Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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180 FISH HATCHERY MANAGEMENTHI RD VENTR I CL ETrcLOBEENS OF EYEHEAD-VENTRAL VIEWDGE OF MANDIBLEIND BRAINIIC CAPSULELL BAR:.::-FUTURE PECToRAL FtNM SIXTEEN DAYS AFTERFERTILIZATION, 51.7'FAVERAGE TEMPERATURE(315.9 T.U.).CEREBRAL H EM ISPH EREOPTIC LO BN. EIGHTEEN DAYS AFTERFERTILIZATION, 51.8'FAVERAGE TEMPERATURE(357.4 T.U.).HIND BRAIFUTU REFOURTH VENTRICLFUTURE CEREBELLUFIN FOLDVENTVENTRAL FINNAL FINNAL FIN FOLDTWENTY.SIX DAYS AFTERFERTILIZATION,51.2'FAVERAGE TEMPERATURE(500.4 T.U.)FtcunE 61.Continued.dipped into the egg mass and eggs fill the holes as the paddle is liftedthrough them.Three commonly used procedures for counting trout and salmon eggs arethe Von Bayer, weight, and water-displacement methods.The Von Bayr method employs a l2-inch, V-shaped trough (Figure 62).

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