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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀSEVEN. The voluntary śalāt are,1 The four rak‘a of post-sunrise śalāt2 The eight rak‘a of pre-noon salat3 The six rak‘a after Maghrib4 The twelve rak‘a of tahajjudOne should have the desire and intention to perform all these śalāt andto regularly perform those which one is able to carry out with ease.EIGHT. One should give importance to fasting on the 9th and10th of Muĥarram, the first nine days of Dhu al-Ĥijja [particularlythe 9th], and the 15th of Sha‘bān. If possible, one should fastduring the 13th, 14th, and the 15th of every lunar month [ayyāmal-bīđ]. Fasting every Monday and Thursday is also desirableand recommended. This is not applicable to those occupied inimportant religious duties, such as religious instruction, tablīghetc; they are allowed to avoid voluntary fasts if it effects theirreligious work [working in madrasas, in tablīgh etc.] but not tothose involved in the non-religious life [ jobs, business etc.] unlessrequired by necessity.NINE. One section of Ĥizb al-A‘żam 41 should be recited daily. Thescholars must recite these du‘ās keeping in mind the meanings asthough they are humbly beseeching Allah. Besides this, one shouldalso memorize all the du‘ās narrated in the hadiths which theBlessed Prophet s made daily at different times e.g. when makingtransactions, in different places and on different occasions e.g. thedu‘ās after meals, the du‘ā when retiring to bed, etc.TEN. One must regularly read subĥān Allāh 33 times, al-ĥamd liAllāh 33 times, and Allāh Akbar 34 times after every śalāt and at bedtime.Three tasbīĥ each of istighfār, śalāt and salām, kalima ţayyibaand the third kalima should be recited daily morning and evening.41 A book of supplications compiled from the Quran and Sunna. It isdivided into seven sections for each day of the week.60

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