Basic - NSSC Public Search Engine - Nasa

Basic - NSSC Public Search Engine - Nasa

Basic - NSSC Public Search Engine - Nasa

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Distinguished <strong>Public</strong> Service MedalThis is NASA’s highest form of recognition that is awarded to any non-Government individual or to an individual who was not a Governmentemployee during the period in which the service was performed, whosedistinguished service, ability, or vision has personally contributedto NASA’s advancement of United States’ interests. The individual’sachievement or contribution must demonstrate a level of excellence thathas made a profound or indelible impact on NASA mission success,and therefore, the contribution is so extraordinary that other forms ofrecognition by NASA would be inadequate.George Charles AdamsDeborah BarnhartAngioletta Coradini *Guy CordierGary L. EnochsHolland FordJohnny L. GoldenAkihiko Hoshide *Christopher J. KellerOleg Kononenko *Andre Kuipers *Yuri Malenchenko *Thomas B. McCordOleg V. Novitskiy *Marshall Space Flight CenterMarshall Space Flight CenterJet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)Goddard Space Flight CenterMarshall Space Flight CenterGoddard Space Flight CenterJohnson Space CenterJohnson Space CenterKennedy Space CenterJohnson Space CenterJohnson Space CenterJohnson Space CenterJet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)Johnson Space CenterGennady Padalka *Sergei Revin *Alan K. RuterTheodore L. ShaffnerGwynne ShotwellJohnson Space CenterJohnson Space CenterJohnson Space CenterMarshall Space Flight CenterJohnson Space CenterEvgeny L. Tarelkin *Johnson Space CenterRELEASED * The Agency - Honor Printed Award was documents awarded between may April 1, 2012 be and obsolete; March 31, 2013, validate outside the normal prior awards to use. cycle.Agency Honor Awards 2013 / Page 7

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