Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ...

Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ...

Northwestern College | Classic magazine - Winter 2004-05 - Vol. 76 ...

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<strong>Northwestern</strong> <strong>Classic</strong>Have you written a new book? E-mail beeson@nwciowa.eduQuickreadBook invitesreaders toencounter ChristKeeping Company With Jesus: Reflections on Gospel StoriesIn just over 100 pagesand seven chapters,<strong>Northwestern</strong> religion professorDr. Jackie Smallbonesexplores familiar Gospel storieslike the woman caughtin adultery (John 8:1-11),the healing of the 10 lepers(Luke 17:11-19) and thewoman who touches Jesus’garment for healing (Mark5:24-34).A native of South Africaand an ordained minister inthe Reformed Church inAmerica, Smallbonesdescribes her first book as atool to help others explorethese Gospel stories and othersmore closely. <strong>Classic</strong>recently visited withSmallbones about KeepingCompany With Jesus.<strong>Classic</strong>: Where did the ideafor this book come from?Smallbones: When I wasunemployed, I was goingthrough the Gospel storiesfor my morning devotions.Every now and then I’d haveall these thoughts about oneby Jackie Smallbones Augsburg Fortress Publishersof the stories I read. So I’dwrite them down and sendthem off to a seminaryfriend. She’d say, “Wow,”which I enjoyed hearing, so Igot into the habit of doingthat when a Gospel storyintrigued me. Every chapteris just my personal responseto Gospel stories that alsodraws on my years of teachingand studying the Bible.<strong>Classic</strong>: Why did youchoose the particularGospel stories you did?Smallbones: Most of themdeal with personal issues Iwas struggling with at thetime. I was unemployed for20 months, so one came outof that struggle. Anothercame out of my struggle withbreast cancer. I was drawn tothe story of the woman whotouched Jesus’ garment. I layin my bed after surgery, andI thought, “Ah hah. I knowwhy she touched Jesus’ garments.She was tired of havingdoctors and nurses takeaway her privacy”—whichwas my issue during my stayin the hospital.Others are stories I wasjust intrigued with, like thewoman caught in adultery. Ihave a heart for women’sissues, and that story interestedme. I started doing theresearch and was totally dissatisfiedwith everything Iread because everyone asks,“What did Jesus write?”One day I read it again andthought, “That’s the wrongquestion. The question is:For whom did he write?”That new question led toa published article thateventually became partof this book.<strong>Classic</strong>: What kind ofreader is this book for?Smallbones: I tried to makethe stories accessible to peoplewho want good biblicalunderstanding but are alsoasking, “How do I relate thisto my life?” It’s not a text fora course on Gospels; I wantit to be accessible to anyone—tobring people to thepoint of an encounter withJesus, and then how do yourespond in that encounter.I think it would be agood book for either individualdevotional time or agroup Bible study. It’s formattedwell for a Bible studybecause there are reflectionReligion professor Jackie Smallbones’ first book aims to bring readers to the pointof an encounter with Christ.10 ▲ <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2004</strong>-<strong>05</strong>

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