Writing Rubric Grade 6 Term 3 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 ...

Writing Rubric Grade 6 Term 3 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 ...

Writing Rubric Grade 6 Term 3 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 ...


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<strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong><strong>Grade</strong> 6 <strong>Term</strong> 3<strong>Level</strong> 4 <strong>Level</strong> 3 <strong>Level</strong> 2 <strong>Level</strong> 1Developing andOrganizingContent-writes 5-6 detailedparagraphs that arewell developed, linked,with clear topicsentences and relevantsupporting details-generates, orders andgroups ideas ininnovative ways usinga variety of strategies-gather, sort, andclassify information ina variety of ways toshow differentperspectives and makecreative connectionsbetween ideas that areexpanded throughfurther research-writes 5-6 linkedparagraphs that havetopic sentences andrelated details- generate, order andgroup ideas using avariety of strategies-gather, sort, andclassify informationthat show differentperspectives andmake connectionsbetween ideas and domore research ifnecessary-contains 4-5paragraphs that havesome structure, butmore than one topicmay be combinedwithin a paragraph-generates andorders ideas usingsome strategies-gathers and sortsideas and makessome connectionsbetween ideas-contains 2-3paragraphs that donot show a focus-generates a fewsimple ideas using alimited number ofstrategies-gathers ideas andmakes limitedconnections betweenideas

Using Knowledgeof Form and Stylein <strong>Writing</strong>Form-Voice-Word ChoiceSentence Fluency-Point of View-Editing-Form-creates longer andmore complex textsusing a variety offormsVoice-establish adistinctive voiceappropriate tosubject and audienceWord Choice-uses vivid andfigurative languageand innovativeexpressions toenhance interestSentence Fluency-create complexsentences bycombining phrases,clauses, and/orsimple sentencesPoint of View-identify their pointof view and otherpossible points ofview and supportthese with evidenceEditing-revise to improvecontent, clarity andinterestForm-beginning to createsome longer andmore complex textsusing a variety offormsVoice- modifies languageand tone todistinguish betweenaudiencesWord Choice-uses some vivid andfigurative languageand innovativeexpressionsSentence Fluency-occasionally variessentence types usingconjunctions andpronounsPoint of View- sometimes identifiestheir point of viewand other possiblepoints of view andsupport these withevidenceEditing-revise to improvecontent and clarityForm-creates simple textsthat lack detailVoice-rarely adaptslanguage to suitaudienceWord Choice-uses a fewdescriptive andsimple expressionsSentence Fluency-uses simplesentences with someconnectorsPoint of View-identifies their pointof view and otherpossible points ofview with limitedsuccessEditing-revise to improvecontent

LanguageConventionsand PresentingWritten WorkEffectively-spells morechallenging wordscorrectly-confidently uses avariety of sources tospell unfamiliar wordsand confirm wordchoice and meanings-thoroughly usespunctuation and partsof speech tocommunicate clearly-published workexceeds identifiedcriteria–spells all WordWall Wordscorrectly-uses a variety ofsources to spellunfamiliar wordsand confirm wordchoice and meanings-uses punctuationand parts of speechappropriate for thisgrade tocommunicate clearly-published workmeets identifiedcriteria–spells some WordWall Wordscorrectly- usually uses avariety sources tospell unfamiliarwords and confirmword choice andmeanings-uses punctuationand parts of speechappropriate for thisgrade tocommunicate withsome clarity- published workthat meets some ofthe identifiedcriteria–spells a few WordWall Wordscorrectly- rarely uses a varietyof sources to spellunfamiliar wordsand confirm wordchoice and meanings-uses punctuationand parts of speechappropriate for thisgrade tocommunicate in alimited clarity- published workmeet few of theidentified criteria

Reflecting on<strong>Writing</strong> Skills-identify andindependently applystrategies that areneeded to improve as awriter-thoroughly explainsthe connectionsbetween writing andother literacy skills-select pieces of writingthat show strategiesused as a writer thatreflect growth andexplains the reasonsfor their selection-identify strategiesthat are needed toimprove as a writer-use prompts toexplain theconnections betweenwriting and otherliteracy skills-select pieces ofwriting that showstrategies used as awriter that reflectgrowth- identifies somestrategies that areneeded to improve asa writer-use prompts toexplain some of theconnections betweenwriting and otherliteracy skills- occasionally selectspieces of writing thatshow strategies usedas a writer thatreflect growth-identifies fewstrategies that areneeded to improve asa writer-using prompts,explains theconnections betweenwriting and otherliteracy skills in alimited way-rarely selects piecesof writing that showstrategies used as awriter that reflectgrowth

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