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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀZakariyyā, would hand out a sheet of daily devotions [to bepracticed consistently] for beginners when they took bai‘a withhim. This booklet is a copy of the daily devotions sheet with afew additions here and there. It should be read repeatedly andwhatever can be easily adapted into one’s routine should be startedimmediately. The shaikh should be informed of the daily devotionsone has prescribed for oneself.ReminderThe following daily devotions are for every Muslim, whether hehas taken bai‘a with a shaikh or not.PrefaceIt was my habit to verbally explain the preliminary practices tofriends who wished to repent for their sins on my hands. Thissystem led to certain misunderstandings amongst some people. Toavoid this, I have been dictating all of the related points for severalyears. However even this method [of dictation and writing downof all points] has proved ineffective since many of the points wereoccasionally forgotten. Hence the necessity was felt of printingall of the relevant points for quick and easy reference. It will beadvisable for all who receive this booklet to study it in my presenceso as to ensure its correct interpretation and, where necessary,delete and add in accordance with one’s individual situation.ONE. The most important point is to refrain from all the evils fromwhich one has repented, whether of a general or particular nature.However, if a mistake is made in this regard, one must repent andseek forgiveness at the earliest opportunity.TWO (a) Special care must be exercised to fulfill others rights. Whethersuch obligations pertain to physical or monetary matters, they musteither be promptly carried out or settled with the person concerned.It has to be taken into consideration that obligations towards peopleare far more serious than those towards the kind Creator. There willnot be any salvation on the Day of Judgment without the settlementsof other’s rights. One may adopt any suitable method for this.56

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