Cher the Armenian - Armenian Reporter

Cher the Armenian - Armenian Reporter

Cher the Armenian - Armenian Reporter


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Shushan Avagyan is a doctoral studentin English and comparative literature atIllinois State University. She has translateda volume of poetry by ShushanikKurghinian and a book on plot by ViktorShklovsky.Micheline AharonianMarcom. Draining <strong>the</strong>Sea. Riverhead Books,March 2008. 339 pp.Post, and won Columbia University’sAnahid Literary Award. Hersecond novel, The DaydreamingBoy, won a 2005 PEN USA LiteraryAward for fiction and got Marcom<strong>the</strong> prestigious Lannan LiteraryFellowship in 2004 and <strong>the</strong> WhitingWriters’ Award in 2006. NowMarcom concludes her remarkabletriptych with her most brilliant,complex, and daring work yet.In Draining <strong>the</strong> Sea, Marcomconstructs a bizarre relationshipbetween an American man, <strong>the</strong>progeny of Genocide survivors,and Marta, a young Guatemalanwoman whose terrible fateis somehow connected to <strong>the</strong>narrator’s nightmarish existence.Racked by memories and visionsof <strong>the</strong> Guatemalan civil war, <strong>the</strong>violent death of Mayan people,and in particular of Marta, <strong>the</strong>unnamed man spends his nightsdriving <strong>the</strong> streets of Los Angelesand “essays himself from e<strong>the</strong>r.”The narrator, who seems to be involvedin her treacherous death, isat <strong>the</strong> same time claiming to beher faithful lover. In an unconsciousattempt to redeem himself,he methodically collects animalcarcasses from <strong>the</strong> roadside andburies <strong>the</strong>m in his garden.With Draining <strong>the</strong> Sea, Marcomcontinues her quest to trace <strong>the</strong>effects of genocide over <strong>the</strong> courseof three generations and nearly acentury, but unlike her previoustwo novels, this book is set in<strong>the</strong> Americas and follows one of<strong>the</strong> darkest episodes of modernhistory. In her distinctive voicethat brilliantly represents <strong>the</strong>bleak and hallucinatory world ofher characters, <strong>the</strong> story unfoldsthrough <strong>the</strong> “unhistories” of humanity,reaching us as thoughfrom an underworld of torture.The memories that are slowly deteriorating<strong>the</strong> narrator’s sanity anddriving him to madness includeuninvited images of lynchings ofIxil peasants, rape camps in GuatemalaCity, and a “bone-boy”–<strong>the</strong>bone collector in Der Zor.Marcom’s language stylisticallyreenacts trauma through nonlinearity,disassociation, compulsiverepetition, and negation:“This is an essay against Progress(it is not a progressive story),this essay does not do it, but like<strong>the</strong> maze of days of thoughts ofmemories and notmemories, like<strong>the</strong> phrases which tumbled willynillyfrom a mo<strong>the</strong>r’s mouth, oran invocation, a song; – repeat<strong>the</strong>mselves endlessly, withoutform or with it?” The narrator’slanguage is deliberately brokendown, it often doesn’t make anysense. Words that become inadequateare reformulated in newforms to express <strong>the</strong> inexpressible:“We say (he must have donesomething to deserve his fate): it’ssordid to name such things, dirtyand indecorous: don’t put <strong>the</strong>sesentences on <strong>the</strong> page: <strong>the</strong> deaddo not approve of such things;<strong>the</strong> dead hurtle in, ga<strong>the</strong>r round,. . . and essay him back into <strong>the</strong>man he might have been.”To answer an old question posedby Hovig Tchalian in his analysisof Marcom’s fiction: “Why? Whywrite a novel that reads like <strong>the</strong>diary of a madman?” and in responseto Ara Oshagan’s quasidefensiveremark that “for somebooks, <strong>the</strong> writing is done for <strong>the</strong>writing, not for <strong>the</strong> reading,” I willsimply quote ano<strong>the</strong>r poignantline from Draining <strong>the</strong> Sea:“This unreadable and unreadbook (will you read it, Reader?Do you?)”It is easy to dismiss a book forits difficulty, but Marcom’s workis too astute and too important– both artistically and historically– to be so easily written off. Draining<strong>the</strong> Sea, with its unflinchinggaze into <strong>the</strong> infinitely deep andcontradictory realities of humanexperience, is a masterpiece thatputs Micheline Aharonian Marcomnext to such great Americannovelists as William Faulkner andToni Morrison.fTour Cities and Dates forDRAINING THE SEAbyMICHELINE MARCOMCover of MichelineMarcom’s Draining<strong>the</strong> Sea.Seattle Friday, March 14 Elliott Bay Bookstore 7:30 P.M.Los Angeles Tuesday, March 18 Dutton’s/Brentwood 7:00 P.M.San Diego Wednesday, March 19 Warwick’s 7:30 P.M.San Francisco Monday, March 24 Cody’s 7:00 P.M.<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C3

<strong>Cher</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong>Paul Chaderjian.Frank dialogue withone of <strong>the</strong> brighteststars in entertainmentThe secrets of hersuccess, her visitto Armenia, herchildhood, and hernew gigby Paul ChaderjianlegendBEVERLY HILLS, Calif. – Sevennights before <strong>the</strong> giant presses inGardena, California, or Westwood,New Jersey, printed <strong>the</strong>se blackletters on <strong>the</strong> paper that is in yourhands now, <strong>the</strong> writer of this articlehad writer’s block.After all, how does one come upwith <strong>the</strong> perfect opening sentenceof an <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> coverstory about <strong>Cher</strong>, a modern-daylegend?She’s a superstar with more thanfour decades of staying power. Shehas sold more than 100 millionalbums and is an Oscar, Emmy,Grammy, and Golden Globe–winningperformer. She has starredin movies and on television andhas directed; she has been knownfor her tastes in fashion and men.Her life and her loves have beenchronicled by media around <strong>the</strong>world. And now, entering hersixth decade of life, she is makinga comeback with a 60-million-dollarpaycheck.<strong>Cher</strong>. One name. One word.Thousands of looks. Scantily-clad,Bob Mackie-wearing sex symbolwith billions of fans. <strong>Cher</strong>. One ofa handful of one-name stars thatThe ever-changing stylish look that has launched posters, television shows, 100 millionalbums and concerts around <strong>the</strong> world. <strong>Cher</strong> told <strong>the</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> she still has her original<strong>Armenian</strong> black hair under <strong>the</strong> various wigs she wears.Photo: Michael Lavine.C4 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

ple I’ve ever met,” wrote Rick, also<strong>the</strong> day after our interviews with<strong>Cher</strong>. He was in L.A. from Torontoto cover <strong>the</strong> Grammy Awards onSunday, February 10. “She’s hadsuccess in this industry for overfour decades and continues toshine brighter with each passingday.”Rick’s appointment was at 6:00P.M., but he wasn’t invited into <strong>the</strong>Presidential Suite until 8:45 P.M.During <strong>the</strong> two-and-a-half-hourwait for our turn, our camera operatorshad taken a few minutesto go outside and smoke a cigaretteand had run into <strong>Cher</strong>. Justwhen we all thought <strong>the</strong>y weren’tgoing to see <strong>the</strong> superstar, <strong>Cher</strong>had taken a break and come out of<strong>the</strong> Presidential Suite at <strong>the</strong> samemoment as our camera folks, and<strong>the</strong>y had seen her after all.Sometimes things just work outthat way.Upon <strong>the</strong>ir return to <strong>the</strong> holdingroom, <strong>the</strong>y recounted <strong>the</strong> story ofrunning into <strong>Cher</strong> and her largerthan-lifeand very intimidatingbodyguard. The rumor amongthose waiting for interviews wasthat <strong>Cher</strong> was going down to herown room one floor below andchanging her outfit every fifteenminutes.The InterviewWith much kindness throughout<strong>the</strong> night, <strong>Cher</strong>’s manager Lindsay,her publicist Angela, her Colosseumshow producer, AEG’s publicityrepresentatives, and evenmembers of <strong>Cher</strong>’s television productioncrew would come to <strong>the</strong>holding room and apologize for<strong>the</strong> delays, something which wasnot even necessary or warranted.Most of us would have waited allday to get our interview. After all,thousands had waited in line fora chance to buy tickets for <strong>Cher</strong>’sFarewell Tour just a few years ago.Of course we would wait to talkto <strong>Cher</strong>; and when it was time, wewere ready.After all <strong>the</strong> introductions,handshakes, and greetings, whilewe were getting ready for <strong>the</strong>interview, I asked <strong>Cher</strong> if it wastrue that she had gone to my almamater, Fresno High School. “No,”she said, “I only went to grammarschool in Fresno.” That dialoguewould be <strong>the</strong> start of our 15-minuteinterview, which ended up beinga 45-minute dialogue.What was running through mymind is how often I am surprisedby how different stars look in person.Most don’t have <strong>the</strong> presenceor charisma you’d expect <strong>the</strong>m tohave; o<strong>the</strong>rs don’t even look like<strong>the</strong> people we watch on <strong>the</strong> bigscreens at <strong>the</strong> movies or on <strong>the</strong>small screens of television.Madonna is said to be tinierthat you would expect. When Imet Barbra Streisand in 1984, Iwas surprised by how fragile andwaifish she looked. Incidentally,only <strong>Cher</strong> and Streisand have hadnumber-one music hits and wonan Oscar.While Streisand looked fragile,weak, and less than charismatic inreal life, not <strong>Cher</strong>. Here was thiswoman, who commanded not just<strong>the</strong> biggest concert venues in <strong>the</strong>world, but this very room.<strong>Cher</strong> looked just like one wouldexpect her to look. She lookednot just good, but great. She wasbeaming with an aura that madeyou feel at home. She was kind,courteous, and so unbelievablypersonable.I had seen her on concert in Fresno’sSelland Arena in 2003 on herFarewell Tour; but up close, shelooked just as you would expec<strong>the</strong>r to look. Cameras and lightingweren’t what made her endearing,charismatic, attractive, sexy, interesting,and bigger than life; shesimply was all that in real life.Garabed Sarkisian<strong>Cher</strong>’s fa<strong>the</strong>r Garabed Sarkisianwas an immigrant whoseparents had survived <strong>the</strong> Genocide.He was a farmer, sometimesa truck driver, and a man <strong>Cher</strong>calls “charismatic, a little shadylike a bad boy.”“I liked him a lot,” she says, “bu<strong>the</strong>’d been in prison.” <strong>Cher</strong>, whoseparents divorced when she wastwo, says she didn’t know her fa<strong>the</strong>runtil she was 11. She says shelooks just like her fa<strong>the</strong>r.“When I was really little, I hadthis crush on an actor named VictorMature,” says <strong>Cher</strong>. “I was reallylittle, and he was really old.When I was a teenager, I watchedhim on <strong>the</strong> first TV set that wehad. And my mom used to lookat me, and I used to think, ‘Oh,he’s so handsome.’ Then I met myfa<strong>the</strong>r and he looked exactly likeVictor Mature; and I realized thatwas <strong>the</strong> draw. “<strong>Cher</strong> remembers meeting herfa<strong>the</strong>r for <strong>the</strong> first time at age 11.Her mo<strong>the</strong>r, Jackie Jean Crouch,was an aspiring actress and modelfrom Arkansas. She was part<strong>Cher</strong>okee Indian, part English,German, and Irish. Jackie reunitedwith Garabed when <strong>Cher</strong> was 11and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y divorced again.“I don’t really look like anyone inmy family, except my great grandmo<strong>the</strong>rand my fa<strong>the</strong>r,” says <strong>Cher</strong>.“When I was young, every once ina while, my mo<strong>the</strong>r would look atme with <strong>the</strong> strangest look on herface; and <strong>the</strong>n when I saw my fa<strong>the</strong>r,I realized why. Because wemade <strong>the</strong> same faces, and I’d neverseen him. And when I saw him, Irealized why.”“Believe” releasedand recordedin 1998, peakedat number onein 23 countriesworldwide. On<strong>the</strong> week endingMarch 13, 1999,it reachednumber one in<strong>the</strong> Billboard Hot100, making <strong>Cher</strong><strong>the</strong> oldest femaleartist (at <strong>the</strong> ageof 52) to performthis feat. It alsowas ranked as<strong>the</strong> number-onesong of 1999 byBillboard, andbecame <strong>the</strong>biggest single inher entire career.<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C7

“My grandmo<strong>the</strong>r taughtme how to make sarma,kufta, and all kinds ofthings.”<strong>Cher</strong> visitingan <strong>Armenian</strong>home to see howcitizens werecoping during <strong>the</strong>republic’s infancy.Photo: UAF.After her parent’s reunion, <strong>the</strong>family would often visit her fa<strong>the</strong>r’srelatives in Fresno. “All ofmy relatives were living <strong>the</strong>re, inFresno. A huge family, and mygreat grandmo<strong>the</strong>r never learnedto speak English. My grandmo<strong>the</strong>rspoke English, but she calledwomen ‘He.’ She got [English]a little bit, but she didn’t get itgreat. But <strong>the</strong>y were great. Theywere really happy to see me, andmy grandmo<strong>the</strong>r taught me howto make sarma, kufta, and allkinds of things. I really enjoy andlove <strong>the</strong> food. <strong>Armenian</strong> food isbrilliant.”After her parents’ second breakup,<strong>Cher</strong> would see her fa<strong>the</strong>r onlyoccasionally until she left school<strong>Cher</strong>’s beauty secret<strong>Cher</strong> credits her good looks to <strong>the</strong> genes sheinherited from her fa<strong>the</strong>r and mo<strong>the</strong>r. “On <strong>the</strong><strong>Armenian</strong> side of my family, my great grandmo<strong>the</strong>rlived over a hundred. On my Americanside, we’re celebrating my grandmo<strong>the</strong>r’s 95birthday. And up until about seven years ago, mygrandmo<strong>the</strong>r went to <strong>the</strong> gym three days a week.My mo<strong>the</strong>r is 80, and she looks 50. So, I thinkfrom both side of my family, I’ve got great genes.The <strong>Armenian</strong>s in my family are beautiful on myfa<strong>the</strong>r’s side, and my mo<strong>the</strong>r’s side, <strong>the</strong> womenare very beautiful, strong and tough.”to pursue acting in Hollywood atage 16. Dyslexia had always been achallenge to overcome, so <strong>the</strong> starstruckteenager enrolled in actingclasses. At 17 she would meetSonny Bono, who would foreverchange her life.“Then my fa<strong>the</strong>r came out on<strong>the</strong> road,” <strong>Cher</strong> continues. “WhenSonny and I became famous, myfa<strong>the</strong>r came out on <strong>the</strong> road withus. And <strong>the</strong>n we kind of becameestranged. And <strong>the</strong>n he went upnorth of Santa Barbara and waswith this lady named Lee Romney;and till he died, <strong>the</strong>y bredfine Arabian horses.”After an on-again and off-againrelationship with her fa<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>Cher</strong>would finally reconcile with GarabedSarkisian on his death bedat Fresno Community Hospital in1985, when he died from cancer.Blockbuster careerSince <strong>the</strong>re already are thousandsof articles about <strong>Cher</strong> throughsearch engines, Lexus-Nexus, andat your local library, I’ll spare you<strong>the</strong> details of a brilliant career that<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> readers have alreadybeen an audience to. Therewere nine copies of <strong>Cher</strong>’s autobiographyand a bunch of o<strong>the</strong>r biographiesstill in stock on Amazonwhen I was writing this sentence,but I’ll give you <strong>the</strong> minute-longCliffsNotes.Take a deep breath....Starstruck teenager meets28-year-old Sonny in 1963, getsthrown out of her Hollywoodapartment, moves in with Sonny,and shares his twin bed. Mo<strong>the</strong>rJackie threatens to have Sonnyjailed, <strong>Cher</strong> returns home, Sonnyasks her to sing background vocalsfor Phil Spector, but she isafraid to sing solos. Sonny and<strong>Cher</strong> record duets and call <strong>the</strong>mselvesCaesar and Cleo, get married,and record “I Got You Babe”in 1965. Record is an instant hitin <strong>the</strong> United Kingdom, knocking<strong>the</strong> Beatles off <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong>charts. Song hits number one in<strong>the</strong> United States. More songs,more hits. The couple makes twodisastrous films, daughter Chastityis born in 1969, and <strong>the</strong> IRScomes after <strong>the</strong>m for a quartermilliondollars in taxes. Stardombegins to fade, <strong>the</strong> couple singin small lounges to keep Chastityfed, <strong>Cher</strong> talks back at hecklers,<strong>the</strong> back-and-forth shtick translatesinto a hit TV show in 1971,and more hits top <strong>the</strong> charts, including“Half Breed” and “Gypsies,Tramps, and Thieves.” Sonnycheats, <strong>Cher</strong> files for divorce,<strong>the</strong> couple’s TV show comes toa crashing end. <strong>Cher</strong> tries a soloTV show, marries Greg Allman,her show is axed, as is Sonny’ssolo TV show. <strong>Cher</strong> gives birthto her son Elijah Blue in 1976and divorces Allman in 1977. Shegoes to New York to study actingand <strong>the</strong> Strasberg Method, landsa role in Robert Altman’s ComeBack to <strong>the</strong> Five and Dime, JimmyDean, Jimmy Dean, wins GoldenGlobe and is nominated forC8 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

an Oscar for her role as MerylStreep’s roommate in Silkwood.[Insert rumor here about <strong>Cher</strong>not liking her nose on <strong>the</strong> bigscreen and starting her numerousrumored visits to cosmeticsurgeons.]Taking a second breath, andwe continue with part two of our<strong>Cher</strong>’s life in two grafs....Stars in Mask and wins moreawards, releases self-titled albumin 1986, and hits <strong>the</strong> top-tenIn her own words:<strong>Cher</strong>’s fearsMusic and art reflect <strong>the</strong>people of <strong>the</strong> time. Let’s takemy mo<strong>the</strong>r’s generation duringWorld War II. It was hard,and people were called uponto sacrifice <strong>the</strong>ir lives, sacrifice<strong>the</strong>ir homes. There weregreat sacrifices made, becausewe were in <strong>the</strong> war, and everybodysacrificed. Peoplehad more ethics. People weremore caring. People didn’tknow about <strong>the</strong>ir next iPhoneor iPod or Xbox. Today, we’recreating a very weak bunch ofkids. And I don’t think it’s goingto serve us well, because<strong>the</strong>y don’t have <strong>the</strong> character.Because character is usuallymade by hard work orsacrifice or all <strong>the</strong> things youneed to build character. Soat <strong>the</strong> same time that we’vegot all <strong>the</strong>se kids playing withXboxes, we’ve got our soldiersoverseas having to face thingsthat are horrible that we don’teven think about. We can’teven imagine <strong>the</strong> pain that<strong>the</strong>y’re seeing. So it’s a verysegmented relationship that’sgoing on in this country. It’svery hard to figure out whichway this country is going to go- if we’re going to get back anyof our standards or if we’regoing to go off and melt intooblivion.charts with “I Found Someone”and “We All Sleep Alone.” Startsdating 22-year-old Rob Camillettiat age 40, stars in Witchesof Eastwick and Suspect, and winsBest Actress Oscar for Moonstruck.Surprises <strong>the</strong> industry with tophits in 1988, selling millions ofalbums featuring <strong>the</strong> songs “If ICould Turn Back Time” and “JustLike Jesse James.” Sonny joins herfor a rare David Letterman Showperformance of “I Got You Babe,”she stars in Mermaids, and makescameos in Altman’s The Player in1992 and Ready to Wear in 1994.Makes a trip to Armenia with internationalmedia in tow, takingher boyfriend Rob with her. Shedirects <strong>the</strong> daring If These WallsCould Talk for HBO in 1996 anddelivers Sonny Bono’s eulogy in1998. Releases her biggest hit todate, “Believe,” and hits numberone again, performs at <strong>the</strong> SuperBowl, wins <strong>the</strong> honor of being <strong>the</strong>most successful single by a femaleperformer to date, stars in FrancoZeffirelli’s Tea With Mussolini in1999, releases ano<strong>the</strong>r top-10 hitalbum, Living Proof, in 2002, andgoes on her Farewell Tour from2002 to 2005, grossing an unprecedented$200 million.Exhale.Fourteen hours before our interviewwith <strong>Cher</strong>, she tells ABC’sCynthia McFadden on GoodMorning America that one of <strong>the</strong>reasons she wants to work againis because it helps her battle depression.“Work helps me a lot,” <strong>Cher</strong> tellsABC News. “I enjoy <strong>the</strong> work, but<strong>the</strong> work keeps you moving as well.It just keeps you moving. It keepsyou around people. You don’t geta chance to go, ‘Oh, what’s lifeabout? You’re just doing something.You’re being productive.”Armenia, Being <strong>Armenian</strong>It’s past nine on a Thursday night,and our interview will be last oneof <strong>the</strong> day for <strong>Cher</strong>. Her productionteam and publicists are tired,<strong>Cher</strong>’s been talking all day, butperhaps <strong>the</strong> toughest questionsof <strong>the</strong> day about identity, her <strong>Armenian</strong>experience, and her relationshipwith her fa<strong>the</strong>r are stillahead.“Growing up, everyone in myfamily was light, blond, green eyes,except me,” she said. “So when Iwent to Armenia, and I turnedaround and thought everybodylooks like me here.”The 1993 journey to <strong>the</strong> newlyindependent republic was partcharity and part public relations.Armenia was landlocked, <strong>the</strong>Karabakh Liberation War was underway,and Armenia couldn’t get12 seconds on <strong>the</strong> evening news.“<strong>Cher</strong> called Kirk Kerkoian outof <strong>the</strong> blue and said she wanted togo to Armenia,” says Harut Sassounian,vice chair of Kerkorian’sLincy Foundation, president of<strong>the</strong> United Armenia Fund, andpublisher of <strong>the</strong> California Courier.“Kirk referred her call to me, and Imade all <strong>the</strong> arrangements for hertrip and her schedule in Armenia.”<strong>Cher</strong> lightinga candle atEtchmiadzin.<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C9

<strong>Cher</strong> outside <strong>the</strong>Hotel Armenia(now ArmeniaMarriott Hotel).<strong>Cher</strong> reports thatcandles were soscarce <strong>the</strong>n that<strong>the</strong> floor ladieswould not giveher more thantwo candles a day,which she used toput on her makeup.The guestswere only allowedone blanket each,and <strong>Cher</strong> saysshe was forcedto huddle withher bodyguardturned-boyfriendRob Camillettiand best friendPaulette Bettsto keep warmat nights at <strong>the</strong>Hotel. Photos:Photolure.Mr. Sassounian quickly arrangedto take <strong>Cher</strong> and a groupof journalists from internationalmedia organizations. He says hismission was “to maximize forArmenia <strong>the</strong> benefit of her trip.”Mr. Sassounian traveled to Armeniawith <strong>Cher</strong> and was her guideand media liaison for journalists,including a reporter from <strong>the</strong>popular People magazine, whichpublished an eight-page spread on<strong>Cher</strong>’s trip.“When we went <strong>the</strong>re, it was reallypoor,” <strong>Cher</strong> remembers. “Peoplewere having a really hard time.And what we found that peoplewere so generous. They would take<strong>the</strong>ir month’s rations and make uspies or a cake and tea.”The superstar, who had and hasall <strong>the</strong> luxuries and comforts <strong>the</strong>world can provide, found herselfon a DC-8 cargo ship, trying toland in a city that was trying tosurvive with only a few hours ofelectricity per day.“We had to bring our own food,”she says. “We came in one of thosebig airplanes that has no seating,and we were bringing emergencymedical supplies. We were bringingbaby food. We were bringingall kinds of things in this hugetransport, and I was positivewe were going to die, because itwas such a rickety old plane; and<strong>the</strong>y’d bolted <strong>the</strong>se little seats in<strong>the</strong> back for us and given us a canisterof oxygen. We had press withus as well, and we had to get intoYerevan before <strong>the</strong> lights went out.Because <strong>the</strong>re were no lights on<strong>the</strong> runway, and we landed rightwhen <strong>the</strong> sun went down and <strong>the</strong>lights went out.”What <strong>Cher</strong> saw in her ancestralhomeland was nothing less thanshocking. She says Yerevan wasbarren, trees had been cut down,roads were impassible, and roadcrews were working without <strong>the</strong>In her own words: American soldiersI’ve visited <strong>the</strong> soldiers serving inthis war many, many times. I’vegone to Walter Reed. I’ve gone toBe<strong>the</strong>sda several times. I went toGermany to be with <strong>the</strong> men and<strong>the</strong> women who were injured. Ialso spent a lot of time with <strong>the</strong>doctors. USO asked me if I wouldask time with <strong>the</strong> doctors and <strong>the</strong>nurses, especially. So, <strong>the</strong>se menand women, <strong>the</strong> boys and <strong>the</strong>young women, I just saw unbelievableconviction and unbelievabledepth and unbelievable suffering– more suffering that I can evenproper equipment. Men would tryto fix equipment and machineswithout <strong>the</strong> proper tools or parts,and women would try to roastfood on drums and barrels turnedinto makeshift barbeque pits.“Everywhere I went, I saw poorpeople with great dignity,” says<strong>Cher</strong>. “I’ve never seen that in mylife. I’ve never seen people dealingwith such poverty, but still lookinggreat.”<strong>Cher</strong> remembers entering arandom coffee shop, where <strong>the</strong>shopkeepers had nei<strong>the</strong>r coffee toserve nor tea <strong>the</strong>y could offer.remember from Vietnam. I alsosaw unbelievable suffering from<strong>the</strong> doctors and <strong>the</strong> nurses. Andwe’re having such a hard time, andthat’s why <strong>the</strong>y asked me to spendmy extra days with <strong>the</strong> doctorsand <strong>the</strong> nurses, because <strong>the</strong>y neversee anybody get well. They get<strong>the</strong>se broken guys, and <strong>the</strong>y get<strong>the</strong>m well enough to travel, and<strong>the</strong> soldiers go on to o<strong>the</strong>r hospitals,but <strong>the</strong> doctors never see <strong>the</strong>soldiers get well. They just seem<strong>the</strong>m broken, and <strong>the</strong>y send <strong>the</strong>mon, so <strong>the</strong>y get very depressed.C10 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

Whe<strong>the</strong>r herhair is blue,black, blond, orplatinum, herpenetration andsoulful <strong>Armenian</strong>eyes were what se<strong>the</strong>r apart as anindividual whilegrowing up. Whileorganizing hertrip to Armenia,<strong>Cher</strong> demandedthat she be flownto Ankara, so thatshe would demandthat <strong>the</strong> blockadebe lifted.“All <strong>the</strong> men were in <strong>the</strong>re,” shesays. “Some of <strong>the</strong> men were playingchess, but <strong>the</strong>y didn’t have anycoffee and <strong>the</strong>y didn’t have anytea. But <strong>the</strong>y were just in <strong>the</strong>re.They were playing <strong>the</strong>ir chess.They were talking. They were alldressed properly, maybe a little bitof tatters but so dignified. And itwas <strong>the</strong> first time I thought, I’man <strong>Armenian</strong>, I’m proud.”Refugees from Azerbaijan<strong>Cher</strong> recalls visiting a large room,where masses of <strong>Armenian</strong> refugeesfrom Azerbaijan were huddledtoge<strong>the</strong>r.“It was like a big dormitory, a bigbuilding,” she says, “but <strong>the</strong>y werepartitioning <strong>the</strong>mselves withblankets, and that’s what <strong>the</strong>y had.They kept saying, ‘Please go backto America and tell <strong>the</strong>m what’shappening.’ And I kept thinking,‘Oh my God. If I went to America,nobody would care.’ And that wasa hard thing.”In America, after <strong>Cher</strong>’s trip, <strong>the</strong>media did care – if only for onenews cycle. ABC’s 20/20 broadcasta report about <strong>Cher</strong>’s visit and <strong>the</strong>plight of her people. Newspapersand news services chronicled herjourney and shed light on <strong>the</strong>struggles of <strong>the</strong> landlocked republicwith economic and energyblockades and unrest on its borderwith Azerbaijan.“Her trip was reported in hundredsof newspapers and magazinesaround <strong>the</strong> world,” says Mr.Sassounian. “I wanted to publicizeworldwide Armenia’s plight back<strong>the</strong>n through <strong>the</strong> media and gaininternational exposure and sympathyto Armenia’s many, manyneeds, both economic and political.I wanted to show <strong>Cher</strong> <strong>the</strong>hardships that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong> peoplewere living under.”One of <strong>the</strong> stops <strong>Cher</strong> madein Armenia was at an orphanage,where she handed out Barbie dollsand recalled <strong>the</strong> six months shehad been placed in an orphanageby her mo<strong>the</strong>r when she was two.People magazine reported that <strong>Cher</strong>hugged each of <strong>the</strong> kids and saidwhen she was growing up she hatedBarbie and considered <strong>the</strong> dolla blond bimbo, but realized at <strong>the</strong>orphanage that <strong>the</strong> doll was useful,because it brought smiles to kidswho had never had a new toy.“The kids were so adorable,”says <strong>Cher</strong>, sitting on <strong>the</strong> 16thfloor of <strong>the</strong> Four Seasons Hotelin Beverly Hills. “They’d beenthrough so much. But <strong>the</strong>y werelike any o<strong>the</strong>r children. I knowthat <strong>the</strong>re was a lot of emotionaldistress, and <strong>the</strong>y’d beenthrough a lot; but we were <strong>the</strong>re.We were just playing, havingcake and whatever <strong>the</strong>y liked. Itwas a big party, and <strong>the</strong>y had agood time.”Among <strong>Cher</strong>’s stops on whatPeople magazine called “an emotionallycharged” trip was a stopat Yerevan State University,where she told <strong>the</strong> students shedidn’t know why she had cometo Armenia. People magazinereporter Susan Cheever wrotethat in front of <strong>the</strong> crowd, <strong>Cher</strong>grasped her mission and was asparkle of hope for <strong>the</strong> studentsand <strong>the</strong> nation.“Most Americans have no ideayou are here,” Cheever reports <strong>Cher</strong>telling <strong>the</strong> university students.“The most important thing I can do<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C11

<strong>Cher</strong> gave eachorphan a hugand a Barbie doll,saying that shehated <strong>the</strong> blonddoll when shewas a youngster.Photo: UnitedArmenia Fund.is take a picture back to America so<strong>the</strong>y can see what it’s like.”The letter from YerevanThe May 17, 1993, article in Peoplemagazine – which has featured<strong>Cher</strong> on its cover more than adozen times over <strong>the</strong> past four decades– also reported how <strong>Cher</strong>’strip to Armenia had come about.Cheever wrote that <strong>the</strong> familyof a partially paralyzed three-yearoldwrote <strong>the</strong> superstar askingfor her help. People reported <strong>Cher</strong>said it was a miracle that <strong>the</strong> letterhad reached her, so she made arrangementsto visit <strong>the</strong> family andfigure out how to get <strong>the</strong> threeyear-oldto <strong>the</strong> United States forproper treatment.“She was deeply touched by <strong>the</strong>trip,” says Mr. Sassounian. “Itbrought her closer to her <strong>Armenian</strong>heritage and roots. She hada lot of personal stories about hertrip to Armenia. When she wroteher autobiography, she included awhole chapter in <strong>the</strong> book abou<strong>the</strong>r visit to Armenia.”<strong>Cher</strong> finishes up her stories ofArmenia during our interviewby summarizing what she tookaway from <strong>the</strong> trip. She makes herpoint by remembering a couple ofma<strong>the</strong>maticians and road crewsshe talked with in Yerevan.“The ma<strong>the</strong>maticians were livingin this horrible kind of placethat looked like a prison, but itwas an apartment building,” sheremembers. “They were just sosweet, and <strong>the</strong>y took all of <strong>the</strong>irmoney and made us this fabulousmeal. When we were <strong>the</strong>re, we’dsee people with no equipment tryingto fix <strong>the</strong> roads, people withnothing trying to fix everything,trying to do what <strong>the</strong>y could. But<strong>the</strong>y had a great spirit. That’s whatI took away from it. That’s what Itake away from Armenia.”We ask her if she has everthought about returning to Yerevan,and she lights up and askswhe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>re are safe airlinersthat fly to Armenia. She <strong>the</strong>nchanges from <strong>the</strong> interviewee to<strong>the</strong> interviewer and asks whe<strong>the</strong>rYerevan has changed from whatshe saw. Lusine invites her to Yerevanand promises to be her hostif <strong>Cher</strong> decides to come.“I would love to see it,” she says,“because I saw people without anythingstill being great. Withoutany luxuries, without even <strong>the</strong> basicnecessities, <strong>the</strong>y still had thisstrength and charm. Very cosmopolitan.French. With nothing, butstill great. Ladies with handbagswalking down <strong>the</strong> street. So yeah,I would really like to see what hashappened to it. Because when Isaw it, it was in deep distress. Itwas in deep distress.”The o<strong>the</strong>r reportersBack when we were waiting, ArmeniaTV’s Lusine Shahbazyanlooked out west toward <strong>the</strong> oceanand at <strong>the</strong> nighttime lights of BeverlyHills, <strong>the</strong> high-rises of CenturyCity and beyond. PhotographerArman took pictures from holdingroom balcony. The CNN producerput her shoes back on when it washer turn, and Angela brought in atray with ice water and tall, clearcups.Angela’s from New York, Rickis from Toronto, Lusine is fromYerevan, and Nyree is from Pasadena.But all had at least one thingin common – <strong>the</strong>ir desire to interview<strong>Cher</strong>.“It struck me as I was walkingdown <strong>the</strong> hall of <strong>the</strong> plush FourSeasons towards <strong>the</strong> hotel suitewhere I was to meet <strong>Cher</strong>, that shewas soon going to be <strong>the</strong> biggeststar – to this date and arguablyfor <strong>the</strong> rest of my career – that Iwould ever have <strong>the</strong> opportunityto interview,” said broadcast journalistMichelle Emard, who was at<strong>the</strong> hotel representing Reuters.“I reminisced about watchingThe Sonny and <strong>Cher</strong> Show with myparents when I was very young,”writes Michelle in response to myinquiry. “Her ascorbic wit mademe laugh, and I admired her exoticlook and unique style. I loved <strong>Cher</strong>in Moonstruck (she is a phenomenalactress) and Mermaids. Nobodyelse could have played thoseparts to such perfection.”Michelle, a seasoned journalistwho has traveled to more thantwo dozen countries, says shecried when she saw <strong>Cher</strong> reunitewith Sonny on <strong>the</strong> David Lettermanshow to sing “I Got You Babe.”She says <strong>Cher</strong>’s eulogy for Sonny adecade later also made her cry.Most celebrities seem to havemore ego than talent and behaveaccordingly, says Michelle. “Again,<strong>Cher</strong> distinguishes herself in thisC12 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

egard. She is straightforward, yetunassuming. And, underneath it all,she is <strong>the</strong> same little girl who wastoo shy to dial <strong>the</strong> ‘operator’ to get atelephone number for her mo<strong>the</strong>r.”Perseverance and starpower<strong>Cher</strong>’s incredible and unique voiceis at <strong>the</strong> core of her success. Herability to belt out songs withstrength and drama, and her keensense of what to sing and whenhave been <strong>the</strong> ingredients to herformula of success; but what advicedoes she have for o<strong>the</strong>rs?“You pick a direction and nevergive up,” says <strong>Cher</strong>. “Any directionthat you pick, anywhere you go,<strong>the</strong>re are certain difficulties. Thedirection that I chose has a certainamount of difficulties too. You justface different problems, and youkeep going. I think it’s <strong>the</strong> samewith anything – just never give up.”And she never has.During <strong>the</strong> years when she wasa single mo<strong>the</strong>r, barely getting by;during <strong>the</strong> years she and Sonnyowed <strong>the</strong> IRS; when she workedas a lounge singer and was beingheckled; and when she hosted infomercialsto make a living, <strong>Cher</strong>never gave up.“When you’re doing well, everythingseems easy, and this is fabulous,”she says. “Then around <strong>the</strong>corner, <strong>the</strong>re’s something that canbe really challenging. That’s <strong>the</strong>difference between people who attain<strong>the</strong>ir goals and people whodon’t. No matter what happens,you just don’t give up on what youwant. I don’t mean that in a materialor any thing, I mean it more ina substantive sense that you don’tgive up your dreams at any cost.You just go for it.”You can enjoy <strong>Cher</strong> againStarting May 6, <strong>Cher</strong> will shineonce again at Caesars Palace for90-minute concerts, four times aweek. Tickets are on sale throughTicketmaster and sell from $90,$140, $175, and $250. The performanceson Tuesdays, Wednesdays,Saturdays, and Sundays will runthrough August 31.“The Colosseum is a beautifulconcert hall, where Celine Dionhas been playing,” says <strong>Cher</strong> toward<strong>the</strong> end of our interview. “I’mgoing to open <strong>the</strong>re and play <strong>the</strong>retwice a year, in <strong>the</strong> spring and <strong>the</strong>fall. That’s my new project.”The 4,300-seat Colosseum isbeing fitted with state-of-<strong>the</strong>-artlighting, and show producerspromise an impressive spectacle.Bob Mackie is creating <strong>the</strong> costumesand state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art lightingand special effects will complement<strong>Cher</strong>’s chart-topping hits.“I started in Vegas at Caesars,”says <strong>Cher</strong>, “so I’ve come full circle.I’m back and I plan to give my fans<strong>the</strong> best experience yet. I think everybodyknows I only do things ina big way.”We certainly do.fconnect:cher.aeglive.comcher.com866-510-CHER<strong>Cher</strong> is part diva,part gay icon, partsuperstar, partrebel, and <strong>the</strong>only star that haschanged her looksas frequentlyas <strong>the</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong>changes Arts andCulture covers.Photo: MichaelLavine.<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C13

“The Great Uppression” of<strong>the</strong> ’30sAram KouyoumdjianSecond in a MonthlySeriesby Aram KouyoumdjiansaroyanLast month, when I began thisyear-long series of articles on WilliamSaroyan’s <strong>the</strong>atrical legacy tomark <strong>the</strong> centennial of his birthday,I opted for one of his laterplays, <strong>Armenian</strong>s, as my startingpoint. My choice was a symbolicone, given that <strong>Armenian</strong>s is alittle known piece with virtuallyno production history. It is notamong <strong>the</strong> body of work that establishedSaroyan’s reputation asa playwright in <strong>the</strong> late 1930s andearly 1940s.The prolific Saroyan is believedto have written over 200 plays inhis lifetime, although many of<strong>the</strong>m remain unpublished. Still,he attained his earliest successnot for his plays, but for his shortstories – especially, “The DaringYoung Man on <strong>the</strong> Flying Trapeze,”which appeared in 1934 and madeSaroyan an immediate sensation.As Saroyan has told it, “<strong>the</strong> firstwork for <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>atre” that he wrote“after becoming a published writer”was Subway Circus. In a prefaceto that work, Saroyan amusinglyrecalls <strong>the</strong> circumstances in whichSubway Circus was written:I was in New York in May,1935. One day The New YorkTimes said I had written aplay or was going to writeone. I had bought a ticketfor Europe. The boat wasAram Kouyoumdjian is <strong>the</strong> winner of EllyAwards for both playwriting (The Farewells)and directing (Three Hotels). Hislatest work is Velvet Revolution.Maryanne Mayberry and Jeff Perry in Steppenwolf Theatre Company’s stunningrevival of “The Time of Your Life,” which played in Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco(pictured).sailing in five days. I hadnot written a play. But itseemed to me that <strong>the</strong>rewas enough time before<strong>the</strong> sailing of <strong>the</strong> boat towrite one. Nobody wantsto make a liar of The NewYork Times. Before <strong>the</strong> boatsailed, Subway Circus waswritten. Once again TheNew York Times had printednews fit to print. I calledSubway Circus a play. It isprobably no such thing. Itis very likely a <strong>the</strong>atrical entertainmentof some sort.Theatrical success for Saroyancame in 1939, when two of his bestknown plays, The Time of Your Lifeand My Heart’s in <strong>the</strong> Highlands,played on Broadway. The Timeof Your Life, which featured GeneKelly and Celeste Holm in its originalcast, played 185 performancesand went on to win <strong>the</strong> PulitzerPrize (which Saroyan declined)and <strong>the</strong> New York Drama CriticsCircle Award – <strong>the</strong> first play tobe so doubly honored (<strong>the</strong> TonyAwards being several years awayfrom <strong>the</strong>ir debut).The Time of Your Life is set inNick’s Saloon and unfolds over <strong>the</strong>course of a single day. The looselyplottedplay follows <strong>the</strong> eccentricdenizens of <strong>the</strong> bar, chief among<strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> mysteriously wealthyJoe, whose sole occupation seemsto be sipping champagne througha bottomless glass. Whimsicalcharacters like a pinball addict, aphilosophizing immigrant, andhistorical legend Kit Carson enliven<strong>the</strong> honky-tonk, which ismostly frequented by sailors,longshoremen, and prostituteseking out a living.The struggles of a povertystrickenfamily are traced in MyHeart’s in <strong>the</strong> Highlands. This familyof <strong>Armenian</strong> ancestry consistsof a poet, his young son, and hiselderly mo<strong>the</strong>r living in Fresno ata time when “[t]here are no jobs”and “[t]he people have no money.”But while <strong>the</strong>re may not always beC14 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

Barroomphilosopher Joe(Jeff Perry, seated)affectionatelytouches bartenderNick (YasenPeyankov) in “TheTime of Your Life.”Chronicle Photo:Brant Ward.food to eat, <strong>the</strong> family often findssolace in poetry and music.The money woes that plague <strong>the</strong>characters in Saroyan’s plays areinformed by <strong>the</strong> Great Depressionthat had been devastating livesfor a decade by <strong>the</strong> time The Timeof Your Life and My Heart’s in <strong>the</strong>Highlands reached <strong>the</strong> stage. Severalplaywrights – most famously,Clifford Odets – had already takenup <strong>the</strong> cause of <strong>the</strong> working classas part of a proletarian movementin literature. While Saroyan is notusually classified among <strong>the</strong>se proletarianwriters, many of whomwere sympa<strong>the</strong>tic to Communism,his writing indubitably explores<strong>the</strong> elements of proletarian drama,as it features working class charactersand <strong>the</strong>mes. Never<strong>the</strong>less,his plays remain tinged with innocenceand optimism, which serveas two manifestations of a writingstyle described as Saroyanesque.“This mystical variety of optimismreflected Saroyan’s own feelingsabout <strong>the</strong> depression,” Mark Fearnowhas written in The AmericanStage and <strong>the</strong> Great Depression. “Heliked to call this period <strong>the</strong> ‘GreatUppression’ because he felt it was atime when things kept getting betterand better … This attitude toward<strong>the</strong> history of <strong>the</strong> period – reflectiveof an irritating and characteristicsolipsism on Saroyan’s part… was based on his feelings abouthis own career, which flourishedduring <strong>the</strong> thirties.”Writers and critics in <strong>the</strong> firsthalf of <strong>the</strong> 20th century were splitabout Saroyan’s talents, and severalfaulted <strong>the</strong> lack of disciplineand focus in his work. Few wereas bilious as James Thurber, whoshunned <strong>the</strong> “sloppiness of proletarianwriting” generally and wasspecifically “appalled” by Saroyan’swork, wondering if “writing thatdeals with poor people out of work… is now bound to sell, no matterhow bad it is.” Within <strong>the</strong> proletarianmovement itself, critic PhilipRahv dismissed Saroyan’s “formulaof innocence” as “<strong>the</strong> formula of‘Ah, <strong>the</strong> wonder, <strong>the</strong> beauty of it all!’made famous in Saroyan’s plays”and ascribed <strong>the</strong> plays’ popularityto <strong>the</strong>ir “fairy-tale aspect.” Conversely,Mary McCarthy declaredthat “Saroyan is genuine … If youcompare him with his contemporaries,Odets and [John] Steinbeck,<strong>the</strong> purity of his work is blinding.”Edmond Gagey asserted that hisplays “show more originality thanthose of [Eugene] O’Neill, [Paul]Green, and [Maxwell] Andersonput toge<strong>the</strong>r.”While critics like Fearnow maytake exception to what <strong>the</strong>y describeas “fatuous sentimentality”in Saroyan’s plays, o<strong>the</strong>r learnedcommentators appreciate <strong>the</strong> undertonesto such sentimentality.Jordan Miller and Winifred Frazernote, for example, that “beneath<strong>the</strong> surface” of Saroyan’s writing“lie <strong>the</strong> joys and sorrows of <strong>the</strong>real world.” And even when <strong>the</strong>playwright’s characters tend “toward<strong>the</strong> simplistic and <strong>the</strong> sentimental,”James H. Justus opines,“his picture of <strong>the</strong> world <strong>the</strong>y mustlive in is complex, involving <strong>the</strong>forces which at once assault <strong>the</strong>mmaliciously and test <strong>the</strong>m providentially.”That is perhaps why Justus canclaim that “Saroyan had a distinctivevoice which spoke of and for<strong>the</strong> ’30s.”f<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C15

Garboosh’s works on permanent displayat Glendale’s <strong>Armenian</strong> Catholic ChurchNaris Khalatian.by Naris KhalatiansculptorWhen Gaspar “Garboosh” Gharibiancarved his wooden Pietà in 1971in Soviet Armenia, for his graduateexhibit, little did he know thathis later artistic life in Americawould be defined by religious art.Gharibian was born in Nakhichevan,a region in historic Armenia,near <strong>the</strong> border of Iran, knownfor its ancient khachkars (crossstones). His grandfa<strong>the</strong>r was apottery craftsman. When he wasonly four years old, Gaspar wouldtake his grandfa<strong>the</strong>r’s leftover clayand mold it into miniature headsand bodies. In 1958, when he wasonly eight, his family moved toYerevan, Armenia, where he beganto nurture his talent for drawingand sculpting. At <strong>the</strong> age of14, he was accepted to <strong>the</strong> Schoolof Fine Arts. From 1971 through1977, he attended <strong>the</strong> prestigiousInstitute of Fine and PerformingArts, in Yerevan, with an emphasison sculpture. After graduating,he joined <strong>the</strong> institute’s facultyand began teaching sculpture andcomposition, while creating hisown secular and religious worksof art in his studio. In 1996, hewon a US immigration lottery andreluctantly left Armenia with hiswife and children to join his wife’sfamily in America.Naris Khalatian holds an undergraduatedegree in French language and literaturefrom Occidental College and a law degreefrom Southwestern University School ofLaw. An attorney, she serves as chairpersonof <strong>the</strong> Parish Council of Saint Gregory<strong>the</strong> Illuminator <strong>Armenian</strong> Catholic Parishin Glendale, California.Unassuming and gracious,Gharibian is a man of few words.He is tall and slender, with piercingblack eyes. His hands andfingers are chiseled, and <strong>the</strong> graysettled in his hair is not from <strong>the</strong>dust of his carved stones. I methim at Saint Gregory <strong>the</strong> Illuminator<strong>Armenian</strong> Catholic Church,on Mountain Street in Glendale,California, where he was putting<strong>the</strong> last-minute touches on hisfinest creations of religious artadorning this church. While sittingon a plastic crate box, witha chisel and hammer in hand, hehad crouched over his work andwas meticulously engraving <strong>the</strong>stone inscriptions.In 2000, <strong>the</strong> parish commissionedGharibian to carve a seriesof stone panels. The churcharchitect, Aram Alajajian, hadenvisioned a church not with oilor color paintings but primarilySculptor GasparGharibianinscribing panelof Saint NersesShnorhali, Photo:Naris Khalatian.works of art in stone. So began<strong>the</strong> seven-year journey of drafting,drawing, redrawing, perfecting,and ultimately producing timelessworks of art.That journey culminated in aspecial ceremony on December16, 2007, when Bishop ManuelBatakian, Eparch of <strong>Armenian</strong>Catholics in <strong>the</strong> United States andCanada, along with Bishop GeraldWilkerson of <strong>the</strong> Los AngelesArchdiocese, blessed <strong>the</strong> panelswith <strong>the</strong> Holy Meron (chrism), in<strong>the</strong> presence of a large congregation,ga<strong>the</strong>red to celebrate <strong>the</strong>25th anniversary of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong>Catholic Eparchy.An exuberant styleGharibian’s 14 bas-relief panelsare made of stones imported fromSyria and display <strong>the</strong> 14 Stationsof <strong>the</strong> Cross – scenes depictingChrist’s tortuous road to <strong>the</strong> cross,C16 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

Exterior ofSaint Gregory<strong>the</strong> Illuminator<strong>Armenian</strong> CatholicParish. Photo:Naris Khalatian.from being condemned to deathto being laid in <strong>the</strong> tomb. Underneath<strong>the</strong>se Stations are 12 largeand two smaller bas-relief stonepanels, representing <strong>Armenian</strong>saints (including recently beatifiedArchbishop Ignatius Maloyan),martyrs, and four Evangelists.Combined with <strong>the</strong> inscriptionstone, each panel combinationstands at an imposing height ofnine feet. The panels are encasedin metal frames and permanentlyaffixed to <strong>the</strong> church walls.Saint Gregory <strong>the</strong> Illuminator<strong>Armenian</strong> Catholic Church is believedto be <strong>the</strong> only <strong>Armenian</strong>church that displays <strong>the</strong> Stationsof <strong>the</strong> Cross, a Roman Catholictradition dating back to <strong>the</strong> 5thcentury, alongside <strong>Armenian</strong>saints and martyrs, as an artisticexpression of one aspect of its <strong>Armenian</strong>Catholic identity.The panels are placed in a chronologicaland meaningful order,with Saint Gregory being prominentlyplaced below <strong>the</strong> main altar,beneath <strong>the</strong> first Station of <strong>the</strong>Cross. Chronological order was respectedas long as it correspondedto <strong>the</strong> architectural plan. In <strong>the</strong>Saints’ Galleries, three dates weregiven special importance: 301, 451,and 1915, which reflect significantmoments in Armenia’s historyand Christian identity. The year301 represents Armenia’s adoptionof Christianity as its national andstate religion. The year 451 marks<strong>the</strong> time when <strong>Armenian</strong>s foughtagainst <strong>the</strong> Persian forces to pre-Saint Nerses ofLampron, Photo:Fr. AntoineSaroyan<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C17

PanelCombination:Station of <strong>the</strong>Cross No. ISaint Gregory<strong>the</strong> IlluminatorInscription Stone.Photo: Fr. AntoineSaroyan.serve <strong>the</strong>ir Christian faith and <strong>Armenian</strong>identity. The year 1915 isassociated with <strong>the</strong> first genocideof <strong>the</strong> 20th century, perpetratedby <strong>the</strong> Turkish Ottoman Empire.One of <strong>the</strong> victims of <strong>the</strong> carnagewas Archbishop Maloyan, whosemartyrdom was publicly recognizedworldwide and proclaimedby Pope John Paul II in 2001.Gharibian’s saints are not replicasof o<strong>the</strong>r drawings. They are newcreations, reflecting each saint’sreligious and historical identityin a contemporary, modern, andunique setting. Christian and <strong>Armenian</strong>symbols, intricately carvedthroughout <strong>the</strong> panels, fur<strong>the</strong>r addto <strong>the</strong> richness of <strong>the</strong> artwork.“As in poetry and literature,Sculptor Gaspar Gharibian.sculpting has its own language,”Gharibian says. “As an <strong>Armenian</strong>sculptor, I wanted my art to ‘speak’my language, and to convey whatis so near and dear to my heart.”Inspired by <strong>the</strong> miniature paintingsof illuminated manuscripts,he portrayed his saints and angelsin <strong>the</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong> style. Their dramaticgaze, facial features, poses,and posture all project a qualitywhich is unmistakably <strong>Armenian</strong>.What makes Gharibian’s work somodern is his unconventional approachto representing <strong>the</strong> conventional.His crosses are not alwaysperpendicular to <strong>the</strong> plane,at times appearing diagonally,and at times emerging and breakingout of <strong>the</strong> inner frame, defying<strong>the</strong> confines of its panel, symbolizing<strong>the</strong> dynamic nature of <strong>the</strong>cross over <strong>the</strong> centuries.As for which of <strong>the</strong> panels were<strong>the</strong> hardest to carve, Gharibiansmiles and says, “All of <strong>the</strong>m.” In hissaints, he wants <strong>the</strong> public to seecontemporaries, <strong>the</strong> faces of ordinarypeople living in <strong>the</strong> 21st century.To complete <strong>the</strong> beauty of <strong>the</strong>sepanels, ceiling lights were mountedto illuminate and give <strong>the</strong>m specialwarmth and enlightenment.When asked whe<strong>the</strong>r he wantedhis own children to follow his artisticfootsteps, Gharibian smilesagain and says, “No.” His daughteris already a chiropractor, and hisson is working on his doctorate innuclear chemistry. “An artist’s lifeis difficult, both financially andemotionally,” he adds. As an artist,he suffered and struggled toreach that elusive sense of perfection.He has boxes and boxes ofhis drawings and re-drawings of<strong>the</strong> panels, nearly 500 sketches,showing <strong>the</strong> conceptual transformations.Turning a figment of hisimagination into a living fragmentof stone was an arduous process,befitting of <strong>the</strong> serious topic of hisStations. With <strong>the</strong> completion ofeach panel came a moment of catharsis.In his next project, Gharibianwill carve a new khachkar for ano<strong>the</strong>rchurch. Indeed, this son ofNakhichevan has been busy carvingkhachkars for a number of<strong>Armenian</strong> churches and parishesin America, all while Azeris weredestroying <strong>Armenian</strong> khachkars inhis birthplace.With carvings on <strong>the</strong> exteriorwalls of <strong>the</strong> church, Saint Gregory<strong>the</strong> Illuminator <strong>Armenian</strong>Catholic Church now houses <strong>the</strong>largest number of Gharibian’screations. His artwork will bepreserved in <strong>the</strong> most unique ofall “galleries,” in churches. There,art will not only be viewed butvenerated for centuries to come,beckoning <strong>the</strong> faithful to meditateand ultimately transcend<strong>the</strong> physical sculpture and enterinto a relationship of prayer andadoration with <strong>the</strong> One who is<strong>the</strong> Creator of <strong>the</strong> same physicalreality.fThe church is located at 1510 E. MountainStreet, Glendale, California, 91207.Visiting Hours:Monday through Saturday:8 A.M. to 6 p.M.Sunday: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.(818) 243-8400C18 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

The stars were out for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong>National Music Awardsmusicby Betty Panossian-TerSarkissianYEREVAN -- The best of Armenia’smusic industry were honored at<strong>the</strong> 5th <strong>Armenian</strong> National MusicAwards which took place on February10 at <strong>the</strong> Alexander SpendiaryanNational Academic Theaterof Opera and Ballet in Yerevan.The four-hour-long event wassimilar to all cultural celebrationsorganized in Yerevan, which heavilyrely on performances by popstars. The ceremony was hosted bya cluster of stars, also featuringstar-couples of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong> popmusic industry. Often <strong>the</strong>y tookadvantage of <strong>the</strong> opportunity toshow off <strong>the</strong>ir humor and a goodportion of tolerance toward eacho<strong>the</strong>r’s jokes.The awards ceremony was hardlyfull of any surprises. Arame wasdeclared <strong>the</strong> best male singer of2007 and Sirusho, <strong>the</strong> best femalesinger. Sofi Mkheyan, who in <strong>the</strong>past year reshaped herself asa new dynamic voice of <strong>Armenian</strong>pop, accepted anaward for “Best Hit of <strong>the</strong>Year” for her song, TheDay and <strong>the</strong> Present.The ethnopopDJArame, best male singer 2007.band Armenoid received <strong>the</strong>award for “Best Pop Band.”On a much brighter side, <strong>Armenian</strong>au<strong>the</strong>ntic folk and classicalmusic were awarded an honorableplace in this year’s awardsceremony. The Jury, comprisedof sevengroups (musicians,cultural figures, representativesof various <strong>Armenian</strong>television and radiocompanies, representativesof print media, prominentfigures of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong> popindustry, and representativesof various professions) did attachmajor importance to <strong>the</strong>folk musicians. Thus, <strong>the</strong> award forbest male folk singer was handedto Arsen Grigorian, and <strong>the</strong> bestfemale folk singer to Anna Mayilyanwhose album. Ethnovocalwas honored as <strong>the</strong> best folkalbum of <strong>the</strong> year.Vardan Badalyan, one of<strong>the</strong> new entrants in <strong>Armenian</strong>pop music tookhome <strong>the</strong> awardfor <strong>the</strong> “Discoveryof <strong>the</strong> Year.”National YouthOrchestra ofArmenia wasalso honoredwith <strong>the</strong> awardof “Discoveryof <strong>the</strong> Year”for classical music.Hayko, considered to be oneof <strong>the</strong> most successfully establishednames of <strong>Armenian</strong>pop music wasalso honored. He receivedtwo awards,one for <strong>the</strong> “BestAlbum of <strong>the</strong>Year” for hisThere are no Wordsand ano<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>“Tigran NaghdalyanAward” forhis soundtrack of<strong>the</strong> film Don’t beAfraid.Sirusho was awarded <strong>the</strong> best female singer.State funded projects and initiativeswere also honored withspecial awards, including <strong>the</strong> onegiven to Sharm Holding, a mediacompany, for several music projectsand video clips praising <strong>the</strong>National Army of Armenia.Director Hrach Keshishyanreceived <strong>the</strong> award for <strong>the</strong> videoclip of If You Go by Emmy andSuper Sako; Akunk FolkEnsemble for <strong>the</strong>“Best Folk Ensemble;”Shant TelevisionChannel for<strong>the</strong> best televisionprogram Folk Singer; <strong>the</strong> concertdedicated to <strong>the</strong> 10th anniversaryof Armenia’s national Jazzband as <strong>the</strong> “Best Jazz Initiative”of <strong>the</strong> year, and for <strong>the</strong> NationalChamber Orchestra of Armeniafor its concert in Karabakh for<strong>the</strong> best initiative in classicalmusic.f<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C19

18 February 19 February 20 FebruaryMonday Tuesday WednesdayEST PST4:30 7:30 Super Duet -Concert6:00 9:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>6:20 9:20 Italian Serial7:10 10:10 The Making of a Film7:40 10:40 The <strong>Armenian</strong> Film9:00 12:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>9:20 12:20 Cool program9:35 12:35 Furor10:05 13:05 Exclusive10:20 13:20 Yo-Yo10:45 13:45 The Century11:10 14:10 Cartoon12:00 15:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>12:20 15:20 Cool Sketches13:05 16:05 Beauty is not enough-Serial13:50 16:50 Hit Music14:10 17:10 Blitz14:30 17:30 In Reality15:00 18:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>15:20 18:20 Cobras and Lizard-Serial16:05 19:05 Amazonia- Serial16:50 19:50 Super Duet17:15 20:15 Soul Mate - Serial18:00 21:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>18:20 21:20 Unhappy Happiness - Serial19:00 22:00 The Making of a Film19:30 22:30 The <strong>Armenian</strong> Film21:00 0:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>21:10 0:10 Hit Music21:35 0:35 Deal or no deal22:30 1:30 Box23:10 2:10 PS Club23:50 2:50 Exclusive0:10 3:10 Cartoon0:50 3:50 Yo-Yo1:15 4:15 The Century1:40 4:40 Blitz2:00 5:00 Super Duet -Concert4:00 7:00 In RealityEST PST4:30 7:30 The <strong>Armenian</strong> Film6:00 9:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>6:20 9:20 Beauty is not enough-Serial7:05 10:05 Cobras and Lizard-Serial8:00 11:00 Unhappy Happiness - Serial8:40 11:40 Super Duet9:00 12:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>9:20 12:20 Amazonia- Serial10:05 13:05 Exclusive10:25 13:25 Soul Mate - Serial11:10 14:10 Cartoon12:00 15:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>12:20 15:20 <strong>Armenian</strong> Diaspora12:45 15:45 Armenia TV Film13:05 16:05 Beauty is not enough-Serial13:50 16:50 Hit Music14:10 17:10 Blitz14:30 17:30 In Reality15:00 18:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>15:20 18:20 Cobras and Lizard-Serial16:05 19:05 Amazonia- Serial16:50 19:50 Super Duet17:15 20:15 Soul Mate - Serial18:00 21:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>18:20 21:20 Unhappy Happiness - Serial19:00 22:00 Mosfilm20:35 23:35 Cool Sketches21:00 0:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>21:10 0:10 Hit Music21:35 0:35 Health Program22:00 1:00 Fa<strong>the</strong>rs and Sons23:00 2:00 Discovery23:25 2:25 A Drop of Honey23:50 2:50 Exclusive0:10 3:10 Cartoon0:50 3:50 <strong>Armenian</strong> Diaspora1:15 4:15 Blef1:40 4:40 Blitz2:00 5:00 Armenia TV Film2:20 5:20 Cool Sketches3:00 6:00 Furor3:30 6:30 Music Videos4:00 7:00 In RealityEST PST4:30 7:30 Mosfilm6:00 9:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>6:20 9:20 Beauty is not enough-Serial7:05 10:05 Cobras and Lizard-Serial8:00 11:00 Unhappy Happiness - Serial8:40 11:40 Super Duet9:00 12:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>9:20 12:20 Amazonia- Serial10:05 13:05 Exclusive10:25 13:25 Soul Mate - Serial11:10 14:10 Cartoon12:00 15:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>12:20 15:20 Our Language,Our Speech12:45 15:45 Armenia TV Film13:05 16:05 Beauty is not enough-Serial13:50 16:50 Hit Music14:10 17:10 Blitz14:30 17:30 In Reality15:00 18:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>15:20 18:20 Cobras and Lizard-Serial16:05 19:05 Amazonia- Serial16:50 19:50 Super Duet17:15 20:15 Soul Mate - Serial18:00 21:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>18:20 21:20 Unhappy Happiness - Serial19:00 22:00 Super Duet -Concert21:00 0:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>21:10 0:10 Hit Music21:35 0:35 Cool Sketches22:15 1:15 A Drop of Honey22:50 1:50 Fa<strong>the</strong>rs and Sons23:50 2:50 Exclusive0:10 3:10 Cartoon0:50 3:50 Our Language,Our Speech13:15 16:15 Armenia TV Film1:15 4:15 Blitz2:00 5:00 Discovery2:30 5:30 Cool Sketches3:00 6:00 Furor3:30 6:30 Teleduel4:00 7:00 In RealityC20 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

Satellite Broadcast Program Grid18 – 24 FebruaryWatch Armenia TV onDish Network. To get adish and subscribe,call 1-888-284-7116 tollfree.21 February 22 February 23 February 24 FebruaryThursday Friday Saturday SundayEST PST4:30 7:30 The <strong>Armenian</strong> Film6:00 9:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>6:20 9:20 Beauty is not enough-Serial7:05 10:05 Cobras and Lizard-Serial8:00 11:00 Unhappy Happiness - Serial8:40 11:40 Super Duet9:00 12:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>9:20 12:20 Amazonia- Serial10:05 13:05 Exclusive10:25 13:25 Soul Mate - Serial11:10 14:10 Cartoon12:00 15:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>12:20 15:20 Health Program12:45 15:45 Armenia TV Film13:05 16:05 Beauty is not enough-Serial13:50 16:50 Hit Music14:10 17:10 Blitz14:30 17:30 In Reality15:00 18:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>15:20 18:20 Cobras and Lizard-Serial16:05 19:05 Amazonia- Serial16:50 19:50 Super Duet17:15 20:15 Soul Mate - Serial18:00 21:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>18:20 21:20 Neighbours- Serial19:05 22:05 Cool Program19:10 22:10 Deal or no deal20:00 23:00 Box20:35 23:35 Cool Sketches21:00 0:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>21:10 0:10 Hit Music21:35 0:35 Discovery22:00 1:00 In <strong>the</strong> World of Books22:20 1:20 Blef22:45 1:45 The Century23:05 2:05 Cool program23:25 2:25 Yo-Yo23:50 2:50 Exclusive0:10 3:10 Cartoon0:50 3:50 Health Program1:20 4:20 Music Videos1:40 4:40 Blitz2:00 5:00 Armenia TV Film2:20 5:20 Cool Sketches3:00 6:00 Box3:35 6:35 Furor4:00 7:00 In RealityEST PST4:30 7:30 Armenia Diaspora5:00 8:00 The <strong>Armenian</strong> Film6:00 9:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>6:20 9:20 Beauty is not enough-Serial7:05 10:05 Cobras and Lizard-Serial8:00 11:00 Neighbours- Serial8:40 11:40 Super Duet9:00 12:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>9:20 12:20 Amazonia- Serial10:05 13:05 Exclusive10:25 13:25 Soul Mate - Serial11:10 14:10 Cartoon12:00 15:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>12:20 15:20 The Century12:45 15:45 Armenia TV film13:05 16:05 Beauty is not enough-Serial13:50 16:50 Hit Music14:10 17:10 Blitz14:30 17:30 In Reality15:00 18:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>15:20 18:20 Cobras and Lizard-Serial16:05 19:05 Amazonia- Serial16:50 19:50 Super Duet17:15 20:15 Soul Mate - Serial18:00 21:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>18:20 21:20 Neighbours- Serial19:05 22:05 A Drop of Honey19:30 22:30 Mosfilm21:00 0:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>21:10 0:10 Hit Music21:35 0:35 Box22:35 1:35 <strong>Armenian</strong> Diaspora23:00 2:00 Cool Sketches23:30 2:30 Armenia TV film23:50 2:50 Exclusive0:10 3:10 Cartoon0:55 3:55 Our Language,Our Speech1:15 4:15 A Drop of Honey1:40 4:40 Blitz2:00 5:00 Discovery2:30 5:30 Cool Sketches3:00 6:00 Blef3:30 6:30 Box4:00 7:00 In RealityEST PST4:30 7:30 Mosfilm6:00 9:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>6:20 9:20 Beauty is not enough-Serial7:05 10:05 Cobras and Lizard-Serial8:00 11:00 Neighbours- Serial8:40 11:40 Super Duet9:00 12:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>9:20 12:20 Amazonia- Serial10:05 13:05 Exclusive10:25 13:25 Soul Mate - Serial11:10 14:10 Cartoon12:00 15:00 VOA(The Voice of America)12:20 15:20 A Drop of Honey12:30 15:30 Cool Sketches13:05 16:05 Italian Serial13:30 16:30 Music Videos14:10 17:10 Blitz14:30 17:30 In Reality15:00 18:00 VOA(The Voice of America)15:20 18:20 Hit Music15:50 18:50 Pan-<strong>Armenian</strong> Star - Concert17:20 20:20 Armenia TV Film17:40 20:40 Cool Program18:00 21:00 VOA(The Voice of America)18:20 21:20 Neighbours- Serial19:05 22:05 Teleduel19:45 22:45 The <strong>Armenian</strong> Film21:00 0:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>21:20 0:20 Box21:50 0:50 Deal or no deal22:40 1:40 Hit Music11:05 14:05 A Drop of Honey23:30 2:30 Cool Sketches23:50 2:50 Exclusive0:10 3:10 Cartoon0:55 3:55 Cool Program1:10 4:10 In <strong>the</strong> World of Books1:40 4:40 Blitz2:00 5:00 Discovery2:20 5:20 Furor3:00 6:00 Teleduel3:40 6:40 Box16:05 19:05 In RealityEST PST4:30 7:30 The <strong>Armenian</strong> Film6:00 9:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>6:20 9:20 Italian Serial19:10 22:10 PS Club19:35 22:35 Discovery8:00 11:00 Neighbours- Serial8:45 11:45 Cool Program9:00 12:00 Fa<strong>the</strong>rs and sons10:00 13:00 Exclusive10:20 13:20 Health Program10:45 13:45 Furor11:05 14:05 Cartoon11:50 14:50 Music Videos12:00 15:00 VOA(The Voice of America)12:20 15:20 Armenia-Diaspora12:45 15:45 Cool sketches13:05 16:05 Italian Serial13:50 16:50 Teleduel14:30 17:30 Yo-Yo14:55 17:55 Unhappy Happiness - Serial16:55 19:55 Hit Music17:20 20:20 Armenia TV Film17:40 20:40 Cool Program18:00 21:00 VOA(The Voice of America)18:20 21:20 A Drop of Honey19:00 22:00 Neighbours- Serial21:00 0:00 News in <strong>Armenian</strong>21:30 0:30 Hit Music21:55 0:55 Cool sketches22:20 1:20 Furor22:50 1:50 Music Videos23:10 2:10 Discovery23:50 2:50 Exclusive0:10 3:10 Cartoon0:55 3:55 Yo-Yo1:20 4:20 Cool Program1:30 4:30 Blitz14:00 17:00 Health Program2:30 5:30 Teleduel3:10 6:10 Blef3:35 6:35 Deal or no deal<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C21

Live <strong>the</strong>ater gets turned upsidedown in South Beachby Sean Krikorianoh my...MIAMI BEACH – In an increasinglytame society concerned with givingoffense, a group of performers andentertainers have come toge<strong>the</strong>r toturn <strong>the</strong> world on its head. Theirshows, Absin<strong>the</strong> and Gazillionaire’sLate Night Lounge, at <strong>the</strong> renownedSpiegelworld Tent in Miami Beach,shock and entertain audiences withhigh-flying trapeze artists, contortionists,awkward stripteases, andbeautiful displays of strength, art,and humor.At <strong>the</strong> heart of all this madnessare two delightfully offensivecharacters called The Gazillionaireand Penny, played by Voki Kalfayanand Anais Thomassian, respectively.The performers co-host Absin<strong>the</strong>and play in Gazillionaire’sLate Night Lounge, along with <strong>the</strong>band Fish Circus, in a highly improvisedshow. “I want to see whatit’s like to start something andjust keep pushing it to <strong>the</strong> maximumpotential,” Kalfayan says, referringto his improvisations.The performersKalfayan is a New York nativewho grew up in Stanfordville, in<strong>the</strong> “middle of <strong>the</strong> woods,” wherehis imagination could run wild. “Iwas a loner and lived a lot in myimagination,” he recalls. However,he did have opportunities to showhis creative side at a young age. “Iwent to Camp Nubar in New Yorkfrom age 7 to 13,” he says. “Weperformed sketches and did skitsaround campfires. At 9 I was writingsurrealist comedies with bizarreendings and lip-syncing toPink Floyd – an event that almostgot me kicked out of camp. I didn’tAbove left: VokiKalfayan, TheGazillionaire.Above right: AnaisThomassian asPenny. Left: Theband, Fish Circus.rediscover performing till late inhigh school, when I auditionedfor a play. I got heavily into actingand <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ater, but it wasn’t till Ibecame a clown that I connectedwith my bizarre past as a creativecamp kid. I brought that sense ofhumor to my performance andtill today I rely heavily on that offbeatsense of humor.” Kalfayan’sGazillionaire is unapologetic, aggressive,and never misses a beatwhen audience members hecklehim. Whenever challenged, herises to <strong>the</strong> occasion and usuallyleaves audience members questioning<strong>the</strong>ir own thoughts.Kalfayan has been a clown for<strong>the</strong> past 13 years and an actor for<strong>the</strong> past 17, with a resume thatincludes appearances with a numberof prestigious companies. “Iperformed in <strong>the</strong> Ringling Bro<strong>the</strong>rsCircus in 1996,” he says. “Thatwas my first performing contract.I dropped out of a very nice collegeto do that. It was <strong>the</strong> best decisionI have ever made. I performedwith John Malkovich’s SteppenwolfTheatre Company in Chicago.I performed in Japan with <strong>the</strong>Wallenda Family Circus, where Ilearned to walk high wire. I toured<strong>the</strong> US with <strong>the</strong> Cheval Theatre, anall-horse circus created by one ofCirque du Soleil’s lead artistic creators.Then I went on to work onthree different Cirque du Soleilshows. Nothing compares to creating<strong>the</strong> characters for Gazillionaire,creating our own show and seeingthat turn into something else.”C22 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008

Born in Tehran, Thomassianmoved to Los Angeles with herfamily when she was 3. “I lovedmusical <strong>the</strong>ater just as muchas I loved cartoons,” she recalls.Thomassian has been performingsince <strong>the</strong> age of 5. She receivedher formal education at <strong>the</strong>Sou<strong>the</strong>rn California Conservatoryof Music and <strong>the</strong> PacoimaPerforming Arts Magnet School.She also attended Glendale CommunityCollege, where she appearedin a slew of plays, such asWest Side Story and Rhinoceros.“I did a number of plays at local<strong>the</strong>aters, including Peter Pan,Scapin, and Let <strong>the</strong> Rocks Speak,which was written by my mo<strong>the</strong>r,Lilly Thomassian,” she says. “Idid a lot of writing in between:lots of poems and monologuesand self-discovery.”Thomassian’s meeting with ShahenHagobian was a turning point.Toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y started <strong>the</strong> band FishCircus. “A whole new world openedup,” she says. “We had performances[at events and venues] ranging fromelementary school pancake breakfaststo <strong>the</strong> El Rey Theatre in LosAngeles. After that I met Voki andan equally strange world opened up:<strong>the</strong> world of <strong>the</strong> Gazillionaire.”Like <strong>the</strong> proverbial yin and <strong>the</strong>yang, Kalfayan and Thomassianbounce off one ano<strong>the</strong>r with extraordinarytiming and wit. “From<strong>the</strong> moment I met Voki, I knew wewould do something awesome toge<strong>the</strong>r,”Thomassian says. “He had<strong>the</strong> Gazillionaire [character] alreadyand he helped me find my Pennycharacter with just three ten-minuterehearsals. But we needed somemusic and I knew Shahen would bedown to try something new.”The big showThe Gazillionaire is quite a sightfor anyone who hasn’t had an upcloseencounter with <strong>the</strong> character.“The Gazillionaire is an evolutionof all <strong>the</strong> different styles of<strong>the</strong>ater and performance that Ihave studied and performed over<strong>the</strong> years,” Kalfayan explains. “Itreally combines clown, bouffon(a very dark and aggressive clownstyle), commedia dell’arte, mime,and a slew of o<strong>the</strong>r styles. Thecharacter is constantly changingand growing and learning frompeople I work with.”Commenting on audience response,Kalfayan says, “Audiencesalways have drastically differentreactions: from leaving during <strong>the</strong>show to coming to see it over andover, to being indifferent, to beingoffended, to being offendedand loving to be offended. I thinkthat good <strong>the</strong>ater should do that.If everyone loves it, you are Disney;if everyone hates it, you’relike Larry <strong>the</strong> cable guy... I like tomake <strong>the</strong> audience feel something,shake it a little bit.”The Gazillionaire show relies agreat deal on <strong>the</strong> band and musicthat back up <strong>the</strong> show. The band isalready playing when <strong>the</strong> audienceenters <strong>the</strong> venue. It seamlessly transitionsinto <strong>the</strong> show and continuesto provide music for both plannedmaterial and spontaneous momentswith <strong>the</strong> audience. “The originalGazillionaire Band was Mher Ajamian[formerly of Tallulah SoundExperiment], Shahen Hagobian,and Anais. It was a tiny ragtag bandthat pulled <strong>the</strong> whole show toge<strong>the</strong>r,and <strong>the</strong> best part of it all was thatI had a band. That had been a reallyimportant part of creating <strong>the</strong>show and I wasn’t sure it was goingto happen - but I am so proud ofwhat those guys did. After that, <strong>the</strong>rest of Fish Circus saw <strong>the</strong> show andwanted to be part of it. The GazillionaireBand has ranged from threeto seven members and it has alwaysbeen a huge part of <strong>the</strong> show.”What’s in store for <strong>the</strong>future?“It seems like people take to <strong>the</strong>Gazillionaire and <strong>the</strong> show,” Kalfayansays. “Right now, it lookslike we will be doing <strong>the</strong> show for awhile. Working at <strong>the</strong> Spiegeltentand with <strong>the</strong> producers <strong>the</strong>re hasopened up a new world… to beable to do <strong>the</strong> show in differentcities and in different capacitiesand to find new audiences.” fconnect:myspace.com/vokiAbsin<strong>the</strong> andGazillionaire’sLate Night Lounge,at <strong>the</strong> renownedSpiegelworldTent in MiamiBeach, shockand entertainaudiences withhigh-flyingtrapeze artists,contortionists,awkwardstripteases, andbeautiful displaysof strength, art,and humor.<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 2/16/2008C23

“…a mix of Jimmy Eat World,3 Doors Down & Matchbox 20...will be highly welcome onyour stereo...”—Kudos MagazineFI R E AWAY

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