Delhaize Group Guide for Ethical Business Conduct - EthicsPoint

Delhaize Group Guide for Ethical Business Conduct - EthicsPoint

Delhaize Group Guide for Ethical Business Conduct - EthicsPoint


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GUIDE <strong>for</strong> ETHICALBUSINESS CONDUCTthe right way, every day2

CONTENTMessage from the CEO 01Our Commitment to Integrity 03Applicability of this <strong>Guide</strong> ›› 04The Right Way, Every Day ›› 05Vision and Values 06oUr Vision ›› 06oUr Values ›› 07Our Commitment based on Integrity 08Our Associates 11Fair Treatment and Equal EmploymentOpportunity ›› 11Health and Safety ›› 12Harassment ›› 12Drug and Alcohol Abuse ›› 12Workplace Violence ›› 13No Retaliation ›› 13Our Customers 15Dealing with Customers ›› 15mArketing ›› 15Food Safety ›› 15Our Shareholders 17rECordS Management ›› 17kEEping Accurate Records ›› 18protecting Company Assets ›› 19Data Privacy and Security ›› 19Protecting Confidential In<strong>for</strong>mation ›› 20Acceptable Use of Company Assets ›› 20Conflict of Interest ›› 21oUTSIDE Employment ›› 22Accepting Gifts ›› 22Gathering Competitive In<strong>for</strong>mation ›› 23Authority to Act on behalf of the Company ›› 24Trading on Inside In<strong>for</strong>matioN ›› 25Our Communities 27The Law ›› 27Fair Competition and Antitrust ›› 28Environment ›› 28pErsonal Political Activities ›› 28Corporate Political Activities ›› 29Dealing with Governments ›› 29Government Requests ›› 29Our Commitment to Resolving Issues 30rESolving <strong>Ethical</strong> Concerns ›› 30rEporting violations ›› 30Corrective Action ›› 31Amendments and Waivers ›› 31Important Contact In<strong>for</strong>mation 32ImportantThis <strong>Guide</strong> is effective as of March 1, 2010, except with respect to any associates <strong>for</strong> which additional approval or review is required, or is determined to be customary or appropriate, byany governmental regulatory body or workers council, preserving in this process the tradition of good social dialogue. <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s policies, guidelines and related procedures aresubject to unilateral change by <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> at any time. In adopting and publishing its policies and these guidelines, <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> expressly states that (1) in some respects its policiesand guidelines exceed the requirements of law and industry practice, (2) nothing contained in <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s policies and guidelines should be construed or applied as a bindinginterpretation or definition of the law or industry practice, and (3) any act by a <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> employee or agent in violation of the law or of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s policy is beyond the scope ofsuch person’s duty, authority and responsibility and is not an act by or on behalf of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>.This <strong>Guide</strong> is neither an employment contract nor an amendment to an employment contract. We do not create any contractual or legal rights or guarantees by issuing these policies.

messagefrom the CEODear Associates and Colleagues,As we strive to enrich the lives of our customers, associates and the communities we serve in a sustainable way,we are guided by our shared values of determination, courage, humility, integrity and humor. Each of thesevalues reflects our purpose that together we will deliver “the best of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>for</strong> life.”The fulfillment of our purpose requires a sustained focus on conducting our business in a manner that is consistentwith our values. For that reason, I am pleased to introduce to you the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Ethical</strong> <strong>Business</strong><strong>Conduct</strong>. This <strong>Guide</strong> outlines the standards of conduct that support our commitment to integrity – a commitmentthat requires that we conduct our business in an ethically responsible manner that respects and protects ourrelationships with our associates, our customers, our shareholders, and our communities.This <strong>Guide</strong> is the core of a comprehensive compliance network that supports and encourages ethical businessconduct. It is a tool that can help you make sound business decisions that meet the ethical and legal standardsthat define our business and upon which our reputation is based. It is your responsibility to read, understand andapply the principles contained in this <strong>Guide</strong>.Acting with integrity is about more than protecting our company’s image and reputation, or avoiding legal issues.It is also about sustaining a place where we all support, respect and inspire each other and the values that weshare. Ultimately, men and women of integrity do the right thing regardless of the circumstances and even whenno one is looking over their shoulder.For over 140 years, our commitment to integrity has been foundational to our success. Today, as a globalcompany, we are committed to being a responsible corporate citizen in every country and community wherewe do business. Integrity is more important than ever as we make decisions and empower each and everyassociate to conduct our business “the right way, every day.”Thank you <strong>for</strong> your commitment to <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>. Together we deliver the best of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>for</strong> life.Pierre-Olivier Beckers,President and Chief Executive Officer1

ourCommitmentto IntegrityDetermination. Integrity. Courage. Humility. Humor. At <strong>Delhaize</strong><strong>Group</strong>, we share these common values that are the foundation ofour behavior; they give clear guidance on what is expected fromeveryone across the <strong>Group</strong>. They are key to our success.Integrity is foundational to our commitment to conduct our businessin an ethically responsible manner that recognizes and protects ourrelationships with associates, customers, shareholders, vendors,and communities. At <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, we refer to this commitmentas “The Right Way, Every Day”. As associates of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>,we must apply common values and standards to support thiscommitment and to foster an environment that recognizes thatintegrity is the foundation of who we are and how we do business.The Right Way, Every Day: The <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Ethical</strong><strong>Business</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> (the “<strong>Guide</strong>”) outlines the standards of integrityand responsible conduct that support this commitment.3

“The right way, every day should be the goalof each and every <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> associate.Do your part to make it happen!”Deb Chaloux, Vice President of Organizational Developmentand Learning at <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Question > Why does <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> haveone standard <strong>Guide</strong>? Why don´t we haveregional codes that address issues that are more relevantto particular locations?Answer > Our standards of integrity and responsibleconduct are universal. We embrace the same high ethicalstandards wherever we operate. Because we recognize thatthe actual application of these standards as well as lawsand regulations may vary by location, the Company hasprovided other resources and policies to help address thespecific issues within a particular region.?Applicability of this <strong>Guide</strong>The provisions of this <strong>Guide</strong> apply to all directors,officers and associates of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> and eachof its subsidiaries (referred to as the “Company” or“<strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>”) worldwide. Directors, officers and otheremployees of the Company are referred to collectively as“associates.”This <strong>Guide</strong> is not intended to address every ethical issuethat might arise, nor does it identify all internal policies orexternal laws and regulations that apply to our Companyor associates. Rather, this <strong>Guide</strong> is intended to providea framework which can be used by associates to makeappropriate choices regarding the business of <strong>Delhaize</strong><strong>Group</strong>. If you have a question about this <strong>Guide</strong> or anyother ethical issue that you encounter in your work <strong>for</strong>the Company, you are encouraged to contact yourlocal management, Compliance Coordinator, HumanResources or Legal Department or the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Office of Compliance and Ethics. Contact in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong>these resources can be found on page 32 of this <strong>Guide</strong>.<strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> may have policies or practices within yourbusiness, region or country that require more of you thanis required by this <strong>Guide</strong>. In that event, you must complywith the stricter policy or practice.This <strong>Guide</strong> is not intended to conflict with any lawapplicable in the country or local jurisdiction where youwork. However, if a local law conflicts with any provisionof this <strong>Guide</strong>, you must comply with the law. Any suchconflicts should be reported to the Office of Complianceand Ethics.4

The Right Way, Every DayAs an associate, you are expected to conduct ourbusiness the right way, every day by acting ethically anddemonstrating integrity in all situations. You are expectedto know and follow the policies and principles in this<strong>Guide</strong>, just as you are expected to know and follow thepolicies and procedures of your operating company thatare relevant to your job. You must also comply with alllaws and regulations that apply to our business.Most of the time, good judgment and common senseprovide excellent guideposts <strong>for</strong> decision making. Anotheruseful guide <strong>for</strong> conducting our business the right way,every day is to ask yourself three questions be<strong>for</strong>e takingany action or making a decision:› Is it legal?› Is it ethical?› Is it in the best interests of the Company?If your answer to each question is “yes,” then it is likely thatyou have found the proper course of action from an ethicalperspective.?Question > What happens if I am faced witha situation where acting ethically conflicts withmaking a profit <strong>for</strong> the company? What does the companyexpect me to do in those situations?Answer > You must always engage in legal and ethicalconduct no matter what the circumstances are, even if itmeans losing business or profits. Remember that our longtermprofitability depends on our reputation, which shouldnever be sacrificed to meet short-term profit goals.5

vision&Nutritious, healthy, safe and af<strong>for</strong>dable.Together, we deliver the best of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>for</strong> life.Together, we aspire to enrich the lives of our customers, associates,and the communities we serve in a sustainable way.Together, we offer assortments, products and services that arenutritious, healthy and safe, everyday, at prices all customers canaf<strong>for</strong>d.We are connected with our colleagues across the <strong>Group</strong>. We learn,we grow talent and we innovate. We support, we respect and weinspire each other.Together, we deliver the best of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>for</strong> life.6

values›› determinationWe commit to per<strong>for</strong>m, even if barriers stand in ourway. We deliver. We know we can count on eachother to achieve our goals.››››integrityWe are authentic. We are honest with ourselvesand with others. We are fair and principled towardsour colleagues, our suppliers, our customers, ourcommunities and our planet. We stick to our word.We have nothing to hide. We take fact-baseddecisions. We work together in an open, transparentway.courageCourage is required <strong>for</strong> the road less travelled.The courageous rebound from tough times andtemporary setbacks. We have demonstrated couragethroughout our storied history. Courage resides inour hearts and fuels us to challenge, persevere, andsucceed.›› humilityClearly knowing who you are and what you are ableto do allows you to pass on your experience andto accept help yourself whenever appropriate. Ahumble person is inspired to teach and to learn fromothers. A humble person always looks <strong>for</strong> ways toserve others.››humorHumor helps to put things in perspective and todistance oneself from setbacks and success. Humorkeeps us from taking ourselves too seriously. Humormakes work enjoyable while sparking creativity andinnovation.7

Our Commitmentbased on IntegrityWe are committed to integrity in all ofour relationships:our associatesour customersour shareholdersour communitiesTo make this <strong>Guide</strong> more practicalto use, we have organized it into4 sections. These topics are thepillars that are supported by ourorganizational commitment tointegrity.ASSOCIATESDELHAIZE GROUPVision & ValuesCUSTOMERSSHAREHOLDERS COMMUNITIESINTEGRITYThe Right Way, Every Day8

›› AssociatesAt <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, our vision includes beingconnected with our colleagues by supporting,respecting and inspiring each other. This visionprotects our most valuable asset – our associates.Our success as a Company depends on the uniquecontribution, hard work and dedication of all ourassociates. As a Company and as individuals, wemust commit ourselves to treat each other in a fair,respectful and honest manner.›› ShareholdersIf <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is going to deliver on its visionand live up to its values, it must operate from aposition of strength and stability. The investment ofour shareholders enables and energizes our visionand values. Associates are expected to carry outtheir responsibilities in a manner that protects theinterests of the Company and the investment ofour shareholders. Our shareholders trust us tocontinually improve the Company’s per<strong>for</strong>mance,to protect the Company’s assets, and to createshareholder value. Associates have an obligationto reward that trust.›› CustomersTo deliver the best <strong>for</strong> life to our customers, wemust earn their loyalty and trust by deliveringnutritious, healthy, safe and af<strong>for</strong>dable productsand services, and by treating our customers theway we would want to be treated –– fairly and withrespect.›› CommunitiesOur vision and values are foundational to ourcommitment to corporate responsibility andsupporting the communities where we do business.We actively seek to make every community inwhich we operate a better place to live and work,knowing that our success is directly linked to thesuccess of those communities. We also recognizethe importance of doing business with externalbusiness partners, vendors, contractors, agents,and consultants who demonstrate high standardsof ethical business conduct and share ourcommitment to responsible corporate citizenship.Our continued global success depends upon thiscommitment.9

Our AssociatesAt <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, our vision includes being connected with our colleaguesby supporting, respecting and inspiring each other. This vision protectsour most valuable asset – our associates. Our success as a Companydepends on the unique contribution, hard work and dedication of all ourassociates. As a Company and as individuals, we must commit ourselvesto treat each other in a fair, respectful and honest manner.Fair Treatment and Equal EmploymentOpportunityThe Company believes all associates deserve a workplacewhere they are respected and appreciated. Our policiesare designed to ensure that associates are treated fairlyand with respect and that associates treat others withthat same respect. The Company strives to provide itsassociates with challenging and rewarding opportunities<strong>for</strong> personal and professional growth and is committed tomake employment decisions without regard to gender,race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy,national origin, veteran or marital status, disability, or anyother legally protected status. This commitment appliesto all phases of the employment relationship, includingpromotions, demotions, transfers, layoffs or terminations,compensation, and selection <strong>for</strong> training and relatedprograms. All officers and other associates are expectedto comply with applicable laws and Company policiesrelating to equal opportunity and non-discrimination.“At <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, we believeevery associate is entitled tofair treatment, courtesy andrespect.”Dave Bass, Vice President Associate Relationsat <strong>Delhaize</strong> America11

“Make safety a part of yourdaily routine.”James Ball, Director of Safety & QualityAssurance at <strong>Delhaize</strong> AmericaHealth and SafetyThe Company is committed to providing a safe and healthywork environment wherever the Company does business.Associates are expected to comply with safety and healthlaws and regulations that apply to our business activitiesas well as with related Company policies and procedures.Each associate is responsible <strong>for</strong> knowing and observingthe safety and health rules and practices that apply tohis or her job. If you become aware of any threat to thesafety of our customers, associates or facilities, you shouldreport it immediately to your supervisor or a member ofmanagement.HarassmentAll associates are expected to conduct themselves in amanner appropriate <strong>for</strong> their work environment, and to besensitive to and respectful of the concerns and values ofothers. The Company does not tolerate verbal or physicalconduct by any associate or any other person that disrupts?Question > I have a co-worker that frequently makesinappropriate remarks or tells jokes that make me feel uncom<strong>for</strong>table.I don’t feel com<strong>for</strong>table speaking with my supervisor because she isaware of the behavior and often observes and appears to condone myco-worker’s actions. If I object, I’m afraid everyone will think I’mbeing over-sensitive. Should I just ignore it?Answer > No, ignoring the problem will not resolve it. Associatesare encouraged to promptly report any harassing, discriminatory orretaliatory conduct. Prompt reporting of any inappropriate conductenables the Company to respond in a timely manner and helps tomaintain an environment free of harassment and discrimination <strong>for</strong> allassociates. You are not required to report the inappropriate conductto your supervisor if that supervisor is involved in the complaint.or interferes with the work per<strong>for</strong>mance of an associateor which creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile workenvironment. Unwelcome sexual advances, harassment,threats of violence and other inappropriate personalconduct are prohibited. This includes harassment basedupon gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation,age, pregnancy, national origin, veteran or marital status,disability, or other characteristics or categories protected bylaw. Harassment can be verbal, non-verbal, or physical innature and can take many <strong>for</strong>ms, including behavior thatoffends, threatens, or disturbs others or which creates anunpleasant or hostile environment.If you observe or are subjected to harassment, youshould report it immediately. The Company will promptlyinvestigate all credible allegations of harassment and willtake appropriate action in accordance with Companypolicy. Associates are expected to cooperate fully inthe Company’s investigation of harassment complaints.Retaliation against anyone who reports harassment orparticipates in an investigation will not be tolerated.Drug and Alcohol AbuseThe safety of fellow associates and customers may dependon your ability to think clearly and to react quickly. Beingunder the influence of alcohol or drugs or improperly usingmedication may diminish your ability to per<strong>for</strong>m your jobeffectively and safely. There<strong>for</strong>e, the possession or sale ofillegal drugs or being under the influence of illegal drugsor alcohol on Company time, on Company property, orwhile operating a Company vehicle, is prohibited.?Question > I suspect a colleagueis occasionally coming to work intoxicatedand may even be drinking on the job. I´mconcerned <strong>for</strong> my colleague´s health andsafety. What can I do?Answer > You should report this situation toyour supervisor. If you are not com<strong>for</strong>tablediscussing the matter with your supervisor,you can also report this concern to the Humanresources Department.12

Workplace ViolenceThe Company is committed to providing a safe,violence-free workplace and strictly prohibits associates,consultants, vendors, customers, visitors, or anyone elseon Company premises or engaging in a Company-relatedactivity from behaving in a violent or threatening manner.Workplace violence includes but is not limited to threats,physically aggressive or violent behavior, intimidation, andsabotage or threats of sabotage of Company property. Ifyou observe or become aware of any violent or threateningbehavior by any associate, vendor, customer, or otherperson, you must notify your supervisor or a member ofmanagement immediately. In the event that you observeor become aware of any violent or threatening behaviorthat constitutes imminent risk of physical harm to anyperson, contact local law en<strong>for</strong>cement immediately. TheCompany will promptly investigate all reported allegationsof workplace violence and will take appropriate action inaccordance with Company policy.No RetaliationThe Company will not retaliate against anyone who, ingood faith, properly reports a possible violation of lawor Company policy, nor will the Company tolerate anyharassment or intimidation of any associate who reportsa suspected violation or participates in an investigation of asuspected violation. Good faith does not mean you have to beright, but it does mean you are providing all of the in<strong>for</strong>mation youhave and that you believe it to be true. An associate who knowinglyor recklessly makes statements or disclosures that are not in goodfaith may be subject to corrective action. Any person who engagesin retaliation, directly or indirectly, or encourages others to do so,may be subject to corrective action.?Question > What if I fear retaliation <strong>for</strong>reporting a potential violation of law or Company policy?Answer > Retaliation against any associate who seeksadvice, raises a concern, or reports misconduct is strictlyprohibited. If you suspect that you or another associatehave been retaliated against <strong>for</strong> raising a good faithconcern, you should contact the Office of Compliance andEthics immediately.“The Company does not tolerate retaliationagainst anyone <strong>for</strong> raising a legal orethical concern or cooperating with aninvestigation.”Kostas Kalargyros, Personnel Manager at Alfa-Beta13

Our CustomersTo deliver the best <strong>for</strong> life to our customers, we must earn their loyalty andtrust by delivering nutritious, healthy, safe and af<strong>for</strong>dable products andservices, and by treating our customers the way we would want to betreated –– fairly and with respect.Dealing with CustomersEach Associate is expected to treat our customers withdignity and respect in all of our communications andinteractions with them. Associates must never harassor discriminate against any customer. Associates mustcommunicate honestly with our customers in all of ourinteractions with them, including the accuracy of thescanned and posted prices charged <strong>for</strong> our products. If apricing error is identified, associates are expected to workwith their manager to resolve the issue immediately.MarketingThe Company is committed to accurate and appropriatemarketing, promotion, advertising, labelling and packaging.Accordingly, associates whose job responsibilities includethe marketing, promotion, advertising, labelling orpackaging of our products or stores must comply with thefollowing guidelines:› Company communications, advertising and productlabelling must be accurate and adhere to all applicablelaws.› Associates may not disseminate false in<strong>for</strong>mation abouta competitor or a competitor’s product.› Advertising should avoid messages, depictions,or characterizations that would be offensive to theCompany’s customers or associates in the geographicalarea in which the advertising is used.Food SafetyFor our Company, food safety is a top priority and weare committed to offering products that are safe <strong>for</strong>our customers around the world. Associates have aresponsibility to know and understand the food andproduct safety policies and laws that impact their jobs.Associates also must comply with all relevant food safetylaws and applicable Company policies in their localjurisdictions.“When a customer buys ourproducts, they trust the quality.It is a trust that we haveearned, and we work hard tokeep it that way.”Raluca Pavel, Marketing Manager atMega Image15

Our ShareholdersIf <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is going to deliver on its vision and live up to its values, itmust operate from a position of strength and stability. The investment ofour shareholders enables and energizes our vision and values. Associatesare expected to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that protectsthe interests of the Company and the investment of our shareholders. Ourshareholders trust us to continually improve the Company’s per<strong>for</strong>mance,to protect the Company’s assets, and to create shareholder value.Associates have an obligation to reward that trust.Records ManagementMaintaining Company records properly, whether inelectronic or paper <strong>for</strong>mat, is very important. Companyrecords should be retained, maintained, and disposed ofin accordance with relevant legal requirements and withthe established record management programs or policiesof your operating company. Associates are prohibitedfrom destroying any records that may be relevant toany <strong>for</strong>eseeable or pending litigation, governmentinvestigation or proceeding.?Question > How do I determine how long Imust keep my records and when I can disposeof them?Answer > First, you must determine if the document isrequired <strong>for</strong> a legal or audit investigation be<strong>for</strong>e disposingof any records. If it is, all disposal activities must besuspended immediately. Second, consult <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>record management guidelines to determine how long thedocument should be retained. If further in<strong>for</strong>mation isrequired, contact your local compliance coordinator.17

Keeping Accurate RecordsEvery day, at all levels of the Company, associates makedecisions based on the in<strong>for</strong>mation that is recorded byother associates, so having accurate in<strong>for</strong>mation is vital <strong>for</strong>our continued business success. It is the Company’s policyto keep books, records, and accounts that accurately reflectall transactions and to provide a comprehensive system ofinternal accounting and controls. The Company expectsassociates to ensure that those portions of our books,records and accounts <strong>for</strong> which they have responsibility arevalid, complete, accurate and supported by appropriatedocumentation in verifiable <strong>for</strong>m. Examples include, butare not limited to:› Financial statements and related accounting entries andadjustments;› Expense sheets;› Time sheets;› Product and quality reports; and› Documents filed with or submitted to government orregulatory agencies.All associates who exercise supervisory duties over theCompany’s assets or records are expected to establish,implement and follow appropriate controls <strong>for</strong> theprocesses relating to those assets and records within theirarea of responsibility. These controls will help ensure thesafeguarding of the Company’s assets and the accuracyof our financial records and reports.If you become aware of any inaccurate financial reporting,questionable transactions or accounting practices involvingthe Company, you must report the matter immediatelyto your local Legal Department, your local ComplianceCoordinator, the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Office of Compliance andEthics, the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Vice President of Internal Audit,or the Chairman of the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Audit Committee.“Accurate in<strong>for</strong>mation is criticalto our business. Every associateis responsible <strong>for</strong> creating andmaintaining accurate records.”Mochamad Bhakti, Project Management Specialistat Super Indo18

Protecting Company AssetsEach associate of the Company must comply with allCompany policies and procedures to protect the assets ofthe Company. Company assets include not only physicaland tangible items such as inventory, equipment, vehicles,furnishings, fixtures, funds, supplies and computer andtelephone networks, but also include intangibles suchas ideas, creations, and concepts. All rights to propertyand in<strong>for</strong>mation generated or obtained as part of anassociate’s employment with the Company remain theexclusive property of the Company, unless otherwiseprovided by law.?Question > Data privacy laws only coversensitive data, like medical data and credit cardnumbers, right?Answer > Wrong. Where data privacy laws are applicable,they apply to all personal data of individuals. Their e-mailaddress, business and home contact details, their voiceand image – these are all personal data protected by dataprivacy laws as long as such data can be linked to anidentifiable individual.Data Privacy and SecurityDuring the course of your employment, you may haveaccess to personal data belonging to our associates,shareholders, vendors and customers. The Companyseeks to maintain the privacy and security of this personalin<strong>for</strong>mation. Associates are expected to maintain theprivacy of personal in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> which they haveresponsibility or to which they have access, and to usethat in<strong>for</strong>mation only as needed <strong>for</strong> authorized Companybusiness.Unless included as a part of their normal job responsibilities,or otherwise authorized by a supervisor, associatesare expressly prohibited from accessing any systemsor databases containing personal in<strong>for</strong>mation, such asassociate or personnel records, customer in<strong>for</strong>mation,in<strong>for</strong>mation pertaining to stock ownership or incentiveprograms, or the e-mail and voice mail messages ofco-workers. The Company has implemented securitypolicies to help ensure that only authorized individualshave access to personal in<strong>for</strong>mation. Each associate isexpected to comply with those policies, as well as anyapplicable local privacy regulations.In the event that you become aware of or suspect abreach of our data security, you must report it immediatelyto your supervisor, the local Legal Department or your localCompliance Coordinator.19

Protecting Confidential In<strong>for</strong>mationProtecting the Company’s confidential businessin<strong>for</strong>mation is critical to our success since the disclosureof this in<strong>for</strong>mation may be extremely damaging to ourcompetitive position. Examples of confidential in<strong>for</strong>mationinclude trade secrets, detailed sales and profit figures,new product or marketing plans, development ideas orin<strong>for</strong>mation, product <strong>for</strong>mulations, in<strong>for</strong>mation aboutsuppliers and customers, and in<strong>for</strong>mation about potentialacquisitions, divestitures and investments. Protectingconfidential in<strong>for</strong>mation requires that we:› keep it physically and electronically secure;› do not disclose it to persons outside of the Company;› limit access and disclosure within the Company toonly persons who need the in<strong>for</strong>mation to do their jobproperly; and› avoid discussion of confidential in<strong>for</strong>mation in publicplaces.Each associate’s obligation to preserve and protect theconfidentiality of Company in<strong>for</strong>mation is ongoing, evenafter employment with the Company ends. Disclosure ofconfidential in<strong>for</strong>mation may result in disciplinary actionincluding but not limited to termination of employment.?Question > I was using my home computer andcame across a site where confidential <strong>Delhaize</strong><strong>Group</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation was being published. What should I do?Answer > Disclosure of confidential company in<strong>for</strong>mationis strictly <strong>for</strong>bidden, as it may seriously harm the Companyin trying to achieve its business objectives. Discuss yourobservation with your supervisor. You may also contactyour local Compliance Coordinator or the Office ofCompliance and Ethics.“When dealing with confidential orsensitive company in<strong>for</strong>mation, treat it asif it were your own personal in<strong>for</strong>mationand keep it secure.”David Callebaut, Manager In<strong>for</strong>mation Security Officeat <strong>Delhaize</strong> BelgiumAcceptable Use of Company AssetsAssociates may not use Company equipment or resources<strong>for</strong> personal use or <strong>for</strong> any illegal or improper purpose,such as the creation, storage or transmission of contentthat others might find offensive. Associates should notsend a message or store any in<strong>for</strong>mation that you wouldnot want to be seen or heard by other individuals. Unlessotherwise provided by law, e-mail, voicemail, and anyother in<strong>for</strong>mation or data stored on Company equipmentor devices are considered Company property, and theCompany reserves the right to access, disclose and usethis in<strong>for</strong>mation in its sole discretion or as otherwise maybe required by law.20

Conflict of InterestA conflict of interest arises when an associate’s personal,social, financial or political interests interfere with theassociate’s ability to act in the best interest of the Company.Associates should avoid any situation that creates eventhe appearance of a conflict. Although it is impracticalto present an exhaustive list of actions and relationshipsthat may result in a conflict of interest, the following areexamples of potential conflicts of interest:› Outside employment that interferes with an associate’sability to per<strong>for</strong>m his or her work <strong>for</strong> the Company orthat involves a competitor, supplier or customer of theCompany;› Relatives or close personal relationships with individualswho are employed by a competitor, supplier orcustomer;› An ownership interest in a business enterprise that doesor desires to do business with the Company;› Taking personal advantage of a business or investmentopportunity that belongs to the Company;› Accepting gifts from a supplier or customer; or› Using confidential company in<strong>for</strong>mation or othercorporate assets <strong>for</strong> personal profit.Associates who have questions about a potential conflictof interest, or who wish to disclose a potential conflictof interest, should contact their supervisor, their localCompliance Coordinator or their local Legal Department.Associates who fail to disclose conflicts of interest, orengage in such transactions without proper disclosureand approval, may be subject to corrective action, up toand including dismissal.?Question > I have learned that my departmentis negotiating a contract that will make myspouse’s employer a major supplier of our Company.Could this create a conflict of interest?Answer > Yes. A conflict of interest may exist in thissituation as you may appear biased towards your spouse´scompany. You should notify your supervisor of yourspouse’s relationship with this company and then removeyourself from the decision-making process. By doing this,you can avoid a situation that may improperly influenceyour decisions.21

“While gifts are nice to give or receive,they are not appropriate if they aregiven with the intent to influence abusiness decision.”Janet Britton, Senior Corporate Counselat <strong>Delhaize</strong> AmericaOutside EmploymentIn general, associates may be employed outside of theCompany, as long as their outside employment does notinterfere with their ability to do their job with the Company.Outside business may not be conducted during workinghours and may not involve the use of Company equipment,supplies or in<strong>for</strong>mation. Associates may not be employedby, or otherwise provide services <strong>for</strong> or receive benefitfrom, any customer, supplier or competitor of the Companywithout prior written approval from their supervisor andthe local Legal Department. Approval is not required <strong>for</strong>service as an officer or director of a charitable or othernon-profit institution or trade organization.?Question > It is customary in my country to beinvited by a supplier to a restaurant to discusstheir products. Is this acceptable?Answer > The preferred location to discuss supplierproducts is in the Company´s office or in the supplieroffices. In certain instances, it may be appropriate to havea product discussion outside of those settings. If you feelthat such an exception is warranted, you should consultwith your supervisor <strong>for</strong> further guidance.Accepting GiftsThe Company strives to maintain a cordial but professionalrelationship with its vendors, suppliers, franchisees,contractors, and other members of the businesscommunity. These relationships are vital to our success,and should be based on good business judgment, mutualtrust and fair dealing. Gifts or entertainment provided to ourassociates by a vendor can make it difficult to be objectivewhen dealing with the person or company that providessuch benefits. There<strong>for</strong>e, associates may not accept giftsor entertainment from any organization or individual ifdoing so might impair, or appear to impair, their ability toper<strong>for</strong>m Company duties or to exercise judgment in a fairand unbiased manner.If you accept a gift or favour, you must disclose the fact andamount of the gift to your supervisor, unless the gift hasa de minimis value or consists of unsolicited promotionalmaterials of a general advertising nature. No gift shouldbe accepted unless the gift:› is reasonable and customary;› is accepted without any understanding that the recipientor the Company is in any way obligated; and› would not embarrass our Company if publicly disclosed.Gifts of a ceremonial nature in keeping with local customare permitted as long as acceptance does not violate anyapplicable law, can not be construed as a bribe or payoff,and would not embarrass the Company if disclosedpublicly.22

Gathering Competitive In<strong>for</strong>mationTo compete in the marketplace, it is necessary andappropriate to gather in<strong>for</strong>mation about our industry andour competitors. However, some <strong>for</strong>ms of in<strong>for</strong>mationgathering are unethical and may even violate the law.Associates should never use illegitimate methods toacquire a competitor’s confidential in<strong>for</strong>mation. If youbelieve that any proprietary or confidential in<strong>for</strong>mationabout a competitor or supplier has been obtainedimproperly, you should report the matter to your local LegalDepartment and refrain from using or further distributingthe in<strong>for</strong>mation.?Question > We recently hired a strategy analystfrom one of our competitors. Can I ask her to shareher <strong>for</strong>mer employer´s new strategy development plans?Answer > No. You can use the skills and expertise shedeveloped while employed by our competitor, but youcannot ask her to divulge confidential or proprietaryin<strong>for</strong>mation. If she is asked <strong>for</strong> this in<strong>for</strong>mation, she shouldrefuse to share it. If she offers the in<strong>for</strong>mation, you mustrefuse to accept it.23

24Authority to Act on Behalf of the CompanyOur customers and suppliers trust that the associate with whomthey are dealing is authorized to act on behalf of the Company.Associates who are authorized to act on behalf of the Companymust adhere to the limits of their authority and may not take anyaction to exceed or circumvent these limits. Unless authorizedto do so, associates may not sign any document(s), act as arepresentative, or exercise authority on behalf of the Company.If you have a question about your authority to act on behalf ofthe Company, you should review your operating Company’sDesignation of Authority policy or contact your supervisor, yourlocal Legal Department or your local Compliance Coordinator.

Trading on Inside In<strong>for</strong>mationWhile engaged in the scope of your employment withthe Company, you may become aware of in<strong>for</strong>mationthat has not been released to the public and that may bematerial to an investor’s decision to buy or sell the stockor other securities of the Company or another company.In<strong>for</strong>mation is material if there is a substantial likelihoodthat a reasonable investor would consider it important inmaking an investment decision to buy or sell a security. Itis a violation of Company policy and the law to trade in thesecurities of a company, including <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, whilein possession of material non-public in<strong>for</strong>mation aboutthat company. If an associate possesses material, nonpublicin<strong>for</strong>mation, they may not disclose such in<strong>for</strong>mationto anyone else (including friends and family members)until the in<strong>for</strong>mation has been released publicly and thepublic has had time to react.Associates who involve themselves in trading on the basisof material, non-public in<strong>for</strong>mation, either by personallyengaging in trading or by disclosing confidential materialin<strong>for</strong>mation to others, may be subject to immediatedismissal from the Company as well as prosecution bygovernmental authorities.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation on the general trading and disclosurerestrictions as well as additional trading restrictionsapplicable to designated persons, please refer to <strong>Delhaize</strong><strong>Group</strong>’s Trading Policy, which may be found on Lion Net(http://Lionnet.delhaizegroup.net).“Don´t make the mistakeof sharing material, non-publicin<strong>for</strong>mation to anyone, includingfriends or family. It´s just notworth it!”Nicolas Jerome, Corporate Legal Affairs Managerat <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>?Question > I realize that I can´t buy or sell theCompany´s stock based on insider in<strong>for</strong>mation,but can I advise a family member or friend to do so?Answer > No. You may be violating insider trading lawsjust as if you were buying the stock yourself. You and theperson you advised could be violating the law.25

Our CommunitiesOur vision and values are foundational to our commitment to corporateresponsibility and supporting the communities where we do business.We actively seek to make every community in which we operate a betterplace to live and work, knowing that our success is directly linked to thesuccess of those communities. We also recognize the importance of doingbusiness with external business partners, vendors, contractors, agents,and consultants who demonstrate high standards of ethical businessconduct and share our commitment to responsible corporate citizenship.Our continued global success depends upon this commitment.The LawThe business and activities of the Company are subject tomany laws, rules, and regulations in the various countriesand jurisdictions in which we operate. The policy of theCompany has been, and will continue to be, to complywith all applicable laws in the conduct of our business. Noassociate or director, whether by commission or omission,may violate or permit any violation of applicable law orregulation. Any action or failure to act that the associateknew or reasonably should have known violated anyapplicable law or regulation will not be tolerated and maysubject such associate to corrective action.“Laws and regulations are a part of our business and<strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> associates are expected to comply.Do the right thing.”Steven Boel, Real Estate Manager at <strong>Delhaize</strong> Belgium27

?Question > I am attending a trade associationmeeting and several members are discussingpricing strategy. What should I do?Answer > If issues such as pricing strategy are discussedamong competitors, there is the possibility that price-fixingor collusion could occur or be perceived to have occurred.Many countries prohibit the discussion of pricing amongcompetitors <strong>for</strong> this reason. If you find yourself in thissituation, you should excuse yourself from the meetingimmediately. Promptly advise the Legal Department ofwhat you have observed.“We strive to do business inan environmentally responsiblemanner and in compliance with allenvironmental laws.”Megan Hellstedt, Director of Corporate Responsibilityat <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Fair Competition and AntitrustCompetition and antitrust laws are designed to ensurea competitive free market system. The Company iscommitted to complying with all applicable antitrust andcompetition laws wherever we do business. We competeon the merits of our service, the prices we charge, and thecustomer loyalty we earn, and not on the basis of illegaland unfair competition or tactics.Some of the most serious violations of competition lawsoccur between competitors, such as agreements to fixprices or to divide customers, territories, or markets. It isthere<strong>for</strong>e important to avoid discussions with competitorsregarding pricing, terms and conditions, costs, marketingplans, customers, and any other proprietary or confidentialin<strong>for</strong>mation. It is also important to avoid discussions withsuppliers that may amount to indirect price setting throughsupplier guidance.In the event of a competition law or antitrust violation –even one that is unintentional – the Company may beexposed to substantial fines and penalties, as well assevere damage to its reputation. These laws are oftencomplex and associates should always seek guidancefrom the local Legal Department if they are uncertain aboutwhat the law requires or allows. If you become aware ofany conversation or activity that may violate competitionlaws, report it to your local Legal Department or your localCompliance Coordinator.EnvironmentAs a good corporate citizen, we have a responsibility tobe good stewards of the environmental resources weuse and consume. Furthermore, we are committed tocomplying with all relevant environmental laws, rulesand regulations in every country and community in whichwe operate. Accordingly, each associate is expected toconduct the Company’s business in an environmentallyresponsible manner by ensuring compliance withrelevant laws and regulations.Personal Political ActivitiesThe Company respects and supports the rights ofassociates to participate in personal political activitiesand to take personal positions on political issues andcandidates. However, associates may not speak on behalfof the Company unless specifically authorized to do soby their local legal or government relations department.Personal political activities should not be conducted onCompany time, should not use the associate’s authority orposition to coerce other associates, and should not involvethe use of Company resources, including telephones,computers, copiers, or office supplies. Associates will notbe reimbursed <strong>for</strong> political contributions.28

Corporate Political ActivitiesThe Company may express its views on local and nationalissues that affect its operations. In such cases, Companyfunds and resources may be contributed or used, but onlyto the extent permitted by law and consistent with relevantCompany guidelines and policies. The Company maymake contributions to political parties, candidates, or issueadvocacy groups where appropriate and in accordancewith applicable law. No associate may make or promisepolitical contributions or support to a political campaignor candidate on behalf of the Company without properauthorization.Government RequestsIt is the Company’s policy to cooperate with lawful requests<strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation or premises visits by government agenciesand regulatory authorities. Cooperation includesproviding truthful and accurate responses and properlypreserving and protecting any Company documents orrecords that may be relevant to a request or investigation.All such requests <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation should be reported to thelocal Legal Department immediately, and the guidanceof the local Legal Department should be received be<strong>for</strong>eresponding to any such request, other than what isprovided on a routine basis.Dealing with GovernmentsMany countries in which the Company does business havespecific laws on conducting business with governmentofficials. These laws typically prohibit a company(including its shareholders, directors, officers, otherassociates, or advisors) from directly or indirectly offering,promising to pay, or authorizing the payment of money oranything of value (including gratuities, gifts, entertainmentand travel) to a government official to obtain favorabletreatment. These prohibitions are applicable to all of ourbusinesses, regardless of geographical location, and theCompany expects all of its associates to adhere to theselaws. Because we can be liable <strong>for</strong> the illegal activities ofour agents and brokers, due diligence should be appliedin the selection and use of agents and brokers to ensurethat our payments to those agents and brokers will not beused as bribes on our behalf.?Question > A food safety inspector has arrivedat a Company distribution center. May I presenta case of products to the inspector as a sign of good will?Answer > No. You should never offer anything of value toa government official.29

our Commitment toResolving IssuesResolving <strong>Ethical</strong> ConcernsThroughout this <strong>Guide</strong>, there are references to reportingissues or seeking additional guidance regarding ethical orcompliance issues. If you need such guidance or if youneed to report any issue, unless otherwise directed hereinyou may contact any of the following reporting resources:› Your local supervisor or management› Your local Compliance Coordinator› Your local Human Resources or Legal Department› The <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Office of Compliance and EthicsYou may also submit a report using the Company’s Complianceand Ethics help line or online reporting tool. These reportingresources are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, andcan receive reports in languages spoken by our associatesaround the world. Contact in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> each of theseresources is available on page 32 of this <strong>Guide</strong>.“Asking <strong>for</strong> help is a sign of strength, notweakness. When in doubt, ask questionsor consult the <strong>Guide</strong>.”Kelly Smith, Corporate Records Administratorat <strong>Delhaize</strong> AmericaReporting ViolationsIf you become aware of a situation that may involve aviolation of this <strong>Guide</strong> or any other internal or externallaw, regulation or policy, or if you are asked or instructedby management or your supervisor to do something thatviolates any law, regulation, company policy or this <strong>Guide</strong>,you have a duty to your colleagues and the Company toproperly report the potential violation.If you need to report an issue that involves any individual orgroup that is identified as a reporting resource, you shouldmake the report to a different reporting resource. If you areunsure where to file a report or if you are uncom<strong>for</strong>tablereporting your concern within your operating company,you may contact the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Office of Complianceand Ethics or make a report to the Company’s Complianceand Ethics help line. Regardless of the reporting option youchoose, the key is to speak up and bring concerns <strong>for</strong>wardso that issues can be promptly identified and adequatelyaddressed.When you make a report to the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Officeof Compliance and Ethics or by using the Company’sCompliance and Ethics help line or online reporting tool,you may choose to remain anonymous. If you chooseto identify yourself, the Company will keep your identityconfidential in a manner consistent with conducting athorough and fair investigation.The Company is committed to protecting associatesfrom retaliation when they raise alleged violations ofcompany policy or the law. Retaliation against associates<strong>for</strong> reporting a business conduct issue or a violation ofcompany policy or law is strictly prohibited, and may resultin corrective action <strong>for</strong> the individual who retaliates.30

Corrective ActionWhen the Company receives credible in<strong>for</strong>mationregarding a possible breach of law or Company policy,the Company will promptly initiate an investigation ofthe alleged violation. If the Company determines thata breach or violation has occurred, the Company mayinitiate appropriate corrective action, up to and includingdischarge of the involved associates. If a violation ofgovernment law or regulation occurs, the Company maynotify appropriate government authorities. If you areresponsible <strong>for</strong> a violation that results in monetary lossto the Company, you may be required to reimburse theCompany <strong>for</strong> that loss. If you are involved in a violation,factors such as whether you reported the violation andthe degree of cooperation displayed by you in any relatedinvestigation may be given consideration when possiblecorrective action is considered.Amendments and WaiversThis <strong>Guide</strong> may be amended by the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Boardof Directors at any time without advance notice. Anyrequest <strong>for</strong> a waiver of any provision of this <strong>Guide</strong> mustbe submitted in writing to the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Office ofCompliance and Ethics, which has the authority to grant awaiver. In the event that a waiver of any provision of this<strong>Guide</strong> is granted <strong>for</strong> any member of the <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Board of Directors, an executive officer of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>,or a senior executive officer of an operating company, theChief Compliance and Ethics Officer of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>will notify the chairperson of the Audit Committee of the<strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Board of Directors. Any such waivers willbe promptly disclosed to the extent required by applicablelaw.31

IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATIONYour direct supervisor or managementYour local compliance coordinatorYour local Human Resources or Legal DepartmentYour Office of Compliance and Ethics> By e-mail: Compliance@delhaizegroup.com> By mail:Office of Compliance and Ethics40 Square Marie Curie,1070 Brussels, Belgium(mail to this box is delivered unopened to the Office of Compliance and Ethics)> By phone: +32 2 412 86 59> By secure fax: +32 2 412 83 89Your Compliance and Ethics helpline> Online: www.ethicspoint.com> By phone:US banners: +1 866 294 5682Belux banners: +32 2 412 24 14Greek banners: +30 210 6608111Romanian banners: +40 21 224 66 77Indonesian banners: +62 21 69 83 33 31In addition to contacting any of the above, you may report concerns regarding questionable accounting, internalfinancial controls and auditing matters to the following persons:<strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Vice President of Internal Audit> By e-mail: InternalAudit@delhaizegroup.com> By mail:40 Square Marie Curie,1070 Brussels, Belgium> By phone: +32 2 412 85 12Chairman of <strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Audit Committee> Please refer to our web site <strong>for</strong> contact in<strong>for</strong>mation(http://www.delhaizegroup.com)<strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong> may from time to time publish on its web site (http://www.delhaizegroup.com) updated telephonenumbers and addresses <strong>for</strong> the contacts listed above.32

Published by the Office of Compliance and Ethics<strong>Delhaize</strong> <strong>Group</strong>40 Square Marie Curie1070 Brussels, BelgiumIn addition to English, this booklet is published in thefollowing languages: Bahasa Indonesian, Dutch,French, Greek and Romanian.Only the English version of this <strong>Guide</strong> is official. Theavailable versions in the other languages representtranslations of the English version.The most current version of this document isavailable on-line via the World Wide Web:http://www.delhaizegroup.comTo reduce the environmental impact, this report wasprinted on FSC certified paper, proof of responsible<strong>for</strong>est management. We strongly encourage theconsultation of this report via our corporate websitewww.delhaizegroup.comTHE RIGHT WAY, EVERY DAYAdditional printed copies of this <strong>Guide</strong> may berequested by e-mail atcompliance@delhaizegroup.comor by mail to the Office of Compliance and Ethics

For more info, see alsowww.delhaizegroup.com

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