
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter EightThe personal or physical obligations include abstaining fromdegradation, insults, and abuses towards the scholars as well as otherMuslims. Refraining from swearing, vulgar language, backbiting,and fabricating stories about others all falls under the categoryof human rights. Monetary rights of people include not holdingback or depriving anyone of their rightful share or assets with thehelp of courts [where one resides] and abstaining from giving andtaking bribery, etc.Muslims, non-Muslim citizens [in an Islamic state] [dhimmī]and non-Muslims are all equal in this regard. In fact, the matterconcerning non-Muslim citizens in these affairs is far more seriousand delicate than that of Muslims. The wise and noble saying of theBlessed Prophet s in relation to this is that, “I will make a demandin favor of the non-Muslim citizens on the Day of Judgement andstand against the person who oppresses any non-Muslim citizen,or defames and degrades him, or demands from him more than hecan bear or do.” 39This is truly a serious matter and a point worthy of concern. Itwould be a tragedy if one’s own attorney and defendant becomeshis adversary. My Pakistani friends must be very cautious regardingthis, as the non-Muslims living in Pakistan are non-Muslim citizensin all respects.Here, it is most important that all worldly affairs and transactionsshould be carried out with extreme care and tact in accordance withthe Shari‘a. Some people are careful about their worship but arenot so particular about the Shari‘a in their day-to-day transactions.We are as bound by the laws of Shari‘a in our worldly affairs as weare in our worship.Those who are learned should at all times carefully study thebooks containing rulings of the Shari‘a which relate specifically totheir occupations.At this point, it must be understood that this humble servant doesnot reply to queries about any legal ruling. Any questions pertaining39 Musnad al-Rabī‘, al-Ĥujja ‘alā Man Qāl.57

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀto legal rulings and fatwas should be addressed to the muftī. A replycard or envelope must be enclosed to receive back a reply.TWO (b). Similarly, the obligations and duties towards Allah theExalted must be performed with extreme care and regard. Theseinclude missed śalāt and fasts from the past, kaffāra 40 , zakāt thatis owed, and hajj, etc. It is wrong to think that all these areforgiven by repentance [tauba] only. Any type of delay becauseof neglectfulness can be forgiven by repentance; however theresponsibility of discharging the actual obligation remains uponthe person concerned. Overlooking and neglecting one’s duties toAllah u is detrimental both in this world and the Hereafter andhas been clearly explained in the books,1 Fađā’il-e-Śalāt (Virtues of Śalāt]2 Fađā’il-e-Śadaqāt [Virtues of Charity]3 Fađā’il-e-Ramađān [Virtues of Ramadan]4 Fađā’il-e-Ĥajj [Virtues of Hajj]These books should be studied carefully and regularly.THREE. Extreme care must be exercised in following the Sunna.One must constantly inquire of the practices of the Blessed Prophets, his behavior, diligence and conduct, service, worship and prayer,habits, and customs, etc. One should even be so keen as to find outwhat the Blessed Prophet s preferred in eating and drinking, andthen try to establish them in his life. However, it must be notedthat the Sunnas too difficult to adhere to due to weakness may beomitted. For instance, abstaining from foods for long periods oftime, though one must regard such deeds with reverence. Shamā’ilal-Tirmidhī or its Urdu translation Khaśā’il-e-Nabawiyy will greatlyhelp in this respect.FOUR. One should completely abstain from disgracing, defaming,and disrespecting the friends [auliyā Allāh] of Allah u, for this40 An expiation prescribed by Shari‘a in lieu of certain mistakes in worshipand in falling short in fulfilling oaths and vows.58

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀto legal rulings and fatwas should be addressed to the muftī. A replycard or envelope must be enclosed to receive back a reply.TWO (b). Similarly, the obligations and duties towards Allah theExalted must be performed with extreme care and regard. Theseinclude missed śalāt and fasts from the past, kaffāra 40 , zakāt thatis owed, and hajj, etc. It is wrong to think that all these areforgiven by repentance [tauba] only. Any type of delay becauseof neglectfulness can be forgiven by repentance; however theresponsibility of discharging the actual obligation remains uponthe person concerned. Overlooking and neglecting one’s duties toAllah u is detrimental both in this world and the Hereafter andhas been clearly explained in the books,1 Fađā’il-e-Śalāt (Virtues of Śalāt]2 Fađā’il-e-Śadaqāt [Virtues of Charity]3 Fađā’il-e-Ramađān [Virtues of Ramadan]4 Fađā’il-e-Ĥajj [Virtues of Hajj]These books should be studied carefully and regularly.THREE. Extreme care must be exercised in following the Sunna.One must constantly inquire of the practices of the Blessed Prophets, his behavior, diligence and conduct, service, worship and prayer,habits, and customs, etc. One should even be so keen as to find outwhat the Blessed Prophet s preferred in eating and drinking, andthen try to establish them in his life. However, it must be notedthat the Sunnas too difficult to adhere to due to weakness may beomitted. For instance, abstaining from foods for long periods oftime, though one must regard such deeds with reverence. Shamā’ilal-Tirmidhī or its Urdu translation Khaśā’il-e-Nabawiyy will greatlyhelp in this respect.FOUR. One should completely abstain from disgracing, defaming,and disrespecting the friends [auliyā Allāh] of Allah u, for this40 An expiation prescribed by Shari‘a in lieu of certain mistakes in worshipand in falling short in fulfilling oaths and vows.58

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