China Academic Journals (CAJ) - East View Online

China Academic Journals (CAJ) - East View Online

China Academic Journals (CAJ) - East View Online


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Series<br />

<strong>China</strong> National Knowledge Infrastructure:<br />

<strong>China</strong> <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Journals</strong> (<strong>CAJ</strong>)<br />

Complete Title List - All Series<br />

(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) at July, 2008<br />

Please note: Titles are sorted by Series, then Language (with English titles appearing first) , then by Pinyin title in English phonetic order.<br />

Journal Title Language Title in Pinyin Glossing of Title Former Title Freq. ISSN # CN # Publisher<br />

Earliest<br />

Issue in<br />

CNKI<br />

Status URL<br />

A 震灾防御技术 Chinese Zhenzai Fangyu Jishu Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention quarterly 1673-5722 11-5429/P 中国地震台中心 2006/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZZFY CJP<br />

A 知识就是力量 Chinese Zhishi Jishi Liliang Knowledge is Power monthly 0529-150X 11-1647/N 中国科学技术协会; 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZSLL<br />

A 植物分类学报 Chinese Zhiwu Fenlei Xuebao Journal of Systematics and Evolution bimonthly 0529-1526 11-1897/Q 中国植物学会.中国 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZWFX<br />

A 植物生理学通讯 Chinese Zhiwu Shenglixue Tongxun Plant Physiology Communications bimonthly 0412-0922 31-1350/Q 中国植物生理学会; 1955/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZWSL CJP<br />

A 植物生态学报 Chinese Zhiwu Shengtai Xuebao Journal of Plant Ecology 植物生态学与地 bimonthly 1005-264X 11-3397/Q 中国植物学会;中国 1964/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZWSB CJP<br />

A 植物研究 Chinese Zhiwu Yanjiu Bulletin of Botanical Research 木本植物研究 bimonthly 1673-5102 23-1480/S 东北林业大学 1959/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin MBZW CJP<br />

A 植物资源与环境学报 Chinese Zhiwu Ziyuan Yu Huanjing Xuebao Journal of Plant Resources and Environment 植物资源与环境 quarterly 1004-0978 32-1339/S 江苏省植物研究所; 1992/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZWZY CJP<br />

A 植物学通报 Chinese Zhiwuxue Tongbao Chinese Bulletin of Botany bimonthly 1003-2266 11-1945/Q 中国科学院植物研究 1983/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZWXT CJP<br />

A 中国测绘 Chinese Zhongguo Cehui <strong>China</strong> Surveying and Mapping bimonthly 1005-6831 11-3629/D 中国测绘报社 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZCHZ<br />

A 中国地理与资源文摘 Chinese Zhongguo Dili Yu Ziyuan Wenzai Chinese Geographical and Resources<br />

Abstracts<br />

中国地理科学文 quarterly 1672-710X 11-5179/P 中国科学院地理科学 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin DLKZ<br />

A 中国地震 Chinese Zhongguo Dizhen Earthquake Research In <strong>China</strong> quarterly 1001-4683 11-2008/P 中国地震局 1985/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGZD CJP<br />

A 中国地质 Chinese Zhongguo Dizhi Geology in <strong>China</strong> quarterly 1000-3657 11-1167/P 中国地质调查局 1954/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin DIZI CJP<br />

A 中国地质灾害与防治学报 Chinese Zhongguo Dizhi Zahai Yu Fangzhi Xuebao The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and<br />

Control<br />

quarterly 1003-8035 11-2852/P 中国地质灾害研究会 1990/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGDH CJP<br />

A 中国光学与应用光学文摘 Chinese Zhongguo Guangxue Yingyong Guangxue<br />

Wenzhai<br />

Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstracts bimonthly 1004-8073 22-1140 中科院长春光机所 2004/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGGA<br />

A 中国国土资源经济 Chinese Zhongguo Guotu Ziyuan Jingji Natural Resource Economics of <strong>China</strong> 中国地质经济; monthly 1672-6995 11-5172/F 中国地质矿产经济学 1983/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZDKJ CJP<br />

A 中国海洋大学学报 (自然科学版) Chinese Zhongguo Haiyang Daxue Xuebao (Ziran<br />

Kexueban)<br />

Periodical of Ocean University of <strong>China</strong> 青岛海洋大学学 bimonthly 1672-5174 37-1414/P 青岛海洋大学 1959/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin QDHY CJP<br />

A 中国海洋平台 Chinese Zhongguo Haiyang Pingtai <strong>China</strong> Offshore Platform bimonthly 1001-4500 31-1546/TE 中国船舶工业总公司 1989/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGHY CJP<br />

A 中国基础科学 Chinese Zhongguo Jichu Kexue <strong>China</strong> Basic Science bimonthly 1009-2412 11-4427/G3 科学技术部基础研究 1999/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGJB<br />

A 中国激光 Chinese Zhongguo Jiguang Chinese Journal of Lasers 激光 monthly 0258-7025 31-1339/TN 中国光学学会 1974/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JJZZ CJP<br />

A 中国科技奖励 中国科 Chinese Zhongguo gg Keji j Jiangli g <strong>China</strong> Awards for Science and Technology gy monthlyy 1672-903X 11-3085/G3 国家科技奖励工作办 国家科 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin p g p ZKJL<br />

A 中国科技论坛 Chinese Zhongguo Keji Luntan Forum on Science and Technology in <strong>China</strong> monthly 1002-6711 11-1344/G3 科技部中国科技促进 1985/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGKT CJP<br />

A 中国科技史杂志 Chinese Zhongguo Keji Shiliao The Chinese Journal for the History of Science 中国科技史料;<br />

and Technology<br />

quarterly 1673-1441 11-5254/N 中国科学技术史学会 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGKS<br />

A 中国科技信息 Chinese Zhongguo Keji Xinxi <strong>China</strong> Science and Technology Information semimonthly 1001-8972 11-2739/N 中国科技新闻学会 1989/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin XXJK CJP<br />

A 中国科学A辑:数学 Chinese Zhongguo Kexue A Ji:Shuxue Science in <strong>China</strong> Series A:Mathematics monthly 1006-9232 11-1786/N 中国科学院 1950/Z1 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JAXK CJP<br />

A 中国科学C辑:生命科学 Chinese Zhongguo Kexue C Ji:Shengming Kexue Science in <strong>China</strong> Serices C:life Sciences bimonthly 1006-9259 11-3755/N 中国科学院 1996/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JCXK<br />

A 中国科学D辑:地球科学 Chinese Zhongguo Kexue D Ji:Diqiu Kexue Science in <strong>China</strong> Series D:Earth Sciences monthly 1006-9267 11-3756/N 中国科学院 1996/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JDXK<br />

A 中国科学G辑:物理学、力学、天文学 Chinese Zhongguo Kexue F<br />

Science in <strong>China</strong> Series G:Physics;Mechanics<br />

bimonthly 1672-1780 11-5001/N 中国科学院 2003/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin JGXK<br />

Ji:Wulixue、Lixue、Tianwenxue<br />

& Astronomy<br />

A 中国科学基金 Chinese Zhongguo Kexue Jijin Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation<br />

of <strong>China</strong><br />

bimonthly 1000-8217 11-1730/N 国家自然科学基金委 1988/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZKJJ CJP<br />

A 中国科学技术大学学报 Chinese Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue Xuebao Journal of University of Science and monthly 0253-2778 34-1054/N 中国科学技术大学 1965/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZKJD CJP<br />

A 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 Chinese Zhongguo Kexueyuan Shanghai Tianwentai Annals of Shanghai Observatory Academia 佘山观象台天文 年刊 中国科学院上海天文 1979/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin KXTW CJP<br />

Niankan<br />

Sinica<br />

A 中国科学院院刊 Chinese Zhongguo Kexueyuan Yuankan Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences bimonthly 1000-3045 11-1806/N 中国科学院 1986/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin KYYX CJP<br />

A 中国民营科技与经济 Chinese Zhongguo Minying Keji Yu Jingji <strong>China</strong> Non-governmental Sclence Technology<br />

and Economy<br />

中国民办科技实 monthly 1007-3280 11-3821/N 中国民营科技实业家 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGMB<br />

A 中国农业气象 Chinese Zhongguo Nongye Qixiang Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology 农业气象 quarterly 1000-6362 11-1999/S 中国农业科学院农业 1979/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGNY CJP<br />

A 中国青年科技 Chinese Zhongguo Qingnian Keji Science and <strong>China</strong> Youth Technology monthly 1004-1397 11-2845/N 中国青基会 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin QNKJ<br />

A 中国沙漠 Chinese Zhongguo Shamo Journal of Desert Research bimonthly 1000-694X 62-1070/P 中国科学院寒区旱 1981/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGSS CJP<br />

A 中国生物工程杂志 Chinese Zhongguo Shengwu Gongcheng Zazhi <strong>China</strong> Biotechnology 生物工程进展 monthly 1671-8135 11-4816/Q 中国科学院文献情报 1981/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin SWGJ CJP<br />

A 中国生物化学与分子生物学报 Chinese Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue Yu Fenzi Shengwu Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular 生物化学杂志 monthly 1007-7626 11-3870/Q 中国科协 1985/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin SWHZ CJP<br />

Xuebao<br />

Biology<br />

A 中国比较医学杂志 Chinese Zhongguo Shiyan Dongwu Xuebao Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine 中国实验动物学 monthly 1671-7856 11-4822/R 中国实验动物学会 1991/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGDX CJP<br />

A 中国实验动物学报 Chinese Zhongguo Shiyan Dongwu Xuebao Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica bimonthly 1005-4847 11-2986/Q 中国实验动物学会 1993/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGSD CJP<br />

A 中国物理C Chinese Zhongguo Wuli C Chinese Physics C monthly 0254-3052 11-5641/O4 中国科学院高能物理 1978/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin KNWL CJP<br />

A 中国西部科技 Chinese Zhongguo Xibu Keji Science and Technology of West <strong>China</strong> 旬刊 1671-6396 51-1633/N 中科院成都化学所; 2003/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin XBKJ<br />

A 中国岩溶 Chinese Zhongguo Yanrong Carsologica Sinica quarterly 1001-4810 45-1157/P 中国地质科学院岩溶 1982/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZGYR CJP<br />

A 中国野生植物资源 Chinese Zhongguo Yesheng Zhiwu Ziyuan Chinese Wild Plant Resources 野生植物研究 bimonthly 1006-9690 32-1381/Q 南京野生植物综合利 1984/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZYSZ CJP<br />

A 中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志 Chinese Zhongguo Zuzhi Huaxue Yu Xibao Huaxue Zazhi Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and<br />

Cytochemistry<br />

bimonthly 1004-1850 42-1300/Q 中国解剖学会;华中 1992/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin GGZZ CJP<br />

A 中南民族大学学报 (自然科学版) Chinese Zhongnan Minzu Xueyuan Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Journal of South-Central University for 中南民族大学学 quarterly 1672-4321 42-1705/N 中南民族学院 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZNZK<br />

A 中山大学学报 (自然科学版) Chinese Zhongshan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban) Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis bimonthly 0529-6579 44-1241/N 中山大学 1955/03 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZSDZ CJP<br />

A 中国科技术语 Chinese Zhonguo Keji Shuyu <strong>China</strong> Terminology bimonthly 1008-1984 11-3908/N 全国科学技术名词审 1985/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin KJSY CJP<br />

A 中央民族大学学报 (自然科学版) Chinese Zhongyang Minzu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Journal of the Central University for<br />

quarterly 1005-8036 11-3499/N 中央民族大学 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZYMZ<br />

Ban)<br />

Nationalities (Natural Sciences Edition)<br />

A 珠算与珠心算 Chinese Zhusuan Yu Zhuxinsuan Zhusuan and Zhuxinsuan 黑龙江珠算 bimonthly 1672-0288 23-1511/O1 黑龙江省珠算协会; 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZSXS<br />

A 蛛形学报 Chinese Zhuxing Xuebao Acta Arachnologica Sinica semiannual 1005-9628 42-1376/Q 中国动物学会蛛形学 1992/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZXXB CJP<br />

A 紫金山天文台台刊 Chinese Zijinshan Tianwentai Tiakan quarterly 1000-3681 32-1206 江苏省天文学会;中 1981/01 Ceased http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZJTT CJP<br />

A 自然辩证法通讯 Chinese Ziran Bianzhengfa Tongxun Journal of Dialectics of Nature 自然辩证法研究 bimonthly 1000-0763 11-1518/N 中国科学院研究生院 1956/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZRBT CJP<br />

A 自然辩证法研究 Chinese Ziran Bianzhengfa Yanjiu Studies in Dialectics of Nature monthly 1000-8934 11-1649/B 中国自然辨证法研究 1985/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZRBZ CJP<br />

A 自然科学进展 Chinese Ziran Kexue Jinzhan monthly 1002-008X 11-3852/N 国家自然科学基金委 1991/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZKJZ CJP<br />

A 自然科学史研究 Chinese Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu Studies in the History of Natural Sciences 科学史集刊 quarterly 1000-0224 11-1810/N 中国科学院自然科学 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZRKY<br />

A 自然杂志 Chinese Ziran Zazhi Chinese Journal of Nature bimonthly 0253-9608 31-1418/N 上海大学 1978/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZRZZ CJP<br />

A 自然资源学报 Chinese Ziran Ziyuan Xuebao Journal of Natural Resources bimonthly 1000-3037 11-1912/N 中国自然资源学会 1986/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin ZRZX CJP<br />

A 资源导刊 Chinese Ziyuan Daokan Henan Land & Resources 河南地质 (199 monthly 1672-1985 41-1342/P 河南省国土资源厅 1983/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?Lin HNDD CJP<br />

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