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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀThere is no harm in delaying the matter of taking up additional dhikr,but it is destructive to neglect or discontinue it once it is started.FIFTEEN. The truth is that no matter how beautiful andpromising the life of this world looks it is temporal, whereasthe life of the Hereafter is everlasting. Therefore, it is necessarythat the desire and concern of the Hereafter be greater than thatfor this world, and that death be remembered perpetually. Thestudy of the book Fađā’il-e-Śadaqāt will be a great aid in thisregard.Leisure and spare moments should always be devoted to theremembrance of Allah u, as these are the aids and crutches of theHereafter. These are also means for blessing and peace of mind andheart in this world.Certain times like the day of Jumu‘a, the 9th of Dhu al-Ĥijja[in‘Arafāt on Hajj], 15th of Sha‘bān, the night of both Eids andthe night of Qadr, and every odd night from the last ten daysof Ramadan are special. In fact, the whole month of Ramadanis auspicious. This has been concisely dealt with in the book ofthis humble servant Faza’il-e-Ramađān. It is recommended tocommence the study and reading of this book a few days beforeRamadan and that it be carefully studied and read out to othersduring this sacred month. An earnest effort must be made to avoidwasting time during this month.May Allah u, out of His infinite bounty, kindness and compassiongrant this worthless and impure soul the privilege to carry outthese gracious deeds. [End of Booklet]‘Ishā and TarāwīĥThe adhān of ‘Ishā usually began immediately after bai‘a. Someran to perform ablution while others began voluntary śalāt. It wasknown that if anyone came a little late, he would not find space inthe first few rows.Śalāt began half an hour after adhān. After the obligatory śalāt,the imam prayed the emphasised Sunna and then tarāwīĥ wasstarted. The recitation in tarāwīĥ was clear and according to the62

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