
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter EightThis is precisely why our elders and shaikhs put much emphasison this month. It is something one will find in the book Akābir kāRamađān. There are still hundreds of people alive who have seenthe spirit and liveliness of this month with Ĥađrat Thānwī, Shaikhal-Islām Shaikh Ĥusain Aĥmad Madanī, and Shaikh Raipūrī.Hundreds of dhākirīn gathered in the khanqā of these elders,devoting their whole month in a blessed environment of recitationof Qur’an, ashgāl (meditative devotions), and isolation in order togain closeness to Allah u.For some time, it has been the routine of Quţb al-Aqţāb (pole ofguidance), Barakāt al-‘Aśr (Blessing of the Age), Ĥađrat al-Shaikhal-Ĥājj al-Ĥāfiż Muĥammad Zakariyyā Kandhelwī Madanī [whoincorporated the nisba (spiritual closeness to Allah u) of allthe shaikhs of his time] to perform i‘tikāf the whole month ofRamadan. Many devotees who wish to maximize the blessingsof this month and avail themselves of Ĥađrat’s blessed companygather together around him at his abode. In the foreword of Irshādal-Mulūk, Ĥađrat writes:For some thirty years, people have been coming here for thismonth, though these numbers have increased dramatically inthe last two to three years. Last year, more than two hundredpeople sat in i‘tikāf.Since Ĥađrat spent most of his Ramadan in India, most of thePakistani brethren were unable to benefit from this great blessing.But this year, Pakistan itself was honored to sponsor and becomethe venue for this beautiful blessing. This year, as the signsindicated, Ĥađrat decided to spend his Ramadan in Faisalabad andreignite the love of the Blessed Prophet s in the hearts of thepeople and rejoin them with their Creator. He left from Madinaon Thursday, July 3rd, at 9:30 a.m. by Saudi Airlines. After a onehour stop in Riyadh, he reached Karachi at 4:30 p.m. and stayedin Makkī Masjid. On the 7th of July, Ĥađrat flew from Karachiat 8:30 a.m. [the plane stopped off in Multan for one hour] and47

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀreached Faisalabad at 12 p.m. He stayed at Muftī Zain al-‘Ābidīn’s‘Dār al-‘Ulūm in Faisalabad. Many of the fortunate attendeesmade their presence before Ramadan. Aside from the hundredsof daily visitors and those that sat for i‘tikāf for less then ten days,approximately two hundred people sat from the beginning ofRamadan and five hundred in the last ten days.My desire to perform i‘tikāf for the whole month of Ramadanwas not fulfilled, but by the grace of Allah u I was able to sit forthe last ten days of i‘tikāf. Though the aura of blessings, spirituality,and raĥma that envelop the environs of these blessed gathering isnot usually felt by someone like myself, even I quickly becameaware of these spiritual subtleties, though putting them in wordsis beyond my capacity.The first thing that came to mind when I first came across thisfascinating scene was of a river of nūr (light) and people drawingfrom this river according to however much is destined for them,some taking more, while others less.The Blessed Prophet s said of the dhākirīn,الَ‏ يَقْعُدُ‏ قَومٌ‏ يَذْ‏ كُرُ‏ ونَ‏ اللَّهَ‏ إِالَّ‏ حَ‏ فَّتْهُمْ‏ الَْلَ‏ ئِكَ‏ ةُ‏ وَغَ‏ شِ‏ يَتْهُمْ‏ الرَّحْ‏ مَةُ‏ وَنَزَلَتْ‏عَ‏ لَيهِمْ‏ السَّ‏ كِ‏ ينَةُ‏ وَذَكَرَهُ‏ مُ‏ اللَّهُ‏ فِيمَنْ‏ عِنْدَ‏ هُ‏No such group sits to remember Allah u but the angels drape them, raĥmaenvelops them, tranquility [sakīna] descends upon them and Allah umentions them amongst those who are with Him. 34As I witnessed the reality of this hadith with my own eyes, Ibegan hoping for the forgiveness of Allah u for someone asunworthy as myself, sitting in this gathering. The blessings andspiritual effervesence reached their peak in Ramadan. The light ofthe daily dhikr and recitation of Qur’an was cascading upon thegathering and Ĥađrat’s blessed company was rejuvenating hardenedhearts.34 Muslim, Fađl al-Ijtimā‘ ‘alā Tilāwat al-Qura’n48

Chapter EightThis is precisely why our elders and shaikhs put much emphasison this month. It is something one will find in the book Akābir kāRamađān. There are still hundreds of people alive who have seenthe spirit and liveliness of this month with Ĥađrat Thānwī, Shaikhal-Islām Shaikh Ĥusain Aĥmad Madanī, and Shaikh Raipūrī.Hundreds of dhākirīn gathered in the khanqā of these elders,devoting their whole month in a blessed environment of recitationof Qur’an, ashgāl (meditative devotions), and isolation in order togain closeness to Allah u.For some time, it has been the routine of Quţb al-Aqţāb (pole ofguidance), Barakāt al-‘Aśr (Blessing of the Age), Ĥađrat al-Shaikhal-Ĥājj al-Ĥāfiż Muĥammad Zakariyyā Kandhelwī Madanī [whoincorporated the nisba (spiritual closeness to Allah u) of allthe shaikhs of his time] to perform i‘tikāf the whole month ofRamadan. Many devotees who wish to maximize the blessingsof this month and avail themselves of Ĥađrat’s blessed companygather together around him at his abode. In the foreword of Irshādal-Mulūk, Ĥađrat writes:For some thirty years, people have been coming here for thismonth, though these numbers have increased dramatically inthe last two to three years. Last year, more than two hundredpeople sat in i‘tikāf.Since Ĥađrat spent most of his Ramadan in India, most of thePakistani brethren were unable to benefit from this great blessing.But this year, Pakistan itself was honored to sponsor and becomethe venue for this beautiful blessing. This year, as the signsindicated, Ĥađrat decided to spend his Ramadan in Faisalabad andreignite the love of the Blessed Prophet s in the hearts of thepeople and rejoin them with their Creator. He left from Madinaon Thursday, July 3rd, at 9:30 a.m. by Saudi Airlines. After a onehour stop in Riyadh, he reached Karachi at 4:30 p.m. and stayedin Makkī Masjid. On the 7th of July, Ĥađrat flew from Karachiat 8:30 a.m. [the plane stopped off in Multan for one hour] and47

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