For Control of a Broad Spectrum of Hard-to-Kill Weeds ... - Pest Genie

For Control of a Broad Spectrum of Hard-to-Kill Weeds ... - Pest Genie

For Control of a Broad Spectrum of Hard-to-Kill Weeds ... - Pest Genie


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<strong>For</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Broad</strong> <strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hard</strong>-<strong>to</strong>-<strong>Kill</strong><strong>Weeds</strong> in both Plant and Ra<strong>to</strong>on Cane<strong>For</strong> a long time now, cane growers have relied on Daconate ® <strong>to</strong> knock back annual and perennial grassesbefore they can use up moisture and nutrients that plant and ra<strong>to</strong>on cane needs. If you’re looking for a way <strong>to</strong>control both annual and perennial weeds or <strong>to</strong> salvage a potential plough out where mature guinea grass andgiant paspalum have been allowed <strong>to</strong> dominate, Daconate is the answer.Daconate is a soluble liquid containing 800 g/L MSMA (monosodium methanearsonate) which is a group Kherbicide. MSMA is a contact herbicide with limited systemic properties.Versatility is one <strong>of</strong> Daconate’s many attributes as it can be used over a wide range <strong>of</strong> situationsincluding plant and ra<strong>to</strong>on cane, as a directed or a cover spray (refer <strong>to</strong> label). In both ra<strong>to</strong>on and plantcane, Daconate is best applied where it can be directed at the targets which also minimises contact withcane foliage. Some cane varieties are more <strong>to</strong>lerant <strong>of</strong> Daconate than others, however this can also beattributed <strong>to</strong> climate. In the northern cane growing areas growers have used Daconate as a cover spraywith very minimal crop effects whereas the same variety grown in the southern areas can show higherlevels <strong>of</strong> phy<strong>to</strong>xicity. Daconate is perfectly suited <strong>to</strong> both plant and ra<strong>to</strong>on crop situations that have abroadspectrum weed problem. Daconate in conjunction with Diurex and Shirwet is one <strong>of</strong> the mostbroadspectrum herbicides around, on its own or in combination. It has excellent activity on grasses,both perennial and annual, s<strong>of</strong>t and woody broadleaf weeds and across the range <strong>of</strong> vines.Daconate has successfully been used <strong>to</strong> control heavy infestations <strong>of</strong> wild sorghum, matureguinea grass and giant paspalum grasses. <strong>For</strong> optimum results as this product is commonlyused in heavy infestations <strong>of</strong> mature grasses, coverage is critical. Coverage must extend <strong>to</strong> thebase <strong>of</strong> the large grasses and therefore water volume is also critical. In nearly all cases wheredense infestations <strong>of</strong> mature grasses larger than 15 – 20cm in length are being targeted a watervolume <strong>of</strong> at least 400 L/ha would be required. A 110 0 06 Twin Jet ® nozzle will produce the samedroplet spectrum as a 110 0 03 flat fan nozzle and double the volume. There will be more smallerdroplets for the same volume <strong>of</strong> spray solution which will provide more effective coverage andmaximise retention on the target. Twin Jet ® 110 0 06 nozzles @ 2.5 bar & 6.5 kph delivers 400L/ha.In most cases Daconate is applied as a directed spray as contact with cane foliage can resultin crop phy<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>xicity. The Irvin equipment can be used where grasses are well below theheight <strong>of</strong> the cane, however where the grass is taller this equipment is some what limited. Insituations where the grass weeds are as tall as the crop, saturation <strong>of</strong> tall grasses can beachieved utilising adjustable droppers fitted with Floodjet nozzles. To wet the <strong>to</strong>p <strong>of</strong> theCrop Care – Daconate – Technote Page 1TN09-04DAC-S

grass down <strong>to</strong> the base. In the case <strong>of</strong> s<strong>to</strong>oled grasses such as guinea and paspalum, it is important thatthe spray solution reaches the base <strong>of</strong> the s<strong>to</strong>ol. Two Flood jet nozzles size 7.5 operating at 2 bar andtravelling at 6 kph will deliver in excess <strong>of</strong> 600L per hectare which will be necessary in the situation <strong>of</strong>s<strong>to</strong>oled grasses. In these situations Flood jet nozzles are set up one spraying forward and the otherspraying aft with a vertical pattern. An adjustable dropper system can minimise crop damage but if grassesare tall some crop phy<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>xicity is <strong>to</strong> be expected. Usually this will grow out within three weeks. Insituations where grasses are extremely dense Daconate can be sprayed directly over the <strong>to</strong>p <strong>of</strong> the cane.In situations such as this a split application <strong>of</strong> Daconate + Diurex ® at 3 L/ha + 1.1 kg/ha applied over the <strong>to</strong>p(in very dense situations) or directed and then followed up three weeks later with a second directedapplication <strong>of</strong> Daconate at 3 L/ha has given outstanding results.Daconate can also be used as a spot spray at 1L/100L and avoid contact with cane leaves. To improve weedspectrum or residual weed control, add Diurex WG at 550 g/100L.Applying in hot dry weather (in excess <strong>of</strong> 25 0 C) with low humidity increases the activity <strong>of</strong> Daconate. <strong>Weeds</strong>should not be drought stressed and need <strong>to</strong> have good vigour.Daconate is compatible with other herbicides such as Crop Care 2,4,-D Amine ® 625, Diurex, BarrageTo maximise the result add Shirwet 600 at 100 mL/100L and if spraying wild sorghum also add 1% crop oil.Daconate is a registered trademark <strong>of</strong> KMG- Bernath Inc , a Delaware CorporationDiurex is a registered trademark <strong>of</strong> Nufarm Technologies USA P/LBarrage is a registered trademark <strong>of</strong> Nufarm Australia LtdThis publication is a guide only and not substitute for pr<strong>of</strong>essional or expert advice. The product label should beconsulted before use <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the products referred <strong>to</strong> in this publication. Crop Care Australasia Pty Ltd shall notbe liable for any results, loss or damage whatsoever, whether consequential or otherwise through the use orapplication <strong>of</strong> products and / or materials referred <strong>to</strong> herein.Before using, always read the product label.Contact your local Crop Care distribu<strong>to</strong>r for further information:Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Service Australia Wide: 1800 111 454 II Fax: 07 3909 2040 II www.cropcare.com.auCrop Care – Daconate – Technote Page 2TN09-04DAC-S

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