China Academic Journals (CAJ) - East View Online

China Academic Journals (CAJ) - East View Online

China Academic Journals (CAJ) - East View Online


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Series<br />

<strong>China</strong> National Knowledge Infrastructure:<br />

<strong>China</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Journals</strong> (<strong>CAJ</strong>)<br />

Complete Title List - All Series<br />

(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) at July, 2008<br />

Please note: Titles are sorted by Series, then Language (with English titles appearing first) , then by Pinyin title in English phonetic order.<br />

Journal Title Language Title in Pinyin Glossing of Title Former Title Freq. ISSN # CN # Publisher<br />

Earliest<br />

Issue in<br />

CNKI<br />

Status URL<br />

G 中国边防警察 Chinese Zhongguo Bianfang Jingcha Frontier Defence Police CHN monthly 1008-9586 44-1113/D 中国人民武装警察边 2007/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGBF<br />

G 中国残疾人 Chinese Zhongguo Canji Ren Disability in <strong>China</strong> monthly 1003-1081 11-2481/D 中国残疾人联合会 1995/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin CJRZ<br />

G 中国党政干部论坛 Chinese Zhongguo Dangzheng Ganbu Luntan Chinese Cadres Tribune 党校论坛 (199 monthly 1006-0391 11-3331/D 中共中央党校 1988/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGDZ CJP<br />

G 中国法学 Chinese Zhongguo Faxue <strong>China</strong> Legal Science bimonthly 1003-1707 11-1030/D 中国法学会 1984/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGFX CJP<br />

G 中国法医学杂志 Chinese Zhongguo Fayixue Zazhi Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine bimonthly 1001-5728 11-1721/R 中国法医学会 1986/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin FUAN CJP<br />

G 中国妇运 Chinese Zhongguo Fuyun Chinese Women's Movement 妇女工作 monthly 1004-7727 11-3125/D 全国妇联 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZFYZ<br />

G 中国公共安全 (学术版) Chinese Zhongguo Gonggong Aiquan (Xueshuban) <strong>China</strong> Public Security (Academy Edition) quarterly 1672-2396 44-1499/N 中国防伪技术学会 2005/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GGAQ<br />

G 中国工会财会 Chinese Zhongguo Gonghui Caikuai Trade Union Financial Affairs of <strong>China</strong> monthly 1004-6488 11-3107/F 中国工会会计学会 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGCH<br />

G 中国公务员 Chinese Zhongguo Gongwuyuan Chinese Public Servant 中国公务员 (1 monthly 1007-2004 11-3795/D 中华人民共和国人事 1994/01 Ceased http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GGWY<br />

G 中国工运 Chinese Zhongguo Gongyun Chinese Workers' Movement monthly 1003-7594 11-1219/D 中华全国总工会 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGGY CJP<br />

G 中国公证 Chinese Zhongguo Gongzheng <strong>China</strong> Notary monthly 1617/217X 11-4696/D 中国公证协会 2006/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GONZ<br />

G 中国工作犬业 Chinese Zhongguo Gongzuo Quanye <strong>China</strong> Working Dog 警犬 (1994-20 monthly 1673-0135 32-1734/Q 中国工作犬管理协会 2005/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GZQY<br />

G 中国国防科技信息 Chinese Zhongguo Guofang Keji Xinxi 中国国防科技信 bimonthly 1007-4031 11-3828/N 中国国防科技信息 1997/01 Ceased http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGKX<br />

G 中国海商法年刊 Chinese Zhongguo Haishang Fa Niankan Annual of <strong>China</strong> Maritime Law 年刊 1003-7659 21-1271/D 中国海商法协会 1990/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGHS CJP<br />

G 中国监察 Chinese Zhongguo Jiancha Supervision in <strong>China</strong> semimonthly 1001-2109 11-2474/D 中华人民共和国监察 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JANC<br />

G 中国检察官 Chinese Zhongguo Jianchaguan The Chinese Procurators 检察实践;检察 monthly 1008-6676 11-5462/D 国家检察官学院 1999/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JCSJ<br />

G 中国教育法制评论 Chinese Zhongguo Jiaoyu Fazhi Pinglun Chinese Educational Law Review 年刊 北京师范大学教育学 2002/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JFPL<br />

G 中国机关后勤 Chinese Zhongguo Jiguan Houqin monthly 1007-4775 11-3833/D 国务院机关事务管理 1996/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZJHQ<br />

G 中国井冈山干部学院学报 Chinese Zhongguo Jingganshang Ganbu Xueyuan Journal of <strong>China</strong> Executive Leadership 中国井岗山干部 bimonthly 1674-0599 36-1295/C 中国井冈山干部学院 2005/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JGSB<br />

Xuebao<br />

Academy Jinggangshan<br />

G 中国劳动关系学院学报 Chinese Zhongguo Laodong Guanxi Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of <strong>China</strong> Institute of Industrial Relations 工会理论与实践 bimonthly 1673-2375 11-5360/D 中国劳动关系学院 1987/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GHLJ CJP<br />

G 中国老区建设 Chinese Zhongguo Laoqu Jianshe 中国老区建设画 monthly 11-4832/N 中国老区建设促进会 2005/02 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin LQJY<br />

G 中国律师 Chinese Zhongguo Lvshi Chinese Lawyer monthly 1002-9745 11-1479/D 中华全国律师协会 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGLS<br />

G 中国民兵 Chinese Zhongguo Minbing monthly 1002-5081 11-1446/E 解放军报社 1984/10 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin MMZG CJP<br />

G 中国民政 中国 政 Chinese Zhongguo gg Minzheng g <strong>China</strong> Civil Affairs monthlyy 1002-4441 11-1042/D 民政部政策研究中心 政部政策 中 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin p g p MIZH<br />

G 中国女性 (中文海外版) Chinese Zhongguo Nvxing (Zhongwen Haiwaiban) Women of <strong>China</strong> 中国女性 (中文 monthly 1009-8364 11-4596/GO 中国妇女外文期刊社 2001/06 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin NXZG<br />

G 中国青年研究 Chinese Zhongguo Qingnian Yanjiu <strong>China</strong> Youth Study monthly 1002-9931 11-2579/D 中国青少年研究中心 1989/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGQL CJP<br />

G 中国青年政治学院学报 Chinese Zhongguo Qingnian Zhengzhi Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of <strong>China</strong> Youth University for Political<br />

Sciences<br />

bimonthly 1002-8919 11-2781/C 中国青年政治学院 1982/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZQNZ CJP<br />

G 中国人大 Chinese Zhongguo Renda 工作通讯;人大 semimonthly 1671-542X 11-3442/D 全国人大常委会办公 2005/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGRE<br />

G 中国人民公安大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Zhongguo Renmin Gongan Daxue Xuebao Journal of Chinese People's Public Security<br />

University (Social Sciences Edition)<br />

公安大学学报 bimonthly 1672-2140 11-4976/C 中国人民公安大学 1985/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GADX CJP<br />

G 中国商法年刊 Chinese Zhongguo Shangfa Niankan 年刊 中国法学会商法学研 2006/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZSFN<br />

G 中国审判 Chinese Zhongguo Shenpan <strong>China</strong> Trial monthly 1673-5498 11-5414/D 人民法院出版社 2006/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGTP<br />

G 中国司法 Chinese Zhongguo Sifa Justice of <strong>China</strong> 当代司法 (199 monthly 1009-329X 11-4102/D 司法部司法研究所 1997/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin DDSF<br />

G 中国司法鉴定 Chinese Zhongguo Sifa Jianding Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences bimonthly 1671-2072 31-1863/N 司法部司法鉴定科学 2001/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin SFJD<br />

G 中国特色社会主义研究 Chinese Zhongguo Tese Shehui Zhuyi Yanjiu Studies on the Socialism with Chinese 科学社会主义研 bimonthly 1006-6470 11-3527/D 北京市社会科学界联 1995/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin SPEC<br />

G 中国统一战线 Chinese Zhongguo Tongyi Zhanxian monthly 1005-5819 11-2955/D 中共中央统战部 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGTX<br />

G 中国卫生法制 Chinese Zhongguo Weisheng Fazhi <strong>China</strong> Health Law bimonthly 1004-6607 11-3044/D 中国疾病预防控制 2002/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin WSFZ<br />

G 中国刑事警察 Chinese Zhongguo Xingshi Jingcha <strong>China</strong> Criminal Police bimonthly 21-1290/D 中国刑事警察学院 1998/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin XSJC<br />

G 中国刑事法杂志 Chinese Zhongguo Xingshifa Zazhi Criminal Science 检察理论研究 bimonthly 1007-9017 11-3891/D 中国检察理论研究所 1991/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGXF CJP<br />

G 中国行政管理 Chinese Zhongguo Xingzheng Guanli Chinese Public Administration monthly 1006-0863 11-1145/D 中国行政管理学会 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZXGL<br />

G 中国延安干部学院学报 Chinese Zhongguo Yanan Ganbu Xueyuan Xuebao bimonthly 1674-0351 61-1456/C 中国延安干部学院 2008/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZYAG<br />

G 中国专利与商标 Chinese Zhongguo Zhuanli Yu Shangbiao <strong>China</strong> Patents & Trademarks quarterly 中国专利与商标杂志 2006/01 内刊 http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZLSB<br />

G 中华人民共和国国务院公报 Chinese Zhonghau Renmin Gongheguo Guowuyuan Gazette of the State Council of the People's<br />

旬刊 11-1611/D 中华人民共和国国务 1954/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GWYB<br />

Gongbao<br />

Republic of <strong>China</strong><br />

G 中华女子学院学报 Chinese Zhonghua Nuzi Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of <strong>China</strong> Women's University 中国妇女管理干 bimonthly 1007-3698 11-3809/B 中华女子学院 1989/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZNXY CJP<br />

G 中华人民共和国国防科学技术工业委员会文告 Chinese Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Guofang Kexue<br />

Jishu Gongye Weiyuanhui Wengao<br />

Gazette of the Commission of<br />

Science;Technology and Industry for National<br />

Defense of the People's Re<br />

semimonthly 国防科工委办公厅 2001/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GFKX<br />

G 中华人民共和国最高人民检察院公报 Chinese Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Zuigao Renmin<br />

Jianchayuan Gongbao<br />

bimonthly 1001-067X 11-2608/D 最高人民检察院法律 1995/04 退编 http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGRJ<br />

G 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会公报 Chinese Zhonghua Renmin Gonghuoguo Quanguo Gazette of the Standing Committee of the bimonthly 1000-0070 11-1002/D 全国人大常委会办公 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin CWGB<br />

G 中华人民共和国最高人民法院公报 Chinese Zhonghua Rrnmin Gongheguo Zuigao Renmin Gazette of the Supreme People's Court of the<br />

monthly 1002-4611 11-1407/D 最高人民法院办公厅 1985/01 退编 http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin FYGB CJP<br />

Fayuan Gaongbao<br />

People's Republic of <strong>China</strong><br />

G 中外法学 Chinese Zhongwan Faxue Peking University Law Journal bimonthly 1002-4875 11-2447/D 北京大学 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin WFXZ<br />

G 中央社会主义学院学报 Chinese Zhongyang Shehui Zhuyi Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of the Central Institute of Socialism bimonthly 1002-0519 11-2778/D 中央社会主义学院 1988/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZYSH CJP<br />

G 中央政法管理干部学院学报 Chinese Zhongyang Zhengfa Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of Central Leadership Institute of<br />

Politics and Law<br />

中央政法管理干 bimonthly 1004-4027 11-2991/D 中央政法管理干部学 1994/01 Ceased http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GOVE<br />

G 中州统战 Chinese Zhongzhou Tongzhan The United Front of Henan 中州统战 (199 monthly 1004-9126 41-1170/D 中共河南省委统战部 1994/01 Ceased http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZZTT<br />

G 周口市人民政府公报 Chinese Zhoukoushi Renmin Zhengfu Gongbao monthly 周口市人民政府办公 2007/09 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZKRZ<br />

G 组织人事学研究 Chinese Zu Zhi Ren Shi Xue Yan Jiu Organization and Personnel Management<br />

Studies<br />

组织人事学研究 bimonthly 1007-5216 62-1116/D 中共甘肃省委组织部 1994/01 Ceased http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZZRS<br />

G 最新税收法规公告 Chinese Zuixin Shuishou Fagui Gonggao monthly 经济视角杂志社;北 2007/02 Ceased http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZSSU<br />

H 初中生学习 (English阅读新概念) English Chuzhongsheng Xuexi (Yingyu Yuoduxingainian) Study for Junior Middle School Students 初中生学习 (英 monthly 1003-5745 23-1065/G4 黑龙江教育杂志社 2003/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin CZSY<br />

H 当代中国人口 (英文版) English Dangdai Zhongguo Renkou (Yingwenban) <strong>China</strong> Population Today 当代中国人口 bimonthly 1003-4595 11-2872/C 中国人口信息研究 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin DDZG CJP<br />

H 今日中国 (英文版) English Jinri Zhongguo (Yingwenban) <strong>China</strong> Today 今日中国 (英文 monthly 1003-0905 11-2663/Z 今日中国杂志社 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JRZG<br />

H 阅读与作文 (初中版) (英文版) English Yuedu Yu Zuowen (Chuzhongban)<br />

Reading and Composition (Junior High) 阅读与作文 (英 monthly 22-1328/C 长春出版社 2005/03 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin RWCZ<br />

(Yingwenban)<br />

(English)<br />

H 阅读与作文 (高中版) (英文版) English Yuedu Yu Zuowen (Yingwenban) Reading and Composition (Senior High) 阅读与作文 (英 monthly 22-1328/C 长春出版社 2005/03 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin RWGZ<br />

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