr and. speak to Mr. Myers of ux' High schotl.(c) Grants for Guid-es and. Scouts.rt was ssse*nen.d.ed by the Rectreation cor:rmittee that theN, Gwillinbury Scouts receive the balance of their grant-$'15O.oO -[he N.Gwillimbury & Brownies be paid. their grant of$400 , o0AND the Pefferlaw Guides & Brownies receive their grant of$'1 00. ooas Ber Bud.get for 19Vi.1 18. Accounts:The following aecounts were subnitted. for approval -Ginger Bread. Boy - S 1+1,?j12 Card. Tables -Senlor Cj"tizens SgO.ZaIt was reeorrrjlend.ed. that theseaaccounts be approved. forpa;rne.nt .1 j9, Other Businessl(a)) |Ihe following tend.ers for caretaking at Port BolsterHaIl were opened by the Chairuanr1 )2)5)4)5)6)7)8)e)C. Schorndorff - KeswickT. Hothnie, - PefferlawDoris Clayton - PefferlawTemy Schell - PefferlawLIn. E. Fitzgerald.* Ht. Al-bertFercy Hoar *Port BolsterChasl Cullinghaa * PefferlawDennis & Mary Horan - Port BolsterErnest l-,ancaster - Beaverton,$ e5o. oo?9,OO60,0065.0O525.OQ65.0O60.o044". 0050.O0

-1oNoverrber 4r 1971 ,It was r.ssonnefld.ed that interviews be arranged. withapplications nunber J, 7, B alld 9.(b) Discusslol concerning the renoval of pri-vate fish hutsfron the Township Parks and. roafi end.s-at the end. of theBeasorlrThe Reereation Connrittee of Council recorrr,rend.ed that alltr'ish Huts be renoved. froro the Shore lrine and. Rrblic Road.sand. Hoad. End.s by the jlst d.ay of March, 1g?A. Eraj-d. d.ateb.uittg the-ternination d.ate oi the ice fistring on-late $j_nco J,wherein all huts nust be renoved. frorn the ic6 ny rirfthe Ontario Dbpartment of lands and Forests and."si;rictlienforced..(c) council-lor Burnie Teeonxlend.ed. that a canera cLub beconsidered. to be held. in ono of the connunity,(d) Councillor Larsen subnitted. a request to have the contractwith ffir. Browue for Hill cenetery changed to Mrs.Bronrne.I tOn Motion Conmittee Ad.journed..

ffii{t'il['fl[flrliJdLii,r. i")'/*, , , ^ / tt, l-;:'The RgcSea!ign--rayisory conmittee of.the'',,,met,iflfr, ' 7, 30 F.l{. in rhb lgrynship of <strong>Georgina</strong>suttJn-tr"rrliip;i oii;IJ-fi", ,Oefober 28th rhursd.ay; Ig?I.,',_i,, ,iffii-#:"Bi;ill'- *frB:f;*t ,. Da1t l{ercer' Bi11 Harvey,.;, ,.:.1: r:"? .1i i,**t:T' ?f logation lol conmunitqr srnsu"* .'' ,. susgested. asn"o,rfsnrron.prgtrlie,i tocarionr, ,, '''Aps;t;;i,proved-E#d;;d;;;"and. forwaraearoom.' ir ri=*Jllr ror a*ilior, . Fu'ther ,,' :r rr, 'r'l;,flll^*":3ti?l-**tah] ish€ d , - *i[e"si"e news artic]es ro be, .pracefl. l-n new*cpaper.t . L ,Qenerai programs : rt was felt that the su&mer , programs. 3 . ,'1;1i 'i',,I ''iyri{F lB. 1o51uarr, "o**e1,r,1@ili"u,ptayground.s) ue reviewed,,;ii ,r 4*F a f ol-lowup , aone on ' theJe -e;E'.lp; rbfiarding " grant s ,'i:i'4r," ,Rq: Function of Advisory Committee.l .rli.'.l.'.]..'.,"i,ir.,"r1 I The '^a$visoryCornnittee feels,rr':',that they can,," usefutin-[[";; '-be more',;, ' ,' ,' r,,',, 19*.*i " r-n-ils'J*i"?gl6::E;=ilHf-fii t HE"5fi;,f,3f; t it*lif ;n", ,,';',', aE the Township)o and in the 'evaruaiion or sucrr area*i5. , The Advisor.y conmittee reguestsI 'l,'riirra closed. meeting:Reereation bonnnltteewith the' to es-t anlish functions and, d.iscuss, :i, ',1.[robiems.6. On' motion neeting adjourned..t;',1,1lit:"!r l,l,ri I ,!,,ir i' lrr,, {,1r,il'rrl ,.i1;;1,,,'i;i; 1,,, ,,,lI 'r'-

il,'r;'/rttralanee Balange .on' 0n.hand' hand, Oetober 0etober LITI I/7L. , ,:, ,.. ':',,flee elptsr,.' '.':fil*-::.o1o*' '''':].,'.t1:.t9', I ,'0penlngs :' ,','' .. ,frorner fr;*";*''-sto*r**, ', ;;o:00 ,' l, :, ;1 ',.stones ' : " rzo.00 ,1,,', ':, r.I ;'FounclationsI! UuIr{IarJIOIl$ , . : : . I:I ? 'IU1q** *t* refuurr'll'1,,, , :'' ','Lra?6-d4?r4",'I, '-,. H,t;" . H111, tree rernov'a-L , : 1".19"_Og ' :?35 "OCI ' ' ,,.., | , .;'il.' T'ii'" ii1'.' ' .tree retitr;lVer} ,. .l.].".1o+g' .;i. 5; 0 ,i13 ]l:lll'']. u*rurr** tl;o ' 'I ''hanrl * .l{ovember ,i''/ "t' 't,:.' ,.."r*, -, s;r#o*,1: j*,ti:..O{ITSTAilDING"."- r 'i'ovenberi'., '. Corner Stones 25.00. , i , ,l:*--*Bllls,not'yet Jralcl: : i.' i'rr,.i,il:,,,:,ii ' rr' irll1l-' Solpt"S R.G, flifI, t::ee removal 105.00,i.,,,(]ef,., 5 Sanderson hfonument ltorks ,20,00i,'':,, $etober salary, J"P. Brovrne 625,00' ;',,'i,.' s terllqg Trust '' r, c4ritrml tment s ;. ',,'i9,ln*, .; i, .,l Sanderson l\{onrlrnent S,ror}cs ' ' r ,',, t:,i,1, i,.,t,lll ( eorngr . stones not yet dellvered);'ie-#_,CI_a 1,oo2"oo'"'i':"1?0 '00,rr i,;',, , .,r Ii;ir 1.','l'''True ,'Balanee4, $trovernber5/7L$ 489"00;i' j*

i l 1ijj'"l{''' ....,i[ ] '[[htur Eqtll(fleureterg p,luur].'srrll.'rr frfrIrst, (DrtturiaThe Briar i{ill Cetne'Le::y lloarct hel-d ibs regula-r rneeting otri nov,Itlr, T}VT -i.n th."+ sutl"on rnrrniciL.ra.L off i"ce"Rev. J. P., Browne tenclercd resignation as manager sec. direto complleatitbns liith pension auihorities irr the united chureh ofCanacial whieh has aris-en treeause r:f ftev, Brounes employm*nt by'Lhe .Gemetery,Mrs; Sheila Hrowne app"i.ed. fol' the posslsion vaeated by herhusband Rev" Brol-rrie, allcl assu, ',11 the Board, that al-l work anclresponsJ.bii:.tys as outlinecl. i:i l,he contract with trusband,woul-rl tle carried clut, and agre,r'i to aceep'b the same eontraet,ruithout any ehanges.The,board aecepted. Ilev" Brownes resignation, effective a$ ofr1ov. trgt" Ig7trottThe board" cJr,rcided to hire Mrs. Streila A" Bror,rne as l"tanager secocomnnencin6 Ilov" Ist, I97I"1... .The.Board 'voted itt fsrr$.r of arr i.ncrease of all 1:r'L*es for Lotsandrserviees renci.ered t,-;:'' the eenretery, a.rrd tire $c;c., I,Ia$ instrnctedtp file: an application for sueh i"nereases,Copy of application, and new tariffs of rates, at'r"irurl+d* herewlth"A .l*nghty diseussion was held, ahout t,he. finanelal cond,j-tion ofbire eemetery, and r,rhat measures coui-d be taken to bring the cemetery:Lnto a melf wnmfurfr su.staining eondition*i'b was decided to increase prieesr o.s sr-tggested aboweofftrrtkrer it r,ras recormencled that all vaeant land.s on the new part'should be re serveyed, ai:d aLl lots macle smaller, thereby creatingmore 1"o1;s for sal"e , IIt was cleeided thau sueh a servey should take plaeer fls soon as thefirianciarl sitlration iL:'r.irll-lrncru:tm allows'hhe expense,Atl lots r'rilt be redueetl. from 4ft, by" Io ft, to lft" 6 inches hy IO ft.T'hisreduction woulctr ereate a increase of I0O lot$u,It was further clecid.eti., tlra[ a snia]-l section of ]ancl should be setasidefor Infants, ldilfi'f,hj ldrcn sncl Crerrartion burrials,'Lhese lotswi"ll l5erereated by dividing a stanclorcl lot into 4 srrialJer l-ots,irinaneial statement presented as enclosed"In possibly I0 to IS years? the Geinete;r'y liill tre faeecLr,ritir the ;rronJenof, expansion, thls rtrill ne]$seseitate tlie purcirase of add.itionnlLancl, kmotrirlg the *ost of .Lanc1 t,od,ay, and tkre steady inflfff,a,$s inpricen {rvCIx"yei}:r, the eemet+ry boarcl, r'eal-ise, ttrat $ome iLuy rrhene:cprrilsioir Lei:onillr,; ]le,.i$ecf{},'y? the Torunship will- be faeeql vi{,h &csllrl i.drl :r." i.i l;lu'*l.{p ij}}tc {}' '",, ,,,,, .,..1,- ,l, ,

,lilr,,, ,,, flil ,i,n;'l'pit1i ' cietuer rrs ffisur.hI, u$rrthirr ' Jiillssl, ({}rrtlrirr ,, iI 111ii,t,. IIt'l'Sutton West, Ont. ..............j....:.................,...,..1g.......,Asr realizer' hhc prohlenr?.:sych af plrnenser' resp€etfuLlv 9u,3 g"eqte torsuggest,our tor,mslrrir,{n"t-"land purehaseestab-L i shed"**td;il:;'uncr be ffrnrii' ,i rIl-1si Iny recoumanclation, tlrat the eenete,ry noarri. deposit41.1, rnoneys ove.ranyancia*dl i .'F rooo"oo i;-]-t* accountreacho$ ofrlnd cvery year,Jarr Tste()mmeneing Jan fst rgzi;-il;T;'""Irr-"account,;ffi;i;i'!"i,t rl\t)ow€j suggesticln is presented. for uounc.irsbe,rapproved r,iithor.rt coilncilsji,,i,1concent"consicleration, bnci r^litr i-r,rr,," I ,',,.i],., , , t.,1, ,l.-..ijtngleTlh'IiJv!F TN :/Tua 4f vr.p1o'brr$Jet^r tarr:ilPrese'r:[. ll rln n/\' of' rates as applied for"$ 8O,OO" ]Jer+ rate,/IbO"O0fr tr;if IOU.OO.;,[ A0O,OO,lnrant Plot ?t x zf! frCremation tt Zr x z.pitChild , rr br x 2rtTnter"rlent cirarges ( openAdul'r 'Fresent,ancl close grave )chird'i:rate,ri$ 5h. oo.rf , .i;I nfant ,l3i.00.rr i , ;,P Zcl" ooCremff.t,iDn,'tl J 5' OOui:;inte.rrlrent and ::e nrlrrl;r l-s ,1ljJl:10" uu.lI'lorturn*nt for.rndatioirTfan:.ifer I'ee not t,o exE;ed,' #l" S I"50pr,/\ /\r\iP a. UO. bY orde.r,llrrtllfil l!Illlttllrttlfltl,rr I I f' +v qa I Vlr;p 2O" OO,,i\' n/\ n/a'J rJ(Jr,:): Lu(,1fAAI / o vvo l, I rr hAqp o Jo(JLiolF 40* ()0,rr/nA/\n,,i dluo UUr.i! -rrt',i'nrrC-\Ja WW6i$ r30. oo"q ? nfl ^r1 +'i]f 4Atvvo Vq I Lrnn''+t 4r \-/U* ,ilespectf"r-rlly sirbnrittccl .I;. li. .i,arserl"

't ,ll' i1i, , ; , ,; li ,-"{ril,rltIiilJr'. .I" n, '1'Ali-it1r" i, ;'rll.t .I ,'ilr,llhqfiiri ; 't:r ,iilrl,ft'lli' '.$",.il,li illt,, ;i':'rt ' ,,,,'rli .,1, ' , ",lr' .l, ",',i i

BUILDING DEPARTMENT416,7??.3?ltNovember l5th, 191 |Mayor George M. Burrows,Members of Counci | ,Townsh i p of Georg i na .Re: Wamback and Tees Property,Lot 3, Plan 248,Lakeshore Road South, Jacksonrs Point,Townsh i p of Georg i na.Gent I emen :A Permit No 268 was issued to Mr. Wi | | iam Pelley on August ??nd,1967, to add three apartments to exisfingRoad in Jacksonrs Point.bu i lding on Lake Shore0n August ?4th, 197A, I issued a Permit No. 7044, to renovatesaid aparfments and install fire escapes. 0n inspecfion ofsaid property I discovered seven apartments were in existenceinstead of three. All apartmenfs were incorrect in size asrequired in the By-Law No. 1302, (600 Sq. Ff,), no windows inthree of the apartments and no exit in case of fire.Nothinghas been done to rectify fhe situation, and in my opinion'they are hazardous and unfit for human habitation..fllYours fru I y,@-4 fu=Roy Ca rter .Bu i I d i ng Department.RC:MLTOWNSHIP OF GEORGINA REGION OF YORKPEFFERLAW, ONTARIO

ItM I NI.JIES OF COUNC I LOF THETOWNSH I P OF GEORG I NA1 N THEiI-:JIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK$ilonday, November l5th, 1971,The Council of the Tovrnshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> mef at 7.30 P.M, in the CouncilChambers of fhe ACminis-frafion Bulfding, pefferlaw, Onfario,The Chairman of fhe Council took the Chair and called fhe Members to order,l. Members present at fhis meetlng: Mayor Burrows, Reg, Councillor R. pollock,councillors Burnie, clark, Larsen, Lyons, poyntz, $nnckum and welch,2' Councillor Lyons, seconded by Cour:cillor Wefch, moved fhat thE minutesof *he Council Meeting of October 25th, 197|, b+.confirmed in the formsuppl ied to the merrbers, which was carried.3' l'- '.r1*:MCouncillor Poyntz informed the rnonbersthat a meeting is to be held withMr, Richardson on Wed. morning at 9.30 about the replacement of treesmentioned in Resolufion No. g.Councillor Foyntz asked Council to consider the parking of trailersowneci by prr:perty owners In the Township that are used for travelllngouf of 1-he area { r,,.r'ii .,' 'ir the sor-rth for the wlnter months, when theBy-Law on traildrs is being prepared.4. AccountsReg. Counci I loi Pol lockC.:,::'rci I lor Larsen( I )That fhe Treasurer be authorlzed to paythe following accounts as per Schedulesdated llrrrernber l5th, l97l :GENERAL : $217,?OZ,3EFIRE; s25,37t .29I\TATER & SEWERS:$7, I t2.08RECREATI0N; $t8,477.81Carried....,,... i1.8q'",ruq-celio_Ls-il)(a) _Employr,',e;:"| lncentive prograrnmes - provincial, Municipal & Federa | ,To be nresented under motions.(b) Y.,: : i?,_rr, :c,nti Foiiue - re Central comrrrunications sysfemThe foregoing communication was noted and filed.(c) Mr. J, Davls re snowmobiles.The appointed commiftee of councillors welch and clarkyill inves-fiage this mafter fLri'ther and a report wlll be presentedto Counci l.2.

-7-Commun i cat I ons cont i nued :-l(d) Onfario Fbusing Corporatlon - proposal documents for call.The foregoing communication was noted and flled'6. ReFrortsCouncillor Larsen, seconded by Counclllor Clark, moved that Councilresolve ltself into Committee of the Whofe to consider the followlngreporf s :Reports No, ll and 12 of the Engineer Adminisfrator.Reports No. 18 and t9 of the Engineering CommitteeReport No, 4 of the Ro6ddsNHeddstddfyReport No. l0 of the Planning CommltteeReoort No. l7 of the Recreatlon CommitteeReport No. 5 of the Advlsory CommitteeReporf of the Briars Hill Cemetery BoardThe Chairman of the Council chaired the Conrnittee of the Whole.The Committee of fhe Whole arose.Ti,e Chairman of fhe Council reports that the Committee of fhe Wholehad adopted fhe RePorts as fol lows:Reporf No. | | of fhe Eng i neer-Admi n i sf rator was referred backfor further study with Mr' Steinhage.Report No. l2 of the Eng i neer*Adml n i strator,without amendment .l' ,,,ri.l.Cl lr:sd | 52 (a) of the Eng i neer i ng 'Comml ttee Report No . l8 be amendedi:y deieting ^fhe amount of 50G F*. pickup and inserting the words rt50$oi the cost of residential pickup, being $6.00tfThat Clause lI3 (a) be amended by adding the work 'rThoratr after the wordftBrock,' and changing the last phrase of the paragraPh 50 that it willnow read rrthaf the charge for fire calls vrould be a .sfandby retainerfoe of $600.00 which would cover 4 calls and then the charge would be$t50.C0 per cal l.That Clause lt5 (b) be amended by adding the words rtSewage Sytemafter the word Sutton so that lt now reads rrsutton Sewage Sysfem.rtThat Clause t55 (b) be amended by changing the amounts for sidewafksand Gten sibbal d to $16,700.00 and $2t,175.13 respectlvely.Report No l9 of fhe Englneering Commiffee, wifhout amendment.Report No. 4 of the Roads Need Study be amended by changing the amountre Clause l4 Gl ' 4) trom $4,000.00 to $5'000.00.That Clau$e 60 (i) of the Planning Cornmlttee Report ['lo. l0 be arendedby changing fhe words "Mrs. Reidtt fo Miss Reid.That Clause O= (a) , Paragrah ? be deleted and the following wordsbe inserted ',it was recommended that Councillor Larsen lnform Mr.Mahoneyrn thaf he may make Mr. Staples a$/are of his right to appealthe decision of the Health Unlt.3i

-3 -tRepbr'ls cr;ir-l-il,-:'. | -'ihat i;l;rr:r,i: 65 (c) be rleleted'tRcrlic';:land fhe follor^ring words inse,ttedCcunclllor Follock informed the Committee that l4r.O?l'i+iiiChas.,;" r;een edvised by the tJept. of Municipal Affairs .,to requcli in{'ornriicn on the Zoning By-Laws in'the rownsnlp.That f(cpci-i i'ic . i7 oi -l-he l'-^:-eatlon Cornmittee be amended by deletlngClaus+ ll;r, (b)"Repoi--i- ;ir,. 5 of iire r\dvisory coir;:riftee, without amendment.Repor-i" I I the Br i a r i r i r r c.e.y.l":y" B.".:_Jfu y1Jli"tl , apenflm,e pf .-fhr' i*c;1:;-ri^1" ci thr c:rn,,ritfee of fhe whole v/as received.i..l 1:oir. inii :r r,icP'i' i r;r .o f Rcport f,ro . r z of the En.q i neer-Adm i n i sftrrii-lir-iU'irator,eil;enclmen'r" i-l- uaS carried.tJpon 1'hr: acoption of peport No. lg of the Engineering commitfee,as anendocj, it rlas carried.Upon 1'h+ nii;etion or neporf wo. l9 of the Engineering Commitfee, wlthoutamendrnen-f, lt was canried.ljlon tir: e,;,lrpfion cf Rcport No. 4 of fhe Rosds Need $tudy, ag a,nended,it wlE c;i'i-i.:C.uFcn.-irr'; rdcpticn of Rcporf No. rl of the pranning committee,ar,rcnCeC, ir r,asascar;-ind.Upon fht -Joption of iieporf No. t7 of the Recreation Commitfee,AS an:':-.rll:jedr it WaS Carfied.upon f,he Ed;pfion of Repc:t No. 5 of the Advisory committee, ;ithol'i- i,;ilcndrnent, i-l l,rrs carried_tJpon tne adci' lon of 1'he Report of the Brlar Hill Cemetery Eloard,,'*llhout alncn,;;;rrt, ir. i.rl: :arrirC""'tl'dounci I lor L','ons in{c'rmed -ihe'':'.';'r'milbers that negtiations have6uld c'if wiihbeenthe Sou'fh Lake simcoe Conse;vation Aufhorities on thb.'''r" . r'he repo/t o{ bleed lnspector H. Kerr had been circulafed to the,,,ri:ri1:r:;"Mem:bers.' f'4r . Kerr r,;,s coinmended for a nrost,,r'"comp i eie-r=eport.'t:'{all:':"'"':" ".'1'l-"il': Builciiic, irr;pecicr- fl. c1r*er reported on the Tees propertyFoin-i at Jacksonfs,,j''iflii-l ;:'i ro cn "i'h= property crvned by Mr. Theseare unfit for riving quarters and the ownersinformed tha-iwilrnr:betfur.ih.:i- rentiiq 'wijl lre effr,,,,,r4 r-rifil .ihe lir],'r;-;r: necessaryi.i.. i.:itovatictts ai^e made.7. Bv.l-aws Ili-:nci I lor l.c,yntzReq. Counc! i !cr Fol lcclt( r )That By-1aw No. l17, a By*Law to authorizetlg =igning of an egreement for a roadwidening study be introduced and read a firstand seeond tirnes.Carr I ed .

-4 -}By-Laws cont i nued -BY-LAVJ NO. I I7Counci I lor SmockumCounci I lor LyonsI o \I L )-Passed, sealed and siqned by the Mayor andC I e r k .That By-Law No. llB, a By-Law to authorizeunder the Eedera I *prov i nc i a | _Mun i c i pa I Spec ia ILoan Program an addition fo the SutfonArena by the construction of a community halland change rooms, be introduced and read afirst and second times.Carried.S. l4otionsCounci I lor poynfzReg. Counci I lor pollocka i 1Counc iCounc i(4I o rI o rCounci I lorCounc i I I or( 5 )t{e I c hLarsenLyonsBurnieCounci I lor poyntzCounci I lor Larsen( 6 )That upon the recommendation of theEnqineering committee of councir the tenderCase Poweroiand Equipment for a Four Wheel DriveLoader for the sum of $16,200.45 be o""*pt*a '-subjecf to the approval of the 0ntario Olpait_ment,of . Transportat i on and Communicaf ions;And further fhaf the approval of the OntarioDepartment of Transportatlon and Communicationsbe cl;.l-ained to include the above expenditurein the 197? Budgef.Carr i ed .tl:_regularJl"|Councit meeting of November22nd, t97t be hetd on fgndayr NEvemoer Zgth,l97l at 7,i0 p.M. and thaf it* .ugutar Councilmeeting of Decemlrer Z7th, lg7l be cancelled,Carried.,.That the Council,of fhe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>make improvements io the Keswick nreneat an estimated cost of $j,500.00, fhe samebetocarr-ied out under the prov i nc i i r -r,,lu,., i" i puEmployrrentiIncenfive progru*** igTt*li.'-',--'That fhe Mayor and Clerk be authorized totheslgnapplication required under tne saidprogramme in the prescriberj form and forwardsame fo the proper aufhorities.Carr i ed .That the Councll of the Corporation of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> hereby'uuiho.izes fhefgOional Municipatity of york fo assume the59.9 niiies of ;'cr;,is in eq:cor*,iairce lriith the Roausry*gd Study of the Engineering Department9?+?o {y?g.a?, ts7t, ind turrilu. tnut rh*Sl:

t'IilMof ions conf inued -Counci I lor WelchCounci I lor Larsen(7)Reg. Councl I tor FollockCounci I lor Clarkt8)* 5-Thaf the Week ofBook Wee k .Carrled,Itrv. 14*21 be young CanadaThat Harry Kerr be re-appoinfed as a WeedInspecfor for fhe Townshlp for the year1972.Carried.. t ra a9.OtherBusiness(a) Counci I lor Lyons reconrnendodin the Canine Control By*Law sodog be $10.00 and fhat a changei nocu I at i on regu I at i ons.that a change be madethat a charge for a second malebe cons I dered regard i ng the-il(b) The matfer of. burning reaves and/or raking fhem up and leavingfhem on Townshlp road allowances was discuEsed. lt was recommendedthaf resfdenfs be Inforrned,they can package them up and they willbe picked up with the regular garbage picrups.(c) The pickups of +rtrash collectionsrr is carririd on in Wards 4,5 & 6all year but no+ in wards l12, and F. lr was recommended thatthese pickups in Wards l, ?, and 5 be now continued.10. Qonfirm Proceeditgs of QouncilCounci I lor ClarkCounc i t lor Larsen(9)BY-LAW NO. I I9Thaf By-Law No. l19, a By-Law to confirmJlg.eroceedingsof Councit at its meetinghbld on November l5th, lg1.l, be introduceland read a first and second times"Carr i ed .-Passed, sealed and signed by the Mayor amdand Clerk.On mot i on meet i ng ad journed .Cha i rmanill

'.;r,id[ ;:iiiii' l1'rr: :'1, ' i-,j/* 't d / . .'!l' r :lrl ilif;ii. .',,''1,', ii'; r'rl,il''CHAIR}1Ai'IAi\ID UEMBHRS OT. COiINCILTOTdNSHIP OF GEORGINA,' , ' The following e+ntractorertend.ers forthe construction ofr "Arenal: ,,i i,HaeoruFlr'_E.T.F;-+", 1. Eallett Bro'4herg, Kelrr,,rick. . '2. E. Koeklneno ",aefferlaw " ,'' ,',1 rl,rll 'Plrlnbine,, .,,i,,1. , P &, J Plunbing, Eeswick,r' 2" , Hold,er Brothere, Sutton, , ," 'i; 1.7 , KeswLck ELectrii, Keswick. , ii 'i -'Eflectrieel:ffi"ir' ! i'ti ,' .'1,,,' :.: 1, ,"'BsLl Electricn Keswick,]n?. Eeswlak Electiic, Keswick', 7. Brothers, Suttsn'EPg{iBs1 .2"Bill Burto4n KeswickPauI Scott , Keswicklile have recelved the followingl{asoEry 1 , Hallett Bros. . r: Tstal CostPlunbiae 1 .,l.,lri,r ,tli; i . :l!]J-ectricalT"\were requested"aa ad.d.ition toTenclersrP,& J. Plrrnrbing & HeatingKeswiek Slectrical & Plu-urbingSeptic fank & trj"}eHolder Electri@.B. B* BeIIKeewLck Electrl,eto eirbrtrttthe Eeswiok'ij'l. i .i , ,','f1 ,5?1.'9o7OO"0O645.O0575.O0177.AO+87 . g5165.0Ona &&ry'ti,

t, ;i jj;ai1.1,' ,I, r '! 'Iirlii1 . 265.OO',;,,''1',,I would recolnftend to Couneil thatir': I the add.ition to the Keswick Arena. .lithe lowest tend.ers forbe accepted..,iiG. l{intz, P,IlnS. ,, ENGTNEER AD}TINISIRATORNovember 15 , 19?1"Fefferlar*, Ont ario .)'-ti..'/. .-,-t...-1,.1--../- ,/' t-t,/,: //- // uLr4,t' /-a=-+z-',.',// ,,/1.,/,'VL L_, ' i' 11,,,1'.'',i''__,:_ -=--'nl :r-rffiii:*_::r4ii'"r

g)'7*, , t,/2,TO}JNSffiP OF GEORGINA.REGIONAIJ I,IIINICIPATJIIY OF TORKENGINAEH,ING COI"IT{ITflEE }IEETTNGREFORT NO . 18f,hursdayn October pBr 1g?1^mg U.nglnggrtng Conni.ttee of 9go4fi1 of the Sbtrnshtp of <strong>Georgina</strong> TllO p.m. in the Council Chaabers of the $utton muni;ilraIOff ice.The chaj-rnan took the chairand. called. the neetl-ng to ord_er.1e8. J Xgrbers,Presentr corrncirlor poyatpr'Mayor Burrowsroouncill.ors trarsen, lyons and" Snockdm.1 eg .. DHPUTAT I0NS iMr. criff Knowles of Berl canad.a attend.ed. to dr-scussErcBosed _telephone qyeten for the Keswick r,ire Dept.chairruan lyons and. Fi-re chief Rye dlscussed. theLr*req!.iruents uith lllr. antl. Engineering Conmitteememberg .rt was 3ggsmm€rrded that the same system as sutton FLreD-ept. be J-nstaLl-ed and it wae d.eclEefr that ,to phonestffill.l*T:lilHli ff#*Es:* "{*u$l;i8 rs.-*l*s H'*Eunfor completion.1 10 . OO$tIIlNrCA[roNs :(a) DeBt. t{unicipar Affalrs - re purchaee of Gravel pitAbove conmrrnication noted., fiIed..(b) llTs. HsEinnon-Duc1os pointCoumunieqtl.on noted. and. filed. ,(c) llqgernan' & Page - Lrot !, Con. 9, I[.GwiIl.Iretter read, Secrefiar* to reply"(d) Alr l{anagement Bra:reh = I,arrnd.romatletter read, filed..(e) Rotand Brrnt - I'ot ?, lloorets BeachLretter read., problem corrected..(f) Bent OtNeitlr,etter read., referued. to councirror snaockrrn(s) PIr. H. Pinkerton * lake Drl.veLetter read., ft1ed.(h) G. Illintz, *Dept. prrbLic tlorke * $utton lrtharfIJetters 1ead.r request when work cornnenaes-tUe treeeto be 1eft as J_s.e-

tt0ther business continued *-5-(c) Councillor Poynfz informed the Commiftee fhat painting and carpentryvrork at Sutton and f\estvick wlll be sfarted under fhe Wlnfer lrlorksprogram.He requested permission to purchase equiprnenf to be used for theIbrushing efc. that ls to be done under the supervision of Mri Agnewin the Winter Works program.lf was agreed that the purchase of these ifemswoufd be wlthlnthe Budget of the Engineering Conmittee.On motion meeting adjourned.rltIiIIIiiti II Jr

-"|M I NUTES OF COUNC I LOF THETOWNSH I P OF GEORG I NAI N THEREGIOIIALMUNICIPALITYOFYORKThe Councll of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> met at 7.30 P,M. In the CouncilChambers of the Administrafion Building, Pefferlaw, Ontarfo.The Chairman of the Councll took the Chalr and called the Msnbers to order.ffi. 2 S 1$?tl. lvlembers present: Mayor Burrows, Reg. Councillor Follock, CouncillorsBurnle, Clark, Larsen, Lyons, Poyntz, Smockum and Welch.2. Councillor Lyons, seconded by Counclllor Foyntz, moved fhe the minutesof the Councll Meeting of l.lovember lsth, 1971, be confirnpd in the formsuppl ied to the lt{embers, whlch wag carried.3. BusinessArisinq fromMinutesThe Eng i neer-Adm I n i strator i nfo nned the Counc i I that there was no reporfto be made regardlng the Stelnhage plan at Udora as Mr. Steinhage wasre-considerlng hls proposal of the plan.4. DEPI.JTATIONS|}tFj S. Armitage, representing the property or.rners at Ducfos Potnt askedCouncil to let fhem know the reasons for the increase In taxes for l97tand whoy the tax notices were so late In belng dellvered.The Mayor and members of Council ably infornred Mr. Armitsge on these matters.(b)Mr. W. Wurmbach asked Councll to consider his problems regarding theproperty hE owns ln Jacksonrs Folnt and permit hlm time to bring thebullding up to the standards required by the Township.He was qsked to submlf a plan of his Intentions for adequate aparfmentspaceso that Councll may make a declsion on this matter.(c) Mr. Henry Huskins, representing Mr. Ray Barton of Baldwin, (Pf, Lt.l5,Con. 7) presented a proposel for a Snonmblle Wlnter Fark for famllyentorta I nment .After somo discussion a Committee of Councillors Larsen, Welch andReg. Counclflor Pollock was formed to Investigate this proposal andand then report fo Council on fhelr findings,5. COt,il',luNlCATlONSI(a) St. John Ambulance - re donationThe Clerk was instrucfed to inform this Assoclaflon fhat as the Budgethas been set for this year lf wlll be necessary for them tosubmlt fhelr requesf for nexf year in time for budget esf lmates.(b) York County Board of Education - ro Press ReleasesThe Clerl< was Instructed to inform the Board that the Council memberswsuld I ike to recelve copies of each press release.(c) Dept. of Municlpal Affalrs - re Munlcipal levyThe foregoing cormunicafion was noted and flled.2/

-2 *Cormunications conflnued -(d) Waste l4anagement Branch - re Keswick LaundromafThe foregolng communlcation was noted and filed.(e) Ontarlo Humane Society - re Resolution 0cf, ?5, 1971.The Cferk was instructed to inform fhe Society to sufunit a requestfor a donation early in the coming year.Councillor Lyons will meet with lnspector Hill regarding CanlneControl, and at fhat time invife Inspector Hill to attend thenext meeting of Council..(f) York County Board of Educations - re sale of schoolsThe foregoing conmunications were noted and filed.6. ACCOUNTSReg. Counci I lor Pol lockCounci I lor l{elch( I )That the Treasurer be aufhorlzed to payfhe following accounts as per Schedulesdated l*cvember 29, l97l IROADS : $ | 08 , 078 .76Carr i ed .7 . REPORTSCouncillor Poyntz, seconded by C,ouncillor Clark, moved fhat Council resolveitself info Committee of the Whole to consider the foflowing reporfs:Reoort No. l8 of the Recreation CormitteeReport llo. 5 of the Co*ordinating Cornmittee ofthe Roads Need StudyjThe Chairman of the Council chalred the Commlttee of the Whole.The Cormittee of the Whole arose.The Chairman of the Council reports that the Committee of the Wholehad adopted the Reports as fol lows:That Clause 143 (f) of the Recreation Committee Report f,lc. l8 be amendedby inserting the word rffishingrr between fhe words ice and fime so that itnow reads t'ice flshing timer'. That Clause 144 (b) be arended by changingthe name Bob to rrGordrr so that the name now reads 'rGord Kingrf, That Clause144 (d) be arrended by adding the wsrds rr comending them for fheir workand good price of jobrr after fhe words trfetter go to <strong>Georgina</strong> Steel.Reporf I'lo. V of the Co-Ordlnating Conmittee, wlthout amendfiFn+.tThe report of the Conmittee of the Whole was received.Upon the adoption of Report I'tc. l8 of the Recreation Commlttee, a$ amended,it was carcied.Upon the adoption of Report f''lo. V of the Co*Ordinafing Cormitfee, wifhoutamendment, it was carried.Councillor Lyons reporfed that fhe minutes of the Lake Simcoe ConservationAuf horities had been dlstributed to members. Work is being on done onflood plain mapping. The matter of the acqulsition of the Holborn property2.

= 3 =has been presentod to Regional Council forclarlflcationre method of payment.Counci I lor Burnie informed Councl I that heof Council for the m€eting of December 13,would have a report for the perusal| 97t .Councillor l;yons reported on the proposed Wlnter Works Program of tree cutting.He said that lt would be necessary to have two men to supervise each four orfive workers in thls type of operation. Further assessment ls to be rnade onth i s work w i th fhe Eng i neer-Adm i n i strafor.Councillr Larsen presenfed a report regarding the work fo be done on theParkettes. Men could be hired to work under fhe supervision of Mr. Agnewfor th i s operat i on .Councillor Larsen presented a report on the Tariff Rates for fhe Briar HillCemetery for consideration.Report No. 4 of the Arena Corunlttee was givein by Chairman D. Kellett.It was rocommcndred that Clause 56 be deleted. The report was then accepted byCounc i I as amended.8. BY*LAWSCounci I lor SmockumReg. Counci I lor Pol I ock(2)BY-LAW NO. I20That By-Law No. 120, a By-Law to authorizefhe execution of a correcting deed from fheCorporation of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> toJames T. Paul and lt4onica Paul, be introducedand read a first and second times.Carried...-Passed, sealed and signed by the Mayor andClerk.Counci I lorCounci I lor( 3 )ClarkWelchRecorded vote requested .Yeas - Burrows, Pol I ock, .Clark, Larsen, Lyon$,Nays - BurnieThat By-Law l2l, a By-Law to authorizs fheentering into of an agreenrent extending anoptlon with Kenneth hlilliam Hunter and EvelynWinnlfred Hunter be infroducod and read a firstand second times.Poyntz, Srrrcckum, WelchCarriedIBY-LAW NO. IzICounci lor WelchCounci I or C I ark(4Recordedvofe requested .-Passed, sealed and slgned by the Mayor andClerk.That By-Law No. 122, a By-Law to authorlzefhe entering into of an agreemenf extendingan option wifh Donald tr,bcMillan and MurrayMacMi I lan be introduced and read a first andsecond f i mes .4.

I=4=By-Laws cont i nued -Yeas - Burrows, Pollock,Clark, Larsen, Lyons, Foyntz, Smockum, We I chNays - BurnieBY*LAV\,N0.t22Carried.*Passed, sealed and signed by the Mayor andClerk.Counc i I lor LarsenCouncl I lor Clark( 5 )BY*LAW NO" 123Counc I I lor LarsenReg. Councl I lor Pol I ock(6)BY-LAW NO. 124That By-Law No , 123, a By-Law to repealBy*Law No. l0l to ralse $50,000.00 in aid intho construction of sub-surface drainagesystems for the purpose of improving theagricultural productivity of land dralned,be infroduced and read a first and second times.Carrled... ,**-Passed, sealed and signed by the Mayor andClerk.That By-Law No. |'24, a By-Law to raise moneyto aid in the construction of drainage worksunder the Tile Drainage Act, lg7l, beinf roduced and read a first and second times.Carried...-Passed, sealed and signod Uy ine lhyor andClerk.9, MOTIONSCounci I lor WelchCounci I lor Larsen( 7 )Counci I lor PoyntzReg. Counci I lor Pol lock( B )Counci I lor FoyntzReg. Councl I lor Pol lock(9)That the Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>does hereby retain the professional servlcesof R.B. Lockie, Keswick and/or Robert A.Shea, l,larkham, Real Esfate Brokers, to acfas con$ultants to the Township on an assingmentbas i s .Carried...That Whereas oertain Engineering deficienciesare In existence In the subdivlsion develop*ment of RP 394, namely Eastbourne HeightsSubdivision, be it hereby resolved that nofurther Building Permifs be issued until thesedef icienc ies have been ful ly investigatedand rectifield as approved by the TownshipEng i neer.Carried.Thaf Be lt Resolved fhaf the 0ntario f,laferResources Commigsion be advised that in fhelrstudy of providing Municipal services, theyinvesfigate water and sewer services forthe following sfreets:5.

-tr-It4otions cont i nued -NAME OF STREHT FROM| . Bruce Avc. R,rv,r;nSh, u2. Cana It15t .tt3 , La ke Dr .4 . George St ,5. Purdy Ave.6. Marritt Dr.Carri ed .Rd .flWa I terMefro.Circle RidgetlTO1800 ft. N.2000 ft. N.Robert St.Annshe i I aDorenda600 ft. EastCouncl I lon LyonsCounci I lor Larsen( t0)Counc i I lor LyonsCounc I I lor Burnie( I | )Counci I lor LyonsCounc i I lor Welchil ?)Counc i I lor SmockumCounci I lor Clark( I 3)Counci I lor WelchCounci I lor Larsen( l4 )Councl I lor BurnieCounci I lor Smockum( r5)That l) Fridaysr Dec. 24th and tt4ondayDec. 27th be declared Christmas holldays inI ieu of Christmas Day and Boxing Day whichfall on $aturday and Sunday; and further that2) Frlday Dec. 3l st, be declared a hol idayin I ieu of New Years Day which falls onSaturday.Carried.Thaf the Council of the Township of Gcorginahereby authorizes fhe Ontario Hydro ElectricPower Corrnisslon to insta | | 2 - 175 WattI'lercury Vapour Llghts (l on transformer Pole4769 and I on second pole south of transformerpole) at Vlrginia Beach, Plan l9l.Carried...That all members of the Arena Conrnitfee bepaid $10.00 per meeting for rqgufar Cormifteemeetings attended and the Chairman be paldAn addiflonal $100.00 per annum.CarriedThaf the sum of $96.00 owed by the lGswicklvlodel Club to the Arena Committee becancel led.Carr i ed .That fhe Couneil of the Townshipof Georg I nagrant permission to fhe Newmarket Legionto operate a siren on their float at theKcswlck Santa Claus Parade at I p.m. onDecember I | , l97l .CarriedThat the Port Bolsfer Community HallCommittee be authorized to employ one ErnestLancaster as caretaker of fhe Port BolsterCommunity Hall, at a salary of $50.00(flfty dollars) per month. The employmentto conmence December lst, l97l .Carried...6.

= 6 =tIt'lctions continuedCounci I lor LarsertCouncl I lor Welch( I 6)I O, OTHER BUS I NESSThaf the Briar Hill Cemetery be paid thebalance of their granf for fhe year 1971,the sum of $2,500.00Carried...a) Councillor Foyntz requosted that a partiiion be ins*alled around theswifchboard in the front office for the comfort of the operafors. Thismatter will be taken care of as quickly as possible.Councitlor Poyntz also asked about fhe in$urance coverage of the Townshipas the lvan Day Insurance compnay had not been informed regarding thelrtender submlssion. A complete report on this matter will be made atfhe next meefing of Council.b)c )Councillor Burnie expressed hls disappointment inarea in regards to fhe issuing of suilmons and tholight breakage in the Willow Beach area and alsoThese matters will be brought to the aftention ofthe pol lcing of thei nvestigation of streetin fhe Pefferlaw area.Inspector Hi I | .Counclllor Clark informed Council of a complaint he had received from aresident regarding the varying information received from the Buildinglnepectors as to his requinements upon applicafion for a building permit.The matter will be looked Info by the Building Dept.Chrisfmas decorafing in the various areas of the Township will be leftto fhe discretion of the Engineering Commiffee.e)Council members were infornred that a public hearing will be held bythe Dept. of Lands and Forest$ on the Lake Simcoe Study at I P.M. onDec. 9+h in fhe Council Chambers of the Munlcipal Bullding in Beaverton.Counci I lor PovntzReg. Counci I lor Pollock( t7lThat By-Law l',lc . 125, a By-Law to confirmthe proceed I ngs of Counci I at ifs meetingheld on November29 , l97l , be i ntroducedand read a f i rst and second times.Ca r r i ed-Fassed, sealed and signed by the Mayor andClerk.tON $,OTION MEETING,qil,,O*nodf,m

owN$HrP oF cgondi{aHSGIONAI I"IUNIC]PAIITY OF YORTTRECRJATION COMPIITIEE HTETINGRBPORI NO . ,1 8=ttrrled.nesd.ay, November 17, 1971,The Recreation Comnittee of Ceflns11 of the [ownship of Georgj.nanet at ?:jO B,riI. In the Counci}Chanbers of the SuttonMunicipal Office .Jflhe Chairnan took the chair and cal]ed. the neeting to Members Fresent: Councillor Snockurnl Counci-I}ors Larsen,Burnie, C1ark, Welch and. I'Iayor Burrows.14'1. fhe I'linutes of the Recreation Counittee of Novenber 4, 1971were adopted as distributed.IJ142 . Deleeat iohs r(a) FIr. Copeland df the Keswick Moclel CIub attend.ed" onthe Comnittee to d.iscuss the work of the club and.requested. the Council to a grant structure forthe Club .It was recommend.ed. by Committee that consid.eration begiven to subsid.izing the rent to the Arena in the arao8ntof $96.00. and the secretary was in*tructed. to forwardagrant forn to I{r, Cope}and..(n) IIr. Roger Goodlad. of the Lake S$ncoe Tourist Associationattend.ed. on Council to abour their grant.It was recomrnended. by Corurittee that the f,ake SimcoeTourist Association receive their 1971 grant in theanount of $5O0.O0.(c) I{r. Bill Harvey attend.ed. on Conmittee to d.iscuss thenewly-formed. Canera Club. He stated" that there be a favourable response to the cl"ub and. the Directorwas requested- to contact the Frard. Of, Bd.ucation to requestthe use of the Dark Roon in the lllgh School, Sutton. -143. Recreation Directorr s Report I(a) Tables - The purchase of picnic tables for '19?2 wasreferred to Councillor lrarsen.(b) Garbage Pails * It was reconnend.ed. that one garbag*pails be purehased. for approrc. $2.OO to $2.5O each foruse tn 197?,(u) Snow Removal - Hsv€ Hx. Browne, Parks Foreuan obtain prices6t'.'a"Snow Blower.(d) Figure Skating & Arena Account: It was recnnmend.ed. thatreeolution be forward.ed. to the Arena l{anager and. ArenaCornrnittee that Council had. set a policy for tce tirne forthe Sigure Skating * " the Figure-skating Club is not toeharged. for ice time. 'l be

-?.- November 'lf, 1971t( e )Arena Manager Responsibllities lThis was referred. to CouncillorBurnie(f)( e )14+, Comnunicati ons :(b)It was recomnend.ed. that all Accounts be forward-edtothe Pefferlaw Office for pgynrent.Gate at Holnes Point - Recor.lrmend that the gate be openedaticg"pipe and. closed- again 6p April 1st, 1972:Jt t+ ^ YEfrngJdve flall * Roofing comrrenced. and. the Be1l Towbr isto be inspected to determine the need for repalrg*(a) Mrs. Hope llhonpson and- I'Ir. Irorne }lorrell representingthe Retard.ed. Child.renrs Association appeared. beforeSomnittee to dj.suuss Project 500. (Report attached)After so$e itlsoussion it was l,sgsmr0€ild.ed" that Hr,. SteveRockel.i Recreation Director supervlse the FrovincialGoverrrnent Project 50O (employbes for this area) aspresented by the Heta"il:! Assooiationifr"j-ldrensMr. Bob Gard-en and. i{r.fl# King representing the KinsmenClub of Sqf,tsn attend.ed. to d.iscuss-their pr6posed. 1971197? project. i.€. Cleaning the river of-aead treescreating a park area, snovuhobile trails etc.( c )Committee i-nd.icated. their approval together with anyassistance they could^..provid.e both financially andphysically.\fuConmunicationKeswick Friend-ship Sroupthanking the Connittee "u**irrbd'fron for the donation of Caid-fab]es.t145,(d)0therIt was renorted- that the wokk had. been at thePefferlaw- HaIl , the railing intalled. at the Port BolstelHq]}.. letler to 6o .to Georg| na Stggl4.*,,itttt ,,y'r- .z^ l:l,n .-- *f-l -tllL-t+ j*-t E - n'= .'- 'f ^, h f-{ -4n/f,.c '*-'jJUS t_ne s s : //-/ -+zCouncil-lor Larsen reported. that he had. been approached_by a group of approx. 20 people to form a Horticul-turalSooie$y.0n llotion Connittee Ad.journed-.

FHOJECTSOOProject 5OO is a winter works prograu of the OntarioGovernment. This is separate and. distincb from the loca]-Initiatives Progran of the fed,eral governnent.under Froject 5oo the ontario Governnent wirl hire F00unemploxed, 18 to ?! years ord. high school grad.uates for aperiod. of four months to work in private and. government socialagencies such as sheltered. workshops, day card centres, honresfor the aged and. so olto fhey will assist professional workersand. be paid. $85 to gfOO a week._ ,Agencies such as our local" associations are heing asked. tosubmit emploJment proposals to the Department of sociil and.Fanily services (ad.d.ress berow). Freference wir-l be gj-ven toproposars whicE are e>qperimentar on innovative. The programwirl start on January 2, L972 and run for four months-. It isexpected. that aruansenents with regard. to sel-ection and. hiringwill- commence within two weeks.rn announeing Project 5o0 the Honourabl-e Thomas i.Ierlssaid", "We are concerned. about the growing nuu.ber of youngpeopl"e who have grad.uated fron high school and. who nay hdveattend-ed. coumunity colleges or unlversities, but still havenot been able to find emplo;ment.r'"In the currelt unemplopent situation, suitable jobs arein-unusually high d,emand. and are going to people with 6xperience.And. at this tine there is no winter employruent programspecifically designed to provid.e jobs for this group of people,r'"It is our hope that Project 5OO euployees will findpermanent _JobF during or after their four months, empro;rment,either with the agencies in which they are working, b" blsewfrerethrough the contacts they make on these jobs," Ift; i^Iells said."And we are looking forward to many project500 emproyeesnaking social service their lifelong careerr-and. perhap-scontinuing their educations as weIl."PIr, Wells said. that career opportunities wi]l be greatestin the field of day care.last month Hr. !/e11s announced a $tO million constructionprograui to create 15O new d.ay care centres to provj-d.e facilitiesfor 4rO0O need for erperienced- child. csre workers will be fargreater in four or five nonths when the new day nurseriesplanned. for construction this winter open their doorsr'r Mr.Wel]s said.Enguiries, proposals and. Jetters of intent should. bead.d.ressed. to ;Mr . llon StracheyProject 50OVocational Rehabilitation Services BranchDepartment of Socia} and. Family Services4th Flooro Hepburn Building,Queenrs Fark, Toronto, Ontario.

'IOI/NSHIP OFREGIONfJ MIJNICIPAIITY UF YOAKCO-ORDINATINS COI{PITTEEREPORT NO . VTuesd.ay; Novenber 21t 1971,flhe co-0rd.inating connittee fl.f the Road.s Need. study for theTownfhip of <strong>Georgina</strong> netat 1{;oo..gdrrr in the Couniit chanbersof the Adninlstration Building, Pefferl.&w.,Ther,\chairnan took the chair and" called. the nreeting to Present: Councillor poy:rtz. Councillor SnockunSoad" Sup!.*t. Harer Eng-Ad"nin. F{inti, P.Eng., R. E.Dawson, P'Bng' r Departrrent of Transportation andComnunications-i.Mr. l..Ri BIay, P.Eig., Stud.y Engineer,Mc0ornick, Rankin and. Associatds.22, \Report No, 4 of the0o-Ord.inating Congittee neetinB @E\ read. by the Secretar,Sr. It r^ras noved. and. seconded. Efratthe report he ad.opted. as anend.ed..21. r ^ \REVTEW THAtrFrC DAIA I{AP\q'/iReconnended. that ? copies be forward"ed_ to Region(b)REVIE\I FIJOI^J CIIART:( c ) nEvrEhI ovERHEAn costs i(a) REvrEhI EqurFI{ENT REpTAcEMEI$T scrrEDlrtErThe folLowi,ng anend-rrents were reconrnend.ed-: A1. New Garage and. Yard. * Virginia changed to GgrOOO.ii, llhe Sohed.ule to lnclud.e on,vphl-eles'.iiit Front End. red.uced._to.tOrO W,&*iv,l*p Plow & Wing 1g?g : lgaoy. Jlgppu= Sander 197j '- IrO,n _.\vl. Plisc. - Sxrall',,Tools [$.1,u'vii. Addltional Equipment - a) p way Rad,ioU Rb) S.teamJenny 19ZF-]tOy0(e) REVIET,/ NON-SUBSIDIZABIE coST$' anended to include anrrual' Debenture rnt'erest andB'ank charges.It was reconnend.ed. that the report include renarksre ad-d.itional services required. ,in the wlnter d.ue to thelncrease in this area beirig a winter sport -a"*u. -*?-

-2-fuesd.ay, Novenber Zj,1g?1,"?1. Cortt ' d. .(f) rt was reconnend.ed. that the prertnlnarSr reportsubTitted by consurta*ts 'nd"er the forlowii_ghead.ings :Review fraffic-Data.Mapt Review FLow Chart,Review Overhead. Costsr-Review EquipuentEeplacenent sched.ule ina Review -tqoir-sunsiaizableCostsbe. accepted as_'a.non,fled._by. the Co-Ord.inatingittee for the Road. Need. Btudy,Conm_\?4. Accounts; lllc0ornick, Rankin & Associates$erS5+.5grt was reconmend.ed. tlat tre sccornt subnitted- byPlcGornick, Rarrkin and. Assocfates be uppro.rea to*pa;nrent ;On Moti-on CoriaitteeAd.journed_.;

i, .,, , , ', *odf.Fi'Nov. 27th,. I97I.I rliltlitReport for eouncils conslderation.Lot on corner of Da1ton Rd.. $utton, (.0btalned fron 6 plex, i)Total area of lot is lfrl+If Sq. Ft..Lot ls shown on baek of this report.In ord,er to Jandscepe thls lot and create a green arear thefol-lowing work and materlal-s are need.ed.Fl"rst the tand should be graded and cultlvated.$eeondly, Approxirnately I4 loads of top soll ls reqil,red forfllllng J.ovr spots.Estlmated cost w111 be.Il+ loads of Joam @ g fg.OO S ?56.00.1935 sq. Yd. of sod ( Dellvered.) @ $ .26 S 5o3.I0.BuJ.dozing , grading and spread"ing of loaroSuggest tir use Tomshlp equlpment .Labour for flne grading and soddingrapproxlilately l+0 hO-hr. hr. by experienced.-he1p. help.thts is only for the Iawn, if trees Schrubsr and. flowersare requlred, thls w111 be addltlonal.Renark. In ny opinion, project not suitable for wlnter works,as labour is minimal, and material cost too hlgh"xSeaeh area at end of Boyers Rd,.The eomrnittff-reconmend, that beaeh ar6a be cleaned for stones ,and other debrl$0l-d vire fenee and. steel posts at end of south fence, be renolred,as they are dangerous for chll-dren.One tree at north fencer at waters edget leanlng out over theuater, and obstructing part of -tbg-beach area, hop1d cone out,Sould'also cause accidents as children easlly-cIlmb the branehesand ground belowr ls very stoneY'Rec ommandation. ....As dltch on north' glde of rd. in places ar1s up to 12 ft. rlde,the commltty recommeud, that thts dltch be flLled as uurch as,Iposslble. wtthout obstructing the free water flou.ttris would wld.en the rd. enough, to all,ow parallel parklngoff the trveled porti.on of the rd. ln the entlre lenght of rd.Ifrom Metro to prevent the should,er from washlTg oulr dur-1ng- spr,lng run-offta ciuAe retaining sall could be bullit along the bottou of dltchtbyplaelng large stones along the edge. t,In the Mlani and, Youngs Harbour areaf several- dltches shouldbe cleaned out.Thls could be done by manual labour as 1t ls nalnlyr old gressweeds, tin cans €.t.c. that has to be renolted.Na*-*' ot -Str*ets lnvoJ-ved, to be subnltied by CouetllorClark;1ilrjriijl'l'ii

itlilri;jl,ir;'i&I ,l)i, !.0rilouNAT TD! c tP r87,&3/ s

-T*T*i-4,-ri'* -"--TARIFFOFRATESljI :i, i..r,.,r. .r,. ..B.EI+.4IF.L.rr,.-r.,. rr..ctrltErERYrrrtrtalart .atra+.a.4 lrttt+l,to. .4. .plen or concession No... .8..Munlcipality .TtrP,'..9f.*. ..cowrty. .I9.r.Ii ...i,ii.lIII , SALE OF PISTS IJII.{EN$ IONSLA-ND'.1 Grave Flot (..e.ft.x-10.rt.1 $ 65"? Grave Plot ("s"ft'x'10'ft'1 $130,,3 Grave HLot (.1?..ft.x.l0.rt.) tiI95..4 Grave Plot (.16..ft.x'IQ.ft.) $260InfeBt Grave Plot (.,?..ft.r'.?fi.rt.; $ 13Cfematle4 r,rave Plot (,.?..ft.x..2't.rt') + 13chll'd ureve Pl-ot (.'6..ft.x. A*.ft.) s 29... Grave PIot (.,,..ft.x.....ft.) $... Grave Plot (.....ft.x....,ft.J $.,. 1lrgvs Pl-ot (....,ft.x....'ft.) lb.., Urave Plot (.,...ft.x.....ft.) $l fi'.,.Graveftot$ '..GraveFlot $EBPETUALOART}$ 35$ 70$105$ 140$7s7$ 16$$s$$roo$200$30o$40o$ 2S$ 20$ 45jilr1i,PhRrllTUAt CARL on Plote on which Perpet'ual Gare Chargee hatre notbeen paidrit, , .., (irave Plot $, , . Grave Plot $.i...Gravei'Iot$..'GrsvePIotSIIf , ANNUAL dAlit on Plots on which Perpetual Oare Charges have not been pidI:,, I''..' Greve I{Lot $ ... Grave Plot $,".. Grave Plot $ ... Grave FIot SIiiil,INTIITfffi;MI CHAITGBS (opming and cloeing grave),,, (a) a4rlt$65 doubledePth$"I, (rr) child S 40 doubre dePth $',,r , (c) lnfant $2OwinterIwinterlnr,entrentint,erent. :r$$iIixr(d) l,Iausolea etrtombrnents $(") Creurated remains $ 20(f) Iowering device $ (e) Grave dressings $(i) Hlnter storage $t -i )(r)(h) tert $ir ,.r't' "'stiliilf lt,,.' l' :'$',VDISII\ffEIi[.{bN'i'OHARGh]S(b) Disinteffient and reburial in same locaLionr (c) Disinlerment onl;r for reburlel ln arother cernetery....-;, 1:t-:--$ r3o$$-'-----:-'::*--:---:-----.- -i--;--;--:---- -'-'- --Transfer fee (not to exceed $z.oo; $2.00F- l"h'E*F* $ervicee as an appendix, Yf ilonrxrent foqlflatiens $ 2:q9- FgI gubl-c- fgo! , -.r ir ' i ..,1YIn Settlng rnarkers (..." $ eachVIII Setting corner posts S eaeh or l'15.00 Psr eet of four ,,: ilrII':x' ,''i r , ,' 0ilTAttl0 sIFAllil"i[l{T 0F",,'. ft$gFm -4ryq -LqriilEft'liljf,ili'iI I' i**Hf::-.::1,, ':.;, ';ll::;,',1,',, ,r,,:r,'I bc p'*l in eiitri -"' la/s r'iir t['-' d'aie '-[Secretary-Treasurerlimer P: cteciirr'

TO|{NSH I P OF GEORG I NA ,Regional Municicapity of York._J<strong>Georgina</strong> Arena Commiftee l'.'leefing"fleport # 4.Novernber l7th, 1971.meeting of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Arena Committee was held at the Keswick Arena on !{edttes.javNovember l7th, 197 ., at 9:00 P.m'47" Members Present: Chairman D. Kellett, Vice Chairman J, Day' P. Trivett,A, Brumby, B" Cook, G. Holborn, V. Timmins, F. Nash' B. LockiB, D, Johnson.48, Members Absent: None.49, Also in atfendance tvere Keswick Arena Manager G, Hare and Sufton ArenaManager B. Clark.tF0, A letter from Mr. S. Rocl

t't+paEe Z.54, Mofion to have any ascount where n discount' involved such as Hvdro,, llii*r:r,telephone, etc., to be sent dlrect to Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> Qffices forpayment so discount can be realized....Carried.Moved by F. Nash, Seconderd by J. Day,55. Discussion re free ice tlme foi school children during regular school irr:urs.Arrangements are already made through Arena Managers for use of Arerres bychlldren at certain specified tlmes.56, Dlscussion re Skating Cluhs.Motion that Figure Skating Clubs in both Arenas be qhargd af the rate of$7;50 per hour for ice flme. Skatlng Cfubs to be responsible for paymenfof same. Moved by J . Day, Secorrded by V. Timm i n$, . , . ,Carried.57. The following accounfs payable to l(eswlck Arena are stlll outstanding asof November I st, 197 IKeswick Beavers$500.00'Basebal | (J. Oatman) 20.00North. Gwill. SkatlngClub 183.75-Coronsr D. S. Noble 25.00Keswick Model BulldersClub (0. Copeland)96,00'ToTAL $824. 75N4otion that thesei Accounfs be prersonted to Councl I for fhelr recommendaiionas to who is responsible for payrnent of same. l4oved by D. Johnsorr, SecondedbyF. Nash,.Carrled"58. Discussion re additlon to Sutton Arena.B. Cqok, G. Holborn, D. Kelletf , to mee+thiE wsek to review and revlse ,existing plans re addition to Sutfon Arona, for rocornmendation to he presentedto Council at meeting of l,lovenrber ?gth, 1971.t:59. Discusslon re St. Johnrs Ambulanco Officials to be In attendance at al IHockey gamos. Suggestion made that Divisional Director Mrs. Hoaloy andMrs, Cooper brlng thls matfer to affention of Council at eer.lies'f possihletime.60. Discussion ro Schedule for Arena Staff work hours.

Pag,e 5Schedule for sfaff of Keswlck Ar:ena presentod by G. Hare--read by Cireii',:,:ir.,Kelleft and approved by Conmittee. Arena Menagers are to over$ee employcesanci rnake sure all areas of arena nre kepf in clean and orderly conditlon.61,At fhe Arena Board meeting of Septomber 8th, 1971, a, rosolution was passcdthat Arf Pestlll of Keswlck bo given fhe job of insfalling an additionalShuffleboard Courf in the Keswick Arena Auditorium. l"loved by G, Holborn,to give Mr. Pestill until 29th of November, lg7l, to complete worl< oranofher contractor wi | | be called in to insta | | Shuffleboard Court. i4r.Pestill to be notified at ence, In writing, to this eff+ct.V.Timmins.,. .Carrled.$econdercl by62.Accounts fo be pa i d .Accounts for Sutton Arena presented by W, Clark.Accounts for Keswlck Arena presented by G. Hare.Accounts discussed and approved by Arena CommlffeeMoved by J. Day fhaf Accounfs be presen*ed to Council for final approvaland payment. Accounts to be given to S. Rockel, Recreatlon Director, byArena Managers to be forwarded to Council....Carrled.Seconded by P. Trivett..,t65.64,The next rogular meeti ng of <strong>Georgina</strong> Arena Conrmiftee ,wi I I be helcJ atSutton Arena on Wednesday Docernber l5th, 1971, at B:00 p.m.Moved hy F, Nash that meetlng he adjourned, Seconded by P. Trivett....

M I NUTES OF COUIIC I LOF THETOWNSH I P OF GEORG I NAI N THEREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK'**l4onday, December l5fh, 1971.founcil of the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> ret at 7.50 P.M. in the Couhcif Chambersof the Adminlstratlon Buildlng, Pefferlaw, Ontarlo.The Chairnan of the Council fook the Chair and called the membdrs to order.f. lr,lembers present at this neeting: Mayor Burrtws, Reg, Councillor R. Pollock,Councillors Burnie, Clark, Lyons, Poyntz, Snrbckum and Welch,Member absent: Counci I lor Larsen2. Counclllor Clark, seconded by Counclllor Lyons, rpved fhat the minutes ofthe Council t{eeting of lbvember ?9+h, be confirmed in the form supplled tothe lGmbers, whlch was carried.3. BusinessArising fromfheMinutesCouncit was inforned thaf Mr. Wurmbachas had two apartnents vacated recently.There is only one now left occupied,I The Commltfee appointed to look into the proposal for a Snownobile Winter ParkI in fhe Baldwin area wlll nake a report fo Council on this matfer as soon as- they obtaln npra detalled informatlon.4. DeputationsMr, A, Mlchael of the Baldwln area, representing a delegaf ion of property ownersthere, requested that.CIouncil not consider the proposal for a Snowmobile parknear Baldwin, lt was felt fhat it would be foo nolsy, that the crowds wouldbe too large for fhe roads and that sanitation facllitles would be a problem.A letter recelved frcm J. Skrzynski objectlng to the proposed Park was read,As soon as the Committoe appolnted has Investigated fhe matter thoroughlythese people will be nofifled of the declsion of Councll.5. Cormunicatlons(a) Gulf 0ll Canada Ltd. - re River Glon Nurslng tloneThe foregolng conrnunicafion was noted and flled. Further acf lon wlll betnkr:n as soon as rnore informatlon Is received from Gulf 0l l.(b) Canadian h{atlonal Railways - re Sutton & Pefferlaw Officesl- Tho foregolng cornmunication was noted and filed.'-(c) 0ept. of l-lealfh & Social Services * re hclding tanksReferred fo Engineering Committee for cost factors,(d) Onf . talater Resources Cormlssion - re Delclng salt and snow disposal.The foregoing communications was noted and filed.?.

-2 - t'4onday, December 13, 1971.u Communications continued -f\--(e) Reglon of York * re Englneering Committee Reportsl.Wideningof DonMillsRd.The foregoing cornmunication wag nofed and filed.2. Flood Flain mapping.Referred to Twp. Engineer for report to Reglon.5. Area Municipality cornnents.A meef ing fo be set up wifh Mr, Pound, Regional Planneron this matter.(f) South Lake Sirrcoe Conservation Authorlty-re acqulsition & developrrent of area.To be presented under motions,( s )( h )Frank Toml inson - note of th' ksll/m, & Efsie Tulley - note of fhanksThe foregoing communlcations were noted and filed.t6.AccounfsCounci I lor SmockumCounci I lor Foyntz( | )That fhe Treasurer be authorized to paythe following accounts as per Scheduies datedDecember llth, l97l tGENERALT $369,596.79F I RE ; $7,961 .41WATERW0RKS.&'SEIIIERS - $12,569.48RECREATION: $ 16,908 . 59R0ADS: $25,956.73Carrled. . .TT.BeportsCouncillor Poyntz, seconded by Councillor Clark, nnved that Council resolveitself into Committee of fhe Whole to conslder the followlng reports:Reporf lttc . | 3 of the Eng i neer-Adm i n i stra*orReporf l'{r. I 4 of the Eng i neer-Adm i n i strato rReporf No. 20 of the Engineerlng CommitteeReport l,lo. I I of fhe Planning ConnifteeThe Chairman of the Council chaired the Corrmittee of the Whole.The Committee of the Whole arose.3.

-3-Ir,bnday, December ljth,lgTlIReports cont i nued -The Chirman of the Council reporfs that the Commlftee of the Whole hadadopted the Reports as follows:Repo rt No . I 3 of the Eng i neer-Adm i n i strator was referred back but itwas recomtTlended thaf the proposal be proceeded with to the architecturaland sife plans and cost factors be obtained in more defail.stageReport No . l4 of the Eng I neer*Adm i n i strator,wi thout anendrrrent.That clause 145 of the Engineering committee Report bo amended byaddlng the words rrprus any added costs* to the end of the clause.That Clause 67 (c) the second paragraph of the Planning Conmittee ReportNlo' I I be amended by deleting the words rrfor future clJrification of pol icy.The report of the committee of the whore was received.t]g91 the adopf ion of .Report No . I 4 of fhe Eng i neer-Adm i n i strator,ririthout amendment, it was carried.Upon,fhe adoption of Report N,o. Z0 of the Engineering Conrnittee, asamended, it was carried.Upon.the gdoption of_Reporf F,lo. ll of the planning conyniftee, asamended, it was carried.councillor Lyons reported *het the south Lako simcoeConserrvati on Author iweretyconsiderlng taking advantage of fhe winter works Works for conservatlonworks. The sutton Hlstorical sociefy were interested i n restafii ng theSutton Mlll lf it could be acquired.An iterir,r roporf on fhe listing and map indexing of the properties ownedby the Township was presented by Counclllor Burnie,8. Bv-LawsI9.Counci I lor PoyntzReg. Counci I lor Pol lock(2'BY-LAW NO. 126l.,lcfionsCounci I lor poyntzReg, Counc i I lor Follock(])That By-Law No, 126, a By*Law to providefor the l97l Supplementary ExpenOitureson Roads in the Townshlp of beorgina,Region of york, be lntroduced Ind ieada first tnd second times.Carrled... .,...-Passed, sealed and signed by the trbyorand Clerk.That Whereas reguests have been made for the4.

tttItlrot i ons cont i nued -Counci I lor WelchCounci I lor Lyons(4 )Reg. Counci I lor Pol lockCounci I lor Poyntz'(5)Counci I lor PoyntzReg. Counci I lor Fol lock(6)Counci I lor SmockumCounci I lor Clark( 7 )-4 - l4onday, December l5th, 1971.Insfallation of street llghts at fhefollowing locations: One light at corner ofCrescent Beach and La ke Dr ive;Three I ights located east of pote #3jgg,Church Street; One I lght In front of j96Lake Drlve l',lorth; One I ight west of UnitedChurch, Ravenshoe; one I igh+ at corner ofDon Mllls & Homestead Road; One light at cornerof Eoyers & Don Mills Road; Therefore be itresolved fhat this Councll enter into corrf ractwlth the 0ntario Hydro Electric powerCommission at l,lewmarket, to instal thenecessary I ights in the areas above-meintioned.Carr i ed .That the balance of the l97l Library Budgefbo transferred to their account.Carried... rr,.,That Wheroas there is Intensive use byMetro T rlnto resldenfs of recreafional areaswithin the Watersheds of the South LakeSimcoe Consenvation Authority; And Whereas1l? .*latively low population density inthis area places 50fi of fhe costs on localtaxpayers to provide conservation areas topredominantly Toronto people; Then be l+resolved that greater grants should bo madeavailable for the establishment and develop*ment of Conservation Areas, particufarly afongthe shorel ine of Lake Simcoe,Ca rr i edThat Whereas residents of Farley Circle,Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> have roquested streetligfrts to be installed in this area; Thereforebe lt resolved that this Council rsnter contractwlth Ontario Hydro Electric power Commissionaf l',lewmarket, to instal the necessary lightsfor th i s area .CarriedThat the Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>hereby authorizes the Onfario Hydro EfctiicPower Commission, Newmarket, to instal I one-400 Mercury Vapour light at St. Georgers -Church, Lakoshoro Rd., and park Rd.Carried.,.5.

-5 -Monday, December l3+h, l97l.lvbtions continued -Reg. Counci I lor Pol lockCounci I lor Foyntz(8)Thaf fhe Councll of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>concurs with the purchase of the Holbornproperty and the Council of the Region ofYork designate how the costs should beapportioned.Carried.Reg. Counci I lor Fol t ockCounci I lor Poyntz(9)Counci I lor SnockumCounci I lor Clark( t0)Thaf Whereas Keswick Electronlcs have appliedfor a llcense for Cable TV in fhe Townsir'ipof <strong>Georgina</strong>, end Whereas Cable TV providesimproved recepfion and a greater variety ofsfatlon selection, Therefore this Counci Iwholeheartedly supports the said applicafion.Carried .Thaf tllhereas residents of Royal Beach, Twp.of <strong>Georgina</strong> have requested sireet I ights tobe installed ln fhls area; Therefore be itresolved thaf this Council enter into contractwith fhe Ontario Hydro Electric Cornmlssion atFenelon Falls, to install the necessary lightsfor thls area.Carried...r..r.I 0. Other Fusiness{a) Councillor E}urnie discussed the streef llghting resolufions and thestreef lightlng program. He felt that a large-porilon of the rural areadid nof benefit from this program and that hE would present a resolutionfo counci I to consider the paisage of a By-Lu* ***rpii n[' tu* proportlfromesthe expense of this $ervice.Councillor Lyons stafed that the prlces for free removal wero too highw]trt',t!9 tglg*f. being for supervision of fhe r*n unJ'equrpment. The matferF/as lcft with fhe Engineering cormiftee for investig"tiJn.The l'layor requested thaf the Conmittees present thelr prel lminary budgetsfor 1972 to the Councll by January 15, lg7l.11 with Tu:regret that counciilor Foyntz infornred the rreetingPafrickthatl4edhurst, a n employee at Keswrck Arena, had passodquawayi te suddenl y ;. 6.

ttI I . Eroqedg11e]- By:IEwCouncilor SmockumCounciI or C I ark( l I*6 - I'rlcnday, December lSth' l97lThat By*Law I'tr, l'27, a By-Law to confirmthe proceedings of Council at its meetingheld on December l5+h, 1971, be introducedand read a firsf and second times.Carried...0n lt4otlon neeting adjourned.t

TOWNSH I F OF GEORG I NAREG I ONAL MUN I C I PAL I TY OF YORKREPORT NO. 14OF THE ENG I NEER ADM I N I STRATORFor congideration of theCounc I IDecemberl3.l97l.r,r'? ' l,'( Flot rt...t e'e-lCHA I RMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNC I LTOWNSH I P OF GEORG I NARe:StatusofTownshiplnsurancgDue to the varlation in lnsurance policies ln the former threeseparate Jurisdlcfions, prior to the formation of the new Townshlp ofGeorgfna, if was recommended by an appointed Insurance commiftee, andconcluded by present Council, that policies should be consolldated andtermlnations of all policies be on a singular date.subsequenily, an-independent insurance.gqent, namely H. E. HarileyConsultants Ltd., was appointed to review, consolidate and tender for aneh, policy.j'IThis was completed and a report tvas received and reviewed fromHartfey Consulfants Ltd., dated Augusf ?5, lg7l, a copy of which is enclosed.The existlng policies expired on $eptember l, lgTl; thus onAugust 51, I contacted Hartley Insurance Consultants +ha+ the recornmendedtender had been accepted. Attached is a copy of my.letter dateo August sf| 97 | .Previous to that, atifhority was given to Hartley ConsultantsAuguston27, 1971, to bind coverage with the-row tender"", i, ,niv-n* seenmy memofromdated August 31, lg7r, To Treasury, copy of whlch is attached.Further, a retter wa$ received dated september 3, rg7r,Tomenson,fromsaunders Ltd. acknowledging acceptun"* ot tender.As requested at councir-meefrng of November zg, r97f,concludesthismy reporf on status of insuranEe. lf further information isf99ui1edby Members of Council, I would be pleased to revlew thefifelnsuranceindividuafly wifh them.Respectfuty submltted,| ,orrsHrp oF GE'RGTNAG. M i nfz , P, Eng ,,Eng i neer Adm i n I strator.December .l 5, l97lPefferlaw, Ontario.t.flI

TOI.JNSHIP OF GEORGTNAREGIONAJ, I'II]NICIPAIITY OX' YORKt:'t zndnF.JIttH{GINEERINS COMTJIITTEE }iIEETINGRHrcRSI{O.20llIhnrsd.ay, December er 1971 .Tn^e_Engineering comEittee of the council of the [ounshlpof <strong>Georgina</strong> met at 7#O F.f,, in the Council Chambers oftheSutton MrrniclBal Office.159. Members Presentr couasilLor Poyrrtz, Mayor Burrows,Reg*flsuncil1'oi ,Pnlrflokr, ceuhci.].icFs 'c.raik, Earsen,lyons , Suockr:n and. l.Ietih.G. Mintz , EngineerrAd.ninistrator.140. Ieputations :Mr. Frank Nas$, By-Irawe Officer appeared. beforeCommittee to d.iscuss the Newel] Bioperty.If, was reconmended. that Mr. Naeh-coi.tact Mrt*Beericmore for ad.d.itj.onel infornatlon regard.ingqortgages' ?Td to request confimation In umllingfrom the soricltors re the correct proeedure.141. l1r. B. Ethlrigston and_Hl. Rod.ger Good.lad. representeatives of the Ki.nsu€n Club of Sfitton attend.ed. *to d.iscussthe errbension to the $utton Arena. and. what they courd.contribute to the constrtretlon of the exteneion.rt was lnd.icated. that their lnterest was in thecomBletion of a Gbumrrnity HaLr Ln conJunction with theArena complex.1+?. Gbnmrrnicationsl(a) ontarS) - Neumarket * euotation on streetT,i_ght Hosts -installation and. naintena:ece.letter read", noted. and. fiLed_.(b) Holnes Point Cottage Association - trencer.retter of thsnks-fron the Association for th.eerection of a fence- rlght-of-wflJr to river.Eetter noted., filed..1+1. ROADST(a)(b)Rusbton Road. DitchingCheirnan reported ot the prosress of the prpposed,d.itching ,Highway +8 - DitchlnguLscussr.on coneerninR the lnstallation of StoruSrvrers on highway 4E to d.rain the erea - ineon"junction wlth the Te-Baving of lt8 Hlghway.

-2-141-( c )Marritt Drive , KeswickWork has conmenced- on d.rainage on MaruittDr.t(d)(e)(e)(s)(b)Bob Gard"en * plan 16IDiscussion concerning; d.rainage and. roadsreferued. to Eng. Mintz.Estoniax. Camp - $now PloughlngIt was recommend.ed. that the proBosa]. forsnow ploughing as subnitted be accepted..Subd.ivision plans - Red.uctlon i-n size forconveniErlc€ rIt was recommend.ed. that we Burch.ase a nrrmbenof sets of red.uced. Road - re l,Iinter Salt and. Sand.D.iscussion ooncerning the hed.ges and. wintersandlng.ft was recommend.ed. that we investlgate uslnga nixture withouf selb.1t14. Street Lighting:(a) Petition received. from Royal Beach Road*sufflciently signecl -It was recornmend"ed. that the Ontario belequeeted. to instaLlights and_ aleo to infornof lishrs required and rheE5"fltnl*"rtEfrterPetition received. from Farley Clncle -suffieiently slgned..It was recounend.ed. that the Ontario bereguested. to instal th,e lights requeuted..145. Fire r'146.147.Water( a )( b )Communication from Scot Township - that theyd.o not wish to enter into an agreement on aretainer basl-s, however they would. be willing!op*.y-for any ltre eells servlced. by <strong>Georgina</strong>TotnaFhip :ownFnaP r Bt B S15o . 0o per fire caII, 4/,* +rt-olaQ 4 f ih P"& Sewers IStrobel - G. Pllntz, Engineer reBorted. that thea*greement has been elgned. by Strobelo howeverth.e mortgagers have not signed..Salgan Subd.lvision * G. l{intz, Engineelr rep orted.that followlnq the meetlns with I{r. Bard.awiIlx. $taigan alE Mr . Flintz , -lt11tappeared. that theywere far apart on the terns of agreenent .It wasrecommended. that a further meeting beA33ang€d..Other Business(a) Ilaintenance and. Repairs to tr'urnace*PefferlawTt was recommend.ed. that Orval Schell berequested. to oveehaul the burner and bolLer,

1*tt(u)( e )Comnunicatj.on from Eaatbourne lleights Homes trtd..1 ,Development Proposal -rt was reconmend.ed that approval_of the d.eveJ-oSrhentbe subject to the submisslon of Engineerea praid inconpllance. with speciflcations of {he fowmship of<strong>Georgina</strong>.It was refemed to G. Mintz and. V. Bard.awill tobave an. asreeuent prepared-.Seerg-tary to re ply to letter stating tbat theConmittee is in favour provlded a su6d.ivislonas:eement is signed..Private Snow Ploughing Contractors ;It was recommended that a By-law be prepared toforbid. pri"vate contractors from J-eaving-the snow,etc.r err public road. al]owances.On l{otionCommittee Ad.journed."

H. E. HARTLEY CONSULTANTS LTD.Insurance Managemerrt$l Loss Conttol255 DAVENPORT ROADTORONTO 5, ONTARIOPHONE 923 - 87 40December 9 , L97lI'lr, G. !ff.ntz , P. F,rng,&rglneer,stretorTormshlp fo GeorglnaFEFFERTAWT 0nterloDeer h.lff-ntztthetthmHLEase accept thls l"etter as conflLrrnationrre havE e:rarnlned the vard-ous po15-eies fbon Tornenson & Serrnders and now l5-ndto be Ln courplote accord r+lth the tender spec{ftcattons.We f\rrdbhed Tomensen & Sarnders tdth aphotostat copy of the tender speei{lcations on r*rleh the amount for eflrployeedlshonesty $f,s b}sred, Tonenson & $aunders rulsread the llndt es 51000 ratherthan 251000 and negotlated the preniurn eecon1lnglly, The cr{.rue pollcy has beenl"szued for a i!q2.00 aftrual prend-urn rather ttran $a67,00 es appeared ln thotrterd,er. In vl6ir'6t tfre eC.rcumstances Lnvolved, r+e have aecepted ttds devtetd.on,As rnenf.toned Ln our letter of November29th, H6 ere not l.n a posl"tton to stete that all possl.b.Le property losses, +11erbra expsnses and ll.atf"lity clalms are fu1ly lnzurEd, CouncC.l shouldper{odl.cally cal.l for a reyl-ew of the tneuranee and consLder sny rEeommendati-onsfor i.ncrEased a,uounts or other" forms of insuranee.Stncerel-y,r:H. E. HARIT.EIY CONSULIAINS IN,IITED, l*/,/ . -;l / . [. !) i r'J,t "o,/./ -a,[tZt;tFre sfr. denttT:"E. cersoni\

t*.{nd, " I l;r.Edn(:lF=-- t..o zt t4 {THE TOWNSH I P OF GEORG I NAI N THEREGIONAL MUNTCIPALITY OF YORK-fPLANN I NG COMM I TTEE MEET I NGREPORT NO. IIMonday, December 6, l97l ,The Planning Committee of the Cluncil of the Township of Geotgina met at7.30 P,M. in the Council Chambers of the Munlcipal Branch Office inSutfon West, Onfario,The Cha irman of the Committee took the Chair and called the Members to order.64 .65.Members present: Reg. Councillor Pollock, Mayor Burrows, CouncillorsBurnle, Clark, Larsen, Lyons, Foyntz, Smockum and Welch.FeputationsMr.C.C, Green, $ol icitor for Mrs, E. t{atts of Rochets Poinf, asked theCommittee to review their decision regarding the appl ication of 'Mrs, Watts for a bulldlng permit as he felt they had referred fo the wrongproperty.Chairman Reg. Councillor Pollock will contacf fhe Twp. Solicitor forfurther information and clarlfication and so Inform Mr. Green on fhis matfer....",il Mr. J. Colussi, representing Mr, T. Bilotta of Plan 520, A (Holmes PointPark area) presented a proposal for a 16 unit motel wifh dining area the sife of his present snack bar.ft ,"as recommended that fhis be approved in principle of upgrading fhepresent facilities. A set of four plans was rcquested for investigationby the Planning Commitfee.66 , Comnun I caf i onsi,l67 .(a) B.W. Fejer * re Friedrichs (By-Laws on building)Request complied with.(b) Dept. Municipal Affairs - re NhFee consent applicationReferred fo Engineer to meet with subdivlder to draw uppert i nent agreem'ent.(c) to (g) Dept. of Municipal Affairs - re consent appllcations J.L. Lyons,Est. of T. f''bRae, David Carothers' Mr. D. OfNell, C. RomanThe foregoing coruttunicafiong were noted and f I I ed ,BufldingFermifs(a) Bullding Inspector ChirnEide gavethe Building Report for thenronth of November. The number of permits issued in November was46. To date for the year 175 newhores have been built.2.

-,j*r..*-** 2-Buildi ng reporfs continued -( b ) The appl lcation for a commerclal bullding permit forfo the Anchor Restaurant was present@d for approval.additlonIt was recommended by the Commitfee that fhis permitas all regulations had been adhered approved(c) The application for a permit for an accessory bulldlng ahead ofthe main building wa$ presented for approval.It was recornmended by the Conmittee that this application benot approved as the building of an accessory building before amain building was contraiy to By-Law, and the party be so notified.The Conrrnittee agreed fhat they shou ld review thb rBy-Laq on fhisparticular polnta fer fut#+efj€V*& L, fr,A communication from Savro Construction regarding 0.H.C. pr"oposedsubsidized homes with site plan enclosed vra$ presenfed. As fhiswas delivered todlate for careful sfudy by the Cormittee lt wasreferred fo the next meeting of the Council.68 , Unf i n I shed bus i ness(a) Mr. Long of Keswick <strong>Electronic</strong>s informed fhe Committee that theinstallaf ion of cable TV would be ln the Keswick area only at thistime. Once they are establaished fhey will be able to expand tothe Sutton area. The Committee had received comments from othermunicipalities regarding Cable TV in their dreas and they were allfavourable to this type of operation.Mr. Long stated that installation would commence aS soon as theyobtain their I lcense from the Conmission.It was recommended that the appl ication of Mr . Long be supporfedby Counci | .69. Zon I ng Amendments,/The applications rece red from J.B. Thompson and Peter F. Burgessfo;' qmenCmcnts to zoning were approved.It wos recommended that these appllcations be forwarded fo the RegionalPlanning Dept. for comnent and proper amendment completion,70. 0ther Business(a) Newell property in Pefferlaw - no report at thls time.(b) Eng i neer-Admi n i strator G. Minf z reported that Mr. Strobel had notbeen able to get one of his party to slgn the Subdivislon Agreementand the Sfop-work Order on the construction sfill stands.Counclllor Poyntz agreed to have the Road Dept. remove the largetileE to be used in the above construction from in front of residentialproperfy in Sutton as complaints had been recelved regarding thisobstruction on the sfreet.3.

M I NUTES OF COUNC I LOF THETOI,/NSH I P OF GEORG I NAI N THEREGjoNALMIJNtctPALtTY0FYp,FSt{rnday, Becember 20th, lg7l.A Speclal Meef ing of fhe Councll of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> was heldat 7.30 F.M. ln the Councll Chambers of the Municipal Brinch office tnSutton [t{est, 0ntario.The Chalrman of the Councif fook the Chalr and called the l,4embers to order.f. F4embers present: lr'layor Burrows, Councillors Burnie, Clark, Larsen, Lyons,Foynfz, $nrockum and tr{elch.Itl'embers absent: Reg. Counc i I lor Folfock2. Bv*Laws'Counc I I lor ClarkCounc | | lor WelchBY-LAW NO. I 28That By-Law hb. l2B, a By-Law to establlsh<strong>Georgina</strong> Wesf Approved park, be introducedand read a first and secodd tlmeE_Carrled....rr.,r..r.rr.rr.-Passed, sealed and signed by the M;yorand Cferk.Oounci I lor WelchCounc i I lor Foyntz(2)BY-LAW NO . I 29That By-Law l'lo. 129, a By-Law fo aufhorlzethe enfering into of an agreement withCanadian Union of public Employees, beIntroduced and read and tirbt and iecond times.Carriedr... .-EtClt|'..r.,sealed and signed by the Mayor and3.Sorununicafions(a) The canadlan Arthritis and Rheumaflsm society - Fe door to doorcanvass in the.vtll.age of-sufton - week of Jin. t0 to t7+h, tgT?.To be presented under motions.(b) Mrs.lrlary Munro- resignation as of January ft, lg7z.To be presented under rptions.4.lvbtions{Councl I lor ClarkCouncl I lor Burnle(5)That effecf ive January lst, lg7?, the salaryfor Gerry Mi ntz, Eng I neer-Adm I n i strafor,shall be $18,750.00 per annum Includingfrlnge benefits payable to other offic6employees-Carried... .,rr., ..rr...rrr2.

-2 -$,lcnday, December 20, 1,971.T+Itlct ions continued -Counci I lor LyonsCounc I I lor Welch(4)Counci I lor SmockumCouncl I lor Lyons(5)Councl I lor Burnle.Counci I lor Clark(6)Counc i I lor PoyntzCounc i I lor Larsen( 7 )Counc i | | orCounc i I lor( I )LarsenLyonsCounc i I lor LarsenCounc i I lor Burnfe(9)That effective January ls+, t971, the salaryof Evelyn Waggeff, Clerk, shall be $10,500.00per annum including frlnge benefits andIncrease payable to other office employees.Carried.,. ,r.r.. ..r.r,...,rThaf effecf lvo January lst, lgl?, the salaryfor Sfephen Rocekl, Recreation Director,shall be $9,600.00 per annum includingfringe benef its payable to other offiieemp I oyees.Carrled,..r ..r.,.r*rr.That the Clerk be authsrized to obtain grouplife insurance in fhe amount of $10,000:00'for all Townshlp empf.oyeos covered by fheCupe Agreement and the Eng I neer-Admt n i strator,Clerk, Recreatlon Dlrecfor, Treasurer, andthaf the Treasurer be instruc ted fo pay F0$of fhe premium.Carried... r..r,That fhe Eng i neer-Adm I n i strator be author laedto purchase a photocopier, fhe net cost ofwhich shall not exceed $1,900.00 payableouf of fhe 1972 Budget.CarriedThat the Canadlan Arthrlfis and RheumatlsmSoclety be authorlzed to run a door to doorcanvass in fhe Vlftage of Sutton during fheweek of January l0 to l7+h, lgTZ incluilve.Carrigd..,. r,..r. .r,. r...That the resignation of Mrs,be accepted as of Jan. 3l/72Carr i.od . ..ra0raaMary Munrowith regret.arrttarat,t5.Othefbuslness:Councillcr Foynfz suggested fhat someone be hiredclearing work at the pefferlaw Office.Councillor Lyons reported that Rabies Cllnics willin the nettr year in fhe do the snowbe set up early5.

- . ll.-.. =,-.:,. . l-"15*,5*: :' ,l:.:'T]., ,ri,1;,!.^. .,'}#*rof.:.r,i ,l , :=rtu*'- ''q"t.i tt-'-'ol''ir'.,,f:;;i...,1..iri;:Fd'"Tft,l'londay, December 20th, tf/$h-hOther bus I ness cont I nued -The hlring of a Treasurerfor a perfod cf three months ttas discussed.As someone is needed now thls ratter wl | | be looked Into imnpdlafely.6. Procedural By-LawCounci I lor SmockumCounct I lor Lyons( | 0)BY-LAI{ N0. 130That By*Law No. 150, a By*Law to conflrmthe proceedlngs of Councll at its meetlngheld on Decsnber 20th, 1971, be Introducedand read a flfst and second flmes.Carri ed . , .'; ..,. . . rr.r r.r. . | . r . r . .r r-Passed, sealed and slgned by the [byor andClerk. '0n nrot i on meet I ng adJourned .if,

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