Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ...

Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ... Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ...
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Parentsof the YearNorthwestern ClassicDennis and Karee JohnstonStaying the CourseDan Johnston learns perseverance and service from Northwestern’s Parents of the Yearby Anita CirulisWhen Dan Johnstondecided he wanted to attendNorthwestern and play footballin Iowa—1,800 milesfrom his hometown of SanLuis Obispo, Calif.—his parentsgave him their blessing.When he found himself sittingon the bench for most ofhis first three years, his fatherhelped him learn perseverance.When a teammate’sinjury made Johnston thestarting quarterback on theRaiders’ nationally rankedteam, his mother spent eachgame day fasting and prayingfor him.Dennis and KareeJohnston’s support andexample have played a majorrole in their son’s life. It alsoearned them Northwestern’sParents of the Year awardfor 2004.Northwestern recognizedthe Johnstons on campusduring Parents Weekendin November.▼“For the past three years,he’s been there to remindme of my role as aChristian on the team andas a teammate.”▲For 21 years, Dan Johnston has seen the commitment to Christ and servant’s attitude of his parents, Dennis and KareeJohnston. In November, he watched as they were honored as Northwestern’s Parents of the Year, thanks to a nomination letterhe wrote on their behalf.Born and raised inCalifornia, the couple met atchurch and married in 1982.Dennis is the buildings andgrounds manager for GraceChurch in San Luis Obispo;Karee works in food serviceat San Luis Obispo HighSchool. In addition to Dan,the Johnstons are the parentsof three daughters: Jewel, 15;Amanda, 14; and Katee, 12.In a letter nominatinghis parents for the award,Dan wrote of their serviceand leadership. Each week,the Johnston family conductsa worship service at a localretirement home. Kareeteaches Sunday school forseventh grade girls, and thecouple just started a prayerand Bible study group forparents whose sons anddaughters are in theirchurch’s youth program.Dan describes his fatheras a hard-working man ofGod who is honest about hisimperfections. His dadhelped him stick with footballeven when he wasn’t gettingmuch playing time.“For the past three years,he’s been there to remind meof my role as a Christian onthe team and as a teammate,”Dan says. “He’s shown mehow that reflects the body ofChrist and your role in thechurch—where the guy whosets up the chairs is just asimportant as the speaker inthe limelight.”“It was a matter of puttingthings in an eternal perspective,”Dennis says.“When it comes down to it,football is still a game. Therewere a lot of life lessons thereas far as perseverance andsticking with something youstarted. At times Dan felt likequitting, but he didn’t—forthe team and the guys.Learning to deal with disappointmenthas made himstronger in his faith.”Karee, whom Dan calls aselfless servant, still can’t12 ▲ Winter 2004-05

Northwestern ClassicParentsof the Yearbring herself to watch her son play football.“You sit by people, and they’re going, ‘Stick the quarterback!’”she says. “And I’m thinking, ‘That’s my son!’” For her,prayer has become an antidote for worrying about his safetyand ability to do well for thesake of his team.Football isn’t the extentof Dan’s involvement atNorthwestern. He traveled toAmsterdam on a SpringService Project and was chosenas one of the student leadersfor the same trip thisspring. He also spent 11weeks in Ghana in 2003through the college’s SummerCampuscalendar▼“They have shown mehow to be a man of myword and to serve withoutneed or desire toreceive back.”▲of Service program and served with other football players inthe Czech Republic earlier that summer. A biology major, heplans to attend graduate school to become a physician’s assistant,with the intention of eventually serving as a medicalmissionary.The Johnstons have seen their son gain confidence andgrow in his faith at Northwestern.“He was a great young man, but now he’s a mature manof God,” his mother says.His father agrees. “I’m proud of his sports [accomplishments],but I’m proud of his character more than anything—of his willingness to go and do,” Dennis says.Dan is equally as proud of his parents.“They have shown me how to be a man of my word,to serve without need or desire to receive back, to love oneanother as Christ loved the church, and to remain faithful,”he says.Dennis and Karee JohnstonJanuaryAdmissions17 Visitation day, 9 a.m., DeWitt Theatre ArtsCenterAlumni/supporters22 Tower Society dinner, TBA, Vermeer DiningRoomFine arts14-Feb. 17Art exhibit, sculpture by Dewane Hughes, artprofessor at Missouri Southern State University,Te Paske Gallery, Korver Visual Arts Center.Opening reception: Jan. 14, 7:30 p.m.20-22 Madrigal dinners (reserved tickets required), 7p.m., Allen Theatre, DeWitt Theatre Arts Center28 Storm King Brass concert, 7:30 p.m., ChristChapelFebruaryActivities4-6 Sibling Weekend5 Kids’ Karnival, 9 a.m.-12 noon, RowenhorstStudent CenterAdmissions4 Visitation day, 9 a.m., DeWitt Theatre ArtsCenter21 Visitation day, 9 a.m., DeWitt Theatre ArtsCenter24 Norman Vincent Peale Scholarship Day, 8:30a.m., Bultman Center28 Norman Vincent Peale Scholarship Day, 8:30a.m., Bultman CenterAlumni/supporters10-12 National Alumni Board meeting12 Gala Auction, 6 p.m., Rowenhorst StudentCenter Mini-GymFine arts19 Ballroom dance, 9 p.m., RowenhorstStudent Center21-April 1Senior art exhibits, Te Paske Gallery, KorverVisual Arts Center22 Student recital: Tiffany De Vries (saxophone),Ruthie Umthun (oboe), 7:30 p.m., Christ Chapel23-26 Copenhagen, 7:30 p.m., Allen Theatre, DeWittTheatre Arts Center24 U.S. Air Force Heartland of America Bandconcert, 7:30 p.m., Christ Chapel27 Student recital: Monica Mitzel (flute), 3 p.m.,Christ ChapelMarchAdmissions18 Visitation day, 9 a.m., DeWitt Theatre ArtsCenterAlumni/supporters29 Pastors and Spouses Conference, 8 a.m.,Bogaard TheatreFine arts5-15 Symphonic Band tour (Wisconsin, Illinois,Michigan)5-15 Theatre team tour (New Jersey, New York,Massachusetts)18 Symphonic Band home concert, 7:30 p.m.,Christ ChapelFor a complete listing of events, ▲ Winter 2004-05

Parentsof the Year<strong>Northwestern</strong> <strong>Classic</strong>Dennis and Karee JohnstonStaying the CourseDan Johnston learns perseverance and service from <strong>Northwestern</strong>’s Parents of the Yearby Anita CirulisWhen Dan Johnstondecided he wanted to attend<strong>Northwestern</strong> and play footballin Iowa—1,800 milesfrom his hometown of SanLuis Obispo, Calif.—his parentsgave him their blessing.When he found himself sittingon the bench for most ofhis first three years, his fatherhelped him learn perseverance.When a teammate’sinjury made Johnston thestarting quarterback on theRaiders’ nationally rankedteam, his mother spent eachgame day fasting and prayingfor him.Dennis and KareeJohnston’s support andexample have played a majorrole in their son’s life. It alsoearned them <strong>Northwestern</strong>’sParents of the Year awardfor <strong>2004</strong>.<strong>Northwestern</strong> recognizedthe Johnstons on campusduring Parents Weekendin November.▼“For the past three years,he’s been there to remindme of my role as aChristian on the team andas a teammate.”▲For 21 years, Dan Johnston has seen the commitment to Christ and servant’s attitude of his parents, Dennis and KareeJohnston. In November, he watched as they were honored as <strong>Northwestern</strong>’s Parents of the Year, thanks to a nomination letterhe wrote on their behalf.Born and raised inCalifornia, the couple met atchurch and married in 1982.Dennis is the buildings andgrounds manager for GraceChurch in San Luis Obispo;Karee works in food serviceat San Luis Obispo HighSchool. In addition to Dan,the Johnstons are the parentsof three daughters: Jewel, 15;Amanda, 14; and Katee, 12.In a letter nominatinghis parents for the award,Dan wrote of their serviceand leadership. Each week,the Johnston family conductsa worship service at a localretirement home. Kareeteaches Sunday school forseventh grade girls, and thecouple just started a prayerand Bible study group forparents whose sons anddaughters are in theirchurch’s youth program.Dan describes his fatheras a hard-working man ofGod who is honest about hisimperfections. His dadhelped him stick with footballeven when he wasn’t gettingmuch playing time.“For the past three years,he’s been there to remind meof my role as a Christian onthe team and as a teammate,”Dan says. “He’s shown mehow that reflects the body ofChrist and your role in thechurch—where the guy whosets up the chairs is just asimportant as the speaker inthe limelight.”“It was a matter of puttingthings in an eternal perspective,”Dennis says.“When it comes down to it,football is still a game. Therewere a lot of life lessons thereas far as perseverance andsticking with something youstarted. At times Dan felt likequitting, but he didn’t—forthe team and the guys.Learning to deal with disappointmenthas made himstronger in his faith.”Karee, whom Dan calls aselfless servant, still can’t12 ▲ <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2004</strong>-<strong>05</strong>

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