
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter Eightwould be that a person who knows the rulings of śalāt but does notpray is never deceived into thinking he prays only because he hasknowledge of the rules of śalāt.On the other hand, an internal action manifests itself in thesame place where its knowledge is stored- the heart. This is whymany people, even if intelligent and well educated, were deceivedinto thinking they had achieved perfection in the internal actionsbecause they had complete knowledge of the internal actions. Forexample, it is known about Ibn ‘Alī Sīnā [Avicenna] that because ofhis knowledge regarding internal actions and their deeper aspects,he thought he had attained perfection of the internal actions,though in fact he was far from this. This is the same deception thescholars who teach the hadith of Jibrā’īl e fall into, as do thosewho learn some aspects of taśawwuf from the shaikhs and writearticles and books on the subject. There are other reasons whypeople fall under this deception. A few are mentioned below:1. The first reason, as mentioned previously, is that knowledgeof the internal actions and the place where that knowledgebecomes action is one and the same. Also, the first stage ofīmān by which one enters into the folds of Islam is inclusiveof the highest level of iĥsān. In the hadith of Jibrā’īl e, thehighest level of īmān is mentioned distinctly in the followingaya of Qur’an under the word āminū,يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِ‏ ينَ‏ آمَنُوا آمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ‏Shāh ‘Abd al-Qudūs translated this as, “Oh People of īmān, gaincertitude [yaqīn].”As the highest and lowest level of the knowledge of theinternal action of īmān derive from the same source, likewisetheir manifestations also seem the same; even though inactuality the difference between a person who possesses thehighest level of īmān and the one who possesses the lowest isgreater than the difference between a mountain and a granule.71

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀFor example, if one observes two Muslims, one who has attainedthe level of iĥsān and the other who possesses only thevery base level, and both are giving one rupee in charity, theobserver will see no difference in their action, except for thefact that the Blessed Prophet s said that a mudd [1.7 lbs] spentby a Śaĥābī g in the path of Allah u weighs more than amountain of gold spent by anyone else.2. The second reason scholars are deceived into thinkingthey have achieved iĥsān is because of their religious work,instruction and propagation of Dīn. Scholars quickly riseto positions of fame and are given titles like Muftī, ‘Allāma,and Sufi, etc. Even righteous shaikhs will pay them respect infollowing of the Sunna of the Blessed Prophet s that, “Herespected the leader of every people” 43 and others such similarreasons. Though many times this show of respect is actually anallusion to a spiritual condition [in the scholar]. For example,if our shaikh addresses someone in his letter with mukarram (myrespected friend), or muĥtaram (my honorable friend) instead ofazīzam (my dear), it indicates that he is displeased with them.These are the ways of the muśliĥīn (the rectifiers, the shaikhs).Therefore, Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qādir Raipūrī feared the affectionsof his shaikh. Sometimes, he clasped his hands in front of himand begged him, “Ĥađrat! Because of your affections and lovefor me I begin to think you have written me off as unworthy.”Ĥađrat responded, “No maulwī śāĥib, I am never forgetful ofyou.” There are many incidents of his humility in Āp Bītī.3. The third reason is that one sees the fruits of his efforts andreligious work in Dīn and sees himself rising in position andrespect; and the truth is that such a person [who dedicateshis life to the work of Dīn] is truly most deserving of respect,but with the condition that it is done with humility andin servitude to Allah u. But in order for one to gain thishumility and servitude to Allah u he must first eliminate43 Shamā’il al-Tirmidhī, Yakhzinu Lisānahū.72

Chapter Eightwould be that a person who knows the rulings of śalāt but does notpray is never deceived into thinking he prays only because he hasknowledge of the rules of śalāt.On the other hand, an internal action manifests itself in thesame place where its knowledge is stored- the heart. This is whymany people, even if intelligent and well educated, were deceivedinto thinking they had achieved perfection in the internal actionsbecause they had complete knowledge of the internal actions. Forexample, it is known about Ibn ‘Alī Sīnā [Avicenna] that because ofhis knowledge regarding internal actions and their deeper aspects,he thought he had attained perfection of the internal actions,though in fact he was far from this. This is the same deception thescholars who teach the hadith of Jibrā’īl e fall into, as do thosewho learn some aspects of taśawwuf from the shaikhs and writearticles and books on the subject. There are other reasons whypeople fall under this deception. A few are mentioned below:1. The first reason, as mentioned previously, is that knowledgeof the internal actions and the place where that knowledgebecomes action is one and the same. Also, the first stage ofīmān by which one enters into the folds of Islam is inclusiveof the highest level of iĥsān. In the hadith of Jibrā’īl e, thehighest level of īmān is mentioned distinctly in the followingaya of Qur’an under the word āminū,يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِ‏ ينَ‏ آمَنُوا آمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ‏Shāh ‘Abd al-Qudūs translated this as, “Oh People of īmān, gaincertitude [yaqīn].”As the highest and lowest level of the knowledge of theinternal action of īmān derive from the same source, likewisetheir manifestations also seem the same; even though inactuality the difference between a person who possesses thehighest level of īmān and the one who possesses the lowest isgreater than the difference between a mountain and a granule.71

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