Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ...

Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ... Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ...
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AlumninewsNorthwestern ClassicClass notessurvivors are his wife, Margie; fivechildren; his mother; three brothers;and two sisters.Marilyn (Lupkes ’97) Jansma, 29,died Aug. 21 in Downers Grove,Ill., from injuries sustained in anautomobile accident. She served asdirector of community groups atPrairie Ridge Church in Ankeny,Iowa, and also worked as a familytherapist at Four Oaks in DesMoines. She is survived by her husband,Kevin ’99; son, Treyton; herparents; four brothers; and two sisters.’52Dr. Frank Calsbeek was designatedas distinguished professor of healtheducation emeritus at Texas StateUniversity-San Marcos in May. Hetaught and served as health educationdivision director for the universityfrom 1974 through 1995 andwas the College of Education’s assistantdean from 1981 to 1985. Heserved as president of the TexasAssociation for Health, PhysicalEducation, Recreation and Dance in1991. He now lives in GrandRapids, Mich.’66Christina McGrinson retired fromthe Kalamazoo (Mich.) PublicSchools in June after almost 20years of service. She has taught inPanama (her native country), Braziland Guatemala, and served as atranslator in Mexico and New YorkCity. She has traveled extensively inthe United States, Canada, SouthAmerica and Europe. Last summer,she and her sister explored the easternshores of Australia.’70Joe Petrill is in his 33rd year ofteaching physical education andcoaching football in Somerville, N.J.His oldest son, Jordan, is his offensivecoordinator for the freshmanprogram. Youngest son Blake threw11 touchdowns for 787 yards in thevarsity’s first four games this season.Dr. Gary Smit retired in June fromthe Lombard (Ill.) School District,where he was superintendent since1994. His 34-year career in publiceducation included 25 years as asuperintendent in three districts. Henow is on the faculty of theJosephson Institute of Ethics in LosAngeles. In this role, he presentsworkshops across the country onethics in the workplace and charactereducation for schools.’71Morris Harms, Rockford, Ill., retiredfrom his position as an adoptionspecialist with the Illinois Departmentof Children and FamilyServices. He now runs a handymanbusiness. His wife, Angie (Schreiner’72), serves as an addictions counselorfor teens through RosecranceHealth Network.’74After living for 30 years in theAtlanta metro area, CharlotteBaldwin has relocated to West DesMoines, Iowa.’76Deborah (Van Egdom) Hagemeier isserving as president of the SouthDakota Library Association. She istechnical services librarian atAugustana College’s MikkelsenLibrary in Sioux Falls.’81Bryant Tjeerdsma is assistant vicepresident of the information technologydepartment for FarmersMutual Hail Insurance Company ofIowa. His wife, Tamara (Breaw ’84),teaches fifth grade in the West DesMoines School District.’82Dale Landegent and his wife, RuthShicks ’83, co-directed theirfavorite musical, Pippin, this fall atSioux Center High School. Theyhad their first date during the runof that show at Northwestern in1979. This year, their cast includeddaughter Bethany.Members of the class of 1964 gathering at Homecoming included: (front row, left toright) Harold Dykstra, Carol (Friese ’62) Dykstra, Ruth (Knoll) Stientjes, LeeWiersma; (second row) George Bonnema, Sharon Bonnema, Leona Wyngarden andRoger Wyngarden.’86Barry Whitsell has been named chiefexecutive of Village NorthwestUnlimited in Sheldon. He was assistantadministrator at NorthwestIowa Health Center in Sheldon forthe past six years and served as avice president at Sheldon’s SecurityState Bank for 16 years.’87Steve Van Ginkel, North Sioux City,S.D., serves as vice president ofbusiness development for EZ Drop,a business that helps consumers listitems for sale on eBay. He previouslyworked for nine years as an executiveat Gateway.’88Dave Uit de Flesch earned a specialtycertificate in alcohol and drugaddictions treatment from WesternMichigan University last December.He continues to work as a therapistat Wedgwood Christian Services inGrand Rapids.’89After teaching for several years atHolland Christian Schools, Kim(Looman) Cook has been a stay-athomemom for three years. Her husband,Tim, is a computer programmerfor Herman Miller Inc. Theyhave two sons, Trevor (7) and Wesley(1), and live in Holland, Mich.Dave Wensink is a self-employedheating and cooling contractor inSheboygan Falls, Wis. His wife,Becky (Hofer), is a stay-at-homemom.’90Michele (Dahl) Bultena lives inWebster City, Iowa, with her husband,Kevin, and their children,Cassidy (6) and Tyler (4). Sheworks part time as a physical therapistin Clarion.’91Kellee (Korver) Conant is in her lastyear of studies at Palmer College ofChiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.’92Heather James does demos at theSam’s Club in Ames, Iowa.’94Stephanie (Fogelberg) Olson is astay-at-home mom in ChippewaFalls, Wis. Her husband, Corey, isan electrical engineer.Kevin Zylstra, Richfield, Minn., hasbeen doing financial planning in theTwin Cities for the past 10 years.He is a senior financial planner atNew England Financial inMinnetonka. He is active in aSunday evening ministry/mission,the Upper Room, at ChristPresbyterian Church in Edina.32 ▲ Winter 2004-05

Class notesNorthwestern ClassicAlumninews’95Chad Noble works as an actuarialanalyst at Capital Card Services inSioux Falls.’96Kevin Kroeze works as a police officerin Visalia, Calif.Jason Lief earned a master’s degreein theology from Wheaton CollegeGraduate School last December. Hecontinues to teach and coach atPella Christian High School whilealso lay preaching at churches inthe area. His wife, Tammy (DeHoogh), is a stay-at-home mom.Caroline Rogers serves as the magicalgatherings resort operationsmanager at Walt Disney World inOrlando, Fla. She has been selectedto be on the task force team forHong Kong Disneyland in 2005.She also operates her own Internetnetwork marketing business. Amember of the lay leadership teamat St. Luke’s Methodist Church, shevolunteers her time to assist charitiessuch as the Cystic FibrosisFoundation and St. Jude Children’sResearch Hospital.Michelle (Meendering) Tomkins teachessecond and third grades at OviattElementary in Norwalk, Iowa. Herhusband, Trevor, is serving a tour ofduty in Iraq with the 2168th NationalGuard unit based in Sheldon.’97Jeff Beekhuizen is a second-year residentat the University of KansasSchool of Medicine-Wichita FamilyResidency Program.Kristi Bootsma received an M.B.A.from the University of Nebraska-Omaha in May. She now serves asmanager of finance at the NebraskaMedical Center in Omaha.Laura Hibma serves as a missionaryat the International ChristianSchool of Lima in Peru.Candy (Volkers) Kiesz is starting aday care in Sioux Falls. Her husband,Erik, works for CitiCard.Delia (Pini) Perry and her husband,Chris, have moved to Sylvania,Ohio. Chris finished his ear, noseand throat residency and has takena full-time position with a group inthe Toledo area.Deb Schleusener is joining the staffof International Students Inc. andwill work at the University ofWashington in Seattle. She is raisingsupport and hopes to be on staff inWashington by January. She previouslyworked for Navigators at theirretreat center, Glen Eyrie, inColorado Springs for several years.’98Kenda Hallman is developmentmanager in the office of communyarts partnerships at ColumbiaCollege Chicago. She previouslywas manager of prospect tracking atNorthwestern University. She alsohas been acting in Chicago since1998.Brad Kehn is the pastor/president ofYouth Alive Inc., a ministry thatprovides youth camps, conferencesand leadership training retreats forchurches and leaders from theMinnesota and Wisconsin area. Hiswife, Cheryl (Jamieson ’98), is a stayat-homemom. The Kehns live inHammond, Wis.Stacey (Harman) Schmidt teacheshistory at Sioux Falls ChristianHigh School.Amber (Soldan) Widstrom is acertified physician’s assistant atthe University of Nebraska MedicalCenter in Omaha. She works inthe pulmonary and sleep medicinesection.’99Jake Killinger is working as theyouth pastor at Hope EvangelicalCelebrating their 25th reunion were these members of the class of 1979: (front row,left to right) Orv Otten, Ev Otten, Pam Voss, Mark Voss, Susan (Elman) Risius,Steve Risius; second row: Arden Keune, Jodi (Pennings ’78) Kleinjan, WillisKleinjan, Connie Smith, John Smith, Carol (Vander Ploeg) Law, Greg Law; thirdrow: Earl Woudstra ’78, Karen (De Boer) Woudstra, Diane Westenberg, WayneWestenberg and Sharon (Schoon) Carroll.Free Church in Springfield, Ill. Hiswife, Becky (Vugteveen), volunteerson the youth staff and manages aHallmark store.Thanks to Oprah and Pontiac,Susan (Menning) Nelson owns a newcar. Susan, her boss and another coworkerat Wheaton College wereattending the taping of Oprah’s seasonpremiere in September when all276 audience members were givennew Pontiac G6s. A few days later,a photograph of Susan, other carwinners and Oprah was publishedin People magazine.Josh Pyle, Cedar Falls, Iowa, continuesto work as a loss preventionand safety manager for Younkers.His wife, Amy, is employed by theDunkerton Community SchoolDistrict.Stephanie Timmerman is educationprogram manager for the AlaskaNative Heritage Center inAnchorage.The Rev. Aaron Vis graduated fromWestern Theological Seminary withan M.Div. degree in May and wasordained in June. He now pastorsCovenant Community Church inHudsonville, Mich.’00Karinda (Trumble) de Boom lives inSioux Falls and teaches art atVermillion Middle School. Sheearned a master’s degree in educationat Augustana College.Anne (Neerhof) and AustinHellbusch are living in Sioux City.Austin teaches sixth grade scienceand serves as head coach of theboys’ varsity basketball team atDakota Valley High School in NorthSioux City. Anne is in her first yearof residency in family medicine atthe Siouxland Medical EducationFoundation.Colette Johnson earned an in playwriting from NewSchool University in New York City.She remains in the Big Apple,where she works for Kaplan TestPrep and is pursuing a career inwriting. One of her scripts is beingmade into a short film through theNew School University’s KZ Filmsand Guerrilla Video CollaborationStudio.Nichole South, Grand Mound, Iowa,serves as the director of marketingfor an assisted living facility thatspecializes in serving those whohave Alzheimer’s disease. She previouslywas the director of socialservices at a nursing center.Dr. Kelly Van Haaften graduatedwith honors from the Illinois33 ▲ Winter 2004-05

Alumninews<strong>Northwestern</strong> <strong>Classic</strong>Class notessurvivors are his wife, Margie; fivechildren; his mother; three brothers;and two sisters.Marilyn (Lupkes ’97) Jansma, 29,died Aug. 21 in Downers Grove,Ill., from injuries sustained in anautomobile accident. She served asdirector of community groups atPrairie Ridge Church in Ankeny,Iowa, and also worked as a familytherapist at Four Oaks in DesMoines. She is survived by her husband,Kevin ’99; son, Treyton; herparents; four brothers; and two sisters.’52Dr. Frank Calsbeek was designatedas distinguished professor of healtheducation emeritus at Texas StateUniversity-San Marcos in May. Hetaught and served as health educationdivision director for the universityfrom 1974 through 1995 andwas the <strong>College</strong> of Education’s assistantdean from 1981 to 1985. Heserved as president of the TexasAssociation for Health, PhysicalEducation, Recreation and Dance in1991. He now lives in GrandRapids, Mich.’66Christina McGrinson retired fromthe Kalamazoo (Mich.) PublicSchools in June after almost 20years of service. She has taught inPanama (her native country), Braziland Guatemala, and served as atranslator in Mexico and New YorkCity. She has traveled extensively inthe United States, Canada, SouthAmerica and Europe. Last summer,she and her sister explored the easternshores of Australia.’70Joe Petrill is in his 33rd year ofteaching physical education andcoaching football in Somerville, N.J.His oldest son, Jordan, is his offensivecoordinator for the freshmanprogram. Youngest son Blake threw11 touchdowns for 787 yards in thevarsity’s first four games this season.Dr. Gary Smit retired in June fromthe Lombard (Ill.) School District,where he was superintendent since1994. His 34-year career in publiceducation included 25 years as asuperintendent in three districts. Henow is on the faculty of theJosephson Institute of Ethics in LosAngeles. In this role, he presentsworkshops across the country onethics in the workplace and charactereducation for schools.’71Morris Harms, Rockford, Ill., retiredfrom his position as an adoptionspecialist with the Illinois Departmentof Children and FamilyServices. He now runs a handymanbusiness. His wife, Angie (Schreiner’72), serves as an addictions counselorfor teens through RosecranceHealth Network.’74After living for 30 years in theAtlanta metro area, CharlotteBaldwin has relocated to West DesMoines, Iowa.’<strong>76</strong>Deborah (Van Egdom) Hagemeier isserving as president of the SouthDakota Library Association. She istechnical services librarian atAugustana <strong>College</strong>’s MikkelsenLibrary in Sioux Falls.’81Bryant Tjeerdsma is assistant vicepresident of the information technologydepartment for FarmersMutual Hail Insurance Company ofIowa. His wife, Tamara (Breaw ’84),teaches fifth grade in the West DesMoines School District.’82Dale Landegent and his wife, RuthShicks ’83, co-directed theirfavorite musical, Pippin, this fall atSioux Center High School. Theyhad their first date during the runof that show at <strong>Northwestern</strong> in1979. This year, their cast includeddaughter Bethany.Members of the class of 1964 gathering at Homecoming included: (front row, left toright) Harold Dykstra, Carol (Friese ’62) Dykstra, Ruth (Knoll) Stientjes, LeeWiersma; (second row) George Bonnema, Sharon Bonnema, Leona Wyngarden andRoger Wyngarden.’86Barry Whitsell has been named chiefexecutive of Village NorthwestUnlimited in Sheldon. He was assistantadministrator at NorthwestIowa Health Center in Sheldon forthe past six years and served as avice president at Sheldon’s SecurityState Bank for 16 years.’87Steve Van Ginkel, North Sioux City,S.D., serves as vice president ofbusiness development for EZ Drop,a business that helps consumers listitems for sale on eBay. He previouslyworked for nine years as an executiveat Gateway.’88Dave Uit de Flesch earned a specialtycertificate in alcohol and drugaddictions treatment from WesternMichigan University last December.He continues to work as a therapistat Wedgwood Christian Services inGrand Rapids.’89After teaching for several years atHolland Christian Schools, Kim(Looman) Cook has been a stay-athomemom for three years. Her husband,Tim, is a computer programmerfor Herman Miller Inc. Theyhave two sons, Trevor (7) and Wesley(1), and live in Holland, Mich.Dave Wensink is a self-employedheating and cooling contractor inSheboygan Falls, Wis. His wife,Becky (Hofer), is a stay-at-homemom.’90Michele (Dahl) Bultena lives inWebster City, Iowa, with her husband,Kevin, and their children,Cassidy (6) and Tyler (4). Sheworks part time as a physical therapistin Clarion.’91Kellee (Korver) Conant is in her lastyear of studies at Palmer <strong>College</strong> ofChiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.’92Heather James does demos at theSam’s Club in Ames, Iowa.’94Stephanie (Fogelberg) Olson is astay-at-home mom in ChippewaFalls, Wis. Her husband, Corey, isan electrical engineer.Kevin Zylstra, Richfield, Minn., hasbeen doing financial planning in theTwin Cities for the past 10 years.He is a senior financial planner atNew England Financial inMinnetonka. He is active in aSunday evening ministry/mission,the Upper Room, at ChristPresbyterian Church in Edina.32 ▲ <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2004</strong>-<strong>05</strong>

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