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Chapter EightAllah u, in all His prophets, in all the books He revealed, on theLast Day, and upon destiny, and that fate good or bad, is all fromAllah u.We repent from disbelief, polytheism, innovation, from missingśalāt, from fornication, homosexuality, shaving the beard, lying,stealing, embezzling wealth, falsely accusing others, backbiting,and from every sin, major or minor.We vow to never commit sin and that if it ever happens, to repentimmediately. Oh Allah u! Accept our repentance, Oh Allah u!Accept our repentance. Make us amongst your true believers. Grantus the ability to gain Your pleasure and follow the way of Yourprophet. We make the bai‘a to Ĥađrat Khalīl Aĥmad Sahāranpūrīat the hands of [Ĥađrat al-Ĥadīth] Zakariyyā.After a short du‘ā, it was announced that, “Those who havetaken bai‘a, should remember four things:1 Kalima ţayyiba2 Śalāt and Salām3 Istighfār4. Third Kalima 38 every morning and night three times.In addition, pray tahajjud, post-sunrise śalāt, pre-noon śalāt,voluntary śalāt, and be strict upon śalāt in congregation and uponreciting Qur’an. The booklet of prescribed daily devotions isavailable from the office for those who wish to do more. Fulfillthese daily devotions as best as you can and if you every wish toask anything, you may ask Muftī Zain al-‘Ābidīn or Shaikh Iĥsānal-Ĥaqq in Raiwind.The Booklet of Daily DevotionsIt is customary for the shaikhs to prescribe daily devotions to theirstudents at the time of bai‘a. My Shaikh, Shaikh Muĥammad38 Subĥān Allāĥ wa al-Ĥamdu li Allāh wa lā Ilāha illa Allāh wa Allāh Akbar.55

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